-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 14:24:00 +0000
From: Merhi, Mohammad I <mmerhi(a)iusb.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Enterprise Systems (ERP), Information Security and Privacy
San Antonio, Texas March 11-14, 2020
www.swdsi.org/SWDSI2020 <http://www.swdsi.org/SWDSI2020>
Track Chair: Dr. Mohammad I. Merhi <mailto:mmerhi@iusb.edu> mmerhi(a)iusb.edu
** Paper submission Extended deadline: October 28, 2019.
Competitive Papers. All submitted papers will be reviewed by qualified
individuals and go through a double blind peer review process. In addition,
we welcome the submission of one-page single spaced research abstracts
(about 150-300 words). Acceptance of abstracts and papers are subject to
final approval by the Track Chairs. Accepted papers and abstracts of authors
who have registered for the conference by the close of online registration
will be scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting and the presented
papers and abstracts will be published in the Proceedings (available website
only). Paper submission acknowledges that the author(s) will register for
and attend the conference, and personally present the accepted paper at the
time specified in the conference program.
Submission Policy. The submission of a paper or abstract means the author
certifies it is not copyrighted, has not been accepted for publication in a
journal or proceedings, has not been presented or accepted for presentation
at a professional meeting, or is not under review currently for a journal or
proceedings, or presentation at another professional meeting. Concurrent
submission and/or presentation of the same or similar paper at another
conference is considered a breach of professional ethics.
Program Participation. Paper reviewer and session chairpersons will be
needed for the program to be a success. Please contact the Track Chair Dr.
Mohammad I. Merhi@ <mailto:mmerhi@iusb.edu> mmerhi(a)iusb.edu by October 1,
2019, if you are interested in serving as a session chair or reviewer.
Symposia, tutorials, and workshops on current topics are invited. Please
contact the Program Chair concerning these proposals.
Distinguished Paper Awards. Distinguished paper awards will be presented to
the outstanding papers.
Student Papers. Up to three cash awards for student papers will be
presented. Papers submitted in the student track must be solely of student
authorship. Watch the SWDSI website for information about a Doctoral Student
Fast Track Journal Reviews. The papers nominated for the best paper awards
will be recommended to a group of journal editors for another round of fast
track peer review and possible publication in these journals.
International Journal of Mobile Communications (
<http://www.inderscience.com/ijmc> www.inderscience.com/ijmc) International
Journal of Electronic Finance ( <http://www.inderscience.com/ijef>
www.inderscience.com/ijef) International Journal of Services and Standards (
<http://www.inderscience.com/ijss> www.inderscience.com/ijss) Electronic
Government: An International Journal ( <http://www.inderscience.com/eg>
Studies in Business and Economics ( <http://www.qu.edu.qa/business/journal/>
1. Author(s) should submit papers/abstracts via the website
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swdsi2020). Abstracts should
not exceed three pages; papers should not exceed 20 pages. The more complete
and detailed the submission, the greater its chance for acceptance. Hard
copies will not be accepted.
2. Each submission must include a separate title page with the following
(1) title of submission
(2) type of submission (i.e., Refereed Research Paper, Non-Refereed Research
Abstract, and Proposal of a Workshop, Tutorial, Panel, or Symposium).
(3) author(s)
(4) affiliation(s)
(5) complete address(es)
(6) telephone number(s)
(7) email address of the author(s)
(8) name of the dean(s) of the affiliate school(s)
(9) track (or topic) that best fits the submission
(10) corresponding author
3.Initial papers should follow formatting provided at:
s.pdf. Up to 20 pages will be accepted for the initial paper.
4. The main body of the paper, abstract, or proposal must have a title but
should not include author name(s).
5. All submissions must be received by October 14, 2019.
Acceptance or rejection notifications will be provided by or before December
1, 2019. Camera-ready submission deadline for the Proceedings is January 7,
6. A registration fee will be required before papers are accepted by the
Proceedings Editor at wsenn(a)emporia.edu <mailto:wsenn@emporia.edu> .
7. Volunteers: Anyone interested in participating in the program as a
session chair or reviewer should communicate their interests to the Program
Chair (daniel.peak(a)unt.edu <mailto:daniel.peak@unt.edu> ) or Track Chair (
<mailto:mmerhi@iusb.edu> mmerhi(a)iusb.edu). A Call for Participation form is
available on the SWDSI website.
Mohammad I. Merhi, Ph.D
Chair and Associate Professor of Decision Sciences
Judd Leighton School of Business & Economics; Room 211C
Indiana University South Bend | 1700 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, IN
(574) 520-4387 | <mailto:mmerhi@iusb.edu> mmerhi(a)iusb.edu
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Subject: Re: [AISWorld] Call4Chapters: Web 2.0 and Cloud Tech for
Connected Govt
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 11:14:40 +0000
From: zaigham mahmood <dr.z.mahmood(a)hotmail.co.uk>
*** kindly redirect this email to your colleagues in case they wish to
contribute – thanks.
Web 2.0 and Cloud Technologies for Implementing Connected Government
Edited by: Professor Zaigham Mahmood
(Univ of Northampton UK, Debesis Education UK, Shijiazhuang Tiedao Uni
To be published by IGI-Global in 2020
Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 20 October 2019
Proposals to be sent to: dr.z.mahmood(a)hotmail.co.uk
1. Introduction
With the widespread use of social media, Web 2.0 and Cloud technologies,
the societies are becoming more online and better connected. Citizens
are now better able to voice their opinions and concerns, and keener
than ever to participate in the functioning of their governments.
General public, who have easy and sometime free access to cloud storage
and social media, expect governments to be deploying the newer emerging
technologies to develop e-services and integrate their information
systems. With this awareness, Electronic Government (EG) that previously
relied on older ICT is now making use of the newer technologies and
evolving into what is often referred to as Connected Government
(c-government or CG). Governments that are at a higher level of
c-government maturity are successfully employing technologies such as
SOA, cloud computing, web-based services and mobile media, as a way of
becoming more relevant to citizens. They are already publishing
accessible e-services and enabling open communication channels with
their citizens. However, majority of developing nations are not as
advanced; still, they are keen to deploy the newer technologies for more
effective c-government, mobile government (MG) and c-governance.
The purpose of this book is twofold. Firstly, to discuss how the Web 2.0
and cloud computing technologies can be effectively used by governments
to enhance the effectiveness and transparency of their functions
including the provision of e-services. Secondly, to discuss how these
technologies and tools can be used by the citizens to effectively access
the e-services and fully participate in the affairs of the state.
1. Suggested Topics
The relevant topics include:
• Web 2.0, social media and cloud computing technologies for connected
• E-government and m-government policies, strategies and frameworks
• E-democracy, e-voting, e-legislation and e-services using emerging
• Effective use of SOA and cloud computing for connected government
• Privacy and protection of citizens’ data in distributed computing
• Conversational web, social media and mobile technologies for connected EG
• Success factors and best practices in relation to the use of newer
• Challenges/opportunities in relation to the use of cloud-related
• Ethical and legal issues with reference to c-government and c-governance
• E-government Case studies from developed nations and developing countries
• Government-to-government and government-to-business interactions using
Web 2.0
• E-participation of citizens using social media and conversational web
• Effective provision of e-services and use of Web 2.0, social media and
mobile technologies
• Pre-requisites for EG implementation when using the afore mentioned
• E-readiness and ICT infrastructure provision as well as training
provision for citizens
• EG, c-government and m-government project initiation, planning and
• EG, c-government and m-government project evaluation metrics.
It is expected that the book will comprise a number of sections. A
tentative idea is as follows:
* Section 1: Technologies, Methodologies and Frameworks
* Section 2: Implementation Examples and Case Studies
* Section 3: Guidance, Recommendations and Future Directions
3. Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit 1-2-page chapter
proposals clearly stating the objective, scope and structure of the
proposed chapters - by the deadline mentioned above. Authors of accepted
proposals will be notified within two weeks (in most cases) and given
guidelines for full chapter preparation. Completed chapters should be
approximately 10,000 words or 20-30 pages in length – longer chapters
will also be acceptable. Full chapters will be reviewed following a
double-blind peer review process to ensure relevance, quality,
originality and high information content. IGI’s e-editorial discovery
system will be used for most the chapter development and submission
processes. In the first instance, 1-2-page chapter proposals, as WORD
files, should be sent to:
4. Important Dates
· Chapter proposals due date: 20 October 2019
* Notification of acceptance: within 2 weeks of receipt of proposals
* Full chapters due date: within 6 weeks of acceptance notification
* Chapter reviews feedback: within 6 weeks of chapter due date
* Revised chapters due date: within 3 weeks of review feedback
For Enquiries: Please contact the editor: Zaigham Mahmood at
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Windows 10
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Reminder: EJIS Special Issue & ICIS2019 Paper
development workshop: The Dark Side of Analytics and Artificial
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 16:12:32 +0000
From: Conboy, Kieran <kieran.conboy(a)nuigalway.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Reminder: The European Journal of Information Systems has just announced
a special issue on “The Dark Side of Analytics and Artificial
Intelligence" - https://bit.ly/2mAYOIr.
There will also be an associated paper development workshop at ICIS2019
in Munich where you can get feedback on your work as you develop the
full paper for submission.
Guest editors: Patrick Mikalef, Ales Popovic, Jenny Eriksson Lundström
and Kieran Conboy
Short Description
With this call for papers, we aim to extend the critical reflection on
the impact and unintended consequences of big data analytics and AI.
Specifically, we aim to attract submissions that delve into the many
misplaced assumptions and potential
dangers that AI might introduce in the organizational setting. Such
negative implications tend to be often overlooked by
empirical research studies and their consequence seldom discussed. We
invite the submission of original manuscripts that
advance empirical, theoretical, and conceptual understanding of the
consequences and effects of how big data analytics and
AI drive digital business strategy. Manuscripts must have substantial
implications for theory and practice, and we welcome
both empirical papers and conceptual theory development papers, as well
as other genres. We are particularly interested in
manuscripts that address the challenges and changes that these
technological innovations bring to strategic management
theories, and how such technologies may change the way we think about
how organisations operate and compete. The
special issue is designed to embrace a variety of perspectives on
emerging technological innovations, information systems,
and digital business strategy research. Purely computer science papers
are not within the scope of this special issue
Important Dates
Development workshop at ICIS 2019
- Extended abstracts submission commences September 30th, 2019 and
abstracts accepted until final date of November 10th, 2019
- Authors will be notified of decision within 2 weeks of their submission.
- Workshop event: 15th – 18th December 2019
EJIS Special Issue
- Initial paper submission deadline: March 15th, 2020
- First round authors notification: May 31st, 2020
- Invited revisions deadline: July 15th, 2020
- Second round authors notification: August 31st, 2020
- Final revision deadline: October 15th, 2020
- Final authors notification: December 15th, 2020
- Projected publication: Spring 2021
Do not hesitate to get in touch with me or my co-editors If you are
interested in submitting and would like to discuss your ideas.
Prof. Kieran Conboy
Lero Research Centre & Whitaker Institute
School of Business & Economics
NUI Galway
+353 (0)91 492913
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Nominations: INFORMS ISS Design Science Award
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 20:11:12 +0000
From: Parsons, Jeffrey <jeffreyp(a)mun.ca>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit your best design science research to be
considered for the INFORMS ISS Design Science Award 2019.
The purpose of the Design Science Award of the INFORMS Information
Systems Society (ISS) is to promote and recognize research efforts
centered on the design and realization of innovative information
technology (IT) artifacts. You can find more detailed information,
including eligibility and required nomination materials, at
The submission deadline is November 8, 2019.
The winning application will recognized during the Workshop on
Information Systems and Technology (WITS) in Munich in December and will
receive a prize of US$ 1000.
We look forward to receiving your excellent submissions!
Jeffrey Parsons (Chair)
Samir Chatterjee
Sudha Ram
Olivia Sheng
AISWorld mailing list
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP - Special Issue on Emerging technologies,
Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:08:04 +1300
From: Nazim Taskin <nazimtaskin(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues,
Please find the CfP for the special issue on Emerging technologies,
Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management.
*Knowledge Management Research & Practice*
*Special Issue: Emerging technologies, Enterprise Systems and Knowledge
Enterprises systems are systems that integrate all data and information
systems and services as a type of Enterprise Knowledge Directory (EKD:
Galup, Dattero, & Hicks, 2003). They are internal to the enterprise and can
gather and interpret data and information from outside the enterprise’s
boundary (e.g. internet, supply chains, etc.) to serve multi-organizations.
Enterprise systems can integrate ICT -related communications; for example,
record video conferences for storage, retrieval, analysis and use in
decision-making. As an all embracing and integrated organizational-based
data, information and intelligence- based system, Enterprise Systems should
logically be related to organizational KM and certainly integral to
organizational KMS. Surprisingly, however, the literature has barely made
this connection.
Knowledge management in the organisation relies in great part on the
information systems in which the data are entered, processed, stored and
extracted as the output and the basis for analysis. This type of
information system in the context of an enterprise are often called
enterprise systems (Przemyslaw, 2014) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Systems. They require high implementation costs and are normally customized
to fit individual organizational requirements.
As indicated by the literature, organizational knowledge sharing is greatly
affected by the service quality, system quality and technology in the
enterprise systems (Somayyeh and Ali, 2018). For example, at the
operational level, business processes are the foundation for designing,
implementing, and staff training in the adoption or upgrading of enterprise
systems that influence the service quality and system quality. At the same
time, managing knowledge life cycles and aligning the analysis to process
management is essential to create business value (Christian, 2014).
At the strategic level, Business Intelligence and data analytics are often
built-into the enterprise systems to serve executive decision making. These
systems can gather key information by sorting and extracting data from the
distributed databases in large organisations including multinational and
global enterprises. The process is actually a way of articulation as
described by Richard, Herschel, and Nory (2005, p50), converting tacit
knowledge into explicit knowledge by specifying the purpose of the
decision, articulating parameters, objective functions, and relationships,
providing what-if analysis, and evaluating the alternatives. They further
suggest that there exists a reciprocal interaction effect between KM and BI
as the need to correct and validate the computational logic of data
requires the sense-making capabilities of knowledgeable people. As such
there are implications that to most effectively manage knowledge in
organisation requires coordination with the implementing and running of
enterprise systems in such areas as design, training, user environment,
culture, and top management involvement and IT support.
Despite the critical role of enterprise systems in organizations, there has
been little literature studying it in relationship to the management of
organizational knowledge and the context of knowledge management systems.
For example, it is difficult to locate research investigating how KM is
organized and maintained within enterprise system environments, and what
the influences of the contextual factors such as the industry type, firm
sizes, and top management are. Enterprise systems are designed into many
different forms in the markets. Using SAP as an example; it has been
adopted by city councils, the army, food industry, airlines, and recently
insurance corporations (SAP, 2014). There are also enterprise systems for
not-for-profit organizations such as hospital resource planning (HRP) in
hospitals and healthcare organizations, computer reservation system (CRS)
in the tourism industry, and manufacturing execution system (MES) in
production industries.
In addition, the dynamic nature of business and technology can also impact
the evolution of the enterprise systems (Wang, Pauleen and Chan, 2013). To
reflect rapid changes in recent years, technologies need to be studied with
ES and KM in order to understand how KMS may be impacted due to changes
wrought by emerging technologies (e.g., IOT, Big Data, social media tools,
and artificial intelligent) and ES.
Industry practitioners and academic researchers have focused on the
importance of investment and adoption of emerging technologies for quality
and productivity improvements. There is a need to see how these factors
with the ongoing development of knowledge management literature and the
increasing functionality and scales of enterprise systems in the changing
business world.
*What can I contribute?*
Submissions are invited to investigate these phenomena. Areas of particular
interest include: how new technologies enhance knowledge management in
enterprise systems settings; how changes in business affect the evolution
of KMS. Prospective topics include, but are not limited to the list below
and all social science research methods will be considered.
- Knowledge Management Systems that exist in the various forms of
Enterprise Systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management(SCM), Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MES) , Customer Reservation Systems (as used in airline,
hotel, and etc.) and Hospital Resource Planning (HRP).
- Relationships between KM and Enterprise Systems and business models,
strategies, and business processes
- The level (and kinds) of knowledge stored in enterprise systems,
including subordinate, company, enterprise, and multi-national levels
- Emergent technologies and KM in Enterprise Systems, such as no-SQL
database, Big Data, cloud computing, IOT, AI, and Industrial 4.0.
- KM via Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics in
Enterprise Systems
- Change management for KM in the Enterprise Systems: e.g., merger and
acquisitions, amalgamation of subordinates, new business development, or
other reasons for major systems upgrades and integration
- With respect to emerging technologies:
- IT Organisation for KM in Enterprise Systems
- IT Architecture for KM in Enterprise Systems
- Vendor and customer aspects and perspectives
- Role of Executives
- KM in enterprise systems used in the sharing economy, healthcare
industry, not-for-profit organization and government sectors
- Case studies specific to ES and KM on SMEs, large organisations and
global enterprises related to the topic of the special issue
- Legal issues, risk management and information security, governance
- Christian Stary, (2014) "Non-disruptive knowledge and business
processing in knowledge life cycles – aligning value network analysis to
process management", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 18 Issue: 4,
- David C. Chou, Hima Bindu Tripuramallu, Amy Y. Chou, (2005) "BI and
ERP integration", Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 13
Issue: 5, pp.340-349.
- Evans, N. & Price, J. (2016) . Enterprise information asset
management: the roles and responsibilities of executive boards. Knowledge
Management and Research Practice, Vol 14: 353 - 361.
- Galup, S., Dattero, R. & Hicks, R. (2003). The enterprise knowledge
dictionary. Knowledge Management and Research Practice, Vol 1, p95 -101.
- Przemyslaw Lech, (2014) "Managing knowledge in IT projects: a
framework for enterprise system implementation", Journal of Knowledge
Management, Vol. 18 Issue: 3, pp.551-573.
- Richard T. Herschel
, Nory E. Jones
(2005) "Knowledge management and business intelligence: the importance of
integration", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 9 Issue: 4, pp.45-55
- SAP, 2014, extracted on the 3rd of September,2018: from
- Somayyeh Mirzaee, Ali Ghaffari, (2018) "Investigating the impact of
information systems on knowledge sharing", Journal of Knowledge Management,
Vol. 22 Issue: 3, pp.501-520.
- Wang, William YC*, Pauleen D, and Chan HK, 2013, “Facilitating the
Merger of Multinational Companies: A Case Study of the Global Virtual
Enterprise”, Journal of Global Information Management, 21(1), pp.42 -58.
Important dates
- Deadline to submit papers for the SI: 30th Nov 2019
- First review round by 28 Feb 2020
- Second review round by 30 April 2020
- Planned Publication: Summer 2020
Submission procedures
Manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not currently under
consideration for publication elsewhere. All submission must follow the
instructions to authors that can be found on the journal homepage:
Other inquiries should be sent clearly indicating in the subject “Special
issue in Knowledge Management Research & Practice” to the Guest Editors:
William Yu Chung Wang william.wang(a)waikato.ac.nz
David Pauleen david.paleen(a)massey.ac.nz
William Yu Chung Wang
MSB 2.33, Waikato Management School,
University of Waikato, Hamilton, 3210. New Zealand
David Pauleen
School of Management, Massey University, Albany, 0632. New Zealand
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Submit to the International Journal of Mobile and Blended
Learning (IJMBL)
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:46:04 +0000
From: Colleen Moore <cmoore(a)igi-global.com>
To: Gustaf <neumann(a)wu.ac.at>
Dear Professor**Neumann,
I hope this email finds you well. As a highly valued past contributor to
the *International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL)*, we
(IGI Global) together with the editor(s)-in-chief, are reaching out to
you today with an invitation to submit your latest research work to the
journal in the form of a new article manuscript. Due to the substantial
value your previous contribution provided to the journal, we welcome a
manuscript submission from you related to the content of your previously
published work or a manuscript focused on an entirely new area relevant
to the scope of the journal.
Since you last contributed, a lot has happened at IGI Global. For
instance, all of IGI Global’s journals have been recognized by the
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as IGI Global is a full member
of the organization. Being recognized by such a prestigious ethical
organization is an honor, especially in an age when ethical publication
practice is paramount in academia.
We encourage you to visit the journal’s webpage _here
to view its current scope and topic coverage.
To view the current call for papers page, please visit:
To submit a paper, please visit:
Because this journal is currently accepted into several prominent
indices, including: Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index
(ESCI), SCOPUS, Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index), PsycINFO®,
INSPEC, we highly recommend submitting your manuscript as soon as
possible as the volume of interest is quite high for this journal.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation, and we
hope to hear from you soon!
Colleen Moore
/Sent in collaboration with the Editor(s)-in-Chief, David Parsons and
Kathryn Mac Callum /
Colleen Moore
Editorial Assistant to the Managing Director
*IGI Global*
*/Publisher of Peer-Reviewed, Timely, and Innovative Academic Research/*
701 East Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033-1240, USA
Tel: 717-533-8845 (ext. 147); Fax: 717-533-8661
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [AJIS] An Automated Implementation of Academic
Staff Performance Evaluation System based on Rough Sets Theory
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 11:10:24 +1100
From: Ajis Editor <ajis.eic(a)gmail.com>
To: ISHoDs <IS-hods(a)list.utas.edu.au>, ISWorld
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, ISAus <IS-Aus(a)list.utas.edu.au>
The *Australasian Journal of Information Systems *has just published its
latest article.
*An Automated Implementation of Academic Staff Performance Evaluation
System based on Rough Sets TheoryOjokoh, B., Akinsulire, V., & Isinkaye, F.
O. *
<https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v23i0.2033> *
*Abstract *
The essence of evaluating employees’ performance in any tertiary
institution is to realize the goals of the institution by measuring the
contribution of each employee. Effective human resource evaluation is
paramount to the development of any organization. An automated method is
needed to remove the limitations and facilitate the duties of human
resource management. In this paper, rough set theory, a mathematical
technique that deals with vagueness and uncertainty of imperfect data
analysis is adopted for the evaluation of academic staff profile for
promotion, grants and other academic purposes. The entire appraisal process
of academic staff was translated into a web-based application where every
user can fill, edit, update, and submit the annual performance evaluation
report form. The indiscernible property of rough set approach is a unique
factor in assessing every academic staff under the department and
faculty/school by the head of department and dean respectively. With this,
the system generates an information table handling all the necessary
conditions for promoting academic staff and the corresponding decisions
taken. A model for rating publications was proposed to reduce the
sentiments involved in manual rating. Reports were generated as output of
each evaluation procedure. One hundred (100) dataset of academic staff of
the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria was used in the
experiment to evaluate the performance of the system. The results of the
system obtained score were compared with the institution standard and it
was found that the system scores were above standard, the average precision
of the system shows 60% effectiveness which showed that the proposed system
is efficient for academic performance evaluation process.
*Keywords*: Academic Staff, Human resource management, Performance
Evaluation, Rough sets
*Call for Papers*
AJIS publishes high quality contributions to the global Information Systems
(IS) discipline with an emphasis on theory and practice on the Australasian
Topics cover core IS theory development and application (the nature of
data, information and knowledge; formal representations of the world, the
interaction of people, organisations and information technologies; the
analysis, design and deployment of information systems; the impacts of
information systems on individuals, organisations and society), IS domains
(e-business, e-government, e-learning, e-law, etc) and IS research
Research and conceptual development based in a very wide range of
epistemological methods are welcomed.
All manuscripts undergo double blind reviewing by at least 2 well qualified
reviewers. Their task is to provide constructive, fair, and timely advice
to authors and editor.
AJIS welcomes research and conceptual development of the IS discipline
in a very wide range of epistemologies. Different types of research paper
need to be judged by different criteria. Here are some assessment criteria
that may be applied:
• Relevance - topic or focus is part of the IS discipline.
• Effectiveness - paper makes a significant contribution to the IS
body of knowledge.
• Impact - paper will be used for further research and/or practice.
• Uniqueness - paper is innovative, original & unique.
• Conceptual soundness - theory, model or framework made explicit.
• Argument - design of the research or investigation is sound;
methods appropriate.
• Clarity - Topic is clearly stated; illustrations, charts & examples
support content.
• Reliability - data available; replication possible.
• References - sound, used appropriately, and sufficient –
appropriate AJIS articles referenced
• Style - appropriate language, manuscript flows.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle
that making research freely available to the public supports a greater
global exchange of knowledge.
AJIS has been published since 1993 and appears in the Index of Information
Systems Journals, is ranked "A" by both the Australian Council of
Professors and Heads of Information Systems and the Australian Business
Deans' Council.
In addition to web distribution, AJIS is distributed by EBSCO, it is listed
in Cabell's International Directory and is indexed by EBSCO, Elsevier,
Scopus and the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Associate Professor John Lamp
Editor-in-Chief, Australasian Journal of Information Systems
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ESOCC 2020 - 1st Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 23:57:07 +0300
From: Kyriakos Kritikos <kritikos(a)ics.forth.gr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
8th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020)
April 1-3, 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
=== SCOPE ===
Service-oriented and cloud computing have made a huge impact both on the
software industry and on the research community. Today, service and cloud
technologies are applied to build large-scale software landscapes as well
as to provide single software services to end users. Services today are
independently developed and deployed as well as freely composed while they
can be implemented in a variety of technologies, a quite important fact
from a business perspective. Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling
flexibility by offering a centralized sharing of resources. The industry's
need for agile and flexible software and IT systems has made cloud
computing the dominating paradigm for provisioning computational resources
in a scalable, on-demand fashion. Nevertheless, service developers,
providers, and integrators still need to create methods, tools and
techniques to support cost-effective and secure development as well as use
of dependable devices, platforms, services and service-oriented
applications in the cloud.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is
the premier conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of
service-oriented and cloud computing in Europe. The main objectives of the
conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and
practitioners in the areas of service-oriented and cloud computing, as well
as to explore new trends and foster future collaborations in Europe and
ESOCC 2020 seeks original, high-quality papers related to all aspects of
service-oriented and cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- Service and Cloud Computing Models
* Design patterns, guidelines and methodologies
* Governance models
* Architectural models
* Requirements engineering
* Formal Methods
* Model-Driven Engineering
* Quality models
* Security, Privacy & Trust models
* Self-Organizing Service-Oriented and Cloud Architectures Models
* Testing models
- Service and Cloud Computing Engineering
* Service Discovery, Matchmaking, Negotiation and Selection
* Monitoring and Analytics
* Governance and management
* Cloud Interoperability, Multi-Cloud, Cross-Cloud, Federated Cloud
* Frameworks & Methods for Building Service and Cloud based Applications
* Cross-layer adaptation
* Edge/Fog computing
* Cloud, Service Orchestration & Management
* Service Level Agreement Management
* Service Evolution/Optimisation
* Service & Cloud Testing and Simulation
* QoS for Services and Clouds
* Semantic Web Services
* Service mining
* Service & Cloud Standards
* FaaS / Serverless computing
- Technologies
* DevOps in the Cloud
* Containerized services
* Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds
* Microservices Design, Analysis, Deployment and Management
* Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories
* RESTful Services
* Service and Cloud Middleware & Platforms
* Blockchain for Services & Clouds
* Services and Clouds with IoT
* Fog Computing with Service and Cloud
- Business and Social aspects
* Enterprise Architectures for Service and Cloud
* Service-based Workflow Deployment & Life-cycle Management
* Core Applications, e.g., Big Data, Commerce, Energy, Finance, Health,
Scientific Computing, Smart Cities
* Business Process as a Service - BPaaS
* Service and Cloud Business Models
* Service and Cloud Brokerage
* Service and Cloud Marketplaces
* Service and Cloud Cost & Pricing
* Crowdsourcing Business Services
* Social and Crowd-based Cloud
* Energy issues in Cloud Computing
* Sustainability issues
Original papers - not submitted for publication elsewhere – must be
submitted via EasyChair at:
Papers must be formatted according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines:
All accepted papers at the main conference will be included in the LNCS
volume containing the conference proceedings, provided that at least one
author of each accepted paper will register and participate in the
conference. The accepted papers for the other tracks (European Project
Space, PhD Symposium, Workshops) will be published on post-proceedings
(negotiation is in process with Springer).
Research & industrial papers:
- Abstract submission: November 29, 2019
- Paper submission: December 6, 2019
- Notifications: January 12, 2020
- CR versions due: January 26, 2020
EU projects track:
- Abstract submission: January 12, 2020
- Paper submission: January 24, 2020
- Notifications: February 21, 2020
- CR versions due: March 6, 2020
PhD Symposium Track:
* First Window:
- Paper Submission: December 6, 2019
- Notification: January 7, 2020
- CR Versions due: January 23, 2020
* Second Window:
- Paper Submission: January 24, 2020
- Notification: February 21, 2020
- CR Versions due: March 6, 2020
ESOCC 2020: April 1-3, 2020
General Chair
Kyriakos Kritikos (ICS-FORTH, Greece)
Programme Co-Chairs
Antonio Brogi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Wolf Zimmermann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Industrial Track Chair
Marco Aiello (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
EU projects Track Chairs
Giuliano Casale (Imperial College, UK)
Pierluigi Plebani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Workshops Co-Chairs
Winfried Lamersdorf (Uni Hamburg, Germany)
Iraklis Paraskakis (City College, Greece)
PhD Symposium Co-Chairs
Jacopo Soldani (University of Pisa, Italy)
Massimo Villari (University of Messina, Italy)
Program Committee
Marco Aiello, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Boualem Benatallah, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Giuliano Casale, Imperial College, UK
Marco Comuzzi, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
Robert Engel, IBM Almaden, USA
Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ilche Georgievski, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Paul Grefen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas Gschwind, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Martin Henkel, Stockholm University, Sweden
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Ernoe Kovacs, NEC Europe Network Labs, Germany
Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Winfried Lamersdorf, Uni Hamburg, Germany
Kung-Kiu Lau, University of Manchester, UK
Welf Loewe, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Zoltan Adam Mann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cadiz, Spain
Claus Pahl, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Iraklis Paraskakis, City College, Greece
Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain
Dumitru Roman, Sintef, Norway
Ulf Schreier, University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen, Germany
Stefan Schulte, TU Wien, Austria
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Italy
Massimo Villari, University of Messina, Italy
Mandy Weissbach, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Stefan Wesner, University of Ulm, Germany
Robert Woitsch, BOC Asset Management
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy
Christian Zirpins, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 3rd CfP: Qurator 2020 - Conference on Digital
Curation Technologies
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 12:48:14 +0200
From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** apologies for cross-posting - Call for Papers***
Qurator 2020 – Conference on Digital Curation Technologies
20-21 January 2020, Berlin, Germany
***** News ***** keynote by Prof. Dr. Sören Auer (director Leibniz
Information Centre for
Science and Technology and University Library) about Knowledge Curation in
the Open Research Knowledge Graph
Digital curation is a complex time and knowledge intensive process, in which
knowledge workers create new content artifacts and knowledge insights from
heterogeneous sources (content, data, knowledge). The work required for this
includes, e.g., selecting, summarizing, scheduling, translating, localising,
structuring, condensing, enriching, visualizing and explaining the various
contents, taking into account the steadily growing speed, volume and number
of sources such as online newspapers, news portals, social media, linked
data, business information systems, IoT data streams etc. AI, in particular
from the field of language and semantic knowledge technologies, are used to
support these tasks and thereby accelerate and qualitatively improve them.
The conference provides a forum on the use of digital curation technologies
in application domains for, e.g., media, journalism, logistics, cultural
heritage, health care and life sciences, energy, industry. Of particular
relevance are papers that demonstrate the applied use of digital curation
technologies and tools in domain-specific use cases and that bridge
traditional boundaries between disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence
and Semantic Web, data analytics and machine learning, information/content
and knowledge management systems, information retrieval, knowledge
discovery, and computational linguistics.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Management of Digitally Curated and Semantically Expressive Information and
Knowledge • Knowledge representation and semantic knowledge management
• Semantic content and data modeling and digital knowledge curation of •
Semantic integration, including transformation rules, ontology matching,
merging, etc. • Ontology and rule engineering and metadata management
• Ontology-based data management, linked data management, semantic big data
management • Processes, workflows, roles and responsibilities in
digital curation
AI-based / Semantic Large Scale and Complex Information and Content
Analysis • indexing, search and query answering in large volumes of
data • digital curation, semantic annotation, extraction, enrichment,
summarization, and integration
• semantic storytelling, identification and generation of story paths and
story lines
• text and content classification, especially for advanced class-specific
processing workflows
• text genere and hypertext genre (web genre) classification
• (smart/big) data analytics, data mining, and machine learning / deep
• information and knowledge extraction including text mining
• streaming analytics, and semantic complex event processing
Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences of applying digital curation
technologies, standards, and tools including but not limited to the
following domains: • AI / Semantic technology standards and tools
• (Corporate) Semantic Web and Linked Data
• Semantic enterprise information systems and knowledge management •
Semantic business process management (SBPM) and decision models •
Semantic Web and the Internet of Things (IoT)
• Crowdsourcing, human computation, and the People Web
• AI/Semantic services and semantic Multi Agent Systems (MAS)
• Personalisation and digital content interaction • Hypertext,
multimedia, and hypermedia
• Semantic storytelling and corporate smart content
• Ubiquitous and mobile information systems
• Information/data governance, information assurance, security, compliance
• Semantic cloud computing, edge computing, fog computing
• Semantic Web applications and tools for eCommerce, eScience, eCulture,
media, Industrie 4.0 • Legal ontologies, rules, and reasoning
• Distributed ledger / blockchain technologies for novel data/content
management and smart contracts
Paper submission: Nov. 4, 2019 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: Nov. 29, 2019
Camera ready due: Dec. 13, 2019
Conference: Jan. 20-21, 2020
Types of submission
The following types of submissions are invited:
Regular papers: (10-15 pages)
Research papers – Original research on a topic of interest.
In-use papers – New applications and tool descriptions addressing a
topic of interest.
Short papers: (5-9 pages)
Use Case and Position papers – use case descriptions and application
notes, discovery notes, using digital curation applications and tools.
Poster and Software demo papers – present software and tools in action.
Industry application papers: report on industrial applications
addressing a topic of interest
Student papers: (5-15 pages)
e.g. describing results from bachelor/master theses or
projects; the best student paper will receive an award.
Instructions for authors
All submissions will be handled via the EasyChair submission system at
All papers and posters/demos must be in English and submitted in pdf using
the LNCS format http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Submissions for regular papers must be between 10-15 pages and submissions
for short papers must be between 5-9 pages.
Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Scientific
Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the CEUR-WS.org online proceedings at
Organizing Committee
Adrian Paschke, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Clemens Neudecker, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany
Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany
Jamal Al Qundus, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Lydia Pintscher, Wikimedia, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin:
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