-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: Mensch und Computer 2010 - Zweiter Workshop
"Enterprise 2.0"
Datum: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 16:53:25 +0200
Von: Alexander Richter <alexander.richter(a)unibw.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de <fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de>
Erster Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen:
Zweiter Workshop Enterprise 2.0:
"Soziotechnische Integration? Bottom Up? Simplicity? - Was sind die
Erfolgstreiber von Enterprise 2.0?"
Workshop im Rahmen der Mensch und Computer 2010
Universität Duisburg-Essen, 12.-15.9.2010
Soziotechnische Integration? Bottom Up? Simplicity? Was sind die
Erfolgstreiber von Enterprise 2.0?
Enterprise 2.0 steht für das große Potenzial von Web-2.0-Technologien
bzw. Social Software, wie Wikis und Weblogs, zur Unterstützung der
unternehmensinternen und -übergreifenden Zusammenarbeit. Auf der Mensch
und Computer 2009 in Berlin haben wir in einem multidisziplinären
Workshop zusammen mit 19 Vertretern aus der Wissenschaft sowie aus der
Unternehmenspraxis das Thema Enterprise 2.0 aus der jeweiligen
Fachperspektive diskutiert. Dabei wurden aus Sicht der Soziologie und
Psychologie, Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Informatik eine Vielzahl
verschiedener kultureller, organisationaler sowie technologischer
Aspekte beleuchtet. Schließlich gelang es der Gruppe aufbauend auf sechs
Metathemata eine Forschungsagenda zu entwerfen, die auf die
Identifikation zukünftig relevanter Forschungsfelder im Bereich
Enterprise 2.0 abzielt.
In einem weiteren Enterprise 2.0-Workshop auf der Mensch und Computer
2010 möchten wir auf den sechs identifizierten Metathemata aufbauen.
Diesmal wollen wir die Frage in den Raum stellen, welche Erfolgstreiber
von Enterprise 2.0 sich in den sechs Bereichen "Zielsetzung &
Definition", "Enterprise 2.0 in der Organisation", "Funktionalitäten",
"Motivation", "Nutzung" und "Daten" identifizieren lassen. Unsere Frage
ist also: Was steckt hinter Enterprise 2.0? Welche Faktoren führen zum
Erfolg von Enterprise 2.0?
Neben kurzen Präsentationen von Ergebnissen/Erkenntnissen zu obigen
Themen durch die aktiven Teilnehmer wollen wir auf dem Workshop
hauptsächlich interaktiv am Zusammenbringen der isolierten Erkenntnisse
und Erfahrungen aus den unterschiedlichen Disziplinen arbeiten.
Der Workshop findet ganztägig, entweder Sonntag, den 12.9, oder
Mittwoch, den 15.9. 2010 statt.
Einreichungen sollen einen Umfang von 4 bis maximal 5 Seiten (inkl.
Literatur, nach LNI-Formatvorlage) aufweisen und konkrete Erfahrungen,
Ergebnisse zu einem der oben angegebenen Themen besprechen (und damit
einen Beitrag für die Diskussion im Workshop liefern). Termin für die
*Einreichung von Workshop-Beiträgen ist der 15.06.2010. **Einreichungen*
bitte per Mail an a.richter(a)unibw.de <mailto:a.richter@unibw.de>.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung zum Workshop und weitere Informationen
finden Sie unter http://www.kooperationssysteme.de/workshops/muc2010e20.
* *
Alexander Richter & Michael Koch {alexander.richter;
Forschungsgruppe Kooperationssysteme, Universität der Bundeswehr München;
Angelika C. Bullinger
Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik 1, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Alexander Stocker
Institut für Informationssysteme, Joanneum Research Graz
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] UIC 2010 Workshops - CFP (Xi\'an, China, 26-29 October)
Datum: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 23:31:35 +0800
Von: Robert C. Hsu <robert(a)grid.chu.edu.tw>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
** Apologies for cross-posting of this CFP. **
===================================UIC 2010 Workshops
The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and
Computing (UIC 2010)
- Building Smart Worlds in Real and Cyber Spaces -
Xi'an, China, 26-29 October, 2010
Co-located with ATC 2010 (http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/atc2010/)
The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and
Computing (UIC 2010) will feature six quality
workshops for researchers and practitioners to share their research
experience, original research results and
practical development experiences on specific new challenges and
emerging issues in relation to Ubiquitous
Intelligence and Computing. The UIC 2010 workshops will cover key
research topics such as pervasive media
(PerMedia 2010), Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing and Communication (UMCC
2010), Ubiquitous Service Systems and
Technologies (USST 2010), Service, Security and Data management
technologies in Ubi-Com (SSDU 2010),
Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (IWDTN 2010), Mobile Cyber-Physical
Systems (MobiCPS 2010)
- PerMedia 2010 (The 2010 International Workshop on Pervasive Media)
Organizer: Lei Shu, Xianfu Lei, Timothy K. Shih, Jianhua Ma, Laurence T.
Contact: lei.shu(a)live.ie, xflei81(a)yahoo.com.cn
- UMCC 2010 (The First International Workshop on Ubiquitous Multimedia
Computing and Communication)
Website: http://umcc2010.cis.unisa.edu.au
Organizer: Ivan Lee, Frode Eika Sandnes, Jianhua Ma, Shiuh-Jeng Wang
Contact: Ivan.Lee(a)unisa.edu.au, frodes(a)hio.no, jianhua(a)hosei.ac.jp,
- USST 2010 (The 2010 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Service
Systems and Technologies)
Organizer: Yo-Ping Huang, Frode Eika Sandnes
Contact: yphuang(a)ntut.edu.tw, frodes(a)hio.no
- SSDU-10 (The 2010 International Symposium on Service, Security and
Data management technologies in Ubi-com)
Website: http://www.ftrai.org/ssdu2010 (TBA)
Organizer: Jong Hyuk Park, Kuan-Ching Li, Xiaolin (Andy) Li, Guojun Wang
Contact: parkjonghyuk1(a)hotmail.com, kuancli(a)gmail.com,
xiaolin(a)cs.okstate.edu, csgjwang(a)gmail.com
- IWDTN'10 (The 2010 International Workshop on Delay/Disruption Tolerant
Website: TBA
Organizer: Prof. Limin Sun and Dr. Weijun Qin
Contact: sunlimin(a)is.iscas.ac.cn, qinweijun(a)is.iscas.ac.cn
- MobiCPS 2010 (The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Mobile
Cyber-Physical Systems)
Website: http://www.cpschina.org/mobicps
Organizer: Jiannong Cao, Yangquan Chen, Feng Xia, Yan Zhang
Contact: csjcao(a)comp.polyu.edu.hk, YangQuan.Chen(a)usu.edu,
f.xia(a)ieee.org, yanzhang(a)simula.no
The workshops will be held on October 26-29 2010, in Xi'an, China.
Authors are invited to submit
6-page original/position/work-in-progress/experience papers using the
IEEE format for conference
proceedings. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE (EI indexed) in
the conference workshop
proceedings. Submission deadline (June 15 2010) and other important
dates are available on the
workshops websites. For possible extension of submission deadline,
please contact the organizer of
individual workshop. We are looking forward to your participation at the
UIC 2010 workshops.
UIC 2010 Workshop Chairs
Robert C. Hsu, Chung Hua Univ., Taiwan
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] itAIS 2010 (Deadline approaching)
Datum: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 19:55:35 +0200
Von: Paolo Spagnoletti <pspagnoletti(a)luiss.it>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS 2010) Information
Technology and Innovation Trends in Organizations
http://www.itais2010.org <http://www.itais2010.org/>
October 8-9, 2010
Naples (Italy)
------- CALL FOR PAPERS (two weeks to the deadline) -------
- Accounting Information Systems
- Business Intelligence Systems their strategic role and organizational
- E-Services in Public and Private Sectors
- Enterprise systems adoption
- Human-computer interaction
- ICT in individual and organizational creativity development
- ICT-IS as enabling technologies for the development of small and medium
size enterprises
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Information Systems, Innovation Transfer, and new Business Models
- IS Quality, Metrics and Impact
- IS, IT and Security
- IS Development and Design Methodologies
- New ways to work and interact via Internet
- Organizational change and Impact of ICT
- Professional skills, certification of curricula, on-line education and
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the conference will be evaluated through a standard
double-blind review process. Track chairs will select reviewers and ensure
anonymity of the double-blind process. Formal submission must specify the
track that they are intended for. The page limit for contributions submitted
in English is equal to 8 pages (maximum). Formatting rules are available on
conference website. Accepted papers will need to show both relevance to the
outstanding body of literature and sufficient methodological rigor.
itAIS 2010 provides a dual type of publication. Accepted papers will be
published either in the conference proceedings (CD-ROM) with ISSN, while a
selection of best papers (in English language) will be published in book
with ISBN, edited by Springer.
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the conference and
present the work. The online submission system is available at
Important Dates
- Deadline for full paper submission: June 15th 2010
- Notification of acceptance July 15th 2010
- Final paper or poster submission August 22nd 2010
- Conference October 8-9, 2010
Conference Format
Besides the presentation of selected papers, there will be an invited talk
by Professor Joey F. George from Florida State University (USA), whose
theme will be announced later.
Conference Chairs
- Maria Ferrara (U. Parthenope, Naples)
- Joey F. George (Florida State U. - USA)
Programme Chair
Alessandro D'Atri (LUISS Guido Carli-Roma)
Organizing Committee
- Rocco Agrifoglio (U. Parthenope, Naples)
- Francesca Cabiddu (U. Cagliari)
- Concetta Metallo (U. Parthenope, Naples)
- Paolo Spagnoletti (LUISS Guido Carli-Roma)
Program Committee
- Baglieri D. (U. Messina)
- Bellini R. (U. Cattolica - MI)
- Campagnolo G.M. (U.Trento)
- Casalino N. (U. Marconi - RM)
- Carugati A. (Aarhus School of Business-DK)
- Cavallari M. (U. Cattolica - MI)
- Cesaroni F. (Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
- Dameri R.P. (U. Genova)
- De Antonellis V. (U. Brescia)
- De Marco M. (U. Cattolica, Milano)
- Depaoli P. (U.Urbino)
- Ferrando P.M. (U. Genova)
- Francalanci C. (Politecnico, Milano)
- Giudici E. (U. Cagliari)
- Metallo C. (U. Parthenope)
- Missikoff M. (IASI-CNR)
- Morin J.H. (U. Geneva-Switzerland)
- Muzio D. (U. Leeds - UK)
- Passerini K. (NJIT)
- Pennarola F. (U. Bocconi, Milano)
- Pernici B. (Politecnico, Milano)
- Petrosino A. (U. Parthenope)
- Piccoli G. (U. Grenoble, FR)
- Ravarini A. (LIUC)
- Rippa P. (U. Federico II)
- Rossignoli C. (U. Verona)
- Saccà D. (U. Calabria)
- Sadok M. (U. of Tunisi)
- Scaratti G. (U. Cattolica - MI)
- Sorrentino M. (U. Statale Milano)
- Tortora G. (U. Salerno)
- Virtuani R. (U. Cattolica - PC)
- Vitiello G. (U. Salerno)
- vom Brocke J. (U. Liechtenstein)
- Winter R. (U. St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- Za S. (U. L'Aquila)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd CfP: Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social
Environments (MUSE) @ ECML/PKDD 2010
Datum: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 21:59:25 +0200
Von: Martin Atzmueller <atzmueller(a)cs.uni-kassel.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, ak-kd-list(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
kdml(a)cs.uni-kassel.de, fg-db(a)informatik.uni-rostock.de
** Please forward to anyone who might be interested **
for the 1st International and
ECML/PKDD 2010 Workshop on
20 September 2010, Barcelona, Spain
*** NEW Submission Deadlines ***
** June 23, 2010: Abstract submission deadline **
** June 28, 2010: Paper submission deadline **
*** Springer Post-proceedings planned (LNCS/LNAI) ***
The emergence of ubiquitous computing has started to create new
environments consisting of small, heterogeneous, and
distributed devices that foster the social interaction of users
in several dimensions. Similarly, the upcoming social semantic
web also integrates the user interactions in social networking
environments. Mining in ubiquitous and social environments is
thus an emerging area of research focusing on advanced systems
for data mining in such distributed and network-organized
systems. It also integrates some related technologies such as
activity recognition, Web 2.0 mining, privacy issues and
privacy-preserving mining, predicting user behavior, etc.
In typical ubiquitous settings, the mining system can be
implemented inside the small devices and sometimes on central
servers, for real-time applications, similar to common mining
approaches. However, the characteristics of ubiquitous and
social mining are in general quite different from the current
mainstream data mining and machine learning. Unlike in
traditional data mining scenarios, data does not emerge from a
small number of (heterogeneous) data sources, but potentially
from hundreds to millions of different sources. As there is
only minimal coordination, these sources can overlap or diverge
in any possible way. Steps into this new and exciting
application area are the analysis of this new data, the
adaptation of well known data mining and machine learning
algorithms and finally the development of new algorithms.
The goal of this workshop is to promote an interdisciplinary
forum for researchers working in the fields of ubiquitous
computing, social semantic web, Web 2.0, and social networks
which are interested in utilizing data mining in an ubiquitous
setting. The workshop seeks for contributions applying
state-of-the-art mining algorithms on ubiquitous and social
data. Papers focusing on the intersection of the two fields are
especially welcome. In short, we want to accelerate the process
of identifying the power of advanced data mining operating on
data collected in ubiquitous and social environments, as well
as the process of advancing data mining through lessons learned
in analyzing these new data.
The topics of the workshop are split roughly into three areas
which include, but are not limited to the following topics:
Sensors and mobile devices:
* Mining ubiquitous user models
* Resource-aware algorithms for distributed mining
* Scalable and distributed classification, prediction,
and clustering algorithms
* Activity recognition
* Mining continuous streams and ubiquitous data
* Online methods for mining temporal, spatial and
spatio-temporal data
* Combining data from different sources
* Sensor data preprocessing, transformation,
and space-time sampling techniques
User behavior:
* Personalization and recommendation
* Predicting user behavior
* User profiling in ubiquitous and social environments
* Mining continuous streams and ubiquitous data
* Network analysis of social systems
* Discovering social structures and communities
* Combining data from different sources, mining with mashups
* Discovering misuse and fraud
* Usage and presentation interfaces for mining and data collection
* Privacy challenges in ubiquitous and social applications
* Applications of any of the above methods and technologies
We also encourage submissions which relate research results
from other areas to the workshop topics.
It is planned to publish revised selected papers (jointly with papers
from the Workshop on Modeling Social Media) as a volume in the Springer
LNCS/LNAI series.
* Martin Atzmueller, Knowledge and Data Engineering Group,
University of Kassel, Germany (atzmueller(a)cs.uni-kassel.de)
* Andreas Hotho, Data Mining and Information Retrieval Group,
University of Wuerzburg, Germany (hotho(a)informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
* Bettina Berendt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation, Italy
* Michelangelo Ceci, University of Bari, Italy
* Marco Degemmis, University of Bari, Italy
* Joao Gama, University of Porto, Portugal
* Michael May, Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
* Dunja Mladenic, J.Stefan Institute, Slovenia
* Katharina Morik, University of Dortmund, Germany
* Claudia Müller-Birn, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
* Ion Muslea, SRI International, Menlo Park, USA
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari, Italy
* Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel, Germany
* Maarten van Someren, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Koen Vanhoof, University of Hasselt, Belgium
We invite two types of submissions for this workshop:
* Technical papers in any of the topics of interest of the workshop
(but not limited to them)
* Short position papers in any of the topics of interest of the workshop
(but not limited to them)
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of
these reviews. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop.
Format requirements for submissions of papers are: Maximum 16
pages, including title page and bibliography for technical
papers. Maximum 8 pages, including title page and bibliography
for short position papers.
All submissions must be entered into the reviewing system that
will go online at the beginning of June 2010. If you have any
question please contact the MUSE Organizers. We recommend to
follow the format guidelines of ECML/PKDD (Springer LNCS), as
this will be the required format for accepted papers.
More details can be found on the workshop website:
Important Dates
* Abstract Submission: June 23
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 28
* Author Notification: July 16
* Camera Ready Papers: July 23
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] call for papers COIN@MALLOW 2010
deadline 13 June 2010
Datum: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 22:52:54 +0200
Von: Guido Boella <guido(a)di.unito.it>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
11th International Workshop
on Coordination, Organization,
Institutions and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems
Domaine Valpré in Lyon, France
30th August - 2nd September, 2010
Conference Website:
COIN@MALLOW 2010 workshop is part of the COIN series of workshops
MALLOW 2010 web site http://mallow2010.emse.fr/
. Full Paper Submission: June 13, 2010
. Acceptance Notification: July 08, 2010
. Camera-Ready Submission: July 30, 2010
Revised and extended versions of papers presented in COIN@MALLOW2010
and COIN@AAMAS2010 workshops will be published
in a single Springer LNCS volume.
· Organizations, institutions and norms for managing scale, openness and
· Organizations, institutions and norms and Service Oriented
· Logics, languages and tools for specifying coordination and norms,
implementing or simulating organizations and institutions;
· Formal lifecycle models: formation, maintenance, and dissolution of
organizations and institutions;
· Laws in electronic institutions: regulatory compliance, penalty and
sanctions, dispute resolution and conflict prevention;
· Agent environments: physical and institutional 'resources' for
physical capability and institutional power;
· Formal methods for specifying coordination and organizational
structures; models for verification, validation and visualisation;
· Non-normative behaviour, error-recovery, and reliable computing with
unreliable components;
· Frameworks and protocols for organised and organisational adaptation;
· Discovery, openness and inter-operation in organizations and institutions;
· Analysis of issues in the emergence, evaluation (as fit-for-purpose),
compliance to and evolution of norms;
· Mixed human-agent coordination and institutions in embedded systems
and virtual worlds.
Nicoletta Fornara
University of Lugano, Switzerland
George Vouros
University of the Aegean, Greece
agents mailing list
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.iccsa.org
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.iccsa.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers - TAAI 2010, November 18-20 (Taiwan)
Datum: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 04:41:07 +0800
Von: Robert C. Hsu <robert(a)grid.chu.edu.tw>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Call for Papers
TAAI 2010
Conference on Technologies and Applications of
Artificial Intelligence
Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 18-20, 2010
Important Dates:
* Paper submissions due: June 30, 2010.
* Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2010.
* Camera-ready final papers due: August 23, 2010
* Tournament registration due: September 1, 2010.
The 2010 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial
Intelligence (TAAI 2010) is the 15th annual conference sponsored by the
Taiwanese Association for AI and one of the most important annual academic
meetings on Artificial Intelligence in Taiwan. The conference will be
held in Hsinchu, Taiwan, on November 18-20, 2010.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists, engineers
and practitioners in different disciplines and researchers to present and
exchange ideas, results and experiences in the area of AI technologies and
applications. In particular, to showcase the intelligence of computers with
AI, the conference will host the events of computer game tournaments for
such as Go, Chinese Chess, Connect6, etc. The 2010 World Computer Chinese
Chess Championship will be jointly held with the conference.
The conference also includes workshops, panels and technical sessions with
refereed papers from the AI research community. High quality research
papers are solicited on the topics of particular interest include, but
are not
limited to:
* Agents
* AI Applications
* AI Architectures
* Computer Games
* Computer Vision
* Data Mining
* Genetic Algorithms
* Information Retrieval and Integration
* Intelligent Environment
* Intelligent e-learning
* Logics in AI
* Knowledge-Based Systems
* Machine Learning
* Mobile Intelligence
* Knowledge Representation
* Natural Language Processing
* Probabilistic and Uncertain Reasoning
* Planning
* Robotics
* Semantic Web
* Social Computing
* Speech Recognition and Synthesis
* Problem Solving and Search
* Web Intelligence
Keynote Speakers
This conference invites some prestigious researchers as keynote speakers,
such as Professor Tom Mitchell as follows.
Tom M. Mitchell
His research interests include computer science, machine learning,
intelligence, and cognitive neuroscience.
Professor Mitchell received many honors, such as University Professor at
Carnegie-Mellon University in 2009, Elected Fellow of American Association
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2008, Elected Fellow of the Association
for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in 1990, and NSF
Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1984.
Paper Submission
Submit your paper(s) at the paper submission site
Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, if the paper is
accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present
the work. Submission format will be announced in the conference web site.
Submission format will be announced on the conference web site.
Paper Publications
Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding. The proceeding will be
published by IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (IEEE CPS)
and will be indexed by IEEE digital library. Accepted papers will be
selected for publication in a special issue of Journal of Information
and Engineering (SCI indexed).
The workshops should address topics relevant to the themes of this
Please submit proposals of workshops to Workshop Co-Chairs
(sjyen(a)mail.ndhu.edu.tw or ypchen(a)cs.nctu.edu.tw) by April 1, 2010.
The panels should address timely topics relevant to the themes of the
conference. Please submit proposals to the Conference Co-Chairs
(chunnan(a)iis.sinica.edu.tw or icwu(a)cs.nctu.edu.tw) by July 30, 2010.
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chair:
Chung-Yu Wu, Taiwan
Advisory Committee:
Jaap van den Herik, Nederlands
Hong-Yuan Liao, Taiwan
Chin-Teng Lin, Taiwan
Vincenzo Loia, Italy
Nikhil R. Pal, India
Conference Chairs:
Chun-Nan Hsu, Taiwan
I-Chen Wu, Taiwan
Program Chairs:
Irwin King, Hong Kong
Yuh-Jye Lee, Taiwan
Workshop Chairs:
Ying-Ping Chen, Taiwan
Shi-Jim Yen, Taiwan
Local Chairs:
Ying-Ping Chen, Taiwan
Wen-Chih Peng, Taiwan
Publication Chairs:
Jiun-Long Huang, Taiwan.
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Taiwan.
Publicity Chairs:
Mong-Fong Horng, National Kaohsiung Univ., Taiwan.
Yuh-Jyh Hu, National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan.
Registration Chair and Financial Chair:
Shou-De Lin, Taiwan.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Articles: Learning Technology Newsletter - Issue
on Collaborative Learning Supported by Technology
Datum: Mon, 31 May 2010 14:05:00 -0600
Von: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
publication of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning
Technology (TCLT)
* Deadline for submission: June 28, 2010.
Learning Technology Newsletter aims at publishing and disseminating current
research about new and emerging learning technologies as well as their
design, usage, application, and evaluation in different contexts of
technology enhanced learning. The special theme of this issue will deal with
collaborative learning and how technology can support learners in
collaborating with each other, including (but not limited to) research on
concepts and developments of systems that support collaborative learning,
analyses on technology enhanced collaborative learning as well as
evaluations of systems that support collaborative learning. Please feel free
to bring forward your ideas and views.
Articles that are not in the area of the special theme are most welcome as
well and will be published in the regular article section
Learning Technology Newsletter invites short articles, case studies, and
project reports for the July issue. This issue will be published in Volume
12, Issue 3 (July, 2010).
** The newsletter is of non-refereed nature though the articles will be
selected and edited by the Editors. **
* Submission procedure:
1. The articles in the newsletter are limited to 1000 words.
Over-length articles will not be published.
2. The manuscripts should be either in Word or RTF format.
Any figures used in the contributions would be required separately in a
graphic format (gif or jpeg). The figures should also be embedded in the
text at appropriate places.
3. Please send the manuscripts by email as attachment to
sabineg(a)athabascau.ca and karagian(a)uth.gr (Subject: Learning Technology
April 2010 Submission).
4. In the email, please state clearly that the manuscript is original
material that has not been published, and is not being considered for
publication elsewhere.
For further information please see
Best regards,
Sabine Graf
Charalampos Karagiannidis
(Editors of Learning Technology Newsletter)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi