---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ECAIS 2002 - conference announcement
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:44:35 +0100
From: Andrew Lymer <a.lymer(a)BHAM.AC.UK>
5th ECAIS 2002 - 2nd Call for Papers and Case Competition Announcement
23-24th April, 2002, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
The second call for papers for the European Conference on Accounting
Information Systems available from the ECAIS website at
Submission details for papers to be considered for the conference can also
be found on the website at http://accountingeducation.com/ecais
Keynote Speaker
Our keynote speaker this year will be Professor Steve Sutton, University of
Connecticut. See Steve's impressive CV/vita on
our website.
As in previous years we have arranged a number of workshops to be run as
part of this event. This year three workshops
will be offered (all free as a part of the delegate fee!)
1. Researching ERP issues - Professor Benson Wier, Associate Professor at
Virginia Commonwealth University
2. Case Based Reasoning Workshop: Professor Bonnie Morris, Associate
Professor at West Virginia University
3. Researching E-Commerce - Professor Amy Ray Trustee Chair at Bentley
College, USA
Case Competition
Please also note that for the first time at these conferences a case
competition will be operated. This competition will
result in a number of sessions being possible in which AIS teaching cases
will be presented to widen the range of
teaching experiences amongst delegates at the event. We believe this will
be of great value to delegates attending
this conference as an opportunity to share teaching stories and techniques
- something badly needed amongst AIS teachers
in Europe. Please offer us a case for this competition if you have one to
ensure we maximise the benefit to all of this
opportunity. Full details about submissions for this competition can be
found our website at
http://accountingeducation.com/subsites/ecais/casecomp2002.cfm . The
deadline for submissions to this competition is 1st January.
Deadlines for submissions to ECAIS 2002 - 1 December 2001.
Venue and Accommodation
Details of the venue are available from our website, and details of
accommodation will be avaiable via our website int he near future. Please
note however, as usual, we will not be making accommodation arrangements for
delegates. We suggest you book direct and early to avoid disappointment.
Delegate Booking
Details of how to book to attend this conference will be announced shortly
via the website and through this list.
Further assistance
If you need further assistance or advice about attending this event please
contact us at a.lymer(a)bham.ac.uk or any of the other organiser's emails as
to be found on the website.
We look forward to welcoming you to what is shaping up to be an excellent
conference, in an excellent venue.
Andy Lymer, Eddy Vaassen & Jim Hunton - Co-Chairs ECAIS 2002
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: cfp: IT & People
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 09:50:31 +0300
From: "Adel M. Aladwani" <adwani(a)kuc01.kuniv.edu.kw>
Dear Colleagues:
Due to some technical difficulties facing e-mail messages coming to my
e-mail address from certain domains, the co-editors of IT & People and I
decided to re-issue the same cfp but with new submission addresses.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Information Technology & People
Special Issue: IT Management in the Middle East
The widespread diffusion of Information Technology (IT), e.g., computers
and data telecommunication technologies and applications, has reached
all corners and regions of our world including the Middle East. The
proliferation of IT in Middle Eastern nations has many serious
implications for these countries inasmuch as it is IT that can set the
stage for many economic, social, and even political reforms essential
for the development of this region. The success of decision-makers in
public and private organizations operating in this part of the world to
understand how to exploit IT in accordance with their particular work
environments and national values will facilitate the accomplishment of
these aspired developments. Furthermore, with the increased
globalization of the world economy, many organizations interested in
entering the promising marketplace of the Middle East may need to get a
sense of the particulars of IT diffusion in this region. Unfortunately,
little research is currently available about the state of IT management
in Middle Eastern nations. The purpose of this special issue of
Information Technology & People is to provide a forum for topics
addressing IT management issues in Middle Eastern countries. Conceptual
and empirical contributions including frameworks, field surveys,
experiments, and case studies from authors around the world are strongly
This first of a kind special issue intends to incorporate a wide array
of IT management issues in Middle Eastern countries. Papers dealing with
(but not limited to) the following topics are invited:
· National level strategies of information technology
· Information technology infrastructure issues at national and
organizational levels
· Information architecture and planning issues at the organizational
· Issues relevant to determining the value of IT Investments
· Performance issues of IT projects and applications
· Professional development of information technology specialists
· The design and implementation of culturally-sensitive IT applications
· Accounts of national readiness for the digital economy
· Emergent applications of IT (technology incubators, technology
inclusion, etc.)
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be in English, should represent original work of
the author(s), and must not have been published/accepted for publication
or currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All
contributions will be subjected to a double-blind review process.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to Information Technology &
People (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/itp.htm) format. There is no page
limit on paper submissions. Submission can be made electronically to:
Eleanor Wynn
Edgar Whitley
Important Dates:
28 Feb. 2002 Deadline for submission
30 Apr. 2002 First round of reviews returned to the authors
31 May 2002 Deadline for re-submission
01 July 2002 Final acceptance of papers
The special issue is scheduled for publication in late-2002.
Special issue editor:
Adel M. Aladwani
Department of QM & IS
College of Administrative Sciences
Kuwait University
E-mail: adwani(a)kuc01.kuniv.edu.kw
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [wkwi] Modellierung 2002: Endspurt!
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:26:26 +0200
From: "Martin Glinz" <glinz(a)ifi.unizh.ch>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
"Da war doch diese GI-Arbeitstagung ... wie hieß sie schon wieder? ...
ja, richtig: Modellierung 2002 ... da wollte ich doch eigentlich ein
Papier ..."
Lassen Sie es nicht beim guten Vorsatz bewenden. Und schreiten Sie
umgehend zur Tat:
** Termin für die Einreichung von Beiträgen: 2. November 2001 **
M o d e l l i e r u n g 2 0 0 2
"Modellierung in der Praxis - Modellierung für die Praxis"
25.-27. März 2002
Alles Wissenswerte über die Themen, die Gestaltung von Beiträgen und
den Prozess der Einreichung finden Sie unter
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Beitrag.
Prof. Dr. Martin Glinz, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich,
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Schweiz/Suisse/Switzerland
Tel. +41-1-63-545 70, (-543 14) Fax +41-1-63-568 09
email glinz(a)ifi.unizh.ch
WWW http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/~glinz
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: EM: CfP -- eGovernment
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:20:16 +0200
From: Lucia.Pavlikova(a)UNISG.CH
Apologies for cross-posting; please pass on to interested
colleagues and distribute to relevant lists.
Call for Papers
Focus Theme: eGovernment
Dear Colleagues:
EM - Electronic Markets is a key forum for advancing
the understanding and practice of electronic markets
and commerce
Guest Editors: Klaus Lenk, University of Oldenburg
Roland Traunmüller, University of Linz
With eCommerce having achieved striking success,
eGovernment is presenting another challenge, especially
in the fields of Electronic Public Services Delivery, of
Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business
cooperation, and of Electronic Democracy. Yet eGovernment
is a huge field, and careful investigation into specific
aspects of governance is needed. Complex processes of
decision and policy making as well as multipolar
relationships with stakeholders in the production of
public goods require advanced types of IT support which
will often go beyond achievements in the private sector.
It is indispensable now to define the role of eGovernment.
It has the potential of becoming the key for modernising
and indeed for reformatting and reinventing government in
all its aspects, provided that we do not conceptualise it
in too simplistic a way. Public governance in the 21st
century can profit enormously, as IT and the Internet are
becoming prime drivers of New Public Management reforms,
inspiring new visions, ventures, and exciting activities.
In a not too distant future, institutions, structures and
activities of governance in the Public Sector may change
This special issue intends to break new ground in
understanding the revolutionary aspects of eGovernment as
well the continuous and laborious way evolution proceeds.
So our editorial view is to encourage papers in both
directions: Making explicit the design options and the
fundamental traits of eGovernment as well offering a view
on the various construction sites of eGovernment where
so much exciting progress under way deserves special attention.
A list of relevant topics includes yet is not limited
to the following:
1.) eGovernment strategies, implementation policies and
best practice
2.) Funding policies and business models for sustainable
3.) Critical distinctions between eCommerce and eGovernment
4.) Intergovernmental and international cooperation for
developing eGovernment
5.) The future role of local government with regard to
6.) "Single-window" access to public, non-profit as well
as commercial services combined with multichannel
distribution schemes
7.) Citizen information systems and communication with
8.) Providing equal access and avoiding discrimination in
using eGovernment services
9.) Redesigning cooperative processes within and between
10.) Reorganisation of business processes "outside-in"
11.) Public Sector portals
12.) Platforms for secure online transactions with a
multitude of back offices
13.) Integrating back office services; "Seamless Government"
14.) Standards for secure transactions, information
interchange and process-related data formats
15.) Legal requirements concerning online transactions;
data protection, freedom of information, and consumer
16.) Infrastructures for trusted communication
17.) eProcurement
18.) Support of mobile government field services (e.g.
forest rangers, customs, social workers, emergency management)
19.) Support of policy making, Roundtables, negotiation
and mediation processes, citizen participation in public
affairs and democratic deliberation and voting
20.) Knowledge management in Public Sector organisations
21.) Advanced tools for decision support, data mining,
simulation and Augmented Reality
22.) New forms of social and technical networking: ad-hoc
co-operation and coalition between public agencies and
23.) Organisational implementation and management of change
EM accepts short papers up to 2500 words, or long papers
up to 5000 words. Please refer to the Contributors
Section at http://www.electronicmarkets.org for our
templates and additional specifications.
Important Deadlines:
Submission: 21 January
Acceptance Decision: 25 February
Publication: Fall 2002
If you have any questions regarding acceptable topics,
please contact: Klaus Lenk at: lenk(a)mailsrv1.hrz.uni-oldenburg.de
or Roland Traunmüller at: traunm(a)ifs.uni-linz.ac.at
For questions regarding the journal, the review process,
or to submit your paper: em.editors(a)netacademy.org
Klaus Lenk
Roland Traunmüller
Beat F. Schmid and
Lucia Pavlikova
EM - Electronic Markets
Editorial Office:
mcm institute for Media and
Communications Management
University of St.Gallen
Blumenbergplatz 9
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Beat F. Schmid
Executive Editor: Lucia Pavlikova
Phone +41 71 224 27 74
Fax +41 71 224 30 78
email: em.editors(a)netacademy.org
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:05:43 +0200
From: Rita Walczuch <R.Walczuch(a)BERFIN.UNIMAAS.NL>
November 4-6, Heerlen/Maastricht, The Netherlands
Please distribute!
The impact on society of the technologies of "digitisation" has transcended
the limits of any single discipline. It is universal and ubiquitous,
affecting everything. But how does this digitisation affect our basic
concepts about society - such as value, community, law, space?
This conference will bring together the world's leading thinkers and doers
in various fields - from anthropology to law, economics to information
technology - to ask: What, if anything, is new about the way we redefine
our understanding of these concepts?
Topics covered include:
- notions of value, non-monetary economic activity,
- measurement without prices, free software
- the meaning of money, electronic currencies
- communities, social networks
- reputation, trust and identity
- formal and informal law, dissappearing borders and Internet jurisdiction
- space and navigation
- political space, government, new media and freedom
- geographical space, access, impact and inequality
Format and speakers
This conference is uniquely designed to contrast opinions from different
disciplines in sessions linked by common themes: Value, Community, Space. A
special Crosstalk session each day brings together participants from the
different themes in debate, to elicit a broader understanding of the issues
that face us.
The conference emerges from First Monday's reputation as a source of
quality ideas and research on digitisation and society. Beginning with
keynote presentations from two of First Monday's well-known editorial board
members: Esther Dyson and Anthony Rutkowski, this conference draws on First
Monday's long list of authors, some of the foremost thinkers in their
fields. Confirmed speakers include
Wilfred Dolfsma, International Institute of Infonomics
Paul Duguid, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Kasper Edwards, Technical University Denmark
Andreas Harsono, Institute for Studies of Freeflow of Information, Jakarta
Leo van Hove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam University
Christopher Kelty, Rice University, Houston
Bruce Perens, Open Source evangelist, Hewlett-Packard,
David Post, Temple University School of Law
Howard Rheingold, author, "The Virtual Community"
Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam
Richard Wiggins, Michigan State University
Who should attend
This conference will offer insights into issues that are critical to
economic, social and technological development in Europe as well as
worldwide. It will appeal to everyone concerned with the emerging
understanding of digitization and its impact on society, policy and
business. We expect as participants academics, corporate officers,
government policy makers, thinkers and activists from around the world.
