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Subject: reminder CFP DSIage2002 in Cork, Ireland
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 11:21:43 -0000
From: "Adam, Frederic" <FAdam(a)AFIS.UCC.IE>
Reminder - Deadline for submission to DSIage2002 in Cork is fast approaching
CALL FOR PAPERS for DSIAge2002: International Conference on Decision Making
and Decision Support in the Internet Age, Cork, Ireland.
Conference Dates: 4th-7th July 2002.
PhD consortium: 3rd July 2002.
Deadline for submission of papers: November, 30th, 2001
Full information can be found on the web site of the conference at:
The Internet Age requires the development of new approaches to address
emerging needs in decision making and decision support. Some topics of
interest for the conference are:
Decision support systems, Negotiation support systems, Decision making,
Knowledge and know-how representation for decision, Executive Information
Systems, Decision training systems.
Building on the main focus of the conference, papers related to decision and
the internet are especially welcome including, but not limited to:
Distributed decision making, Creating, assessing, sharing, retrieving,
filtering and interpreting knowledge in distributed decision making,
Information and decision support via the web in developing countries, Using
the web for enhancing decisions, Decision and business integration on the
web (ERP, Supply Chain Management, etc.), Decision making for e-business
Other topics related to decision making and support in the internet age are
also welcome.
Queries can be addressed to: fadam(a)afis.ucc.ie
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: KANSAI 2002
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 15:13:34 -0000
From: "Kansai 2002" <kansai2002(a)dem.ist.utl.pt>
To: "Alexandra Coimeiro" <alexcoi(a)dem.ist.utl.pt>
KANSAI'2002 CALENDER - http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/kansai2002/http://www.keihanna-plaza.co.jp/ictpi2002/
6th Intl. Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation
KANSAI, JAPAN, 12-15 August, 2002
Abstracts Submission Deadline: JANUARY 15, 2002
1. Policy: Emerging Issues in Science and Technology Government Policy and
the Management of Knowledge Socioeconomic Development and the Geography of
Innovation Shared Prosperity and Sustainability; Social, Environmental, and
Ethical Issues Intellectual Property Policy in the Digital Economy
Information and Telecommunication Policies
2. Development: Global Perspectives on Technology and Economic Growth
Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy Technology Transfer: Regional,
National, and Global Perspectives Knowledge for Economic Development
Mergers and Acquisitions: Fostering Global Knowledge Partnerships Regional
Clusters and Development
3. Managing Technology Companies: From Start-ups to Multi-Nationals
Technology Acquisition and Transfer: Innovation and global competitiveness
Technology and Competitiveness for SMEs Fostering Intrapreneurship in Large
Companies Education and Training Talent for the Knowledge Society
4. Learning Society: Tools, Methods and Institutions Regional and Global
Systems of Knowledge Creation and Diffusion The University in the Knowledge
Society Knowledge Transfer, Application, and Diffusion Public Versus
Private Resource Allocation and Incentives Metrics for Knowledge
5. Networking and partnerships for development Maintenance of knowledge
Previous Conferences: http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/confpolicy/
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Subject: SPECTS 2002 - Special Session on Modeling and Simulation-Based Multiprocessor Scheduling
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 11:02:01 +0200
From: Helen Karatza <karatza(a)csd.auth.gr>
To: n2k-oc(a)comsoc.org, nab(a)supcom.rnu.tn, nacif(a)dcc.ufmg.br, nader(a)ece.uci.edu, nael(a)cs.binghamton.edu, nakasima(a)tutics.tut.ac.jp, nandy(a)serc.iisc.ernet.in, naoumov(a)lut.fi, narahari(a)seas.gwu.edu, narayan(a)liman.rutgers.edu, nassimi(a)homer.njit.edu, naud(a)virtualprototypes.ca, naylor(a)research.att.com, ncconsulting(a)home.com, ned100(a)ohm.york.ac.uk, nelson(a)research.att.com, nfurment(a)sophia.inria.fr, nfutamur(a)apollo.ecs.syr.edu, nguyvin(a)charlie.cns.iit.edu, nicklas.hedman(a)lu.erisoft.se, nicolas(a)usj.edu.lb, nikaein(a)eurecom.fr, nikmir(a)u-aizu.ac.jp, nishio(a)ise.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp, nisnarang(a)hss.hns.com, njm(a)npac.syr.edu, nmanjiki(a)ee.queensu.ca, nmf-members(a)nmf.com, nomay(a)seas.smu.edu, nour(a)iro.umontreal.ca, nproto(a)telecom.ntua.gr, ntagoug(a)uaeu.ac.ae, ntf(a)regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de, nthomas(a)cs.unt.edu, nuzman(a)arl.mil, nweeden(a)dra.hmg.gb, o-hollan(a)uwe.ac.uk, obaidat(a)monmouth.edu, ocg-info(a)ocg.or.at, odaysc(a)navair.navy.mil, oden-mh(a)redstone.army.mil, oel(a)zzurich.ibm.com.puc-rio.br, ofe!
rrall(a)itd.nrl.navy.mil, ogielski(a)liman.rutgers.edu, oguztuzun(a)ceng.metu.edu.tr, oh(a)cs.ucf.edu, olariu(a)cs.odu.edu, olsinal(a)ing.unlpam.edu.ar, orcs-l(a)osuvm1.bitnet, organizacion(a)info-net.com.ar, orjana(a)acm.org, oulusoy(a)cs.bilkent.edu.tr, oyu(a)eecs.uic.edu, ozaki(a)isl.melco.co.jp, ozutam(a)ceng.metu.edu.tr, p.buchholz(a)inf.tu-dresden.de, p.sapaty(a)surrey.ac.uk, padmanab(a)microsoft.com, padua(a)uiuc.edu, padua(a)uiuc.edu, palazzo(a)iit.unict.it, palis(a)crab.rutgers.edu, pallab(a)cse.iitkgp.ernet.in, panch(a)asu.edu, panesar(a)cc.gatech.edu, pang.ng(a)unn.ac.uk, papanik(a)intelligencia.com, papavassiliou(a)adm.njit.edu, papka(a)mcs.anl.gov, paredis(a)cmu.edu, parhami(a)ece.ucsb.edu, parsim(a)it.kth.se, partha(a)asu.edu, partha(a)dasgupta.com, partho(a)research.att.com, parva(a)uni-paderborn.de, parvati(a)summit.stanford.edu, parviz(a)us.ibm.com, pas(a)ai.mit.edu, paschoal(a)inf.ufrgs.br, patel(a)crhc.uiuc.edu, patersondj(a)navair.navy.mil, paul.c.colonna(a)adstii.com, paulan(a)hfl.tc.faa.gov, paw(a)ececs.uc.edu, pawelj(a)e-technik.uni-rosto!
ck.de, payam(a)nortelnetworks.com, pearcs(a)cs.rpi.edu, pei(a)cs.ucla.edu, peir(a)cise.ufl.edu, pemi(a)comnets.rwth-aachen.de, pengland(a)microsoft.com, pentaris(a)cti.gr, per.johansson(a)ericsson.com, perev(a)silver.udg.es, performance(a)haven.epm.ornl.gov, performance(a)tay1.dec.com, perkin27(a)cse.msu.edu, perlin(a)cat.nyu.edu, perrone(a)cs.wm.edu, pessuresh(a)usa.net, petbu(a)ida.liu.se, pete.shea(a)dynetics.com, peteh(a)dera.gov.uk, peteh(a)signal.dra.hmg.gb, peter.palven(a)es.sigma.se, peter(a)tsinet.gr, peterh(a)cae.ca, peterson(a)cse.uta.edu, petfr(a)ida.liu.se, petter(a)ii.uib.no, pflug(a)smc.univie.ac.at, pfr(a)cs.virginia.edu, pfr(a)virginia.edu, pfrey(a)cadence.com, pfrey(a)ece.uc.edu, pg(a)dist.unige.it, pg(a)iitk.ac.in, pgilley(a)arl.mil, pgrammer(a)triton.dmso.mil, pgupta(a)cs.ucf.edu, ph(a)techfak.uni-kiel.de, pham(a)cs.ucla.edu, pham(a)masi.ibp.fr, phatak(a)cs.rutgers.edu, phil.wilsey(a)uc.edu, philip.wilsey(a)uc.edu, philiph(a)us.ibm.com, phj(a)triton.ucpel.tche.br, pickholt(a)seas.gwu.edu, pier(a)ing.unibs.it, pierre.roux(a)alcatel.fr, pierreva@p!
