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Subject: [AISWorld] DESRIST 2020 3rd Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 05:30:21 +0000
From: Rossi Matti <matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi>
To: Isworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies
(DESRIST) 2020 Conference
Host: University of Agder (UiA)
Location: Kristiansand, Norway
Date: June 9-11, 2020
Theme: Designing for Digital Transformation – Co-Creating Services with
Citizens and Industry
There has been a surge of interest in design science research (DSR) in
Information Systems in the last few years and we can say that this is
now a mature field. The goal of the design science research paradigm is
to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by
designing new and innovative constructs, models, methods, processes, and
systems. Scholars from different backgrounds – such as information
systems, computer science, data science, software engineering, energy
informatics, medical informatics, and operations research – are actively
engaged in generating novel solutions to interesting design problems.
The theme of DESRIST 2020 is designing for digital transformation and
our goal is to bring not only researchers but also practitioners from
the private and public sector to the conference to discuss and debate
how to co-create services for citizens and industries.
Call for Contributions
The 15th DESRIST conference will bring together researchers and
practitioners engaged in all aspects of design science research, with a
special emphasis on the design of services for digital transformation.
Apart from theoretical contributions we are encouraging submissions on
specific solutions, such as products and prototypes. We invite
contributions (research papers, demos, and panel/debate proposals) that
describe work in different areas of design science research, including,
but not limited to, the following:
* Conference Theme
* Designing for Digital Transformation
* Service Design and Design of Service Systems
* Co-Designing Public Services and Governments
* Theoretical and Methodological Contributions to Design Science Research
* Science of Design and Design Theory
* Design Processes and Principles of Design
* Modularity and Rules in Design
* Representations and Architectures for Design
* Evaluation of Design Science Research
* Emerging Methods and Tools in Design Science Research
* Design Economics
* Domain-specific Applications of Design Science Research
We invite full papers, research-in-progress papers and panels as well as
product and prototype presentations. See the submission page for
details: https://desrist2020.org/submissions/
The DESRIST Proceedings with the full research papers,
research-in-progress papers, and prototypes papers accepted to the
conference will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit revised and
extended versions of their work for fast-tracked submissions in journals
of our discipline.
Best Paper Award
Two awards will be given out: the best paper of the conference, and the
best student paper.
Important Dates
Paper, Poster and Prototype Submission Deadline: January 31, 2020
Paper Acceptance Notifications: March 10, 2020
Panel Submission Deadline: March 15, 2020
Panel Acceptance Notifications: March 25, 2020
Early Registration Deadline: April 5, 2020
Camera Ready Papers: April 7, 2020
Conference: June 10-11, 2020
Doctoral Consortium: June 9, 2020
2020 DESRIST Organization
General Chairs
Bengisu Tulu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), USA
Soussan Djamasbi, WPI, USA,
Gondy Leroy, University of Arizona, USA
Conference Chairs
Maung Sein, UiA, Norway
Leif Skiftenes Flak, UiA, Norway
Program Chairs
Oliver Mueller, Paderborn University, Germany
Matti Rossi, Aalto University, Finland
Panel Chairs
Margunn Aanestad, UiA, Norway
Polyxenia Vassilakopolou, UiA, Norway
Monica Tremblay, William & Mary's Raymond A. Mason School of Business, USA
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Sandeep Purao, Bentley University, USA
Devinder Thapa, UiA, Norway
Prototypes Chairs
Amir Haj-Bolouri, University West, Sweden
Leona Chandra Kruse, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Proceedings Chair
Sara Hofmann, UiA, Norway
Industry Relations Chairs
Carl Erik Moe, UiA, Norway
Local Arrangements
Amna Drace, UiA, Norway
Matti Rossi
Professor of Information Systems Science
Aalto University School of Business
Department of Information and Service Management
P.O. Box 21220, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address Ekonominaukio 1 Room V209, Espoo
email: matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi<mailto:matti.rossi@aalto.fi>
Mobile: +358-50-3835503, Skype: motrossi
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Digital Development Leadership – June 2020 UK
DSA Conference track
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 06:44:59 +0000
From: Jaco Renken <jaco.renken(a)manchester.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Abstracts – “Digital Development Leadership” track
UK Development Studies Association conference, 17-19 Jun 2020,
University of Birmingham, UK
This is a call for abstracts/presentations – exploratory, analytical,
critical – on leadership of digital development with an initial deadline
of 20 Jan 2020.
