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Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Chapters—Information Technology
Applications for Strategic Competitive Advantage and Decision Making!
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 14:07:09 +0000
From: Efosa Idemudia <efoidemudia(a)hotmail.com>
To: Aretha Wright <aretha(a)aisnet.org>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
To Whom It May Concern:
Greetings and hope you are having a fantastic week. Could you please
help to send a general email to AIS email systems with the content
below? I greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for the kind support and help.
Subject: Call For Chapters—Information Technology Applications for
Strategic Competitive Advantage and Decision Making!
Dear Professor,
I hope this e-mail finds you well!
Currently, I am in the process of editing a forthcoming publication
entitled ****Information Technology Applications for Strategic
Competitive Advantage and Decision Making ****, to be published by IGI
Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. I
would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit
your work for consideration in this publication.
I am familiar with your research interests and expertise in
****Information Systems, Information Technology, and Business Analytics
****, and I am certain that your contribution on this topic and/or other
related research areas would make an excellent addition to this publication.
Please visit ****
**** for more details regarding this publication and to submit your
work. You can also find detailed manuscript formatting and submission
guidelines at
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
me. Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and I
hope to hear from you by ****October 18, 2019***!
Best wishes,
Efosa C. Idemudia
Information Technology Applications for Strategic Competitive Advantage
and Decision Making
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] ICIS 2019 - CFP - Location Analytics - 10/15/2019
Deadline Approaching
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 10:16:41 -0400
From: Daniel Farkas <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(Apologies for cross-listings)
*Digital Innovation with GIS and Location Analytics*
The Special Interest Group on Geographic Information Systems (SIGGIS) of
the Association for Information Systems (AIS) seeks theoretical and
empirical research papers focusing on location analytics, location-aware
Internet of Things (IoT), its applications in social media and its roles in
innovation ecosystems, and case examples, especially as they relate to
research areas in Management Information Systems.
*Call for Papers*
Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing
services, and advanced data analytics are defining the present time. These
technologies enable digital transformation and innovation, that helps
address the economic and social challenges emerging today. Less known is
the importance of GIS and location analytics for digital innovation.
Location analytics and GIS have become deeply integrated into society,
transforming every aspect of human life. These technologies move the
Internet beyond cyberspace to the location-aware (or geospatial) Internet
of Things (IoT). They enable connections among objects whether they are
fixed or moving, helping cooperation of these objects and the analysis of
their mobility patterns in space and time. While locational technologies
can create value, the very success of these technologies also raises issues
related to the use of spatial data, such as privacy and trust.
Manuscripts are solicited focusing on conceptual model, theory,
methodology, applications, behavioral studies, and case studies with regard
to emerging opportunities and issues in location analytics, location-aware
IoT, or GIS, and its applications in social media, and its roles in the
innovation ecosystems are welcome in the following areas:
Potential topics (not limited to topics listed below):
- Location analytics
- Location-aware IoT
- Spatial decision support
- Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery
- Web-based GIS concepts and applications
- Social media location analytics
- Location analytics in the collaborative (or sharing) economy
- Location-aware IoT in the collaborative (or sharing) economy
- Mobile-based location analytics and applications
- Security and privacy of location information
- Diffusion and benefits of location analytics, location-aware IoT, and
- Managerial concerns in location analytics
- Ethical aspects of location-aware IoT and GIS in general
- Location analytics and GIS workforce, training, and education
- Spatial Crowdsourcing
- Cloud-based location analytics or GIS
- Emerging opportunities and issues in location analytics,
location-aware IoT, or GIS
- Use of location analytics and GIS in nonprofit organizations.
- Country-level studies of the use of location analytics and GIS.
- Descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive location analytics
Authors are encouraged to clearly identify and articulate the role of
location or place in the research questions.
- *Deadline to submit papers: October 15, 2019 (no later than midnight
- Author notification of paper acceptance: November 1, 2019 (no later
than midnight EST).
- Final papers due: November 15, 2019 (no later than midnight EST).
- Completed papers should be submitted to Dr. Avijit Sarkar by email:
Avijit_Sarkar(a)redlands.edu with “Pre-ICIS SIGGIS 2019 Workshop: Research
Paper Submission” in the subject line.
- Papers should not exceed 6,000 words including all text, abstract,
figures, tables, references, and appendices.
- Papers should conform to the ICIS 2019 submission template available
- All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.
- Papers will be published as part of Proceedings of SIGGIS 2019
pre-ICIS Workshop
at http://aisel.aisnet.org/siggis/
- At least one author must register and attend SIGGIS 2019 pre-ICIS Workshop
to present the paper. Paper presentation is tentatively scheduled as part
of the Workshop on Thursday, December 15, 2019.
- Publication in the proceedings does not preclude subsequent journal
submission. The Special Issue on “Convergence of Social Media and GIS” of
International Journal on Geo-Information (Cite Score 2.58) is being edited
by James Pick. Submissions are encouraged, with due date for submissions is
December 31, 2019.
- This Call for Papers along with an Announcement on SIGGIS 2019
pre-ICIS Workshop
on “Digital Innovation with GIS and Location Analytics: the Use of ArcGIS
Online, Business Analyst, and Insights” can be found at
Dan Farkas, PhD
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 14th International Conference on Research
Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020): First Call for Doctoral
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 16:16:57 +0300
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** First Call for Doctoral Consortium ***
14th International Conference on
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020)
Royal Apollonia Beach Hotel 5*, Limassol, Cyprus
May 20-22, 2020, Limassol, Cyprus
Submission deadline: February 14, 2020 (AoE)
(Proceedings to be published by Springer)
RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and
practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and to provide
opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. RCIS 2020 will
continue paying attention to traditional topics at the conference; in
we solicit submissions aligned the special theme of Information Science in
the Days of Artificial Intelligence. We understand AI in a broad sense,
including machine learning, self-adaptation, logic-based reasoning,
automation, agents and multiagent systems, natural language processing,
user modelling, behavioural analytics, etc.
The RCIS 2020 Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for doctoral students
to present, discuss and develop their research project in an
workshop, under the guidance of a panel of senior researchers. The Doctoral
Consortium offers nice opportunities for PhD students. Firstly, the feedback
received during the Doctoral Consortium will really benefit students who
defined their topic, research plan and have obtained early results, but who
still have room for improving their longer-term plan. Secondly, students
at all
stages of their doctoral project can meet the welcoming RCIS community and
widen their network of contacts.
The main scope and topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as those
of the main conference. RCIS welcomes submissions from the whole spectrum
of the Information Science field. The list of themes and topics
includes, but is
not limited to, Information Systems and their Engineering, Data and
Information Management, Domain-specific IS Engineering, Information
Infrastructures, User-Oriented Approaches, Business Process Management,
Data Science, Reflective Research and Practice (see the call for papers
2020 for more detail).
The Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:
• Provide a platform for students to present their work and to meet other
peers and be familiar with different research topics and methods. •
Provide feedback on students' current research and guidance on future
research directions.
• Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a
spirit of collaborative research and networking.
• Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other
The Doctoral Consortium is organised in sessions that are part of the RCIS
2020 conference programme.
Interested PhD students are invited to submit papers, in agreement with
supervisors, addressing the following instructions. Please bear in mind that
we are not prescribing a specific structure of sections; we just expect
that you
cover these topics in the paper:
• Introduce the field of research and identify the main challenges.
• Formulate the research questions and objectives, justifying why they were
• Outline the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well as the state
of existing solutions.
• Sketch the research methodology that is being applied.
• Describe the proposed solution and the results achieved so far.
• State how the suggested solution is different from or better than existing
• Indicate the issues still to be resolved and describe the next steps
that are
Papers shall be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference
proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word):
Submissions must be written in English, and must be authored by the student
only. The maximum length of the paper should be eight (8) pages, including
references, appendices, etc. Papers that have already been accepted or are
currently under review for other conferences, workshops or journals will not
be considered for publication at the RCIS 2020 Doctoral Consortium. So,
while we can accept certain overlap with other papers, we discourage re-
submissions and double submissions.
Authors of accepted submissions will submit the camera-ready version using
the same format as the initial submission (some additional instructions
be issued at this stage). The reviewers’ comments shall be taken into
in the camera-ready paper. Only papers that have been presented by their
author will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors will receive
information on the presentation, and how to register for the conference.
There will be a discounted registration fee for Doctoral Consortium
The accepted papers will be published in a Springer LNBIP volume, along with
the other papers accepted for RCIS 2020. This will give visibility to
the work
of the doctoral student and contribute to building their CV.
The submission site is
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rcis2020 Please choose
“Doctoral Consortium” as a submission type.
By submitting a Doctoral Consortium paper, doctoral students commit that
they will attend the conference to present their research. The
appearance of a
paper in the Springer proceedings is dependent on the registration of the
author within the early registration deadline on March 31, 2020.
The review and decision of acceptance will be based on the opinions of at
least two reviewers. Several factors will be considered, including the
of the proposal, the clarity of the paper, and the stage within the doctoral
education program. The selection process will, when possible, maximise a
good coverage of the topics of the conference and diversity of participants'
background, research objectives, and research methods.
Each student will present his or her work to the participants with
time allowed for discussion and questions by participating researchers and
other students. The discussion will be guided by a member of the committee
of expert mentors, who will play the role of proposal discussant
together with
another PhD student that has been accepted at the Doctoral Consortium.
Each student will be invited to review another accepted Doctoral Consortium
paper and prepare a few questions to be discussed during the consortium
day. The papers will be assigned in advance such that the students will have
sufficient time to review the paper and prepare their questions.
The consortium sessions will have an informal and friendly atmosphere where
every participant is encouraged to be actively involved in the
discussion, the
core objective being to learn how to conduct excellent research, as well as
provide and receive useful feedback to improve one’s work.
