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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CfP: International Conference on Smart Learning
Environments (ICSLE 2016)
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 16:23:32 +0200 (EET)
Von: Elvira Popescu <popescu_elvira(a)software.ucv.ro>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2016)
September 28-30, 2016, Tunis, Tunisia
**** Submission Deadline --- April 10, 2016****
The International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2016)
aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to
discuss issues related to the optimization of learning environments to
enhance learning. The focus is on the interplay of pedagogy, technology
and their fusion towards the advancement of smart learning environments.
~ Conference Outcomes:
* Proceedings in Springer's Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
series. * Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for
Springer's Smart Learning Environments journal (Open access journal)
* Authors of cutting-edge research will also be invited to highlight their
innovations under "Inspiring Stories" section of the International
Association of Smart Learning Environments website.
~ Important dates:
* Main conference paper submission: April 10, 2016
* Acceptance/Rejection notification: May 25, 2016
* Camera ready papers: July 1, 2016
* Author registration: July 1, 2016
~ Submissions:
* Full papers
* Short papers
* Reflection papers
* Workshop proposals
* Panel proposals
* Student only papers
* Industry innovations
~ Further details:
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] Second CFP: Special Issue on "The Social Innovation
capacity of Open Education and Learning" - IxD&A Journal
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 13:29:21 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Special issue on
*"The Social Innovation capacity of Open Education and Learning"*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
*a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal*
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)*
Guest Editors:
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• /Carlo Giovannella, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
• Demetrios G. Sampson, Curtin University, Australia/
Important dates:
• Deadline: *April 30, 2016 *
• Notification to the authors: June 20, 2016
• Camera ready paper: July 20, 2016
• Publication of the special issue: mid September, 2016
Open access to digital educational resources and tools (typically
referred to as Open Educational Resources - OERs) and/or online courses
(typically referred to as Massive Open Online Courses - MOOCs) has
attracted significant attention worldwide from the different key
stakeholders in Education and Training. Despite the fact that the open
access movement in Education has the potential to lead a disruptive
Social Innovation in teaching and learning (including assessing of
learning as well as accreditation of competences and qualifications),
concerns are expressed that it could also lead to deepen the digital
divide between regions, states and continents.
Ideally, unfolding the full potential of opening up education,
anticipates not only the affordable availability and maintenance of
efficient digital infrastructures, but mainly networks of people and
professionals (representing the various existing key stakeholders in
education, but also new ones emerged as a result of the transformations
happening outside the formal educational settings) who are actively
engaged in leading and supporting sustainable changes.
Digital technologies are the key enabler for the anticipated social
innovations in education and learning through the open access movement.
Furthermore, new challenges for governments, educational institutes,
non-profit organizations, the private sector, the unions of
professionals in education and training, as well as, individual
professionals and citizens, are shaped and fostering the scientific
dialogue of different perspectives can contribute to the advancement of
the public discourse in these pressing issues. This is the scope of
this special issue on “the social innovation capacity of open education
and learning”.
*Topics of Interests*
Considering all the above, this special issue welcome contributions
describing working hypothesis and case studies focused at least one of
the following topics:
• Strategies and policies for open access in education and training to
contents, courses, curricula, competences, tools and physical spaces
• Strategies and policies for social capital generation to support open
education and learning
• Sharing strategies and practices in education and learning
• Open learning eco-systems and tools that support social innovation in
education and training
• Sustainable models of open education and training
• Cultural issues and social innovation related to openness in education
and learning
Submission procedure
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
Authors' guidelines
Link to the paper submission page:
http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/idea2010/login.php (when submitting the
paper please choose Domain Subjects under: "IxD&A special issue on:
‘The Social Innovation capacity of Open Education and Learning')
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advices and for any query please contact the guest-editors:
• carlo [dot] giovannella [at] uniroma2 [dot] it
• demetrios [dot] sampson [at] curtin [dot] edu [dot] au
marking the subject as: "IxD&A special issue on 'The Social Innovation
capacity of Open Education and Learning' "
**** 2015 IxD&A in figures ****
View stats:
*Forthcoming issues:*
• Summer 2016
/will also fetures a focus section on:
/"Experiences of Technology Appropriation: Unanticipated Users, Usage,
Circumstances, and Design"
Guest Editors: Alina Krischkowsky, Nervo Verdezoto, Manfred Tscheligi/,
/Michael Muller
• Autumn 2016
'On Making'
Guest Editors: Joep Frens & Patrizia Marti
/with a focus section on:/
'Player and Learner eXperience'
Guest Editors: Monica Divitini, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari
• Winter 2016
'Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development'
Guest Editors: Alke Martens, Radu Vasiu, Annika Wolff
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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP - The Future of Open Source - SIGOPEN
Developmental Workshop at OSS2016
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 09:55:28 +0000
Von: Feller, Joseph <jfeller(a)ucc.ie>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
sigopen(a)lists.unomaha.edu <sigopen(a)nexus.unomaha.edu>,
ifipwg213(a)listserv.syr.edu <ifipwg213(a)listserv.syr.edu>,
ifipwg86(a)managingbydesign.net <ifipwg86(a)managingbydesign.net>,
ifipwg82(a)listserv.syr.edu <ifipwg82(a)listserv.syr.edu>
CFP - The Future of Open Source: SIGOPEN Developmental Workshop at OSS2016
May 30, 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden
The open source landscape has changed dramatically since the scholarly community first began investigating open source in earnest in the early 2000’s. Disruptive technological trends such as cloud computing, Software-as-a-Service, Service Oriented Architectures, and public API’s as a development platform, change how we understand software development, distribution, execution, modification and evolution. Likewise, the organizational context of open source has shifted from its traditional “grassroots” origins to include large formal organizations/foundations, commercial sponsors and participants, and public and NGO patrons and advocates. As such, open source has spawned a wide variety of related phenomena including the application of open source principles within and between organizations, the adoption of open source ethos in the design and development of hardware and devices, 3-D printable models, virtual objects, and other complex knowledge goods.
Building on the success of the SIGOPEN developmental workshops recently held at ECIS 2015 and ICIS 2015, the AIS Special Interest Group on Open Research and Practice (SIGOPEN) will host a workshop at OSS 2016<http://oss2016.cs.tut.fi/> to facilitate the rigorous exploration of this changing open source landscape.
The workshop will provide a unique and collegial environment for scholars to present their work-in-progress, mature their ideas, meet other researchers exploring related areas, and learn about emerging research in a relaxed and supportive setting. The goal of the workshop is to help authors move their work forward towards publication in major international journals.
The workshop welcomes research across a wide range of open source related issues, including development processes, platforms, and tools; individual behaviors and motivations; social, cultural, and organizational factors; economic and business models; legal structures and governance; leadership and coordination. However, reflecting the themes noted above, the CFP will particularly highlight the desirability of research that extends our understanding of:
– the impact of emerging computing paradigms and models on open source software development processes, platforms, licensing, and governance.
– the impact of corporate, non-profit, and public body participation in open source projects and communities on open source software development processes, platforms, licensing, and governance.
– the impact of open source on the peer-production of other knowledge goods (open hardware, the maker movement, open design and 3D printing, etc) and on the strategies and operations of organizations (open business models).
Authors will be expected to submit working papers (max 7 pages + cover page and references) using the OSS 2016 submission template<http://www.oss2016.org/templates>. These working papers will be then be archived (open access) to the SIGOPEN website (http://sigopen.org<http://sigopen.org/>). Submit papers by email to jfeller(a)ucc.ie.
This one-day workshop will comprise full-group paper presentations with Q&A in the morning, and small-group developmental roundtables in the afternoon. Roundtables will be mentored and participants will be expected to have read the other papers in their roundtable in order to contribute meaningfully to the development of all papers in the group. The emphasis will be on focused, pragmatic engagement to support researchers in solving the problems they are presently facing with the work (e.g. theory development, data analysis, and the communication of results) There will also be opportunities for broader discussion amongst the full group of workshop participants.
Workshop Organizers:
Joseph Feller, University College Cork, jfeller(a)ucc.ie.
Matt Germonprez, University of Nebraska at Omaha, mgermonprez(a)unomaha.edu<mailto:mgermonprez@unomaha.edu>
Matthew Levy, San Francisco State University, mattlevy(a)sfsu.edu<mailto:mattlevy@sfsu.edu>
Lorraine Morgan, Maynooth University, lorraine.morgan(a)nuim.ie<mailto:lorraine.morgan@nuim.ie>
Key Dates:
Submissions Due: Friday, 25 March 2016
Decisions on Submissions: Friday, 8 April 2016
Early-bird Registration for Workshops: Friday, 15 April 2016
Final Versions Due: Friday, 13 May 2016
Workshop Day: Monday, 30 May 2016
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Digital Innovation and Strategic Transformation,
Call for Papers -- IEEE IT Professional; Submission deadline: 1 April 2016
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 20:59:16 +1100
Von: San Murugesan <san(a)computer.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
IEEE IT Professional
Digital Innovation and Strategic Transformation
Submission deadline: 1 April 2016
Publication: November/December 2016
The digital revolution is rapidly transforming the fundamental nature of
many companies and revitalizing their digital business models in a wide
range of industries, including healthcare, finance, logistics, education,
manufacturing, retail, hospitality, transportation, telecommunication, and
cities. To ensure success in this environment, IT professionals, executives,
and entrepreneurs need to understand the new business models, technology
paradigms, cultural evolutions, and management practices that foster
innovation in emerging next-generation digital-centric businesses. A few
examples of these digital platforms are Uber, Airbnb, Skype, Kindle, Apple,
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MOOCs, and LinkedIn.
Firms must increasingly turn their attention to innovatively embracing the
promise of technological developments such as e-commerce, cloud computing,
mobile, big data, Internet of Things, social technologies, and cognitive
solutions that shape their business strategies and competitive positions.
They must also address the changing preferences and demands of customers and
society. The emerging complex and dynamic business environment offers
several new opportunities, but it also comes with significant risks.
This special issue of IT Professional seeks to examine the digital
innovation and strategic transformation that is driving industry,
government, and society. It will showcase innovative smart services, digital
products, and platforms; discuss current issues, challenges, and practices;
and look to future prospects. We seek high-quality articles focused on these
areas from industry, business, academia, and government. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to the following:
* Digital business models
* Digital innovation as a service
* Cognitive business
* Cultural change and human factors
* The Internet of Me, Things, and Everything
* Platform revolution and economics
* Design for analytics
* Data velocity
* Harnessing hyperscale: hardware is back (and never really went away)
* Emerging social technologies and platforms
* The next wave of mobility technology
* Leveraging big data and analytics in innovation
* Open innovation with IT
* The role of IT in facilitating value co-creation and co-innovation
* Customer engagement
* T-shaped innovators for digital transformation
Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words with no more than 20
references (with tables and figures counting as 300 words). Illustrations
are welcome. For author guidelines, including sample articles, see
Submit your article at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itpro-cs.
For more information, please contact the guest editors:
* Haluk Demirkan, University of Washington-Tacoma, haluk(a)uw.edu
<mailto:haluk@uw.edu> (primary contact)
* James C. Spohrer, IBM Almaden Research Center, spohrer(a)us.ibm.com
* Jeffrey J. Welser, IBM Research-Almaden, welser(a)us.ibm.com
Professor San Murugesan
Director, BRITE Professional Services
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE IT Professional
Editor, IEEE Computer and Cloud Cover column
Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University
Sydney, Australia
Website: <http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> http://tinyurl.com/sanbio
Email: <mailto:san1@internode.net> san1(a)internode.net
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] LAST CALL - 27th IBIMA Conference; 4-5 May 2015
Milan, Italy - Call for papers
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 07:24:12 -0000
Von: Dr. Khalid S. Soliman <ksoliman(a)ibima.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
This is the last call for The 27th IBIMA Conference - 4-5 May 2015 Milan,
Submission deadline open until March 28, 2016.
List of accepted papers (so far): http://www.ibima.org/ITALY2016/papers.html
(the list is updated daily. 150+ papers are still under review)
IBIMA International conference proceedings are indexed by Thomson Reuters
(Web of Sciences) Since 2006, SCOPUS Since 2005, and Ranked "B" by the
prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Since 2010
Website: http://www.ibima.org (Website has all details)
All papers received after that date will b forwarded to 28th IBIMA
9 - 10 November 2016 Madrid, Spain
Khalid S. Soliman
27th IBIMA Conference Chair
Dr. Khalid S. Soliman
International Business Information Management Association, USA
<http://www.ibima.org> http://www.ibima.org
<http://www.ksoliman.com> http://www.ksoliman.com
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] HICSS-50: Minitrack on Social Media and Government
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 07:35:35 +0000
Von: Rony Medaglia <rm.itm(a)cbs.dk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS-50: January 4-7, 2017 | Hilton Waikoloa Village
Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2016
Track on Electronic Government
Minitrack on Social Media and Government
Social media have received a lot of attention in recent years. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide mechanisms for individuals to come together and create networks based on a variety of factors, such as existing friendships, common interests, and professional or political affiliations. Citizens are increasingly aware of how the use of social networks can facilitate communication and interaction, and potentially support and promote political communication – both among themselves and with government – and greater engagement in public affairs. Social media increase the opportunities for individual users to share digitally-created political content and ideas. Recently, the role of social media in promoting civic engagement and supporting social movements in both democratic and non-democratic countries, where activists use the power of social media to influence events on the ground and promote their causes, has been discussed.
Government agencies have also discovered the potential of social media platforms for sharing governmental information and outreach, in order to promote transparency, and increasing citizens’ participation in their public policy making processes. Social media become increasingly powerful communication channels, and enhance opportunities for citizens to provide feedback to government officers and political representatives, and also to share their knowledge, experience and creative ideas (‘citizen-sourcing’). Furthermore, government agencies increasingly discover that social media can effectively support the delivery of services to citizens, and the co- creation of value in co-operation with citizens. However, there are no established practices for the use of social media for the above-mentioned variety of purposes, as social media use is something relatively new in governmental agencies, so many difficulties and challenges exist for the implementation of the above in government.
Moreover, many issues related to privacy, information leakage, blurred boundaries between private and public spheres, and government surveillance, must all be urgently addressed. It is highly important not only to develop effective practices for using social media in government for the above purposes, but also to analyze and evaluate them from various management and political sciences perspectives, to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and also the conditions under which each of them can be useful and effective.
This minitrack aims at attracting high-quality research papers investigating various aspects of social media use, both by citizens for political purposes (political information, opinions and ideas exchange, and also political action and mobilization), and also by government agencies for the aforementioned purposes (disseminating information to citizens for promoting transparency, collecting from them feedback, knowledge, experience and creative ideas (‘citizen-sourcing’), promoting citizens’ participation, value co-creation and supporting services delivery), or other purposes.
Minitrack topics include, but are not limited to:
* Theoretically sound analysis of case studies concerning the use of online social media by government agencies of various levels (local, regional or central government)
* Social media for government information sharing and transparency
* Social media and citizen participation
* Social media for supporting and promoting value co-creation in co-operation with citizens
* Social media for government services delivery
* Development of effective practices for social media use by government agencies for the above purposes or even other purposes
* Analysis and evaluation of practices for social media use by government agencies
* Apps and Social media: implementation and challenges
* Social media use by citizens for political information, opinions and ideas exchange, and political action and mobilization
* Relationship between online social media use and offline political action
* Website information link with social media tools
* Predicting election and other political events using social media content
* Implementation challenges with respect to social media use in government
* Maintaining privacy in online social media and other online networks
* Social media and governance: problems and challenges
* Social networks and ‘information overload’
* Guidelines and policies for social media use in government
* Legal issues concerning the provision and sharing of information via social media
* Maturity models of social media use by government agencies
* Social media use for public agencies’ internal activities
* Social media use in public-private network
For further information, please contact the Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Rony Medaglia (Primary Contact)
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Euripidis N. Loukis
University of the Aegean
Margit Scholl
Technische Hochschule Wildau, Germany
Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2016
Rony Medaglia
Associate Professor, PhD
Department of Information Technology Management (ITM)
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: +45 2479 4327
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] 23rd WoLLIC 2016 (Puebla, Mexico) - Call for Papers -
Datum: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 17:09:24 -0300
Von: Ruy de Queiroz <ruy(a)cin.ufpe.br>
Antwort an: Ruy de Queiroz <ruy(a)cin.ufpe.br>
An: Evento WOLLIC <wollic(a)cin.ufpe.br>
[Please circulate. Apologies for multiple copies]
WoLLIC 2016
23rd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
August 16th-19th, 2016
Puebla, Mexico
Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL)
The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL)
ACM SIGLOG (to be confirmed)
Fundación Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research
involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural
language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and
tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twenty-third WoLLIC will be
held at the Department of Computer Science, Benemérita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, from August 16th to 19th, 2016. It is
sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest
Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic,
Language and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for
Computer Science Logic (EACSL), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
(SBC), and the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular
interest in cross-disciplinary topics. Typical but not exclusive areas
of interest are: foundations of computing and programming; novel
computation models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and
belief; proof mining, type theory, effective learnability; formal
methods in software and hardware development; logical approach to
natural language and reasoning; logics of programs, actions and
resources; foundational aspects of information organization, search,
flow, sharing, and protection; foundations of mathematics; philosophical
logic. Proposed contributions should be in English, and consist of a
scholarly exposition accessible to the non-specialist, including
motivation, background, and comparison with related works. They must not
exceed 15 pages (in font 10 or higher), with up to 5 additional pages
for references and technical appendices. The paper's main results must
not be published or submitted for publication in refereed venues,
including journals and other scientific meetings. It is expected that
each accepted paper be presented at the meeting by one of its authors.
Papers must be submitted electronically at the WoLLIC 2016 EasyChair
website. (Please go to
http://wollic.org/wollic2016/instructions.html for instructions.) A
title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Mar 14, 2016,
and the full paper by Mar 21, 2016 (firm date). Notifications are
expected by Apr 22, 2016, and final papers for the proceedings will be
due by May 6, 2016 (firm date).
The proceedings of WoLLIC 2016, including both invited and contributed
papers, will be published in advance of the meeting as a volume in
Springer's LNCS series (FoLLI subseries). In addition, abstracts will be
published in the Conference Report section of the Logic Journal of the
IGPL (Oxford U Press), and selected contributions will be published as a
special post-conference WoLLIC 2016 issue of a scientific journal (to be
Pablo Barceló (Santiago de Chile)
Dana Bartozová (São Paulo) (TBC)
Janos Makowsky (Haifa)
Alessandra Parmigiano (Delft)
Sonja Smets (Amsterdam)
Katrin Tent (Münster) (TBC)
Andres Villaveces (Bogotá)
In celebration of the 200th anniversary of George Boole's birth (1815),
there will be a special session with a screening of the documentary film
"The Genius of George Boole" (2015, 58min). (to be confirmed)
ASL sponsorship of WoLLIC 2016 will permit ASL student members to apply
for a modest travel grant (deadline: May 1st, 2016). See
http://www.aslonline.org/studenttravelawards.html for details.
Mar 21, 2016: Paper title and abstract deadline (NEW)
Mar 28, 2016: Full paper deadline (NEW)
Apr 22, 2016: Author notification
May 6, 2016: Final version deadline (firm)
Samson Abramsky <http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/samson.abramsky/> (U Oxford, UK)
Dietmar Berwanger <http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/%7Edwb/> (ENS Cachan,
Guram Bezhanishvili <http://sierra.nmsu.edu/gbezhani/> (New Mexico State
Arnaud Durand <http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/%7Edurand/> (U Paris 7, France)
Pietro Galliani
<https://tuhat.halvi.helsinki.fi/portal/en/persons/pietro-galliani%28f7840cf…> (U
Helsinki, Finland)
Nina Gierasimczuk <http://www.ninagierasimczuk.com/> (U Amsterdam, The
Jeroen Groenendijk
<http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/g/r/j.a.g.gro…> (U
Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Lauri Hella <http://www.sis.uta.fi/%7Emalahe/> (U Tampere, Finland)
Wesley Holliday <https://philosophy.berkeley.edu/holliday> (U Calif
Berkeley, USA)
Juha Kontinen <http://www.helsinki.fi/%7Ejkontine/> (Helsinki U, Finland)
Larry Moss <http://www.indiana.edu/%7Eiulg/moss/> (Indiana U, USA)
André Nies <https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/%7Enies/> (U Auckland, New
Aarne Ranta <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/%7Eaarne/> (Chalmers U, Sweden)
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
<http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/people/view/33472/dr-mehrnoosh-sadrzadeh> (Queen
Mary Coll, UK)
Norma Short <http://www.ceperc.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article161&lang=fr> (U
Aix-Marseille, France)
Jouko Väänänen
<http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/people/jouko.vaananen/> (U Helsinki,
Finland & U Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (CHAIR)
Rineke Verbrugge <http://www.rinekeverbrugge.nl/> (U Groningen, The
Heribert Vollmer <http://www.thi.uni-hannover.de/vollmer.html> (U
Hannover, Germany)
Dag Westerståhl
<http://www.philosophy.su.se/english/research/our-researchers/faculty/dag-we…> (Stockholm
U, Sweden)
Samson Abramksy, Johan van Benthem, Anuj Dawar, Joe Halpern, Wilfrid
Hodges, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Daniel Leivant, Leonid Libkin, Angus
Macintyre, Luke Ong, Hiroakira Ono, Valeria de Paiva, Ruy de Queiroz.
Mauricio Osorio (Fundación Universidad de las Américas, Puebla) (Local
Claudia Zepeda Cortés (Facultad de Ciencias de la Computación,
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) (Local co-chair)
José R. Arrazola Ramírez (Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas,
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) (Local co-chair)
Anjolina G. de Oliveira (U Fed Pernambuco)
Ruy de Queiroz (U Fed Pernambuco) (co-chair)
Contact one of the Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] cfp: Mensch und Computer 2016 - noch 3 Wochen zur ersten
Datum: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 08:09:54 +0100
Von: Wolfgang Prinz <wolfgang.prinz(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
Antwort an: Wolfgang Prinz <wolfgang.prinz(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
An: Mailingliste GI-FG Mailingliste Mailingliste GI-FG CSCW
<fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de>, German HCI <mci(a)listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de>,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, abis(a)l3s.de, interaktion(a)tzi.de
Mensch und Computer
4. bis 7. September 2016
Aachen, Deutschland
Mit mehr als 800 Teilnehmern in den vergangenen Jahren ist die Mensch
und Computer eine der größten HCI-Konferenzen in Europa. Alljährlich
zieht die Konferenz Teilnehmer aus Wissenschaft und Industrie an. Dieses
Jahr wird die Mensch und Computer in Aachen stattfinden. Das Programm
besteht auch in diesem Jahr aus dem wissenschaftlichen Track
“Mensch-Computer-Interaktion” (MCI) sowie aus dem Praktiker-Track
“Usability Professionals” (UP).
** MCI - Langbeiträge, Workshops: 3. April 2016*
* UP - Beitragsvorschläge mittels Abstract-Formular: 3. April 2016
* MCI - Kurzbeiträge (Poster), Demos, Videos, Tutorien: 5. Juni 2016
* UP - Beitragsannahmen: ab 20. April 2016
* MCI - Annahme Workshops: 20. April 2016
* MCI - Annahme Langbeiträge: 31. Mai 2016
* MCI - Annahme weitere Formate: 26. Juni 2016
* UP - Abgabe Review-Version der Beiträge: 31. Mai 2016
* UP - Abgabe Tagungsbandversion: 10. Juli 2016
* MCI - Abgabe Tagungsbandversion für alle Formate: 10. Juli 2016
* 4. bis 7. September 2016
Der wissenschaftliche Teil der Konferenz lädt zur Einreichung von
Langbeiträgen, Kurzbeiträgen, Demos, Videos, und Tutorien ein.
Einreichungen sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache möglich.
Von Langbeiträgen wird ein klarer wissenschaftlicher Beitrag erwartet.
Diese werden im Hauptteil der Konferenz durch mündliche Vorträge
präsentiert. Langbeiträge werden durch mindestens drei Mitglieder des
Programmkomitees begutachtet und in einer Sitzung von Experten diskutiert.
In Kurzbeiträgen sollen Ideen vorgestellt und mit der wissenschaftlichen
Gemeinschaft diskutiert werden. Sie werden in dedizierten Postersessions
präsentiert, um den wissenschaftlichen Austausch zu fördern.
Kurzbeiträge werden durch externe Gutachter begutachtet und durch das
Komitee für Kurzbeiträge ausgewählt.
Demos und Videos sollen neuartige Interaktionstechnologien und
Interaktionsmethoden demonstrieren. Die Beiträge werden in dedizierten
Sessions präsentiert und durch eine Jury ausgewählt.
