-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP Workshop „IT-Governance und Strategisches
Informationsmanagement (ITG-SIM)” - 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft
für Informatik e.V. (GI), Klagenfurt/Österreich (26.9. bis 30.9.2016)
Datum: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 15:24:06 +0100
Von: matthias.goeken(a)bundesbank.de
Antwort an: matthias.goeken(a)bundesbank.de
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir freuen uns über Einreichungen für einen von uns organisierten
Workshop „IT-Governance und Strategisches Informationsmanagement
(ITG-SIM)” auf der Informatik 2016!
Den CfP finden Sie anbei und unter http://www.itg-sim.de.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Goeken
*Workshop „IT-Governance und Strategisches Informationsmanagement
*auf der*
*46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI),
Klagenfurt/Österreich (26.9. bis 30.9.2016)*
Der Workshop ist ein Follow-up der erfolgreichen Workshops „Governance
in Verteilten Systemen“ und „IT-Governance“ auf den Jahrestagungen der
GI 2009 in Lübeck, 2010 in Leipzig, 2011 in Berlin, 2012 in
Braunschweig, 2013 in Koblenz und 2014 in Stuttgart.
*Motivation und Thema*
Die verlässliche sowie effektive und effiziente Gestaltung und Steuerung
der IT ist für viele Unternehmen und Organisationen sowohl aus
regulatorischen Gründen als auch zur Steigerung der
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und zur Sicherung eines Beitrags der IT zum
Unternehmenserfolg heute wichtiger als in der Vergangenheit. Hinzu kommt
die Notwendigkeit, die IT an den aktuellen Trends der Gestaltung und
Entwicklung komplexer IT-Systeme auszurichten und dabei auch neu
aufkommende Technologien und Anwendungen im Sinne der Unternehmensziele
zu nutzen. Verbunden mit diesen Aspekten – aber über sie hinausgehend –
ist eine informationszentrische Sichtweise, die nicht die IT als
Organisation oder Anwendungen und Technologien in den Mittelpunkt
stellt, sondern den Vermögensgegenstand Information. Die
unterschiedlichen Sichten und die mit ihnen zusammenhängenden
Fragestellungen sollen Gegenstand des Workshops sein.
Die IT-Governance definiert in diesem Zusammenhang Strukturen, Prozesse
und weitere Mechanismen, die darauf abzielen, Unternehmensziele und
IT-Ziele abzustimmen und die konkreteren Ziele – Sicherung des
Wertbeitrags sowie Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle von IT-Compliance,
IT-Risiken und IT-Sicherheit – zu realisieren. In diesem Umfeld führen
auch die Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle der Systemlandschaft und das
Zusammenspiel mit der fachlichen Seite zu neuen Herausforderungen. So
stellen Trends wie „Mobile“, „Cloud“, „Internet of Everything“ etc.
Anforderungen sowohl in technischer Hinsicht als auch mit Blick auf
Governance und Management der Unternehmens-IT. Unter dem Begriff
„Information Governance“ rücken darüber hinaus Themen wie Informations-
und Datenqualität und Master Data Management aber auch Information
Privacy und ethische Fragen ins Blickfeld. Im Workshop sollen vor diesem
Hintergrund auch grundsätzlichere Fragen beleuchtet und diskutiert werden.
Um den verschiedenen Herausforderungen ganzheitlich begegnen zu können,
ist die Entwicklung zeitgemäßer Governance-Ansätze und Methoden, die
Anwendung aktueller Modelle und Best-Practice-Frameworks sowie die
Entwicklung neuer Ansätze erforderlich. Eine gewisse Renaissance
scheinen seit einigen Jahren „Managementsysteme“ zu erfahren, wobei
aktuell noch Managementsysteme für Teilaufgaben im Fokus stehen
(Risikomanagementsysteme, Informationssicherheitsmanagementsysteme) und
ganzheitliche Ansätze für die IT, die die verschiedenen Themen
integriert betrachten, weniger im Blick von Wissenschaft und Praxis
sind. Ziele, Herausforderungen und Anforderungen an Managementsysteme in
der IT sowie Ansätze für ihre Entwicklung und Implementierung sind daher
ein interessantes Themengebiet des Workshops.
Im Workshop sollen aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten einschließlich „Work in
Progress“ zum Themenkomplex IT-Governance, Information Governance sowie
dem strategischen Informationsmanagement vorgestellt und diskutiert
werden. Der Workshop soll auch Teilnehmern aus der Praxis die
Möglichkeit geben, von ihren Erfahrungen zu berichten.
Beiträge können beispielsweise zu folgenden Themen – jedoch nicht
beschränkt auf diese – eingereicht werden:
· Neu Ansätze und Managementkonzepte in der IT-Governance und im
· Ansätze und Konzepte der Information Governance
· Governance-Frameworks sowie deren Anwendbarkeit
· Herausforderungen der IT-Governance durch neue Technologien und
· Integration von Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement und IT-Governance
· Managementsysteme für IT-Governance und Information Governance
sowie Risiko, Sicherheit und Compliance der IT
· Referenzmodelle und Standards in unterschiedlichen
Anwendungsgebieten (Audit, Aufsicht, Prüfung, Revision etc.)
· Unternehmensindividuelle Anpassung von Referenz- und
· Governance aus Sicht von Geschäftsprozessen
· Information- und Data-Governance
· Strategisches Informationsmanagement
· Softwarelebenszyklusmanagement
· Monitoring in Verteilten Systemen
· SOA-Governance und Cloud-Governance
· Service-Management und Risk-Management
· IT-Security, Privacy & Trust
· Informationssicherheitsmanagement, Informationssicherheitsgovernance
· Integration von IT-Risiko-, IT-Sicherheits- und
· Service-Engineering
· Andere Themen im Bereich „IT-Governance und Strategisches
· Prof. Dr. Daniel F. Abawi, htw saar
· Prof. Dr. Matthias Goeken, Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank
· Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Miede, htw saar
*Programmkomitee (in Planung)*
· Prof. Dr. Carsten Felden Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
· Prof. Dr. Horst Hellbrück Fachhochschule Lübeck
· Prof. Dr. Volker Herwig Fachhochschule Erfurt
· Christoph Hochreiner TU Wien
· Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz Hochschule Stralsund
· Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arne Koschel Hochschule Hannover
· Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Lampe TU Darmstadt
· Dr. Marc Lohmann msg systems AG
· Prof. Dr. Giselher Pankratz Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank
· Prof. Dr. Jens Pöppelbuß Universität Bremen
· Melanie Siebenhaar TU Darmstadt
· Marco Tröbs BearingPoint GmbH
· Dr. Thomas Widjaja TU Darmstadt & CASED
· Prof. Dr. Till Winkler Copenhagen Business School
· Prof. Dr. Alfred Zimmermann Hochschule Reutlingen
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: IEEE CSCN'16 Call for Papers
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 15:54:54 -0500
Von: IEEE ComSoc Meetings <noreply(a)comsoc.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
CSCN Template
View message online - Click here
-- Call for Papers --
*IEEE Conference on Standards for Communication and Networking (CSCN)
* will be held from 31 October - 2 November 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The
confernece will be co-located with the IEEE 5G Summit Berlin and the 7th
annual FOKUS FUSECO Forum 2016.
IEEE CSCN welcomes technical and visionary papers on
topics of interest including, but are not limited to: submit(2).jpg
* Enhancements to existing systems and communication protocols
developed by standards bodies such as ITU-T, IEEE, IETF, 3GPP, ETSI,
OMA, Broadband Forum, Metro Ethernet Forum, oneM2M and ONF.
* Advanced 5G Radio Access and Network Infrastructure, Converged
Access Networks, Optical Networks, Twisted Pair and Coaxial Access
Networks, Software Defined Networks and Services, Network Functions
Virtualization (NFV) and other works in progress being currently
discussed by the standardization bodies.
* Relationships between innovation and standardization, technology
governance of standards, the history of standardization, tools and
services related to any or all aspects of the standardization
lifecycle, and compatibility and interoperability, including testing
methodologies and certification to standards.
The conference's best papers will be recommended for publication in the
IEEE Communications Magazine's supplement on Communications Standards.
Submissions are due 1 June 2016. Author requirements can be found on the
from these messages.
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing (ICSOC 2016)
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 14:21:16 +0100
Von: Mohamed Sellami <mohamed.sellami(a)isep.fr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
The 14th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016)
October 10-13, 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada
http://icsoc.org <http://icsoc.org/>
ICSOC, the International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, is the top international forum for academics, industry researchers, developers, and practitioners to report and share groundbreaking work in service-oriented computing. ICSOC fosters cross-community scientific excellence by gathering experts from various disciplines, such as business-process management, distributed systems, computer networks, wireless and mobile computing, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, networking, scientific workflows, services science, data science, management science, and software engineering.
ICSOC 2016, the 14th event in this series, will take place in Banff, Alberta, Canada on October 10-13. Following on the ICSOC tradition, it will feature forward-looking keynote presentations, research and industry presentations, workshops, tool demonstrations, tutorials, and a PhD track.
ICSOC 2016 seeks outstanding, original contributions, including theoretical and empirical evaluations, as well as practical and industrial experiences, with emphasis on results that solve open research problems and have significant impact on the field of service-oriented computing.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Service Engineering
Legacy systems migration to SOA
Service design, specification, discovery, customization, composition, and deployment
Service change management
Service innovation
Theoretical foundations
* Run-time Service Operations and Management
Service execution middleware
Service monitoring and adaptive management
Quality of service
Security, privacy, and trust
Service governance
* Services and Data
Services for Big Data
Service for compute-intensive applications
Mining and analytics
Data-provisioning services
Services related linked open data
* Services on the Cloud
Migration to virtual infrastructures
XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
Service deployment and orchestration in the Cloud
Cloud service management
Cloud workflow management
Cloud brokers and coordination across multiple resource managers
* Services in the Internet of Things
Embedded and real-time services
RFID, sensor data and services related to the Internet of Things
Services for IoT applications
* Services in organizations, business and society
Services science
Social networks and services
Cost and pricing of services
Service marketplaces and ecosystems
Service business models
Enterprise architecture and services
The conference solicits outstanding original research and practice papers on all aspects of service-oriented computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the research or practical contribution, the relevance to the field, and the relationship to prior work. Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.
Papers should be formatted according to Springerís LNCS formatting guidelines (for instructions and style sheets, see http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0 <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0>). Submissions must be in English and not to exceed 15 pages including all references and figures. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF to the conference submission system (https://www.conftool.com/icsoc2016 <https://www.conftool.com/icsoc2016>).
For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper. The deadline for identifying and registering this individual will be at the time when the camera-ready version is submitted.
The award will be given to the paper that the Program Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution and impact among all the accepted papers in the conference.
Abstract & full paper due: May 15, 2016
Notification to authors: Jun 30, 2016
Camera-ready papers due: Jul 15, 2016
Author registration due: Jul 15, 2016
Early registration due: Aug 15, 2016
Conference dates: Oct 10-13, 2016
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Munindar P. Singh, North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta, Canada
Samir Tata, Institute Mines-Telecom, France
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: ReVISE'16 - Requirements for Visualizations in
Systems Engineering
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 14:58:49 +0100
Von: Jens Gulden <jens.gulden(a)uni-due.de>
Antwort an: Jens Gulden <jens.gulden(a)uni-due.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for papers: ReVISE'16 - Requirements for Visualizations in Systems
Workshop on the Requirements Engineering Conference RE'16 in Beijing,
China, Sep 12-16, 2016, https://www.wi-inf.uni-due.de/ReVISE16
Submissions until: June 20, 2016
Notification to authors: July 8, 2016
Camera ready version: July 24, 2016
Workshop: Sept 13, 2016
Visual knowledge representations and data visualizations form a
particular kind of information systems in their own right, which deserve
a high degree of scientific interest. Information systems for
visualization are, e. g., analytical diagrams embedded into user
interfaces, model editors and domain-specific model visualizations,
dashboards, and interactive info-graphics. These kinds of systems are
characterized by specific functionalities that come with their own class
of requirements.
Possible research directions for submissions to the workshop include,
but are not restricted to:
- How can information demands towards visualizations be expressed as
part of a system engineering procedure?
- How can it be methodically ensured that visualizations are understood
unambiguously by different people?
- How can appropriate visualization types for the support of specific
system engineering tasks be systematically identified?
- How do domain-specific software-development procedures look like in
which visualizations are created as part of a model-driven visualization
(MDV) process?
- In which way do different cultural backgrounds of visualization users
potentially influence the specification of requirements towards
Additionally, if your paper addresses one or more of the following
topics, please consider to submit it:
- Analysis of the quality and efficacy of visualizations
- Notations and symbols in conceptual models
- Design concepts for interactive visualizations
- Evaluation and improvement of existing visualization techniques
- Cognitive aspects of communicating knowledge via visualizations
- Use of models and visual notations in practice
- Innovative interface concepts for user interaction with software
- Software-supported creation and use of information graphics
- Tool support for creating interactive visualizations
- Use of visualization in business process modeling
- Use of visualizations in collaborative settings
- Teaching and training of visualization design and use
Workshop Format:
The 1-day workshop will consist of a keynote, paper presentations for
full and short papers, as well as a demo-oriented session where recent
applications and prototypes displaying novel ideas in visualization
research are showcased. Each demo will be introduced in a short
presentation, and then demonstrated live with the running software.
The following types of submissions will be accepted:
- Full papers, up to 10 pages
- Short papers (work in progress, research agendas, industry reports),
up to 6 pages
- Demo papers (demos, prototypes), 2 to 4 pages
Please upload your submission at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=revise16. Use the IEEE
formatting style at
to format your work.
Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the
program committee. Based on the reviews and review scores the organizing
committee will make a selection of papers to be accepted for
publication. The workshop proceedings are planned to be published in the
IEEE digital library.
Submissions for the demo track do not need to fulfill the same degree of
scientific justification as paper submissions, and do not have to
explicitly address individual research questions. In turn, demo
submissions are required to be highly innovative and distinctively
creative compared to the state-of-the-art of existing approaches and
Program Committee:
Ross Brown, Queensland University of Technology
Sepideh Ghanavati, Carnegie Mellon University; Luxembourg Institute of
Science & Technology
Miguel Goulaõ, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Irit Hadar, University of Haifa
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna
Sybren de Kinderen, University of Duisburg-Essen
Simone Kriglstein, University of Vienna
Meira Levy, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Ramat Gan
Erik Proper, Radboud University; Luxembourg Institute of Science &
Hajo Reijers, VU University Amsterdam
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa
Jean-Sébastien Sottet, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology
Stefan Strecker, FernUniversität in Hagen
Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck
William Wong, Middlesex University London
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Information Systems and
Enterprise Modeling, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany, Tel: +49
201 183-2719, jens.gulden(a)uni-due.de
Dirk van der Linden, University of Haifa, Department of Information
Systems, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel, Tel: +972 4 8288366,
Banu Aysolmaz, VU University of Amsterdam, Business Informatics Group,
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 20 59
87767, b.e.aysolmaz(a)vu.nl
Dr. Jens Gulden
Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling - Prof. Frank
Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Department of Economic Science
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
room R09 R04 H35
tel [+49|0] 201/183-2719
fax [+49|0] 201/183-4011
www http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/FGFrank/
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Reminder: 11th Trends in Enterprise Architecture
Research workshop (TEAR 2016)
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 13:34:09 +0100
Von: Ulrik Franke <ulrik.franke(a)sics.se>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
With approximately one month remaining until deadline, please consider submitting interesting research on Enterprise Architecture to the 11th TEAR Workshop!
The 11th TEAR workshop (http://tear-series.org/) is organized in conjunction with IEEE EDOC 2016, September 5-9, Vienna, Austria.
The international TEAR workshop series brings together Enterprise Architecture (EA) researchers from different research communities and provides a forum to present EA research results and to discuss future EA research directions.
The field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has gained considerable attention over the last years. EA is important because organizations need to adapt increasingly fast to changing customer requirements and business goals. This need influences the entire chain of activities of an enterprise, from business processes to IT support. Moreover, a change in a particular part of the overall architecture may influence many other parts of the architecture. For example, when a new product is introduced, business processes for production, sales and after-sales need to be adapted. It might be necessary to change applications, or even adapt the IT infrastructure. Each of these fields will have its own (partial) architectures. To keep the enterprise architecture coherent and aligned with the business goals, the relations between these different architectures must be explicit, and a change should be carried through methodically in all architectures. In contrast to traditional architecture management approaches such as IT architecture, software architecture or IS architecture, EA explicitly incorporates “pure” business-related artifacts in addition to traditional IS/IT artifacts. For Enterprise Architecture the focus is on the overall enterprise and concerns its organization, its components, the relationship between components and principles governing its design and evolution.
Topics relevant for submissions include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Case studies on EA
• Combining BPM and EA
• Drivers and obstacles of EA dissemination
• EA and e-government
• EA and organizational theory
• EA and system development
• EA and capability-based planning
• EA business cases
• EA communication and marketing
• EA for small and medium-sized companies
• EA governance and integration into corporate/IT governance
• EA reference models, meta models and frameworks
• EA usage in corporate strategic planning
• Enterprise modeling, EA and MDA
• Evolution of an EA
• Incorporation of knowledge management and software engineering in EA
• Measurement, metrics, and maturity models for EA artifacts and processes
• Methodologies and research theory for EA research
• Processes and patterns for EA development, mastering, communication and enforcement
• Quality of EA models
• Tool support for EA
• Viewpoints in EA
• EA analysis for decision-making, particularly for investments
• Architectural Thinking in day-to-day decision making
• Investigations of the EA needs of decision-makers
• EA in the context of extended enterprises and large ecosystems
• Managing a growing scope of concerns: legal, compliance, social, security, etc.
• EA in the context of complexity and uncertainty
• EA and the creation of EA research and teaching centers
• Collaboration and sense-making in the context of EA
• EA methods and tools that go beyond traditional software engineering
• Experimenting with novel modelling and simulation approaches
Important dates
Workshop paper submission deadline: April 15, 2016
Workshop paper notification to authors: June 13, 2016
Camera-ready paper: July 1, 2016
Workshop: September 5 or 6, 2016
Papers should describe innovative and significant original research relevant to TEAR as described in the topics section. Papers submitted for consideration must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the duration of consideration.
Workshop papers will be published in a second volume of the EDOC 2016 conference proceedings.
All papers must be prepared in accordance with the IEEE double-column format (maximum 8 pages) and be submitted electronically (in PDF) via the submission website (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tear2016).
All submissions should include title, authors, and full contact information. Detailed instructions for authors are available on the IEEE website (http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html).
Workshop co-chairs
• Ulrik Franke, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), Stockholm, Sweden
• James Lapalme, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
• Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Steering committee
• Erik Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
• Florian Matthes, Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Germany
• James Lapalme, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
• João Paulo Almeida, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
• Marc Lankhorst, BiZZdesign, the Netherlands
• Mathias Ekstedt, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
• Pontus Johnson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
• Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Program committee
• Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen
• Antonia Albani, University of St. Gallen
• João Paulo Almeida, Federal University of Espirito Santo
• Giuseppe Berio, Université de Bretagne Sud
• Markus Borg, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
• Nacer Boudjlida, Université de Lorraine, LORIA
• Sabine Buckl, Technische Universität München
• Neo Bui, Rochester Institute of Technology
• Markus Buschle, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• François Coallier, École de technologie supérieure
• Sybren de Kinderen, University of Luxembourg
• Rebecca Deneckere, Centre de Recherche en Informatique
• Mathias Ekstedt, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• Hans-Georg Fill, University of Vienna
• Ulrik Franke, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
• Daniel Fürstenau, Freie Universität Berlin
• Aurona Gerber, CAIR, Meraka Institute, CSIR
• Jānis Grabis, Riga Technical University
• Kazem Haki, University of St. Gallen
• Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente
• Pontus Johnson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• Juergen Jung, DHL Global Mail
• Elena Kornyshova, CNAM
• Robert Lagerström, KTH the Royal Institute of Technology
• Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam
• Marc Lankhorst, BiZZdesign
• James Lapalme, Ecole de technologie superieure
• Christine Legner, University of Lausanne
• Peter Loos, IWi at DFKI, Saarland University
• Pericles Loucopoulos, The University of Manchester
• Florian Matthes, Technische Universität München
• Alexandre Moise, Université de Sherbrooke
• Agnes Nakakawa, Makerere University Kampala
• Selmin Nurcan, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne
• Andreas L Opdahl, University of Bergen
• Henderik Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
• Colette Rolland, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
• Kurt Sandkuhl, The University of Rostock
• Rainer Schmidt, Munich University of Applied Sciences
• Christian Schweda, LeanIT42 GmbH
• Ulrike Steffens, HAW Hamburg
• Dirk Stelzer, TU Ilmenau
• Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen
• Pierre-Martin Tardif, Universite de Sherbrooke
• Nils Urbach, University of Bayreuth
Ulrik Franke, PhD
Senior researcher
Software and Systems Engineering Lab
Box 1263
SE-164 29 Kista
Visit: Isafjordsgatan 22
SE-164 40 Kista
Cell +46 72 549 92 64
Switchboard +46 8 633 1500
Fax +46 8 751 7230
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] Call for Papers zum Thema "Business Intelligence &
Analytics: From Big Data to Value Creat
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:46:48 +0100 (CET)
Von: Christine Legner <Christine.Legner(a)unil.ch>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Im Namen von Herrn Kollegen Voigt leite ich Ihnen anbei einen CfP zum
Thema "Business Intelligence & Analytics: From Big Data to Value
Creation” weiter.
Die Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Köln e.V. veranstaltet am
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg am 03. Juni 2016 ihre
nächste Wissenschaftliche Tagung zum Thema „Business Intelligence &
Analytics: From Big Data to Value Creation“. Es ist geplant, die
wissenschaftlichen Beiträge im Rahmen eines Special Issues des Journals
of Business Economics (JBE, vormals ZfB) zu veröffentlichen. Nachdem die
Extended Abstracts bereits bis zum 17. April 2016 einzureichen sind,
wäre ich Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie das Call for Papers zeitnah an die
Mitglieder Ihrer Kommission verteilen könnten.
Für Ihre Unterstützung bedanke ich mich bereits ganz herzlich und
verbleibe für heute
mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Nürnberg
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers_HICSS-50 Dark Side of IT Minitrack
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 18:08:51 +0000
Von: Steelman, Zach <zach.steelman(a)okstate.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Conference: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Minitrack Title: The Dark Side of Information Technology; Track Title:Organizational Systems and Technology
Chair: Ofir Turel; Co-Chairs: Amr Soror; Zach Steelman
The "Dark Side of IT" track welcomes theoretical and empirical papers examining alternative consequences of IT use and implementation in organizations and societies. The objective of this mini-track is to focus not only on the antecedents, development processes, consequence of numerous phenomena related to the dark side of IT use but also the potential strategies and techniques for behavioral interventions. We seek, based on this forum of discussion, to provide practitioners (e.g., IT developers, managers, psychologists, and policy makers) in a multitude of contexts with a deeper understanding of the potential consequences regarding the dark side of IT use. Further, we hope these studies help to shape guidelines for designing and implementing organizational and hedonic IT while minimizing the potential negative consequences of IT use.
Submitted papers might focus on, but are not limited to, some of the following themes related to the dark side of IT use. We acknowledge that over time new dark side of IT phenomena will emerge, and we hence call and welcome topics that focus on IT-related phenomena which is harmful, that may extend this list.
* IT-related addictions
* Cyber loafing,
* Cyber bullying
* Deceptive computer-mediated communication
* Disrupted work life balance
* IT interruptions
* IT misuse
* Technostress
* Impulsive use of IT
* Physiological effects of IT use
Submissions are welcome and encouraged from a variety of theoretical foundations (e.g., information systems, psychology, cognitive science, decision sciences, sociology, social networks, organizational behavior, neuroscience, computer science, and informatics) which might advance our knowledge of the antecedents, processes, interventions and consequences of the dark side of IT use. The track invites relevant and rigorous studies without restriction for the methodologies used, units of analyses and levels of theorization.
Submission Deadline: June 15 (11:59 PM, Hawaii Time)
Author Notification: August 16, 2016
Conference: January 4-7, 2017 Hilton Waikoloa Village
More information about HICSS-50 may be found at http://www.hicss.org/.
If you have a question or wish to discuss a paper concept before submitting your work, please contact Ofir Turel (oturel(a)fullerton.edu<mailto:oturel@fullerton.edu>), Amr Soror (asoror(a)fullerton.edu<mailto:asoror@fullerton.edu>) or Zach Steelman (zach.steelman(a)okstate.edu<mailto:zach.steelman@okstate.edu>). We will be more than happy to address your question and discuss your paper concept with you.
Dark Side of IT Minitrack Team
Ofir Turel, PhD
Amr Soror, PhD
California State University, Fullerton
Zach Steelman, PhD
Oklahoma State University
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: JMIS Special Issue on Transformative Value of
Cloud Computing
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 07:37:46 +0000
Von: Benlian, Alexander <benlian(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CALL FOR PAPERS (http://www.jmis-web.org/cfps/CfP_SI_JMIS_Transformative_Value_of_Cloud_Comp…)
* Special Issue of the Journal of Management Information Systems: Transformative Value of Cloud Computing *
Alexander Benlian, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
William J. Kettinger, University of Memphis, USA
Ali Sunyaev, University of Kassel, Germany
Till J. Winkler, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Cloud computing, referring to information technologies enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services), is fundamentally changing the way we collaborate, co-create and do business. As a transformative technology, cloud services affect every aspect of our lives, be it working, shopping, or watching movies. Cloud computing continues to experience rapid growth, with Forrester predicting the cloud market to hit US$240 billion by 2020. As a major paradigm shift, cloud services will continue to revolutionize the ways we store, process, and use information, creating a wealth of possibilities for individuals, teams, organizations, and societies.
Although researchers' and practitioners' interest in cloud computing has continued undiminished, the focus has been primarily on either adoption or operational issues, such as migrating from on-premise to on-demand, minimizing fixed IT costs, or exploiting the IT resource flexibility offered by the cloud. It is time to take stock that there has been far less attention dedicated to the transformative and value-creating capacity of cloud computing. As a disruptive technology, it can enable truly innovative services and business models that engage consumers, employees, and citizens in unprecedented ways. In fact, it can disrupt entire industries sending them into a downward spiral while providing groundbreaking opportunities for others. In developing countries, cloud computing can enable communities to leapfrog into the next generation of IT and in doing so move them to economic competitiveness. Despite this potential as a game changer, the interplay between the cloud's inherent capabilities and its transformative value is not well understood and demands further research.
Rather than looking into the operational and tactical merits of the cloud, this special issue provides a special forum for IS and other scholars to engage in an important dialogue on strategic and transformative impacts of cloud computing. In particular, we see the strategic and transformative value of the cloud at five levels:
I. The cloud's transformative value for users and consumers:
II. The cloud's transformative value for user organizations:
III. The cloud's transformative value for IT providers and the software industry:
IV. The cloud's transformative value for industries:
V. The cloud's transformative value for societies and developing countries:
More details regarding the five levels of the cloud's transformative value can be found in the official CfP (http://www.jmis-web.org/cfps/CfP_SI_JMIS_Transformative_Value_of_Cloud_Comp…)
The focus of this special issue is to stimulate innovative investigation of the transformative value of cloud computing (including Software-/Platform-/Infrastructure-as-a-Service) at or between all levels of analysis. All lenses of inquiry into the disruptive nature and impact of cloud computing are encouraged, including strategic, organizational, behavioral, economic, and technical perspectives. We welcome theoretical, analytical, and empirical (including primary data from cloud platforms, surveys, experiments, simulations, and case studies and secondary data from organizational, market and regulatory sources) contributions to the special issue.
All topics related to cloud computing and its transformative value are welcome. Possible research areas include, but are not limited to:
· Cloud computing services and innovative consumer behavior
· Cloud computing as a source and enabler for co-creation of products and services
· Cloud computing and big data analytics (e.g., online consumer journeys)
· Multi-level influences of cloud computing environments on team work
· Cloud-based business model evolution at cloud user organizations
· Cloud computing and its transformative impact on internal IT functions and services
· The cloud's business model implications for cloud providers and the software industry
· Strategies for building and growing cloud-based software ecosystems for IT providers
· The transformative role of cloud computing in developing countries
· Cloud computing and the digital divide
· Innovative cloud computing services in highly regulated industries (e.g., healthcare, government or financial services)
· Macro-/industry-level implications of cloud computing (e.g., how cloud computing is disrupting entire industries)
· The transformative role of cloud computing in education, cities, or e-government
· Cloud computing and openness (e.g., open innovation, open platforms or open society)
· Critical boundary conditions of the transformative use of cloud computing (such as privacy and security challenges)
Consistent with the policies of JMIS, the papers should aim to make a significant novel contribution to the field.
Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, University of Florida
Indranil Bardhan, University of Texas at Dallas
Nicholas Berente, University of Georgia
Vidyanand Choudhary, University of California, Irvine
Varun Grover, Clemson University
Thomas Hess, University of Munich
Marios Koufaris, Baruch College, CUNY
Mary Lacity, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
Anjana Susarla, Michigan State University
Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School
Hock Hai Teo, National University of Singapore
Will Venters, The London School of Economics
Ling Xue, Georgia State University
Chen Zhang, University of Memphis
Researchers interested in submitting papers are invited to submit their paper ideas / extended abstracts to the Special Issue Guest Editors by July 1, 2016, for early reactions.
Full paper submission due: October 1, 2016
First round of reviews completed: February 1, 2017
Paper revisions due: May 1, 2017
Second round of reviews completed: August 1, 2017
Final decisions on acceptance: November 1, 2017
Email your submissions to: benlian(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de<mailto:benlian@ise.tu-darmstadt.de>
For the format of the papers, please follow the guidelines on the JMIS website.
Any further queries should be directed to the Special Issue Guest Editors.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Benlian · Chair of Information Systems & E-Services
Department of Business, Law and Economics
Darmstadt University of Technology (Technische Universität Darmstadt) · Hochschulstraße 1 · D-64289 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)6151 16 24310 · Fax +49 (0)6151 16 24319
benlian(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de<mailto:benlian@ise.tu-darmstadt.de> · www.ise.tu-darmstadt.de<http://www.ise.tu-darmstadt.de> · Like us on www.facebook.com/tudise<http://www.facebook.com/tudise>
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP Information Systems Foundations: Theorising
Digital Innovation 15-16 September, 2016, Canberra, Australia
Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 06:13:07 +0000
Von: Shirley Gregor <shirley.gregor(a)anu.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): Sigi Goode <Sigi.Goode(a)anu.edu.au>, John Campbell
<john.campbell(a)anu.edu.au>, Byron Keating <byron.keating(a)anu.edu.au>,
Alex Richardson <alex.richardson(a)anu.edu.au>, Armin Haller
<armin.haller(a)anu.edu.au>, Nigel Martin <nigel.martin(a)anu.edu.au>
Information Systems Foundations: Theorising Digital Innovation
15-16 September, 2016
National Centre for Information Systems Research (NCISR)
Research School of Management
The Australian National University
Workshop Theme
As with the previous Workshops, the focus of this Workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems. In particular, for this 2016 Information Systems Foundations Workshop we are looking for papers that focus on innovation with digital technologies, which are seen as radically changing the nature of innovation (see Yoo, Henfridsson and Lyytinen 2010; Yoo, Boland, Lyytinen and Majchrzak 2012).
Suggested Topics
Suggested topics for the Workshop are (but are not intended to be limited to):
* Theories of digital innovation, including that of generativity
* Conceptualisation of digital innovation versus traditional innovation
* Digital infrastructures as a category of IT artefact
* Technologies driving digital innovation: e.g. social media, IoT, big data
* The importance of digital technology platforms
* Creation and management of corporate digital infrastructures
* Digital experience
* Designing generative platforms, platform-based ecosystems, markets
* Participation and sharing, including crowdsourcing
* The impact of IT innovations on work and workplace design
* Organizational and individual appropriation of digital innovations
* Digital innovation in the academic discipline of IS: research, teaching and learning.
Important Dates
Paper submission date (full paper): 17 June, 2016
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 22 July, 2016
Final papers due: 27 August, 2016
For further information see: https://www.rsm.anu.edu.au/research-school-of-management/research/ncisr/isf…
Further details will be added progressively to this web site.
Program Chairs
John Campbell Australian National University
Shirley Gregor Australian National University
Erwin Fielt Queensland University of Technology
Organizing Chair
Alex Richardson Australian National University
Selected papers will be considered for a themed issue of the Australasian Journal of Information Systems by arrangement with the Editor-in-Chief, Dr John Lamp: http://dl.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis.
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP | Gamification | 50th annual Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2017 | Deadline June
15th 2016
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 14:05:37 +0200
Von: Juho Hamari <jujohama(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Links to full CFP:
===== Key details =====
Sub-track: Gamification
Track: Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science
Conference: 50th annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS)
Date: January 4-7, 2017
Location: Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island
Submission deadline: June 15th, 2016
See you in Hawaii!
Juho Hamari
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