---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: AIS Call for Proposals on Special Interest Groups: REMINDER
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 22:53:00 -0400
From: "Dennis F. Galletta" <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
REMINDER: The deadline is April 30, 2001. Given the questions we've
received so far, it might be useful to state that it is not required to have
extensive formality and length! Also, one person was concerned that they
might not have enough publications to be an acceptable candidate. Please
note that this is a chance to have people in the field get to know you
better, offering your services in an important leadership role. Your plan
can start small and build gradually over time. Also, at this time AIS is
prepared to provide adequate funding for worthwhile causes! This
opportunity might not be available later.
We look forward to your proposals!
AIS Call For Proposals
Summary: AIS will evaluate, on a fast track, members brief proposals for
formation of special interest groups (SIGs) submitted by April 30, 2001.
A survey of 11 other professional associations was conducted in November of
2000, and AIS fortunately compared favorably to those associations when
considering dues amount and services to members. One of the most striking
services in many of those associations was in the area of special interest
groups (SIGs), not yet offered by AIS.
SIGs allow those of like mind in identifiable areas to communicate in a
variety of ways. Some associations offer list servers, web sites,
discussions, monthly newsletters, and even refereed journals.
The possibilities are indeed wide open not only in services offered, but
also in topics. Examples of possible SIGs include e-commerce, system
development, data management, strategic IS, user-computer interaction,
international information systems, interorganizational systems,
organizational networks, computer-supported cooperative work, outsourcing,
etc. Please do not allow this list to constrain your thinking, but the
examples were chosen to illustrate the potential level of generality that
might be desirable. For instance, there would likely be enough members to
fill a SIG on "Outsourcing," but it might be difficult to fill and sustain a
SIG on "The ASP Model."
So, please don't constrain your imaginations when considering both services
offered and topics for SIGs. This is an important time for AIS as it seeks
to expand its portfolio of services to members in meaningful ways.
Although the proposals should be rather brief, please include the following.
Each of the numbered items should be in the neighborhood of a half to a full
page (printed), except for the final item, the CV of the member submitting
the proposal. Please number the items to make it easier to identify its
1. Summary of proposed benefits and costs (resources and dues for
members) 2. Background (define the content area)
3. Positioning (describe similar SIGs in other associations, if any, and
how the overlap should be managed)
4. Services proposed (activities and offerings, and any dues structure
5. Resources needed (anticipated costs up front and over a period of
time) 6. CV of the member submitting the proposal
Only proposals from members will be evaluated. Proposals will be evaluated
on the following criteria (each weighted approximately equally):
1. definition and positioning
2. appeal
3. services promised
4. costs (in light of services promised)
5. authors knowledge/experience in the SIG's content area
Submit the proposal in either plain text, Word, rtf, or PDF format by April
30, 2001, and a committee will evaluate your proposals on a "fast track."
Council will be presented with the committee's recommendations in May 2001
for final approval. Notice of acceptance will occur no later than June 30,
Dennis Galletta
VP, Member Services
Dennis F. Galletta Associate Prof. of Business Admin.
Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 phone: 412-648-1699 fax: 412-648-1693
Internet: galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu http://www.pitt.edu/~galletta
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Softwarepatente - Motor oder Bremse der Wirtschaft; 24.4.2001
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 18:46:13 +0000
From: "Wolfgang Koenig" <koenig(a)wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de>
To: wnagl(a)de.oracle.com, ludwig_nastansky(a)notes.uni-paderborn.de, Michael Nauditt <Nauditt(a)Conceptware.de>, neff(a)wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de, andreas.nehring(a)brokat.com, niels.neitzke(a)diebold.de, horst.neubrand(a)daimlerchrysler.com, Gustaf Neumann <neumann(a)mohegan.wi-inf.uni-essen.de>
Cc: niedereichholz(a)wifo.uni-mannheim.de, c.noack(a)faz.de, konstanze.noack(a)network-economy.com, "Nonnast, Thomas" <t.nonnast(a)vhb.de>, nuettgens(a)iwi.uni-sb.de, oberquel(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de
am 24. april 2001 veranstalten wir in der aula der universitaet von 15.00 -
18.30 uhr ein symposium zum thema: "softwarepatente - motor oder bremse der
wirtschaft", zu welchem ich sie und ihr team herzlich einladen
moechte (teilnahme kostenlos). auf der webseite:
www.softwarepatente.net besteht die moeglichkeit, sich online
anzumelden und weitere informationen abzurufen. nateurlich koennen
sie sich auch per fax anmelden: 069-798-28585.
bedeutende vertreter aus wissenschaft und praxis diskutieren die in
der oeffentlichkeit derzeit stark debattierte frage der
patentierfaehigkeit von software. im zeitalter des internets muss
untersucht werden, ob ein traditioneller innovationsschutz ueber das
patentrecht auf software uebertragen werden kann.
hierbei stellt sich die frage, ob eine erstmals geschaffene software
grundsaetzlich im netz frei verfuegbar gemacht werden sollte, um moeglichst
schnell moeglichst viele anwender in den genuss der neuen software zu
bringen, damit auf dieser basis moeglichst viele innovationen erreicht
werden koennen, die wiederum allen in einer volkswirtschaft nutzen.
im internationalen vergleich mit den usa kommt die problemdimension
hinzu, dass dort z. B. auch algorithmen und geschaeftsmethoden
patentierbar sind. wie können und muessen sich deutschland und europa
in einem zunehmend engeren handelsgeflecht mit den usa verhalten?
fuer weitere fragen steht Ihnen gerne norman hoppen
(hoppen(a)wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de, Tel: 069-798-28805) zur verfuegung.
wir wuerden uns sehr freuen, Sie am 24. april in der universitaet
(aula, mertonstraße 17, 60054 frankfurt am main) begruessen zu
koennen. dank freundlicher unterstuetzung der firmen
diebold, experteam, innovative software, pa consulting und siemens
ist die veranstaltungsteilnahme kostenlos.
eine anfahrtsskizze finden Sie unter:
15.00 Uhr Einleitung durch Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steinberg,
Praesident der JWG-Universität,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koenig,
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik
15.15 Uhr Hans-Joachim Otto, MdB, Medienpolitischer Sprecher
der F.D.P.-Bundestagsfraktion, Vorsitzender der
F.D.P.-Internetkommission: Softwarepatente:
Positionen in Deutschland und Europa im Vergleich zu den USA.
15.30 Uhr Prof. Dr. Bernd Lutterbeck, TU Berlin:
Patentierung von Software und Geschaeftsmethoden:
Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtspraxis auf Irrwegen?
16.00 Uhr Willms Buhse, Bertelsmann, New York,
Digital World Services - Napster:
Digital Rights Management (DRM) in den USA und Deutschland
aus dem Blickwinkel der Musikindustrie.
16.30 Uhr Harald Hagedorn, SAP-Patentabteilung, Walldorf:
Softwarepatente-Positionierung von deutschen
Unternehmen gegenüber solchen aus den USA aus dem
Blickwinkel eines e-business-Unternehmens.
17.00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn:
Pro und Contra von Softwarepatenten aus der Sicht der Informatik
17.30 Uhr Hartmut Pilch, FFII*:
Softwarepatente und die Open Source Community.
18.00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Eric Maskin, MIT, Boston:
Should Software be Patented?
18.30 Uhr Gemeinsames Abendessen und Tischgespraeche.
* Foerderverein für Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur
herzliche Gruesse
wolfgang koenig
> Faxanmeldung:
> Anmeldung zum Symposium: Softwarepatente - Motor oder Bremse der
> Wirtschaft, 24.4.2001, 15.00 Uhr, Aula der Universität Frankfurt
> Per Fax: 069 798 28585
> Name:____________________
> Unternehmen:___________________
> Position:________________________
> Abteilung:_________________________
> Anschrift:________________________
> Telefon:__________________________
> Fax:____________________________
> Email:______________________________
> ________________________________
> Ort und Datum, Unterschrift
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koenig
Institute of Information Systems
Frankfurt University
Mertonstr. 17
D-60054 Fankfurt
Tel. ++ 49 69 798 28594
Fax ++ 49 69 798 28585
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] CfP CRIWG 2001
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 16:20:22 +0200
From: Peter Mambrey <mambrey(a)gmd.de>
To: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, vertig(a)uni-paderborn.de, fgcscw(a)uni-koblenz.de, sw-ergo(a)gui-design.de, ifip9-1(a)gmd.de
Dear colleagues,
the deadline of the CRIWG 2001 is approaching. Enclosed you can find the
Call for Papers. Please excuse cross postings.
All the best
Peter Mambrey
CRIWG'2001- 7th International Workshop on Groupware
6 - 8 September 2001, Darmstadt, Germany
The Seventh International Workshop on Groupware follows on the success
previous CRIWG workshops held in Lisbon, Portugal (1995), Puerto Varas,
Chile (1996), El Escorial, Spain (1997), Buzios, Brazil (1998), Cancun,
Mexico (1999) and Madeira Island, Portugal (2000).
The CRIWG workshops have been motivated by recent advances in
computer-supported cooperative work, and by the need for CSCW to meet
challenges of new application areas. This workshop aims at providing a
forum for academic researchers and professionals to exchange
and to engage in discussions of the research issues in designing,
and using groupware applications. CRIWG is rooted in the Ibero-American
community of researchers in CSCW, but it is completely open to
and participants from anywhere.
Researchers can report these experiences to CRIWG through two
categories of
contributions: full technical papers and work in progress papers. All
topics related to the groupware area are welcome, including:
Workflow management and coordination
Distribution support
Group decision and negotiation support
Multiuser interfaces
Hypermedia systems, digital libraries
Cooperative Learning
Virtual groups and virtual worlds
Collaborative Workspaces
Groupware development frameworks and toolkits
Monitoring and analysis of group interactions
Organisational computing
Social aspects of group work
Work modelling
It is expected that the workshop will promote a very intensive
among those attending it, giving ample time to discuss papers. Each
paper will have a 45 minute slot for presentation and discussion. Work
Progress will have 30 minutes. In both cases, a moderator will present
his/her view of the paper to initiate the discussion.
The Workshop Proceedings will include contributions accepted by the
International Programme Committee, and will be published by IEEE CS
Electronic submission, up to 15 pages (10 pages for work in progress),
Times or New Times font, 12 pt, single column, is due on April 10, 2001.
The reviewing process will be double-blind. Please, do not include the
authors name and affiliation neither any indication which may disclose
paper authorship. After the paper title inform the submission category
(full paper or work in progress), an abstract and up to 5 keywords.
An electronic system will deal with the submissions. There you will be
asked the authors name, affiliation and address. The submission web site
will provide further instructions. In the meantime, a temporary web
site is
installed at: criwg.nce.ufrj.br/criwg01
As a result of the reviewing process, the Program Committee may suggest
changes in the format and/or the contents of the paper, including the
category of the paper. In this case, a paper will be conditionally
accepted. The final acceptance or rejection will be decided by the PC
Chair, based on the analysis of the revised version. The format for the
final version will be that used by IEEE (two columns, single space,
10-point font). Examples and additional instructions will be at the
Conference web site.
Submission deadline: April 10, 2001
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2001
Final articles due: June 13, 2001
Workshop: September 6-8, 2001
Joerg M. Haake, GMD-IPSI, Germany
H. Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg, Germany
Jutta Fleschutz, GMD-IPSI
Alejandro Fernandez, GMD-IPSI
Marcos Borges, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pedro Antunes Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Hector Atillanca Universidad de Santiago, Chile
Nelson Baloian Universidad de Chile, Chile
Beatriz Barros UNED, Spain
Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic University Western Sydney, Australia
Stephan Chan Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Dominique Decouchant LSR-IMAG, France
Gert-Jan de Vreede Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Oscar Diaz Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain
Yannis A. Dimitriadis Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Henrique Domingos New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Oswald Drobnik University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Jesus Favela CICESE, Mexico
Alejandro Fernández GMD-IPSI, Germany
Hugo Fuks PUC/RJ, Brazil
Nuno Guimarães Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Joerg M. Haake GMD-IPSI, Germany
H. Ulrich Hoppe University of Duisburg, Germany
Peter Mambrey GMD & University of Duisburg, Germany
Marcelo Milrad Framkom & Växjö University, Sweden
Jose Palazzo Oliveira UFRGS, Brazil
Ana Paiva INESC, Portugal
Jose A. Pino Universidad de Chile, Chile
Mike Robinson University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Manuel Romero-Salcedo Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Ana Carolina Salgado Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
J. Alfredo Sánchez Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Mexico
Ivan Tomek Acadia University, Canada
Jacques Wainer University of Campinas, Brazil
GMD-IPSI. Dolivstr. 15, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/IPSI/contact.html (address)
http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/townplan.html (map & directions)
Darmstadt is only 25 minutes by airport shuttle bus from Frankfurt
a taxi from the bus station to the hotel will cost around 5-10 DM; most
central hotels are within walking distance from the bus stop in the
Prof. Dr. Peter Mambrey
GMD-German National Research Center for Information Technology
D-53754 St. Augustin, Germany
Phone: +49-2241-142710; Fax: +49-2241-142084; E-mail: mambrey(a)gmd.de
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
---------- Fwd ----------
Subject: [mobility] CFP: SAINT-2002, Agents on the Internet
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 12:49:04 -0500
From: tim finin <finin(a)cs.umbc.edu>
To: mobility(a)anubis.cs.umbc.edu
Note that one of the focus areas for this conference is "agents on the
Internet". Tim --
Call for Contributions
Symposium on Applications and the Internet
28 Jan - 1 Feb 2002
Nara city, Nara, Japan
Co-sponsored by the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS)
* Tutorial Proposal deadline: April 15, 2001
* Workshop Proposal deadline: April 15, 2001
* Acceptance of all proposals: May 2, 2001
* Paper Submission deadline: May 15, 2001
* Author Notification: August 15, 2001
* Final Manuscript deadline: October 15, 2001
THEME: Sharing an Internet Vision
The Internet has rapidly grown into being an integral element
of the infrastructure of society. A wide variety
of services and applications have been developed on the Internet
that have propelled the human civilization into a new dimension.
However, there are still abundant opportunities, driven by the
market's demands, to create new applications and services.
This conference focuses on Internet applications
that are considered novel and timely. It provides a forum for
engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and the government
to share their latest research results in Internet applications,
and to present their underlying technologies.
Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
1) Collaboration Technology [CO]
2) Internet Security [IS]
3) Mobile Computing [MB]
4) Multimedia Computing [MM]
5) Operation Technologies and Performance [OP]
6) Agents on the Internet [AG]
7) Software Engineering on the Internet [SE]
8) Internet Based Data Engineering [DE]
9) Distributed & Parallel Computing [DP]
10) Services for Information Society and e-Economy [EE]
* Tutorial Proposal deadline: April 15, 2001
* Workshop Proposal deadline: April 15, 2001
* Acceptance of all proposals: May 2, 2001
* Paper Submission deadline: May 15, 2001
* Author Notification: August 15, 2001
* Final Manuscript deadline: October 15, 2001
Tutorials and workshops related to Internet technologies and
applications will be held during the conference.
Submit original (not published or submitted elsewhere) papers
not to exceed 25 double-spaced, 8.5x11-inch pages (including
figures, tables and references) in 10-12 point font.
Include the title of the paper, the name and affiliation of
each author, a 150-word abstract, five to ten keywords, and
the technical area(s) most relevant to your paper. Include also
the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail
address of the author responsible for correspondence of the paper.
All submissions will be done electronically.
A major feature of SAINT 2002 will be half- and full-day participative
workshops to explore leading-edge issues in depth. Every participant
will be expected to submit a short position paper for publication
in the SAINT 2002 Workshop proceedings. Such papers should not exceed
10 double-spaced pages using the same guidelines for symposium papers.
Organizers should submit in plain text via e-mail workshop proposals,
including the title, workshop rationale, goals, how participants will
be solicited and position papers handled, workshop activities, expected
workshop output, complete contact information of the organizer, and
past experience of operating workshops.
Submit all manuscripts of SYMPOSIUM PAPERS via the Web in Postscript or
PDF, and tutorial and workshop proposals via e-mail in plain text, to:
Jun Murai, Program Chair
Faculty of Environmental Information
Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC), KEIO University
5322 Endo
Fujisawa, Kanagawa 2528520, JAPAN
E-Mail: junsec(a)wide.ad.jp
Work: 81-466-49-1122
Fax: 81-466-49-1101
Carl K. Chang, Program Chair
The International Center for Software Engineering
Department of EECS (M/C 154)
The University of Illinois at Chicago
851 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
E-Mail: chang(a)uic.edu
or c.chang(a)computer.org
Work: 1-312-996-4860
Fax: 1-312-413-0024
URL for submission of SYMPOSIUM PAPERS:
- Toshiharu Aoki, NTT Data
- Joseph Urban, Arizona State University
- Jun Murai, Keio University
- Carl Chang, The University of Illinois-Chicago
For Further Information, Please Contact:
Takaya Ishida
Corporate Research & Development, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
E-mail: Takaya.Ishida(a)hq.melco.co.jp
Joseph Urban
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-5406, USA
E-mail: urban(a)asu.edu
Telephone: +1 / 480-965-2784 Fax: +1 / 480-965-2751
To unsubscribe (or other requests) mailto:majordomo@agents.umbc.edu
List archives, FAQ, member list, etc. http://mobility.lboro.ac.uk/
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IDIMT-2001 -- Final Call for Paper
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:24:26 +0200
From: Christian Hofer <ch(a)SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at>
To: Christian Hofer <ch(a)SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at>
The Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic)
and The University of Linz (Austria)
have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the
9th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT-2001)
in Zadov (Bohemien Forest) - Czech Republic
September 19th - 21st, 2001
The aim of these annual talks is to provide an interdisciplinary and
informal forum for an interchange of holistic concepts and ideas on
Information Management, Information Engineering, Business Processes, System
Theory and Design, and related topics. The increasing interest in
information as a vital resource makes it necessary to consider both
technology transfer and opportunities for establishing technical and
commercial co-operation internationally. The co-operation of technical and
economic research institutes and of researchers with different economic and
historical backgrounds provides an interesting basis for
Due to the nowadays increasing pervasiveness and ubiquitousness of computers
the focus of this year's conference will be dedicated to the challenges,
advantages and problems brought about by modern ICT's and the new
opportuni-ties offered by them.
Topics of sessions:
A) Soft Systems Theories
B) Theory and Practice in Knowledge Management
C) Information System Definition for a changing Environment
D) Cooperative Information Environments
E) Tele-Teaching, Tele-Learning and Tele-Work
F) e-Economics
G) Trends in Business, Technology, and Research & Development
Each session will consist of one keynote paper and several position papers,
which should relate to the keynote paper. The draft versions of the keynote
papers are placed on ftp.sea.uni-linz.ac.at in directory /pub/IDIMT2001.
Please submit your position paper (extended abstract, in English, typed in
double spaced format, approx. 4 pages, preferable as electronic versions)
until April 16th, 2001 to:
Dr. Christian HOFER (mailto:ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at)
Authors of accepted position papers will be invited to submit a full-length
paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings. The Conference
Proceedings will be published by "Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz".
Important Dates:
Extended Abstract due April 16, 2001
Notification of Acceptance May 14, 2001
Camera Ready copies due June 11, 2001
Conference Opening Sept. 19, 2001
Conference Sept. 19-21, 2001
Programme Committee:
Chroust Gerhard (Chair) A Editor
Doucek Petr (Vice-Chair) CZ Keynote Speaker
Beneder Manfred A Session Organizer
Dianis Erik CZ Session Organizer
Dobay Peter H Keynote Speaker
Geldner Dusan CZ Session Organizer
Gross Tom D Session Organizer
Hofer Christian A Editor
Jakubicka Ladislav CZ Session Organizer
Klöckner Konrad D Keynote Speaker
Loesch Christian A Keynote Speaker
Mittelmann Angelika A Keynote Speaker
Mulej Matjaz SL Keynote Speaker
Stowell Frank GB Keynote Speaker
Tlusty Herwig A Session Organizer
Site and Accommodation:
The conference takes place at the Sporthotel 'OLYMPIA' in Zadov, a lovely
little village on mountain Churá?ov in the Bohemien Forest at an altitude of
1000 m. It is located 60 km north of Passau, 150 km south of Prague, and 130
km north-west of Linz. It is a delightful place for walks and short trips
into the countryside.
Contact Information:
Dr. Christian HOFER
Systems Engineering and Automation
Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenbergerstr. 69,
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43-732-2468-8873, fax: -8878
email: ch(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IDIMT-2001 -- Final Call for Paper
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:24:26 +0200
From: Christian Hofer <ch(a)SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at>
To: Christian Hofer <ch(a)SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at>
The Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic)
and The University of Linz (Austria)
have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the
9th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT-2001)
in Zadov (Bohemien Forest) - Czech Republic
September 19th - 21st, 2001
The aim of these annual talks is to provide an interdisciplinary and
informal forum for an interchange of holistic concepts and ideas on
Information Management, Information Engineering, Business Processes, System
Theory and Design, and related topics. The increasing interest in
information as a vital resource makes it necessary to consider both
technology transfer and opportunities for establishing technical and
commercial co-operation internationally. The co-operation of technical and
economic research institutes and of researchers with different economic and
historical backgrounds provides an interesting basis for
Due to the nowadays increasing pervasiveness and ubiquitousness of computers
the focus of this year's conference will be dedicated to the challenges,
advantages and problems brought about by modern ICT's and the new
opportuni-ties offered by them.
Topics of sessions:
A) Soft Systems Theories
B) Theory and Practice in Knowledge Management
C) Information System Definition for a changing Environment
D) Cooperative Information Environments
E) Tele-Teaching, Tele-Learning and Tele-Work
F) e-Economics
G) Trends in Business, Technology, and Research & Development
Each session will consist of one keynote paper and several position papers,
which should relate to the keynote paper. The draft versions of the keynote
papers are placed on ftp.sea.uni-linz.ac.at in directory /pub/IDIMT2001.
Please submit your position paper (extended abstract, in English, typed in
double spaced format, approx. 4 pages, preferable as electronic versions)
until April 16th, 2001 to:
Dr. Christian HOFER (mailto:ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at)
Authors of accepted position papers will be invited to submit a full-length
paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings. The Conference
Proceedings will be published by "Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz".
Important Dates:
Extended Abstract due April 16, 2001
Notification of Acceptance May 14, 2001
Camera Ready copies due June 11, 2001
Conference Opening Sept. 19, 2001
Conference Sept. 19-21, 2001
Programme Committee:
Chroust Gerhard (Chair) A Editor
Doucek Petr (Vice-Chair) CZ Keynote Speaker
Beneder Manfred A Session Organizer
Dianis Erik CZ Session Organizer
Dobay Peter H Keynote Speaker
Geldner Dusan CZ Session Organizer
Gross Tom D Session Organizer
Hofer Christian A Editor
Jakubicka Ladislav CZ Session Organizer
Klöckner Konrad D Keynote Speaker
Loesch Christian A Keynote Speaker
Mittelmann Angelika A Keynote Speaker
Mulej Matjaz SL Keynote Speaker
Stowell Frank GB Keynote Speaker
Tlusty Herwig A Session Organizer
Site and Accommodation:
The conference takes place at the Sporthotel 'OLYMPIA' in Zadov, a lovely
little village on mountain Churá?ov in the Bohemien Forest at an altitude of
1000 m. It is located 60 km north of Passau, 150 km south of Prague, and 130
km north-west of Linz. It is a delightful place for walks and short trips
into the countryside.
Contact Information:
Dr. Christian HOFER
Systems Engineering and Automation
Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenbergerstr. 69,
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43-732-2468-8873, fax: -8878
email: ch(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Chapter - Deadline Extension
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 06:12:25 -0500
From: Cano Martínez Jeimy <jcanoma(a)BANREP.GOV.CO>
Dear colleagues,
In order to attend some request about submission deadline for this project,
this have been extended to April 9, 2001. So i encourage you to send your
chapter proposal to share with practitioner and academic community findings
and relevant ideas about Information Technology based on systemic approach.
Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D
International Tutor
Newport University, CA
Submission deadline extended April 9, 2001
A book edited by Jeimy J. Cano. Newport University, USA.
During last decade information systems/information technology (IS/IT) has a
important development in the world, specially in business environment. This
issues had a special outcomes for organizations in different ways
individual satisfaction, organizational profits and technological advance.
MIS discipline face highest challenges in order to explore creative and
innovative solutions, strategies and reflections to support new advantanges
in a new environment, where individual move dinamically, diary
organizational change and exponential technological advance.
Through the use of IS/IT to support business strategies to reach
competitive advantage companies are looking for ideas and answers to solve
gap between
competiveness and technological investment. This book face this challenge
offering a systemic scenario where all players are related with others in
order to show properties that could be hidden in different relationships
not in a specific element or player. For these reason, the essence of this
invitation is share accumulated knowledge as in academic and practitioner
community in IS/IT comprehension based in a systemic (holistic) view like a
support new ways to explore MIS discipline and technological understanting
in next century.
The main purpose of this book is rethinking information systems/information
technology like his name says, they are systems.
Representative topics include but are not limited to the following:
- Systemic concepts on Information Technology
- Management cybernetics in Information technology
- Theoretical models in Information Technology/Informations Systems
- Information systems and business strategies: Systemic approach
- IS/IT and organizational complexity
- Information technology incorporation: case studies
- Technology transfer in developing contries
- Technological frames
- IS/IT and Organizational culture impact
- Information systems management and strategy formulation
- Social and human issues in information systems
- Knowledge management and organizational learning systems
BOOK Sections:
I. Systemic concepts on Information Technology
II. Theoretical models in Information Technology/Informations Systems
III. Information Systems and Business Strategies: Holistic approach
IV. IT/IS Organizational and social issues
V. Information Technology incorporation: Case studies
VI. Reflections on IT Incorporation: Tendencies and Perspectives
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 9,
2001, a 2-5 page manuscript proposal clearly explaning the mission an
concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposal will be
notified by May 15, 2001 about the status of their proposal and sent
chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by
September 15, 2001. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a blind
review basis. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group
Publishing in 2002.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (word97) to:
Jeimy J. Cano, Ph.D
International Tutor
Newport University.
E-mail: jcanoma(a)banrep.gov.co
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: SAIS 2002
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:37:23 -0500
From: Tom Case <tcase(a)GSAIX2.CC.GASOU.EDU>
<div align="center">
<font size=6><b>Call for Papers<br>
</font><font size=4>Fifth Annual Conference of the <br>
Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS)<br>
The Savannah Desoto Hilton, Savannah, Georgia<br>
March 1 March 2, 2002<br>
The Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) invites IS
scholars and practitioners to participate in its fifth annual conference
which will be held March 1 - March 2, 2002 at the Savannah DeSoto Hilton
Hotel in Savannah, Georgias charming historic district. <br>
SAIS is a regional chapter of the Americas Division of the Association
for Information Systems (AIS). Consistent consistent with the goals of
AMCIS Conferences, the SAIS program is intended to be varied, where the
only restriction is that submissions address organizational or technical
research, practice, or pedagogy in information systems planning, design,
development, management, acquisition, implementation, usage, or
evaluation. Working papers, research in progress, workshop proposals, and
teaching cases may be submitted. <i>Submissions by graduate students are
especially encouraged</i>. <br>
All papers and proposals must be the original work of the authors and
should not have been previously presented or published elsewhere. These
will undergo a blind review process. Accepted submissions will be
eligible for publication in the SAIS 2002 Conference Proceedings.
Authors of accepted papers must pre-register for the conference to ensure
publication in the Proceedings. Outstanding submissions will be
considered for the SAIS 2002 Best Paper award.<br>
<div align="center">
<font size=4><b>Important Dates<br>
November 15, 2001</b> -- Submission Deadline for Papers, Panel
Presentations, etc.<br>
<b>December 15, 2001</b> -- Acceptance Notification<br>
<b>January 15, 2002 --</b> Submission Deadline for Proceedings
<div align="center">
<b>Submission Guidelines<br>
Each paper should be submitted as a word processing file (MS Word,
WordPerfect, or .rtf format) attached to an e-mail message to SAIS 2002
Program Chair Kathryn Kimery at Kansas State University. Dr. Kimerys
e-mail address is kkimery(a)ksu.edu. The e-mail messages subject line
should clearly indicate that the message is a submission for SAIS
Authors who are unable to submit electronically may fax their papers
(Attn: Dr. Kathryn Kimery, SAIS 2002 Program Chair) to:
The body of each submission should not exceed <i>six single-spaced
pages</i> in length (approximately 2500 words) including all figures,
tables, appendices, and references. Each submission must include the
1. The name, e-mail address, mailing address, university/organization
affiliation, and phone/fax numbers of the contact person for the
2. The submissions title and the name, e-mail address, mailing address,
university/organization affiliation of the author(s).<br>
3. An abstract of the submission. <b>Note:</b> items 1, 2, and 3 should
be submitted on separate pages and will not be counted toward the
six-page maximum for the paper.<br>
4. The body of the submission including all figures, tables, and
5. A list of references or a bibliography. <b>Note:</b> items 4 and 5
should not exceed a combined total of six single-spaced pages.<br>
Submission acknowledgement, the review process, and acceptance
notification will be managed via e-mail. Instructions for
camera-ready copy preparation will be provided via e-mail to the contact
authors of accepted papers; these will also be available on the
<div align="center">
<b>Want to Help?<br>
If you are willing to serve as a reviewer or session chair or would like
additional information about the conference, please contact the SAIS 2002
Program Chair, Dr. Kathryn Kimery
(<font color="#0000FF"><u>kkimery(a)ksu.edu</u></font>).<br>
<div align="center">
<b>Conference Fees**<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> &
nbsp; </x-tab><x-tab> &nb
sp; </x-tab><x-tab>  
; </x-tab><x-tab> <
/x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab></b><i>Regular<x-tab>&nbs
p;</x-tab></i><x-tab> </x-tab>
<i>Graduate Students<br>
</i>Early registration (before February 1,
2002)<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> &n
bsp; </x-tab>$200<x-tab> </x-tab><x-t
ab> </x-tab><x-tab>  
; </x-tab>$125<br> Late registration
(after February 1,
2002)<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> &n
bsp; </x-tab>$250<x-tab>
</x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab
> </x-tab>$150<br> <br>
**Includes conference proceedings, two breakfasts, two luncheons, and the
SAIS 2002 Reception.<br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><b>Hotel Information:<br>
</b>Room reservations can be made by contacting The Savannah DeSoto
Hilton (+1-912-232-9000 or +1-800-HILTONS). SAIS 2002 Conference room
rates (excluding taxes which are currently 12%) are as follows:<br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times"
<x-tab> </x-tab>$135<br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Reservations should be made by
January 29, 2002 to ensure availability.<br>
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] CfP&P - TIM Habilitanden Treffen 2001
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 22:35:30 +0200
From: "Frank T. Piller" <Frank.Piller(a)aib.wiso.tu-muenchen.de>
To: <gi-fb5-l(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Zweiter Call for Papers und Participation:
Bitte entschuldigen Sie Cross-Postings. Wenn Sie kein TIM-Habilitand oder
Multiplikator sind, Mail bitte einfach ignorieren!
Und: Bitte leiten Sie dieses Mail an andere Interessierte und entsprechende
Mailinglisten Ihrer Fakultät weiter!
Herzliche Einladung zum
1. Habilitanden-Workshop der Kommission Technologie- und
Innovationsmanagement im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft
e.V. [ http://www.tim-habilitanden.de ]
München, 11. - 13. Mai 2001
Wie auf der TIM-Herbsttagung 2000 in Berlin besprochen, soll nach dem
Vorbild erfolgreicher Habilitanden-Treffen anderer Kommissionen im Verband
der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft im Mai 2001 der Startschuß für
eine ähnliche Institution der TIM-Kommission erfolgen. Ziel ist neben der
Vorstellung und Diskussion aktueller Forschungsarbeiten und
Habilitationsprojekte der Teilnehmer vor allem auch das Kennenlernen und der
informelle Austausch.
Der Workshop soll auch Startschuß für weitere Aktivitäten der
TIM-Habilitandengruppe sein. Die Internet-Plattform
http://www.tim-habilitanden.de soll als Drehscheibe für Kontakte und
Informationsaustausch dienen.
Call for Presentations:
Jeder Teilnehmer ist eingeladen, eine ca. 20-minütige Präsentation über sein
Habilitationsprojekt (oder ein anderes aktuelles Forschungsprojekt im
Bereich des Technologie- und Innovationsmanagements) zu halten, die
anschließend ca. 30 min. mit allen Teilnehmern diskutiert wird.
Für Teilnehmer, die sich aus zeitlichen oder inhaltlichen Gründen (noch)
nicht in der Lage sehen, einen längeren Vortrag zu ihren Thema zu halten,
besteht nach amerikanischer Sitte die Gelegenheit zu einem Kurzvortrag über
ihre Ideenskizze von ca. 10 min (mit 10 min. Diskussion).
Vortragsvorschläge (Titel und max. einseitiges Abstract) bitte nach
Anmeldung an die Organisatoren. Das Programmkomitee wird die Vorschläge
reviewen und inhaltlich gruppieren.
Freitag, 11.05.2001
13 h: Anreise und Imbiß
14 18 h: Forschungsvorträge
19 h: Gastvortrag und Kaminabend mit Abendessen
Für diesen Abend konnten wir Prof. Dr. Michael Mirow, Leiter Corporate
Development der Siemens AG und einer der strategischen Vordenker des
Konzerns, für ein Kamingespräch gewinnen. Prof. Mirow wird in einem kurzen
Vortrag aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen im Technologie- und
Innovationsmanagement aufzeigen und in gemütlicher Runde mit allen
Teilnehmern diskutieren.
Samstag, 12.05.2001
9 h: Frühstück
10 13 h: Kurzvorträge (Vorstellung von Ideen und Skizzen)
14 18 h: Forschungsvorträge
19 h: gemeinsames Abendessen, Abend zur freien Verfügung und Vertiefung der
Sonntag, 13.05.2001 (fakultativ)
10 16 h: Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft: Eine explorative
Fallstudienuntersuchung führender Biergartenunternehmen im Großraum München
(mit praktischen Übungen)
Habilitanden mit Interesse an Fragestellungen des Technologie- und
Innovationsmanagements (offen für Mitglieder und Gäste des
Hochschullehrerverbands), es ist keine offizielle Mitgliedschaft in der
Habilitandengruppe der TIM-Komission erforderlich, Gäste aus anderen
Kommissionen sind herzlich eingeladen. Dabei spielt der Stand der
Habilitation keine Rolle, im Gegenteil, gerade die Mischung aus alten und
neuen Habilitanden läßt ein spannendes Treffen erwarten. Um eine
interessenshomogene Teilnehmergruppe zu erreichen, gehören zur Zielgruppe
leider keine Doktoranden und Lehrstuhlinhaber.
Wichtige Termine:
30. März 2001: Anmeldeschluß für Vorträge und Präsentationen
30. April 2001: Letzter Anmeldeschluß für alle Teilnehmer.
Wir bitten um eine möglichst frühzeitige Anmeldung, um entsprechende
Unterkünfte reservieren zu können (first-come-first-served).
Ort und Preis:
In einem schönen Tagungshotel in der Umgebung Münchens
Kosten für Unterkunft (Fr.-Sa.), Verpflegung und Tagungsgebühr ca. DM 250,-
Anmeldung und weitere Informationen:
Onlien unter http://www.tim-habilitanden.de
Dr. Alexander Fliaster, UniBW München
Dr. Nik Franke, LMU - innotec & M.I.T.
Dr. Marc Gruber, LMU - innotec
Dr. Joachim Henkel, LMU - innotec
Dr. Kathrin Möslein, TUM - AIB
Dr. Frank Piller, TUM - AIB
Dr. Marion Weissenberger-Eibl, TUM - Logistik
Weitere Informationen, Leitung und Organisation:
Dr. Kathrin Möslein und Dr. Frank Piller
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl f. Allg. und Industrielle BWL
Leopoldstrasse 139
80804 München
T: +49 / 89 / 36078-231 oder -216
F: +49 / 89 / 36078-222
moeslein(a)ws.tum.de, piller(a)ws.tum.de
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [CfP]: IT - Standards, Standardisation and Policies
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 11:10:16 +0000
From: Kai Jakobs <Kai.Jakobs(a)i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
This Call might be of interest to some of you (I hope).
Call for Papers
Knowledge, Technology & Policy
Special Issue on
Information Technology - Standards, Standardisation and Policies
Guest Editor: Kai Jakobs
'Standards' form the sine-qua-non for all IT systems. It doesn't
matter if they emerge through a formal process or through sheer
market power. Without underlying standards (or technical
specifications, to use a more generic term), meaningful exchange of
information between different systems would be next to impossible.
Accordingly, whether or not the market adopts a standard may well
have considerable impact, even on large companies. Thus,
understanding how standards emerge in the first place, what shapes
them, and what impact exactly they (may) have should be a high
priority interest.
This Special Issue will - hopefully - contribute to a greater
awareness of the problems and issues surrounding standardisation.
This understanding, may well have some impact on the typical
corporate perception of standards and standardisation (which may,
with some justification, in many cases be characterised as
Today, the most important issues relating to standards setting
include, but are definitely not limited to
- The adequacy of the 'traditional' standards setting process in
today's fast moving environment.
- The role of standards in information infrastructures.
- National/regional/corporate standardisation policies.
- Analysis of, and new models for, standardisation processes.
- The role of consortia in standards making.
- Corporate 'standards' vs consortium specifications vs formal
- The economic dimension of IT standards.
- Intellectual Property Rights.
- The role of the individual in standards setting.
Obviously, the technical quality of the specifications, and whether
or not they find a window of opportunity play a crucial role as
well. Likewise, corporate strategies are vital to a standard's
prospects in the market.
Instructions for Authors
Submit the full manuscript by June 1, 2001, preferably as an e-mail
attachment, to
If you cannot send e-mail attachments please send 4 printed copies
of the paper to the guest editor at the address below. Manuscripts
should have an abstract and be 15-25 typewritten, double-spaced
pages in length. For formatting instructions please see
Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor
currently submitted for journal publication. Each manuscript will be
subjected to a rigorous refereeing process.
Important Deadlines in 2000
June 1 Papers due
July 15 Notification of Acceptance
September 1 Camera-ready manuscript due
Guest Editor
Kai Jakobs
Technical University of Aachen
Computer Science Department, Informatik IV
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax: +49-241-8888-220
For further information on KT&P please visit:
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu