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Subject: [AISWorld] DESRIST 2019 - CFP with link included
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 17:35:44 +0000
From: Leroy, Gondy - (gondyleroy) <gondyleroy(a)email.arizona.edu>
To: AIS Listserv <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for multiple postings ... but the first announcement didn't
have the link to the main website:
DESRIST 2019<https://desrist2019.org/>
Call for Papers
Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice
DESRIST 2019 submissions are now open.
Visit https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=desrist2019 to submit your
Deadline for Full Papers: Feb 1, 2019
Later deadlines for Prototypes, Panels, Doctoral Consortium and
Late-Breaking Work.
The increasing need for smart and connected solutions that address
business and society challenges and opportunities through design
requires advances in both theory and practice of design science research
(DSR). The goal of the design science research paradigm is to extend the
boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by designing new and
innovative artifacts (constructs, models, methods, processes, and
systems). Scholars having different backgrounds such as information
systems, computer science, operations research, cognitive science and
informatics are actively engaged in generating novel solutions to
interesting design problems. DESRIST serves as a major forum for the
presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments and research
projects in the area of DSR theory and applications. It aims to
facilitate the exchange of ideas between researchers and industry
The 14th DESRIST conference will be held in Worcester, Massachusetts in
the Greater Boston area and is expected to attract researchers and
practitioners from around the world. Papers that illustrate research
results, innovative traditional and non-traditional artifacts and
industry experiences that describe significant advances in design
science research are invited. We encourage submissions related but not
limited to the following areas:
Domain Specific Applications of DSR
DSR in Healthcare
DSR in Cyber Security
DSR in Service Science
DSR in Data Science
DSR in Business Analytics and Process Management
DSR for ICT in Developing Countries
DSR in Sustainable and Green Technology
Theoretical and Methodological Contributions to DSR
Emerging Ideas in DSR
The DESRIST conference proceeding is published as a Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series.
Gondy Leroy, PhD
Professor, Management Information Systems
Director - Tomorrow's Leaders Equipped for Diversity
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] 2019 Dewald Roode Information Security Workshop CFP
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 12:15:44 -0600
From: Tom Stafford <stafford(a)latech.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues – I invite you to submit your best behavioral security
research to the upcoming IFIP 8.11/11.13 Working Group Dewald Roode
Workshop on Information Security, which is being held October 4th and
5th in Bossier City, Louisiana – a location widely known for its robust
Federal Information Security industry.
The call for papers can be found online at the IFIP 8.11/11.13 WG web
presence at https://ifip.byu.edu. It also appears, below, for your
convenience. Submissions are due June 1, and information security
research appearing at the DRW typically appears after the meeting in
prestigious journals of our field. This year’s meeting will feature a
dedicated special issue of the highly regarded Computers & Security
journal, to which top papers from the meeting will be fast-tracked.
Our official CFP:
IFIP WG8.11/WG11.13 Friday October 4 – Saturday October 5, 2019.
Margaretville Hotel and Resort, Shreveport/Bossier Louisiana
The 2019 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
is being held in conjunction with the Louisiana Tech Center for
Information Assurance and the Cyber-Innovation Center of Bossier City,
Louisiana. This is a venue closely affiliated with key defense industry
security contractors and their cybersecurity consultancies.
The active discussions in the workshop are intended to provide
participants specific and actionable feedback on their research. We
anticipate that this process will facilitate the successful development
of workshop papers for further consideration at important journals (See
https://ifip.byu.edu/ for past DRW papers which have been published in
journals). Selection for the workshop is competitive, and only authors
of the accepted papers and the active working group members will be
invited to participate. A special issue of the journal Computers &
Security, edited by Tom Stafford and Nicole Beebe, has been approved for
competitive submissions fast-tracked from the conference.
Anchoring the workshop to information systems means that the research
will attend to and extend the social, organizational, and managerial
literature in the focal area. Note that this is not an appropriate venue
for papers with a purely technical, design-science, or econometric
approach. While we assume an effective foundation in information
security technology, we regard information systems risk broadly, for
example, computer crime, employee misconduct, cyber warfare, cyber
terrorism, human error and/or accident, natural events, etc. We also
address information systems security broadly, for example, policies and
policy compliance, diverse security behaviors, privacy, awareness,
strategy, audit, planning and control. These and related research topics
will be the focus of this workshop.
Topics of Interest
The 2019 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
Topics may include (but are not limited to): Theoretical and empirical
analyses of information security behavior Adoption, use, and continuance
of information security technologies and policies Compliance with
information security and privacy policies, procedures, and regulations
Investigations of computer crime and security violations Motivators and
inhibitors of employee computer crime Forensic analysis of security
breaches and computer crimes Individual, organizational, and group
information privacy concerns and behaviors Legal, societal, and ethical
issues in information security Neurosecurity (NeuroIS) investigations of
information security behavior CONFERENCE LOGISTICS
General Chair
Tom Stafford, J.E. Barnes Professor of CIS, Louisiana Tech, and Editor,
The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems
General Co-Chair
Jae-Ung “Jake” Lee
CIS Department, Louisiana Tech University
Program Co-Chairs
Anat Hovav, Korea Business School
Gurvirender Tejay, St. Thomas University
Rui “Ray” Chen, Iowa State University
Special Issue Editors
Tom Stafford, Louisiana Tech
Nicole Beebe, University of Texas – San Antonio
Submission Information:
Submission deadline: June 1, 2019
Notification to authors: August 1, 2019
Attending participants must register by August 15, 2019
Deadline for final papers: September 5, 2019 (to be distributed to workshop
attendees in advance)
Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=drw2019
Manuscripts will be prescreened by the program chairs to ensure that all
papers sent to reviewers are reasonably complete, well-formed, and
appropriate to the scope and mission of the workshop. Double blind
reviews will follow for prescreened papers. Authors can submit the
manuscripts as “early stage” or “completed papers.” Manuscripts must be
anonymous for the review process.
In recognition that the review process greatly relies upon a scarce
resource of the services of reviewers, authors, by the act of
submission, are implicitly promising to serve as a reviewer on one to
two conference papers, if requested.
For general questions about the workshop, please contact Tom Stafford at
For questions about the program, please contact Anat Hovav
(anatzh(a)korea.ac.kr), Gurvirender Tejay (gtejay(a)stu.edu) or Ray Chen
Workshop Date and Location:
The workshop, hosted by the Louisiana Tech University and its affiliated
CyberInnovation Center will take place on October 4-5, 2019 at
Margaritaville Resort and Hotel in Bossier City Louisiana
(https://www.margaritavillebossiercity.com/meetings-groups/). There are
several convenient airports: Shreveport Regional Airport, Monroe
Regional Airport, within a few hours’ drive, the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.
The IFIP Working Group 8.11/11.13 holds The Dewald Roode Workshop on
Information Systems Security Research annually. WG 8.11/11.13 (Allen
Johnston, Chair; Manish Agrawal, Vice Chair) is the IFIP Working Group
on Information Systems Security Research. Please visit
http://ifip.byu.edu for more information on the IFIP Working Group
8.11/11.13 and for past workshop proceedings.
Dr. Tom Stafford, J.E. Barnes Professor
Editor-in-Chief, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems –
The longest continually published MIS journal, celebrating 50 years of
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: Complex service modelling, composition, and
engineering @ ICSTCC 2019
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 14:11:20 +0100
From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
Reply-To: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
First Call for Papers
Invited Session "Complex service modelling, composition, and engineering"
@ 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2019) October 9-11, 2019 Sinaia, ROMANIA
Keywords: service systems engineering, complex systems, complex service,
digital technologies, artificial intelligence
Service, the law of interaction among the large number of society-level
entities, grounded on data, supports the creation of value via information
interactions fundamentally. A complex service is built upon several
services, and its systems, including its digital system, are composed upon
their systems. Therefore, the information is an important source of
innovation, and the digital means enable to introduce new functionalities
which were difficult or impossible to offer before. Technology, as an
operant resource, leverage information sharing across service ecosystems at
society level, enabling data-driven value co-creation as a service strategy.
This session is inviting original submissions addressing the entire
development cycle of complex services and their service systems, enacting
new types of knowledge exchange that would advance society in its
complexity. Society is facing today critical situations for which its
systems must be purposely reshaped. Complexity, a fundamental characteristic
of the world we live in, must be understood against society needs and new
tools for analyzing and describing it are required today.
Authors are encouraged as well to present developed practices, mechanisms,
methods, toward increasing the engagement in teaching, learning, research
and institutional activities to support digital skills formation in industry
fostering new services and jobs creation. In this perspective, it concerns
important properties of Service Science, which induce situations where
knowledge, skills, activities and jobs can emerge to surmount challenges in
identifying the growing share of increasingly complex services that
characterize the digital economy.
- April 26, 2019: Submission of papers
- June 28, 2019: Notification of acceptance for papers
- July 26, 2019: Final camera ready manuscript and registration payment of
at least one of the authors
- October 9-11, 2019: Conference
Papers submitted to the special session on "Complex service modelling,
composition, and engineering" will be reviewed in the same manner as the
regular papers. Please use the invited session code "f76rx" in the online
submission form.
ICSTCC 2019 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society and
the Proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Monica Drăgoicea, University Politehnica of Bucharest,
Michel Léonard, University of Geneva, Michel.Leonard(#at#)unige.ch
Adrian Paschke, Fraunhofer FOKUS, adrian.paschke(#at#)fokus.fraunhofer.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [computational.science] [SmartSys 2019]: Call for papers
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:28:11 +0100
From: Antonio Arena <antonio.arena(a)ing.unipi.it>
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.]
Fourth IEEE Workshop on Smart Service Systems (SmartSys)
Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing
Washington D.C., June 12th/15th, 2019
http://mpsc.umbc.edu/smartsys/2019/ <http://mpsc.umbc.edu/smartsys/2019/>
Technology succeeds when it provides benefits to the society either
directly or indirectly. Understanding the societal and economic impact
and human-centered aspects of a smart system or technology in advance
and designing the system a-priori with potential value-added services
help spur the discoveries of new tools, methodologies and innovative
services. Smart service systems span across a variety of socio-technical
facets comprising of devices, people, organizations, environments, and
technologies to sense, actuate, control and assess the physical, cyber
and societal artifacts of the human service systems. Besides the systems
being self-adaptive and fault-tolerant, need to be designed in such a
way that it can continuously increase the quality and productivity, the
compliance and sustainability of the smart services it offers. While
human-centered perspective and cognitive learning help create
multi-facet value added services and catalyze the sustained economic
growth of smart service systems, understanding the multi-modal sensing,
control, heterogeneity and interdependency between different physical,
virtual and logical components of such a complex system will enable the
realization of new transformative smarter service systems. If
successful, this can help improve the quality-of-service of the
customers, quality-of-life of the citizens and quality-of returns of the
stakeholders and investors.
Nurturing the development of smart service systems seeks for inter- and
trans-disciplinary crosscutting research threads from system and
operational engineering, computer science and information systems,
social and behavioral science, computational modeling and industrial
engineering etc. The goal of this workshop is to bring together
practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order
to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the
fundamental knowledge and principles of smart service systems that
enable the value co-creation in sensing, actuating, data analytics,
learning, cognition, and control of human centric cyber-physical-social
systems and future of work..
Research contributions are solicited in all areas pertinent to smart
human services and systems, including:
• Innovative technologies, tools, methodologies and solutions for smart
service systems; example includes personalized healthcare, smart energy,
smart cities, smart manufacturing, intelligent transportation,
education, precision medicine and agriculture, national security etc.
• Information extraction and interpretation from sensors, actuators,
smart phones, smart watch, and human
• Context and situational-awareness of smart service systems
• Design of people-centric services and technologies for providing
better services such as food, transportation and places to live
• Novel architectures and interoperable solutions for internet of things
• Models and methodologies for designing complex smart systems
• Big data analytics approaches for innovative smart services
• Modeling, analysis, co-production, and co-evolution of human activity,
behavior and interaction for the effective adaptation and percolation of
longitudinal smart service systems
• Role of machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, pervasive
computing, control theory, information and communications technologies
• Design and developments of intelligent systems, intelligent
enterprises and cyber-physical-social-systems
• Design of inter-dependent complex global systems such as healthcare,
smart gird, computer networks, logistics and supply-chains, financial
markets etc.
• Smart infrastructure and testbed to support the integration and test
of autonomous systems and innovative applications
Important Dates
Paper submission: March 10, 2019
Notification: April 10, 2019
Camera Ready: April 28, 2019
Workshop Date: June 12th or June 15th, 2019
Organizing Committees
Workshop Co-Organizers
Nirmalya Roy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Gurdip Singh, Syracuse University
Sajal Das, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Kunal Mankodiya, University of Rhode Island, USA
Carlo Vallati, University of Pisa, Italy
Publicity Co-chairs
Antonio Arena, University of Pisa, Italy
Mohammadreza Abtahi, University of Rhode Island, USA
Technical Program Committee
Antonio Arena
PhD Student
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Università di Pisa
http://dii.unipi.it <http://dii.unipi.it/>
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122 - Pisa
Stanza 113
Tel: 050 2217465
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2019 CFP - Mini-track: IT Governance and
Business-IT Alignment
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:02:17 +0100
From: Lazar Rusu <lrusu(a)dsv.su.se>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
AMCIS 2019
Cancún, México, August 15-17, 2019
Mini-track: IT Governance and Business-IT Alignment
Track: Strategic and Competitive Uses of Information Technology
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to the Mini-track: IT
Governance and Business-IT Alignment at AMCIS 2019.
Mini-track Description:
In many organizations, information technology (IT) is crucial for the
running and growth of the businesses that calls for a specific focus on
IT governance or enterprise governance of IT. Enterprise governance of
IT is defined to be “an integral part of corporate governance, exercised
by the Board, overseeing the definition and implementation of processes,
structures and relational mechanism in the organization that enable both
business and IT people to execute their responsibilities in support of
business/IT alignment and the creation of business value from IT-enabled
business investments” (De Haes and Van Grembergen, 2015, p.2). But to
generate value from IT a company needs to have implemented an effective
IT governance in place which is “an actively designed set of IT
governance mechanisms” that supports “organization’s mission, strategy,
values, norms and culture” (Weill and Ross, 2004, p.2-3). In their
research Schlosser et al. (2015, p.129) have identified some specific
effective IT governance mechanisms like “top management support for
business-IT collaboration and IT representation on the executive board”
as key to social business-IT alignment at the operational level.
According to De Haes and Van Grembergen (2015) the ultimate outcome of
IT governance is business-IT alignment that is defined as “the fit and
integration among business strategy, IT strategy, business structures
and IT structures” (De Haes and Van Grembergen, 2015, p.4). Concerning
the relation between IT governance and business-IT alignment Schlosser
et al. (2015, p.126) have found that IT governance mechanisms like “top
management support of business-IT collaboration, IT representation on
the executive board, and joint IS training” to have the “strongest
relationships with business performance” that is explained by a
significant degree of two dimensions of social business-IT alignment.
The importance of research in business-IT alignment has been mentioned
by many researchers. Chan and Reich (2007) have found that organizations
that succeed to align their business and IT strategies will outperform
those who have not done it. While, Luftman et al. (2017) have found that
business-IT alignment has a significant impact on firm performance. In
opinion of Leonard and Seddon (2012) there are two motivators of why
business-IT alignment continues to be important for organizations. The
first one is concerning the strategic benefits brought by business-IT
alignment and the second one is related to the fact that IS managers
consider business-IT alignment to be a key issue for their organizations
(Leonard and Seddon, 2012). In support why business-IT alignment is
still a top management concern for executives in organizations around
the world are also the findings of the annual study of IT key issues and
trends done by Society for Information Management in 2017 (Kappelman et
al., 2018). As we noticed the research in IT governance and business-IT
alignment has been explored for different motivates that are still
important for understanding the contribution of these studies to the
research in this area but also how can these studies could be used by
practitioners. In this mini-track we are looking to receive papers that
reports innovative research studies and new insights into the theories,
models and practices in research of IT governance and business-IT alignment.
We are welcoming the submission of full research papers and Emergent
Research Forum (a research in progress option) papers using a variety of
research methodologies. More information about types of submissions you
will find at the following link:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• IT governance structures, processes and relational mechanisms
• IT governance roles of the board and executive management
• Business-IT relationships and business-IT alignment
• Organizational culture influence on IT governance and business-IT
• Organizational structure influence on IT governance and business-IT
• IT governance and business performance
• IT leadership role in business-IT alignment
• IT governance and business-IT alignment for digital transformation
• IT governance implementation and its impact on business-IT alignment
• Theoretical models for studying IT governance and business-IT alignment
• Practices and cases on IT governance and business-IT alignment
The best papers in this mini-track will be invited for fast track
publication in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and
Governance (IJITBAG).
Chan, Y. E., and Reich, B. H. (2007) IT alignment: what have we learned?
Journal of Information Technology, 22(4), 297-315.
De Haes, S., and Van Grembergen, W. (2015) Enterprise Governance of
Information Technology: Achieving Alignment and Value, Featuring COBIT
5, 2nd ed., Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Kappelman, L., Johnson, V., Maurer, C., McLean, E., Torres, R., Alsius,
D., and Nguyen, Q., (2018) The 2017 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study, MIS
Quarterly Executive, 17(1), 53-88.
Leonard, J., and Seddon, P. (2012) A Meta-model of Alignment,
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 31,
Article 11, 230-259.
Luftman, J., Lyytinen, K., and Zvi, T. B. (2017) Enhancing the
measurement of information technology (IT) business alignment and its
influence on company performance, Journal of Information Technology,
32(1), 26-46.
Schlosser, F., Beimborn, D., Weitzel, T., and Wagner, H-T. (2015)
Achieving social alignment between business and IT - an empirical
evaluation of the efficacy of IT governance mechanisms, Journal of
Information Technology, 30(2), 119-135.
Weill, P., and Ross, J.W. (2004) IT Governance: How Top Performers
Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results, Harvard Business School
Press, Boston, MA, USA.
Timeline and Submission Details:
January 7, 2019: Manuscript submissions open for AMCIS 2019
March 1, 2019: Deadline for paper submissions (10:00 am PST)
April 15, 2019: Track chairs recommendations are due
April 24, 2019: Camera-ready papers are due
Mini-track Chairs:
Wim Van Grembergen, wim.vangrembergen(a)uantwerpen.be
Lazar Rusu, lrusu(a)dsv.su.se <mailto:lrusu@dsv.su.se>
Steven De Haes, steven.dehaes(a)uantwerpen.be
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [computational.science] CFP CGI 2019, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
June 17-20, 2019
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 23:33:39 +0000
From: Marina Gavrilova <mgavrilo(a)ucalgary.ca>
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17-20 June, 2019
CGI 2019 website: http://www.cgs-network.org/cgi19
Organized by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS)
In cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest international
annual conferences in Computer Graphics and one of the most important
ones worldwide, founded by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). It is a
yearly meeting where academics present their latest algorithms, and
explore new ideas on various computer graphics topics. Since 1983 it was
held in different countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and North & South
America. CGI 2019, the 36th annual conference will take place on June
17th - June 20th in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the foothills of
majestic Canadian Rockies. CGI 2019 is organized in cooperation with ACM
Conference, Tutorials and Workshops June 17 - 20, 2019
Visual Computer papers submission
Submission deadline: February 12, 2019
Paper notification: March 24, 2019
Camera-ready April 7, 2019
CGI proceedings submission
Submission deadline: March 25, 2019
Paper notification April 21, 2019
Camera-ready May 03, 2019
The scientific program of the conference will include full papers and
short papers. 35 accepted full papers will be included in the Visual
Computer journal published by Springer. Other accepted papers (short and
full papers) will be included in the conference proceedings published by
LNCS, Springer.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in
topics related to:
Rendering Techniques, Volume Rendering
Geometric Computing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Shape and Surface Modelling
Physically Based Modelling
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
Scientific Visualization
Data Compression for Graphics
Biometric Image and Signal Processing
Medical Imaging
Computation Geometry
