---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: WECWIS 2002
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:38:16 -0500
From: "Martin Bichler" <bichler(a)us.ibm.com>
To: "wecwis2002" <wecwis02(a)us.ibm.com>
Dear PC member,
First of all, we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2002!
We would also like to take this opportunity and remind you of the WECWIS
2002 submission deadline next weekend (January 5, 2002).
Please encourage people in your field to submit papers to the workshop
(wecwis02(a)us.ibm.com). We are also looking forward to receiving papers from
the program committee members. We strongly rely on your cooperation, in
order to make WECWIS a first class event!
For up-to-date information, please look at
Kind regards,
Jen-Yao Chung & Martin Bichler
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: JGITM, Vol 5, No 1, January 2002
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 10:43:47 -0500
From: "Dr. Prashant Palvia" <pcpalvia(a)UNCG.EDU>
Apologies for Cross-Postings. Please distribute to interested colleagues
and relevant lists.
Prashant Palvia, Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
********* CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS: The journal invites contributions from both
academic and industry scholars involved in research, management, and the
utilization of global information resources. If you have questions about
the journal, please contact one of the editors. Complete submission
guidelines are available on the following website:
Please submit your manuscript electronically to the Editor-in-Chief at
REVIEW PROCESS: Each suitable article is blind-reviewed by three members
of the editorial review board. A recommendation is then made by the
Editor-in-Chief or a Global Associate Editor. The final decision is made
by the Editor-in-Chief. If a revision is recommended, the revised paper
is sent for a final approval to one of the Editors.
********* MISSION: The mission of the Journal of Global Information
Technology Management (JGITM) is to be the premier journal on Global
Information Technology Management. It is a refereed international journal
that is supported by Global IT scholars from all over the world. JGITM will
publish articles and reports related to all aspects of the application
of information technology for international business. For example, it
will report on information resource management, managerial and
organizational concerns, educational issues, and innovative applications
related to global IT. Very important to the journal is its emphasis on
quality and relevance. Furthermore, the journal will disseminate this
knowledge to researchers, practitioners, academicians, and educators all
over the world on a timely basis. Finally, the journal is international
in all respects: content, article authorship, readership, and the
editorial board.
SCOPE AND COVERAGE: The journal's scope is multidisciplinary. It will
publish research, applied, and educational articles from all areas of
MIS as well as functional IT applications that have international focus.
The journal will also consider a variety of methodological approaches.
The journal encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the
world, both from academia and industry. In addition, the journal will
also include educational cases and reviews of MIS books that have
bearing on global aspects. Practitioner input will be specifically
solicited from time-to-time in the form of industry columns and CIO
Articles in the journal will include, but are not limited to the
following areas: Frameworks and models for global information systems
(GIS), Development, evaluation and management of GIS, Electronic
Commerce, Internet related issues, Societal impacts of IT in developing
countries, IT and Economic development, IT Diffusion in developing
countries, IT human resource issues, DSS/EIS/ES in international
settings, Organizational and management structures for GIS, Transborder
data flow issues, Electronic data interchange, Telecommunications,
Distributed global databases and networks, Cultural and societal
impacts, Comparative studies of nations, and Applications and case
studies (both research and educational)
Rekha Jain, Global Associate Editor
The Global Associate Editor explores the issues in the use of the
Internet by governments in developing countries. She addresses specific
benefits (such as rapid national development and improved citizen
services) and challenges, and derives lessons from her research and
Bob Travica, University of Manitoba, Canada
Costa Rica is one of the developing countries that are making inroads
into electronic commerce (e-commerce). It has achieved initial results
while dealing with technological, economic, and cultural specificities
that have similarities with and differences from the model of e-commerce
diffusion in developed countries. A multi-phase investigation into
e-commerce in this Central American country has been conducted. The main
finding is that there are some favorable conditions to diffusing
e-commerce in Costa Rica but the obstacles are not insignificant.
Victor W. Mbarika, Louisiana State University, Philip F. Musa, The
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Terry Anthony Byrd and Patrick
McMullen, Auburn University
Africa's Least Developed Countries (LDCs) lag other regions of the world
in utilizing telecommunications technologies. This study examines the
perspectives or beliefs of telecommunications stakeholders of Africa's
LDCs on strategies for solving the technology-oriented constraints that
have been documented in the literature. The findings suggest that
Africa's LDCs should adopt a self-sufficiency approach and also create
regional alliances for sustainable development of telecommunications
infrastructure to spur the much needed teledensity growth in the region.
Lakshmi S. Iyer and Larry Taube, The University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, and Julia Raquet, BASF Raw Material Purchasing, Germany
The Internet revolution is sweeping the globe with such swiftness that
companies around the world are trying to understand what is occurring,
what it means, where it is going, and how to leverage this new
opportunity. In spite of the global nature of this new revolution,
studies indicate that almost three fourths of all e-commerce (EC) is
done in the U.S. and that the U.S. accounts for 90 percent of all
commercial web sites. The purposes of this study are to address several
of the rationales for the previous observations, to analyze this digital
divide, to propose possible strategies to bridge the divide, and to
propose specific propositions based on the extensive literature search
provided here. The paper provides a general framework including a
discussion of present advantages of global EC growth, national and
corporate EC comparisons, an analysis of EC limitations, and the
development of strategies for global EC growth.
THE EXPERT OPINION: An Interview with Mr. Andre Spatz, CIO, Information
Technology Division, UNICEF. Interview conducted by Jaak Jurison,
Industry Editor.
The United Nations Children Fund UNICEF was founded in 1946 to help
children in need around the world. This interview provides a glimpse of
how IT has fundamentally transformed the way the UNICEF operates,
improved global know-how sharing, information flow, transparency, and
communication within offices and with partners.
BOOK REVIEW: Written by Roberto Vinaja, Book Review Editor. He reviews
the 2000 book "Management of International Networks: Cost-Effective
Strategies for the New Telecom Regulations and Service" by Floris van
den Broek. The book analyzes existing theories on management and global
aspects of information technology. It provides a validated model for the
quantitative assessment of the regulatory environment and
telecommunication services in a country.
For copies of the above articles, please check for the Journal of Global
Information Technology Management (JGITM) in your institution's library.
CHECK THE WEBSITE: http://www.uncg.edu/bae/isom/gitma/gitma3.htm
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems ' 2002: One week extension of paper submission deadline
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 23:10:43 -0500
From: Peter Brusilovsky <peterb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu>
With the approaching paper submission deadline (Jan. 7th) AH'2002
chairs have got a number of requests to extend it. This message is to
announce that the deadline was extended until January 14 (one week).
We understand that finishing the paper during the first days of New
Year is very hard for academics in several countries. We also want to
avoid a deadline conflict with Hypertext'02, the premier conference
of one of our cooperating societies. We will not be able to extend
the deadline any further because of Springer-Verlag's tight
publishing schedule.
Please, pass this information to your colleagues.
Peter Brusilovsky, AH'2002 General Co-chair
Paul De Bra, AH'2002 Program Chair
AH'2002: 2nd International Conference
on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems
May 29-31, 2002 @ Málaga (Spain)
In cooperation with ACM (SIGWEB, SIGIR, SIGART, SIGCHI, and SIGECOM),
Endorsed by IW3C2
The 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web Based Systems will be held in Málaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002.
The AH'2002 Conference continues from AH2000 held in Trento, Italy
(http://ah2000.itc.it/) and a series of successful workshops on the
topic of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive Web-based applications
(http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah/proceedings.html). The conference aims to
promote a cross-fertilization of ideas and to highlight the prospects
for future collaboration.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* adaptive hypermedia systems and techniques
* adaptive information filtering in the WWW context
* adaptive IR systems with Web or hypermedia interfaces
* intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW
* Web-based recommender systems
* personalized Web sites and services
* adaptive Web-based collaboration systems
* adaptive dynamic natural language generation (for the Web)
* adaptive navigation support in large hyperspaces
* adaptive presentation of multimedia content
* empirical studies of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive Web-based
* Web data mining for personalization and adaptivity
* personalization and adaptivity in E-commerce
* methods, techniques and tools for user modeling in adaptive
hypermedia and in Web-based applications
* intelligent Web agents for personalization and adaptivity
* distributed and open adaptive applications on the WWW
* security and privacy aspects of user models on the WWW
* Web metadata as a basis for user modeling and adaptivity (including
the Semantic Web initiative)
* dealing with changing interests and preferences of Web users
* user interfaces for all usability aspects of adaptivity
* Web servers for user models/profiles
* adaptation to user interface platforms, including PDA's.
WAP-enabled mobile phones or other handheld devices
* adaptive mobile applications (in-car, in-flight, etc.)
* cross-platform adaptivity in ubiquitous systems
* social navigation (group adaptation on the Web)
Call for Contributions
Submission categories: all submissions must be in LNCS format
* Full papers: 10 pages, approx. 25 minute presentation
original and previously unpublished mature research results
* Short papers: 4 pages, 10 minute presentation
original and unpublished ongoing research, presented through a
short presentation
* Posters and demonstrations: 4 pages
original and unpublished ongoing research, presented in a poster
and demonstrations session
* Panels: 4 pages, 1 hour panel discussions
panels of 4 or 5 experts discussing a topic with the public after
short introductions by the panelists
* Doctoral consortium: 4 pages
phd students are invited to present the topic and progress of their
research, in order to get feedback from a panel of experts
* Workshops and tutorials:
send a description (2-4 pages) to the workshop and tutorial chair
as soon as possible, but no later than the general submission
deadline. Workshops and tutorials will be held on May 28, 2002.
The proceedings of AH'2002 will be published by Springer-Verlag in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For instructions on the
LNCS paper format, see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS rules, and
submitted electronically as PDF or Postscript through the conference
Web site (http://www.lcc.uma.es/AH2002).
Please indicate whether the first (or main) author is a student. This
is needed in order to qualify for the best student paper award.
All submissions will undergo a thorough reviewing and refereeing
process in order to decide on acceptance. The program committee may
accept submissions in a different category, for instance full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers or posters; full or short
papers by students may be accepted for the doctoral consortium, etc.
All accepted contributions (full and short papers, poster, demo or
doctoral consortium) will be included in the proceedings.
Important Dates
All submissions: January 14, 2002.
Notification of Acceptance: March 1, 2002.
Final versions due: March 18, 2002.
Workshops and tutorials: May 28, 2002.
Main conference: May 29-31, 2002.
Conference co-chairs:
* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
* Francisco Triguero, Universidad de Málaga
Program Committee chair:
* Paul De Bra, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
* Jose-Luis Perez de la Cruz, Universidad de Málaga
* Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover
Workshops/tutorials chair:
* Carlo Strapparava, ITC-IRST, Trento
Industry chair:
* Barry Smyth, Changingworlds, and University College Dublin
Program Committee:
* Elisabeth Andre, DFKI GmbH
* Liliana Ardissono, Università degli Studi di Torino
* Alexandra Cristea, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
* Fiorella De Rosis, University of Bari
* Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano
* Wendy Hall, University of Southampton
* Lynda Hardman, CWI, Amsterdam
* Nicola Henze, Institut für Technische Informatik, Hannover
* Kristina Höök, Swedish Institute for Computer Science
* Lewis Johnson, University of Southern California
* Judy Kay, University of Sydney
* Alfred Kobsa, University of California at Irvine
* Paul Maglio, IBM Almaden Research Center
* Mark Maybury, The MITRE Corporation
* Alessandro Micarelli, University of Rome 3
* Eva Millan, Universidad de Málaga
* Maria Milosavljevich, Dynamic Multimedia Pty. Ltd.
* Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
* Dunja Mladenic, J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia
* Marc Nanard, LIRMM
* Vittorio Scarano, Università degli Studi di Salerno
* Daniel Schwabe, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
* Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin
* Marcus Specht, GMD
* Myra Spliopoulou, Handelshochschule Leipzig
* Oliviero Stock, ITC-IRST, Trento
* Carlo Tasso, Università degli Studi di Udine
* Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchewan
* Gerhard Weber, Pedagogical University Freiburg
* Massimo Zancanaro, ITC-IRST, Trento
Local organization chair:
* Ricardo Conejo, Universidad de Málaga
Local organization committee:
* David Bueno, Universidad de Málaga
* Eduardo Guzman, Universidad de Málaga
* Eva Millan, Universidad de Málaga
* Rafael Morales, Universidad de Málaga
* Jose Luis Perez de la Cruz, Universidad de Málaga
* Monica Trella, Universidad de Málaga
Cooperating Societies and Sponsors
The conference is organized in cooperation with:
* ACM - the Association for Computing Machinery (http://www.acm.org)
and special interest groups SIGWEB, SIGIR, SIGART, SIGCHI, and SIGECOM
* AEPIA - Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence /
Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
* ECCAI - the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial
Intelligence (http://www.eccai.org/)
* The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society
* EUNITE - European Network on Intelligent Technologies
* UM Inc. - User Modeling Inc. (www.um.org)
The conference is endorsed by IW3C2 - International World Wide Web
Conference Committee (http://www.iw3c2.org/)
Best paper award and best student paper award/travel grant are
sponsored by Kluwer Academic Publishers (http://www.wkap.nl/) and by
Dr. James Chen family.
Málaga is located in Andalucia, in the south cost at the
Mediterranean sea. It is the economic head of Andalucía and capital
of Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun). Its main business is based on
tourism, services, SMEs, and agriculture. The airport is among the
largest in Spain, and is well connected by train or highway to other
Andalucía main towns (Granada, Córdoba, Sevilla) and by direct flight
to all major Spanish and European cities.
Please, visit the conference Web site for more information about the
conference and the venue: http://www.lcc.uma.es/AH2002
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP: Workshop on M-Services
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:22:54 +0100
From: Willem-Jan vd Heuvel <W.J.A.M.vdnHeuvel(a)KUB.NL>
Workshop on M-Services /Concepts, Approaches, Tools/
Deadline: February 28, 2002
to be held in conjunction with
The 13th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
Lyon, France, June 26-29, 2002
The Internet is going through several major changes. It has become a
vehicle of services rather than just a repository of information. Many
organizations are already struggling to put their core business
competencies on the Internet as a collection of loosely-coupled
e-services. Customers, or other e-services, can simply retrieve
them from the web and fuse them into combinations of new value-adding
e-services in ways that could never be foreseen.
The advent of wireless technologies, such as palmtops and advanced mobile
(PDA) telephones, has opened the possibility to deliver user-centered
services on the spot, no matter where customers are located (anytime and
anywhere). Companies that are eager to get engaged on the market of
wireless e-services are facing complicated technical, legal, and
organizational challenges. Despite the great interest in this area, a few
number of scientific activities focus on the use, design, and development
of wireless e-services also denoted by mobile services (m-services).
The purpose of this workshop is to understand the role of m-services in
the wireless world. M-services can be viewed as a normal extension to
e-services. Suggestions of suitable architectures, paradigms,
technologies, etc. for m-services are going to be discussed in this
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Advanced components (such as software agents) for m-services.
- Wireless communication middleware and protocols for m-services.
- Interoperability of m-services; location and integration of existing
m-services; transition strategies; building added-value services by
integrating existing ones; composition protocols.
- Business models for m-commerce.
- Security issues of m-services.
- Reliability and adaptability of m-services.
- Architectures and operational models.
- Legal aspects of m-services.
- Test beds and development environments, e.g.
for location-based applications, etc.
Workshop organizers
Zakaria Maamar, zakaria.maamar(a)zu.ac.ae
Software Agents Research Group@zu
College of Information Systems, Zayed University
PO. Box 19282, Dubai, U.A.E
Phone: (971) 4 2082 461
Fax: (971) 4 2640 854
Wathiq Mansoor, wathiq.mansoor(a)zu.ac.ae
Software Agents Research Group@zu
College of Information Systems, Zayed University
PO. Box 19282, Dubai, U.A.E
Phone: (971) 4 2082 462
Fax: (971) 4 2640 854
Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, wjheuvel(a)kub.nl
Tilburg University
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
Phone: (31) 13 466 2767
Fax: (31) 13 466 3069
Program committee
Barbara Catania, University of Genova (Italy)
Boualem Benatallah, The University of New South Wales (Australia)
Brian Blake, Georgetown University (USA)
Christoph Bussler, Oracle Corporation (USA)
Dilip Patel, South Bank University (United Kingdom)
Fahim Al Akhtar, Zayed University (U.A.E)
Francois Louis Nicolet, (Switzerland)
Jarle G. Hulaas, Centre Universitaire de GenËve (Switzerland)
Jeff Sutherland, PatientKeeper, Inc. (USA)
Jos van Hillegersberg, Rotterdam School of Management (The Netherlands)
Laskri Tayeb, Badji Mokhtar University (Algeria)
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete (Greece)
Michael Johnson, Macquarie University (Australia)
Mohamed Ahmed-Nacer, USTHB (Algeria)
Muhammad Sarfraz, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (SA)
Rasheed Alzahrani, King Saud University (SA)
Reinhard Riedl, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Walter Binder, CoCo Software Engineering GmbH (Austria)
Weiming Shen, NRC-London (Canada)
Submission of papers
Authors who wish to submit to the workshop should send either PostScript
or PDF versions of their paper by email to the workshop organizers (see
above), or else provide a URL for an online version of the paper. Hardcopy
submission is discouraged. Submissions should be no more than 4000 words
length (approx. 10 printed pages). The first page of each submission
should list the full contact details (including full name, postal address,
email address, phone and fax number) of at least one author.
Important dates
Deadline for submissions: February 28th
Notification sent: April 15th
Final papers due: May 15th
The workshop: June 26th
== Drs. Willem-Jan van den Heuvel Phone : +31 13 466 2767
InfoLab, Tilburg University Fax : +31 13 466 3069
PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, Mobile: +31 6 53 111958
The Netherlands
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: AoM 2002 Call for Contributions
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 23:25:32 -0500
From: AoM / IAoM <aomgt(a)INFI.NET>
Please Post
>The Association of Management (AoM) and the International Association
>for Management (IAoM) 20th Anniversary Conference
>Location: Quebec, Canada, July 31-August 3, 2002
>Paper submissions, abstracts, panels and etc. are solicited in the
>following categories:
>- Business Functions and Applications (BF&A)
>- Human Resources Management (HRM)
>- Organizational (Behavior) Management (OM)
>- Leadership and Leaders (LL) http://www.aom-iaom.org/dir3.html#four
>- Health Care Management (HCM) http://www.aom-iaom.org/dir3.html#six
>- Entrepreneurship http://www.aom-iaom.org/dir3.html#nine
>- Educational Administration and Management (EA&M)
>- Distance Learning (DL) http://www.aom-iaom.org/dir3.html#eleven
>- Information Systems and Information Technology (IS/IT)
>- Doctoral Research Division (DRD)
>ALL divisions, complete with specialty topical areas, are found on:
>http://www.aom-iaom.org at: http://www.aom-iaom.org/dir3-div.html.
>See member and participant awards information located on http://
>In addition, an alliance of excellent organizations, with their selected
>topics, are also participating in conjunction with the conference:
>- Project 2005 Congress, addressing management, education and technology
>movements across the globe. See http://www.aom-iaom.org/project2005.html
>- The "New Professor" program defining and guiding proposed directions
>of faculty, universities, colleges and corporate institutions of higher
>learning in global societies by academic and industry practitioner
>proponents. See
>- Leadership Development Institute (LDI) International tailored programs
>for individual and corporate application presents the famed Women in
>Leadership. Theme: Achieving Your Sense of Purpose. Program located on
>- Business Functions and Applications (BF&A) presenting topics found on
>the AoM Division list located at
>- Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior (HRMOB) 7th
>Annual Conference presents the theme: Waking Up in the Knowledge Economy
>located on http://www.e-academe.org/conferences/hrmob/index.html
>- Computer Science and Information Management Society Conference
>Affiliate: Theme: Computer Science and Information Management Conceptual
>Framework. CSIMS is presenting top line research and investigative
>papers pertaining to all aspects of technology, systems and quantitative
>methods under its new organizational banner, CSIM Society, complete with
>full leadership and 1st tier journal: The Journal of Computer Science
>and Information Management (CSIM) is now in its 4th year. Participant
>and submission details may be found on
>The conference alliance is open to professional organizations, scholars
>and practitioners alike seeking and creating paths leading toward
>improved, functional, contemporary methods and applications in all areas
>of management, education, technology and leadership.
>Participate with AoM and its affiliates. They're your path to
>POC: Willem Arthur Hamel, Ph.D., CEO
>Association of Management and International Association of Management
>(AoM/IAoM) - AoMgt(a)Infi.Net
>P. O. Box 64841, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23467-4841
>Tel: 757-482-2273 and Fax: 757-482-0325, www.aom-iaom.org
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu