-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers: The 2nd Annual Intl Conference on
Technology for Education (T4E), Mumbai, India (July 1-3, 2010)
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:48:33 -0500
Von: Dr Kinshuk <kinshuk(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: Dr Kinshuk <kinshuk(a)ieee.org>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E)
July 1-3, 2010
Mumbai, India
The T4E 2010 will provide a forum to bring together colleagues interested
in promoting learning and teaching through the use of technology.
Proposals are invited from students, teachers and researchers in academia
and industry to present results of their research and development efforts
and discuss further directions. We expect that, similar to previous year,
IEEE's technical co-sponsorship will lead to the inclusion of accepted and
presented papers in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
* Conference Theme Areas
Development of technologies used to support education
Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
Pedagogies for remote and e-learning, blended learning and learning using
Assessment and evaluation of above technologies, content and pedagogies
Support systems for distance education, e-learning, blended learning
Techniques and standards for accurate identification of relevant learning
Growth and impact of the Open Educational Resources movement
Adaptivity and personalization approaches for improvement of education
Content repositories for teaching and learning
Development of software to enhance learning
Semantic web technologies in education
Mobile learning
Smart technologies in education
Impact of social networks on learning
Papers focusing on education in the technology area but not involving the
use of technology in
teaching/learning are outside the scope of this Conference.
* Important Dates
Online Submission deadline: February 15, 2010
Author notification after peer-review: April 1, 2010
Final Paper Submission deadline: May 1, 2010
Conference dates: July 1-3, 2010
* Student Grants
Students are encouraged to submit papers for the conference. A limited
number of grants to cover part of the expenses are expected to be
available for local students whose papers are selected. However, these
grants will not be adequate to cover any international travel.
* General chairs
Kannan Moudgalya, IIT Bombay
Srinivasan Ramani, IIIT Bangalore
* Program Chairs
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Sahana Murthy, IIT Bombay
* International Advisory Committee
Sidney Burrus, Rice University and Connexions Project
N K Sinha, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India
* For more information, please visit:
With regards,
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] 2nd Call for Chapter - Ontology Learning and
Knowledge Discovery Using the Web: Challenges and Recent Advances
Datum: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:34:23 -0500
Von: Wilson Wong <wilson(a)csse.uwa.edu.au>
Antwort an: Wilson Wong <wilson(a)csse.uwa.edu.au>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
(Proposals Submission Deadline: 15 DECEMBER 2009)
Ontology Learning and Knowledge Discovery Using the Web: Challenges and
Recent Advances
A book edited by Wilson Wong, Wei Liu and Mohammed Bennamoun
University of Western Australia, Australia
Ontologies provide formal specifications of what might exist in a domain
to ensure reusability and interoperability of multiple heterogeneous
systems. Ontologies form an indispensable part of the Semantic Web
standard stack. While the Semantic Web is still our vision into the
future, ontologies have already found a myriad of applications such as
document retrieval, question answering, image retrieval, agent
interoperability and document annotation. In recent years, automatic
ontology learning from text has provided support and relief for knowledge
engineers from the labourious task of manually engineering of ontologies.
Ontology learning research, an area integrating advances from information
retrieval, text mining, data mining, machine learning and natural language
processing, has attracted increasing interests from a wide spectrum of
application domains (e.g. bioinformatics, manufacturing). Being a rapidly
growing area, it is crucial to collect the recent advances in tools and
technologies in ontology learning and related areas.
Objective Of The Book
The main objective of this book is to provide relevant theoretical
foundations, and disseminate new research findings and expert views on the
remaining challenges in ontology learning. In particular, the book focuses
on the following questions:
# Can ontology learning continue to rely on techniques borrowed from
related areas that were conceived for other purposes? Has the time arrived
for us to look at certain peculiar requirements of ontology learning and
develop specific techniques to meet these requirements?
# Lightweight ontologies are the most common type of ontologies in a
variety of existing Semantic Web applications (e.g. knowledge management,
document retrieval, communities of practice, data integration). Can these
lightweight ontologies be easily extended to formal ones? If so, how?
# The poor coverage, rarity and maintenance cost related to
manually-created resources such as semantic lexicons (e.g. WordNet, UMLS)
and text corpora (e.g. BNC, GENIA corpus) have prompted an increasing
number of researchers to turn to dynamic Web data for ontology learning.
There is currently a lack of study concentrating on the systematic use of
Web data as background knowledge for all phases of ontology learning. How
do we know if we have the necessary background knowledge to carry out all
our ontology learning tasks? Where do we look for more background
knowledge if we know that what we have is inadequate?
# More and more practitioners in the domain of biology, health care,
chemistry, manufacturing, etc are looking up to ontology learning
techniques for solutions to their knowledge sharing and reusability needs.
How much more difficult is it to automatically learn ontologies from news
articles, as compared to clinical notes or biomedical literature? To what
extent can the current techniques meet the requirements of learning from
texts across different domains? Is the field of automatic ontology
learning from text ready for the industry?
Target Audience
This proposed book will be an invaluable resource as a library or personal
reference for a wide range of audience, including, graduate students,
researchers and industrial practitioners. Postgraduate students who are in
the process of looking for future research directions, and carving out
their own niche area will find this book particularly useful. Due to the
detailed scope and wide coverage of the book, it also has the potential of
being an upper-level course supplement for senior undergraduate students
in Artificial Intelligence, and a resource for lecturers in Knowledge
Acquisition, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Text Mining,
Information Extraction, and Ontology Learning.
Recommended Topics Include, But Are Not Limited To
Area 1: Text Processing
# Web data pre-processing
# Noisy text analytics
# Text annotation/Sentence parsing
# Textual content extraction/Boilerplates removal
# Automatic corpus construction
Area 2: Taxonomy Construction/Concept Formation
# Named entity recognition/noun phrase chunking
# Feature-based/featureless similarity and distance measures
# Term recognition/term extraction/terminology mining
# Cluster analysis/term clustering
# Entity disambiguation
# Relevance/contrastive analysis
# Latent semantic analysis
# Other machine learning-based techniques
# Other corpus-based techniques
Area 3: Relation and Axiom Discovery/Ontology Languages
# Lexico-syntactic patterns
# Use of dynamic Web data (e.g. Wikipedia mining, online dictionaries)
# Sub-categorisation frames
# Association rules mining
# Inductive logic programming
# Other corpus-based techniques
# Logic-based/frame-based/markup ontology languages
Area 4: Applications of Ontologies
# Bioinformatics
# Risk management
# Manufacturing
# Health care
# Other relevant application areas
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before 15
DECEMBER 2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission
and concerns together with a tentative organisation (i.e. section titles
with section summaries) of their proposed chapter. Authors of accepted
proposals will be notified by 15 JANUARY 2010 about the status of their
proposals. Authors of accepted proposals will be sent guidelines and
templates to prepare the full chapter of 8,000 - 10,000 words. Full
chapters are expected to be submitted by 15 MARCH 2010. All submitted full
chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. All proposals
and chapters should be typewritten in English in APA style and be
submitted in Microsoft Word® format to wilson(a)csse.uwa.edu.au.
Unfortunately, LaTex files cannot be accepted. Contributors may also be
requested to serve as reviewers for this project. This book is scheduled
to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.). For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit
http://www.igi-global.com/requests/details.asp?ID=724. This publication is
anticipated to be released late 2010.
Important Dates
15 DECEMBER 2009 Proposal Submission Deadline
15 JANUARY 2010 Notification of Acceptance
15 MARCH 2010 Full Chapter Submission
15 JULY 2010 Review Results Returned
15 AUGUST 2010 Final Chapter Submission
Editorial Advisory Board Members
Dr Christopher Brewster, Aston University, UK
Associate Professor Chunyu Kit, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Professor Mary-Anne Williams, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dr Philipp Cimiano, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
Professor Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, UK
Professor Tharam Dillon, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Dr Venkata Subramaniam, IBM India Research, India
Inquiries and Submissions
Wilson Wong
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
M002 University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Fax: +61-8-6488-1089
E-mail: wilson(a)csse.uwa.edu.au
Up-to-date information about this call is available at
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] [WISTP 2010] Call for Papers: Deadline extension to
December 4, 2009
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:37:53 -0500
Von: Claudio Agostino Ardagna <claudio.ardagna(a)unimi.it>
Antwort an: Claudio Agostino Ardagna <claudio.ardagna(a)unimi.it>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Due to several requests, the deadline is extended to December 4, 2009
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart Devices
April 13-14, Passau, Germany - http://www.wistp.org/
The impact of pervasive and smart devices on our daily lives is ever
increasing, and the rapid technological development of information
technologies ensures that this impact is constantly changing. It is
imperative that these complex and resource constrained technologies
are not vulnerable to attack. This workshop will consider the full
impact of the use of pervasive and smart technologies on individuals,
and society at large, with regard to the security and privacy of the
systems that make use of them.
The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting
novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security
and privacy of pervasive systems and smart devices, as well as
experimental studies of fielded systems.
We encourage submissions that address the application of security
technology, the implementation of systems, and lessons learned. We
encourage submissions from other communities such as law and business
that present these communities' perspectives on technological issues.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Access control
* Ad hoc networks security
* Anonymity
* Biometrics, national ID cards
* Data and application security and privacy
* Data protection
* Delay-tolerant network security
* Digital rights management (DRM) in pervasive environments
* Domestic network security
* Embedded systems security and TPMs
* Human and psychological aspects of security
* Human-computer interaction and human behavior impact for security
* Identity management
* Information assurance and trust management
* Interplay of TPMs and smart cards
* Intrusion detection and information filtering
* Mobile codes security
* Mobile commerce security
* Mobile devices security
* New applications for secure RFID systems
* Peer-to-peer security
* Privacy enhancing technologies
* RFID and NFC systems security
* Secure self-organization and self-configuration
* Security in location services
* Security issues in mobile and ubiquitous networks
* Security metrics
* Security models and architecture
* Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS systems
* Security policies
* Security protocols
* Sensor networks security
* Smart card security
* Smart devices applications
* Vehicular network security
* Wireless communication security
* Wireless sensor node security
Paper submission due: December 4, 2009 (midnight Samoa time) *FIRM
Notification to authors: January 17, 2010
Author registration: February 1, 2010
Camera-ready due: February 1, 2010
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, a
conference, or a workshop with proceedings. Papers should be at most
15 pages including the bibliography and well-marked appendices (using
11-point font and reasonable margins), and should be in single-column
format. Committee members are not required to read the appendices,
and so the paper should be intelligible without them. All submissions
should be appropriately anonymized (i.e., papers should not contain
author names or affiliations, or obvious citations). Submissions are
to be made to the submission web site
(http://www.wistp.org/submission-details/). Only pdf files will be
accepted. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection
without consideration of their merits. Papers must be received by the
deadline of November 20, 2009. Accepted papers will be published by
Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The
camera-ready version of the accepted papers must follow Springer
guidelines (a Latex source file will be required).
If a submitted paper is mainly the result of the work of a student
author, this paper could have the chance to be selected as "Best
student paper" (even if the paper has been written with senior
co-authors). To participate to this selection process, please add the
word "STUDENT" in the affiliation field in the submission form.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper
is required to register with the workshop and present the paper. For
authors presenting multiple papers, one normal registration is valid
for up to two papers.