cdmz01.ifma.fr, pillai(a)krdl.org.sg, piluc(a)dsi.unifi.it, pinotti(a)iei.pi.cnr.it, pissinou(a)cacs.usl.edu, pjappine(a)lut.fi, pkchande(a)mahindrabt.com, pkj(a)netlab.korea.ac.kr, plaxton(a)cs.utexas.edu, pmanzoni(a)disca.upv.es, pmd(a)work.csam.iit.edu, podesta(a)ti.fhg.de, posgrad(a)cin.ufpe.br, pottier(a)univ-brest.fr, power_systems(a)opal-rt.com, prasad(a)cpk.auc.dk, prasanna(a)ganges.usc.edu, prashant(a)cs.sunysb.edu, prasun(a)aloha.crhc.uiuc.edu, pratt(a)cs.nps.navy.mil, pratts(a)cs.nps.navy.mil, pravin(a)watson.ibm.com, pravinb(a)research.att.com, prete(a)iet.unipi.it, privman(a)craft.camp.clarkson.edu, probst.wilfried(a)uqam.ca, prochnow(a)mitre.org, psameer(a)novell.com, psj(a)emerald.yonsei.ac.kr, psk(a)iitm.ernet.in, psnagendra(a)ee.iisc.ernet.in, pstath(a)telecom.ntua.gr, psutton(a)spawar.navy.mil, ptalbot(a)jntf.osd.mil, pupolin(a)fiore.dei.unipd.it, pwindyga(a)ist.ucf.edu, pwonnacott(a)dra.hmg.gb, qian(a)u-aizu.ac.jp, qiao(a)eng.buffalo.edu, qing(a)cs.nthu.edu.tw, qinglong(a)cs.ust.hk, quaglia(a)dis.uniroma1.it, qzeng(a)ececs.uc.edu, r.cheri!
f(a)ttnet.tn, r.pereira(a)livjm.ac.uk, r.perrott(a)qub.ac.uk, r.prasad(a)et.tudelft.nl, r.tafazolli(a)ee.surrey.ac.uk, rabbit(a)exa.onlab.ntt.co.jp, bennybing(a)ieee.org, mzauner(a)etm.at, TJ(a)kniveton.com, Basavaraj.Patil(a)nokia.com, charliep(a)iprg.nokia.com, alpesh(a)sigma.cisco.com, alpesh(a)cisco.com, tsuntsun(a)isl.rdc.toshiba.co.jp, bellman(a)aero.org, neumann(a)wi-inf.uni-essen.de, franco.zambonelli(a)unimo.it, sjlee(a)hpl.hp.com, rachel.mcray(a)cpbr.com, radha(a)egr.msu.edu, radu(a)eecs.umich.edu, rahul(a)krdl.org.sg, rahul(a)teledesic.com, rainer.kroh(a)daimlerchrysler.com, raj(a)cise.ufl.edu, raja.neogi(a)tek.com, rajan(a)physics.iisc.ernet.in, rajesh(a)magnum.barc.ernet.in, rajib(a)cs.curtin.edu.au, rajive(a)cs.ucla.edu, rajive(a)cs.ucla.edu, rajkumar(a)csse.monash.edu.au, rajkumar(a)dgs.monash.edu.au, ralf.steinmetz(a)kom.tu-darmstadt.de, ralph(a)tomtom.llnl.gov, ramanan(a)ececs.uc.edu, ramanan(a)rishi.serc.iisc.ernet.in, ramesh(a)comm.utoronto.ca, ramesh(a)cse.uta.edu, ramon(a)research.att.com, ramsey(a)mcrlab.uottawa.ca, ranka(a)cise.ufl.ed!
u, rao(a)ece.ucsd.edu, rareynolds(a)tasc.com, rassul(a)comp.nus.edu.sg, rassul(a)it.kt.se, rauber(a)cs.uni-sb.de, ravip(a)utdallas.edu, ray.paul(a)brunel.ac.uk, ray.smith(a)trw.com, raziq.yaqub(a)nmp.nokia.com, rberezdivin(a)fallschurch.esys.com, rboutaba(a)bcr11.uwaterloo.ca, rboutaba(a)nal.utoronto.ca, rbriggs(a)virtc.com, rbtan(a)cs.uu.nl, rcarocha(a)ime.usp.br, rcerq(a)inf.puc-rio.br, rcohen(a)lucent.com, rcs(a)icmc.sc.usp.br, rdd(a)cc.bellcore.com, rdonadio(a)estec.esa.nl, reda(a)brc.uconn.edu, reda(a)engr.uconn.edu, reddy(a)ee.tamu.edu, redlich(a)ccrl.nj.nec.com, reeced(a)saic.com, reedjh(a)vt.edu, relf(a)signal.dra.hmg.gb, rem-conf-request(a)es.net, reres(a)laas.fr, resd-l(a)sbc.org.br, retvari(a)ttt-atm.ttt.bme.hu, reynolds(a)cs.virginia.edu, rfd(a)ece.engr.ucf.edu, rfrances(a)ist.ucf.edu, rgarrett(a)ida.org, rgminder(a)ist.ucf.edu, rhan(a)watson.ibm.com, rhaupt(a)ilabws.informatik.uni-leipzig.de, rhc(a)mis.mhit.edu.tw, rhr1(a)cornell.edu, richard.keeble(a)brunel.ac.uk, richard(a)b29net.bt.co.uk, richards(a)hfl.tc.faa.gov, rigo(a)cs.purdue.edu, riley@cc!
.gatech.edu, riley_rainey(a)websimulations.com, rima.abifadel(a)fi.usj.edu.lb, riso(a)lrg.ufsc.br, risso(a)polito.it, risso(a)polito.it, rjb(a)maths.bath.ac.uk, rkoblin(a)ia.pw.edu.pl, rkumar(a)ee.iitd.ernet.in, rlakshmi(a)in.ibm.com, rlevitt(a)originalsim.com, rlfreeman(a)tasc.com, rludwig(a)huginn.cs.berkeley.edu, rmielke(a)odu.edu, rmittal(a)hss.hns.com, roadrunnersports(a)roadrunnersports.net, robby(a)infocom.ing.uniroma1.it, robert.lutz(a)jhuapl.edu, robert.macredie(a)brunel.ac.uk, roberto(a)ee.uwa.edu.au, robertr(a)it.kth.se, robink(a)cc.gatech.edu, roch.glitho(a)lmc.ericsson.se, rod_deyo(a)es.com, roger(a)ccrc.wustl.edu, roger(a)ccrc.wustl.edu, rohitg(a)rice.edu, rolland(a)creol.ucf.edu, roman(a)cs.wustl.edu, roosek(a)nichols.com, ros(a)regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de, roussosg(a)mtry.trac.nps.navy.mil, roy(a)ee.washington.edu, roy(a)inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca, rpainter(a)hq.caci.com, rrao(a)ucsd.edu, rrt(a)vagrant.bellcore.com, rs(a)ecs.soton.ac.uk, rsargent(a)syr.edu, rsell(a)aegistg.com, rsells(a)dese.com, rsmith1(a)west.raytheon.com, rsrikant@uiuc!
.edu, rueme(a)uni-paderborn.de, ruenger(a)cs.uni-sb.de, runghung(a)memphis.ece.cornell.edu, rusj(a)celsiustech.se, russ(a)erc.msstate.edu, russell(a)dra.hmg.gb, rwjs(a)maths.bath.ac.uk, ryates(a)liman.rutgers.edu, ryuji(a)sfc.wide.ad.jp, s.vahid(a)ee.surrey.ac.uk, saday(a)cis.ohio-state.edu, saejoon(a)ee.cornell.edu, sahni(a)cise.ufl.edu, sai(a)is.aist-nara.ac.jp, sakchai(a)nztl.cs.gunma-u.ac.jp, salki(a)ece.ubc.ca, sampaiop(a)cs.man.ac.uk, sampth(a)research.bell-labs.com, sandyk(a)fi.edu, sanjoy(a)nortelnetworks.com, sankar(a)eng.usf.edu, santos(a)cs.ucla.edu, saquib(a)liman.rutgers.edu, saran(a)cse.iitd.ernet.in, sarit(a)research.panasonic.com, sarita(a)icmc.sc.usp.br, sasaki(a)amyux2.kek.jp, satlas(a)telecom.ntua.gr, savari(a)research.bell-labs.com, sbc-l(a)sbc.org.br, sbenbern(a)yahoo.com, sbishop(a)nvl.army.mil, scalo(a)us.ibm.com, schembra(a)iit.unict.it, schmidtm(a)ifn.et.tu-dresden.de, schowg(a)stricom.army.mil, schuelj(a)entlw7.et.tu-dresden.de, schwan(a)cc.gatech.edu, schweige(a)entlw7.et.tu-dresden.de, scott.a.vanhoften(a)boeing.com, scott@np!
ac.syr.edu, sczittnick(a)ls4.informatik.uni-dortmund.de, sdas(a)ececs.uc.edu, segarra(a)irisa.fr, seguti(a)ics.uci.edu, seibold(a)ind.uni-stuttgart.de, selma.boumerdes(a)prism.uvsq.fr, sens(a)src.lip6.fr, senthil.sengodan(a)nokia.com, serpanos(a)ee.upatras.gr, servaj(a)volcans-ia.univ-bpclermont.fr, sfaizull(a)paul.rutgers.edu, shakkott(a)uiuc.edu, shambhu(a)cse.bufallo.edu, shamid(a)sce.carleton, sharman(a)clarkson.edu, shchoi(a)eecs.umich.edu, sheikh(a)erc.msstate.edu, shen(a)mcrlab.uottawa.ca, sherif(a)lucent.com, shervin(a)mcrlab.uottawa.edu, shigea-t(a)is.aist-nara.ac.jp, shiquanw(a)nortelnetworks.com, shirazi(a)cse.uta.edu, shiva(a)aries.iitm.ernet.in, shkin(a)vt.edu, sholson(a)tasc.com, shorey(a)ece.iisc.ernet.in, shougo-n(a)is.aist-nara.ac.jp, showyang(a)csie.ndhu.edu.tw, shree(a)cse.ucsc.edu, shriver(a)research.bell-labs.com, shroff(a)ecn.purdue.edu, sibelius(a)cultura.com.br, sidi(a)univ-valenciennes.fr, sig-dsm(a)doc.ic.ac.uk, sigmedia(a)bellcore.com, sigmob(a)acm.org, sigsim(a)acm.org, simha(a)cs.wm.edu, simmonds(a)cpsc.ucalgray.ca, simon.ta!
ylor(a)brunel.ac.uk, simon(a)cs.gmu.edu, simon(a)cs.gmu.edu, simonw(a)cs.ucla.edu, singh(a)ece.orst.edu, singhal(a)cis.ohio-state.edu, sivakumr(a)timely.crhc.uiuc.edu, sivarama(a)scs.carleton.ca, sizheng(a)utdallas.edu, sjacobs(a)gte.com, sjain(a)gintic.gov.sg, sjb(a)ecs.soton.ac.uk, sjg(a)cs.cmu.edu, sjlee(a)exch.hpl.hp.com, skb(a)ccrl.nj.nec.com, skosunen(a)lut.fi, slbaumgartner(a)tasc.com, slpeterson(a)nsu.edu, slu(a)garuda.crhc.uiuc.edu, smit(a)cs.utwente.nl, smith(a)dra.hmg.gb, smithpm(a)mcmaster.ca, smithr(a)magicnet.net, smithr(a)modelbenders.com, smjin(a)corp.thrunet.com
Special Session on Modeling and Simulation-Based Multiprocessor
2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation
of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
July 14-19, 2002
San Diego, CA, USA
Call for Papers
Multiprocessor systems provide considerable computational power that
can be used to solve problems with large computational requirements.
However, jobs
are not always executed efficiently. Good scheduling policies can
improve system
performance, preserve individual application performance, and avoid
The availability of multiprocessor systems and wide diversity of
hardware and software resources used in them makes the arbitration of
requirements and
management of resources difficult. Schedulers must determine where and
when applications are to execute, i.e., on which processors and in what
The most practical way to evaluate scheduling algorithms without
constructing a full scale implementation is by using modeling and
Simulation models can help determine performance bottlenecks inherent
to the
architecture and provide a basis for refining system configurations.
This SPECTS 2002 Special Session is a forum to present the latest results
of international researchers. The focus of this technical session is on
and Simulation Methodologies applied to the Scheduling of
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Scheduling of multiprogrammed parallel systems
Coshecduling of applications on multiple processors
Load-balancing and load-sharing
Scheduling of shared-memory/distributed shared-memory systems
Scheduling of parallel applications within distributed systems (e.g.
Scheduling Methods for Networks of Workstations
Scheduling of heterogeneous processors
Paper Submission
It is strongly recommended that papers be submitted by email to the
session organizer Helen Karatza (karatza(a)csd.auth.gr) in postscript or
PDF format. Only papers that have not been previously published or
presented should
be submitted. Authors must obtain employer, client, or government
releases prior
to submitting the final manuscript.
All papers will be refereed for accuracy, technical content and
relevance to
multiprocessor scheduling. Submissions should not exceed 25
8.5x11 inch pages (including figures, tables, and references) in 10-12
font. Include five to ten keywords, complete postal and e-mail return
as well as the fax and phone numbers of each author.
Submission of Papers - January 31, 2002
Notification of Acceptance - April 22, 2002
Final Camera Ready Papers - May 22, 2002
Session Organizer
Helen D. Karatza
Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54006 Thessaloniki
E-mail: karatza(a)csd.auth.gr
Fax: +30-31-996360
Phone: +30-31-997974
For additional information, please contact Dr. Helen Karatza at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Australian Information Warfare and Security conference 2002
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:12:12 +0800
From: Bill Hutchinson <W.Hutchinson(a)COWAN.EDU.AU>
3rd Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference 2002
Call for Papers
The 3rd Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference will be held
in Perth, Western Australia, during November 28- 29, 2002.
Conference Theme
The theme of the conference is "Protecting the Infrastructure". The
conference will draw participants from national and international
Best papers will be put forward for publication in the Journal of
Information Warfare.
Sample Topic Areas
The topics below are for guidance and not intended as an exhaustive
prescriptive list:
Perception management
Information warfare theory
Information security
Physical security
Security policy
Information warfare policy
Information warfare techniques
Infra-structure warfare
National security policy
Corporate defence mechanisms
Information warfare and security education
Electro-magnetic pulse weapons
Invited speakers from government and major commercial interest will present
position papers to complement invited academic keynotes
Call For Papers
The word limit for papers is 3,500 words. The deadline for submitting
papers is June 28th, 2002. Best papers will be submitted to the Journal of
Information Warfare (JIW).
For each submission, the first page should contain the title, abstract and
the contact information of the main author (name, e-mail address, mailing
address, phone number and fax number). The second page should contain only
the title and abstract with no mention of the author.
Suggestions for debates and panels are encouraged and should be accompanied
by the title and a 500-word summary of proposed discussion and the names
and affiliations of all panel members. Early submissions are strongly
All submitted papers must represent completed and original work and must
not have been published previously. Except for panels, all submitted papers
will be double blind reviewed. In an instance where there is a dispute, a
third reviewer will be called in. Papers should be submitted via e-mail to:
Instructions for Authors can be found on the JIW website:
For more detailed information regarding submission requirements, please
visit the conference website at:
Important Dates
Submission of papers 28 June 2002
Mini-Track Debate and Panel Proposals 12 July 2002
Notification of acceptance 19 August 2002
Camera ready copy due 20 September 2002
Associate Professor W Hutchinson
School of Management Information Systems
Edith Cowan University
Western AUSTRALIA 6018
Tel: +61 8 9273 8283
Fax: +61 8 9273 8332
Email: w.hutchinson(a)ecu.edu.au
Joint Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare:
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Reminder: CFP: Social Aspects of Internet-based Systems
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 09:52:01 +0000
From: Joe Nandhakumar <mnsjn(a)BATH.AC.UK>
Apologies for any duplicates you may have received....
Special Issue of Information Systems Journal (ISJ) on
Social and Organizational Aspects of Internet-based Information Systems
Guest Editors:
Joe Nandhakumar University of Bath, UK
Ramiro Montealegre, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Deadline for submission: November 30, 2001.
With the recent advances in internet technologies there has been an
expansion of the types and numbers of information systems (IS) that apply
such technologies in innovative ways for supporting work practices in
organizations, transforming conventional information systems into vast
interactive networks. Given the pervasive nature of internet-based IS, it
is difficult to imagine that such an important technology transformation
will have anything other than a profound social and organizational impact
on companies. For example, the use of internet-based IS may have the
potential to create new forms of action and interaction in organizations,
new kinds of social relationships and new ways of relating to others and
to oneself.
While the growing significance of internet-based IS in organizations is
widely recognized, a critical examination of the way in which these
systems impact organizations has received little attention. Much of the
existing research focuses on the technical/software features and
components of internet-based IS and disregards the influences of the
different organizational and social contexts within which these systems
evolve. Further there is no adequate theoretical framework to help us
understand and assess the social and organizational impacts of these
The aim of this special issue of Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is
therefore to stimulate empirical research into the social and
organizational aspects of internet-based IS and to provide a forum for
topics addressing such issues as (but not limited to):
- Roles of internet-based IS in social and organizational change
- Political consequences of the application of internet-based IS
- Internet-based IS and concepts of time, distance, and borders
- Internet-based IS and concepts of autonomy, coordination, and control
- Ways in which internet-based IS are interpreted and used in different
ways by different people
- Ways in which the application of internet-based IS enable and constrain
social/organizational actions and relationships
- Ways that internet-based IS influence or are influenced by social forces
and organizational practices
We are particularly interested in systematic and empirically grounded
studies to investigate internet-based IS phenomena in a single or small
number of organizations. The use of qualitative research methods,
concepts, theories, and investigative frameworks from social and political
sciences to understand and appreciate social dimensions of such systems
are encouraged.
Authors are invited to nominate up to two reviewers for their submission
(authors should however avoid any nominations that involve a conflict of
interest). Nominations should include name, complete address, telephone,
fax, and electronic mail address. The editors reserve the right to select
reviewers irrespective of any nominations.
Authors should follow guidelines for preparation of the manuscript, which
can be found at: http://www.blacksci.co.uk/. All submissions should be
made by electronic mail as a MS Word or .rtf document formatted according
to the ISJ guidelines to one of the guest editors:
Joe Nandhakumar, University of Bath, School of Management, Bath BA2 7AY,
UK. Tel: +44 1225 323469(direct) +44 1225 826742(School) Fax: +44 1225
323902 email: j.nandhakumar(a)bath.ac.uk
Ramiro Montealegre, University of Colorado at Boulder, College of
Business, Campus Box 419, Boulder, CO 80309-0419, U.S. Tel.
303-492-0416. Fax: 303-492-5962. Email: Ramiro.Montealegre(a)colorado.edu
We encourage authors to correspond with the guest editors. The deadline
for accepting manuscripts for consideration for publication is November
30, 2001. All manuscripts will be reviewed by a select panel of referees,
and those accepted will be published in the special issue.
Deadline for submission: November 30, 2001
Initial Reviews Returned by: May 31, 2002
Special Issue Appearance: late 2002
About Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
ISJ is one of the leading journals in the field. The Journal publishes
only papers of the highest quality on any aspect of information systems,
with particular emphasis on the relationship between information systems
and people, business and organizations. Papers published cover research,
practice and experience. ISJ is a focal point for current issues and
debates, such as the links between information systems and operations
research and the relevance of soft systems movement to information
systems. The ISJ's international Editorial Board ensures that the best
research and practice from around the world is published.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: CFP: E-Commerce and SMEs - ISOneWorld April 2002
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 11:35:41 +1100
From: Stephen Burgess <stephen.burgess(a)VU.EDU.AU>
TRACK: E-Commerce and SMEs
CHAIR: Stephen Burgess, School of Information Systems, Victoria
Final submission due: November 16, 2001.
Refer: http://www.ISOneWorld.org
The ISOneWorld Conference and Convention will be held April 4 - 5, 2002
in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Small and medium sized businesses around the world are connecting to the
internet at a rapid rate. In some countries, 30-50% of small businesses
already have their own home pages. They are doing this in a climate of
uncertainty - they lack resources (time and money) to devote to an
effective evaluation of internet technologies and they lack the skills
to use those technologies effectively. However, they do recognise that
'something is happening' and that they need to be involved!
This call for papers seeks to encourage submissions that relate to the
more 'general' definition of e-commerce for SMEs. Submissions related to
any aspect of the use of internet technologies in SMEs are encouraged,
especially those that relate to the relationship between research and
practice (the conference theme).
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- 'SMe-commerce' business applications
- training for SMe-commerce
- SME use of the internet for business research
- adoption of internet technologies by SMEs
- inhibitors/enablers for SMe-commerce
PLEASE SEND ALL SUBMISSIONS TO: admin(a)isoneworld.org
Also note - there is another track in the conference, specifically aimed
at the use of IT in small business. Submissions are also encouraged for
this track.
Stephen Burgess
School of Information Systems
Victoria University
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: CFP: ISOneWorld "Socio-cultural InfoSec" Track
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 10:52:27 -0600
From: "Fred E. Beaver" <fbeaver(a)MEMPHIS.EDU>
ISWorld Colleagues,
Final Call for Participation
TRACK: Social and Cultural Aspects of Information Security
CHAIR: Fred E. Beaver, University of Memphis, TN (USA)
Please note the ISOneWorld Conference and Convention will be held April
4 - 5, 2002
in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. For more details refer to our web site at:
Current events have hightened everyone's awareness of the need for
security on multiple fronts of socioeconomic, cultural, political,
military, and individual dimensions. Even this listserv was shutdown
temporarily, and now has postings approved before distribution, due to
diverse cultural exchanges stirred up by the 9/11 events.
The Information Security (InfoSec) research field is dominated by
technology practitioners and computer science academia. Though these
have provided valuable solutions to protect information, overall there's
little research focus on the social (behavioral) and cultural aspect of
InfoSec. Though passwords, firewalls, encryption, biometrics, etc.
provide techno solutions, the 2001 CSI/FBI Survey (www.gocsi.com) of US
corporate and government entities shows some alarming statistics:
- 30% of computer/network attacks came from WITHIN the corporation;
- the 70% from the Internet included a large percentage from either
outside the US or routed through foreign countries;
- 91% reported employee abuse of Internet access;
- 94% had detected viruses.
Social and cultural issues directly related to the above stats include:
- employee attitude on security, privacy, and following corp policy;
- cultural diversity and its impact on securing global networks;
- political and legal affect on Transborder Data Flow (TBDF), (why
hackers prefer routing through certain countries);
- hacker profile that creates viruses and attacks networks/websites;
- the debate over encryption exporting vs. bureaucratic monitoring and
protection of e-commerce
- specific socio-cultural issues unique to InfoSec as opposed to Info
Sys as a whole.
This call for papers seeks to get quality submissions related to one or
more of the issues above. It is the track chair's hope that not only
submissions will be sent in, but that the track session will be a
spirited, educational exchange of thought and research!
Important dates:
Electronic Submission- November 16, 2001
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - December 14, 2001
Camera Ready Submission - February 15, 2002
PLEASE SEND ALL SUBMISSIONS TO: admin(a)isoneworld.org
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Subject: [WWW2002-ANNOUNCE:3] CFP deadlines on Nov. 13, 2001
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 16:40:39 -1000
From: WWW2002 Announcements <www2002(a)www2002.org>
To: WWW2002-ANNOUNCE mailing list <announce(a)www2002.org>
This is a final reminder that deadline for the Refereed Papers Track and
Panel submissions is only four days away! Submissions will close at 12
midnight Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Nov. 13, 2001. Hawaii's timezone is
-10 GMT.
Since our last announcement, more details have been added to the Call For
Participation page at:
Key dates, detailed submission procedures, area/track descriptions and
program committee members have been added for several of the Refereed
Papers and Alternate Tracks. Poster Submission information has also been
linked in.
Our website has been under going almost daily changes. To see latest
information about the WWW2002 Conference, please visit us at:
The WWW2002 Conference Team
The WWW2002-Announce mailing list is used to notify all interested
individuals or groups of the latest information on the upcoming Eleventh
International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2002, formerly referred to as
WWW11. This email list will be used to send you updates and periodic
reminders about the WWW2002 conference that will be held in Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA on May 7-11, 2002.
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message to:
and type the following into the body of your message:
This is an announcements-only email list. Messages can only posted by the
list administrator. Any questions or comments about the conference or this
list can be sent to info(a)www2002.org
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Subject: CfP ECIS 2001: Share your experiences in the field on e-Learning /TEaching
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:58:56 +0100
From: Stefan Schäfer <schaefer(a)WI-IM.UNI-KOELN.DE>
Be aware that the submission deadline is just ahead!!
The Tenth European Conference on Information Systems
Gdansk, Poland, June 6-8, 2002
Information Systems and the Future of the Digital Economy
Track 9: Virtual learning and teaching
Track Chair. Dietrich Seibt (Univeristy of Cologne)
The topics addressed by the Track include, but are not limited to:
E-learning networks and platforms
Distance learning
Virtual universities
Emerging learning technologies
Building successful e-learning communities
Multimedia applications in online education
Virtual learning and teaching frontiers
E-library systems
Empirical studies of e-learning processes
Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of e-learning processes
Multi-channel e-learning processes
Implementation and integration of technical infrastructures of e-learning
systems: experiences and consequences
Cost of e-learning compared with cost of conventional learning
Significant dates for the Conference are
Submission deadline: November 30, 2001
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2002
Submission of final version: March 18, 2002
Conference: June 6-8, 2002
For full details see
Best Regards
Stefan Sch¿fer/
Dietrich Seibt
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: Reminder: AIS Cognitive Research Workshop @ ICIS
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:28:27 -0500
From: "Michael J. Davern" <mdavern(a)STERN.NYU.EDU>
Are you interested in cognitive research in information systems?
The AIS Special Interest Group on Cognitive Research (IS-CORE) is
holding its inaugural workshop immediately prior to ICIS in New
Orleans. There is no fee for the workshop and it is open to all, but
pre-registration is required (see below). Space is limited and we are
nearing capacity.
Details are as follows:
Date: Sunday, December 16, 2001
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Location: The Creole Room, Fairmont Hotel (the venue for ICIS).
There is no fee for the workshop. Pre-registration is required and
space is limited. Since the SIG is a branch of AIS, we anticipate that
most attendees will be joining the SIG when completing their AIS
membership registration/renewal.
Registration for the workshop can be made by e-mailing the following
information to Prof. Michael Davern at mdavern(a)stern.nyu.edu.(To ease
the administration of registration please specify the subject of your
e-mail as "IS-CORE registration" and cc: lwenham(a)stern.nyu.edu)
Faculty or Student Status:
Preferred e-mail address:
A very brief description of your research interests:
1. Welcome and Vision for IS-CORE
Michael J. Davern, New York University
2. Panel: Cognitive Research in IS: Core Topic or Special Interest?
Confirmed Panelists:
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas
Javier Lerch, Carnegie Mellon University
Dov Te'eni, Bar-Ilan University
3. Open forum: Towards an Intellectual Map of Cognitive Research in IS
Moderator: Teresa Shaft, University of Oklahoma
In addition to this intellectually stimulating program of activities,
food and refreshments will be provided.
For further information about IS-CORE and the workshop visit the
SIG's web page at: http://www.ou.edu/is-core (case sensitive).
See you in New Orleans,
Michael J. Davern,
Chair IS-Core Organizing Committee
Prof. Michael J. Davern Tel: (212) 998-0807
Information Systems Dept. Fax: (212) 995-4228
Stern School of Business, NYU
44 West 4th Street, Suite 9-83 mdavern(a)stern.nyu.edu
New York, NY 10012-1126 http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~mdavern
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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