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Subject: ICSTM-2002, 3-5 April, 2002 (Manchester, UK)
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 13:24:29 +0100
From: Dr Zahir Irani <Zahir.Irani(a)brunel.ac.uk>
The Second International Conference on Systems Thinking in
Management (ICSTM-2002) which will be held at Salford
University NR Manchester (UK) 3rd - 5th April 2002.
* Submission of abstract(s) and Biography - Oct 28th 2001 *
All papers presented at the conferences will subsequently
be considered for publication in forthcoming issues of:
Logistics Information Management
Business Process Management Journal
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Journal of Knowledge Management
Benchmarking: An International Journal
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Conference details can be found at:
Dr Zahir Irani
Senior Lecturer of Information Systems
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH
Tel: +44 1895 816 211
Fax: +44 1895 251 686
E-mail: Zahir.Irani(a)brunel.ac.uk
URL: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~csstzni
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Open Source Software Session at DSIage 2002
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 14:52:10 +0100
From: "Feller, Joe" <JFeller(a)AFIS.UCC.IE>
The International Conference on Decision Making and Decision Support in the
Internet Age (DSIage2002) will be held in
Cork, Ireland, from July 4th-7th, 2002. The goal of this conference is to
encourage the exchange of new ideas about decision support systems in the
Internet Age and to promote their use in the decision making processes of
organizations. The emphasis will also be put on emerging needs related to
distributed and remote decision making which could be supported through the
web. New thoughts and new ideas for enhancing decision making through the
use of web technologies are especially welcome.
**One of the conference sessions will focus on collaborative work processes
and decision making in Open Source Software.**
Deadline for submission of papers is November 30, 2001. All papers are
subject to double-blind peer-review. For more information the conference,
please visit the web-page at http://afis.ucc.ie/DSIAge2002.
Joseph Feller, PhD
University College Cork
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 15:27:18 +0200
From: Michael PICHAT <michaelPichat(a)UNIV-PARIS8.FR>
Second call for papers, October 2001
Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning
Clichy (Paris, France), 17-19 January 2002
The ESSCS attempts to promote the multidisciplinary study of all aspects
of cognition. Learning is one of the nodal points of cognition and
raises many integrative issues with regard to the study of cognitive
systems. This is the first special workshop on this topic organised by
the ESSCS. The spirit of the workshop is deliberately chosen to
encourage researchers from various fields to discuss with each other
about the challenges and opportunities offered by a cross disciplinary
approach to learning.
Contributions are invited on all aspects of learning, in human, animal,
and artificial systems. More specifically the following subdisciplines
of cognitive sciences are involved:
- Psychology (cognitive, clinical, developmental, ergonomics)
- Artificial intelligence (general aspects)
- Neurosciences (associative memory, neural networks, etc.)
- Linguistics (also computational), language disorders
- Educational and Instructional sciences
- Philosophy, History of concepts.
G.J. Dalenoort (University of Groningen):
Theoretical considerations on learning
G. Vergnaud (CNRS, Universite Paris 8):
Learning and conceptual development
J. Rogalski (CNRS, Universite Paris 8):
Epistemology and cognitive analysis of the task: towards a common frame
for analysing competence acquisition from students to professionals
The scientific program includes both oral communications and poster
presentations. Each oral communication will be allotted 20 minutes for
presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion. The workshop schedule will
include a poster session; presenters will stand by their posters for
informal discussion with workshop participants.
The working language of the workshop is English. There will be a maximum
of 20 oral presentations. The total number of presentations will be
restricted to about 40. Participation is also possible without a
The workshop will take place at the "Lycee Rene Auffray", 23 rue Fernand
Pelloutier, 92110 Clichy, Tel: 01-49-68-90-00 (from abroad:
+33-1-49-68-90-00), Web site: www.lycee-rene-auffray.com, Metro
(underground): line 13 (direction: "Gabriel Peri - Asnieres -
Gennevilliers"; Stop: "Mairie de Clichy")
For more information see the ESSCS webpage: http://www.esscs.org
For scientific or local information please contact:
Contributions will be peer-reviewed and considered on the basis of their
relevance over a variety of subdisciplines of cognitive sciences. This
will imply that papers that exclusively report on experimental results,
without a theoretical basis or interpretation, will not be accepted. In
case of doubt, please take up contact with the organisers. Papers that
have been accepted can also be submitted to a special issue of Cognitive
Systems, the international peer-reviewed journal of the ESSCS.
Submissions (in English) should be sent in the form a 300 words
abstract. Desired presentation form is to be indicated (oral, poster,
oral or poster). Submissions should be sent as an email attachment
(please both in RTF and DOS formats) to both G. Dalenoort
(G.J.DALENOORT(a)ppsw.rug.nl) and M. Pichat
(michael.pichat(a)univ-paris8.fr) by the 30th of October 2001. Acceptance
will be notified within a week, upon which registration payment is
Scientific committee
G.J. Dalenoort, University of Groningen
G. Ricco, Universite Paris 8
G. Vergnaud, CNRS, Universite Paris 8
K.B. Koster, University of Groningen
P.L.C. Van Geert, University of Groningen
Organising committee
M. Pichat, Universite Paris 8
L. Numa-Bocage, IUFM de Picardie
M. Merri, ENFA de Toulouse
D. Morange, Universite Lyon 2
M.-C. Jollivet, IUFM de Poitou-Charentes
Owing to administrative reasons, it is not possible to separate workshop
and catering charges. Therefore, the following amounts include both
workshop fees and catering fees (3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 5 breaks).
Please note that = 1 Euro.
Members of the ESSCS: 85
Non members of the ESSCS: 95
Students: 75
ESSCS membership: 12
Full registration fee deposit deadline: 15 November 2001
Payment modalities shall be notified with declaring of acceptance.
Please note that communication abstract will not be published in the
workshop proceedings unless payment is received.
Some double rooms are available in the Lycee Rene Auffray itself (place
of the meeting). Double rooms (with shower/bath and toilets) are about
40 altogether per night. These rooms have to be booked in advance.
Full accommodation fee deposit deadline: 15 November 2001
Payment modalities shall be notified with notification of acceptance
Alternative accommodation (hotels)
Each room is provided with internal bathroom (toilets and shower or
bath), television and telephone. Prices are per night and in Euro.
Reservations with the hotels can be made directly (if deposits are
required: best via a letter with authorisation to charge a credit card,
to avoid high costs of international money transfers).
Hotel des Chasses (**), Single room: 61, Breakfast: 6,
Distance to workshop place: 5 minutes walk.
Tel: From abroad: 00-33-1-47-37-01-73, in France: 01-47-37-01-73
Address: 49 rue Pierre Beregovy, 92110 Clichy
Website: www.hoteldeschasses.fr
Hotel Sovereign (***), Single room: 60, Breakfast: 6
Distance to workshop place: 10 minutes walk.
Tel: from abroad: 00-33-1-47-37-54-24, in France: 01-47-37-54-24
Address: 14 rue Dagobert, 92110 Clichy
Hotel Savoy (**), Single room: 68, Breakfast: 7
Distance from workshop place: 8 minutes walk.
Tel: from abroad: 00-33-1-47-37-17-01, in France: 01-47-37-17-01
Address: 20 rue Villeneuve, 92110 Clichy
Website: www.123france.com/europe/france/paris/hotels/hoclichy.htm
Workshop: 17-19 January 2002
Submission deadline: 30th October 2001
Notification of acceptance: 7th November 2001
Registration fee deposit deadline: 15th November 2001
Accommodation fee deposit deadline: 15th November 2001
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Subject: Are you publishing research relevant to forecasting?
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:23:29 -0500
From: Monica Adya <madya(a)DEPAUL.EDU>
Research on Forecasting
The International Journal of Forecasting
The Research on Forecasting section of the International Journal of
Forecasting (IJF) was initiated to bring quality forecasting research
published in non-forecasting journals to IJF readers. In particular, this
section attempts to highlight interesting papers that either validate
forecsating research in new contexts or those that question the status quo.
Authors of the papers are given an opportunity to respond to the review.
Consequently, this section often presents an engaging discussion on
important empirical and theoretical issues that extend beyond the
forecasting domain.
If you have recently published any research that has relevance to
forecasters, I encourage you to bring it to our attention. In the past, we
have reviewed articles published in journals from diverse fields such as
IS, Organizational Behavior, Economics, Psychology, Computer Science among
I also invite you to participate in the review process and use this forum to
question some critical empirical and theoretical assumptions presented in
our published works. Your submissions and questions can be directed to me
Monica Adya
Section Editor, Research on Forecasting
Department of Management
DePaul University
1 East Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 362-8495
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Reminder - CFP for Special Issue of Information Technology & People
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 14:13:33 -0400
From: Peter Gray <pgray(a)BUSINESS.QUEENSU.CA>
Reminder: Deadline for submissions is November 1st.
Information Technology & People announces a new Special Issue on
Organizational Implications of Knowledge Management Systems.
Guest edited by Peter H. Gray and Darren Meister,
Management Research Centre for Knowledge-Based Enterprises,
Queens School of Business, Queens University
The use of information technology for knowledge management, termed knowledge
management systems (KMS), is a rapidly growing area of interest for
information systems researchers. This Special Issue asks the question, "How
does the use of KMS make possible entirely new behaviours, social processes
and forms of interactions?" We encourage the submission of manuscripts that
explore, describe, and assess the ways in which information technology has
been used to create new forms of knowledge creation, sharing and sourcing.
Possible issues of relevance include integration of KMS into work context,
employees role-redefinition, impact on specialization, need for training,
process adjustments and implementation issues. Research that evaluates the
effectiveness of such processes, either in contrast to traditional processes
or between competing IT-enabled knowledge management processes, is most
eagerly sought. Papers that develop and present new theories about KMS would
also be of considerable interest to this Special Issue.
Organizations have several types of KMS that can be used to address sharing
and sourcing of knowledge. A simple taxonomy of KMS might discriminate
between those that are primarily interpersonal communication tools and those
that are more document-centred. Electronic discussion groups, e-mail,
videoconferencing, teleconferencing and community support systems are
examples of the former. A considerable and growing body of literature
addresses issues surrounding the communication of knowledge through such
KMS. While these KMS continue to present interesting and important research
questions, we encourage submissions that address the organizational, social
and cultural impacts of KMS that are primarily document-centred for this
Special Issue.
While there are considerable technical issues involved in the design and
construction of KMS, this Special Issue is interested in the behavioural,
managerial, and organizational implications of KMS use. The Special Issue
will consider empirical and theoretical papers focused on either type of
KMS, communication- or document-centred.
Beyond providing a channel for communicating knowledge, KMS can also provide
ancillary services that act as substitutes for traditional social processes,
especially in organizations that are large and geographically distributed.
For example, the use of automatic expertise profiling software to identify
subject matter experts may take the place of word-of-mouth and contact
networks for finding expertise. Of particular interest is empirical research
that advances our understanding of the organizational role and managerial
implications of tools such as:
- knowledge maps and directories
- topic maps
- automatic expertise profiling tools
- knowledge repositories
- document management systems
- content tracking systems
- process support and workflow tools
- autonomous agents and search tools
- peer-to-peer document exchange tools
- human-computer interfaces for knowledge representation
- rule-based and expert systems
- semantic search and representation tools
Important Dates
November 1, 2001 Deadline for submission
February 1, 2002 Preliminary notices to authors
April 1, 2002 Deadline for re-submission of selected papers
June 1, 2002 Final acceptance notice sent to authors
August 1, 2002 Deadline for camera-ready copies
Early 2003 Special issue is published
All submissions must be in English, and should represent the original work
of the authors. Improved versions of papers previously published in
conference proceedings are welcome, provided that no relevant copyright
limitations exist. Submissions must be made electronically via e-mail to one
of the guest editors (addresses below). The submission should be included as
an attachment in MS Word or PDF format.
More information about Information Technology & People can be found at the
journals home page at http://www.mcb.co.uk/itp.htm. We encourage the
submission of abstracts in order to establish a level of fit with the theme
of the special issue.
Submissions should be made to one of the following:
Peter H. Gray
Queens School of Business
(P) 613 533 6000 x78002
(F) 613 533 2325
(E) pgray(a)business.queensu.ca
Darren Meister
Queens School of Business
(P) 613 533 6980
(F) 613 533 2325
(E) dmeister(a)business.queensu.ca
Manuscripts should be between 4000 to 6000 words in length and be
double-spaced, in at least 11 pt font.
Submissions should include the following:
(a) On the body of the e-mail message, for each author: Name, e-mail,
mailing address, university/organization affiliation, phone/fax numbers.
Please indicate who is the contact person for the submission.
(b) On the paper: Submission title, an abstract of the submission, the
main body of the submission, references and/or bibliography.
Please do not include the name of the authors or any information that would
allow for their identification on the paper. Reviews will be blind.
All paper submissions and the submission review process will be managed
through e-mail. The receipt of submissions will be quickly confirmed by one
of the guest editors. Submissions should follow the bibliography style
guidelines for MIS Quarterly (see http://www.misq.org/). Information on
camera-ready copy preparation will be provided to submitting authors by the
guest editors through e-mail upon acceptance.
The MS-Word version of this Call for Papers can be accessed at
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Deadline extended (CFP on DMSS track for next JCIS'02 Conference)
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 12:24:37 -0700
From: Manuel Mora <mmorauaamx(a)visto.com>
Message for colleagues interested on Decision Support Systems,
Executive Information Systems, KBS and Decision Theory themes:
It has been extended the deadline for receive papers for
the track session on Decision Making Support Systems,
to be held in the next 6th Joint Conference on Information
Sciences (JCIS), from March 8-14, 2002, in Durham,
North Carolina, USA.
Interested are invited to submit a 4-page submission by October 15, 2001.
Papers accepted by review will be published in the proceedings of the
Conference. Researchers and practitioners interested, please send
electronically the full papers to forgionn(a)umbc.edu or
mmorauaamx1(a)visto.com. Other important dates and information are available
it in the site of the conference: http://www.ee.duke.edu/jcis/
G. Forgionne, I.S. Dept., UMBC.
J. Gupta, Dept. of Management, BSU
M. Mora, Dept. of I.S., UAA.
Visit http://www.visto.com.
Find out how companies are linking mobile users to the
enterprise with Visto.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: cfp: ISOneWorld Conference (April 4-5, 2002)
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 17:26:36 -0700
From: Samantha <samantha.gill(a)ISONEWORLD.ORG>
Call for Papers: ISOneWorld Conference & Convention, April 4-5, 2001, Las
Vegas, NV, USA
Conference Chairs: M. Gordon Hunter (University of Lethbridge, Canada) and
K. Kathy Dhanda (University of Portland, USA)
Program Chairs: Karen Loch (Georgia State University, USA); Sherif Kamel
(The American University in Cairo, Egypt) and Paula Swatman (University
Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Please consider submitting a paper, case study, panel proposal or a poster
to the forthcoming ISOneWorld conference and convention to be held in Las
Vegas, NV, USA on April 4-5, 2002.
Some of the specialist tracks include:
* IT and small businesses: Mário Caldeira, Instituto Superior de Economia e
Gestão, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal and Aurelio Ravarini,
Universita' Carlo Cattaneo, Italy
* E-Commerce for SMEs: Stephen Burgess, Victoria University of Technology,
* Strategic IT: Raymond Papp, University of Tampa, USA
* E-Business and competitive edge: Namchul Shin, Pace University, USA
* Systems development technologies: Taedong Han, University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, USA
* E-Government: Richard Heeks, University of Manchester, UK
Please take a moment to review the complete call for papers and details for
other tracks at: http://isoneworld.org
Samantha Gill
ISOneWorld Administrator
ISOneWorld Conference & Convention
IS Academic & Practitioner Global Alliances
April 4&5, 2002, Las Vegas, NV, USA
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 17:46:36 -0600
From: "Mahmood, Mo Adam" <mmahmood(a)UTEP.EDU>
Journal of End User Computing
The primary purpose of the Journal of End User Computing(JEUC) is to provide
a forum to information technology educators, researchers, and practitioners
to advance the practice and understanding of end user computing in
organizations. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for
possible publication in JEUC. The journal publishes empirical and
theoretical research concerned with all aspects of end user computing
including development, utilization, and management. The journal is
especially interested in those studies that show a significant contribution
to the area by relating end user computing to end user satisfaction, end
user productivity, and strategic and competitive advantage.
Topics should be drawn from, but not limited to, the following areas, with
major emphasis on the productivity and strategic and competitive advantage
derived from end user information processing:
* End user computing (EUC) productivity and quality assurance
* End users and down sizing
* Information resources management and end users
* EUC and strategic and competitive advantage
* Information center management
* Managing emerging EUC technologies
* EUC satisfaction
* EUC in various management functions
* EUC usage
* EUC, piracy and copyright issues
* EUC success factors
* EUC controls for security and privacy
* EUC risk factors
* EUC management
* EUC hardware and software
* End user supports and training.
In general, the journal seeks contributions concerning any aspect of end
user information processing including development, usage, satisfaction,
productivity, success, failure, policies, politics, strategies, and
management. The journal invites contributions from educators, researchers,
and practitioners involved in research, management, and utilization of end
user computing. Potential contributors may want to visit JUEC homepage at:
http://www.idea-group.com <http://www.idea-group.com/journalo.htm> / before
submitting a manuscript.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal will undergo a blind review.
Authors are asked to submit four copies of their original, previously
unpublished manuscript that satisfies the following conditions:
* Must not be currently under review by another publication.
* Must be written in APA (American Psychological Association)
editorial style.
* Should not exceed 25 double-spaced typed pages.
* Must be accompanied by a cover page with author(s)' name, address,
number, and affiliation.
* Must be accompanied by a 150-200 word vita of author(s) on a
* Must be accompanied by a 150-200 word abstract on a separate sheet
with appropriate key words for the papers.
JEUC also invites case studies, editorials, book reviews, software reviews,
practitioner articles for consideration for the Industry and Practice
section of the journal. Submitted pieces for this section should not exceed
10 double-spaced typed pages.
Review process:
To ensure the high quality of published material, JEUC utilizes a group of
experts to review submitted manuscripts. Upon receipt of the manuscript, two
reviewers are selected from the Editorial Review Board of the Journal. The
selection is based upon the particular area of expertise of the reviewers,
matched to the subject matter of the submission. An additional ad-hoc
reviewer is also selected to review the manuscript. Each submission is,
therefore, blind reviewed by at least three reviewers. Revised manuscripts
are reviewed by an associate editor and finally by the editor. Return of a
manuscript to the author(s) for revision does not guarantee acceptance of
the manuscript for publication but it is a step in the right direction. The
final decision is based upon the comments of the reviewers, and the quality
of the revised manuscript.
M. Adam Mahmood, Ph.D., Editor
Journal of End User Computing
Information & Decision Sciences Department
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, TX 79968, USA
Tel: 915/747-5496 or 7754
Fax: 915/747-5147
M. Adam Mahmood, MBA, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Information Systems and
Ellis and Susan Mayfield Professor in
Business Administration
Information and Decision Sciences Department
University of Texas, El Paso
500 West University
El Paso, TX 79968
Tel: (915) 747-5496/7754
Fax: (915) 747-5126
Immediate Past President of the Information Resources Management
Association: http://www.irma-international.org
Co-author of Measuring Information Technology Investment Payoff:
Contemporary Approaches: http://www.idea-group.com/investment.htm
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Information Systems Journal 11:4 - Special Issue on Open Source Software
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 14:13:49 +0100
From: Marciano Silvana <silvana.marciano(a)BLACKSCI.CO.UK>
Vol. 11, No. 4
Special Issue: Open Source Software: Investigating the Software
Engineering, Psychosocial and Economic Issues
Guest Editors: Brian Fitzgerald and Joseph Feller, University College Cork,
Striking a Balance between Trust and Control in a Virtual Organization: A
Content Analysis of Open Source Software Case Studies
Michael J. Gallivan, Georgia State University, USA.
The Power of Gifts: Organising Social Relationships in Open Source
Magnus Bergquist and Jan Ljungberg, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN.
Putting it All in the Trunk: Incremental Software Development in the FreeBSD
Open Source Project
Niels Jorgensen, Roskilde University, DENMARK
If you wish to purchase a copy of this issue please contact
journals.cs(a)blacksci.co.uk <mailto:journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk>
For the online version of the journal which will be available shortly please
click here http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/issuelist.asp?journal=isj
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Subject: special issue an innovation
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 21:26:41 +0800
From: Ken Peffers <k(a)PEFFERS.COM>
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
Special Issue: Is E-Commerce dead, past its prime, or just resting?
On Saturday, we released the first seven exciting papers in this special
issue. You can access them at http://jitta.org. but there is still time for
you to consider submitting a paper for this same issue. We will consider
submissions until November 15, 2001. We can do this because JITTA publishes
only online.
In so far as we know, we are only IS journal that can do this.
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA)
Special Issue CFP
"Is E-Commerce dead, past its prime, or just resting?"
Ken Peffers, Special Issue Editor
CFP: http://ihome.ust.hk/~jitta/journal/MAIN/innovative_special_issue.htm
Journal: <http://www.jitta.org/>
Ken Peffers, ISMT Department
HK University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2358-7639
Mobile: +852 9525 1041
Email: k(a)peffers.com
URL: http://www.peffers.com
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA)
Special Issue CFP
"Is E-Commerce dead, past its prime, or just resting?"
Ken Peffers, Special Issue Editor
CFP: http://ihome.ust.hk/~jitta/journal/MAIN/innovative_special_issue.htm
Journal: <http://www.jitta.org/>
Ken Peffers, ISMT Department
HK University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2358-7639
Mobile: +852 9525 1041
Email: k(a)peffers.com
URL: http://www.peffers.com