---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Reminder CFP SCI2002 - Deadline Extended
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:25:56 -0500
From: "Gendron, Michael (MIS)" <GendronM(a)MAIL.CCSU.EDU>
Below is the CFP sent out several weeks ago for SCI2002. I have been asked
to extend the deadline for the SCI 2002 Data and Information Quality
Session. Please note the change in dates.
This page is for the Data and Information Quality Invited Session at the 6th
World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. The main
website for this conference can be found at <http://www.iiis.org/sci2002/>.
Conference Specifics:
Dates: July 14-18, 2002
Location: Orlando, Florida
Data and Information Quality Call for Participation:
Today's enterprise is dependent on data and information for good
decision-making. As researchers, we are called on to develop ways to enhance
data and information quality, and to assist managers make more effective
decisions. This session at SCI 2002 will focus on these issues . A goal of
this session is to produce a multi-author edited book about the effect of
data and information quality on the enterprise.
There will be 2 data and information quality meetings at SCI 2002:
Paper presentations
Working Group to Define Data and Information Quality Attributes.
Important Dates: (Different from dates on main SCI2002 web site)
The Authors Kit can be found on the main SCI2002 website
<<...OLE_Obj...>> February 15: Extended Abstracts (500 words)
<<...OLE_Obj...>> March 1: Paper Drafts (2000-5000 words)
<<...OLE_Obj...>> April 1: Notification of Acceptance
<<...OLE_Obj...>> April 10: Submission of Camera Ready Papers; Hard
Copy and Electronic Versions.
Michael S Gendron
Associate Professor
Central Connecticut State University
SCI 2002, Program Committee and Invited Session Chair
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS - ET2EB Workshop in Damaskus
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:51:41 +0100
From: Klement Fellner <Klement.Fellner(a)ZUEHLKE.COM>
<Proposal submission deadline February 15, 2002>
Dear Colleagues,
attached You receive the Call for Papers for the ET2EB Workshop in Syria. In
September 2002 the Syrian-German Institute of Technology will be opened in
Damascus which starts with a bachelor and master study in applied computer
science. The main idea of the workshop is to bring together computer
scientists from Syria, Germany and other European states and to motivate
them for guest lectures at the Institute in the future.
Therefore it is not necessary to present new original papers, presentations
which give an impression of Your current scientific work are preferred.
Because of this, the close time schedule should not hinder You to send an
contribution and participate at the workshop.
The conference is supported by the Syrian government. The conference fee
includes participation, hosting, flight from Frankfurt, visa, meals and
travels in Syria.
Since we have been in Syria several times our experience has shown that
Syria is a beautiful, save and very friendly country. You can find a travel
report (in
German) at http://www-wi.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/syrien/reisebericht.html .
We hope to see You in Syria
ET2EB 2001
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Reminder CFP SCI2002 - Deadline Extended
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:25:56 -0500
From: "Gendron, Michael (MIS)" <GendronM(a)MAIL.CCSU.EDU>
Below is the CFP sent out several weeks ago for SCI2002. I have been asked
to extend the deadline for the SCI 2002 Data and Information Quality
Session. Please note the change in dates.
This page is for the Data and Information Quality Invited Session at the 6th
World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. The main
website for this conference can be found at <http://www.iiis.org/sci2002/>.
Conference Specifics:
Dates: July 14-18, 2002
Location: Orlando, Florida
Data and Information Quality Call for Participation:
Today's enterprise is dependent on data and information for good
decision-making. As researchers, we are called on to develop ways to enhance
data and information quality, and to assist managers make more effective
decisions. This session at SCI 2002 will focus on these issues . A goal of
this session is to produce a multi-author edited book about the effect of
data and information quality on the enterprise.
There will be 2 data and information quality meetings at SCI 2002:
Paper presentations
Working Group to Define Data and Information Quality Attributes.
Important Dates: (Different from dates on main SCI2002 web site)
The Authors Kit can be found on the main SCI2002 website
<<...OLE_Obj...>> February 15: Extended Abstracts (500 words)
<<...OLE_Obj...>> March 1: Paper Drafts (2000-5000 words)
<<...OLE_Obj...>> April 1: Notification of Acceptance
<<...OLE_Obj...>> April 10: Submission of Camera Ready Papers; Hard
Copy and Electronic Versions.
Michael S Gendron
Associate Professor
Central Connecticut State University
SCI 2002, Program Committee and Invited Session Chair
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Book Proposals - New Book Series
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 13:00:03 +1300
From: Felix Tan <f.tan(a)AUCKLAND.AC.NZ>
Call for Book Proposals
for the Series in
Advanced Topics in Global Information Management
Series Editor:
Dr. Felix B. Tan
The University Of Auckland
New Zealand
Mission and Scope
The primary mission of the ?Advanced Topics in Global Information
Management? Series
is to report research findings concerned with all aspects of global
information management
in three broad areas: Global Information Systems in Business Functions;
Technology in Specific Regions of the World; Management of Global
Information Resources
and Applications. This series publishes books with a focus on topics such
as, but not limited
to: Global Enterprise Systems and Electronic Commerce; Global Marketing &
Resources Information Systems; Global Manufacturing and R&D Information
IT in the Asia Pacific; IT in Europe; IT in the Middle East and Africa; IT
in Latin and North
Americas; Global IT and Government; Global IT in Library and Information
Global Telecommunications and Data Security; Culture and Global IT
Diffusion; Global
Qualitative IS Research.
Series Editorial Advisory Board
* Professor Detmar Straub
* Professor Michael Vitale
* Professor Wei Kwok Kee
* Professor Eileen Trauth
* Professor R. Brent Gallupe
* Professor Bob Galliers
* Professor Mary Lacity
Submission Procedure
Researchers are invited to submit (electronically) a 3-4 page proposal
clearly explaining
the mission and coverage for the proposed book. Authors of accepted
proposals will be
notified about the status of their proposals and sent chapter organizational
guidelines. All
books in this series will be published by Idea Group Publishing /
Information Science Publishing.
Inquiries and Submissions should be forwarded to:
Dr. Felix B Tan
MSIS Department, The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Email: f.tan(a)auckland.ac.nz
Dr. Felix B Tan
Dept. of Mgt Science & Info Systems
School of Business & Economics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
Journal of Global Information Management
Vice President of Research
Information Resources Management Association
Editor, EndNote Resources Page
ISWorld Net Research & Scholarship Division
Tel: +649-3737599 ext.5256
Fax: +649-3737566
email: f.tan(a)auckland.ac.nz
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
(Please forgive if you receive this CFP more than once or if you don't
wish to receive it at all)
Cross-conference Workshop at
2002 International Conference on Internet Computing
2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
June 24-27, 2002
Monte-Carlo Resort, LAS-VEGAS, USA
Regardless of economical situation, efficiency is always a top goal in
conducting business. Automation can help us to carry out business in a
fast, low-cost, and effective way with minimal human involvement. AGENT
technology is one of the most promising tools to implement BUSINESS
AUTOMATION autonomously, intelligently, and efficiently. The goals of
these sessions are to gather academic as well as industrial researchers to
exchange new ideas and experiences, to initialize new connections toward
future cooperation or to strengthen existing collaborations.
Based on the last year event we plan to have two tracks at two
conferences: IC-AI-2002 and IC-IC-2002
(*) Track-A: (at IC-IC-2002) " INTERNET Agents for Business Automation "
(*) Track-B: (at IC-AI-2002) " INTELLIGENT Agents for Business Automation"
We welcome papers on formalism, frameworks, architectures, algorithms,
protocols, design, evaluation (performance, QoS, security), implementation
techniques, and applications for business agent-based systems. For
subtopics please visit: http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA-02/
Accepted papers will be published in the INTERNET COMPUTING Conference
Proceeding and the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Conference Proceeding by CSREA
Press (ISBN) in hard copy. Selected papers (with extension and revision)
will be considered for journal publication. Last year, 8 papers of our
sessions were chosen to be published in a special issue of the
International Journal of E-commerce Research by the Kluwer publisher.
You are invited to submit papers to the contact address given below by
FEBRUARY 25. Papers will be accepted in two categories: for Presentations
and for Posters. The length of the Camera-Ready version of accepted papers
will be limited to 7 (presentation) or 4 (poster) IEEE-format pages.
Please include: paper title, your names, affiliation, address, E-mail,
telephone and fax number and a maximum of 5 keywords in the first page of
your submission.
For more information please visit: http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA-02/
Dr. Hanh Pham
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz
75 S. Manheim Blvd. Suite 6, FOB-08
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA
E-mail: phamh(a)newpaltz.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call For Participation: Hypertext und Hypermedia - Bestandsaufnahme 2002
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 18:31:30 +0100
From: Roland Wagner <rwagner(a)faw.uni-linz.ac.at>
To: proit(a)ocg.at
>Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen zum GI-Workshop
>"Hypertext und Hypermedia - Bestandsaufnahme 2002"
>der Fachgruppe 4.9.1 "Hypertextsysteme" der Gesellschaft für Informatik
>10. Juli 2002 in Graz - Österreich
>in Verbindung mit der
>I-KNOW 02 - International Conference on Knowledge Management, 11.-12.
>Juli 2002
>Nachdem in den 90er Jahren grundlegende Arbeiten im Themenfeld
>Hypertext/Hypermedia Gegenstand vieler Forschungsgruppen war, haben sich
>die entwickelten Ergebnisse mittlerweile in vielen Bereichen der
>Informatik etabliert. So bieten zahlreiche Systeme Möglichkeiten zur
>Verknüpfung der mit diesen Systemen erstellten Dokumente, die ihrerseits
>zahlreiche unterschiedliche Arten von Medienobjekten (Text, Grafik,
>Audio, Video etc.) enthalten können. Zudem erlauben entsprechende
>Dokumentbeschreibungssprachen (z.B. XML) den plattform- und
>systemübergreifenden Einsatz dieser Dokumente.
>Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, die im Bereich Hypertext und Hypermedia
>tätigen Wissenschaftler Entwickler und Anwender im Deutschsprachigen
>Raum zu einem Ideen- und Meinungsaustausch zusammenzubringen. Dieser
>Austausch dient primär dazu, eine Bestandsaufnahme über die aktuell in
>der Hypertext- und Hypermedia-Forschung bearbeiteten Themen zu
>erstellen. Als ein Ergebnis des Workshops wird eine Wissenslandkarte für
>den Bereich Hypertext/Hypermedia angestrebt. Aus dieser Wissenslandkarte
>soll ersichtlich werden, welche Gruppen an welchen Themen arbeiten, um
>so mögliche Synergien zwischen verschiedenen Themenbereichen in konkrete
>Kooperationen der betroffenen Gruppen übersetzen zu können.
>Im Bereich Hypertext und Hypermedia tätige Wissenschaftler, Entwickler
>und Anwender sind vor diesem Hintergrund gleichermaßen eingeladen, über
>* Theorien
>* Modelle
>* Systeme und Techniken
>* Inhalte und Anwendungen
>zu berichten. Themenübergreifende Beiträge sind von besonderem
>Interesse. Der Programmausschuss entscheidet über die Annahme der
>eingereichten Beiträge.
>Tagungssprache, Tagungsband, Workshop
>Die Tagungsprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch. In englischer Sprache
>verfasste Beiträge werden in den beim Springer-Verlag erscheinenden
>Tagungsband der I-KNOW 02 aufgenommen. Herausragende Beiträge werden
>zudem in der Zeitschrift J.UCS (www.jucs.org) erscheinen.
>Mit der Anmeldung zum Workshop ist es auch möglich, an der I-KNOW 02
>teilzunehmen, die direkt im Anschluss an den Workshop stattfindet.
>Informationen über die I-KNOW 02 sind unter
>(www.know-center.at/i-know02) verfügbar.
>8. März 2002 Annahmeschluss für Abstracts (4 Seiten)
>12. April 2002 Rückmeldung über Annahme
>17. Mai 2002 Abgabe der Endfassungen für den Tagungsband (10
>10. Juli 2002 Workshop in Graz (Österreich) im Rahmen der
>I-KNOW 02
>11. - 12. Juli 2002 I-KNOW 02 - 2nd International Conference on
>Knowledge Management
>Die Beitragsvorschläge sollen in digitaler Form (als Winword-,
>Postscript- oder PDF-Datei) per E-Mail an ht02(a)know-center.at eingesandt
>werden. Die Autorenrichtlinien sind unter
>www.jucs.org/jucs_submit/style_guide.html einsehbar.
>Gisbert Dittrich, Universität Dortmund
>Jörg Haake, FernUniversität Hagen
>Hermann Maurer, TU Graz
>Sigi Reich, SalzburgResearch/SunTREC
>Eric Schoop, TU Dresden
>Klaus Tochtermann, Know-Center Graz
>Robert Tolksdorf, TU Berlin
>Jörg Westbomke, FAW Ulm
>Dr. Klaus Tochtermann, Know-Center, Inffeldgasse 16c, A-8010 Graz
>E-Mail: ktochter(a)know-center.at, Tel.: +43 316 873 5671, Fax.: +43 316
>873 5688
>Klaus Tochtermann
>Inffeldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Austria
>Email : ktochter(a)know-center.at
>Tel : +43 316 873 5671 Fax: +43 316 873 5688
>The Call for Papers for I-KNOW 02 is now available
>at www.know-center.at/i-know02
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ITM Special Issue on Workflow and E-Business
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:57:58 -0700
From: "J. Leon Zhao" <lzhao(a)BPA.ARIZONA.EDU>
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit a paper to the upcoming special issue
in Information Technology and Management. Please see details below.
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Workflow and E-Business
(Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Special Issue Co-Editors:
Dr. Akhil Kumar, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Dr. J. Leon Zhao, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
The ITM Journal plans to publish a special issue in 2003 on Workflow and
E-Business. We invite papers describing novel solutions for supporting
workflows in e-business environments.
There has been a recent surge of research interest in developing and
applying workflow technologies in the automation of business processes via
the Internet, i.e., e-business. Currently, most major conferences have
included workflow and its applications as one of the important research
areas. This special issue will provide a timely venue for researchers to
publish their new and significant research results in an important
journal. We are particularly interested in some of the following topics,
but are not constrained by them:
Modeling of Inter-organizational workflows
Workflow issues in designing and implementing e-services
Security issues in inter-organizational workflows
Transactional Issues in workflow
Data flow issues in inter-organizational workflows
XML-based workflows
Workflows in implementing supply chain applications
Workflows in the context of enterprise application integration
Integration of groupware and workflow systems
Interoperating ERP and legacy systems with workflow techniques
Flexible and adaptive workflow design and implementation techniques
Querying inter-organizational workflows
The abstract of 100-150 words should clearly summarize the objectives and
contents of the manuscript. Research papers should be within 6000 words
approximately. All papers must not be submitted at the same time to other
venues including journals and conferences. However, significantly
extended work based on a published conference paper is encouraged.
Indicate intention to submit paper (with abstract): April 30, 2002
Deadline for manuscript (pdf files preferred): May 31, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2002
Final Manuscript due: December 31, 2002
For more information about the journal and formatting instructions please
see the following website: http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1385-951X.
Please contact the guest-editors if you have any questions.
Akhil Kumar
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado, CB 419
Boulder Co 80309
Phone: (303) 492-7437
Email: akhil(a)colorado.edu
J. Leon Zhao
Eller School of Business
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: (520) 621-4546
Email: lzhao(a)bpa.arizona.edu
J. Leon Zhao, Associate Professor
Dept. of MIS, University of Arizona
PH: (520) 621-4546; FX: (520) 621-2433
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Electronic Publishing - CFP Elpub2002 - reminder
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:47:53 +0000
From: Joao Alvaro Carvalho <jac(a)DSI.UMINHO.PT>
This message is cross-posted to several lists - We
apologize for possible duplicate postings!
at Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
ELPUB2002 - "Technology Interactions"
Hosted by the Institute for Print and Media Technology
of Chemnitz Technical University, Germany and by the
Department for Computer Science and Engineering,
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
November 06 - 09th, 2002
Electronic Publishing is an area that is crossed over
other areas such as E-commerce, Digital Libraries,
Distance Learning, etc. New technologies keep appearing
everyday in the Electronic Publishing arena. These
interact not only among them, but also with all these
areas, and not always in the same way. The "What,
Where, How, and Why" questions about these technologies
interactions is the main theme of the 2002 ElPub
ELPUB2002 is the 6th in a series of annual
international conferences on Electronic Publishing. The
objective of ELPUB2002 is to bring together
researchers, managers, developers, and users working on
the issues related to electronic publishing for public,
scientific and commercial applications.
The conference will continue the tradition of the
previous conferences which took place in Great Britain
in 1997, Hungary in 1998, Sweden in 1999, Russia in
2000 and England in 2001.
The focus is on electronic publishing for academic and
industrial purposes and for the general public. There
will be two tracks: a general track and a technical
track. The General track aims to provide an overview of
the main issues of the area, such as Human, Cultural,
Social, Economic and Legal issues. The Technical Track,
on the other hand, aims to provide a more in depth view
over the state of the art technologies, applications
and tools worldwide. We welcome speakers on the
following topics:
- New Publishing Models;
- New services for the Web;
- Old Actors - New Roles: Scholars, Publishers,
Librarians, Journalists, Teachers, etc. and Electronic
Publishing in E-Commerce, Digital Libraries, Distance
Learning, advertisement, etc.;
- The Semantic Web;
- Multimedia and Multimodal Web;
- Web for the TV / TV for the Web;
- Multilingual Systems and translators;
- Systems for disabled persons;
- Metadata - its usage and interoperability;
- Accessibility;
- Infocracy / Infoexclusion;
- Copyright and other rights issues;
- Security, and reliability/quality assurance on the
information sources;
- Standards and recommendations from well-established
bodies and their comparison.
- Using XML and its related technologies(XSL, XSLT,
DOM, XLink, XPath, ...); comparing its use with older
technologies (like DBMS, for instance);
- Development and use of XML applications (XHTML,
MathML, NewsML, RDF...) and tools;
- Development and use of Metadata vocabularies,
application profiles and metadata registries;
- Development and use of codification mechanisms and
technologies for metadata encoding (RDF, Topic
- Knowledge discovery on the Web; Content Search and
Retrieval on the Web;
- Profiling and personalization;
- Interoperability and scalability of Web publishing
- Electronic Publishing for mobile devices;
- Technologies for the selection of content; their use
and/or comparison;
- Technologies for security, and reliability/quality
assurance on the information sources;
- Technologies for copyright assurance;
- Mechanisms for the integration of recommendations,
standards and standards proposals.
Proceedings of the conference will be published both as
a book and
1. DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: February 15th, 2002
Abstract submission must include:
- Title of paper
- Authors' names
- Affiliation
- Full Address (including phone, fax, e-mail)
- Abstract in English (200 - 400 words)
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail (using text-only
format; no
formatting; double space between paragraphs) to the
Programme Committee:
The programme committee will send notification of
acceptance of submitted papers by May, 2nd.
The deadline for full papers will be June 28th, 2002.
Speakers will be given 35 minutes total including time
for questions.
Papers will be published in the conference proceedings
(print and online version).
One author per paper (speaker) will be charged a
reduced conference fee.
Chemnitz Technical University, Germany
General Chair:
Arved Hubler
email: arved.huebler(a)mbv.tu-chemnitz.de
Program Chair:
João Álvaro Carvalho
email: jac(a)dsi.uminho.pt
Program Committee:
- BAPTISTA, Ana Alice - University of Minho - Portugal
- BORBINHA, José Luís - IST - Portugal; and National
Library of Portugal - Portugal
- CARVALHO, João Álvaro - University of Minho - Portugal
- CHAN, Leslie - University of Toronto - Canada
- CORREIA, Ana Maria Ramalho - Universidade Nova de
Lisboa/ISEGI - Portugal; and University of Sheffield -
- COSTA, Sely - University of Brasília - Brazil
- DELGADO, Jaime - University Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona -
- ENGELEN, Jan - Catholic University of Leuven - Belgium
- IYENGAR, Arun - IBM Research/T.J. Watson Research
Centre - USA
- JEZEK, Karel - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen -
Czech Republic
- KHAKHAR, Dipak - University of Lund - Sweden
- KREINES, Mikhail - Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow
Centre for New Information Technologies in Medical
Education - Russia
- KREULICH, Klaus - Chemnitz Technical University -
- LINDE, Peter - Blekinge Institute of Technology -
- MATOUSEK, Vaclav - University of West-Bohemia in
Pilsen - Czech Republic
- OKERSON, Ann - Yale University - USA
- RODRIGUES, Eloy - University of Minho - Portugal
- SCHWÄNZL, Roland - University of Osnabrück - Germany
- SMITH, John W. T. - University of Kent at Canterbury -
- TARGINO, Graça - Federal University of Piauí - Brazil
- TSCHAMMER, Volker - ECCO(Competence Centre for
Electronic Commerce)- Fraunhofer FOKUS - Germany
For additional information, please contact the Programme
Committee: programme-elpub(a)mail.uminho.pt
------- Joao Alvaro Carvalho
Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Sistemas de Informação Tel: + 351 253 510 258/9
4800-058 Guimaraes Fax: + 351 253 510 250
PORTUGAL e-mail:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: TIME'02: Last Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:20:47 +0000
From: Alessandro Artale <artale(a)CO.UMIST.AC.UK>
(We apologise for multiple copies)
Second Call For Papers
9th International Symposium on
Manchester, UK
7-9 July, 2002
The purpose of this symposium is to bring together active researchers
from distinct research areas involving representation of, or reasoning
with, time. As with previous meetings in this respected series, one
of the main goals of this symposium will be to bridge the gap between
theoretical and applied research in temporal representation and
reasoning. Thus, we especially encourage submissions concerning
temporal aspects within areas such as Artificial Intelligence,
Temporal/Spatial Databases and Applications of Temporal Logic in
Computer Science in order to achieve a multi-disciplinary perspective
on the topic and to benefit from cross-fertilisation of ideas.
There are three tracks in the symposium with separate program
committees, all overseen by the program chairs. The symposium is
planned as a three-day event, and will be organised as a combination
of technical paper presentations, an extended poster session, one or
more panels, an industrial session, a system/tool demonstration
session, and three keynote talks.
AI Track: Prof. Hans Kamp (University of Stuttgart)
DB Track: Dr. David Toman (University of Waterloo)
CS Track: Prof. Moshe Vardi (Rice University)
Industrial Session: Hugh Darwen (IBM, Warwick)
Submission of high quality papers describing mature results or
on-going work are welcome. Submitted papers should describe original,
previously unpublished, research, should be written in English, and
should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
Topics of interest within the scope of each track include, but are not
restricted to:
Track1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI
- temporal aspects of agent-based systems
- temporal constraint reasoning
- reasoning about actions and change
- temporal languages for planning
- temporal languages and architectures
- ontologies of time
- expressive power versus tractability
- belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
- temporal learning and discovery
- time and nonmonotonism
- time in problem solving (e.g. diagnosis, scheduling,...)
- time in human-machine interaction
Track 2: Time Management in Databases
- temporal data models
- temporal database design
- temporal query languages
- indexing of temporal data
- temporal database systems
- spatio-temporal databases
- constraint databases
- temporal data mining
- time in multimedia databases
- time in web applications
- time in federated and heterogeneous systems
Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science
- modal temporal logic
- first order temporal logics
- expressiveness, decidability, and complexity issues
- specification and verification
- synthesis and execution
- model checking algorithms
- temporal theorem proving
- temporal languages and architectures
- temporal logics for distributed systems
- temporal logics of knowledge
- hybrid systems
- tools and practical systems
There are three categories of submissions:
A. REGULAR PAPERS. Submissions must not exceed the length of
11 pages; font size must be 11pt or larger. The submission should
describe original, previously unpublished research.
B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS. Submissions must not exceed the
length of 6 pages; font size must be 11pt or larger. The submission
should describe an implemented tool and its features. Every system
description should be accompanied by a system demo during the
symposium. Papers intended for this program should be clearly marked
as system/demo track papers.
C. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS. Submissions must not exceed the
length of 6 pages; font size must be 11pt or larger. Papers
describing significant results or problems encountered are
especially valuable to the research community. Papers intended for
this program should be clearly marked as industrial track papers.
It is strongly suggested the use of the LaTeX article style at
11pt. Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. Please,
indicate the category, track, and topic(s) on the first page. Accepted
papers will be invited for full presentation or a poster presentation.
Papers should be electronically submitted via the form available at
the TIME-2002 web page: \verb+http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/img/TIME-2002/+.
Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and will
be subject to IEEE Copyright.
As usual within the TIME series, proceedings will be published by IEEE
Computer Society Press and will be subject to IEEE Copyright. Camera
ready papers are expected to be produced with the author kits sent by
IEEE Computer Society Press. It is also our intention to organise a
special issue of a respected journal, containing extended versions of
selected papers from the symposium.
- Track 1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI
Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo, Canada
Mark Boddy, Honeywell Systems and Research Center, USA
Iliano Cervesato, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Philippe Dague, Universite' Paris-Nord, France
Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University, USA
Alfonso Gerevini, Universita' di Brescia, Italy
Gerard Ligozat, Universite' Paris-Sud, France
Carsten Lutz, University of Aachen, Germany
Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University of Manchester, UK
Abdul Sattar, Griffith University, Australia
Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh, UK
Paolo Terenziani, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Thierry Vidal, ENIT, France
- Track 2: Time Management in Databases
Elisa Bertino, Universita' di Milano, Italy
Michael Bohlen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Carlo Combi, Universita' di Verona, Italy
Christian Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Peter Revesz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
V.S. Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, USA
Vassilis J. Tsotras, University of California, Riverside, USA
David Toman, University of Waterloo, Canada
Alex Tuzhlin, New York University, USA
Xiaoyang Sean Wang, George Mason University, VA, USA
Jef Wijsen, Universite' de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
Michael Worboys, Keele University, UK
- Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science
Howard Barringer, Univ. of Manchester, UK
Dennis Dams, Bell Labs, USA
Laura Dillon, Michigan State University, USA
Marcelo Finger, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil
Thomas A. Henzinger, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Wojtek Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Alberto Policriti, Universita' di Udine, Italy
Mark A. Reynolds, Murdoch University, Australia
Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Colin Stirling, Edinburgh University, UK
Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA
Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pierre Wolper, Universite de Liege, Belgium
Frank Wolter, Universitaet Leipzig, Germany
Michael Zakharyaschev, King's College, UK
General Chairs:
Claudio Bettini, Univ. di Milano, Italy
Angelo Montanari, Univ. di Udine, Italy
Program Committee Chairs:
Alessandro Artale, Dept. of Computation, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Michael Fisher, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Organisation Chairs:
Clare Dixon, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Enrico Franconi, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Manchester, UK
Industrial Session Chair:
Babis Theodoulidis, Dept. of Computation, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Demonstration/Tool Session Chair:
Ullrich Hustadt, Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Liverpool,
Johan van Benthem, University of Amsterdam and Stanford University
Claudio Bettini, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Luca Chittaro, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Jan Chomicki, University at Buffalo, USA
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, UK
Scott Goodwin, University of Windsor, Canada
Howard Hamilton, University of Regina, Canada
Lina Khatib, Kestrel/NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Angelo Montanari, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Bernhard Nebel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Germany
Andre' Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
Paper Submission Deadline: 22 February, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: 8 April, 2002
Camera Ready Copy Due: 22 April, 2002
TIME-2002 Symposium: 7-9 July, 2002
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Subject: Call for Book Chapters: Intellegent Enterprises
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:36:33 -0500
From: Jeet Gupta <jgupta(a)BSU.EDU>
Apologies for Multiple Postings
Note: a pdf file of the complete announcement of this Call for Book
Chapters is also available at the following
URL: http://bsuvc.bsu.edu/~jgupta/calliebook.pdf
Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century
Editors: Jatinder N. D. Gupta1 and Sushil K. Sharma2
Department of Management, Ball State University, Muncie IN 47306, USA
1 (phone: +1 765 2855301, fax: +1 765 2858024, email: jgupta(a)bsu.edu)
2 (phone: +1 765 2855315, fax: +1 765 2858024, email: ssharma(a)bsu.edu)
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
The e-commerce and Internet's growth is bringing fundamental changes to
business models, societies, and economies. With the increasing advancements
of information and communication technologies, customers, suppliers,
business partners are demanding more from business enterprises.
Organizations are exploring new markets, new services and new products in
response to forces such as advances in information and communication
technologies, business strategies such as mass customization, globalization
and shorter production cycles. Enterprises of 21st century need to offer
high demand of services and have to increase revenue and productivity
through reduced expenditures and a better level of service with fewer
resources. In Electronic business environment, organizations are expected
to achieve greater profit, reduce overhead and have flexible workflow
processes by collaborating business information, partners, and physical
resources in a more effective manner. To cope up with these growing and
complex requirements, enterprises of tomorrow need new types of specialized
tools and advanced services and new advanced approaches to support their
business activities. The technologies can be leveraged to create
intelligent enterprises which will not only provide better-focused and
customized services to customers, but also, create business efficiency for
building relationships with suppliers and other business partners on long
term basis.
The purpose of this book is to bring together some high quality expository
discussions from experts in this field to identify, define, and explore the
subject matters closely related to the intelligent enterprises. It will
include the methodologies, systems, and approaches need to create and
manage intelligent enterprises of 21st century. For first time, it will
bring all these concepts, tools, and techniques into one volume so that the
reader can comprehend the requirements to create an intelligent
enterprise. Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):
Intelligent Enterprises
Emergence of the intelligent enterprise
From enterprise resources planning to intelligent enterprise
The Age of networked intelligence
Requirements of an intelligent enterprise
New Responsibilities of Digital Enterprises
E-Commerce Framework
New electronic business Models and electronic markets
Technologies for Security concerns
Secured infrastructure for electronic business
Privacy in the digital economy
Electronic democracy
Leadership for societal transformation
Business and Leadership for Transformation
Infrastructure for Digital Enterprises
Internets, intranets, and extranets
Wireless Infrastructure for M-Commerce
Architecture for digital enterprises
Technology and Tools for Intelligent Enterprises
« Networks and communication technologies
« Mobile and wireless technologies
« Intelligent buildings
« ERP systems
« Database objects
« Visual and multimedia databases
« Intelligent agents
Learning Organizations
Building Organizational Intelligence
Approaches for creating Learning Organizations
Technological infrastructure for learning organizations
Knowledge Management
The networked knowledge economy
Networking Knowledge globally
Toolkits for Knowledge based enterprises
Future Knowledge organizations
Creating knowledge based systems
Approaches to capture and store knowledge
Developing, transferring and Distributing Knowledge
Managing intelligent enterprises
New Hierarchies and structures for future organizations
Enterprise management systems
From competition to collaboration
Managing collaborative enterprises
Prospective authors of chapters are invited to submit a 4-page proposal by
email to the editors at the address given above latest by March 1, 2002.
Schedule for Publication:
Book chapter proposals receivedMarch 1, 2002
Confirm book chapter authors and topicsMay 15, 2002
Receive full book chaptersSeptember 1, 2002
Review book chapters, and give feedbackOctober 15, 2002
Receive final book chaptersNovember 15, 2002
Final book received by publisherDecember 31, 2002
Best regards,
Jatinder (Jeet) Gupta, Professor 765-285-5301 (Off)
Department of Management 765-747-9105 (Home)
Ball State University 765-285-8024 (FAX)
Muncie, IN 47306, USA e-mail:jgupta@bsu.edu
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