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Subject: [AISWorld] Cfp: AMCIS 2019 SIGODIS Mini- track "Customer
Experience and Organizational Intelligence"
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 10:38:29 -0600
From: Donald Heath <heathd(a)uwosh.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Track: Semantics, Ontologies, Intelligence and Intelligent
Systems (Sponsored by SIGODIS)Mini-Track: Customer Experience and
Organizational Intelligence*
Don Heath, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, heathd(a)uwosh.edu
Aurona Gerber, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Aurona.gerber(a)up.ac.za
Increasingly, organizations are interacting with current and potential
customers across a plenitude of IT-mediated “touch points”. Consequently,
coordinating strategies will likely dominate management thought in the near
and intermediate term as the number and variety of these “touch points”
continues to expand. Effective strategies will rely on quality practitioner
and academic research on a variety of issues, such as how to: differentiate
user experience across points of interaction, increase reach to the
consumer, improve conversion rates, sustain consumer loyalty, manage the
global and the local experience, etc. The end customer is at the focus,
with various technologies, devices and networks facilitating seamless
computing, communication, collaboration as well as commerce related
functionalities to the end users. This is made possible by embedding data,
sensors, controllers, and other devices into the physical and virtual
spaces of human beings thereby facilitating seamless interactions and
co-engagement between the end customer and the organization.
This revolution challenges companies to reimagine ways to reach current
and potential audiences in a coordinated way across a multitude of channels
and devices — both wired and wireless. Intelligent enterprises are
exploiting this topology to drawing inferences and develop key analytics by
aggregating and mining data about customers, competitors, vendors,
markets, and products as well as services. Enterprises are able to garner
global and local intelligence enabling them to develop innovative products
and services better aligned to market needs. We invite research which
addresses or expands on these ideas. Conceptual, empirical and
design-oriented works are welcome and will be considered for this
** Potential topics for manuscripts include but are not limited to:*
- Engaging end customers via a combination of devices and
delivery channels
- Multi-modal user experiences & Immersive Interaction Technologies
- Enhancing customer engagement by combining immersive
interaction technologies and multi-modal user experiences
- Enabling enterprises to make intelligent decisions related
to workforce composition, collaboration, leadership and, employee retention
- Pervasive computing devices requiring the need to reach end
customers across multitude of devices
- Exponential growth of data (both structured as well as unstructured),
created by end customers, sensors etc. requiring the need to analyses
and visualize the data
- Leveraging easy availability of computing power on the go in the
form of cloud computing
- Decision making by understanding and analyzing the
collective intelligence created across various customer touch points as
well as social networks.
- Better understanding of customer behavior using techniques such
as text analytics, natural language processing as well as social
network analysis.
- Improved visibility across the supply chain and real-time
data availability.
- Better monitoring of production processes to optimize operations,
reduce costs, enhance production as well as prevent and/or detect
health and safety issues.
- Adaptive systems which respond to touch-point data
Instructions on how to submit a manuscript can be found here
The submission deadline is March 1st, 2019.
***Important dates:***
- March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions (completed research and
Emergent Research Forum (ERF)) closes for authors at 10:00am PST
- March 7, 2019: All papers have assigned reviewers
- April 17, 2019: Authors notified of decision
Don Heath, PhD.
Information Systems Dept.
College of Business
The University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI 54901
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2019 SIGADIT Mini-track on Adoption and
Use of Ambivalent Information
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 11:52:51 -0500
From: Hamed Qahri-Saremi <hamed.qahri.saremi(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Shamel Addas <shamel.addas(a)queensu.ca>, Isaac Vaghefi
***Call for Papers***
AMCIS 2019, August 15-17, Cancún, México
Track: Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
Mini-track: Adoption and Use of Ambivalent Information Technologies
Description of the Mini-track:
Ambivalent Information Technologies (IT) are perceived as having the
potential to both benefit and harm users and organizations, rendering them
a double-edged sword. Ambivalent IT comprises a wide range of IT, such as
smartphones that can be both beneficial and harmful for the users, work
emails that despite their flexibility and connectivity benefits can
interrupt workflow, wearables and analytic technologies that despite
conveying real-time information can overload users and undermine their
sense of autonomy, and access control tools with benefits that can come at
the cost of security and privacy intrusions. Therefore, ambivalent IT can
elicit mixed attitudes and markedly different behaviors and outcomes for
adopters and users. Currently, there is a paucity of research in the IS
literature to cover this research area. This mini-track hosts research on
antecedents, processes, and issues/challenges regarding adoption and use of
ambivalent IT and the potential impacts for individuals, groups,
organizations, and society.
Mini-track co-chairs:
Hamed Qahri-Saremi, DePaul University: hamed.saremi(a)depaul.edu
Isaac Vaghefi, Pace University, sashrafvaghefi(a)pace.edu
Shamel Addas, Queen’s University, shamel.addas(a)queensu.ca
Important Dates:
7 January 2019 <http://airmail.calendar/2019-01-07%2012:00:00%20CST>:
ScholarOne opens for submissions.
1 March 2019 <http://airmail.calendar/2019-03-01%2012:00:00%20CST>:
ScholarOne closes for submissions.
15 April 2019 <http://airmail.calendar/2019-04-15%2012:00:00%20CDT>:
Notification of initial decisions.
24 April, 2019 <http://airmail.calendar/2019-04-24%2012:00:00%20CDT>:
Camera-ready papers are due.
Submission Instructions:
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Fwd: CfP Blockchain and Transformational Government
- dg.o 2019
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 16:54:22 +0100
From: Svein Ølnes <sol(a)vestforsk.no>
To: AISworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*CFP Dg.o2019: BlockChain and Transformational Government*
*dg.o 2019: 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government
*Theme: Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence*
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government
Dubai, UAE, June 18-20, 2019
Twitter handle: #dgo2019
The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 20th Annual
International Conference on Digital Government Research - dg.o 2019, with
the theme "*Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence*". dg.o 2019
will be hosted by the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, from June 18 till 20, 2019. The dg.o conferences are
an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of
interdisciplinary research on digital government, political participation,
civic engagement, technology innovation, applications, and practice. Each
year the conference brings together scholars recognized for the
interdisciplinary and innovative nature of their work, their contributions
to theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), their focus on important and
timely topics and the quality of their writing.
*TRACK 6: **BlockChain and Transformational Government*
*Track Chairs:*Svein Ølnes
Western Norway Research Institute
Lemuria Carter
University of New South Wales
Jolien Ubacht
Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
Ramzi El-Haddadeh
Qatar University
In the past years, researchers and practitioners have highlighted the
potential of Blockchain (BC) and distributed ledger technology to
revolutionize government processes. Blockchain technology enables
distributed power and embedded security. As such, Blockchain is regarded as
an innovative, general purpose technology, offering new ways of
organization in many domains, including e-government for transactions and
information exchange. However, due to its very characteristics of peer to
peer information exchange, its distributed nature, the still developing
technology, the involvement of new actors, roles, etc., the implementation
of blockchain applications raise issues that need governance attention.
BC initiatives have implications for citizen trust, privacy, inclusion and
participation. Governmental organizations need a thorough understanding of
the BC design principles, the possible applications in the domain of
e-government and the exploration of governance mechanisms to deal with the
limitations and challenges of the BC technology when used in a myriad of
sectors, ranging from the financial and business sector to the social
domains of healthcare and education.
This track seeks research that explores the impact of block chain
technology on all levels of government and effects or applications in
society that raise governance issues. We welcome a diversity in research
designs, approaches and methodologies.
Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Distributed Computing, Peer-to-Peer
Information Exchange
January 15, 2019: Papers are due
January 20, 2019: Workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due
March 1, 2019: Application deadline for 2019 doctoral colloquium
March 1, 2019: Notifications of acceptance
March 15, 2019: Posters and demo proposals due
April 5, 2019: Poster/demo author notifications
April 1-, 2019: Camera-ready manuscripts due
May 10, 2019: Early registration closes!
*SUBMISSION TYPES AND FORMATS*Research papers (maximum of 10 pages)
Management, Case Study, or Policy papers (maximum of 6 pages)
Panel descriptions (maximum of 4 pages)
Posters (maximum of 2 pages)
System demonstrations (maximum of 2 pages)
Pre-Conference tutorial proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
Pre-Conference workshop proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
Doctoral colloquium application (maximum of 10 pages)
Submission Site: https://easychair.org/cfp/dgo2019
Submissions must not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each
type of submission in camera-ready ACM Proceedings format (double column,
single spaced pages). Please do not use page numbers. Paper titles should
be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate cover page.
Research, Management, Case Study, and Policy papers will be reviewed
through a *double-blind review* process. Therefore, author names and
contact information must be omitted from all submissions. Authors must
identify the topic(s) being addressed in the paper to assist the program
committee in the review process.
All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings camera-ready
format, but include author names.
All accepted submissions require at least one author to be registered for
the conference before the camera-ready copy is due for it to be included in
the conference proceedings. The authors of more than two papers can
register for and present at most two co-authored papers. Third paper on,
some other co-author registration and presentation are required.
At least one author is expected to attend the conference to present the work
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: The 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC ’19) -
Call For Papers/Posters/Workshops
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:09:30 -0500
From: IEEE eNotice <enotice(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: no_reply_enotice(a)ieee.org
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
IEEE eNotice
The 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC ’19)
McDonnell and Jadwin Halls, Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, March 16, 2019
Call For Papers/Posters/Workshops:
Submissions to the 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC
’19, to be held on March 16, 2019 (Saturday) in Princeton, NJ) are open
and accepted until January 14, 2019. ISEC is known for featuring
cutting-edge research and experiences with integrated approaches to the
study of science, math, and technology through experiences and
activities based in engineering and other design disciplines.
Please use this link to submit:https://edas.info/listTracks.php?c=25480
You will need to set up an account in EDAS before submitting if you do
not already have one.
Important dates:
• Abstract and Final Paper Deadline: January 14, 2019
• K-12 Poster Deadline: January 18, 2019
• Acceptance Notification(Papers and Posters): February 4, 2019
• Workshop Proposals Due: February 8, 2019
• Exhibits February 15, 2019
• Student Award Applications Due: February 18, 2019
• Final Manuscript Due: February 22, 2019
Submission Information
Submissions are accepted in three categories: Papers, Posters by K-12
students, and Workshops. Your work must not have been published or
submitted for publication elsewhere.
Papers on research on, methods of, and experience with integrating
education (or interdisciplinary education) in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies are the core of the
conference program. Your paper submission(s) will be one (or both) of
the following:
• a work in progress (WIP; preliminary or initial stage of
research/investigation) paper of 2 – 4 pages
• a full paper of 5 – 8 pages
There is no preliminary abstract phase for WIP or full papers. Please
adhere to these page limits within the conference’s template structure.
Papers that do not follow the template will be returned for reformatting.
Posters by K-12 students may feature student STEaM research or
experiences. Submit an abstract describing the content of your poster
(max 500 words) for review to EDAS. Once their poster abstract is
accepted, students then have the option of submitting an additional
short paper for review by February 18, 2019. *This paper is NOT required*.
Workshop proposals should provide the title, topic, focus, proposed
activities, and a short statement of presenter expertise in an abstract
of no more than 750 words. There are no papers associated with a
workshop. Workshops are typically scheduled for 90 minutes.
All proposals, abstracts, and papers are submitted via EDAS.info. For
full and work-in-progress papers, post the Word document (no LaTEX,
please) along with the author and abstract information. For posters and
workshops, no separate document is needed; the information requested by
EDAS, including the abstract, is sufficient. Templates are available on
the Author Information page on the conference website. Please do not use
the templates onieee.org
All accepted submissions will be scheduled for presentation at the
conference and included in the local conference proceedings. All
presented papers and optional papers associated with presented posters
that follow the formatting instructions in the templates will be
submitted for archival in IEEE Xplore. Workshop documents will not be
submitted to Xplore.
Please see the web site and our Facebook page for the full fee schedule.
On-site registration will not be offered, and we will not be able to
accommodate unregistered guests.
Exhibits: Like previous years ISEC 2019 will encourage exhibits.
Potential Exhibitors are requested to send mail to ieee.isec(a)gmail.com
<mailto:ieee.isec@gmail.com>no later than February 15, 2019. The
conference will allow the space for the exhibits on a
first-come-first-serve basis.
ISEC 2019 is sponsored by the IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section with
technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Regions 1 and 2 and the IEEE Education
Please visithttp://ewh.ieee.org/conf/stem
follow us on Twitter @IEEE_ISEC, and like us on Facebook. Contact us
atieee.isec(a)gmail.com <mailto:ieee.isec@gmail.com>for more information.
We look forward to your participation in ISEC 2019!
IEEE R1: https://www.ieee.org/r1/
IEEE R2: https://www.ieee.org/r2/
IEEE Education Society: http://ieee-edusociety.org/
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