-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers - New Journal (AIS Transactions on HCI)
Datum: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:27:51 -0400
Von: Dennis Galletta <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
Antwort an: Dennis Galletta <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
Dennis F. Galletta, University of Pittsburgh (galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu)
Ping Zhang, Syracuse University (pzhang(a)syr.edu)
We are excited to announce the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer
Interaction (THCI), a new quarterly electronic-only journal. At the same
time, we announce that our journal has kicked off the new AIS
�Transactions� series. THCI will start publishing in 2009. The AIS Special
Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI,
http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGHCI/) is the official sponsor for THCI.
THCI will provide a much-needed home for papers that span HCI and MIS.
High-quality papers that are too specialized for our general journals can
now find an excellent home and editorial panels who are advocates for
HCI/MIS. A detailed description of the journal and submission guidelines
can be found at http://thci.aisnet.org/. We have now opened our Manuscript
Central site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/thci) for paper submissions.
We encourage you to submit your work for possible publication in THCI. The
Editors-in-Chief will be happy to answer any questions you might have
about the journal.
The AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI) is an official
journal of AIS, alongside CAIS (Communications of AIS), JAIS (Journal of
AIS), and RELCASI (Revista Latino Americana y del Caribe de la Asociación
de Sistemas). The AIS Transactions are intended to be high-quality,
peer-reviewed research journals that serve specific research areas. Before
submitting an article to one of these journals, authors are encouraged to
consult any of the editors to determine the most appropriate outlet.
As an AIS journal, THCI is oriented to the Information Systems community,
emphasizing applications in business, managerial, organizational, and
cultural contexts. However, it is open to all related communities that
share intellectual interests in HCI phenomena and issues. The editorial
objective is to enhance and communicate knowledge about the interplay
among humans, information, technologies, and tasks in order to guide the
development and use of human-centered Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) and services for individuals, groups, organizations,
and communities.
Topics of interest to THCI include but are not limited to the following:
� The behavioral, cognitive, motivational and affective aspects of human
and technology interaction
� User task analysis and modeling; fit between representations and task
� Digital documents/genres; human information seeking and web navigation
behaviors; human information interaction; information visualization
� Social media; social computing; virtual communities
� Behavioral information security and information assurance; privacy and
trust in human technology interaction
� User interface design and evaluation for various applications in
business, managerial, organizational, educational, social, cultural,
non-work, and other domains
� Integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and standards or
metrics for human centered analysis, design, construction, evaluation, and
use of interactive devices and information systems
� Information systems usability engineering; universal usability
� The impact of interfaces/information technology on people's attitude,
behavior, performance, perception, and productivity
� Implications and consequences of technological change on individuals,
groups, society, and socio-technical units
� Software learning and training issues such as perceptual, cognitive, and
motivational aspects of learning
� Gender and information technology
� The elderly, the young, and special needs populations for new
applications, modalities, and multimedia interaction
� Issues in HCI education
The language for the journal is English. The audience includes
international scholars and practitioners who conduct research on issues
related to the objectives of the journal. Like JAIS and CAIS, THCI
involves only electronic submission, review, revision, proofing, and
We have assembled a high-quality editorial board to oversee the
publication and to initiate the journal with its �best foot forward.�
Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada
John M. Carroll, Penn State University, USA (jcarroll(a)ist.psu.edu)
Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (eindor(a)post.tau.ac.il)
Paul Gray, Claremont Graduate University, USA (paul.gray(a)cgu.edu)
Jenny Preece, University of Maryland, USA (preece(a)umd.edu)
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA, and Tsinghua University, China
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA (ben(a)cs.umd.edu)
Jane Webster, Queen's University, Canada (jwebster(a)business.queensu.ca)
K.K Wei, City University of Hong Kong, China (isweikk(a)cityu.edu.hk)
Senior Editors
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas, USA (FDavis(a)walton.uark.edu)
Anne Massey, Indiana University, USA (amassey(a)indiana.edu)
Lorne Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA (Lorne.Olfman(a)cgu.edu)
Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
Dov Te'eni, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (teeni(a)tau.ac.il)
Viswanath Venkatesh, University of Arkansas, USA
Susan Wiedenbeck, Drexel University, USA
Associate Editors
Jane Carey, Arizona State University, USA (Jane.Carey(a)asu.edu)
Hock Chuan Chan, National University of Singapore (chanhc(a)comp.nus.edu.sg)
Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Matt Germonprez, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire USA,
Khaled Hassanein, McMaster University, Canada (hassank(a)mcmaster.ca)
Milena Head, McMaster University, Canada (headm(a)mcmaster.ca)
Traci Hess, Washington State University, USA (thess(a)wsu.edu)
Shuk Ying (Susanna) Ho, Australian National University, Australia
Netta Iivari, Oulu University, Finland, (netta.iivari(a)oulu.fi)
Zhenhui Jack Jiang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Weiling Ke, Clarkson University, USA (wlk999(a)gmail.com)
Sherrie Komiak, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Paul Lowry, Brigham Young University, USA, (Paul.Lowry.PhD(a)gmail.com)
Ji-Ye Mao, Renmin University, China (jiyemao(a)yahoo.com)
Scott McCoy, College of William and Mary, USA
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (fnah2(a)unl.edu)
Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel (sheizaf(a)rafaeli.net)
Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University, USA (jmstanto(a)syr.edu)
Heshan Sun, University of Arizona USA, (hsun(a)email.arizona.edu)
Jason Thatcher, Clemson University, USA (jthatch(a)clemson.edu)
Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Ozgur Turetken, Ryerson University, Canada (turetken(a)ryerson.ca)
Mun Yi, University South Carolina, USA (myi(a)moore.sc.edu)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] WADS 2009 call for papers
Datum: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 21:53:38 -0400
Von: Frank Dehne (http://www.dehne.net) <frank(a)dehne.net>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
WADS: Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium
(formerly Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures)
WADS 2009 --- 20 Years of WADS !
21-23 August 2009, Banff Conference Centre,
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Invited Speakers:
Erik Demaine, Richard Karp, Christos Papdimitriou
Submission Deadline: Mar. 1, 2009
The Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium - WADS,
which alternates with the Scandinavian Workshop on
Algorithm Theory, is intended as a forum for
researchers in the area of design and analysis of
algorithms and data structures. We invite submissions
of papers presenting original research on the theory
and application of algorithms and data structures in
all areas, including combinatorics, computational
geometry, databases, graphics, parallel and distributed
Contributors are invited to submit a full paper (not
exceeding 12 pages). Please format your paper in the
Springer Lecture Notes style according to the LNCS
Author Instructions. The online submission system
is located at http://www.wads.org. Submissions must
arrive on or before March 1, 2009 at 11:59 pm
(midnight) EST. Authors will be notified of acceptance
or rejection by April 24, 2009. Proceedings will be
published in the Springer Verlag series Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. The final versions of
accepted papers must arrive in camera-ready form
before May 11, 2009 to ensure the availability of
the proceedings at the conference.
Invited Speakers:
Erik Demaine, Richard Karp, Christos Papdimitriou
Conference Chair and Local Arrangements Chair:
Marina Gavrilova (Calgary)
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Frank Dehne (Carleton), Marina Gavrilova (Calgary),
Joerg-Ruediger Sack (Carleton), Csaba D. Toth (Calgary).
Program Committee Members:
Sergei Bereg (Dallas), Allan Borodin (Toronto),
Gerth Stolting Brodal (Aarhus), Timothy Chan
(Waterloo), Mark de Berg (Eindhoven), Frank Devai
(London), Matt Duckham (Melbourne), Randolf Franklin
(Rensselaer), Joachim Gudmundsson (NICTA), Susanne
Hambrusch (Purdue), Rolf Klein (Bonn), Mike Langston
(Tennessee), Ming Li (Waterloo), Friedhelm Meyer auf
der Heide (Paderborn), Ian Munro (Waterloo), Shashi
Shekhar (Minnesota), Bettina Speckmann (Eindhoven),
Paul Spirakis (Patras), Gabor Tardos (Simon Fraser
& Renyi Institute), Jeff Vitter (Texas A&M),
Frances F. Yao (CityU Hong Kong).
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] [WM 2009] CfP for the first workshop on Case Studies
and Success Measurement of KM (CSKM2009)
Datum: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:15:13 -0400
Von: Stefan Smolnik <Stefan.Smolnik(a)ebs.edu>
Antwort an: Stefan Smolnik <Stefan.Smolnik(a)ebs.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
(Apologies for crosspostings of this announcement.)
5th Conference Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions
WM2009: March 25-27, 2009, Alte Spital/Landhaus, Solothurn, Switzerland
First Conference Workshop on Case Studies and Success Measurement of KM (CSKM2009)
Knowledge management (KM) has progressed from an emergent concept to an increasingly common function in business organizations over the past 20 years. Intense competition, fickle consumers, shorter product life cycles, as well as the rapid pace of globalization and of the ongoing liberalization of national and international markets are some of the driving forces that have led to increased inspection of the usage, application, and leveraging of knowledge in organizations. Accordingly, research into KM has been affected by investigations such as organizational implementation aspects and system developments during a number of years. A high maturity level of KM research has been therefore achieved. However, organizational KM initiatives are more and more faced with budget cuts and justification demands due to intense competition in today's business environments. Project managers of KM initiatives like Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) need to justify their budgets and thus are in !
need of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the KM initiatives' success. Problems experienced in KM initiatives that potentially risk this success are assumed to be the result of one or more of the following three factors: Firstly, a focus on the technological dimension of KM (i.e. KM systems (KMS)) is prevalent, together with a lack of attention to the social dimension (e.g., organizational culture). Secondly, the absence of a clearly defined purpose and value for the business is obstructive. In this context, a key requirement for realizing the business value of KM is the institutionalization of KM practices and systems into people's natural work flow. Thirdly, KM frameworks', concepts' and systems' adoption to the specific requirements of corporate contexts is lacking. Given its focus on people and their interactions, KM is intrinsically highly context specific. Each organizational setting poses its own challenges for successful KM. To address all these issues, the w!
orkshop aims to provide a forum to discuss research and insigh!
ts into
strategies, methodologies, and cases that relate to successfully implement KM and KMS, and measure this success.
Topics of papers submitted can be, but are not limited to:
- Case studies about successes and failures of KM initiatives and KMS
- Frameworks and models for assessing KM/KMS
- Evaluating success factors and derivation of key performance indicators for KM/KMS
- Measuring KM/KMS success and performance (concepts, methods, case studies, etc.)
- Impact of KM strategy, organization, systems, culture, and other issues on KM success
- Benchmarking of KM initiatives
- Establishing knowledge-intensive corporate cultures as a prerequisite for successful KM/KMS
- Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on KM performance
The target group includes researchers and practitioners in the field of knowledge management. Besides paper presentations, this workshop offers organized and open spaces for targeted discussions. It aims at offering a forum for the presentation and discussion of new directions and interesting work in progress.
Half-day workshop
31th of October 2008 - Submission of workshop papers
15th of December 2008 - Notification of authors about acceptance/rejection
16th of January 2009 - Submission of camera-ready papers
25th of March to 27th of March 2009 - CSKM2009 workshop
SUBMISSION (preliminary - subject to change):
This workshop solicits full research papers that discuss innovative problems from one of the areas sketched above. The format of a full paper is max. 10 pages following the LNI formatting guidelines (http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/). Only electronic submissions (PDF format) to the EasyChair online conference management system (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wm2009workshops) will be accepted. Submission languages are German and English. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the WM2009 conference before the deadline for camera-ready-copies of the papers (16th January 2009). Otherwise, the paper will not be published. All workshop participants must be registered for the conference.
All submissions will be subject to review by the CSKM2009 Program Committee. The workshop organizers have final authority over the review process and all decisions relating to acceptance of papers. Review criteria include originality of ideas, technical soundness, significance of results, and quality of presentation. It is intended to have three reviews per submission. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the corresponding author.
Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp and Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik (Chair)
Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS)
European Business School (EBS)
International University Schloss Reichartshausen
Rheingaustr. 1, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel, GERMANY
Phone: +49-6723-991-246 /-250, Fax: +49-6723-991-255
Email: stefan.smolnik(a)ebs.edu
WWW: http://www.ebs.edu/iris
Andrea Back, University of St. Gallen
Peter Baloh, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam
Josef Hofer-Alfeis, Amontis Consulting AG
Christine Legner, European Business School (EBS)
Ludwig Nastansky, University of Paderborn
Gerold Riempp, European Business School (EBS)
Hans-Peter Schnurr, ontoprise GmbH
Stefan Smolnik, European Business School (EBS) (Chair)
Sarah Spiekermann, Humboldt-University Berlin
Susanne Strahringer, University of Dresden
Harald von Kortzfleisch, University of Koblenz-Landau
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Special Issue Journal of Information Technology
Social Networking through ICTs
Datum: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:07:52 -0400
Von: Remko W. Helms <remko(a)cs.uu.nl>
Antwort an: Remko W. Helms <remko(a)cs.uu.nl>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement **
** Please forward to anyone who might be interested **
2nd Call for Papers
Special Issue Editors: Elaine Ferneley and Remko Helms
Technology-supported social networks are now penetrating many aspects of
our daily lives and have been established for a diverse range of purposes
from e-dating, to multimedia sharing and from friendship/blogging sites,
to virtual gaming and virtual worlds. Individuals in their role as
employees and, more recently, their companies have also started to adopt
the concept of social networks both intra- and inter-organizationally.
Examples include technology supported Communities of Practice and the
emerging professional support networks such as Linkedin.com. Technology to
support such social networking is diverse ranging from the standard
desktop to mobile and ubiquitous technologies to immersive virtual
environments and other applications and services.
The purpose of this Special Issue is to explore the emerging
technology-supported social networking phenomenon and how it may influence
the management, development and use of Information Systems in the
networked world.
� The crafting of �self� within online communities;
� Visual representation of social networks;
� Social network analysis � are the established social network analysis
tools appropriate for these emerging sites or are new social network
analysis techniques required;
� Evolution of technology-supported social networks (especially
longitudinal research);
� Power, politics and trust in technology-supported social networks;
� Influence of technology-supported social networks on individual, group,
or organizational performance;
� Effect of the usage of social network software on the structure of
intra- and inter-organizational networks ;
� Diversity and issues of inclusion/exclusion in social networking
communities � e.g. Work Organisation/Society, Culture, Gender, Race,
Disability, Sexuality, Nationality;
� Case studies on the adoption, implementation, and application of social
networking software in organizations;
� Social and cultural capital construction, erosion and deployment;
� Integration of on-line and off-line social networking activities;
� Global/local issues in social networking;
� Social networking success and failure;
� Social networking to support virtual teams;
� Privacy concerns and social networks, social networking and computer
� Social networking as a driver for e-democracy and e-deliberation.
� Mining social network information from online communities and mail
Papers should be between 6,000-9,000 words in length. Make electronic
submissions to both Special Issue Editors. Word for Windows, PDF or iWorks
is preferred. Please feel free to contact a Special Issue Editor with
queries relating to the Special Issue.
Submissions will be fully refereed by two reviewers, an Associate Editor
and a Special Issue Editor.
Deadline for submission: 1st Nov 2008
Reviews returned: 1st March 2009
Final submission: 1st June 2009
Notification of final acceptance: 1st Sept 2009
Publication: March or June 2010
For further information please contact the special issue editors:
Elaine Ferneley (Salford University,UK): e.ferneley(a)salford.ac.uk
Remko Helms (Utrecht University, NL): r.w.helms(a)cs.uu.nl
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] ICDM 2009 Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:07:07 +0200
Von: ICDM <info(a)data-mining-forum.de>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
9th Industrial Conference on Data Mining
Leipzig, Germany, 20 - 22 July, 2009
The Aim of the Conference
This conference is the ninth conference in a series of industrial
conferences on Data Mining that will be held on yearly basis. Experts
from different fields will present their applications and the results
obtained by applying data mining. New methods and theories developed for
specific applications will be presented as well. Besides that, newcomers
in the field can get a fast introduction to Data Mining by taking the
tutorial running in connection with the conference. In a
problem/solution hour you will have the opportunity to present your
application and ask for support by others or for cooperation in solving
the problem.
An industrial exhibition running in connection with the conference will
give you the opportunity to look at new trends and systems in industry
and to present your research to industry.
Topics and Paper Submission
Paper submissions should be related but not limited to any of the
following topics:
Applications of Data Mining in.
* Marketing
* Medicine
* E-Commerce (Mining Logfiles)
* Biotechnology
* Quality Management
* Multimedia Data (Image, Video, Text, Signals)
* Web-Mining
* Intrusion Detection in Networks
* Case-Based Reasoning
* Clustering
* Classification & Prediction
* Association Rules
* Telecommunication
* Design of Experiment
* Strategy of Experimentation
* Capability Indices
* Deviation and Novelty Detection
* Control Charts
* Design of Experiments
* Capability Indices
* Desirabilities
Authors can submit their paper in long or short version.
Long Paper
The paper must be formatted in the Springer LNCS format. They should
have at most 15 pages. The papers will be reviewed by the program
committee. Accepted long papers will be published by Springer Verlag in
the LNAI Series in the book Advances in Data Mining, edited by Petra
Please submit your long paper to the conference system
Short Paper
Short papers are also welcome and can be used to describe work in
progress or project ideas. They can have 5 to max. 15 pages, formatted
in Springer LNCS format. Accepted short papers will be presented as
poster in the poster session. They will be published in a special poster
proceedings book.
Industry Papers
We encourage industrial people to show their applications and projects
for data mining. This work can be presented as poster during the poster
session in the special industry track. Please submit a one page abstract
including title, name and affilation.
Please submit your Short Paper and your Industry Paper by e-mail to
Notice that the submission is NOT the registration to the conference!
Please fill out the registration form.
If you have any problem with the submission, please contact via email
Important Dates
Deadline Long Paper
Submission of papers: 12.01.2009
Notification of acceptance: 24.03.2009
Submission of camera-ready copy: 05.05.2009
Deadline Short Paper
Submission of papers: 30.04.2009
Deadline Industry
Submission of papers: 31.05.2009
For the latest news as well as for the program of the previous ICDM and
the publications within ICDM look at Conference web site.
Conference web site: http//www.data-mining-forum.de
All Publications see: http//www.ibai-publishing.de
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] New Issue Journal Transaction on
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:51:08 +0200
Von: ICDM <info(a)data-mining-forum.de>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Dear Colleagues,
We like to draw your attention to the new journal Transactions on
Machine Learning and Data Mining.
Please find the first issue on
Have an exciting look to novel research work on MLDM. The first issue
contains work about:
Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining (ISSN: 1865-6781)
Volume 1 - Number 1 - July 2008
Table of Contents
1 "Hybrid Rule Ordering in Classification Assocation Rule Mining" Y.J.
Wang, Q. Xin and F. Coenen PDF (398 KB)
17 "Classification Based on Consitent Itemset Rules"
Y. Shidara, M. Kudo and A. Nakamura PDF (143 KB)
31 "Color Reduction using the Combination on the Kohonen Self-Organized
Feature Map and the Gutafson Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm"
K. Zagoris, N.Papamarkos and I. Koustoudis PDF (1.191 KB)
The next issue will appear at the end of October.
Please consider the journal for your submissions.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards,
Ingrid Neuhäuser
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: One Week Notice - CFP: The Fourth International Conference on
Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:22:46 -0700
Von: CISSE Online E-Conference <cisse(a)cisse2008online.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is a gentle reminder that the extended and final paper submission
deadline for the on-line International E-Conference on Computer,
Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering [CISSE 2008]
(http://www.cisse2008online.org/) is in one week (October 28, 2008). The
Conference organizing committee has decided to extend the paper submission
deadline due to numerous deadline extension requests from potential CISSE
2008 authors.
CISSE 2008 has received more than 450 paper submissions so far from over 70
countries and we are looking forward to your quality paper contributions.
Please note that this is a hard deadline, so that the technical committees
can perform their paper reviewing duties in a timely manner.
You are invited to submit full papers electronically through the website of
the conference at http://www.cisse2008online.org
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the
authors. To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2008online.org. The
full conference call for papers including all the details about the on-line
submission and virtual presentation of the papers is enclosed in this
Paper submission Deadline: October 28, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: November 9, 2008
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 26, 2008
Please do not reply to this message. If you need to contact us please email
us at info(a)cisse2008online.org
Looking forward to your participation in CISSE 2008.
Best regards,
Khaled Elleithy, Ph.D.
CISSE 2008 General Co-Chair
Associate Dean,
School of Engineering
University of Bridgeport e-mail: info(a)cisse2008online.org
Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A. http://www.cisse2008online.org
================================= CISSE Call for Papers
Due to numerous deadline extension requests from potential CISSE 2008
authors, the CISSE organizing committee has decided to extend the paper
submission deadline to 10/28/2008.
Please note that this is a hard deadline, so that the technical committees
can perform their paper reviewing duties in a timely manner.
If you received this email in error, please forward it to the appropriate
department at your institution.
If you wish to unsubscribe please follow the unsubscribe link at bottom of
the email.
Please do not reply to this message. If you need to contact us please
email us at info(a)cisse2008online.org
* The Fourth International Joint Conferences on Computer, *
* Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2008) *
* *
* *
* *
* http://www.cisse2008online.org *
* *
* *
* *
December 5-13, 2008
Sponsored by the University of Bridgeport
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, Communications
Society and Education Society (Connecticut Section)
CISSE 2008 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the
state-of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences
and engineering. CISSE 2008 is the fourth conference of the CISSE series of
e-conferences. CISSE is the World's first Engineering/Computing and Systems
Research E-Conference. CISSE 2005 was the first high-caliber Research
Conference in the world to be completely conducted online in real-time via
the internet. CISSE 2005 received 255 research paper submissions and the
final program included 140 accepted papers, from more than 45 countries.
CISSE 2006 received 691 research paper submissions and the final program
included 390 accepted papers, from more than 70 countries. CISSE 2007
received 750 research paper submissions and the final program included 406
accepted papers, from more than 80 countries.
The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using
web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Authors will be
presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations using
web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference sessions
will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session
participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation and
(or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. This international
conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted and presented papers
will be made available and sent to the authors after the conference both on
a DVD (including all papers, powerpoint presentations and audio
presentations) and as a book publication. Springer, the official publisher
for CISSE, published the 2005 proceedings in 2 books and the CISSE 2006 and
CISSE 2007 proceedings in four books.
Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only need an
internet connection and sound available on their computers in order to be
able to contribute and participate in this international ground-breaking
conference. The on-line structure of this high-quality event will allow
academic professionals and industry participants to contribute their work
and attend world-class technical presentations based on rigorously refereed
submissions, live, without the need for investing significant travel funds
or time out of the office.
The concept and format of CISSE is ground-breaking. The PowerPoint
presentations, final paper manuscripts and time schedule for live
presentations over the web are available for two weeks prior to the start
of the conference for all registrants, so that the participants can choose
the presentations they want to attend and think about questions that they
might want to ask. The live audio presentations were also recorded and are
part of the permanent CISSE on-line archive - accessible to all
registrants- which also includes all the papers, PowerPoint and audio
Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line
conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint
conferences will be archived for future viewing.
The CISSE conference audio room provides superb audio even over low speed
internet connections, the ability to display PowerPoint presentations, and
cross-platform compatibility (the
conferencing software runs on Windows, Mac, and any other operating system
that supports Java). In addition, the conferencing system allows for an
unlimited number of participants, which in turn granted us the opportunity
to allow all CISSE participants to attend all presentations, as opposed to
limiting the number of available seats for each session.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in
Microsoft Word format through the website of the conference at
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the
authors. To submit your paper,please visit http://www.cisse2008online.org
CISSE 2008 is composed of the following four conferences:
International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software
Engineering (SCSS 08)
Topics: Grid Computing, Internet-based Computing Models, Resource
Discovery, Programming Models and tools, e-Science and Virtual
Instrumentation, Biometric Authentication, Computers for People of Special
Needs, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Knowledge Engineering,
Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed processing, Modeling and Simulation,
Services and Applications, Embedded Systems and Applications, Databases,
Programming Languages, Signal Processing Theory and Methods, Signal
Processing for Communication, Signal Processing Architectures and
Implementation, Information Processing, Geographical Information
Systems,Object Based Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed
Computing, Real Time Systems, Multiprocessing, File Systems
and I/O, Kernel and OS Structures.
International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 08)
Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network
architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication
Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation,
Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time Coding,
Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum,
Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless
Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer,
Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and
Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers
Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication,
Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web
Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional
Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 08)
opics: Instructional Design, Accreditation, Curriculum Design, Educational
Tools, 2-2-2 Platforms, Teaching Capstone Design, Teaching Design at the
Lower Levels, Design and Development of e-Learning tools, Assessment
Methods in Engineering, Development and Implementation of E-learning
tools, Ethics in Education, Economical and Social Impacts of E-learning.
International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology &
Automation (IETA 08)
Topics: Advanced and Distributed Control Systems, Intelligent Control
Systems (NN, FL, GA, .etc), Expert Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Data
Fusion, Factory Automation, Robotics, Motion Control, Machine Vision, MEMS
Sensors and Actuators, Sensors Fusion, Power Electronics, High Frequency
Converters, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices and
Components, Electric Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation, Process
Automation, Factory Communication, Manufacturing Information System
Advances in Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Applications of Multi Media,
Intelligent Systems Instrumentation, Industrial Instrumentation, Modeling
and Simulation, Signal Processing, Image and Data Processing, VR and
Parallel systems..
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in
Microsoft Word format through the website of the conference at
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the
authors. To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2008online.org
New Paper submission Deadline: October 28th, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: November 9th, 2008
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 26th, 2008
Khaled Elleithy, Ph.D.
CISSE 2008 General Co-Chair
Associate Dean, School of Engineering
University of Bridgeport e-mail: info(a)cisse2008online.org
Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A. http://www.cisse2008online.org
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Participation: MobIS2008 - 27.-28. Nov. 2008,
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:26:06 +0200
Von: Loos, Peter <Peter.Loos(a)iwi.dfki.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme
27.-28. November 2008, Saarbruecken (Germany)
Die Tagung wird von der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Fachgruppe Informationssystem-Architekturen: Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (WI-MobIS), gemeinsam mit den Arbeitskreisen Geschaeftsprozessmanagement mit Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten (WI-EPK) und Komponentenorientierte betriebliche Anwendungssysteme (WI-KobAS) und dem Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWi) im Deutschen Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) ausgerichtet.
Die Tagung bietet ein breites Forum für die Praesentation und Diskussion aktueller Themen im Bereich der Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme. Das Programm umfasst etwa 35 ausgewaehlte wissenschaftliche Praesentationen, aufgegliedert in das MobIS Hauptprogramm und verschiedene Workshops (u.a. WI-EPK und WI-KobAS).
Keynote am zweiten Veranstaltungstag: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI GmbH: Semantische Modellierung für das Internet der Dinge und der Dienste
Programmdetails sowie den zeitlichen Ablauf der Tagung finden Sie unter http://iwi.dfki.de/mobis2008 .
Die Tagungsgebuehren betragen bei Buchung bis zum 05.11.2008 (Fruehbucherphase)
EUR 160 fuer Mitglieder der GI
EUR 200 fuer Nicht-Mitglieder
EUR 90 fuer Studierende (GI-Mitglieder)
EUR 110 fuer Studierende
Die Veranstaltung findet in den Tagungsraeumen des Deutschen Forschungszentrums fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz in Saarbruecken statt:
Deutschen Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Universitaet des Saarlandes, Campus D3 2, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Informationen ueber Anmeldung, Anreise, Unterkuenfte, Rahmenprogramm sowie weitere Hinweise finden Sie ebenfalls unter http://iwi.dfki.de/mobis2008 .
Wir freuen uns, Sie im November auf der MobIS2008 willkommen heissen zu duerfen.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Peter Loos
Im Namen des Programmkomitees
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] BPM 2009 - First Call for Workshop Proposals
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:53:06 +0200
Von: Manfred Reichert <manfred.reichert(a)uni-ulm.de>
Antwort an: Manfred Reichert <manfred.reichert(a)uni-ulm.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Workshop Proposals
7 - 10 September 2009
Ulm, Germany
BPM 2009 is the seventh conference in a series that provides the most
distinguished specialized forum for researchers and practitioners in
business process management (BPM). The conference has a record of
attracting innovative research of highest quality related to all aspects
of business process management including theory, frameworks, methods,
techniques, architectures, and empirical findings.
Submissions are invited for workshop proposals to be included in the BPM
2009 Workshop Program. Workshops are meant to facilitate the exchange of
ideas and experiences between active researchers, and stimulate discussions
on new and emerging issues in line with the conference topics.
Workshops may concentrate in-depth on research topics, or may also be
devoted to application and/or standardization issues.
All the workshop papers will be published by Springer as a post-proceeding
volume (to be sent around 4 months after the workshop) in their Lecture
Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.
Proposals for one-day workshops are requested and should include the
following information:
- workshop title and acronym
- brief biography of each organizer
- an outline of the workshop theme, goals, planned activities, and
intended audience
- The complete text of the envisioned call for papers.
(Most important dates can be found on the conference homepage.
A complete schedule will be provided for the call for workshops.)
Workshop proposals should be directed to the BPM Workshop Co-chairs in
electronic form (plain text or PDF) by the deadline indicated below.
Workshop Proposal Dates
Deadline for workshop proposals: 22 December 2008
Notification of proposal acceptance: 23 January 2009
Workshop Co-Chairs
Shazia Sadiq
University of Queensland
Frank Leymann
University of Stuttgart
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
University of Ulm
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] MLDM 2009 Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:19:29 +0200
Von: MLDM <info(a)mldm.de>
Antwort an: <info(a)mldm.de>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
6th International Conference on
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Leipzig, Germany, 23 – 25 July 2009
The MLDMŽ2009 conference is the sixth event in a series of Machine
Learning and Data Mining meetings, initially organised as international
workshops. The aim of MLDMŽ2009 is to bring together from all over the
world researchers dealing with machine learning and data mining, in
order to discuss the recent status of the research in the field and to
direct its further developments. Basic research papers as well as
application papers are welcome. All kinds of applications are welcome,
but special preference will be given to multimedia related applications,
biomedical applications, and webmining.
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission:
January 6, 2009
Notification of acceptance:
March 6, 2009
Final paper submission:
April 27, 2009
Authors can submit their papers in long or short version:
Long Papers
The paper must be formatted in the Springer LNCS format
They should have at most 15 pages. Papers will be reviewed by the
program committee. Accepted long papers will appear in the proceedings
book "Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition" published
by Springer Verlag in the LNAI series. Extended versions of selected
papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal
after the workshop.
Short Papers
Short papers are also welcome and can be used to describe work in
progress or project ideas. They should have not more than 5 pages,
formatted in Springer LNCS format
Accepted short papers will be presented as poster in the poster session.
They will be published in a special poster proceedings book.
Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper through
the COMMENCE conference management system <http://www.mldm.de/CMS>. If
you have any problems with the system please do not hesitate to contact
info(a)mldm.de <mailto:info@mldm.de>.
Conference web site: http://www.mldm.de <http://www.mldm.de/>
All Publications see: http://www.ibai-publishing.org