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Betreff: [AISWorld] [Deadline Approaching: May 27] Final Call For
Papers, Computer-supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing 2017
(CSCW 2017) in Portland, Oregon, USA
Datum: Wed, 18 May 2016 19:12:16 +0200
Von: Alexander Boden <alexander.boden(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Please forward to those who might be interested -- Apologies for
COMPUTING 2017 (CSCW 2017)
The 2017 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and
Social Computing will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, from February 25
to March 1, 2017.
CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary conference focused on how
technology intersects with social practices. To support diverse and
high-quality contributions, CSCW employs a two-phase review process and
does not impose an arbitrary length limit on submissions.
This year’s CFP includes a special invitation for papers that make a
contribution to building CSCW systems.
* May 27, 2016: Submissions due (5:00pm PDT)
* July 12, 2016: First-round notifications (Revise & Resubmit or Reject)
* August 9, 2016: Revised papers due (5:00pm PDT)
* September 6, 2016: Final notifications
We invite authors to submit papers that inform the design or deployment
of collaborative or social systems; introduce novel systems, interaction
techniques, or algorithms; or study existing collaborative or social
practices. The scope of CSCW includes social computing and social media,
crowdsourcing, open collaboration, technologically-enabled or enhanced
communication, CSCL, MOOCs, and related educational technologies,
multi-user input technologies, collaboration, awareness, information
sharing, and coordination. This scope spans socio-technical domains of
work, home, education, healthcare, the arts, socializing, and
entertainment. Papers can report on novel research results, systems, or
new ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities.
This year in particular CSCW would like to invite papers that make a
contribution to building CSCW systems including (but not limited to)
technical enablers for CSCW applications; methods and techniques for new
CSCW services and applications; and evaluation of fully-built CSCW
systems and lab and field settings. Authors will be able to direct such
submissions to a dedicated subcommittee.
Contributions to CSCW across a variety of research techniques,
approaches, and domains, including:
* Social and crowd computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms,
systems, and/or infrastructures addressing social media, social
networking, wikis, blogs, online gaming, crowdsourcing, collective
intelligence, virtual worlds or collaborative information seeking.
* System design and engineering. Hardware, architectures,
infrastructures, interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms,
and/or toolkits that enable the building of new social and collaborative
systems and experiences.
* Theories and models. Critical analysis or organizing theory (e.g.
sociological theories, group coordination, etc.) with clear relevance to
the design or study of social and collaborative systems.
* Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, and/or studies
relating to technologies, practices, or use of communication,
collaboration, and social technologies.
* Social and collaborative practices. Characterizing the nature of
collaboration and social interaction through studies of practice,
including both work practice and non-work collaborative and social
* Mining and Modeling. Studies, analyses, algorithms, and
infrastructures for making use of large and small scale data.
* Methodologies and tools. Novel methods or combinations of approaches
and tools used in building systems or studying their use.
* CSCW and social computing for underserved populations. Studies,
systems, design, and other research focused on social and collaborative
computing for the elderly, disabled, impoverished, or otherwise
underserved user communities.
* Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. Including
applications to healthcare, transportation, gaming, ICT4D,
sustainability, education, accessibility, global collaboration, or other
* Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and
ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, multi-touch
technologies, novel display technologies, vision and gesture
recognition, big data, MOOCs, crowd labor markets, SNSes, or sensing
* Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that
explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages,
generations, and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend
social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries.
Paper submissions must be made via the Precision Conference System
(https://precisionconference.com/~sigchi/) by 5:00pm Pacific Daylight
Time (PDT) on May 27th 2016. The site is open for submissions beginning
April 29th.
Papers will be presented at the CSCW conference and will be included in
the conference proceedings archived in the ACM Digital Library. CSCW
does not accept submissions that were published previously in formally
reviewed publications or that are currently submitted elsewhere.
Send queries about Paper submissions to papers2014(a)cscw.acm.org.
Dr. Alexander Boden
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
Schloss Birlinghoven, St. Augustin, Germany
Phone +49 2241 14-2085
Skype alexander.boden
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] MEDI 2016: Deadline is approaching & Special
Issues; Elsevier
Datum: Tue, 17 May 2016 17:25:49 +0200
Von: Ladjel Bellatreche <ladjel.bellatreche(a)ensma.fr>
An: HI-ANNOUNCEMENTS(a)listserv.acm.org, DC-VOCABULARY(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
GATE-users(a)lists.sourceforge.net, IRList(a)lists.shef.ac.uk,
TextAnalytics(a)yahoogroups.com, ai-sges(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
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alp(a)athena.cs.nmsu.edu, annotator-discuss(a)googlegroups.com,
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Sorry for multiple postings.
*6th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering**
**Aguadulce, Almeria, SPAIN
**21-23 September 2016
_*Special Issues:*_
1. *Computer Standards & Interfaces, Elsevier (5-Year Impact Factor:
2. *Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, Elsevier (5-Year Impact
Factor: 0.416)*
_*Keynote Speakers:*_
1. *Professor Ulrich Frank, Germany*
2. *Professor Schahram Dustdar, Austria*
*_Important Dates_*
* *Full paper submission deadline: May 23th 2016*
* *Notification to authors: June 19th 2016*
* *Camera ready submissions: July 6th 2016*
_*Gala Party:
*Gala party will take place 22 September in Fort-Bravo/Texas-Hollywood
which is thebiggest film studios of Western style in Europe. They are
located in the desert of **Tabernas, Almería :
The 6th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI) will
be held from 21 to 23 September 2016 in Almería, Spain. Previous MEDI
events took place at Obidos/Portugal (2011), Poitiers/France (2012),
Calabria/Italy (2013), Larnaca/Cyrpus (2014) and Rhodes Island/ Greece
(2015). The main objective of the conference is to provide a forum for
the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote the
interaction and collaboration between the models and data research
communities. This international scientific event, initiated by
researchers from Euro-Mediterranean countries, aims also at promoting
the creation of north-south scientific networks, projects and
faculty/student exchanges.
**Modelling and Models Engineering*
* Design of general-purpose modelling languages and related stand-ards
* Model driven engineering, modelling languages, meta-modelling, model
transformation, model evolution
* Formal modelling, verification and validation, analysis, testing
* Ontology based modelling, role of ontologies in modelling activities
* Model manipulation and models as first objects
* Heterogeneous modelling, model integration, interoperability
* Modeling in software engineering; applications of models
* Modeling in the contexts of emerging applications and paradigms:
cloud computing, data analytics, big data, social network,services, etc.
* Modeling & Standards
*Data Engineering*
* Heterogeneous data, data Integration and Interoperability
* Distributed, parallel, grid, p2p, cloud databases
* Data warehouses and OLAP, data mining
* Database system Internals, performance, self-tuning benchmarking and
* Database security, personalization, recommendation
* Web databases, ontology based databases
* Applications and case studies
* Modeling for Data Management
* New models and architectures for databases and data warehouses
* Modeling and quality of data
* Modeling for enhancing sharing data
* Models for explicit and implicit semantics based data optimization
* Model reification, model repositories
* Modeling nonfunctional properties of systems
* Data as models and models as data
* Service based data management, service oriented applications
* Models for data monitoring
* Urbanization of database applications
* Cost Models for New Paradigms
* Eco-design of Advanced Database Applications
* Data Lifecycle Management for Big Data (sources, cleansing,
federation, preservation, privacy, etc.)
* Machine Learning
* Knowledge Bases
* Hardware optimizations for Big Data (multi-core, GPU, networking, etc.)
* Data Flow management and scheduling
* Storage and analytic architectures
* Recommendation & Personalization
* Trust and credential management
* Trusted Computing in Cloud Computing
*Applications and tooling*
* Industry transfer, experiences
* Data and model manipulation and tooling
* Modelling tools and experimentation
_*General Co-Chairs:*_
* Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, University of Almería, Spain
* Yamine Ait Ameur, ENSEEIHT/IRIT, France
_*Program Committee Co-Chairs:*_
* Oscar Pastor López, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
* Ladjel Bellatreche, ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France
*Organizing Committee:*
* Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, University of Almería, Spain
* Antonio Becerra-Terón, University of Almería, Spain
* Manuel Torres, University of Almería, Spain
*Program Committee:
*_*Submission Procedure:*_
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers
representing original, previously unpublished work. Papers should be
submitted in PDF format. Submissions must conform to Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format and should not exceed 12 pages.
Authors who want to buy extra pages may submit a paper up to 16 pages
with the indication that the authors will purchase extra pages if the
paper is accepted. Submissions which do not conform to the LNCS format
and/or which exceed 12 pages (or 16 pages with the extra page purchase
commitment) will be rejected without reviews. Submitted papers will be
carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. All accepted papers will be
published in Springer LNCS series. Duplicate submissions are not allowed.
*Gala party will take place 22 September in Fort-Bravo/Texas-Hollywood*
/Fort-Bravo/Texas-Hollywood are the biggest film studios of Western
style in Europe. They are located in the desert of Tabernas, Almería.
These decorations dating from the 60´s when Sergio Leone discovered
Tabernas (Almería) and started rolling his numerous successes in the
cinema, making Tabernas a reference to making movies, knows as
spaghetti-western movies. Currently in Fort Bravo is still rolling
films, commercials, music videos, shorts films... You can contemplate an
authentic wooden populated American Old West, see a typical Mexican
town, enter in a military fort and see an Indian village or walking in
the streets of the West town, watching the show of cowboys with
gunfights and poker games in the Saloon, bank robbery, cancan dancing in
traditional costumes of the time, ride on horse cart, rental horses for
guided walks and routes, photo studio for dressing like the people of
the Western era... Fort-Bravo/Texas-Hollywood has Saloon-Bar ,
restaurant, souvenir shop to get souvenir gift and bungalows fully
equipped for use and enjoyment. And in summer Fort-Bravo/Texas-Hollywood
has a beautiful themed swimming pool for taking a bath with your family
and a private BBQ local or a very big Saloon of celebrations for all
kinds of events, celebrations, parties, communions, weddings and bachelor./
Téléport 2 - 1 avenue Clément Ader - BP 40109
Tel. (+33) (0)5-49-49-80-77 - Fax : (+33) (0)5-49-49-80-64
E-mail: bellatreche(a)ensma.fr
URL: http://www.lias-lab.fr/members/bellatreche
Téléport 2 - 1 avenue Clément Ader - BP 40109
Tel. (+33) (0)5-49-49-80-77 - Fax : (+33) (0)5-49-49-80-64
E-mail: bellatreche(a)ensma.fr
URL: http://www.lias-lab.fr/members/bellatreche
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] ISECON 2016 -- Call for Papers -- Pittsburgh, PA --
November 2016
Datum: Tue, 17 May 2016 17:50:04 -0500
Von: Brian Reithel <breithel(a)bus.olemiss.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Information Systems Education Conference
November 10-12, 2016
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Paper submission deadline:
June 30, 2016 (to be considered for proceedings)
Dear Colleague,
Please consider submitting a paper to ISECON 2016 this year. The ISECON
conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for CIS, MIS, IT, and CS
faculty members from a wide variety of institutions – including
international attendees – to gather, share experiences, and learn from each
other since 1982. We continue that legacy of delivering a collegial
environment for intellectual and professional growth this year in the
"Steel City" of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the historic Omni William Penn
More information about the conference, including the Call for Papers and
the online paper submission facility, can be found at:
The conference theme for 2016 is “Internet of Things, Security, BYOD, The
Cloud, Big Data and More: The Evolving Demands for Information Systems”.
At this year's conference, many of the discussions will revolve around
emerging technologies and techniques that will address IS-related
opportunities and challenges expected to arise over the next decade.
Participants will also explore new perspectives on legacy technologies and
their continuing evolution in this new and challenging marketplace.
Papers are invited on the following topics and other issues related to
expected changes in IS education between now and 2026:
• Mobile Applications
• HTML5 and Web Application Development
• Cloud-based Systems
• Scalable Architectures
• Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Data Warehouse Systems
• Big Data and Analytical Systems
• NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
• Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
• Networking Concepts
• Agile Development
• Online Learning
• Teaching Tools
• IS Cases and Case-Based Teaching
• Effective Pedagogy for IS Education
• Research in Progress
• Student Papers
• On-Demand Training, Education, and Learning
• Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum for IS Education
• Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
• Globalization and Information Systems
• Intelligent Systems
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Internet of Things
• Electronic Commerce
• IT Security and Digital Forensics
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• Emerging Technologies
Each year, ISECON benefits from the involvement of a number of repeat
attendees as well as new participants. We encourage you to please share
the news about this year’s conference with anyone you know who might be
interested in this long-standing and welcoming academic conference.
Thanks and hope to see you in Pittsburgh,
Brian Reithel
ISECON 2016 Program Chair
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: Call for papers-LAEDM 2016
Datum: Wed, 18 May 2016 03:01:48 +0000
Von: 曾淑芬 <gssftseng(a)saturn.yzu.edu.tw>
Call for Papers
The International Workshop on Learning Analytics and Educational Data
Mining (LAEDM 2016)
in conjunction with the International Conference on Collaboration
(CollabTech 2016)
Kanazawa, Japan
September 14-16, 2016
This workshop is co-organized by the APSCE SIG on Learning Analytics and
Educational Data Mining
The workshop welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:
-LA/EDM in collaborative learning
-Learning analytics for assessment
-Predictive analytics in education
-Deployment and implementation of learning analytics
-Technical, theoretical, and pedagogical issues of learning analytics
-Learning technologies and systems for personalized and adaptive learning
-Privacy concerns and policy aspects related to learning analytics
-Related topics in learning analytics
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline : The submission is open from now until June 10, 2016
Online submission via EasyChair:
Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2016
Final version deadline: July 15, 2016
Conference Dates: September 14-16, 2016
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and
Cross-Cultural Issues in IS
Datum: Mon, 16 May 2016 17:29:35 +0000
Von: Fichman, Pnina <fichman(a)indiana.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS
Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)
January 4-7, 2017, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
Kauai, Hawaii, USA http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/
Papers Due: June 15, 2016
This minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe.
Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts.
In line with the track recognition that the Internet has transformed the way we work, learn, and play, our minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe.
The minitrack welcomes submissions that relate to all aspects of global IS, or IS research situated in a global, international or cross-cultural context. The minitrack is open to all methodological approaches and perspectives. We are interested in empirical and theoretical work that addresses these and related socio-technical issues.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* The impacts of cultural values (e.g. on adaptive user interfaces) on ICT design, adoption, and use.
* The impact of cultural values on policies and practices of big data collection and use (e.g.,
* Cross cultural studies of quantification of self at work, by individuals or organizations
* Cross-cultural comparisons of big data collection and use
* Cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons of ICT adoption, use and development (e.g. Internet diffusion and impacts compared between different economies)
* Effects of global social computing on work organization and practices (e.g. pricing strategies)
* Issues relating to globally distributed teams (e.g. the adoption and use of social media by cross-national virtual teams, worker motivation, and human error diversity)
* Issues relating to Internet adoption and the digital society at the national level (e.g. digital infrastructure sophistication across countries)
*Issues relating to global knowledge management (e.g. different knowledge-sharing cultures in multi-national corporations)
*Issues relating to cross-national legislation and regulation (e.g. implications of different regulations governing Green IT in the EU vs. US or Asian countries)
* Issues relating to global ICT governance (e.g. sustainable strategies for standardization and harmonization in evolving business networks)
* Research on global Cloud sourcing strategies
*Single country studies showing implications for other locations or results different from other contexts (e.g. impact of ICT policies on a transition economy)
* Multi-country studies of ICT adoption, use, and development (e.g. e-commerce adoption involving multiple countries)
* Global impacts of big data on governments, multinational companies, NGOs and other organizations
Minitrack Organizers:
Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington; fichman(a)indiana.edu<mailto:fichman@indiana.edu>
Edward W.N. Bernroider, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Institute for Information Management and Control, Vienna, Austria; edward.bernroider(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:edward.bernroider@wu.ac.at>
Erran Carmel, Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington D.C.; carmel(a)american.edu<mailto:carmel@american.edu>
About HICSS conferences:
Now in its 50th year, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is one of the longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences. This conference brings together researchers in an aloha-friendly atmosphere conducive to free exchange of scientific ideas. Unique characteristics of the conference include:
• A matrix structure of tracks and themes that enables research on a rich mixture of computer-based applications and technologies.
• Three days of research paper presentations and discussions in a workshop setting that promotes interaction leading to additional research.
• A full day of Symposia, Workshops, and Tutorials. See Program Components for additional detail.
• A truly international experience with participants usually from over 40 countries, (approximately 50% non-US).
• Papers published in the Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press and carried in the IEEE digital library Xplore. Access to HICSS papers is in the top 2% of IEEE Conferences.
• Paper presentations and discussions which frequently lead to revised and extended papers that are published in journals, books, and special issues.
• A keynote address and distinguished lecture which explore particularly relevant topics and concepts.
• Best Paper Awards<http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_47/bestpapers2014.htm> in each track which recognize superior research performance.
• HICSS is the #1 IS conference in terms of citations as recorded by Google Scholar.
Recent research that shows HICSS ranked second in citation ranking among 18 Information Systems (IS) conferences, ranked third in value to the MIS field among 13 Management Information Systems (MIS) conferences, and ranked second in conference rating among 11 IS conferences. The Australian Government's Excellence in Research project (ERA) has given HICSS an "A" rating.
Important deadlines for authors:
June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind.
Aug 16: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors.
September 15: Submission final papers.
Oct 1: Early Registration fee deadline.
Oct 15: Papers without at least one registered author will be removed from the Proceedings.
Pnina Fichman
Chair, Department of Information and Library Science
Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics
School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] RTIS 2016
Datum: Mon, 16 May 2016 19:21:14 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
First International Conference on Real Time Intelligent Systems (RTIS
Beijing, China
September 01-03, 2016)
The Proceedings will be published in the Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems, Volume 1 RTIS
2016. (http://www.springer.com/series/11156)
About the Conference
Real-Time Computing covers a broad spectrum of the intensively
developing area of low-latency priority-driven system responsiveness
under certain time constrains to essential and decisive human-computer
interactions with constantly incoming data stream. Research on real-time
intelligent systems is of a multi-disciplinary nature, exploiting
concepts from the areas as diverse as signal processing technologies,
computational intelligence, location systems, data processing, digital
document processing and embedded system design. To accomplish its
real-time performance, systematic analysis is carried out when the
systems are working.
Therefore, over the last few years real-time intelligent computing has
radically transformed human life style. In the today's competitive and
highly dynamic environment, analyzing data in real time is a must to
understand in detail how the systems are processing the data and to
reason the outputs and anticipate the trends in intelligent computing,
has become critical.
To leverage the full potential of the opportunity build complex real
time systems, intense research is required and this conference will
serve as one such platform to manifest the ongoing research in the real
time intelligence system.
The conference welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound
research papers from academia and industry that address variety of
aspects and innovations related to real-time computing systems.
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the
following areas:
Streaming data, streaming engines
Big Data systems and applications for high-velocity data
Analysis in advanced domains such as energy, sensors, etc
Artificial Intelligence
Broadband Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Intelligence
Collaborative Intelligence
Crowdsourcing and crowd intelligence
Data capture in real-time
Intelligent Database Systems
Data mining
Intelligent Data Analysis
OLAP for real-time decision support
Data quality and cleansing
Intelligent Fuzzy Systems
Event-driven analytics
Visualizing real-time data and information
Intelligent Soft Computing
Privacy and security in Intelligence
Architectures for Intelligence
Internet of Things
Intelligent Robotic Systems
Smart Services and Platforms
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Mobile Smart Systems
Trace-based intelligent real-time services (eye-tracking, image
Real-time intelligent alert systems
Machine translation in real time
Multilingual information access
Multiagent Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Information Systems
Adaptive vision algorithms
Real-time Intelligent Network solutions
Real-time distributed coding
Real-time modelling user’s information needs
Real-time noise removal systems
Real-time intelligent communication
Real-time remote access systems
Decision support systems in real time
Real-time multiprocessor systems
Submissions at: http://www.socio.org.uk/rtis/paper-submission/
The Proceedings will be published in the Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems, Volume 1 RTIS
2016. (http://www.springer.com/series/11156)
Important Dates
Paper Submission: June 15, 2016
Paper Notification: July 05, 2016
Camera ready: August 01, 2016
Registration: August 15, 2016
Conference Dates: September 01-03, 2016
The RTIS will have Doctoral Consortium, DEMO Session, Journal Track,
Mentorship Programme, Ph.D. Dissertation Competition, Proofread
translation program
and Virtual Presentation (Video Conferencing)
The following journals will accommodate the extended versions of the
-Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
-Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence – The International
Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation
-Computers in Human Behaviour
-Virtual Reality
-The Journal of Intelligent Systems
-Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
-International Journal of Imaging & Robotics
-International Journal of Tomography & Simulation
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Betreff: [WI] SMAP 2016 Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 16 May 2016 14:11:01 +0300
Von: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
Antwort an: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization
SMAP 2016 - http://www.smap2016.org
October 20-21, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
Organized by: University of Thessaly, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics
Hosted by: South East European Research Centre (SEERC)
*Aim and topics
SMAP 2016 aims to address several issues of semantic and social multimedia technologies and their use in content creation, media adaptation and user profiling. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Content creation, annotation and modelling for semantic and social web
- Computational intelligence for media adaptation and personalization
- Semantics-driven indexing and retrieval of multimedia contents
- User modelling and dynamic profiling
- Ontologies and reasoning
- Semantics-based recommender systems: theory and applications
- Web adaptation methods and techniques
- Hybrid social and semantic approaches to profiling, recommendation engines or adaptation systems
- Social multimedia applications (livecasting, audio-video sharing)
- User-generated content mechanisms
- Privacy/Security issues in Social and Personalized Media Applications
- Content customization and adaptation
- Semantic context modelling and extraction
- Context-aware multimedia applications
- Adaptive and personalized multimedia summaries
- Multilingual content navigation
- Social multimedia tagging and multimedia content communities
- Intelligent personalized interfaces
- Social and semantic media collaboration platforms (e.g. semantic wikis)
- Social web economics and business
- Social network aggregation
- Adaptive/Personalized conversational media
*Important dates:
Submission of full papers: June 6, 2016
Notification of acceptance: July 29, 2016
Submission of camera ready: September 9, 2016
As with all previous editions of SMAP, all accepted papers will be published by IEEE in IEEEXplore. Extended versions of selected papers will be included in Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining journal (http://link.springer.com/journal/13278).
*Submission guidelines
Analytical submission guidelines are provided in http://smap2016.org/#/submission
Papers should be directly submitted through the EasyChair conference management system in https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smap2016
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
Iraklis Paraskakis, South East European Research Centre, Greece
Steering Committee:
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
Maria Bielikova, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Sebastien Laborie, University of Pau - IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque, France
Phivos Mylonas, Ionian University, Greece
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Manolis Wallace, University of the Peloponnese, Greece
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [wkwi] Fwd: HICSS-50 Call for Papers - Minitrack "Mobile Apps
and Wearablesfor Health Management, Analytics, and Decision Making"
Datum: Thu, 12 May 2016 17:35:11 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Bodendorf, Freimut <freimut.bodendorf(a)fau.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
bitte gestatten Sie eine kleine Erinnerung an den CfP für den Minitrack
auf der HICSS-50 Konferenz (siehe Attachment).
Harte Deadline ist der 15. Juni 2016
Es wäre sehr schön, wenn einige Einreichungen aus unserer WI-Community
Beste Grüße,
Freimut Bodendorf
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] RR 2016 Second Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 12 May 2016 15:31:08 +0200
Von: Magdalena Ortiz <ortiz(a)kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Antwort an: Magdalena Ortiz <ortiz(a)kr.tuwien.ac.at>
An: SIGPLAN-ANNOUNCE(a)LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, siksleden(a)cs.uu.nl,
sw-ergo(a)gui-design.de, tag(a)cs.utexas.edu, theorem-provers(a)ai.mit.edu,
theory-logic(a)cs.cmu.edu, theory(a)cl.cam.ac.uk, topicmapmail(a)infoloom.com,
types-announce-owner(a)lists.seas.upenn.edu, users-prolog(a)gnu.org,
vki-list(a)dfki.de, webmaster(a)aisb.org.uk, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, September 9-11, 2016
The International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) is a
major forum for discussion and dissemination of new results concerning
rule-based systems, and their applications in reasoning about web data.
The 10th edition, RR 2016, will take place in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, on
September 9th-11th 2016, and will be co-located with the 12th Reasoning
Web Summer School (RW2016). Please see
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/events/rr-2016/ for more information.
== TOPICS ==
RR welcomes original research from all areas of Web Reasoning and Rule
Topics of particular interest include:
* Rule-based languages for intelligent information access and for the
semantic web
* Ontology-based data access
* Data management, and data interoperability for web data
* Distributed agent-based systems for the web
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for the semantic web
* Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data
* Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning for web data
* Constraint programming, inductive logic programming for web data
* Streaming data and complex event processing
* Rule-based approaches to machine learning, knowledge extraction and
information retrieval
* Rule-based approaches to natural language processing
* System descriptions, applications and experiences
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
* Full papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style)
* Technical Communications (up to 6 pages in LNCS style)
Submitted full papers should present original and significant research
results. They must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a
workshop with informal proceedings is allowed.
Technical communications are intended for promising but possibly
preliminary work, position papers, system descriptions, and applications
descriptions (which may be accompanied by a demo).
Submissions: via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rr2016)
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). All submissions must be
prepared in Springer's LaTeX style llncs
Title and Abstract submission: May 23, 2016 (extended)
Full papers submission: May 27, 2016 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: June 22, 2016
Camera-ready submission: July 3, 2016
Conference: September 9-11, 2016
For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE (anywhere on
earth) applies.
Awards for Best Paper and Best Student Paper will be presented to the
corresponding author(s) at the conference. To qualify for the Best
Student Paper award, the main authors must not hold a PhD at the paper
submission deadline, and indicate their eligibility upon submission. The
program committee reserves the right to not give out the awards, or to
split the awards among multiple submissions.
RR will be offering scholarships to participants to partially cover
registration and/or accommodation fees. An additional number of grants
is reserved to US Students to attend RR2016 and the co-located RW2016
summer school. Details can be found on the conference website.
Continuing its successful tradition, RR 2016 will host a Doctoral
Consortium (DC).
The RR 2016 DC will provide doctoral students in Web Reasoning and
related areas with a unique opportunity to present and discuss their
research directions, be involved into state-of-the-art research
discussion, and supported in establishing fruitful research collaborations.
The DC is composed by two main events:
- a mentoring lunch, where students will have the opportunity to get in
touch with prominent researchers and pioneers in the field of Web
Reasoning and Rules, and of related areas; and
- a poster session where students will have the possibility to present
their work, share their ideas, and receive constructive feedback on
their research activity.
Please see the website for detailed information on how to participate in
the DC.
The Reasoning Web (RW) summer school series (RW2016) series focuses on
the advanced capabilities required by Semantic Web and Linked Data
application scenarios calling for Reasoning. This perspective, centered
on the reasoning techniques complementing other research efforts in
these areas, will give insight into the Semantic Web, Linked Data,
Ontologies, Rules, and Logic.
The 12th edition of the School will take be colocated with RR 2016, 5-11
September 2016.
Abraham Bernstein, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS & University of Montpellier, France
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford, UK
Leonid Libkin, University of Edinburgh, UK
General Chair:
Umberto Straccia (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Program Chairs:
Magdalena Ortiz (TU Wien, Austria)
Stefan Schlobach (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Local Chair:
Jeff Pan (The University of Aberdeen, UK)
Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Publicity Chair:
Adila Krisnadhi (Wright State University, USA & Universitas
Indonesia, Indonesia)
Sponsorship Chair
Giorgos Stamou (NTUA, Greece)
Darko Anicic (Siemens AG, Germany)
Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS, University of Montpellier, INRIA, France)
Fernando Bobillo (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Elena Botoeva (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Pierre Bourhis (CNRS LIFL/INRIA Lille, France)
Loris Bozzato (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
Minh Dao-Tran (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Sergio Flesca (DEIS - University of Calabria, Italy)
Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University, USA)
Andre Freitas (University of Passau, Germany)
Víctor Gutiérrez Basulto (University of Bremen, Germany)
André Hernich (University of Liverpool, UK)
Aidan Hogan (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Yazmin Ibanez (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Mark Kaminski (University of Oxford, UK)
Benny Kimelfeld (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Roman Kontchakov (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
Markus Krötzsch (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Georg Lausen (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University, USA)
Domenico Lembo (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Thomas Meyer (Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, UKZN and CSIR
Meraka, South Africa)
Marie-Laure Mugnier (University of Montpellier (LIRMM / INRIA), France)
Matthias Nickles (National University of Ireland, Galway, DERI, Ireland)
Andreas Pieris (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Axel Polleres (Vienna University of Economics and Business - WU Wien,
Juan L. Reutter (Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile)
Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy)
Sebastian Rudolph (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Vladislav Ryzhikov (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Juan F. Sequeda (Capsenta Labs, USA)
Evgeny Sherkhonov (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Mantas Simkus (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Daria Stepanova (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken,
Germany )
Domagoj Vrgoc (PUC, Chile)
Guohui Xiao (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi