-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: CfP uBPM: First International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing
inBusiness Process Management
Datum: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 21:03:01 +0100
Von: Jan Mendling <jan.mendling(a)wu.ac.at>
Antwort an: jan.mendling(a)wu.ac.at
An: ipm(a)wu.ac.at, sfb(a)big.tuwien.ac.at, selim.erol(a)tuwien.ac.at
Dear colleagues,
We are very happy to invite you to contribute and participate in the
/First International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in Business
Process Management/ (/uBPM/). Please, find all the details of the
workshop below.
May I ask you to forward the CfP to who may be interested?
Thank you very much!
Looking forward to your participation!
Best regards,
Estefanía Serral, Victoria Torres, and Jan Mendling - uBPM Chairs
*First International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in Business
Process Management (uBPM)***
*July 18-21, Toulouse, France*
Co-located with UIC 2016**
Business Process Management (BPM) is the body of methods, techniques and
tools to manage the business processes of an organization (i.e., the
chains of events, activities, and decisions performed in a coordinated
manner) in order to achieve its strategic goals. Although the use of
Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) technology has already revolutionized
many areas, its application in BPM is still in its infancy. Ubicomp
enables computing to appear anytime and everywhere, becoming ‘invisibly’
embedded in physical objects to sense and respond to their surrounding
environment. This embedding allows building a bridge between the digital
and the physical worlds, which could benefit the BPM field in many ways,
e.g.: a) by automating tasks or making them adaptive to each situation;
b) by enabling fitness between business processes (BPs) and their
execution environment, maintaining the suitability of a process instance
through its execution life, c) by providing managers and consumers with
up-to-date context information that allows better use of resources,
leveraging better and faster decisions; etc.
The integration of Ubicomp in BPM is however challenging since it
implies the coordination of multiple technologies (sensors, internet,
mobiles, electrical appliances, etc.) and different disciplines
(Human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, distributed
computing, etc.). Therefore, more research and industrial cases are
needed to bring BPM to a new whole level, and to make the community
understand the benefits and challenges that Ubicomp can bring to BPM and
vice versa.
The overall goal of the workshop is to look at Ubicomp issues in the BPM
field and to discuss the current state of ongoing research, industry
needs, future trends, and practical experiences. Practitioners and
researchers interested in making ubiquitous business processes a reality
are specially welcomed.
The workshop will be a one-day, presentation-oriented workshop of both
research and industrial papers, and it will start with a keynote and
close with a discussions session.
The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
*Ubicomp in the BPM Life-cycle:*
of uBPs
*Business Process Context:***
·Which context data are relevant for BPM?
·Should context data be specific for each BPM application domain? Or can
it be generalized?
·Potential of context awareness and adaptation in BPM. How context can
be used to improve BPM?
·Techniques for analysing context data in BPM
·Modelling of context-adaptive BPs
·Execution and simulation of context-adaptive BPs
·Monitoring context-adaptive BPs
·Verification of context-adaptive BPs
·Mining context-adaptive BPs
·Optimizing BPs using context information
·Integration of context data for being consumed by BPMSs
·Privacy issues of context-awareness in BPMS
*Business Process Automation and Industrial Cases:***
·How can Ubicomp be used to automate activities in BPs?
·How can Ubicomp be used for achieving self-* BPMS?
·In which industrial domains Ubicomp can provide a bigger competitive
advantage for BPMS?
·Industrial examples of Ubicomp technologies applied to BPs.
·Ubiquitous BPs for Smart Cities
*Estefanía Serral*
Leuven Institute for Research on Information Systems (LIRIS)
KU Leuven
Naamsestraat 69 - box 3555, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
Email: estefania.serralasensio(a)kuleuven.be
*Victoria Torres *
Centro de Investigación en Métodos de Producción de Software (PROS)
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain.
Email: vtorres(a)pros.upv.es <mailto:vtorres@pros.upv.es>
*Jan Mendling*
Institute for Information Business
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Email: jan.mendling(a)wu.ac.at
Workshop papers should be no longer than 6 pages and follow the IEEE CS
format. Papers must be submitted as PDF to the track: Ubiquitous
Business Process Management (short name: UBPM) through the *Easychair*
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swc20160>conference management
All accepted workshop papers will be included in the proceedings
published by IEEE-CS Conference Publishing Services (submitted to the
IEEE-DL and EI index).
Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2016
Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2016**
Authors Notification: May 15, 2016
Camera Ready: June 1, 2016
Workshop dates: July 18, 2016
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP Annual Privacy Forum 2016 with among others economics
of privacy and personal data
Datum: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:14:59 +0100
Von: Sven Wohlgemuth <swohlge(a)live.de>
Antwort an: Sven Wohlgemuth <swohlge(a)live.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Kopie (CC): Dr. Sven Wohlgemuth <swohlge(a)live.de>
(I apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP)
Call For Papers
Annual Privacy Forum 2016 (http://privacyforum.eu/) bringing research & policy together, 7-8 September, Frankfurt am Main
Nowadays electronic communication networks and digital services are an essential part of an increasing number of everyday commodities. In the era of automated profiling and electronic surveillance, citizens face a serious threat against their right to privacy and informational self-determination, especially when using the internet and mobile services. The lack of transparency regarding the functionality and interconnection of such services increases the risk of uncontrollable processing of personal data. In this regard, the upcoming Data Protection Regulation will be a useful instrument to protect the privacy of individuals. However, for its successful implementation, this new framework needs to be enforced by proper technologies and encompassed with sustainable business models along with mechanisms to promote privacy awareness and help users to understand the value of their data.
ENISA is organizing the 2016 edition of the annual privacy forum, in the light of the upcoming data protection regulation and the European digital agenda. We invite papers covering original work on the technological, economic, legal and societal aspects of the challenges that will come up with the implementation of the new framework. We particularly invite multidisciplinary papers that make it explicit how the presented work can contribute to bridging the gap between research and policy.
Moreover, in order to also encourage contributions from policy makers, representatives of competent authorities (such as Data Protection Authorities), industry experts, NGOs and civil society associations, we invite opinion papers from all stakeholders on the above mentioned topics. Opinion papers will reflect the opinion/position of the author(s) on the selected privacy-related topic.
◾Implementation aspects of ‘by design’ and 'by default' paradigms
◾Implementation and adoption of PETs in today’s digital services
◾Modelling of data protection and privacy requirements, such as: machine readable representations and automatic evaluation of policies
◾Enabling transparency: technological and organizational challenges.
◾Technical solutions for the enforcement and the implications of the subject’s right, e.g. right to erasure, access and correction.
◾Aspects of privacy impact and risk assessment
◾Technical solutions for data portability
◾Sustainable business models for privacy friendly online services
◾Information and consent in online environments: practical solutions and implementations
◾Privacy awareness, reliability and usability of PETs
◾Trust services for the protection of personal data - privacy aware trust services (i.e. electronic certificates, signatures, etc.)
◾Security measures for the protection of personal data
◾Economics of privacy and personal data
Review and Publication
All submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by our PC members. We aim at minimal 3 average 4 reviews per Paper. Furthermore, papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference with a publishing house soon to be selected and announced.
Important dates
Submission of full papers: March 15, 2016 23:59 AoE
Notification to author: May 10, 2016
Camera-ready copies: May 31, 2016
APF 2016 taking place on: September 7-8, 2016
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sven-wohlgemuth/4/766/26
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sven_Wohlgemuth
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [AISWorld] JISE Special Issue on Academic Integrity
Datum: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 19:41:53 +0000
Von: Roger McHaney <mchaney(a)ksu.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers – Special Issue
Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)
Academic Integrity Research: Ways to Understand and Improve Culture on Campus
Guest Editors:
Dr. Timothy Paul Cronan, University of Arkansas, pcronan(a)walton.uark.edu
Dr. David Douglas, University of Arkansas, ddouglas(a)walton.uark.edu
Dr. Roger McHaney, Kansas State University, mchaney(a)ksu.edu
The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) invites submissions for a Special Issue titled “Academic Integrity Research: Ways to Understand and Improve Culture on Campus” expected to be published in early 2017.
Issues related to academic integrity are more important than ever in today’s socially networked and increasingly complex learning environments. This special issue, related to academic integrity research, will provide a venue to promote a further understanding of academic integrity efforts on university campuses and how these efforts ultimately effect changes in higher education academic honesty. The focus of the issue is for scholars to report rigorous research with respect to effective methods that can change a climate of academic dishonesty into one of integrity. This issue is designed to provide a venue where scholars can share their experiences in academic integrity research using information systems theories and methods. We hope contributors will provide their experiences and provide successful methods for implementing academic integrity programs at either undergraduate or graduate levels. The guest editors welcome papers describing a variety of methods and techniques for implementing these programs and for systematically collecting, processing, and analyzing data related to student perceptions, behaviors, and impacts on a broader set of ethics. In general, the desired outcome of this issue is to produce a collection of current efforts related to rigorous academic integrity research.
For this special issue of JISE, we invite the submission of high-quality, innovative, and insightful articles. Topics include but are not limited to:
• Creating a culture of academic integrity in higher education.
o Academic integrity – Descriptive frameworks.
o Academic dishonesty – Understanding cheating and the forms it takes.
o Resources that may influence students to engage in dishonesty.
o Resources that may influence students to act with integrity.
o Impact of social media on academic integrity.
o Effectiveness of academic integrity programs at universities.
o Future efforts and approaches to academic integrity programs.
• Ethics and behavioral research.
o Academic integrity program implementation.
o Behavioral changes related to academic integrity programs.
o Relationships between ethics and academic integrity.
• Tools to facilitate academic integrity
o Course controls from instructors’ perspectives.
o Use of analytics in academic integrity
o Online academic integrity software systems.
o Embedded online academic integrity learning modules within courses.
o Implementation and impact of honor codes and course contracts.
• Academic integrity research techniques and approaches
o Issues, challenges, and opportunities.
o Data collection.
o Development of academic integrity theory, change theory, and theoretical models
o Impact of technology.
o Use of big data techniques in academic integrity research.
o Special considerations (e.g. culture, international students).
Initial submissions due: March 31, 2016
(Letting Editors Know of Intent to Submit is sufficient by this date).
Notification to authors: May 31, 2016
Revised papers due: August 29, 2016
Publication of the issue: 2017
Submission Guidelines:
Papers for this special issue are due on March 31, 2016 (extensions considered on a case by case basis). Prospective authors are welcome to submit an abstract to the Guest Editors for preliminary feedback on the appropriateness of their planned manuscript. Please send your submission in Microsoft Word format by email to: Dr. Roger McHaney - mchaney(a)ksu.edu, with a copy to Dr. Paul Cronan atpcronan(a)walton.uark.edu and Dr. David Douglas at ddouglas(a)walton.uark.edu. Papers should not exceed 7000 words including all sections, figures, tables and references. All papers will be blind peer reviewed and are subject to editing for journal style, clarity, organization, and space. Shorter teaching cases and experience reports (between 2000 and 3000 words) are also welcome. In the event that some papers submitted to this special issue are accepted for publication but cannot be accommodated within the special issue, those articles will be published within regular future issues.
For more information concerning JISE submission guidelines, please refer to http://jise.org/Submit.htm
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Social Media Analytics Track
Datum: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:34:43 +0900
Von: Gohar F. Khan <gohar.feroz(a)gmail.com>
An: air-l(a)listserv.aoir.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Hello Everyone:
Please consider submitting your research to the "*Social media Analytics &
Related Issues*" track at the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information
Systems (PACIS 2016), June 27 – July 1, Chiayi, Taiwan.
For more details please refer to the CFP below (and sorry for
Thank you,
*20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), June
27 – July 1, Chiayi, Taiwan.*
*Conference website: http://www.pacis2016.org
<http://www.pacis2016.org/> General enquiry email: pacis2016(a)pacis2016.org
Information and the pervasiveness of information technology are
increasingly part of every aspect of business and public life. The Internet
of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded
computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. These
“smart” devices are found everywhere in our daily lives and include smart
phones, tablets, watches, automobiles with built-in sensors, etc. Many of
the IoT systems and technologies are cutting edge and there are still
numerous technical challenges and issues that need to be resolved. In
addition, the need to drive more value from IT investments while managing
an increasing array of IT-related risks has never been greater. Today IT is
ubiquitous and more than ever, information needs to be managed in order to
maximize IT and IS value. Increasing regulation and legislation over
business use of information is also driving a heightened awareness of the
importance of a well-governed and managed IT environment. In view of this,
the theme of this conference is “*IT Governance for Future Society*”.
Submit your paper via the PACIS 2016 official website at
http://www.pacis2016.org before the deadline. The submission system will be
opened on *January 5th 2016*. We also recommend that you to visit the
website for more details on paper templates and get the latest information
related to the conference.
We invite submissions in all areas of Information Systems research and
especially encourage submission related to the conference theme “IT
Governance for Future Society.”
1. Enterprise Systems in the New Era
2. Healthcare Systems
3. IT IS Governance, Risk Management, Control, and Auditing
4. Information Technology and Supply Chain Management
5. IS Education and Learning
6. IS Security and Privacy
7. IT Innovation and Entrepreneurship
8. Context-Aware Computing - Geographic Information Systems
9. The on-demand and sharing economy
10. Human Computer Interaction
11. Smart Tourism
12. IT Project Management and Outsourcing
13. Social Media Analytics and Related Issues
14. Knowledge Management
15. IS in Healthcare Management
16. User-Centered Decision Support Systems in the IoT Era
17. Societal Implications of ICT Use
18. Ethics and Information Systems
19. E-Business and E-Government
20. Social Computing and Innovative eServices
21. Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics
22. Digital Business - Strategy and Governance
23. Service Design and User Experience
24. IT and Work
25. Business Process Management and Services Computing
26. IT and IS in Media and Entertainment Industry
27. Economics of IS
28. The Innovative IT Applications in the Emerging Markets
29. General Topics
Nice Prince Hotel, Chiayi, Taiwan
Doctoral Consortium: TBA
Start of Paper Submission: *January 5, 2016*
Paper Submission Deadline: *March 4, 2016*
Notification of Paper Acceptance: *April 22, 2016*
Early Registration Deadline: *May 13, 2016*
Doctoral Consortium: *June 27 – 28, 2016*
Conference: *June 27 – July 1, 2016*
Ting-Peng Liang (National Sun Yat-Sen University)
Shin-Yuan Hung (National Chung Cheng University)
Patrick Y. K. Chau (The University of Hong Kong)
She-I Chang (National Chung Cheng University)
Guy Gable (Queensland University of Technology)
Eric Wang (National Central University)
Gohar Feroz Khan, PhD
Adjunct Faculty & Research Adviser
Korea Advance Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Global Information and Telecommunication Technology Program (ITTP)
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea.
Check out my new book on social media analytics
Please consider submitting your work to the social media analytics track at
PACIS201 <http://www.pacis2016.org/Page/Index/71>6.
Social Identities: || Blog <http://gfkhan.wordpress.com/> || Twitter
<https://twitter.com/gfkhan> || LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/gohar-feroz-khan/7/62b/42> || Research Centre
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Decision-Making Support Systems for Supporting
Quality Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions (special
issue in the IJDSST)
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 11:15:00 -0600 (CST)
Von: mmora(a)securenym.net
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Kopie (CC): MRaisinghani(a)mail.twu.edu, wangfen(a)cwu.edu,
Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Decision Support
System Technology (IJDSST)
Special Issue On: Decision-Making Support Systems for Supporting Quality
Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions
Submission Due Date: March 31, 2016 !
Submission website:
In the modern world of knowledge economy, the Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) play a critical role in increasing and sustaining the
country competitiveness (Schleicher, 2006). HEIs, both public and private
ones, are also not exempt from the market forces and governmental
pressures for being more efficient and effective (CEE, 2003; Dumond &
Johnson, 2013). The general aim on high quality educational services
provision is now mandatory for any HEI around the globe.
To assess and stimulate high quality educational services in HEIs,
national and international regulator agencies have elaborated standards
and guidelines on quality of education (Doherthy, 1997; ENQA, 2005).
Consequently, HEIs are encouraged to satisfy and fulfill such expected
nationwide and international regulations. Given this situation, top
managers from HEIs face the challenge of leading their organizations
toward the achievement and compliance of such educational quality
regulations. As Tsinidou et al. (2010, pp. 227) pointed out: Universities
have realized that their long-term survival depends on how good their
services are and that quality sets one university apart from the rest.
HEIs, thus, are implementing Quality Management Systems (QMS) (ISO, 2005;
2007; Bae, 2007). In particular, decision making is a core activity
performed in the QMS because of the strong positive or negative
consequences from adequate or inadequate decisions made in HEIs.
Decision-making activity can be defined as the managerial process of
framing a decision-making situation, designing a decision model with a set
of courses of action and evaluation criteria, evaluating such a set
against the evaluation criteria for selecting the most adequate course of
action, and implementing it, and learning from its outcomes and its
process (Forgionne et al., 2009). Given the inherent difficulty of
carrying out a decision-making process manually, this process has been
vastly supported by special computer-based applications called
Decision-Making Support Systems (DMSS) (Mora et al., 2002). In general,
DMSS have been widely used in domains such as financial, healthcare,
military, and politics among many others (Mora et al., 2002). Furthermore,
several well-structured DMSS development methodologies and DMSS maturity
models have been reported in the literature (Mora et al., 2011; El-Gayar
et al., 2011). However, in the particular domain of QMS for HEIs, its
utilization has been scarcely reported (Mustafa & Goh, 1996; Ho et al.,
Hence, under this managerial context of HEIs, our aim is to raise
awareness on the worldwide HEI top management community, as well as on the
value that DMSS can provide to HEIs. Simultaneously, this CFP is a call
for DMSS research community for addressing the challenges and
opportunities in the HEI QMS domain.
Bae, S. (2007). The relationship between ISO 9000 participation and
educational outcomes of schools. Quality Assurance in Education, 15(3),
251 270.
CEE (2003). Investing efficiently in education and training: an imperative
for Europe. Brussels, Belgium: Commission of the European Communities.
Doherty, G.D. (1997). Quality, standards, the consumer paradigm and
developments in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 5(4),
239 248.
Dumond, E. J., & Johnson, T. W. (2013). Managing university business
educational quality: ISO or AACSB? Quality Assurance in Education, 21(2),
El-Gayar, O. F., Deokar, A. V., & Tao, J. (2011). DSS-CMM: A Capability
Maturity Model for DSS Development Processes. International Journal of
Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), 3(4), 14-34
ENQA (2005). Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the
European Higher Education Area. Helsinki, Finland: European Association
for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Forgionne, G., Mora, M., Gupta, J. N., & Gelman, O. (2009).
Decision-Making Support Systems. In: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition (pp. 978-984).
ISO (2005). International Standard ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
Requirements. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO.
ISO (2007). IWA 2 Quality management systems Guidelines for the
application of ISO 9001:2000 in education. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO.
Mora, M., Forgionne, G. & Gupta, J. (Eds.) (2002). Decision-making support
systems: achievements, trends and challenges for the new decade. Hershey,
PA: Idea Group.
Mora, M., Wang, F., Gelman, O., & Kljajic, M. (2011). IDSSE-M: A Software
System Engineering Methodology for Developing Intelligent Decision-Making
Support Systems. International Journal of Decision Support System
Technology (IJDSST), 3(4), 55-84.
Mustafa, A., & Goh, M. (1996). Multi-criterion models for higher education
administration. Omega, 24(2), 167-178.
Schleicher, A. (2006). The economics of knowledge: Why education is key
for Europes success. Brussels, Belgium: The Lisbon Council.
Tsinidou, M., Gerogiannis, V., & Fitsilis, P. (2010). Evaluation of the
factors that determine quality in higher education: an empirical study.
Quality Assurance in Education, 18(3).
To collect and disseminate high quality theoretical and applied research
on contemporaneous achievements and open challenges regarding the
utilization of Decision-Making Support Systems (DMSS) (classic and modern
types) for supporting Quality Management Systems (QMS) in Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs).
Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited
to) the following:
Relevance of DMSS for supporting QMS of HEIs
Typologies and Taxonomies of decision problems found in QMS of HEIs
Survey on DMSS applications (pilot and operational ones) in QMS of HEIs
Architectures of DMSS for supporting QMS of HEIs
DMSS requirements engineering focused on QMS of HEIs
DMSS design methods focused on QMS of HEIs
Comparison of DMSS mechanisms (MAUT, AHP, TOPSIS, Fuzzy AHP, and so
forth) in the context of QMS for HEIs
Case studies of real (pilot or operational one) DMSS applications in
QMS for HEIs
Survey on modern DMSS applications (business intelligence and academic
analytics) in QMS for HEIs
Review of open source technologies for implementing DMSS in QMS of HEIs
Business analytics and strategic applications of DMSS in QMS of HEIs
Opportunities, risks, and challenges of social media and mobile
computing and its impact on DMSS in QMS of HEIs
Scalable cloud platform enabled DMSS for the management, storage and
distribution of digital assets and artifacts in QMS of HEIs
Managerial and technical challenges for implementing DMSS in QMS of HEIs
Meta-analysis and/or mixed methods studies of DMSS in QMS of HEIs
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Decision-Making Support Systems for supporting
Quality Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions on or before
March 31, 2016. All submissions must be original and may not be under
review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE
http://www.igi-global.com/Files/AuthorEditor/guidelinessubmission.pdf. All
submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis.
Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Manuel Mora
Guest Editor
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST)
email: dr.manuel.mora.uaa(a)gmail.com
Guest Editors
Dr. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Dr. Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA
Dr. Michael Raisinghani, Texas Womans University, USA
Dr. Jorge Marx Gomez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: SPECIAL ISSUE on “The Future of Virtual
Communities” (Aaron French)
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:07:40 +0000
Von: Aaron Michael French <afrench(a)unm.edu>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The International Journal of Web Based Communities
SPECIAL ISSUE on “The Future of Virtual Communities”
Guest Editor: Aaron French, University of New Mexico (afrench(a)unm.edu<mailto:afrench@unm.edu>)
Submission Deadline: February 28, 2016 @ 11:59 PM Mountain Standard Time (U.S.)
The growth and popularity of virtual communities (VC) has manifested itself in various aspect of life from individual interactions to business practices. This phenomenon has changed social interaction, shrinking the world we live in. People are more connected than ever before, providing opportunities for organizations to individual identify and connect to their customers. Social networks have also used to facilitate collaboration and communication within a global environment.
As VCs continue to grow in popularity, new communities are continuing to be developed and expanding using new technologies to become more mobile. VC users have more options that ever before with many users selecting among and participating in dozens of virtual communities. With a multitude of VCs to choose from, we need to increase our understanding of factors that lead to success and sustainability of those communities.
This special issue focuses on the theoretical and practical issues related to the sustainability of virtual communities and future directions of these networks. We welcome empirical and qualitative research in the area of VCs that will help expand knowledge and understanding of this phenomenon that can be used to inform researchers and practitioners alike.
Subject coverage
* Sustainability of Virtual Communities
* Innovations in Virtual Communities
* Behavioural analysis
* Cross-cultural research
* Cultural differences affecting sustainability
* Economic sustainability
* Mobile VCs
* Network analysis
* Success factors
* VC selection decision making
* Etc.
Instructions for submissions
Potential contributors who require clarification or wish to enquire if the topic of their submission fits within the scope of the special issue may contact Aaron French by email at afrench(a)unm.edu<mailto:afrench@unm.edu> Please provide a paragraph describing the topic and potential title in any enquiries.
Notes for Intending Authors
All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for manuscript format are available on the Papers Submission section under Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines: http://www.inderscience.com/info/inauthors/index.php
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers that have been published in a conference are eligible as long as they undergo a substantial change. Authors must disclose this information to the editor.
To submit a paper, please send one copy in the form of an MS Word or PDF file attached to an e-mail to the following:
Guest Editor:
Aaron M. French
University of New Mexico
e-mail: afrench(a)unm.edu<mailto:afrench@unm.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] CfP: Policy Modelling and Policy Informatics Track @ Dual
IFIP EGOV and ePart 2016
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 18:01:49 +0100
Von: Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer <wimmer(a)uni-koblenz.de>
Antwort an: Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer <wimmer(a)uni-koblenz.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
CALL FOR PAPERS – Policy Modelling and Policy Informatics Track @ dual
IFIP EGOV and ePart 2016 – www.egov-conference.org
The dual 15th IFIP Electronic Government and 8th e-Participation
Conference (IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart) 2016 will be held from Monday,
September 5th to Thursday, September 8th, 2016 under the local auspices
of the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven
Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV, http://egov.unu.edu/) and University of
Minho (http://www.uminho.pt/en), Guimarães, Portugal
Maria A. Wimmer (lead), University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Theresa A. Pardo, Center for Technology in Government, University at
Albany, SUNY, USA
Yannis Charalabidis, University of Aegean, Greece
The Policy Modelling and Policy Informatics Track focuses on supporting
public policy making with innovative ICT therewith involving relevant
stakeholders. It heavily involves multi-disciplinary research. The scope
ranges from policy analysis and conceptual modeling to programming and
visualization of simulation models, to help policy makers and
stakeholders deliberate and evaluate policy decisions and explore new
models of governance.
Using computer simulations and decision support systems in developing,
examining and explaining public policies has received a strong focus in
e-government research for almost a decade. With public policy we refer
to decisions of governments, to governmental actions and intentions, to
regulatory measures and/or funding priorities concerning a given
thematic area of public concern that government is regulating. Public
policy making has evolved as a domain of study supporting governments
and their constituency with theories, methods, instruments and tools to
analytically evaluate the past (causes, impact) and innovatively explore
the future (potential effects) of a policy under consideration. Advances
in simulation paradigms and in innovative ICT support as well as more
active stakeholder engagement and more reliable simulation models have
led to expectations of better informed governance and public policy
development. The ultimate goal thereby is to make public policy making
more transparent, open and collaborative.
However, the complexity encompassed with modelling public policies
demands that different political, economic, social, human and technical
disciplines to work together to leverage the benefits of different
approaches of understanding and designing policy. Such efforts require
multidisciplinary research and collaboration across disciplines. Yet,
disciplinary tradition often keeps researchers working exclusively
within their own disciplines developing policy models virtually
independent from each other. To fully address these challenges,
researchers need to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, bringing
together their knowledge and sharing their expertise within
multidisciplinary collaborations. With interdisciplinary research,
existing concepts and approaches can be combined in innovative ways to
achieve more powerful solutions, which fulfil the demands of more
transparent, participative, data-driven and collaborative policy making.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following
• Foundations of policy modelling and policy informatics
• Multi-disciplinary research and collaboration across disciplines
• Methods, concepts and tools for policy analysis, including data and
opinion mining, mapping, simulation, aggregation, and visualisation
• Modelling and simulating dynamics of social-environmental interactions
• Model building based on particular simulation paradigms and supported
with conceptual modelling and simulation systems
• Model evaluation, presentation of simulation outputs and
interpretation of models
• Quality of simulation models, understandability, transparency and
trustworthiness of models
• Impact assessment and contribution of modelling and simulation to
better policy making
• Engagement of stakeholders and open collaboration in policy making
• Modelling and simulating dynamics of social-environmental interactions
• Decision support in the public sector through data- and
information-centric and model-based analysis of evidence
• Designing, managing, and evaluating information systems and
infrastructures for policy construction, analysis, and implementation
• Public policy issues including modelling and simulation and use of
open data and/or social media
• Methods and solutions to manage complexity of public policy contexts
• Technology platforms supporting different modelling paradigms and
integrating advanced features of mining, modelling and simulating public
• Comparative analyses of policy cases, concepts of policy modelling etc.
• Examples and best practices of innovative, open and collaborative
public policy making
Besides the Policy Modelling and Policy Informatics Track, the dual IFIP
EGOV and ePart 2016 conference also hosts tracks on "electronic
government", "electronic participation", "open government and open and
big data", and "smart governance, smart government smart cities and
smart regions". See http://www.egov-conference.org/ for more details.
Across its tracks, the dual IFIP EGOV and ePart 2016 conference hosts
the following formats of contributions:
• Completed research papers (max. 12 pages, published in the IFIP ePart
proceedings of Springer LNCS)
• Ongoing research and innovative projects (max. 8 pages, published in
alternate proceedings by a IOS Press)
Beyond the tracks, the dual IFIP EGOV and ePart 2016 conference also hosts
• Poster presentations (max. 2 pages, to be exposed along the welcome
reception on Tuesday evening)
• Workshops and panels on pertinent issues (short abstracts, 2 pages), and
• PhD colloquium submissions (max. 8 pages),
all to be included in the alternate proceedings published by IOS Press.
These formats encourage both scientific rigor and discussions of state
of the art as well as innovative research approaches, work in progress,
and studies of practical e-government, e-governance, e-participation or
policy modelling projects along with papers on system implementations.
All accepted completed research papers will be published by Springer
Verlag (two volumes of LNCS). Accepted submissions in all other
categories will be published by IOS Press. After the conference, the
proceeding volumes will be submitted to Thompson Reuters for evaluation
in order to be indexed in Web of Science Conference Proceedings.
Prior to the conference (that is, on Sunday, 4th September), the 12th
PhD student colloquium will be held providing doctoral students with an
international forum guided by senior scholars for presenting their work,
networking opportunities and cross-disciplinary inspiration. It will be
dedicated to learning and understanding from each other. PhD research
with topical threads of both conferences and the special tracks or
further related topics relevant to ICT use in the public sector are
welcome and can be presented. See more details under the following link:
• March 15, 2016—Submission of papers (completed and ongoing research)
• April 15, 2016—Submission of workshop/panel/poster/PhD colloquium
• April 30, 2016—Notification of acceptance/rejection decisions for papers
• May 15, 2016 — Notification of acceptance for
workshops/panels/posters/PhD colloquium contributions
• May 31, 2016—Camera-ready papers of completed research, of ongoing
Read more about the submission guidelines and review criteria on the
conference website: http://www.egov-conference.org/
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=egov2016
Hans Jochen Scholl, University of Washington, USA
Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Maria A. Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University Operating Unit on
Policy-Driven Electronic Governance, Portugal
Delfina Sá Soares, University of Minho, Portugal
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] UKAIS PhD and Professional Doctorate Consortium 11
April 2016 - call for contributions
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 16:43:35 +0000
Von: Diana Limburg <dlimburg(a)brookes.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*21th Annual Conference*
*PhD & Professional Doctorate Consortium*
*Monday 11 April, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK*
*Chairs: *Dr Robert Campbell and Dr Diana Limburg
*Keynote*: Professor Bob Galliers
Call for Contributions
The Consortium is intended for researchers undertaking a PhD or
Professional Doctorate in keeping with the main themes of the conference.
Researchers may present work at any stage. The consortium aims to provide:
- An opportunity for small group, in-depth discussions which focus on
participants’ research issues, around both the object and method of the
- Understanding of work in progress experienced by other researchers
active at PhD level;
- Identification of other research related to the participants’
We invite PhD and professional doctorate students to submit a 500-1,000
word abstract summarising the aims, methods and relevance of the research
topic by *Monday 29th February* *2016 *to UKAIS2016(a)gmail.com, with the
subject heading ‘*UKAIS PhD Consortium*’.
Facilitators Session facilitators will include leading IS academics from
the UK and UKAIS Board members. Please see http://www.ukais.org for a
listing of the previous association Board members. Preliminary Consortium
- Keynote speaker
- 4-5 Student presentations per group of 15 minutes each and discussion
of 45 minutes for each presentation. Please note that you are required to
actively participate for the full day.
- The cost of the PhD consortium, including evening dinner and student
accommodation on the 11th of April, will be approximately £195. Group
discounts are available. Full booking details will be posted on the UKAIS
2016 Conference website <http://dwastell.org/UKAIS2016/>
- You are encouraged to attend the full UKAIS conference – a discount is
Testimonials from previous PhD Consortium participants:
*‘The PhD Consortium was excellent. The format is perfect – it allows full
interaction between the student and the facilitator’*
*‘The consortium was really worthwhile attending. The facilitators are all
well respected academics and to be able to discuss my PhD research in such
a relaxed environment in Oxford has been wonderful’*
*‘A great balance between academic discussion and social conversation –
well worth attending’*
Important Dates for your diary:
- Submission Date for abstract: Midnight GMT – Monday 29th February 2016.
- PhD & Professional Doctorates Consortium: Monday 11th April 2016.
Any enquiries can be emailed to UKAIS2016(a)gmail.com; please include ‘*UKAIS
PhD Consortium*’ in your email subject.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - 3rd International Conference on e-Learning
e-Education and Online Training
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 16:30:52 +0000
Von: Giovanni Vincenti <gvincenti(a)ubalt.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
3rd International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training
August 31–September 2, 2016 - Dublin, Ireland
Engaging the students
As the world of technology offers a rapidly increasing number of outlets for creativity and communications, the world of education is undergoing a significant renovation. Each day more classrooms can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. This year's conference aims at exploring e-learning solutions that spark the attention as well as imagination of students through interactivity, immersion, variety of content, or cutting-edge technologies.
Important Dates
4 April 2016 - Full Paper Submission deadline
2 May 2016 - Notification and Registration opens
23 May 2016 - Camera-ready deadline
- Accepted papers to be published through SpringerLink Digital Library
- Online track
- Pre-conference workshops
- Student Track
- Demo Session
The conference will focus on several topics, including:
- Augmented reality solutions
- Blended learning
- Learning analytics
- Mobile learning
- Virtual Learning Environments
Giovanni Vincenti
Assistant Professor
Division of Science, Information Arts and Technologies
University of Baltimore
Baltimore, MD 21201
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 5. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung 2016 => 15./16.
September 2016
Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 16:02:30 +0000
Von: Michael Leyer <michael.leyer(a)uni-rostock.de>
Antwort an: Michael Leyer <michael.leyer(a)uni-rostock.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
gerne weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass das Konferenzsystem der 5.
Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung (Conftool) online ist. Der Fokus der
Tagung am 15./16. September in Rostock liegt auf dem interdisziplinären
Austausch hinsichtlich Forschungsthemen rund um Dienstleistungen und
bezieht auch explizit Thematiken aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik mit ein.
Alle notwendigen Informationen zur Einreichung sowie einen Link zum
Konferenzsystem finden Sie unter
Der Einreichungsschluss für extended Abstracts ist der 15. März 2016.
Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzusendungen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen im Namen der Vorbereitungskommission
Michael Leyer
Prof. Dr. Michael Leyer
Professur BWL der Dienstleistungen (Juniorprofessur)
Direktor: Center for Accounting and Auditing
Direktor: Institut für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft an der Universität
Rostock e.V.
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Ulmenstraße 69 (Haus 1, R. 304) | D 18051 Rostock
Tel.: 0381/498 4100
Fax: 0381/498 1184100
Email: michael.leyer(a)uni-rostock.de <mailto:michael.leyer@uni-rostock.de>