• Papers submission deadline: February 14, 2020 (AoE)
• Notification to authors and registration opening: March 15, 2020
• Author registration deadline for all paper types: March 31, 2020
• Camera-ready copy deadline for all paper types: March 31, 2020
• Conference: May 20-22, 2020
Steering Committee
• Saïd Assar, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, France • Marko
Bajec,University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Pericles Loucopoulos, Manchester University, University Kingdom
• Haralambos Moratidis, University of Brighton, United Kingdom • Selmin
Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
• Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
• Jolita Ralyté, CUI, University of Geneva, Suisse
• Colette Rolland, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
General Chairs
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Pericles Loucopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Organising Chair
• Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences LTD., Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
• Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Raian Ali, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
• Sergio España, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Tutorial Chairs
• Estefania Serral Asensio, KU Leuven, Belgium
• Ignacio Panach, University of Valencia, Spain
Posters & Demos Chairs
• Elena Kornyshova, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
• Marcela Ruiz, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP, Complex Systems Inf. and Mod. Q. Issue 21
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 09:28:32 +0000
From: Mārīte Kirikova <Marite.Kirikova(a)rtu.lv>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ)
Issue 21 Call for Papers
Submission deadline: October 31, 2019
Submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csimqfrom2014
CSIMQ is an Open Access journal that publishes peer-reviewed original
research articles reporting on studies of the structure, algorithms,
behavior, and interactions of natural, social, socio-technical, and
artificial systems that store, process, access, and communicate
information. It concerns data, information, and knowledge fundamentals,
models, and management from the points of view of their discovery,
engineering, and application.
The papers shall address the topics of the following areas:
Social, Socio-technical, Organization and Business Informatics, which
includes but is not limited to
· Social Systems Informatics
· Socio-technical Systems Informatics
· Organization Informatics
· Business Informatics
· Natural Systems Informatics
· Artificial Systems Informatics
High Complexity Information Systems Engineering, which includes but is
not limited to
· Intelligent Systems Engineering
· Complex Systems Modeling and Software Development
· Adaptive and Adaptable Information Systems Engineering
· Networked Systems Engineering
· Emergent and Virtual Systems Engineering
Data and Knowledge Analytics, which includes but is not limited to
· Data Intensive Computing
· Semantic Data Analysis and Management
· Big Data Analytics
· Knowledge Analytics
· Business Analytics
· Social Networks Analytics
Supercomputing, which includes but is not limited to
· High Performance Computing
· High Throughput Computing
· Grid Computing
· Cloud Computing
· Supercomputing for Engineering Applications
· Mathematical and Analytical Methods for Scientific Computing
· Supercomputing for Social Systems
The main principles of the journal are the following:
· Usefulness and relevance of papers
· Comfort for authors and readers
· Flexibility in publishing
The journal is free of charge, i.e. no fees are charged for manuscript
processing and publishing and article download.
Each submitted article (before the start of the peer review process) is
first processed by plagiarism control system, and goes through the
initial quality checking.
ISSN: 2255-9922; indexed in DOAJ, DBLP, EBSCO, NSD; website:
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Subject: [AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS CPR2020 Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 06:02:49 +0000
From: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting your research to the SIGMIS CPR Conference.
We also encourage doctoral students to apply to our doctoral consortium.
Please see details below.
See you in Germany in June, 2020!
ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2020
Digital Innovation: Designing our Digital Future
Location: Nuremburg, Germany
Dates: June, 19-21, 2020
Conference website: http://sigmis.org/sigcpr2020/
Submission website: TBA
Posters and Doctoral Consortium
Academic Papers
Submission deadline:
January 15, 2020
January 15, 2020
Notification of acceptance:
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2019
Camera-ready version:
March 23, 2020
For over 55 years, ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research (CPR)
conference has engaged the academic and practitioner communities in
understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information
technology (IT) and people. From its roots in the studies of the IT
workforce, CPR has broadened its focus to investigate all aspects of
this important and complex relationship. We are delighted to welcome the
2020 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference to Nuremberg, Germany, in June 2020.
Early implementations of information systems were designed to automate
administrative and transactional work by utilizing large enterprise
systems. Now digital technologies are ubiquitous; influencing every
aspect of society, work, and life. Societies, organizations, and
individuals now face many new dilemmas, new questions, and new
uncertainties. As digital technologies infuse and shape our daily lives,
many of our core theoretical perspectives are derived from a time when
computers were new and unknown to many organizations and people.
The context of digital innovations provides CPR research opportunities
to develop new theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.
Such approaches may require novel concepts, models, and methods to
understand how societies, organizations, and individuals apply, share,
adopt and are impacted by digital innovation to build a digital future.
Hence, there is a need for research at the intersection of societies,
organizations, and individuals as well as the people being in charge of
the digital innovation process and those who are educating the digital
creators and leaders of the future. Therefore, the CPR 2020 conference
seeks papers addressing, but not limited to the following questions:
* What leads to individuals adopting or resisting the use of digital
* What are the impacts of emerging technologies on individuals?
* How does the design of a digital innovation impact acceptance and/or
* How do individual humans interact with robotic co-workers or services?
* How can organizations understand emerging technologies and their
potential risks and opportunities?
* How can organizations enable incremental and disruptive digital
* What is the business value of digital innovations? From what does this
value derive?
* Will emerging IT enable new organizational forms? What are those forms?
* How does the interaction of IT and people impact innovation, and how
is innovation impacted by this interaction?
* How does IT impact entrepreneurial activities?
* How does and will digital innovation impact the nature of work?
* How can we address various digital divides?
* What are the best ways to organize IT work to enable digital innovation?
* What factors impact retention and turnover in the IT workforce?
* What unique challenges exist for managing IT workers, and how do we
meet those challenges?
* Why are some demographic groups under-represented in the IT workforce?
* What are the characteristics of the IT workforce? How are these
characteristics changing?
* What are the key skills for entry into the IT workforce? How are these
skills changing?
* What ethical issues result from embedding IT in work?
* What security and privacy issues result from embedding IT in work?
* How do we help students develop the skills needed for entry into, and
success in the IT workforce and digital innovation?
* How can we attract promising students to IS programs?
* How should IS programs deal with emerging technologies and digital
* How should IS programs differentiate themselves from computer science,
analytics, data science and other overlapping programs with regard to
digital innovation?
* How can universities best prepare students for careers in IS and IT?
In addition to the conference theme, we also invite submissions to a
general IS track that broadly addresses issues at the intersection of
information technology and people.
Format of Submissions
ACM SIGMIS CPR 2020 welcomes both completed papers and
research-in-progress papers, (which may be accepted as posters), and
submissions designated as posters. All papers must be original,
unpublished elsewhere, and submitted on the ACM SIG proceedings template
available for download from:
https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template-16dec2016. All
reviewing will be double-blind.
* Completed papers may include conceptual papers, empirical papers and
industry case studies. They must not exceed 5000 words including all
text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are
excluded from this page count.
* Research-in-progress papers must not exceed 2000 words including all
text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are
excluded from this page count.
* Poster presentations must not exceed 500 words and should provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic, research approach, findings to date
(if any) and future plans for project.
* Panels: Ideas for interesting panels related to the conference theme
should be submitted directly to Sven Laumer (sven.laumer(a)fau.de).
Doctoral Consortium
A doctoral consortium will take place as in previous years in
conjunction with the CPR 2020 conference. It is meant for students
spanning those at an early stage in their doctoral program to those who
are more advanced and are at the stage of writing their dissertation
proposal, and who are conducting research on a topic related to the
conference theme or to the broad focus of the CPR conference on
understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information
technology and people. The purpose of the consortium is two-fold:
1. provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at
a stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work
2. provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish
to pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information
systems and people.
Doctoral students must be nominated to the consortium by a faculty
sponsor. Students nominated for the consortium should submit via email
(sigmisacm(a)gmail.com<mailto:sigmisacm@gmail.com>) a 10-page research
proposal (including all text, figures, and references; double space to
be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified senior faculty mentors. The
doctoral students selected to participate in the doctoral consortium
will receive one round of written feedback on their proposal.
At the conference, each student will have 15-20 minutes to present their
research ideas and receive feedback in-person from experienced
researchers and fellow consortium participants. The doctoral consortium
will allow activities in plenary mode and intense workshop sessions in
smaller groups. The submission deadline for doctoral consortium
application is the same as the general submission deadline. Accepted
students may choose to publish the full proposal that was submitted for
evaluation or an extended abstract of their proposal in the conference
proceedings. Funding will be available to assist with travel and
registration fees to students selected for the doctoral consortium.
Accepted papers will be published by ACM in the refereed conference
proceedings, which will be distributed at the conference. Authors of
accepted papers may choose to publish complete papers or extended
abstracts of their research in the conference proceedings. All completed
research papers that are to be published in their entirety in the
conference proceedings will be considered for the Magid Igbaria
Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award. The Magid Igbaria
Outstanding Conference Paper and other exemplar papers will be invited
for publication in the DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems-the
quarterly journal publication of ACM SIGMIS. Articles will not be
published in the event proceedings if at least one author of a submitted
work is unable to present their article at the conference.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may
be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The
official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings
related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings
are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over,
the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
Proceedings of all previous CPR conferences are available in the ACM
Digital Library at http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm.
Conference Location
Nuremberg is an early center of humanism and science. For example, the
city contributed much to the science of astronomy. In 1471 an
astronomical observatory was built in Nuremberg, in 1515, Albrecht
Dürer, a native of Nuremberg, created woodcuts of the first maps of the
stars of the northern and southern hemispheres and the main part of
Nicolaus Copernicus's work was published in Nuremberg in 1543. Moreover,
sculptors such as Veit Stoss, Adam Kraft and Peter Vischer are also
associated with Nuremberg. Richard Wagner made Nuremburg's most famous
native, Hans Sachs, the hero of his opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg.
The first documented mention of the city was in 1050, noting Nuremberg
as the location of an Imperial castle, which is still today one of the
main tourist attraction. Beyond its main attractions, there are 54
different museums for arts and culture, history, science and technology,
toys, family and children, where visitors can see the world's oldest
globe (built in 1492), a 500-year-old Madonna, and Renaissance-era
German art. After World War II, the town was rebuilt with the charm of a
medieval Bavarian village. It has since been dubbed the "most German of
German cities".
Nuremberg is also famous for its Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market),
which draws well over a million shoppers each year. The market is famous
for its handmade ornaments and delicacies, which can also be bought in
the summer.
Nuremberg held great significance during the Nazi Germany era. The Nazi
Party chose the city to be the site of huge Nazi Party conventions - the
Nuremberg rallies. Therefore, the city provided the site for the
Nuremberg trials, which held to account many major Nazi officials. Both
sites can still be visited and there is a visitors center that explains
Nurembergs role during Nazi Germany.
There are many institutions of higher education in the city, most
notably the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), with 39,780
students (2017) Bavaria's third and Germany's 11th largest university
with campuses in Erlangen and Nuremberg and a university hospital in
Erlangen (Universitätsklinikum Erlangen). FAU is Germany's most
innovative university and 2nd in Europe.
Nuremberg is also a destination for food lovers. Culinary tourists can
taste the city's famous lebkuchen, gingerbread, local beer, and
Nürnberger Rostbratwürstche, or Nuremberg sausages. The social event of
the conference will provide an opportunity to taste typical local food.
Nuremberg Airport (Flughafen Nürnberg "Albrecht Dürer") is the
second-busiest airport of Bavaria after Munich Airport, and the
tenth-busiest airport of Germany. It provides connections to all major
airport hubs in Europe (e.g. Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam,
Zurich, Istanbul) and is easily reached from all over the world.
Some impressions:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbqasWr3ld0
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a23945btJYw&t=3s
Official tourism side: https://tourismus.nuernberg.de/en/
Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
Sven Laumer (sven.laumer(a)fau.de<mailto:sven.laumer@fau.de>)
Jeria Quesenberry (jeriaq(a)andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:jeriaq@andrew.cmu.edu>)
Damien Joseph (adjoseph(a)ntu.edu.sg<mailto:adjoseph@ntu.edu.sg>)
Program Co-Chairs
Christian Maier
Daniel Beimborn
Shirish C. Srivastava (srivastava(a)hec.fr<mailto:srivastava@hec.fr>)
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Indira Guzman (Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu<mailto:Indira.Guzman@trident.edu>)
Michelle Kaarst-Brown (mlbrow03(a)syr.edu<mailto:mlbrow03@syr.edu>)
Andreas Eckhardt (Andreas.eckhardt(a)ggs.de<mailto:Andreas.eckhardt@ggs.de>)
Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de<mailto:tim.weitzel@uni-bamberg.de>)
Mari-Klara Stein (ms.digi(a)cbs.dk<mailto:ms.digi@cbs.dk>)
Local Arrangement Chairs
Jessica Ochmann (jessica.ochmann(a)fau.de<mailto:jessica.ochmann@fau.de>)
Valérie Rentsch (valerie.rentsch(a)fau.de<mailto:valerie.rentsch@fau.de>)
Communications Chairs
Indira Guzman (Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu<mailto:Indira.Guzman@trident.edu>)
Manuel Wiesche (Manuel.Wiesche(a)in.tum.de<mailto:Manuel.Wiesche@in.tum.de>)
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Twelfth Annual AIS SIG Global Development pre-ICIS
Workshop Deadline October 15th
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 17:42:16 +0000
From: Sajda Qureshi <squreshi(a)unomaha.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[cid:image002.png@01D5791E.CF69B9D0]Twelfth Annual AIS SIG Global
Development pre-ICIS Workshop
Munich, Germany
Date of Workshop: Sunday December 15, 2019
Paper Submission Date: October 15, 2019
Call for Papers
Information and Communication Technology Innovations
in Global Development
There is a growing interest in the Information Systems community for
investigating societal impacts of ICTs on people, data and things; at
the same time, research in Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT4D) is becoming increasingly diverse. Recent ICT innovations, such
as the use of blockchain technologies to trace refugees, to offer new
identification mechanisms, to track for epidemics and to offer payment
systems based on cryptocurrencies, create new ways for people to bring
about improvements in their lives. For example, with the fall of the
banking systems and currencies in countries such as Zimbabwe and
Argentina, the use of Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies has the potential to
empower people through asset ownership and financial inclusion..
Similarly, innovative applications in open source communities are
offering financial inclusion, health and wellbeing to those who were
previously left out of opportunities to improve their lives from the
global economy.
While drawing upon theories that help understand these emerging
phenomena, research in ICT4D and IS also requires attention to the
contextual challenges facing practitioners in the field. There have been
attempts to develop theories that enable these challenges to be
understood. Global pressures, socio-economic pressures, disruptive
technology, and the emergence of multi-stakeholder networks are some of
the forces being studied (Walsham 2017, Njihia and Merali 2013). An
interesting and significant question is whether ICTs can play a
sustaining, value-adding role that enables societies to move beyond the
conditions that cause mass discontent to beneficial development for all.
Such a role may include supporting social groups in identifying and
defining achievable goals and acquirable resources, supporting
sustainable and secure collaboration, offering health and wellbeing, and
financial inclusion.
The Global Development workshop addresses questions that provide new and
meaningful definitions of Development, such as, Can ICTs support the
development that will lead to improvements in the lives of individuals,
communities and regions? And inevitably, one needs to ask questions
about how to better understand these problems and challenges. The papers
in this workshop will also further the knowledge of what we know about
how ICT enables the global economy by enabling local needs to be met in
a manner that preserves the ability of the planet to support human life.
It should be noted that focus includes not only development issues
relevant to 'developing' countries but also those relevant to migrant
and other minority communities or enclaves in the Global North.
Relevant topics for this Workshop include:
1. Innovations in blockchain, cryptocurrencies for inclusion and
sustainable development
2. Open source communities that offer innovations for financial
inclusion, health and wellbeing
3. Theoretical lenses and/or empirical studies that enable an
understanding of: ICTs & Sustainable Development; ICTs & Peace building;
ICTs & Disaster Recovery.
4. Internet of things and ICT artifacts on the cloud that support
holistic Development.
5. Security & Technological constraints on the use of ICTs for development
6. The role of government policy in fostering ICT human capital,
cooperation and capacity building
7. Innovations in health and wellbeing
8. Social networking for Development, ICT human capital and capacity
9. Critical and theoretical perspectives on the digital divide and
social inclusion
10. Challenges of ICT human capital and capacity building in remote regions
11. Educational systems; content provision and delivery; developing ICT
12. Mobile technologies as infrastructure for ICT human capital and
capacity building
13. Frugal Innovation and innovative ways in which technologies are
applied in developing regions.
These will be published on the SIG GlobDev website and in the AIS
E-Library with ISBN: 978-0-9976176-9-6.
Authors of selected workshop papers will be invited to submit their
papers for possible inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of
Information Technology for Development<http://globdev.org/dev/?q=node/8>
Paper/Panel Proposal Extended Deadline: October 15, 2019
Notification to Authors: November 8, 2019
Deadline for Final Papers: November 25, 2019
Workshop Date: Sunday December 15, 2019
Submitted papers should be limited to 7,000 words or approximately 25
pages in length. Please clearly indicate the category of your paper on
the title page:
* Research Paper
* Contribution to Practice
* Research-in-progress
* Student Paper
Additional information, template and instructions for submitting papers
and proposals to the workshop can be found at
Information on the location of the AIS Conference and SIG GlobDev
Workshop can be found here - https://icis2019.aisconferences.org/
Panel proposals and Paper Submissions should be uploaded to EasyChair
submission web site for SIG GlobDev 2019 is
easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sigglobdev2019 Abstracts do not need to
be submitted prior to the full submission. Any questions should be sent
to Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Virginia Commonwealth University,
KMOsei(a)VCU.Edu<mailto:KMOsei@VCU.Edu>. Please include "SIG GlobDev
Workshop" in the subject header of the email.
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Blockchain and distributed ledger
technologies in IS @ ECIS'2020
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 18:10:58 +0000
From: Rossi Matti <matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi>
To: Isworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies in IS track
European Conference on Information Systems, June 15-17, 2020, Marrakech,
Call for Contributions
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies challenge prevailing
myths concerning supremacy of centralised computing architectures and
offer new opportunities for developing radically new transactional
digital services for private and public sector. Not only does blockchain
have the potential to offer new transparency, but also to reduce the
time for settlement and finalization, which is important in the context
of title transfers, securities trading and so on. At the same time, the
new technology architecture has been criticised as being ‘unnecessary’
or ‘unfit’ to deal with real issues in finance and beyond, especially
due to its weak governance arrangements in ‘permissionless’ platforms
and issues around transparency and irreversibility of transactions which
can be challenging in the context of payments. We are especially
interested on research related to the new peerless platforms and
distributed autonomous organizations (DAOs) and their effect on business
ecosystems as well research that follows up whether and how anticipated
commercial success materializes and is measured. Answering these
questions is pivotal from the perspectives of business research and
policy making.
Topics for this track include, but are not limited to the following:
· Novel approaches to development of blockchain applications
· New application areas of blockchain
· Blockchain and other open platform technologies, such as Ethereum,
Hyperledger and Corda
· Blockchain platform governance and standards
· Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Libra)
· ICOs
· Smart contracts
· DAOs
· Emerging blockchain ecosystem analyses
· Other emergent payment and transaction platforms
· Blockchain development methods
· Permissionless and permissioned architectures
· Permissioning of nodes
· Traditional databases and blockchains
· Tokenization and token-based economy
Matti Rossi, Aalto University, Helsinki
Markos Zachariadis, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick,
United Kingdom
Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
David Noble
Horst Treiblmaier
Enrico Rossi
Garrick Hileman
Grace Fox
Michel Avital
Rikard Lindgren
Erol Kazan
Johan Magnusson
Submission deadline: November 29, 2019
Notification of acceptance: End of February, 2020
Matti Rossi
Professor of Information Systems Science
Aalto University School of Business
Department of Information and Service Management
P.O. Box 21220, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address Ekonominaukio 1 Room V209, Espoo
email: matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi
Mobile: +358-50-3835503, Skype: motrossi
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] WI2020 Second Call for Papers Community Track IT-Beratung
im Wandel: Daten, Digitalisierung und Geschäftsmodelle
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 15:39:25 +0000
From: Nissen Volker Prof. Dr. TU Ilmenau <volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
Reply-To: Nissen Volker Prof. Dr. TU Ilmenau <volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
*Call for Papers: WI2020-Community Track “**IT-Beratung im Wandel:
Daten, Digitalisierung und Geschäftsmodelle**”*
*15. Internationale Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), 9.-11.
März in Potsdam*_
Track Chairs*
Volker Nissen (TU Ilmenau, primärer Kontakt)
Thomas Deelmann (FHöV NRW)
Paul Drews (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
*Track Beschreibung*
Die IT-Beratung befindet sich derzeit im Wandel. Digitalisierung und
Vernetzung sind Themen, die heute auf der strategischen Agenda ihrer
Kunden weit oben stehen. Die Unternehmen der IT-Beratungsbranche müssen
sich neuen strategischen, organisatorischen und technischen
Herausforderungen der Klienten stellen. Im Fokus stehen hierbei neben
potenziellen Effizienzgewinnen vor allem umfassende und teilweise
disruptive Veränderungen von Geschäftsmodellen. Dabei ist zu beobachten,
dass Daten in mehrfacher Hinsicht wachsende Bedeutung erfahren. Neue
Geschäftsmodelle beruhen oft auf dem Einsatz von BigData-Technologien,
Data Science und datenbasierten Wertschöpfungsketten.
IT-Beratungsorganisationen übernehmen dabei eine Katalysatorfunktion:
Sie helfen ihren Klienten, das Geschäftsmodell „data-driven“
auszurichten, „Daten in Werte“ zu wandeln und die erforderlichen
Veränderungen der IT-Infrastruktur zu planen und umzusetzen.
Neben dieser veränderten Dienstleisterrolle werden Beratungsunternehmen
auch intern zunehmend „data-driven“. Zum einen können sie Daten stärker
in ihre Dienstleistungen integrieren und zum anderen kann ihr eigenes
Geschäftsmodell signifikant verändert werden, wenn Daten zur
Digitalisierung der Leistungserbringung genutzt werden, was wiederum zur
Virtiualisierung von Beratungsleistungen führt. Der Grundgedanke besteht
hierbei darin, den persönlichen Vor-Ort-Kontakt von Berater und Klient
durch gezielten Einsatz von Technologie auf ein sinnvolles Minimum zu
reduzieren. Eine wesentliche Motivation ist der Wunsch, im traditionell
schlecht skalierenden Geschäftsmodell der Unternehmensberatung (mehr
Projekte brauchen entsprechend mehr Berater) durch Technologieeinsatz
eine höhere Skalierbarkeit zu erreichen. Hierfür sind ganz
unterschiedliche Ansätze entwickelt worden, deren Extremfall das
vollautomatisierte (also rein technologiebasierte) Consulting ist. In
diesem Umfeld entstehen derzeit auch Self-Service Consultinglösungen,
die Kunden auch ohne Beraterkontakt konsumieren können.
Diese Aspekte führen zu der Frage, welche Auswirkungen Daten,
Digitalisierung und Vernetzung auf die IT-Beratung haben. Wie werden
sich die Geschäftsmodelle, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen der
Beraterbranche zukünftig verändern? Die Teilkonferenz ist offen für
empirische, gestaltungsorientierte, konzeptionelle und kritische
Beiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache.
Nachfolgend (ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit) einige mögliche Themen
für Beiträge:
·Aktuelle Trends und Perspektiven in der IT-Beratung und anderen, nah
verwandten Professional Service Firms (IT Service Provider, andere
Formen der Unternehmensberatung und Wirtschaftsprüfung)
·Änderungen in den Märkten und bei den Klienten der IT-Beratung
·Zusammenwachsen von Beratungsfeldern
·Veränderungen im Geschäftsmodell der IT-Beratung
·Ansätze zur besseren Skalierung in der Unternehmensberatung
·Plattformbasierte Formen des Consultings
·Digitalisierung und Vernetzung bei internen Prozessen von
·Modularisierung der Wertschöpfungskette im Consulting
·Automatisierte Formen der Unternehmensberatung und Self-Service Consulting
·Auswirkungen der Trendthemen Digitalisierung und Vernetzung auf den
„War for Talents“ in der Beratung und erforderliche Qualifikationen von
·Chancen und Risiken der Virtualisierung von Beratungsleistungen aus
Berater- und Klientensicht
·Vorgehen bei Virtualisierungsinitiativen in der Unternehmensberatung
·Status quo technologiegetriebener Beratungsansätze in der Praxis
·Fallstudien zum Thema
*Wichtige Termine*
15.10.2019 - Deadline für Einreichungen
20.11.2019 - Entscheidung der Reviewer über Annahme
19.12.2019 - Deadline für Revisionen
09.-11.03.2020 – WI 2020 in Potsdam
Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie unter http://wi2020.de/.
Mit besten Grüßen / With best wishes,
Volker Nissen
Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen
Chair of Information Systems Engineering in Services
University of Technology Ilmenau
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Media
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
P.O. Box 10 05 65
D-98684 Ilmenau
Phone.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4043 (Sec.: -4047 Mrs G. Franz)
Fax.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4219
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Special Issue on Co-design of Data and
Computation Management in Fog Computing
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 18:16:32 +0200
From: Monica Vitali <monica.vitali(a)polimi.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Special Issue on Co-design of Data and Computation Management in Fog
to be published in the Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Journal
- Submission deadline: January 31st, 2020
- Authors' Notification: April 30th, 2020
- Revised version deadline: June 12th, 2020
- Final decision: July 31st, 2020
The term Fog Computing has been introduced to identify a paradigm for
designing applications able to exploit both the (virtually) infinite
resources on the cloud and the limited edge computation power by operating
also on the devices living in between these two sides. More specifically,
the aim is to exploit a heterogeneous and distributed computational and
storage environment to optimize the execution of modern applications
requiring high computational resources while reducing the delay and
defining constraints on where and how data can be moved and stored. In
fact, big volumes of data are produced every day at the edge of the network
and their analysis requires to either move the computation to the data or
to move the data to the computation. For this reason, a co-design between
data and computation management is required. An example could be to define
the amount of data to be moved with respect to the complexity of required
data analysis. In some cases, this data movement is not possible or limited
due to privacy restrictions, which do not allow data collected at the edge
to be stored on cloud facilities maintained by third-party actors. In other
cases, the volume of data moved through the network introduces severe
delays in the processing and techniques to reduce the volume by
pre-processing and filtering them directly where the data are generated
should be enacted to reduce this delay. At the same time, any
transformation of the data might affect their utility for the final
customer, thus, also the quality of the data should be taken into account.
Moreover, the data collected by IoT and sensors at the edge is often
subject to quality issues that might be detected and solved before using
them for analytics and decision making.
This special issue aims to gather recent work on the topic of data and
computation management in fog computing. Topics of particular interest
include, but are not limited to:
- Management and control of Fog Computing resources and applications
- Data and computation management architectures in Fog Computing
- Data-driven offloading computation
- Security and privacy issues in data and computation management in Fog
- Data movement, data duplication, and data distribution
- Energy efficiency in Fog Computing through data and computation movement
- Data quality assessment and improvement in Fog Computing
- Data processing in heterogeneous and/or distributed environments
- Internet of Things and Fog Computing
- Smart monitoring and anomaly detection for Fog resources and applications
- Simulation tools for Fog Computing
- Data processing platforms for Fog Computing
- Experiment-driven research on data and processing placement
All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another
The limit length of accepted papers should be 15 pages (including abstract,
figures and references).
Link to the paper submission page:
When submitting the paper choose the issue: "VSI:Data & Computation in Fog".
Guest editors and contacts:
Monica Vitali, Politecnico di Milano and Umeå University,
Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, pierluigi.plebani(a)polimi.it
David Bermbach, Technische Universität Berlin, db(a)mcc.tu-berlin.de
Erik Elmroth, Umeå University and Elastisys, elmroth(a)cs.umu.se
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Reminder: WI2020 - Call for Papers: Community Tracks
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 12:59:09 +0200
From: Christof.Thim(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
Reply-To: Christof.Thim(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Reminder: WI2020 - Call for Papers: Community Tracks
*****english version below*****
Es verbleiben noch 14 Tage für die Einreichungen zu den Community Tracks
der WI2020. Nähere Informationen:
Neben den 17 zentral organisierten Tracks bietet die WI2020 in
Weiterführung der MKWI auch sieben Community-Tracks an, welche sich
spezifischen Themen widmen, die nicht durch das zentrale Programm
abgedeckt sind. Diese Tracks werden räumlich und zeitlich in die
Konferenz integriert. Die Beiträge werden wie die Paper der zentral
organisierten Tracks in Conference Proceedings veröffentlicht.
- Digitale Transformation in Hochschulen
- Digitalisierung personennaher Dienstleistungen
- Enterprise Systems als Basis der Digitalisierung
- Information Systems und Krisenmanagement
- IT-Beratung im Wandel: Daten, Digitalisierung und Geschäftsmodelle
- Nachhaltige Digitalisierung und Bioökonomie
- Unternehmensmodellierung & Informationssystemgestaltung
15.08.2019 - Call for Papers wird veröffentlicht
18.08.2019 - Konferenzsystem wird geöffnet
15.10.2019 - Deadline für Einreichungen
20.11.2019 - Entscheidung der Reviewer über Annahme
19.12.2019 - Deadline für Revisionen
08.-11.03.2020 - Konferenz
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.wi2020.de
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Einreichungen.
Christof Thim im Namen der Conference Chairs
*****english version*****
Reminder: Call for Papers - WI2020 Community Tracks
There are only 14 days left to submit your contribution to a WI2020
Community Track.
WI2020 offers seven community tracks along with the 17 centrally
organized conference tracks. In continuation of the program theme of
MKWI several specific community nominated topics will be addressed, that
could not be considered in the central program. These tracks will be
held along with the other tracks of the conference. Contributions will
be published in the conference proceedings.
- Digital Transformation in Higher Education
- Digitalization of personal services
- Enterprise Systems as a base for Digitalization
- Information Systems and Crisis Management
- Changing IT-Consulting: Data, Digitization and Business Models
- Sustainable Digitization and Bio-Economy
- Enterprise Modeling and Information System Design
15.08.2019 - Call for Papers is published
18.08.2019 - Conference system opens
15.10.2019 - Deadline Contributions
20.11.2019 - Reviewer Decision
19.12.2019 - Deadline for Revisions
08.-11.03.2020 - Conference
Further Information is posted on https://www.wi2020.de
We are looking forward for your contribution.
Christof Thim in the name of the Conference Chairs
Dr. rer. pol. Christof Thim
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Prozesse und Systeme
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Norbert Gronau
Universität Potsdam
August-Bebel-Str. 89, 14482 Potsdam
Tel. +49 331 977-3423, Fax -3406
E-Mail: cthim(a)lswi.de
Auswahl, Einführung und Betrieb von ERP-Systemen:
Gegenwart und Zukunft industrieller Geschäftsprozesse:
Kompetenz in Produktion und Logistik: http://www.productivity.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi