-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: Workshop zum Stand, den Herausforderungen und
Impulsen des Geschäftsprozessmanagements bei der INFORMATIK 2016
Datum: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 21:53:57 +0100
Von: Ralf Laue <ralf.laue(a)fh-zwickau.de>
Antwort an: Ralf Laue <ralf.laue(a)fh-zwickau.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
2. Workshop zum Stand, den Herausforderungen und Impulsen des
27. September 2016 bei der INFORMATIK 2016, Klagenfurt
Bei der Jahrestagung INFORMATIK 2016 in Klagenfurt soll der 2. Workshop
zum Stand, den Herausforderungen und Impulsen des
Geschäftsprozessmanagements Wissenschaftler und Praktiker zu
interessanten Diskussionen zusammenführen.
Das Geschäftsprozessmanagement (GPM) ist mittlerweile eine etablierte
Forschungsdisziplin. Um zukünftig die Relevanz der erreichten
Forschungsergebnisse zu sichern und eine zielgerichtete
Weiterentwicklung zu ermöglichen, müssen die Methoden und Instrumente
des GPM an die sich im ständigen Wandel befindlichen Ansprüche aus
Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung angepasst werden. Darüber hinaus
bedarf auch die Integration neuer Technologien wie beispielsweise RFID,
mobile Geräte, Wearable Devices, Spracherkennung und weitere Sensorik in
das GPM der weiteren Untersuchung. Mit dem Workshop soll daher eine
Plattform geschaffen werden, über die Ideen für die zukünftige Forschung
im Kleinen, aber auch die Ausrichtung der GPM-Disziplin im Großen
diskutiert werden können.
Der Workshop möchte somit dazu beitragen, wichtige Impulse und
Anregungen für die zukünftige Forschung zu liefern. Insbesondere auch
Beiträge von Praktikern sind hierzu hochwillkommen. Beiträge zu diesem
Workshop können entweder originär neue Erkenntnisse beinhalten oder auf
bereits veröffentlichten Artikeln basieren.
Einreichungen und Publikation
Einreichungen zu diesem Workshop unterliegen einem Peer-Review
Verfahren. Akzeptierte Beiträge werden im Rahmen des Tagungsbands der
Informatik 2016 veröffentlicht werden, der in der Reihe „Lecture Notes
in Informatics“ (LNI) in elektronischer Form erscheint. Gesucht werden
folgende Beitragstypen:
* Langfassung: Wissenschaftliches, technisches Papier oder *
Erfahrungsbericht: max. 14 Seiten
* Kurzfassung: „Short Paper“ zur Darstellung laufender Forschung: max.
6 Seiten
* Positionsbeitrag oder Zusammenfassung eines Posters: max. 4 Seiten
* Abstract: Zusammenfassung veröffentlichter, hochrangiger Papiere:
max. 2 Seiten
Einreichungen vom Typ „Abstract“ müssen zusätzlich wie folgt
strukturiert sein: 1. eine Zusammenfassung des bereits veröffentlichten
Artikels, 2. eine Übersicht über Methoden und Ergebnisse sowie 3. einen
Diskussionsteil über die Ergebnisse.
Alle Beiträge müssen die Autorenrichtlinien der LNI-Vorlage einhalten
und können sowohl in englischer als auch deutscher Sprache eingereicht
werden. Die Workshop-Sprache selbst wird Deutsch sein. Einreichungen
sind über das Indico-System der Informatik 2016 möglich
Bitte beachten Sie, dass in den Tagungsband ausschließlich Beiträge
aufgenommen werden, von denen sich mindestens eine Autorin/ein Autor vor
dem 28. Juni 2016 für die INFORMATIK 2016 registriert hat.
Wichtige Termine
Einreichungsfrist: 2. Mai 2016
Benachrichtigung: 30. Mai 2016
Einreichungsfrist Endfassung: 27. Juni 2016
Workshoptag: 27. September 2016
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Fellmann, Universität Rostock,
Prof. Dr. Ralf Laue, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau,
PD Dr. Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,
Andreas Schoknecht, M.Sc., Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [WI] 3rd Call: ECIS 2016 Workshop on "Sensing Enterprise Systems"
Datum: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 21:21:59 +0000
Von: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
Antwort an: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
// apologies for multiple postings
** * * Cfp: ECIS 2016 Workshop on “Sensing Enterprise Systems”
(SEnSy)* * * *
All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR proceedings. /A
selection of best papers will be invited to submit paper extensions for
a special issue of the journal on Complex Systems Informatics and
Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ)/.
In today’s world, businesses are constantly challenged and have to
change permanently due to economic and political crises, lack of
resources, environmental changes, and ever changing social systems.
Therefore enterprises need new ways to continuously be aware of changes
and more quickly adapt to changing environments in order to remain
competitive. The “Sensing Enterprise”//concept has been coined as a
vision towards enterprises that use new technologies and concepts to
continuously track their business operations and become more responsive
to changing demands and more resilient in regard to threats. Among
enabling technologies for this are different kinds of sensors,
intelligent agents, semantic technologies, smart objects, ad-hoc
networking and technologies for cyber-physical systems. In order to
leverage these technologies, new demands and challenges for enterprise
information systems arise. In order to support and implement this vision
of a continuously (self-)aware enterprise, they have to transform to
“Sensing Enterprise Systems”. This transformation not only addresses
technology, but also the way humans work together and even raises
ethical questions. The workshop therefore provides a platform for a wide
spectrum of contributions that provide novel ideas and studies in
respect to the design and implementation as well as human-related and
economic aspects of future Sensing Enterprise Systems.
*Topics include but are not limited to the following*
·Architectures for Sensing Enterprise Systems
·Modelling and conceptual studies on Sensing Enterprise Systems
·Core enabling technologies and concepts such as sensors and Internet of
·Additional technologies such as intelligent agents, smart objects, text
·Design theories and methods for developing Sensing Enterprise Systems
·Human aspects such as work organization, privacy and ethical questions
·Neuro-IS topics such as stress detection to support Sensing Enterprise
·Case studies demonstrating the practical use and efficacy of Sensing
Enterprise Systems
·Empirical research on adoption and acceptance of Sensing Enterprise Systems
·Utility, benefit and profitability analyses for Sensing Enterprise Systems
·Cyber-physical systems in the context or as part of Sensing Enterprise
·Complex event processing and big data analytics related to proactive
sensing systems
*Submission Requirements*
Submitted papers should not exceed a page limit of 16 pages. The
reviewing process will follow a double-blind procedure. Papers have to
be anonymized before submitting them. Submissions should be in PDF
format only and submitted via EasyChair. The submission site of
EasyChair is available at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sensy2016. Formatting of the
papers should conform to the Springer LNBIP templates available for Word
or LaTeX <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0>.
All submissions should be in English.
*Important Dates*
Submisssion of Workshop Papers March 18, 2016
Notification of Decisions May 2, 2016
Final Version of Submissions May 23, 2016
Workshop date June 11 or 12, 2016
*Workshop Chairs*
·Michael Fellmann (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
·Kurt Sandkuhl (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
·Alexander Smirnov (National Research University of IT, Mechanics and
Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg)
*Program Committee (tentative) *
·Arne Berre (NTNU Trondheim)
·Michael Clauß (TU Chemnitz)
·Michael Fellmann (Rostock University)
·Pierre-Majorique Léger (HEC Montreal)
·Pericles Loucoupoulus (Manchester University)
·Adam Pawlak (Silesian University of Technology)
·René Riedl (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and University
of Linz)
·David Romero (University and Tecnológico de Monterrey)
·Kurt Sandkuhl (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
·Alexander Smirnov (St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation)
·Janis Stirna (Stockholm University)
·Oliver Thomas (Osnabrück University)
·Milan Zdravkovic (Univerity of Nis)
~ ~ ~
Prof. Dr. Michael Fellmann | University of Rostock, Faculty of Computer
Science and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer Science,
Research Group Business Information Systems, Juniorprofessor for
Information Systems | Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18059 Rostock | Tel.
0381-498 7440 | E-mail: Michael.Fellmann(a)Uni-Rostock.de
<mailto:Michael.Fellmann@Uni-Rostock.de> |
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: HICSS50 Digital and ICT Enabled Services
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 08:57:04 +0200
Von: Tuure Tuunanen <tuure(a)tuunanen.fi>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Digital and ICT Enabled Services Minitrack
The purpose of the minitrack is to draw researchers’ attention to the innovation, design, development, management, and use of Digital and ICT Enabled Services for both Consumers and Enterprises. It will provide a discussion forum for researchers interested in fostering analytics-based and service-based approaches to theoretical and practical problems related to such services [1-6].
In a broad sense, ICT enabled services can be defined as [1] : ‘..systems that enable value co-creation through the development and implementation of information and communication technology enabled processes that integrate system value propositions with customer value drivers.’ These services meld the worlds of bits and atoms and promise to transform the transportation, energy, and other sectors like the media industries before them. Examples of such ICT enabled services are, e.g., NFC enabled Air New Zealand frequent flyer cards that facilitate check-in and identity verification, mobile ticketing services for public transport, digital services for music festival participants to interact and co-create with each other before, during, after the event, smart television services and content, tablet-based services for ordering food and drinks at a casino or restaurant, etc. Likewise, there are substantial opportunities for ICT-driven service innovation in business-to-business settings. These opportunities exist particularly in manufacturing in which innovation activities increase the digitization of products and production processes. We see that the global awareness of the power of the manufacturing industry will be linked to horizontal cyber-physical systems that enable value co-creation in the networked business environment. The cyber-aspects of such systems are ICT infrastructure, computer hardware, software, and different kind of sensors and actors. These components turn cyber-physical systems into platforms for designing and operating service. The data on products and processes gained through networked CPS and the ability to act on this data through control systems and actors enables novel ways of co-creating service in industrial contexts.
This emerging area of research raises interesting questions. For example, traditional development approaches focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes. The design of ICT enabled services may, however, require an emphasis on the socio-psychological aspects, such as the value-in-use and user/consumer/co-creator experiences. Digital services create novel ways of engaging customers and other actors in service ecosystems, raising the question of effective patterns of such digital actor engagement [7]. Moreover, digital services facilitate data-driven and analytics-based service design and development, particularly if the service is linked to the physical world through sensors and/or people’s interactions.
Discussion Topics:
The shift of consumer and enterprise personnel from users to co-creators of value, calls for a significant re-appraisal of our current design and development approaches. Relevant topics for this minitrack include (but are not limited to):
ICT enabled services, mobile services, and consumer information systems
Discovery, fuzzy-front end, and innovation processes
Service design, and development processes and methodologies
Analytics supported service design and development
Design and evaluation of novel digital services
New technology enabled services, e.g. services using robotics, wearables, blockchain, or other technologies
Service platforms
Consumer and enterprise user aspects
Service ecosystems and effective patterns of actor engagement in digital services
Social networking
Location and/or sensor aware services
Temporo-spatial relevance of service, location and/or sensor aware services
Hedonic ICT enabled services
Socio-psychological aspects of ICT enabled service use
Understanding social and cultural contexts
Consumerization of enterprise services
Cyber-Physical systems and services
Cyber-Physical systems and services from different disciplinary perspectives, such as, information systems, operations research, software engineering, service science, and service research
Service innovation based on cyber-physical systems and services
Service ecosystems, platforms and novel architecture related cyber-physical systems and services
Theoretical aspects of cyber-physical systems and services research
Cyber-physical systems and services as artifacts
Use and adoption of cyber-physical systems and services
[1] T. Tuunanen, M. Myers, and H. Cassab, "A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development," Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 2, pp. 47-66, 2010.
[2] S. L. Vargo and R. F. Lusch, "Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing," Journal of Marketing, vol. 68, pp. 1-17, 2004.
[3] V. K. Tuunainen and T. Tuunanen, "IISIn-A model for analyzing ICT Intensive Service Innovations in n-sided Markets," 2011, pp. 1-10.
[4] K. N. Lemon and M. H. Huang, "IT-Related Service: A Multidisciplinary Perspective," Journal of Service Research, vol. 14, p. 251, August 2011.
[5] I. R. Bardhan, H. Demirkan, P. Kannan, and R. J. Kauffman, "Special Issue: Information Systems in Services," Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 26, pp. 5-12, 2010.
[6] T. Tuunanen, J. Bragge, J. Häivälä, W. Hui, and V. H. Virtanen, "A Method for Recruitment of Lead users from Virtual Communities to Innovate IT Enabled Services for Consumers in Global Markets," Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 3, p. 3, 2011.
[7] K. Storbacka, R. J. Brodie, T. Böhmann, P. P. Maglio, and S. Nenonen, "Actor Engagement as a Microfoundation for Value Co-Creation," Journal of Business Research, to appear
Minitrack Chair:
Tuure Tuunanen (Primary Contact)
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
tuure(a)tuunanen.fi <mailto:tuure@tuunanen.fi>
Ola Henfridsson
University of Warrick, United Kingdom
Ola.Henfridsson(a)wbs.ac.uk <mailto:Ola.Henfridsson@wbs.ac.uk>
Tilo Böhmann
University of Hamburg, Germany
tilo.boehmann(a)uni-hamburg.de <mailto:tilo.boehmann@uni-hamburg.de>
Submission deadline: June 15th
Author instructions: http://www.hicss.org/#!author-instructions/c1dsb <http://www.hicss.org/#!author-instructions/c1dsb>
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP The Future of Personal Data - International
Workshop at ACM UMAP '16
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 08:49:18 +0100
Von: Federica Cena <cena(a)di.unito.it>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross posting
The Future of Personal Data: envisioning new personalized services enabled by Quantified Self technologies (FuturePD) Ð International Workshop @ ACM UMAP 16 Halifax, Canada 13 -17 July, 2016
This one-day workshop will take place at ACM UMAP 2016 and wants to bring together professionals, researchers, practitioners and anyone else interested in the domain of personal data.
The workshop will combine a brief presentation session and a longer design session, where participants will create future scenarios and fictional prototypes to reflect on QS personalized technologies.
Workshop Website:https://futurepd.wordpress.com/
7 May 2016: Workshop papers submission
1 June 2016: Notification of acceptance
7 June 2016: Camera-ready version due
Please submit to:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=futurepd2016
Quantified Self (QS) aims to use technology to collect personal data on different aspects of people's daily lives. QS tools are more and more allowing people to self-track a variety of information related to their behaviors (sleep, food), activities (walking, run), psychological states (mood, stress), physiological parameters (heart rate, blood sugar level), locations, etc. As the current availability on the market of wearables and mobile applications for self-tracking is making it plausible that QS technologies will become pervasive in the near future, we have to start to explore how to employ personal data effectively for a broad user base and to enable new complex forms of personalization and user modeling.
In this workshop we want to explore a variety of challenges and explore different opportunities:
i) how can we model users habits and everyday activities through user modeling techniques based on real-world user's data (related to e.g. user's cognition, behavior, habits, physiology)?
ii) how can we convey new forms of recommendations and personalized feedback, goals, plans based on these data?
iii) which kind of personalized services and applications can be improved by this renewed availability of personal data in different domains, for example for behavior change purposes, for helping people remember their past, or for improving their learning processes?
iv) how can we define new personalized ways to present the data collected, in order to make them simple to understand and improve the meaningfulness of the interfaces and visualizations provided?
v) how can we face ethical and theoretical issues, e.g. to the userÕs privacy and the possibility of storing all her experiences?
Relevant workshop topics include but are not limited to:
i) New techniques for collecting data and engaging people in tracking them;
ii) Reflections on how real-world personal data could enable new complex forms of personalization;
iii) New ways to model users on the basis of real-world data;
iv) Wearables data for personalization and user modeling;
v) New services and applications for making personal data actionable, in order e.g. to trigger behavior change processes, enrich the recollection of memories, support processes of learning, support self-management of health;
vi) New personalized interaction modalities and visualizations to manipulate personal data;
vii) New techniques for interconnect, analyze and model personal data
viii) Theoretical reflections and thought-provoking insights about the future of personalization and modeling of human real-life behavior and how they could change our lives;
ix) Ethical issues related to the future pervasiveness of QS technologies.
All workshop papers must be 2-8 pages long in the 2015-2016 ACM SIG Proceedings template and submitted via easychair:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=futurepd2016
The deadline for submission is May 7, 2016.
Papers should be in pdf format and should not be anonymized.
We will accept both position papers and research papers, case studies, future research challenges and reflections. Papers will be reviewed by the program committee based on their pertinence with the workshop topics, quality of the exposition and, mainly, potential to trigger discussions and insights for inspiring the design of new solutions during the workshop.
All the accepted manuscripts will be included in the UMAP supplemental proceedings published with CEUR.
Amon Rapp. University of Torino, Torino, Italy (amon.rapp(a)gmail.com).
Federica Cena. University of Torino, Torino, Italy.
Judy Kay. University of Sydney, Australia.
Bob Kummerfeld. University of Sydney, Australia.
Frank Hopfgartner. University of Glasgow, UK.
Jakob Eg Larsen. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
Elise van den Hoven. University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
Federica Cena, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor - Researcher
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, 10149 Torino, Italy
Phone +39 0116706779
Fax +39 011751603
email: cena(a)di.unito.it
web: www.di.unito.it/~cena/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: HICSS 50 Advances in Design Research for
Information Systems
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 09:59:50 +0200
Von: Tuure Tuunanen <tuure(a)tuunanen.fi>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Advances in Design Research for Information Systems Minitrack
This minitrack provides a venue for information systems (IS) design researchers to share their work and interact with likeminded scholars. Design research is a prominent form of engaged scholarship, which combines inquiry with a potential for action and intervention.
Design research may be viewed as having three major subfields, from which we welcome submissions:
Design theory research, which focuses on the development of theories about creating new or improved information systems based on kernel or grand theories
Design science research which focuses on creating ‘new-to-the-world’ IS artifacts
Science of design research which focuses on the study of how designers actually conduct design activities, e.g., science of design research
While specific interests interest is placed upon design research and design theorizing with respect to the three subfields described above, the minitrack welcomes submissions from the entire range of alternatives that deal with the question of integrating inquiry with the potential of creating and shaping alternative futures. Such work extends the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by theorizing and/or creating new and innovative artifacts. The building and application of these designed artifacts produces knowledge and understanding of a problem domain and its solutions, which is then potentially transferable to other domains. In design science, the engagement is primarily focused on the design and evaluation of an artifact; learning through building with the aim to generate theoretical insights. This is often an iterative research process, often quite technical, and sometimes capitalizes on learning via both researcher and subject expertise within the context of the participants' social system. It can be a clinical method that puts IS researchers in an active supporting role for advanced practice. To this end we also seek implementable and grounded action frames for engaging in such generalizable inquiries.
Accordingly the scope of this mini track includes research contributions that arise from all three subfields of design research described above. This includes engaged approaches, studies of the practical use of design research approaches, the use of such approaches to expand theory, and conceptual foundations that significantly and cogently expand our understanding of the epistemology and methodology of such approaches and their philosophical underpinnings. These include:
Developing design artifacts and design theories
Evaluating and testing design artifacts and design theories
Different approaches to the design of artifacts and design theorizing
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Tuure Tuunanen (Primary Contact)
University of Jyväskylä
tuure(a)tuunanen.fi <mailto:tuure@tuunanen.fi>
Richard Baskerville
Georgia State University and Curtin University
baskerville(a)gsu.edu <mailto:baskerville@gsu.edu>
Roman Beck
IT University of Copenhagen
romb(a)itu.dk <mailto:romb@itu.dk>
Submission deadline: June 15th
Author instructions: http://www.hicss.org/#!author-instructions/c1dsb <http://www.hicss.org/#!author-instructions/c1dsb>
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] Call for Papers Informatik 2016 in Klagenfurt: Workshop
Big Data und Data Analytics im Handel
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 10:27:25 +0100
Von: Karla, Jürgen <Juergen.Karla(a)hs-niederrhein.de>
Antwort an: Karla, Jürgen <Juergen.Karla(a)hs-niederrhein.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
<wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Big Data und Data Analytics im Handel
Workshop im Rahmen der 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Klagenfurt, Österreich, 26. - 30. September
Ziel und Überblick
In der Vergangenheit bestand eine Herausforderung für Handelsunternehmen darin, mit wenigen und zeitverzögert verfügbaren Daten dennoch eine geeignete Markt- und Kundenansprache zu generieren. Entscheidungen, die in diesem Kontext getroffen wurden, waren daher oftmals von Unsicherheit geprägt. Eine Unsicherheit besteht auch in Zeiten von großen, in Echtzeit verfügbaren Datenmengen weiterhin, jedoch resultiert diese aus neuen Treibern: Fragen des Datenschutzes, der Einbindung von externen Quellen, der Validität von Analyseergebnissen und viele weitere Aspekte spielen hier eine besondere Rolle. Der Einsatz von Big Data in Handelsunternehmen zeigt, dass derzeit mehr Daten verfügbar sind, als effektiv genutzt werden können. Außerdem sind Data Analytics-Verfahren noch nicht bis in die Unternehmenspraxis vorgedrungen. Gerade der Handel hat jedoch große Potentiale zum Einsatz dieser Verfahren. Dazu müssen im Handel sowohl informationstechnische als auch betriebswirtschaftliche Herausforderungen adressiert werden.
Mit der Formulierung expliziter Fragestellungen und deren Beantwortung soll im Rahmen dieses Workshops eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern geschaffen werden. Die Trackleitung begrüßt daher sowohl wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Einreichungen als auch Praxisberichte zum Einsatz von Big Data und Data Analytics im Handel.
Der Workshop ist für Montag, den 26.9.2016 ganztags eingeplant, wobei wir von folgenden Rahmenparametern ausgehen:
· 6-12 Beiträge
· 2-4 Sessions zu je 90 min (3 Vorträge à 30min inkl. Diskussion):
· maximal 30 Teilnehmer
Mögliche Themen
o Datenmodellierung bei Big Data - NoSQL
o Die Chancen von Big Data: Effizienter werden und sich vom Wettbewerb abheben
o Strukturierung und inhaltliche Auswertung von Daten
o Big Data Tools, Techniken, Methoden
o In-Memory-Computing
Perspektiven für den Handel
o Kundendaten optimal nutzen, Analyse von Kundenbonusprogramm-Daten/POS-Daten
o Big Data für den stationären Handel
o Big Data für den Online-Handel
o Social Media und externe Daten zur Steuerung von Vertrieb und Marketing
o Data-Mining-basierte Absatzprognosen, z.B. unter Einbeziehung von Wetter- und Verkehrsdaten
Perspektiven für Konsumenten
o Datenschutzaspekte (BDSG, EU-Datenschutzverordnung, ...)
o Nutzen der Verbraucher von Big Data Anwendungen
Alle Beiträge werden von zwei Gutachtern unabhängig geprüft und bewertet (double blind peer review). Wir bitten um die Einsendung von Beiträgen (per E-Mail) an einen der drei Workshop-Leiter. Bei positiver Begutachtung wird Ihr Beitrag in den Tagungsband aufgenommen, und zwar alternativ als
- Langfassung (wissenschaftliches) Beitrag oder Erfahrungsbericht: max. 14 Seiten
- Kurzfassung („short paper“), Diskussionsbeitrag: max. 6 Seiten
- Positionsbeitrag oder Zusammenfassung eines Posters: max. 4 Seiten
- Abstract: max. 2 Seiten
Bitte beachten Sie, dass in den Tagungsband ausschließlich Beiträge aufgenommen werden, von denen sich mindestens eine Autorin/ein Autor vor dem 28. Juni 2016 für die INFORMATIK 2016 registriert hat. Der Tagungsband der INFORMATIK 2016 erscheint bei den Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) in elektronischer Form. Bitte beachten Sie daher die Herausgeber- und Autoren-Richtlinien in ihrer aktuellen Form: https://www.gi.de/index.php?id=171.
Fristen und Termine
· Einreichungsschluss für Beiträge: Mo, 2. Mai 2016
· Entscheidung über die Beitragsannahme: Mo, 30. Mai 2016
· Benachrichtigung aller Autoren: Di, 31. Mai 2016
· Einreichungsschluss für druckfertige Beiträge: Mo, 27. Juni 2016
· Konferenzbeginn: Mo, 26. September 2016
· Konferenzende: Fr, 30. September 2016
Workshop Committee
Professor Dr. Stefan Bente, TH Köln
Professor Dr. Stefan Jablonski, Universität Bayreuth
PD Dr. Christoph Quix, Fraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen University
Dr. Stefan Schönig, Universität Bayreuth
Dr. Florian Stahl, Universität Münster
Professor Dr. Stefan Stieglitz, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Professor Dr. Stefan Strohmeier, Universität des Saarlandes
Marc Sturm, Rewe Group
Dr. Daniel Volknant, PWC Cundus
Arnt Zimmermann, cimt services AG
(wird noch ergänzt)
Workshop Leitung
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Mülder
Sprecher der Fachgruppe WI-IS-PW innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V
Hochschule Niederrhein
Webschulstraße 41-43
41065 Mönchengladbach
Professor Dr. habil. Jürgen Karla
Hochschule Niederrhein
Webschulstraße 41-43
41065 Mönchengladbach
Mirco Kriesten
cimt services AG
Oskar-Jäger-Straße 170
50825 Köln
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] HICSS-50 Call for Papers - Minitrack "Mobile Apps and
WearablesforHealth Management, Analytics, and Decision Making"
Datum: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 17:44:57 +0100 (CET)
Von: Bodendorf, Freimut <freimut.bodendorf(a)fau.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
bitte werfen Sie einen Blick auf den Call for Papers. Ich würde mich
sehr freuen, wenn etliche Einreichungen aus unserer
Wirtschaftsinformatik-Community kämen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Freimut Bodendorf
Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Minitrack"*Mobile Apps and Wearables for****Health Management,
Analytics, and Decision Making*"
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50)
January 4-7, 2017 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawai'i, USA
*April 1: Paper submission system goes live*
*June 15: Paper submission deadline (midnight Hawaii time)*
If you need guidance or have any questions, please send an email to:
freimut.bodendorf(a)fau.de (Minitrack Chair)
The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) invites
submission of full papers in various areas of information, computer, and
system sciences. Papers may encompass developments in both theory and
practice. They may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive
in nature.
Accepted papers will be presented at HICSS-50 to be held at Hilton
Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii on January 4-7, 2017. They will be
included in the Conference Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer
Society and maintained in the IEEE Digital Library. HICSS publications
account for the top 2% downloads of all IEEE conferences, and have been
consistently ranked as the most cited papers in top journal publications.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: "Digital Business Transformation" - Research
Track at the IECER 2016
Datum: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:41:57 +0000
Von: Hans-Dieter Zimmermann <hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch>
An: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The forthcoming 14th edition of the Interdisciplinary European Conference
on Entrepreneurship Research IECER is about change.
Conference Site: http://www.iecer-conference.org/
Track Description
The digitalization of businesses and of whole industries is one of the
major developments we are facing in our economies right now: ICT means are
substantially transforming the way we create value. These developments are
referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In Germany, the term
Industrie 4.0 – or Smart Factory - was coined in order to express that the
utilization of innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things and
Big Data denotes a fundamental paradigm shift in value creation. The
utilization of ICT in the financial industry – Fintech – is just one
current example how industries are being transformed.
The transformation of existing businesses and industries as well as
emerging new industries lead to new models of how value creation systems
are being organized, digital ecosystems are emerging. Based on business
model innovation approaches new digital (enriched) products and services
are being developed and deployed. So called disruptive business models are
threatening long existing companies.
Whereas big companies have their own resources to develop strategies and
solutions in order to take advantage of the above mentioned developments
and to cope with its challenges, SME need external support in order to keep
up. Therefore this track shall emphasize especially the SME’s perspective
asking how much digitalization is needed, but also how much of
digitalization does fit the SMEs needs.
For the track, a focus and specific perspectives are recommended. Relevant
perspectives are, among others, leadership and management, digitalization
of processes, e.g. sales or CRM processes, the value chain perspective,
automation in production, ICT infrastructures including security issues, as
well as HR or marketing.
We encourage contributions that address one or more of the perspectives in
SME, using qualitative analyses and case studies, empirical analyses (such
as comparisons of sub sectors, industries, countries, firms) and/or
developing theoretical frameworks. For this track, we particularly welcome
the submission of author(s) and working groups that are willing to discuss
their work-in-progress (short papers).
Online Version of the CfP:
Track Chair:
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences,
Important Dates:
Submission of papers May 29, 2016
Notification of authors June 30, 2016
End early-bird registration July 15, 2016
Conference Sept. 7-9, 2016
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 8th International Conference e-Health 2016 - 1st
CFP extension
Datum: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 10:16:01 -0600
Von: nat(a)iadis.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
-- CALL FOR PAPERS EH 2016 - Deadline for submissions (1st call
extension): 14 March 2016 --
8th International Conference e-Health 2016
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 1 - 3 July 2016
Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
(MCCSIS 2016)
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 1 - 4 July 2016
* Keynote Speaker (confirmed):
Dr. Malcolm J. Fisk, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Computing and
Responsible Research, De Montfort University, Leicester and Director,
Telehealth Quality Group EEIG, UK
* Conference Scope
The use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in Healthcare
Services is the main mechanism to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
This conference aims to draw together information systems, practitioners
and management experts from all quadrants involved in developing computer
technology to improve healthcare quality.
The conference covers three main areas in e-Health: Research Issues,
Management Issues and Applications, for more details please see
http://www.ehealth-conf.org/call-for-papers .
* Paper Submission
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by March
14, 2016. Submissions must be original and should not have been published
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (1st call extension): 14 March 2016
- Notification to Authors (1st call extension): 11 April 2016
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (1st call
extension): Until 9 May 2016
- Late Registration (1st call extension): After 9 May 2016
* Paper Publication
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN, will
be made available through the Digital Library available at
http://www.iadisportal.org/digital-library/showsearch. The conference
proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IETs INSPEC, Elsevier, EI
Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO and other
important indexing services.
The best papers will be selected for publishing as extended versions in
the IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641) and also
in journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
* Conference Contact:
E-mail: secretariat(a)ehealth-conf.org
Web site: http://www.ehealth-conf.org/
* Organized by: International Association for Development of the
Information Society
* Registered participants in the e-Health conference may attend the other
conferences part of MCCSIS 2016 free of charge.
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