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Subject: CFP: Book Chapters in Oraganizational Data Mining
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:06:46 -0400
From: "Dr. Hamid Nemati" <nemati(a)uncg.edu>
Apologies for cross-posting; please pass on to interested colleagues and
distribute to relevant lists.
Chapter proposals submission deadline: November 30, 2001, Full chapter
submission deadline: April 1, 2002
A book Edited by: Hamid Nemati and Christopher Barko, The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro
The recent economic conditions have created a challenging yet
opportunistic competitive environment for organizations. This ruthless
environment of demanding customers, increased sophistication and rampant
globalization compels successful companies to remove inefficiencies and
leverage key corporate assets. In recent years organizations have
realized the value of data as a critical corporate asset and the
essential role it performs. Organizational Data Mining (ODM) is defined
as leveraging organizational data, information and knowledge assets to
acquire and maintain a competitive advantage. Understanding ODM requires
assimilating insights from a variety of fields into a comprehensive and
fundamental framework that supports an organizations quest for a
competitive advantage. This is the essence of Organizational Data
Mining (ODM). ODM is therefore the confluence of advances in Business
Strategy, Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management,
Informational Sciences, and Decision Support Systems that offer
organizations an indispensable decision-enhancing process to optimize
resource allocation and exploit new opportunities by transforming data
into valuable and actionable knowledge. This book is about how
organizations use data to gain a competitive advantage. It resulted
from the observation that data mining is gaining greater acceptance
within organizations and delivering colossal benefits, yet there are few
scholarly books devoted to exploration of both the organizational and
technical factors of data mining.
This edited peer reviewed scholarly book seeks original contributions
that explore a wide range of issues addressing all aspects of ODM.
Manuscripts ranging from conceptual frameworks to case studies and
empirical research are encouraged. Acceptable topics will include (but
are not limited to) any of the following topics as related to ODM:
Research frameworks, methods, methodologies, architectures, and
infrastructure issues in the design, implementation and maintenance of
ODM projects and initiatives; Technical and organizational issues in the
design, implementation and maintenance of processes that generate,
share, use, disseminate and protect organizational data, information and
knowledge; Issues surrounding the articulation and communication of the
purpose and the nature of ODM and connecting it to other strategic and
operational initiatives and activities of the organization; Strategic
implications of ODM; Organizational learning; Decision support systems;
Knowledge management; Data warehousing; Data mining tools, technologies
and algorithms; Artificial Intelligence in Organizations; Knowledge
discovery from databases; Web and E-commerce integration, strategies and
challenges; Technical and database challenges in ODM; Measuring ODM
effectiveness; Organizational, managerial, personnel, cultural,
procedural and political issues in ODM; Global and cultural aspects and
considerations in ODM; Case studies in all aspects of ODM; and ODM
future trends.
As much as possible, all submissions must be done electronically to
nemati(a)uncg.edu or barko(a)attglobal.net. If electronic submission is not
possible, please contact Hamid Nemati at the address below. Researchers
and practitioners are encouraged to submit a 2-5 page chapter proposal
on or before November 30, 2001. Chapter proposals should clearly state
the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted
proposals will be notified by December 8, 2001 about the status of their
proposals and sent chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters
are expected to be submitted by April 1, 2002. The length of full
chapter manuscript submitted is not specifically limited, however, the
length should be reasonable. All submitted book chapters will be
reviewed. The review process is double blind and refereed. Every attempt
will be made to maintain this review schedule. The authors will be
kept informed of the review status of their submissions.
Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word 97 or
higher) to:
Dr. Hamid Nemati (nemati(a)uncg.edu) or Christopher Barko
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
ISOM Dept.
Greensboro, NC 27402
Tel: (336) 334-4993, Fax: (336) 334 4083
To see more information and to submit proposals, please see:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: DIGIT deadline for submissions extended to Sept. 28
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 12:26:27 -0400
From: "Seligman, Larry (SELIGML)" <SELIGML(a)UCMAIL.UC.EDU>
We are told that the events of last week understandably have made it
difficult for some who wished to submit papers or panel proposals to meet
the September 15th deadline for this year's DIGIT Workshop. We therefore
have extended this deadline to September 28th. The following is a copy of
the CFP.
DIGIT -- 2001 Workshop Announcement and Call For Papers, Panels and
Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology
---Workshop Announcement---
A pre-ICIS workshop of people interested in information technology adoption
and diffusion will be held on Sunday, December 16, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. in New Orleans, Louisiana. The workshop will include 2-3 one-hour
research paper presentations and 2-3 panel discussions and/or
Faculty members and doctoral students are encouraged to attend and submit
papers, panel proposals, and/or mini-tutorial proposals. The deadline for
submission of papers is September 28, 2001. Notification of acceptance or
rejection will be made by November 1, 2001. See the CFP below for more
It is not necessary to submit a paper in order to attend DIGIT. Lunch and
refreshments will be provided to attendees. In order to foster the workshop
atmosphere that has developed in previous meetings, registration will again
be limited to 30 people. For information about past DIGIT workshops, please
see <http://www.mis.temple.edu/digit/>.
---Call for Papers, Panels, and Mini-Tutorials---
We are interested in receiving papers related to information technology
adoption and diffusion. In the interest of discussing the most current
research in this area, working papers are encouraged as well as more
complete papers. Papers dealing with the adoption and/or diffusion of
information technology at the individual, work group, or organizational
level are invited.
All submissions will be blind reviewed. Papers should not have been
published previously in a proceedings or journal, nor be under review
elsewhere, but may be submitted elsewhere after the DIGIT meeting. At least
one author will register and attend the workshop to present the paper if the
work is accepted.
The objective of the panels is to attract controversial and/or novel
perspectives (both theoretical and methodological) on information technology
adoption and diffusion topics. Ideally, the panelists should espouse
diverse yet complementary perspectives on their topic.
Mini-tutorials should focus on potentially relevant methods and theories for
adoption and diffusion research.
---Instructions for Contributors---
- Papers -
1. All papers are to be double-spaced and submitted electronically (email
preferred) in either Word format. Working papers or research in process will
be limited to ten pages. Research papers should be limited to twenty pages.
Both should include an abstract.
2. The title page should include the title, the names of author(s) and
affiliations, and e-mail addresses. The main body of the paper should have a
title, but no author identification.
All submissions for papers (by September 28, 2001) are to be sent
electronically to:
Sue Brown
Assistant Professor of Information Systems
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
Reviews and final acceptance notification (by November 1, 2001) will be
coordinated by Sue Brown.
- Panels and Mini-Tutorials -
Proposals for panels should include the title of the proposed panel, name,
affiliation, and e-mail of the panel coordinator and participants, and a
description of the proposed panel.
Panel proposals should be sent electronically to:
Elena Karahanna
Associate Professor - MIS
Terry College of Business
University of Georgia
Registration information will be electronically distributed via ISWorld and
DIGIT-L. Individuals interested in joining DIGIT can send an e-mail to Wynne
Chin at wchin(a)uh.edu.
Additional information about DIGIT and past meetings can be accessed at the
DIGIT website at:
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: JECR CFP "Exchange Relationship in the Digital Economy"
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 13:19:41 -0400
From: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer(a)uncg.edu>
Call for Papers
"Exchange Relationship in the Digital Economy"
The rapid proliferation of Electronic Commerce in the form of B2C, B2B
Marketplaces, C2C (Consumer to Consumer) as well as development and use
of Extranets connecting firms with their partners (suppliers and
customers) has given rise to various forms of exchange relationships in
the digital environment. These exchange relationships are likely to be
of varied duration with some built around a few exchanges over a short
period of time, as in B2C and C2C environment, to some that are built
around exchanges transpiring over a long period of time as in some B2B
Marketplace and through Extranets (with partners).
Understanding the forms of these exchange relationships are crucial to
gaining insight into the types of initiatives and actions that firms
should undertake to maximize the return on their investments in
Electronic Commerce related activities. The initiation, nurturing,
development and maintenance of these various forms of exchange
relationships are complex partly because of the evolving nature of the
underlying technology as well as the complex interaction between what is
afforded by the digital environment and the constraints, limitations and
advantages offered by the traditional market environment. Hence, the
purpose of this call for papers in the Special Issue of the Journal of
Electronic Commerce Research is to invite original research papers
investigating the Exchange Relationships in the Digital Economy.
Possible topics for papers (theoretical or empirical) submitted to the
special issue include but are not limited to:
* Models explicating the various forms of exchange relationship in the
B2C, B2B Marketplaces and in the C2C context
* The forms of exchange relationship possible and afforded by the
digital environment between a firm and its business partners
* Factors such as specific characteristics of B2C, B2B Marketplace, C2C
that may affect the development of some forms of exchange relationship
and not others
* Factors facilitating and determining the formation of these various
types of exchange relationships in the digital environment
* Role of Trust in various forms of exchange relationship in the digital
* Exchange relationships built around collaborative advantage in the
digital environment
* Factors affecting and facilitating the initiation, nurturing,
development and maintenance of various forms of exchange relationship in
the digital environment
* Competitive advantage afforded by these exchange relationships in the
digital environment
* Role of privacy, information security, information sharing, knowledge
transfer and sharing in exchange relationships in the digital
Guest Editors:
Al F. Salam, Ph.D. and Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Information Systems and Operations Management
University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
For submission guidelines of the manuscripts see the following
http://www.csulb.edu/journals/jecr/s_g.htm . Email your submission
as an attachment in any version of Microsoft Word or as a Rich Text File
(RTF) to the guest editors for this special issue:
Dr. Al F. Salam at amsalam(a)uncg.edu or Dr. Lakshmi S. Iyer at
Articles that have been presented at a scientific conference are welcome
for submission, even though they may be published in non-copy protected
Proceedings. However, manuscripts being considered by another journal at
the same time will not be accepted.
If accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to submit a
final version of the manuscript on an IBM-PC compatible disk or as an
e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) with a
short biographical note and a photograph of the author(s). All figures,
tables and other artwork must also be submitted in file form or "camera
ready" condition
Important Dates:
November 1, 2001 Deadline for Completed Paper Submission
March 15, 2002 Completion of First Review
May 1, 2002 Completion of Final Review
May 15, 2002 Publication
For more information on JECR see
Manuscripts and inquires to:
Dr. Al. F. Salam
Department of Information Technology and Operation management
Bryan School of Business and Economics
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC 27402, USA
Email: amsalam(a)uncg.edu
Office Telephone: (336) 334-4991
Fax: (336) 334-4083
Dr. Lakshmi S. Iyer
Department of Information Technology and Operation management
Bryan School of Business and Economics
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC 27402, USA
Email: lsiyer(a)uncg.edu
Office Telephone: (336) 334-4984
Fax: (336) 334-4083
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2002 GITM Conference CFP: Global Electronic Commerce Track
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 13:22:39 -0400
From: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer(a)uncg.edu>
Global Electronic Commerce
Track Chair: Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
(Please send the track chair an e-mail at lsiyer(a)uncg.edu indicating
your intent to submit a paper to this track)
Third Annual
on June 23, 24, 25, 2002 in New York, NY, USA
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date).
Please submit directly to the Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia. For
timely processing, we have an all-electronic review process. Therefore,
an electronic submission is strongly recommended (email:
pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu). If not possible, please mail 4 copies to the
following address and make sure it arrives by the deadline. Please
include your email address along with the submission.
Dr. Prashant Palvia
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
ISOM Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083
Forrester research predicts that by the year 2004, the value of goods
and services traded between organizations over the Internet will
represent 4 percent of the global economy (approx. $1.3 trillion).
E-business is more than just e-commerce and/or Internet commerce; it is
the digital transformation of business as we know it. To survive and
compete in the 21st century, companies need to identify new business
models and redesign products that integrate with them. Only digital
business models and products have the capability to fully leverage the
power of e-commerce. This track will examine the future trends and
emerging technologies, opportunities, and challenges of conducting
business in the new millennium. This track focuses on the critical
success factors for global e-commerce, the economics of e-commerce, and
the practical issues and best practices involved with e-commerce in
various applications.
Papers (completed or in-progress: about 20 double spaced pages),
extended abstracts (completed or in-progress research: about 4-6 pages),
panel and workshop proposals (2-4 pages) dealing with (but not limited
to) the following topics are invited. Please note the name of this
track on the cover page.
- Technical, Business, and Legal Issues in Business-to-Business and
- Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce
- Outsourcing Electronic Commerce Implementation
- Next Generation Commerce Servers
- Knowledge Management in Electronic Commerce
- EDI and XML Integration
- Advertising on the Internet
- Disintermediation in E-Commerce
- E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management
- Logistics in the 21st Century
- Streamlining Global Logistics
- Removing Costs from the Supply Chain
- Designing Internet Commerce Systems
- Implementing Vendor-Managed Inventory
- Enterprise Document Management
- Implementing Intranet Groupware
- Internet Taxation Issues
- Mainframe and ERP Integration Issues in Electronic Commerce
- Security and Encryption Issues
- Electronic Commerce in Government
- Internet and E-Commerce Legislations in Different Countries
- Internet Procurement Models/Systems
- Digital Copyright Protection
- ECommerce Applications in Banking, Healthcare, Retailing,
Manufacturing, Transportation, etc.
OTHER TRACKS: Please note that you may also submit to other Global IT
tracks. Just note the name of the appropriate track on the cover (if no
such track exists or you do not know the track name, simply state so on
the cover page). In general, Global IT Management topics include (but
are not limited to):
IT in various countries and regions (e.g., Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab
countries, North America, South & Central America, Australia);
Development, evaluation & management of Global Information Systems
(GIS); Electronic commerce; Internet and Web related issues; IT in
multinational companies; Virtual and networked organizations;
Cross-cultural issues; Impact of global IT on the organization;
Information Resources Management; Frameworks/models for global IS (GIS);
Societal impacts of IT in developing countries; IT and Economic
Development; IT Diffusion in developing countries; IT in government and
public sector: IT human resource issues; DSS/EIS/ES in international
settings; Organizational & management structures for GIS; Transborder
data flow issues; Electronic data interchange; Telecommunications;
Distributed global databases and networks; Cultural and societal
impacts; Comparative studies of nations; Applications and case studies
(both research and educational).
Papers recommended of high quality by the reviewers will be further
considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of
Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the Journal of
Information Technology Cases & Applications (JITCA).
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date)
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 31, 2002
Registration Deadline for one author of each paper and panelists:
February 15, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: April 30, 2002 (at least one author must
Conference Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002
For additional information, please contact the conference chair, local
chair, program co-chairs or the track chairs.
Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina -
Greensboro, USA.
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, New York, 11549 USA
Email: khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu
Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Information Systems & Operations Management
Bryan School of Business and economics
482 Bryan Building, University of North Carolina
Greensboro, NC 27402
Phone: 336/334-4984, Fax: 336/334-4083.
Email: lsiyer(a)uncg.edu
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 13:54:33 -0400
From: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour <mehdi(a)IRMA-INTERNATIONAL.ORG>
<Proposal submission deadline October 1, 2001>
**An International Refereed Journal of IT Teaching Cases**
Editor, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.
In every discipline, one of the most powerful tools in the hands of
educators, researchers and managers is documented case studies
based on experiences of others. This is particularly true for information
systems educators and professionals. Case studies are tremendous
sources of solutions, knowledge, ideas, innovations and lessons
related to the utilization and management of information technology
in modern organizations throughout the world.
refereed journal and its primary objective is to publish ACTUAL
REAL LIFE CASES (teaching cases) based on individual, organizational
and societal experiences related to the utilization and management
of information technology. The cases included in this publication are
not limited to only the experiences related to IT management in
business settings but also include cases dealing with the use and
management of information technology in government organizations,
educational institutions, library settings, medical facilities, etc.
Additionally, cases published NOT only report successful utilization
of IT applications but also failures in utilization and management of IT
in organizations throughout the world.
The goal of this annual peer blind review journal is to provide understanding
and issues, Problems, challenges, and experiences in regard to human,
organizational, managerial, behavioral, societal technological and all other
aspects of information technology utilization and management in modern
organizations worldwide. Published cases deal with issues and
technologies such as (but not limited to):
Business Process Reengineering
Client/Server Technologies
Data and Database Management
Decision Support Systems
Distance Learning
Emerging and Innovative Technologies
End User Computing
Healthcare Information Systems
Human Side of IT
Information Resource Management
Internet-Based Technologies
IS/IT Planning
IT Education
IT Management
Knowledge Management
Organization Politics/Culture and IT
Software Engineering Tools
Strategic Information Systems
Systems Design, Implementation and Management
Systems Planning
Telecommunication and Networking
Virtual Organizations/Offices and IT
In order to present a diverse coverage of a variety of cases in this
publication, interested authors are requested to electronically submit
(Word or RTF) a 1-2 page proposal outlining the proposed case.
October 1, 2001 is the deadline for proposal submission for cases
that will be considered for Volume IV of the ACIT. Authors of the
selected proposals will be notified and asked to submit their full case
submission electronically by January 22, 2002. Each submission will be
forwarded to at least three members of the Editorial Advisory Board of
the ACIT for peer blind review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision
/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers.
If the submitted case requires revision, the author will be notified with
guidelines. Volume IV of the ACIT will be published in December 2002.
Please direct your inquiries and submissions (through email only) to:
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Editor
Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT)
1331 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033, USA
Tel: 717/533-8845 ~ Fax: 717/533-8661
Email: <mehdi(a)idea-group.com>
URL: <http://www.idea-group.com>
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Springer Book Series on Knowledge Systems: Call for Book Proposals
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:46:52 -0600
From: Xindong Wu <xwu(a)GAUSS.MINES.EDU>
Springer Book Series on Knowledge Systems
Home Page: http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/kaim.html
Call for Book Proposals
Aims and Scope
The Springer book series on Knowledge Systems aims to report and
encourage new developments in all topic areas related to knowledge
systems, such as knowledge engineering, data mining, ontologies,
agents, Web-based knowledge representation, knowledge management, and
knowledge-based software engineering. It publishes books that may
comprise (1) collected works on advanced topics in Knowledge Systems
with influential papers selected from various journals and
conferences, and (2) research and tutorial monographs on emerging
topics. Each book proposal in the book series will be reviewed by the
Series Editorial Board with possible additional reviewers.
The book series focuses on knowledge systems, including their
theoretical foundations, infrastructure, enabling technologies and
emerging applications.
Series Editor
Dr. Xindong Wu
Department of Computer Science
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont 05405
Phone: +1-802-656-7839
Fax: +1-802-656-0696
Email: xwu(a)emba.uvm.edu
URL: http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/home.html
Series Editorial Broad
Professor John A. Barnden
School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, U.K.
Email: J.A.Barnden(a)cs.bham.ac.uk
URL: http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~jab/
Professor Farokh B. Bastani
Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Email: bastani(a)utdallas.edu
URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/~bastani/
Professor John K. Debenham
Faculty of Information Technology,
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Email: debenham(a)it.uts.edu.au
URL: http://www-staff.socs.uts.edu.au/~debenham/
Professor M. Tamer Ozsu
Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
Email: tozsu(a)db.uwaterloo.ca
URL: http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~tozsu/
Professor Jan Treur
Department of Artificial Intelligence,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: treur(a)cs.vu.nl
URL: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~treur/
Information for Proposers
If you are interested in writing or editing a book to be published
within the Springer Knowledge Systems series, please complete the
Springer book proposal form (available at
http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/kaim/AQ.doc or by e-mail to
xwu(a)emba.uvm.edu) and submit it to the Series Editor by e-mail at
xwu(a)emba.uvm.edu with the following information.
- A 500-word summary of the nature and scope of the book
- A draft table of chapter/section headings
- A sample chapter or two if available
- Names and e-mail addresses of 3 potential reviewers for the book
topic. These people should not be associated with the proposal and
should be qualified to provide a technical assessment of the
- Proposer(s)' current CV's with listings of representative
The book series emphasizes timely processing of book proposals and
minimal delay in publication time. We review book proposals with
Springer, and Springer will advise proposers of their proposal
status. We strongly encourage electronic submissions in the form of
PDF/postscript/Word files by e-mail. Springer London will contact the
proposers directly to discuss the outcomes from the proposal review.
General enquiries relating to the book series can be directed to any
member of the Series Editorial Board. Enquiries regarding the status
of specific proposals should be directed to the Series Editor only.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Knowledge and Information Systems: 3(3) and 3(4), 2001
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:46:07 -0600
From: Xindong Wu <xwu(a)GAUSS.MINES.EDU>
Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal
ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
by Springer-Verlag
Home Page: http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/kais.html
I. Volume 3, Number 3 (August 2001)
Regular Papers
- Eamonn Keogh, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Michael Pazzani, Sharad Mehrotra:
Dimensionality Reduction for Fast Similarity Search in Large Time
Series Databases, 263-286
- Juan C. Augusto, Guillermo R. Simari:
Temporal Defeasible Reasoning, 287-318
- Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, R. L. Kashyap:
Generalized Affinity-Based Association Rule Mining for Multimedia
Database Queries, 319-337
- Guanling Lee, K. L. Lee, Arbee L. P. Chen:
Efficient Graph-Based Algorithms for Discovering and Maintaining
Association Rules in Large Databases, 338-355
- Yong S. Choi:
Discovering Text Databases with Neural Nets, 356-373
Short Papers
- Ujjwal Maulik, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, John C. Trinder:
SAFE: An Efficient Feature Extraction Technique, 374-387
- Peter Debye Prize 2002 on Knowledge Engineering
II. Volume 3, Number 4 (November 2001)
Selected and Revised Papers from KDD-2000 Workshop on Distributed and
Parallel Knowledge Discovery
- Distributed Web Log Mining Using Maximal Large Itemsets
by Mehmet Sayal and Peter Scheuermann
- Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for Data Mining Using Inductive
by David B. Skillicorn and Yu Wang
- Distributed Clustering Using Collective Principal Component
by Hillol Kargupta, Weiyun Huang, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, and
Erik Johnson
- Cost Complexity-Based Pruning of Ensemble Classifiers
by Andreas L. Prodromidis and Salvatore J. Stolfo
Regular Papers
- Arbitrating Among Competing Classifiers Using Learned Referees
by Julio Ortega, Moshe Koppel, and Shlomo Argamon-Engelson
- Multivariate Discretization for Set Mining
by Stephen D. Bay
Call for Papers
- ICDM '02: The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
(pending approval), Maebashi TERRSA, Maebashi City, Japan,
November 26 - 29, 2002
2001 KAIS Reviewers
Author Index
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Global Information Technology Management Conference
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:16:34 +0200
From: "Licker, P, Paul, Prof" <plicker(a)COMMERCE.UCT.AC.ZA>
Third Annual Global Information Technology Management World
Conference, Long island, New York, USA, 23-25 June 2002
IT for Government and Developing countries
Track Chair: Prof. Paul Licker
(Please send the track chair at plicker(a)commerce.uct.ac.za an e-mail
indicating your intent to submit a paper to this track)
Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002 in New York, NY, USA
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this date).
Please submit directly to the Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia. For
timely processing, we have an all-electronic review process.
Therefore, an electronic submission is strongly recommended (email:
pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu). If not possible, please mail 4 copies to the
following address and make sure it arrives by the deadline. Please
include your email address along with the submission.
Dr. Prashant Palvia
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
ISOM Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083
Information Technology has been employed by governments almost since
its inception. Without IT, modern public administration as we know it
would be impossible. Some say that even with IT, governments are out
of control, oppressive, and inefficient. Clearly IT supports
multinational, international and global systems that in a sense
counter the traditional roles of governments of states. This track
wishes to explore innovative, useful employment of IT in a variety of
ways, with the emphasis on development, that is improvement, of the
life of citizens and residents of countries, within a global context.
We welcome papers that explore the usefulness of IT with regard not
only to the daily functioning of government, but also to the
redefinition of government in a post-modern era. The papers will
explore the relationships among government, its citizens, and its
clients (not all of whom are citizens or even residents). Because IT
is seen as a low-cost effective way to modernize the processes of
countries relegated to "third-world" status, it is critical to
understand what kind of contribution IT and IT people can possibly
make to that effort. If, indeed, social and economic development is
seen as dependent on the development of democratic institutions in
third-world countries, then what implication does the availability of
IT have on this effort and hence on development? Even in presumably
"developed" countries, there are pockets (and often whole regions) of
poverty and ill-representation. Can IT assist here? And if so, how?
What tools do we have available to evaluate the contribution of
development to the administration of countries with long-standing --
sometimes endemic -- development contradictions such as tribal
conflict, racial and linguistic disputes, disproportionate class
differences, multiple economies, and geographic barriers to
distribution? How do we integrate and rationalize national
IT-assisted development efforts with potentially conflicting global
trends, also driven by IT? How can IT assist the integration of
third-world countries into first-world global projects in areas such
as counteracting terrorism, promoting free trade, regulating global
business, and encouraging world-wide justice?
Papers (completed or in-progress: about 20 double spaced
pages), extended abstracts (completed or in-progress research: about
4-6 pages), panel and workshop proposals (2-4 pages) dealing with (but
not limited to) the following topics are invited. Please note the
name of this track on the cover page.
The following topics are recommended and encouraged, although any
topic consistent with the goal of the session(s) will be considered
with appreciation:
Evaluation of the role of IT in national government
Stresses and strains on government posed by the new media, the new
technologies and the new economy
Integration of national governments into global governmental
Marginalisation of third-world countries by IT and e-commerce
Innovative uses of IT in national administration
Using IT to promote democratic values and institutions IT-caused or
ameliorated contradictions between national government and global
International systems, local government, and IT
Electronic government and its implications for developing countries
IT-assisted development in already-developed countries The digital
divide in the first world, second world, third world Geographical
distribution of IT in third-world countries
Please note that you may also submit to other Global IT tracks. Just
note the name of the appropriate track on the cover (if no such track
exists or you do not know the track name, simply state so on the cover
page). In general, Global IT Management topics include (but are not
limited to):
IT in various countries and regions (e.g., Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab
countries, North America, South & Central America, Australia);
Development, evaluation & management of Global Information Systems
(GIS); Electronic commerce; Internet and Web related issues; IT in
multinational companies; Virtual and networked organizations;
Cross-cultural issues; Impact of global IT on the organization;
Information Resources Management; Frameworks/models for global IS
(GIS); Societal impacts of IT in developing countries; IT and Economic
Development; IT Diffusion in developing countries; IT human resource
issues; DSS/EIS/ES in international settings; Organizational &
Management structures for GIS; Transborder data flow issues;
Electronic data interchange; Telecommunications; Distributed global
databases and networks; Cultural and societal impacts; Comparative
studies of nations; Applications and case studies (both research and
Papers recommended of high quality by the reviewers will be
further considered for publication on an expedited basis in the
Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the
Journal of Information Technology Cases & Applications (JITCA).
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2001 (to be received by this
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2001
Final Submission Due: January 31, 2002
Registration Deadline for authors (at least one author must
register): February 15, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: April 30, 2002 (at least one author
must register)
Conference Dates: June 23, 24, 25, 2002
For additional information, please contact the conference chair, local
chair, program co-chairs or the track chairs.
Conference Chair: Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina,
Greensboro, USA.
Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, New York, 11549
USA Email: khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu
Prof. Paul S. Licker, Ph. D.
Director, Doctoral and Masters Programs
Department of Information Systems
University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
Phone: IDD+27+21+650-2582
Fax: IDD+27+21+650-2280
Email: plicker(a)commerce.uct.ac.za
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: JGITM Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 09:53:35 -0400
From: "Dr. Prashant Palvia" <pcpalvia(a)UNCG.EDU>
---------------------- Apologies for Cross Posting ---------------------
Word attachment to: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu ).
CLICK ON: http://www.uncg.edu/bae/people/palvia/Editorial.doc
MISSION: The Journal of Global Information Technology Management
(JGITM) is a refereed international journal that is supported by Global
IT scholars from all over the world. JGITM publishes articles and
reports related to all aspects of the application of information
technology for international business. For example, it reports on
information resource management, managerial and organizational concerns,
and innovative applications related to global IT. Very important to the
journal is its emphasis on quality and relevance. Furthermore, the
journal will disseminate this knowledge to researchers, practitioners,
academicians, and educators all over the world on a timely basis.
Finally, the journal is international in all respects: content, article
authorship, readership, and the editorial board.
SCOPE AND COVERAGE: The journal's scope is multidisciplinary. It will
publish research and applied articles from all areas of MIS as well as
functional IT applications that have international focus. The journal
will also consider a variety of methodological approaches. The journal
encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the world, both
from academia and industry. In addition, the journal will also include
reviews of MIS books that have bearing on global aspects. Practitioner
input will be specifically solicited from time-to-time in the form of
invited columns or interviews.
Articles in the JGITM include, but are not limited to the following
Frameworks/models for global information systems (GIS)
Development, evaluation and management of GIS
Electronic Commerce
Internet related issues
Societal impacts of IT in developing countries
IT and Economic Development
IT Diffusion in developing countries
IT Applications & Research in different parts of the world
IT human resource issues
DSS/EIS/ES in international settings
Organizational and management structures for GIS
Transborder data flow issues
Eelectronic data interchange
Distributed global databases and networks
Cultural and societal impacts
Comparative studies of nations
Applications and case studies
Please submit five copies of your manuscript to the Editor in Chief or
any of the Global Associate Editors. WE NOW ALSO ACCEPT ELECTRONIC
SUBMISSIONS (send as a Word attachment to pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu).
Editor in Chief:
Prashant Palvia, Ph.D., Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor and
Department Head
Information Systems & Operations Management Department
Bryan School of Business & Economics
The University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA
Ph: 336-334-5666 Fax: 336-334-4083 Email: pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Global Associate Editors:
Janice Burn, Edith Cowan University, Churchlands Campus, Perth, W.A.
6018, Australia
Abdulla Abdul-Gader, College of Industrial Management, King Fahd
University of Petroleum & Minerals, P.O. Box 1985, Dhahran 31261, Saudi
G. Harindranath, School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of
London, Engham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom
Rekha Jain, Computer & Information Systems, Indian Institute of
Management, Ahmedabad 380015 (GUJ), India
Karen D. Loch, Dept. of Decision Sciences, College of Business
Administration, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta,
Georgia 30303-3083, USA
Ming-te Lu, Chair Professor of Information Systems, Lingnan College,
Tuen, NT, Hong Kong
Shailendra Palvia, College of Management, Long Island University, C.W.
Post Campus, Brookeville, NY 11548, USA
Celia Romm, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia
Barry Shore,, Whittemore School of Business & Economics, University of
New Hampshire, McConnell Hall, Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3593, USA
Steven J. Simon, Decision Sciences & Information Systems, College of
Business Administration, Florida International University, University
Park, Miami, FL 33199
For copies of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management
(JGITM), please check your institution's library. If you would like to
receive a free sample copy, and have not received one in the past,
please write or send an email message to the Editor-in-Chief: Dr.
Prashant Palvia, The University of North Carolina Greensboro (email:
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISOneWorld Conference and Convention Track Highlights
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:45:55 -0600
From: Gordon Hunter <ghunter(a)ULETH.CA>
ISWorld Colleagues
Please consider submitting a paper to our ISOneWorld Conference to be
held April 4 - 5, 2002 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. For more details
refer to our web site at:
Here are highlights of some of our themes and tracks (along with the
track chairs):
Theme: Globalization
1. IT in Emerging Economies (G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway College,
University of London, UK).
Theme: Specialized IT Systems
1. Multimedia Information Systems (Harry Agius, Brunel University, UK).
2. Multimedia Information Management in the Digital Economy (Margherita
Pagani, Bocconi University, Italy).
3. Geographic Information Systems (James Pick, University of Redlands,
4. Accounting Information Systems (Georgia Smedley, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, USA).
We have recently added a track in both E-Commerce and Education.
The new E-Commerce track is:
Mobile Commerce and Wireless Technologies (Merrill Warkentin,
Mississippi state University, USA).
The new Education Track is:
IS Curriculum for the 21st Century (Debrah Smith, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas, USA).
Important dates:
Electronic Submission - November 16, 2001
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - December 14, 2001
Camera Ready Submission - February 15, 2002
Please send all submissions to: admin(a)isoneworld.org
Conference Co-Chair