---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] Advanced Techniques for Design of Fuzzy Logic Systems
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:49:16 +1000
From: CIMCA <cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au>
To: Mail_Servers:;, ai-sges(a)mailbase.ac.uk, cartguy(a)my-deja.com;, cg(a)cs.uah.edu, chat(a)fipa.org, cl586(a)poczta.onet.pl;, clamsay4(a)my-deja.com;, daalgo(a)my-deja.com;, datingnet(a)lycos.com;, deejay01(a)my-deja.com;, dvb-tm(a)dvb.org, ectech(a)igec.umbc.edu, EURO-QR(a)dimi.uniud.it;, evalke(a)cse.unsw.edu.au, GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, h-1(a)isolde.mcs.newpaltz.edu, infoac(a)accsys-corp.com;, info-ic(a)biomath.jussieu.fr;, intranet-km(a)egroups.com;, intranet-km-l(a)tau.listserv.ac.il;, IR(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, ir(a)mailbase.ac.uk, IR-L(a)listserv.ucop.edu, IR-TALK(a)nic.surfnet.nl, kaw(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, keml(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, km(a)mccmedia.com;, kmc(a)platinum.com;, kqml(a)cs.umbc.edu, learning-org-digest-approval(a)world.std.com;, MEDINF-L(a)VM.GMD.DE, members(a)ai-cbr.org, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, ml4um(a)gmd.de, mpeg-21(a)lists.starlab.net, mpeg-7(a)lx.it.pt, mpeg-7-ds-ce(a)advent.ee.columbia.edu, netkm(a)club.voila.fr;, nl-kr(a)cs.rpi.edu, ontology(a)cs.umbc.edu, orgmem(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, p-and-s(a)balrog.iti.salford.ac.uk, morand(a)irit.fr,!
seweb-list(a)cs.vu.nl;, webir-owner(a)egroups.com, gmiliar(a)in.gr;
Call for papers for special session on:
"Advanced Techniques for Design of Fuzzy Logic Systems"
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation
9-11 July 2001
Las Vegas, USA
In Conjunction with
International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and
Internet Commerce
Due Date: 16 March 2001
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation CIMCA'2001 aims to provides a medium for the
exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners to address the
important issues in computational intelligence, modelling, control and
A special session of the conference is devoted to "Advanced Techniques for
Design of Fuzzy Logic Systems". Papers are being solicited for this
session. Topics of this special session include, but are not limited to,
the following area:
· Fuzzy Logic: Theory & Applications,
· Fuzzy Logic Control
· Hybrid Systems:
· Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems,
· Fuzzy Neural Systems,
· Fuzzy Expert Systems,
Paper Submission
Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
correctness, relevance and clarity of presentation. Extended abstract (4
pages) should be submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:
CIMCA'2001 Secretariat
Special Session on Advanced Techniques for Design of Fuzzy Logic Systems
School of Computing
University of Canberra
Canberra, 2601, ACT, Australia
E-mail: cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au
E-mail submission is preferred. Extended abstract should present original
work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences.
Important Dates
16 April 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
10 May 2001 Notification of acceptance
26 May 2001 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
9-11 July 2001 Conference sessions
Further Information
For further information either contact cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au or see the
conference homepage at: http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/
International Program Committee:
International Program Committee:
B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA
A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA
T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany
J. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada
Henry Selvaraj, University of Las Vegas, USA
X. Yao, The University of Bermingham, UK
H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University, USA
T. Shibata, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan
H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland
J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University, Canada
H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA
V. Piuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain
W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus, University, Poland
E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
L. Guan, University of Sydney, Australia
C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] Theory & Application of Intelligent Agents for Web & Internet Commerce
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:48:12 +1000
From: CIMCA <cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au>
To: Mail_Servers:;, ai-sges(a)mailbase.ac.uk, cartguy(a)my-deja.com;, cg(a)cs.uah.edu, chat(a)fipa.org, cl586(a)poczta.onet.pl;, clamsay4(a)my-deja.com;, daalgo(a)my-deja.com;, datingnet(a)lycos.com;, deejay01(a)my-deja.com;, dvb-tm(a)dvb.org, ectech(a)igec.umbc.edu, EURO-QR(a)dimi.uniud.it;, evalke(a)cse.unsw.edu.au, GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, h-1(a)isolde.mcs.newpaltz.edu, infoac(a)accsys-corp.com;, info-ic(a)biomath.jussieu.fr;, intranet-km(a)egroups.com;, intranet-km-l(a)tau.listserv.ac.il;, IR(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, ir(a)mailbase.ac.uk, IR-L(a)listserv.ucop.edu, IR-TALK(a)nic.surfnet.nl, kaw(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, keml(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, km(a)mccmedia.com;, kmc(a)platinum.com;, kqml(a)cs.umbc.edu, learning-org-digest-approval(a)world.std.com;, MEDINF-L(a)VM.GMD.DE, members(a)ai-cbr.org, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, ml4um(a)gmd.de, mpeg-21(a)lists.starlab.net, mpeg-7(a)lx.it.pt, mpeg-7-ds-ce(a)advent.ee.columbia.edu, netkm(a)club.voila.fr;, nl-kr(a)cs.rpi.edu, ontology(a)cs.umbc.edu, orgmem(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, p-and-s(a)balrog.iti.salford.ac.uk, morand(a)irit.fr,!
seweb-list(a)cs.vu.nl;, webir-owner(a)egroups.com, gmiliar(a)in.gr;
Call for papers for special session on:
"Theory & Application of Intelligent Agents for Web & Internet Commerce"
International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and
Internet Commerce
9-11 July 2001
Las Vegas, USA
In Conjunction with
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation
Due Date: 16 March 2001
The International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and
Internet Commerce - IAWTIC'2001 provides a medium for researchers and
practitioners to exchange and explore the issues and opportunities in the
area of intelligent agents, web technologies and internet commerce.
A special session of the conference is devoted to "Theory & Application of
Intelligent Agents for Web & Internet Commerce". Papers are being solicited
for this session. Topics of this special session include, but are not
limited to, the following area:
· Inteligent Agents
Knowledge Management
Intelligent Business Agents
Agent Architectures
Environments and Languages
Adaptation and learning for agents
Human and agent interaction
Interface agents
Mobile agents
Virtual agent-based marketplaces
Agents and uncertainity
The personalization and privacy issues for agents
Automated shopping and trading agents
Agent-oriented middleware services
Social implications for agent
Conceptual modeling and design of Ontologies for agents
Agents and e-commerce
Legal aspects of agents in e-commerce
Performance measurement of e-commerce agents
Rational information agents and electronic commerce
Auction and negotiation for e-commerce agents
Intelligent Agents & E-commerce applications
Internet-based Electronic Commerce
Logistics Issues for Electronic Commerce
Business Reengineering Issues for Electronic Commerce
Paper Submission
Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
correctness, relevance and clarity of presentation. Extended abstract (4
pages) should be submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:
CIMCA'2001 Secretariat
Special Session on Theory & Application of Intelligent Agents for
Web & Internet Commerce
School of Computing
University of Canberra
Canberra, 2601, ACT, Australia
E-mail: cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au
E-mail submission is preferred. Extended abstract should present original
work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences.
Important Dates
16 April 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
10 May 2001 Notification of acceptance
26 May 2001 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
9-11 July 2001 Conference sessions
Further Information
For further information either contact cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au or see the
conference homepage at: http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/
International Program Committee:
B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA
A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA
T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany
J. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada
Henry Selvaraj, University of Las Vegas, USA
X. Yao, The University of Bermingham, UK
H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University, USA
T. Shibata, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan
H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland
J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University, Canada
H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA
V. Piuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain
W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus, University, Poland
E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
L. Guan, University of Sydney, Australia
C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] CFP: Evolutionary Computation for Modelling & Control
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:46:42 +1000
From: CIMCA <cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au>
To: Mail_Servers:;, ai-sges(a)mailbase.ac.uk, cartguy(a)my-deja.com;, cg(a)cs.uah.edu, chat(a)fipa.org, cl586(a)poczta.onet.pl;, clamsay4(a)my-deja.com;, daalgo(a)my-deja.com;, datingnet(a)lycos.com;, deejay01(a)my-deja.com;, dvb-tm(a)dvb.org, ectech(a)igec.umbc.edu, EURO-QR(a)dimi.uniud.it;, evalke(a)cse.unsw.edu.au, GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, h-1(a)isolde.mcs.newpaltz.edu, infoac(a)accsys-corp.com;, info-ic(a)biomath.jussieu.fr;, intranet-km(a)egroups.com;, intranet-km-l(a)tau.listserv.ac.il;, IR(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, ir(a)mailbase.ac.uk, IR-L(a)listserv.ucop.edu, IR-TALK(a)nic.surfnet.nl, kaw(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, keml(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, km(a)mccmedia.com;, kmc(a)platinum.com;, kqml(a)cs.umbc.edu, learning-org-digest-approval(a)world.std.com;, MEDINF-L(a)VM.GMD.DE, members(a)ai-cbr.org, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, ml4um(a)gmd.de, mpeg-21(a)lists.starlab.net, mpeg-7(a)lx.it.pt, mpeg-7-ds-ce(a)advent.ee.columbia.edu, netkm(a)club.voila.fr;, nl-kr(a)cs.rpi.edu, ontology(a)cs.umbc.edu, orgmem(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de;, p-and-s(a)balrog.iti.salford.ac.uk, morand(a)irit.fr,!
seweb-list(a)cs.vu.nl;, webir-owner(a)egroups.com, gmiliar(a)in.gr;
Call for papers for special session in:
"Evolutionary Computation for Modelling & Control"
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation
9-11 July 2001
Las Vegas, USA
In Conjunction with
International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and
Internet Commerce
Due Date: 16 March 2001
Special Session Chair: A/Professor R. J. Stonier,
Central Queensland University,
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation CIMCA'2001 aims to provides a medium for the
exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners to address the
important issues in computational intelligence, modelling, control and
A special session of the conference is devoted to "Evolutionary Computation
for Modelling & Control". Papers are being solicited for this session.
Topics of this special session include, but are not limited to, the
following area:
· Evolutionary Computation for Control & Modelling
· Evolutionary Computation for Intelligent and Adaptive Control
· Evolutionary Computation for Robotic & Automation
· Evolutionary Computation for Identification and Control
· Hybrid Evolutionary-Neural Network Control,
· Hybrid Evolutionary-Fuzzy Logic Control,
· Genetic Algorithms & Evolutionary Programming,
· Evolutionary Systems & Optimal Control,
· Evolutionary Control Systems for Robotics and Automation,
· Parallel Computing Applications
Paper Submission
Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
correctness, relevance and clarity of presentation. Extended abstract (4
pages) should be submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:
CIMCA'2001 Secretariat
Special Session on Evolutionary Computation for Modelling & Control
School of Computing
University of Canberra
Canberra, 2601, ACT, Australia
E-mail: cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au
E-mail submission is preferred. Extended abstract should present original
work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences.
Important Dates
16 April 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
10 May 2001 Notification of acceptance
26 May 2001 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
9-11 July 2001 Conference sessions
Further Information
For further information either contact cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au or see the
conference homepage at: http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/
International Program Committee:
B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA
A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA
T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany
J. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada
H. Selvaraj, University of Las Vegas, USA
X. Yao, The University of Bermingham, UK
H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University, USA
T. Shibata, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan
H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland
J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University, Canada
H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA
V. Piuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain
W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus, University, Poland
E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
L. Guan, University of Sydney, Australia
C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 14th Bled E-Commerce Conference June 25-26, 2001 - Program
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 16:24:34 +0100
From: "Joze Gricar, Univerza v Mariboru - org. Kranj" <Joze.Gricar(a)UNI-LJ.SI>
14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference
"e-Everything: e-Commerce, e-Government, e-Household, e-Democracy"
Bled, Slovenia, June 25 - 26, 2001
The provisional program for 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference is now
available on the conference website http://ecom.fov.uni-mb.si/bled2001
together with registration and booking facilities.
We have a very strong programme based around the following tracks:
* Plenary Sessions
* Research Track
* Business Track
* Supply Chain Track
* Government Track
* University Track
* Technology Track
* Implications of Electronic Commerce Track
In addition, there are meetings and workshops:
* Centers for the Study & Research in Electronic Commerce - Directors
Meeting * Graduate Programs in Electronic Commerce
* The Executive Vendors & Customers Meeting "Regional Cooperation in
e-Commerce Development" * Research Issues in Information Systems and
Technologies for e-Markets
Key Note Address by:
- Pavel Gantar, Minister, Ministry for Information Society, Slovenia
- Rosalie Zobel, Director of Directorate General, Information Society
Directorate General, European Commission - Julia Glidden, Vice President,
Public Affairs, election.com, USA
Earlybird registration is open now, until May 23. There is the opportunity to
make a stimulating week of conferences in an idyllic setting by also
attending the 9th European Conference on Information Systems - ECIS2001:
Global Co-operation in the New Millennium (http://ecis2001.fov.uni-mb.si).
The latter takes place at the same location right after the 14th Bled
Electronic Commerce Conference. Registering for both conferences attracts a
100,00 EUR discount.
See you in Slovenia
Joze Gricar
Conference Chair
University of Maribor
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] IEEE Data Mining 2001: Call for Workshop Proposals
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 23:09:40 +0900 (JST)
From: Ning Zhong <zhong(a)maebashi-it.ac.jp>
To: gi-fb5-l(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
ICDM '01: The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
San Jose, California, USA
November 29 - December 2, 2001
Home Page: http://kais.mines.edu/~xwu/icdm/icdm-01.html
IEEE ICDM 2001: Call for Workshop Proposals
As an important part of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data
Mining (ICDM '01), the ICDM '01 workshops program will focus on new
research challenges and initiatives in data mining. It will provide a
venue for several topical workshops on specific data mining research
and/or application problems. ICDM '01 workshops will foster the
discussion of exciting research directions and works in progress
through paper presentations, round table and panel discussions, and
invited talks. We especially encourage workshop submissions that
capitalize on the location of the conference in Silicon Valley by
targeting an audience from both industry and academia.
Workshop chairs define the focus and structure of each workshop.
Responsibilities include (1) writing the call for papers and
publicizing it, (2) selecting the workshop organizing and program
committees, and (3) deciding the workshop program content.
Submission Instructions
June 15, 2001: Workshop proposals are due.
Workshop proposals should be sent via email to the ICDM '01 Workshops
Chair, Johannes Gehrke (johannes(a)cs.cornell.edu).
A workshop proposal should include the following information:
(1) Workshop title
(2) Workshop organizers with full contact information
(3) Description of the workshop including objectives, content, and
format of the workshop
(4) List of potential attendees
(5) List of potential authors of workshop contributions
June 29, 2001: Notification of workshop proposal acceptance.
Suggested Timeline for Workshop Chairs
July 13, 2001: Workshop call for papers has been sent out.
September 14, 2001: Workshop paper submissions due.
October 12, 2001: Workshop paper acceptance notices.
October 26, 2001: Camera-ready version of workshop papers due.
November 29, 2001: Workshop takes place.
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP IRSAIS 2001
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:06:09 -0400
Second International Research Symposium on
Accounting Information Systems
December 15-16, 2001
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
(immediately preceding ICIS 2001)
For more information you can access the web site for this symposium
On December 15-16, 2001 (Saturday evening and all day Sunday), immediately
preceding ICIS 2001, the Second Annual International Research Symposium on
Accounting Information Systems will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana,
USA. The symposium, which is sponsored by the International Journal of
Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS), will feature research papers and
one or more panels that focus on the link between accounting and
information systems research. The Symposium is particularly interested in
interdisciplinary papers that draw from accounting, behavioral and
cognitive sciences, computer science, economics, and/or information
technology. High-quality, insightful, and theoretically sound studies of
any type (action research, archival analysis, behavioral/experimental,
design science, surveys, etc) are equally encouraged. The symposium will
commence with a dinner on the evening of December 15; paper and panel
presentations will occur on December 16.
Submissions may be of three types: Completed research papers,
research-in-progress papers, and panel proposals. For details on the
types of submissions and instructions for submitting work, please see the
web site.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2001
Notification of Decision: September 1, 2001
Revised Manuscripts Deadline: October 1, 2001
Registration Deadline: October 31, 2001
For additional symposium information contact either:
Professor Severin Grabski
Program Co-Chair
Department of Accounting
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Professor Cheryl Dunn
Program Co-Chair
Department of Accounting
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 3rd CfP: SoftwareTrends.ch
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 22:55:17 +0200
From: "Ulrike Lechner." <Ulrike.Lechner(a)UNISG.CH>
Call for Papers SoftwareTrends.ch
Open Space Symposium for Business, Education and Research
Business Strategy Based Software Engineering
20-22 September 2001 in Gersau at the lovely Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
*** http://www.softwaretrends.ch ***
Enterprises heavily rely on successful software solutions to implement their
business strategies. A smart business idea converted into a global Internet
service may conquer the business world swiftly and reconfigure a whole
business sector. Take Napster or B2B-marketplaces as examples.
Furthermore, enterprise software is becoming more and more integrated as
it supports business strategy. Examples of this include Intranets,
extranets, enterprise information portals, knowledge management
systems, PPM, ERP and Customer Relationship Management systems. In
order to develop such complex software systems time-to-market,
mature software engineering is increasingly becoming the critical
issue in any software business strategy.
Software engineering comprises the development of a product strategy,
requirements engineering, modeling, implementation, maintenance and
choices of paradigms, architectures and technology - often in an
incremental and evolving process with short cycles and within a context
of rapid technological advances, organizational transitions and
changing markets. Management of an organization thus also means
management of the software engineering process.
We call for papers that present an original contribution to software
engineering and that explore the trends, the forthcoming issues and
open questions in software business.
This Open Space Symposium aims at bringing together people from both
business and software engineering perspectives, people in industry,
education and science.
Our goal is to explore the future trends and to work jointly on open
questions posed by the participants.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Business models and their relation to software engineering:
open source, ASP,...
- Software engineering methods and processes:
UML, RUP, eXtreme Programming...
- Requirements, knowledge and quality management in software
engineering, ...
- Software architectures and programming paradigms: agent-oriented
and component based design, design patterns, peer-to-peer computing ...
- Software engineering for information systems, e-commerce, e-business,
e-government, mobile and multi-media systems, web-engineering, ....
- Software engineering education
- Case studies, empirical studies, best practices and lessons learned
Submissions: April 15, 2001
Notification: June 1, 2001
Final version: August 1, 2001
Symposium: September 20-22, 2001
What is Open Space?
Participants contribute with their expert knowledge and show openly
their current problems. Unlike classical conferences, Open Space
starts where presentations end - with open questions:
- instead of presenting ready-made solutions, people discuss in a team
a problem of common interest,
- topics of discussion are not a-priori defined by the organizers,
they are provided during the open space by attendees,
- a discussion on a topic is ongoing as long as it is interesting for the
group or a satisfactory solution is found.
All together: Open Space does not reflect the research accomplished in
the past. It provides knowledge and support to manage the challenges of
Submissions describe original work (not submitted or published
elsewhere) and are 6-8 pages in length. A submission may contain an
extra appendix that details the subject and is considered for the review. A
submission comprises a section motivating and discussing open
questions, trends, future issues and challenges in the subject. Submissions
have to include a title, authors, affiliations, and a 150-word abstract
and are written in English or German. One author of each accepted paper
must register for the conference. For details on the submission see
U. Lechner, mcm institute,
St. Gallen, CH
M. Encarnação, CRCG, USA
E. Fleisch, IWI, U. St.Gallen, CH
P. Haertsch, Adcore, CH
J. Hofstetter, HTL Luzern, CH
B. Hotz-Hart, BBT, CH
H. Hussmann, TU Dresden, CH
P. Kolb, ABB, CH
S. Kirn, TU Illmenau, D
N. Krivokapic, IBM, D
C. Landauer, Aerospace, USA
C. Lengauer, U. Passau, D
T. Margaria, Metaframe, D
B. Rumpe, TU München, D
B. Paech, Fhg IESE, Kaiserslautern, D
W. Pree, U. Konstanz, D
W. Retschitzegger, U. Linz. A
D. Selz, Namics, CH
M. Schoop, RWTH Aachen, D
P. Schubert, FHBB Basel, CH
B. Snelting, U. Passau, D
R. Stabl, FAST, D
K. Stanoevska, mcm, U. St.Gallen, CH
B. Steffen, U. Dortmund, D
A. Strohmeier, EPFL Lausanne, CH
R. Weigel, FHS St.Gallen, CH
M. Wirsing, LMU München, D
R. Stadler, Netzwerk Beraten.ch, CH (Chair)
P. Kolb, ABB, CH
P. König, Peter König Enterprises, CH
U. Lechner, St. Gallen, CH
R. Weigel, FHSG, St.Gallen, CH
See www.softwaretrends.ch.
Conference languages are English and German.
--------------- Dr. Ulrike Lechner
Institute for Media and Communications Management
University of St. Gallen
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel. 0041-71-224 2401
Fax. 0041-71-224 2771
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Workshop on Electronic Market Design
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 18:43:45 +0200
From: Rudolf Mueller <R.Muller(a)KE.UNIMAAS.NL>
Call for participation
Infonomics workshop on Electronic Market Design
July 11 - 13, 2001
Maastricht, The Netherlands
With more and more firms using the Internet for selling and purchasing
goods, the design of trading mechanisms
becomes one of the most important issues in electronic commerce research. In
the past economic theory has observed
markets and tried to explain market outcome and agent behaviour. Electronic
trading mechanisms change this picture
as they can fix market rules. Market mechanisms can further rely on an
amount of information exchange and processing
that was not feasible before. An electronic marketplace therefore becomes an
artifact that can be designed and planned
specifically to the needs of participants. But not only electronic commerce
has an interest in electronic market design.
Market-based coordination in multi-agent systems, and market-based
algorithms in combinatorial optimization, for
example in scheduling, enjoy a significant research interest and require
insights in strategies, incentives and equilibria in markets.
Research in electronic market design is interdisciplinary not only because
of very different applications, but also
because of different problems that require solutions. The design asks for a
game theory analysis of strategies and
equilibria. Then the implementation of a particular design has to take
computational complexity into account. Finally, the
question of behavior of a human agent has to be evaluated, for example by
experimental economics.
The program committee of the workshop has invited excellent researchers from
various fields to give a presentation on the most important research topics.
Areas of research include combinatorial optimization, multi-agent systems,
game theory, microeconomics, and information systems.
For further information and registration go to
Registration including a hotel reservation has to be done until May 4, 2001.
Registration without hotel reservation is possible until June 15, 2001.
With kind regards
Rudolf Mueller
Rudolf M�ller
International Institute of Infonomics
and University of Maastricht
Web: www.personeel.unimaas.nl/r.muller
E-Mail: r.muller(a)ke.unimaas.nl
Phone: +31 43 388 3799
Fax: +31 43 388 4874
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: EMCSR2002: 16th European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:02:57 +0200
From: OeFAI Information Server <oefaiinf(a)ai.univie.ac.at>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sehr geehrte Dame,
sehr geehrter Herr,
ich erlaube mir, Ihnen das Preliminary Programme and Call for Paper
unseres Kybernetik-Kongresses zu übermitteln. Vielleicht findet
bereits im vorläufigen Programm etwas Ihr Interesse.
Ich möchte Sie einladen, entweder mit einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit
oder als Zuhörer/in am Kongress teilzunehmen. Die Teilnahme ist
übrigens für Studierende gratis.
Mit den besten Wünschen für schöne Ostern und herzlichen Grüßen,
Ihr Robert Trappl
* *
* *
* ON *
* (EMCSR 2002) *
April 2 - 5, 2002
organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
in cooperation with
Dept.of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Univ.of Vienna
International Federation for Systems Research
* * * * *
An electronic version of this CfP (and further information whenever it
becomes available) can be found at
* * * * *
The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and
Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982,
1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000 (when 500 scientists
from more than 40 countries from all continents, except the Antarctica, met
to present, hear and discuss 134 papers) nencouraged the Council of the
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (ÖSGK) to organize a similar meeting
in 2002 to keep pace with continued rapid developments in related fields.
A Systems Science
G.J.Klir, USA, and P.Vysoky, Czech Republic
B Mathematical Methods in Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Y.Rav, France
C System, the Quantum, and Complexity
M.Carvallo, Netherlands
D Systemic Aspects of Component-Based System Development
G.Chroust, Austria, and F.Stallinger, Austria
E Foundations of Information Science (FIS)
G.Ossimitz, Austria, and B.A.Banathy, USA
F Designing and Systems
W.Gasparski, Poland
G Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
L.M.Ricciardi, Italy
H Systems Science in Medicine
F.Tretter, Germany, and G.Porenta, Austria
I Simulation of Social Behaviour and Artificial Economy
K.Hornik, Austria, and A.Taudes, Austria
J Cultural Systems
P.Ballonoff, USA, I.Ezhkova, Belgium, M.Fischer, UK, P.Jorion,
France, and D.Read, USA
K Management and Organizational Change
S.A.Umpleby, USA
L Soft Computing and Knowledge-Based Systems
C.Carlsson, Finland, and K.-P.Adlaßnig, Austria
M Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems
S.Kollias, Greece, and G.Dorffner, Austria
N AT2AI-3: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation
J.P.Müller, Germany, and P.Petta, Austria
O ACE 2002: Agent Construction and Emotions
C.Pinto-Ferreira, Portugal, R.Ventura, Portugal, and P.Petta,
P Bayesian Techniques for Mining Data and Texts, and the Discovery of
Surprising Knowledge
Y.Kodratoff, France
Q Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
V.Marik, Czech Republic, and E.Buchberger, Austria
R Communication and Computers
A M.Tjoa, Austria
S History of Cybernetics and Information Technology
F.Pichler, Austria
Submission Guidelines
Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of Draft
Final Papers. Each paper must explain clearly
- what problem it is trying to address,
- what has been tried before and why it isn't good enough,
- some proof that your method is sound (or reference to it),
- how it will help others/apply to other problems,
- some results/proof it works.
Draft Final Papers must not exceed 10 single-spaced A4 pages (maximum 43
lines, max. line length 160 mm, 12 point), in English. They have to contain
the final text to be submitted, including graphs and pictures. However,
these need not be of reproducible quality.
They must carry the title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation (incl.
e-mail address, if possible) in this order, and must include an abstract.
Please specify the symposium in which you would like to present your
paper. Each scientist shall submit only one paper. Please send four hard
copies of the Draft Final Paper to the Conference Secretariat (not to
symposia chairpersons!) Electronic or fax submissions cannot be accepted.
Deadline for submission
October 19, 2001
Submissions received after the deadline cannot be considered.
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
Authors will be notified about acceptance or rejection no later than
December 7, 2001. Successful authors will be provided by the conference
secretariat at the same time with the instructions for the preparation of
the final paper, which will also be available via ftp and World-Wide Web.
Final Papers
The final paper will be limited to a maximum of 6 pages (10-point,
double column). Camera-ready copies of the final paper will
be due at the conference secretariat by February 18, 2002. Acceptance of
the final paper will be based on compliance with the reviewers' comments.
It is understood that each accepted paper is presented personally at the
Meeting by one of its authors.
Conference Fee
ATS 2900 (Euro 210.75) if received before January 31, 2002
Euro 255 if received later
Euro 305 if paid at the conference desk.
The Conference Fee includes participation in the Sixteenth European
Meeting, attendance at official receptions, coffee during breaks, and
the volumes of the proceedings available at the Meeting. Please send cheque,
or transfer the amount free of charges for beneficiary to the
account no. 0026-34400/00 of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies at
Creditanstalt-Bankverein Vienna (bank routing number: 11000, SWIFT code:
CABVATWW). Please state your name clearly.
Hotel Accommodation
will be handled by
Friedrichstraße 7
A-1010 Vienna
phone +43-1-58800-514
fax +43-1-58800-520.
Reservation forms will be sent to all those registering for the conference.
The International Federation for Systems Research is willing to provide
a limited number of scholarships covering the registration fee for the
conference for colleagues from weak currency countries. Applications should
be sent to the Conference Secretariat before October 20, 2001.
The conference organizers can accept no liability for personal injuries,
or for loss or damage to property belonging to conference participants,
either during or as a result of the conference. Please check the validity
of your personal insurance.
Chairman of the Meeting
Robert Trappl, President
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
S. Fischer and I. Ghobrial-Willmann
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
A-1010 Vienna 1, Schottengasse 3 (Austria)
Phone: +43-1-5336112-60
Fax: +43-1-4277-9631
E-mail: sec(a)oefai.at
Programme Committee
K.-P. Adlaßnig (Austria) V. Marik (Czech Republic)
P. Ballonoff (USA) J.P. Müller (Germany)
B. A.Banathy (USA) G. Ossimitz (Austria)
E. Buchberger (Austria) P. Petta (Austria)
C. Carlsson (Finland) F. Pichler (Austria)
M. Carvallo (Netherlands) C. Pinto-Ferreira (Portugal)
G. Chroust (Austria) G. Porenta (Austria)
G. Dorffner (Austria) Y. Rav (France)
I. Ezhkova (Belgium) D. Read (USA)
M. Fischer (UK) L. M. Ricciardi (Italy)
W. Gasparski (Poland) N. Rozsenich (Austria)
G. Grössing (Austria) F. Stallinger (Austria)
W. Horn (Austria) A. Taudes (Austria)
K. Hornik (Austria) A M. Tjoa (Austria)
P. Jorion (France) R. Trappl (Austria)
G. J. Klir (USA) F. Tretter (Germany)
S. Kollias (Greece) H. Trost (Austria)
Y. Kodratoff (France) S. A. Umpleby (USA)
O. Ladanyi (Austria) R. Ventura (Portugal)
P. Vysoky (Czech Republic)
Organizing Committee
E. Buchberger W. Horn
G. Chroust J. Matiasek
S. Fischer P. Petta
I. Ghobrial-Willmann R. Trappl
C. Holzbaur H. Trost
Electronic registration is possible via
or by sending an e-mail to
containing the following data:
o I plan to attend the Meeting and to submit a paper
to Session .....
o I plan to attend the Meeting, but I will not submit a paper.
o I will not be at the Meeting but am interested to receive
information about the Proceedings.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Jnl of Mgmt Info Systems, Vol. 17, #4, Spring 2001
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:41:05 -0400
From: Louise Decker <ldecker(a)mesharpe.com>
Journal of Management Information Systems
Spring 2001
Volume 17, No. 4
Vladimir Zwass
Editorial Introduction
Roy Schmidt, Kalle Lyytinen,
Mark Keil, and Paul Cule
Identifying Software Project Risks:
An International Delphi Study
Henri Barki, Suzanne Rivard,
and Jean Talbot
An Integrative Contingency Model of
Software Project Risk Management
Amitava Dutta
Telecommunications and Economic Activity:
An Analysis of Granger Causality
Kar Yan Tam and Kai Lung Hui
A Choice Model for the Selection of
Computer Vendors and
Its Empirical Estimation
Jahangir Karimi, Toni M. Somers,
and Yash P. Gupta
Impact of Information Technology
Management Practices on
Customer Service
Genevieve Bassellier,
Blaize Horner Reich, and
Izak Benbasat
Information Technology Competence of
Business Managers: A Definition and
Research Model
John Benamati and
Albert L. Lederer
Rapid Information Technology Change,
Coping Mechanisms, and the
Emerging Technologies Group
Steven Walczak
An Empirical Analysis of Data
Requirements for Financial
Forecasting with Neural Networks
Glenn J. Browne and
Michael B. Rogich
An Empirical Investigation of
User Requirements Elicitation:
Comparing the Effectiveness of
Prompting Techniques
Volume 17 2000-2001
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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