-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Deadline Extension: Knowledge Sharing using Social Media
Datum: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:14:31 +0200
Von: Alexander Stocker <astocker(a)know-center.at>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Special Track on Knowledge Sharing using Social Media
3 September 2008
Graz, Austria
Since many authors have asked for an extension of the submission deadline, we will keep our submission system open for further two weeks. The extended submission deadline is now April 28, 2008.
This one-day special track takes place during TRIPLE-I '08 in Graz, Austria (3 - 5 September 2008) as one programme item of I-KNOW '08. The Special Track provides an interdisciplinary forum for international scientists and practitioners to discuss various aspects of Knowledge Sharing using Social Media (KSS).
The I-KNOW is part of a joint venture of the conferences united under the brand TRIPLE-I (http://triple-i.tugraz.at/): I-KNOW - International Conference on Knowledge Management, I-MEDIA - International Conference on New Media Technology, and I-SEMANTICS - International Conference on Semantic Systems. TRIPLE-I reflects the increasing importance and convergence of Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems. This unique concept aims at bridging the gaps between the various communities and their technology fields.
This KSS special track is the fourth event of a series which started at I-KNOW '05. The focus of the individual events always was on knowledge sharing but each year a different trend was picked up. In the first year attention was paid to knowledge sharing in research and higher education mainly within closed environments. In the second year the focus on research and higher education was continued but the knowledge sharing environments then were web 2.0 applications, especially social software, partly combined with semantic technologies. In the last year the organisers called for contributions dealing with social software especially in the organisational context. This year we keep this topic since research and experiences have grown.
In the past years different organisations - reaching from educational institutions to large companies - gave Social Media a trial and thus brought down the hype to earth. While in the beginnings it was not so clear in which areas which kind of Social Media could make sense, to which factors attention has to be paid for a successful implementation, and what the added value could be, in the meantime first answers have been found. Corresponding books were recently published, conferences increasingly addressed this topic, and science and industry published their insights in journals and magazines. Additionally, and this is the newest development in this area, there are first ideas about the integration of Social Media with Semantic Technologies.
Against the background of real world applications of Social Media, KSS '08 tries to find answers to the following guiding research questions:
* How is Social Media applied at the interface between enterprise and customers or partners?
* Which factors facilitate and impede the successful implementation of Social Media?
* Which Social Media applications are most promising for what purpose?
* What are the approaches in introducing Social Media?
* How is Social Media integrated with semantic technologies and to what purpose?
The special track will bring together international researchers as well as practitioners from different organisations who will have plenty of time for networking and real-world knowledge sharing.
KSS '08 is especially concerned with the intern application of Social Media in small and medium sized enterprises, but also multinational enterprises, and the application at the interface to the outside world, namely partners, customers or even potential/former employees. Social, technical as well as business research questions and issues are of interest. We welcome scientific papers which present methods, tools, technologies, best practices and case studies.
We invite submissions that deal with issues including, but are not limited to:
* Procedures and practices of implementing Social Media in enterprises and at the interface to the outside world of an enterprise
* Social Media in different business processes such as marketing, product development, training, innovation, or customer relationship
* Social Media in individual and collaborative work
* Value analysis of Social Media
* Social Network Analysis
* Economic and social theories explaining Social Media issues
* Integration of social software with mobile devices
* Cross-linkage of Social Media applications
* Social Media business models
Important Dates
28 April 2008: Submission of the full papers (8 pages)
31 May 2008: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2008: Camera ready version (8 pages)
3-5 Sept. 2008: TRIPLE-I Conference
Submission Procedure
File Types: PDF, Word for Windows
Style Guides: http://triple-i.tugraz.at/about/style_guide
Paper Submission System: http://i-know.know-center.tugraz.at/chairhelper/iknow08/submission
In case of problems or questions concerning the submission of papers, please contact the track chairs at kss(a)know-center.at.
Notification of Acceptance and Publishing
Accepted papers will be published within the I-KNOW '08 conference proceedings. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for I-KNOW '08 before the deadline for Camera ready versions (30 June 2008).
Chairs of KSS '08
The organization team of the special track on Knowledge Sharing using Social Media consists of the following people:
* Gisela Granitzer, Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Alexander Stocker, Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Anita Wutte, Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Patrick Hoefler, Know-Center Graz, Austria
Programme Committee
* Tomáš Pitner, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
* Florian Heidecke, University St. Gallen, Switzerland
* Patrick Erren, University of Paderborn, Germany
* Robert J. Slagter, Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
* Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
* Martin Memmel, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
* Anwar Us Saeed, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Pakistan
* Martin Ebner, Technische Universität Graz, Austria
* Isa Jahnke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
* Martin Welker, Universität Leipzig, Germany
* Thomas Pleil, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
* Wolf Hilzensauer, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria
* Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam, Germany
* Wolf-Fritz Riekert, Hochschule der Medien, Germany
* Anna Maria Köck, Technical University of Graz, Austria
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] CfP: 4th International Workshop on Data Engineering
Issues in E-Commerce
Datum: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:09:14 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Martin Hepp <mhepp(a)wiinf.uni-wuerzburg.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
[ our apologies if you receive this message multiple times ]
Call for Papers: 4th International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues
in E-Commerce and Services (DEECS 2008)
In conjunction with the 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology
(CEC'08) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE'08)
July 21, 2008, Crystal City, Washington, D.C., USA
++ Deadline for submission: May 5, 2008 ++
++ Full papers, position papers, posters, and demos invited ++
++ IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings ++
++ Proceedings will be included in the IEEE Digital Library ++
++ More information at http://www.cebt.re.kr/DEECS2008/ ++
Workshop Theme
As part of their e-business activities, enterprises create, share,
recombine, and process an ever increasing amount of data and documents
that range from simple transactional data to complex business process
In many respective processes, multiple spheres overlap, e.g.
(1) inter- with intra-organizational data sources in collaborative
(2) master data with transactional data,
(3) regular data with behavioral aspects of processes, or
(4) facts with normative assertions.
Since business entities are members of multiple value chains, same as
data sources are often used in multiple contexts and processes, there
are often conflicting requirements on the representation of such data.
All this in combination makes e-business data engineering a very
challenging task, already at the level of a single company but even more
in value chains. Also, respective modeling choices may have long-lasting
and far reaching impact, and affect
(1) operational efficiency,
(2) business process agility,
(3) the range of analytical tasks for decision support, and
(4) strategic options.
Eventually, those choices determine the current and future degree of
automation in content and process integration.
While e-business standards in general help, standardization alone does
not solve the problem. This is because yielding a consensual
representation takes time, consumes resources, and constrains an
entity’s ability to capture individual details. Moreover, the cost of
implementing and enforcing the standards is sometimes prohibitive for
small businesses. Proprietary representations, on the other hand, hamper
interoperability, and complicate B2B integration.
In service-oriented architectures (SOAs), this complexity is further
increased by the behavioral dimension of e-business interactions, e.g.
services choreography and orchestration.
This workshop aims at providing a venue for discussion and the exchange
of ideas on data and knowledge engineering issues in the dynamic
environment of e-business, enterprise computing, and business services
and transformation.
In particular, we are inviting full and short papers, posters, and
hands-on demonstrations on the following topics:
- Business data integration
- Business data management
- Business data privacy and security
- Business decision support
- Business intelligence
- Business modeling and analysis
- Business process integration
- Business process management
- Business process monitoring
- Business process intelligence
- Business transformation outsourcing
- Case studies and applications
- Corporate Knowledge Management
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Decision Support Systems
- E-commerce content
- E-commerce standards
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise architecture
- E-procurement and sourcing
- Folksonomies and Collaborative Tagging in business applications
- Human Resources Management
- Legal applications
- Ontologies and use of Semantic Web technology
- Product catalog management
- Product lifecycle management
- Product specification standardization
- Semantic Business Process Management
- Semantics-supported Business Intelligence on product data
- Semantic Web Services
- Sensors and actuators
- Service-oriented architectures (SOAs)
- Solution design and delivery
- Specification and monitoring of Service-Level Agreements
- Supply Chain Management
- Tools tailored to applications in these areas
- Ubiquitous / context-aware services
- Business value and cost modeling and analysis
- Virtual enterprises
- Web services
Paper Submission and Publication
We are inviting the submission of
· full papers (up to 8 pages),
· position papers (up to 5 pages),
· posters (2-page extended abstracts or final posters), and
· hands-on demonstrations (2-page descriptions of the demo)
describing original research on the listed or related topics.
Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author
Guidelines to prepare your papers using the 8.5'' x 11'', two-column
Submissions must be in the form of PDF documents using our conference
submission system, which will be available at
At least one author is required to attend the workshop and present the
work. Attendance of the workshop requires registration to the main
CEC/EEE 2008 conference.
Full papers will be published in the regular conference proceedings by
the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be included in the IEEE Digital
Selected papers will be invited for fast-track review of the
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS,
Review Process
Each paper will typically be reviewed by three members of the Program
Committee. Reviewers will score submissions according to their
contribution, originality/novelty, technical depth/merit, and quality of
presentation. For short position papers, clarity of exposition and the
degree of innovation will be sufficient, while for full papers, a clear
technical contribution is expected.
Important Dates
May 5, 2008: Submissions due
May 19, 2008: Notification of acceptance
May 26, 2008: Camera-ready versions due
July 21, 2008: Workshop (tentative)
Organizing Committee
* General Chairs
Sang-goo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
Juhnyoung Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Center, USA
* Program Chairs
Martin Hepp, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Mehmet Sayal, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA
* Proceedings and Web Chair
Junho Shim, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea
Program Committee (Tentative)
(Invitations ongoing; confirmation partly pending)
Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University, Poland
Jorge Cardoso, SAP Research, Germany
Willy Chen, University of Mannheim
Pieter De Leenheer, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
Vivian Ding, IBM Research, China
Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna Univ of Technology, Austria
Frederik Gailly, Ghent University, Belgium
Mohand-Said Hacid, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Birgit Hofreiter, University of Vienna, Austria
Christian Huemer, University of Vienna, Austria
Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Michel Klein, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Joerg Leukel, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Tokuro Matsuo, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Robert Meersman, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
Jan Mendling, Queensland University, Australia
Andreas Karcher, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Paavo Kotinurmi, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Daniel Oberle, SAP Research, Germany
Carlos Pedrinaci, The Open University, UK
Dimitris Plexousakis, FORTH, Greece
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
Chun Hua Tian, IBM Research, China
Tammo van Lessen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Gottfried Vossen, University of Muenster, Germany
Wolfgang Wilkes, University of Hagen, Germany
Martin Hepp
E-Business and Web Science Research Group
Chair of General Management and E-Business
Bundeswehr University Munich
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany
Phone: +49-89-6004-4217
E-Mail: mhepp(a)computer.org
Web: http://www.heppnetz.de
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IAS 2008 - IEEE CS Society Press-
Final Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:20:34 +0200
Von: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: abraham.ajith(a)gmail.com
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Dear Colleagues,
Please forward this CFP to your colleagues and mailing lists! Many thanks!
IAS 2008: The Fourth International Conference on Information Assurance and
8-10 September 2008, Naples
Call For Papers - Deadline Extended to 21 April 2008
Information assurance and security has become an important research issue in
networked and distributed information sharing environments. Finding
effective ways to protect information systems, networks and sensitive data
within the critical information infrastructure is challenging even with the
most advanced technology and trained professionals. The International
Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS) aims to bring together
researchers, practitioners, developers, and policy makers involved in
multiple disciplines of information security and assurance to exchange ideas
and to learn the latest development in this important field.
Security Mechanisms for:
Authentication and Identity Management
Authorization and Access Control
Trust Negotiation, Establishment and Management
Anonymity and User Privacy
Data Integrity and Privacy
Network Security
Operating System Security
Database Security
Intrusion Detection
Security Attacks
Security and System Architectures
Web Services Security
GRID Security
Ubiquitous Computing Security
Mobile Agent Security
Internet Security
Security Methodologies
Security Oriented System Design
Security and Performance trade-off
Security Management and Strategy
Security Verification, Evaluations and Measurements
Secure Software Technologies
New Ideas and Paradigms for Security
Security Application on Critical Environments
Intellectual Property Protection
E-Commerce Security
E-Government Security
E-Health Security
Home System Security
Sensor Network Security
Ad hoc network security
Biometrics Security and Applications
Secure Hardware and Smartcards
Security Models
Cryptographic Protocols
Key Management and Recover
Paper Submission
Papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical,
experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports. Papers
must be submitted no later than 21 April 2008 (DeadLine Extended!) and
electronic submission in PDF or Word is required. The page limit for a
full-length paper is 6 pages. Short papers describing novel research
visions, work-in-progress or less mature results are also welcome, with the
limit of 4 pages. All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5" x 11"
two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be
evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be
reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.
Papers can be submitted to the EasyChair Management System at the following
Conference Proceedings
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Selected
papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in a
special issue of the international Journal of Information Assurance and
Security (JIAS).
Important Dates
Paper Submissions
21 April 2008 (Deadline Extended!)
Author's Notification
9 May 2008
Author Registration Deadline
26 May 2008
Camera Ready
26 May 2008
The IAS'08 Program Committee will select one winner for the Best Paper Award
(all regular papers are eligible) and one winner for the Best Student Paper
Award (to be eligible, the student must be the sole author of the paper or
the first author and primary contributor). A cover letter to the General
Chair/Program Chair must identify the paper as a candidate for this
competition at the time of submission. The award-winning papers will be
considered for publication in the international Journal of Information
Assurance and Security (JIAS).
Further enquiries regarding matters related to IAS 2008 can be sent to the
Local Organising Committee.
E-mail: massimiliano.rak(a)unina2.it
Tel: +39 (0)81 5010336
Mobile: +39 3287113693
Fax: +39 (0)81 503742
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Journal of Information Systems Education - Vol. 19,
No. 1
Datum: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:25:27 -0400
Von: Dr. Al Harris <harrisal(a)appstate.edu>
Antwort an: Dr. Al Harris <harrisal(a)appstate.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
IS Professors and IS Education Professionals around the world:
The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) is pleased to
announce that Volume 19, Number 1 has been published. JISE is the
leading academic journal dedicated to IS education and is the official
publication of the Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) of AITP (the
Association of Information Technology Professionals). The index and
abstracts for each paper for this issue and abstracts for all papers in
Vol. 19(1) can be found at http://www.jise.appstate.edu/current.htm.
Editor: Albert L. Harris [mailto:jise@appstate.edu], Appalachian State
Contents of Vol. 19, No. 1 include:
Call for Papers - Special Issue on the Impacts of Web 2.0 and Virtual
World Technologies on IS Education, p. 4 (CFP:
http://www.jise.appstate.edu/CFP-VirtualTechnologies.htm ); Deadline:
January 20, 2009.
Teaching Tip - First Impressions: An Alternative Way to Start a Systems
Development Course by Jack W. Fellers, Drake University. p.5-9
Online Education Forum Part One – The Shift Toward Online Education by
Charlene A. Dykman and Charles K. Davis, University of St. Thomas. p.11-16
Analysis of Skills Requirement for Entry-Level Programmer/Analysts in
Fortune 500 Corporations by Choong Kwon Lee, Keimyung University and
Hyo-Joo Han, Georgia Southern University. p. 17-27
Incorporating Virtual Teamwork Training into MIS Curricula by Fang Chen,
University of Manitoba, James Sager, Gail Corbitt, and Stanley C.
Gardiner, California State University. p. 29-41
Why Are Students Not Majoring in Information Systems? by Kent A.
Walstrom, Thomas P.Schambach, Keith T. Jones, and William J. Crampton,
Illinois State University. p. 43-54
Clicking to Learn: A Case Study of Embedding Radio-Frequency based
Clickers in an Introductory Management Information Systems Course by
Matthew L. Nelson and Roslin V. Hauck, Illinois State University. P. 55-64
Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching
Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts by Robert Pellerin, École
Polytechnique de Montréal and Pierre Hadaya, Université du Québec à
Montréal. P. 65-73
Opening the Classroom by Richard T. Watson, Marie-Claude Boudreau, Paul
T. York, Martina Greiner, University of Georgia, and Donald E. Wynn,
University of Dayton. P. 75-85
The Impact of Students’ Perceived Computer Experience on Behavior and
Performance in an Introductory Information Systems Course by Deborah J.
Ballou and Brian R. Huguenard, Tennessee Technological University. P. 87-97
Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project
Management Skills by Harold Smith, Debra Smarkusky and Elizabeth
Corrigall, Penn State University. P. 99-110
Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic
Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study by Ronnie H.
Shroff, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Douglas R. Vogel, John
Coombes, City University of Hong Kong. P. 111-126
About the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)
SAMPLE COPIES: If you have not received a free sample and would like to
receive one, please send an e-mail message with your name and full
mailing address to the Editor: Albert L. Harris, Appalachian State
University (mailto:jise@appstate.edu).
CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS: JISE invites contributions from IS educators and
scholars involving IS education. We accept manuscripts in the following
areas: IS education research, teaching tips, innovative classroom
practices, curriculum issues, teaching cases, classroom minicases,
current topics in IS education, IS education trends and new ideas, and
other IS education-related topics. Submissions should be sent
electronically to mailto:jise@appstate.edu.
CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on the Impacts of Web 2.0 and Virtual
World Technologies on IS Education
Guest Editor: Alan Rea, Western Michigan University, mailto:rea@wmich.edu
In this JISE special issue, we are looking for high-quality, innovative,
and insightful articles related to research studies, instructional
cases, teaching tips, and other discussions that examine the role that
Web 2.0 and Virtual Worlds should - or perhaps should not - play within
our physical, virtual, or mixed classroom environment. How can these
technological tools be best used in our pedagogical toolbox? Are there
instances where they are a good fit or perhaps merely an instructional
band-aid? Consider sharing your insights, research, or teaching tips as
we examine the promises presented, and the perils posed, by these
ever-growing innovative, immersive (perhaps invasive), and pervasive
technologies. Accepted articles will be published in Vol. 20 (2) of
JISE. See the full CFP, URL:
http://www.jise.appstate.edu/CFP-VirtualTechnologies.htm . Paper
deadline is January 20, 2009. For more information contact the Guest
Editor at the e-mail addresses listed above.
REVIEW PROCESS: Each article submitted to JISE is blind reviewed by
members of the Editorial Board and/or other reviewers. Authors are
informed of the results of the review by the Editor. The final decision
for the publishing of any manuscript is made by the Editor.
JISE is indexed by ABI/Informs, EBSCO Business Source Complete,
ProQuest, H.W. Wilson, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
The JISE web site is at http://www.jise.appstate.edu.
Dr. Albert L. Harris
Professor and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Systems Education
2006 Fulbright Scholar to Portugal
Department of Computer Information Systems
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608
(828) 262-6180
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Last CfP Informatik 2008 - Workshop "Management und
Entwicklung von Unternehmensarchitekturen"
Datum: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:00:31 +0200
Von: Michael Rohloff <michael.rohloff(a)arcor.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
anbei möchte ich Sie erneut auf den Workshop "Management und Entwicklung
von Unternehmensarchitekturen" auf der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2008
in München (8-13.9.2008) aufmerksam machen. Der Workshop wird am
Donnerstag, den 11.9.2008 stattfinden.
*Die Einreichungsfrist für Beiträge ist der 28.04.2008. *
Weitere Details über die Schwerpunkte des Workshops entnehmen Sie bitte
dem beigefügten Call for Papers oder unter
Mit besten Grüßen
Michael Rohloff
*Last Call for Papers*
* *
*„Management und Entwicklung von Unternehmensarchitekturen“*
* *
*als Grundlage für „Beherrschbare Systeme – dank Informatik“*
im Rahmen der 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) -
*INFORMATIK 2008 in München, 8.- 13. September 2008*
Unternehmensarchitekturen als übergreifender Ansatz zur Planung und
Entwicklung von Architekturen im Unternehmen finden zunehmende
Verbreitung in Wissenschaft und Unternehmenspraxis. Der Workshop hat das
Management und die Entwicklung von Unternehmensarchitekturen und damit
insbesondere die Gestaltung von Architekturen im Großen zum Gegenstand.
Die Planung und Entwicklung integrierter IT-Landschaften steht im
Eine Unternehmensarchitektur umfasst die Geschäftsarchitektur
(Organisation, Prozesse, Information) und die IT-Architektur
(Anwendungsarchitektur, Infrastruktur/ Technologiearchitektur,
IT-Sicherheit). Diese Bereiche geben den Rahmen für viele
Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten in der Praxis und auch theoretischen
Diskussionen vor. Von besonderer Relevanz ist die ganzheitliche
Betrachtung auf Unternehmensebene und die Gestaltung von Architekturen
im Großen unter Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen den
Bausteinen der Architektur. In der Unternehmensarchitektur müssen sich
dann alle Detailarchitekturen wieder finden. Zusätzlich ist die
Unternehmensarchitektur aus der Strategie des Unternehmens abzuleiten
bzw. an dieser auszurichten. Serviceorientierte Ansätze ermöglichen die
Ausrichtung der Architektur an den Prozessen und Services im
Unternehmen. Als weiteres Themenfeld ist das Management der Entwicklung
von Architekturen hervorzuheben sowie die Einbindung der
unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen im Unternehmen. Es geht um die
Gestaltung der Prozesse zur Architekturentwicklung und die Festlegung
von Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten sowie die Einbindung der
Architekturprojekte in der Organisation. Außerdem erfordern
Unternehmensarchitekturen die organisatorische Verankerung und
Festlegung von Governance im Unternehmen sowie die Berücksichtigung
wirtschaftlicher Aspekte.
Willkommen sind Beiträge, die sich mit Unternehmensarchitekturen in
einer umfassenden, ganzheitlichen Sicht auseinandersetzen. Hierzu zählen
insbesondere Beiträge der methodisch-konzeptionellen Beschreibung von
Unternehmensarchitekturen sowie Beiträge, die das Management und die
Organisation der Architekturentwicklung sowie die Governance oder
wirtschaftliche Aspekte zum Gegenstand haben. Dem Gegenstand von
Unternehmensarchitekturen entsprechend, sind die Betrachtung der
Architektur einzelner Informationssysteme, isolierte Teillösungen oder
spezifische Technologien nicht Gegenstand dieses Workshops. Es wird
vielmehr auf eine übergreifende Betrachtung aus einer
Unternehmensgesamtsicht Wert gelegt.
Das Thema der Unternehmensarchitekturen ist durch seine umfassende
Sichtweise auch in den Inhalten entsprechend breit gefächert. Folgende
Themen sind von besonderer Relevanz und sollen im Workshop aufgegriffen
*Modellierung und methodische Grundlagen der Unternehmensarchitektur*
· Ordnungsrahmen für Unternehmensarchitekturen, Aufzeigen von
Komplexität und Zusammenspiel der Architekturen und Bausteine und deren
Konsequenzen bei der Umsetzung
· Gesamtdarstellung einzelner Architekturbausteine und deren Komponenten
für die Geschäfts- und IT-Architektur
· Methoden zur Entwicklung serviceorientierter Architekturen
· Strukturmuster und Entwicklungslinien in den Architekturbausteinen
· Architekturprinzipien als allgemeine Regeln und Richtlinien für die
einheitliche Entwicklung von Bausteinen und Komponenten
· Entwicklung von Referenzarchitekturen
* *
*Architekturen als Instrument der Unternehmensgestaltung und -steuerung*
· Vorgehen und methodische Ansätze zur Abstimmung von Geschäfts- und
IT-Architekturen (Business/ IT-Alignment)
· Governance und organisatorische Verankerung der
Unternehmensarchitektur sowie Beitrag zur IT- und/oder
· Interessengruppen (Stakeholder), Ziele und Konflikte der
*Management der Architekturentwicklung*
· Architekturmanagement: Prozesse, Rollen und Organisationsstrukturen
für die fortlaufende Entwicklung und Umsetzung unternehmensweiter
· Methodische Ansätze, Vorgehensmodelle und Produkte zur Entwicklung von
· Management serviceorientierter Architekturen und IT-Landschaften
· Anwendererfahrungen mit dem Architekturmanagement
· Bewertungsverfahren und Reifegradmodelle für das Architekturmanagement
· Anforderungen an Unternehmensarchitekturen aus
betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht,
Kosten/ Nutzen Aspekte
· Benchmarks für Unternehmensarchitekturen
Auf dem Workshop wird das Thema aus übergreifender, ganzheitlicher Sicht
betrachtet und es werden die besonderen Herausforderungen einer
Architektur im Großen und der ‚State-of-the-Art’ in einzelnen
Handlungsfeldern diskutiert. Die Themen können sowohl in
konzeptionell-methodischer Hinsicht wie auch durch Erfahrungsberichte
oder Fallstudien aufgegriffen werden. Die Beiträge sollen das
Themengebiet methodisch weiterentwickeln sowie die Umsetzung
wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in die Unternehmenspraxis aufzeigen.
Dabei stehen Fragestellungen nach der Bedeutung, Handhabung in der
Praxis sowie Vorgehen und Lösungsansätze für die dabei entstehenden
Probleme im Vordergrund.
Der Workshop richtet sich an Wissenschaftler und an Praktiker wie
IT-Architekten, Berater sowie das Management. Aufgefordert wird zur
Einreichung von Beiträgen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, die sich mit den
obigen Fragestellungen zu Methodik und Entwicklung von
Unternehmensarchitekturen, dem Architekturmanagement, der Governance und
Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie den Umsetzungsproblemen in der Praxis
auseinandersetzten. Der Workshop wird am Donnerstag, den 11.9.2008
Bitte beachten Sie auch die Veranstaltung „Anwendungslandschaften in
Banken und Versicherungen“ die im Umfeld der Jahrestagung am 9.9.2008
*Informationen für Autoren*
Die eingereichten Beiträge sollten 6 Seiten nicht überschreiten und in
deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst sein. Es sind die
Autorenrichtlinien der GI zu beachten:
Die Beiträge sind anonymisiert, bis zum 28.04.2008 elektronisch über das
Easy Chair Konferenzmanagement System
einzureichen. Die Beiträge werden anonym durch das Programmkomitee
begutachtet. Die angenommenen Beiträge werden in den Proceedings der
Informatik 2008 veröffentlicht. Hierfür besteht eine Seitenbegrenzung
von 6 Seiten pro Beitrag. In Ergänzung zu den Proceedings wird eine DVD
herausgegeben, die eine längere Fassung der Beiträge enthalten kann.
*wichtige Termine:*
Einreichung von Workshop-Beiträgen: 28.04.2008
Mitteilung über Annahme/Ablehnung: 02.06.2008
Abgabe der fertigen Druckvorlagen: 01.07.2008
Dr. Michael Rohloff (Privatdozent Universität Potsdam), PK-Leitung
Prof. Sebastian Abeck (Universität Karlsruhe)
Dr. Andreas Dietzsch (Postfinanz Schweiz)
Prof. Ulrich Frank (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Prof. Norbert Gronau (Universität Potsdam)
Wolfgang Keller (BusinessGlue)
Prof. Helmut Krcmar (Technische Universität München)
Prof. Florian Matthes (Technische Universität München)
Prof. Andreas Oberweis (Universität Karlsruhe)
Prof. Robert Winter (Universität St. Gallen)
Prof. Alfred Zimmermann (Hochschule Reutlingen)
* *
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP - First International Workshop on Enterprise
Interoperability - IWEI 2008
Datum: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 19:09:32 +0200
Von: Pontus Johnson <pontus(a)ics.kth.se>
Antwort an: Pontus Johnson <pontus(a)ics.kth.se>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
First International Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability - IWEI 2008
18 September 2008, München, Germany
In conjunction with the 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference- EDOC 2008 - The Enterprise Computing Conference
Organised by IFIP TC5 SIG on Enterprise Interoperability (http://www.ifip.org/bulletin/bulltcs/tc5_aim.htm#SIGEI)
In cooperation with INTEROP-VLab (http://www.interop-vlab.eu/)
One of the trends in the global market is the increasing collaboration among enterprises. Constant changes in inter- and intra-organisational environment will persist in the future. Organisations have to flexibly and continuously react to (imminent) changes in markets and trading partners. Large companies but also SMEs have to cope with internal changes from both a technical (e.g. new information, communication, software and hardware technologies) and an organisational point of view (e.g. merging, re-organisation, virtual organisations, etc.). In this context, the competitiveness of an enterprise depends not only on its internal performance to produce products and services but also on its ability to seamlessly interoperate with other enterprises. External and internal collaborative work needs more interoperable solutions.
This workshop aims at identifying and discussing challenges and solutions with respect to enterprise interoperability, both at the business and the technical level. The workshop promotes the development of a scientific foundation for specifying, analysing and validating interoperability solutions; an architectural framework for addressing interoperability problems from different viewpoints and at different levels of abstraction; a maturity model to evaluate and rank interoperability solutions with respect to distinguished quality criteria; and a working set of practical solutions and tools that can be applied to interoperability problems to date.
The workshop invites original submissions from both researchers and practitioners in the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:
* ODP and enterprise interoperability;
* SOA and enterprise interoperability;
o interoperability through service discovery and composition;
o orchestration of services;
o mediation between services;
* MDA and enterprise interoperability;
o computation-independent interoperability models;
o platform-independent interoperability models;
o model-to-model transformations;
* other reference models and architecture approaches;
* enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling;
* middleware and infrastructure approaches to facilitate and enhance interoperability;
* business-IT alignment for interoperability;
* reference ontology and mapping mechanisms;
* self-organisation and adaptation for interoperability;
* semantic annotations for information interoperability;
* coordination and negotiation in networks of businesses;
* cross-organizational business processes;
* maturity models and quality criteria for evaluating interoperability solutions;
* modelling, analysis and validation of interoperability;
* non-functional aspects of interoperability, such as privacy, QoS, and reputation;
* interoperability requirements, approaches and solutions in specific sectors
* case studies and experience reports on interoperability solutions.
The workshop welcomes submissions of full papers (8 to 12 pages long) and position papers (around 4 pages) in the IEEE Computer Society format. All submissions will be formally peer reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will be published on-line in the IEEE Digital Library and in print by the University of Twente as part of the CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series (ISSN 1381-3625). At least one author of each accepted paper should participate in the workshop.
Submissions should be sent in PDF format by email to iwei(a)ics.kth.se.
Paper submission due: 13 June 2008
Notification to authors: 18 July 2008
Camera ready due: 28 July 2008
Workshop: 18 September 2008
Lea Kutvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Pontus Johnson (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Marten van Sinderen (University of Twente, Netherlands)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (To be confirmed)
Scott Bernard, Carnegie Mellon University, Syracuse University, USA
David Chen, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Paul Davidsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab/GFI, France
Yves Ducq, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Fatima Farinha, Algarve University, Portugal
Thomas Fischer, University of Stuttgart and the Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Stephan Kassel, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany
Kurt Kosanke, CIMOSA Association, Germany
Marc Lankhorst, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands
Ulrike Lechner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Kai Mertins, Fraunhofer IPK, Germany
Raul Poler, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Dick Quartel, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands
Joachim Schelp, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Marten Schönherr, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Markus Strohmaier, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Sven-Volker Rehm, University of Stuttgart and the Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Pierre-Yves Schobbens, University of Namur, Belgium
Bruno Vallespir, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Alain Wegmann, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland
Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Inaki Zugasti, Ikerlan Research Centre, Spain
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP SOAPL 2008
Datum: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:40:16 +0200
Von: Andreas Helferich <helferich(a)wi.uni-stuttgart.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
The Second Workshop on Service-Oriented Architecture and Software Product Lines (SOAPL 2008):
Service-Oriented Architectures and Software Product Lines - Putting Both Together
Limerick, Ireland, September 8, 2008
as part of the 12th International Software Product line Conference (SPLC 2008)
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) and software product line (SPL) approaches to software development share a common goal. They both encourage an organization to reuse existing assets and capabilities, rather than repeatedly redevelop them for new systems.
The intent is that organizations can capitalize on reuse to achieve desired benefits such as productivity gains, decreased development costs, improved time to market, higher reliability, and competitive advantage.
The SOAPL Workshop gives participants an opportunity to examine the benefits of combining the two approaches.
This workshop will build on the results of the SOAPL 2007 Workshop: Service-Oriented Architectures and Product Lines - What Is the Connection? and the forthcoming workshop report. This year's workshop, SOAPL 2008, will explore experiences in integrating SOA and SPLs, specifically:
- how web services have been used to support SPLs through SOA
- how product line practices have been used to support web services and SOA
Participants in SOAPL 2008 will include practitioners, architects, and developers who have experience in integrating SOA and SPL engineering and management.
Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- practice areas that span both SOA and SPLs (e.g., domain analysis, legacy mining, operations/ governance, and so forth)
- handling variability through services
- cost models to justify investment in SOA for SPLs
- use of support technology such as domain-specific languages, tools, and others
- differences between service-oriented and more conventional product line development approaches
- architectural approaches: static vs. dynamic
Prospective participants must submit a three to six page position paper or experience report that pertains to the workshop topics listed above or describes the software architecture or other artifacts of an SOA-based product line.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the program committee for quality and relevance. Accepted papers will become part of the workshop proceedings. Three or four papers will be chosen to be presented during
the workshop to foment discussion. Submit your paper in PDF form to [soa-workshop at sei.cmu.edu] by July 1, 2008.
Papers due: July 1, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2008
Workshop date: September 8, 2008
Robert Krut, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University
Andreas Helferich, University of Stuttgart
Robert Krut, Software Engineering Institute
Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University
Grace Lewis, Software Engineering Institute
Tomi Mannisto, Helsinki University of Technology
Curt Pederson, American Family Insurance
Dennis Smith, Software Engineering Institute
Christoph Wienands, Siemens
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
IWL-LOKMOL 2008: Deadline extended!
The Triple-I conference including all Special Tracks has received 120
submissions by the submission deadline. Due to numerous requests, we
have nevertheless decided to extend the deadline for the Triple-I and
all Special Tracks until 28 April 2008. Find below an updated Call for
Papers for the IWL-LOKMOL Special Track.
Call for Papers for the I-KNOW '08 Special Track
Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning
Connecting Individual, Community and Organizational Learning
Graz, September 03, 2008
A joint initiative of the IWL Special Track and the LOKMOL Workshop Series
Important Dates
28 April 2008 (Extended Deadline): Submission of the full papers (8 pages)
31 May 2008: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2008: Camera ready version (8 pages)
3-5 Sept. 2008: TRIPLE-I Conference
For topics and submission procedures, check the following website:
Call for Papers for the I-KNOW '08 Special Track
Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning
Connecting Individual, Community and Organizational Learning
Graz, September 03, 2008
The I-KNOW '08 Special Track on "Intelligent Assistance for
Self-Directed and Organizational Learning" (IWL-LOKMOL 2008) addresses
the vibrant field of technological support for workplace learning. The
goal is to support,enable and exploit learning opportunities embedded
within the daily work processes of the individual and in turn repurpose
the experiences, work results and other resources within the
organization as learning resources. We will put special focus on novel
technological approaches to support workplace learning, such as the
application of semantic technologies and social software principles and
related technologies.
Original papers are solicited and will be reviewed by a board of
international experts.
This special track continues the series of IWL Special Tracks and LOKMOL
workshops and builds upon their results. Topics include but are not
limited to:
* embedding learning and collaboration processes into work
processes:frameworks and techniques for realizing workplace embedded or
integrated learning, contextual collaboration processes and support,
intelligent support for communities of experts and learners;
* users as content consumers and producers for self-directed and
organisational learning:collaborative knowledge building and sharing;
tools and architectures for authoring, annotating, storing and
retrieving of user generated content; aspects of quality assurance; use
of Wikis, Blogs, social bookmarking tools and folksonomies; encouraging
user participation; establishing self-sustained communities;
* novel educational or cognitive theories for technology enhanced
self-directed and organisational learning:learning theories for
work-integrated and life-long learning; constraints of the application
environment; experiences on applicability for different knowledge work types
* semantic, cognitive, or educational models for self-directed and
organisational learning:context models and modelling approaches;
cognitive, educational or semantic modelling for workplace learning;
model evaluation and evolution;
* incorporating arbitrary types of resources for self-directed and
organisational learning:metadata concepts to represent resources and
different views; (re-)using resources from heterogeneous repositories;
frameworks and techniques to repurpose resources;
* context of creation, (re-)use, and repurposing of resources for
self-directed and organisational learning: representing and visualizing
content; tracking context; contextual attention metadata; matching
contexts; exploiting context information (e.g., for adaptation and
* connecting content and components for self-directed and
organisational learning:using (lightweight) semantic descriptions such
as micro-formats to enable data exchange and interoperability; services
and service-oriented architectures; mash-ups.
In spite of the close relationship between learning and knowledge, there
is still a lack of cooperation between the fields of Technology-enhanced
Learning (TeL) and Knowledge Management (KM). Paradigms of
work-integrated learning and collective intelligence have been suggested
to bridge this gap. Technology-enhanced learning approaches develop more
and more towards responsive environments that are embedded into the
working process of individuals and existing organizational structures.
Knowledge management approaches utilize more and more the collective
intelligence of communities and seek to foster organizational learning
as a result of networked knowledge. However, these new developments have
generated new research challenges which are far from being solved.
One set of challenges is concerned with a tighter integration of
working, learning and collaboration processes at the workplace and their
technological support. How can these be intelligently and flexibly
supported without imposing too rigid a structure? Several types of
models have been suggested to cope with these requirements. Semantic web
approaches have entered the learning domain, but they have yet to find
their way into knowledge work practice. Cognitive and educational
models, on the other hand, have been mainly applied in educational
settings and need to find their way into workplace settings.
A related strand of research has shown that we have to cope with the
challenge of gathering, describing, and using resources as well as
context (information) about their creation and (re)use in order to drive
the integration of KM and e-Learning technologies. Research has already
been tackling the domain of context, for example related to context
description, context matching, or context-based information delivery,
but still needs a better integration into KM and e-Learning.
This special track is based on the insight that KM technologies need to
take into account findings from social and educational sciences, to be
effective in terms of learning and that learning can profit from KM
technologies. In fact, there is a gap between well organised, but
monolithic and inert e-Learning material such as courseware on the one
hand and dynamic and flexible public or organizational knowledge bases
that are often not able to activate learning processes on the other
hand. An integration of KM and e-Learning, especially by using
context-based and semantic technologies, or social media technologies
could dramatically change today's understanding of workplace learning
towards lifelong learning fed by dynamically changing public and
organizational knowledge repositories.
Type of Submissions
* Tools and technology descriptions
* Empirical results
* Case studies
* Software design methods
* Descriptions of technology enhanced learning methods
* Proposals for and applications of standards
Target Group
The special track intends to bring together researchers and
practitioners from relevant communities (knowledge management,
technology enhanced learning, knowledge representation, information
systems, personalisation, user modelling, psychology, and educational
sciences, etc.) to share their knowledge, results and expertise about
their research on cross-disciplinary research approaches for
organizational and individual learning. In more detail, the workshop
aims to discuss how suitable technologies (e.g., Web2.0, context-based
methods) and designs can be used to integrate individual, community and
organizational learning more efficiently and effectively.
The workshop language will be English.
Important Dates
28 April 2008 (Extended Deadline): Submission of the full papers (8 pages)
31 May 2008: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2008: Camera ready version (8 pages)
3-5 Sept. 2008: TRIPLE-I Conference
Submission Procedure
File Types: PDF, Word for Windows
Style Guides: http://triple-i.tugraz.at/about/style_guide
Paper Submission System
In case of problems or questions concerning the submission of papers,
please contact the track chairs at iwl(a)know-center.at.
Notification of Acceptance and Publishing
Accepted papers will be published within the I-KNOW '08 conference
proceedings. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for
I-KNOW '08 before the deadline for Camera ready versions (30 June 2008).
Conference Organization
The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW '08,
http://i-know.at/) is organized by the Know-Center, Austria's competence
center for knowledge management. The organization team of the special
track on "Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational
Learning" consists of the following persons:
* Stefanie Lindstaedt, Know-Center Graz, (Austria)
* Tobias Ley, Know-Center Graz (Austria)
* Martin Memmel, DFKI, Kaiserslautern (Germany)
* Eric Ras, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern (Germany)
* Dietrich Albert, University of Graz (Austria)
Program Committee (to be completed)
* Maria Bannert, TU Chemnitz, Germany
* Thomas Herrmann, University Bochum, Germany
* Robert de Hoog, University of Twente, Learning Sciences, Netherlands
* Andrea Kienle, Fraunhofer IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany
* Barbara Kieslinger, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Vienna,
* Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aaachen, Germany
* Jan Pawlowski, Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI),
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
* Wolfgang Prinz, RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
* Uwe Riss, SAP Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
* Sandra Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria
* Andreas Schmidt, Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe, Germany
* Marcus Specht, Open University of the Netherlands
* Silke Steinbach-Nordmann, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Stephan Weibelzahl, National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
* Fridolin Wild, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Administration (WUW), Austria
* Volker Wulf, University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
* Volker Zimmermann, imc AG, Saarbrücken, Germany
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Last CfP "IT-gestuetztes Wissensmanagement" (Workshop auf
der GI-Jahrestagung 2008)
Datum: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:37:25 +0200
Von: <Volker.Nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
========================== LAST CALL FOR PAPERS ===========================
Workshop auf der 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik 2008
„IT-gestuetztes Wissensmanagement - Innovative Methoden und Werkzeuge zur
Gestaltung von Wissensmanagement in Dienstleistung, Verwaltung und
am 08. September 2008 in Muenchen
Naehere Informationen unter: http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/GI-WS2008/
Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen, FG Wirtschaftsinformatik fuer Dienstleistungen,
TU Ilmenau Dr. Mathias Petsch, FG Wirtschaftsinformatik fuer
Dienstleistungen, TU Ilmenau
• Umfang der Beitraege 6 Seiten
• Beitraege in deutscher oder englischer Sprache • Beachten Sie bitte
die Autorenhinweise unter:
• Anmeldung von Beitraegen bitte elektronisch als PDF an Easy Chair
Konferenzmanagement System’:
Wichtige Termine:
Einreichung der Beitraege: 28. April 2008
Benachrichtigung ueber die Annahme der Beitraege: 02. Juni 2008
Ueberarbeitete Endfassung der Beitraege: 01. Juli 2008
Termin des Workshops: 08. September 2008
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP REMINDER KASW'08: Submission Deadline 28 Apr
"Knowledge Acquisition from the Social Web"
Datum: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:10:00 +0200
Von: Markus Strohmaier <markus.strohmaier(a)tugraz.at>
An: ankuendigungen-gimod(a)liste.es.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de,
orgmem(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, emisa(a)informatik.uni-hannover.de,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, fgcscw(a)uni-koblenz.de
Referenzen: <47D803E9.6000608(a)tugraz.at>
Call for Papers: International Workshop on
“Knowledge Acquisition from the Social Web” KASW'08
September 3-5, Graz, AustriaC
held in conjunction with the Triple-I Conference
Submission deadline: April 28, 2008
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2008
Camera-ready version: June 30, 2008
Workshop: One day format, between September 3-5, 2008
This workshop aims to develop and bring together a community of
researchers interested in discussing the manifold challenges and
potentials of knowledge acquisition from the social web.
With the advent of the “Social Web”, a new breed of web applications has
enriched the social dimension of the web. On the social web, actors can
be understood as social agents - technological or human entities - that
collaborate, pursue goals, are autonomous, and are capable of exhibiting
flexible problem solving and social behavior. By participating in the
social web, both technological and human agents leave complex traces of
social interactions and their motivations behind, which can be studied,
analyzed and utilized for a range of different purposes. The broad
availability and open accessibility of these traces in social web
corpora, such as in del.icio.us, Wikipedia, weblogs and others, provides
researchers with opportunities for, for example, novel knowledge
acquisition techniques and strategies, as well as large scale,
empirically coupled “in the field” studies of social processes and
This workshop aims to develop and bring together a diverse community of
researchers interested in the social web by seeking submissions that are
focusing on understanding and evaluating the role of agents, goals,
structures, concepts, context, knowledge and social interactions in a
broad range of social web applications. Examples for such applications
include, but are not limited to social authoring (e.g. wikis, weblogs),
social sharing (e.g. del.icio.us, flickr), social networking (Facebook,
LinkedIn) and social searching (e.g. wikia, eurekster, mahalo) applications.
While the workshop is open to anyone interested in the topics of the
workshop, it is the particular intention to utilize this workshop as an
opportunity to gather and build a strong network of researchers with
similar interests. To support this, we will put special emphasis on room
for interaction and networking, and on discussing the accepted papers in
detail. For that purpose, we will consider, for example, to designate
significant time for discussions, provide all accepted papers on the
workshop website before the event, encourage presenters to read their
colleagues’ papers before the workshop takes place, and prepare
questions. This aims to improve the ability of participants to relate to
each others work, to communicate - and to increase the overall quality
of interactions at the workshop.
We encourage submissions from researchers with a variety of backgrounds,
including common sense reasoning, natural language processing, data
mining, automatic classification, ontology, semantic web, requirements
engineering, knowledge management and information sciences.
The main topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not
limited to:
- Knowledge discovery and mining on the social web
- Text-extraction and understanding on the social web
- Social Network Analysis on the social web
- Folksonomies and Ontology learning
- Multi Agent Systems and the social web
- Agent-oriented modeling and engineering of social web applications
- Goals and motivations on the social web
- Acquiring commonsense knowledge from the social web
- Trust, reputation and social interactions on the social web
- Information diffusion and knowledge transfer on the social web
- Evaluation of and evaluation techniques for social web applications
The workshop is accepting papers (6 to 8 pages) ranging from theoretical
contributions including novel methods, techniques and algorithms, rigid
evaluations to empirical or analytical case studies related to the
topics of interest. Work-in-progress contributions which seek advice or
collaborations - or contributions which would simply seek the feedback
from other workshop participants are particularly welcome. However, all
contributions should exhibit a level of maturity where a) an interesting
issue has already been narrowed down sufficiently and B) adequate prior
work has been done (e.g. first results, an exploratory study,
comprehensive analysis of related approaches, etc).
In addition, we will accept demos. Demo submissions should consist of a
brief description (1-4 pages) and a screenshot of the working prototype.
The TRIPLE-I Conference series is a joint venture of the conferences
I-KNOW, I-MEDIA and I-SEMANTICS. TRIPLE-I reflects the increasing
importance and convergence of knowledge management, new media
technologies and semantic systems. This unique concept aims at bridging
the gaps between the various communities and their technology fields.
Submission deadline: April 28, 2008
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2008
Camera-ready version: June 30, 2008
Workshop: One day format, between September 3-5, 2008
All submissions (paper or demo) must be following the J.UCS format. All
submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program
committee. For questions and comments, please contact the workshop
co-chairs. Information about submitting articles will be made available
on the workshop website.
Organizing Committee:
Andreas Hotho, University of Kassel
Mathias Lux, Klagenfurt University
Sergej Sizov, University of Koblenz-Landau
Markus Strohmaier, Graz University of Technology
contact: markus.strohmaier (at) tugraz.at
Program Committee:
Anjo Anjewierden, University of Twente, Netherlands
Ciro Cattuto, ISI foundation, Italy
Andrew Gordon, University of Southern California, USA
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Sotirios Liaskos, York University, Canada
Henry Lieberman, MIT, USA
Claudia Müller, University of Potsdam, Germany
Kotaro Nakayama, Osaka University, Japan
Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria
Arno Scharl, Modul University Vienna, Austria
Marc Spaniol, MPII Saarbrücken, Germany
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi