-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ToC and Cfp International Journal of IS for Crisis
Response and Management
Datum: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 01:57:42 -0500
Von: MurphJen(a)aol.com
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and
Management (IJISCRAM)
Volume 7, Issue 3, July - September 2015
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1937-9390; EISSN: 1937-9420;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Murray E. Jennex (San Diego State University, USA) and
Víctor Amadeo Bañuls Silvera (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain)Note:
There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to the
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and
Management (IJISCRAM). All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer
review editorial process.
Special Issue on Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems II:
Authorities and Industry
Christian Reuter (Institute for Information Systems, University of Siegen,
Siegen, Germany)
To obtain a copy of the Guest Editorial Preface, click on the link below.
Issue on Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems II: Authorities and
Optical Head-Mounted Displays in Mass Casualty Incidents: Keeping an Eye on
Patients and Hazardous Materials
Henrik Berndt (Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems, University
of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany), Tilo Mentler (Institute for Multimedia and
Interactive Systems, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany), Michael
Herczeg (Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems, University of
Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany)
Optical head-mounted displays (OHMDs) could support members of emergency
medical services in responding to and managing mass casualty incidents. In
this contribution, the authors describe the human-centered design of two
applications for supporting the triage process as well as the identification of
hazardous materials. They were evaluated with members of emergency medical
services and civil protection units. In this regard, challenges and
approaches to human-computer interaction with OHMDs in crisis response and
management are discussed. The conclusion is drawn that often mentioned advantages
of OHMDs like hands-free interaction alone will not lead to usable
solutions for safety-critical domains. Interaction design needs to be carefully
considered right down to the last detail.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Simulation and Analysis of Mass Casualty Mission Tactics: Context of Use,
Interaction Concept, Agent-Based Model and Evaluation
Johannes Sautter (Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany), Denis Havlik
(Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Seibersdorf, Austria), Lars Böspflug
(Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany), Matthias Max (German Red Cross
Headquarters, Berlin, Germany), Kalev Rannat (Tallinn Technical University, Tallinn,
Estonia), Marc Erlich (Artelia Eau et Environnement, Grenoble, France),
Wolf Engelbach (Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany)
Mass casualty incidents (MCIs) cannot be managed with existing resources
from operational area. The key to MCI management therefore is the efficient
use of the few own resources as well as resources from neighboring
administrative units by local medical mission commanders. This paper suggests a
computer-based modeling and simulation system with a user- and context-adequate
interface for testing local MCI mission tactics with realistic spatial and
temporal availabilities of rescue units and hospitals in the vicinity of
an accident site. From an organizational point of view, the tool could
contribute to a holistic quality management approach for improving MCI
management by facilitating site-specific resource deployment, mission structure, and
patient evacuation planning. This paper describes the interaction concept
of a resource planning application and envisions its usage in training
courses, in breaks of leading personnel and for elaborating local preparedness
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Towards Virtual Reality Crisis Simulation as a Tool for Usability Testing
of Crisis Related Interactive Systems
Kristian Rother (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Lippstadt,
Germany), Inga Karl (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,
Lippstadt, Germany), Simon Nestler (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,
Lippstadt, Germany)
Usability testing is expensive in some domains due to the resource
requirements that go hand in hand with taking a complex context of use into
account. Crisis-related research is one such domain, typically requiring the
reenactment of an extensive crisis scenario. To lessen the resource requirements
and provide a more flexible setup geared towards testing, crisis scenarios
can be reconstructed as virtual reality simulations. This paper outlines
the development of an initial prototype of such a simulation following the
design science method. The prototype is used to test if injecting an item
that will be tested into the simulation affects the realism of the virtual
reality crisis simulation. The realism was measured in a within-subject
experiment and equivalence tests showed that injecting a representation of a
simple app had no significant influence on the realism of the simulation.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Should I Try Turning It Off and On Again?: Outlining HCI Challenges for
Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Thomas Ludwig (Institute for Information Systems, University of Siegen,
Siegen, Germany), Christoph Kotthaus (Institute for Information Systems,
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Volkmar Pipek (Institute for Information
Systems, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany)
The flexible production and process designs of complex and automated
manufacturing systems – called Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) – lead
to enormous challenges for the machine operator with regard to understanding
their “behavior” and therefore their technical controllability. One way
to face these challenges is to foster the operator's appropriation of highly
complex hardware-centered ICT-systems. Based on the historical development
of CPPS and a short excursion into a study about the appropriation of 3D
printers, the authors will adapt the concept of sociable technologies, as
hardware-centered appropriation infrastructures, to CPPS.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Towards Efficient Security: Business Continuity Management in Small and
Medium Enterprises
Christian Reuter (Institute for Information Systems, University of Siegen,
Siegen, Germany)
Business Continuity Management (BCM) is an integral part of civil security
in terms of corporate crisis management. According to the ISO 22301 (2014)
BCM is defined as a holistic management process which identifies potential
threats to an organization and the impacts those threats might have on
business operations. Looking at the current situation of studies conducted in
this field it seems to be obvious that the use of BCM in Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) is underrepresented and that the security level is
partially located in an uneconomical range. This paper presents a literature
research on the use of BCM in SME and discusses research findings concerning this
matter. Based on this a matrix for possible impacts vs. quality of the
crisis management for different actors is derived. The article concludes with
the presentation of lightweight und easy to handle BCM security solutions
in form of Smart Services, as a possible solution for the increasingly IT
relaying industry 4.0.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
(IJISCRAM) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in
the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database:
(http://www.igi-global.com/e-resources/infosci-databases/infosci-journals/) .
Mission of IJISCRAM:
The mission of the International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management (IJISCRAM) is to provide an outlet for innovative
research in the area of information systems for crisis response and
management. Research is expected to be rigorous but can utilize any accepted
methodology and may be qualitative or quantitative in nature. The journal will
provide a comprehensive cross disciplinary forum for advancing the
understanding of the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive issues
associated with the use of information systems in responding and managing crises of
all kinds. The goal of the journal is to publish high quality empirical and
theoretical research covering all aspects of information systems for
crisis response and management. Full-length research manuscripts, insightful
research and practice notes, and case studies will be considered for
Indices of IJISCRAM:
* ACM Digital Library
* Bacon's Media Directory
* Cabell's Directories
* GetCited
* Google Scholar
* JournalTOCs
* MediaFinder
* Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
* The Index of Information Systems Journals
* The Standard Periodical Directory
* Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Coverage of IJISCRAM:
This journal covers all aspects of the crisis management information
systems discipline, from organizational or social issues to technology support to
decision making and knowledge representation. High quality submissions are
encouraged using any qualitative or quantitative research methodology,
focusing on the design, development, implementation, uses and evaluation of
such systems. Submissions are especially encouraged covering the following
topics in this discipline:
Case studies, research methods, and modeling approaches Collaborative and
intelligent systems Command and control Communication technologies Crisis
planning, training, exercising, and gaming Data fusion, representation,
and visualization Decision making and judgment Disaster risk reduction, risk
management, ad-hoc, and sensor networks Early warning systems Emergency
response systems Geographical information systems Globalization and
development issues Healthcare and health information systems Human-computer
interaction Humanitarian operations Information systems strategy Knowledge
management and systems Systems interoperability information systems
infrastructures Virtual teams and organizations
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines _www.igi-global.com/calls-for
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] Last CfP - 1st International Conference on: “Smart
Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development”
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:52:23 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
1st International Conference on
*“Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development”*
*19-20 May 2016*
Timisoara, Romania
• Deadline for paper submission: *February 15, 2016 (extended)*
The 1st International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and
Regional Development intends to establish itself as an interdisciplinary
forum where scholars, entrepreneurs and policy makers could bring and
compare their visions, researches and experiences on how the “smartness”
of the learning ecosystems (schools, campus, working places, informal
learning contexts, etc.), sustained by the technologies, can influence
the economical development, foster the social innovation and educate
aware and active present and future citizens.
The three main macro-topics of interest concerning Smart Learning
Ecosystems and their role in the development of smart city and regions are:
• *understanding influences, relations and models*
to include
- vision, strategies and processes
- interplay between formal and informal learning
- new educational models
- continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, process
- sharing & participatory practices
- use of public space & goods
- dual education
- open access to any resource and disparity
- capacity building and social capital
- cultural influences
- monitoring and benchmarking of smartness of learning ecosystems
- orchestration: complexity and its government
- challenges by smart cities and regions to smart learning environments
• *abilities, skills and competences*
to include
- general frameworks
- design, data and other relevant literacies
- relation with digital skills & competences
- strategies to foster acquisition included gamification: pedagogical,
social challenges
- monitoring, evaluation and awareness
- literacies, skill and competences of smart citizens
• *techno ecoystems*
to include
- open & big data management and their application in education
- interoperability of data & services
- safety & security
- privacy
- trustability
- IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technological supports
- geolocalized information
- mediation role of technologies
The Conference is organized by the *Politehnica University of Timisoara,
Romania* and, beside interactive paper presentation, will feature:
• A *Panel* with the representatives of some of the most relevant
European Societies related to Technology Enhanced Learning:
Carlo Giovannella (ASLERD)
Johann Gunther (IAFES)
Darco Jansen (EADTU)
Katherine Maillet (EATEL)
Antonio Teixeira (EDEN)
• Presentation and signature of the /“Timisoara Declaration”/
• Interactive talks with regional authority on the role of Education for
Smart City & Smart Citizens
The Conference is also connected with*HackTM 2016*, 20-22 May, that on
the occasion will feature a track on smart learning ecosystems, social
innovation and civic engagement (reserved to students and professionals).
More information on the 2016 edition of HackTM will be soon published
on-line at http://hacktm.ro/
Information on the 2015 edition can be found here http://hacktm.ro/2015/
The selected papers will be published in the Winter 2016 issue of the
very popular open access journal *IxD&A*
(indexed by *SCOPUS* and *Web of Science*, see Stats&Indexing at
*Authors’ guidelines & link for submission*
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .pdf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit /
- short papers/ (6-8 pages) and/or
- /regular papers/ (9-20 pages)
Number of pages includes authors' information, abstract, all tables,
figures, references, etc..
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
Link to the paper submission page on easy chair:
For scientific advices and any query please contact:
• *Radu Vasiu* /(conference chair)/: radu [dot] vasiu [at] cm [dot] upt
[dot] ro
• *Diana Andone* /(chair of local steering and scientific committee)/:
diana [dot] and one [at] cm [dot] upt [dot] ro
or, in alternative:
• aslerd [dot] org [at] gmail [dot] com
marking the subject as: “/ASLERD Conference 2016 - Timisoara/”
To *join ASLERD* and enjoy a /discounted conference fe//e
/see the section */Join us /*on www.aslerd.org
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [CSPlus] Joint Call For Papers (Vol. 20160102)
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 22:04:02 +0800 (CST)
Von: CSPlus-Admin <cfp-admin(a)grid.chu.edu.tw>
Antwort an: CSPlus-Admin <cfp-admin(a)grid.chu.edu.tw>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email. If you'd like to opt out of these announcements, information on how to unsubscribe is available at the bottom of this email.
Dear Colleagues:
We hope these events and topics will be useful to you.
Conference CFPs
1. IEEE DataCom 2016 (August 8-12, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand)
2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing
*Workshop proposal submission deadline: Feb. 29, 2016
*Research Paper submission deadline: March 15, 2016
*Poster Paper submission deadline: May 5th, 2016
2. CITS 2016 (July 6-8, 2016, Kunming, China)
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
*Submission deadline: March 15th, 2016
3. ISPDC 2016 (July 8-10, 2016, Fuzhou, China)
15th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
*Submission deadline: March 20th, 2016
4. IEEE Cluster 2016 (September 12-16, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan)
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
*Submission deadline: March 25, 2016
5. FUSION 2016 (July 18-21, 2016, Toulouse, France)
2nd International Workshop on Future Trends in Computing System Technologies and Applications
*Research Paper submission deadline: April 16, 2016
6. IEEE SC2 2016 (December 8-10, 2016, Fiji)
6th IEEE International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing
*Workshop proposal submission deadline: May 10, 2016
*Research Paper submission deadline: August 10, 2016
7. IOV 2016 (December 8-10, 2016, Fiji)
3rd International Conference on Internet of Vehicles
*Workshop proposal submission deadline: May 10, 2016
*Research Paper submission deadline: August 10, 2016
Journal Special Issue CFPs
1. Scientific Programming (SCIE Indexed)
Special Issue on: âResource Management in Virtualized Clouds"
*Manuscript Due: January 22, 2015 (GEs: Ligang He, et al.)
2. Journal of System Architecture
Special Issue on: âDesign Automation for Embedded Ubiquitous Computing Systems (DAEUCS)"
*Manuscript Due: Feb. 1, 2016 (GEs: Houcine Hassan, et al. )
3. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Special Issue on: âAdvances of Utility and Cloud Computing Technologies and Services"
*Manuscript Due: Feb. 15, 2016 (GEs: Robert Hsu, et al. )
4. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
Special Issue on: âBig Data Visualization and Analytics"
*Manuscript Due: March 5, 2016 (GE: Lei Yang, et al.)
5. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
Special Issue on: âReal-Time Perceptual-inspired Imaging Systems with Computational Science & Aesthetics"
*Manuscript Due: March 31, 2016 (GE: Seungmin Rho, et al.)
6. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
Special Issue on: "Data to Decision"
*Manuscript Due: June 12, 2016 (GE: Daniel W. Sun, et al.)
The CSPlus (Computational Science Publicity and Liaison for Ubiquitous Society) mailing list has been setup to share information with respect to upcoming events.
If you do not wish to receive any emails from CSPlus, you can unsubscribe from the portal of the CSPlus mailing list at http://grid.chu.edu.tw/mailling_list/index.php
If you need any help, please email us at cfp-admin(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Submit a DC paper to the CAISE'2016 Doctoral
Consortium (condition of application for the "CAISE PhD Award" in the
next CAISE conferences)
Datum: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 15:46:05 +0100
Von: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear collegues,
First of all, I wish you a Happy, Healty and Joyful New Year.
I wish serendipity always go along with your inspiration and commitment.
Would you please forward the message below to your PhD students.
CAISE has a specific theme every year;*the specific theme of CAISE'2016
is "Information Systems for Connecting People".*
Kind regards,
Dear PhD students,
From CAiSE 2015, a "CAiSE PhD Award" has been initiated. Each year, an
award will be offered to a PhD defended in the last two years. With the
award being co-sponsored by the CAiSE Steering Committee and Springer,
it will consist of a free full registration (5 days) to the next two
CAiSE conferences. In addition, the selected thesis will be recommended
for publication as a monograph in the LNBIP series published by Springer.
The PhD thesis submitted for the award will be reviewed by a standing
committee composed of the members of the CAiSE Advisory Committee, the
CAiSE Steering Committee and on-going CAiSE Program Committee Chairs.
*The condition to apply for the "CAiSE PhD Award"* *is _having
participated as an author to a __previous CAiSE Doctoral Consortium_ and
having defended the PhD thesis in the last two years.*
*In order to be eligible for application to the "CAiSE PhD Award" in the
future CAISE conferences,_submit a Doctoral Consortium Paper to
CAISE'2016_ !!
*CAISE'2016 DC paper submission deadline is March 20, 2016.*
Detailed information is available at
Best regards,
Selmin Nurcan
CAISE'2016 Program Committee co-chair*
Maitre de Conferences HDR / Associate Professor
Submit to CAISE 2016 : Information Systems for Connecting People
13-17 June 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne has been running for the
last 19 years, a highly successful Masters programme (SIC -
apprenticeship) that is open for the 7th year to Foreign students
The 18th edition on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support
(BPMDS'2016) in conjunction with CAISE'2016
*BPMDS is a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 13-14, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Previous Springer BPMDS LNBIP proceedings are accessible from:
*Surface mail*
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne
Centre Broca
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] BPMDS'2016 - Call for Papers (in conjunction with
Datum: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 17:12:38 +0100
Von: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting and participating in BPMDS'16,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-14, 2016
in conjunction with CAiSE'16 http://caise2016.si/
sponsoredby IFIP WG8.1 (International Federation forInformation
Processing Working Group 8.1)
Submission deadline: February 22nd, 2016
Full info, see the conference website http://www.bpmds.org/
A shorter summary, see below:
BPMDS'16 solicits papers related to Business Process Modeling,
Development, and Support (BPMDS) using relevance, originality, quality
and applicability in practice as the main selection criteria. As a
working conference, BPMDS'16 seeks to attract full research papers
describing mature research, as well as experience reports related to
using BPMDS in practice and visionary idea papers. To encourage new and
emerging challenges and research directions in the area of business
process modeling, development, and support, we have a unique focus theme
every year. Papers submitted as idea papers are required to be of
relevance to the focus theme, thus providing a mass of new ideas around
a relatively narrow but emerging research area. Full research papers and
experience reports are not required to be directly connected to this
theme (they still need to be explicitly relevant to BPMDS).
The focus theme for BPMDS'16 idea papers is:
*Business Processes in a Connected World*
In which we differentiate three sub-themes:
1. Business processes for connecting people
2. Connecting intelligent objects to business processes
3. Connecting information/data/knowledge to business processes
will be published by Springer, an LNBIP volume (joint with EMMSAD). The
best papers will be invited for publication of the extended versions in
a scientific journal.
*Topics of interest* include but are not limited to the list below. Note
that the first three sub-theme are related to the focus theme. The rest
are standard themes for BPMDS.
*Business process for connecting people*
Using socio-technical perspective for designing processes and
systems that connect people
Insuring that a support system connects not divide people
Achieving optimal interplay between people and technology to
promote creativity and connectivity
Integrating social systems and business processes
*Connecting intelligent objects to business processes*
Relations between Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Smart Objects
and business processes
Managing input from the multitude of objects in business processes
*Connecting information/data/knowledge to business processes*
Designing processes to cope with the data deluge
Connecting data sources from social media, open data, the Internet
of Things to business processes
*Business Process Modeling*
Business process modeling languages, notations and methods
Multi-perspectives on business process modeling
Theoretical foundations for analyzing and modeling business processes
Verification and validation of business process models
Modeling dynamic configuration
Modeling for reuse
Domain specific modeling languages
Business process modeling enhanced by social software and social
*Business Process Development*
Compliance, reliability, security, performance
Flexibility, variability, adaptability
Metrics, maturity and continuous improvement
Strategy, business processes, people and IT: alignment, fit and
Knowledge-intensive business processes
Context aware business processes
Cross-organizational business processes
Data-intensive business processes
Business process change management and governance issues
Enhancing creativity in business processes
*Business Process Support*
Theoretical foundations for simulating or executing business processes
Business process support architectures and platforms
Business process support based on a service-oriented architecture
Business process support combined with social software and social
Supporting work allocation in business processes
Actor support vs control support in business processes
Mobile technologies and context aware business processes
Business processes using cloud-services
*Important dates*
Submission deadline: February 22nd, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 14th 2016
Camera-ready papers due: March 28th 2016
Ilia Bider -- Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Rainer Schmidt -- Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
*Steering Committee*
Ilia Bider -- Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Selmin Nurcan -- University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt -- Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Pnina Soffer -- University of Haifa, Israel
*Industrial Advisory Board*
Ilia Bider -- Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Pascal Negros -- Arch4IE, France
Gil Regev -- EPFL and Itecor, Switzerland
Best regards,
BPMDS'2016 Team
Maitre de Conferences HDR / Associate Professor
Submit to CAISE 2016 : Information Systems for Connecting People
13-17 June 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne has been running for the
last 19 years, a highly successful Masters programme (SIC -
apprenticeship) that is open for the 7th year to Foreign students
The 18th edition on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support
(BPMDS'2016) in conjunction with CAISE'2016
*BPMDS is a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 13-14, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Previous Springer BPMDS LNBIP proceedings are accessible from:
*Surface mail*
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne
Centre Broca
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: QUATIC 2016 - 10th International Conference on
the Quality of Information and Communications Technology
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:08:54 +0000
Von: Ricardo J. Machado <rmac(a)dsi.uminho.pt>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
QUATIC 2016 - 10th International Conference on the Quality of Information
and Communications Technology
Lisbon, Portugal, 6 to 9 September 2016
Paper submissions: April 10
Goals and scope
The International Conference on the Quality of Information and
Communications Technology (QUATIC) serves as a forum for disseminating
advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches to
ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are
encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality
culture in ICT process and product improvement and to provide practical
studies in varying contexts.
The conference considers the existence of several areas of interest that
gather a set of related topics, organised around several perspectives of
ICT Quality:
The conference program is organised on a series of Thematic Tracks, each
corresponding to a specific topic of interest:
- Quality Aspects in Requirements Engineering
- Quality Aspects in Model Driven Engineering
- Quality Aspects in Agile Methods
- Quality Aspects in Process Improvement and Assessment
- Quality Aspects in Verification and Validation
- Quality Aspects in Evidence-Based Approaches
- Quality Aspects in Big Data Systems
- Quality Aspects in Safety Critical Systems
- Quality Aspects in Service Management
The conference will also have a Business Day to foster the dissemination of
best practices and to allow a lively discussion of hot topics and quality
concerns in specific application domains. During the Business Day
conference sponsors will share their knowledge and promote hands-on contact
with new tools.
Another event, SEDES, will bring together Software Engineering PhD students
to present and discuss their work.
Proceedings publication
As in the previous editions, papers accepted at the Thematic Tracks will be
published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS), submitted for archiving
in the IEEE Digital Library, and submitted for indexing in ISI Web of
Science, SCOPUS, ACM Portal, DBLP and DOI System. Authors of the best
papers accepted in the Thematic Tracks will be invited to submit extended
versions for presentation in the Main Track. During the closing session of
QUATIC’2016, awards will be given to the best papers presented during the
meeting. Authors of selected papers presented in the Main Track will be
invited to submit extended and improved versions to be published in a
peer-reviewed journal.
Important dates
Thematic Tracks
- Paper submission: April 10, 2016
- Authors’ notification: May 15, 2016
- Camera-ready: June 19, 2016
Main Track
- Invitation to main track: May 15, 2016
- Extended paper submission: May 29, 2016
- Authors’ notification: June 19, 2016
- Camera-ready: July 3, 2016
Paper submission instructions
Please follow the specific instructions provided at the page of the
respective Thematic Track.
Thematic tracks program chairs
- Quality Aspects in Requirements Engineering: Maria
Lencastre (U.Pernanbuco)
- Quality Aspects in Model Driven Engineering: Marjan Mernik (U.Maribor)
- Quality Aspects in Agile Methods: Joao M. Fernandes (U.Minho)
- Quality Aspects in Process Improvement and Assessment: Karol
Frühauf (INFOGEM)
- Quality Aspects in Verification and Validation: Gianluca Mezzetti
- Quality Aspects in Evidence-Based Approaches: Sheila Reinehr (UCPR)
- Quality Aspects in Big Data Systems: Monica Wachowicz (U.New Brunswick)
- Quality Aspects in Safety Critical Systems: Marion Lepmets (Dundalk IT)
- Quality Aspects in Service Management: Natalia Kryvinska (U.Wien)
General program chairs
- Mark Paulk (UT.Dallas)
- Ricardo J. Machado (U.Minho)
- Miguel A. Brito (U.Minho)
Organizing chairs
- Vasco Amaral (FCT/UNL)
- Miguel Goulao (FCT/UNL)
Cumprimentos / Regards
Ricardo J. Machado
New Springer book: Requirements in Engineering Projects
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Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Papers 10th International
Symposium on Distributed Computing (IDC 2016)
Datum: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:29:06 +0000
Von: IDS Research Group Newsletter <news(a)ids.software.ucv.ro>
Antwort an: news(a)ids.software.ucv.ro
An: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies for cross posting]
****************************** ****************************** **********
First Call for Papers
10th International Symposium on Distributed
(IDC 2016)
Paris, France, October 10-12, 2016
http://idc2016. lip6.fr/
****************************** ******************************
********** While Intelligent Computing
develops methods and technology ranging from classical artificial
intelligence, computational intelligence and multi-agent systems to game
theory, Distributed Computing develops methods and technology to build
systems that are composed of collaborating components.
The emergent field of Intelligent Distributed Computing focuses on the
development of a new generation of intelligent distributed systems. It
faces the challenges of adapting and combining research in the fields
of Intelligent Computing and Distributed Computing.
All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium Proceedings, which
will be published by Springer as part of their series Studies in
Computational Intelligence. Papers must have at most 10 pages length
and must be formatted according to Springer format for Proceedings and
Other Multiauthor Volumes (Latex only).
****************************** ****************************** **********
****************************** ******************************
********** Full paper submission: February 29, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2016
Camera ready paper due: May 23, 2016
Symposium: October 10-12, 2016
****************************** ****************************** **********
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Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of
their relevance to the symposium themes, clarity of presentation,
originality and accuracy of results and proposed solutions. Symposium
topics include, but are not limited to:
Intelligent Distributed Frameworks and Architectures
* Methodologies for intelligent distributed systems &
applications * Autonomous agents and multiagent
systems * Distributed problem solving and decision
making * Hybrid systems involving software agents,
robots and human actors * Distributed frameworks
and middleware for the Internet of Things
* Pervasive computing and Context-aware intelligent
computing * Virtualization infrastructures for
intelligent computing
Organization and Management * Self-organizing
distributed and multiagent systems * Autonomous
and adaptive distributed systems * Emerging and
collective behaviors in complex distributed systems
* Modeling and simulation of intelligent distributed
systems * Intelligent integration of heterogeneous
data and processes * Bio-inspired and
nature-inspired distributed computing
Intelligent Distributed Knowledge Representation & Processing
* Information extraction & retrieval in distributed
* Knowledge integration and fusion from distributed sources
* Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed
* Ontologies/meta-data for heterogeneous resources &
services * Distributed fusion of sensor data
Networked Intelligence * Intelligence in mobile and
ubiquitous computing * Agent-based sensor
networks * E-service and web intelligence
* Intelligence in peer-to-peer systems
* Security, privacy, trust and reputation
Intelligent Distributed Applications * Ambiant
intelligence * Applications in
e-business/e-commerce, e-learning, e-health, e-science,
e-government * Crisis
management * Intelligent grid and cloud
infrastructure * Simulations of groups and
crowds * Mobile robots
****************************** ****************************** **********
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********** Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
University Pierre and Marie Curie
****************************** ****************************** **********
****************************** ******************************
********** Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, LIP6 / University Pierre
and Marie Curie, France Costin Badica, University of Craiova,
****************************** ******************************
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2016 - Minitrack CFP - GIS, Spatial BI,
Analytics, and Knowledge Management
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:26:44 -0500
Von: Daniel Farkas <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Kopie (CC): Daniel J Farkas <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
AIS Members,
Join us at AMCIS 2016 in San Diego. Consider submitting a paper to the
SIGGIS Minitrack on Spatial Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Knowledge
Management. Learn more about GIS and IS in a new Tutorial in the latest
issues of the Communications of CAIS:
Spatial Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Knowledge Management
in the Track on Decision Support and Analytics,
AMCIS 2016 Conference in San Diego, August 11-13, 2016
The mini-track on Spatial Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Knowledge
Management seeks to provide a forum for research on varied aspects of
geographic information systems (GIS) for business intelligence, analytics,
knowledge management, and spatial data management. This area is becoming
an essential aspect for governments and has been growing rapidly over the
past decade in business. The mini-track encourages manuscript submission on
theory, methodology, applications, behavioral studies, case studies, and
emerging areas in GIS. Current areas of interest include spatial big data,
spatial knowledge management, theory development, cloud-based GIS, spatial
crowdsourcing, spatial workforce, behavioral research, geo-design, privacy
and security aspects, mobile location-based applications, and new and
emerging areas of GIS.
Spatial technologies have been undergoing a major transformation based on
new and emerging geospatial technologies including space-time, 3-D
modeling, LIDAR, unmanned spatial data collection, augmented reality
glasses, and virtual reality of place.
The intent is to advance knowledge from a relatively nascent level in light
of the continuing geospatial revolution and encourage exchange of findings,
methodologies, blue ocean ideas between scholars and practitioners in an
area ripe for rapid growth in business and in information programs. The
mini-track over the past five years has attracted increasing interest and
participation. It is part of the SIGDSA track and is sponsored by SIGGIS.
GIS and spatial technologies are growing rapidly in business and
government. Increasingly these applications involve business intelligence
(BI), big data, analytics, and knowledge management. Although there is
considerable research on GIS technology and geographic information science,
there has been relatively little research in spatial decision making in
business, government, and organizations. This track seeks manuscripts that
address theory, methodology, geo-design, applications, management issues,
and behavioral aspects of these topics. The relevance to research is to
build up greater knowledge of the geo-spatial aspects of decision-making
and management, and to develop theory and applications, sometimes building
on well-known concepts in the Decision Support/Analytics and MIS fields.
The mini-track will address the emerging areas of GIS, GIScience, and
related technologies such as RFID, imagery, virtual augmentation and
reality, location for mobile devices, and sensors, cloud-based GIS,
space-time applications, and expansive spatial information. Since the GIS
and spatial field is expanding and becoming essential in business and
government, the mini-track can shed light on a new and evolving field. The
mini-track findings, results, and discussions will also inform the leaders,
managers, strategic thinkers, and policy makers in many organizations that
are building, deploying, and managing applications in these areas.
This mini-track is supported by SIGGIS of AIS.
Potential topics (suggestions, but not limited to those listed):
•Spatial analytics
•Spatial decision support
•Spatial knowledge management
•Big Data and GIS
•Management decision-making using GIS
•Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery
•Web-based GIS concepts and applications
•GIS and the cloud
•Locational features of social media
•Mobile-based GIS concepts and applications
•Security and privacy of spatial information
•Theoretical studies
•Methodological papers
•Case studies
•Investment in and benefits of GIS, spatial BI, or spatial analytics
•Managerial concerns in spatial systems
•Ethical aspects of GIS and spatial decision-making
•GIS workforce, training, and education
•Quality measures and evaluation of spatial systems
•Systems and software development of GIS
•Crowdsourcing and public domain sources of spatial information
•Emerging areas in spatial science and technologies
Submission information at http://amcis2016.aisnet.org
Mini-track chair contact for information
James B. Pick
E-mail: james_pick(a)redlands.edu
School of Business, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA 92373-0999
Dan Farkas, PhD
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University
Pleasantville, NY, 10570 USA
Visiting Professor of Computing, Glyndwr University, Wrexham, Wales, UK
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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: Sensing Enterprise Systems @ ECIS 2016 -
Istanbul, 12-16 June 2016
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:38:05 +0000
Von: Kurt Sandkuhl <kurt.sandkuhl(a)uni-rostock.de>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward to anybody who might be interested]
Sensing Enterprise Systems @ ECIS 2016 - Istanbul, 12-16 June 2016
Updates to the 1st Call:
· Workshop homepage now available www.ecis2016.eu/en/Sensing--Enterprise-Systems.html<http://www.ecis2016.eu/en/Sensing--Enterprise-Systems.html>
· A selection of best papers will be invited to submit paper extensions for a special issue of the journal on Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ).
· All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR proceedings.
* * * Cfp: ECIS 2016 Workshop on "Sensing Enterprise Systems" (SEnSy) * * *
In today's world, businesses are constantly challenged and have to change permanently due to economic and political crises, lack of resources, environmental changes, and ever changing social systems. Therefore enterprises need new ways to continuously be aware of changes and more quickly adapt to changing environments in order to remain competitive. The "Sensing Enterprise" concept has been coined as a vision towards enterprises that use new technologies and concepts to continuously track their business operations and become more responsive to changing demands and more resilient in regard to threats. Among enabling technologies for this are different kinds of sensors, intelligent agents, semantic technologies, smart objects, ad-hoc networking and technologies for cyber-physical systems. In order to leverage these technologies, new demands and challenges for enterprise information systems arise. In order to support and implement this vision of a continuously (self-)aware enterprise, they have to transform to "Sensing Enterprise Systems". This transformation not only addresses technology, but also the way humans work together and even raises ethical questions. The workshop therefore provides a platform for a wide spectrum of contributions that provide novel ideas and studies in respect to the design and implementation as well as human-related and economic aspects of future Sensing Enterprise Systems.
Topics include but are not limited to the following
· Architectures for Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Modelling and conceptual studies on Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Core enabling technologies and concepts such as sensors and Internet of Things
· Additional technologies such as intelligent agents, smart objects, text analytics
· Design theories and methods for developing Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Human aspects such as work organization, privacy and ethical questions
· Neuro-IS topics such as stress detection to support Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Case studies demonstrating the practical use and efficacy of Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Empirical research on adoption and acceptance of Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Utility, benefit and profitability analyses for Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Cyber-physical systems in the context or as part of Sensing Enterprise Systems
· Complex event processing and big data analytics related to proactive sensing systems
Submission Requirements
Submitted papers should not exceed a page limit of 16 pages. The reviewing process will follow a double-blind procedure. Papers have to be anonymized before submitting them. Submissions should be in PDF format only and submitted via EasyChair. The submission site of EasyChair is available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sensy2016. Formatting of the papers should conform to the Springer LNBIP templates available for Word or LaTeX<http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0>. All submissions should be in English.
All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR proceedings. A selection of best papers will be invited to submit paper extensions for a special issue of the journal on Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ).
Important Dates
Submisssion of Workshop Papers March 18, 2016
Notification of Decisions May 2, 2016
Final Version of Submissions May 23, 2016
Workshop date June 11 or 12, 2016
Workshop Chairs
· Michael Fellmann (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
· Kurt Sandkuhl (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
· Alexander Smirnov (National Research University of IT, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg)
Program Committee (tentative)
· Arne Berre (NTNU Trondheim)
· Michael Clauß (TU Chemnitz)
· Michael Fellmann (Rostock University)
· Pierre-Majorique Léger (HEC Montreal)
· Pericles Loucoupoulus (Manchester University)
· Adam Pawlak (Silesian University of Technology)
· René Riedl (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and University of Linz)
· David Romero (University and Tecnológico de Monterrey)
· Kurt Sandkuhl (Rostock University, Institute of Computer Science)
· Alexander Smirnov (National Research University of IT, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg)
· Janis Stirna (Stockholm University)
· Oliver Thomas (Osnabrück University)
· Milan Zdravkovic (Univerity of Nis)
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Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS: Mini-Track "Interface
Design, Evaluation and Impact”
Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 07:56:37 -0500
Von: Younghwa Lee <gabelee(a)miamioh.edu>
Antwort an: gabelee(a)miamioh.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
San Diego, August 11-13, 2016, http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/
Mini-Track "Interface Design, Evaluation and Impact”
Track: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
This mini-track is an outlet for human-computer interaction papers that
research interface design, evaluation, and impact. It supports a
wide-ranging set of research topics, methods, and perspectives. Authors are
encouraged to investigate new ways of considering HCI in light of emerging
technologies and technology trends.
We welcome submissions that fall within the list of topics provided below.
A number of papers regarding interface design, evaluation and impact have
been published at the premier IS journals in the past. Excellent conference
submissions have also been considered for fast-track options at journals
publishing HCI research.
Suggested Topics
Possible topics include but are not limited to the following:
· Behavioral, cognitive, and motivational aspects of human-computer
· User task analysis and modeling
· The analysis, design, development, evaluation, and use of information
o Guidelines and standards for interface and interaction design
o Interface design and use for the business software, Web, mobile
devices, touch-screen devices (e.g., tablet)
· Usability testing for the Web, mobile, and 3-D interface
o Neuroscience (e.g., fMRI), Eye Tracking
· Design of hedonic and utilitarian user interfaces
o Visual aesthetics and affective computing
· User interface design and evaluation for
o B2B, B2C, C2C E-Commerce or M-Commerce
o Social Commerce Sites
o Government to Consumer or Business E-commerce
o Business software such as business analytics and ERP systems
o Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality
o Games
o Group collaboration
o Negotiation and auction
· The impact of interface design or usability on the attitudes, behaviors,
performance, perceptions, or productivity of individuals, organizations,
and society
· HCI issues related to the elderly, the disabled, and other special needs
· Design and analysis of wearable, pervasive, or ubiquitous systems and
· Issues in teaching and designing HCI courses or programs
· Human factors issues related to the design and use of information systems
· Case studies looking at interface or interaction design and usability
Younghwa “Gabe” Lee, Miami University
Anna L. McNab, Niagara University
Andrew N. K. Chen, University of Kansas
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