-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: INFORMATIK 2012 in Braunschweig - Tagungsprogramm ist nun
Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 13:00:01 +0200 (CEST)
Von: gi-mitglieder-info(a)gi-ev.de
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe GI-Mitglieder,
Das Tagungsprogramm der gemeinsamen Tagung INFORMATIK 2012 - GMDS 2012 ist nun verfügbar. Sie können es unter www.informatik2012.de abrufen.
Neben dem attraktiven Plenartag am Dienstag 18.9.2012 finden Sie zum einen knapp 30 Informatik-Workshops auf der INFORMATIK 2012 und, auf der GMDS 2012, über 30 Sitzungen insbesondere mit Vorträgen sowie 10 Tutorien bzw. Workshops und die Posterausstellung. Zum anderen werden zusätzlich zu diesen "klassischen" Veranstaltungen mehr als 20 GI-GMDS-interdisziplinäre-Workshops angeboten, jeweils ergänzt durch einige Tutorials. Gemeinsam organisiert wurden außerdem ein Doktorandenkolloquium sowie ein Studierendenprogramm. Außerdem finden zahlreiche Treffen von Fachbereichen, Fach- und Regionalgruppen statt und Sie können sich über Fördermöglichkeiten seitens DAAD, DFG und EU informieren. Nicht zuletzt sei nochmals auf die eingeladenen Rednerinnen und Redner hingewiesen, die Sie im Tagungsprogramm unter "Highlights" finden.
Wir möchten nochmals empfehlen, Ihr Hotelzimmer möglichst umgehend zu buchen, da aufgrund der zahlreichen Anmeldungen die Zimmer knapp werden. Informationen zur Reservierung finden Sie auf den Tagungswebseiten unter http://www.informatik2012.de/643.html.
Willkommen auf der INFORMATIK 2012 - GMDS 2012!
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch in Braunschweig!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Reinhold Haux und Lars Wolf
Tagungsleiter der GMDS 2012 bzw. der INFORMATIK 2012
INFORMATIK 2012 in Braunschweig: "Was bewegt uns in der/die Zukunft - Neue Lebenswelten in der Informationsgesellschaft"
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Springer Security Informatics Special Issue on
Formal Concept Analysis
Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 14:33:00 +0000
Von: Kaza, Siddharth <SKaza(a)towson.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Formal Concept Analysis in Intelligence and Security Informatics
Journal: Security Informatics (Springer), Editor-in-Chief: Hsinchun Chen
Formal CFP: http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/H9104_DF_…
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) emerged in the 1980's from attempts to restructure lattice theory in order to
promote better communication between lattice theorists and potential users of lattice theory. Since its early
years, Formal Concept Analysis has developed into a research field in its own right with a thriving theoretical
community and a rapidly expanding range of applications in information and knowledge processing including
visualization, data analysis (mining) and knowledge management.
Modern police organizations and intelligence services are confronted with an ever-increasing amount of
available information which can become a valuable source for tracking down criminal suspects. Important
challenges include the integration of heterogeneous data sources and visualizing this information such that a
human expert can gain insight in the data. This special issue focuses on theoretical extensions and applications
of Formal Concept Analysis in the Intelligence and Security Informatics domain.
In particular we welcome high quality submissions on the following topics:
- Methods using FCA for analyzing internet data for security purposes: mining internet forums, blogs,
emails, chat conversations, image collections, video collections, social network data, etc.
- Applications of FCA in the fields of terrorism, human trafficking, organized crime, money laundering, etc.
- Techniques dealing with scalability issues of FCA, integrating FCA with other data visualization methods,
novel concept selection metrics etc. with applications in the security domain.
Manuscript submission due: October 15, 2012
First round of reviews: December 24, 2012
Publication Date: 2013
Lead Guest Editor
Jonas Poelmans, KU Leuven and Harvard University, Jonas.poelmans(a)gmail.com
Guest Editor
Siddharth Kaza, Towson University, skaza(a)towson.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] IRSPM 2013 Conference Call for Abstracts - Panel
'E-Government as a response to managing financial austerity and crisis
Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 09:28:46 +0200
Von: Walser Konrad <konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
[Apologies for any double-postings]
www.irspm2013.com <http://www.irspm2013.com>
*Panel 'E-Government as a response to managing financial austerity and
crisis situations'*
-Miriam Lips, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
(miriam.lips(a)vuw.ac.nz <mailto:miriam.lips@vuw.ac.nz>)
-Tino Schuppan, Institute for E-Government, Potsdam, Germany
(schuppan(a)ifg.cc <mailto:schuppan@ifg.cc>)
/Panel description/
In times of political, financial, socio-cultural, and/or natural crisis
situations, many governments have come to see e-Government, or the use
of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the public sector and its external
relationships, as an important means in responding to complex political,
managerial, and democratic challenges. For example, governments are
shifting from expensive face-to-face and paper-based service delivery
models in order to
achieve more efficient and effective e-services; social media are used
to overcome democratic deficits and enhance public engagement, or to
communicate with citizens affected by natural disasters; ICT-enabled
shared service and common capability models are being implemented with
the objective
to increase efficiency; ICTs are used for administrative simplification
of service relationships with citizens, businesses and non-profit
organisations to create
more effective, joined-up service provision; public sector data sets are
made publicly available online to improve transparency and support
innovation; and
public service delivery by human beings is replaced by standardised
e-Government services to combat corruption and enhance good governance.
However, thus far there is not much empirical evidence available of the
outcomes of e-Government initiatives as response to extreme situations.
Moreover, these developments raise important scholarly questions around
the need to develop new theoretical and analytical lenses in order to
understand and
explain the role of e-Government in responding to complex political,
managerial, and democratic challenges in times of crisis.
This panel invites papers that offer new empirical, conceptual and/or
theoretical insights into the role of e-Government in responding to
managerial, and democratic challenges in times of human-made or natural
Especially submissions are welcome which address the following
e-Government topics:
-the use of social media and e-engagement;
-transformational government;
-public sector reform and innovation;
-good governance;
-the use of ICTs in disaster management;
-cyber- and information security in government;
-networked government and cross-agency collaboration;
-open and transparent government;
-new forms of policy analysis and intervention;
-increasing government productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness;
-benefits realisation management of government IT projects;
-citizen-centric government;
-information sharing and privacy;
-shared services and common capabilities; and
-mobile e-Government.
To submit an abstract proposal for this panel log on to the IRSPM 2013
website (www.irspm2013.com <http://www.irspm2013.com>) and follow the
submission procedure there.
Abstracts must follow the Guidelines for Abstracts available on the
conference website: www.irspm2013.com <http://www.irspm2013.com>
The deadline for abstract submissions is October, 1st 2012.
Prof. Dr. Tino Schuppan
Scientific Director
Insitute for E-Government/Germany
Phone: 0331-740 367 61
Mobil: 0172-594 35 25
Email: schuppan(a)ifg.cc <mailto:schuppan@ifg.cc>
IfG.CC - Insitute for E-Government/Germany
www.ifg.cc <http://www.ifg.cc/>
c/o Universität Potsdam Universitätskomplex III Babelsberg
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] WISE 2012: Call for Workshop Papers
Datum: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 15:13:36 +0300
Von: Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: telespazio.com, <WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
The 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering
(WISE 2012)
November 28th-30th, 2012
Paphos, Cyprus
*** Call for Workshop Papers ***
*** Extended Deadline: 17th September 2012 ***
WISE is one of the premier conferences in the area of Web Technologies,
Internet Technologies and Software Engineering. This year WISE organizes
six very interesting and focused workshops. Papers accepted in any one
of these workshops will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
The WISE 2012 Workshops will take place on November 28th.
1st International Workshop on Capability based Engineering (of Service
and Process aware Systems) (Full day)
(Chairs: Sami Bhiri, DERI Galway, Ireland (main contact); Carlos
Pedrinaci, Open University, UK; Samir Tata, Telecom Sud Paris, France)
Advanced Reasoning Technology for e-Science (ART) (Full day)
(Chairs: Alexey Cheptsov, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (main contact);
Jeff Z. Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK; Zhisheng Huang, Vrije
University Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
CeBPM: Workshop on Cloud-enabled Business Process Management (Full day)
(Chairs: Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
(main contact); Vlado Stankovski, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Engineering the Semantic Enterprise (Full day)
(Chairs: Maciej Dabrowski, DERI Galway, Ireland (main contact); John
Breslin, DERI Galway, Ireland; Alexandre Passant, Seevl.net; Eric
Gordon Prud'hommeaux, W3C/MIT)
Social Web Analytics for Trend Detection (Full day)
(Chairs: Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
(main contact); Hakim Hacid, Bell Labs, France)
International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud (BDC 2012) (Full day)
(Chairs: Athman Bouguettaya, RMIT University, Australia; Surya Nepal,
CSIRO, Australia)
This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to [announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 7th International Research Workshop on IT
Project Management (IRWITPM)
Datum: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 07:56:15 -0400
Von: Alanah Mitchell <mitchellaj(a)appstate.edu>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
*7th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM)*
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Orlando, Florida
(In conjunction with ICIS 2012)
Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt)
The Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITPROJMGMT) is
proud to sponsor the 7th International Research Workshop on Information
Technology Project Management. The workshop will feature research papers
and one or more panels that focus on problems that cut across many
traditional IS/T Project Management areas, including, but not limited
to, the following topics: project success, virtual project management,
agile project management, knowledge networks in projects, project
management methodologies, distributed project management, project
leadership, project quality metrics, project management standards, best
practices in project management, and pedagogical issues.
The workshop will be held as an all-day meeting in Orlando, Florida in
conjunction with ICIS 2012. Participants should plan on arriving the
night before the workshop for an early start to the meeting. There will
be a single track to maximize interaction and participation. Workshop
participants will be charged a registration fee that will include lunch
and coffee breaks (details will be announced as the conference program
is finalized).
SUBMISSIONS (may be of three types):
? Completed research papers (< 5000 words, excluding references,
tables, and figures)
? Research-in-progress papers (< 3500 words, excluding references,
tables, and figures)
? Panel proposals.
*Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2012*
Notification of Decision: October 15th, 2012
Revised Manuscripts Deadline: November 1st, 2012
Registration Deadline: November 15th, 2012
The manuscript or proposal and any supporting documentation (such as
survey instruments) should be sent as e-mail attachments (in MSWord
format) to the IRWITPM Conference Chairs at UNOIRWITPM(a)unomaha.edu
<mailto:UNOIRWITPM@unomaha.edu>. In your email, please clearly identify
your paper as a research-in-progress (RIP) or a completed paper. All
submissions to IRWITPM 2012 must represent original work that has not
already been published in a journal or conference proceedings. If the
work has been presented at another conference or is currently under
consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere, the authors
must disclose this fact. At least one author for every accepted paper
and all members of accepted panels must register for the workshop and be
prepared to present their ideas in person. Authors of accepted
submissions must address the suggestions (if any) of the reviewers and
submit an electronic copy of the final version of their work by the
specified deadline. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of this
work from further consideration and it will not be included on the final
program. All final papers will be published in the form of e-proceedings
available via the AIS eLibrary. Authors should use the submission
template provided on the SIG web site.
For more information, visit the SIG website at www.SIGITProjMgmt.org
<http://www.SIGITProjMgmt.org> or please contact the workshop organizers
Dr. Stacie Petter (spetter(a)mail.unomaha.edu
<mailto:spetter@mail.unomaha.edu>) or Dr. Alanah Mitchell
(mitchellaj(a)appstate.edu <mailto:mitchellaj@appstate.edu>).
Alanah Mitchell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems
John A. Walker College of Business
Appalachian State University
2114 Raley Hall
ASU Box 32049
Boone, NC 28608-2049 USA
phone: +1 828 262 7447; fax: +1 828 262 6190
mitchellaj(a)appstate.edu <mailto:mitchellaj@appstate.edu>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Last Call for Chapters - Cases on Social Networking
Websites for Instructional Use
Datum: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 21:58:01 +0000
Von: Hasan Tinmaz <hasan_tinmaz(a)hotmail.com>
Dear List Members,
I trust this e-mail finds you well! You are receiving this e-mail
because of your expertise and interest in social networking and
education. As such, I would like to cordially invite you to consider
contributing your expertise to a forthcoming book edited by me, Dr.
Hasan TINMAZ of the Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey, entitled ?*Cases
on Social Networking Websites for Instructional Use*?.
As the social networking websites extended into the daily lives of our
students, several questions have arisen about their effects on our
students, schools, and learning and teaching processes. Among these
questions, how the students? learning is affected by their existence on
social networks is one of the most important issues. In the fields of
educational sciences, instructional technologies, human resources
management, etc., there exists a need for an edited collection of cases
in this area.
/Cases on Social Networking Websites for Instructional Use/initiates the
discussion of issues and addresses the challenges of using different
social networking websites in learning and teaching, and delineates the
framework of social networking websites? potential as innovative
instructional platforms. The casebook will attempt to answer different
questions regarding social networking website adoption in instructional
activities, and will present cases from different fields and
applications. The content of the casebook will emphasize merging both
theoretical and practical perspectives on effective social networking
website applications.
/Cases on Social Networking Websites for Instructional Use///invites
representatives from higher education, K-12 education, a range of
industries, and the corporate sector to share their experiences and
examples which could serve to develop new applications and
implementations, or re-apply the existing examples to re-investigate the
outcomes of the earlier cases. The editor invites author(s) from
different fields to share their expertise with the rest of the world.
As you have a specific interest in social networking and education
fields, I would like to invite you to contribute a case study on this
topic.However, please know that your contribution would not be limited
to that topic; should you be so inclined, please feel free to write your
case on any of the other following topics instead:
* role of social networking websites in formal, non-formal and
informal education settings,
* potentialities and drawbacks of instructional social networking use
in education,
* pedagogical frameworks for using social networking websites for
educational purposes,
* use of social networking websites into fully online courses versus
hybrid courses,
* use of social networking websites as supplementary instructional
* different methodologies for integrating social networking websites
into learning/teaching,
* theoretical approaches to use of social networking websites in
* how instructional use of social networking websites are designed and
* different tools and applications used for social networking websites
instructional use,
* integrating social networking websites for business sector as a
support system,
* strategies for offering, developing and managing instructional
platforms on social networking websites,
* theories and practices on cooperative learning /knowledge creation
issues on social networking websites,
* mobile applications and implementations for social networking
websites instructional utilization,
* use of social networking websites within the scope ofhuman
performance technology,
* use of social networking websites as EPSSs (Electronic Performance
Support Systems),
* case studies using social networking websites for educational
purposes into different settings (schools, universities or
companies) and disciplines,
* cases on knowledge management and creation on social networking
* essential success factors for implementing social networking
websitesin instruction,
* ethical dilemmas and alternative solutions instructor/learner
relationships on social networking websites,
* motivation toward learning via social networking websites,
* feedback mechanism provided via social networking websites,
* managerial issues of using social networking websites in instruction,
* adoption and diffusion of social networking websites as
instructional innovations,
* impact of social networking websites on the current learning and
teaching processes,
* evaluations ofintegrated social networking websites for educational
* empirical research on social networking websites for educational
Should you accept this invitation, I would like to kindly ask that, on
or before *September 15, 2012*, you submit via e-mail a 2-3 page case
proposal for review that clearly explains the mission and concern of
your proposed case.Should your proposal be accepted, you will be
notified by *September 25, 2012*, and given until *October 30, 2012*, to
submit your case upon which it will be sent for double-blind peer
review. This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly
Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the ?Information Science Reference?
(formerly Idea Group Reference), ?Medical Information Science
Reference,? ?Business Science Reference,? and ?Engineering Science
Reference? imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit www.igi-global.com <http://www.igi-global.com/>. This
publication is anticipated to be released in 2013. Please visit
*http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/753 *for
more details regarding this publication.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
me.I appreciate your consideration of this invitation and hope to hear
from you soon!
Best wishes,
/Dr. Hasan TINMAZ/
/Istanbul Kultur University/
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Issue on "Security in a
Completely Interconnected World" (Deadline October 1st, 2012)
Datum: Mon, 03 Sep 2012 05:47:05 +0200
Von: roman <roman(a)lcc.uma.es>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Special Issue on "Security in a Completely Interconnected World"
Security and Communication Networks Journal
Paper submission deadline: October 1st 2012
The convergence of multiple paradigms, visions, and technologies –
Internet of
Things (IoT), People (IoP) and Services (IoS); Ambient Intelligence (AmI);
Machine-to-Machine (M2M); and many others – is giving birth to a
interconnected world. In this world, every entity (be it a machine, a
object, a person, or anything) can have a globally locatable, addressable,
and readable virtual counterpart, which can collaborate with each other in
provisioning of various services. This concept is slowly becoming a
specific standards are being developed, new research results are being
obtained, and novel services are being provided by both newborn start-ups
experienced companies in various areas (e.g., SCADA systems, smart grids,
smart cities). However, several significant obstacles hinder the full
implementation of this concept, and among them are the security issues. In
fact, as there is already a parallel economy exploiting the foundational
weaknesses of the Internet, this new environment will surely be targeted
original and ingenious malicious models. The challenge here is to prevent
growth of such models or at least to mitigate and limit their impact.
Therefore, it is necessary to provide strong foundations to those
that require it (such as IoT), and develop various robust and resilient
security mechanisms that allow the secure interaction between entities
in restrictive contexts. Precisely, the goal of this special issue is to
publish cutting-edge research results and innovation case studies that
help to set the security foundations of this new interconnected world.
Topics of Interest
In terms of security challenges, topics of interest include but are not
limited to:
* Novel security problems and challenges.
* Privacy risks and data management problems.
* Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing entities.
* Development of trust frameworks for secure collaboration.
* Cryptographic primitives and algorithms for constrained devices.
* Secure connection of heterogeneous ecosystems and technologies.
* Legal challenges and governance issues.
* Fault tolerance and resilience to external and internal attacks.
* Context-Aware security.
* Security of cloud-based M2M/IoT platforms.
* Distributed policy enforcement and rights management.
* Usability of security and privacy technologies.
* Security in social interactions between virtual entities.
Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished works.
research papers are solicited in all relevant areas (IoT, M2M, etc) on the
topic of security for the completely interconnected world. All submissions
will be peer reviewed by at least three experts working in the areas. The
guidelines for prospective authors can be found at
http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security. Prospective authors
should submit their papers online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn.
When submitting the papers, the authors should make sure to choose the
Manuscript type as 'Special Issue', enter the 'Running Head' as
and the 'Special Issue title' as and 'Security in a Completely
World', respectively. Failure to do so may be subject to rejection
without review.
Guest Editors
Jim Clarke
Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
E-mail: jclarke(a)tssg.org
Stefanos Gritzalis
University of the Aegean, Greece
E-mail: sgritz(a)aegean.gr
Rodrigo Roman
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
E-mail: rroman(a)i2r.a-star.edu.sg
Jianying Zhou
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
E-mail: jyzhou(a)i2r.a-star.edu.sg
Important Dates
Manuscript due October 1st 2012
First Review Phase Results January 2013
Final Acceptance Notification March 2013
Camera Ready Manuscript due April 2013
Publication The 2nd half of 2013 (Tentative)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Contents of JAIS, Volume 13, Issue 8 (August)
Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 11:58:18 +1000
Von: Gregor, Shirley <Shirley.Gregor(a)anu.edu.au>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Contents of JAIS, Volume 13, Issue 8 (August)
Contents of Volume 13, Issue 8 (August) Journal of the Association for
Information Systems (JAIS) Official Publication of the Association for
Information Systems
Published: Monthly Electronically
ISSN: 1536-9323
Published by the Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Shirley Gregor, The Australian National
University, Australia
Is This Review Believable? A Study of Factors Affecting the Credibility
of Online Consumer Reviews from an ELM Perspective By Cindy Man-Yee
Cheung, Choon-Ling Sia, and Kevin K. Y. Kuan
With the ever-increasing popularity of online consumer reviews,
understanding what makes an online review believable has attracted
increased attention from both academics and practitioners. Drawing on
the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), this study examines four
information cues used to evaluate the credibility of online reviews:
Argument quality, source credibility, review consistency, and review
sidedness, under different levels of involvement and expertise. We
conducted an online survey that involved users of Epinions.com, a
popular online consumer review website, to test the research model
empirically. Consistent with previous research, the results reveal that
argument quality, a central cue, was the primary factor affecting review
credibility. Participants also relied on peripheral cues such as source
credibility, review consistency, and review sidedness when evaluating
online consumer reviews. Review sidedness had a stronger impact on
review credibility when the recipient had a low involvement level and a
high expertise level. However, the other interaction effects were not
significant. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of
these results.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below:
Morality, Ethics, and Reflection: A Categorization of Normative IS
Research By Bernd Carsten Stahl
Moral views and perceptions, their ethical evaluation and justification,
and practical concerns about how to incorporate them all play important
roles in research and practice in the information systems discipline.
This paper develops a model of normative issues ranging from moral
intuition and explicit morality to ethical theory and meta-ethical
reflection. After showing that this normative model is relevant to IS
and that it allows an improved understanding of normative issues, the
paper discusses these levels of normativity in the context of two of the
most prominent normative topics in IS: Privacy and intellectual
property. The paper then suggests that a more explicit understanding of
the different aspects of normativity would benefit IS research. This
would leverage the traditional empirical strengths of IS research and
use them to develop research that is relevant beyond the boundaries of
the discipline. Such broader relevance could be aimed at the reference
disciplines. In particular, moral philosophy could benefit from
understanding information technology and its role in organizations in
more detail. It could, furthermore, inform policy makers who are
increasingly called on to regulate new information technologies.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ICCNDT2012 Paper Submission Deadline Approaching!
(Sept. 25, 2012)
Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 03:10:00 +0200
Von: ICCNDT Conference <iccndt(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Conference on Computing, Networking and Digital
Technologies (ICCNDT 2012)
Gulf University, Sanad, Bahrain
Nov. 11-13, 2012
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at Gulf
University, Sanad, Bahrain, From Nov. 11-13, 2012 which aims to enable
researchers build connections between different digital applications.
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:
- Software Specification
- Software Assurance
- Social Search
- Software Process Modeling
- Software Reuse
- Cloud Computing
- Grid Computing
- Green Computing
- Information and Data Management
- Telecommunications
- Communication protocols
- Security and Access Control
- Transmission Techniques
- Communication Systems
- Network Systems and Devices
- Information Content Security
- Network Modeling and Simulation
- Network Management Techniques
- Reengineering And Reverse Engineering
- Trust Models for Social Networks
- Data and Network Mining
- Computational Intelligence
- Biometrics Technologies
- Biometrics and Ethics
- Distributed AI Systems
- Internet Modeling
- Digital Image Processing
- XML-Based Languages
- Web Services Security
- Mobile Social Networks
- Software Design, Software Testing
- Multimedia Data Base
- Information Retrieval
- Digital Rights Management
- Compression and Coding
- Analysis and Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Data mining
- Soft Computing
- Web based applications
- Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems
- Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications
- Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
- Intelligent Agent-Based Systems, Cognitive and Reactive Distributed AI
- User Interfaces, Visualization and Modeling
- Management and Diffusion of Multimedia Applications
- Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
- Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
- New Architectures for Web-Based Social Networks
- Semantic Web, Ontologies (Creation , Merging, Linking, Reconciliation)
- Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
- Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
- Algorithms, Architecture, and Infrastructures
- Wireless Networks, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All
papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees.
Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: Oct. 10, 2012
Camera Ready Submission: Oct. 30, 2012
Registration: Oct. 30, 2012
Conference Dates: Nov. 11-13, 2012
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Publication of Vol 17, No. 3 of REQUIREMENTS
Datum: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 21:18:26 +0300
Von: Pericles Loucopoulos <p.loucopoulos(a)lboro.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Volume 17, Number 3 (2012), 157-170, DOI: 10.1007/s00766-011-0131-2
Journal Home Page: http://www.springer.com/computer/swe/journal/766
?Comparing task practicing and prototype fidelities when applying
scenario acting to elicit requirements? BY
Gyda Atladottir, Ebba Thora Hvannberg & Sigrun Gunnarsdottir
Identifying accurate user requirements early in the design cycle is of
the utmost importance in system development. The purpose of this study
of requirements elicitation was to compare the results of involving the
user early in the design cycle using a low-fidelity prototype with the
results of involving the user after a high-fidelity prototype was
available. Three groups of potential users applied the method of
Scenario Acting. Participants in the first group were given a working
prototype of a human capital development system. The participants of the
second group were given a detailed description of proposed features of
the system and were told to practice on a paper prototype or with
current methods, such as an Internet browser. These groups then
practiced the tasks for some time before participating in the Scenario
Acting. The third group received a brief description of the objectives
of the system and did not practice the tasks. The results of the study
showed that the use of the high-fidelity prototype was not helpful for
eliciting requirements when working with users. However, the second
group, taking time to practice the tasks given a low-fidelity paper
prototype outperformed the others. Furthermore, the analysis of the
Scenario Acting sessions revealed that two sessions were better than
one, especially for participants of the group working with a
low-fidelity prototype. An analysis of the topic of requirements showed
that there was no difference between the groups on the domain tasks
(here, human capital development), but the group practicing on the
high-fidelity prototype commented more on its ease of use and usefulness
than the other two. By comparison, the group practicing on low-fidelity
prototype had more comments on the practice of the work and output of
the tasks.
?The effectiveness of an optimized EPMcreate as a creativity enhancement
technique for Web site requirements elicitation? BY
Creativity is often needed in requirements elicitation, i.e.,
requirement idea generation; and techniques to enhance creativity are
believed to be useful. This paper describes two controlled experiments
to compare the requirements-elicitation effectiveness of three
creativity enhancement techniques (CET): (1) full EPMcreate; (2)
Power-Only EPMcreate, an optimization of full EPMcreate; and (3)
traditional brainstorming. In each experiment, one team of university
students applied one of the two or three CETs under study in the
experiment to generate ideas for requirements for enhancing a high
school?s public Web site. The results of the first experiment indicate
that Power-Only EPMcreate is more effective, by the quantity and quality
of the ideas generated, than the full EPMcreate, which is, in turn, more
effective than brainstorming. The results of the second experiment
confirm that Power-Only EPMcreate is more effective, by the same
measures, than full EPMcreate. In each experiment, for the sake of
uniform, reproducible evaluation, a requirement idea is considered high
quality if it is both new and useful.
?Constructing high quality use case models: a systematic review of
current practices? BY
Mohamed El-Attar & James Miller
There is an increasing recognition for the need to develop high quality
use case models from the professional and academic communities. Quality
in use case models is of particular importance when they are utilized
within a use case driven development process, whereby every aspect of
development is driven by the models and influenced by their quality.
Many practitioners and researchers have provided guidelines, suggestions
and techniques to construct high quality use case models. This
invaluable body of knowledge is disseminated across numerous literature
resources. Without unifying this knowledge into one resource, it cannot
be expected that a use case modeler would be fully aware of the entire
body of knowledge and benefitting from it. This paper presents a
systematic review that was conducted in order to identify and amalgamate
this knowledge. The amalgamated knowledge is presented in a unified
form, specifically as a set of 26 anti-patterns, which modelers can use
to improve the quality of their models.
?Using conceptual models to explore business-ICT alignment in networked
value constellations? BY
V. Pijpers, P. de Leenheer, J. Gordijn & H. Akkermans
In this paper, we introduce /e/ ^3 /alignment/ for inter-organizational
business-ICT alignment. With the /e/ ^3 /alignment/ framework, we create
alignment between organizations operating in an agile networked value
constellation?which is a set of organizations who jointly satisfy a
customer need?by (1) focusing on the /interaction/ between the
organizations in the constellation, (2) considering interaction from
/four/ different perspectives, and (3) utilizing conceptual /modeling
techniques/ to analyze and create alignment within and between the
perspectives. By creating inter-organizational business-ICT alignment
between the actors in the constellation, /e/ ^3 /alignment/ ultimately
contributes to a sustainable and profitable constellation. To actually
create alignment, /e/ ^3 /alignment/ iteratively takes three specific
steps: (1) identification of alignment issues, (2) solution design, and
(3) impact analysis. We illustrate our approach with cases from the
Dutch aviation industry, Spanish electricity industry, and Dutch telecom
?Exploring the impact of software requirements on system-wide goals: a
method using satisfaction arguments and i* goal modelling? BY
James Lockerbie, Neil Arthur McDougall Maiden, Jorgen Engmann,
Debbie Randall, Sean Jones & David Bush
This paper describes the application of requirements engineering
concepts to support the analysis of the impact of new software systems
on system-wide goals. Requirements on a new or revised software
component of a socio-technical system not only have implications on the
goals of the subsystem itself, but they also impact upon the goals of
the existing integrated system. In industries such as air traffic
management and healthcare, impacts need to be identified and
demonstrated in order to assess concerns such as risk, safety, and
accuracy. A method called PiLGRIM was developed which integrates
means-end relationships within goal modelling with knowledge associated
with the application domain. The relationship between domain knowledge
and requirements, as described in a satisfaction argument, adds
traceability rationale to help determine the impacts of new requirements
across a network of heterogeneous actors. We report procedures that
human analysts follow to use the concepts of satisfaction arguments in a
software tool for i* goal modelling. Results were demonstrated using
models and arguments developed in two case studies, each featuring a
distinct socio-technical system?a new controlled airspace infringement
detection tool for NATS (the UK?s air navigation service provider), and
a new version of the UK?s HIV/AIDS patient reporting system. Results
provided evidence towards our claims that the conceptual integration of
i* and satisfaction arguments is usable and useful to human analysts,
and that the PiLGRIM impact analysis procedures and tool support are
effective and scalable to model and analyse large and complex
socio-technical systems.