-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP-Conf-IRM May 22-24, 2013 Natal, Brazil
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 14:27:17 -0400
From: Gerald Grant <gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
/Following a very successful conference in Vienna, we invite
you to submit and attend Conf-IRM 2013 in sunny Natal, Brazil!/
*International Conference on Information Resources
Management 2013 (Conf-IRM)*
Conference Theme: Managing IT in a Consumerized IT world
(Conference website: _www.conf-irm2013.org
<http://www.conf-irm2013.org>_- Facebook:
<http://www.facebook.com/conf-irm2013> - Conf-IRM website:
www.conf-irm.org <http://www.conf-irm.org>)
*Imirá Hotel, Natal, Brazil*
*May 22-24, 2013*
*Call for Papers*
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: *December 10, 2012*
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: *February 4, 2013*
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: *March 4,
Many industry and academic reports are describing the
combination of the availability of ready-to-use and
easy-to-implement information technology (IT) solutions,
many times in the form of cloud-computing services and
applications, and the presence of a tech-savvy new workforce
who is able and willing to acquire and use these services as
a new trend called "consumerization of IT". In this
perspective, business executives will seek the IT solutions
they need in the marketplace and rapidly put them to work,
with or without the assistance and accordance of IT departments.
Is this a revival of the decentralization of IT decisions
that happened when mini and microcomputers were first
introduced in organizations, or is it something entirely
new? Is this new workforce, full of Millennials and their
gadgets, entirely different from the previous ones? These
are examples of questions that are surfacing, as this
concept is fast developing and widening in scope. For
instance, consumerization of IT could also be used to
represent the fact that today in most organizations, it is
consumers who represent the larger part of IT services´
users. Related to this, new questions may arise, like what
are the challenges, risks and opportunities posed by this
trend to IT strategy and IT management? How might These
trends affect the competitive use of IT in companies?
The organizing committee invites you to submit to *Conf-IRM
2013* your research work, teaching cases, and proposals for
panels and tutorials, dealing with the main topic of the
conference or related to one of the several topics covered
by the *15 tracks*, listed below. All conference submissions
will be double-blind and peer reviewed. The review process
will be handled by the track chairs and co-chairs.
*Submission Types and Guidelines:*
*- Full Length Submissions *
Submissions must be no more than 5000 words, including
references, appendices and title page, with a maximum of 5
figures/tables. Submissions must be original, and previously
unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscripts
for review. All accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings in their entirety upon payment of
registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the
conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers
not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be
included in the AIS e-Library. Highly rated papers by the
reviewers will be considered for publications in selected
Journals. Moreover, the paper that best represents, in terms
of quality and suit ability, the theme and ideals of the
conference will be awarded the "Best Paper Award" during the
*- Research-in-Progress Submissions *
Submissions of no more than 2000 words with a maximum of 3
figures/tables: All research-in-progress submissions will
be published in the proceedings as short papers.
*- Teaching Cases *
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should
be based on real situations and targeted at specific
learning objectives. Cases should be no more than 5000
words and must be accompanied by instructor teaching notes
(not included in the 5000 words). The teaching notes will
not be published.
*- Panel and Tutorial Submissions *
Submissions of not more than 1000 words: Proposals should
include the objectives, issues to be covered and full
details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the
submitter's discretion; however, the submitter has the
responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All
accepted proposals will appear in the conference proceedings
(Please note that all panelists and tutorial presenters must
register for the conference).
*Important Announcements:*
·The number of submissions by an author (including joint
authorship) is strictly limited to a maximum of two
·Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per
submission) and all panel members MUST register AND attend
the conference.
·Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above
·All submissions must be written in English (except for the
ICT and Latin American Track, which accepts also papers in
Spanish and Portuguese)
·Details of track descriptions and how to submit will be
announced soon.
*Tracks and Chairs *
1 _IT Control, Evaluation, and Decision Making_
Edward Bernroider, WU Wien, Austria:
edward.bernroider(a)wu.ac.at <mailto:edward.bernroider@wu.ac.at>
Konradin Maier, WU Wien, Austria: konradin.maier(a)wu.ac.at
2 _IT Service Management, Service Computing and Engineering_
Yong Jin Kim, Sogang University, South Korea:
yongjkim(a)sogang.ac.kr <mailto:yongjkim@sogang.ac.kr>
Rob Benyon, Rhodes Univ., South Africa: r.v.benyon(a)ru.ac.za
3 _Green IS/IT Strategies and Technologies_
Roman Brandtweiner, WU Wien, Austria:
Alemayehu Molla, RMIT Univ., Australia:
alemayehu.molla(a)rmit.edu.au <mailto:alemayehu.molla@rmit.edu.au>
Roya Gholami, Aston Business School, UK:
r.gholami(a)aston.ac.uk <mailto:r.gholami@aston.ac.uk>
4 _Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence_
Annette Mills, UC, New Zealand:
Pramila Gupta, CQU, Australia: p.gupta(a)mel.cqu.edu.au
Carlos Quandt, PUCPR, Brazil: carlos.quandt(a)pucpr.br
5 _ICT for Development _
Antonio Díaz Andrade, AUT University, New Zealand:
antonio.diaz(a)aut.ac.nz <mailto:antonio.diaz@aut.ac.nz>
Leiser Silva, University of Houston: lsilva(a)uh.edu
Marlei Pozzebon, HEC, Canada: marlei.pozzebon(a)hec.ca
6 _ICT in Latin America and the Caribbean(/including
submissions in Spanish and Portuguese/)_
Renata Araújo, UNIRIO, Brazil: renata.araujo(a)uniriotec.br
Carlo Bellini, UFPB, Brazil: bellini(a)ccsa.ufpb.br
Ariel La Paz, Universidad de Chile: lapaz(a)fen.uchile.cl
Alexander García Dávalos, Univ. Autónoma de Occidente, Cali,
Colombia: agdavalos(a)uao.edu.co <mailto:agdavalos@uao.edu.co>
7 _Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management_
Gurpreet Dhillon, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA:
gdhillon(a)vcu.edu <mailto:gdhillon@vcu.edu>
Shaobo Ji, Carleton University, Canada:
shaobo_ji(a)carleton.ca <mailto:shaobo_ji@carleton.ca>
Matthew N. Kreeger, Univ of London & Thales IT Security:
Brian Cusack, AUT University, New Zealand:
brian.cusack(a)aut.ac.nz <mailto:brian.cusack@aut.ac.nz>
8 _ICT in Government, Education, and Healthcare_
Andy Igonor, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology,
Canada: andyi(a)nait.ca <mailto:andyi@nait.ca>
Marie Anne Macadar, PUCRS, Brazil: marie.macadar(a)pucrs.br
9 _Electronic Business and Corporate Strategy_
Zhang Cheng, Fudan University, China: zhangche(a)fudan.edu.cn
Maria Madlberger, Webster Univ., Austria:
madlberger(a)webster.ac.at <mailto:madlberger@webster.ac.at>
Eusebio Scornavacca, Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New
Zealand: eusebio.scornavacca(a)vuw.ac.nz
10 _Cloud Computing and Virtualization_
Daniel Beimborn, University of Bamberg, Germany:
Rui Manuel Dinis, Universidade do Minho, Portugal:
rds(a)dsi.uminho.pt <mailto:rds@dsi.uminho.pt>
Jairo Simião Dornelas, UFPE, Brazil: jairo(a)ufpe.br
11 _Impacts of ICT on People, Organizations, and Society_
Jyoti Choudrie, Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK,
Peijian Song, Nanjing University, China:
songpeijian(a)nju.edu.cn <mailto:songpeijian@nju.edu.cn>
Eduardo Henrique Diniz, EAESP/FGV, Brazil:
eduardo.diniz(a)fgv.br <mailto:eduardo.diniz@fgv.br>
12 _Strategic IT Management, Governance and Consumerization
of IT_
Tim McLaren, Ryerson University, Canada: tmclaren(a)ryerson.ca