Online registration and hotel reservation forms, as well as the conference
programme are available at http://www.infonomics.nl/newdefinitions/
The conference is jointly organised by First Monday - the peer reviewed
journal of the Internet (www.firstmonday.org) and the International
Institute of Infonomics (www.infonomics.nl). For more information and
sponsorship opportunities please contact Conference Coordinator Kamini
Aisola, k.aisola(a)kaiaconsult.com
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers (GITM) WORLD CONFERENCE
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:24:26 -0500
From: "Douglas, David" <douglas(a)WALTON.UARK.EDU>
Transborder Data Flows and Privacy Laws
Track Chair: David E. Douglas
Email: douglas(a)walton.uark.edua
(Please send the track chair an e-mail indicating your intent to submit a
paper to this track)
Third Annual
on June 23, 24, 25, 2002 in New York, NY, USA
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date).
Please submit directly to the Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia. For timely
processing, we have an all-electronic review process. Therefore, an
electronic submission is strongly recommended (email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu).
If not possible, please mail 4 copies to the following address and make sure
it arrives by the deadline. Please include your email address along with
the submission.
Dr. Prashant Palvia
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
ISOM Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083
Rapid technological advances proliferate exchange of computerized data and
information and lead to significant structural changes in the economies of
industrialized and developing countries. With the evolution of the
multinational corporation, these flows acquire an international dimension
and become Transborder Data Flows. This track will explore national and
international implications of the flow of digital data across national
boundaries, conflicts of laws and culture regarding content or expression in
communications, and comparative analysis of national laws that regulate or
tax electronic messages or the transport of electronic databases across
national boundaries.
Papers (completed or in-progress: about 20 double spaced pages), extended
abstracts (completed or in-progress research: about 4-6 pages), panel and
workshop proposals (2-4 pages) dealing with (but not limited to) the
following topics are invited. Please mention the name of this track on the
cover page.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Privacy in International Trade
- Legal Issues in Transborder Data Flow
- Trade and Taxation
- Cultural Differences in Online Communication
- Political Interference in Development of the World-Wide Web
- Strong Encryption: International Issues in Sale and Use
- National Differences in Attitude toward Free Speech on the Web
- Cultural Imperialism on the Web
- Intellectual property rights and Copyrights
OTHER TRACKS: Please note that you may also submit to other Global IT
tracks. Just note the name of the appropriate track on the cover (if no
such track exists or you do not know the track name, simply state so on the
cover page). In general, Global IT Management topics include (but are not
limited to):
IT in various countries and regions (e.g., Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab
countries, North America, South & Central America, Australia); Development,
evaluation & management of Global Information Systems (GIS); Electronic
commerce; Internet and Web related issues; IT in multinational companies;
Virtual and networked organizations; Cross-cultural issues; Impact of global
IT on the organization; Information Resources Management; Frameworks/models
for global IS (GIS); Societal impacts of IT in developing countries; IT and
Economic Development; IT Diffusion in developing countries; IT in government
and public sector: IT human resource issues; DSS/EIS/ES in international
settings; Organizational & management structures for GIS; Transborder data
flow issues; Electronic data interchange; Telecommunications; Distributed
global databases and networks; Cultural and societal impacts; Comparative
studies of nations; Applications and case studies (both research and
Papers recommended of high quality by the reviewers will be further
considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global
Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the Journal of Information
Technology Cases & Applications (JITCA).
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date)
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 31, 2002
Registration Deadline for authors (at least one author must register):
February 15, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: April 30, 2002 (at least one author must
Conference Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002
For additional information, please contact the conference chair, local
chair, program co-chairs or the track chairs.
Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina -
Greensboro, USA.
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, New York, 11549 USA
Email: khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu
Dr. David E. Douglas, Professor
ISYS Department
Sam M. Walton College of Business Administration
204 Business Administration Building
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 501-575-6114 : Fax: 501-575-6148
Email: douglas(a)walton.uark.edua
Dr. David E. Douglas
Information Systems
Sam M. Walton College of Business
204 Business Administration Building
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 501-575-6114 Fax: 501-575-4168
Email: douglas(a)walton.uark.edu
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISOneWorld Conference - cfp, Systems thinking & IS Development
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:39:45 +1000
From: Bruce Campbell <brucec(a)IT.UTS.EDU.AU>
ISWorld Colleagues
I would like to remind you of some more of our tracks for
the above conference.
The conference will be held April 4-5, 2002 in LasVegas, Nevada, USA.
For more details refer to our web site at
I would like to highlight the following theme and track:
The Conceptual Issues theme includes the following track:
Systems thinking and IS development.
Papers are invited that cover the many issues that are now being
addressed by using systems thinking within IS development. This includes
the areas of requirements engineering, the software process and business
process management.
For more information check out the link on the ISOneWorld conference web
Important dates:
Electronic Submission - November 16, 2001
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - December 14, 2001
Camera Ready Submission - February 15, 2002
Please send all submissions to: admin(a)isoneworld.org
Bruce Campbell
Track Chair
Bruce Campbell
Department of Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Technology, Sydney
CRICOS Provider 00099F
Ph: +61 2 9514 1882
Fax: +61 2 9514 1807
e-mail: brucec(a)it.uts.edu.au
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [Fwd: ITEA 2002 Workshop - Call for Papers]
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:31:49 -0400
From: "Prof. H. R. Rao" <mgmtrao(a)ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Dear colleagues:
I am posting this for a friend. Please contact him directly if you are
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ITEA 2002 Workshop - Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 16:43:29 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
To: <mgmtrao(a)acsu.buffalo.edu>
The 20th IASTED International Multi-Conference on
Applied Informatics
~ AI 2002 ~
Workshop on
Intelligence and Technology in Educational Applications
~ ITEA 2002 ~
February 18, 2002
Innsbruck, Austria
Dr. Vladan Devedzic, Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems
FON - School of Business Administration
University of Belgrade
POB 52, Jove Ilica 154
11000 Belgrade
Phone: +381-11-3950856
Fax: +381-11-461221
Email: devedzic(a)galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu
Web: http://galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/~devedzic/
The purpose of this interdisciplinary workshop is the exchange of
relevant ideas, trends, and research results in applying artificial
intelligence and software technologies to developing educational
applications. The scope will encompass new approaches, paradigms, and
theoretical and technological foundations, as well as the presentation
of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of
new computer-based teaching and learning environments. Pilot projects,
applications and products will also be welcome.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Intelligent tutoring and learning systems
-Student modeling
-Software engineering of educational applications
-Ontologies in educational systems and authoring tools
-Semantic Web and education
-Intelligent technologies and education
-E-merging technologies and education
-Web-based educational systems
-Distant teaching and learning
-Collaborative learning
-Intelligent agents for educational applications
-Virtual reality in education
-Multimedia educational applications
-Pedagogical and psychological issues
-Evaluation of approaches and systems
-New teaching and learning models
-Life long learning
-Real world experiences
-Pilot projects / Products / Applications
Paper submissions: December 01, 2001.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection: December 20, 2001.
Final papers, registration, and full payment: January 8, 2002
Workshop: February 18, 2002.
Important note: January 08 is STRICT DEADLINE for final papers in order
to have them included in the proceedings.
Please submit your paper by email directly to the Workshop Chair at
All submissions must be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. In your initial submission, please specify one or
two topic areas from the topic-area list. In case the paper's topic area
is different from all the topic areas from the list, please indicate
that explicitly. If your paper is accepted for presentation and
publication, you will receive a 6-digit paper number (351-xxx). We ask
that you then refer to this number in all future correspondence
regarding this paper.
All the workshop papers will appear in a separate chapter of the AI 2002
conference proceedings ~ Symposia on Artificial Intelligence and
Applications. The conference proceedings will be printed (hard copy
Important note: January 08 is STRICT DEADLINE for final papers in order
to have them included in the proceedings.
There will be no additional fee for the workshop. All presenters will be
required to register for the AI 2002 conference by paying the normal
registration fee for the conference.
Michael Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute - Austria
Sissel Guttormsen-Schar, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology -
Kinshuk, Massey University - New Zealand
Antonija Mitrovic, University of Christchurch - New Zealand
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University - Japan
Fernando Ramos, Aveiro University - Portugal
Demetrios Sampson, Informatics and Telematics Institute - Greece
Katherine Sinitsa, University of Kiev - Ukraine
Dan Suthers, University of Hawaii - USA
Barbara Wasson, University of Bergen - Norway
Professor Vladan Devedzic (Associate Professor) is both an active
researcher and a practitioner in the field of intelligent systems. His
major long-term professional goal involves a continuous effort to bring
together ideas from the broad fields of intelligent systems and software
engineering. He has written more than 150 papers (20 of which have been
published in internationally recognized journals by publishers such as
ACM, IEEE, Pergamon Press). He has also written three books on
intelligent systems. Both his M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses software
engineering of intelligent systems. He has developed several practical
intelligent systems and tools, and actively participates as a consultant
to several ongoing projects in industry.
Professor Devedzic is currently with the Department of Information
Systems in the FON --- School of Business Administration at the
University of Belgrade. He teaches several courses on intelligent
systems and software engineering, and is the chair of the intelligent
systems tracks for the program committees of several international
conferences and of two annual national conferences on computer science.
He has also given eight different tutorials on intelligent systems and
software engineering at other international conferences, numerous
lectures and in-house seminars on different software engineering topics,
an invited talk at an IEEE-sponsored conference in March 2000, and seven
nationwide tutorials on current trends in software engineering.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: cfp - IRSAIS 2001
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:19:07 -0400
From: Cheryl Dunn <cdunn(a)GARNET.ACNS.FSU.EDU>
You are invited to participate in the Second Annual International Research
Symposium on Accounting Information Systems (IRSAIS 2001) on December 15-16,
2001 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (immediately preceding ICIS 2001).
The symposium will begin with a welcome dinner on December 15 at a local
restaurant (to be announced later) and will include research paper sessions
day on December 16. Lunch on December 16 is included and will be held at a
local restaurant (to be announced later).
The symposium is designed to allow adequate time for in-depth, interactive
discussion of the presented research papers. We have an interesting set of
high-quality papers accepted for presentation. The preliminary program is
available at http://www.msu.edu/~grabski/irsais_p.html
To obtain a discounted registration rate, register by October 31, 2001 on the
ICIS web site: http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/icis2001/
For more information, contact
Program Co-Chairs: Cheryl Dunn Severin Grabski
Florida State University Michigan
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs: Cheryl Dunn Greg Gerard
Florida State University
Florida State University
Sponsoring Journal Editor: Steve G. Sutton
University of Connecticut
International Journal of Accounting
Information Systems
Professor Cheryl Dunn (850) 644-7878 voice
Accounting Department (850) 644-8234 fax
Florida State University cheryl.dunn(a)fsu.edu
351 RBB
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP: TIME-2002, Temporal Representation and Reasoning Symposium
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:55:48 +0100
From: Enrico Franconi <franconi(a)CS.MAN.AC.UK>
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First Call For Paper
9th International Symposium on
Manchester, UK
7-9 July, 2002
The purpose of this symposium is to bring together active researchers
from distinct research areas involving representation of, or reasoning
with, time. As with previous meetings in this respected series, one
of the main goals of this symposium will be to bridge the gap between
theoretical and applied research in temporal representation and
reasoning. Thus, we especially encourage submissions concerning
temporal aspects within areas such as Artificial Intelligence,
Temporal/Spatial Databases and Applications of Temporal Logic in
Computer Science in order to achieve a multi-disciplinary perspective
on the topic and to benefit from cross-fertilisation of ideas.
There are three tracks in the symposium with separate program
committees, all overseen by the program chairs. The symposium is
planned as a three-day event, and will be organised as a combination
of technical paper presentations, an extended poster session, one or
more panels, an industrial session, a system/tool demonstration
session, and three keynote talks.
Submission of high quality papers describing mature results or
on-going work are welcome. Submitted papers should describe original,
previously unpublished, research, should be written in English, and
should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
Topics of interest within the scope of each track include, but are not
restricted to:
Track1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI
- temporal aspects of agent-based systems
- temporal constraint reasoning
- reasoning about actions and change
- temporal languages for planning
- temporal languages and architectures
- ontologies of time
- expressive power versus tractability
- belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
- temporal learning and discovery
- time and nonmonotonism
- time in problem solving (e.g. diagnosis, scheduling,...)
- time in human-machine interaction
Track 2: Time Management in Databases
- temporal data models
- temporal database design
- temporal query languages
- indexing of temporal data
- temporal database systems
- spatio-temporal databases
- constraint databases
- temporal data mining
- time in multimedia databases
- time in web applications
- time in federated and heterogeneous systems
Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science
- modal temporal logic
- first order temporal logics
- expressiveness, decidability, and complexity issues
- specification and verification
- synthesis and execution
- model checking algorithms
- temporal theorem proving
- temporal languages and architectures
- temporal logics for distributed systems
- temporal logics of knowledge
- hybrid systems
- tools and practical systems
All submissions must be received by Friday 22 February, 2002. Papers
must not exceed the length of 11 pages; font size must be 11pt or
larger. It is suggested the use of the LaTeX article style at
11pt. Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. Please,
indicate the track and topic(s) on the first page. Accepted papers
will be invited for full presentation or a poster presentation.
Papers should be electronically submitted via the form available at
the TIME-2002 web page: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/img/TIME-2002/
As usual within the TIME series, proceedings will be published by IEEE
Computer Society Press and will be subject to IEEE Copyright. Camera
ready papers are expected to be produced with the author kits sent by
IEEE Computer Society Press. It is also our intention to organise a
special issue of a respected journal, containing extended versions of
selected papers from the symposium.
- Track 1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI
Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo, Canada
Mark Boddy, Honeywell Systems and Research Center, USA
Iliano Cervesato, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Philippe Dague, Universite' Paris-Nord, France
Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University, USA
Alfonso Gerevini, Universita' di Brescia, Italy
Gerard Ligozat, Universite' Paris-Sud, France
Carsten Lutz, University of Aachen, Germany
Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University of Manchester, UK
Abdul Sattar, Griffith University, Australia
Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh, UK
Paolo Terenziani, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Thierry Vidal, ENIT, France
- Track 2: Time Management in Databases
Elisa Bertino, Universita' di Milano, Italy
Michael Bohlen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Carlo Combi, Universita' di Verona, Italy
Christian Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Manolis Koubarakis, University of Crete, Greece
Peter Revesz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
V.S. Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, USA
Vassilis J. Tsotras, University of California, Riverside, USA
David Toman, University of Waterloo, Canada
Alex Tuzhlin, New York University, USA
Xiaoyang Sean Wang, George Mason University, VA, USA
Jef Wijsen, Universite' de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
Michael Worboys, Keele University, UK
- Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science
Howard Barringer, Univ. of Manchester, UK
Dennis Dams, Bell Labs, USA
Laura Dillon, Michigan State University, USA
Marcelo Finger, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil
Thomas A. Henzinger, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Wojtek Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Alberto Policriti, Universita' di Udine, Italy
Mark A. Reynolds, Murdoch University, Australia
Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Colin Stirling, Edinburgh University, UK
Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA
Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pierre Wolper, Universite de Liege, Belgium
Frank Wolter, Universitaet Leipzig, Germany
Michael Zakharyaschev, King's College, UK
General Chairs:
Claudio Bettini, Univ. di Milano, Italy
Angelo Montanari, Univ. di Udine, Italy
Program Committee Chairs:
Alessandro Artale, Dept. of Computation, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Michael Fisher, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Organisation Chairs:
Clare Dixon, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Enrico Franconi, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Manchester, UK
Industrial Chair:
Babis Theodoulidis, Dept. of Computation, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Demonstration/Tool Session Chair:
Ullrich Hustadt, Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Johan van Benthem, University of Amsterdam and Stanford University
Claudio Bettini, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Luca Chittaro, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Jan Chomicki, University at Buffalo, USA
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, UK
Scott Goodwin, University of Regina, Canada
Howard Hamilton, University of Regina, Canada
Lina Khatib, Kestrel/NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Angelo Montanari, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Bernhard Nebel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Germany
Andre' Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
Paper Submission Deadline: 22 February, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: 8 April, 2002
Camera Ready Copy Due: 22 April, 2002
TIME-2002 Symposium: 7-9 July, 2002
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
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