-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Cfp: AMCIS 2019 SIGODIS Mini- track "Customer
Experience and Organizational Intelligence"
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 14:16:06 -0600
From: Donald Heath <heathd(a)uwosh.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Track: Semantics, Ontologies, Intelligence and Intelligent
Systems (Sponsored by SIGODIS)Mini-Track: Customer Experience and
Organizational Intelligence*
Don Heath, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, heathd(a)uwosh.edu
Aurona Gerber, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Aurona.gerber(a)up.ac.za
Increasingly, organizations are interacting with current and potential
customers across a plenitude of IT-mediated “touch points”. Consequently,
coordinating strategies will likely dominate management thought in the near
and intermediate term as the number and variety of these “touch points”
continues to expand. Effective strategies will rely on quality practitioner
and academic research on a variety of issues, such as how to: differentiate
user experience across points of interaction, increase reach to the
consumer, improve conversion rates, sustain consumer loyalty, manage the
global and the local experience, etc. The end customer is at the focus,
with various technologies, devices and networks facilitating seamless
computing, communication, collaboration as well as commerce related
functionalities to the end users. This is made possible by embedding data,
sensors, controllers, and other devices into the physical and virtual
spaces of human beings thereby facilitating seamless interactions and
co-engagement between the end customer and the organization.
This revolution challenges companies to reimagine ways to reach current
and potential audiences in a coordinated way across a multitude of channels
and devices — both wired and wireless. Intelligent enterprises are
exploiting this topology to drawing inferences and develop key analytics by
aggregating and mining data about customers, competitors, vendors,
markets, and products as well as services. Enterprises are able to garner
global and local intelligence enabling them to develop innovative products
and services better aligned to market needs. We invite research which
addresses or expands on these ideas. Conceptual, empirical and
design-oriented works are welcome and will be considered for this
** Potential topics for manuscripts include but are not limited to:*
- Engaging end customers via a combination of devices and
delivery channels
- Multi-modal user experiences & Immersive Interaction Technologies
- Enhancing customer engagement by combining immersive
interaction technologies and multi-modal user experiences
- Enabling enterprises to make intelligent decisions related
to workforce composition, collaboration, leadership and, employee retention
- Pervasive computing devices requiring the need to reach end
customers across multitude of devices
- Exponential growth of data (both structured as well as unstructured),
created by end customers, sensors etc. requiring the need to analyses
and visualize the data
- Leveraging easy availability of computing power on the go in the
form of cloud computing
- Decision making by understanding and analyzing the
collective intelligence created across various customer touch points as
well as social networks.
- Better understanding of customer behavior using techniques such
as text analytics, natural language processing as well as social
network analysis.
- Improved visibility across the supply chain and real-time
data availability.
- Better monitoring of production processes to optimize operations,
reduce costs, enhance production as well as prevent and/or detect
health and safety issues.
- Adaptive systems which respond to touch-point data
Instructions on how to submit a manuscript can be found here
The submission deadline is March 1st, 2019.
***Important dates:***
- March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions (completed research and
Emergent Research Forum (ERF)) closes for authors at 10:00am PST
- March 7, 2019: All papers have assigned reviewers
- April 17, 2019: Authors notified of decision
Don Heath, PhD.
Information Systems Dept.
College of Business
The University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI 54901
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] JGITM: Call for papers, and special issues
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 14:33:14 -0500
From: Prashant Palvia <pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu>
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The premier journal in Global Information Technology Management (in its
twenty-second year of publication).
http://www.tandfonline.com/UGIT. The journal is published by Taylor &
Listed with the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS and CC/S&BS.
Editor in Chief: Prashant Palvia, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
We invite you to submit a high quality manuscript that includes
international issues or has strong international implications, which are
explicitly articulated in the paper. We receive a lot of high quality
manuscripts but many of them are rejected simply because they do not offer
any international perspectives. Note that JGITM aims and scope, as included
on the web site, state
“Besides quality work, at a minimum each submitted article should have the
following three components: an IS (Information Systems) topic, an
international orientation (e.g., cross cultural studies or strong
international implications), and original research along with evidence
(e.g., survey data, case studies, secondary data, etc.).”
If you or your colleagues would like to propose a special issue of JGITM,
please contact the Editor in Chief (EIC) with a proposal. You will have
much guidance and assistance in preparing the special issue from the EIC.
Each issue typically requires three fully referred articles, an editorial,
a professional interview, and a book review. The usual lead time for a
special issue is 12-15 months. The theme of the special issue must be in
global IT, e.g., a topic area or focus on a world region.
Here is more information about the journal:
MISSION: The Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM)
is a refereed international journal that is supported by Global IT scholars
from all over the world. JGITM publishes articles and reports related to
all aspects of the application of information technology for international
business. For example, it reports on information resource management,
managerial and organizational concerns, and innovative applications related
to global IT. Very important to the journal is its emphasis on quality and
relevance. Furthermore, the journal will disseminate this knowledge to
researchers, practitioners, academicians, and educators all over the world
on a timely basis. Finally, the journal is international in all respects:
content, article authorship, readership, and the editorial board.
SCOPE AND COVERAGE: The journal's scope is multidisciplinary. It will
publish research and applied articles from all areas of MIS as well as
functional IT applications that have international focus. The journal will
also consider a variety of methodological approaches. The journal
encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the world, both
from academia and industry. In addition, the journal will also include
reviews of MIS books that have bearing on global aspects. Practitioner
input will be specifically solicited from time-to-time in the form of
invited columns or interviews.
Articles in the Journal of Global Information Technology Management
include, but are not limited to:
Cross-cultural IS studies
Social media and its effects
Block Chain applications
Dark Side of IT
Data Analytics
Big Data Applications
Emerging Technologies
Development, evaluation and management of GIS
Electronic Commerce
Mobile Commerce
Security & Privacy
Societal impacts of IT in developing countries
IT and Economic Development
IT Diffusion in developing countries
IT in Health Care
IT human resource issues
DSS/EIS/ES in international settings
Organizational and management structures for GIS
Transborder data flow issues
Supply Chain Management
Distributed global databases and networks
Cultural and societal impacts
Comparative studies of nations
Applications and case studies (research focused)
Editor in Chief:
Prashant Palvia, Ph.D., Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
Bryan School of Business & Economics
The University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Ph: 336.334.4818 Fax: 336.334.4550 Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Associate Editors:
- Anil Aggarwal, University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Kallol Bagchi, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso , Texas 79968, USA
- Amitava Dutta, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, USA
- Mark Gillenson, The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennesse 38152, USA
- Luca Iandoli, University of Naples, Federico II, Naples, Italy
- Tim Jacks, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
- Anil Kumar, Central Michigan University, Michigan 48859, USA
- Chechen Liao, National Chung Cheng University, Ming-Hsiung, Chia-Yi 621,
- Mahesh Raisinghani, TWU School of Management, Denton/Dallas, Texas, USA
- Alexander Serenko, Lakehead University, Wisconsin, Canada
- Mark Srite, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
- Thomas Stafford, Louisiana Tech University, USA
- Paula Swatman, University of Tasmania, Australia
- Anthony Wensley, University of Toronto, Canada
For copies of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management
(JGITM), please check your institution's library and contact Taylor &
Francis.: http://www.tandfonline.com/UGIT
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Enabling Technologies and Tools for Next
Generation Internet Security (impact factor 3.073)
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 18:49:56 +0000
From: Benjamin Fung, Prof. <ben.fung(a)mcgill.ca>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Journal: Elsevier Sustainable Cities and Society (SCIE indexed with JCR
impact factor 3.073)
Special issue: Enabling Technologies and Tools for Next Generation
Internet Security
Submission deadline: June 1, 2019
Internet and its associated technologies are found to be essential for
societies and economy worldwide. The most recent form of the Internet is
so-called the Next Generation Internet (NGI). NGI has lately become a
buzz word – evolved rapidly from the Internet of Things (IoT) and
Internet of People (IoP) in 2008, to more sophisticated developments in
software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization
(NFV), 5G and the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)/Industry 4.0 in
2018. Put simply, it is an experimentation-based ecosystem for
innovation, which relies on the notion of Network Infrastructure on
Demand to gain immersive societal experience. It adopts loads of
cutting-edge technologies such as edge computing, trust and security,
AI, IoT, Open and linked big data, blockchain and AR/VR. Thus, many
global initiatives investigated practical approaches for measuring,
exploring and systematically designing the NGI, to be more open,
efficient, scalable, and reliable (e.g., BonFIRE, FED4FIRE, CONFINE
Connected Communities, and Smart City Canberra). Notwithstanding, the
foremost concern of NGI is related to security and privacy, lack of
trust, lack of interoperability, loss of memory/heritage.
The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers from
academia, industry, and individuals working on relevant research areas
to share their latest accomplishments and research findings within the
research community.
The special issue aims to cover topics that include, but not limited to,
the below topics:
- Citizen-to-Citizen
- Internet Community-based infrastructure
- Security of Future Internet
- Privacy in Next Generation Internet
- Trustworthiness of NGI
- Interoperability
- Network infrastructure on demand
- Immersive experience
- Digital economy Digital society
Submission Guideline
Only original manuscripts can be submitted, according to the 'Guide for
Authors' published on the Sustainable Cities and Society website
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/sustainable-cities-and-society. As
regards the online submission system of Sustainable Cities and Society,
the authors are invited to follow the link "Submit your Paper", located
in the main page of the Journal website, and submit manuscript to
Article Type "VSI: Enabling-NxtG-Inter-Sec" in Sustainable Cities and
Please mention the name of the Special Issue in your cover letter. All
manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established
policies and procedures of the journal. The final papers will be
selected for publication depending on the results of the peer review
process and the reviews of the Guest Editors and Editor-in-Chief.
Guest Editors
Dr. Thar Baker
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Email: t.baker (@) ljmu.ac.uk<http://ljmu.ac.uk>
Dr. Benjamin C. M. Fung
School of Information Studies
McGill University, Canada
Email: ben.fung (@) mcgill.ca<http://mcgill.ca>
Prof. Michael Sheng
Department of Computing
Macquarie University, Australia
Email: michael.sheng (@) mq.edu.au<http://mq.edu.au>
Prof. Radu Prodan
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Email: radu (@) itec.aau.at<http://itec.aau.at>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP for Secon d International Workshop on
Multimedia Pragmatics (MMPrag'19)
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:49:39 -0500
From: William Grosky <wgrosky(a)umich.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
March 30, 2019 - San Jose, California
March 28-30, 2019 - San Jose, California
Venue: Crowne Plaza San Jose-Silicon Valley Hotel, 777 Bellew Drive,
Milpitas, California 95053, +1 (408) 321-9500
Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmprag19
Call for Papers: https://easychair.org/cfp/MMPrag19
Workshop Website: http://mipr.sigappfr.org/19/
January 25, 2019 - Submissions due
February 1, 2019 - Acceptance notification
February 8, 2019 - Camera-ready papers and author registrations due
March 30, 2019 - Workshop date
Most multimedia objects are spatio-temporal simulacrums of the real world.
This supports our view that the next grand challenge
for our community will be understanding and formally modeling the flow of
life around us, over many modalities and scales. As
technology advances, the nature of these simulacrums will evolve as well,
becoming more detailed and revealing more information
concerning the nature of reality to us.
Currently, IoT is the state-of-the-art organizational approach to construct
complex representations of the flow of life around us.
Various, perhaps pervasive, sensors, working collectively, will broadcast
to us representations of real events in real-time. It
will be our task to continuously extract the semantics of these
representations and possibly react to them by injecting some
response actions into the mix to ensure some desired outcome.
In linguistics, pragmatics studies context and how it affects semantics.
Context is usually culturally, socially, and historically
based. For example, pragmatics would encompass a speaker’s intent, body
language, and penchant for sarcasm, as well as other signs,
often culturally based, such as the speaker’s type of clothing, which could
influence a statement’s meaning. Generic signal/sensor-
based retrieval should also use syntactical, semantic, and pragmatics-based
approaches. If we are to understand and model the flow
of life around us, this will be a necessity.
Our community has successfully developed various approaches to decode the
syntax and semantics of these artifacts. The development
of techniques that use contextual information is in its infancy, however.
With the expansion of the data horizon, through the
ever-increasing use of metadata, we can certainly leverage the semantic
representation of all media to a more robust level.
The NLP community has its own set of approaches in semantics and
pragmatics. Natural language is certainly an excellent exemplar of
multimedia, and the use of audio and text features has played a part in the
development of our field.
After a successful first workshop in Miami, we intend to continue this
tradition with the second workshop.
Keynote 1 -- Adam Pease, Principal Scientist, Infosys Foothill Research,
Palo Alto, California, USA
*Title: Conceptual Pragmatics: A Library of Logical Definitions
*Abstract: What is an apple, a jump or the number 2 and how can we hope to
have a computer understand these things with any of the same
depth or richness that people do? We now have machine learning systems
that can mimic, at some level, human sensory subsystems,
recognizing objects in pictures, or voices and words in streams of audio.
But we also need a cognitive-level representation - one that
not only can recognize patterns but also hold information about those
patterns that allows for explanation and communication. A person
can describe a previously unseen object to another person, who can then
recognize it and understand its characteristics before seeing
it, and before seeing it a million times. Someone who has never seen a
child skip can still be told how to recognize skipping. We can
tell another person the context of skipping, as an isolated action or the
likely context in which such actions occur.
In this talk I describe a unified corpus of logically-expressed and
computable meaning about concepts that has application in language
and image understanding. It is a library of pragmatics that can be used to
express facts independently of whether they are learned over
many presentations of visual or auditory data, or related in communication.
I also describe its application in image recognition and
language understanding.
*Biography: Adam Pease is a Principal Scientist at the Infosys Foothill
Research Center in Palo Alto. He has led research in ontology,
linguistics, and formal inference, including development of the Suggested
Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO), the Controlled English to Logic
Translation (CELT) system, and the Sigma knowledge engineering environment.
Sharing research under open licenses, in order to achieve
the widest possible dissemination and technology transfer, has been a core
element of his research program. He is the author of the
book “Ontology: A Practical Guide”.
Keynote 2 -- Amit Sheth -- Professor and Executive Director of Kno.e.sis,
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
*Title: On Exploiting Multimodal Information for Machine Intelligence and
Natural Interactions - With Examples from Health Chatbots
*Abstract: The Holy Grail of machine intelligence is the ability to mimic
the human brain. In computing, we have created silos in dealing
with each modality (text/language processing, speech processing,image
processing, video processing, etc.). However, the human brain’s
cognitive and perceptual capability to seamlessly consume (listen and see)
and communicate (writing/typing, voice, gesture) multimodal
(text, image, video, etc.) information challenges the machine intelligence
research. Emerging chatbots for demanding health applications
present the requirements for these capabilities. To support the
corresponding data analysis and reasoning needs, we have to explore a
pedagogical framework consisting of semantic computing, cognitive
computing, and perceptual computing (http://bit.ly/w-SCP). In particular,
we have been motivated by the brain’s amazing perceptive power that
abstracts massive amounts of multimodal data by filtering and processing
them into a few concepts (representable by a few bits) to act upon. From
the information processing perspective, this requires moving from
syntactic and semantic big data processing to actionable information that
can be weaved naturally into human activities and experience
Exploration of the above research agenda, including powerful use cases, is
afforded in a growing number of emerging technologies and their
applications - such as chatbots and robotics. In this talk, I will provide
these examples and share the early progress we have made towards
building health chatbots (http://bit.ly/H-Chatbot) that consume
contextually relevant multimodal data and support different
of interactions to achieve various alternatives for digital health (
http://bit.ly/k-APH). I will also discuss the indispensable role of
domain knowledge and personalization using domain and personalized
knowledge graphs as part of various reasoning and learning techniques.
*Biography: Amit Sheth is an educator, researcher, and entrepreneur. He is
the LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar, and IEEE Fellow, an AAAI
Fellow, and the executive director of Kno.e.sis - the Ohio Center of
Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing. Kno.e.sis. is a multi-
disciplinary Ohio Center of Excellence in BioHealth Innovation. Its faculty
and researchers are computer scientists, cognitive scientists,
biomedical researchers, and clinicians. Sheth is working towards a vision
of Computing for Human Experience enabled by the capabilities at
the intersection of AI (semantic, cognitive, and perceptual computing), Big
and Smart Data (exploiting multimodal Physical-Cyber-Social
data), and Augmented Personalized Health. His recent work has involved Web
3.0 technologies and involves enterprise, social sensor/IoT
data and applications.
Authors are invited to submit regular papers (6 pages), short papers (4
pages), demo papers (4 pages), and extended abstracts (1 page max
for a 5-minute presentation) at
Cross-cultural contributions are encouraged. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- Affective computing
- Annotation techniques for natural language/images/videos/other
sensor-based modalities
- Applications to ecology, environmental science, health sciences, social
- Computational semiotics
- Deception detection
- Digital humanities
- Distributional semantics
- Education and Tutoring Systems
- Event modeling, recognition, and understanding
- Gesture modeling, recognition, and understanding
- Human-machine interaction
- Integration of multimodal features
- Machine learning for multimodal interaction
- Multimodal analysis of human behavior
- Multimodal data modeling, dataset development, sensor fusion
- Ontologies
- Semantic-based modeling and retrieval
- Storytelling
- Structured semantic embeddings
- Word, sentence, and feature embeddings - generation, semantic property
discovery, corpus dependencies,
sensitivity analysis, retrieval aids
To be included in the IEEE Xplore Library, accepted papers must be
registered and presented.