We are seeking papers that help us to conceptualise, to analyse, to
evidence, to critique and, overall, to build a picture of leadership for
digital development: its nature, characteristics, capacities,
challenges, approaches and impacts .
The following timeline will be observed:
- 20 Jan 2020 - prospective presenters to submit a “paper proposal”
(title, author names & emails, short abstract of <300 characters; long
abstract of <250 words) via the conference online
Track details and link to paper proposal online at:
- Feb: decision communicated on paper proposals
- 4 Mar: conference registration opens (early-bird discounts close 7 Apr)
- 17-19 Jun: conference
If you have any queries prior to abstract submission, do please ask:
Track Organisers:
- Jaco Renken, Richard Heeks, Epiphania Kimaro, Centre for Development
Informatics<http://www.cdi.manchester.ac.uk/>, GDI, University of
Manchester, UK
This track is an initiative of the DSA’s Information, Technology and
Development study
General call for papers details at:
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [computational.science] [CFP] GrAPL 2020: Workshop on Graphs,
Architectures, Programming, and Learning (co-located with IPDPS 2020)
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 17:49:26 +0000
From: Tumeo, Antonino via computational.science
Reply-To: Tumeo, Antonino <Antonino.Tumeo(a)pnnl.gov>
To: ascgroup(a)gmail.com <ascgroup(a)gmail.com>
[Please accept our apologies for multiple postings.]
GrAPL 2020: Workshop on Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning
May 18, 2020
Co-Located with IPDPS 2020
New Orleans
Louisiana, USA
GrAPL is the result of the combination of two IPDPS workshops:
GABB: Graph Algorithms Building Blocks
GraML: Workshop on The Intersection of Graph Algorithms and Machine Learning
Data analytics is one of the fastest growing segments of computer
science. Many real-world analytic workloads are a mix of graph and
machine learning methods. Graphs play an important role in the synthesis
and analysis of relationships and organizational structures, furthering
the ability of machine-learning methods to identify signature features.
Given the difference in the parallel execution models of graph
algorithms and machine learning methods, current tools, runtime systems,
and architectures do not deliver consistently good performance across
data analysis workflows. In this workshop we are interested in graphs,
how their synthesis (representation) and analysis is supported in
hardware and software, and the ways graph algorithms interact with
machine learning. The workshop’s scope is broad and encompasses the wide
range of methods used in large-scale data analytics workflows.
This workshop seeks papers on the theory, model-based analysis,
simulation, and analysis of operational data for graph analytics and
related machine learning applications. In particular, we are interested,
but not limited to the following topics:
• Provide tractability and performance analysis in terms of complexity,
time-to-solution, problem size, and quality of solution for systems that
deal with mixed data analytics workflows;
• Discuss the problem domains and problems addressable with graph
methods, machine learning methods, or both;
• Discuss programming models and associated frameworks such as Pregel,
Galois, Boost, GraphBLAS, GraphChi, etc., for building large
multi-attributed graphs;
• Discuss how frameworks for building graph algorithms interact with
those for building machine learning algorithms;
• Discuss hardware platforms specialized for addressing large, dynamic,
multi-attributed graphs and associated machine learning;
Besides regular papers, short papers (up to four pages) describing
work-in-progress or incomplete but sound, innovative ideas related to
the workshop theme are also encouraged.
Position or full paper submission: February 3, 2020
Author Notification: February 29, 2020
Camera-ready: March 15, 2020
Workshop: May 18, 20120
Submissions will be done through Linklings:
Please visit GrAPL'20 website for instructions: https://hpc.pnl.gov/grapl/
Authors can submit two types of papers: Short papers (up to 4 pages) and
long papers (up to 10 pages). All submissions must be single-spaced
double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE
conference style), including figures, tables, and references.
The templates are available at:
General co-Chairs:
Scott McMillan (CMU SEI), smcmillan(a)sei.cmu.edu
Manoj Kumar (IBM), manoj1(a)us.ibm.com
Program Chairs:
Danai Koutra (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), dkoutra(a)umich.edu
Mahantesh Halappanavar (PNNL), hala(a)pnnl.gov
GrAPL's Little Helpers:
Tim Mattson (Intel)
Antonino Tumeo (PNNL)
Program Committee:
Nesreen K Ahmed, Intel Research and Intel AI, USA
Sasikanth Avancha, Intel Labs - Parallel Computing Lab, India
Aydin Buluç, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Timothy A. Davis, University of Florida, USA
Jana Doppa, Washington State University, USA
John Gilbert, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Sergio Gómez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia
Will Hamilton, McGill University, Mila, Canada
Stratis Ioannidis, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
Bharat Kaul, Intel Labs - Parallel Computing Labs, India
Kamesh Madduri, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Henning Meyerhenke, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Indranil Roy, Natural Intelligence, USA
Robert Rallo, Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA
P. Sadayappan, University of Utah, USA
Yizhou Sun, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Flavio Vella, Free University of Bozen, Italy
Steering Committee:
David A. Bader (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Aydın Buluç (LBNL)
John Feo (PNNL)
John Gilbert (UC Santa Barbara)
Tim Mattson (Intel)
Ananth Kalyanaraman (Washington State University)
Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Antonino Tumeo (PNNL)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 CFP - Bright ICT Minitrack
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 16:47:46 -0500
From: Jiyong Park <jiyong.park(a)uncg.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Minitrack: Bright ICT – Beyond Security and Privacy Concerns*
*Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC)*
*AMCIS 2020*
*Salt Lake City, Utah, August 12-16 2020*
Global information and communication infrastructures and platforms have
made businesses and the broader society more efficient and effective.
However, many serious side effects have emerged alongside these information
and communications technology (ICT) platforms, imperiling the foundation of
future not only in a particular country, but also across borders. To reduce
the substantial adverse effects on our economy and national security, many
researchers pay high attention to the negative effects of ICT and
investigate concepts and approaches to drastically reduce its undesirable
consequences. Beyond simple concerns of security and privacy, we have to
establish safe and secure ICT platforms which can preventively identify and
mitigate malicious anonymous security and privacy concerns across the globe.
This minitrack extends the vision of ICT-enabled Bright Society adopted as
an AIS Grand Vision Project (in short, Bright ICT Initiative) in 2014 (see
Lee 2015).[1] <#_ftn1> In doing so, this minitrack encompasses the
development of relevant technologies, business models, public policies,
social norms, international agreements, and national indexes for bright,
secure, and trusted ICT platforms (including Internet architecture).
Systematic research on a global scale is particularly welcomed. This
minitack invites original research articles addressing a broad coverage of
technical, managerial, economic, and strategic solutions towards developing
the bright ICT platforms, with emphasis on global trust building. Papers
may employ any applicable IS research methods (e.g., case study, survey,
analytical modeling, experiments, computational models, design science,
Topics of interest, but not limited to:
· Preventive bright ICT paradigm
· Bright ICT in global environments
· Cross-cultural security awareness
· Compliance and liability
· Cross-cultural views on privacy
· Privacy management and concerns
· Ethics in privacy and security
Important Dates:
· January 6, 2020: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2020 (*Now Open*)
at PCS Submission (
· *February 28, 2020*: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for
authors at 5:00pm MST (completed research and Emergent Research Forum (ERF))
· April 22, 2020: Camera-ready papers are due at 5:00pm MST
We look forward to receiving your best works for the minitrack of Bright
ICT. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of minitrack
Minitrack Co-Chairs
Jiyong Park, jiyong.park(a)uncg.edu, University of North Carolina at
Aaron Michael French, afrench(a)unm.edu, University of New Mexico
Dan J. Kim, dan.kim(a)unt.edu, University of North Texas
[1] <#_ftnref1> Lee, Jae Kyu. 2015. "Guest Editorial: Research Framework
for AIS Grand Vision of the Bright ICT Initiative," *MIS Quarterly*, (39:
2) pp.iii-xii.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS CPR Doctoral Consortium 2020
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 22:37:38 +0000
From: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
SIGMIS-MEMBERS(a)listserv.acm.org <SIGMIS-MEMBERS(a)listserv.acm.org>
CC: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu>
Doctoral Consortium
ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2020
Digital Innovation: Designing our Digital Future
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Dates: June 19-21, 2020
In conjunction with the CPR 2020 conference, a doctoral consortium will
take place on the opening day of the conference. This doctoral
consortium is intended for students at any stage of their dissertation
research. This could include those students who are in the early stages
of writing their dissertation proposal, through to those who are writing
up their findings.
Students interested in participating in the SIGMIS CPR doctoral
consortium should be conducting research on a topic related to the
conference theme or to the broad CPR focus on intersection of
information technology and people.
The purpose of the consortium is two-fold:
* Provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at a
stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work.
* Provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish to
pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information systems
and people.
Doctoral students interested in the consortium must submit an
application package which includes: (1) a nomination letter, (2) an
application letter from doctoral students, (3) 1/2 page executive
summary of the project, ans (4) a research proposal. Students nominated
for the consortium by their faculty sponsor should submit the nomination
letter and a 10-page research proposal together via email
(sigmisacm(a)gmail.com<mailto:sigmisacm@gmail.com>) by the due date
(February 3rd, 2020).
Nomination Letter. Doctoral students may be nominated to the consortium
by any faculty sponsor such as their dissertation chair, coursework
advisor or a faculty member with whom the student is conducting
research. The nomination letter must indicate the student is in good
standing in their program, the sponsor's relationship with the student
(eg. advisor, chair, instructor), the student's status in terms of
completion of their dissertation (eg. proposal stage, pre-proposal,
etc.), and potential value in attending.
Application Letter. Students must submit an applicaiton letter
describing why they would benefit from attending, along with specifics
on personal learning objectives, and at least two challenges or
questions they seek assistance with.
Executive Summary. The 1/2 page should be suitable for sharing with
other doctoral attendees and/or publication in the Proceedings if
accepted. (Brief statement of Research Question, Motivation, Theoretical
foundation, Methodology, Early Findings if applicable.)
Research Proposal. The student's research proposal should be 11pt font,
double spaced; the 10 pages excludes figures and references. The
document must clearly articulate the goal and motivation of the
research, the theories and literature that guide the research, the
methodology being used or under consideration, and early findings if
The application package will be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified
senior faculty mentors. The doctoral students selected to participate in
the doctoral consortium will receive one round of written feedback on
their proposal prior to the conference.
At the conference, each student will present their research ideas or
questions and engage in discussion with faculty and fellow consortium
participants. The doctoral consortium will allow activities in plenary
mode and intense workshop sessions in smaller groups.
* Accepted students may choose to publish an extended abstract of their
proposal in the conference proceedings.
* Funding will be available to assist with travel and registration fees
to students selected for the doctoral consortium.
If you have any questions you may contact any of the doctoral consortium
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Deborah Armstrong (djarmstrong(a)business.fsu.edu)
Andreas Eckhardt (andreas.eckhardt(a)ggs.de)
Indira Guzman (indira.guzman(a)trident.edu)
Michelle Kaarst-Brown (mlbrow03(a)syr.edu)
Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de)
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This message from Trident University International may contain
confidential or privileged information solely intended for the person or
entity to which it is addressed. If you received this transmission in
error, please call us immediately at 1-800-375-9878. Disclosure or use
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Special Issue of JAMS on Technology & Marketing
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 18:21:53 +0000
From: Elena Karahanna <ekarah(a)uga.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues:
The following special issue of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science on Technology and Marketing may be of interest.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48:1, January 2020
Special Issue: Technology and Marketing
Issue Editors: Dhruv Grewal, John Hulland, Praveen K. Kopalle, Elena
Table of Contents
The future of technology and marketing: a multidisciplinary perspective
Dhruv Grewal, John Hulland, Praveen K. Kopalle, Elena Karahanna
Emerging technologies and analytics for a new era of value-centered
marketing in healthcare
Ritu Agarwal, Michelle Dugas, Gordon Gao, P.K. Kannan
How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing
Thomas Davenport, Abhijit Guha, Dhruv Grewal
Learning from the Dark Web: leveraging conversational agents in the era
of hyper-privacy to enhance marketing
Felipe Thomaz, Carolina Salge, Elena Karahanna, John Hulland
Personalized mobile marketing strategies
Siliang Tong, Xueming Luo, Bo Xu
The future of social media in marketing
Gil Appel, Lauren Grewal, Rhonda Hadi, Andrew T. Stephen
The future of in-store technology
Dhruv Grewal, Stephanie M. Noble, Anne L. Roggeveen, Jens Nordfalt
How legacy firms can embrace the digital ecosystem via digital customer
Praveen K. Kopalle, V. Kumar, Mohan Supramanian
Technology-enabled interactions in digital environments: a conceptual
foundation for current and future research
Manjit S. Yadav, Paul A. Pavlou
Explainable AI: from black box to glass box
Arun Rai
Elena Karahanna, Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Professor & L. Edmund Rast Professor of Business
Management Information Systems Department
C413 Benson Hall | 600 S. Lumpkin St. | Athens, GA 30602
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Book chapter for Book: *Handbook of Research
on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications*
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 11:10:29 -0500
From: Zhaohao Sun <zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, IRMA ListServ
<irma-l(a)irma-international.org>, irma-list(a)irma-international.org
BOOK: Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry
also see
Intelligent analytics is an emerging scientific paradigm that integrates
big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, analytics and artificial
intelligence (AI) to provide smart services to our work, business, life,
industry and society. From a fundamental perspective, intelligent analytics
at least includes intelligent big data analytics, intelligent big
information analytics, intelligent big knowledge analytics, intelligent big
wisdom analytics. Intelligent analytics has been revolutionizing our work,
life, business, management, organization and industry. It becomes
disruptive technology for healthcare, web services, service computing,
cloud computing, 5G development, blockchain and social networking
computing. However, many fundamental, technological and managerial issues
in developing and applying intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications remain open. For example, what is the foundation of
intelligent analytics? what are the elements of intelligent analytics? What
are the real big characteristics of intelligent analytics? How can apply
intelligent analytics to improve healthcare, mobile commerce, web services,
cloud services, blockchain, 5G development, digital transformation and
industries? What is the effect of intelligent analytics on business,
management, the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, service
and society? This book will address these issues by exploring the
cutting-edge theory, technologies and methodologies of intelligent
analytics with multi-industry applications and emphasize integration of AI,
business intelligence, big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, and analytics
from a perspective of computing, service and management. This book also
provides applications of the proposed theory, technologies and
methodologies of intelligent analytics to e-SMACS (electronic, social,
mobile, analytics, cloud and service) commerce and services, healthcare,
the Internet of things, sharing economy, cloud computing, blockchain, and
Industry 4.0 in the real world.
This book titled “Intelligent Analytics with Multi-industry Applications”
is the first book to reveal the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies of intelligent analytics with applications. This is also the
first book demonstrating that intelligent analytics is an important enabler
for developing cloud computing, 5G, blockchains, digital transformation,
business, management, governance and services in multi-industry
applications. The proposed approaches will facilitate research, development
and applications of intelligent analytics, big
data/information/knowledge/wisdom analytics, data science, digital
transformation, e-business and web service, service computing, cloud
computing and social computing.
Aims, Scope and Target Audience
This book’s primary aim is to convey the foundations, technologies,
thoughts, and methods of intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications to scientists, engineers, educators and university students,
business, service and management professionals, policy makers and decision
makers and others who have interest in big data, big information, big
knowledge and big intelligence and wisdom, intelligent analytics, AI, cloud
computing, the Internet of things (IoT), digital transformation, SMACS
intelligence and computing, commerce and service as well as data science,
information science, and knowledge science.
Primary audiences for this book are undergraduate, postgraduate students
and variety of professionals in the fields of big data, data science,
information science and technology, knowledge technology and engineering,
intelligence science, analytics, AI, computing, commerce, business,
services, management and government. The variety of readers in the fields
of government, consulting, marketing, business and trade as well as the
readers from all the social strata can also be benefited from this book to
improve understanding of the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies and applications of intelligent analytics with applications.
Papers as book chapters of all theoretical and technological approaches,
and applications of intelligent analytics are welcome.
Submissions that cross multiple disciplines such as management, service,
business, AI, intelligent systems, data science, optimization, statistics,
information systems, decision sciences, and industries to develop theory
and provide technologies and applications that could move theory and
practice forward in intelligent analytics, are especially encouraged.
Topics of contributions to this book include four parts: foundations,
technologies, applications and emerging technologies and applications of
intelligent analytics as follows.
Part I. Foundations of intelligent analytics
Topics: fundamental concepts, models/architectures, frameworks/schemes or
foundations for developing, operating, evaluating, managing intelligent
analytics. The following topics might also include, but not limited to.
• Intelligent analytics as a Science and Technology (IAaaST)
• Big Data science
• Big Data intelligence
• Intelligent Analytics for big data, information, knowledge, intelligence
and wisdom
• Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
• Decision science for intelligent analytics
• Computing and foundations of intelligent analytics
• New computational models for Big Data
• Mathematical fundamentals of intelligent Big Data analytics
• Fuzzy logic approach to intelligent analytics
• Graph theory for intelligent analytics
• ICT fundamentals for analytics
• Intelligent visualization techniques for analytics
• Statistical modelling for intelligent analytics
• Machine learning for intelligent analytics
• Optimization techniques for intelligent analytics
• Data mining for intelligent analytics
• Business models for intelligent analytics
• Real-time algorithms for intelligent analytics
• Computing thinking for intelligent analytics
Part II. Technologies for intelligent analytics
Topics: Technologies for developing intelligent analytics might also
include the following topics, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as a System (IAaaSy)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Service (IAaaSe)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Management (IAaaM)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Business (IAaaB)
* Rule-based systems,
* Machine learning,
* Multi-agent systems,
* Neural networks systems,
* Fuzzy logic,
* Cased-based reasoning,
* Genetic algorithms,
* Data mining algorithms,
* Intelligent agents,
* Intelligent user interfaces
* Web technologies,
* Intelligent big data/information/knowledge technologies,
* Intelligent service technologies,
* Social networking technologies,
* Intelligent decision technologies,
* Intelligent management technologies and business technologies.
* Machine-to-machine communication
Part III. Multi-industry Applications of intelligent analytics
Topics: cases for using foundations and technologies in Part I, II in
multi-industry applications and various domains such as digital
transformation, blockchain, 5G, SMACS computing, commerce and services,
financial services, legal services, healthcare services, educational
services, and military services taking into account intelligent diagnostic,
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. The following topics
might also include, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as an application
* Intelligent analytics with applications
* Intelligent analytics-based innovation and entrepreneurship
* Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
* Intelligent analytics with public and open data
* Intelligent analytics and markets
* Intelligent analytics for e-commerce
* Intelligent analytics for cloud computing
* Intelligent analytics for IoT
* Intelligent analytics for blockchain
* Intelligent analytics for 5G applications
* Intelligent analytics in business decision making
* Intelligent analytics in healthcare
* Marketing Analytics
* Intelligent analytics in banking industry
* Intelligent analytics in social networking services
* Intelligent analytics for Big Data, information, knowledge and
* Cybersecurity and privacy issues in Intelligent analytics.
* Intelligent analytics for management
* Intelligent analytics for risk management
* Organization analytics
Part IV. Emerging technologies and applications for intelligent analytics
Topics: Emerging technologies, methodologies, and applications for
intelligent analytics. The following topics might also include, but not
limited to
* Emerging AI-based technologies
* Emerging intelligent analytics technologies
* Challenges for intelligent big data analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big information analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big knowledge analytics
* Challenges for intelligent analytics research
* Challenges for intelligent analytics applications
* Challenges for intelligent analytics tools
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before January
11, 2020 a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the
mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be
notified by January 25, 2020 about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by May 10,
2020, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript
submissions at
prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as
reviewers for this project.
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts
submitted to this book publication, Handbook of Research on Intelligent
Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications. All manuscripts are accepted
based on a double-blind peer review editorial process. All proposals should
be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery®TM online submission manager
at https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/4539
Submission Format and Evaluation
All manuscripts of book chapter must be submitted online using
Every book chapter submission should consist of 8,000-12,000 words, and
be structured into sections including Abstract, Introduction, background
(or related work), main sections, future research directions, conclusion,
references. Every book chapter must be submitted in Microsoft® Word, and be
typewritten in English in APA style based on “manage source” and “insert
citation” function.
Every book chapter submission is original. Only ORIGINAL articles will be
accepted for publication by IGI-Global. Upon acceptance of your article,
you will be required to sign a warranty that your article is original and
has NOT been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.
All chapter submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review using the
eEditorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Conditioned chapters will
have an additional opportunity for being improved and evaluated. In the
second evaluation, a definitive editorial decision among: accepted or
rejected will be reported. All of the accepted chapters must be submitted
according to the Editorial publishing format rules timely. Instructions for
authors can be downloaded at:
The final chapters are copy edited/proofed by the authors prior to
submission, following the IGI Global chapter formatting and submission
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea
Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business
Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in the
end of 2020.
Important Dates
* January 30, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
* February 16, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
* May 10, 2020: Full Chapter Submission
* July 8, 2020: Review Results Returned
* August 19, 2020: Final Acceptance Notification
* September 2, 2020: Final Chapter Submission
If you have any questions about this book or interest in submitting a book
chapter, please contact
Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D.
Research Centre of Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems (BAIS)
Department of Business Studies
PNG University of Technology, Morobe, PNG
Federation University Australia
zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com; z.sun(a)federation.edu.au
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Connection Science, most recent issue published
(Vol. 31, Issue 4, 2019)
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 09:41:07 +0000
From: Editorial Manager <journaleditorialmanager(a)outlook.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We would like to bring to your attention to the recently published
papers in the latest issue of Connection Science.
WEB: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccos20/current
Connection Science is a leading inter-disciplinary journal dedicated to
exploring the convergence of the analytic and synthetic sciences,
including neuroscience, computational modeling, artificial intelligence,
machine learning, deep learning, Big Data, quantum computing,
Blockchain, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Internet of Things, and parallel and
distributed computing. A strong focus is on the articles arising from
connectionist, probabilistic, dynamical, or evolutionary approaches in
all aspects of Computer Science, and applied applications are
particularly relevant and welcome. The journal also encourages
submission of research in systems-level computational subjects that
seeks to understand models in science and engineering.
Connection Science is indexed by SCI, SCIE /Clarivate Analytics, EI
Compendex, INSPEC, SCOPUS, CrossRef, DBLP, and 10+ others.
Please submit your high-quality manuscripts for publication
consideration in Connection Science.
Connection Science, Vol. 31, Issue 4, 2019
Title and author(s)
Fuzzy kernel feature selection with multi-objective differential
evolution algorithm
Emrah Hancer
pages 323-341
DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2019.1639624
Solving optimal control problems of the time-delayed systems by a neural
network framework
pages 342-372
DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2019.1604627
Event-triggered H∞ anti-synchronisation for delayed neural networks with
discontinuous neuron activations via non-fragile control strategy
Min Liu, Huaiqin Wu, Jinde Cao, Yanning Wang
pages 373-429
DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2019.1604628
Exploring the usability of the text-based CAPTCHA on tablet computers
Darko Brodić and Alessia Amelio
pages 430-444
DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2019.1609417
The Editorial Office
Connection Science
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS 2020 Blockchain Workshop: Call for Abstracts
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2020 12:05:00 +0000
From: Trevor Clohessy <Trevor.Clohessy(a)gmit.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Third Pre-ECIS Workshop on Blockchain Research: Beyond the Horizon -
June 13th (9am - 12pm) & 14th (9am -
Call for Abstracts
Description of Workshop
The first blockchain – a peer to peer virtual currency system – was
introduced in October 2008 as part of a proposal for Bitcoin by Satoshi
Nakamato, that “eschewed a central authority for issuing currency,
transferring ownership, and confirming transactions” (Iansiti and
Lakhani, 2017). Today’s applications of such systems range from low
novelty and complexity initiatives (e.g. Bitcoin payments) to high
novelty and complex initiatives (e.g. self-executing contracts). There
are also nuanced mature Blockchain supply chain tracking initiatives in
multiple domains. Therefore, rigorous research pertaining to Blockchain
is highly needed, specifically from an organizational readiness perspective.
Building on the success of two previous ECIS workshops in Portsmouth,
UK, in 2018 and in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2019, the aim of this workshop
is to advance the theoretical and practical discussions on Blockchain
and to provide substantial feedback to authors with an interactive
format. This workshop is open to both early-stage and advanced
blockchain research projects and offers networking opportunities.
The workshop will take place over two half-days in a hybrid format
encompassing paper sessions and interactive hands-on feedback. The goal
of the workshop is twofold: (1) giving feedback to the authors and
helping them to develop their ideas, and (2) providing networking and
collaboration opportunities.
Abstract Submission Requirements/Limits
This workshop is open to academic, public sector, governmental and
industry participants. Workshop participants are selected based on
extended abstracts. These abstracts can either be ideas or suggestions
for academic papers or research collaborations or insights from proposed
or current industry blockchain projects. Either way, they should be
early stage, but show some potential.
In the abstract the authors should provide a concrete idea on the topic
they are interested in. The extended abstracts should not exceed two (2)
pages. The submitted abstracts should outline a research question, the
research method being used and the expected findings. There are no
restrictions pertaining to the academic approach. Conceptual abstracts
are fine, as are empirical (theory building and testing) and design
science papers.
The workshop will be restricted to 30 participants. Accepted authors
will be allocated to teams based on similar blockchain research
interests and situated at roundtables. All accepted authors will be
expected to read all accepted papers prior to the workshop. Initially,
the authors will briefly present an overview of their research. They
will then receive constructive feedback from both mentors and fellow
authors on how they can advance their own blockchain research or projects.
Relevant Dates
Submissions due by March 20, 2020, to be sent to workshop organizers below.
Replies by April 17, 2020
Workshops and Tutorials will be held on June 13 (9am – 12pm) and 14 (9am
– 12pm), at Marrakech.
Please Send Abstracts to the Facilitating team
Trevor Clohessy, Assistant Professor,
Department of Enterprise and Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of
Technology, Ireland
Email: trevor.clohessy(a)gmit.ie<mailto:trevor.clohessy@gmit.ie>
Eamon Walsh, Lecturer, PhD Researcher and Head of Department, Department
of Enterprise and Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
Email: eamon.walsh(a)gmit.ie<mailto:eamon.walsh@gmit.ie>
Horst Treiblmaier, Professor,
Modul University Vienna, Austria
Email: horst.treiblmaier(a)modul.ac.at<mailto:horst.treiblmaier@modul.ac.at>
Theo Stratopoulos, Associate Professor,
School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Email: tstratopoulos(a)uwaterloo.ca<mailto:tstratopoulos@uwaterloo.ca>
Tá an ríomhphost seo faoi réir an tséanta seo leanas atá le fáil ag
Séanadh Ríomhphost GMIT<http://www.gmit.ie/general/seanadh-riomhphoist>
This email is subject to the following disclaimer available at GMIT
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] ICCSA 2020: COA Workshop
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 10:19:23 +0000
From: Ana Rocha via computational.science
Reply-To: Ana Rocha <arocha(a)dps.uminho.pt>
Organization: UMinho
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
Dear colleague,
This is an invitation to submit a contribution for the:
Computational Optimization and Applications (COA 2020) Workshop
of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and
Applications (ICCSA 2020, http://www.iccsa.org/) will be held on July 1
- 4, 2020 in Cagliari, Italy.
The scope of the Workshop is to bring together scientists working in
Computational Optimization and its applications in science and engineering.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Computational Optimization: new issues in computational algorithms for
continuous and discrete optimization; deterministic and stochastic
algorithms, nature-inspired algorithms and other metaheuristic
algorithms for solving optimization problems.
* Applications: case studies in all areas of sciences, engineering and
industry, including economics, medicine, biology, earth sciences and
social sciences.
February 15, 2020: Deadline for abstract and paper submission to the COA
Workshop April 15, 2020: Notification of Acceptance. May 8, 2020:
Early-bird Registration ends. May 8, 2020: Submission deadline for the
final version of the Proceeding Papers July 1-4, 2020: ICCSA 2020 Conference
The proceedings of the COA 2020 Workshop will appear in the
Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The
paper must be camera-ready, between 10 and 16 pages long and formatted
according to the LNCS rules
All accepted papers will be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS, http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs
) series and indexed by Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in ISI Web of Science),
and several other indexing services. The papers will contain linked
references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. Submitted papers will
be subject to stringent peer review by at least three experts and
carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition.
The authors can submit abstracts and papers to your session accessing
the electronic submission site: http://ess.iccsa.org/
You can find the instructions to prepare and submit papers on the web
site (http://www.iccsa.org/instructions-for-authors )
If you are not registered, you must to register before the submission.
From the personal page the author is able to submit first an abstract
(phase 1), then a full paper (phase 2), selecting the session from the
list of sessions in the submission forms.
The author will be able to update the paper until the submission deadline.
* Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (arocha(a)dps.uminho.pt), Dep. of Production and
Systems (University of Minho), Centro ALGORITMI (University of Minho),
* Humberto Rocha (hrocha(a)fe.uc.pt), Economics Faculty (University of
Coimbra), CeBER (University of Coimbra), Portugal
If you have some doubts or problems so not hesitate to contact the
Best regards,
Ana Maria A.C. Rocha and Humberto Rocha
(COA 2020 organizers)