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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP for GITM 2020, Paris, France
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 21:39:50 -0500
From: Michael Raisinghani <mraisinghani(a)twu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 19th Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA)
world conference will be on June 21-23, 2020 in Paris, France!
You can find more info at www.gitma.org as well as a link for paper
*Conference Theme: Digital Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation
*Please visit our web site (www.gitma.org <http://www.gitma.org>) to submit
your paper, panel or workshop proposal. *
*Submission Due Date: January 19, 2020, 12:00pm CET (GMT + 1)*
GITMA aims to bring together researchers from around the world to advance
research that explores the use of ICT (Information and Communications
Technology). A unique conference, GITMA is acknowledged by past attendees
for its friendly setting that encourages, nurtures and enhances a culture
of knowledge co-creation. This conference provides a unique opportunity to
all IT educators, researchers, and practitioners from all countries to get
together to network, develop lasting relationships, and exchange ideas. The
clear strength is the international participation and the following people
should attend:
- Educators, researchers, and practitioners from Asia, Africa, Australia,
Europe, Americas, and Oceania (including developed, newly industrialized,
developing, and under-developed nations).
- Educators, researchers, and practitioners doing work in all areas of
Global IT Management
*GITMA 2020 invites papers in all areas of IS and IT. They include but are
not limited to: *Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain Technology,
Cloud Computing, Cross-Cultural Issues, Data Analytics, Digital Divide,
Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Digital Transformation, Diversity &
Inclusion, Education and Training, Electronic Commerce, Emerging
Technologies, Fintech, Green IT, Health IT, Human Resources in IS, Internet
of Things, IT & Business Value, IT in Developing Countries, IT Management &
Planning, Mobile IT, Open Source Software, Security & Privacy, Societal
Issues, Social Media, Software Development, and Strategic Applications of
Global Information Systems.
Papers judged as high quality by the reviewers will be considered for
publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information
Technology Management (JGITM), and Journal of Information Technology Cases &
Applications Research (JITCAR).
For questions, please contact:
Conference Chair: Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Program Co-Chairs: Dr. Hajer Kefi, Paris School of Business,
h.kefi(a)psbedu.paris; Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu; and Dr. Agnis Stibe, ESLSCA Business School
Paris, agnis(a)transforms.me
Local Chair: Dr. Hajer Kefi, Paris School of Business, h.kefi(a)psbedu.paris
*GITMA offers a constructive and friendly forum to exchange research ideas
with scholars from around the globe on cutting edge IS issues. Large enough
to have a critical mass of ideas and small enough for meaningful networking
*Suprateek Sarker, Ph.D., University of Virginia *
*Editor-in-Chief, Journal of AIS*
Mahesh (Michael) S. Raisinghani, Ph.D, MBA, MS, PMP, CEC, CISM, PLD
Professor of Management Information Systems, TWU College of Business
Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Web based Learning and Teaching
Member of the Board, Global Information Technology Management Association
Advisor, National Society of Leadership and Success, and World Affairs
Email: mraisinghani(a)twu.edu
Phone: (940) 898-2930
Fax: (940) 898-2120
Scientia Lumen Vitae - Knowledge is the Light of Life
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....
Leave the rest to God.
*This email and any attached files are confidential and intended solely for
the intended recipient(s). **The duplication, posting to any social media
platform or sharing of this email or any attachment without the express
written permission of the sender is prohibited.** If you are not the named
recipient you should not read, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any
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not represent those of the company. Warning: Although precautions have been
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AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] Call for Participation zur GI-Fachtagung
"Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle PVM2019" am 24.10.-25.10. in
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 10:13:20 +0200
From: Prof. Dr. Martin Engstler <engstler(a)hdm-stuttgart.de>
Reply-To: Prof. Dr. Martin Engstler <engstler(a)hdm-stuttgart.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sechste gemeinsame Tagung der GI-Fachgruppen Vorgehensmodelle und
Projektmanagement in Kooperation mit der GI-Fachgruppe Software
Produktmanagement und der Fachgruppe IT-Projektmanagement der GPM e.V.
*Call for Participation / Aufruf zur Teilnahme*
*Neue Vorgehensmodelle in Projekten –
Führung, Kulturen und Infrastrukturen im Wandel
**am 24.+25.10.2019 in Lörrach*
In einem Umfeld von rasantem Technologiefortschritt und
Exponentialwachstum digitaler Geschäftsmodelle wird das Lösen von
Problemstellungen zunehmend herausfordernder. Die Digitalisierung von
Produkten und Produktionsprozessen verändert die Anforderungen an die
Fähigkeiten von Unternehmen und Mitarbeitern. Beispielsweise kann sich
kaum ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung Fragen der IT-Security
entziehen, sodass entsprechende Lücken in den Arbeitsprozessen und
Qualifikationen der Mitarbeiter erkannt und geschlossen werden müssen.
Die Umsetzung digital transformierter Geschäftsmodelle impliziert ein
neues Arbeiten in Projekten, das mit weiterentwickelten
Vorgehensmodellen und neuen Settings für die Projektarbeit einhergeht.
In einer erweiterten Betrachtung eines gesamten Produktmanagementzyklus
stellt sich darüber hinaus die Frage, welche Herausforderungen und
Lösungsansätze in vorgelagerten Phasen der Produktgenerierung bzw.
nachgelagerten Phasen des Produktmanagements in diesem Kontext
entstehen. Die diesjährige PVM-Tagung erweitert vor diesem Hintergrund
das Fachprogramm entsprechend.
Im Hauptthema „Neue Vorgehensmodelle in Projekten“ wird aufgearbeitet,
inwiefern Entwicklungen und Trends im Kontext der so genannten digitalen
Transformation bereits zu einem neuen Arbeiten im Projekten geführt haben.
*Programm der PVM 2019*
Die beiden Konferenztage beginnen jeweils mit einem Keynote-Vortrag und
umfassen 11 spannende Fachvorträge, welche den Reviewprozess erfolgreich
durchlaufen haben. Zusätzlich haben wir auf der Konferenz eingeladene
Vorträge des Future Tracks, bei denen neue Ansätze und
zukunftsgerichtete Thesen vorgestellt und im Auditorium diskutiert
werden. Außerdem haben Sie Gelegenheit, in Open-Space-Workshops aktiv in
den Dialog mit Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern einzusteigen. Sehr
willkommen sind Ihre eigenen Themen und Fragen zu Projektmanagement und
hybriden Vorgehensmodellen, die Sie zur Fachtagung mitbringen. Ergänzend
zum Fachprogramm werden Kompaktbriefings zu aktuelle Themen angeboten.
/Keynotes (bereits bestätigt)/
* "The Offrock" und das "Agile Value Team Game" - Agile Werte
einführen und reflektieren (Stefan Hilmer, Elisabeth Mette)
* Coaching on the Job bei Unternehmen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus -
Wissenslücken schließen zur Weiterpflege modernisierter
IT-Anwendungen (Masud Fazal-Baqaie, Jan-Niclas Strüwer, David
Schmelter und Stefan Dziwok)
* Die doppelte Crux in Digitalisierungsprojekten – Eine spielerische
Annäherung (Urs Andelfinger)
* Compliance: Umgang mit dem Agilen Feind!? (Philipp Diebold und Frank
* Das Wertbeitragscontrolling als Anreicherung bestehender
Vorgehensmodelle des Software Engineerings (Sarah Seufert, Tobias
Wulfert und Reinhard Schütte)
* Assessment of Agile Culture (Pascal Guckenbiehl und Sven Theobald)
* Agile for agile - new ideas for the transformation of student
projects (Juliane Siegeris und Helena Barke)
* Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede (Gerhard
* Ganzheitliche (System-)Modellierung mit Hilfe des Artefaktmodells
(Markus Dr. Brandstätter, Veronica Haber, Tamara Hofmann, Kim
Steinkirchner und Christian Bühler)
* Methoden, Chancen und Risiken hybrider
Projektmanagementvorgehensmodelle (Martina Blust)
* Architekturorientiertes Vorgehensmodell zur Umsetzung von
Business-Analytics-Projekten (Markus Linden und Frank Navrade)
* Einführung von digitalen Technologien in KMU – Vorgehensmodell und
Technology Evaluation Canvas (Tobias Rieke und André Sardoux Klasen)
/Future Track (Diskussionsbeiträge)/
* Wissen in IT-Projekten: Wissensmanagement war gestern. Voneinander
Lernen ist heute. (Denis Cikes und Nail Akrouti)
* Coworking als progressives Arbeitsmodell – Transfer der Erfahrungen
in Kreativbranchen (Martin Engstler und Viktoria Pepler)
* Beyond Badges und Leaderboards – Playable User Stories zur
Verbesserung des Requirements Engineering (Axel Kalenborn und Peter
* DiPA-Die Digitale Projekte App (Arne Schneikart, Marc Sihling und
Dirk Israel)
* Lean-Prinzipien in Projekten – Grundlagen des Lean Project
Managements (Claus Hüsselmann und Bert Leyendecker)
* Ansätze aus dem Prozessmanagement für das Management von
IT-Projekten (Kristina Birn)
* Open Digital Assistant Framework – ein quelloffenes Framework für
projektbasierte digitale Assistenten (Aglika Yankova und Olaf Resch)
* Was (bisher) fehlt um Apps sicher zu entwickeln? --- Prozesse,
Werkzeuge und Schulungen für sichere Apps by Design (Katharina
Altemeier, Matthias Becker, Stefan Dziwok, Thorsten Koch und Sven
* Entwicklung eines gestaltungsorientierten Vorgehensmodells für
interdisziplinäre Digitalisierungsprojekte (Pascal Meier, Jan
Heinrich Beinke und Frank Teuteberg)
* Projekte agiler Organisationsentwicklung – Agiles Change-Management
(Alexander Krieg)
/Kompaktbriefings (Grundlageninformationen, damit Sie schnell auf
Augenhöhe kommen)/
* Scrum ausprobieren mit LegoScrum (Tobias Freitag)
Zusätzliche Kompaktbriefings in Vorbereitung
/Open Spaces (Diskussion von Teilnehmer-Themen)/
* Themen können durch die Teilnehmer der PVM2019 eingebracht werden
* 189,00€ reguläre Tagungsgebühr
* 169,00€ für Mitglieder der GI und anderer wissenschaftlicher
* Rabatte für Studierende
*Anmeldung und weitere Informationen*
Weitere Informationen zu den Beiträgen, Informationen zum
Veranstaltungsort und zum Hotelkontingent, sowie das Anmeldeformular
finden Sie auf http://pvm-tagung.de/
Die Tagung findet am 24.+25.10.2019 in Lörrach statt:
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach
Campus Hangstraße
Hangstraße 46-50
79539 Lörrach
Auf der Webseite http://pvm-tagung.de <http://pvm-tagung.de/> werden
laufend aktualisierte Informationen zur Tagung bereitgestellt. Für
Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an info(a)pvm-tagung.de
*Für das Programmkomitee der Tagung:*
Prof. Dr. Martin Engstler (Sprecher der Fachgruppe Projektmanagement)
Alexander Volland (Stv. Sprecher der Fachgruppe Projektmanagement)
Dr. Masud Fazal-Baqaie (Sprecher der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle)
Enes Yigitbas (Stv. Sprecher der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle)
Dr. Marco Kuhrmann (Sprecher der Fachgruppe Software Produktmanagement)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Linssen (Sprecher der Fachgruppe IT-Projektmanagement
der GPM)
*Sponsoren und Kooperationspartner der Fachtagung*
Union Investment Gruppe - Liquidmoon GmbH - Gesellschaft für
Projektmanagement e.V. - DHWB Lörrach
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [WI] RuleML+RR 2019, Call for Participation & Open Call
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 16:21:05 +0300
From: Nick Bassiliades <nbassili(a)csd.auth.gr>
Reply-To: Nick Bassiliades <nbassili(a)csd.auth.gr>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to attend the 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and
Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019) (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org), the leading
in the field of rule-based reasoning, which will be held in Bolzano, Italy,
September 16-19, as a part of BRAIN 2019
(https://brain2019.inf.unibz.it), the
Bolzano Rules and Artificial Intelligence Summit. With its special focus
on "Beneficial AI", BRAIN 2019 brings together RuleML+RR 2019, DecisionCAMP
2019, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2019), and the Global
Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019).
* Registration:
* BRAIN 2019 (RuleML-RR + GCAI + DecisionCAMP) schedule:
* Joint Keynotes:
- The Future of Enterprise AI and Digital Decisions,
Mike Gualtieri
- Existential Rules: a Study Through Chase Termination,
FO-Rewritability and Boundedness,
Marie-Laure Mugnier
- Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management: Status,
Challenges, and Perspectives,
Marlon Dumas
* RuleML+RR Keynote: WhiteMech: White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms,
Giuseppe De Giacomo
* RuleML+RR 2019 Open Call:
- Late-Breaking Posters & Interactions (until 12 September 2019)
We welcome additional late-breaking Posters & Interactions as
contributions to the conference. These Posters & Interactions report
on ongoing
and promising work and allow to discuss late-breaking ideas and
developments in
an informal setting. All participants are invited to submit a poster
for presentation,
as an addition to their other (Main-track, Challenge, …) BRAIN 2019
presentations or
as a brand-new presentation. Late-breaking submissions are not
accompanied by papers
but rather presented informally during Posters & Interactions sessions.
Submissions of posters (one-page PDF) are welcomed until September
12, 2019,
via E-Mail to the Posters & Interactions Chairs, Petros Stefaneas
and Alexander Steen <alexander.steen(a)uni.lu>.
* Meet & Greet on main arrival Sunday, 15 Sep, 6PM-9PM,
in the restaurant Hopfen & Co. (https://www.boznerbier.it),
at Piazza Erbe 17 / Obstplatz 17.
Website: http://2019.ruleml-rr.org
Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2019
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [WI] WI2020 - Call for Workshops
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 12:58:29 +0200
From: Christof.Thim(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
Reply-To: Christof.Thim(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
***english version below***
Mit der WI2020 (https://wi2020.de) findet die zentrale Konferenz der
Wirtschaftsinformatik im deutschsprachigen Raum vom 8.-11.03.2020 in
Potsdam statt. Das Motto der Konferenz ist "Changing Landscapes -
Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact". In vielfältigen Formaten
sollen die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen und praktischen
Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation adressiert werden.
Insbesondere für interaktive und praktische Herangehensweisen gibt es
das spezielle Workshop-Format.
Workshops bieten ein offenes Forum für Kurzpräsentationen, Diskussionen,
Methodenerprobung oder gemeinsames Arbeiten zu einem bestimmten Thema.
Die Organisation der Beiträge für einen Workshop von der Einladung bis
zur Auswahl liegt bei den Organisierenden eines Workshops. Workshops
können an zwei Tagen am Campus Griebnitzsee der Universität Potsdam
angeboten und besucht werden. Vor der eigentlichen Tagung findet am
Sonntag, 8. März 2020, ein Workshop-Tag statt. An diesem Tag können
halb- oder ganztägige Workshops stattfinden. Am letzten Tagungs-Tag, am
11. März 2020, können nachmittags halbtägige Workshops durchgeführt werden.
Vorschläge für Workshops werden vom Konferenzkommittee begutachtet.
Vorschläge für Workshops reichen Sie bitte bis zum 14.10.2019 per E-Mail
an workshops(a)wi2020.de ein. Die Einreichung umfasst zwei Teile, die Sie
bitte bei Ihrer Einreichung in einem pdf zusammenfassen:
1. Beschreibung des Workshops für die Website (Länge: maximal 2 Seiten)
- Workshop-Bezeichnung (Arbeitstitel)
- Kurze Beschreibung des Workshops, ggf. Erläuterung des Themas und der
Inhalte des Workshops, die Ziele und geplante Durchführung /Agenda
- Vorgesehene Zielgruppe (bitte auch angeben, ob der Workshop
ausschließlich für Teilnehmende der WI 2020 gedacht ist oder ob auch
andere Personen in Frage kommen)
- Kurzbiographie der/des verantwortlichen/r Organisators/in (max. 800
- ggf. durchführende Organisation (z.B. GI-Fachgruppe …)
2. Informationsblatt zum Workshop für die interne Planung
- Geplante Teilnehmerzahl
- Geplante Dauer
- Terminliche Präferenz
- Raumanforderung und benötigte Materialien
Wichtige Termine
Deadline für Einreichungen: 14.10.2019
Benachrichtigungen über Annahme/Ablehnung: 21.10.2019
Call for Workshop Contribution bis zum: 01.11.2019
1. Workshop Tag: 08.03.2020
2. Workshop Tag: 11.03.2020
Kontakt: workshops(a)wi2020.de
Workshop Chairs
Dr. André Ullrich
Dr. Edzard Weber
***english version***
The WI2020 (https://wi2020.de) as the central conference of business
informatics in the German-speaking area takes place from 8-11 March 2020
in Potsdam. The motto of the conference is "Changing Landscapes -
Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact". The current scientific
and practical challenges of digital transformation will be addressed in
a variety of formats. The workshop format is especially designed for
interactive and practical approaches.
Workshops offer an open forum for short presentations, discussions,
method testing or joint work on a specific topic. The organisation of
the contributions to a workshop from invitation to selection is the
responsibility of the workshop organisers. Workshops can be offered and
attended on two days at the Campus Griebnitzsee of the University of
Potsdam. Before the actual conference, a workshop day will take place on
Sunday, 8 March 2020. On this day, half-day or full-day workshops can
take place. On the last day of the conference, 11 March 2020, half-day
workshops can be held in the afternoon.
Proposals for workshops will be reviewed by the conference committee.
Suggestions for workshops should be submitted by 14.10.2019 by e-mail to
workshops(a)wi2020.de The submission consists of two parts, which should
be summarised in a pdf file:
1.) Workshop description (for the webpage)
- Workshop title
- Short description of the workshop’s topic and contents, its goals and
- Intended audience (also if the workshop will be exclusive for
WI2020-attendants or open to the public)
- Short-bio of the organizers (max. 800 characters)
- Organizing bodies (e.g. GI working groups, associations, etc.)
2.) Information for the internal planning
- Expected participants
- Expected duration
- Preferred date
- Special équipement or requirements
Important Dates
Deadline for submitting workshop idea: 14.10.2019
Notification about acceptance: 21.10.2019
Call for Workshop contributions: 01.11.2019
1st day of workshops: 08.03.2019
2nd day of workshops: 11.03.2019
Contact: workshops(a)wi2020.de
Organizers: Dr. André Ullrich, Dr. Edzard Weber
Dr. rer. pol. Christof Thim
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Prozesse und Systeme
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Norbert Gronau
Universität Potsdam
August-Bebel-Str. 89, 14482 Potsdam
Tel. +49 331 977-3423, Fax -3406
E-Mail: cthim(a)lswi.de
Auswahl, Einführung und Betrieb von ERP-Systemen:
Gegenwart und Zukunft industrieller Geschäftsprozesse:
Kompetenz in Produktion und Logistik: http://www.productivity.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP SEAMS 2020: The 15th International Symposium on
Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 22:53:44 +0100
From: Simos Gerasimou <simos.gerasimou(a)york.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies for any cross-posting]
# SEAMS 2020 - Call for Papers
The 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and
Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Seoul, South Korea, May 25-26, 2020
Co-located with the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2020)
* Abstract submission: Friday 10 January 2020
* Paper submission: Friday 17 January 2020
* Notification: Monday 2 March 2020
* Camera-ready submission: Monday 16 March 2020
Modern and emerging software systems, such as the Internet of Things,
Cyber-Physical Systems, cloud and edge computing, robotics, and smart
environments have to operate without interruption. Self-adaptation and
self-management enable these systems to adapt themselves at runtime to
preserve and optimize their operation in the presence of uncertain changes
in their operating environment, resource variability, new user needs,
attacks, intrusions, and faults.
Approaches to augment software and software-controlled systems with
self-managing and self-adaptive capabilities are an important area of
research and development, offering solutions that leverage advances in
such as software architecture, fault-tolerant computing, programming
languages, run-time program analysis and verification, among others.
Additionally, research in this field is informed by related areas such as
control systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, agent-based
systems, and biologically inspired computing. The SEAMS symposium focuses
on applying software engineering to these approaches, including methods,
Techniques, processes and tools that can be used to support self-*
like self-protection, self-healing, self-optimization, and
The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners
> From academia, industry and government, to investigate, discuss, examine and
advance the fundamental principles, the state of the art, and the solutions
Addressing critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and
Topics of Interest
All topics related to engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems,
Foundational Concepts
* Self-* properties
* Understanding and taming uncertainty
* Runtime models and variability
* Consistent change of systems in operation
* Mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop systems
* Situational awareness
* Ethical challenges of self-adaptive systems
Engineering Strategies
* Architecture and model-driven approaches
* Control theory
* Online analysis and planning
* Decentralized control
* Automatic synthesis techniques
* AI techniques (machine learning, game theory, etc.)
* Search-based techniques and learning
* Simulation
* Mechanisms to ensure security and privacy in self-adaptive loops
Engineering Activities
* Domain/environment analysis techniques
* Requirements elicitation techniques
* Architecture and design techniques
* Verification and validation activities & frameworks
* Systematic reuse (patterns, viewpoints, reference architectures,
code, etc.)
* Instrumentation of legacy systems (probing and effecting)
* Processes and methodologies
* Impact of DevOps on self-* systems
* Formal notations for modeling and analyzing self-* properties
* Domain-specific language support for self-adaptation
* Programming language support for self-adaptation
Application Areas
* Industrial Internet of Things
* Cyber-physical systems
* Cloud, fog and edge computing
* Bioengineering
* Robotics
* Smart environments
* Smart user interfaces
* Privacy and security
Artifacts & Evaluation
* Model problems and exemplars
* Resources including data sets, metrics, and software useful to compare
self-adaptive approaches
* Real-world demonstrators
* Controlled experiments, case studies, replication studies, surveys
Types of Paper
SEAMS 2020 solicits the following types of papers:
* Technical papers (10 pages main text, inclusive of figures, tables,
appendices, etc.; plus references up to two additional pages). Technical
papers should:
(1) clearly describe innovative and original research, or
(2) report a survey on a research topic in the field.
* New Ideas and Emergent Results (NIER) papers (6 pages + 1 page
NIER papers should describe novel and promising ideas and/or techniques that
are in an early stage of development. To that end, NIER papers will be
reviewed with dedicated review guidelines.
* Experience papers (6 pages + 1 page references). An experience paper
describe the experiences gained from applying/evaluating software
research results in practice. It is encouraged that the partners from both
practice and research join the effort as co-authors and that the paper
reflects the perspective of both sides. The papers should emphasize the
of the experience for the community - in particular, the lessons learned due
to the transfer of research results to practice.
* Artifact papers (6 pages + 1 page references). Artifacts describe model
problems, exemplars, or useful sets of resources for the broader SEAMS
community. This year we solicit artifacts in two modalities: associated with
a research paper and standalone. In the research paper modality, the
complements a long research paper and does not require a separate paper
submission, the authors need to complete the self-assessment and attach
paper to the submission. The standalone modality requires the submission of
an artifact paper (6 pages + 1 page references) in addition to a
self-assessment form. The authors of accepted artifacts will have an ACM
Artifact badge attached to their paper. All artifact papers will be
presented at SEAMS.
* Demo papers (6 pages + 1 page references). Demo papers should demonstrate
the use of self-adaptive software in a proof-of-concept, prototype or
real-world application. Unlike artifact papers, these software systems may
not be at a stage of development where they can be released to the broader
SEAMS community for other researchers and practitioners to use them in their
own work, or may not be suitable for release as artifacts. However, demo
papers can also be accompanied by an artifact. In this case, the artifact
will be evaluated together with the paper and, if accepted, will receive an
ACM Artifact badge.
* Doctoral project papers (4 pages + 1 page references). A doctoral project
paper should describe the dissertation research of a PhD student in the
of self-adaptive and self-managing systems. This paper has to be authored by
the student only. A suggestion for structuring the paper is as follows:
- The problem to be solved in your thesis (justify why this problem is
important and make clear that previous research has not yet solved
that problem).
- Your research hypothesis (claim).
- The expected contributions of your dissertation research.
- How you plan to evaluate your results and to present credible evidence
Of your results to the community.
- A description of the results achieved so far and a planned timeline
for completion.
Students of accepted papers will present their research during SEAMS and
receive personalized and specific feedback on their research plan. Students
will also have the opportunity to further engage with the audience during
a poster session. Instructions for formatting posters will be provided
the notification. We encourage submissions from PhD students at any stage
of their research.
* Special session papers on ethical concerns of self-adaptive systems
(2 pages including references). SEAMS 2020 will organise a panel session
devoted to ethical concerns associated with self-adaptive systems.
Interested authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in which
they identify, analyse and sketch potential solutions to the ethical
challenges surrounding self-adaptive systems.
Paper Submission Details and Review Process
All submitted papers and artifacts will be reviewed by at least three
of the program committee. Papers must not have been previously published or
concurrently submitted elsewhere. Papers must conform to the IEEE Conference
Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt
type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without
including the compsoc or compsocconf option), and submitted via EasyChair.
Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings that will be
published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. The official publication
date of an accepted paper will be the date the proceedings are made
in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the
first day of ICSE 2020. The official publication date affects the deadline
for any patent filings related to published work. Purchases of additional
pages in the proceedings is not possible.
Submission Sites
* For Research, NIER, Experience, Demo, Doctoral Project, and Special
Session papers: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seams2020
* For Artifact papers:
Simos P. Gerasimou
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science | University of York | UK
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