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Subject: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research: VOL. 2, NO. 4, 2001
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 15:41:28 -0800
From: "Melody Kiang, Ph.D." <mkiang(a)CSULB.EDU>
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, I am
pleased to announce that Vol. 2, Number 4, 2001 issue of JECR is now
available at the journal's improved web site at:
The issue includes the following four articles:
proposes an extended and comprehensive e-commerce model by respecifying
the Delone and Maclean model of IS success. Effort is made to retain as
much as possible the richness of the D&M model while at the same time
allowing ways to capture the peculiar nature of e-commerce systems. The
authors propose Customer E-commerce Satisfaction (CES) as a dependent
variable to e-commerce success and define and discuss its relationships
with e-commerce system quality, content quality, use, trust and support.
Further research into developing, validating and empirically testing the
model is also proposed.
APPROACH,” analyzes the probability of buying products from a
particular online store given a set of alternative vendors. The authors
use a multinomial logit choice model to analyze experimental data of
consumer choice in two product categories - books and computers, each of
which represents goods that differ along the risk dimension. Their
findings indicate the existence of differences in terms of the
dimensions considered by consumers when buying high- vs. low-risk goods.
Most notably, when purchasing computers online, aspects of uncertainty
and risk are more salient than when purchasing books online. The authors
also discuss the implications of these findings and areas for future
BENEFITS OF INTERNET MARKETING,” reviews benefits of online marketing
along three channel functions (communication, transaction, and
distribution) and identifies factors that affect the use of online
marketing approach. The authors contend that product characteristics
play a major role in the successfulness of Internet marketing. A
framework is proposed to help evaluate the chance for a company to
succeed in e-commerce. Data of failed e-tailers in the last two years
were collected and analyzed using the proposed framework.
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,” uses McCarthy’s four marketing mix model and
Porter’s five competitive forces model to identify strategies for
Internet companies that respond to the five competitive forces and
thereby achieve a competitive advantage. The author’s contention is
that as e-businesses shift their focus from building a customer base to
increasing revenue growth and profitability, they should re-evaluate
their current business strategies, if any, and develop strategies that
provide a clear path to profitability. By addressing the need for unique
strategies for different Internet companies, the author also provides
additional insight into the importance of market-specific differences
(differentiated vs. commodity goods markets) in developing e-business
strategies that contribute to increased profit.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Knowledge Management Networking Event at ICIS
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:15:13 -0500
From: nshaw(a)SOM.GMU.EDU
1st Annual Knowledge Management Networking Event
Sponsored by George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
School of Management and School of Public Policy's ICASIT (International
Center for Applied Studies in Information Technology)
Call for Participation
You are invited to participate in the 1st Annual KM Networking Event. The
KM "birds of a feather" event will be held on Sunday, December 16 from 8:00
am till 10:00 am in the Emerald Room at the Fairmont New Orleans (the ICIS
conference hotel). This event will provide an opportunity for KM community
members to interact and gain a better understanding of one another's
backgrounds, capabilities and interests. No formal agenda is planned.
There is no fee to attend. Coffee and muffins will be provided by the
sponsor (George Mason University). Limited space will be available on a
first-come, first-serve basis. Advance notice of intention to participate
is recommended to ensure space availability. Please notify me (Nancy Shaw)
if you wish to attend. We have room for approximately 50 attendees.
Please stop by for coffee anytime during the event, even if you can't stay
for the entire session. Looking forward to seeing you there,
Nancy C. Shaw
Assistant Professor of MIS
George Mason University
Enterprise Hall MSN 5F4 office: (703) 993 1797
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 fax: (703) 993 1809
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: "Mgt & Org. Issues for DMSS" (for IRMJ)
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:14:13 -0800
From: Manuel Mora <mmorauaamx(a)visto.com>
Dear colleagues:
I really appreciate the consideration for the CFP presented below.
Manuel Mora
Associate Professor
Dept. of Information Systems
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
-------------------------------------------------------------------- I.
Decision Making Support Systems (DMSS), have evolved or have been
embedded, from classic DSS, EIS and ES/KBS, to or into Intelligent Systems,
Web-DSS, OLAP&DW&DM systems, KMS and Enterprise Information and Decision
Portals. All of them have offered organizational and individual benefits,
such as improved organizational performance, improved decision quality,
improved communication, enhanced mental models, amplified analytical skills
of decision-makers, and reduced decision time frames. However, despite the
availability of emergent IS&IT architectures in the market, successful DMSS
are not immediate. Management and organizational barriers in addition to
technological issues, must be overcome in order to have successful full
implementations of DMSS. For this reason, we seek for articles that report
scientific evidences of "Management and Organizational Issues for DMSS:
Foundations, Study Cases and Learned Lessons".
This Special Issue's mission is to present the core and state of the art
knowledge about the theory and application of management and organizational
issues relevant to achieve successful implementations of Decision-Making
Support Systems (DMSS) in organizations. The main aims are:
(1) to generate a compendium of quality theoretical and applied papers on
management and organizational issues in DMSS (2) to help diffuse scarce
knowledge about effective methods and strategies for successfully designing,
developing, implementing, and evaluating DMSS, and (3) to create an
awareness among academicians and practitioners about the relevance of DMSS
in the current complex and dynamic management environment.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
* Project management of DMSS
* DMSS implementation frameworks and models
* DMSS development methodologies
* Strategies for change-resistance management
* Implementation of critical success factors
* Lessons learned from failures or successful implementations of DMSS
projects * Experiences in development of large-scale projects of DMSS.
The suggested length for each manuscript is 20-25 double-spaced typed pages,
including graphs, tables, figures, and references. Original papers should
be written to conform with the Information Resources Management Journal
style guidelines document, which is available upon request. Papers will be
evaluated using IRMJ procedures based on a double round blind review made by
experts in the field. Please send all submissions electronically to:
editors.dmss.irmj(a)visto.com with copy to mmmorauaamx(a)visto.com
January 15, 2002 : 4-page abstract submission due (mandatory).
February 15, 2002 : Deadline for first submission.
March 1, 2002 : First round review process due.
April 1, 2002 : Deadline for second submission.
April 15, 2002 : Final round review process due.
May 1, 2002 : Camera-ready paper and author bios due.
Publication date : Late 2002.
Manuel Mora, UAA, mmorauaamx(a)visto.com
Guisseppi Forgionne, UMBC, forgionn(a)umbc.edu
Jatinder Gupta, BSU, jgupta(a)bsu.edu
Visit http://www.visto.com.
Find out how companies are linking mobile users to the
enterprise with Visto.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: New ERB & AE Members
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:54:52 -0500
From: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour <mehdi(a)IRMA-INTERNATIONAL.ORG>
Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce the appointment of the following
individuals as the new associate editors and new members of the
Editorial Review Board of the Information Resources Management
Journal (IRMJ).
New Associate Editors:
Yogesh Malhotra, Syracuse University
David Paper, Utah State University
Lawrence Oliva, NCR
Mahesh Raisinghani, University of Dallas
Kelly Rainer, Auburn University
Mehdi Ghods, Boeing Company
New Members of the Editorial Review Board:
Charlene Dykman, University of St. Thomas
Jonathan Lazar, Towson University
Vicky Wilson, Edith Cowan University
Linda Knight, DePaul University
Andrew Wenn, Victoria University of Technology
Bonnie Montano, Georgetown University
Kevin Elder, Ohio University
Rick Gibson, American University
Ross Malaga, University of Maryland
Shirley Fedorovich, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Qing Hu, Florida Atlantic University
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
Qiang Tu, Rochester Institute of Technology
Janice Sipior, Villanova University
Said Al-Gahtani, King Khalid University
Mark Nissen, Navel Postgraduate School
Leyland Pitt, Curtin University of Technology
Robert Plant, University of Miami
Phillip Powell, University of Bath
Bay Arinze, Drexel University
Martijn Hoogeweegen, Erasumus University
Thomas Stafford, University of Memphis
Anabela Sarmento, ISCAP/IPP
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.
Information Resources Management Journal
Mission of IRMJ:
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for
review and possible publication in the Information Resources
Management Journal (IRMJ). The Journal publishes original
concerned with all aspects of information resources management,
managerial and organizational applications, as well as implications
of information technology. The primary mission of IRMJ is to be
instrumental in the improvement and development of the theory and
practice of information resources management, appealing to both
researchers and practicing managers. Further, its aim is to educate
organizations as to how they can benefit from their IT resources and
all the tools utilized to gather, process, disseminate, and manage this
valuable resource.
Coverage of IRMJ:
IRMJ seeks topics from, but not limited to, the
areas, with major emphasis on the managerial and organizational
aspects of information resources and technology management:
Executive Information Systems
Information Technology Security and Ethics
Global Information Technology Management
Electronic Commerce Technologies and Issues
Emerging Technologies Management
IT Management in Public Organizations
Strategic IT Management
Telecommunications and Networking Technologies
MIS Reengineering Management
Database Management Technologies and Issues
End User Computing Issues
Decision Support and Group Decision Support Systems
Systems Development & Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
IT Management Research and Practice
Multimedia Computing Technologies and Issues
Object Oriented Technologies and Issues
Human & Societal Issues in Information Technology Management
Information Technology Education and Training Issues
Distance Learning Technologies and Issues
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Technologies and Issues
Information Technology Innovation and Diffusion
Software Process Improvement
Interested authors should consult the Journal's manuscript
submission guidelines at <http://www.idea-group.com/journals/>
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Charge: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Information Resources Management Journal
1331 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA. 17033-117, USA
Tel: 717-533-8845 (ext. 13); Fax: 717-533-8661
E-Mail: <mehdi(a)irma-international.org>
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [WWW2002-ANNOUNCE:4] CFP deadlines on Nov. 27, 2001
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:44:32 -1000
From: WWW2002 Announcements <www2002(a)www2002.org>
To: WWW2002-ANNOUNCE mailing list <announce(a)www2002.org>
This is a reminder that the deadline for three of the Alternate Tracks is
only four days away - these are Education, Global Community and Web
Engineering. Submissions will close at 12 midnight Hawaii Standard Time
(HST) on Nov. 27, 2001. Hawaii's timezone is -10 GMT.
The Alternate Tracks aim to broaden the conference with new areas and
formats, and this year's themes have been developed from very successful
tracks at previous events. The Alternate Tracks are also peer-reviewed.
Details can be found on the Call For Participation page at:
To see latest information about the WWW2002 Conference, please visit us
The WWW2002 Conference Team
The WWW2002-Announce mailing list is used to notify all interested
individuals or groups of the latest information on the upcoming Eleventh
International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2002, formerly referred to as
WWW11. This email list will be used to send you updates and periodic
reminders about the WWW2002 conference that will be held in Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA on May 7-11, 2002.
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message to:
and type the following into the body of your message:
This is an announcements-only email list. Messages can only posted by the
list administrator. Any questions or comments about the conference or this
list can be sent to info(a)www2002.org
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Knowledge and Information Systems: 3(4), November 2001
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 11:42:00 -0500
From: Xindong Wu <xwu(a)EMBA.UVM.EDU>
Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal
ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
by Springer-Verlag
Home Page: http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/kais.html
Volume 3, Number 4 (November 2001)
Mehmet Sayal, Peter Scheuermann:
Distributed Web Log Mining Using Maximal Large Itemsets
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 389-404
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030389.htm
David B. Skillicorn, Yu Wang:
Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for Data Mining Using Inductive Logic
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 405-421
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030405.htm
Hillol Kargupta, Weiyun Huang, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Erik Johnson:
Distributed Clustering Using Collective Principal Component Analysis
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 422-448
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030422.htm
Andreas L. Prodromidis, Salvatore J. Stolfo:
Cost Complexity-Based Pruning of Ensemble Classifiers
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 449-469
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030449.htm
Julio Ortega, Moshe Koppel, Shlomo Argamon:
Arbitrating Among Competing Classifiers Using Learned Referees
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 470-490
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030470.htm
Stephen D. Bay:
Multivariate Discretization for Set Mining
Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (2001) 4, 491-512
URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003004/10030491.htm
Online publication: November 21, 2001
(c) Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP - NDDL 2002 - 2nd Int'l Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 00:15:40 -0000
From: Jose Cordeiro <jcordeiro(a)iceis.org>
Dear all
The deadline for the contribution of papers for the Second International
Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries (NDDL 2002) has been
extended until 14th December 2001.
Below are the details of the workshop.
Best regards,
Pedro Isaias
Workshop Chair
----------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
------------------------------------ The Second International Workshop on
New Developments in Digital Libraries April 2-3, 2002 - Ciudad Real, Spain
In conjunction with
the Fourth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ICEIS 2002 (http://www.iceis.org/)
- Second Announcement and Call for Papers -
* Workshop Background and Goals
The Digital Library field is an evolving one. New developments appear every
day in the area and within related areas. This workshop intends to focus in
application areas following the first edition in 2001 which was very
successful. This workshop will serve as a forum to gather researchers,
practitioners, students and anyone that works or studies the field. The
workshop will expose new developments, and hopefully provide exchange of
ideas and discussion on specific areas.
* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Economic and Management Issues
- Metadata Issues
- Digital Library Prototypes
- Systems Interoperability
- Evaluation Issues
- Searching and Browsing
- Multimedia Libraries
- Digital Library Development Frameworks
- Studies of Digital Library Usage
- Practical Results from R&D Projects
- User Needs in Digital Libraries
- New Roles of Librarians in Digital Libraries
* Format of the Workshop
The workshop will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations of
previously submitted papers that went through a double peer review process.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book.
* Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for oral presentation in any
of the areas listed above. Only full papers in English will be accepted, and
the length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages (5000 words).
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex format) are
available at the ICEIS web site (see below). Postscript/RTF versions of the
manuscript should be sent electronically to the workshop secretariat (see
e-mail below).
* Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: 14th December 2001
Author Notification: 14th January 2002
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Registration: 30th January 2002
* Chair
Pedro Isaias
Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
* Workshop Program Committee:
Steve Jones, University of Waikato, New Zealand
António Sousa Câmara, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Geoffrey C. Bowker, University of California San Diego, USA
Joaquim Filipe, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
Hanne Albrechtsen, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
Jens-Erik Mai, University of Washington, USA
Nuno Guimarães, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Gert Fieguth, Fachhochschule Kehl, Germany
Ana Ramalho Correia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
K. van der Meer, TUDelft, Netherlands
Nieves Rodriguez Brisaboa, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Kurt Maly, Old Dominion University, USA
Antonio Galán Gall, Universidade Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Charles Oppenheim, Loughborough University, UK
* Conference Location
The workshop will be held at the Escola Superior de Informática of the
Universidade Castilla-La Mancha. Ciudad Real is one hour by car from Toledo,
fifty minutes by train from Madrid, seventy minutes by train from Córdoba
and two hours by train from Sevilla.
* Registration Information
To attend the workshop you need to register at http://www.iceis.org or
* Secretariat
ICEIS Secretariat - The Second International Workshop on New Developments in
Digital Libraries Escola Superior de Informática / UCLM
Paseo de la Universidad 4
13071 Ciudad Real - Spain
Fax: +30 926 255 354
Tel: +30 926 295 300
E-mail: w2-secretariat(a)iceis.org
Web site: http://www.iceis.org
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [SICStus] Call for Papers: NLULP'02
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 12:25:20 +0200 (IST)
From: Shuly Wintner <shuly(a)cs.haifa.ac.il>
To: shuly(a)cs.haifa.ac.il
The 7th International Workshop on
Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming
An affiliated workshop with ICLP, as part of FLoC'02
Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-28 July, 2002
The International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic
Programming was first organized in Rennes, France, in 1984. Since then
similar workshops took place in Vancouver, Canada (1987), Dalgharten, Sweden
(1991), Nara, Japan (1993), Lisbon, Portugal (1995) and most recently, the
6th NLULP took place in Las Cruces, New Mexico in December 1999, as part of
the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'99). This year,
NLULP is affiliated again with ICLP, The International Conference on Logic
Programming, which is held as part of FLoC'02, The 2002 Federated Logic
Conference, the major computational logic event of the year.
Topics of interest include all aspects of the intersection of Natural
Language Understanding with Logic Programming and Constraint (Logic)
Programming, both theoretical and practical, in all levels of linguistic
investigation. Special emphasis will be given to works addressing the
logical, mathematical and computational relationships between linguistic
formalisms and logic programming. Relevant issues include, but are not
limited to, investigations of the logical theory underlying linguistic
formalisms; alternative approaches to the semantics of such formalisms;
applications of constraint logic programming to ``constraint-based''
linguistic formalisms; issues governing grammar engineering, scalability,
modularization, information encapsulation, etc; applications of inductive
logic programming methods to NLP; higher-order logic programming;
applications of functional programming to NLP; etc. However, all works
dealing with issues of natural language and logic programming are welcome.
Papers should be written in English and describe original, unpublished work.
They should emphasize completed rather than proposed work. The state of
completion of reported results should be clearly indicated. Papers must be
anonymous and refrain from self-reference. Accepted papers cannot be
presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly
available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page.
Submissions should be no longer than 15 pages (A4 or Letter format, single
column, 11pt, at least 2.5cm / 1 inch margins), including title (but no
author names), abstract, keywords and references. All contributions are to
be made electronically, preferably as PDF attachments. Please send your
anonymous submission to the organizer, shuly(a)cs.haifa.ac.il. If electronic
submission is impossible, please contact the organizer. The deadline for
submission is Sunday, 17 February, 2002.
The anonymous submission should be accompanied by an e-mail listing the
following details:
* Authors' names and affiliations
* Address
* E-mail addresses
* Title
* Keywords
* Abstract
All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the program
committee. The accepted papers will be made available electronically as part
of the Workshop's Proceedings. Depending on the quality of the submissions,
we intend to publish selected papers in a special issue of the Journal of
Language and Computation.
Program Committee
* Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University), veronica(a)cs.sfu.ca
* Sandiway Fong (NEC Research Institute), sandiway(a)research.nj.nec.com
* Nissim Francez (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology),
* Mark Johnson (Brown University), Mark_Johnson(a)Brown.edu
* Gregers Koch (University of Copenhagen), gregers(a)diku.dk
* Gabriel Pereira Lopes (New University of Lisbon), gpl(a)di.fct.unl.pt
* Detmar Meurers (Ohio State University), dm(a)ling.ohio-state.edu
* Guido Minnen (Motorola Human Interface Laboratories),
* Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen), vannoord(a)let.rug.nl
* Gerald Penn (University of Toronto), gpenn(a)cs.toronto.edu
* Fred Popowich (Gavagai Technology Incorporated), popowich(a)gavagai.net
* Monique Rolbert (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille),
* Paul Sabatier (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille),
* Jun'ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo), tsujii(a)is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
* Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin), vogel(a)cs.tcd.ie
* Shuly Wintner (University of Haifa), shuly(a)cs.haifa.ac.il
Important dates
* February 17, 2002: Deadline for submissions
* April 14, 2002: Notification of acceptance
* May 14, 2002: Final version due
* July 27-28, 2002: Workshop dates
Further information
The Workshop is organized by Shuly Wintner, Department of Computer Science,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. For further information about ICLP or
FLoC'02 please visit http://floc02.diku.dk/.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Last Call for Papers for CAiSE 02 (November 30)
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:28:05 +0100
From: Manuel Kolp <kolp(a)isys.ucl.ac.be>
Last Call for Papers
14th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Toronto, Canada
27 - 31 May, 2002
Conference Aims and Objectives
Since the late 1980's, CAiSE conferences have provided a
forum for presentation and exchange of research results and
practical experiences within the field of Information Systems
Engineering. CAiSE'02 will be held for the first time outside Europe,
in the cosmopolitan city of Toronto. Toronto has been called the most
multicultural city in the world, hosting more than 50,000 new immigrants
per year, and boasting more than 100 languages spoken by some of its
citizens. As in previous years, the conference programme will feature
invited talks, technical paper presentations, workshops, tutorials and panel
Conference Theme
Web-based systems have become the status quo in information systems
engineering practice. This change to the nature of information
systems poses significant challenges to the research community,
such as faster time-to-market, increased concerns for security
and performance, open and evolving software architectures,
dynamically composed electronic services, and more. The main theme
of the CAiSE'02 conference will be "Web-Based Information Systems"
and the conference programme will focus on both technologies and
methodologies for building them.
Relevant Topics
Methodologies and Models for IS
Requirements Engineering for IS
Supply Chain Management
Infrastructure for Internet Business Models
Data Warehousing & OLAP
Information Quality
Privacy and Security,
Web Content Management and Distribution
Workflow Systems
Knowledge Management
Business Process Models and Engineering
Metadata and Ontologies
Cooperative Work Support
Novel Database Technologies
Distributed, Web and Mobile Architectures
OO and Agent-Oriented Technologies and their Applications to IS Development
XML and IS
Languages and Protocols for IS
Component-ware and IS
IS Reengineering
Advanced Application Domains
Validation and Evaluation of IS Models
Call for Papers
Papers are solicited either in the area of the general conference
theme or relevant to the list of topics given above. Papers should not
exceed 5,000 words. They must be original and not submitted to or accepted
by any other conference or journal. Proceedings from CAiSE'02 will be
published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The proceedings
from previous CAiSE conferences are also available in this series. As in
previous years, the best papers of the conference will be proposed for
publication (after revision and additional refereeing) in a special issue of
the international journal "Information Systems".
Submission details
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their paper, in postscript or
PDF format, to one of the programme committee co-chairs (John Mylopoulos or
Carson Woo). In their submission message, authors should indicate the name
and email address of the contact author.
Call for Panels and Tutorials
Proposals are solicited for tutorials and panels to be held together with the
conference. Tutorials can be either a half-day (3 hours) or a full-day (6
hours). They should be directed at participants from both the academic and
business communities. Panel and tutorial proposals should include a title,
an abstract and a short biography of the proposer(s). Panel proposals should
also include a list of possible panel members. Tutorial proposals should
indicate whether it i s proposed as a half- or full-day tutorial and the
intended audience in terms of background and level of expertise. Proposals
should be sent to the Tutorial and Panel chair.
Call for Posters
A special area for the display of posters about innovative projects and
prototypes will be available during the conference. Poster proposals should
include a title, the name of the presenters and a one-page outline
describing the project and what would be presented. Proposals should be sent
to the Workshop and Poster Chair.
Call for Workshops
A series of workshops will be held in conjunction with the CAiSE'02
conference to encourage interaction between researchers. Workshop topics
should be in-line with the conference topics. We invite proposals for
workshops stating the topic and overall objectives of the workshop and
giving a short curriculum vitae of the proposed organiser(s). Note that the
workshops are considered an important part of the CAiSE'02 conference and
all workshop participants are expected to also attend the main conference.
Proposals should be sent to the Workshop and Poster Chair.
Important Dates
27 - 28 May 2002 : Workshops
29 - 31 May 2002 : Conference
Submission Deadlines
30 October 2001 : Workshop Proposals
30 November 2001 : Paper, Panel & Tutorial
01 March 2002 : Poster Descriptions
Acceptance Notifications
03 December 2001 : Workshop Proposals
01 February 2002 : Paper, Panel & Tutorial
01 April 2002 : Poster Descriptions
Conference Organization
General Chair
Tamer Ozsu
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
email: tozsu(a)db.uwaterloo.ca
Programme Committee Co-Chairs
John Mylopoulos
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada M5S 3H5
email: jm(a)cs.toronto.edu
Carson Woo
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z2
email: carson.woo(a)ubc.ca
Panel and Tutorial Co-Chairs
Jarek Gryz
Dept. of Computer Science
York University
Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3
email: jarek(a)cs.yorku.ca
Rich Paige
Dept. of Computer Science
York University
Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3
email: paige(a)cs.yorku.ca
Workshop and Poster Chair
Patrick Martin
Dept. of Computing and Information Science
Queen's University
Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6
email: martin(a)cs.queensu.ca
Local Chair
Manuel Kolp
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada M5S 3H5
email: mkolp(a)cs.toronto.edu
Program Committee Members
Ken Barker (Canada)
Daniel Berry (Canada)
Alex Borgida (USA)
Paul Bowen (Australia)
Sjaak Brinkkemper (The Netherlands)
Michael Brodie (USA)
Christoph Bussler (USA)
Silvana Castano (Italy)
Jan Dietz (The Netherlands)
Johan Eder (Austria)
Marcel Franckson (France)
Mariagrazia Fugini (Italy)
Antonio Furtado (Brazil)
Andreas Geppert (Switzerland)
Paolo Giorgini (Italy)
Martin Glinz (Switzerland)
Sol Greenspan (USA)
Alan Hevner (USA)
Juhani Iivari (Finland)
Sushil Jajodia (USA)
Keith Jeffery (UK)
Manfred Jeusfeld (The Netherlands)
Hermann Kaindl (Austria)
Hannu Kangassalo (Finland)
Gerti Kappel (Austria)
Steven Kimbrough (USA)
Kostas Kontogiannis (Canada)
Manolis Koubarakis (Greece)
Alberto Laender (Brazil)
Julio Leite (Brazil)
Maurizio Lenzerini (Italy)
Michel Leonard (Switzerland)
Qing Li (China)
Marin Litoiu (Canada)
Peri Loucopoulos (UK)
Kalle Lyytinen (Finland)
Neil Maiden (UK)
Sal March (USA)
Pat Martin (Canada)
Nancy R. Mead (USA)
Michele Missikoff (Italy)
David Monarchi (USA)
Hausi Mueller (Canada)
Oscar Nierstrasz (Switzerland)
Andreas Oberweis (Germany)
Antoni Olive (Spain)
Andreas L Opdahl (Norway)
Maria Orlowska (Australia)
Maurizio Panti (Italy)
Mike Papazoglou (The Netherlands)
Jeff Parsons (Canada)
Oscar Pastor (Spain)
Barbara Pernici (Italy)
Alain Pirotte (Belgium)
Dimitris Plexousakis (Greece)
Klaus Pohl (Germany)
Radhakrishnan.T (Canada)
Sudha Ram (USA)
William Robinson (USA)
Colette Rolland (France)
Michel Scholl (France)
Michael Schrefl (Australia)
Timos Sellis (Greece)
Mike Shaw (USA)
Keng Siau (USA)
Jacob Slonim (Canada)
Arne Soelvberg (Norway)
Veda Storey (USA)
Eleni Stroulia (Canada)
Alistair Sutcliffe (UK)
Mohan Tanniru (USA)
Bernhard Thalheim (Germany)
Costantino Thanos (Italy)
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou (Greece)
Yannis Vassiliou (Greece)
Yair Wand (Canada)
Benkt Wangler (Sweden)
Tony Wasserman (USA)
Christopher Welty (USA)
Roel Wieringa (The Netherlands)
Eric Yu (Canada)
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final Call for Papers: IT Payoff in E-business
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:58:16 -0500
From: Susan Sherer <sas6(a)LEHIGH.EDU>
> Special Issue of Information Systems Frontiers
> "IT Investment Payoff in E-Business Environments"
> Guest Editors
> Rajiv Kohli, Lehigh University, rak5(a)lehigh.edu
> Susan Sherer, Lehigh University, sas6(a)lehigh.edu
> Ayelet Baron, Cisco Systems, aybaron(a)cisco.com
> Motivation
> It is obvious that investment in information technology (IT) is
> increasing, particularly to support e-business initiatives. At the same
> time these investments must compete with other initiatives to secure
> funding. E-business is a new frontier for IT investment. The complexity
> of benefits from IT investment in e-business arises from a range of
> issues such as the difficulty in isolating the benefits from other
> initiatives, the lag effects from delayed payoff, indirect payoff from
> investments made in the electronic infrastructure, and the need to
> coordinate efforts among business partners. It is necessary for
> e-business initiatives to objectively demonstrate the benefits received
> by the organization. The purpose of IT Investment Payoff in E-Business
> Environments special issue is to improve upon existing approaches for
> measuring IT investment payoff that are applicable to e-business
> initiatives as well as to find new innovative frameworks and methods for
> addressing the value of emerging IT for e-business.
> Recommended Topics
> The special issue invites papers that address the payoff from IT
> investment from e-business in any type of organization (business,
> government, not-for-profit, military etc.). Both applied and theoretical
> research will be promoted. We encourage submissions that relate payoff
> approaches from an international perspective. Contributions to the
> special issue may be in the form of research papers, surveys, tutorials,
> industry papers on designs, solutions and experiences, case studies,
> technical innovation papers, commentaries on the state-of-the-art and
> discussions on open problems/potential initiatives.
> Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
> Payoff from EDI Implementation
> Justifying Inter-organizational e-Business Systems or Extranets
> Assessing Benefits from Coordinating, Planning, Forecasting and
> Replenishment (CPFR) Systems
> Utilizing IT to Develop Cost Leadership in e-Business
> Employing IT to Develop New Products and Services in e-Business
> E-Business Infrastructure Investments
> IT Investment Frameworks for e-Businesses
> Multimedia E-Business Technologies and their Impacts
> Frameworks and Evaluation Methods for e-Business Investments
> Comparing e-Business and Traditional IT Investment Strategies and
> Tools
> Achieving Benefits from e-Business Investments
> Organizational Strategies for Achieving Payoff from e-Business
> Investments
> Paper Submission
> Papers should be sent via email to Sue Sherer
> sas6(a)lehigh.edu in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect format. They can also
> be mailed to Susan A. Sherer, PhD, College of Business and Economics,
> Lehigh University, 621 Taylor Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3117, USA,
> Phone: 610-758-3424.
> Schedule
> Full Paper Submission Deadline: November 30, 2001
> Notice of Acceptance/Revision/Rejection: March 15, 2002
> Revisions Due: May 15, 2002
> Final Submission after all revision(s): August 15, 2002
> Publication Date: Early 2003
> Manuscript submission and format guidelines are available at Information
> Systems Frontiers website,
> http://www.som.buffalo.edu/isinterface/ISFrontiers/.
> A copy of this Call for Papers can be found at
> http://www.som.buffalo.edu/isinterface/ISFrontiers/issues/payoff/cfp.htm
> --
> Professor Susan A. Sherer
> Lehigh University
> College of Business and Economics
> 621 Taylor Street
> Bethlehem, PA 18015
> Phone: 610-758-3424
> Fax: 610-758-6941
> www.lehigh.edu/~sas6
Professor Susan A. Sherer
Lehigh University
College of Business and Economics
621 Taylor Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: 610-758-3424
Fax: 610-758-6941
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