-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers - Workshop on High-Performance and
Distributed Computing for Financial Applications
Datum: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 01:25:32 -0500
Von: Gaétan Hains <gaetan.hains(a)univ-paris12.fr>
Antwort an: Gaétan Hains <gaetan.hains(a)univ-paris12.fr>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Workshop on High-Performance and Distributed Computing for Financial
Applications (HPDFA 2010)
As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing &
Simulation (HPCS 2010)
In conjunction with The 6th International Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010)
Wed. June 30th, 2010
Caen, Normandy, France
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2010
Mathematical finance has broad and critical interactions with areas such
as financial derivative pricing, hedging, high-frequency trading and many
others. The use of computational methods to support these applications has
a long and well-established tradition. With the generalization of
high-performance architectures and web-services, many new productive areas
of interactions are evolving at the intersection of HPC, datamining and
data-warehousing, distributed computing, financial mathematics and
financial applications. The HPDFA workshop is intended to bring together
specialists of those converging specialties to share views and compare
technical developments on their relative merits for computer-based
financial systems.
The Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Real-time computing
Stream-processing for trading systems
Market microstructure
Stochastic control
Parallel computing for financial models
Genetic algorithms
Very-large datasets, data-mining
High-frequency trading
Replay algorithms
Neural networks
Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted
elsewhere. Submission should include a cover page with authors' names,
affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and include up to 6
keywords from the above list of topics and an abstract of no more than 450
words. The full manuscript should be 7 pages maximum using the two-column
IEEE format. Additional pages will be charged an additional fee. Please
include page numbers on all submissions to make it easier for reviewers to
provide helpful comments. Formatting templates and detailed author
instructions can be found at
Submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript via email to the Workshop
organizers at gaetan.hains(a)univ-paris12.fr and/or
Only PDF files will be accepted. Each paper will receive a minimum of
three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality,
relevance, technical clarity and presentation. Authors of accepted papers
must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the
workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
which will be available at the time of the meeting. If you have any
questions about paper submission or the workshop, please contact the
Paper Submissions: February 15, 2010
Acceptance Notification: March 15, 2010
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due: April 15, 2010
Gaétan Hains
LACL, Université de Paris-Est
61 avenue du Général de Gaulle
94000 Créteil, France
Phone: +33 6 78 25 58 22
Email: gaetan.hains(a)univ-paris12.fr
Jean-Guillaume Grebet
24, rue de Caumartin
75009 Paris, France
Phone: +33 6 86 87 95 81
Email: jean-guillaume.grebet(a)exqim.com
Program Committee:
o Ajith Abraham, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
o Mostafa Bamha, Université d�Orléans
o William R. Buckley, California Evolution Institute
o Bruno Codenotti, Italian National Research Council
o Frédéric Gava, Université de Paris-Est
o Abel Gomes, University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
o Jean-Guillaume Grebet, EXQIM, Paris.
o Gaétan Hains, Université de Paris-Est
o Frédéric Loulergue, Université d�Orléans
o Jose Pazos-Arias, University of Vigo
o Huyên Pham, Université Paris Diderot.
o Patrice Poncet, ESSEC, Cergy.
o Peter Tankov, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
o Ali Yazici, Atilim University, Ankara
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop technical program
committee members following similar criteria used in HPCS. If you have any
questions about conference paper submission, please contact Conference
Program Chair: Waleed W. Smari, Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH
USA, Voice: +1 (937) 681-0098, Fax: +1 (937) 255-4511, Email:
smari(a)arys.org or consult the conference web site at
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] 1st CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS:Virtual Community
Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary Theories
Datum: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 10:57:42 -0500
Von: Honglei Li <violahl(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Honglei Li <violahl(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
First Proposal Submission Deadline: December 23, 2010
Virtual Community Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary
A book edited by Dr. Honglei Li
Swansea University, United Kingdom
To be published by IGI Global:
This book intends to give a comprehensive view on virtual community
participation. With the power to gather people with similar interests
together, virtual communities have gained attention by not only
practitioners, but researchers, as well. Various studies have been done to
explore why people participate in virtual communities since it is only
after aggregating a certain amount of members that a virtual community can
be viable. Virtual community participation refers to those behaviours in
which members mainly participate. Basically, past researchers have found
two types of behaviours: lurking and active participation. Although many
studies discussed the motivations to participate in virtual communities,
including gift economy, pursuit of power, sense of belonging, sense of
inclusion, relationship building, and so forth, none of them have given a
clear and comprehensive framework on the reasons for virtual community
participation. As the field is now in a position to call for a synthesis
publication to integrate all aspects of virtual community participation
theories, it?s important to edit a book to give both researchers and
general virtual community practitioner the theoretical guidelines. This
book will bring together the issues that managers, practitioners, and
researchers must consider when planning, implementing, and managing
members in virtual communities.
Objective of the Book
The book gives in-depth coverage of state-of-the-art research on virtual
community participation. It first covers the concept of virtual community
participation, followed by several streams of virtual community
participation theories. It will be written for professionals, researchers,
practitioners, and designers who want to improve their understanding of
the strategic role of virtual community participation within the
development of digital communication.
Target Audience
This book appeals to those interested not only in virtual communities, but
also in virtual worlds, virtual teams, and even online shopping. Virtual
community researchers, as well as researchers from diverse
fields--computer science, information systems, psychology, sociology, and
telecommunications--will find valuable motivation theories discussed in
this book. But this book appeals to more than just researchers.
Practitioners and managers looking to organize virtual communities
efficiently and effectively will also benefit from the case discussions,
empirical studies, and data analysis. In addition, upper-level and
graduate-level students will find this research useful in their course
work and research. Finally, this book will be a welcome addition to
academic libraries' research collections.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
--Virtual community participation behavior definition
--Discussion of various virtual community behaviors
--The interpersonal relationship reason of virtual community participation
--The social capital perspective of virtual community participation
--The attachment of virtual community participation
--The belonging or inclusion perspective of participation
-- Gift economy perspective of virtual community participation
--Frameworks to explain virtual community participation
--Behavior theories
--Social psychological perspective of virtual community participation
--The power side of virtual community participation
--Knowledge management motivation to participation
--The communicational perspective to participate
--The psychological perspective to participate
--The process virtualization perspective to participate
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February
13, 2010, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by February 28, 2010 about the status of their proposals
and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
April 13, 2010. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind
review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for
this project. Additional information about this can be found at:
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the ?Information Science Reference? (formerly Idea
Group Reference), ?Medical Information Science Reference,? ?Business
Science Reference,? and ?Engineering Science Reference? imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in
Important Dates
February 13, 2010: Proposal Submission Deadline
February 28, 2010: Notification of Acceptance
April 13, 2010: Full Chapter Submission
June 30, 2010: Review Results Returned
July 13, 2010: Final Chapter Submission
August 15, 2010: Final Deadline
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Inquiries and submissions should be forwarded electronically (Word
document) to:
Dr. Honglei Li
School of Business& Economics
Swansea University
Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1792295680 ? Fax: +44 (0) 1792295626
E-mail: hongleili(a)gmail.com or H.Li(a)swansea.ac.uk
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] cfp for the 23rd Bled eConference: eTrust: Implications
for the Individual, Enterprises and Society
Datum: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 13:14:01 +0100
Von: HansDieter Zimmermann <hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Please apologize for cross postings
23rd Bled eConference:
eTrust: Implications for the Individual, Enterprises and Society
June 20 - 23, 2010, Bled, Slovenia.
The theme for this year’s conference 'eTrust: Implications for the
Individual, Enterprises and Society' is reflecting an ongoing discussion
about fundamental considerations for the growth and stability of markets
and communities: trust. As emerging digital environments generate new
ways of communication and interaction between individuals and
individuals and organizations based on new infrastructures there is an
increasing demand for a more reliable eWorld.
New eResponsiblities have to be taken by all stakeholders of the eWorld
in order to cope with emerging eRisk challenges: businesses,
governments, and individuals in their multiple roles as managers,
politicians, employees, parents, citizens, etc.
Actions have to be taken on both the macro and the micro level,
organizational configurations, process related issues, new kind of
products and services, and necessary infrastructures and technologies as
well as respective policies have to be discussed.
Research papers addressing the conference theme should be original,
unpublished elsewhere and no longer than 5,000 words. Detailed
information about electronic submission and other issues will be
available on the Conference web site. All accepted papers will be
published in the Conference Proceedings on the web and on CDs (with ISBN
and CIP number). Since 2001 the Bled research papers are available in
AIS Electronic Library as well.
This year’s conference carries two Special Interest Tracks:
eHealth: Critical Issues in Delivering Cross-border Sustainable
Healthcare Involving Patients and Healthcare Professionals
(Track Chair: Nilmini Wickramasinghe)
Regional eCollaborations - Success Factors and Impediments
(Track Co-Chairs: Jože Grièar, Paul Swatman, Paul Timmers)
For additional research topics and further information please visit our
Important Dates:
Submission of papers: February 12, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2010
Submission of final papers: May 3, 2010
For updates please follow @BledConference on Twitter
Dr. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Fon +41 71 228 76 53
Fax +41 71 228 63 39
Web http://www.fhsg.ch
FHS St.Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Institut IPM-FHS | Teufener Strasse 2 | 9000 St.Gallen | Switzerland
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] ESWC2010 Ontology and Reasoning Track: CALL FOR PAPERS
Datum: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 07:36:58 -0500
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
Antwort an: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
ESWC2010 Ontology and Reasoning Track: CALL FOR PAPERS
Papers should be submitted through the Easychair system:
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference | ESWC 2010 30 May - 3 June
2010 | Heraklion, Greece http://www.eswc2010.org/
The mission of the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2010) is to bring
together researchers and practitioners dealing with
different aspects of semantics on the Web. ESWC2010 builds on the success
of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but
seeks to extend its focus by collaborating with other communities and
research areas, in which web semantics play an important role
-- within and outside ICT. At the same time, ESWC2010 is a truly
international conference, not only "European".
Semantics of web content, enriched with domain theories (ontologies), data
about web usage, natural language processing,
etc. will enable a web that provides a qualitatively new level of
functionality. It will weave together a large network of human
knowledge and make this knowledge machine-processable. Various automated
services, based on reasoning with metadata and
ontologies, will help the users to achieve their goals by accessing and
processing information in machine-understandable
form. This network of knowledge systems will ultimately lead to truly
intelligent systems, which will be employed for various
complex decision-making tasks. Research about web semantics can benefit
from ideas and cross-fertilization with many other areas:
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Database and
Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Multimedia,
Distributed Systems, Social Networks, Web Engineering, and Web Science.
ESWC2010 will present the latest results in research and applications in
its field. The research program will be organised
in targeted research tracks. In addition, the conference will feature a
tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a
posters track, a Ph.D. symposium, and a number of collocated workshops.
The individual calls for these events can be found on
the conference Web site (http://www.eswc2010.org/).
Abstract Submission December 15, 2009 (compulsory)
Full Paper Submission December 22, 2009 (11:59 pm Hawaii time)
Notification February 24, 2010
Camera Ready March 10, 2010
The Ontologies and Reasoning programme involves the management of and
reasoning with ontologies and rules, so as to support their
applications. The central idea of this vision is to use (1) ontologies to
encode application data in a machine understandable
form, in order to be able to automatically integrate data from different
sources and to be able to support semantic search for
information based on its meaning rather than its syntactic form, and (2)
rules to perform conditional decision, event processing
and actions on behalf of the user.
In this track we invite high-quality submissions related (but not limited)
to the following topics:
- Rules and ontology management (creation, evolution, reuse, evaluation,
- Searching, visualizing, navigating and browsing ontologies
- Ontology reasoning and query answering
- Approximate reasoning techniques for the Web
- Ontology usability
- Query languages and optimization for ontologies
- Combining rules and ontologies
- Declarative rule-based reasoning techniques
- Rule languages, standards, and rule systems
- Ontology-based search
- Ontology alignment (mapping, matching, merging, mediation and
- Ontology learning and metadata generation (e.g., HLT and ML approaches)
- Acquisition of rules and ontologies by knowledge extraction
- Corporate Semantic Web
- applications in enterprises and economic valuation
- Language extensions of OWL, ODM, RIF, RuleML, ...
Papers should be submitted through the Easychair system:
ESWC2010 welcomes the submission of original research and application
papers dealing with all aspects of representing and
using semantics on the web. We encourage theoretical, methodological,
empirical, and applications papers.
The proceedings of this conference will be published in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series. Paper submission and
reviewing for ESWC2010 will be electronic via the conference submissions
site. Papers should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in
length and must be formatted according to the information for LNCS
Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format
and will *not* be accepted in any other format. Papers that
exceed 15 pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines risk being rejected
automatically without a review. Authors of accepted
papers will be required to provide semantic annotations for the abstract
of their submission -- details of this process will be
provided on the conference Web page at the time of acceptance. At least
one author of each accepted paper must register for the
An award will be given to the best paper (or papers) submitted to the
conference as judged by the Program and Track Chairs in
collaboration with the Program Committee.
For further information please visit the conference website
(http://www.eswc2010.org) or contact eswc2010_info(a)eswc2010.org
ESWC2010 - brought to you by Semantic Technology Institute
International (http://www.sti2.org)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP - X National Computer and Information Security
Conference ACIS 2010 - COLOMBIA
Datum: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 20:02:02 -0800 (PST)
Von: Jeimy Cano <jjcano(a)yahoo.com>
Antwort an: Jeimy Cano <jjcano(a)yahoo.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Dear professionals,
I apologize cross posting of this message.
Conference site will be available soon at: http://www.acis.org.co
NOTE: Official Conference language is Spanish, but papers in english are welcome.
******** CALL FOR PAPERS ******************
X National Computer and Information Security
Conference ACIS 2010 - COLOMBIA
June 16, 17 and 18/2010
The Ten National Computer and Information Security
Conference ACIS 2010
(NCIS 2010) as a Colombian initiative to develop and
promote academic research and share experiences in
computer and information security, invite all
researchers and practitioners to submit research
papers in security topics, in order to promote new
ideas, findings and experience to
open new horizon in our countries. Topics for
submission include but are not limited to:
* Computer and information security models
* Computer and information security standards
* Wireless security
* Authentication and access control
* Computer and information security policies
* Best practices in Computer and Information security
* Cryptography, VPN and PKI
* Disaster recovery and business continuity planning
* Vulnerabilities Analysis and Hacking techniques
* Perimetral Security
* Database Security
* OS security
* Web Services Security
* Computer and digital forensics
* Incident Handling
* Digital Evidence
* IT Risk management
* Ethical and legal issues in Computer and Information Security
* Biometrics
* Security convergence
* VoIP Security
* Telecommunications Security
* Cloud computing security
All papers selected for this conference are
peer-reviewed and will be published in CD proceedings
by Colombian Computer Science Engineer Association
(ACIS in Spanish).
Programme Committee
Walter Baluja, Ph.D
Instituto Superior Politécnico José A. Echeverría
Mirela Sechi Moreti, Ph.D
Barddal University
Jorge Ramio, Ph.D
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Amparo Fúster, Ph.D
Consejo Superior de Investagaciones Científicas
Pino Caballero Gil, Ph.D
Universidad de la Laguna
Candelaria Hernández Goya, Ph.D
Universidad de la Laguna
Jordi Herrera, Ph.D
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Arturo Ribagorda G, Ph.D
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Benjamin Ramos, Ph.D
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Mariliana Rico, Ph.D
Universidad Católica del Táchira
Rafael Páez, Ph.D
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Yoan Pinzón, Ph.D
Universidad Nacional
Isabel Candal, Ph.D (c)
Universidad del Turabo
Gabriela M. Saucedo, M.Sc.
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac
Roberto Gómez Cárdenas, Ph.D
ITESM - México Campus
Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D
Conference Chair X NCIS
Papers specifications:
- 15 pages, without graphics and references.
- Separate page: title, author(s),
Filiation:(university/company), e-mail, phone, fax,
physical address.
- A paper template available at:
- Times New Roman 12 point
- Single space
- File format: Word 97, RTF or PDF
Questions about sponsors, discounts, registration and
commercial issues about conference, please contact
Ms. Beatriz Caicedo, Executive Director - Colombian
Computer Science Engineer Association to
bcaicedo at acis.org.co
Questions about academic issues please contact Jeimy
J. Cano, Ph.D Conference Chair. jjcano at yahoo.com
Important Dates:
* March 20/2010 - Papers submit deadline
* April 26 to April 30/2010 - Paper Acceptance or rejection notification
* May 29/2010 - Papers Camera ready (including reviewers suggestions and PPT presentation with 10 slides)
* June 16, 17 and 18 / 2010 - National Computer and Information Security Conference ACIS 2010
Note: Updated article arrived after camera ready date,
will not included in CD Conference Proceedings.
All papers must be submitted to Conference Chair,
Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D to jjcano at yahoo.com with
subject: Paper-X NCIS
Official Conference language is Spanish, but papers in english are welcome.
Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D
Conference Chair
X National Computer and Information Security Conference ACIS 2010
Colombian Computer Science Engineer Association - (ACIS in Spanish)
jjcano at yahoo.com
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: AMCIS 2010 Minitrack on eGovernment
Datum: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 02:51:07 -0500
Von: Yannis Charalabidis <yannisx(a)epu.ntua.gr>
Antwort an: Yannis Charalabidis <yannisx(a)epu.ntua.gr>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
16th America Conference on Information Systems
August 12-15, 2010, Lima, Peru
Call for Papers
AMCIS Mini-track: Worldwide Advances in eGovernment Interoperability
Description and Topics
Moving in the direction of Electronic and Transformational Government
roadmaps, as adopted by Governments all around the world, interoperability
is posing as one of the great challenges for administrations, industry and
research. With the basic standardisation now in place, as most Governments
have issued eGovernment Standardisation Frameworks, attention is gradually
transferred to the implementation and deployment of infrastructures to
support one-stop delivery of public electronic services, through the
interoperable operation of a vast number of systems, organisational units
and public officials. Within this context, the minitrack is targeting
novel approaches, methods, practices and tools for achieving
interoperability in the provision of Digital Public Services, resulting
into a significant increase of service quality for citizens and
businesses. Specific importance is to be placed in multi-disciplinary
approaches, combining organizational, legal, semantic, technical and
participative elements of interoperability, providing relative support by
advanced information systems. The minitrack will also provide a stand for
real-life application examples, showing adoption by public administration,
citizens and enterprises at international, national or local level.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Interoperability State of the Art, Methods and Literature Reviews
- Social and Business implications of Interoperability in public
- Interoperability Assessment in Administrations and Enterprises
- Interoperability Standardization for governments
- Process management: One-Stop Shop approaches and methods
- Ontology-based interoperability approaches
- Data interoperability standards for governments (UN/CEFACT/CCTS)
- SOA frameworks and architectures for interoperable governmental services
- Digital service registries and interoperability infrastructures
- Workflow execution and rule based systems in e-Government
- Future Internet systems for e-Government Interoperability
- Interoperability service utilities and infrastructures
- Interoperable electronic ID�s and authentication methods
- Agent-based approaches for interoperable service provision
- Policies and Decision making for Interoperability in e-Government
- BPR/BPM for achieving interoperability in administrations
- Private � public partnerships for interoperable services provision
- Case studies in Administrations worldwide
Since interoperability is a multi-disciplinary domain, new research
challenges are also bound to touch Semantics, Web Service Technologies,
Business Process Management and Re-engineering, Service Oriented
Architectures and Model Driven approaches.
Target Audience
The audience of the minitrack includes public administration officials and
industry executives, engaged both in organisational design and ICT
deployment, researchers and practitioners in the Electronic Government,
Electronic Business and Interoperability domains, university students and
professors of Computer and Management sciences, ICT industry staff engaged
in eGovernment projects and solutions, policy makers and decision drivers
at local, national or international levels.
Mini-track Co-Chairs
Yannis Charalabidis (Corresponding Chair)
University of the Aegean
Karlovassi, Samos, GR-83200, Greece
Ulf Richter
Centrum Católica, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Peru
Email: ulf.richter(a)gmail.com
Ricardo Goncalves
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Ralf Klischewski
German University in Cairo
New Cairo City, Egypt
Submission Process
One page abstracts may be submitted, via e-mail, to the mini-track
co-chairs. This is a non-mandatory, but helpful, step of the submission
Full paper submissions must be made electronically, through the AMCIS
on-line submission system.
Papers will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind review system and will
be considered for AMCIS Best Paper Awards. The best articles of the
mini-track will be considered for publication in leading e-Government
Key Dates:
- One-Page Abstracts Due: January 20, 2010
- Full Papers Due: February 26, 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: April 12, 2010
- Camera Ready Copy Due: April 26, 2010
More Information
You may seek more information at http://www.amcis2010.org/home/ or
through emailing the mini-track chairs.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: AMCIS 2010 Social Inclusion Track
Datum: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 00:17:11 -0500
Von: Lynette Kvasny <lkvasny(a)ist.psu.edu>
Antwort an: Lynette Kvasny <lkvasny(a)ist.psu.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
AMCIS 2010 - Social Inclusion Track
Submission Dates: January 4, 2010 - February 26, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2010
Submission Site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:80/amcis2010
Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland, NZ, c.urquhart <at> auckland.ac.nz
Lynette Kvasny, Pennsylvania State University, US, lkvasny <at> ist.psu.edu
Rapid change in the early twenty first century has brought about
significant disparities in life chances as societies struggle to adapt to
new socio-economic and cultural conditions. For instance, traditional
patterns of work and employment are changing as work becomes scarce;
societies are becoming increasingly multi-cultural; individuals are living
longer and have much greater expectations of lifestyle and leisure
opportunities in later life; citizen journalists are challenging the
mainstream media by reporting news via social media such as YouTube,
Twitter and blogs. Information and communication technologies (ICT)
provide new pathways and solutions to problems of social inclusion within
and across underserved communities, diverse populations, and economically
challenged nations. Involvement with ICT � at the individual,
organizational, or consumer level � may engender a greater sense of
individual and collective purpose that helps to produce more socially
inclusive and cohesive communities.
The purpose of the Social Inclusion Track is to provide a forum for the
sharing of ideas and knowledge about the value of ICT as a means of
fostering social inclusion in the midst of societal change. An overview of
this track, including descriptions for the six mini-tracks, is located at
http://ist.psu.edu/faculty_pages/lkvasny/AMCIS2010/. Each of the
mini-tracks listed below welcome conceptual/theoretical research and
qualitative/quantitative empirical research on ICT and social inclusion.
* Human Differences in Adoption, Use, and Participation with Technology
Minitrack Chairs: Allison Morgan (Howard University) & Renee Pratt-Toston
(Washington and Lee University)
*Women in IT: What we know and what we always wanted to know
Minitrack Chair: Monica Adya (Marquette University)
* Men�s Issues and ICT
Minitrack Chairs: David Krepps (Salford University) & Eileen Trauth
(Pennsylvania State University)
* Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans (LGBT) Experiences of Digital Media
Minitrack Chair: Ben Light (Salford University)
* Emerging Ethical Issues of Social Inclusion
Minitrack Chair: Yingqin Sheng (London School of Economics)
* ICT and Inclusive Finance
Minitrack Chairs: Marlei Pozzebon (HEC Montreal), Eduardo Diniz (FGV-EAES)
& Lauro Gonzalez (FGV-EAESP)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Contributions - WEB2.0 @ Brunel,UK (April
7&8, 2010)
Datum: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 14:41:09 -0500
Von: Yair Levy <levyy(a)nova.edu>
Antwort an: Yair Levy <levyy(a)nova.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Brunel University, UK
April 8th & 9th, 2010
Web 2.0 is an international conference exploring Technology-Enhanced
Learning, Systems, & Security. The next Web generation will involve
computer-based communication, information sharing, inter-operability, and
collaboration to support these processes. The conference will consider
evolving pedagogical approaches and raise the profile of research in
technology-enhanced LEARNING; spread good practice in the use of web-based
SYSTEMS; and facilitate collaboration between practitioners, researchers,
and policy makers concerned with web-SECURITY.
Nicholas Ramano, Oklahoma State University, USA
Mohini Singh, RMIT, Australia
Chris Evans & Ray Hackney, Brunel University, UK
Stephen Burgess, Victoria University, Australia
Yair Levy, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Shan Pan, National University, Singapore
Tom Butler, University College Cork, Ireland
Guy Fitzgerald, Brunel University, UK
Web 2.0 aims to explore Technology-enhanced Learning, Systems & Security.
The next generation will involve computer-based communication, information
sharing, inter operability, and collaboration to support these processes.
Evolving technologies include web-based communities, hosted services, and
applications such as social-networking sites (e.g Facebook, Twitter),
video-sharing sites (e.g. YouTube), video and audio podcasting, wikis,
blogs, and folksonomies (e.g. Delicious) in addition to psychological
security profiling.
- explore the potential impact of Web 2.0
- spread good practice in the use of Web 2.0
- consider evolving pedagogical approaches using Web 2.0
- raise the profile of research on Web 2.0
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to: evolving pedagogies
for Web 2.0 security, social networking, podcasting, wikis, blogging,
video sharing, screencasting,folksonomies, eLearning 2.0 and people with
disabilities, the potential impact of eLearning 2.0 on the Third World,
creativity and Web 2.0, Human-Computer Interaction, Business and Web 2.0
Web 2.0 will comprise invited keynote speakers and individual
presentations. The conference will be recorded and published online as a
series of screencasts.
All welcome but presenters must submit a 500 word ABSTRACT and TITLE for
BLIND REVIEW to chris.evans(a)brunel.ac.uk with "Web2.0" in the subject
Submission of abstract of presentation: JANUARY 15, 2010
Brunel Business School, Brunel University, West London, UK Brunel
University is in Uxbridge on the western edge of London. Uxbridge is in a
prime location for reaching the transport network that embraces London and
South-east England. It is a short drive from the M4, M40 and M25 and has
the added benefit of being on the edge of the London Underground network.
It is about a 25-minute drive or bus ride from London's Heathrow airport.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: Model-Driven User-Centric Design & Engineering
Datum: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 14:03:33 -0500
Von: Andreas Pleuss <andreas.pleuss(a)lero.ie>
Antwort an: Andreas Pleuss <andreas.pleuss(a)lero.ie>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
2nd International Workshop on
** Model-Driven User-Centric Design & Engineering **
held at the 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium
on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems
September 1st & 2nd, 2010,
A well-designed, intuitive, and appealing user interface is crucial to the
success of computer-based products and systems, and will gain even more
importance in the upcoming interaction paradigm of Ambient Intelligence
(or Ubiquitous Computing, respectively). In many domains, it will become
unthinkable to demand from users to get acquainted with hundreds of
systems; rather, these systems themselves have to be usable in an
efficient, yet non-intrusive and appealing way, must be adaptive and
intuitive, context-sensitive and, often, personalized. Therefore, new
approaches to automatic, on-the-fly creation of user-oriented, ergonomic
interfaces must be pursued.
The workshop shall bring together researchers and industrial experts on
user interface modeling, human-computer interaction, design, human
factors, and social issues of the progressing computerization.
Workshop Format
The workshop is scheduled for two half days at the IFAC-HMS 2010
symposium. A selected number of participants will present their work in
paper presentations first. The last time slot is reserved for an intense
discussion and the formulation of conclusions.
Topics of Interest
We solicit submissions which address one ore more of the following issues:
* Advanced and Model-driven User Interface Design
* Run-time Creation & Adaptation of User Interfaces
* User-Centric Design, Cultural Aspects
* Multi-modal and Barrier-free Interaction
* Knowledge Management in User Interface Design
* Usability Patterns
* Computer-Aided Design
* Usability, Human Factors
* Joy of Use, Emotional Design
* Future Technologies, e.g. Tangible User Interfaces
* Case studies and project experiences
* Problem analyses, requirements
We solicit short papers of maximum 6 pages length in English, addressing
one or more of the topics of interest. Submissions with in-depth
discussion of one topic are preferred above submissions with broader
topics. Usage of illustrative examples is encouraged.
The author(s) should submit a 700-1000 word abstract using the submission
system provided at the workshop website. The abstract should describe
original work, and at least one author must register early at
http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/IFACHMS2010 to be included in the program.
All accepted papers that are presented at MDUCDE2010 will be published
electronically as CEUR Workshop Proceedings (http://CEUR-WS.org).
Important Deadlines
* Abstract submission: February 15, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2010
* Final Paper: April 30, 2010
* Early registration: May 30, 2010
Program Committee
* Nadia Bianchi Berthouze, University College London, Great Britain
* Alexander Boedcher, ALTRAN GmbH, Germany
* Goetz Botterweck, Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre,
Limerick, Ireland
* Paolo Bottoni, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
* Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Michael Friedewald, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation
Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
* Esther Guerra, Carlos III Universidad, Madrid, Spain
* Mieke Haesen, Hasselt University, Belgium
* Heinrich Hussmann, University of Munich, Germany
* Sandro Leuchter, Fraunhofer IITB, Germany
* Gerrit Meixner, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI), Germany
* Andreas Pleuss, Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre,
Limerick, Ireland
* Jan Van den Bergh, Hasselt University, Belgium
* Detlef Zuehlke, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI), Germany
* Daniel Goerlich, Fraunhofer-Institute for Experimental Software
Engineering (IESE), Germany, Daniel(a)DocGoerlich.com
* Gerrit Meixner, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI), Germany, Gerrit.Meixner(a)DFKI.de
* Andreas Pleuss, Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre,
Limerick, Ireland, http://pleuss.org
* Mieke Haesen, Hasselt University, Belgium, Mieke.Haesen(a)UHasselt.be
* Marc Seissler, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany,
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Reminder Deadline - Call for Papers - Electronic Markets,
Vol. 20, No 3
Datum: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 11:55:24 +0100
Von: Karen Heyden <heyden(a)wifa.uni-leipzig.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Dear colleagues,
Just a reminder for the upcoming Submission deadline for the call for
papers of Electronic Markets with a focus theme section on 'Pricing in
Electronic Markets and Networks'.
The submission deadline is December 11, 2009. The detailed CfP is copied
Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office
(editors(a)electronicmarkets.org <mailto:editors@electronicmarkets.org>)
should you have any queries.
With best regards,
Karen Heyden
Executive Editor
Call for Papers
for the Focus Theme Section on
'Pricing in Electronic Markets and Networks'
Guest Editors of this focus theme section:
* Andreas Herrmann (Univ. of St. Gallen, Switzerland),
* Martin Spann (Univ. of Passau, Germany),
* David Sprott (Washington State Univ., USA).
Electronic media have tremendously changed the opportunities and
challenges of pricing decisions. The interactive nature of ICT has
promoted the use of interactive pricing mechanisms where the price is
not solely posted by the seller but discovered through the interaction
between sellers and buyers. Such interactive pricing mechanisms are now
frequently used in B2B transactions (e.g., procurement auctions), the
selling of advertisements in search engines (e.g., search key auctions)
or in B2C and C2C transactions (e.g., eBay).
Further, the increased price transparency in electronic markets limits
seller’s ability to price discriminate. Shopbots allow consumers to
easily compare prices of different retailers and consumers can discuss
and exchange price and product information in shopping communities or
social networks. However, these numerous information sources may
overload consumers’ ability to adequately process this information and
hence make proper use of it in their decision making.
More pricing research is required to enhance our understanding of
optimal pricing decisions, pricing mechanism design and buyers reaction
to these pricing decisions in electronic markets and networks. This is
the goal of this focus theme section.
Potential topics and research questions that this focus theme section
would address include but are not limited to:
* Interactive and dynamic pricing
* Bidding behavior in auctions and auction design
* Pricing of electronic content and services
* Search engine marketing and entertainment shopping
* Effects of shopbots, recommender systems and social networks on
pricing decisions
* Consumer decision making / behavioral pricing
* Pricing under network externalities
Additional topic suggestions are welcome. All papers will be peer
reviewed and should conform to Electronic Markets’ publication
standards. Methodological and theoretical pluralism (empirical or
theoretical work, qualitative research, design science, prototypes …) is
welcomed by the journal.
Full papers are invited to be submitted by 11. December 2009. All papers
must be original, not published or under review elsewhere. If you would
like to discuss any aspect of the focus theme section, please contact
the Editor for the focus theme section.
Contact addresses: andreas.herrmann(a)unisg.ch,
martin.spann(a)uni-passau.de, dsprott(a)wsu.edu or editors(a)electronicmarkets.org
Papers must be submitted via our electronic submission system.
Instructions are available at http://www.electronicmarkets.org/authors.
Important deadlines:
* Submission deadline: 11. December 2009
* Feedback to authors: 31. January 2010
* Revision deadline: 24. February 2010
* Acceptance decision: 31. March 2010
* Issue: Vol. 20, No. 3, August 2010
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, University of St. Gallen
Executive Editor: Karen Heyden, University of Leipzig
Editorial Office:
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business
c/o Information Systems Institute
University of Leipzig
04109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 9733600
Fax +49 341 9733612
E-mail: editors(a)electronicmarkets.org <mailto:editors@electronicmarkets.org>
Electronic Markets is published continuously online
and quarterly in print by Springer.
ISSN: 1019-6781 (Paper) 1422-8890 (Online).