R. Chbeir, University of Pau, FR (richard.chbeir(a)univ-pau.fr)
W. Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, US (wgrosky(a)umich.edu)
Program Committee:
Wael Abd-Almageed, ISI, USA
Mohamed Abouelenien, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Rajeev Agrawal, ITL, ERDC, USA
Akiko Aizawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Yiannis Aloimonos, University of Maryland, USA
Anya Belz, University of Brighton, UK
Renaldo Bonacin, CTI, BrazilSecondSec
Fabricio Olivetti de Franca, Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University, USA
David Hogg, University of Leeds, UK
Ashutosh Jadhav, IBM, USA
Clement Leung, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Debanjan Mahata, Bloomberg, USA
David Martins, Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Adam Pease, Articulate Software, USA
James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University, USA
Terry Ruas, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Victoria Rubin, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Amit Sheth, Wright State University, USA
Peter Stanchev, Kettering University, USA
Joe Tekli, American University of Lebanon, Lebanon
William Grosky
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Michigan-Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Email: wgrosky(a)umich.edu
Web: *http://umdearborn.edu/users/wgrosky
Office Phone: +1.313.583.6424
Department Phone: +1.313.436.9145
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last CFP - 12th IADIS International Conference
Information Systems 2019
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 11:05:52 -0600
From: nat(a)iadis.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
-------- Call for Papers IS 2019 (last call): submissions until 8 February
2019 ------------
12th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2019
11 – 13 April 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands
* Conference Scope
The IS Conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS taking
a socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the issues related
to design, development and use of IS in organisations from a
socio-technological perspective, as well as to discuss IS professional
practice, research and teaching.
The conference covers five main areas: IS in Practice, Technology
Infrastructures and Organisational Processes; IS Professional Issues; IS
Learning and Teaching; IS Design, Development and Management Issues and
Methodologies; and IS Research. These broad areas are divided into more
detailed areas, for more information please check
* Paper Submission
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by
February 8, 2019. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (last call): 8 February 2019
- Notification to Authors (last call): 4 March 2019
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (last call): Until
22 March 2019
- Late Registration (last call): After 22 March 2019
* Paper Publication
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN, will
be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IET’s
INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science and
other important indexing services.
Extended versions of the best papers will be selected to be published in a
special issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
(JECO) journal (ISSN: 1539-2937) and also in the IADIS Journal on Computer
Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) indexed by Emerging
Sources Citation index by Thomson Reuters.
* Conference Contact:
E-mail: secretariat(a)is-conf.org
Web site: http://www.is-conf.org/
* Organized by: International Association for Development of the
Information Society
Co-Organized by: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP, AMCIS 2019, SIGDSA Mini Track 7: Social Media
and Network Analytics
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 14:54:11 +0000
From: Uday Kulkarni <uday.kulkarni(a)asu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
August 15-17, 2019
Cancun, Quintana Roo, MX
Track: Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
Submissions due by 01-March-2019, 10:00 AM PST (13:00 EST)
Submission Instructions:
Minitrack 7: Social Media and Network Analytics
Online social networks (OSN) differ from traditional offline social
networks in structure and content. Online content (e.g., online reviews,
eWOM via tweets, likes) that differ in nature, frequency, reach,
propagation speed, etc., by orders of magnitude, can be continuously
captured at the finest level of granularity. Unstructured data in the
form of text and emoticons communicated over OSN provides a lean yet in
many ways unique and emotionally rich means of communication that has
the potential to influence message receivers (consumers, colleagues,
stakeholders, etc.). Such unstructured data in OSN presents research
challenges that go beyond sentiment analysis, and include nuanced
aspects such as uncertainty and specificity. Adoption of OSN affects
behavior and decision-making in unique ways. This minitrack invites
original research on the use of analytical techniques and theories of
social network analysis to understand social influence, behavior, and
decision-making, data models, network structure and information
diffusion, and social network analysis.
Topics may include the following:
– Emerging architecture for scalable social media analytics
– Online social networks and geospatial analytics
– Communities structure discoveries such as profiling participants and
– User sentiment analysis, opinion mining, and recommendation analysis
– Visual online social network analytics
– Use of theories to understand user communication patterns and behavior
in social media
– Network dynamics in the form of population and structural effects
– Impact of online social networks on decision-making at individual and
organizational levels
– Influence of online social networks on markets
– Information privacy and security in online social networks
Mini-Track Chairs:
Amit Deokar, University of Massachusetts Lowell, amit_deokar(a)uml.edu
Babita Gupta, California State University Monterey Bay, bgupta(a)csumb.edu
Uday Kulkarni, Arizona State University, uday.kulkarni(a)asu.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Fwd: Cfp: MWAIS 2019
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 08:52:00 -0600
From: Donald Heath <heathd(a)uwosh.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Full-Length Papers, Research-in-Progress (Abstracts or Summaries), Panels,
Workshops, or Tutorial Proposals
College of Business
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI
MAY 21-22, 2019
MWAIS 2019 seeks to expand the information frontiers of IS and we invite
submissions reflecting a plurality of perspectives on the discipline. The
conference theme will be "Inclusiveness in the IT Talent Management
Pipeline". We especially welcome submissions relevant to this theme.
While academics from around the world are invited to attend, we especially
hope many academics from the Midwest states will submit papers. The
Midwest United States Association for Information Systems (MWAIS) is a
chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) serving Midwest US
members of AIS. The states served by this Chapter include Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North
Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
The conference will include several presentation sessions workshops,
invited keynote speakers, panel sessions, doctoral and undergraduate
student sessions. There will be speakers from academia and industry from
across the Midwest region and beyond.
Student support: MWAIS will waive the registration fee for students whose
papers are accepted and who will be presenting at the conference (one
student per paper).
Proceedings: Conference proceedings will be available through the
Association for Information Systems Electronic Library (AISeL). At least
one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference no later
than April 22, 2019, for the paper to be included in the conference
Best paper awards: The top three conference papers will be awarded best
paper awards sponsored by the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
Authors of these papers who choose to submit their papers to the JMWAIS
will be awarded a monetary prize ($300, $200, and $100 respectively) and
these papers will undergo an expedited review process by the journal.
Papers, tutorials, and panels on any theme appropriate to MWAIS are
invited, but special welcome is extended this year to submissions that are
related to the Inclusiveness in the IT Talent Management Pipeline.
Submissions may be in the form of one or more of the following: completed
research papers, research-in-progress papers, industry case studies, or
proposals for panel discussions or tutorials.
Submitted papers and proposals will undergo a double-blind review process
by at least two reviewers. To facilitate the blind review, include the
title of the paper, names, affiliations, mailing addresses, e-mail
addresses, and phone numbers of all authors on a cover page submitted as a
separate document from the body of the manuscript. If one or more of the
co-authors are students, please clearly indicate so. Include only the title
of the paper at the beginning of the manuscript. In the case of
multiple-authorship, designate the corresponding author with a footnote on
the cover page. Please do not include any author or affiliation
identification on any page (except the separate cover page), in
headings/footers, or in the properties of the submitted file. Previously
published work or work under review elsewhere is not eligible for
submission. All submissions should be posted electronically in either MS
Word or PDF.
Submissions should be posted electronically in MS Word or PDF at
EasyChair.org <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mwais2019> no later
than February 13th for Research-in-Progress, Panels, Workshops, and
Tutorial Proposals.
The submission template is available from here <2019 MWAIS Submission
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CLSiH7MNlFon1vK0y5mO5WMkMQ7tgXMm> For
additional information about submission please contact conference program
co-chairs by
e-mail: Don Heath (heathd(a)uwosh.edu<mailto:heathd@uwosh.edu> and Vijayan
Sugumaran sugumara(a)oakland.edu<file:///C:/Users/apowell/Downloads/
Full Length Submissions: You may submit a full length (not to exceed six
single-spaced pages with approximately 2,500 words, including all figures,
tables, appendices, and references), original, and previously unpublished
manuscript. The research may be conceptual, empirical or applied. Accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings in their entirety.
Select papers included in the MWAIS 2019 conference will be considered for
an expedited review process and possible inclusion in the following journal:
Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (JMWAIS)
Research-in-Progress: You may submit research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts) or a summary of tentative results of the study to date 500 -
1000 words. Authors of accepted proposals are asked to forward a
1500-2000-word paper with a maximum of 2 figures/tables for inclusion in
the conference proceedings.
Panel, Workshop, and Tutorial Submissions: Individuals interested in
conducting a panel, workshop, or tutorial dealing with technological,
managerial, professional, teaching, societal, national or international
issues of information technology management are invited to submit a
500-1000-word proposal covering the objectives, issues to be covered, and
the names/addresses of any other panel, workshop, or tutorial members. The
method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion.
JMWAIS - About<http://www.jmwais.org/>
History. Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems was
initially proposed at the September 13, 2013 meeting of the MWAIS executive
committee and was approved at the October 18th meeting of the committee.
The inaugural issue was published in January 2015. Call for Papers
However, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own
participants (such as panel members). All accepted proposals will appear in
the conference proceedings. (Note: All panel, workshop, and tutorial
members must register for the conference.)
Potential Topics: Full-length papers, research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts or summaries), and panel, workshop, or tutorial proposals are
invited in the following areas (but not limited to them):
* Accounting information systems
* Adoption and diffusion
* Artificial intelligence
* Business intelligence
* Business process
* Computer and information ethics
* Community, development, and social informatics
* Database management technologies
* Data curation and preservation
* Data warehousing
* Decision support systems
* Design science
* e-Business and e-Commerce
* e-Government
* Economics of IS/IT
* IS education, curriculum, and teaching cases
* Global IS/IT/outsourcing
* Green computing and sustainability
* History of IS/IT
* Healthcare informatics
* Human-computer interaction
* Information organization
* Information policy
* Information security, assurance, and privacy
* Interaction design
* IS philosophy
* IT service management
* Knowledge management
* Project management
* Research methods in IS/IT
* Social computing
* Socio-technical issues and social inclusion
* Strategic IS/IT management
* System analysis and design
* Virtual communities and collaboration
* Other IS/IT topics of interest to the discipline
Important dates
Submission deadline: February 13, 2019
Decision to Authors: March 31, 2019
Camera Ready Copy Due: April 10, 2019
More Information
14th Annual Conference: Midwest Association for ...<
The 14th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (
MWAIS 2019) will be hosted on May 21-22, 2019 by the College of Business at
the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. UW Oshkosh offers nearly 200 majors,
minors and emphases, in addition to 15 graduate programs and two doctoral
programs. With a strong research focus and national…
Don Heath, PhD.
Information Systems Dept.
College of Business
The University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI 54901
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP COMPLEXIS 2019 (Crete, Heraklion, May 2-4,
2019) Deadline: January 4th, 2019
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:59:51 +0100
From: Anna Kobusińska <Anna.Kobusinska(a)cs.put.poznan.pl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
4rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems
and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2019)
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
May 02-04, 2019
POSITION PAPER Submission Deadline: JANUARY 24th, 2019
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results at the
2019 Complexis Conference.
COMPLEXIS – the International Conference on Complexity, Future
Information Systems and Risk, aims at becoming a yearly meeting place
for presenting and discussing innovative views on all aspects of Complex
Information Systems, in different areas such as Informatics,
Telecommunications, Computational Intelligence, Biology, Biomedical
Engineering and Social Sciences. Information is pervasive in many areas
of human activity – perhaps all – and complexity is a characteristic of
current Exabyte-sized, highly connected and hyper dimensional,
information systems. COMPLEXIS 2018 is expected to provide an overview
of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promote
discussion about the potential of new methodologies, technologies and
application areas of complex information systems, in the academic and
corporate world.
Conference Areas:
1 - Complexity in Informatics, Automation and Networking
2 - Complexity in Biology and Biomedical Engineering
3 - Complexity in Social Sciences
4 - Complexity in Computational Intelligence and Future Information Systems
5 - Complexity in EDA, Embedded Systems, and Computer Architecture
6 - Network Complexity
7 - Complexity in Risk and Predictive Modeling
Position Papers
Paper Submission: January 24, 2019
Authors Notification: February 28, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 14, 2019
Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission: March 7, 2019
Authors Notification: March 20, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 28, 2019
Tutorial Proposal: March 20, 2019
Demo Proposal: March 20, 2019
Panel Proposal: March 20, 2019
Open Communications
Paper Submission: March 7, 2019
Authors Notification: March 20, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 28, 2019
European Project Space
Paper Submission: March 15, 2019
Authors Notification: March 25, 2019
Registration: April 4, 2019
Note: All dates refer to AOE time, i.e. "Anywhere on Earth"
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:
DBLP, Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, SCOPUS
and Semantic Scholar.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
Organizing Committees
Victor Chang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Víctor Méndez Muñoz, Mind the Byte & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
UAB, Spain
Farshad Firouzi, IMEC/Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Germany
Ernesto Estrada, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Keynote Speaker
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Please visit the COMPLEXIS 2019 website
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP IoTBDS 2019 (Crete, Heraklion, May 2-4, 2019)
Deadline: January 24th, 2019
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 14:07:26 +0100
From: Anna Kobusińska <Anna.Kobusinska(a)cs.put.poznan.pl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
May 02-04, 2019
POSITION PAPER Submission Deadline: January 24th, 2019
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results at the
2018 IoTBDS Conference.
The internet of things (IoT) is a platform that allows a network of
devices (sensors, smart meters, etc.) to communicate, analyse data and
process information collaboratively in the service of individuals or
organisations. The IoT network can generate large amounts of data in a
variety of formats and using different protocols which can be stored and
processed in the cloud. The conference looks to address the issues
surrounding IoT devices, their interconnectedness and services they may
offer, including efficient, effective and secure analysis of the data
IoT produces using machine learning and other advanced techniques,
models and tools, and issues of security, privacy and trust that will
emerge as IoT technologies mature and become part of our everyday lives.
Big Data (BD) has core values of volume, velocity, variety and veracity.
After collecting much data from IoT, BD can be jointly used with machine
learning, AI, statistical and other advanced techniques, models and
methods, which can create values for people and organizations adopting
it, since forecasting, deep analysis and analytics can help identify
weaknesses and make improvements based on different analysis.
Maintaining a high level of security and privacy for data in IoT are
crucial and we welcome recommendations, solutions, demonstrations and
best practices for all forms of security and privacy for IoT and BD.
Conference Areas:
1 - Big Data Research
2 - Emerging Services and Analytics
3 - Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals
4 - Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
5 - Big Data for Multi-discipline Services
6 - Security, Privacy and Trust
7 - IoT Technologies
In Cooperation with Eurocloud National Portuguese ICT Cluster DNS.PT
Technically Co-Sponsorship by Institute of Electrical and Electronics
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speaker :
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada Spain
Position Papers
Paper Submission: January 24, 2019
Authors Notification: February 28, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 14, 2019
Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission: March 7, 2019
Authors Notification: March 20, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 28, 2019
Tutorial Proposal: March 20, 2019
Demo Proposal: March 20, 2019
Panel Proposal: January 30, 2018
Open Communications
Paper Submission: March 7, 2019
Authors Notification: March 20, 2019
Camera Ready and Registration: March 28, 2019
European Project Space
Paper Submission: March 15, 2019
Authors Notification: March 25, 2019
Registration: April 4, 2019
Note: All dates refer to AOE time, i.e. "Anywhere on Earth"
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:
DBLP, Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, SCOPUS
and Semantic Scholar.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
Organizing Committees
Victor Chang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Víctor Méndez Muñoz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, Spain
Gary Wills, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Robert Walters, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Muthu Ramachandran, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Roy Cecil, IBM Portugal, Portugal
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Chung-Sheng Li, Accenture, United States
Please visit the IOTBDS 2019 website
http://iotbds.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx for the complete listing of
organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Third Call for Tutorial
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 18:06:28 +0200
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
confs-submit(a)hri.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation
and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019)
Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019
Proposals due: February 11, 2019
ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups
of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, is
pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction
with the
conference. Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions aimed to
provide a
comprehensive introduction to established or emerging research topics of
interest for the UMAP community.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• new user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends
(e.g. exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling,
evaluation methodologies, data visualization, etc.);
• user modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains
(e.g., health sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage,
education, internet of things, mobile, music, information retrieval, etc.);
• application of user modeling and personalization techniques for
information retrieval and recommender systems;
• eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users’
emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors.
An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to
the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in
Tutorial presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format to both tutorial
not exceeding 5 pages and containing the following information:
1. Title and abstract of the tutorial for inclusion on the ACM UMAP 2019
website (200 words maximum).
2. Tutorial description:
• learning objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ACM UMAP 2019;
• targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and
prerequisite knowledge or skills;
• a brief outline of the tutorial structure;
• practical sessions.
3. Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours).
4. Other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has been or will be
presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs
from the
other editions.
5. Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of
the tutorial instructor(s), indicating previous training and speaking
• Tutorial proposals: February 11, 2019
• Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2019
• Tutorial summary camera-ready: April 3, 2019
• Adjunct proceedings camera ready: April 15, 2019
• Tutorial day: June 9, 2019
All proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs. The features that
be evaluated are:
1. ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations
of UMAP research;
2. clarity of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description;
3. good organization, as appearing from the outline;
4. background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the
target topics.
• Milos Kravcík, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI), Germany (milos.kravcik AT dfki.de)
• Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (ivan.cantador AT
AISWorld mailing list