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Subject: [wkwi] CfP: WI2020 Community Track "Information Systems und
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 15:15:44 +0200
From: Prof. Dr. Milad Mirbabaie <milad.mirbabaie(a)uni-bremen.de>
Reply-To: Prof. Dr. Milad Mirbabaie <milad.mirbabaie(a)uni-bremen.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
gerne möchten wir Sie auf den Call for Papers des Community Tracks
„Information Systems und Krisenmanagement“ im Rahmen der WI 2020,
9.-11.3.2020 in Potsdam hinweisen. (https://wi2020.de/de/node/419)
Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Beiträge aus der Community!
Mit den besten Grüßen
Christian Reuter, Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie
Die digitale Gesellschaft ist auf resiliente Infrastrukturen
insbesondere in den Sektoren Energie, Gesundheit, aber auch
Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation angewiesen.
Die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Infrastrukturen ist maßgeblich für den Schutz
der Bevölkerung und der Volkswirtschaft. Gefahren drohen in Form von
Infrastrukturstörungen und -ausfällen durch kriminelle Handlungen,
terroristische Anschläge oder im Kontext zwischenstaatlicher Konflikte
sowie durch Naturereignisse, Betriebsstörungen und Systemfehler.
Kritische Infrastrukturen im digitalen Zeitalter sollen möglichst durch
vorbeugende Maßnahmen geschützt werden, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit von
Schäden auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Sowohl Vorbeugung als auch
Vorbereitung in Bezug auf das verbleibende Rest-Risiko müssen im Rahmen
der rechtlichen Bestimmungen durch die privaten, aber auch die
öffentlichen Betreiber wirtschaftlich abgewogen werden. Effiziente
und belastbare Informationssysteme stellen hierfür in der digitalen
Gesellschaft eine wesentliche Voraussetzung dar.
Dies betrifft sowohl die Vernetzung verschiedener Akteure im Vorfeld,
während und nach einer Krise als auch einen automatisierten Austausch
von Daten und Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen. Hierbei stellen
sich Fragen der Bereitstellung und Analyse von Daten, etwa durch Ansätze
künstlicher Intelligenz. Auch die Einbindung und Interaktion mit der
Öffentlichkeit gewinnt im Zeitalter sozialer Medien und mobiler
Kommunikation stark an Bedeutung. Beispiele hierfür sind neben der
Koordination freiwilliger Helfer oder der Identifikation relevanter
Informationen für Hilfsorganisationen auch die Eindämmung von
Falschinformationen und Gerüchten.
Dieser Track thematisiert das Thema des Krisenmanagements im digitalen
Zeitalter und ruft zur Einreichung von Beiträgen auf, die sich mit
Themen im Umfeld von IKT im Krisenmanagement, Informationssicherheit,
sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion sowie betrieblichem
Kontinuitätsmanagement beschäftigen.
• Digitale Transformation im Krisenmanagement
• Kritische digitale Infrastrukturen und Geschäftsprozesse
• Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz im Bereich des Krisenmanagements
• Einsatz neuer Technologien und Datenquellen (AR/VR, Smart Products,
• Potenziale von Digital Nudging im Krisenmanagement
• Crowd und Collaboration Ansätze für das Krisenmanagement
• Social Media während Krisen, Lagedarstellung, oder zur
• Freiwilligenkoordination
• Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
• Sicherheitsmanagement und Informationssicherheit
• Datenschutz und Privatheit
• (Betriebliches) Kontinuitätsmanagement, Service Management
• Interoperabilität von Systemen
• Resiliente Digitalisierung
*Track Chairs:*
Milad Mirbabaie, Universität Bremen
Christian Reuter, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Stefan Stieglitz, Universität Duisburg-Essen
*Prof. Dr. Milad Mirbabaie*
Interim Professor for Information Systems & Industrial Services
Manager of Competence Center Connected Organization
University of Bremen, Department of Business Studies and Economics
M: +49 160 103 7404
A: Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1, WiWi 1 (A 2390), 28359 Bremen, Germany
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - IP&M Special Issue "Dark Side of Online
Information Behavior"
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 22:50:58 -1000
From: Bo Xiao <boxiao(a)hawaii.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*Call for Paper*
*Information Processing & Management*
*Special Issue on "Dark Side of Online Information Behavior"*
The dark side of online information behavior represents the negative
phenomena associated with the management of information in the online
environment. With the widespread availability of Internet and the emerging
technologies, cyberspace becomes one of the most important channels for
people to generate, organize, store, retrieve, acquire, disseminate and
utilize information. Recognizing that information can be easily managed
online although it causes different types of negative consequences. For
example, 87 million Facebook user profiles have been improperly shared and
misused by Cambridge Analytica, and online information privacy becomes a
worldwide concern in recent years. Online fake news also exerts profound
influence on political, economic, and social well-being. With the
increasing volume of available information, we also witnessed a society of
information overload and information anxiety. At the same time, information
violence and harassment foster a hostile online environment. The power of
artificial intelligence makes it easier for people to access the
information they need, but it also creates information cocoons.
Although there are many dark sides of online information behavior, current
studies on this topic are still limited, leaving considerable gaps in the
literature, particularly on how to conceptualize and operationalize the
dark or unexpected negative sides of online information behaviors, how to
theorize the underlying cognitive, psychological and social processes of
such behaviors, and how to implement system design and information
recognition to avoid negative information behaviors. The objective of this
special issue thus is to push the boundaries of information behavior
research, and draw the urgent attention of academics and practitioners to
this important and fertile area.
We believe this is a topic of challenges faced by multidisciplinary fields
such as information systems, library and information science, computer
science, marketing, communication and cognitive sciences. This special
issue seeks high-quality and original contributions that advance the
concepts, methods and theories by exploring the dark side of online
information behaviors, and address the mechanisms, strategies and
techniques for behavioral interventions. All contributions should clearly
address the knowledge gaps indicated in the literature and will be
peer-reviewed by the panel of experts associated with relevant field. This
special issue is open to submissions from all theoretical and
methodological perspectives. We particularly welcome research that
challenges the boundaries of traditional academic thinking, integrates and
expands the knowledge rooted in diverse disciplines and within diverse
contexts, and comes up with innovative ideas in theorizing and resolving
the negative issues related to online information behavior.
*The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:*
Misinformation, disinformation and online fake news
Information addiction, overload and underload
Information privacy and security concerns
Technophobia and information anxiety
Information violence and harassment
Illegal or unethical information searching, distribution and use
Deceptive online communication
Information cocoons and echo-chambers
Information distractions, disruptions and interruptions
Counterproductive online information behaviors
Data-driven negative information extraction, recognition and validation
System design that tracks and solves the above negative issues related to
information behavior
*Important dates*
Submission system opens: August 30, 2019
Initial submission deadline: January 31, 2020
Pre-screening notification: February 15, 2020
First-round decision: March 31, 2020
Revision submission: May 15, 2020
Second-round decision: June 30, 2020
Final revision submission: July 31, 2020
Final decision: August 15, 2020
*Guest editors*
Dr. Xiao-Liang Shen (Wuhan University, Email: xlshen(a)whu.edu.cn)
Dr. Bo Sophia Xiao (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Email: boxiao(a)hawaii.edu)
Dr. Wei Lu (Wuhan University, Email: weilu(a)whu.edu.cn)
Dr. Ben Choi (Nanyang Technological University, Email: benchoi(a)ntu.edu.sg)
For further information, please feel free to contact the special issue
guest editors. For details, see:
Bo Sophia Xiao (蕭波) Associate Professor Department of Information
Technology Management Shidler College of Business University of Hawaii at
Manoa http://shidler.hawaii.edu/directory/bo-sophia-xiao/itm
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] EMCIS 2019 - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 12:56:01 +0300
From: lkatelaris(a)unipi.gr
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems
09-10 December 2019
Dubai, UAE, British University in Dubai
European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems
(EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline with
regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped
bringing together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere
conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004 by
Brunel University research Group ISEing and it is an annual event. A number
of respected collaborations were made with different local universities
across the destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves to attract
many further partnerships.
EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region
for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical,
organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information
Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of
Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical
community and IS professionals - focusing on approaches that facilitate the
identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS
discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of
measurable impact.
Unique characteristics of the EMCIS conference include:
* Conference proceedings will be published in a Springer Lecture Notes
in Business Information Processing volume.
<http://www.springer.com/series/7911> * Conference proceedings are
indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP, EI and
* Substantially extended versions of the 10% at most of EMCIS papers
may be selected for publication in academic journals.
* Distinctive Keynote addresses by distinguished international
scholars from different disciplines, highlighting or discussing particular
and generic global topics.
* An international event that continues to attract attendees,
academics, practitioners and junior researchers including PhD students from
all over the world, enjoying the friendly atmosphere conducive to free
exchange of innovative ideas.
Important Dates
* Electronic Submission Deadline: 20 October, 2019
* Notification of Acceptance to Authors: 30 October, 2019
* Camera Ready Copy: 10 November, 2019
* Early-bird Registration: 10 November, 2019
* Author Registration Deadline: 10 November, 2019
Conference website: www.emcis.eu <http://www.emcis.eu>
For more information, please contact info(a)emcis.eu
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP on 13th Annual ISDSI Conference in India
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 11:27:15 +0530
From: M. P. Jaiswal <mpjaiswal(a)mdi.ac.in>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
on 13th Annual ISDSI Conference ( https://dsiindia.org/ ) hosted by Indian
Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur during December 27 - 30, 2019
at Hotel Mayfair Lagoon, Bhubneshwar, ODISHA, INDIA
The conference presentation tracks include, but not limited to the
1. Business Analytics and Big Data
2. DARQ Power: Understanding the DNA of DARQ
3. Decision Sciences in Practice
4. Global Trade, Business, and Management
5. Accounting and Finance
6. Economics
7. Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management
8. Information Systems and Technology
9. Innovation & Design Thinking
10. Logistics and Transportation Management
11. Production Management
12. Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
13. Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
14. Procurement and Sourcing
15. Project Management
16. Public Policy Issues and Management
17. Quality Management and Lean Operations
18. Servitization
19. Supply Chain Performance
20. Sustainability, CSR, and Humanitarian Operations
21. Innovative Education
22. Digital Healthcare
23. Medical and Healthcare Practices
24. Energy Management
25. Travel and Tourism Management
The doctoral colloquium provides an opportunity for students who are
pursuing their PhD / FPM to present their research to other students and
experts in the field. A panel of distinguished researchers will share their
feedback and provide valuable insights which will help the students to
improve their research work. It is a platform for the research scholars to
exchange ideas in a relatively informal setting. The aim of the doctoral
colloquium is to contribute towards a transformative journey for a doctoral
scholar, who will learn about nuances of a research journey, besides
receiving feedback on their research and publications.
Extended abstract of 1500 words submitted to the doctoral colloquium will
be reviewed, and top three research papers presented at the colloquium will
be considered for award of the “Best Doctoral Paper”.
To submit the extended abstract for the doctoral colloquium please register
at the ISDSI website and use the abstract submission link.
For more on doctoral colloquium, please CLICK HERE
The gap between theory-driven academic research and the needs of
practitioners in the above-mentioned fields remains a challenge that should
be addressed comprehensively. In this light, one of the special attractions
of the conference will be the high-quality workshops and panel discussions
led by experts from industry and academia to discuss pressing contemporary
problems. The Workshop invites executives in the field of big data,
multi-sided platform, decision science, information system who are engaged
in some form of applied scholarship in their workplace and are open to
engaging with business school academics, in advancing the frontiers of
research and teaching in digital and platform business. We are looking at
two groups: (1) those pursuing a PhD part-time along with their executive
jobs, typically at middle-management levels; (2) those with advanced
degrees working in consulting/strategy/domain expert and wanting to engage
in thought leadership.
Workshops on the following themes will be held over the duration of the
1. Publication in high quality research journals
2. Enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and learning
3. Thought leadership and influencing practice
4. Global accreditations and its impact
Few more workshops / panel discussions / keynotes are being scheduled.
The conference will provide a forum for sharing, discussing, and
deliberating on a variety of research agendas, ideas, and findings related
to different disciplines of management. Academicians, practitioners, and
research scholars are invited to submit an abstract of continuous text (no
bullet points, no math/Greek symbols) within 100 words describing their
current research work. An author may submit no more than 2 abstracts to the
conference. The title of the abstract shall not be longer than 15 words.
To submit the abstract for the main conference, please CLICK HERE
Participants with accepted abstracts have the option to submit full papers.
Selected full papers may be considered for publication in special issues of
reputed international journals or volumes of edited books after a due
review process. For submission please CLICK HERE
Submission of Abstract 30 October 2019
Notification of Acceptance of Abstract 15 November 2019
Submission of Full-paper (optional) 15 November 2019
Early-Bird Registration 30 October 2019
Late Registration 30 November 2019
Doctoral Colloquium 27 December 2019
Conference 28-30 December 2019
*Prof Mahadeo Jaiswal*,PhD
*Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur, ODISHA, INDIA*
*President, ISDSI*
E-Mail: mpjaiswal@ <mpjaiswal(a)mdi.ac.in>iimsambalpur.ac.in
E-Mail: mahadeo_jaiswal(a)sloan.mit.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] IRSPM: Call for papers for panel “Smart services in
smart cities: A public management perspective”
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 23:23:54 +0000
From: Gil-Garcia, J Ramon <jgil-garcia(a)ctg.albany.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Pardo, Theresa A <tpardo(a)ctg.albany.edu>, Gasco, Mila
The 24th Annual IRSPM 2020 Conference
22 - 24 April 2020
Tampere University, Finland
Call for papers for panel “Smart services in smart cities: A public
management perspective”
Mila Gasco-Hernandez, CTG UAlbany & Rockefeller College of Public
Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York
Theresa A. Pardo, CTG UAlbany & Rockefeller College of Public Affairs
and Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, CTG UAlbany & Rockefeller College of Public Affairs
and Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York
Over the past few decades, challenges faced by cities have become
increasingly complex and interrelated as a result of rapid urbanization
processes and population growth as well as the need to compete with
other cities to attract human capital, tourists, and economic
investments. In the face of these issues, city governments have been
increasingly pressured to become more innovative in how they deliver
public services, improve the urban environment, and become more
competitive. Current literature echoes the need to innovate by, among
other strategies, building the capacity of local governments to perform
their routine activities and, simultaneously, innovate.
Increasingly local governments are adopting information and
communication technologies and other disruptive technologies to support
different policies and services to enhance the well-being of individuals
and make their cities more attractive. In particular, local governments
are embracing the concept of smart services as services that use
emerging technologies together with internal and external
collaborations, to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy
of services in smart cities.
The phenomena of smart services and smart cities has been studied by
numerous academic disciplines including increased recent attention from
public management scholars. However, sound conceptual and empirical
analyses of smart services and cities from a public management
perspective are still scarce. In addition, the limited public management
literature on smart cities has focused mainly on governance issues
addressing topics such as networked governance, actors, collaboration,
co-creation and co-production, policy networks, public-private
partnerships, leadership, and urban policy making. This literature has
only begun to address other core public management concepts such as
implementation capacity, performance, public value, strategic planning,
change management, human resources, and smart city branding/marketing.
However, with the complexity of the urbanization process and increasing
investments in making cities smarter, there is a need for a deeper
understanding of the management and governance practices that cities are
adopting to underpin the development of smart services and to govern
smart cities.
This panel welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers that
contribute to the growing discussion on smart services in smart cities
from a public management perspective. Areas of focus and interest for
this panel include, but are not limited to, the following topics: smart
governance as the foundation to creating smart cities (elements,
prerequisites, and principles of smart governance), smart government
(focal areas, current practices, cases, and potential pitfalls), smart
partnerships (triple/quadruple helix, public-private partnerships, and
citizen participation), smart cities and regions (cases, rankings,
comparisons, and critical success factors), management of smart cities,
smart services, local government organizational capacity to build smart
cities, and smart city branding.
You can find the call for papers for this panel at
https://events.tuni.fi/irspm2020/panels/p26/. When considering
submitting to this panel, please, keep in mind the following important
November 8, 2019: Authors submit 500-word abstracts following the
instructions at https://events.tuni.fi/irspm2020/call-for-abstracts/
December 6, 2019: Notification of paper proposal decisions
28 November, 2019 – 24 February, 2020: Early bird registration open
25 March, 2020: Registration closes, papers due
22–24 April, 2020: IRSPM 2020 Conference
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers (Reminder): Pre-ICIS Workshop on
Sports Digitalization (Deadline October 10th, 2019)
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 10:55:09 +0000
From: Xiao Xiao <xx.digi(a)cbs.dk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Pre-ICIS Workshop, Munich, Germany
Sports Digitalization: A New Game for IS
Workshop Committee:
Xiao Xiao, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Felix Tan, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia,
Jonas Hedman, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Important Dates:
Short Paper Submission deadline: October 10th, 2019
Acceptance notification: October 25th, 2019
Workshop: December 14th, 2019, 1pm- 5pm, Location TBA
Workshop Description:
Ever since its first manifesto in Greece around 3000 years ago, sports
as a field has accumulated a long history with strong traditions while
at the same time, gone through tremendous changes toward
professionalization and commercialization. The current waves of
digitalization have intensified its evolution, as digital technologies
are increasingly entrenched in a wide range of sporting activities and
for applications beyond mere performance enhancement.
Though the use of digital tools in sports can be traced back to Michael
Lewis’ “Moneyball” where Billy Bean, the head coach of Oakland
Athletics, deployed analytics to make decisions regarding the
composition of the team, nowadays digitalization in sports settings goes
beyond data analytics, and expands to areas such as organizing and
managing sports teams and their stakeholders, accessing and interpreting
sports information, inventing new instruments and strategies that would
not be possible otherwise. Further, digitalization has also led to
creation of new sports – e-sports, which poses profound implications for
the very nature of the sports field.
This pre-ICIS workshop focuses on the broad phenomenon of digitalization
in the context of professional sports. Our goal is three-fold: (1) to
examine how sports organizations have approached digitalization and
utilized various digital tools across different sports areas, as well as
how digitalization and/or digital technologies changes the practices and
the very organization of sports; (2) to investigate the sports context
and how this context can contribute to our understanding of
digitalization; (3) and to form a network of scholars and practitioners
who share similar interests of the theme.
We welcome papers with all methodological approaches and encourage
submissions from researchers representing all ontological perspectives.
Our intention is to provide a forum for bringing together researchers
with similar interests both to share their current work and to plan
future directions for the theme. We also hope to stimulate future
collaboration in research development.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* e-sports and its relationship with traditional sports
* Sports analytics, its use and impacts
* Digitalization of sports related experiences
* Digitalization and the changing nature of sports
* Technology adoption and sports
* Business models of technology and sports
* Organizational issues in sports
Submissions (Short Papers):
Submission deadline: October 10th, 2019
Authors are encouraged to submit short papers on research (completed,
research in progress and issues and opinion research) that are original.
The authors are required to submit a cover page of the submission.
Length: Maximum of 8 pages including all titles, abstracts, figures,
tables, but exclude references.
Formatting: All submissions must be formatted for 8½ x 11 inch page (1
inch = 2.5 cm) and have 1 inch margins all around. Please use Times New
Roman 12-point font with double spacing for the body of the paper.
File Formats: Word and PDF file formats will be accepted.
Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop committee.
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to the
workshop program co-chair: Xiao Xiao
(xx.digi(a)cbs.dk<mailto:xx.digi@cbs.dk>), with the subject heading
"Sports Digitalization Workshop Submission." Authors can use the body of
the email as the cover letter for the submission.
Authors of accepted papers should make sure that the following steps are
1. At least one author has to register for the workshop.
2. Each author will be asked to provide constructive feedback and serve
as a discussant for at most 2 other papers.
Please visit the ICIS'19 website for accommodation information including
conference hotels and rates. Please note that the registrar and
conference planner are still working on our room assignments. Once done,
the workshop will be listed on the main registration links. We thank you
for your patience. Colleagues may register for the workshop without a paper.
Davenport, T. H. 2014a. “Analytics in Sports: The New Science of
Winning,” (available at
Davenport, T. H. 2014b. “What Businesses Can Learn From Sports
Analytics,” MIT Sloan Management Review, (55:4), p. 10.
Caya, O., and Bourdon, A. 2016. “A Framework of Value Creation from
Business Intelligence and Analytics in Competitive Sports,” in 2016 49th
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, pp.
1061–1071 (doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.136).
Troilo, M., Bouchet, A., Urban, T. L., and Sutton, W. A. 2016.
“Perception, Reality, and the Adoption of Business Analytics: Evidence
from North American Professional Sport Organizations,” Omega, Business
Analytics, (59, Part A), pp. 72–83 (doi: 10.1016/j.omega.2015.05.011).
Xiao, X., Hedman, J., Tan, F.T.C., Tan, C.W., Lim, E.T., Clemenson, T.,
Henningsson, S., Vatrapu, R., Mukkamala, R.R. and Van Hillegersberg, J.,
2017. Sports Digitalization: An Overview and A Research Agenda. In
Thirty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul
2017(pp. 1-21).
