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Subject: [WU-Prof] Call for Papers: Managing Cross-cultural Teams and Hierarchies
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 17:28:49 +0200
From: HH <hermann.huemer(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
To: Assistenten-Liste <assistent.inn.en(a)wu-wien.ac.at>, Professoren <wu-professoren(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
im Namen von Prof. Gerhard Fink (IEF) moechte ich Sie ueber den fuer
16.-19. Dezember 2001 geplanten Workshop am Forschungsinstitut fuer
Europafragen der WU Wien informieren. Dazu darf ich Ihnen den folgenden
Call for Papers uebermitteln.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen --- Hermann Huemer.
++++++++++ CALL FOR PAPERS ++++++++++
Research Workshop on Managing Cross-cultural Teams and Hierarchies:
Theory Development and Global Application
(Illinois-Austria Academic Partnership)
- - - - - - AND - - - - -
Special Volume of JAI Advances in International Management
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> Co-organizers:
# Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER),
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
# Research Institute for European Affairs (IEF) and
# Department of Management and Organisational Behaviour at
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna, Austria
# Department of Economics and Management Sciences at Danube University,
Krems, Austria
>>> Contact and Deadlines:
The workshop will be held at the Wirtschaftuniversität Wien on December
16-19, 2001. European and other non-U.S. researchers are invited to
submit a two-page abstract of a theory or empirical paper they intend to
present at the workshop. Deadline for abstract submission: Monday,
October 15, 2001. We will notify you until October 31 whether your
proposal is accepted. In case it is accepted, the full paper has to be
delivered before Tuesday, November 20, 2001. Further notification
whether also your full paper is accepted will be provided until December
1, 2001. Submissions should be e-mailed as MS-Word attachments to
Wolfgang Mayrhofer (Wolfgang.Mayrhofer(a)wu-wien.ac.at).
>>> Contents:
Because organizations today must survive in increasingly dynamic
environments, many organizations are adopting more streamlined, adaptive
hierarchies that increase the use of teams in daily operations. At the
same time, organizations are expanding their geographic boundaries and
alliances to become more efficient global competitors, and are choosing
team members from a more global pool of organizational participants.
Thus, teams have become more pivotal for organizational success and
simultaneously have become increasingly multicultural and multinational.
Much previous research has focused on identifying differences in work
processes among cultures. However, we know very little about the
dynamics of multicultural or multinational teams as they work embedded
in turbulent environments. The purpose of the workshop is to offer a
forum for this focus, and to encourage researchers to explore the
dynamics of multicultural and multinational teams. Examples of possible
research topics for multicultural/multinational teams include:
· Leadership and followership issues
· Effective team design and composition
· Influences of time perspective or perception differences on team
· Effects of differences in culture of origin on team processes
· Inter-team dynamics
· Team conflict antecedents, manifestation, and effects
· Effects of differences in communication patterns on team functioning
· Collaborative processes
· Differences in team decision making preferences and decision outcomes
· Negotiation processes
· Knowledge creation and management
· Processes in virtual multicultural teams
>>> Special Volume of JAI Advances in International Management:
The volume special editors, Joseph Cheng, Gerhard Fink, Etty Jehn, and
Wolfgang Mayrhofer, will invite the authors of the accepted full papers
to present their work at the workshop. Selected papers from the workshop
will be published in a special volume of the JAI Press series, Advances
in International Management, edited by Joseph Cheng and Michael Hitt.
In order to facilitate a lively discussion of pertinent topics, drafts
of papers to be presented will be distributed to workshop participants
approximately two weeks before the workshop takes place.
+ Dr. Hermann Huemer, Research Information Officer
+ Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
+ Augasse 9, A-1090 Wien
+ Tel.: +43(0)1-31336-5107 | Fax: +43(0)1-31336-905107
+ mailto: hermann.huemer(a)wu-wien.ac.at
# FIDES: Information ueber und fuer die Forschung
# http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/fides/
WU-Professoren maillist - WU-Professoren(a)wu-wien.ac.at
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Subject: CFP: Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization (ISMC 2002)
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 09:43:30 +0200
From: Klaus Turowski <turowski(a)ITI.CS.UNI-MAGDEBURG.DE>
Second Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization
(ISMC 2002)
as part of the
Third International ICSC Symposium on
Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS 2002)
Malaga, Spain, 24.09.-27.09.2002
One of the big challenges of the upcoming century is the realization of mass
customization which means obviously changes to nearly all areas of business.
For example, sophisticated marketing concepts, organizational issues,
logistics, and manufacturing strategies are required.
However, mass customization is not an "add-on" to conventional business
concepts and strategies. It means a deep cut into all parts of an
operational enterprise. Therefore business processes, company organization
structure, information systems, production strategies, logistics, production
technology etc. have to be reconsidered. Furthermore, all subsystems of a
company have to work together in a continuously integrated manner.
The workshop aims to provide researchers and practitioners from academia and
industry with a forum to report on the latest developments in topics
concerning mass customization as well as managing mass customization
Besides reports on practice cases and research results, the workshop
provides broad room for discussion. For this reason, interested people not
contributing a report, but being engaged in the topic are especially welcome
to deepen the discussion.
* Product configurators for mass customization, product catalogues
* Ad hoc generating of product data, ad hoc planning
* IT support for inter-company communication and coordination
* Web-based techniques, E-Commerce approaches, XML, XML/EDI
* Virtual enterprises for mass customization
* Procurement automation
* Supply chain management
* Production networks
* Intelligent planning/coordination, multi-agent systems
* Case studies
* Service individualization
* Mass customization concepts
Prospective authors are requested to either send a draft paper (maximum 7
pages) or an extended abstract for review. All submissions must be written
in English and must include the title of the workshop. Please refer to the
congress Web page
for further details concerning the submission procedure.
Submission Deadline November 30, 2001
Notification Deadline February 28, 2002
Final Manuscripts April 15, 2002
Registration April 30, 2002
Prof. Dr. Claus Rautenstrauch
Business Information Systems
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
P.O. Box 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (391)671-8386, Fax: -1216
URL: http://www-wi.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
E-Mail: rauten(a)iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
PD Dr. Klaus Turowski
Chair of Business Information Systems
University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Tel.: +49(89)6004-2201, Fax: -3036
URL: http://wi.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de
E-Mail: turowski(a)informatik.unibw-muenchen.de
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: CFP: The IT Workforce in the Digital World
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 07:45:40 -0400
From: Munir Mandviwalla <mandviwm(a)THUNDER.OCIS.TEMPLE.EDU>
The Information Technology (IT) Workforce in the Digital World:
Managing IT workers across borders, time, distance, and culture
Computer Personnel Research 2002 Conference
Kristiansand, Norway, May 14-16, 2002
Call for Papers
In the e-work, e-place, e-person global economy, the role, meaning,
implication of the IT worker continues to evolve. Who is the IT
professional of the future? The financial analyst in Philadelphia
who is customizing Microsoft Excel to display interactive budgets
on the web for clients in China? The COBOL programmer in India whose
skills are brokered by a body shop in New Jersey to clients in the
United Kingdom? Who is responsible for managing and recruiting such
diverse personnel? The human resources department that needs
relatively fixed job definitions and salary codes or the project
manager who will not know until the project starts what skills are
needed? Who will educate the IT workers of the future? A traditional
university following a linear multi-year curriculum? Online learn
as you go operations? Self-help books and certification centers?
How will these workers interact with each other and their clients
and managers when they need to be in multiple locations? What will
IT workers do when they get laid off and burnt out from the nth
.com? How will workers who are trained only to code learn to
interact with clients and other workers who have different
backgrounds? How will the global economy respond to the continued
shortage of skilled personnel?
You are invited to submit empirical or theoretical papers, tutorials,
and panel proposals related to the above topics to the ACM Special
Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research (SIGCPR) 2002
Conference. Other topics related to information technology and
information systems management are also encouraged. Suggested topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Recruitment and Retention
- IT workforce analysis by industry or geographic location
- Managing the outsourcing processes
- Training and Retraining
- Compensation Models
- Measuring IT workforce performance
- Impact of Globalization
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: October 17, 2001
Decision to Authors: December 17, 2001
Camera Ready Copy Due: January 15, 2002
Conference Committee
Maung Sein, Conference Co-Chair (Maung.K.Sein(a)hia.no)
Carl Erik Moe, Conference Co-Chair and Treasurer (Carl.E.Moe(a)hia.no)
Munir Mandviwalla, Program Chair (mandviwa(a)temple.edu)
Stan Clark, Publicity chair (sclark(a)stevens-tech.edu)
Tore Orvik, Local Arrangements Chair (Tore.Orvik(a)hia.no)
Please review the ACM SIGCPR web site for additional details and
submission instructions: http://www.acm.org/sigcpr
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: Informing Science + IT Education (InSITE) Confe rence 2002, Cork, Ireland
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:49:56 +0100
From: "Butler, Tom" <TButler(a)AFIS.UCC.IE>
Digital Divide and Social Responsibility
At the 2002 Informing Science + IT Education (InSITE) Conference in
June 19-22, 2002 University College Cork, Cork, Ireland http://is2002.com/
Track Co-chairs: Tom Butler (Ireland) & George Benwell (New Zealand)
The Digital Divide has been defined as a gap that exists between those with
access to information technologies and those who do not. The term is also
employed to indicate the disparity between those who through lack of
educational opportunities or social circumstances are excluded from
developing the IT skills that would gain them employment in the IT industry.
While social exclusion on the basis of wealth and status has always existed,
the post-industrial 'global' society with its 'new economy' creates
additional barriers. Paradoxically, this situation also offers opportunities
to those who find themselves on the wrong side of the 'divide,' as the gap
between the supply and the demand for IT literate workers grows, even in
recessionary times. The problem to be addressed here is one of education and
training, not just the provision of information and communication
technologies to the socially and economically excluded. All this is creating
tremendous challenges and opportunities for policy makers, educators, and
private sector institutions that wish to exercise corporate social
This track provides an outlet for scholarship in philosophy, education,
information systems, and related fields. Such scholarship examines
philosophical and ethical issues surrounding the digital divide and how it
is being addressed in society. Also of interest is who is affected by the
'divide' and why, how, and where? Educators and social policy makers play a
vital role in spanning the divide; hence, scholarship from these areas is
especially welcome.
Recommended Topics
The purpose of this track is to provide a forum for researchers across to
contribute in this expanding research area. Areas in which contributions may
be made include (but are not limited to):
* Philosophical issues
* Government and social policy initiatives aimed at spanning
the divide
* The role of IT educators in shaping and executing policy
* The exercise of corporate social responsibility by private
* Collaborations between social partners educators, industry
and government
* Practical experiences of educators and IT practitioners
Further information may be obtained from the track co-chairs at
tbutler(a)afis.ucc.ie or gbenwell(a)infoscience.otago.ac.nz
Types of Submissions
Research Paper. Research papers should be submitted as complete papers.
Papers should include a description of the context of use, the clients
involved, the problem, and the proposed solution, if appropriate. Original
thinking is valued. Papers typically are less than 20 pages long (about 5000
words). Research papers must be original and unpublished.
Research-in-Progress, Interactive Paper, Discussion Paper, and Practical
Papers. Shorter papers (at least 5 pages) of Research-in-Progress,
Interactive, Discussion, and Practical matters are also welcome. These let
you share the progress you have had to date and receive constructive
feedback midstream in your research.
All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and
selected papers will appear in the journal Informing Science: International
Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline or the Journal of Information
Technology Education.
It will be useful to review papers that were presented at IS2001. They can
be found at
Panel submissions. Proposals for panels that synthesize and orient work in
the area are encouraged, especially those that cross disciplinary
boundaries. Panel proposals should define an issue, list proposed panel
members, their backgrounds, and their basic positions. Panel proposals
should be written as extended abstracts that are approximately two pages
long. Panels should provide for interaction among members and with the
audience and should not consist of a series of independent mini-papers.
Format Instructions for all submissions
1. You will be submitting an "anonymized" manuscript in which you have
stripped out the author(s') name(s) and affiliations, and any other
information that would identify you. This is necessary because all papers
will be blind reviewed.
2. Your manuscript, excluding references, typically should not exceed 5,000
words (approximately 22double-spaced pages).
3. The first page of the paper should include only the title, the abstract
(not more than 150 words) and 3-5 keywords.
4. If you are using MS Word, please use the default styles for all text. Use
"Normal" style for the body of the paper, styles Heading 1, Heading 2, and
Heading 3 for the levels of headings. If you are not using Word, please
format all paragraphs using a Times font in size 12 point.
5. Please make sure that you save the manuscript you submit in either in
.RTF or Word .doc format.
6. Please follow APA format in preparing the references. A few examples are
shown below for illustration (each type includes a generic reference
followed by a specific reference). For more information, refer to the
University Libraries of the University of Southern Mississippi guidelines:
7. If you have questions on English grammar, such as when to use "that" and
when to use "which", an excellent guide can be found at
<http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar>. While US spelling is preferable, other
versions of English are acceptable.
8. You will submit your proposal via the web (or email, if your web access
is limited). Please review all these instructions before submitting your
Submit your paper on line at any of these URLs
<http://www.is2002.com/submissionpage.htm> (US)
<http://csweb.ucc.ie/is2002/submissionpage.htm> (Ireland)
9. Authors may appear at most on two papers or one paper and one panel.
For accepted paper to appear on the program and in the proceedings, at least
one author must register by the presenters' registration deadline. All
members of panels must register by the presenters' registration deadline.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP ISOneWorld - Holisitic Information Systems: practice and theory.
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:32:12 +1000
From: "Andrew Wenn." <Andrew.Wenn(a)VU.EDU.AU>
Holistic Information Systems: practice and theory.
Andrew Wenn (Track Chair)
April 4 & 5, 2002
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
This is a call for papers or panel proposals that address the specific
theme "Holistic Information Systems: practice and theory". Papers and
presentations in this track will take the view that an information
system consists of many facets including: users, developers, maintenance
personal, technologies, software, hardware, organisations, policies,
procedures and politics. It is hoped that the emphasis will be more on
real life experiences (be they good or bad), the lessons that can be
learned , the implications for educators and future prospects of an
holistic approach to systems.
See http://busfa.vu.edu.au/awenn/ISOneWorld/Holistic.html for more
More details about ISOneWorld
Conference Theme: IS academic & practitioner global alliances
ISOneWorld aims to bring together business and academia in order to
inform research and practice.
It will provide opportunities for the exchange of views, communication
and the building of alliances that should be of benefit to the IS world
as a whole.
More information and details of other tracks can be found at:
Andrew Wenn
School of Information Systems
Victoria University of Technology
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: GITM 2002 CFP: IT in Asia Track
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:49:49 -0500
From: En Mao <enmao(a)UWM.EDU>
IT in Asia
Track Chair: En Mao
(Please send the track chair En Mao (enmao(a)uwm.edu) an e-mail indicating
your intent to submit a paper to this track)
Third Annual
on June 23, 24, 25, 2002 in New York, NY, USA
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date).
Please submit directly to the Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia. For timely
processing, we have an all-electronic review process. Therefore, an
electronic submission is strongly recommended (email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu).
If not possible, please mail 4 copies to the following address and make sure
it arrives by the deadline. Please include your email address along with
the submission.
Dr. Prashant Palvia
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
ISOM Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083
IT has played a major role in the rapid development of the Asian "tiger
economies" and this fact has not been lost on Asia's newly emerging
economies. Yet while a number of Asian governments are now building their
national development plans around IT, others have only just obtained a
connection to the Internet. While the region's major industrial and
financial institutions are deploying IT in their bids to brace themselves
for a global competitive stance and have proved that leapfrogging exists in
IT development, the vast majority of Asians have yet to make a phone call,
much less use a computer. The track on IT in Asia seeks to showcase IT/IS
research and implementations that address these and other issues relating to
the use of IT in Asia.
Papers (completed or in-progress: about 20 double spaced pages), extended
abstracts (completed or in-progress research: about 4-6 pages), panel and
workshop proposals (2-4 pages) dealing with (but not limited to) the
following topics are invited. Please mention the name of this track on the
cover page.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- E-commerce in Asia
- Multi-nationals and IT in Asia
- National planning for IT
- IT in Asian education
- IT in development
- IT and Asian governance
- Cultural aspects of Asian IT
- Asian languages and IT
- Asian Silicon Valleys
- IT for islands and remote communities
- Asian Internet issues
OTHER TRACKS: Please note that you may also submit to other Global IT
tracks. Just note the name of the appropriate track on the cover (if no
such track exists or you do not know the track name, simply state so on the
cover page). In general, Global IT Management topics include (but are not
limited to):
IT in various countries and regions (e.g., Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab
countries, North America, South & Central America, Australia); Development,
evaluation & management of Global Information Systems (GIS); Electronic
commerce; Internet and Web related issues; IT in multinational companies;
Virtual and networked organizations; Cross-cultural issues; Impact of global
IT on the organization; Information Resources Management; Frameworks/models
for global IS (GIS); Societal impacts of IT in developing countries; IT and
Economic Development; IT Diffusion in developing countries; IT in government
and public sector: IT human resource issues; DSS/EIS/ES in international
settings; Organizational & management structures for GIS; Transborder data
flow issues; Electronic data interchange; Telecommunications; Distributed
global databases and networks; Cultural and societal impacts; Comparative
studies of nations; Applications and case studies (both research and
Papers recommended of high quality by the reviewers will be further
considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global
Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the Journal of Information
Technology Cases & Applications (JITCA).
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date)
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 31, 2002
Registration Deadline for one author of each paper and panelists: February
15, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: April 30, 2002 (at least one author must
Conference Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002
For additional information, please contact the conference chair, local
chair, program co-chairs or the track chairs.
Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina -
Greensboro, USA.
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, New York, 11549 USA
Email: khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu
En Mao
PO Box 742
School of Business Administration
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53217
414-229-4556 (phone)
414-229-6957 (fax)
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ITM Vol. 2, No.2 &3
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:43:45 -0500
From: Varghese Jacob <vjacob(a)UTDALLAS.EDU>
Information Technology and Management Volume 2 No. 2 and 3 is now available.
A list of articles and authors is provided below. Authors wishing to submit
papers or proposals for special issues should do so to either one of the
editors (address given at end of email). The website for the journal is:
ITM VOL.2 No. 2 : Special Issue: Economic Issues on Electronic Commerce
Guest Editors: Kemal Altinkemer and Abraham Seidmann
Introduction by: K. Altinkemer and A. Seidmann
Optimal Design of Internet-Based Auctions
By: C. Beam, A. Segev and J. Shanthikumar
A distributed allocation mechanism for network resources using software
By: K. Altinkemer and K. Tomak
Benefits and costs of adopting usage-based pricing in a subnetwork
By: A. Gupta, L. Linden, O. Stahl and B. Whinston
Matching process requirements with information technology to assess the
efficiency of web information systems
By: A. Scharl, J. Gebauer and C. Bauer
An evaluation model for the electronic commerce activities within SME's
By: M. Tagliavini, A. Ravarini and A. Antonelli
ITM VOL.2 No. 3 : Special Issue: Electronic Commerce in Procurement and the
Supply Chain
Guest Editors: Arie Segev and Judith Gebauer
Preface by: A. Segev and J. Gebauer
B2B Procurement and Marketplace Transformation
By: A. Segev and J. Gebauer
A Hierarchical Model of Supply-Chain Integration: Information Sharing and
Operational Interdependence in the US Grocery Channel
By: T.H. Clark, D.C. Croson and W. T Schiano
Agent-based Supply Chain Integration
By: M.E. Nissen
Redesigning Contracted Service Procurement for Internet-Based Electronic
Commerce: A Case Study
By: W. Scacchi
Modeling Inter- and Intra-Organizational Coordination in Electronic Commerce
By: H.-W. Kim
Hasan Pirkul
Varghese Jacob
School of Management
The University of Texas at Dallas
P.O. Box 830688 MS JO52
Richardson, Texas 75083-4095
Email: vjacob(a)utdallas.edu
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: CFP for GITMA 2002
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:26:02 -0500
From: Anil Kumar <kumara(a)UWWVAX.UWW.EDU>
Internet and Web Related Issues
Track Chair: Anil Kumar
(Please send the track chair an email at kumara(a)mail.uww.edu indicating
your intent to submit a paper to this track)
Third Annual
on June 23, 24, 25, 2002 in New York, NY, USA
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date).
Please submit directly to the Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia. For
timely processing, we have an all-electronic review process. Therefore,
an electronic submission is strongly recommended (email:
pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu). If not possible, please mail 4 copies to the
following address and make sure it arrives by the deadline. Please
include your email address along with the submission.
Dr. Prashant Palvia
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
ISOM Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083
The Internet revolution is changing the way firms conduct business.
Organizations are using the Internet and Web technologies to sell
products and services globally. In this global information age
companies are developing new Web-based applications that allow them to
sell customized products to customers by bypassing the traditional
channels of distribution. On the other hand, organizations now face
competition seldom seen in the past, with few barriers to entry in this
new digital environment. In this track we seek papers dealing with a
wide variety of global applications of Internet and Web related
technologies, organizational impact of these technologies, and social &
technical issues related to Global Internet and Web applications.
Papers (completed or in-progress: about 20 double spaced pages),
extended abstracts (completed or in-progress research: about 4-6 pages),
panel and workshop proposals (2-4 pages) dealing with (but not limited
to) the following topics are invited. Please mention the name of this
track on the cover page.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Applications of Internet and Web technologies
- Cases in global uses of Internet and WWW
- Global and Strategic issues
- Regulating the Internet on an International Level
- International Internet Regulation
- Distance Learning and instructional uses of the Internet
- Intranets
- Information Resource Management
- Security issues
- On-line credit card fraud and alternate consumer payment options
- Internet taxation
- Accessibility issues
- Social issues and public policy
- Accounting for Legal and Cultural issues
- Telecommuting
- Global Internet infrastructure
- Developing Web-base systems
- Wireless Internet
OTHER TRACKS: Please note that you may also submit to other Global IT
tracks. Just note the name of the appropriate track on the cover (if no
such track exists or you do not know the track name, simply state so on
the cover page). In general, Global IT Management topics include (but
are not limited to):
IT in various countries and regions (e.g., Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab
countries, North America, South & Central America, Australia);
Development, evaluation & management of Global Information Systems
(GIS); Electronic commerce; Internet and Web related issues; IT in
multinational companies; Virtual and networked organizations;
Cross-cultural issues; Impact of global IT on the organization;
Information Resources Management; Frameworks/models for global IS (GIS);
Societal impacts of IT in developing countries; IT and Economic
Development; IT Diffusion in developing countries; IT in government and
public sector: IT human resource issues; DSS/EIS/ES in international
settings; Organizational & management structures for GIS; Transborder
data flow issues; Electronic data interchange; Telecommunications;
Distributed global databases and networks; Cultural and societal
impacts; Comparative studies of nations; Applications and case studies
(both research and educational).
Papers recommended of high quality by the reviewers will be further
considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of
Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the Journal of
Information Technology Cases & Applications (JITCA).
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date)
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 31, 2002
Registration Deadline for one author of each paper and panelists:
February 15, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: April 30, 2002 (at least one author must
Conference Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002
For additional information, please contact the conference chair, local
chair, program co-chairs or the track chairs.
Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina -
Greensboro, USA.
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, New York, 11549 USA
Email: khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu
Anil Kumar
Assistant Professor
MCS, Management Department
105 McGraw
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Tel: 262-472-1468
Email: kumara(a)mail.uww.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Special issue on Scheduling
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 08:19:10 -0500
From: Jeet Gupta <00jngupta(a)BSUVC.BSU.EDU>
(Apologies for multiple postings)
A special issue of the Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial
Engineers is planned to cover the recent developments in scheduling theory.
Detailed Call for Papers can be found at the following URL addresses on the
http://bsuvc.bsu.edu/~00jngupta/schc.pdf in pdf file
http://bsuvc/bsu.edu/~00jngupta/schc.doc in MS Word 97 file.
The deadline for the submission of papers is November 30, 2001.
Briefly, the gist of the CFP is as follows:
Interest in the various approaches, tools, and techniques to solve
scheduling problems (e.g., genetic algorithms, evolutionary heuristics,
neural networks, heuristic programming, expert systems, optimizing
techniques, and constraintsbased reasoning and optimization) continues to
grow. However, the majority of the existing literature is focused only on
the issue of theory development without considering the specific needs of
the practitioner. This special issue will focus on both the development of
scheduling theory and the use of various tools and techniques to solve
scheduling problems faced by the practitioner including the recent
developments in e-commerce and supply chain management. Hopefully, the
reader will be able to develop a better appreciation of these tools and
techniques, their use in problem solving, and their relationship to methods
and emerging philosophies in our discipline.
This special issue will provide the advantage of grouping together
highquality papers in the area of scheduling theory and applications. The
term scheduling is adapted in its most generic sense and includes the
service as well as manufacturing environments. Examples of the subject
matter of the papers suitable for this special issue include, but are not
limited to, the following:
§ § Recent developments in scheduling theory that can help
practitioners, and their integration with other production planning and
control, information technology, and management sciences tools and
§ Development of appropriate solution techniques for scheduling
problems either in service or manufacturing sectors such as the scheduling
of jobs in a flow shop and staff scheduling problems in hospitals.
§ Application papers (i.e., actual or potential applications of
various scheduling techniques and approaches to problems of specific
interest to the business community).
§ Identification and solution of scheduling problems that provide
integrative viewpoints of lot-sizing, supply chain management, e-commerce,
and related emerging trends in industry.
§ Description and evaluation of information technology and software
packages available to solve scheduling problems
All manuscripts will be promptly and carefully refereed. Authors should
follow the Instructions to Authors for the Journal of Chinese Institute of
Industrial Engineers (available from the guest editorial team, or from the
web site www.ciie.org.tw) when preparing their manuscripts. Please submit
five copies in English, by no later than November 30, 2001, to one of the
following members of the guest editorial team of this special issue:
Dr. Jatinder N.D. Gupta, Guest Editor
Department of Management
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-7652855301
FAX: 1-765-285-8024
email: jgupta(a)bsu.edu
Dr. Pei-Chann Chang, Guest Associate Editor
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Yuan Ze University
135 Yuan-Tung Road
Chung-Li, Taoyuan
Taiwan 320
Tel: +886-3-4638800 ext. 509
Fax: +886-3-4638907
e-mail: iecchang(a)saturn.yzu.edu.tw
Dr. Bertrand M.T. Lin, Guest Associate Editor
Department of Information Management
National Chi Nan University
Nan-Tou County, Taiwan 545
Tel: +886-49-2910960 ext. 4142
Fax: +886-49-2915205
e-mail: mtlin(a)im.ncnu.edu.tw
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
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