Image Based Rendering
Computational Photography
Computer Animation
Visual Analytics
Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
Geometric Modelling
Computational Fabrication
Image Processing
3D Reconstruction & 3D Printing
Solid Modelling
Global Illumination
Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
Human Modelling
Image Analysis
Saliency Methods
Shape Matching
Sketch-based Modelling
Robotics and Vision
Stylized Rendering
Textures Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning for Graphics
Conference Co-Chairs
Marina L. Gavrilova,
University of Calgary, Canada
Hiroshi Ishikawa,
Waseda University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann,
University of Geneva, Switzerland, and NTU, Singapore
Jian Chang,
Bournemouth University, UK
Local Organizing Chair
Marina L. Gavrilova
University of Calgary, Canada
Local Organizing Committee
Usman Alim, University of Calgary
Ehud Sharlin, University of Calgary
Tony Tang, University of Calgary
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers for minitrack on Social media and
disinformation AMCIS 2019
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:51:17 +0000
From: Shah, Vishal <shah3v(a)cmich.edu>
To: aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org
<aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to Social media and
disinformation minitrack, under the Information Security and Privacy
track of the 2019 AMCIS conference, which will take place on 15-17
August, 2019 in Cancun, Mexico Submission deadline is March 1, 2019.
Following is a short description of the minitrack.
Minitrack Chair: Rishikesh Jena, University of Alabama, rjena(a)cba.ua.edu
This minitrack seeks papers that elaborate an address the underlying
causes of disinformation through technological means. Researchers have
identified how false information is spread more quickly, deeper, and
further due to human nature accepting rumors more quickly over truthful
statements (Vosoughi, Roy & Aral 2018). The use of social technologies,
which allow for quick dissemination of information further encourages
this dynamic by offering strong user engagement but little to no context
to users. A balancing act is required in the use of these technologies
between mechanisms for disseminating information while allowing us to
check the validity of this information. Technological developments
(algorithms, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and
smart technologies) hold the promise of combating misinformation. At the
same time, artificial intelligence, big data, and algorithms offer
little to no access to information that they make inferences about our
online actions that are often used to present advertisements or
information to us.
While the impact of disinformation is mostly believed to influence
socio-political opinion, however, it is also likely to affect the world
of business. For example, troll farms are buying advertising to
disseminate information on a scale that can potentially reach millions
of users. Additionally, this information can spread within an
organization via “Enterprise Social Media” (ESM) (Leonardi, Huysman, &
Steinfield, 2013). ESM can spread disinformation within the
organization, hence making internal operations of an organization
susceptible to disinformation/misinformation. This can become especially
problematic if the organization is in the business of information
dissemination such as Facebook and Twitter. What mechanisms frameworks
are needed to ensure institutions have immunity against “fake news”.
Thus, combating disinformation is a dual challenge, as it can impact the
supply and demand side of information dissemination business.
We encourage submissions dealing with social media and interaction of
“fake news” at an individual level as well as enterprise levels.
In this track, we are therefore looking for research on the diverse
causes of misinformation/disinformation in social technologies and a
variety of ways that these technologies can help us combat it. We
welcome articles that detail how technological enterprises such as
Facebook or Twitter as a unit) develop strategies to combat
disinformation as well as theoretical frameworks we can draw on to
develop such strategies.
This mini-track welcomes all types of empirical and theoretical
contributions. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Enterprise responses to fight disinformation
- Case Studies of enterprises that have fallen prey to disinformation
- Technical solutions and their scalability to protect the integrity of
- User education and usage policies in the space of 'fake news"
- The ability of ESM to discriminate between real and doctored
information given that technical tools (such as algorithms, big data,
artificial intelligence etc.) are also used by disinformation campaigns
Leonardi, P., Huysman, M., & Steinfield, C. (2013); Enterprise social
media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social
technologies in organizations, Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication 19(1), 1–19.