Antonio Carlos G. Maçada, UFRGS, Brazil:
acgmacada(a)ea.ufrgs.br <mailto:acgmacada@ea.ufrgs.br>
Guillermo Rodríguez Abitia, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico:
grdrz(a)unam.mx <mailto:grdrz@unam.mx>
13 _Design Thinking in Information Systems Development_
Marko Forsell, Centria University of Applied Sciences,
Finland: marko.forsell(a)centria.fi
Geoffery Seaver, NDU, USA: seaverg(a)ndu.edu
14 _Web 2.0 and Social Networks_
Amarolinda Zanella Saccol, UNISINOS, Brazil:
azsaccol(a)gmail.com <mailto:azsaccol@gmail.com>
Mohini Singh, RMIT University, Australia:
mohini.singh(a)rmit.edu.au <mailto:mohini.singh@rmit.edu.au>
15 _IS Research Methods_
Frantisek Sudzina, Aarhus University, Denmark: fransu(a)asb.dk
PT _Panels and Tutorials_
Anatália Saraiva Ramos, UFRN, Brazil,
anataliaramos(a)gmail.com <mailto:anataliaramos@gmail.com>
Lech Janczewski, University of Auckland, New Zealand:
lech(a)auckland.ac.nz <mailto:lech@auckland.ac.nz>
*Organizing Committee*
_Conference Co-Chairs_
Manoel Veras, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte,
Brazil: manoel.veras(a)uol.com.br <mailto:manoel.veras@uol.com.br>
Cesar Alexandre de Souza, University of São Paulo, Brazil:
calesou(a)usp.br <mailto:calesou@usp.br>
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada:
gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca <mailto:gerald_grant@carleton.ca>
_Program Co-Chairs_
Maria Alexandra Cunha, Catholic University of Paraná,
Brazil: alexandra.cunha(a)pucpr.br
Jairo Gutierrez, AUT University, New Zealand:
jairo.gutierrez(a)aut.ac.nz <mailto:jairo.gutierrez@aut.ac.nz>
_Local Organizing Co-Chairs_
Luiz Mendes Filho, UNI-RN, Brazil:
luiz.mendesfilho(a)gmail.com <mailto:luiz.mendesfilho@gmail.com>
Claudio Mendonça, Potiguar University, Brazil:
cmarcio(a)gmail.com <mailto:cmarcio@gmail.com>
_Publications and Proceedings__Chair _
Lech Janczewski , University of Auckland, New Zealand:
lech(a)auckland.ac.nz <mailto:lech@auckland.ac.nz>
_International Co-Chairs _
Felix B Tan, AUT University, New Zealand:
felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz <mailto:felix.tan@aut.ac.nz>
Sherif Kamel, American University in Cairo, Egypt:
skamel(a)aucegypt.edu <mailto:skamel@aucegypt.edu>
G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway University of London, UK:
G.Harindranath(a)rhul.ac.uk <mailto:G.Harindranath@rhul.ac.uk>
*We look forward to seeing you in sunny Natal, Brazil, in
May 2013!!*
*Gerald Grant, Ph.D.*
Associate Professor and Director
Centre for Information Technology, Organizations, and People
Sprott School of Business
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6
www.sprott.carleton.ca <http://www.sprott.carleton.ca/>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: “Globally Distributed
Work - the Interplay between the Social and the Technical”
in HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, 21-26 July 2013
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 17:22:29 +0200
From: Ye <christianly(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI International 2013) organizes a parallel session on
?Globally Distributed Work - the Interplay between the
Social and the Technical?, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada,
USA, 21-26 July 2013 (http://www.hcii2013.org).
About HCII 2013
HCI International 2013 incorporates 12 conferences /
thematic areas, expecting to attract over 2,000 participants
from all over the world. The Conference Proceedings will be
published by Springer in volumes of the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI) series. All volumes will be available
on-line through the SpringerLink Digital Library, and will
be indexed by a number of services.
About the Session
The session ?Globally Distributed Work - the Interplay
between the Social and the Technical? aims at providing an
interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination and exchange
of up-to-date knowledge on design and management of globally
distributed work (GDW), with a particular focus on the
interplay between social and technical perspectives. Topics
of interest for this session include, but are not limited to:
+ Communication, coordination, control, competition and
collaboration in GDW
+ Comparison or evaluation of different GDW models, patterns
or management strategies
+ Cultural and social impacts on GDW
+ Impacts of new technology (e.g., social media, cloud
computing) on GDW
+ Innovative information and communication technology to
support GDW
+ Leveraging information and communication technology to
improve GDW efficiency and effectiveness
+ Managing cultural aspects of GDW
+ Methods and strategies to achieve agility in globally
distributed work
+ Methodological perspectives to study GDW
+ Sociotechnical perspectives on GDW
+ Technology-supported knowledge creation, transfer and
integration in GDW
+ Technology-supported learning and trainings in GDW
+ Theoretical frameworks that incorporate social and
technical perspectives to explain and/or predict GDW
Submission Procedure
There are two ways to submit a paper to the session.
1) By invitation: competent researchers are encouraged to
send contact information and a working title of the planned
submission to the session organizer before Sep. 10, 2012; an
invitation can be provided upon proof of the researchers?
2) Ordinary submission: all prospective authors can submit
an extended abstract through the HCII 2013 Conference
Management System (CMS) before Oct. 12, 2012. The thematic
area ?Cross-Cultural Design? needs to be specified.
Important Dates
10 Sep. 2012: Deadline for Title Receipt (for invited
authors only)
12 Oct. 2012: Deadline for Abstract Receipt (800 words)
30 Nov. 2012: Notification of Review Outcome
1 Feb. 2013: Deadline for Camera-ready Receipt (6-10 pages)
Detailed submission instructions can be found here
Session Organizer
Alexander Mädche (maedche(a)es.uni-mannheim.de
Ye Li (yeli(a)es.uni-mannheim.de <mailto:yeli@es.uni-mannheim.de>)
Chair of Information Systems IV, University of Mannheim,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] DADS Track at ACM SAC 2013 - Call for
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 20:09:57 +0200
From: Karl M. Goeschka <Karl.Goeschka(a)tuwien.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
| 8th Track on Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems (DADS) |
| of the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'13) |
March 18 - 22, 2013
Coimbra, Portugal
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM conference proceedings and
will be included in the ACM digital library.
Important Dates:
Paper submission: September 21, 2012
Author notification: November 10, 2012
Camera-ready copies: November 30, 2012
Authors are invited to submit original work not previously published, nor
currently submitted elsewhere. Authors submit full papers in pdf format
using the link to the submission site at http://www.dedisys.org/sac13/.
Authors are allowed up to 8 pages, but with more than 6 pages in the final
camera ready, there will be a charge of 80USD per extra page.
Call details
While computing is provided by the cloud and services increasingly pervade
our daily lives, dependability is no longer restricted to mission or safety
critical applications, but rather becomes a cornerstone of the information
society. Unfortunately, large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous software
systems that typically run continuously, often tend to become inert,
brittle, and vulnerable after a while. The key problem is that the most
innovative systems and applications are the ones that also suffer most from
a significant decrease in dependability when compared to traditional
critical systems, where dependability and security are fairly well
understood as complementary concepts and a variety of proven methods and
techniques is available today. In accordance with Laprie we call this
effect the dependability gap, which is widened in front of us between
demand and supply of dependability, and we can see this trend further
fueled by the demand for resource awareness (including green computing) and
increasing cost pressure.
Among technical factors of dependability, software development methods,
tools, and techniques contribute to dependability, as defects in software
products and services may lead to failure and also provide typical access
for malicious attacks. In addition, there is a wide variety of fault and
intrusion tolerance techniques available, including persistence provided by
databases, redundancy and replication, group communication, transaction
monitors, reliable middleware, cloud infrastructures,
fragmentation-redundancy-scattering, and trustworthy service-oriented
architectures with explicit control of quality of service properties and
service level agreements. Furthermore, adaptiveness is envisaged in order
to react to observed, or act upon expected changes of the system itself,
the context/environment (e.g., resource variability or failure/threat
scenarios) or users' needs and expectations. Provided without explicit user
intervention, this is also termed autonomous behavior or self-properties,
and often involves monitoring, diagnosis (analysis, interpretation), and
reconfiguration (repair). In particular, adaptation is also a means to
achieve dependability and security in a computing infrastructure with
dynamically varying structure and properties.
Topics of interest
* Dependable, Adaptive, and trustworthy Distributed Systems (DADS)
* Architectures, architectural styles, and middleware for DADS
* Protocols for DADS
* Modeling, design, and engineering of DADS
* Foundations and formal methods for DADS
* Applications of DADS
* Evaluations, testing, benchmarking, and case studies of DADS
* Holistic aspects of DADS
Track program co-chairs
Karl M. Goeschka, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
(main contact: dads(a)dedisys.org)
Rui Oliveira, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London (UK)
Giovanni Russello, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Program committee
Claudio Agostino Ardagna, University of Milan (Italy)
Enrique Armendariz, Universidad Publica de Navarra (Spain)
Jean Bacon, University of Cambridge (UK)
Alberto Bartoli, University of Trieste (Italy)
Stefan Beyer, ITI Valencia (Spain)
Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence (Italy)
Michael Butler, University of Southampton (UK)
Marco Casassa-mont, HP Labs - Bristol (UK)
Antonio Casimiro, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Mauro Conti, Universita di Padova (Italy)
Rogerio De Lemos, University of Kent (UK)
Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, Pisa (Italy)
Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London (UK)
Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo (Norway)
David Eyers, University of Otago (New Zealand)
Paul Ezhilchelvan, Newcastle University (UK)
Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France)
Pascal Felber, Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Lorenz Froihofer, Telekom (Austria)
Christina Gacek, City University (UK)
Ashish Gehani, SRI International (USA)
Kurt Geihs, Universität Kassel (Germany)
Holger Giese, Hasso Plattner Institut (Germany)
Svein Hallsteinsen, SINTEF (Norway)
Matti Hiltunen, AT&T Labs (USA)
Geir Horn, SINTEF (Norway)
Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Rüdiger Kapitza, TU Braunschweig (Germany)
Marc-Ollivier Killijian, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France)
Mikel Larrea, Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea (Spain)
István Majzik, Budapest UTE. (Hungary)
Matteo Migliavacca, University of Kent (UK)
Gero Mühl, University of Rostock (Germany)
Hausi A. Müller, University of Victoria (Canada)
Francesc Daniel Muñoz-Escoí, UP Valencia (Spain)
Marta Patino-Martinez, UP Madrid (Spain)
Fernando Pedone, Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)
Jose Pereira, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Guillaume Pierre, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Luís Rodrigues, INESC-ID/IST (Portugal)
Luigi Romano, University of Naples (Italy)
Romain Rouvoy, INRIA (France)
André Schiper, EPFL (Switzerland)
Dietmar Schreiner, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Elaine Shi, UC Berkeley (USA)
Francois Taiani, Lancaster University (UK)
Richard N. Taylor, University of California, Irvine (USA)
Vladimir Tosic, NICTA (Australia)
Elena Troubitsyna, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)
Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italy)
Roman Vitenberg, University of Oslo (Norway)
Nicola Zannone, Technical University of Eindhoven (Netherlands)
Uwe Zdun, Vienna University (Austria)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Semantic Web Journal: Call for Special Issue
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 14:06:16 -0400
From: Pascal Hitzler <pascal.hitzler(a)wright.edu>
To: Pascal Hitzler <pascal(a)pascal-hitzler.de>
Semantic Web Journal: Call for Special Issue Proposals
The Semantic Web journal seeks proposals for Special Issues of the
journal. A proposal should fall into one of the following categories.
A) Special Issues which address core technological or fundamental
challenges for Semantic Web research and/or applications.
B) Special Issues which are within the topical realm of a neighboring
discipline but contribute directly or indirectly to Semantic Web
research and/or applications.
Proposals for special issues shall be sent to the Editors-in-Chief
(contact(a)semantic-web-journal.net) and contain the following information
in a single PDF file:
* Names and affiliations of all guest editors
* Topic of the special issue
* Tentative list of Guest Editorial Board members
* A short description of the topic
* Why the topic is currently of interest
* Why the topic is relevant to this call
* Credentials of the guest editors regarding their research impact and
their community standing with respect to the topic
* A draft call for papers, including a suggested time-line
Usually, it is recommended that the set of guest editors, as well as the
proposed editorial board, are geographically diverse, have ample
visibility within the discipline, and cover key dimensions of the
special issue topic.
It will be assumed that all proposed guest editors are aware of the
journal's open and transparent review policy described at
Submission deadline: 30th of September, 2012
Best Regards,
Pascal Hitzler
Krzysztof Janowicz
Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
pascal(a)pascal-hitzler.de http://www.knoesis.org/pascal/
Semantic Web Textbook: http://www.semantic-web-book.org
Semantic Web Journal: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ICCNDT2012 - Nov. 11-13, 2012 -
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 20:20:38 -0700
From: ICCNDT Conference <iccndt(a)gmail.com>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Conference on Computing, Networking and
Digital Technologies (ICCNDT 2012)
Gulf University, Sanad, Bahrain
Nov. 11-13, 2012
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at
Gulf University, Sanad, Bahrain, From Nov. 11-13, 2012 which
aims to enable researchers build connections between
different digital applications.
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not
limited to) research topics:
- Software Specification
- Software Assurance
- Social Search
- Software Process Modeling
- Software Reuse
- Cloud Computing
- Grid Computing
- Green Computing
- Information and Data Management
- Telecommunications
- Communication protocols
- Security and Access Control
- Transmission Techniques
- Communication Systems
- Network Systems and Devices
- Information Content Security
- Network Modeling and Simulation
- Network Management Techniques
- Reengineering And Reverse Engineering
- Trust Models for Social Networks
- Data and Network Mining
- Computational Intelligence
- Biometrics Technologies
- Biometrics and Ethics
- Distributed AI Systems
- Internet Modeling
- Digital Image Processing
- XML-Based Languages
- Web Services Security
- Mobile Social Networks
- Software Design, Software Testing
- Multimedia Data Base
- Information Retrieval
- Digital Rights Management
- Compression and Coding
- Analysis and Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Data mining
- Soft Computing
- Web based applications
- Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems
- Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications
- Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
- Intelligent Agent-Based Systems, Cognitive and Reactive
Distributed AI Systems
- User Interfaces, Visualization and Modeling
- Management and Diffusion of Multimedia Applications
- Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
- Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
- New Architectures for Web-Based Social Networks
- Semantic Web, Ontologies (Creation , Merging, Linking,
- Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
- Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
- Algorithms, Architecture, and Infrastructures
- Wireless Networks, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work
electronically. All papers will be fully refereed by a
minimum of two specialized referees. Before final
acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date: Sep. 25, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: Oct. 10, 2012
Camera Ready Submission: Oct. 30, 2012
Registration: Oct. 30, 2012
Conference Dates: