-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Extension: PLS-SEM Special Issue in the Data
Base for Advances in Information Systems
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:46:23 +0000
From: Sharma, Pratyush <pnsharma(a)udel.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
PLS-SEM Special Issue in the Data Base for Advances in Information
Systems Journal
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the current travel situation in China, the PLS2020 conference has
been postponed to October 28th-30th. In light of this, the deadline for
submissions to the PLS-SEM special issue in the ACM SIGMIS Data Base for
Advances in Information Systems journal has also been extended.
*The new submission deadline is November 30th, 2020.
For this special issue, we are inviting high-quality papers focused on
investigating core MIS phenomena - specifically using the latest
methodological advances in PLS-SEM - to advance MIS theory. This special
issue is tied to the PLS2020 conference. Please see here for more details:
*Special Issue Guest Editors:
Pratyush Nidhi Sharma, University of Delaware (pnsharma(a)udel.edu)
Marko Sarstedt, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and Monash
University Malaysia (marko.sarstedt(a)ovgu.de)
Christian M. Ringle, Hamburg University of Technology and University of
Waikato (c.ringle(a)tuhh.de)
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 - CFP - Behavioral Side of Data Analytics
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:49:35 -0500
From: Nima Kordzadeh <n.kordzadeh(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Mini-track: Behavioral Side of Data Analytics
Track: Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA -- August 12-16, 2020
*Mini-track Description:*
The ability to take advantage of data analytics tools and AI technologies
has become an important factor for firm success [1, 2]. With the
availability of data with high velocity, volume, and variety, many firms
have invested in business intelligence and data analytics tools and
technologies to improve the quality of their decisions. However, firms also
recognize the importance of human judgment and cognition in such
decision-making processes. For example, data analysts need to integrate
aspects that are not captured by analytical tools, such as ethical
principles and intuition into their analytics processes and decisions.
The focus of this mini-track is to explore and extend research on the
behavioral side of data analytics. In particular, this mini-track aims to
advance understanding of perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, intentions, and
behaviors related to analytics and their potential impacts on employees’
decision-making performance within organizations [3].
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Adoption of analytics
* User-centered analytics
* Impacts of analytics on decision-making quality
* Moral and ethical aspects of analytics and AI technologies
* Trust in analytics
* Privacy implications of analytics
* Dark side and negative behavioral outcomes of data analytics and big data
* Data analytics and work pressure
* Data analytics and discrimination
* Data analytics and cognitive biases
* Data analytics and dissemination of knowledge within firms
1. Chen H, Chiang RH, Storey VC. Business Intelligence and Analytics: from
Big Data to Big Impact. MIS Quarterly. 2012: 36(4).
2. Duan Y, Edwards JS, Dwivedi YK. Artificial Intelligence for Decision
Making in the Era of Big Data–Evolution, Challenges and Research Agenda.
International Journal of Information Management. 2019: 48(10).
3. Baesens B, Bapna R, Marsden JR, Vanthienen J, Zhao JL. Transformational
Issues of Big Data And Analytics in Networked Business. MIS Quarterly.
2016: 40(4).
Jan 6, 2020: Manuscript submissions begin
Feb 28, 2020: Deadline for manuscript submissions
Apr 22, 2020: Deadline for camera-ready submissions
Mini-track Co-chairs:
Maryam Ghasemaghaei, McMaster University, ghasemm(a)mcmaster.ca
Nima Kordzadeh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, nkordzadeh(a)wpi.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] JOCEC's Ongoing Cybersecurity Research Series
Enters Year 3
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:53:11 -0500
From: Dave Chatterjee <dchatte(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: dchatte(a)gmail.com
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues:
The Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
(a Taylor & Francis publication) publishing initiative for bringing the
best actionable insights on cybersecurity is entering its third year. The
review team of accomplished business leaders and scholars have been doing
an exceptional job. Over the last two years, we have published seven
Kabanda, S., Tanner, M. and Kent, C. (2018) “Exploring SME cybersecurity
practices in developing countries,” Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce, 28 (3), pp. 269-282, 2018.
Khan, H.U. and Alshare, K.A.(2018) “Violators versus non-violators of
information security measures in organizations – A study of distinguishing
factors,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29
(1), pp. 4-23, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/10919392.2019.1552743
Chatterjee, D. (2019) “Should Executives Go To Jail Over Cybersecurity
Breaches?” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,
29(1), pp.1-3; 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/10919392.2019.1568713
Zimba, A., Wang, Z., & Mulenga, M. (2019) Cryptojacking injection: A
paradigm shift to cryptocurrency-based web-centric internet attacks,
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29:1, 40-59.
Burns, A.J., Eric Johnson, M. & Caputo, Deanna D. (2019) Spear phishing in
a barrel: Insights from a targeted phishing campaign, Journal of
Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29:1, 24-39.
Tarafdar, P. & Bose, I. (2019) Systems theoretic process analysis of
information security: the case of Aadhaar, Journal of Organizational
Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29:3, 209-222.
He, W. & Zhang, Z. (2019) Enterprise cybersecurity training and awareness
programs: Recommendations for success, Journal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce, 29:4, 249-257.
We look forward to receiving your submissions. Here is the link to the Call
for Papers
Dave Chatterjee (https://dchatte.com)
Senior Editor
Associate Professor, Department of MIS
B 220 F, Amos Hall
Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6114
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CISTI'2020 - Doctoral Symposium | Seville, Spain;
Deadline: February 14
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:38:43 +0000
From: Alvaro Rocha <amrrocha(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex,
Google Scholar, etc.
** Conference with H5-Index = 16 (Google Scholar Ranking)
Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2020 - 15th Iberian Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies
Seville, Spain, 24 - 27 June 2020
The purpose of CISTI'2020’s Doctoral Symposium is to provide graduate
students a setting where they can, informally, expose and discuss their
work, collecting valuable expert opinions and sharing new ideas, methods
and applications. The Doctoral Symposium is an excellent opportunity for
PhD students to present and discuss their work in a Workshop format. Each
presentation will be evaluated by a panel composed by at least three
Information Systems and Technologies experts.
The Doctoral Symposium is opened to PhD students whose research area
includes the themes proposed for this Conference. Submissions must include
an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages), following the Conference style
guide. All selected contributions will be published with the Conference
Proceedings in electronic format with ISBN. These contributions will be
available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing
in ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar.
Submissions must include the field, the PhD institution and the number of
months devoted to the development of the work. Additionally, they should
include in a clear and succinct manner:
• The problem approached and its significance or relevance
• The research objectives and related investigation topics
• A brief display of what is already known
• A proposed solution methodology for the problem
• Expected results
Paper submission: February 14, 2020
Notification of acceptance: March 22, 2020
Submission of accepted papers: April 5, 2020
Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: April 5, 2020
Álvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra
Francisco García-Peñalvo, Universidad de Salamanca
Francisco García-Peñalvo, Universidad de Salamanca (Chair)
Adérito Marcos, Universidade Aberta
Adolfo Lozano Tello, Universidad de Extremadura
Álvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra
Ana Amélia Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra
Ana Maria Ramalho Correia, NOVA IMS
Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Antonio Garcia-Loureiro, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro
Bráulio Alturas, ISCTE - Insituto Universitário de Lisboa
Carlos Costa, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
Carlos Ferrás Sexto, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Carlos Juiz, Universitat de les Illes Balears
David Fonseca, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull
Ernest Redondo, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Feliz Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense
Fernando Ramos, Universidade de Aveiro
Francisco Restivo, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Gonçalo Paiva Dias, Universidade de Aveiro
Gonzalo Cuevas Agustin, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Jesús Fraile Ardanuy, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
João Costa, Universidade de Coimbra
José Antonio Calvo-Manzano Villalón, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
José Borbinha, IST, Universidade de Lisboa
Jose M. Molina, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Jose Machado, Universidade do Minho
João Manuel R.S. Tavares, FEUP, Universidade do Porto
José Martins, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Luis Camarinha-Matos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Luís Paulo Reis, FEUP, Universidade do Porto
Manuel Pérez Cota, Universidad de Vigo
Marco Painho, NOVA IMS
Mário Piattini, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Martin Llamas Nistal, Universidad de Vigo
Miguel Ramón González Castro, Ence, Energía y Celulosa
Nelson Rocha, Universidade de Aveiro
Óscar Mealha, Universidade de Aveiro
Paulo Pinto, FC, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Pedro Sánchez-Palma, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Pilar Mareca, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ramiro Gonçalves, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Vitor Santos, NOVA IMS
CISTI'2020 webpage: http://www.cisti.eu/
Kind regards,
CISTI'2020 Team
Álvaro Rocha
AISTI & University of Coimbra, Portugal
E-mail: amrrocha(a)gmail.com
Phone/WhatsApp: +351 961539027
Skype ID: amrrocha
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CFP: AMISE'20 conference in conjunction with CAISE'20
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:28:09 +0100
From: Gregor Polančič <gregor.polancic(a)um.si>
Reply-To: Gregor Polančič <gregor.polancic(a)um.si>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
First Workshop on Academy Meets Industry in Information System
Engineering (AMISE'20),
In conjunction with CAISE'20
32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Grenoble, France, June 8-12, 2020
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the First Workshop on Academy Meets
Industry in Information System Engineering (AMISE'20) that will be
held in Grenoble (France), June 8, 2020. This workshop is hosted by
CAISE'20, the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information
Systems Engineering.
The First Workshop on Academy Meets Industry in Information System
Engineering brings the opportunity for academics, researchers and
practitioners, including vendors and developers to discuss their
mutual collaboration challenges and lessons learned in the field of
Information System Engineering.
Full details on the workshop and paper submission can be found at
Abstract submission: 23 February 2020 (not mandatory)
Paper submission: 1st March 2020
Acceptance notification: 31 March 2020
Camera Ready: 06 April 2020
The workshop is interested in (but not limited to) papers in the
format of cases or lessons learned which facilitate discussions by
covering the following research topics and questions in these areas.
How the meeting emerged and evolved. What academy and industry expect
from each other?
Which benefits academy and industry have when they meet?
Which difficulties and challenges academy and industry face when they meet?
How do vendors approach and how they benefit from the academy? What
academy expects from vendors?
How to minimize gaps existent between industry and academy, so that
they are able to communicate and collaborate effectively?
How do legal constraints hamper the meeting between industry and academy?
How to motivate industry to open their data repositories to researchers?
How can the academy and industry cooperate to help society to apply
information systems?
We particularly encourage joint papers with authors from the academy
and industry together. Papers from individual players, which address
the solutions for other parties are also welcome. We assume this can
promote very interesting papers where both sides will learn and
benefit from each other.
Submission is done through EasyChair at the following page:
CAISE'2020. The authors should select the track "AMISE" workshop.
Papers should be in English and have a maximum of 12 pages, following
Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)
format. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at
Submissions will go through a single-blind review process and will be
evaluated on the basis of originality, relevance, quality, and
technical contribution.
All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the AMISE
workshop, and at least one author is required to register. Accepted
papers will be published in the workshop proceedings in the Springer
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP).
Program Committee Chairs
Prof. Dr. Lucineia Heloisa Thom (Chair)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Gregor Polancic (Chair)
University of Maribor
Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling (Chair)
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Encarna Sosa (Chair)
University of Extremadura
Cáceres, Spain
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Participation: WSTNet Web Science Summer
School (WWSSS2020), Caen, France, 29.6. - 3.7., 2020
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:36:04 +0100 (CET)
From: Govind <govind(a)unicaen.fr>
To: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION WSTNet Web Science Summer School (WWSSS2020) June
29 - July 3, 2020, Caen, France
The WSTNet Web Science Summer School 2020 (WWSSS2020) will be held in
Caen, France. It is hosted by the University of Caen Normandy and will
take place from 29.06.2020 till 03.07.2020.
Web Science is the emergent study of the people and technologies,
applications, processes and practices that shape and are shaped by the
World Wide Web. Web Science requires mining and understanding of data
from the Web, demanding both technical skills for handling big (Web)
data as well as fundamental understanding of the social, psychological
or legal aspects underpinning online activities.
The WSTNet Web Science Summer School 2020 (WWSSS2020) will address the
interdisciplinary field of Web Science by focusing on lectures which
tackle the aforementioned challenges in topics such as artificial
intelligence, big data processing, data science, information technology
law and data governance, research ethics & privacy, technology enhanced
learning, Web communities, as well as Web mining.
More details at: [ https://wwsss2020.sciencesconf.org/ |
https://wwsss2020.sciencesconf.org/ ]
The program includes keynote talks from renowned researchers in Web
Science. Alongside, the summer school will provide hands-on training in
data processing, analysis and methods, team work, and opportunities to
present current research. Participants shall work on specific tasks
linked to the datasets provided, and will be mentored by local
instructors. All teams will present the results of their work on the
last day of the school. In addition, participants are entitled to
present their ongoing work in a poster session to senior researchers.
Last but not least, the summer school offers a wide range of group
activities and social events, in order to facilitate team building and
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
* Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, University Paul Sabatier)
* Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social
* Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen University)
* Ivana Marenzi (L3S Research Center & Leibniz University of Hanover)
* Wolfgang Nejdl (L3S Research Center & Leibniz University of Hanover)
* Steffen Staab (Web Science and Technologies (WeST), University of
* Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon (University of Southampton)
* Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
WWSSS2020 offers accommodation at the university's student housing next
to the venue at highly competitive rates. A limited number of rooms have
been reserved exclusively for the participants of WWSSS2020 at around
30€ per night including breakfast. Availability is granted on
first-come, first-serve basis only as long as the supply lasts. Rooms
can be reserved whilst registering for WWSSS2020.
WWSSS2020 offers a limited number of scholarships. The organization
committee will evaluate all applications. Every attendee with a
successful application will receive a fee waiver (equivalent 250€) for
registration. More details on scholarship applications are coming soon.
Registration Fees:
Regular Registration (until 29.05.2020): 250€
Late Registration (until 26.06.2020): 275€
Onsite Registration: 300€
Grant Application Deadline: 30.04.2020
WSTNet Web Science Summer School (WWSSS2020): June 29 - July 3, 2020,
Caen, France
Follow us on Twitter: [ https://twitter.com/wwsss_2020 | @wwsss_2020 ] [
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23wwsss2020 | #wwsss2020 ]
Marc Spaniol (University of Caen Normandy, France)
Local Organization:
Virginie Desnos-Carreau (University of Caen Normandy, France)
Govind (University of Caen Normandy, France)
Sophie Rastello (CNRS, France)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: special issue-Information Technology for
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 22:11:00 +0800 (GMT+08:00)
From: 牟健 <jian.mou(a)xidian.edu.cn>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[AISWorld] CFP: special issue-Information Technology for Development> >
Aims & Scope> The theme of this special issue will focus on the
exploration of an emerging and rapidly developing form of collaborative
consumption, popularly known as the “sharing economy”. This special
issue aims to provide a forum for scholars, practitioners and
policy-makers of sharing economy enabled digital platform to discuss the
development strategies and prospects. Sharing economy relates closely to
what is currently “hot” in the world of practice (e.g., Airbnb, Lending
club, Uber, Didi, Mobike) and provides a convenient way of ‘sharing’
goods, services and other resources with the help of digital technology
to achieve effective resource allocation and cost saving. The
development of sharing economy in online communities suggests
significant changes for the form of transportation, tourism, work
location, etc. Previously unknown individuals acquired a unique way to
meet new people, thus improve the social contacts and grow online
communities. These broad impacts give rise to novel and important
research questions and analytical approaches.> The aim of the special
issue is to address these issues concerned with novel and important
research questions, analytical approaches and make contributions on how
emerging innovations like sharing economy can be used to bring about
socioeconomic development (i.e., the process of social and economic
development). In particular, the scope of the special issue includes
perspective of quantitative and computational studies involving big data
set, case studies, interpretive work, design science and action research
related to sharing economy, creative conceptual or theoretical work on
the effect of sharing economy, sharing economy enabled digital platforms
in developing regions, and sharing economy with ICT for development etc.
This special issue emphasizes the sharing economy in the context of
developing parts of the world. We welcome papers that contribute to how
digital platforms enable a
sharing economy that may or may not bring about socioeconomic
development. It is open to theoretical and empirical studies deploying a
range of methodologies.> > Topics addressed> > We would like to invite
the authors to submit their research on sharing economy enabled digital
platform for development from theoretical, technological, social,
psychological, econometric, behavioral, and design science perspectives.
Research deploying different theoretical lenses could focus on
behavioral study and system design, methods, modeling, and techniques in
addressing various aspects of sharing economy enabled digital platform
for development. The special issue will focus on a wide range of topics
including but not limited to:> > The impact of sharing economy on
socioeconomic development> The strategies and success factors of sharing
economy enabled digital platform.> Case studies of sharing economy
enabled digital platforms for development.> Emerging issues in sharing
economy for development.> Trust, privacy, security and ethical issues in
sharing economy enabled digital platforms for development.> Social,
behavioral, economical, psychological and technical factors influencing
sharing economy enabled digital platforms for developing world.> User
behavior and modelling in sharing economy.> System design of sharing
economy enabled digital platforms.> Sharing economy related information
systems, technologies, theories, methods, or models that could be
transferred and applied from developed regions to developing regions.>
Artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning and cloud computing
technologies for sharing economy.> ICTs and sharing economy for
development.> Design science and action research related to sharing
economy.> Online collaboration in the sharing economy.> Business
strategy and practice for sharing economy.> Policy making, public
management and governance for sharing economy.> | Important Dates | |> |
Deadline for submission: | March 31, 2020 |> | Notification of initial
acceptance: | April 31, 2020 |> | Deadline for revised papers: | May 31,
2020 |> | Notification of final acceptance: | June 30, 2020 |> |
Tentative publication date: | July, 2020 |> Guest Editors> > Xusen
Cheng, Professor (xusen.cheng(a)ruc.edu.cn), School of Information
Management, Renmin University of China> Jian Mou, Assistant Professor,
(jian.mou(a)xidian.edu.cn) School of Economics and Management, Xidian
University, China> Xiangbin Yan, Professor, (xbyan(a)ustb.edu.cn) School
of Economics and Management, University of Science & Technology,
Beijing, China> For detailed call for paper, you may also find from the
> > > Best regards> Jian Mou> Xidian University&> University of Ottawa
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Workshops Proposals DEXA 2020, 14 - 17
September, 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:38:19 +0100
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
in conjunction with the 31st DEXA Conferences and Workshops (DEXA2020)
14 - 17 September 2020
Bratislava, Slovakia
email: dexa(a)iiwas.org
**** Important Dates *****
Proposal submission deadline: February 15, 2020
Workshop selection notification: February 20, 2020
Submission of Full Papers (recommended): April 6, 2020
Notification of Acceptance (recommended): May 20, 2020
Camera-ready Copies and Registration of Participation: June 19, 2020
***** Publication *****
All workshops papers will be published in a volume of "Communications in
Computer and Information Science" (CCIS) by Springer.
The DEXA2020 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
Program to be held on September 14 - 19, 2020 in parallel to the main
technical program of the DEXA conferences. The main goal of the DEXA2020
workshops is to stimulate and facilitate an active exchange,
interaction, and comparison of approaches, methods, and ideas about
specific (both theoretical and applicative) topics in the general area
of Information Science.
Workshops should be organized to facilitate informal discussion and
active engagement among attendees. Members from all areas of the
Information Science community are invited to submit workshop proposals
for review. Workshops on new emerging topics or specific relevant
aspects of broader topics are particularly encouraged. Workshops can
vary in length, but most will be one full day in duration. Workshop
organizers and attendees must register for their workshop and are
permitted to join the main DEXA conference.
**** Requirements for Submissions ****
To propose a workshop in DEXA2020, you will submit a complete workshop
proposal containing the following information:
- The title of the workshop;
- A one page (max.) description of the technical issues that the
workshop will address;
- The statements: 1) How is the workshop relevant to, and complementary
with, the main conference? and 2) Why is the workshop of particular
significance at this time?
- The names, affiliations, postal address, phone and fax numbers, and
e-mail addresses of the workshop organizers (It is expected that
organizers will be recognized experts in the related fields, and the
organizing committee should include individuals from multiple institutions);
- A list of potential program committee members, including their
- The expected number of attendees (estimating minimum and maximum values);
- Description of paper review process and acceptance standards;
- A draft workshop call for papers;
- The expected date and duration of the workshop;
All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to the DEXA
Conference Organisation Office (dexa(a)iiwas.org), in plain ASCII text, no
later than February 15th, 2020
Proposers will be notified of the committee's decision no later than
February 20, 2020
The selection of the workshops to be included in the final DEXA program
will be based upon multiple factors, including: the scientific/technical
interest of the topics, the quality of the proposal, balance and
distinctness of workshop topics, and the capacity of the conference
workshop program.
**** Responsibilities of DEXA and of Workshop Organizers ****
For all accepted proposals, DEXA will be responsible for:
- Setting up a web site for the workshop; - Providing conference online
submission system for paper upload and review process (obligatory)
- Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the workshop;
- Providing electronic registration system
- Together with the organizers, determining the workshop date and time;
- Publication of the papers in the proceedings of DEXA2020 Workshops
with Springer CCIS.
Workshop organizers will be responsible for the following:
- Advertising the workshop and issuing a call for participation/papers;
- Collecting and evaluating submissions using the DEXA conference online
submission system (mandatory), notifying authors of acceptance or
rejection in due time, and ensuring a transparent and fair selection
process. All workshop organizers are recommended to adopt the following
deadlines for submissions and notifications of acceptance.
- Submission of Full Papers: April 6, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance: May 20, 2020
- Camera-ready Copies: June 19, 2020
- Ensuring that the workshop organizers and the participants get
registered to the workshop by registering to DEXA’19.
- Accepted workshops are entitled to receive a free registration(s)
which depends on the number of accepted and registered papers
DEXA reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the above
responsibilities are not fulfilled, or if too few attendees register for
the workshop.
**** Workshops Chair ****
A Min Tjoa, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
*** Contact ***** Ismail Khalil DEXA Steering committee co-chair
Institute of Telecooperation - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69,A-4040 Linz, Austria
Email: ismail(a)iiwas.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [US2TS 2020] Early Registration Extended for the U.S.
Semantic Technologies Symposium 2020
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 20:26:31 -0500
From: Maulik Kamdar <maulik(a)maulik-kamdar.com>
Reply-To: Maulik Kamdar <maulik(a)maulik-kamdar.com>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
3rd U.S. Semantic Technologies Symposium 2020
9 – 11 March 2020, North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North
US2TS 3rd Call for Early Registration
** Registration
Early Registration deadline: February 6, 2020
Registration link: http://us2ts.org/registration
Deadline for Travel Awards: February 4, 2020
Deadline for Discounted Hotel Rates: February 16, 2020
The sessions and lightning talks that will be held during the 3rd U.S.
Semantic Technologies Symposium 2020 event, with speakers and tentative
details, are available at https://us2ts.org/program. These sessions
cover diverse topics on Hybrid AI, Knowledge Graph Trends, Enterprise
Semantic Data, and Semantic Web Tools. We are also pleased to announce
that Dr. Louiqa Raschid will present one of the keynotes at US2TS 2020.
At this stage, travel support awards are available to students (graduate
and undergraduate), postdocs, and early-career professionals (within 1
year of receiving their highest degree). Please visit
https://us2ts.org/travel-awardsfor more information.
** Calls for Late-Breaking Lightning Talks and Posters
We also invite submissions for Late-Breaking Lightning Talks to be held
during US2TS 2020. The call for lightning talks will remain open until
all the available slots are filled.
** More Details: https://us2ts.org/cfc#lightning-talks
** Submission Website:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=us2ts2020(choose “Lightning
Talk” as topic)
We also invite participants to present a poster on their research or
software applications. Please indicate during registration if you are
going to present a poster at the symposium.
** About US2TS
The US2TS Symposium series is an emerging premier forum for fostering
community between academic, industry, and government researchers and
practitioners in the US that develop or apply semantic technologies. The
interest in semantics has been strengthened by the growing dependence on
the Web and the continuously increasing importance of large-scale data
sharing, integration, and reuse. Participants at the US2TS come from
disciplines in computer science and engineering, natural sciences,
geoscience, biology, library science, biomedical and health care
sciences, social sciences and the humanities, and many others.
Discussions at the symposium cover core topics such as the Semantic
Web, Ontologies, Knowledge Graph, Linked Data and AI on the Web, Privacy
and Trust, etc., as well as the intersection of such topics with areas
such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchains.
** Contact
All inquiries, including questions about submissions should be emailed
to contact us at 2020-org AT us2ts DOT org
You are also welcome to join our social network on LinkedIn at
We look forward to your great contributions and participation.
See you all on March 9 - 11, 2020, in Raleigh, NC!
** Sponsors
US2TS 2020 would not be possible without the generous support of our
sponsors. The following sponsors have expressed their financial support
for US2TS 2020.
Social Event Sponsor: LexisNexis
Platinum Sponsors: Raytheon BBC Technologies
Standard Sponsors: Bosch, Data.World
Please read more to know about US2TS Sponsorship Packages at
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Paper: IEEE COMPSAC 2020 - Submission
Deadline Extended: February 13, 2020
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 02:58:18 +0000
From: Hossain Shahriar <hshahria(a)kennesaw.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*****Apologies for multiple postings*****
Madrid, Spain
July 13-17, 2020
Driving Intelligent Transformation of the Digital World
COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers,
Software and Applications. It is a major international forum for
academia, industry, and government to discuss research results and
advancements, emerging challenges, and future trends in computer and
software technologies and applications. The theme of COMPSAC 2020 is
“Driving Intelligent Transformation of the Digital World”.
Staying relevant in a constantly evolving digital landscape is a
challenge faced by researchers, developers, and producers in virtually
every industry and area of study. Once limited to software-enabled
devices, the ubiquity of digitally-enabled systems makes this challenge
a universal issue. Furthermore, as relevance fuels change, many
influencers will offer solutions that benefit their own priorities.
Fortunately, history has shown that the building blocks of digital
change are forged by those conducting foundational research and
development of digital systems and human interactions. Artificial
Intelligence is not new, but is much more utilized in everyday computing
now that data and processing resources are more economically viable,
hence widely available. The opportunity to drive the use of this
powerful tool in transforming the digital world is yours. Will your
results help define the path ahead, or will you relegate those decisions
to those with different priorities for utilizing intelligence in digital
systems? COMPSAC has been and continues to be a highly respected venue
for the dissemination of key research on computer and software systems
and applications, and has influenced fundamental developments in these
fields for over 40 years. COMPSAC 2020 is your opportunity to add your
mark to this ongoing journey, and we highly encourage your submission!
COMPSAC 2020, organized as a tightly integrated union of symposia, will
focus on technical aspects of issues relevant to intelligent
transformation of the digital world. The technical program will include
keynote addresses, research papers, industrial case studies, fast
abstracts, a doctoral symposium, poster sessions, and workshops and
tutorials on emerging and important topics related to the conference
theme. Highlights of the conference will include plenary and specialized
panels that will address the technical challenges facing researchers and
practitioners who are driving fundamental changes in intelligent systems
and applications. Panels will also address cultural and societal
challenges for a society whose members must continue to learn to live,
work, and play in the environments the technologies produce.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as
well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other
publication venues is not permitted except as highlighted in the COMPSAC
2020 J1C2 & C1J2 program. All submissions must adhere to IEEE Publishing
Policies, and will be vetted through the IEEE CrossCheck portal.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as
well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other
publication venues is not permitted except for COMPSAC 2020 J1C2 & C1J2
publication schemes. In accordance with IEEE policy, submitted
manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of alleged
misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE Publication Services
and Product Board Operations Manual.
Please note that in order to ensure the fairness of the review process,
COMPSAC follows the double-blind review procedure. Therefore we kindly
ask authors to remove their names, affiliations and contacts from the
header of their papers in the review version. Please also redact all
references to authors’ names, affiliations or prior works from the paper
when submitting papers for review. Once accepted, authors can then
include their names, affiliations and contacts in the camera-ready
revision of the paper, and put the references to their prior works back.
Page limits are inclusive of tables, figures, appendices, and
references. Full conference papers and workshop papers can add an
additional 2 pages with additional page charges ($250USD/page).
*****PAGE LIMITS*****
Full conference papers: 10 pages
J1/C2 papers: 2-3 pages
Industrial Practice Reports: 10 pages
Short Papers: 6 pages
Workshop Papers: 6 pages
Fast Abstracts: 2 pages
Student Research Symposium papers: 4 pages
Posters: 1 page
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