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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: 2nd KET4DF - 1st Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 11:47:02 +0200
From: Gregoris Mentzas <gmentzas(a)mail.ntua.gr>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[ apologies for possible cross-postings ]
Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on
Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Factories (KET4DF)
in conjunction with CAiSE 2020
8-9 June 2020, Grenoble, France
This workshop seeks at providing the opportunity for inspiration and
cross-fertilization for the research groups working on technological
solutions for digital factories and smart manufacturing. We welcome
innovative papers from academic and industrial researchers covering a
wide range of topics of interests in the computer science and computer
engineering fields.
Topics of interest
The topics include but are not limited to:
* Digital Platform Interoperability for Digital Factories
* Internet-of-things for Smart Manufacturing
* Digital Factories and End-to-end supply chains
* Peer Manufacturing
* Model-based development in Digital Factories
* M2M interaction
* Information Systems for Sustainable Value Networks
* Information Systems Engineering for Additive Manufacturing
* Manufacturing Enterprise Architecture Engineering
* Big Data Technologies and Analytics for Smart Manufacturing
* Cloud, Fog, Edge Computing and other programming techniques in
Manufacturing Systems
* Data Mining, Machine Learning and AI in Smart Manufacturing
* Data-driven decision making in Industry 4.0
* Real-time Computing in Smart Manufacturing Environments
* Proactive and Autonomous Computing in Digital Factories
* Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins
* Context-aware and Adaptive Systems in Smart Manufacturing and Digital
* Digital Security, Privacy and Liability
* Business Process Modelling, Analysis and Engineering
* Business Impact of Information Systems for Industry 4.0
* Advanced user interfaces for Industry 4.0
* Virtual and augmented reality for smart manufacturing
Important Dates
Papers due:
1 March 2020
Acceptance notification:
31 March 2020
Final Papers (camera ready) due:
6 April 2020
Workshop Co-chairs: ---------------------
Federica Mandreoli
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Giacomo Cabri
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Gregoris Mentzas
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Karl Hribernik
Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH (BIBA), Germany
Workshop web site: https://sites.google.com/view/ket4df2020/home
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] AMCIS 2020 / Track Organizational Transformation &
Information Systems (SIG OSRA) / Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:12:51 +0100
From: Lauri Wessel | University of Bremen <lauri.wessel(a)uni-bremen.de>
Reply-To: Lauri Wessel | University of Bremen <lauri.wessel(a)uni-bremen.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
*AMCIS 2020 Call for Papers
Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA)
August 12-16, 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah*
Dear colleagues,
if you are working in the area of*organizational transformation & IS /
digital transformation*, please consider submitting a paper to one of
minitracks in the track "*Organizational Transformation & Information
Systems*" sponsored by*SIG OSRA*.
This year, the minitracks seek to attract papers related to*agile
methods, business process management, digital disruption, digital
platforms, smart services and start-up*s. The general minitrack is also
open for further topics related to the track's theme.
*Track description:*
By adopting, adapting, or developing Information Systems (IS),
organizations and their IS continually undergo a considerable
transformation often referred to as “digital transformation”. As a
result, information systems, business models, business processes, and
end-user workplaces are perpetually analyzed, rethought, and changed.
Nowadays, many systems in organizations are already interconnected to
form inter-organizational IS, contributing to a complex IS landscape in
current organizations. This renews the importance of analyzing the
interplay between IS and organizations from socio-technical and end-user
perspectives and the implications of changing IS on end-users and
customers, who are increasingly technologically savvy and immersed in
this digital transformation.
*Minitracks of the track "Organizational Transformation & Information
- Minitrack 1: *Disruptive Start-ups and Traditional Companies* (MT
co-chairs: Heiko Gewald, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Gozman)
- Minitrack 2: *Digital Transformation through Agile Methods* (MT
co-chairs: Andreas Drechsler, Bettina Horlach)
- Minitrack 3: *Digital Transformation through Smart Services* (MT
co-chairs: Thang Le Dinh, Jolita Ralyté, Thoa Pham)
- Minitrack 4: *Business Process Management and Changes* (MT
co-chairs: Joseph Nwankpa, Yaman Roumani)
- Minitrack 5:SIG OSRA General Minitrack (MT co-chairs: Elizabeth Regan,
João Porto de Albuquerque, Vincent Dutot)
- Minitrack 6: *Digital Transformation through Data Analytics,
Artificial Intelligence and Other Epistemic Technologies*(MT
co-chairs: Wendy Günther, Mayur Joshi)
- Minitrack 7: *Digital Transformation and Capitalizing on Digital
Disruption*(MT co-chairs: Abayomi Baiyere, Daniel Fürstenau)
- Minitrack 8: *Digital Transformation through Digital Platforms*(MT
co-chairs: Anna Sigridur Islind, Alexander Kempton)
*Please find the full description of the minitracks on the AMCIS 2020
Important dates:*
- February 28, 2020 AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at
5:00pm MST
- April 13, 2020 Track Chairs recommendations are due
- April 22, 2020 Camera-ready papers are due
Paul Drews, Elaine Mosconi, Frank Ulbrich, Lauri Wessel
AMCIS 2020 Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems
(SIG OSRA) Co-Chairs
Lauri Wessel
Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel
Professor of Management and Organization
Faculty 7: Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1 (WIWI 1), Room A2340
28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel.: 0049-421-218 66600
Email: _lauri.wessel(a)uni-bremen.de <mailto:lauri.wessel@uni-bremen.de>_
Web: _www.mo.uni-bremen.de <http://www.mo.uni-bremen.de>_
*_Check out our latest publications:_*
*Wessel, L.,* Davidson, E.; Barquet, A., Rothe, H., Peters, O., Megges,
H. (2019) “Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-based
Inquiry.” /Information Systems Journal/, 29(6), 1256-1281/.
Rothe, H., *Wessel, L.*, Barquet, A. (forthcoming) “Accumulating Design
Knowledge: A Mechanisms-based Approach”. /Journal of the Association for
Information Systems./
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., *Wessel, L.* (Eds.) (2019) “Microfoundations of
Institutions.“ /Research in the Sociology of Organizations Volume
65A&65B (Double Volume)/, Emerald.
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., *Wessel, L*. (2019) “Microfoundations and
Multi-Level Research on Institutions,” in: /Research in the Sociology
Organizations/ /“Microfoundations of Institutions“, 65A, 11-40/.
Ologeanu-Taddei, R., *Wessel, L.*, Bourdon, I. 2019 “Persistent
Paradoxes in Pluralistic Organizations: A Case Study of Continued Use of
Shadow-IT in a French Hospital”. /40^th International Conference on
Information Systems.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ACSOS] ACSOS 2020: Call for Workshops & Tutorials
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 12:05:10 +0800
From: ACSOS 2020 <publicity(a)acsos.org>
To: acsos(a)lists.uni-wuerzburg.de
*** ACSOS 2020 - Call For Workshops & Tutorials ***
1st Joint ICAC/SASO International Conference on
Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems
17-21 August 2020 – Washington, DC, USA
***************************************************** The goal of the
IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing
Systems (ACSOS) is to provide a forum for sharing the latest research
results, ideas and experiences in autonomic computing, self-adaptation
and self-organization. ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a merger of the IEEE
International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) and the IEEE
International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
(SASO). For more information about the merger, as well as up-to-date
news, see https://conf.researchr.org/news/acsos-2020 or follow us at
https://twitter.com/ACSOSconf!*** Important Dates ***
January 30, 2020: Workshop proposal submission deadline
February 7, 2020: Workshop acceptance notification
February 28, 2020: Workshop call for papers online (at the latest)
May 10, 2020: Tutorial proposal deadline
May 17, 2020: Tutorial acceptance notification
August 17-August 21, 2020: Workshop and Tutorial dates
*** About ACSOS Workshops & Tutorials ***
ACSOS 2020 is soliciting proposals for workshops and tutorials to be
co-located with its main conference. ACSOS workshops will provide a
meeting place for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly
more focused way than the conferences themselves. Their aim is to
stimulate and facilitate active exchange, interaction, and comparison of
approaches, methods, and ideas. To motivate the discussion and
participation of all the workshop attendants, we encourage organizers to
get away from the typical “mini-conference” format of a workshop and
include more discussion sessions, panels, etc. The workshops/tutorials
should be on original and timely topics of relevance to the ACSOS
communities. We seek proposals from individuals and teams interested in
organizing strong workshops and tutorials. Ideally, each
workshop/tutorial should be full or half-day. Workshops and tutorials
will take place on Monday and Friday surrounding the main conference. We
will interact with workshop organizers in due time to define the
schedule of the sessions and coffee breaks as well as room logistics.
Please submit your workshop/tutorial proposals as soon as possible. We
will try to decide as early as possible on workshop/tutorial acceptance
in order to give the organizers more time to solicit papers.Workshop
descriptions, workshop papers, and tutorial abstracts are part of the
ACSOS Companion Volume that will be published alongside the ACSOS main
proceedings. Workshop papers should have a maximum of six pages.
Workshop descriptions should have a maximum of two pages. The workshop
description should introduce the workshop topics and summarise the
papers accepted for the workshop. Tutorial abstract should be a maximum
of one pageand will be included in the ACSOS Companion Volume. A higher
page limit and/or additional extra paid pages may be possible subject to
the approval by the proceedings chair.
*** Workshop Proposals ***Proposals for workshops should be organized as
a preliminary call for papers or call for participation, depending on
the intended format of the workshop, with a maximum of two pages and
contain the following information: - Title of the workshop.- A brief
technical description of the workshop, specifying the workshop goals,
the technical issues that it will address, and the relevance of the
workshop to the main conference. The names, affiliations, phone numbers,
and email addresses of the proposed workshop organizing committee. We
strongly encourage the organizing committee to consist of at least two
people coming from multiple institutions knowledgeable about the
technical issues to be addressed - The primary email address for
contacting the organizing committee.- Expected duration of the workshop
(half or full-day) - A brief description of the workshop format.- The
workshop deadlines, both internal and external, aligned with the ACSOS
timeline. - Description of the paper review process and acceptance
standards in order to keep the workshop high in quality. Accepted
workshop papers will be published in the proceedings and submitted for
inclusion to IEEE Xplore. Papers must thus be in the same format as the
conference proceedings and may not be more than 6 pagesin length.
Workshop organizers must ensure that suitable quality measures have been
taken. All papers must be reviewed by an International Technical Program
Committee with a minimum of 3 reviews per paper.- List of potential
program committee members, including their title and affiliations. -
List of potential invited speakers, panelists, or
disputants.Additionally, the organizers should give further information
in the proposal on an additional pagenot counted towards the page limit
and not suitable for a Call for Papers, including: - Information about
previous offerings of the proposed workshop/tutorial: when and where it
has been offered in the past, organizers’ names and affiliations, number
of submissions, acceptances, and registered attendees.- An expected
number of submissions, accepted papers, and attendees (if applicable).
Workshop proposals should be sent as a pdf via email to
acsos20.workshops(a)gmail.com.*** Tutorial Proposals ***Proposals for
tutorials should be organized as a preliminary call for participation
with a maximum of two pagesand contain the following information: -
Title of the tutorial.- A brief technical description of the tutorial,
specifying the tutorial goals, the technical issues that it will
address, and the relevance of the tutorial to the main conference. The
names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of the proposed
tutorial organizer(s). - The primary email address for contacting the
organizers.- Expected duration of the tutorial (half or full day).
Tutorial proposals should be sent as a pdf via email to
acsos20.workshops(a)gmail.com.*** Responsibilities of ACSOS Workshop &
Tutorial Organizers ***- Produce a web page and a Call for
Papers/Participation for their workshop/tutorial. The call must make it
clear that at least one author of each accepted submission must register
and present the paper (for workshops). - Provide a brief description of
the workshop/tutorial for the conference web page and program.-
Advertise the workshop/tutorial (and the main ACSOS event) and issuing a
call for papers and a call for participation - Write an organizers’
introduction for the workshop/an abstract of the tutorial.- Ensure that
the workshop/tutorial organizers and the participants register for the
workshop/tutorial and/or the main conference (at least one author must
register for the paper to appear in the proceedings).Organizers must
commit to meeting the following deadlines (these are the latest possible
deadlines):- Workshop paper submission deadline: early June (after
acceptance notification for the main conference) - Workshop paper
acceptance notification: early July- Camera-ready papers due: early July
(synchronized with CRV deadline for the main conference) -
Workshop/Tutorial notes submission to workshops and tutorials/proceeding
chairs: 8 July (synchronized with CRV deadline for the main
conference)In addition, workshop organizers will be responsible for the
following: - Setting up and managing the paper submission site and
review process. Ensuring that all workshop papers follow the standard
IEEE formatting guidelines and an agreed page limit of 6 pages. A higher
page limit and/or additional extra paid pages may be possible subject to
the approval by the proceedings chair.- Assisting in producing a
camera-ready version of the workshop proceedings. Important Notes:-
ACSOS reserves the right to cancel any workshop/tutorial if the above
responsibilities are not fulfilled, or if too few attendees register for
the workshop to support its running costs. - Workshops are not
automatically endorsed by IEEE or ACM and should not use the names of
these organizations in their titles.If you have questions about your
proposal, do not hesitate to contact the workshop chairs:
claudia.raibulet(a)unimib.it or pkumar(a)wm.edu
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS CPR2020 CFP - Extended due date to Feb 3rd
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 22:37:33 +0000
From: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman(a)trident.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2020
Digital Innovation: Designing our Digital Future
Location: Nuremburg, Germany
Dates: June, 19-21, 2020
Conference website: http://sigmis.org/sigcpr2020/
Printable CFP: Download the SIGMIS CPR 2020 Call for
Submission System:
Posters and Doctoral Consortium
Academic Papers
Submission deadline:
January 15 February 3, 2020
January 15 February 3, 2020
Notification of acceptance:
March 2 March 13, 2020
March 2 March 13, 2020
Camera-ready version:
March 23 April 1, 2020
For over 55 years, ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research (CPR)
conference has engaged the academic and practitioner communities in
understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information
technology (IT) and people. From its roots in the studies of the IT
workforce, CPR has broadened its focus to investigate all aspects of
this important and complex relationship. We are delighted to welcome the
2020 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference to Nuremberg, Germany, in June 2020.
Early implementations of information systems were designed to automate
administrative and transactional work by utilizing large enterprise
systems. Now digital technologies are ubiquitous; influencing every
aspect of society, work, and life. Societies, organizations, and
individuals now face many new dilemmas, new questions, and new
uncertainties. As digital technologies infuse and shape our daily lives,
many of our core theoretical perspectives are derived from a time when
computers were new and unknown to many organizations and people.
The context of digital innovations provides CPR research opportunities
to develop new theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.
Such approaches may require novel concepts, models, and methods to
understand how societies, organizations, and individuals apply, share,
adopt and are impacted by digital innovation to build a digital future.
Hence, there is a need for research at the intersection of societies,
organizations, and individuals as well as the people being in charge of
the digital innovation process and those who are educating the digital
creators and leaders of the future. Therefore, the CPR 2020 conference
seeks papers addressing, but not limited to the following questions:
* What leads to individuals adopting or resisting the use of digital
* What are the impacts of emerging technologies on individuals?
* How does the design of a digital innovation impact acceptance and/or
* How do individual humans interact with robotic co-workers or services?
* How can organizations understand emerging technologies and their
potential risks and opportunities?
* How can organizations enable incremental and disruptive digital
* What is the business value of digital innovations? From what does this
value derive?
* Will emerging IT enable new organizational forms? What are those forms?
* How does the interaction of IT and people impact innovation, and how
is innovation impacted by this interaction?
* How does IT impact entrepreneurial activities?
* How does and will digital innovation impact the nature of work?
* How can we address various digital divides?
* What are the best ways to organize IT work to enable digital innovation?
* What factors impact retention and turnover in the IT workforce?
* What unique challenges exist for managing IT workers, and how do we
meet those challenges?
* Why are some demographic groups under-represented in the IT workforce?
* What are the characteristics of the IT workforce? How are these
characteristics changing?
* What are the key skills for entry into the IT workforce? How are these
skills changing?
* What ethical issues result from embedding IT in work?
* What security and privacy issues result from embedding IT in work?
* How do we help students develop the skills needed for entry into, and
success in the IT workforce and digital innovation?
* How can we attract promising students to IS programs?
* How should IS programs deal with emerging technologies and digital
* How should IS programs differentiate themselves from computer science,
analytics, data science and other overlapping programs with regard to
digital innovation?
* How can universities best prepare students for careers in IS and IT?
In addition to the conference theme, we also invite submissions to a
general IS track that broadly addresses issues at the intersection of
information technology and people.
Format of Submissions
ACM SIGMIS CPR 2020 welcomes both completed papers and
research-in-progress papers, (which may be accepted as posters), and
submissions designated as posters. All papers must be original,
unpublished elsewhere, and submitted on the ACM SIG proceedings template
available for download from:
https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Reviews will be
* Completed papers may include conceptual papers, empirical papers and
industry case studies. They must not exceed 5000 words including all
text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are
excluded from this page count.
* Research-in-progress papers must not exceed 2000 words including all
text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are
excluded from this page count.
* Poster presentations must not exceed 500 words and should provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic, research approach, findings to date
(if any) and future plans for project.
* Panels: Ideas for interesting panels related to the conference theme
should be submitted directly to Sven Laumer
Doctoral Consortium
In conjunction with the CPR 2020 conference, a doctoral consortium will
take place on the opening day of the conference. This doctoral
consortium is intended for students at any stage of their dissertation
research. This could include those students who are in the early stages
of writing their dissertation proposal, through to those who are writing
up their findings.
Students interested in participating in the SIGMIS CPR doctoral
consortium should be conducting research on a topic related to the
conference theme or to the broad CPR focus on intersection of
information technology and people.
The purpose of the consortium is two-fold:
1. Provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at
a stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work.
2. Provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish
to pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information
systems and people.
Doctoral students interested in the consortium must submit an
application package which includes: (1) a nomination letter, (2) an
application letter from doctoral students, (3) 1/2 page executive
summary of the project, ans (4) a research proposal. Students nominated
for the consortium by their faculty sponsor should submit the nomination
letter and a 10-page research proposal together via email
(sigmisacm(a)gmail.com<mailto:sigmisacm@gmail.com>) by the due date
(February 3rd, 2020).
Nomination Letter. Doctoral students may be nominated to the consortium
by any faculty sponsor such as their dissertation chair, coursework
advisor or a faculty member with whom the student is conducting
research. The nomination letter must indicate the student is in good
standing in their program, the sponsor's relationship with the student
(eg. advisor, chair, instructor), the student's status in terms of
completion of their dissertation (eg. proposal stage, pre-proposal,
etc.), and potential value in attending.
Application Letter. Students must submit an applicaiton letter
describing why they would benefit from attending, along with specifics
on personal learning objectives, and at least two challenges or
questions they seek assistance with.
Executive Summary. The 1/2 page should be suitable for sharing with
other doctoral attendees and/or publication in the Proceedings if
accepted. (Brief statement of Research Question, Motivation, Theoretical
foundation, Methodology, Early Findings if applicable.)
Research Proposal. The student's research proposal should be 11pt font,
double spaced; the 10 pages excludes figures and references. The
document must clearly articulate the goal and motivation of the
research, the theories and literature that guide the research, the
methodology being used or under consideration, and early findings if
The application package will be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified
senior faculty mentors. The doctoral students selected to participate in
the doctoral consortium will receive one round of written feedback on
their proposal prior to the conference.
At the conference, each student will present their research ideas or
questions and engage in discussion with faculty and fellow consortium
participants. The doctoral consortium will allow activities in plenary
mode and intense workshop sessions in smaller groups.
* Accepted students may choose to publish an extended abstract of their
proposal in the conference proceedings.
* Funding will be available to assist with travel and registration fees
to students selected for the doctoral consortium.
If you have any questions you may contact any of the doctoral consortium
Accepted papers will be published by ACM in the refereed conference
proceedings, which will be distributed at the conference. Authors of
accepted papers may choose to publish complete papers or extended
abstracts of their research in the conference proceedings. All completed
research papers that are to be published in their entirety in the
conference proceedings will be considered for the Magid Igbaria
Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award. The Magid Igbaria
Outstanding Conference Paper and other exemplar papers will be invited
for publication in the DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems-the
quarterly journal publication of ACM SIGMIS. Articles will not be
published in the event proceedings if at least one author of a submitted
work is unable to present their article at the conference.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may
be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The
official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings
related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings
are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over,
the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
Proceedings of all previous CPR conferences are available in the ACM
Digital Library at http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm.
Conference Location
Nuremberg is an early center of humanism and science. For example, the
city contributed much to the science of astronomy. In 1471 an
astronomical observatory was built in Nuremberg, in 1515, Albrecht
Dürer, a native of Nuremberg, created woodcuts of the first maps of the
stars of the northern and southern hemispheres and the main part of
Nicolaus Copernicus's work was published in Nuremberg in 1543. Moreover,
sculptors such as Veit Stoss, Adam Kraft and Peter Vischer are also
associated with Nuremberg. Richard Wagner made Nuremburg's most famous
native, Hans Sachs, the hero of his opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg.
The first documented mention of the city was in 1050, noting Nuremberg
as the location of an Imperial castle, which is still today one of the
main tourist attraction. Beyond its main attractions, there are 54
different museums for arts and culture, history, science and technology,
toys, family and children, where visitors can see the world's oldest
globe (built in 1492), a 500-year-old Madonna, and Renaissance-era
German art. After World War II, the town was rebuilt with the charm of a
medieval Bavarian village. It has since been dubbed the "most German of
German cities".
Nuremberg is also famous for its Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market),
which draws well over a million shoppers each year. The market is famous
for its handmade ornaments and delicacies, which can also be bought in
the summer.
Nuremberg held great significance during the Nazi Germany era. The Nazi
Party chose the city to be the site of huge Nazi Party conventions - the
Nuremberg rallies. Therefore, the city provided the site for the
Nuremberg trials, which held to account many major Nazi officials. Both
sites can still be visited and there is a visitors center that explains
Nurembergs role during Nazi Germany.
There are many institutions of higher education in the city, most
notably the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), with 39,780
students (2017) Bavaria's third and Germany's 11th largest university
with campuses in Erlangen and Nuremberg and a university hospital in
Erlangen (Universitätsklinikum Erlangen). FAU is Germany's most
innovative university and 2nd in Europe.
Nuremberg is also a destination for food lovers. Culinary tourists can
taste the city's famous lebkuchen, gingerbread, local beer, and
Nürnberger Rostbratwürstche, or Nuremberg sausages. The social event of
the conference will provide an opportunity to taste typical local food.
Nuremberg Airport (Flughafen Nürnberg "Albrecht Dürer") is the
second-busiest airport of Bavaria after Munich Airport, and the
tenth-busiest airport of Germany. It provides connections to all major
airport hubs in Europe (e.g. Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam,
Zurich, Istanbul) and is easily reached from all over the world.
Some impressions:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbqasWr3ld0
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a23945btJYw&t=3s
Official tourism side: https://tourismus.nuernberg.de/en/
Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
Sven Laumer (sven.laumer(a)fau.de<mailto:sven.laumer@fau.de>)
Damien Joseph (adjoseph(a)ntu.edu.sg<mailto:adjoseph@ntu.edu.sg>)
Jeria Quesenberry (jeriaq(a)andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:jeriaq@andrew.cmu.edu>)
Program Co-Chairs
Daniel Beimborn
Christian Maier
Shirish C. Srivastava (srivastava(a)hec.fr<mailto:srivastava@hec.fr>)
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Deborah Armstrong
Andreas Eckhardt (andreas.eckhardt(a)ggs.de<mailto:andreas.eckhardt@ggs.de>)
Indira Guzman (indira.guzman(a)trident.edu<mailto:indira.guzman@trident.edu>)
Michelle Kaarst-Brown (mlbrow03(a)syr.edu<mailto:mlbrow03@syr.edu>)
Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de<mailto:tim.weitzel@uni-bamberg.de>)
Local Arrangement Chair
Jessica Ochmann (jessica.ochmann(a)fau.de<mailto:jessica.ochmann@fau.de>)
Communications Chairs
Indira Guzman (indira.guzman(a)trident.edu<mailto:indira.guzman@trident.edu>)
Manuel Wiesche (manuel.wiesche(a)in.tum.de<mailto:Manuel.Wiesche@in.tum.de>)
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 - CFP - Spatial Big Data, Social Media
Analytics, IoT, and GeoAI
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 18:34:13 -0500
From: Daniel Farkas <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Daniel Farkas <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
(apologies for cross-postings)
Contribute your research to the SIGGIS Mini-Track at AMCIS 2020, Salt Lake
* Emerging Trends and Innovation in Spatial Big Data, *
*Social Media Analytics, IoT, and GeoAI *
*Mini-Track Description:*
Location Analytics and GIS provide excellent opportunities at the
convergence of existing technologies (e.g. mobile, web) and emerging trends
in Big Data, Social Media Analytics, IoT and AI, as well as Blockchain for
teaching and research. This mini-track provides a research forum on the
varied aspects of GIS for organizational intelligence, location-based
analytics, and geospatial data management. “Geospatial Impact” is growing
and becoming pervasive through various technologies and trends such as the
“massification” of maps, demand for real-time information, and a booming
geospatial start-up community.
This mini-track encourages and solicits completed research papers and
Emergent Research Forum (ERF) papers across topics such as –
1. New Frontiers in innovation and impact with GIS and spatial analytics,
2. Geospatial AI, AR, and VR,
3. Innovation in the sharing economy,
4. Geospatial big data and analytics,
5. Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery,
6. Spatial decision making and knowledge management,
7. Mobile location-based applications,
8. Cloud-based GIS concepts and applications,
9. Web-based GIS concepts and applications,
10. Spatial crowdsourcing,
11. Management decision-making using GIS, and managerial concerns,
12. Spatial workforce development,
13. Regulatory, privacy, security, ethical aspects concerning spatial
data and related technologies,
14. Location-based theory,
15. Software development incorporating place,
16. Societal issues of big spatial data,
17. Investment in and benefits of GIS, spatial BI, or spatial analytics,
18. Emerging areas of GIS and location analytics.
*Mini-Track Chairs:*
Daniel Farkas, Pace University, dfarkas(a)pace.edu
Brian Hilton, Claremont Graduate University, Brian.Hilton(a)cgu.edu
James B. Pick, University of Redlands, James_Pick(a)redlands.edu
Hindupur Ramakrishna, University of Redlands,
Avijit Sarkar, University of Redlands, Avijit_Sarkar(a)redlands.edu
Namchul Shin, Pace University, nshin(a)pace.edu
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: February 28, 2020 5:00pm MST
Submission information at
Mini-track chair contact for information:
· Brian Hilton, Claremont Graduate University, Brian.Hilton(a)cgu.edu
· Daniel Farkas, Pace University,dfarkas(a)pace.edu
Dan Farkas, PhD
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP Minitrack AMCIS 2020 "Digital Transformation
through Agile Methods"
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 01:10:32 +0000
From: Andreas Drechsler <andreas.drechsler(a)vuw.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Apologies for cross-postings)
-- 2020 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) --
-- Salt Lake City, Aug 12-16 2020 --
-- https://amcis2020.aisconferences.org/ --
Minitrack *Digital Transformation through Agile Methods*
Track *Organisational Transformation & Information Systems (SIGOSRA)*
Many of today’s organizations see agility as a core capability of the
digital enterprise. While following agile values, principles and methods
in software development projects is well established, organizations
across all industries increasingly try to harness agile’s potential in
other areas.
Areas include (1) scaling agile development to larger settings involving
multiple teams and/or projects, (2) managing distributed organizational
setups, (3) extending agile values, principles and methods to other
functions in the enterprise beyond software development and IT, and (4)
establishing inter-organizational setups for agility that include
customers, partners or suppliers. These extensions lead to intensive
organizational change activities with a high impact on potentially all
organizational levels: individual, team, management and governance.
For this minitrack, we seek to attract research contributions that
extend existing research by focusing on socio-technical, organizational,
managerial and/ or individual challenges of extending the application of
agile values, principles and methods beyond their original scope.
We welcome conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented contributions for
this mini-track. Papers must be submitted through the conference
website: https://amcis2020.aisconferences.org/
You can find the paper submission guidelines and template here:
Submission deadline:
- February 28, 2020: Deadline for paper submissions (5pm MST)
Minitrack Co-chairs:
- Andreas Drechsler, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Bettina Horlach, University of Hamburg, Germany
Dr Andreas Drechsler
Senior Lecturer
School of Information Management
Wellington School of Business and Government | Ōrauariki
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand
Phone +64 4 463 5265
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Digital Government Research Conference dg.o ---
Extended Deadline
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 01:47:01 +0000
From: Luis Felipe Luna Reyes <luisf.luna(a)udlap.mx>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues:
As a result of numerous requests, the dg.o 2020 Conference Organization
Committee has decided to extend the final deadline for the Call for
Papers. Submissions are now due no later than Friday, January 31th, 2020
(Midnight EST). Applicants will be notified of acceptance by April 10,
2020. Please note the full list of updated conference key dates. We want
to acknowledge the people who have already submitted their paper
proposals already. Thanks so much to you all!
Updated conference key dates
January 31 (January 15), 2020: Papers due
January 31 (January 20), 2020: Workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due
March 31 (March 15), 2020: Posters and demos proposals due
March 31 (March 1), 2020: Application deadline for 2020 doctoral colloquium
April 10 (March 20), 2020: Notifications of acceptance
April 20 (April 1), 2020: Poster/demo author notifications
April 25 (April 5), 2020: Camera-ready manuscripts due
May 15 (May 5), 2020: Early registration closes!
The dg.o 2020 Conference Information including Paper Submission
Guidelines is available on https://easychair.org/cfp/dgo2020 as well as
on the conference website: http://dgsoc.org/dgo-2020/ . Submissions can
be made directly on https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2020 .
We hope you will take advantage of the extended deadline to submit your
proposal for the dg.o 2020 Conference, being held in Seoul, Korea,
coming June.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Dongwook Kim, Luis Luna-Reyes, and Soon Ae Chun
Conference Chairs
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS 2020 Panel Proposal Deadline Extended
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 03:03:02 +0000
From: Michael Myers <m.myers(a)auckland.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We invite the submission of proposals for panels to take place during
ECIS 2020 (June 15-17). Please note that the submission deadline has
been extended to March 15, 2020. See https://ecis2020.ma/panels/
The purpose of panels in ECIS 2020 is to provide the opportunity to
present ground-breaking and perhaps controversial topics and ideas to
the IS community. Panels are expected to engage the panellists and the
audience in a discussion that will stimulate interaction and enhance the
learning experience with a goal of moving the topic forward to greater
understanding and application. Panel topics can vary, but generally,
they pertain to new and controversial research questions, innovative
research challenges, changes to the status quo of the discipline, and
technology-led transformations that give rise to problems that are
worthwhile to build new research agenda around. We encourage proposals
that challenge the traditional panel format, and include innovative and
inspirational elements that are likely to prompt the sharing of
potentially important new ideas, surprising and spirited reactions, and
new conclusions about how IS researchers should be targeting new areas.
Panels pertaining to any topic relevant to information systems research
are invited. Particularly welcome will be panel proposals that will be
related to the conference theme of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity in
a Digitalized World."
ECIS 2020 Required Elements of Panel Proposals A panel proposal should
include the following sections:
* Introduction: General description of the panel or issues to be
discussed or debated stating the motivation for the panel.
* Issues: Issues or dilemma that will be discussed.
* Panelists: Names and positions of those who will take varied
viewpoints. For debates, identification of proponents and opponents is
* Panel Structure: Description of timing of the session and the format
of interaction among participants and with the audience. Panels should
be designed to result in a "meeting of the minds," and not as a few
short linear presentations that are disconnected. Assume 90 minutes in
* Participation Statement: A statement that all participants have made a
commitment to attend the conference and serve on the panel if the panel
is accepted.
* Biographies: A brief description of each participant's background,
including expertise related to the topic and views of the issues. About
120 words per person.
* References: As appropriate.
Review Criteria
* Panel Topic: Topic must be novel, invite debate and discussion, and
showcase leading- edge issues that IS research should revisit or undertake.
* Panel Format: Panel focuses on discussion and not the presentation of
research results; format is innovative, engages the audience, and is not
just "a set of talking heads."
* Panelists: Panelists include thought leaders and well-published
experts, and represent a diversity of opinions, backgrounds and
geographic regions.
* Implications: The outcome of the panel has likely implications for
practice or conduct of research in IS.
* Panel Interest: The panel seems likely to draw a wide audience.
Panel Proposal Format and Page Limit Requirements The panel proposal
must not exceed five (5) pages and must conform to the ECIS 2020
Required Elements of Panel Proposals. The 5-page count must include all
text, figures, tables, and appendices. The abstract, keywords, and
references are excluded from this page count. Submissions may include a
video clip or similar to illustrate the intended format.
Please submit your panel proposals no later than January 31, 2020 to
Panel Chairs using the email:
Notification will be sent on March 15, 2020.
ECIS 2020 Panel Chairs
Michael Myers, The University of Auckland
Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montreal
Best wishes
Michael D. Myers
Professor of Information Systems
Room 458, Level 4, Owen G. Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
The University of Auckland Business School
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1010, NEW ZEALAND
T : +64 9 923 7468
M : +64 21 370 091
F : +64 9 373 7430
Skype: m_d_myers<callto://m_d_myers/>
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 - Mini-Track: Adoption and Impact of
Health Information Technology
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 22:11:55 -0500
From: David Zhang <daz215(a)lehigh.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Papers*
*Mini-Track Proposal for AMCIS 2020*
*Track Name: *Healthcare Informatics and Health Information Technology
*Title of Mini-Track*: Adoption and Impact of Health Information Technology
*Deadline for Submission: February 28, 2020*
*Paper Call for the Mini-Track*
In this mini-track, we focus on the adoption and impact of health
information technology (HIT). Specifically, we examine the hurdles,
facilitators, stakeholders, and models for HIT adoption, and investigate
the impact of HIT on patients, doctors, healthcare organization, and
society in general. We invite research at any level, including individual,
unit, organization, community, or society, and using various research
methodologies, such as empirical, modelling, case study, conceptual,
intervention, or simulation. Issues of interest include but are not limited
to the following:
· factors affecting HIT adoption in the health care context
· stakeholders and their interactions in affecting HIT adoption
· new models of HIT adoption
· post-adoption behavior and meaningful use of HIT
· how does HIT affect patient care?
· how does HIT affect hospital operational efficiency and
· how do online communities facilitate high-quality and affordable
health care?
*Mini-Track Co-Chairs*:
1 (primary): Gang Peng, Associate Professor, California State University
Fullerton, gpeng(a)fullerton.edu
2: David Zhang, Assistant Professor, Lehigh University, daz215(a)lehigh.edu
David Zhang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of DATA
Lehigh University
College of Business
621 Taylor Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
(610) 758-4225
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP for AMCIS 2020 Minitrack 1: Cross-Cultural
Perspective on User Generated Content
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 21:38:35 -0600
From: Yun Wan <yunwan(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: yunwan(a)gmail.com
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
AMCIS 2020:
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 12-16, 2020
Minitrack: Cross-Cultural Perspective on User Generated Content
Track: Culture in Information Systems (SIG Culture)
Deadline for Submissions: Friday, February 28, 2020, 5:00 pm MST (7:00 pm
The diversity of consumers’ cultural background is enriching the utility of
user-generated content (UGC). While some studies report cross-cultural
differences in ethnic restaurant reviews, we are still in the early stage
of understanding how cross-cultural influences are transpiring on the
broader spectrum of UGC ranging from online consumer reviews to social
media posts. The UGC has been widely utilized in cross-cultural contexts
with the globalization of online portals. Empirical investigations are
pressingly needed to explore innovative methods and frameworks on such
topics as textual characteristics of UGC by the profiles of consumers;
sentiment analyses of UGC by national cultures; cross-cultural analyses of
UGC for subjective goods such as hospitality products and services; and the
diversity of UGC reactions by consumers’ cultural background. Finally, we
encourage submissions that apply a cross-disciplinary perspective beyond
the existing national culture frameworks, such as Hofstede’s.
You can find the paper submission guidelines and template here:
Mini-Track co-chairs:
Makoto Nakayama, DePaul University (mnakayama(a)cdm.depaul.edu)
Yun Wan, University of Houston Victoria (wany(a)uhv.edu)
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