-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] IT in Olympics workshop @ COMPSAC 2016, Atlanta,
June 2016 - Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 17:36:55 +1100
Von: San Murugesan <san(a)computer.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Compsac 2016 Banner
COMPSAC 2016 - The 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on
Computers, Software & Applications
Atlanta, Georgia, USA - 10-14 June 2016
IT Pro Workshop on
IT in Olympics (ITiO)
Organized and supported by:
IT Professional
<http://www.computer.org/itpro> www.computer.org/itpro
Submissions are due by 6 March 2016
Workshop Chairs
San Murugesan, BRITE Professional Services
Editor in Chief, IT Professional
<mailto:san1@internode.net> san1(a)internode.net
Irena Bojanova
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Associate Editor in Chief, IT Professional
<mailto:irena.bojanova@computer.org> irena.bojanova(a)computer.org
Goals of the workshop
The workshop on IT in Olympics (ITiO) aims to highlight IT innovations in
Olympic games and discuss the challenges in developing and deploying high
performance, complex IT systems that the game demands. It will also focus on
how the new technologies and applications first trialed in Olympics and
other major sports events has been -- or intended to be -- widely deployed
for several other applications benefiting the society and the business.
Scope of the workshop
IT companies and nations often introduce revolutionary new information and
communication technology to the world at the Olympics , the World Cup and
Tennis tournaments. The innovative applications that harness the promises
of innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things, wearables, cloud
computing, smart hand-held devices, high-resolutions video transmission
technologies, and data analytics not only transform how these games are
conducted but also how we experience them.
Practitioners, researchers and managers as well be companies that have
deployed or are deploying IT systems for Olympics will have the opportunity
to discuss state of the art solutions, major issues and challenges, recent
innovation, and design and development considerations, as well as areas that
demand further research and development. The workshop will be comprised of
solicited presentations from practitioners, IT companies that were/are
involved with deploying IT systems for the Olympics, academics and
researchers ; a panel discussion, and demos/videos presentations.
The Workshop Proceedings (papers/presentations resources) will be made
available via IEEE Xplore.
This workshop assumes additional significance in the context of the upcoming
2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
Call for Submissions
We solicit submissions for presentations from IT professionals, researchers,
sporting organizations, industry, and IT companies involved with sporting
events, by 6th March 2016. Topics of interest include, but are not limited
* Innovations in IT in Olympics
* Challenges in design and development of high performance complex
real-time, near-real time and offline systems
* Operational issues and challenges
* Fault tolerance
* Trust, security, and privacy in IT systems in Olympics
* Service dependability, survivability, and reliability
* Data organization and management
* Data analytics
* Verification, validation and testing of Olympics IT system and
* Wearables and Internet of Things in Olympics
* Edge computing, Fog Computing and Cloud Computing: Applications
* Mobile Olympics Apps
* User experience and engagement
* Research areas in IT in Games/Olympics
Submissions are due by 6 March 2016. Submit your paper or an extended
summary of your presentation, not more than 10 pages, at
<http://compsac.info/> http://compsac.info/.
For further details, visit the Workshop home page at:
For additional information, please contact the workshop chairs:
San Murugesan, BRITE Professional Services, <mailto:san1@internode.net>
Irena Bojanova, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
<mailto:irena.bojanova@computer.org> irena.bojanova(a)computer.org
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Betreff: [computational.science] ACNS'16 CFP - Submission due 27 Jan 2016
Datum: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 10:12:33 +0000
Von: Zhou Jianying (I2R) <jyzhou(a)i2r.a-star.edu.sg>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 14th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security
London (Guildford), United Kingdom, June 19-22, 2016
The 14th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security will be organised by the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) and held at the University of Surrey in London (Guildford), UK. The proceedings of ACNS 2016 will be published by Springer.
The conference seeks submissions presenting novel research on all technical aspects of applied cryptography, cyber security (incl. network and computer security) and privacy. This includes submissions from academia/industry on traditional and emerging topics and new paradigms in these areas, with a clear connection to real-world problems, systems or applications. Submissions may focus on the modelling, design, analysis (incl. security proofs and attacks), development (e.g. implementations), deployment (e.g. system integration), and maintenance (e.g. performance measurements, usability studies) of algorithms/protocols/standards/implementations/technologies/devices/systems standing in relation with applied cryptography, cyber security and privacy, while advancing or bringing new insights to the state of the art. Some topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Access control
- Applied cryptography
- Automated security analysis
- Biometric security/privacy
- Complex systems security
- Critical infrastructures
- Cryptographic primitives
- Cryptographic protocols
- Data protection
- Database/system security
- Digital rights management
- Email and web security
- Future Internet security
- Identity management
- IP protection
- Internet fraud, cybercrime
- Internet-of-Things security
- Intrusion detection
- Key management
- Malware
- Mobile/wireless/5G security
- Network security protocols
- Privacy/anonymity, PETs
- Pervasive security
- Security in e-commerce
- Security in P2P systems
- Security in grid systems
- Cloud security/privacy
- Security/privacy metrics
- Trust management
- Ubiquitous security/privacy
- Human factors in security
- Usability in security/privacy
Important dates
Submission 27.01.2016
Notification 25.03.2016
Final version 02.04.2016
Instructions for authors
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other venue with formally published proceedings. Information about submissions may be shared with program chairs of other conferences for that purpose. Each submission must begin with a title, author names and affiliations, short abstract, and a list of keywords. The introduction should summarise the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. All submissions must follow the original LNCS format (see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs) with a page limit of 18 pages (incl. references) for the main part (reviewers are not required to read beyond this limit) and 30 pages in total. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference and must make a full version of their paper available online. Any paper co-authored by at least one full-time student who will present the paper at the conference is eligible for the best student paper award (the eligibility should be mentioned upon submission). Papers should be submitted electronically via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acns2016
General Chair
Steve Schneider (University of Surrey, UK)
Program Chairs
Mark Manulis (University of Surrey, UK)
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt & CASED, Germany)
Program Committee
Giuseppe Ateniese (Sapienza University, Italy)
Elias Athanasopoulos (FORTH-ICS, Greece)
Man Ho Au (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Liqun Chen (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UK)
Sherman Chow (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Mauro Conti (University of Padua, Italy)
Lucas Davi (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Alexandra Dmitrienko (Fraunhofer SIT, Germany)
Michael Franz (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Sebastian Gajek (NEC Research Labs, Germany)
Jens Groth (University College London, UK)
Goichiro Hanaoka (AIST, Japan)
Feng Hao (Newcastle University, UK)
Michael Huth (Imperial College London, UK)
Tibor Jager (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Aniket Kate (Purdue University, USA)
Stefan Katzenbeisser (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Negar Kiyavash (University of Illinois, USA)
Vladimir Kolesnikov (Bell Labs, USA)
Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Mark Manulis (University of Surrey, UK)
Ivan Martinovic (University of Oxford, UK)
Azalia Mirhoseini (Rice University, USA)
Atsuko Miyaji (JAIST, Japan)
Payman Mohassel (Yahoo Labs, USA)
Jörn Müller-Quade (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
David Naccache (Ecole Normale Superieure, France)
Michael Naehrig (Microsoft Research Redmont, USA)
Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA)
Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Panos Papadimitratos (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Thomas Peyrin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Bertram Poettering (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Bart Preneel (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Christian Rechberger (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Mike Reiter (University of North Carolina, USA)
Peter Y. Ryan (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Rei Safavi-Naini (University of Calgary, Canada)
Thomas Schneider (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Ozgur Sinanoglu (NYU Abu Dabhi, United Arab Emirates)
Douglas Stebila (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Thorsten Strufe (TU Dresden, Germany)
Gang Tan (Lehigh University, USA)
Vanessa Teague (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Mehdi Tibouchi (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories, Japan)
Ivan Visconti (University of Salerno, Italy)
Wenyuan Xu (University of South Carolina, USA)
Moti Yung (Google Inc, USA)
Jianying Zhou (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
Publicity Chair
Shujun Li (University of Surrey, UK)
Local Arrangements Chair
Anna-Lisa Ferrara (University of Surrey, UK)
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Betreff: [AISWorld] 13th ICESAL 2016, Athens, Greece
Datum: Mon, 04 Jan 2016 12:00:27 +0200
Von: Constantinos J. Stefanou <stefanou(a)acc.teithe.gr>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
13th ICESAL 2016
The 13th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting
and Logistics 2016 (ICESAL) Organizing Committee cordially invites
contributors from academia and industry to submit their original
research in the forthcoming conference which will be held in in the
capital of Greece, the historic city of Athens, during May 30-31, 2016.
A trip to Delphi, a cruise to Aegean Islands and other events will
make the 2016 conference memorable.
The abstract submission deadline is March, 14th.
For more information please visit www.icesal.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] [MMcfp] Call for papers, CBMI 2016, Content-Based
Multimedia Indexing, Bucharest, June 2016
Datum: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 10:42:25 +0100
Von: Bernard Merialdo <bernard.merialdo(a)eurecom.fr>
Antwort an: Bernard Merialdo <bernard.merialdo(a)eurecom.fr>
An: mmx(a)lists.eurecom.fr
(Apologies for multiple postings)
We wish you a Happy New Year 2016. Please note this important event:
CBMI 2016
14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
June 15-17 2016, Bucharest, Romania
*** Call for papers and demos ***
Submission deadlines: February 1st, 2016
* Full/short papers
* Special session on Deep Learning for Multimedia Indexing
* Special session on Multimedia Indexing for eLearning
* Special session on CBMI for Healthcare
Submission deadline: February 29th, 2016
* Demo papers
Following the thirteen successful previous events of CBMI, the 14th
International CBMI Workshop aims at bringing together the various
communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for
retrieval, browsing, visualization and analytics.
The scientific program of CBMI 2016 will include invited keynote talks and
regular, special and demo sessions with contributed research papers.
Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers
in the broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and
applications. In addition to multimedia and social media search and
retrieval, we wish to highlight related and equally important issues
that build on content-based indexing, such as multimedia content
management, user interaction and visualization, media analytics, etc.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
• Audio and visual and multimedia indexing;
• Multimodal and cross-modal indexing;
• Deep learning for multimedia indexing;
• Visual content extraction;
• Audio (speech, music, etc) content extraction;
• Identification and tracking of semantic regions and events;
• Social media analysis;
• Metadata generation, coding and transformation;
• Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text);
• Mobile media retrieval;
• Event-based media processing and retrieval;
• Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for multimedia retrieval;
• Multimedia data mining and analytics;
• Multimedia recommendation;
• Large scale multimedia database management;
• Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content;
• Personalization and content adaptation;
• User interaction and relevance feedback;
• Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools;
• Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems;
• Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, lifelogs,
satellite imagery, video surveillance.
Authors are invited to submit full length (6 pages - to be presented as
oral presentation) and short papers (4 pages - to be presented as
posters). The submissions are peer reviewed in a single blind process.
The CBMI proceedings will be indexed and distributed by IEEE Xplore and
ACM DL. In addition, authors of selected papers of the conference will
be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a
special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal (MTAP).
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Betreff: [computational.science] From Skala - CfP - WSCG & HCI-Europe &
GraVisMa - May 30- June 3, 2016, Submission February 20, 2016
Datum: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 09:50:32 +0100
Von: Vaclav Skala <skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
WSCG 2016, GraVisMa 2016 & HCI-Europe 2016 Conference Announcements
Computer Graphics, Scientific and Medical visualization, Computer Vision,
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Virtual Reality and Haptic Systems,
Rendering Techniques, Physically Based Modeling, Human Computer Interfaces
and related Mathematics
------------ Call for Papers WSCG 2016 --------------
24. WSCG Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
May 30 - June 3, 2016
>> Submission is open <<<
in cooperation with the Eurographics Association
supported by IFIP TC5 WG5.10
Associated "sub-events" (part of the WSCG)
- GraVisMa - Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Computational
Mathematics 2016, http://www.GraVisMa.eu
- HCI-Europe - Human Computer Interfaces 2016, http://www.HCI-Europe.eu
WSCG Conference Co-Chairs
Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Important dates (regular papers)
- Workshop and special sessions - please, see the WEB pages
- Paper submission: February 20, 2016
- Acceptance notification: April 10, 2016
- Final version: April 30, 2016
- Venue: May 30 - June 3, 2016, Primavera Congress Center,
Pilsen [Plzen] (City of Beer) close to Prague, Czech Republic
All submitted papers will be peer anonymously reviewed.
Title, authors and abstract will be available publicly after acceptance
Accepted and presented papers will be published in:
- Journal of WSCG (the best selected papers only)
ISSN 1213-6972 (print), ISSN 1213-6980 (CD-ROM)
- Computer Science Research Notes series (conference proceedings)
CSRN 26xx, ISSN 2464-4617 (print), ISSN 2464-4625 (CD-ROM)
Please, see recent publications available at http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm
Journal of WSCG and CSRN proceedings will be sent for indexing to Scopus,
IEE, ISI/Thomson Reuters, Elsevier's Engineering Information (EI) and other
reputable indexing services.
Journal of WSCG and proceedings published within the Computer Science Research
Notes series - both will be available via WEB with access free
=> FAST research results dissemination!
Recent publication (digital repository since 1992):
Expected workshop/sessions - we look for an organizer
1. Virtual, Augmented Reality and Haptic Systems (agreement pending)
2. Information Visualization
3. Human Centric and Augmented Visualization
4. Meshfree representation, interpolation and computation and its
application (agreement pending)
5. Projective geometry, geometric algebra and conformal geometry and
its application
6. Medical Visualization and Imaging
All special session/workshop papers will be peer reviewed by the workshop
reviewing board members under workshop/session organizer's supervision and
the decision is to be approved by the conference organizer, resp. conference
IPC board members.
Number of papers: for a session to 5-10/session, 8-16/workshop
[presentation approx. 15+5 mins.]
(not applicable for workshops and other special sessions organized)
In order to overcome difficulties with obtaining EU Schengen area VISA and
exit VISA permission from an original country in specific cases a virtual
session will be organized for authors. The FIRST author has to be currently
a PhD student or his PhD thesis with the topic presented has been defended
in the last academic year.
Presentation of a paper will be based on paper presentation with audio
record played at the session and videoconferencing system will be used.
Countries considered to be eligible for a virtual session (not exhaustive list)
- majority countries of Africa (except of South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, EU
territories), China, Myanmar (Barma), Nepal, Mongolia, North Korea, Bhutan,
Laos, Cambodia, - Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen,
Oman, Cuba, Haiti, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Honduras,
Salvador, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, Guyana
Application for a presentation in a virtual session to be approved by the conference
organizer prof.Vaclav Skala via @mail subject: WSCG 2016 - Virtual session
Feel free to contact me if you would have any question at:
Prof.Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen,
Czech Republic, http://www.VaclavSkala.eu
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Sardina Systems -- The OpenStack Data Center Automation Company
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Extension to JAIS Special Issue - ICT4D: The Next
Grand Challenge for IS Research
Datum: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 11:42:48 +0000
Von: Cathy Urquhart <C.Urquhart(a)mmu.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce that, due to numerous requests for extensions and a great deal of interest, we have extended the date for submission for our special issue on ICT4D to January 30.
Any queries, please contact the editors of the special issue, Sundeep Sahay (sundeep.sahay(a)yahoo.com<mailto:sundeep.sahay@yahoo.com>), Maung Sein (maung.k.sein(a)uia.no<mailto:maung.k.sein@uia.no>) and Cathy Urquhart (c.urquhart(a)mmu.ac.uk<mailto:c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk>)
Best wishes,
Cathy, Sundeep and Maung
Professor Cathy Urquhart PhD Tas
Chair of Digital and Sustainable Enterprise
Department of Marketing, Operations and Digital Business
Room 6.22,
Business School Building
Manchester Metropolitan University
All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BX
Email: c.urquhart(a)mmu.ac.uk<mailto:c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk>
Tel: 0161 247 3798 Fax: 0161 247 6350
Staff profile: http://www.business.mmu.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?uref=430
Author of Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide,
[Book cover thumbnail]
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should read the Manchester Metropolitan University's email
disclaimer available on its website
"Before acting on this email or opening any attachments you should read the Manchester Metropolitan University email disclaimer available on its website http://www.mmu.ac.uk/emaildisclaimer"
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2016 - Health Information Privacy &
Datum: Sun, 3 Jan 2016 21:27:04 +0000
Von: Nancy Lea Martin <nlmartin(a)siu.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Conference: 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Aug. 11-13, 2016 in San Diego, CA
Track: Healthcare Informatics and Information Technology (SIGHealth)<http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/index.php/sessions/track-list#SIGHealthanchor>
Mini track 7: Health Information Privacy and Security<http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/index.php/sessions/track-list#SIGHealthanchor>
***Mini-track Description***
The privacy and security of health information has long been a priority of medical practitioners and consumers. The protection of personal health information stored electronically is an area of growing concern for individuals, organizations, and governments. Threats to information security in the healthcare sector risk not only patients' identities and financial information, but health data as well. The exposure of such sensitive information can cause financial hardship, mental anguish, and especially in healthcare, lead to social stigma and effect medical decisions.
This mini-track aims to highlight a wide range of research focused on the protection of health information. The type and number of organizations that handle health data is multifarious and growing. To complicate matters further, the use of technologies such as internet-connected medical devices and telemedicine is also on the rise. Furthermore, handlers of health data face a wide variety of complex regulatory compliance issues. For these reasons, the protection of health information is distinctive and merits a focused research effort. Research and results from this mini-track will bring light to unique data protection issues in healthcare. This mini-track encourages interdisciplinary research, a wide variety of approaches, and both completed and in-progress research papers.
Possible Topics:
Possible research topics for this mini-track include, but are not limited to:
- Data protection in the healthcare supply chain
- Health data-centric security
- Health data protection regulation
- Regulatory compliance
- Regulatory enforcement
- Unique challenges for small healthcare organizations
- Healthcare workflow management for privacy/security
- Risks related mobile health, telemedicine, biomedical devices
- Patient/consumer concern regarding health data privacy
- Legal and liability issues surrounding health data
- Quality issues in health data
- Impacts to public health research
- Innovations in health data protection
- Opportunities/challenges regarding privacy/security in healthcare
Important dates:
January 4, 2016: Manuscript submissions open
March 2, 2016: Manuscript submission deadline at 10:00am PST, San Diego time
April 2016: Author notification, revisions, and final, camera-ready papers due
August 11-13, 2016: Present at AMCIS 2016 in San Diego, California.
For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2016 website at http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/index..../sessions/call-for-papers<http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/index.php/sessions/call-for-papers>
***Mini-Track Chairs***
Nancy L. Martin, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, nlmartin(a)siu.edu
David T. Green, Governors State University, dgreen(a)govst.edu
Nancy L. Martin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Information Systems Technologies
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] [WISSE @ CAiSE2016] CFP: Sixth International
Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering
Datum: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:07:21 +0000
Von: DAVID GARCIA ROSADO <David.GRosado(a)uclm.es>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for multiple posting. Please forward it to interested candidates
Sixth International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering - WISSE'16
http:// gsya.esi.uclm.es/WISSE2016
In conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'16)
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 - 17 June 2016
Important Dates
Regular Research and Experience Paper Submission: February 12, 2016
Authors Notification: March 16, 2016
Camera Ready Submission: March 23, 2016
Workshop Date: June 13, 2016
Information systems security problems are currently a widespread and growing concern that covers most of the areas of society, such as business, domestic, financial, government, healthcare, and so on. The scientific community has realized the importance of aligning information systems engineering and security engineering in order to develop more secure information systems. Nevertheless, there is lack of an appropriate event that will promote information systems security within the context of information systems engineering. The proposed workshop fulfils this gap.
The workshop following the main conference theme aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and debate on one hand the latest research work on methods, models, practices and tools for secure information systems engineering, and on the other hand relevant industrial applications, recurring challenges, problems and industrial led solutions at the area of secure information systems engineering taking under consideration the socio-technical aspects of the modern Information Systems.
* Security and privacy analysis methods and models
* Security and privacy design methods and models
* Security and privacy testing methods and models
* Security and privacy modelling Support Tools
* Integrating functional, security and privacy requirements
* Threat-driven and Model-driven security
* Secure IS interoperability modelling
* Security and process modelling
* Modelling Security and Trust
* Managing Secure Software development
* Security in Agile Software Development Methods
* Methodologies and models for evaluating IS security and privacy aspects
* Formal methods for modelling security
* Models and approaches for the verification of security and privacy properties
* Approaches for managing security changes in IS
* Component-based, Aspect-oriented, Agent-based, Pattern-based, agile-based Information system Security development and evolution methods
* Methods, models and tools for workflow and Business Process Security
* Case studies in modelling secure IS
* Security Architectures and Patterns for Information Systems
* Semantic Web Technologies applied to Security
* Ontologies for IS security
* Security Engineering for specific Information Systems (e-Services, databases, mobile, internet, social networks, cloud, etc.)
* Security Engineering for SOA Systems
* Methods for security reengineering
* Software Security Knowledge
* Enterprise Software Security
* Cloud Forensics Requirements and Tools
* Methods, models and techniques for data anonymization
* Open Data and security
* Security and product lines
* Security of externalized IS
Types of contributions
We invite two types of original and scientific papers:
* Regular Research Papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the field of secure information systems engineering. A regular research paper should describe the context of the work, the problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the benefits of the contribution.
* Experience papers present application of work to case studies and industrial practice. Such papers should provide a detail description of the application setting, describe lessons learned, and discuss best practice.
Submission Conditions
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics of the workshop. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Only papers in English will be accepted.
The length of papers (regular research papers and experience papers) should not exceed 12 pages (including all text, figures, references and appendices.). Three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
Manuscripts must comply with the Springer LNCS formatting rules. Information about the Springer LNCS format can be found at http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 12 pages, or being obviously out of the scope of the workshop will be rejected without review.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format, through EasyChair at the following page https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wisse16
For each accepted submission, at least one author is expected to register for the workshop and attend the workshop in order to present the paper. Registration is through the CAiSE'16 web site.
The workshop will combine paper presentations and a keynote. Moreover, accepted papers apart from presentation time, will be assigned with one or two discussants with responsibility to initiate the discussion on the paper. We are confident that such structure will support a workshop environment that will be based on discussion, debate and will therefore provide an important contribution to the relevant research community.
General Chair:
Dr. David G. Rosado
University of Castilla-La Mancha. Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Programme Chairs:
Dr Nadira Lammari
CEDRIC-CNAM. 292 Rue Saint Martin
75141 Paris Cedex 03, France
Dr Christos Kalloniatis
University of the Aegean
Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
University Hill, Mytilene
Gr 81100, Lesvos, Greece
Steering Committee
Dr David G. Rosado
University of Castilla-La Mancha. Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Dr Nadira Lammari
CEDRIC-CNAM. 292 Rue Saint Martin
75141 Paris Cedex 03, France
Dr Christos Kalloniatis
University of the Aegean
Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
University Hill, Mytilene
Gr 81100, Lesvos, Greece
Dr Jan Jurjens
TU Dortmund & Fraunhofer ISST
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12 44221 Dortmund, Germany
Dr Carlos Blanco
Department of Mathematics, Statistical and Computation.
Facultad de Ciencias. University of Cantabria.
Av. De los Castros, s/n ó 39071, Santander, Spain
Publicity chairs:
Dr Michalis Pavlidis
School of Computing, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of Brighton, UK
Dr Luis Enrique Sanchez
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Dr Akram Idani
LIG, University of Grenoble
681 rue de la Passerelle, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hëres Cedex
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