Ausführlichere Informationen zu den Beitragsformen, zum
Einreichungsprozedere sowie entsprechende Templates für den
wissenschaftlichen Teil sind hier verfügbar:
Der Praktiker-Teil der Konferenz lädt zur Einreichung von Full
Presentations, Creative Presentations, Workshops/Panel-Discussions,
Tutorials, Tool Demos und Young Professionals Presentations ein.
Einreichungen sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache möglich und
werden durch das Programmkomitee begutachtet und diskutiert.
In den Full Presentations können spannende Arbeitsergebnisse berichtet
werden. Diese sollten als schriftlicher Beitrag 6-10 Seiten umfassen und
werden auf der Konferenz in einem 30-minütigen Vortrag inkl. Diskussion
Creative Presentations sind ein Format, um kreative Ergebnisse und
Erfahrungsberichte zu präsentieren. Der Vortrag auf der Konferenz
umfasst 15 oder 30 Minuten und wird nicht von einem schriftlichen
Beitrag im Tagungsband begleitet.
Anders als im wissenschaftlichen Teil der Konferenz bieten
Workshops/Panel-Discussions im Praxisteil die Möglichkeit ein Thema mit
anderen Teilnehmern gemeinsam zu erarbeiten oder eine Fragestellung in
einer Experterunde zu diskutieren. Die Dauer eines Workshops/einer
Panel-Discussion beträgt 90 Minuten. Ein schriftlicher Beitrag für das
Tagungsband ist möglich, aber keine Voraussetzung für eine Durchführung.
Ein Tutorial bietet die Möglichkeit anderen Teilnehmern Wissen und
Erfahrungen sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch zu vermitteln. Die
Dauer eines Tutorial beträgt 90 Minuten. Ein schriftlicher Beitrag für
das Tagungsband ist möglich, aber keine Voraussetzung für eine
Das Format Tool Demo bietet Herstellern von UX / Usability-Tools die
Möglichkeit diese in einer 30, 60 oder 90-minütigen Session
vorzustellen, sowie den Mehrwert und den professionellen Umgang damit zu
Dieses Jahr erstmals mit dabei ist das Young Professionals Format. Hier
können junge Nachwuchsexperten die Ergebnisse ihrer Abschlussarbeit aus
dem Studium oder der Ausbildung präsentieren. Vielleicht sitzt ja der
zukünftige Arbeitgeber im Publikum und hört zu.
Ausführlichere Informationen zum Einreichungsprozedere sowie
entsprechende Templates für den Praxisteil der German UPA
(Abstract-Formular, Beitragsvorlage, etc.) sind hier verfügbar:
Die eingereichten Beiträge werden digital über die Digital Library –
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
(http://dl.mensch-und-computer.de) als Open Access veröffentlicht und
deren Zitierfähigkeit jeweils über einen Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Die Ausgestaltung einer Konferenz sowie deren Rahmenprogramm lebt durch
die Unterstützung engagierter Sponsoren. Wir laden daher alle
Unternehmen und Organisationen dazu ein, als Sponsor und/oder Aussteller
mit dem fachkundigen Publikum während der “Mensch und Computer 2016” in
Dialog zu treten. Bei Interesse können Sie gerne mit uns in Kontakt
treten und unsere Sponsoreninformationen anfordern:
Leitung der Konferenz
* Wolfgang Prinz (Fraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen
* Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen
* Matthias Jarke (Fraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen
* Martina Ziefle, RWTH Aachen
Leitung des Programmkomitees Usability Professionals
* Steffen Hess (Fraunhofer IESE)
* Holger Fischer (Universität Paderborn, s-lab)
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IEEE DataCom 2016 - Submission
Deadline - March 31, 2016
Datum: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 18:59:03 +0800
Von: Ching-Hsien Hsu <chh(a)chu.edu.tw>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call For Papers - Research Track, Works-in-Progress, Industry & Workshop
Track, Demo & Poster
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and
Computing(IEEE DataCom 2016)
Auckland, New Zealand, August 8-12, 2016
Big data is a rapidly expanding research area spanning the fields of
computer science and information management, and has become a ubiquitous
term in understanding and solving complex problems in different disciplinary
fields such as engineering, applied mathematics, medicine, computational
biology, healthcare, social networks, finance, business, government,
education, transportation and telecommunications.
The goal of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence
and Computing (IEEE DataCom 2016) is to establish an international forum for
engineers and scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the
fields of Big Data intelligence and computing. IEEE DataCom 2016 welcomes
paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry
and government describing original research work in Big Data. Authors of
selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version (with at least
30% new material) for review and publication in special issues of
international journals.
IEEE DataCom 2016 will be held on Aug. 8-12, 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The 5Vs of the data landscape: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value
- Big data science and foundations, analytics, visualization and semantics
- Software and tools for big data management.
- Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data
- Big data economy, QoS and business models
- Scientific discovery and business intelligence
- Software, hardware and algorithm co-design, high-performance computing
- Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
- Infrastructures and systems for big data analytics and managements
- Middleware and tools for big data analytics and managements
- Algorithmic, experimental, prototyping and implementation
- Data quality issues: such as validation, metrics, optimizations and
- Data-driven innovation, computational modelling and data integration
- Data intensive computing theorems and technologies
- Big data for advanced manufacturing and productivity
- Modeling, simulation and performance evaluation
- Green data centers / environmental-friendly perspectives
- Computing, scheduling and resource management for sustainability
- Complex applications in areas where massive data is generated
IEEE CS proceedings, indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- EI Engineering Index
- ACM Digital Library
- dblp
- Google Scholar
Extended version of the selected papers will be invited for publication in
prestigious international journals.
Tutorial / Workshop / Special Session Proposal Due: February 29, 2016
Paper Submission (Research Track): March 31, 2016
Paper Submission (Works-in-Progress/workshop): April 10, 2016
Author Notification (Research/workshop/WIP): April 30, 2016
Paper Submission (Demo /Poster /Special session): May 5th, 2016
Author Notification (Poster / Demo): May 20, 2016
Camera ready / registration deadline: May 31, 2016
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not
previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Papers should be
prepared in IEEE CS format and submitted via the IEEE DataCom 2016 web site,
IEEE formatting information:
- Proposals for organizing tutorials, workshops and special sessions need to
be submitted to the Tutorials, Workshops and Special Sessions Chairs,
respectively. A proposal should include title, theme, scope and main
- Research paper (8 pages) should explore a specific technology problem and
propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results.
- Works-in-Progess (WIP) (6 pages) papers are expected to present either
work currently in progress or less developed but highly innovative ideas.
- Demo/Poster papers (4 pages) must describe working systems and be related
to DataCom. These systems may be innovative prototype implementations or
mature systems that use related technology. Papers/proposals need to be
submitted to the Demo/Poster Chair.
- Workshop and Special Session papers need to be submitted to the
corresponding workshops and special sessions.
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and
demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI
indexed). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered
for publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Organizing Committees
General Chairs
Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University, USA
Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Domenico Talia, Università della Calabria, Italy
General Executive Chairs
Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Kevin Wang, The Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand
Program Chairs
Jingson Wu, University de Chile, Chile
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, UK
Vincent S. Tseng, National Chiao Tung Univ. Taiwan
Song Guo, University of Aizu, Japan
Workshop Chairs
Bahman Javadi, Univ. Western Sydney, Australia
Che-Rung Lee, National Tsinghua Univ., Taiwan
Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia
Demo/Poster Chair
Cho-Li Wang, The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Special Session Chair
Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Award Chair
Patrick K. Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Tutorial/Panel Chair
Junwei Cao, Tsinghua Univ., China
Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
International Liaison & Publicity Chair
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA
David Taniar, Monash Univ., Australia
Alex Kuo, University of Victoria, Canada
Mianxiong Dong, Muroran Inst. Tech., Japan
Victor Malyskin, RAS, Russia
Jun Huang, CQUPT, China
Luis Veiga, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Yonghong Peng, University of Bradford, UK
Bhekisipho Twala, Univ. Johannesburg, South Africa
William Liu, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Publication Chair
Amir H. Alavi, Michigan State University, USA
Local Arrangement Chair
Sheng Wen, Deakin University, Australia
Please visit the IEEE DataCom 2016 website
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Deadline in a few days - 13th
International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2016)
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 18:33:40 +0100
Von: SECRYPT 2016 <secrypt2016(a)unimi.it>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
*** Submission deadline in a few days! (March 14, 2016 - 11:59 PM American Samoa time) ***
13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2016)
Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 July 2016
SECRYPT is an annual international conference covering research in
information and communication security. The 13th International
Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2016) will be held in
Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 July 2016.
The conference seeks submissions from academia,L industry, and
government presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical
aspects of data protection, privacy, security, and cryptography.
Papers describing the application of security technology, the
implementation of systems, and lessons learned are also encouraged.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:
Access Control
Applied Cryptography
Biometrics Security and Privacy
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Data Integrity
Data Protection
Database Security and Privacy
Digital Forensics
Digital Rights Management
Ethical and Legal Implications of Security and Privacy
Formal Methods for Security
Human Factors and Human Behavior Recognition Techniques
Identification, Authentication and Non-repudiation
Identity Management
Information Hiding
Information Systems Auditing
Insider Threats and Countermeasures
Intellectual Property Protection
Intrusion Detection & Prevention
Management of Computing Security
Network Security
Organizational Security Policies
Peer-to-Peer Security
Personal Data Protection for Information Systems
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Reliability and Dependability
Risk Assessment
Secure Software Development Methodologies
Security and privacy in Complex Systems
Security and Privacy in Crowdsourcing
Security and Privacy in IT Outsourcing
Security and Privacy in Location-based Services
Security and Privacy in Mobile Systems
Security and Privacy in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids
Security and Privacy in Social Networks
Security and Privacy in the Cloud
Security and Privacy in Web Services
Security and Privacy Policies
Security Area Control
Security Deployment
Security Engineering
Security in Distributed Systems
Security Information Systems Architecture
Security Management
Security Metrics and Measurement
Security Protocols
Security requirements
Security Verification and Validation
Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security
Service and Systems Design and QoS Network Security
Software Security
Trust management and Reputation Systems
Ubiquitous Computing Security
Wireless Network Security
Submitted papers must be in English and must not substantially overlap
with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously
submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions
are to be made to the submission web site at
Papers can be submitted as REGULAR or POSITION papers.
- REGULAR Paper: Regular papers present work where research is
completed. They can be up to 12 pages. Authors of regular submitted
papers will indicate at the time of submission whether they would like
their paper to also be considered for publication as a position paper.
- POSITION Paper: A position paper presents results that are
preliminary or that simply require fewer pages to describe. A position
paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts,
situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research
(theoretical or experimental) on one of the conference topics. The
acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of
"short paper"
Submitted papers must be formatted according to the SECRYPT format,
which is described at
Submission page limit is 12 pages for regular paper and 8 pages for
position papers. Accepted papers will be subject to the limit of: 12
pages for full papers, 8 pages for short papers with oral
presentation, and 6 pages for short papers with poster presentation.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the conference. All papers presented in the conference
will be published in the conference proceedings and in the digital
library. A short list of presented papers will be selected so that
revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by
Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book.
Regular and Position Papers
- Paper Submission: March 14, 2016 - 11:59 PM American Samoa time [extended]
- Authors Notification: May 18, 2016
- Camera Ready and Registration: June 2, 2016
Second call for Position Papers only:
- Paper Submission: April 13, 2016
- Authors Notification: May 18, 2016
- Camera Ready and Registration: June 2, 2016
Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Luis Filipe Antunes, University of Porto, Portugal
Alessandro Armando, FBK, Italy
Prithvi Bisht, Adobe, United States
Carlo Blundo, UniversitA’ di Salerno, Italy
Andrey Bogdanov, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Francesco Buccafurri, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Dario Catalano, Universita' degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Meshram Chandrashekhar, R D University, India
Sherman SM Chow, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Frederic Cuppens, TELECOM Bretagne, France
Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Institut Mines Telecom / Telecom Bretagne, France
Jun Dai, California State University, United States
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Roberto Di Pietro, Universita' di Roma Tre, Italy
Tassos Dimitriou, Computer Technology Institute, Greece and Kuwait University, Kuwait
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Ruggero Donida Labati, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Alberto Ferrante, Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Josep-Lluis Ferrer-Gomila, Balearic Islands University, Spain
William M. Fitzgerald, United Technologies Research Center Ireland (UTRCI), Ireland
Sara Foresti, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Steve Furnell, Plymouth University, United Kingdom
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Institut Mines-Telecom, TELECOM SudParis, France
Mark Gondree, Naval Postgraduate School, United States
Dimitris Gritzalis, AUEB, Greece
Sotiris Ioannidis, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Greece
Wael Kanoun, ALCATEL-LUCENT, France
Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Sokratis Katsikas, Giovik University College, Norway
Florian Kerschbaum, SAP, Germany
Shinsaku Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Japan
Costas Lambrinoudakis, University of Piraeus, Greece
Albert Levi, Sabanci University, Turkey
Jiguo Li, Hohai University, China
Peng Liu, Penn. State University, United States
Giovanni Livraga, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
Haibing Lu, Santa Clara University, United States
Evangelos Markatos, University of Crete, Greece
Olivier Markowitch, Universite’ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Fabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, Italy
Vashek Matyas, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Carlos Maziero, UFPR - Federal University of Parana’, Brazil
Atsuko Miyaji, Japan Advaned Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Refik Molva, Eurecom, France
Eiji Okamoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Rolf Oppliger, eSECURITY Technologies, Switzerland
Stefano Paraboschi, University of Bergamo, Italy
Joon Park, Syracuse University, United States
Gerardo Pelosi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gunther Pernul, University of Regensburg, Germany
Joachim Posegga, Institute of IT Security and Security Law, Germany
Silvio Ranise, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, United States
Kui Ren, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States
Nuno Santos, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Andreas Schaad, Huawei European Research Center, Germany
Cristina Serban, AT&T Security Research Center, United States
Daniele Sgandurra, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Willy Susilo, University of Wollongong, Australia
Juan Tapiador, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Vicenc Torra, University of Skövde, Sweden
Jaideep Vaidya, Rutgers Business School, United States
Luca Vigano’, University of Verona, Italy
Corrado Aaron Visaggio, Universita’ degli Studi del Sannio, Italy
Ivan Visconti, Universita’ di Salerno, Italy
Cong Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Haining Wang, The College of William and Mary, United States
Lingyu Wang, Concordia University, Canada
Xinyuan (Frank) Wang, George Mason University, United States
Edgar Weippl, SBA Research / TU Wien, Austria
Qiben Yan, University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States
Meng Yu, The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States
Jiawei Yuan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States
Lei Zhang, Thomson Reuters, United States
For any questions, please contact the program chair:
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