Vosoughi, S., Roy, D., & Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false
news online. Science 23(59), 1146-1151.
Link to the track/minitrak:
Submission Instructions:
Timeline and Submission Details:
* January 7, 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
* March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at
10:00am PST
* April 15, 2019: Notification of initial decisions on Completed and ERF
paper submissions
* April 24, 2019: Camera-ready papers are due
We look forward to receiving your best works for the mini-track. Feel
free to contact us in case of any question.
Rishi & Vishal
Vishal Shah
Assistant Professor | Business Information Systems Department
Grawn 336 | Central Michigan University
P: 989-774-4350 | E: shah3v(a)cmich.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers for minitrack on Rhetoric,
Technology, and (Dis)information AMCIS 2019
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:51:58 +0000
From: Shah, Vishal <shah3v(a)cmich.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to Rhetoric, Technology,
and (Dis)information minitrack, under the Information Security and
Privacy track of the 2019 AMCIS conference, which will take place on
15-17 August, 2019 in Cancun, Mexico Submission deadline is March 1,
2019. Following is a short description of the minitrack.
Minitrack Chair: James Melton, Central Michigan University,
This minitrack seeks to explore the relationship between rhetoric,
social media platforms, and disinformation. One of the ways to deal with
disinformation and to avoid exacerbating biases is to have a general
population trained in rhetoric. Because the discipline of rhetoric
studies the effects of persuasion on audiences, it can help make those
audiences more aware of mechanisms of spreading disinformation. For
example, recent papers studied how to inoculate people against
misinformation by asking them to play roles such as “clickbait monger”
seeking to get clicks themselves or to act as “conspiracy theorist." It
was found that when made aware of the ease that misinformation could be
spread, people were more likely to be critical of it in the future
(Roozenbeek et al. 2018; van der Linden et al. 2017). Such interventions
demonstrate that rhetorical awareness of mechanisms that enable the
spread of disinformation can help combat bias through awareness. We
welcome papers at the intersection of rhetoric, psychology, and
information systems that attempt to solve the problem of disinformation
from an interdisciplinary standpoint.
This mini-track welcomes all types of empirical and theoretical
contributions. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Political persuasion using technology
- Safeguards against "fake news"
- Technical solution(s) to identify and combat disinformation
- Impact of dis/misinformation on an individual, group, and societal levels
- Changes in the very meaning of "facts"
- Interaction of disinformation and supposed "self-expertise" (e.g.,
Dunning-Kruger Effect)
- Technical traps set up by bots to entice social media users, and its
behavioral impacts
- Frameworks to combat disinformation/misinformation
Link to the track/minitrak:
Roozenbeek, J., & van der Linden, S. (2018). The fake news game:
Actively inoculating against the risk of misinformation. Journal of Risk
Research, DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2018.1443491
van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., Cook, J., Leiserowitz, A., &
Lewandowsky, S. (2017). Inoculating against
Science, 358(6367), 1141-1142.
Submission Instructions:
Timeline and Submission Details:
* January 7, 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
* March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at
10:00am PST
* April 15, 2019:* Notification of initial decisions on Completed and
ERF paper submissions
* April 24, 2019: Camera-ready papers are due
We look forward to receiving your best works for the mini-track. Feel
free to contact us in case of any question.
Jim & Vishal
Vishal Shah
Assistant Professor | Business Information Systems Department
Grawn 336 | Central Michigan University
P: 989-774-4350 | E: shah3v(a)cmich.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers for minitrack on User experience,
human-computer interaction, and design of (dis)information AMCIS 2019
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:53:25 +0000
From: Shah, Vishal <shah3v(a)cmich.edu>
To: aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org
<aisworld-request(a)lists.aisnet.org>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to User experience,
human-computer interaction, and design of (dis)information minitrack,
under the Information Security and Privacy track of the 2019 AMCIS
conference, which will take place on 15-17 August, 2019 in Cancun,
Mexico Submission deadline is March 1, 2019. Following is a short
description of the minitrack.
Minitrack Chair: Gustav Verhulsdonck, Central Michigan University,
This mini track seeks papers at the intersection of User Experience (UX)
design, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and disinformation. Design for
user experiences is one way to tackle the problem of disinformation.
Today’s technological devices may promote the engagement of a user by
designers utilizing deep knowledge of the user’s behavior and psychology
(Choi & Kim 2004; Chou & Ting 2003). Persuasive design and design for
behavior motivate users to stay longer on a platform by “gaming” their
behavior or decisions through the design of an interface (Fogg 2002;
Lockton et al. 2010). It can range from simplifying a design with a
clear call-to-action so that the user makes a purchase, coax them into
staying on the platform, or from deceptive practices where threatening
language is used to prevent users from opting in/out of policies (aka
“confirmshaming”). Often, design practices can serve to clarify things
for the user, but they may also utilize disinformation and serve the
underlying economic motive of the platform. What mechanisms can help
prevent disinformation from a design point of view? Which design
practices should UX designers consider to counter disinformation and
develop more transparent, ethical design for users?
We encourage all types of papers dealing with the design of
disinformation exploring issues of agency, platforms, and design in
light of the challenges of user experience.
This mini-track welcomes all types of empirical and theoretical
contributions. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Business models of internet companies and their relation to
- Political and societal impacts of disinformation/misinformation
- Efficacy of measures to counter disinformation/misinformation
- Social bots and their impacts on changes in perception "usser experience"
- HCI perspectives on disinformation/misinformation
Link to the track/minitrak:
Choi, D., & Kim, J. (2004). Why people continue to play online games: In
search of critical design factors to increase customer loyalty to online
contents. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 7(1), 11-24.
Chou, Y.J., & Ting, C. C. (2003). The role of flow experience in
cyber-game addiction. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6(6), 663-675.
Fogg, B.J. (2002). Persuasive technology: Using computers to change what
we think and do (interactive technologies). San Francisco, CA: Morgan
Lockton, D., Harrison, D., & Stanton, N.A. (2010). Design with intent:
101 patterns for influencing behaviour through design v.1.0, Windsor:
Submission Instructions:
Timeline and Submission Details:
* January 7, 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
* March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at
10:00am PST
* April 15, 2019:* Notification of initial decisions on Completed and
ERF paper submissions
* April 24, 2019: Camera-ready papers are due
We look forward to receiving your best works for the mini-track. Feel
free to contact us in case of any question.
Gustav & Vishal
Vishal Shah
Assistant Professor | Business Information Systems Department
Grawn 336 | Central Michigan University
P: 989-774-4350 | E: shah3v(a)cmich.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Academic inquiry on research interest on
Simulation, Decision Making and IT Services Management issues
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:45:23 -0600 (CST)
From: mmora(a)securenym.net
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Oswaldo.Diaz(a)inegi.org.mx, jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de,
Dear colleagues interested on Simulation, Decision Making and IT Services
We thank in advance, remote evaluations on 3 DMSS prototypes, if interest,
regarding a current research on "Impact of DMSS for ITSM". One of our
goals is comparing the perceptions between ITSM professionals and ITSM
academics. We have collected already the evaluations from a sample of IT
professionals but we ask for academic evaluators yet. If interest, please
email us. Sincerely,
Research Team
- Dr. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
- MSc Claudia Hernandez, INEGI, Mexico
- MSc Oswaldo Diaz, INEGI, Mexico
- Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
email: jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx or mmora(a)securenym.net
Manuel Mora, EngD.
Full-time Professor and Researcher Level C
ACM Senior Member / SNI Level II
Department of Information Systems
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
Ave. Universidad 940
Aguascalientes, AGS
Mexico, 20131
LINKEDIN Weblink: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-mora-engd-37b03a1/
SCOPUS weblink:
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