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Subject: IIWAS2001 - Call for Participation
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 13:19:07 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim <ismail.khalil-ibrahim(a)SCCH.AT>
The Third International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001)
September 10-12, 2001, Linz, Austria
organized by
Software Competence Center Hagenberg - Austria
in collaboration with
Johannes Kepler University of Linz - Austria
National University of Singapore - Singapore
Monday, September 10th, 2001
07:30 - 08:30 Registration
08:30 - 09:30 Opening session
Werner Winiwarter, StÊphane Bressan, Klaus Pirklbauer, Ismail K. Ibrahim
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote Speech
"Agents and E-commerce: Hype and Reality",
Frank Dignum; Utrecht University, The Netherlands
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Tutorials
"Towards Integrating XML and Relational Database Systems", Gerti Kappel
and Elisabeth Kapsamer; Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
"Logic Programming Languages for the Internet", Andrew Davison; Prince
of Songkla University, Thailand
12:00- 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:30 Invited Talk
"Applications of ORA-SS: An Object-Relationship-Attribute Data Model
for Semistructured Data", Tok Wang Ling; National University of
Singapore, Singapore
13:30 - 14:00 Invited Talk
"Building a Web-based Open Source Tool to Enhance
Project Management, Monitoring and Collaboration in Scientific
A Min Tjoa; Technical University of Vienna, Austria
14:00 - 14:30 Invited Talk
"XML Benchmarks Put to the Test",
StÊphane Bressan; National University of Singapore, Singapore
14:30 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 17:00
Session: XML, Metadata and Semantic Web I
15:00-15:30 "Updating Relational Databases through XML Views", V. de
Paula Braganholo, C. A. Heuser, C. R. M. Vittori; Brazil, Argentina
15:30-16:00 "Accessing and Transforming Dynamic Content Based on XML:
Alternative Techniques and a Practical Implementation",
Y. Despotopoulos, G. Patikis, J. Soldatos, L. Polymenakos, J.
Kleindienst, J. Gergic; Greece, Czech Republic
16:00-16:30 "Improved Navigation through Extended XML Links", A. Lekova,
O. De Troyer; Bulgaria, Belgium
16:30-17:00 "An XML and Java Based Approach to Application Integration
in Shipping", B. Karakostas, S. Christofi, M. Turega; UK
Session: Searching and Organizing the Web I
15:00-15:30 "Modeling Ubiquitous Web Applications - A Comparison of
Approaches", G. Kappel, B. Prll, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger, T.
Hofer; Austria
15:30-16:00 "N-Sums: A Framework for Web-based Search Engines",
A. Rattana, A. Davison; Thailand
16:00-16:30 "Automatically Combining Ranking Heuristics for HTML
Documents", J. Rapela; USA
16:30-17:00 "Query Expansion Using Constraint Spreading Activation in
Information Retrieval System", Z. A. Hasibuan, I. Budi; Indonesia
Short Papers Session I
15:00-15:20 "Benchmark Tests to Evaluate Multi-Agent Toolkits", L. M.
Koch, E. Shakshuki, M. Kamel; Canada
15:20-15:40 "Design and Architecture of a Digital Music Library on the
Web", I. Papadakis, C. Douligeris; Greece
15:40-16:00 "Migrating Web Applications to WAP", E. Carrillo, J. J.
Samper, R. Cirilo, S. Felici; Colombia, Spain
16:00-16:20 "3-tier Architecture for Stateful Web Applications", I.
Aggelis, S. Hadjiefthymiades, D. Martakos; Greece
16:20-16:40 "Communication Based Multiple Models in Distributed and
Heterogeneous Systems", A. Zakari; France
16:40-17:00 "Agent-Oriented Architecture for eMarketplace", H. H.
Ghenniwa; Canada
17:00 17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 18:30 Panel
"Is Standardization of Web Semantics possible and desirable?"
18:30 19:30 Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:45 Invited Talk
"Trusted Electronic Commerce Transactions",
Gºnther Pernul; University of Essen, Germany
09:45 - 10:30 Invited Talk
"The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML Will and Will NOT Do to Help
Information Integration", Stuart Madnick; MIT Sloan School of
Management, USA
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 12:00 Tutorials
Tutorial "Intelligent Database Systems", Barbara Catania; Universita'
degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Tutorial "Data Warehousing", Mukesh Mohania; Western Michigan
University, USA
12:00 13:00: Lunch
13:00 14:30
Session: XML, Metadata and Semantic Web II
13:00-13:30 "Reengineering the Web Sites by Using Metadata and a
Methodological Approach", I. Amous, C. Chrisment, F. Sedes; France
13:30-14:00 "Towards an Architecture for Personalization and Adaptivity
in the Semantic Web", V. R. Arago, A. A. A. Fernandes, C. A. Goble; UK
14:00-14:30 "RDF Based Mediator for Integrating Tourism Information
Sources", A. Ashari, A M. Tjoa, R. Wagner; Austria
Session: Searching and Organizing the Web II
13:00-13:30 "Distributed Resource Discovery Using a Content-Sensitive
Infrastructure", A. Fongen, F. Eliassen, I. Ferguson, S. Stobart, J.
Tait; Norway
13:30-14:00 "Towards a Topic Map Based Knowledge Management System for
the Legal Domain", T. Luckeneder, K. Steiner, W. W», R. Wagner; Austria
14:00-14:30 "Case-based Reasoning and Legacy Data Reuse for Web-based
Recommendation Architectures", F. Ricci, N. Mirzadeh, A. Venturini, H.
Werthner; Italy
Session: Advanced Databases and Mediation
13:00-13:30 "HYSSOP: Natural Language Generation Meets Knowledge
Discovery in Databases", J. Robin, E. Favero; Brazil
13:30-14:00 "A Functional Approach for Advanced Database Applications",
K. Xu, B. Bhargava; USA
14:00-14:30 "Providing Multilingual Natural Language Access to Tourism
Information", H. Berger, M. Dittenbach, D. Merkl, W. Winiwarter; Austria
14:30 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 17:30
Session: Application Design and Implementation
15:00-15:30 "A Functional Architecture to Support Commercial
Exploitation of Internet-based Services", H. Jonkers, S. Hille, A.
Tokmakoff, M. Wibbels; The Netherlands
15:30-16:00 "WebWisdom - Database Support for Distance Learning
Systems", K. Walczak, W. Wiza, M. Podgorny; Poland, USA
16:00-16:30 "Ad-me: A Context-Sensitive Advertising System", N.
Hristova, G. M. P. O'Hare; Ireland
16:30-17:00: "Application of Domain Knowledge to Word Images
Recognition", Hendrawan; Indonesia
SESSION Mobility, Security, and Access Control
15:00-15:30 "The Butterfly Model for Internet Resource Access Control",
A. Wolf; Germany
15:30-16:00 "Universal SIM Toolkit-based Client For Mobile Authorization
System", V. I. Khachtchanski, A. L. Kustov; Finland
16:00-16:30 "A Comparison of Distributed Authorization Solutions", W.
Essmayr, S. Probst, E. Weippl, Austria
16:30-17:00 "A Specification Language for Mobile Application
Development", L. E. Nugroho; Indonesia
Short Papers Session II
15:00-15:20 "Information Retrieval for an Industrial Support Environment
", R. L. Eurico, N. G. Mourinho, N. Castela, A. G. Lopes; Portugal
15:20-15:40 "Querying Multiple Data Sources Using Views", J. Wang, M.
Maher, R. Topor; Australia, USA
15:40-16:00 "Metadata Encoded in XML: Enabling Complex Query Formulation
in Distributed Statistical Databases", Y. Bi, J. Lamb; UK
16:00-16:20 "A Metamodel for Integrating Data to Database Marketing
Systems", S. W. M. Siqueira, D. S. Silva, M. H. Braz, R. N. Melo;
Brazil, Portugal
16:20-16:40 "Search and Ranking of Relevant Information in XML
Documents", S. Smadhi; France
16:40-17:00 "A Framework of Security Authentication for Internet
Banking", D. Hutchinson, M. Warren; Australia
17:00-17:20 "On the Integration of Text Mining and Database Systems", E.
Bezerra, M. L. Q. Mattoso, G. B. XexÊo; Brazil
18:30 23:00 Banquet
Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
09:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk
"Implications of Convergence on Education", Ramakoti Sadananda; Asian
Institute of Technology, Thailand
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 13:00
Session: Applications
10:30-11:00 "Towards a Multi-Layer Model for Evolution of Shared
Workflows in a Virtual Enterprise", R. Tagg, G. Quirchmayr; Australia
11:00-11:30 "Web-based Product Data Management and Parts Catalog
Publication System for Collaborative Product Development", N. C. Do, H.
Kim, H.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, J.-H. Lee; Korea
11:30-12:00 "Foolproof Query Access to Search Engines", B. Bakker, J.
ter Bekke; The Netherlands
12:00-12:30 "A New Taxonomy of QBME Processing in CBIR Systems", W. Ten
Brinke, P. K. Srivastava, M. V. Ramakrishna; Australia
Session: Geo and Spatial Data
10:30-11:00: "Spatial Document Management System Using Spatial Data
Fusion", T. Sagara, M. Arikawa, M. Sakauchi; Japan
11:00-11:30 "Scale-Dependent Transmission of Spatial Vector Data on the
Internet", C. Liang, C.-H. Lee, J.-D. Lee, H.-Y. Bae; Korea
11:30-12:00 "Efficient Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries in
Spatial Databases with the SH-tree", T. K. Dang, J. Kºng, R. Wagner;
12:00-12:30 "Web-based VR Walk through Cities - VRGraz.com an Overview",
A. K. Nischelwitzer; Austria
Short Papers Session III
10:30-10:50 "A Web-based Network for Human Resources Management
Information System in Training and Education", T. Lestari; Indonesia
10:50-11:10 "eLearning for Islamic Studies and Research", R. Kuswara;
11:10-11:30: "Development of CORBA-Based Distributed Business Logic
Components in Oracle JServer Environment: An Implementation Case Study
of a Virtual Store Application", A. Djunaiedi, R. Soelaiman, Y. P.
Handoyo; Indonesia
11:30-11:50 "Development of Low-cost Web-based Applications", A. Kadir;
11:50-12:10 "APSIKD for Electrical Power Distribution Management",
Tumiran, I M. Sukarsa; Indonesia
12:10-12:30: "Mirroring Unified Metadata as the Solution for the Digital
Library Network at Developing Countries - Case Study: The Indonesian
Digital Library Network", I. Fahmi; Indonesia
12:30-12:50"Predicting the Indonesian Exchange Rate from Textual Web
Data", W. Agung, K. Anindito, S. Purnomo; Indonesia
13:00 13:30 Closing Ceremony
Please visit http://iiwas2001.scch.at/registration.htm
Early bird registration deadline is August 22, 2001
Linz is one of the biggest cities in Austria, with about 200.000
inhabitants and is located along the Danube. It is the capital of Upper
Austria (Obersterreich), one of Austria's nine regions. The conference
venue is situated at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, situated in a
campus slightly outside the city center. It is a young university which
has been extended a lot during its 35 years of existance.
Address of the conference venue is:
Johannes Kepler Universit¿t Linz
Altenbergerstr. 69
A-4040 Linz
For the conference we reserved rooms in the nearby Julius Raab-Heim /
Hotel Sommerhaus which is within walking distance from the
conference venue.
Please visit http://iiwas2001.scch.at/accomodation.htm for complete
information about accomodation and http://iiwas2001.scch.at/linz.htm for
information on how to get to the conference venue.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Linz
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Cfp: IT and Small Business track: IRMA 2002 - Seattle, Washington
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 14:40:47 +1000
From: Stephen Burgess <stephen.burgess(a)VU.EDU.AU>
Apologies for cross-postings....
2002 Information Resources Management Association
International Conference: http://www.irma-international.org
(Submission deadline: October 1, 2001).
May 19-22, 2002 - Renaissance Madison Hotel - Seattle, Washington, USA
Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary
Stephen Burgess
Senior Lecturer
School of Information Systems
Victoria University of Technology
PO Box 14428
Melbourne City MC
Victoria, Australia, 8001
Tel: 61 3 9688 4353
Fax: 61 3 9688 5024
Email: Stephen.Burgess(a)vu.edu.au
In many countries, small businesses comprise over 95% of the proportion
of private businesses and approximately half of the private workforce,
with Information technology (IT) being used in over 90% of these
businesses. Governments around the world are placing increasing
importance upon the success of small business entrepreneurs and are
providing increased resources to support this emphasis. There are a
number of key differences in the use of information technology (IT)
between small and larger businesses. These include: Small businesses
generally have fewer resources available to devote to IT; Small
businesses have very little control over forces that are external to the
organisation; Small businesses generally do not have their own separate
IT department; Small businesses generally have less formalised planning
and control procedures. Small business entrepreneurs are thus often
placed in the situation of knowing that IT can support their business in
some way, but they lack the expertise and resources to know how it can
be effectively applied.
Up until a few years ago, research into the use of IT in small
businesses was almost non existent when compared with the amount of
research being carried out for medium and large-sized businesses.
Recently, an increasing amount of research has been conducted into this
important, emerging field.
The purpose of this IRMA track for 2002, IT and Small Business, is to
provide a forum for a number of researchers to contribute in this
expanding research area. Areas in which contributions may be made
include (but are not limited to):
¨ Small business and the strategic use of IT
¨ Small business and IT success factors
¨ Evaluation of IT performance in small businesses
¨ Hardware and software selection in small businesses
¨ Small business and electronic commerce
¨ Small business and internet adoption
¨ IT planning methodologies in small businesses
¨ Small business and IT training
¨ Small business and IT adoption
¨ Small business and IT use across regions
¨ Government support programs for IT in small business.
Papers are invited for the track on IT and Small Business in a number of
submission categories:
· Full Length Submissions
Those individuals interested may submit a full length (not to exceed
3,500 words), original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or
empirical research manuscript for review and decision. Accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceedings in their entirety or as
a 1500-2000 word mini-paper, as recommended by the reviewers. High
quality papers will be considered for further review and possible
inclusion in the Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of
End User Computing, Journal of Database Management or Journal of Global
Information Management. In addition, the best paper in terms of quality
and suitability to the theme of the conference will be awarded the Best
Paper award.
· Research-In-Progress Submissions
Those individuals interested may submit research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts) or a summary of tentative results of the study to date in
500-1000 words by October 1, 2001. Authors of accepted proposals are
asked to forward a 1500-2000 words paper by January 11, 2002 for
inclusion in the conference proceedings.
· Panel, Workshop, Tutorial and Symposium Submissions
Individuals interested in conducting a panel, workshop, symposium or
tutorial dealing with technological, managerial, professional, teaching,
societal, national or international issues of information technology
management are invited to submit a 500-1000 word proposal covering the
objectives, issues to be covered, and the names/addresses of any other
panel, workshop, tutorial/ symposium members. Method of presentation is
at the submitters discretion, however the submitter has the
responsibility for providing his/her own participants (such as panel
members). All accepted proposals will appear in the conference
proceedings. (Note: All panel, workshop, tutorial/symposium members must
register and pay for the conference). Panel presenters should know that
during the conference, an overhead projector and screen will be provided
by the association for each presentation. Any additional equipment
needed for the panel, workshop, tutorial or symposium is at the
discretion of the presenter and it will be his or her responsibility to
provide the extra equipment.
Submission Guidelines
1. Manuscripts must not exceed 3500 words for full length submissions,
500-1000 words for research-in-progress summary/ proposals; and 500-1000
words for panel, workshop, tutorial and symposium proposals.
2. Submissions must be accompanied by a separate cover letter with every
author(s) name, address, phone & fax numbers, email, full affiliation
and the track to which it is submitted. All correspondence will be sent
to the first author unless otherwise specified.
3. Submitted papers must not currently be under review by any other
publication or conference.
4. Submitters must provide their email address where the acknowledgement
will be forwarded.
5. The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship)
is limited to a maximum of two submissions.
6. All submissions should be submitted electronically in either MS Word
or rich text format (RTF). (Note: If you do not receive an email
acknowledgement one week after your electronic submissions, please
contact the program chair).
Authors of accepted manuscripts and proposals will be asked to provide
the final copy of the submission in MS Word 97 or RTF format
electronically. Authors of accepted papers (at least one person) must
register and attend the conference.
Important dates
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2001
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: November 30, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 11, 2002
Early Registration Ends: April 1, 2002
Conference Period: May 19-22, 2002
All conference participants (presenters, panellists, etc.) must
register for the conference.
Join the IRMA 2002 international conference attendees in Seattle,
Washington. Nicknamed The Emerald City because of its steep hills and
lush greenery, you will be surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the
sparkling waters of Puget Sound and the snow-capped grandeur of Mount
Ranier in the distance. Home of corporate giants Boeing, Microsoft,
Nordstrom and Starbucks, experience the feeling of small town charm with
big city amenities. Learn more about this exciting location by visiting
the Seattle Convention Bureau Web Site at
Send all enquiries and submissions to:
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Program Chair
1331 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033-1117, USA.
Tel: (717) 533-8879 Fax: (717) 533-8661 Email:
For conference registration and hotel registration forms, contact IRMA
at 717-533-8879 or visit the web site at
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:19:18 +0300
From: Sherif Kamel <skamel(a)aucegypt.edu>
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (Submission Deadline: October 1, 2001)
May 19-22, 2002, Renaissance Madison Hotel, Seattle, WA, USA
Manuscript Submission Deadline: October 1, 2001
Notification of acceptance/Rejection: November 30, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 11, 2002
Early Registration Ends: April 1, 2002
Conference Period: May 19-22, 2002
Join the IRMA2002 International Conference attendees in Seattle Washington.
Nicknames the Emerald City because of its steep hills and lush greenery. You
will be surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Sparkling waters of Puget
Sound and the snow-capped grandeur of Mount Rainier in the distance. Home of
corporate giants Boeing, Microsoft, Nordstrom and Starbucks. Experience the
feeling of small town charm with big city amenities. Learn more about this
exciting location by visiting the Seattle Convention Bureau Website at:
Full-length papers, research-in-progress proposals (abstracts/summaries),
and panel, workshop, tutorial or symposium proposals are invited in the
following 40 tracks of IRMA'2002 International:
*Software Engineering, Ajantha Dahanayake, Delft University - The
Netherlands, <a.n.w.dahanayake(a)tudelft.edu.nl>
*Knowledge Management, Elayne Coakes, Westminster University - UK,
*IRM in Government, Gerry Gingrich, National Defense University - USA,
*Information Technology Management in Healthcare, Adi Armoni, Tel-Aviv
University - ISREAL, <armonia(a)post.tau.ac.il>
*Data Warehousing and Mining, Aryya Gangopadhyay, University of Maryland
Baltimore County - USA, gangopad(a)umbc.edu
*Text Databases and Document Management, Amita Goyal Chin, VA Commonwealth
University - USA, amita(a)saturn.vcu.edu
*Accounting Information Systems, Donald Martin, Central Missouri state
University - USA, <dmartin(a)cmsu1.cmsu.edu>
*Decision Support Technologies, George Ditsa, University of Wollongong -
Australia, <georged(a)uow.edu.au>
*Multimedia Information Management, Mahbubur Rahman Syed, Minnesota State
University - USA, syedm(a)mankato.msus.edu
*Unified Modeling Language and Unified Process, Keng Siau, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln - USA, <ksiau(a)unl.edu>
*Object-Oriented Technology, Rick Gibson, American University - USA,
*Information Ethics Issues, Karen Loch, Georgia State University - USA,
*Web-Based Learning/Teaching, Anil Aggarwal, University of Baltimore - USA,
*Project Management & Information Technology, Charles K. Davis, University
of St. Thomas - USA, <ckdavis(a)stthom.edu>
*Database Management Technologies, Shirley Ann Becker, Florida Institute of
Technology - USA, <abecker(a)cs.fit.edu>
*E-Collaboration in Organizations, Ned Kock, Temple University - USA,
*Human Computer Interaction, Henry Emurian, University of Maryland Baltimore
County - USA, <emurian(a)umbc.edu>
*The Human Side of IT, Edward Szewczak & Coral Snodgrass, Canisius College -
USA, <szewczak(a)canisius.edu>
*Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Tonya Barrier, Southwest Missouri
State University - USA, <tonyabarrier(a)smsu.edu>
*Information Technology Education, Eli Cohen, Information Science
Institute - USA, <Eli_Cohen(a)acm.org>
*Electronic Commerce Technologies Mgmt, Mike S. Raisinghani, University of
Dallas - USA, <mraising(a)gsm.udallas.edu>
*Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies, Luvai Motiwalla, Univ of
Mass, Lowell - USA, luvai_motiwalla(a)uml.edu
*Information Tech Management in Asia Pacific Countries, Felix Tan,
University of Auckland, New Zealand, f.tan(a)auckland.ac.nz
*End User Computing, Karen Nantz, Eastern Illinois University - USA,
*IT Management in Developing Countries, Sherif Kamel, The American
University of Cairo - Egypt, <skamel(a)aucegypt.edu>
*IT Evaluation Methods and Management, Wim van Grembergen, Univ. of
Antwerp - Belgium, wim.vangrembergen(a)ufsia.ac.be
*Information Security Management, Lech Janczewski, University of Auckland -
New Zealand, <lech(a)auckland.ac.nz>
*Strategic IT Management, Mo Adam Mahmood, University of Texas at El Paso -
USA, <mmahmood(a)utep.edu>
*Global IT Management, G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London -
UK, <g.harindranath(a)rhbnc.ac.uk>
*Information Technology Business Value, Namchul Shin, Pace University - USA,
*Distance Learning Technologies, Karl Kurbel, Europe Univ. Viadrina
Frankfurt - Germany, <kurbel(a)euv-frankfurt-o.de>
*Social Responsibility in the Information Age, Robert Skovira, Robert Morris
College - USA, <skovira(a)robert-morris.edu>
*Virtual Universities, Sal Valenti, University of Ancona - Italy,
*Intelligent Information Systems, Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University -
USA, <sugumara(a)oakland.edu>
*Information Technology and Small Business, Stephen Burgess, Victoria Univ
of Tech - Australia, stephen.burgess(a)vu.edu.au
*Virtual Organizations and Society, Diane Graf, Northern Illinois
University - USA, <dmgraf(a)niu.edu>
*Enterprise Resource Planning, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska -
Lincoln -USA, <fnah2(a)unlnotes.unl.edu>
*IT/Community Partnerships, Jonathan Lazar, Towson University - USA,
*Mobile Computing & Commerce, Julia Mariga, Purdue University - USA,
*Business Process Mgmt Tools & Technologies, Majed Al-Mashari, King Saud
Univ. - Saudi Arabia, malmashari(a)ccis.ksu.edu.sa
Submissions for the 2002 IRMA International Conference may be submitted in
the following categories (All submissions will undergo a peer blind review):
Those individuals interested may submit a full length (3000 - 3500 words
with maximum of 3 figures/tables), original, and previously unpublished,
conceptual or empirical research or applied manuscript for review and
decision. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings in their
entirety or as a 1500-2000 words mini-paper, as recommended by the
reviewers. High quality papers will be considered for further review and
possible inclusion in the Information Resources Management Journal,
Journal of End User Computing, Journal of Database Management, or Journal of
Global Information Management. In addition, the best paper in terms of
quality and suitability to the theme of the conference will be awarded the
"Best Paper" Award.
Those individuals interested may submit research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts) or a summary of tentative results of the study to date in
500-1000 words by October 1, 2001. Authors of accepted proposals are asked
to forward a 1500-2000 words paper by January 11, 2002 for inclusion in the
Individuals interested in conducting a panel, workshop, symposium or
tutorial dealing with technological, managerial, professional, teaching,
societal, national or international issues of information technology
management are invited to submit a 500-1000 word proposal covering the
objectives, issues to be covered, and the names/addresses of any other
panel, workshop, tutorial/symposium members. Method of presentation is at
the submitter's discretion, however the submitter has the responsibility for
providing his/her own participants (such as panel members). All accepted
proposals will appear in the proceedings. (Note: All panel, workshop, and
tutorial/symposium members must register and pay for the conference. Panel
presenters should know that during the conference, a projector and screen
will be provided by the association for each presentation. Any additional
equipment needed for the panel/workshop/tutorial or symposium is at the disc
retion of the presenter and it will be his/her responsibility to provide the
extra equipment.
Submissions in all categories must follow the following guidelines: (All
submissions must be received by October 1, 2001).
1. Manuscript must not exceed 3500 words for full length submissions;
500-1000 words for research -in-progress summary/proposal; and 500-1000
words for panel, workshop, tutorial and symposium proposals.
2. Must be accompanied by a separate cover letter with every author(s) name,
address, phone & fax numbers, e-mail, full affiliation and the TRACK to
which it is submitted. All correspondence will be sent to the first author.
3. Submitted papers must not currently be under review by any other
publication or conference.
4. Submitters must provide their e-mail address where the acknowledgment
will be forwarded.
5. The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship)is
limited strictly to a maximum of two submissions.
6. All submissions should be submitted electronically in either MS Word or
rich text format (RTF) or PDF.
Important Note: Submitters who do not receive an e-mail acknowledgment for
their submissions to IRMA2002 two weeks after theie electronic submissions,
should contact the Program Chair IMMEDIATELY.
Send all inquiries and submissions to: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Program Chair,
2002 IRMA International Conference, E-mail:
Authors of accepted manuscripts and proposals will be asked to provide the
final copy of the submission in MS Word or RTF formats on diskette. Authors
of accepted papers (at least one person) must REGISTER and ATTEND the
IRMA2002 International Conference.
If you wish to volunteer your expertise as a paper reviewer for the 2002
IRMA International Conference, send an e-mail (list 3 possible tracks) to
Program Chair <irmaconf(a)irma-international.org> before September 11, 2001.
Conference reviewers will be asked to review 2-3 manuscripts electronically
in 2-3 weeks period for IRMA'2002 International.
The 2002 IRMA International Conference will be held at the Renaissance
Madison Hotel. For more information, please visit the IRMA Web site.
To learn more about IRMA membership benefits and services or to join IRMA,
please visit: IRMA's website at:
Hope to see you all in beautiful Seattle next year
Sherif Kamel
IRMA VP for Communications
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 12:50:40 -0700
From: "Nissen, Mark" <MNissen(a)NPS.NAVY.MIL>
Symposium Announcement and Call for Papers
The INSEAD-UCLA Research Symposium on Management in the Information
November 16, 2001
INSEAD Singapore
Sponsored by eLab@INSEAD and
The Center for Management in the Information Economy (UCLA)
The symposium will focus on critical issues in "Management in the
Information Economy", encompassing core management functions as well as
cross functional problems. The objective of this research symposium is to
bring together a select group of academics and researchers interested in
management issues as they relate to the information economy. The symposium
will be preceded by an industry conference on the digital economy titled
Eforum@INSEAD that will be held on Nov. 15 at INSEAD in Singapore.
The symposium will include both invited and submitted papers. Presentations
will be organized into a plenary session, followed by multiple workshop
tracks addressing specific topics. Topics will focus on the areas of:
- Strategic issues in the information economy, e.g., corporate strategy and
- Technology and management in the information economy, e.g., IT/IS,
decision systems, automation and intelligent systems, operations and
technology management.
- Socio-economic impact of the information economy, e.g., economics, trade
and policy.
- Interfaces with other disciplines, for example with marketing,
organizational behavior, and human resources.
To register for the symposium, please send an email to eLAB(a)insead.fr.
Registration fees are US $50 per person for the one day conference. A
detailed symposium schedule will be available soon on the INSEAD eLAB
web-site ( <http://elab.insead.edu/>). To request an electronic copy,
please contact us via email.
Call for Papers
Submissions are invited for the symposium. Please submit a title and
abstract by email, to elab(a)insead.fr for evaluation of suitability.
Completed drafts are not required; however, the work should be far enough
along for presentation. Submissions will be accepted until October 15th,
2001, contingent on the availability of time slots in the symposium
Submitted papers will be considered for presentation in the symposium, and
also for
- Inclusion in an special issue of the Electronic Commerce Research (ECR)
(see journal URL <http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1389-5753>)
- Inclusion in the Symposium Abstracts page published on the web
Publication in the Electronic Commerce Research Journal
Full papers are not required for the symposium itself. However, if authors
wish to have a paper considered for the special issue in Electronic Commerce
Research Journal, they should submit a paper as soon as it is available.
The deadline for the special issue is November 15th, 2001.
Dr. Mark E. Nissen
Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School
Young Investigator, Office of Naval Research
NPS Representative, Command Third Fleet
555 Dyer Road, Code SBPP/Ni Tel: 831-656-3570
Monterey, CA 93943-5000 Fax: 831-656-3407
Web: http://web.nps.navy.mil/~menissen
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: IRMA 2002 Call for Papers - Intelligent Information Systems Track
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 13:24:09 -0400
From: Vijay Sugumaran <sugumara(a)oakland.edu>
Dear Colleague:
As the Chair of the Intelligent Information Systems Track for the 2002 IRMA
International Conference, I would like to invite you to consider submitting
a paper or panel/workshop/symposium proposal for this track.
The deadline for paper submission is OCTOBER 1st, 2001. If you have any
questions regarding this track, please do not hesitate to contact me via
email or phone. For those of you interested in participating as a PAPER
REVIEWER or SESSION CHAIR for my track, contact me or the program chair at
the IRMA Conference Link below. Complete details can be found at the
following urls. For your convenience, I have also attached the relevant
information to this email.
Call for Papers:
IRMA Web Site: http://www.irma-international.org
2002 Information Resources Management Association
International Conference
May 19-22, 2002
Renaissance Madison Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA
Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) Track
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2001
Vijayan Sugumaran, Ph.D.
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
School of Business Administration
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309
Phone: +1-248-370-2831
Fax: +1-248-370-4275
Email: sugumara(a)oakland.edu
The 2002 Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)
International Conference will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA,
from May 19-22, 2002. As the chair of the Intelligent Information
Systems track, I invite you to submit papers and participate as a
paper reviewer and/or session chair. I also ask that you consider
submitting a proposal for a panel or invited session.
Submission guidelines are provided below for your information. The
deadline for paper/proposal submission is October 1, 2001. Please note
that all submissions should be directed to the Program Chair, not to me
(see below). If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the
Intelligent Information Systems track, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
While the area of Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) has experienced
significant progress, the advent of Internet and World Wide Web has
sparked renewed interest in this area. There is a growing interest in
developing intelligent systems that would enable users to accomplish
complex tasks in a web-centric environment with relative ease utilizing
such technologies as intelligent agents, distributed computing in
heterogeneous environments, and computer supported collaborative work.
Designing and developing effective IIS is an inter-disciplinary
activity and hence, the purpose of this track is to bring together
researchers in related fields such as information systems, distributed
AI, intelligent agents, machine learning, collaborative work, to
explore and discuss various aspects of IIS design and implementation.
This track is intended to create a synergy between these fields, as
well as share experiences and lessons learned in deploying intelligent
The Intelligent Information Systems track encourages the submission of
quality papers and panel and workshop proposals dealing with (but not
limited to) the following topics:
* IIS Development Methodologies and Architectures
* Web-based IIS
* Intelligent Agents and Multiagent Systems
* Adaptive Systems
* Enabling technologies for IIS Development
* Agent-based Information Systems
* Agent-based control and manufacturing systems
* Distributed Intelligent Systems
* Knowledge Discovery and Scientific Discovery Systems
* Cooperative and Collaborative Systems
* Organizational Impact of IIS
* Knowledge-based systems
* Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
Submissions for the 2002 IRMA International Conference may be submitted
in the following categories. (All submissions will undergo a blind
Those individuals interested may submit a full length (not to exceed
3000-3500 words and may not include more than 3 figures/tables),
original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or empirical research
manuscript for review and decision. Accepted papers will be published
in the conference proceedings in their entirety or as a 1500-2000 word
mini-paper, as recommended by the reviewers. High quality papers will
be considered for further review and possible inclusion in the
Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of End User
Computing, Journal of Database Management, or Journal of Global
Information Management. In addition, the best paper in terms of quality
and suitability to the theme of the conference will be awarded the
"Best Paper" Award.
Those individuals interested may submit research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts) or a summary of tentative results of the study to date in
500-1000 words by October 1, 2001. Authors of accepted proposals are
asked to forward a 1500-2000 word paper (with no more than 2
figures/tables) by January 11, 2002 for inclusion in the conference
Individuals interested in conducting a panel, workshop, symposium or
tutorial dealing with technological, managerial, professional,
teaching, societal, national or international issues of information
technology management are invited to submit a 500-1000 word proposal
covering the objectives, issues to be covered, and the names/addresses
of any other panel, workshop, tutorial/symposium members. Method of
presentation is at the submitter's discretion, however the submitter
has the responsibility for providing his/her own participants (such as
panel members). All accepted proposals will appear in the conference
proceedings. (Note: All panel, workshop, tutorial/symposium members
must register and pay for the conference.) Panel presenters should know
that during the conference, an overhead projector and screen will be
provided by the association for each presentation. Any additional
equipment needed for the panel, workshop, tutorial or symposium is at
the discretion of the presenter and it will be his or her
responsibility to provide the extra equipment.
Submissions in all categories must follow the following guidelines:
(All submissions must be received by October 1, 2001).
Manuscript must not exceed 3000-3500 words for full length submissions;
500-1000 words for research-in-progress summary/proposal; and 500-1000
words for panel, workshop, tutorial and symposium proposals.
Must be accompanied by a separate cover letter with every author(s)
name, address, phone & fax numbers, e-mail, full affiliation and the
track to which it is submitted. All correspondence will be sent to the
first author unless otherwise specified.
Submitted papers must not currently be under review by any other
publication or conference.
Submitters must provide their e-mail address where the acknowledgment
will be forwarded.
The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship) is
limited to a maximum of two submissions.
All submissions should be submitted electronically in either MS Word or
rich text format (RTF). (Note: If you do not receive an e-mail
acknowledgment two weeks after your electronic submissions, please
contact the program chair.
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2001
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: November 30, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 11, 2002
Early Registration Ends: April 1, 2002
Conference Date: May 19-22, 2002
Send all inquiries and submissions to:
Mehdi Khosrowpour, Program Chair
E-mail: irmaconf(a)irma-international.org
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IRMA - Call for Papers: Submission Deadline October 1, 2001
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 12:43:32 -0400
From: Luvai Motiwalla <Luvai_Motiwalla(a)UML.EDU>
Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies
Track of
2002 Information Resources Management Association International
May 19-22, 2002
at Renaissance Madison Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA
Luvai Motiwalla
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
E-mail: luvai_motiwalla(a)uml.edu
Telecommunications is communication by wire or wireless means, usually
over a distance. It forms an important aspect of national and global
infrastructure. It presents a challenging and wide ranging spectrum of
management problems as well as business opportunities. It figures
prominently in current firm, group and personal applications, and in
visions of a future "electronic global village." Current information
systems thinking on inter-organizational systems, electronic data
interchange, and strategic information systems draws heavily on present
and anticipated developments in telecommunications technology.
The Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies Track encourages the
submission of quality papers and panel and workshop proposals dealing
with (but not limited to) the following topics:
* Emerging Telecommunications & Networking Applications
* Management and Enterprise Requirements for Telecommunications Systems
* User Requirements for Telecommunication & Pervasive Systems
* Telecommunications Regulations
* Transnational and Global Issues in Telecommunications
* Telecommunications Protocols
* Telecommunications Architectures and Standards
* Organizational Role of Telecommunications
* Justifying Telecommunications Project Proposals
* Evaluating Telecommunications & Pervasive Systems
* Network Design and Implementation
* Network Operations and Technical Support
* Wide Area Networks
* Metropolitan Area Networks
* Local Area Networks
* Mobile Area Networks
For complete conference information, visit the IRMA Web Site at
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IRMA - Call for Papers: Submission Deadline October 1, 2001
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 12:43:32 -0400
From: Luvai Motiwalla <Luvai_Motiwalla(a)UML.EDU>
Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies
Track of
2002 Information Resources Management Association International
May 19-22, 2002
at Renaissance Madison Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA
Luvai Motiwalla
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
E-mail: luvai_motiwalla(a)uml.edu
Telecommunications is communication by wire or wireless means, usually
over a distance. It forms an important aspect of national and global
infrastructure. It presents a challenging and wide ranging spectrum of
management problems as well as business opportunities. It figures
prominently in current firm, group and personal applications, and in
visions of a future "electronic global village." Current information
systems thinking on inter-organizational systems, electronic data
interchange, and strategic information systems draws heavily on present
and anticipated developments in telecommunications technology.
The Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies Track encourages the
submission of quality papers and panel and workshop proposals dealing
with (but not limited to) the following topics:
* Emerging Telecommunications & Networking Applications
* Management and Enterprise Requirements for Telecommunications Systems
* User Requirements for Telecommunication & Pervasive Systems
* Telecommunications Regulations
* Transnational and Global Issues in Telecommunications
* Telecommunications Protocols
* Telecommunications Architectures and Standards
* Organizational Role of Telecommunications
* Justifying Telecommunications Project Proposals
* Evaluating Telecommunications & Pervasive Systems
* Network Design and Implementation
* Network Operations and Technical Support
* Wide Area Networks
* Metropolitan Area Networks
* Local Area Networks
* Mobile Area Networks
For complete conference information, visit the IRMA Web Site at
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CoopIS'01 - Call for Participation
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 15:36:26 +0200
From: Giorgini Paolo <pgiorgio(a)SCIENCE.UNITN.IT>
Our apologies if you receive this more than once.
Ninth International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems
(CoopIS 2001)
Trento, Italy
September 5-7, 2001
Late Registration Deadline: Aug 27, 2001
Wednesday September 5, 2001
9.00 - 10.00 Registration
10.00 - 10.30 Conference Opening
Carlo Batini and Fausto Giunchiglia
10.30 - 11.30 Middleware, Platforms and Architectures I
Chair: Stefano Spaccapietra
P-Grid: A Self-organizing Access Structure for P2P
Information Systems
Karl Aberer
Moving Active Functionality from Centralized to Open
Distributed Heterogeneous Environments
Mariano Cilia, Christof Bornhvd and Alejandro P.
11.30 - 13.00 Models
Chair: Maurizio Lenzerini
A Process Service Model for Dynamic Enterprise
Process Interconnection
Karim Bana, Khalid Benali and Claude Godart
Employing Multiuser Interactions in the Development
of Synchronous Applications
Cornelia Haber
Service Representation, Discovery, and Composition
for E-Marketplaces
Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Jian Yang and Mike P.
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 Invited Talk I
Data Integration Is Harder Than You Thought
Maurizio Lenzerini (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
15.00 - 16.00 Web Information Systems I
Chair: Yahiko Kambayashi
Coordinating Web-based Systems with Documents in
Robert Tolksdorf and Dirk Glaubitz
The Internet Marketplace Template: an Architecture
Template for Inter-enterprise Information Systems
Mark A. Cameron, Kerry L. Taylor and David J. Abel
16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00 Multi and Federated Database Systems
Chair: Carlo Batini
Schema Design and Query Processing in a Federated
Multimedia Database System
Henrike Berthold and Klaus Meyer-Wegener
Global Semantic Serializability: An Approach to
Increase Concurrency in Multidatabase Systems
Angelo Brayner and Theo H¿rder
Checking Integrity Constraints in Multidatabase
Systems with Nested Transactions
Anne Doucet, Stephane GanÄarski, Claudia Le£n and
Marta Rukoz
18:30 - 20.00 Opening Cocktail
Thursday September 6, 2001
9.00 - 10.00 Invited talk II
Generic Model Management -- A Database Infrastructure
for Schema Manipulation
Phil Bernstein (Microsoft Research)
10.00 - 11.00 Workflow Management Systems
Chair: Dimitris Karagiannis
Querying and Splicing of XML Workflows
Vassilis Christophides, Richard Hull and Akhil Kumar
On Demand Business-to-Business Integration
Liangzhao Zeng, Boualem Benatallah and Anne H.H. Ngu
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00 Information Integration I
Chair: Avigdor Gal
Autoplex: Automated Discovery of Content for Virtual
Jacob Berlin and Amihai Motro
Cooperation Strategies for Information Integration
Maurizio Panti, Luca Spalazzi and Loris Penserini
Planning and Optimizing Semantic Information Requests
Using Domain Modeling and Resource Characteristics
Shuchi Patel and Amit Sheth
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 Recommendation and Information Seeking Systems
Chair: John Mylopoulos
Yoda: An Accurate and Scalable Web-based
Recommendation System
Cyrus Shahabi, Farnoush Banaei-Kashani, Yi-Shin Chen
and Dennis McLeod
The Use of Machine-Generated Ontologies in Dynamic
Information Seeking
Giovanni Modica, Avigdor Gal and Hasan M. Jamil
15.00 - 16.15 Panel: "Semantic Web: Rehash or Research Goldmine"
Panelists: Amit Sheth (Moderator), Robert Meersman,
John Mylopoulos and Dieter Fensel
16.15 - 16.45 Coffee Break
16.45 - 18.15 Agent Systems I
Chair: Paolo Bouquet
Implicit Culture for Multi-agent Interaction Support
Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Massa and
Sabrina Recla
Extending Multi-Agent Cooperation by Overhearing
Luciano Serafini, Dhirendra Singh and Floriano Zini
Mobile-Agent based Distributed Web GIS
Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou and Aoying Zhou
19.00 Guided Tour of Trento
21.00 Gala Dinner
Friday September 7, 2001
9.00 - 10.00 Invited talk III
Distributed Component Architectures for CIS
Edward Cobb (BEA Systems)
10.00 - 11.00 Web Information Systems II
Chair: Witold Litwin
Investigating the Evolution of Electronic Markets
John Debenham and Simeon Simoff
Validating an Access Cost Model for Wide Area
Vladimir Zadorozhny, Louiqa Raschid, Tao Zhan and
Laura Bright
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00 Agent Systems II
Chair: Paolo Giorgini
Local Distributed Agent Matchmaking
Elth Ogston and StamatisVassiliadis
Deploying Distributed State Information in Mobile
Agent Systems
Ralf-Dieter Schimkat, Michael Friedrich and Wolfgang
Cooperative Meeting Scheduling among Agents based on
Multiple Negotiations
Toramatsu Shintani and Takayuki Ito
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 Information Integration II
Chair: Michael Brodie
Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object
Definition Language
Mark Roantree, Jessie B. Kennedy and Peter J. Barclay
Deriving "sub-source" Similarities from
Heterogeneous, Semi-structured Information Sources
Domenico Rosaci, Giorgio Terracina and Domenico
15.00 - 16.00 Middleware, Platforms, Architectures II
Chair: Maurizio Panti
Generic Constraints for Content-Based
Gero Mºhl
Supporting Heterogeneous Users in Collaborative
Virtual Environments using AOP
Monica Pinto, Mercedes Amor, Lidia Fuentes and Jose
M. Troya
16.00 - 16.15 Closing
Paolo Giorgini http://www.science.unitn.it/~pgiorgio
Department of Mathematics email:pgiorgini@cs.unitn.it
University of Trento phone: +39-0461-882052
Via Sommarive, 14 38050 Povo - Trento - Italy fax: +39-0461-881624
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFParticipation - MDDS'2001 - Mobility in DB&DS
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 13:01:07 +1000
From: Arkady Zaslavsky <a.zaslavsky(a)monash.edu.au>
MDDS'2001 - 4th International Workshop
September 6, 2001
Munich, Germany
in conjunction with the 11th International Conference
on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'01)
September 3 - 7, 2001, http://www.dexa.org
Arkady Zaslavsky
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2002 IRMA International Conference--Computer Aided Software Engin eering Track
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:47:15 -0500
From: "Barrier, Tonya B" <tbb364f(a)SMSU.EDU>
Dear colleagues:
Are you working in the Computer Aided Software Engineering Area? Why not
send a paper to the 2002 Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)
International Conference? Our Association needs some quality papers to
discuss. We can help you make your research better with some great comments
from some great people. Come join us May 19-22 in Seattle Washington, USA.
The deadline for conference submission is October 1, 2001.
Details can be found at the IRMA Web site: http://www.irma-international.org
Specific details about this track and other tracks can found by going to the
web site and clicking on "Conferences" (2002 IRMA International Conferences)
and then click on "Tracks and Chairs". Find my name and this track. Also
you may find other tracks that you or your colleagues may be interested in.
See you at the conference.
Tonya B. Barrier, PhD
Associate Professor
Southwest Missouri State University
Computer Information Systems
Springfield MO 65804-0095
(417) 836-4117 Fax: (417) 836-6907
New e-mail address: tonyabarrier(a)smsu.edu