Tan, F., Hedman, J., and Xiao, X. 2017. “Beyond ‘Moneyball’ to Analytics
Leadership in Sports: An Ecological Analysis of Fc Bayern Munich’s
Digital Transformation,” AMCIS 2017 Proceedings (available at
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Enterprise Modelling Track @
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 18:08:26 +0200
From: FILL Hans-Georg <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(Apologies for cross-postings)
Track: Enterprise Modelling
European Conference on Information Systems, June 15-17, 2020,
Marrakech, Morocco
The purpose of this track is to focus on a core topic in business and
information systems engineering research. Enterprise modelling is an
established approach for the conceptual representation, design,
implementation and analysis of information systems in general. It
contributes with the conceptualization, implementation, and use of
machine-processable languages to facilitate the interaction with complex
business and technological scenarios, engage in knowledge management and
support organizational engineering. In addition, the development of
reference models for selected domains, the design of generic models for
enterprise architecture management, and the development of modelling
tools are investigated.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
* Conceptualization of enterprise modelling methods
* Enterprise modelling platforms & tools
* Enterprise modelling for data management
* Semantic-based enterprise modelling and enterprise ontologies
* Enterprise architecture modelling
* Multi-level enterprise modelling
* Enterprise modelling for digitalisation
* Enterprise modelling for business ecosystems and enterprise architecture
* Best practices and use cases
We solicit full research papers and research in progress papers for this
The best papers from the track will be invited to submit an extended
version to the Department for Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise IS of
the Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE) journal (IF 3.6
in 2018, http://www.bise-journal.com/). Further selected papers will be
invited to submit extended versions to the Enterprise Modelling and
Information Systems Architectures – International Journal of Conceptual
Modelling (EMISAJ) journal (Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI,
* Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
* Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
* Jelena Zdravković, Stockholm University, Sweden
* Saïd Assar, France
* Xavier Boucher, France
* Robert Buchmann, Romania
* Christina Cabanillas, Austria
* Jose Luis de la Vara, Spain
* Peter Fettke, Germany
* Agnes Koschmider, Germany
* Florian Johannsen, Germany
* Moonkun Lee, Korea
* Ulrich Reimer, Switzerland
* Marcela Ruiz, Switzerland
* Irina Rychkova, France
* Kurt Sandkuhl, Germany
* Maribel Santos, Portugal
Submission deadline: November 29, 2019
Notification of acceptance: End of February, 2020
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill
Digitalization and Information Systems Group
University of Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP -- ISECON 2020 -- Plano, TX -- March 26-28, 2020
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 12:28:30 -0500
From: Brian Reithel <breithel(a)bus.olemiss.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Information Systems Education Conference
March 26-28, 2020
Plano, TX
Paper submission deadline:
January 13, 2020 (to be considered for proceedings and journal)
Dear Colleague,
Please consider submitting a paper to ISECON 2020 this year. Since 1982,
the ISECON conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for CIS, MIS,
IT, and CS faculty members from a wide variety of institutions -- including
international attendees -- to gather, share experiences, and learn from
each other. We continue that legacy of delivering a collegial environment
for intellectual and professional growth this year in the vibrant North
Dallas suburb of Plano, Texas.
More information about the conference, including the Call for Papers and
the online paper submission facility, can be found at:
The conference theme for 2020 is "Automation, Artificial Intelligence and
More: The Future is Bright".
At this year's conference, many of the discussions will revolve around
emerging technologies and techniques that will address IS-related
opportunities and challenges expected to arise over the next decade.
Participants will also explore new perspectives on legacy technologies and
their continuing evolution in this new and challenging marketplace.
Papers are invited on the following topics and other issues related to
expected changes in IS education between now and 2030:
* Mobile Applications
* HTML5 and Web Application Development
* Cloud-based Systems
* Scalable Architectures
* Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
* Data Warehouse Systems
* Big Data and Analytical Systems
* NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
* Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
* Networking Concepts
* Agile Development
* Online Learning
* Teaching Tools
* IS Cases and Case-Based Teaching
* Effective Pedagogy for IS Education
* Research in Progress
* Student Papers
* On-Demand Training, Education, and Learning
* Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum for IS Education
* Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
* Globalization and Information Systems
* Intelligent Systems
* Knowledge Management Systems
* Internet of Things
* Electronic Commerce
* IT Security and Digital Forensics
* Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
* Emerging Technologies
Each year, ISECON benefits from the involvement of a number of repeat
attendees as well as new participants. We encourage you to please share
the news about this year’s conference with anyone you know who might be
interested in this long-standing, friendly, and welcoming academic
Thanks and hope to see you in the Spring in sunny Plano, TX,
Brian Reithel
ISECON 2020 Program Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Newly published papers of JCSE (Sept. 2019)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 19:17:17 +0900
From: office(a)kiise.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce the release of a new issue of Journal of
Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), published by the Korean Institute
of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE). KIISE is the largest
organization for computer scientists in Korea with over 4,000 active
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE) is a peer-reviewed
quarterly journal that publishes high-quality papers on all aspects of
computing science and engineering. JCSE aims to foster communication between
academia and industry within the rapidly evolving field of Computing Science
and Engineering. The journal is intended to promote problem-oriented
research that fuses academic and industrial expertise. The journal focuses
on emerging computer and information technologies including, but not limited
to, embedded computing, ubiquitous computing, convergence computing, green
computing, smart and intelligent computing, and human computing. JCSE
publishes original research contributions, surveys, and experimental studies
with scientific advances.
Please take a look at our new issue posted at http://jcse.kiise.org
<http://jcse.kiise.org/> . All the papers can be downloaded from the Web
The contents of the latest issue of Journal of Computing Science and
Engineering (JCSE)
Official Publication of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and
Volume 13, Number 3, September 2019
pISSN: 1976-4677
eISSN: 2093-8020
* JCSE web page: http://jcse.kiise.org
* e-submission: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcse
Editor in Chief: Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania)
Il-Yeol Song (Drexel University)
Jong C. Park (KAIST)
Taewhan Kim (Seoul National University)
JCSE, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2019
[Paper One]
- Title: Deep-Learning Seat Selection on a Tour Bus Based on Scenery and
Sunlight Information
- Authors: Ki Hong Kim and Kwanyong Lee
- Keyword: Deep learning; Transfer learning; Google Street View; Tour
- Abstract
When traveling on a tour bus, the seat one chooses for viewing scenery is
one of the main factors affecting one's enjoyment of a trip. However, such
scenery information is not available in advance. Therefore, it is necessary
to predict the scenery for a tour bus route. In previous research, such
predictions have been attempted through machine learning. However, the
prediction result has only informed users about which direction is best, not
about how good that direction is. Moreover, no information was given about
sunlight, which can also affect the viewing of scenery. Therefore, in this
paper, we propose the Beautiful Scenery & Cool Shade system that quantifies
the information about scenery and sunlight in four directions using deep
learning and the azimuth theory. More specifically, we used ResNet-152,
DenseNet-161, and Inception v3 for the prediction, and we used Google Street
View for the input data. After building the system, we tested its
applications to two existing tour bus routes. The results showed that our
system outperformed the previous system. The proposed system allows tourists
to make satisfactory travel plans and allows tour companies to develop more
valuable tour services, ultimately contributing to the development of the
global tourism industry.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
JCSE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp.89-98
[Paper Two]
- Title: Point Cloud Segmentation of Crane Parts Using Dynamic Graph CNN for
Crane Collision Avoidance
- Authors: Hyeonho Jeong, Hyosung Hong, Gyuha Park, Mooncheol Won, Mingyu
Kim and Hoyeong Yu
- Keyword: crane, 3D point cloud, segmentation, DBSCAN, dynamic graph, CNN
- Abstract
In this study, we have developed a point cloud segmentation algorithm for a
collision avoidance system between cranes and other objects in construction
yards. We used the Dynamic Graph CNN (DGCNN) algorithm to segment the point
cloud of the entire yard into crane parts and backgrounds. The point cloud
data were obtained from several LIDAR sensors attached to the crane. All
points were grouped into specific core clusters using the DBSCAN algorithm.
The core clusters were used to train the DGCNN after labeling with
corresponding part names. This network classified the point cloud into crane
types and their part names. Experimental results show that the crane part
segmentation performance of the suggested algorithm is accurate enough to be
used for collision avoidance system. It is possible to estimate the pose of
a crane by comparing the segmented point clouds with those of the CAD model.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
JCSE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp.99-106
[Paper Three]
- Title: An Experimental Investigation into Data Flow Annotated-Activity
Diagram-Based Testing
- Authors: Aman Jaffari and Cheol-Jung Yoo
- Keyword: model-based testing, activity diagram-based testing, data
flow-annotated activity diagram, data flow information
- Abstract
With the acceptance of Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the de-facto
standard for modeling software systems, many research studies have addressed
the necessity for utilizing models of systems under testing as inputs for
test automation. Recently, activity diagrams have been used as a basis to
derive test cases. Current studies have focused on analyzing the control
flow of activities. However, examining the control flow among activities is
quite simple and such testing on its own is insufficient. This study
proposes technique for test case generation that complements an activity
diagram with data flow information. To investigate the potential benefits of
this technique, we performed an experimental investigation of well-known
systems in testing literature. The experimental results were analyzed and
compared with a state-of-the-art test suite generation tool as an
alternative approach to fault detection effectiveness and efficiency.
Overall, the results indicate that the proposed technique outperforms the
alternative approach by detecting 27.3% more faults on average. In
particular, the proposed technique yielded the best results in detecting
faults related to arithmetic operations or parts used for calculation in our
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
JCSE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp.107-123
[Paper Four]
- Title: Fish Species Recognition Using VGG16 Deep Convolutional Neural
- Authors: Praba Hridayami, I Ketut Gede Darma Putra and Kadek Suar Wibawa
- Keyword: Fish Recognition; Deep Convolutional Neural Network; Transfer
Learning; Canny Filter; VGG16
- Abstract
Conservation and protection of fish species is very important in aquaculture
and marine biology. A few studies have introduced the concept of fish
recognition; however, it resulted in poor rates of error recognition and
conservation of a small number of species. This study presents a fish
recognition method based on deep convolutional neural networks such as
VGG16, which was pre-trained on ImageNet via transfer learning method. The
fish dataset in this study consists of 50 species, each covered by 15 images
including 10 images for training purpose and 5 images for testing. In this
study, we trained our model on four different types of dataset: RGB color
space image, canny filter image, blending image, and blending image mixed
with RGB image. The results showed that blending image mixed with RGB image
trained model exhibited the best genuine acceptance rate (GAR) value of
96.4%, following by the RGB color space image trained model with a GAR value
of 92.4%, the canny filter image trained model with a GAR value of 80.4%,
and the blending image trained model showed the least GAR value of 75.6%.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
JCSE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp.124-130
[Call For Papers]
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), published by the Korean
Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) is devoted to the
timely dissemination of novel results and discussions on all aspects of
computing science and engineering, divided into Foundations, Software &
Applications, and Systems & Architecture. Papers are solicited in all areas
of computing science and engineering. See JCSE home page at
http://jcse.kiise.org <http://jcse.kiise.org/> for the subareas.
The journal publishes regularly submitted papers, invited papers, selected
best papers from reputable conferences and workshops, and thematic issues
that address hot research topics. Potential authors are invited to submit
their manuscripts electronically, prepared in PDF files, through
<http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcse> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcse,
where ScholarOne is used for on-line submission and review. Authors are
especially encouraged to submit papers of around 10 but not more than 30
double-spaced pages in twelve point type. The corresponding author's full
postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and FAX numbers as well as current
affiliation information must be given on the manuscript. Further inquiries
are welcome at JCSE Editorial Office, <mailto:office@kiise.org>
office(a)kiise.org (phone: +82-2-588-9240; FAX: +82-2-521-1352).
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] 19th CfP: HPI Future SOC Lab
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 17:24:04 +0200
From: Oswald, Ayleen <futuresoc-lab(a)hpi.de>
Reply-To: Oswald, Ayleen <futuresoc-lab(a)hpi.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
CC: Oswald, Ayleen <futuresoc-lab(a)hpi.de>
Free access to DGX-1, 1000 Core Cluster, SAP HANA, and more for academic
FALL 2019
HPI Future of Service-oriented Computing Laboratory,
Hasso Plattner Institute at the University of Potsdam (HPI)
The HPI Future SOC Lab offers researchers free of charge access to a
infrastructure to conduct their research activities. The Future SOC Lab, a
cooperation of Hasso Plattner Institute and the industry partners Dell EMC,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Fujitsu, and SAP, provides researchers with free
of charge access to a complete infrastructure of powerful heterogeneous
hardware and software for various research areas.
* Applications in the areas of Machine Learning and Blockchain
* GPU Computing
* Application Containerization and Unikernels
* Service-Oriented-Computing (SOC)
* Microservices
* Cloud Computing
* In-Memory Database Technology
* Multicore Architectures/Accelerators
* On-Demand Delivery Models for Business Applications
Researchers can apply to gain access to this infrastructure by
project proposals until October 22, 2019. Project proposals are
reviewed and
approved by a Steering Committee at the HPI Future SOC Lab Day on
November 12,
2019, which comprises representatives from HPI and the industry partners.
Submission Deadline: October 22, 2019
HPI Future SOC Lab Day: November 12, 2019
Operating the Cloud Symposium: November 13, 2019
HPI Future SOC Lab webpage: https://hpi.de/future-soc-lab
Email to organizing committee: futuresoc-lab(a)hpi.de
Submission via form at: https://fsoc-web.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/portal/cfp/
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi