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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2016 MWAIS Conference - Bigger, Smarter, Safer:
Game Changers for Information Systems
Datum: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:09:53 +0000
Von: Aretha Wright <aretha(a)aisnet.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Bigger, Smarter, Safer: Game Changers for Information Systems
Organizations face a convergence of game changing technologies: big data, ubiquitous sensors and actuators combined with advanced analytics result in algorithms that can model, adapt, predict and act autonomously in a connected world. Such algorithms can approve loans, replenish inventory, trade stocks, control traffic flow, detect anomaly-based intrusions, drive cars, monitor health and administer drugs, manage energy consumption, predict crime hot spots, write news articles, and make recruitment and retrenchment decisions. The increasingly powerful role of algorithms driven by big data in both industry and government also leads to questions about security, privacy, surveillance and algorithmic accountability, among others.
This conference will explore how organizations can - and do - learn, adapt and innovate to respond more effectively, efficiently, rapidly and responsibly to changing circumstances using bigger data, smarter analytics and safer security.
The Midwest United States Association for Information Systems (MWAIS) is a Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) serving Midwest US members of AIS. The states served by this Chapter include Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The goal of the Chapter is to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among scholars and professionals in the Midwest US engaged in the development, management, and use of information and communications systems and technology.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the School of Information Studies are proud to be the host of the 11th Annual MWAIS conference!
Registration: http://aisnet.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=782202
More details about the 11th Annual MWAIS Conference: http://mwais2016.sois.uwm.edu/
It is our pleasure to serve you. Click here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8L25KBJ> to tell us how we did.
Aretha Wright
AIS Office Manager
35 Broad Street, Suite 917 | Atlanta, GA. 30303, USA
404.413.7445 office | 404.413.7443 fax | www.aisnet.org<http://www.aisnet.org/>
[cid:image003.png@01D18B46.392EB930]<http://www.facebook.com/AssocInfoSys/> [cid:image004.png@01D18B46.392EB930] <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/672157> [cid:image005.png@01D18B46.392EB930] <https://twitter.com/AISConnect>
AIS is hosted and located in the Computer Information Systems Department
Georgia State University, 35 Broad Street, Suite 917, Atlanta, GA 30303
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 10th International Rule Challenge 2016
Datum: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:16:18 +0000
Von: William Van Woensel <William.Van.Woensel(a)Dal.Ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues.
Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2016
Call for Papers
10th International Rule Challenge 2016
part of the 10th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2016)
Location: Stony Brook University, New York, USA
Dates: Wednesday, July 6 - Saturday, July 9, 2016
URL: http://2016.ruleml.org/challenge
co-located with (in New York state):
- The Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence 2016 (July 16-19, 2016)
About Rule Challenge 2016
The RuleML 2016 Challenge is one of the highlights at the RuleML 2016 Conference, and seeks to provide a competition among innovative rule-oriented applications, aimed at both the research and industrial side.
Key themes of the RuleML 2016 Challenge include, but are not limited to the following:
- Demos related to the RuleML 2016 Track Topics
- Rule-based Event Processing and Stream Reasoning
- Business Rules Modeling
- Benchmarks and comparison results for rule engines
- Distributed rule bases and rule services
- Rules and model driven engineering
- Reports on industrial experience about rule systems
- Real cases and practical experiences
- (new) Mobile deployment of rule-based reasoning, including (but not limited to):
o Use cases of mobile rule-based reasoning
o Fine-tuning reasoning techniques to cope with mobile hardware limitations
o Realizing efficient crowd-sourced, voting-based, ... processing, by taking advantage of distributed mobile peer-to-peer opportunities
o Benchmarking mobile rule system performances, and comparing it to desktop/server performance
This year, the challenge presents seven main themes to inspire participant submissions (of course, submissions on other themes are welcome as well).
Rules in Retail
- When a customer enters the store and an "offer of the day" is available, then push only one welcome notification and display the offer of the day.
- When a customer watches a specific product, then push related photos and information, including social media reactions, directly to their device.
Rules in Tourism
- Deliver a welcome message to POI visitors as they arrive nearby.
- When a visitor leaves a room in the museum, then push notifications regarding the next recommended room, based on visitors' preferences and previous visit history.
- When a visitor completes the tour, then push goodbye messages and notify on upcoming/partner exhibitions.
Rules in Transportation
- When arriving at car parking, then push a notification on available places.
- When selecting destination and inside a bus station, then display bus data (arrival time, notices).
- When bus nears destination, then push notification on time to arrival and suggest accommodations.
Rules in Geography
- A region X is part of a region Y if and only if all regions that connect to X also connect to Y
- Two regions X and Y are overlapped if and only if there exists a region Z such that Z is part of X and Z is part of Y
Rules in Location-Based Search
- If less than or equal to k POIs of type X (e.g., Restaurants) are found, then zoom in/out on the map to the axis-aligned minimum bounding box of all POIs.
- If more than k POIs of type X are found, then zoom in/out on the map to the axis-aligned minimum bounding box of the k-nearest POIs.
- If the POIs searched for are of type X then suggest to the user subtypes of X (e.g., Italian, Greek) for a subsequent (i.e., refined) search.
Rules in Insurance Regulation
- If an item is perishable and is delivered more than 10 days after the scheduled delivery date, then it may be rejected.
- Each tax schedule must have electronic signatures from two managers.
- If an inspector believes a vehicle is repairable then process the claim as a repair; otherwise process the claim as a total loss.
Rules in Medicine
- If a Type II diabetes patient's current level of HbA1c is high, then the patient's current treatment is ineffective.
- Issue medical alerts to patients (e.g., on a mobile device), based on health trend analysis and personalizable health value limits.
- If patient has low back pain without radicular pain or neurologic findings, then consider urine drug screening and repeat neurologic test
Rules in Ecosystem Research
- If a plot in a monitoring network satisfies a number of prespecified requirements, such as being a long distance off from any other plot, then it is eligible for statistical analysis.
- If the percentage of a target species on a plot exceeds a certain threshold, then the plot is treated differently in statistical analysis than plots where the target species is less abundant.
- The percentage of a target species on a plot must not vary throughout the analysis.
.. your domain here!
As in previous editions, RuleML Inc. will offer a cash prize:
RuleML Challenge Award for the Best Demo Application - 500 USD
Important Dates
Paper submission: June 1st, 2016
Notification: June 13th, 2016
Camera ready: June 19th, 2016
Rule Challenge 2016: July 6-9, 2016
Submission Guidelines
High quality, original papers, potentially referencing online material, and ranging between 5-15 pages can be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2016 ("10th International Rule Challenge" track).
All submissions must conform with the LNCS format (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on clarity and significance of objectives and demonstration of results.
Website: http://2016.ruleml.org/challenge
Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2016
Blog: http://blog.ruleml.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of JITT: Disruptive
Datum: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 10:29:22 +0000
Von: Delic Amra <amra.delic(a)tuwien.ac.at>
Antwort an: Delic Amra <amra.delic(a)tuwien.ac.at>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
*CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of JITT: Disruptive Innovations*
Guest editors: Giampaolo Viglia, Hannes Werthner and Dimitrios Buhalis
The diffusion of disrupting innovations has generated significant market
changes, modifying the dominant logic. This structural change is
affecting the organizational networks and the services tourism players
are supposed to use to perform well in markets (and be efficient).
This disruptive change affects the whole tourism and hospitality
industry: relationships between players change as their respective roles
change; this is driven by e-commerce / e-business and disruptive
innovation. For instance hotels, thanks to e-business technological
platforms, can now use algorithms to set yield and revenue management
strategies, monitor competition in real time and allow consumers to use
mobile devices to access several services.
In the tourism industry, many innovations have been initiated from
companies in the information technology sector. Generally, Information
technology is revolutionizing products, services and markets.
The aim of this Special Issue is to promote new theoretical and
empirical research on disruptive innovation for tourism, understanding
how and why the changes happened (theory building), as well as providing
cases for the respective arguments.
The major topics of interest focus on disruptive innovation and their
role within the Tourism experience and industry. They include but are
not limited to:
- Structural changes to the industry (e.g.: dematerialization,
smartness, new forms of accommodations, disruptive technologies, mobile,
- New market structures and network relations as well as new roles of
tourism players
- Diffusion issues
- Operators’ challenges (e.g.: forecasting the future demand,
aggregations, smart statistics to support change, identifying competitor
- Incremental innovation versus disruptive innovation (e.g., going
beyond traditional business, traditional markets exploring not well
understood problems)
- How smart and connected Products are transforming competition
- Contextual issues (sectorial differences as well as regional
differences; competition vs oligopoly)
Papers are required no later than*June 30th 2016*
Notification of outcome will be provided by August 30th 2016
Final papers should be submitted by October 15th 2016
Please submit manuscripts through the Springer online system (if you are
a new author to the system you will be required to create a system login).
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been
published before; that it is not under consideration for publication
anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors,
if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or
explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out.
The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any
claims for compensation.
The journal imposes no hard limits on the paper length as long as what
authors write is important. Submissions that exceed 40 pages in journal
format (including illustrations and references) should however be
accompanied by a short justification as to why a briefer discussion of
their research results.
Full author instructions may be found here:
Any questions related to this special issue should be directed to:
Dr. Giampaolo Viglia, gviglia(a)bournemouth.ac.uk
Prof. Hannes Werthner, Vienna University of Technology,
Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University, dbuhalis(a)bournemouth.ac.uk
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Betreff: [WI] cfp: Mensch und Computer 2016 - noch eine Woche - final
call for papers
Datum: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:54:35 +0200
Von: Wolfgang Prinz <wolfgang.prinz(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
Antwort an: Wolfgang Prinz <wolfgang.prinz(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
An: Mailingliste GI-FG Mailingliste Mailingliste GI-FG CSCW
<fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de>, German HCI <mci(a)listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de>,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, abis(a)l3s.de, interaktion(a)tzi.de
Mensch und Computer
4. bis 7. September 2016
Aachen, Deutschland
Mit mehr als 800 Teilnehmern in den vergangenen Jahren ist die Mensch
und Computer eine der größten HCI-Konferenzen in Europa. Alljährlich
zieht die Konferenz Teilnehmer aus Wissenschaft und Industrie an. Dieses
Jahr wird die Mensch und Computer in Aachen stattfinden. Das Programm
besteht auch in diesem Jahr aus dem wissenschaftlichen Track
“Mensch-Computer-Interaktion” (MCI) sowie aus dem Praktiker-Track
“Usability Professionals” (UP).
** MCI - Langbeiträge, Workshops: **10**. April **2016 ****(Verlängert
wegen der Osterferien)
* UP - Beitragsvorschläge mittels Abstract-Formular: 3. April 2016
* MCI - Kurzbeiträge (Poster), Demos, Videos, Tutorien: 5. Juni 2016
* UP - Beitragsannahmen: ab 20. April 2016
* MCI - Annahme Workshops: 20. April 2016
* MCI - Annahme Langbeiträge: 31. Mai 2016
* MCI - Annahme weitere Formate: 26. Juni 2016
* UP - Abgabe Review-Version der Beiträge: 31. Mai 2016
* UP - Abgabe Tagungsbandversion: 10. Juli 2016
* MCI - Abgabe Tagungsbandversion für alle Formate: 10. Juli 2016
* 4. bis 7. September 2016
Der wissenschaftliche Teil der Konferenz lädt zur Einreichung von
Langbeiträgen, Kurzbeiträgen, Demos, Videos, und Tutorien ein.
Einreichungen sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache möglich.
Von Langbeiträgen wird ein klarer wissenschaftlicher Beitrag erwartet.
Diese werden im Hauptteil der Konferenz durch mündliche Vorträge
präsentiert. Langbeiträge werden durch mindestens drei Mitglieder des
Programmkomitees begutachtet und in einer Sitzung von Experten diskutiert.
In Kurzbeiträgen sollen Ideen vorgestellt und mit der wissenschaftlichen
Gemeinschaft diskutiert werden. Sie werden in dedizierten Postersessions
präsentiert, um den wissenschaftlichen Austausch zu fördern.
Kurzbeiträge werden durch externe Gutachter begutachtet und durch das
Komitee für Kurzbeiträge ausgewählt.
Demos und Videos sollen neuartige Interaktionstechnologien und
Interaktionsmethoden demonstrieren. Die Beiträge werden in dedizierten
Sessions präsentiert und durch eine Jury ausgewählt.
Ausführlichere Informationen zu den Beitragsformen, zum
Einreichungsprozedere sowie entsprechende Templates für den
wissenschaftlichen Teil sind hier verfügbar:
Der Praktiker-Teil der Konferenz lädt zur Einreichung von Full
Presentations, Creative Presentations, Workshops/Panel-Discussions,
Tutorials, Tool Demos und Young Professionals Presentations ein.
Einreichungen sind in deutscher und englischer Sprache möglich und
werden durch das Programmkomitee begutachtet und diskutiert.
In den Full Presentations können spannende Arbeitsergebnisse berichtet
werden. Diese sollten als schriftlicher Beitrag 6-10 Seiten umfassen und
werden auf der Konferenz in einem 30-minütigen Vortrag inkl. Diskussion
Creative Presentations sind ein Format, um kreative Ergebnisse und
Erfahrungsberichte zu präsentieren. Der Vortrag auf der Konferenz
umfasst 15 oder 30 Minuten und wird nicht von einem schriftlichen
Beitrag im Tagungsband begleitet.
Anders als im wissenschaftlichen Teil der Konferenz bieten
Workshops/Panel-Discussions im Praxisteil die Möglichkeit ein Thema mit
anderen Teilnehmern gemeinsam zu erarbeiten oder eine Fragestellung in
einer Experterunde zu diskutieren. Die Dauer eines Workshops/einer
Panel-Discussion beträgt 90 Minuten. Ein schriftlicher Beitrag für das
Tagungsband ist möglich, aber keine Voraussetzung für eine Durchführung.
Ein Tutorial bietet die Möglichkeit anderen Teilnehmern Wissen und
Erfahrungen sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch zu vermitteln. Die
Dauer eines Tutorial beträgt 90 Minuten. Ein schriftlicher Beitrag für
das Tagungsband ist möglich, aber keine Voraussetzung für eine
Das Format Tool Demo bietet Herstellern von UX / Usability-Tools die
Möglichkeit diese in einer 30, 60 oder 90-minütigen Session
vorzustellen, sowie den Mehrwert und den professionellen Umgang damit zu
Dieses Jahr erstmals mit dabei ist das Young Professionals Format. Hier
können junge Nachwuchsexperten die Ergebnisse ihrer Abschlussarbeit aus
dem Studium oder der Ausbildung präsentieren. Vielleicht sitzt ja der
zukünftige Arbeitgeber im Publikum und hört zu.
Ausführlichere Informationen zum Einreichungsprozedere sowie
entsprechende Templates für den Praxisteil der German UPA
(Abstract-Formular, Beitragsvorlage, etc.) sind hier verfügbar:
Die eingereichten Beiträge werden digital über die Digital Library –
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
(http://dl.mensch-und-computer.de) als Open Access veröffentlicht und
deren Zitierfähigkeit jeweils über einen Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Die Ausgestaltung einer Konferenz sowie deren Rahmenprogramm lebt durch
die Unterstützung engagierter Sponsoren. Wir laden daher alle
Unternehmen und Organisationen dazu ein, als Sponsor und/oder Aussteller
mit dem fachkundigen Publikum während der “Mensch und Computer 2016” in
Dialog zu treten. Bei Interesse können Sie gerne mit uns in Kontakt
treten und unsere Sponsoreninformationen anfordern:
Leitung der Konferenz
* Wolfgang Prinz (Fraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen
* Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen
* Matthias Jarke (Fraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen
* Martina Ziefle, RWTH Aachen
Leitung des Programmkomitees Usability Professionals
* Steffen Hess (Fraunhofer IESE)
* Holger Fischer (Universität Paderborn, s-lab)
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP IEEE Software Theme Issue on Crowdsourcing for
Software Engineering
Datum: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:11:58 +0000
Von: Klaas-Jan.Stol <Klaas-Jan.Stol(a)ul.ie>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
IEEE Software - Theme Issue on Crowdsourcing for Software Engineering
Submission Deadline: 1 August 2016
Publication: March/April 2017
Crowdsourcing is increasingly revolutionizing the ways in which
software is engineered. Developers increasingly crowdsource answering
their questions through Q&A sites such as StackOverflow. Non-
programmers can contribute human-intelligence to development projects,
by, for example, usability testing software or even playing games with
a purpose to implicitly construct formal specifications. Crowdfunding
helps to democratize decisions about what software to build. Software
engineering researchers can even benefit from new opportunities to
evaluate their work with real developers by recruiting developers from
the crowd.
This IEEE Software theme issue on Crowdsourcing for Software
Engineering solicits experience reports, research studies, surveys,
tutorials and papers on tools and techniques that use crowdsourcing to
solve software engineering problems, or demonstrate how crowdsourcing
can enrich software engineers¹ work practice.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* use of crowdsourcing to ³source² software (for instance, as an
alternative to outsourcing) with considerations relating to task
decomposition, coordination, scheduling and quality;
* any aspect of software engineering including development, testing,
design, and requirements with a crowd;
* sustainability of crowdsourcing and crowds addressing factors such as
motivation, burnout, and building relationships with and within
* ethics, fairness, privacy, and security aspects of crowdsourcing;
* creativity and innovation in crowds;
* gamification of tasks to increase participation in tasks;
* participation models including factors such as competition,
collaboration, transparency, customer participation, and
crowdsourcing as ³flash mobs² for development;
* remuneration and pricing mechanisms;
* Q&A platforms such as StackOverflow;
* best practices for ³customers² and ³suppliers²;
* internal crowdsourcing models (for application within organizations);
* governance and control mechanisms for crowds;
* scaling crowdsourcing to dependable large-scale software development;
* boundaries and limits of software crowdsourcing; and
* characteristics of software development crowds ‹ who is the crowd,
where do they come from, when do they work, and why do they
For more information about the focus, contact the guest editors:
* Klaas-Jan Stol, Lero / University of Limerick, klaas-jan.stol(a)lero.ie
* Thomas LaToza, George Mason University, tlatoza(a)gmu.edu
* Christian Bird, Microsoft Research, christian.bird(a)microsoft.com
Manuscripts must not exceed 4,700 words including figures and tables,
which count for 250 words each. Submissions over these limits may be
rejected without refereeing. Articles deemed within the theme and scope
will be peer reviewed and subject to editing for magazine style, clarity,
organization, and space. Submissions should include the special issue¹s
Articles should be novel, have a practical orientation, and be written in
a style accessible to practitioners. Overly complex, purely
research-oriented, or theoretical treatments aren¹t appropriate. IEEE
Software doesn¹t republish material published previously in other venues.
To submit an article:
(Please select ³SI:crowdsourcing4SE² as submission type).
For submission details:
For general author guidelines:
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] ifip wg 9.4 global sourcing track
Datum: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 07:53:59 +0000
Von: Brian Nicholson <brian.nicholson(a)manchester.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Working Group 9.4 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) gathers scholars and practitioners that deal with the issue on how ICT affects social development.
The global sourcing and development track encourages submissions that draw on a range of epistemological positions and critical approaches to improve conceptual understanding of global sourcing in processes of growth and development. In line with the conference theme of promoting social harmony through ICT, we welcome empirical and theoretical papers that consider the societal impacts of global IT-BPO sourcing. We also encourage papers that address the significant challenges that remain in achieving higher levels of inclusiveness and social transformation through global sourcing.
Submission deadline: November 15, 2016
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: "Access (or Sharing) Economy" Minitrack at the
50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2017)
Datum: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 20:39:27 -1000
Von: Bo Xiao <boxiao(a)hawaii.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-50 2017
Minitrack: Access (or Sharing) Economy
(Collaboration Systems and Technology track)
Sharing is ingrained in the fabric of society and efficient access to goods and services constitutes a major force driving much of the economic activity today. With greater connectivity brought about by the proliferation of internetworking technologies, it has become much easier for individuals to circumvent spatial and temporal barriers during interactions, thereby giving rise to a novel access (or sharing) economy that is structured around the disintermediation of conventional channels of commerce in the exchange of both tangible and intangible resources.
The access (or sharing) economy has gained notable attention within mainstream media as a new economic paradigm that leverages peer-to-peer technological platforms to facilitate exchange of resources among individuals who are joined via fluid relational networks. Almost overnight, numerous peer-to-peer platforms in the likes of crowd-working (e.g., Airbnb, Uber, Amazon Mechanic Turk, E-Lance, Fiverr), co-innovation (e.g., Mindmixer, Social Innovator), crowd-funding (e.g., Kickstarter, Indiegogo), crowd-searching (e.g., Crowdfynd, CrowdSearching), and crowd-voting (e.g., California Report Card, Threadless) have sprung up to facilitate both individuals and/or organizations to pool resources in resolving problems.
While there are many practitioners who have prophesized the access (or sharing) economy as a game-changer for how organizations and society function, there are also a number of detractors who questioned the uncertain and potentially disruptive future that is brought about by such peer-to-peer exchanges. Critics have painted a dismal picture of the access (or sharing) economy as a means for individuals and/or firms to dodge proper regulations and live beyond their means, which in turn contributes to doomsday scenarios of massive job displacements and spending habits detrimental to society. In light of the opportunities and challenges posed by the access (or sharing) economy, there is a clear urgency for a systematic and thorough scrutiny of how value creation and appropriation can take place within such economic environments while minimizing its negative impact to society.
This minitrack embraces both retrospective and progressive views of how the access (or sharing) economy has evolved and would transform with technological advances. We welcome papers that identify and address knowledge gaps in how emergent technologies are shaping the access and sharing of resources within online peer-to-peer communities. Papers that subscribe to inter-disciplinary perspectives and/or adopt mixed methods are particularly welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
-- Collaborative consumption and production in access (or sharing) economy
-- Crowdfunding and communal investment
-- Crowdsourcing and open innovation
-- Crowd platform strategies
-- Data privacy and security in access access (or sharing) economy
-- Design and innovation of crowd platforms
-- Digital business models of access access (or sharing) economy
-- Digital labor markets and workforce management in access (or sharing) economy
-- Disruptive innovation in access (or sharing) economy
-- Market mechanics of access (or sharing) economy
-- Policy formulation for access (or sharing) economy
-- Reputation and trust in access (or sharing) economy
-- Social network in access (or sharing) economy
-- Socio-economic and political challenges of access (or sharing) economy
-- Value appropriation in access (or sharing) economy
Bo Sophia Xiao
Information Technology Management Department
Shidler College of Business
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI, USA
Tel: +1 (808) 956-7368
Fax: +1 (808) 956-9889
Email: boxiao(a)hawaii.edu
Website: http://shidler.hawaii.edu/directory/bo-sophia-xiao/itm
Eric Lim
School of Information Systems, Technology and Management
Australian School of Business
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Tel: +61 (2) 9385-4688
Fax: +61 (2) 9662-4061
Email: e.t.lim(a)unsw.edu.au
Website: http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/schools/Pages/eric-t-k-lim.aspx
Chee-Wee Tan
Department of IT Management
Copenhagen Business School
Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: +45 3815-4460
Email: cta.itm(a)cbs.dk
Website: http://www.cbs.dk/en/staff/ctaitm
*June 15 (11:59 pm, Hawaii Time): Deadline to submit full manuscripts for review.
*August 16: Acceptance/Rejection notification will be sent to authors.
*September 4: Submission deadline for papers accepted with mandatory changes.
Please follow Author Instructions (http://www.hicss.org/#!authors/ccjp) for all details on submitting a paper to an upcoming HICSS Conference.
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: PRIMA 2016: Final CfP
Datum: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 23:00:18 +0200
Von: Sabrina Kirrane <sabrina.kirrane(a)wu.ac.at>
An: ipm(a)wu.ac.at
*Principles and Practice of Multi‐Agent Systems (PRIMA 2016)*
August 22‐26, 2016, Phuket, Thailand
URL: http://prima2016.di.unito.it
Co‐located with PRICAI 2016
(Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
*Key Dates*
Submission of papers: 15 April 2016
Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2016
Camera‐ready version: 30 June 2016
Software systems are becoming more intelligent in the kind of
functionality they offer users. At the same time, systems are be‐
coming more decentralized, with components that represent autono‐
mous entities who must communicate among themselves to achieve
their goals. Examples of such systems range from healthcare and
emergency relief and disaster management to e‐business and smarts
grids. A multiagent worldview is crucial to properly conceptual‐
izing, building, and governing such systems. It offers abstrac‐
tions such as intelligent agent, protocol, norm, organization,
trust, incentive, and so on, and is rooted in solid computational
and software engineering foundations. As a large but still grow‐
ing research field of Computer Science, multiagent systems today
remains a unique enabler of interdisciplinary research.
*Submission - main track and special track*
The PRIMA 2016 Program Committee invites submissions of original,
unpublished, theoretical and applied work strongly relevant to
multiagent systems, including reports on the development of pro‐
totype and deployed agent systems, and of experiments that demon‐
strate novel agent system capabilities. An indicative list of
topics is provided below. For 2016, there will be Social Science
special track that will be handled by Michael Mäs (University of
Groningen). Accepted papers of this track will be offered a fast‐
track in JASSS.
Papers should be at most 16 pages in length in the Springer LNCS
format. All accepted papers will be published in Springer’s LNAI
series. A select number of papers will also be invited to submit
an extended version to a fast track of the Journal of Autonomous
Agents and Multi‐Agent Systems and ACM TAAS. There will be also
be two special issues: one with Fundamenta Informaticae and an‐
other with International Journal of Agent‐Oriented Software Engi‐
*Invited speakers*
We are proud to have as invited speakers:
- Prof. Toru Ishida (Kyoto University);
- Prof. Jörg P. Müller (TU Clausthal);
- Prof. Phan Minh Dung (Asian Institute of Technology),
joint speech for both PRIMA and PRICAI.
*Topics of interest (not limited to the following)*
* Logic and Reasoning
- Logics of agency
- Logics of multiagent systems
- Norms
- Argumentation
- Computational Game Theory
- Uncertainty in Agent Systems
- Agent and Multi-Agent Learning
* Engineering Multi-Agent Systems
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
- Interaction protocols
- Commitments
- Institutions and Organizations
- Normative Systems
- Formal Specification and Verification
- Agent Programming Languages
- Middleware and Platforms
- Testing, debugging, and evolution
- Deployed System Case Studies
* Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
- Simulation Languages and Platforms
- Artificial Societies
- Virtual Environments
- Emergent Behavior
- Modeling System Dynamics
- Application Case Studies
* Collaboration & Coordination
- Planning
- Distributed Problem Solving
- Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
- Teamwork
- Coalition Formation
- Negotiation
- Auctions and Mechanism Design
- Trust and Reputation
- Computational Voting Theory
* Human-Agent Interaction
- Adaptive Personal Assistants
- Embodied Conversational Agents
- Virtual Characters
- Multimodal User Interfaces
- Mobile Agents
- Human-Robot Interaction
* Decentralized Paradigms
- Grid Computing
- Service-Oriented Computing
- Cybersecurity
- Robotics and Multirobot Systems
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Social Computing
- Internet of Things
* Application Domains for Multi-Agent Systems
- Healthcare
- Autonomous Systems
- Transport and Logistics
- Emergency and Disaster Management
- Energy and Utilities Management
- Sustainability and Resource Management
- Games and Entertainment
- e-Business, e-Government, and e-Learning
- Smart Cities
- Financial markets
- Legal applications
*General Chairs*
Katsutoshi Hirayama (Kobe University)
Paolo Torroni (University of Bologna)
*Program Chairs*
Matteo Baldoni (University of Torino)
Amit K. Chopra (Lancaster University)
Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University)
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP (Due Date: April 9) - Special
Issue on Big Data, IEEE Intelligent Systems
Datum: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 13:07:44 +0800
Von: weikep(a)cse.ust.hk <weikep(a)cse.ust.hk>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
IMPORTANT: Due to some requests, we have extended the submission due date
from *April 2* to *April 9*.
We cordially invite you to contribute to the Special Issue on Big Data to
be published by IEEE Intelligent Systems
Big data has been an enabler for innovation, reconstruction, and
advancement of most sectors of our society. Big data is receiving
continuous and growing attention from researchers and practitioners in
academia, industry, and government. There are, however, still lots of
challenges spanning from theoretical foundations, systems, and technology,
to data policy and standards. In this special issue, we welcome
submissions on any topic of big data, with a particular focus on new and
exciting developments.
The topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited
* Theoretical foundations for big data analytics
* New computing paradigms and infrastructure for big data
* Toolbox and intelligent systems for big data
* Scientific discoveries from big data
* Big data and novel practices in recommendation, social network, natural
language processing, multimedia, and so on
* Privacy, security, data sharing policy, and industry standards
[Submission Guidelines]
Submissions should be 3,000 to 5,400 words (counting a standard figure or
table as 200 words) and should follow IEEE Intelligent Systems style and
presentation guidelines (www.computer.org/intelligent/author). All
submissions will be peer-reviewed following standard journal practices.
The manuscripts cannot have been published or be currently submitted for
publication elsewhere.
We strongly encourage submissions that include audio, video, and community
content, which will be featured on the IEEE Computer Society website along
with the accepted papers.
Please submit your article using the online manuscript submission service
at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee. When uploading your article,
select the appropriate special-issue title under the category "Manuscript
Type." Also include complete contact information for all authors. If you
have any questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review
coordinator at isystems(a)computer.org.
[Important Dates]
Papers due: **April 9, 2016**
First-round decisions: June 5, 2016
First revisions due: July 15, 2016
Final acceptance: August 15, 2016
Target publication: November/December 2016
[Guest Editors]
* Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
* Charu Aggarwal, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, US
* Christoph Koch, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne,
* Weike Pan, Shenzhen University, China
* Information about the special issue's focus:
Weike Pan, is1-2017(a)computer.org
* General author guidelines:
* Submission details:
* To submit an article:
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Big Data and Business Analytics
Ecosystems (DeBASE 2016)
Datum: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 07:51:04 +0000
Von: Patrick Mikalef <patrick.mikalef(a)idi.ntnu.no>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Workshop on big Data and Business
AnalyticS Ecosystems
(DeBASE 2016)
6-8 July, 2016
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the DeBASE 2016 Workshop which will be held in Leipzig, Germany, as part of the Business Information Systems conference (BIS2016<http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/bis2016/>).
Important dates
* Submission deadline: Apr 29, 2016
* Notification of acceptance/rejection: Jun 3, 2016
* Submission of final papers: Jun 17, 2016
* Workshop: Jul 6-8, 2016
Submission types
* Full research papers: max. 12 pages
* Research in progress: max. 7 pages
Submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to another conference or journal for consideration. Papers approved for presentation will be published in the BIS 2016 workshop post-conference proceedings, as a volume in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series by Springer after a second review round.
More information here: http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/bis2016/workshops/debase-2016/??
Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sem Sælandsvei 9, Gløshaugen, 7491
Trondheim, Norway
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