General Chairs
* Joachim Posegga, University of Passau, Germany
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, Royal Holloway University of
London, UK
Program Chairs
* Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Michael Tunstall, University of Bristol, UK
Workshop/Panel/Tutorial Chair
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
Publicity Chairs
* Claudio A. Ardagna, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
* Gerhard Hancke, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Local Organization
* Joachim Posegga, University of Passau, Germany
Program Committee
* Rafael Accorsi, IIG, University of Freiburg, Germany
* Claudio A. Ardagna, Department of Information Technologies,
Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Francois Arnault, XLIM, University of Limoges, France
* Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
* Gildas Avoine, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
* Angelos Bilas, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Carlo Blundo, University of Salerno, Italy
* Marco Casassa Mont, HP Labs, UK
* Serge Chaumette. LaBRI, University Bordeaux 1, France
* Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Department of Information
Technologies, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Jan de Meer, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU), Germany
* Estibaliz Delgado, European Software Institute (ESI), Spain
* Tassos Dimitriou, Athens Information Technology, Greece
* Sara Foresti, Department of Information Technologies,
Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Flavio Garcia, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Stefanos Gritzalis, Info-Sec-Lab, University of the Aegean, Greece
* Yong Guan, Iowa State University, USA
* Gerhard Hancke, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Ragib Hasan, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
* Olivier Heen, INRIA, France
* Jaap-Henk Hoepman, TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Michael Huth, Imperial College London, UK
* Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Sokratis Katsikas, Dept. of Technology Education & Digital Systems,
University of Piraeus, Greece
* Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Canada
* Michiharu Kudo, IBM Research, Japan
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway
University of London, UK
* Olivier Markowitch, ULB, Belgium
* Fabio Martinelli, Information Security Group, IIT-CNR, Italy
* Sjouke Mauw, SATOSS of Compute Science and Communications,
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* Keith Mayes, ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Carlos Maziero, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana State
Curitiba PR, Brazil
* Chris Mitchell, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Stefaan Motte, NXP Semiconductors, Belgium
* Jose Onieva. Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Spain
* Rolf Oppliger, eSECURITY Technologies, Switzerland
* Dan Page, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK
* Stefano Paraboschi, University of Bergamo, Italy
* Pierre Paradinas, INRIA & CNAM, France
* Gerardo Pelosi, University of Bergamo, Italy
* Erik Poll, SOS (Security of Systems) group of the Radboud
University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Konstantinos Rantos, GSPAEG at the Hellenic Ministry of Interior,
Public Administration and Decentralisation, Greece
* Kui Ren, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
* Vincent Rijmen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* Rei Safavi-Naini, Center for Information Security and Cryptography,
University of Calgary, Canada
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
* Daniel Schreckling, Institute for IT Security and Security Law,
University of Passau, Germany
* Byron Thomas, SiVenture, UK
* Erik Zenner, Technical University of Denmark, Danemark
* Bo Zhu, Computer Security Laboratory, University of Concordia, Canada
WISTP Steering Committee
* Angelos Bilas, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Jaap-Henk Hoepman, TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, Royal Holloway University of
London, UK
* Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Catholic University of Louvain,
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
* IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security
For further inquiries, please contact Damien Sauveron at
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call For Paper : Workshop Composition & Variability
at AOSD'2010
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:54:03 +0100
Von: Philippe.LAHIRE(a)unice.fr
Antwort an: Philippe.LAHIRE(a)unice.fr
Organisation: Laboratoire I3S (UNSA/CNRS) - UFR Sciences
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Apologies for cross posting
First International Workshop on Composition:
Objects, Aspects, Components, Services and Product Lines
To be held in conjunction with AOSD.10
9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
Rennes & Saint Malo, France, 15-19 March 2010
Call For Papers
* Objectives
Separation of concerns is an interesting design concept which is more or
less addressed in various paradigms objects, aspects, components and,
services in order to achieve software reusability and adaptability.
Composition of these concerns is a key issue in software development.
The goal of the workshop is to bring the researchers to discuss on software
composition according the paradigm which is used, the degree of dynamicity,
the stage in the software life cycle, the application domain and the
software variability. More generally, the unique contribution of this
workshop is to view composition as it is impacted by several points of
variation associated for example to the context of reuse, the time of
composition or the business domain.
* Topics
Composition can be applied in particular on Objects, Aspects, SOA,
Component-Based architectures and may address various phases of the
development process such as: GUI, design, programming, deployment, and
maintenance. We are particularly interested in having contributions dealing
with any combination of a topic taken in “ Composition and paradigms ” and
“ Composition and product lines ” in order to get a view of the composition
process coloured with variability issues.
Composition and paradigms:
* Orchestration and choreography of services,
* Hierarchical composition of components,
* Composition of functional properties of components,
* Autonomic composition,
* Compatibility and consistency of composition,
* Influence of extra-functional properties on the
composition process/results,
* Influence of the expression of genericity,
* Subject-Oriented Programming,
* Aspect-oriented programming,
* Component based programming,
* Control of the composition process,
* Composition in the framework of autonomic computing,
* Composition in Object-Oriented approaches,
* Composition in the framework of software architecture,
* Dynamic or static composition,
* Invasive vs non-invasive Composition,
* Composition and reliability, adaptability, evolutivity
and portability,
* …
Composition and Product lines:
* Software product lines for describing artefact composition,
* Composition of aspect product lines,
* DSL for describing the composition process,
* Checking composition configurations,
* Ontology for the composition,
* …
* Workshop Format
This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction by the organisers,
an invited talk (TBC), presentations of accepted papers, an in-depth
discussion of a set of topics that are identified by the attendees, and a
concluding session presenting the results of the discussion groups.
* Submissions
Attendees are invited to submit papers (5-8 pages) in PDF format.
Submissions must conform to the standard ACM SIG Proceedings formatting
guidelines (it is the same format of the Conference, see conference website
for more information).
Papers must be submitted online at www.easychair.org. The authors will be
notified about acceptance before the AOSD 2010 early registration deadline.
All accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings, which
will be distributed electronically via CEUR-WS.org, and potentially in
hardcopy form.
The conference organizers are preserving an option to include all workshop
papers in both the electronic conference proceedings and in the ACM Digital
Library. For this option to be feasible, final summary versions of each
workshop paper will have to be prepared for publication (using ACM
formatting and granting ACM copyright) and will have to be limited in
length to five pages.
* Important Dates
* Submission of papers: December 21, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2010
* Camera-ready copies: February 15, 2010
* Workshop day: March 15, 2010
* Organization Committee
* Geri Georg (Colorado State University)
* Philippe Lahire (I3S University of Nice / CNRS)
* Mourad Oussalah (LINA University of Nantes)
* Jon Whittle (Lancaster University)
* Program Committee
* Olivier Barais (IRISA - Univ. of Rennes, France)
* Djamel Benslimane (LIRIS - Univ. of Lyon, France)
* Betty Cheng (Michigan State University , USA)
* Christophe Dony (LIRMM – Univ. of Montpellier, France)
* Jeff Gray (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham , USA)
* Oystein Haugen (SINTEF, Norway)
* Patrick Heymans (FUNDP Namur, Belgium)
* Joerg Kienzle ( McGill University, Canada)
* Gunter Kniesel ( Univ. of Bonn, Germany)
* Manuel Oriol ( Univ. of York, United Kingdom)
* Markku Sakkinen (Univ of Jyväskylä, Finland)
* Lionel Seinturier (LIFL – Univ. of Lille, France)
* Stefan Van Baelen (K.U Leuven , Belgium)
* Gilles Vanwormhoudt (LIFL – Univ. of Lille, France)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: IJSSOE Special on Service Oriented KM & BI
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 04:09:51 -0500
Von: Dickson K.W. Chiu <kwchiu(a)cse.cuhk.edu.hk>
Antwort an: Dickson K.W. Chiu <kwchiu(a)cse.cuhk.edu.hk>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Paper
International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE)
Special Issue on Service-Oriented Knowledge Management and Business
Intelligence (SOKMBI)
(Apologies for multiple copies of this CfP)
Knowledge management (KM) has been proven to be a key to service
excellence and success in traditional service industries. The global
economy and enterprises are evolving to become service-oriented, and many
new e-services are emerging. To address the growing complexity of the
service sector at the Age of Information and Communication, traditional KM
research and practices have to be extended and adapted, particularly
aiming at effective learning, application, and management of new
knowledge. On the other hand, the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
provides new opportunities and challenges for knowledge and learning
processes, such as integration and outsourcing.
One key source of knowledge comes from Business intelligence (BI) while
knowledge provides the basis of further analysis for intelligence. BI is
evolving: from the traditional data-and-analysis exercise for supporting
management decisions to an integral part of business processes, providing
analytics for a wide range of users across organizations. In this end, we
merge SOKM with the International Workshop on Business Intelligence
Methodologies and Applications (BIMA), in order to form a stronger forum
with more participation and cross-disciplinary work.
Today the creation, operation, and evolution of such research and practice
raise concerns that range from high-level requirements and policy modeling
through to the deployment of specific implementation technologies and
paradigms, and involve a wide (and ever-growing) range of methodologies,
tools, and technologies. They also cover a broad spectrum of vertical
domains, industry segments, government and public services, from
electronic and mobile commerce to real-time applications for extended
enterprises and virtual communities. SOKM intentionally seeks scientists,
engineers, educators, solution developers, policy makers, management,
analysts, and others who have insight, vision, and understanding of the
big challenges in Service Oriented Knowledge Management.
This special issue also aims at helping in communicating and disseminating
relevant recent research across disciplines, cultures, and communities.
Topic include but not limited to:
* Principles, theories, and challenges of SOKMBI
* Strategies, modeling, and requirements engineering for SOKMBI
* Architectures, implementations, and deployment of SOKMBI
* Cultural and economic issues in SOKMBI
* Knowledge and learning for emerging services and service innovations
* Inter- and Intra enterprise knowledge integration and engineering
* Processes management and service outsourcing issues
* Knowledge-based decision models and decision support systems for
service provision
* Web services and semantic support for knowledge, learning, and BI
* Agent based technologies and logic for service knowledge and
* Virtual organizations and communities for SOKMBI
* Trust, reputation, security, risk, and privacy issues
* Service marketing, data mining, and relationship management
* Machine learning and cybernetics for service provision and
* Automatic and semi-automatic services contract generation and
* Platforms for on-demand and mobile SOKMBI
* Cloud computing and utility computing for SOKMBI
* Solutions for small-to-medium enterprises (e.g., SaaS)
* Customer behavior analysis and collaborative filtering
* Collaborative notion of intelligence
* Market/collective intelligence from social media
* Social and collaborative tools
* Organizational BI and collaborative business
* Adoption and diffusion issues
* Intangible / intellectural vs tangible assets management
* Digital business ecosystems
. Deadline for submission: November 30, 2009.
. Notification of acceptance: Dec 15, 2009.
. Deadline for revised paper: Jan 10, 2009.
. Publication: 2010
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format,
using APA citation styles.
Manuscripts should follow the IGI guides:
The submission website is as follows:
(Please choose the track "SI of SOKMBI" for this special issue.)
All other manuscripts must not have been previously published or currently
submitted for journal publication elsewhere.
Guest Editors
Dr. William K. Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Prof. Achim Karduck, Furtwangen University, Germany
Dr. Raymond Y.K. Lau, City University of Hong Kong (raylau(a)cityu.edu.hk)
Dr. Dickson K. W. Chiu
Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong,
email: dicksonchiu(a)ieee.org
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: 3. Grid Workflow Workshop 2010
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:59:21 +0100
Von: Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring <wha(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Organisation: Uni Kiel,Software Engineering Group
An: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen
3. Grid Workflow Workshop 2010
23.Febuar 2010
in Zusammenhang mit der SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2010,
Paderborn, 22. - 26. Februar 2010
Wichtige Daten:
11.Januar Einreichung von Beiträgen
25.Januar Information über Annahme / Ablehnung von Beiträgen
8. Februar Überarbeitete Version der Beiträge
23.Februar Workshop
Inhalt und Ziele des Workshops:
Im Bereich des Grid-Computing stehen Workflows im Fokus zahlreicher
Projekte, die sich mit der Entwicklung von geeigneten Werkzeugen,
Sprachen und Laufzeitumgebungen für Workflows im Grid-Computing
beschäftigen. Oftmals liegt der Schwerpunkt auf wissenschaftliche
Workflows, die traditionell zur Koordinierung der Verarbeitung großer
Datenmengen und zur Lösung stark unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher
Fragestellungen eingesetzt werden. Hierbei wird häufig das Ziel
verfolgt, den Fachanwendern einfache Methoden zur Verfügung zu
stellen, mit denen komplexe Anwendungen erstellt und transparent auf
den verfügbaren Ressourcen ausgeführt werden können.
Neuerdings werden in der Grid-Domäne auch betriebliche Workflows
verstärkt adressiert. Hierbei steht die Lösung von Integrationsproblemen
in heterogenen Umgebungen im Vordergrund - ein Aspekt, der Grid-
Technologien und der Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) gemeinsam
ist. Seitdem moderne Grid-Middlewares wie z. B. UNICORE 6 und Globus
Toolkit 4 auf dem sog. Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) aufbauen,
sind die Grundlagen vorhanden, Service-orientierte Architekturen
mit Grid-Technologien zu realisieren.
Der Grid Workflow Workshop adressiert sowohl wissenschaftliche als
auch betriebliche Workflows im Umfeld des Grid-Computing. Dieses dritte
Symposium legt den Schwerpunkt auf betriebliche Workflows, Workflow-
Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen und die Integrierbarkeit bestehender
betrieblicher und Grid-spezifischer Infrastrukturen.
- Kommerzielle Grid Workflows
- Ausführungsumgebungen für Grid Workflows
- Grid Workflow-Sicherheit
- Integration von Grid Workflows in Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen
- Workflows und Grid-Middleware
- EAI und Grid-Computing
- SOA mittels Grid-Technologien
- Grid Service Orchestrierung
- Scheduling und Workflows
- Workflow-Sprachen für Grid Workflows
- Domänenorientierte Grid Workflow-Definition
- Formale Modelle für die Grid Workflow-Analyse
Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden
und müssen der LNI-Formatvorlage entsprechen. Einreichungen im Umfang
von max. 6 Seiten werden vom Programmkomitee beurteilt und ausgewählt.
Eingereichte wissenschaftliche Beiträge dürfen weder veröffentlicht
noch anderweitig unter Begutachtung sein. Jeder akzeptierte Beitrag
wird auf der Tagung von mindestens einem der Autoren präsentiert. Der
Vortragende muss sich offiziell als Teilnehmer der Workshop-
Veranstaltung anmelden.
Die angenommenen Beiträge werden in einem LNI-Band veröffentlicht.
Das LNI-Format steht unter
zur Verfügung.
- Andre Brinkmann, Universität Paderborn
- Bernd Freisleben, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Manfred Grauer, Universität Siegen
- Christian Grimm, DFN
- Wilhelm Hasselbring, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Wolfgang Hiller, Alfred Wegener Institut
- Andreas Hoheisel, Fraunhofer FIRST
- Odej Kao, Technische Universität Berlin
- Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit Amserdam
- Frank Leymann, Universität Stuttgart
- Gudula Rünger, Technische Universität Chemnitz
- Andreas Schreiber, DLR
Organisation und Kontakt
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Informatik, Software Engineering
D-24098 Kiel
E-Mail: wha(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andre Brinkmann
Universtität Paderborn
Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing
Fürstenallee 11
D-33102 Paderborn
E-Mail: andre.brinkmann(a)uni-paderborn.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] ICIW 2010 | Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:30:18 +0100
Von: Antonio Ruiz Martínez <arm(a)um.es>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groupsthe following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results.
Publisher: CPS ( see: http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps )
Archived: IEEE CSDL (Computer Science Digital Library) and IEEE Xplore
Submitted for indexing: Elsevier's EI Compendex Database, EI's Engineering Information Index
Other indexes are being considered: INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index
============== ICIW 2010 | Call for Papers ===============
ICIW 2010: The Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
May 9-15, 2010 - Barcelona, Spain
General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/ICIW10.html
Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/CfPICIW10.html
Submission deadline: December 10, 2009
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:http://www.iariajournals.org
Publisher: CPS ( see: http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps )
Archived: IEEE CSDL (Computer Science Digital Library) and IEEE Xplore
Submitted for indexing: Elsevier's EI Compendex Database, EI's Engineering Information Index
Other indexes are being considered: INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress options.
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited tosubmit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.
All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in termsof Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.
Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html
ICIW 2010 Tracks (tracks' topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)
IWAS : Internet and Web-based Applications and Services
Web technologies, frameworks, languages, mechanisms; Web applicationsdesign and development; Interaction with/from Web-based applications; Web-based applications? features; Management of Web-based applications; Evaluation of Web applications; Specialized Web applications; Aggregating multimedia documents; E-business, appliances, and services; IP Grid Management and Grid Services; IP-based convergent solutions and next generation networks; Standards, case studies and special groups on web-based applications; E-business system design, development, and management for SMEs
WSSA : Web Services-based Systems and Applications
Service Innovations; Service Architectures; Model-driven development of context-aware services; Context-aware service models, architectures and frameworks; Model-driven development of semantic Web services; Web services foundation, architectures, frameworks, languages; Web services architecture and business continuity; Special Web services mechanisms; Semantic Web, Ontology, and Web services; Web service applications ; Data Management aspects in Web Services; Autonomic e-Business integration and collaboration; Web service based Grid computing and P2P computing; Web servicesbased applications for e-Commerce; Multimedia applications using Web Services; Automatic computing for Web services; Web services challenges on trust, security, performance, scalability; Enterprise Web services; Web services discovery, announcing, monitoring and management; Platforms, technologies, mechanisms and case studies; Grid architectures, middleware and toolkits
ENSYS: Entertainment Systems
Developing entertainment systems and applications; Platforms for entertainment systems; Speech technology & its usability for entertainment systems; Networking requirements for entertainment systems; Traffic generated by entertainment applications; QoS/SLA on entertainment systems; Reliability and high availability of entertainment systems; Identify aspects in entertainment systems; Real-time access to entertainment systems; Customized access entertainment systems; Navigation and entertainment systems;Integration and interoperability aspects in entertainment systems; Entertainment systems and applications; Networking and system support for entertainment systems; Wireless and mobile technologies for entertainment; Wireless multimedia for entertainment; Systems for music and movie distribution; Games on mobile and resource-constrained devices; Mobile video entertainment systems; Car/flight/train entertainment systems; Ubiquitous entertainment systems; Interactive television; Technologies for sport and entertainment; WiFi wireless home entertainment systems; Wearable technologies for entertainment
P2PSA: P2P Systems and Applications
P2P architectures, techniques, paradigms; P2P programming and data handling; P2P security features; Data and compute intensive applications; P2P networks and protocols; P2P management; P2P Trust and reputation management; Fault tolerance in P2P, quality of availability, accounting in P2P; Self-adaptiveness in P2P overlay networks; Self-configurable P2P systems; Case studies, benchmarking; Copyright and intellectual property; Electronic marketplace, Digital asset management and trading systems; Platforms, environments, testbeds
ONLINE: Online Communications, Collaborative Systems, and Social Networks
Theory, frameworks, mechanisms, and tools for online communication; Methodologies and languages for on-line communications; Web services and XML use for online communications; Tools for assessing online work, distributed workload; Shared business processes; Collaborative groups and systems; Theory and formalisms of group interactions; Group synergy in cooperative networks; Online gambling, gaming, children groups; Identity features, risks, jurisdiction for online communications; Specifics emergency ande-coaching on online communications; B2B and B2E cooperation; Privacy, identify, security on online communications; Individual anonymity, group trust, and confidentiality on online groups; Conflict, delegation, group selection; Community costs in collaborative groups; Building online socialnetworks with popularity contexts, persuasion, etc.; Technology support for collaborative systems; Techniques, mechanisms, and platforms for remote cooperation
VEWAeL: Virtual Environments and Web Applications for eLearning
E-Learning; Web Technologies and Tools for Educational Purposes; Services for E-Learning Platforms; Virtual Learning Environments (VLE); Course Management Systems; Web applications for Teaching; Social Implications of E-Learning; Lifelong E-learning; Teaching-Learning Experiences using the Internet for Educational Purposes; E-learning in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and other HE contexts; Web protocols for VLE; Security for VLE; QoS for VLE; Storage management in VLE
SLAECE: Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
Principles, theories, and challenges of legal and social aspects; Strategies, modeling, and requirements engineering of legal and social aspects; Architectures, implementations, and deployment consideration of legaland social aspects; Cyber threats, emerging risks, systemic concerns, and emergency preparedness; Social computing and lifestyle computing; Service marketing and customer relationship management; Market structures and emerging business models; Emerging legal issues due to new computing environment; File / information sharing networks and user behavior; Knowledgemodeling, management, and application; Negotiation and contracting as well as contract monitoring and enforcement; E-democracy, e-policy, and governance; Legal and social ontologies; Privacy and copyright in collaborative environments and social networks; Intellectual property rights; Trust, security, and privacy; Counterfeit forensic; Identity management and access control; Security and privacy in location-based services
IARIA Publicity Board
Committee members: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/ComICIW10.html
Antonio Ruiz Martínez
Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science-University of Murcia
30100 Murcia - Spain
http://ants.inf.um.es/~arm/ or http://webs.um.es/arm/
e-mail: arm(a)um.es or arm [at] um [dot] es
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers: JAIS Special Issue on Team
Collaboration in Virtual Worlds
Datum: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:16:07 -0600
Von: Moez Limayem <MLimayem(a)walton.uark.edu>
Antwort an: Moez Limayem <MLimayem(a)walton.uark.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
CC: Gerardus J De Vreede <gdevreede(a)mail.unomaha.edu>, Imed Boughzala
Call for Papers
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
Special Issue on Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds
In his famous science-fiction novel Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson envisioned the evolution of the Internet into what he called a "Metaverse", a three dimensional (3D) virtual reality-based space where people interacted with each other through their avatars (i.e. graphical representation of themselves) and manipulated virtual artifacts. Since the last few years, Metaverses have become a reality with the development of virtual/mixed reality applications, called 3D virtual worlds.
A growing and strong interest has emerged in the field of information systems (IS) around the characteristics and possibilities of these virtual worlds. Virtual worlds have now evolved into sophisticated social systems, such as Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), where millions of people chat, collaborate and compete with each other through their avatars. According to Gartner Group, 80% of active Internet users will use a virtual world by the end of 2011. Beyond the entertainment and game play features, virtual worlds are evolving towards business needs, where social, organizational and economic interactions are the main drivers. In fact, today's virtual worlds bring a variety of opportunities to organizations with respect to team collaboration. Several companies such as IBM, Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, e-Bay, Accenture, and others are already using virtual worlds for their team collaborations - meetings, seminars (internal or with partners), training/certification, recruitment, or simply for socialization (virtual events). As collaboration has become the predominant modus in which organizations accomplish work, recent surveys show that collaboration is a key driver in organizational performance and may contribute more to organizational performance than strategic orientation. Therefore it is important to understand how virtual worlds can best be used as an environment for organizational teams to collaborate.
Successful performance is by no means a guarantee for teams that employ collaboration techniques and technology. Teams have to align their work processes and procedures, their personalities and motivations, their leadership styles and approaches, their information and knowledge resources, and their technology support to create value. In this mix, virtual worlds present challenges and opportunities for organizational teams at the same time: challenges as team using virtual worlds may have to overcome limitations originating from not sharing the same physical space and opportunities as virtual worlds offer teams possibilities that are impossible in the real world. Virtual worlds provide a visual window to a persistent and synthetic world inhabited by avatars that are deeply involved in social interactions, along with economic and commercial activities. More specifically, the vivid and interactive features of virtual worlds lead users to experience flow states that may influence their subsequent behavior. Moreover, these virtual worlds enhance the user perceptions of presence and co-presence. They are immersive by nature and reinvent the notions of "being together" and awareness for distributed teams. Finally, these virtual worlds provide a tangible 'physical' environment with geographical boundaries, composed of homes, furniture, streets, trees, ground and sky that inhabitants can use to situate their social interactions and behaviors.
To study issues of team collaboration in virtual worlds, different disciplines and theoretical perspectives are required. Existing theories from IS/IT, Communication, Psychology, Education and other fields may help explain and predict relevant phenomena related to team collaboration in virtual worlds. Yet, new theories and theoretical perspectives are required as our existing body of knowledge regarding collaboration in physical "face-to-face" worlds is insufficient to address all relevant issues and perspectives. Thus, team collaboration in virtual worlds presents an area of new theoretical interest.
We are pleased to invite scholars from any discipline to contribute papers that advance our theoretical understanding of team collaboration in virtual worlds (from small team to large groups and communities). The special issue aims to publish theoretical and empirical research that will investigate how individuals and teams within and between organizations use this type of environment to coordinate tasks, share information, simulate processes, solve problems, make decisions, create and manipulate objects, innovate, and create value.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
. What relevant theoretical perspectives help researchers better understand team collaborations in virtual worlds?
. How do virtual world collaborations influence team processes and outcomes?
. What is the impact of virtual world collaborations on individual's or team's behaviors?
. What is the impact of virtual world collaborations on organizational performance?
. What are the effects of management and leadership styles and behavior on virtual world team performance?
. What embedded technologies do teams require to effectively use virtual worlds?
. How can teams in virtual worlds access, process, and disseminate information relevant to their work?
. In what way is team collaboration in virtual worlds different from other well-known computer-mediated communications?
. How do personality characteristics of team members influence the progress of work in virtual worlds?
. What is the effect of team size in virtual world collaboration?
. How can collaboration processes for virtual world teams be purposefully designed?
. How are individuals and teams motivated to perform in virtual worlds?
. How do organizational strategies and models have to be adapted or rethought in the context of virtual world collaborations?
. What are the impacts of team collaboration in virtual worlds on creativity and innovation?
. How can virtual worlds support collaboration process simulation?
. How can teams be effectively trained to collaborate in virtual worlds?
. What abilities should individuals and teams develop in order to collaborate successfully in virtual worlds?
. What role does culture play in virtual world team collaboration?
. Which tasks and task types are more conducive to be executed in virtual world environments?
Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds is a nascent field of study whose boundaries have yet to be demarcated. We seek contributions from all epistemological perspectives, including:
. Critical Perspective: The value and social significance of the collaboration in virtual worlds and the tasks to which virtual worlds could be applied from a critical perspective.
. Logical Positivist Perspective: Theoretical, experimental studies of possible causes of the phenomena of interest, and their applications to design and deploy collaborative work practices in virtual worlds.
. Interpretivist Perspective: The inferences people draw from and the meanings they ascribe to the actions of actors in the context of collaboration in virtual worlds.
All prospective authors are encouraged to send a brief, preliminary abstract to the Special Issue editors at their earliest convenience. The editors will provide informal, constructive, developmental feedback about how to position the paper for the best fit to the Special Issue.
Full-paper submissions will have two rounds of peer review. The first round reviews will provide developmental guidance for improving those papers that are conditionally accepted. Final selections for the Special Issue will be made from the second-round submissions.
At your earliest convenience - We encourage you to send an abstract to the Special Issue editors to receive guidance about how best to make the paper fit the special issue.
August, 2010 - Writer's Workshop at AMCIS 2010.
September, 2010 - Writer's Workshop at MCIS 2010.
October, 30, 2010 - Submissions due.
January, 31, 2011 - First round acceptances announced.
March, 31, 2011 - Revisions due.
August, 1, 2011 - Final acceptances. Issue goes to press.
Abstracts and full papers should be submitted as e-mail attachments to the guest editors in Word format.
Moez Limayem
Information Systems Department
Sam M. Walton College of Business
University of Arkansas
Imed Boughzala
Department of Information Systems
Telecom & Management Sud Paris
Institut Telecom
Gert-Jan de Vreede
Center for Collaboration Science
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Manju Ahuja, University of Louisville
Nick Berente, University of Michigan
Robert Briggs, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Katherine Chudoba, Utah State University
Albert David, Paris Dauphine University
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas,
Aurelie Dudezert, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
Hugo Fuks, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Sean Hansen, Case Western University
Jan Marco Leimeister, Universität Kassel, Germany
Likoebe Maruping, University of Arkansas
Anne Massey, Indiana University
Alanah Mitchell, Appalachian State University
Fiona Nah, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Fred Niederman, Saint Louis University
Lionel P. Robert, Jr., University of Arkansas
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr., Oklahoma State University
Keng Siau, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Simon Taylor, Brunel West London University
Pak Yoong, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Moez Limayem, Ph.D
Walton Professor in Information Systems and Chair
Information Systems Department
Sam M. Walton College of Business
University of Arkansas
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Participation: EPK 2009 - 26.-27. Nov. 2009, HU
Datum: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 22:01:57 +0100
Von: Jan Mendling <contact(a)mendling.com>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
8. GI-Workshop EPK 2009
Geschäftsprozessmanagement mit Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten
Berlin, 26.-27.11.2009
Informationen und Anmeldung
veranstaltet vom GI-Arbeitskreis "Geschäftsprozessmanagement mit
Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten (WI-EPK)" der GI-Fachgruppe WI-MobIS
(FB-WI) in Kooperation mit der GI-Fachgruppe EMISA (FB-DBIS) und der
GI-Fachgruppe Petrinetze (FB-GInf)
Zur kostenfreien Teilnahme melden Sie sich bitte mit Ihren
vollständigen Kontaktdaten per Webformular über das BPM-Netzwerk (Nach
der Registrierung und dem Einloggen finden Sie den EPK-Workshop unter
"Nächste Veranstaltungen", bitte darauf klicken und unter "Meine
Teilnahme" die Anmeldung durchführen) oder direkt bei der
Tagungsorganisation an.
HU Berlin, WiWi-Fakultät, Spandauer Str. 1, Erdgeschoss, Kapelle,
10178 Berlin
Nahverkehr: S-Bahn Station Hackescher Markt
Parkmöglichkeiten: Sea Life, Spandauer Str. 3, 10178 Berlin
Hotels: Hotel Hackescher Markt | Hotel Taunus | Hotel Radisson Blue
Donnerstag, 26.11.2009
13:00 - 14:00 Uhr | Organisation und Keynote 1
- Jan Mendling, Markus Nüttgens: Begrüßung und Einführung
- Oliver Günther: Modellierung von Verwaltungsprozessen: Anwendungen
im Kontext der Europäischen Dienstleistungsrichtlinie und
Perspektiven für eine nationale Prozessbibliothek
14:00 - 14:30 Uhr | Kaffepause
14:30 - 16:00 | Fachbeiträge 1 (Leitung: Jan Mendling)
- Fabian Friedrich: Measuring Semantic Label Quality Using WordNet
- Constantin Houy, Peter Fettke and Peter Loos: Stilisierte Fakten der
Ereignisgesteuerten Prozesskette - Anwendung einer Methode zur
Theoriebildung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Henrik Leopold, Jan Mendling and Sergey Smirnov: On Labeling Quality
in Business Process Models
16:00 - 16:30 Uhr | Kaffeepause
16:30 - 17:30 Uhr | Diskussionsbeiträge 1 (Leitung: Michael Rebstock)
- Ralf Laue, Stefan Kühne and Andreas Gadatsch: Evaluating the Effect
of Feedback on Syntactic Errors for Novice Modellers
- Kathrin Figl, Jan Mendling and Mark Strembeck: Towards a Usability
Assessment of Process Modeling Languages
- Andreas Hoheisel, Thorsten Dollmann and Michael Fellmann: EPKs in
Grid und Cloud
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr | Demosession (Leitung: Frank Rump)
- Stefan Kühne, Heiko Kern, Ralf Laue, Frank Hogrebe, Beate van
Kempen: bflow* Toolbox
- Horst Gnadl: HP Consulting Service zur automatischen Generierung und
Optimierung von Testfällen aus ARIS EPK-Modellen
20:00 | Social Event (Brauhaus Lemke)
Freitag, 27.11.2009
09:00 - 09:45 Uhr | Keynote 2
- Mathias Weske: Signavio Oryx Academic Initiative
09:45 - 10:00 Uhr | Kaffeepause
10:00 - 11:30 | Fachbeiträge 2 (Leitung: Markus Nüttgens)
- Volker Gruhn and Ralf Laue: Erkennung häufiger Fehler in EPKs durch
logische Analyse der Modellbeschriftung
- Nicolas Peters and Matthias Weidlich: Using Glossaries to Enhance
the Label Quality in Business Process Models
- Gero Decker, Willi Tscheschner and Jörg Puchan: Migration von EPK zu
11:30 - 12:00 Uhr | Kaffeepause
12:00 - 13:00 Uhr | Diskussionsbeiträge 2 (Leitung: Andreas Gadatsch)
- Jens Brüning and Peter Forbrig: Modellierung von Entscheidungen und
Interpretation von Entscheidungsoperationen in WfMS
- Patrick Delfmann, Sebastian Herwig and Lukasz Lis: Linguistische
Analyse von Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten
- Frank Hogrebe, Sven Pagel, Alexander Jürgens and Markus Nüttgens:
EPK-Varianten auf dem Prüfstand: Explorative Studie zur
Gebrauchstauglichkeit von eEPK und oEPK
13:00 Uhr | Abschlussdiskussion und Verabschiedung
Thomas Allweyer, FH Kaiserslautern
Jörg Becker, Uni Münster
Jan vom Brocke, Uni Liechtenstein
Jörg Desel, KU Eichstätt
Andreas Gadatsch, FH Bonn-Rhein Sieg
Christian W. Günther, TU Eindhoven
Frank Hogrebe, LHS Düsseldorf
Ekkart Kindler, DTU Kopenhagen
Peter Loos, Uni Saarland
Jan Mendling, HU Berlin
Markus Nüttgens, Uni Hamburg (Chair)
Andreas Oberweis, TU Karlsruhe
Michael Rebstock, FH Darmstadt
Peter Rittgen, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
Frank Rump, FH Emden/Leer (Co-Chair)
Carlo Simon, Provadis School of International Management and Technology AG
Oliver Thomas, Uni Osnabrück
Mathias Weske, HPI Potsdam
Jan Mendling, HU Berlin
Nick Gehrke, Uni Hamburg
Sprechergremium des GI-Arbeitskreises WI-EPK:
Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens (Sprecher)
Universität Hamburg
Email: markus.nuettgens at wiso.uni-hamburg.de
Prof. Dr. Frank J. Rump (Stellv. Sprecher)
Fachhochschule Emden/Leer
Email: rump at informatik-emden.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:27:49 -0500
Von: Sandra Gonzalez Cisaro <sagonci(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar>
Antwort an: Sandra Gonzalez Cisaro <sagonci(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
2nd Proposal Submission Deadline: December 14, 2009
Ontologies-Driven Web Mining: Concepts and Techniques
A book edited by
Hector Oscar Nigro and Sandra Elizabeth Gonzalez Císaro
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
To be published by IGI Global:
Semantic Web mining aims to combine the development of two research areas,
namely Semantic Web and Web mining. Web mining extracts information from
the content of the pages, its structure of relationships (links), and the
users� browsing records.
Both areas are collaborating in different ways:
a) Mining Web techniques can help create a Semantic Web. A very
important portion of Semantic Web is the ontologies. The ontology is
represented as a set of concepts and their relevant interrelations for
certain domains of knowledge. The challenge is to learn ontologies and/or
their concepts, in order to make a scalable solution for a wide range of
Semantic Web technologies.
b) Knowledge in the form of ontologies, or other forms of
representation of knowledge, can be used to improve the process and the
results of mining Web. Knowledge provided by the ontology is useful in
defining the structure and the scope for Web content mining.
In the interaction between ontologies and Web mining, we can mention the
following applications:
* Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is responsible for
classifying words,
texts or documents of opinion, and emotions or feelings that express
agreement. It works in tagging texts and their components, which indicate
if the expression is positive, negative, or neutral, and in the field of
the subjectivity of texts, as well. The area is called affective
computing, that is, the development of means to enable machines to detect
and to respond in an appropriate manner to the emotions of users.
* Optimization in search engines is criteria that must be taken into
account in order to plan a campaign of positioning a Web page, its life
cycle, and a selection of tools to help analyze the positioning of a site,
as well as give keys to improve it. The study of the various basic
attributes of an individual Web resource is not sufficient to infer the
different strategies of positioning of a search engine. The fundamental
problem is that the relationship between the different elements of the
page and weight that each one brings to the final positioning. The
application of various techniques of inductive learning can be a starting
point for the optimization of the Web positioning.
* Web intelligence (WI) is a research paradigm aimed at exploration of the
fundamental interactions between artificial intelligence (AI), advanced
engineering, and advanced information technology (AIT). Engineering, here,
is a general term referring to, (a) a new area, for example, informatics
of the brain, IA human level, intelligent agents, and intelligence social
networks; (b) classics, such as engineering knowledge, representation,
planning, discovery, and data extraction.
The ontologies will give semantic richness to Web mining process, thus
they will facilitate the understanding of the results obtained and the
whole process performance.
Objective of the Book
This book aims at publishing original academic or industrial work in the
form of high quality, scientific papers. The key objective is to provide
Web mining students, practitioners, professionals, professors, and
researchers an integral vision of the topic, specifically focusing on
those areas that explore new methodologies or examine real study case�all
of them ontologies-based.
This publication should describe the state-of-the-art, innovative
theoretical supports, advanced and successful implementations, as well as
the latest empirical research findings in the area of ontologies-driven
Web mining.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will be composed of readers who wish to
learn how to apply ontologies-driven Web mining to real world problems.
The purpose is to show users how to go from theory and algorithms to real
The book will present to students, practitioners, professionals,
professors, and researchers basic notions in data mining or Web mining.
Information technology researchers and practitioners can increase their
knowledge and skills with these new techniques. This book can be used as a
library reference, upper-level course supplement, or for postgraduate
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Theoretic foundations on Web mining ontologies-based approach
· Ontologies in Web mining process
· Ontology-based interpretation and validation of mined knowledge
· Intelligent assistants for Web mining with ontologies
· Interaction from ontologies to Web mining
· Knowledge grids and Web mining ontology
· Ontology-based optimization in search engines
· Opinion mining with ontologies
· Real study cases, implementing Web mining based on ontologies
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before December
14, 2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by December 29, 2009 about the status of their proposals
and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
March 14, 2010. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind
review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for
this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the �Information Science Reference� (formerly Idea
Group Reference), �Medical Information Science Reference,� �Business
Science Reference,� and �Engineering Science Reference� imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in
Important Dates
December 14, 2009: 2nd Proposal Submission Deadline
December 29, 2009: Notification of Acceptance
March 14, 2010: Full Chapter Submission
May 30, 2010: Review Results Returned
June 30, 2010: Final Chapter Submission
July 15, 2010: Final Deadline
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Still in process!!!
Confirmed Members:
Marie-Aude Aufaure. Ecole Centrale Paris, FRANCE.
Mario Cannataro. University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, ITALY.
James Geller. New Jersey Institute of Technology. USA.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document)
or by mail to:
Hector Oscar Nigro or Sandra Elizabeth González Císaro
INTIA- Department of Computer Sciences
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paraje Arroyo Seco. Campus Universitario. B7001BBO Tandil, Buenos Aires,
Phone: 54-2293- 439680
Fax: 54-2293- 439681
E-mail: dmontolo(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar
For further details please visit the book Web page:
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