-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: SoSyM Journal Theme Section on NFPinDSML
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:15:59 -0400
Von: Marko <marko.boskovic(a)informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
Antwort an: Marko <marko.boskovic(a)informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
lease accept our appologies for cross postings
After the 1st International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML2008-http://planet-mde.org/nfpindsml), organized as a satelite event of the MoDELS 2008 http://www.modelsconference.org), and whose program, presentations and publications can be found at http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/trustsoft/en/35927.html, in order to further expand further expand principles of reasoning about non-functional properties of software systems in Domain Specific Modeling Languages, and model-driven engineering in general
The Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (www.sosym.org) announces the
1st Call for Papers
for the Theme Section on Non-functional System Properties in
Domain Specific Modeling Languages
For the engineering of systems of a particular domain, Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) � domain-oriented languages for solving specific classes of problems related to such a domain � are becoming a common-place in software and system engineering. Furthermore Model Driven Engineering
suggests multidimensional system development with a domain specific modeling language for each dimension. With domain specific modeling languages software intensive systems design is moved from the implementation domain, to the problem domain. In this way productivity of software development process is improved because most of the design time is spent on solving problems in their domain, and implementation is left to be done (semi)automatically.
The importance of non-functional properties (NFP) of software systems, such as availability, reliability, performance, security and so on is generally acknowledged by the software engineering community. They are at least important as functional, and must be considered during software system design. Estimation and evaluation of NFP are usually done with mathematical analytical models, simulation models, or measurement and assessment.
The Journal of Software and Systems Modeling therefore seeks original, high-quality manuscripts for its special section on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages, to appear in 2009. This special section concentrates on topics of integrating non-functional system properties estimation and evaluation in process of software development with DSMLs including:
e.g., theory and principles of non-functional system properties estimation and evaluation integration in DSML engineering,...
e.g. tool support for non-functional system properties annotation, estimation and evaluationo of DSML system models,...
e.g. non-functional system properties in DSMLs and traceability of requirements in implementation,...
e.g. non-functional properties of transformation, transformation dependent non-functional properties,...
�Domain specific non-functional properties
e.g. non-functional properties of embedded systems, health-care systems,...
�Legal policies
e.g. integration and assessment of legal policies of non-functional system properties in DSMLs,...
Important Dates:
Intent to submit January 7, 09
Paper submission January 15, 09
Reviews Completed May 1, 09
Major Revision Due July 1, 09
Re-reviews Completed August 1, 09
Camera-ready version August 15, 09
Guest Editors:
Marko Bo�kovic, Universität Oldenburg
Dragan Ga�evic, Athabasca University
Claus Pahl, Dublin City University
Bernhard Schätz, Technische Universität München
If you have any questions or require additional information about this special theme issue, please look at the website: http://planet-mde.org/nfpindsml or contact the editors at the following email address:
SoSyM.NFPinDSML|here comes at|SE.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] SPECIAL ISSUE on Security and Privacy
in wireless sensor and ad hoc networks
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:41:09 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Guohong Cao <gcao(a)cse.psu.edu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Sorry for receiving multiple copies.
Call For Papers
Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) Journal
"Privacy and Security in Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks"
Wireless sensor and ad hoc networks have many applications in military,
homeland security and other areas. Security is critical for such networks
deployed in a hostile environment. In civilian applications, however,
privacy concerns of these networks could become a more serious impediment to
their popular adoption. Providing privacy and security in wireless sensor
and ad hoc networks is more challenging than those in traditional wired
networks because wireless communications use shared medium and thus are
vulnerable to many attacks. Providing privacy and security in sensor
networks is further complicated by the network scale, the highly constrained
system resources and the difficulty of dealing with node compromises.
The main purpose of this special issue is to promote further research
interests and activities on privacy and security in wireless sensor and ad
hoc networks.
We are interested in analytical, experimental, and systems-related papers in
various aspects of privacy and security in wireless sensor and ad hoc
networks. Topics of interest include:
* Key distribution and management
* Privacy issues in wireless sensor networks
* Security and Privacy issues in vehicular networks
* Location privacy and source anonymity
* Secure localization and secure routing protocols
* Trust management
* Secure data aggregation
* Authentication and authorization
* Study of attack strategies, attack modeling
* Study of tradeoffs between security and system performance
* Denial of service attacks and prevention
* Cross layer security and privacy attacks and solutions
Authors are requested to prepare their papers according to the Guide For
Authors on http://www.elsevier.com/locate/adhoc and to submit their paper to
the online submission and reviewing system, at http://ees.elsevier.com/adhoc.
They should choose the article type, Special Issue-Privacy & Security in
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: November 3, 2008
Notification Date: February 20, 2009
Final Version: March 31, 2009
Publication Date: June 2009.
Guest Editors:
Wensheng Zhang
Iowa State University
Email: wzhang(a)cs.iastate.edu
Sencun Zhu
The Pennsylvania State University
Email: szhu(a)cse.psu.edu
Guohong Cao
The Pennsylvania State University
Email: gcao(a)cse.psu.edu
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OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 24th IFIP International
Information Security Conference (SEC-2009)
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 12:35:25 +0200
Von: Cristina Alcaraz <alcaraz(a)lcc.uma.es>
Antwort an: c.alcaraztello(a)gmail.com
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
24th IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC-2009)
18-20 May 2009, Cyprus
SEC-2009 is the 24th in a series of international conferences on Information Security, which
are organized annually by the TC-11 of IFIP. Papers may present theory, applications or
practical experiences on topics including:
Access Control, Applications of Cryptography, Attacks and Viral Software, Authentication and
Authorization, Biometrics and Applications, Critical ICT Resources Protection, Data and System
Integrity, Data Protection, Ethics, Digital Content Security, Identity Management, Information
Hiding, Information Warfare, Internet and Web Security, Intrusion Detection, Peer-to-Peer
Security, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Risk Analysis and Management, Secure Electronic
Voting, Secure Sensor Networks, Secure Systems Development, Security Architectures, Security
Economics, Security Education, Security Management, Security Metrics, Smart Cards, SPAM, SPIT,
SPIM, Trust Management and Models
PC Chairs
Dimitris Gritzalis, AUEB, Greece
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
PC Members
V. Atluri, Rutgers University, USA L. Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
J. Biskup, T.U. Dortmund, Germany J. Camenisch, IBM Research, Switzerland
B. de Decker, K.U. Leuven, Belgium Y. Deswarte, LAAS-CNRS, France
E. Dawson, QUT, Australia
J. Eloff, University of Pretoria, South Africa
S. Fischer-Huebner, Karlstad University, Sweden
D. Frincke, Pacific Northwest Nat. Lab., USA
S. Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK S. Jajodia, George Mason University, USA
L. Janczewski, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand S. Katsikas, University of Piraeus, Greece
C. Lambrinoudakis, Univ. of the Aegean, Greece
F. Martinelli, National Research Council, Italy
N. Miloslavskaya, MEPHI, Russia
R. Molva, Institut Eurecom, France
K. Moulinos, ENISA, European Union
Y. Murayama, Iwate Prefectural Univ., Japan
E. Okamoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan
R. Oppliger, eSecurity, Switzerland
G. Pangalos, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
J.-H. Park, Kyungnam University, South Korea
G. Pernul, University of Regensburg, Germany
B. Preneel, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
S. Qing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
K. Rannenberg, Goethe Un. Frankfurt, Germany
R. Roman, University of Malaga, Spain
P. Samarati, University of Milan, Italy
S. Shenoi, University of Tulsa, USA
M. Soriano, UPC, Spain
W. Susilo, University of Wollongong, Australia
S. Teufel, University of Freiburg, Switzerland
B. Tsoumas, Ernst & Young, Greece
G. Tsudik, Univ. of California (Irvine), USA
R. von Solms, NMMU, South Africa
T. Welzer, University of Maribor, Slovenia
S. Wolthusen, Gjovik University College, Norway
L. Yngstrom, University of Stockholm, Sweden
J. Zhou, I2R, Singapore
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Papers must be
written in English; they should be at most 12 pages long in total. Accepted papers will be
presented at the conference and published by Springer. Submitted and accepted papers must
follow the publisher's guidelines for the IFIP Series (www.springer.com/series/6102, Author
templates, Manuscript preparation in Word). At least one author of each accepted paper must
register to the conference and present the paper. The website for the electronic submission and
author instructions can be accessed via www.sec2009.org
Important dates
Submission of papers: October 30, 2008
Notification to authors: December 20, 2008
Camera-ready copies: January 15, 2009
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP ENASE-2009 (Milan - Italy) - 4th International Conference
on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:16:52 -0400
Von: ENASE Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: secretariat(a)enase.org <secretariat(a)enase.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
We invite you to submit a paper to ENASE-2009 (the 4th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering- http://www.enase.org).
ENASE 2009 will be held in Milan, Italy - May 6-10 and will be co-located�with ICEIS 2009 (the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems).
The deadline for paper submission is set to November 28. We look forward to receiving your paper submission next November, with innovative contributions in any of the conference topics of interest.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process and all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, in paper and in CD-ROM support.
Additionaly, a selection of the best papers of the conference will be published in a book, by Springer.
You may obtain further information at the conference web site (http://www.enase.org).
Should you have any question please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
Bruno Encarnação
ENASE Secretariat
Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2ºesq.
2910-595 Setúbal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8817
Email: secretariat(a)enase.org
Web: http://www.enase.org
Paper Submission: November 28, 2008
Acceptance Notifications: January 26, 2009
Final Submissions and Registration: February 9, 2009
Conference date: 6 - 10 May, 2009
organized by INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
co-located with ICEIS, the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (http://www.iceis.org)
. agile software development,
. aspect-oriented software development,
. agent-oriented software engineering,
. multi-agent systems,
. model-driven engineering,
. component-based software engineering,
. evolutionary design,
. intentional software,
. example centric programming,
. meta programming systems,
. knowledge management and engineering,
. architectural design and meta architectures,
. business process management, engineering and reengineering,
. process-centric paradigms,
. service-oriented architectures,
. application integration technologies,
. enterprise integration strategies and patterns,
. e-business technologies,
. requirements engineering frameworks and models,
. collaborative requirements management systems,
. business and software modeling languages,
. software quality management,
. software change and configuration management,
. geographically distributed software development environments,
. cross-feeding between data engineering and software engineering,
. design thinking as a paradigm for software development,
. formal methods,
. software process improvement,
. metamodelling,
. software development methodologies
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Noch 10 Tage: CfP Unternehmensweite Suche (UWS09) auf der
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:03:52 +0200
Von: Julian.Bahrs(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Noch 10 Tage bis zur Einreichung im Workshop:
Unternehmensweite Suche (UWS09)
im Rahmen der 5. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement -
Erfahrungen und Visionen, 25.-27.03.2009 in Solothurn
Bisherige Ansätze für die Informationssuche im Unternehmen
berücksichtigen die Charakteristik der in Unternehmen vorherrschenden
dezentralen und heterogenen Informationsquellen nicht ausreichend oder
decken nur begrenzte Teile der vorhandenen Information ab. Aufgrund der
ständig steigenden Menge an digital verfügbarer Information, den
verschiedenen Informationsarten und verschiedenen Formaten gestaltet
sich die Suche in Unternehmen sehr schwierig. Oft gibt es eine Vielzahl
verschiedener Informationsquellen mit integrierten Suchmaschinen, die an
die entsprechende Informationsquelle angepasst sind und hier gute
Ergebnisse liefern, aber keine Informationen außerhalb dieser Quelle
indexieren. Das Ergebnis ist eine unübersichtliche
Informationslandschaft, in welcher der Suchende wissen muss, wo die
gesuchte Information liegt und mit welcher Suchmaschine sie gefunden
werden kann. Dieser Problembereich wird im Workshop adressiert.
Der Workshop richtet sich sowohl an Anwender von Suchmaschinen als auch
an Forscher auf diesem Gebiet.
*** Themen des Workshops ***
* Forschung:
o Ansätze für einen zentralen Suchzugriff auf alle Informationen in
einem Unternehmen
o Management unterschiedlicher Zugriffsrechte
o Methoden zur Verbesserung der Suchergebnisse angepasst auf die
Umstände in Unternehmen, z. B. aus den Bereichen:
+ Data Mining
+ Text Mining
+ Fallbasiertes Schließen (CBR)
o Methoden für den Umgang mit verschieden strukturierten und dezentral
gehaltenen Zugriffsrechten
o Methoden für den Umgang mit dezentral gespeicherten Informationen
o Personalisierung der Suche
o Berücksichtigung des Kontexts bei der Suche
o Möglichkeiten semantischer Suche im Unternehmenskontext
* Anwendung:
o Herausforderungen der Suche in Unternehmen
o Darstellung der Anforderungen für eine unternehmensweite Suche
o Erfahrungen mit der Einführung unternehmensweiter Suchmaschinen
o Empirische Untersuchungen zur Effizienzsteigerung beim Einsatz von
o Berücksichtigung von Arbeitsprozessen, Workflows, Aufgaben- und
Rollenprofile oder Gruppenpräferenzen bei der Suche
Vollständiger CfP: http://www.wm-konferenz2009.org/workshops/suche.php
*** Nächster Termin ***
31. Oktober 2008 Deadline für die Einreichung von Beiträgen
*** Programmkomitee ***
Prof. Dr. Norbert Fuhr (Universität Duisburg Essen)
Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau (Universität Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich (Universität Bamberg)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Eleonore Poetzsch (Fachhochschule Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp (European Business School)
Prof. Hendrik Speck (Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Julian Bahrs
MSc in Wi.-Inform. Julian Bahrs
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Electronic Government
Inh.: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau
Universität Potsdam
August-Bebel-Str. 89; 14482 Potsdam
Tel. +49 (331) 977-4687, Fax +49 (331) 977-4612
E-Mail: julian.bahrs(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
Zeitschrift für unternehmensweite Anwendungssysteme:
Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse:
Zeitschrift für Produktion und Logistik:
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] RefsQ '09 - Call for papers
Datum: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 05:00:45 -0400
Von: Anne Persson <anne.persson(a)his.se>
Antwort an: Anne Persson <anne.persson(a)his.se>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
C a l l f o r p a p e r s
R e f s Q ' 0 9
The 15th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering:
Foundation for Software Quality
Amsterdam, Holland, June 8-9, 2009
Abstracts: December 1, 2008
Papers: December 8, 2008
http://www.refsq.org (more news to come on this website -- stay tuned)
Since 1994, when the first RefsQ took place, Requirements Engineering (RE)
never ceased to be a dominant factor influencing the quality of software,
systems and services. The RefsQ working conference series has now
established itself as one of the leading international forums to discuss
RE in its (many) relations to quality.
RefsQ�09 seeks reports of novel ideas and techniques that enhance the
quality of RE�s products and processes, as well as reflections on current
research and industrial RE practices.
RefsQ has a long tradition of being a highly structured and interactive
forum. Each session is organised in order to provoke discussion among the
presenters of papers, pre-assigned discussants and all the other
We invite submissions on any aspect of RE. We encourage researchers and
practitioners from the RE, software engineering, information systems,
service science and embedded systems fields to present original work.
Contributions from related areas such as formal methods, systems
engineering, human computer interaction, economics, management and social
sciences are very welcome for the insights they provide in RE.
This year, we particularly welcome submissions that address the notions of
value and risk in their relation to RE and quality.
Ensuring that requirements, and eventually running systems, meet the
values of the individuals and organisations that they are meant to serve
has always been at the core of RE. Nowadays, continuously changing
technology, ubiquitous software, ever-growing system complexity, and
unheard of market pressure simultaneously with new business models based,
e.g., on crowdsourcing, make the concern for value all the more present
and challenging.
The notion of value is inseparably connected to the notion of risk. We are
challenged both by product risks, i.e. risks that threaten the value we
want to achieve with the systems we build, and project risk, i.e. the risk
of not achieving the intended value when building a system. Identifying
and mitigating risks is a core task of RE.
We invite original submissions in various categories:
� Full research papers (up to 15 pages), including solution papers,
empirical studies, surveys, and comparative studies,
� Experience reports (up to 15 pages), describing positive and negative
� Vision papers (up to 6 pages) stating where the research in the field
should be heading towards,
� Problem statements (up to 6 pages) describing open issues of practical
or theoretical nature,
� Research previews (up to 6 pages) reporting on research results at a
premature stage.
See www.refsq.org for detailed instructions to authors about format,
evaluation criteria
and submission procedure.
The proceedings will be published in Springer�s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series.
Martin Glinz, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
Anne Persson, University of Skoevde, Sweden
Guttorm Sindre, NTNU, Norway
Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Andreas L. Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway
Eric Dubois, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxemburg
Ian Alexander
Aybüke Aurum
Daniel Berry
Jürgen Börstler
Sjaak Brinkkemper
David Callele
Alan Davis
Jörg Dörr
Christof Ebert
Anthony Finkelstein
Xavier Franch
Vincenzo Gervasi
Jaap Gordjin
Tony Gorschek
Olly Gotel
Paul Grünbacher
Peter Haumer
Jane Huang
Matthias Jarke
Sara Jones
Natalia Juristo
Søren Lauesen
Seok-Won Lee
Michel Lemoine
Nazim Madhavji
Neil Maiden
Raimundas Matulevicius
Haris Mouratidis
John Mylopoulos
Cornelius Ncube
Bashar Nuseibeh
Barbara Paech
Oscar Pastor
Colette Rolland
Gil Regev
Björn Regnell
Camille Salinesi
Kristian Sandahl
Peter Sawyer
Kurt Schneider
Janis Stirna
Axel van Lamsweerde
Roel Wieringa
Eric Yu
Didar Zowghi
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] IEEE Multimedia: Special Issue on Multimedia-Metadata and
Semantic Management
Datum: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:24:08 +0200
Von: CHBEIR Richard <Richard.Chbeir(a)u-bourgogne.fr>
An: www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org, seweb-list(a)cs.vu.nl,
sw-announce(a)semanticplanet.com, ontoweb-list(a)lists.deri.org,
seweb-list(a)www2-c703.uibk.ac.at, seweb-list(a)lists.deri.org,
ebxml-dev(a)lists.ebxml.org, cg(a)cs.uah.edu, acl(a)opus.cs.columbia.edu,
bull_i3(a)univ-tln.fr, ontoweb-language-sig(a)cs.man.ac.uk,
semantic-web(a)w3.org, www-webont-wg(a)w3.org, www-rdf-logic(a)w3.org,
public-sws-ig(a)w3.org, www-rdf-rules(a)w3.org, public-owl-dev(a)w3.org,
semanticweb(a)egroups.com, jena-dev(a)yahoogroups.com, dl(a)dl.kr.org,
ontolog-forum(a)ontolog.cim3.net, ontology(a)buffalo.edu, www-ws(a)w3.org,
topicmapmail(a)infoloom.com, event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu,
diglib(a)infoserv.inist.fr, aiia(a)dis.uniroma1.it,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, dai-list(a)ece.sc.edu,
protege-discussion(a)smi.stanford.edu, kweb-all(a)lists.deri.org,
rewerse-all(a)rewerse.net, sioc-dev(a)googlegroups.com,
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
######################## Call For Papers ########################
IEEE MultiMedia
Special Issue on Multimedia-Metadata and Semantic Management
- 15 January 2009: Paper submission
- 31 March 2009: Authors notified of acceptance, rejection, or needed revisions.
- 05 May 2009: Revisions due.
- 16 June 2009: Final versions due.
Multimedia metadata description standards (e.g. MPEG-7/21) proposed in the
recent years have been an important
aspect of the creation of multimedia content and related semantic management. A
number of multimedia metadata
formats and standards have been tailored to specific application domains (e.g.
broadcasting, multimedia mobile,
etc.). The application of Semantic Web technologies to multimedia content has
brought forward the use of Resource
Description Framework, XTM, and Topic Maps for the description of multimedia
metadata. But, in order to make
multimedia applications ubiquitous, accessible, and interoperable, we need new
mechanisms to describe and process
contextual semantics of multimedia artefacts, especially over the Web.
Contextual metadata, including linguistic
semantics and visual semantics (e.g. semaphore) about multimedia artefacts, will
play an important role in these
The general aim of this special issue is to assess the current status and
technologies, as well as to outline the
major challenges and future perspectives, related to multimedia production,
management, and exchange from a
Semantic Web perspective in contextualized ubiquitous, accessible and
interoperable environments. It aims to
provide an overview of the state of the art and future directions in this field,
by including a wide range of
interdisciplinary contributions from various research groups. Overall, it aims
to outline the rich potential of
the multimedia area for advanced contextual metadata- and semantic-driven
multimedia systems and semantic-oriented
services along the Web 3.0 evolutions.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia Semantics
- Contextual Multimedia Metadata
- Contextual Multimedia Metadata Interoperability
- Metadata Modeling and Contextual Ontologies for Multimedia Applications
- Multimedia and Web 3.0
- Multimedia Authoring
- Multimedia-based Access Control and Authorization
- Management of Multimedia Metadata (Relational and XML Databases, Semantic
Stores, etc.)
- Multimedia Retrieval
- Personalizing Multimedia Content
- Cross-media Clustering
- Mobile Applications
- Multimedia Web Applications and Related Metadata Support
- Novel and Challenging Multimedia Applications
Manuscript must be submitted at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee after
it according to the instructions for authors (more details are provided at
When uploading your paper, please select the appropriate special issue title
under the category 'Manuscript Type'.
If you have any questions regarding the submission system, please contact
Alkenia Winston at mm-ma(a)computer.org.
All submissions will undergo a blind peer review by at least two expert
reviewers to ensure a high standard
of quality. Referees will consider originality, significance, technical
soundness, clarity of exposition, and
relevance to the special issue topics above.
More details are provided here:
Richard Chbeir, Bourgogne University, France (richard.chbeir(a)u-bourgogne.fr)
Harald Kosch, University of Passau, Germany (Harald.Kosch(a)uni-passau.de)
Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan (andres(a)nii.ac.jp)
Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shizuoka University, Japan (ishikawa(a)inf.shizuoka.ac.jp)
Please contact the guest editors for any inquiries regarding the special issue.
# Richard CHBEIR, Ph.D. in Computer Science #
# Associate Professor #
# Laboratoire LE2I (UMR - CNRS) #
# Bourgogne University #
# Aile de l'Ingénieur #
# Office GS 16 #
# BP 47870 #
# 21078 Dijon CEDEX France #
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Catz & Dogz Final CFP
Datum: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:31:52 +0100
Von: Thomas Chesney <Thomas.Chesney(a)nottingham.ac.uk>
Antwort an: Thomas Chesney <Thomas.Chesney(a)nottingham.ac.uk>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The Reign of Catz & Dogz
Final Call For Papers
The Reign of Catz & Dogz is a series of workshops which explores human
interaction with zoomorphic virtual creatures. In 2009, the workshop
will be held at CHI in Boston MA.
Deadline: 23rd Oct 2008.
More and more researchers and companies worldwide are developing
software artifacts and embodied devices which are inspired by human
interactions and fascination with animals. The motivations for such work
include generating artificial companionship, enabling therapeutic
interactions, facilitating education as well, of course, as fun and
entertainment. However, despite the commercial success of embodied
devices such as Furby, Pleo and Nabaztag, and software such as Catz,
Dogz and Nintendogs, the academic understanding of human interactions
with such systems, and the parallels with human-animal
(anthrozoological) interactions, remains limited.
We invite submission of position papers (three to four pages in length)
by researchers working on any relevant topic. These include:
The role of virtual creatures in society
Studies of the benefits of owning virtual pets
Cross cultural studies of aspects of virtual creatures
Zoomorphic social robots
Ethical and cultural aspects of virtual companions
Educational and developmental aspects of owning virtual creatures
Comparisons of virtual with real pets and companion animals
Innovative applications for virtual pets
Cute virtual creatures and kawaii culture
Aesthetics of design of virtual creatures
Hardware and software descriptions of research creatures
Kids and virtual pets versus kids and teddy bears
Evaluations of commercial creatures
Virtual pets as proxies, tool and applications for Web 2.0
For further information, see: http://www.catz-and-dogz.org.uk/
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] SBP09: Call for Papers - 2nd
International Workshop on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and
Datum: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 21:54:13 -0700
Von: Huan Liu <huanliu(a)asu.edu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Referenzen: <f07941bd0810192047x70398391g7b1520431c6d5514(a)mail.gmail.com>
Second International Workshop on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and
Phoenix, Arizona March 31 - April 1, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
Proceedings published by Springer
Social computing is concerned with the study of social behavior and social
context based on
computational systems. Behavioral modeling reproduces the social behavior,
and allows for
experimenting, scenario planning, and deep understanding of behavior,
patterns, and potential
outcomes. The pervasive use of computer and Internet technologies provides
an unprecedented environment of various social activities. Social computing
facilitates behavioral modeling in model building, analysis, pattern mining,
and prediction. Numerous interdisciplinary and interdependent systems are
created and used to represent the various social and physical systems for
investigating the interactions between groups, communities, or
nation-states. This requires joint efforts to take advantage of the
state-of-the-art research from multiple disciplines, social computing, and
behavioral modeling in order to document lessons learned and develop novel
theories, experiments, and methodologies in terms of social, physical,
psychological, and governmental mechanisms. The goal is to enable us to
experiment, create, and recreate an operational environment with a better
understanding of the contributions from each individual discipline, forging
joint interdisciplinary efforts.
This workshop is interdisciplinary and provides a platform for researchers,
and graduate students from sociology, behavioral science, computer science,
cultural study, information systems, operations research to share, exchange,
learn, and
develop preliminary results, new concepts, ideas, principles, and
methodologies, aiming
to advance and deepen our understanding of social and behavioral computing
and evaluation
in help critical decision and policy making. The program will include
invited speakers
from government, industry, and academia, as well as research presentations
and discussions.
The first workshop (SBP'08) is a great success. The detailed information on
SBP'08 proceedings, presentations and invited speakers can be found at
Papers or abstracts are solicited on research issues, theories, and
applications. Topics of
interests include, but are not limited to,
Psycho-cultural situation awareness
Group formation and evolution
Cultural patterns and representation
Social conventions and social contexts
Causal, and non-linear relationships
Intentions, behaviors, and relations
Modeling, projection, and forecasting
Social network analysis and mining
Group interaction and collaboration
Group representation and profiling
Influence process and recognition
Public opinion representation and extraction
Search, data, and inference
Trust and reputation
Sentiment representation and detection
Social behaviors (norms, self-organizing, cooperation)
Social dynamics and infectious disease modeling
Simulation methodology
Tools and case study
Viral marketing and information diffusion
Metrics and evaluation
Data collection and benchmarks
Model and analysis complexity
Paper Format and Submission
A paper or extended abstract (maximum 8 pages, shorter submissions are also
in single column) should be submitted in PDF. Format instructions and a Word
from Springer can be found at:
The workshop website
Papers should be submitted at
Questions and inquiries are welcome. Please sent them to sbp2008(a)gmail.com
Important Dates
Paper Due: November 5, 2008
Notification: November 26, 2008
Camera-Ready: December 10, 2008
Workshop Organizers
Huan Liu, John Salerno, and Michael Young
Supported by: AFOSR, ONR, AFRL, NIH (pending)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Extended Deadline - Call for Papers: 5th international
Workshop "E-Taxation and FinanzOnline"
Datum: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:26:11 +0200
Von: Silke Weiß <Silke.Weiss(a)bmf.gv.at>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
English text see below
Aufruf zu Beiträgen - Verlängerte Einreichungsfrist !
5. Internationaler Workshop "E-Taxation und FinanzOnline"
Der halbtägige Workshop findet im Rahmen des 12. Internationalen
Rechtsinformatik Symposiums (26.-28. Februar 2009) an der Universität
Salzburg statt.
Im Rahmen dieses Workshops werden aktuelle Fragen der IT-unterstützten
Steuerverwaltung diskutiert. Dabei wollen wir einen breiten Zugang zum
Thema wählen und insbesondere die folgenden Punkte beleuchten:
*) Die Wertschöpfungskette des Besteuerungsprozesses
*) Die organisationsübergreifende Orchestrierung elektronischer
*) Die Einbindung der E-Taxation-Stakeholder
*) etc.
Die Konferenzsprache ist Deutsch, Beiträge in Englisch sind
ausdrücklich willkommen.
Einreichung der Beiträge:
Weitere Details finden Sie in der angefügten Beilage.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Josef Makolm, Silke Weiß
Josef Makolm
Silke Weiß
CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended Deadline !
5th international Workshop "E-Taxation and FinanzOnline"
The workshop "E-Taxation and FinanzOnline" will be held within the 12th
International Symposium on Legal Informatics (February 26-28, 2009) at
the University of Salzburg, Austria.
At the workshop, current questions of IT-based tax administration will
be discussed. We aim to provide a broad approach to the subject and
possible topics can be:
*) The value chain of the taxation process
*) The cross-organisational orchestration of electronic taxation
*) The involvement of the e-taxation stakeholders
*) etc.
The conference language is German, but contributions in English are
very welcome.
Submission Guidelines:
Please find further details in the attachment.
Best regards,
Josef Makolm, Silke Weiß
Josef Makolm
Silke Weiß
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi