-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: IEEE 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems
Datum: Mon, 09 Mar 2015 00:37:46 +0100
Von: Mohamed Nemiche <mohamed.nemiche(a)uv.es>
Antwort an: Mohamed Nemiche <mohamed.nemiche(a)uv.es>
An: ahmed.elshafee(a)acu.edu.eg, ahmed.essadki1(a)gmail.com,
ahmed.fakhfakh(a)isecs.rnu.tn, ahmed.fitouhi(a)fst.rnu.tn,
ahmed.hafar(a)men.gov.ma, Ahmed.Haroon(a)cl.cam.ac.uk,
Ahmed.hussien60(a)gmail.com, ahmed.jerraya(a)cea.fr,
Ahmed.Mostefaoui(a)pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr, ahmed.moussa2(a)gmail.com,
ahmed.nait-sidi-moh(a)u-picardie.fr, ahmed.nait-sidi-moh(a)utbm.fr,
ahmed.nait(a)u-picardie.fr, ahmed.omri(a)ipeim.rnu.tn,
ahmed.rebai(a)gmail.com, ahmed.Salam(a)lmpa.univ-littoral.fr,
ahmed255555(a)gmail.com, ahmed(a)fsegs.rnu.tn, ahmed_eddaoui(a)yahoo.fr,
ahmed_sabir1(a)yahoo.es, ahmedbelkadi1(a)gmail.com, ahmeddjaanfar(a)yahoo.fr,
ahmedelgharib(a)hotmail.fr, ahmedmudher(a)yahoo.com, ahmedraqbi(a)yahoo.fr,
ahmedzinedine(a)yahoo.com, ahmidoadnane(a)hotmail.com, aho(a)cs.columbia.edu,
ai-hua.fan(a)u-picardie.fr, aiassa(a)araxp.polito.it,
aicha.tounsi(a)gmail.com, aicharaoui(a)gmail.com, aichasmc(a)gmail.com,
aid.fes(a)gmail.com, aidajanadi(a)gmail.com, aidrec.org.dev(a)gmail.com,
ac.ajeet(a)gmail.com, aiello(a)assi.ing.uniroma1.it, ac.ammari(a)yahoo.fr,
aillerie(a)metz.supelec.fr, acabani(a)gmail.com, aim_jyoti(a)yahoo.co.in,
acaetano(a)mat.ua.pt, aimeur(a)iro.umontreal.ca, achakir_encg(a)yahoo.fr,
aisbq(a)aisb.org.uk, achchab(a)yahoo.fr, aissaboukhari(a)yahoo.fr,
achour.samira(a)gmail.com, aissam.berrahou(a)gmail.com, achour(a)fsr.ac.ma,
aissaoui.karima(a)gmail.com, achraf.benba(a)um5s.net.ma,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, aciriano(a)unizar.es, ait(a)ece.concordia.ca,
acm(a)ncc.up.pt, ait_saadi(a)yahoo.com, acm(a)unizar.es, aitaliemi(a)gmail.com,
acolmenar(a)ieec.uned.es, aitelmaati.younes(a)gmail.com,
aconchabelenguer(a)gmail.com, aitelmahjoub(a)gmail.com, acorral(a)ual.es,
aithillihoussain(a)gmail.com, acrooks2(a)gmu.edu, aithsaine(a)yahoo.fr,
adadama45(a)hotmail.com, aitkbir(a)hotmail.com, adam(a)iiu.edu.my,
aitrami(a)autom.uva.es, adaptive(a)topica.com, ajac.mehdi(a)ajman.ac.ae,
adarwish(a)aucegypt.edu, ajarabo(a)unizar.es, addakiri(a)gmail.com,
ajcfsr(a)yahoo.fr, addar(a)um5a.ac.ma, Ajcfsr(a)yahoogroupes.fr,
adel.alimi(a)ieee.org, ajf(a)uninova.pt, adel.baganne(a)univ-ubs.fr,
ajimenez(a)atc.us.es, Adel.Gammoudi(a)fst.rnu.tn, ajimenez(a)fi.upm.es,
adel.ghazel(a)supcom.rnu.tn, ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org,
adelaideagathe.martin(a)gmail.com, ajnidar(a)yahoo.fr,
adeleide.raguin(a)abdn.ac.uk, ajxry(a)yahoo.fr, adelm(a)dau.edu.sa, ak(a)ipm.ir,
adelson(a)csail.mit.edu, ak(a)louisville.edu, adib(a)fstm.ac.ma,
akabbaj(a)insea.ac.ma, adiba.khamlichi-lahbabi(a)veoliaservices.ma,
akarun(a)boun.edu.tr, adibadbe(a)yahoo.fr, akasiadi(a)intelligence.tuc.gr,
adil.hamine(a)gmail.com, akassou(a)cnrst.ma, adil.kenzi(a)gmail.com,
akh.ibtissam(a)gmail.com, adil.maarouf(a)gmail.com, Akhaiee(a)yahoo.com,
adil88chopra(a)hotmail.com, Akhlaghea(a)yahoo.com, adil_lala(a)hotmail.com,
akhouayri(a)msn.com, adilelbourichi(a)gmail.com, akhyad(a)mcinet.gov.ma,
adilzeaaraoui(a)yahoo.fr, a-chetouani(a)sciences.univ-oujda.ac.ma,
a-tridane(a)uaeu.ac.ae, a-yamamoto(a)nucl.nagoya-u.ac.jp,
a-yie(a)uniandes.edu.co, a.abdelkaher(a)gmail.com, a.abenaou(a)uiz.ac.ma,
a.abouabdellah2013(a)gmail.com, a.abouaissa(a)uha.fr,
a.akhater(a)aucegypt.edu, a.amine(a)univh2m.ac.ma, akil.elkamel(a)gmail.com,
adit_passoner(a)yahoo.fr, akin(a)boun.edu.tr, aassil(a)hotmail.com,
adjeradi05(a)yahoo.com, akkafrawy(a)gmail.com, aawatif.hayar(a)hotmail.fr,
adjesmail(a)yahoo.fr, akoglu(a)ece.arizona.edu, aayesh(a)dmu.ac.uk,
adlo(a)eis.uva.es, akoubaa(a)dei.isep.ipp.pt, aazou.safae(a)yahoo.fr,
adlounia(a)yahoo.fr, Akoush.Sherif(a)cl.cam.ac.uk, ab.derouiche(a)gmail.com,
adnan.yassine(a)univ-lehavre.fr, akramkout(a)hotmail.fr, ab643(a)le.ac.uk,
Adnane.cher(a)fst.rnu.tn, Alaa_El-Rouby(a)mentor.com, ab_amrani(a)yahoo.fr,
adnanlooking(a)ieee.org, alaaedine.ch(a)gmail.com, ababab333(a)hotmail.com,
Adnen2fr(a)yahoo.fr, alachhab(a)ieee.ma, abadi(a)sic.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr,
adolf.abdallah(a)lifl.fr, abadli.salah(a)gmail.com, a.aouaj(a)fstbm.ac.ma,
a.ayoub.arafi(a)gmail.com, a.belaguid(a)um5s.net.ma, a.bellagamba(a)univpm.it,
a.benlarabi(a)gmail.com, a.bessaid(a)gmail.com,
a.borzyszkowski(a)inf.univ.gda.pl, a.bouroumi(a)gmail.com,
a.chahbouni(a)apdn.ma, a.chitnalah(a)uca.ma, aladin.zayegh(a)vu.edu.au,
adolfo(a)unizar.es, aladinbel(a)yahoo.fr, abbad(a)fsr.ac.ma,
adominguez(a)iusiani.ulpgc.es, alagan(a)ee.ryerson.ca, abbiche(a)gmail.com,
adrian.carro(a)ifisc.uib-csic.es, alahmad(a)kustar.ac.ae,
abccrcfge28(a)gmail.com, aeadams(a)sfu.ca, alain-jerome.fougeres(a)utbm.fr,
abd.benkirane(a)gmail.com, aebnenas(a)mtu.edu, alain.Abran(a)etsmtl.ca,
abd_hair(a)yahoo.fr, aedo(a)ia.uc3m.es, alain.aubert(a)univ-st-etienne.fr,
abddf111(a)hotmail.com, aejeidrissi(a)gmail.com,
Alain.Chateauneuf(a)univ-paris1.fr, abdel.trabelsi(a)gmail.com,
aekfekir(a)gmail.com, alain.coletta(a)switch.vib-vub.be,
abdel_mahm(a)yahoo.fr, aelfallahi(a)gmail.com, abdelaknifli(a)yahoo.fr,
aelghazi(a)gmail.com, abdelali_astito(a)yahoo.com, a.claudi(a)univpm.it,
A.Czumaj(a)warwick.ac.uk, a.dadlani(a)ece.ut.ac.ir, a.dahman(a)uae.ma,
a.dik2003(a)gmail.com, a.durand(a)univ-paris12.fr, a.elbacha(a)ucam.ma,
a.elbouchti(a)gmail.com, a.elfazziki(a)ucam.ac.ma, a.elkalay(a)uca.ma,
aelkamel(a)voila.fr, abdelaziz.bensrhair(a)insa-rouen.fr,
aelmoussati(a)ensa.ump.ma, abdelaziz.samet(a)ept.rnu.tn, aezzati(a)fsts.ac.ma,
abdelbar.nasri(a)usmba.ac.ma, afaf_dadda(a)yahoo.fr,
abdelfattah.belghith(a)ensi.rnu.tn, afafmikou2(a)yahoo.fr,
abdelfettah.belghith(a)hotmail.com, afalcao(a)di.fc.ul.pt,
abdelhafid.elouardi(a)ief.u-psud.fr, afalcon(a)dis.ulpgc.es,
abdelhafid.elouardi(a)u-psud.fr, afennan(a)gmail.com,
Abdelhafidh.Jaadari(a)univ-valenciennes.fr, afennan(a)yahoo.fr,
abdelhak.mahmoudi(a)gmail.com, afif.masmoudi(a)fss.rnu.tn,
abdelhak.mahmoudi(a)ieee.org, a.elmoussati(a)ump.ma, A.Elrhalibi(a)ljmu.ac.uk,
A.Ene(a)warwick.ac.uk, a.erramly(a)gmail.com, a.erramly(a)yahoo.fr,
a.f.dragoni(a)univpm.it, a.fennan(a)fstt.ac.ma, a.habibi.l(a)gmail.com,
a.haqiq(a)gmail.com, A.I.Cristea(a)warwick.ac.uk, afm(a)ual.es,
abdelhak_ziyyat(a)hotmail.com, afrances(a)unizar.es,
abdelhay.haqiq(a)um5s.net.ma, afsanerahbar(a)yahoo.com,
abdeljabbar.sadik(a)gmail.com, agaladi(a)uca.ma,
abdelkader.rhouati(a)gmail.com, agarwalraghu1(a)gmail.com,
abdelkaderzouri(a)gmail.com, agent25000(a)yahoo.com, abdelkich74(a)yahoo.fr,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, abdellah.errachidi(a)stericsson.com,
aghafoor(a)dsv.su.se, abdellaoui(a)gmail.com, aghammaz(a)yahoo.fr,
abdellatif.chafik(a)iga-casablanca.ma, aghoutane_badraddine(a)yahoo.fr,
abdelmalekazizi(a)yahoo.fr, a.ianni(a)soton.ac.uk, a.jamalipour(a)ieee.org,
a.khodeir(a)yahoo.com, a.klilou(a)mascir.com, a.krini(a)yahoo.de,
a.lapied(a)univ-cezanne.fr, a.laraqui(a)hotmail.com, a.latif(a)ucam.ac.ma,
a.liebenau(a)warwick.ac.uk, A.Lisitsa(a)liverpool.ac.uk, agindy(a)hotmail.com,
abdelmoumene(a)labged.net, agisbrecht(a)techfak.uni-bielefeld.de,
abdelouafi_meziane(a)yahoo.fr, ago(a)alumnos.upm.es,
abdenabi_brahmi(a)yahoo.fr, agonzalez(a)grsoluciones.com,
abdennabi.achour(a)fst.rnu.tn, agostinho.rosa(a)ist.utl.pt,
abdennaceur.kachouri(a)enis.rnu.tn, agrgsp(a)gmail.com,
abdennourimohamed(a)yahoo.fr, aguessous(a)fsr.ac.ma,
abderazzak.elkantaouy(a)yahoo.fr, ah(a)listserver.tue.nl,
abderr.hamzaoui(a)gmail.com, Ah_assad(a)hotmail.com,
abderrahim.benslimane(a)univ-avignon.fr, ah_madian(a)hotmail.com,
abderrahim.messaoudi(a)gmail.com, a.loubna1(a)gmail.com,
a.m.m.o.cortez(a)tudelft.nl, a.m.salagean(a)lboro.ac.uk,
a.madoun(a)hotmail.com, a.malaoui(a)ucam.ac.ma, a.moallem(a)cs.usask.ca,
a.nehar(a)mkam.lagh-univ.dz, a.nejeoui(a)ucam.ac.ma, a.piecq(a)skynet.be,
a.pokhilko(a)abdn.ac.uk, ahabdelfatta(a)uni-osnabrueck.de,
abderrahim.saifi(a)gmail.com, ahaqiq(a)gmail.com,
abderrazekjemai(a)yahoo.co.uk, aharoune(a)gmail.com,
abdeslam_bouloufa(a)yahoo.fr, ahassan(a)topit.com.eg, Abdeslam_ph(a)yahoo.fr,
ahb(a)di.fc.ul.pt, abdham66(a)hotmail.com, ahbou_djebbar(a)yahoo.fr,
abdi(a)metz.supelec.fr, ahcenef(a)yahoo.com, abdi_farid(a)yahoo.fr,
ahiod(a)fsr.ac.ma, abdo_ago1111(a)yahoo.fr, ahm4000(a)gmail.com,
abdokhafaji(a)hotmail.com, ahm(a)dsi-vm08.insa-lyon.fr,
abdou.ellati(a)gmail.com, a.rajabi(a)ece.ut.ac.ir, a.sattar(a)griffith.edu.au,
a.tajer(a)uca.com, a.tajer(a)uca.ma, a.tragha(a)univh2m.ac.m,
a.vespignani(a)neu.edu, a.zomaya(a)usyd.edu.au, a_aitmoussa(a)yahoo.fr,
a_benazzouz(a)hotmail.com, a_benbachir(a)yahoo.fr, abdou_ich(a)yahoo.fr,
abdouu2005(a)gmail.com, abdulrab(a)free.fr, abdzertiti(a)hotmail.fr,
abecerra(a)ual.es, abei(a)isc.tuc.gr, abel.fnpinto(a)gmail.com,
abel(a)mat.ua.pt, abenbouna(a)gmail.com, abhanine(a)gmail.com,
a_berdai(a)yahoo.fr, a_boukh(a)encs.concordia.ca, a_chikhaoui(a)hotmail.com,
a_elbouziri(a)yahoo.fr, a_ghos(a)ece.concordia.ca, a_guenbour(a)yahoo.fr,
a_hamouda1(a)yahoo.fr, a_jihane79(a)yahoo.fr, a_jilbab(a)yahoo.fr,
a_kamala(a)encs.concordia.ca, abhinav.prakash(a)gmail.com,
abidfaroudja(a)yahoo.fr, abidwalid007(a)yahoo.fr, abis(a)l3s.de,
abkaroui(a)yahoo.com, abmdh2006(a)yahoo.fr, abo(a)egyptscience.net,
Aboitcairo(a)gmail.com, aboronat(a)mcs.le.ac.uk, abosch(a)ual.es,
a_oudjida(a)hotmail.com, a_ouladsaid(a)hotmail.com, a_pourzaki(a)yahoo.com,
a_roukhe(a)yahoo.fr, a_tawfik(a)hotmail.com, aaa(a)ieee.org,
aabdali5(a)gmail.com, aabdelhafid.kellou(a)utbm.fr, aagudo(a)unizar.es,
aamiriahmed(a)voila.fr, abouchabaka3(a)yahoo.fr, aboudhar240(a)yahoo.fr,
aboudramane.guiro(a)univ-ouaga.bf, aboudrar(a)esta.ac.ma,
abouir(a)hotmail.com, aboukabou(a)gmail.com, aboularas(a)gmail.com,
aboulham(a)iro.umontreal.ca, abouloifa(a)yahoo.fr, abourkba(a)hotmail.com,
aanaqvi(a)kfupm.edu.sa, aannaque(a)emi.ac.ma, aarab.zineb(a)gmail.com,
Aarab_abdellah(a)yahoo.fr, Aaron.Sam(a)cl.cam.ac.uk, aaronson(a)csail.mit.edu,
aarpkoumi(a)hotmail.com, aasaduzz(a)fau.edu, aassifh(a)gmail.com,
aassifh(a)menara.ma, aboutaj(a)fsr.ac.ma, aboutaj(a)fsr.ma,
aboutaj(a)hotmail.com, aboutaj(a)ieee.org, abra.oek(a)gmail.com,
abrighachm(a)yahoo.es, abrishamifar(a)iust.ac.ir, absakout(a)yahoo.fr,
abtaabdelhadi(a)yahoo.fr, abuayash(a)cbj.gov.jo, ahmad.lotfi(a)ntu.ac.uk,
Ahmadalallaf(a)yahoo.com, ahmadihd(a)gmail.com, ahmed.alsum(a)computer.org,
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: WCCS15: 2015 IEEE Third World Conference on Complex Systems. November 23-25, 2015. Marrakesh, Morocco
For more information visit: http://mscomplexsystems.org/wccs15/
Call For Papers:
After the success of the previous editions (ICCS’12 and WCCS14), we are very glad to announce the WCCS15, “Third World Conference on Complex Systems“. The WCCS15 will be organized by Moroccan Society of Complex Systems and National College of IT (ENSIAS) in partnership with IEEE Moroccan section and International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Science during November 23-25, 2015 in Marrakesh-Morocco.
The recent technological progress leads to an increased complexity in many Natural and Artificial Systems. This increase in complexity is a result of the emergence of new properties and spatio temporal interactions among a large number of system elements and between the system and its environment.
The WCCS15 will provide a high-level international forum for researchers and Ph. D. students who will present recent research results, address new challenges and discuss trends in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science. The aims of the conference are focused on the debate about the most relevant methodologies and approaches to understanding, modelling, simulating, predicting, evaluating and mastering the Societal, Environmental and Engineered Complex Systems.
Submission deadline: May 30, 2015
For more information visit: http://mscomplexsystems.org/wccs15/
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Didier DUBOIS, IRIT, CNRS and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France -
- Prof. Eleni Karatza, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece -
- Prof. Karl Tuyls, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool UK -
For submissions:
The proceedings will be included in the IEEE digital library (IEEE Xplore).
Extended versions of best papers will be invited for publication in International journals.
-Foundations of Complex Systems
-Modeling Social Systems
-Evolution and Ecology
-Information and Communication Technologies
-Cloud Computing and Complexity
-Computational Intelligence and Applications
-Multi-Agent Systems and Applications
-Software Engineering Research and Practice
-Embedded and Real-time Systems and Applications
-Modeling and Control of Complex Systems
-Complex Robotic and Automated Systems
-Mining Complex Data
-Network computing
-Image, Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing
SUBMISSION : May 30, 2015
NOTIFICATION : June 31, 2015
CAMERA-READY : July 15 2015
REGISTRATION : July 17, 2015
WCCS15 : November 23-25, 2015
CONTACT: nemiche(a)uv.es
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 11th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2015) - "Web Logic
Datum: Wed, 6 May 2015 16:23:25 +0200
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Application Deadline - May 10th, 2015
The 11th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2015) Berlin, Germany, July 31 -
August 4, 2015
co-located with:
- 9th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2015),
Berlin, Germany, August 4-6, 2015
- 9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015),
Berlin, Germany, August 2-5, 2015
- 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-25), Berlin,
Germany, August 1-7, 2015
- RR Doctoral Consortium and RuleML Doctoral Consortium (submission deadline
for Phd papers: May 10th)
The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent
advances on reasoning techniques which are of particular interest to
Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for
postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior
researchers wishing to learn about Reasoning on the Semantic Web and related
issues. In 2015, the theme of the school is:
"Web Logic Rules"
As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a
distinguished group of expert lecturers. Apart from their lectures, most
lecturers will also be present for the duration of the school to interact
and establish contacts with the students.
The summer school is co-located with RR2015, RuleML 2015 and CADE-25, hence,
there will be a great opportunity for students to also attend a major event
in the area after the school. In addition, RR and RuleML will also include a
Doctoral Consortium and students of RW are particularly encouraged to also
apply to the Doctoral consortium of RR and RuleML - joint applications are
explicitly encouraged.
Application deadline: May 10, 2015
Notifications: June 1, 2015
see webiste for the list of lectures
and program
The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on
submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.
Applications have to be submitted via Easychair using the following URL and
by selecting the "RW2015" track:
The program of the school will include a poster session, where students can
present and discuss their ongoing research with lecturers and colleagues.
Applicants who wish to participate in the poster session shall tick the
"participation in poster session" group and include a poster title and
abstract with their application submission.
A selection of students attending RW will have the possibility to also
attend the RR and RuleML Doctoral Consortium with the opportunity to present
their poster in a regular session of RR 2015 and RuleML 2015. Students
interested to be considered in this selection process should indicate it in
their application.
Students applying to RW are encouraged to submit also to the RR Doctoral
Consortium (http://www.csw.inf.fu-berlin.de/rr2015/dc.html),
which will have proceedings and a mentoring lunch.
Applications must be submitted in PDF format not exceeding 2 pages (min.
font size 11pt) and contain the following information:
- Name, contact details
- Affiliation
- Motivation for participation
- Summary of profile
- Willing to present a poster? (if yes, add a poster title and abstract)
- Willing to be considered for RR/RuleML 2015 Doctoral Consortium?
- Supervisor (if applicable)
- Publications (if applicable)
The fee for attending the school is 450 Euros (for registered RR 2015 or
RuleML 2015 participants, it is 350 Euros).
The course material used during the summer school will be published with
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series. A copy of the proceedings will be included in the
registration fees.
== GRANTS ==
There will be a limited number of student grants available for the summer
school and for the co-located RR2015 conference.
* Organizing Chairs
Wolfgang Faber (University of Huddersfield, UK) Adrian Paschke (Freie
Universitaet berlin, Germany)
* Scientific Advisory Board
Grigoris Antoniou (University of Huddersfield) Nick Bassiliades (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki) Diego Calvanese (Free University of
Bozen-Bolzano) Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology) Tim Furche
(Oxford University) Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University) Sebastian
Rudolph (Technische Universität Dresden)
For further information including sponsorship opportunities, please contact
the organizing chairs.
Doctoral Consortium
We would also like to invite Phd students to submit Phd papers to the
collocated two Doctoral Consortiums:
RR 2015 Doctoral Consortium
RuleML Doctoral Consortium
Submission deadline for Phd papers: May 10th
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue on Knowledge and Competence
Management - Developing Enterprise Solutions
Datum: Tue, 5 May 2015 15:01:42 +0100
Von: Maria Lemos <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CFP: Special Issue on Knowledge and Competence Management - Developing
Enterprise Solutions
JOURNAL: Information Systems Frontiers, JCR IF: 0.761
Scope, Purpose and Themes:
Knowledge Management (KM) initiatives promote the management, i.e. the
creation, storage and sharing, of knowledge assets within an organization.
The practical focus of this special issue is to bring together researchers,
professionals and practitioners to present recent developments on the
knowledge and competence management areas. KM focuses on techniques of
managing a common base of organizational knowledge that allows
organizational groups and functions to coordinate their efforts and share
knowledge across time, function, discipline and business activities. In
addition, knowledge may be geographically distributed and stored in a
variety of different representations, e.g. tacit knowledge in managers’
minds, and structured information in distributed databases.
In the knowledge-based economy companies are facing systematic changes. New
research topics and competencies have been developed in different knowledge
domains. Management trends and web techniques such as knowledge acquisition
and elicitation, competency mapping methods, enterprise web management and
semantic web technologies are shaping the companies of the future, namely
their business expertise, workflow and activities. This special issue aims
to present state-of-art research challenges and corporate practical results
in applying KM principles to information governance, competence management,
and Intranet building and collaboration enhancement.
The main purpose of this special issue is to bring together a coherent set
of research themes and corporate studies designed for the following areas:
knowledge and competence management, knowledge engineering foundations and
trends, including ontologies and semantic web technologies, workflow
management systems, organisational memories, learning systems, KM
initiatives and implementation, intranet modelling, intranet building and
related cloud computing approaches. In this context, we welcome
contributions about, but not limited to, the following themes:
Knowledge Management and Engineering
- KM foundations
- Web-based KM
- Knowledge Intensive Organisations
- Competence and talent management
- Ontology Engineering
Workflow Management Systems
- Information Technology (IT) Governance Model
- Business Process Modelling
- Workflow and KM Systems
- Business Process Management and IT Governance
Learning Management Systems
- e-Learning and b-Learning technologies
- Social web networking
- Organisational learning
- Learning enterprise solutions
Semantic Web Technologies
- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
- Semantic web languages
- Knowledge representation paradigms
- Competence Ontologies
- Ontology Web Language (OWL)
Enterprise Knowledge and Competence Management
- Knowledge management enterprise initiatives
- Intelligent web systems
- Intranet models and tools
- Intranet management systems
- Competence modelling and taxonomies
- Competence Management Systems
Forms of Submission:
The areas covered by this special issue have been attractive topics at
conferences such as the WorldCIST’15 – 3rd World Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies. In the case of papers from the conference, the
submission is required to be a substantial revision of the conference
publication and the authors will be required to submit a letter detailing
the difference between their conference paper and the new version. All
submitted papers will go through peer review and if the paper does not
receive a satisfactory review, it will not be considered for the special
Submission Instruction:
Manuscripts must be submitted to the ISF - Springer online submission
system at: http://www.editorialmanager.com/isfi/ .
Paper submissions must conform to the format guidelines of Information
Systems Frontiers available at:
Submissions should be approximately 32 pages double spaced including
Important Dates:
Deadline for papers: 31 May 2015
Reviews returned: 31 July 2015
Revised papers submitted: 15 September 2015
Final papers due: 30 September 2015
Special issue published: TBA
Guest Editors:
José Braga de Vasconcelos
Universidade Atlântica, Portugal
Chris Kimble
KEDGE Business School, France
Álvaro Rocha
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Daniel Zeng
University of Arizona, USA
Maria Lemos
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: WOP2015 @ ISWC2015, Workshop on Ontology and
Semantic Web Patterns
Datum: Tue, 5 May 2015 13:38:24 -0400
Von: Pascal Hitzler <pascal.hitzler(a)wright.edu>
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<baader(a)tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de>, beierle(a)fernuni-hagen.de, Francois Bry
(Bry-Haußer) <bry(a)lmu.de>, Dorner, Elmar <elmar.dorner(a)sap.com>, Thomas
Fuhr <thomas.fuhr(a)informatik.fh-nuernberg.de>, Gerhard Goos
<ggoos(a)ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>, Gabriele Kern-Isberner
<gabriele.kern-isberner(a)cs.uni-dortmund.de>, Harald Kosch
<Harald.Kosch(a)uni-passau.de>, Daniel Krause <krause(a)l3s.de>, Thorsten
Liebig <thorsten.liebig(a)uni-ulm.de>, Liu, Jin <Jin.Liu(a)t-systems.com>,
r.f.moeller(a)tu-harburg.de, Oberle, Daniel <d.oberle(a)sap.com>, Axel
Polleres <axel(a)polleres.net>, Ulrich Reimer <ulrich.reimer(a)fhsg.ch>,
Sebastian Schaffert <sebastian.schaffert(a)salzburgresearch.at>, Schlobach
Stefan <schlobac(a)few.vu.nl>, Michael Sintek <sintek(a)dfki.uni-kl.de>,
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Waterfeld, Dr. Walter <Walter.Waterfeld(a)softwareag.com>, York Sure
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ZEYNEP ORHAN <zorhan(a)fatih.edu.tr>, Denis Ponomaryov <ponom(a)iis.nsk.su>,
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straccia umberto <Umberto.Straccia(a)isti.cnr.it>, Heiner Stuckenschmidt
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knoesis(a)googlegroups.com, The SWJ Editorial Board List
<SWJ-ALL-L(a)LISTS.PSU.EDU>, Enrico Motta <e.motta(a)open.ac.uk>, Michael
Kifer <kifer(a)cs.sunysb.edu>, Frederick Maier <fwmaier(a)gmail.com>,
knoelab(a)googlegroups.com, wiss-org(a)listserv.dfn.de,
Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (6th edition) - WOP2015
will take place at the 14th International Semantic Web Conference,
ISWC2015, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in October 2015
Workshop website: <http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2015>
Submission deadline (papers and patterns): July 1, 2015
Call for Papers
The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to
recurrent problems that matter to researchers and practitioners of the
Semantic Web field, and that impact on design and engineering of
ontologies, linked data, knowledge extraction, and other semantic web
applications. We invite the submission of original research results
related to the focus areas of the workshop. Research papers (maximum 12
pages LNCS style) should present mature work and document established
results, or be short papers presenting proposed research directions and
novel ideas (maximum 4 pages LNCS style).
Submission instructions can be found at the submission page at
This year we particularly welcome contributions of patterns concerning
Linked Data, as well as patterns geared towards applications in specific
domains, such as geosciences, biomedical sciences, as well as digital
Original research papers and short papers are invited to consider the
following (non exhaustive) list of topics:
Ontology design patterns (ODPs) and pattern-based ontology design
Anti-patterns and their relations to ODPs
Pattern-based ontologies
Ontology patterns and their relation with standards
Ontology pattern extraction
Analysis of ontology pattern usage
Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection
Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration
Best practices and examples for using existing ontologies/datasets
to instantiate ODPs
Discussion of use cases of particular ODPs across ontologies
Evaluation of ODPs (methods, benchmarks)
Patterns and Linked data (usage, emerging patterns, etc.)
Linked Data patterns, patterns for using different vocabularies
Web semantics from a pattern perspective
ODPs used for interaction with data
Data mining patterns
Automatic ontology construction (ontology learning) based on patterns
Reasoning pipelines
Usage of patterns in business intelligence
Relation between NLP patterns (either for learning, or procedural)
and ontologies/linked data design
Frame semantics in text and knowledge representation
Knowledge patterns and knowledge reengineering based on patterns
Pattern-based information extraction
Nary-fact extraction and representation
Patterns in semantic social networks, semantic wikis, semantic blogs
Reengineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies,
lexicons, thesauri
Usage of patterns in conceptual modeling
Processes and services process patterns
Problem solving methods and patterns
Contextual reasoning and patterns as context
Pattern-based methods and methodologies for development of semantic
Usage of patterns in Semantic Web design
Collaborative ontology design and collaboration patterns
Tools and applications for pattern-based knowledge engineering
Ontology Patterns for specific domains (cultural heritage, digital
humanities, geosciences, biomedical sciences, multimedia, etc).
Call for Patterns
Submission instructions can be found at the submission page at
We invite the submission of research results in the form of ontology
design patterns (ODPs). Patterns submitted should have a general
relevance to the ontology engineering field, or specific interest within
a knowledge domain. Patterns should solve some particular modeling
problem, and be of significant interest for discussion at the workshop.
Patterns should be original, in the sense that they are the intellectual
product of the author(s), however they may still be based on the
collective experience of a community.
Pattern submissions for the pattern session will be collected:
* through the ODP portal and
* by submitting a description of the pattern (pattern description)
via EasyChair.
Detailed instructions for patterns submission, including how to submit
via the ontologydesignpatterns.org portal, are found at the submission
page. Note that an account in the ODP portal is needed for submitting
patterns; thus, authors should take care to request an account at least
one week before their intended submission.
Pattern submissions can be made in any type of ODPs. Currently, portal
templates for submission are provided for the following types of
patterns (see general typology for explanation of the types):
* Content patterns
* Structural patterns: logical and architecture patterns.
* Correspondence patterns: re-engineering and alignment patterns.
For other types of patterns, the author is welcome to submit only a
pattern description.
Submission and Important Dates
For details on how to submit to WOP2015 see the submission page.
Important dates
Submission date: July 1, 2015
Author notifications: July 30, 2015
Camera-ready papers: to be determined
Workshops will be held on to be determined
Accepted research papers and pattern descriptions will be published
online as CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.
WOP2015 Chairs
Eva Blomqvist, Linköping University, Sweden (patterns co-chair)
Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University, USA (papers co-chair)
Adila Krisnadhi, Wright State University, USA (proceedings chair)
Thomas Narock, Marymount University, USA (papers co-chair)
Monika Solanki, Aston University, UK (patterns co-chair)
For general inquiries, please contact Pascal Hitzler at
Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
pascal(a)pascal-hitzler.de http://www.pascal-hitzler.de
Semantic Web Textbook: http://www.semantic-web-book.org
Semantic Web Journal: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] ASPOCP 2015: First call for papers
Datum: Tue, 05 May 2015 21:00:33 +0200
Von: Marco Maratea <marco(a)dist.unige.it>
[Apologies for multiple postings.]
8th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms
August 31, 2015
Affiliated with the International Conference on Logic Programming 2015
(part of "The Year of George Boole")
Cork, Ireland
August 31 - September 4, 2015
Since its introduction in the late 1980s, answer set programming (ASP)
has been widely applied to various knowledge-intensive tasks and
combinatorial search problems. ASP was found to be closely related to
SAT, which has led to a method of computing answer sets using SAT
solvers and techniques adapted from SAT. While this has been the most
studied relationship which is currently extended towards
satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), the relationship of ASP to other
computing paradigms, such as constraint satisfaction, quantified
boolean formulas (QBF), first-order logic (FOL), or FO(ID) logic is
also the subject of active research. New methods of computing answer
sets are being developed based on the relation between ASP and other
paradigms, such as the use of pseudo-Boolean solvers, QBF solvers, FOL
theorem provers, and CLP systems.
Furthermore, the practical applications of ASP also foster work on
multi-paradigm problem-solving, and in particular language and solver
integration. The most prominent examples in this area currently are the
integration of ASP with description logics (in the realm of the
Semantic Web), constraint satisfaction, and general means of external
computation. This workshop will facilitate the discussion about
crossing the boundaries of current ASP techniques in theory, solving,
and applications, in combination with or inspired by other computing
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
- ASP and classical logic formalisms (SAT/FOL/QBF/SMT/DL).
- ASP and constraint programming.
- ASP and other logic programming paradigms, e.g., FO(ID).
- ASP and other nonmonotonic languages, e.g., action languages.
- ASP and external means of computation.
- ASP and probabilistic reasoning.
- ASP and machine learning.
- New methods of computing answer sets using algorithms or systems of
other paradigms.
- Language extensions to ASP.
- ASP and multi-agent systems.
- ASP and multi-context systems.
- Modularity and ASP.
- ASP and argumentation.
- Multi-paradigm problem solving involving ASP.
- Evaluation and comparison of ASP to other paradigms.
- ASP and related paradigms in applications.
- Hybridizing ASP with procedural approaches.
- Enhanced grounding or beyond grounding.
Papers must describe original research and should not exceed 15 pages
in the Springer LNCS format <URL:http://www.springeronline.com/lncs/>.
Paper submission will be handled electronically by means of the
Easychair system. The submission page is available at
Abstract and paper submission deadline: June 10, 2015
Notification: July 15, 2015
Camera-ready articles due: July 31, 2015
Workshop: August 31, 2015
Accepted papers will be made available online.
We aim at selecting extended and revised versions of accepted papers
to appear in a special issue of an international journal (provided
that a sufficient amount of high quality papers is collected).
Such papers will go through a second formal selection process to meet
the high quality standard of the journal.
The workshop will be held in Cork, Ireland, collocated with
the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) 2015.
Daniela Inclezan, Miami University, USA
Marco Maratea, DIBRIS - University of Genova, Italy
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: 1st International Workshop on Executable Modeling
(EXE 2015)
Datum: Tue, 05 May 2015 16:21:50 +0200
Von: mayerhofer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Call for Papers:
1st International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2015)
co-located with MODELS 2015,
September 27th, 2015, Ottawa, Canada
We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the First International
Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2015), held in conjunction with the
ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages
and Systems (MODELS) at Ottawa, Canada, on September 27th, 2015.
Scope and Topics
The complexity of modern software systems, time-to-market pressures, and the
need for high quality software are current challenges faced by the software
industry. To address these challenges, model-driven engineering (MDE) advocates
the elevation of models into the center of the development process. Models
provide abstractions over the system to be developed, while also providing
enough detail to automate the development of implementation artifacts and
perform early software analysis.
In this context, executable models become more and more important. They provide
abstractions of a system’s behavior and constitute the basis for performing
early analyses of that behavior. The ability to analyze a system’s behavior
early in its development has the potential to turn executable models into
important assets of a model-driven software development process. For instance,
model animators and model debuggers aid in comprehending and exploring the
modeled system’s behavior, as well as in locating defects in models (e.g.,
locating defects in the system design). Other examples of model execution tools
that provide analysis facilities include model checkers, model testing
environments, and trace exploration tools.
Despite the potential benefits of executable models, there are still many
challenges to solve, such as the lack of maturity in the definition of and
tooling for executable modeling languages, and the limited experience with
executable modeling in much of the software development industry. EXE 2015 will
provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss these challenges
and propose potential solutions, as well as assessing and advancing the
state-of-the-art in this area.
Topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to the
1) Languages, techniques and methods for developing executable modeling
languages, including considerations of quality aspects, reuse, specialization,
composing, and evolution of executable modeling languages.
2) Techniques and methods for developing model execution tools, such as, model
debuggers, model animators, and trace exploration tools, including automation
techniques for developing model execution tools and techniques for reusing,
specializing, extending, and composing executable modeling languages at the
tool level.
3) Experiences in applying executable models and model execution tools for the
development and operation of systems, as well as in developing and deploying
executable modeling languages and model execution tools.
We will accept three types of submissions:
1) Research papers (up to 6 pages) presenting novel and innovative approaches
in one of the topics of the workshop. We also strongly encourage the submission
of comparative studies on existing approaches in one of the topics.
2) Experience reports (up to 6 pages) presenting experiences and lessons
learned in one of the topics of the workshop. Experience reports should discuss
knowledge gained from an executable modeling project experience and identify
key challenges encountered.
3) Position papers (up to 2 pages) presenting new ideas or early research
results in one of the topics of the workshop.
All submissions should follow the IEEE formatting instructions:
* LaTeX: Class file IEEEtran v1.8 available at
* Word: Template available at
Please submit your paper electronically as PDF via EasyChair at
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the program
committee. Research papers and experience report papers will be evaluated
concerning novelty, correctness, significance, readability, and alignment with
the workshop call. Position papers will be evaluated primarily concerning
validity and ability to generate discussion (even controversy), as well as
alignment with the workshop call. Furthermore, all submissions must be original
work and must not have been previously published or being under review
For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must register for the
workshop, participate fully in the workshop, and present the paper at the
workshop. A pre-workshop version of the accepted papers will be available on
the workshop website and a post-workshop version will be published as CEUR
workshop proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org).
Workshop Format
EXE 2015 is a one-day workshop, divided into three parts: keynote,
presentations of the accepted papers, and discussions in working groups.
We plan to have one keynote talk in the morning, followed by two sessions of
presentations on the accepted papers. For each presentation, we will also
schedule enough time to discuss the presented work. In the afternoon session,
we will split up into groups for discussing research questions, challenges, and
experiences in executable modeling. Each group will present the results of
their discussions at the end of the last session. The workshop will end with a
brief wrap-up formulating the workshop’s conclusions. A workshop report will
summarize the discussion throughout the day.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 17th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: August 21st, 2015
Workshop: September 27th, 2015
* Tanja Mayerhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Philip Langer, EclipseSource, Austria
* Ed Seidewitz, independent, USA
* Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Program Committee
* Jordi Cabot, INRIA and Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
* Tony Clark, Middlesex University, United Kingdom
* Benoit Combemale, IRISA and University of Rennes 1, France
* Juergen Dingel, Queen's University, Canada
* Gregor Engels, University of Paderborn, Germany
* Sebastien Gerard, CEA List, France
* Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany
* Frederic Jouault, ESEO, France
* Dimitris Kolovos, University of York, United Kingdom
* Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia
* Zoltan Micskei, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
* Richard Paige, University of York, United Kingdom
* Alessandro Romero, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Brazil
* Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Markus Scheidgen, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
* Jeremie Tatibouet, CEA List, France
* Massimo Tisi, INRIA and Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
* Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, Belgium and McGill University, Canada
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: EDOC Workshop - Data-driven and Predictive
Business Analytics, Adelaide, Australia
Datum: Wed, 6 May 2015 10:49:48 +0800
Von: Xianzhi Wang <sandyawang(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
International Workshop on Data-driven and Predictive Business Analytics (DPBA 2015)
in conjunction with EDOC 2015.
The contemporary enterprise features the production, integration, analysis, and utilization of Big Data, which have the 4-V characteristics: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. While the Big data hold the promise of revolutionizing our understanding and decision-making methods towards enterprises and society, uncovering the value behind Big Data requires developing innovative decision making approaches, especially predictive approaches in various aspects, such as process configurations, resource allocations, scheduling optimizations, and collaboration patterns negotiation. Models and methods from multiple disciplines, such as data integration, data mining, statistics, business intelligence, and information systems apply to the topic. However, the impact of Big Data to business decision and corresponding analytic approaches remain an open issue.
The workshop aims at discussing the research and open issues related to the data-driven business analytic methodologies and techniques in the context of enterprise Big Data. This workshop will offer a valuable opportunity for participants to exchange opinions, share experiences, advance ideas, report recent progress, and disseminate research results on the topics related to Data-driven and predictive business analytics.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Mining big enterprise data
- Business process analytics
- Data-intensive analytics for predictive modeling
- Data-driven decision making
- Data analytics in cloud
- Intelligent services and applications based on Big Data
- Semantics, intelligent processing and services for Big Data
- Enterprise practices and solutions for Big Data
- Data-driven prediction models and methods
- Mashup services and data integration
- Social sensing and social network services
- Efficient optimization models and solutions based on Big Data
- Reasoning over uncertain data and unreliable services
- Privacy Preserving Big Data analytics and services
- Service ranking and recommendation for Big Data
- Service modeling, delivery, deployment and evolution for Big Data
- Big Data as a Service
- Credibility of data provisioning services
Submission Deadline: June 22, 2015 (extended)
Acceptance Notification: August 9, 2015
Camera-ready Due: August 27, 2015
Workshop Dates: 21-22 Sept 2015
Paper submissions are accepted via EasyChiar at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dpba2015
All submissions should be made in PDF format and comply with the [IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines] (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). The page limit for full papers is 10 pages; short/position papers can be as long as 5 pages.
All workshop papers will be published in the in the form of a proceedings along with EDOC proceedings. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be made accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library.
General Chair
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
Program Chairs
Xianzhi Wang, University of Adelaide, Australia
Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
Publicity Chair
Yongrui Qin, University of Adelaide, Australia
Program Committee
Anne H.H. Ngu, Texas State University, USA
Claudio A. Ardagna, University of Milan, Italy
Djamal Benslimane, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France
Fanjing Meng, IBM China Research Laboratory, China
Helen Paik, University of New South Wales, Australia
Hongzhi Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Jian Yu, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Jun Wei, Institue of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Lina Yao, University of Adelaide, Australia
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Qi Yu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky, USA
Wei Tan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Weiping Li, Peking University, China
Xitong Li, HEC Paris, France
Xue Li, University of Queensland, Australia
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Zhongjie Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Final call for chapters: 'Mobile and Blended
Learning Innovations for improved Learning Outcomes'
Datum: Tue, 5 May 2015 04:32:42 +0000
Von: Parsons, David <D.P.Parsons(a)massey.ac.nz>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Final call for chapters: 'Mobile and Blended Learning Innovations for improved Learning Outcomes'
Editor: David Parsons (Massey University)
Publisher: IGI Global
This is the final call for chapter proposals for the forthcoming book 'Mobile and Blended Learning Innovations for improved Learning Outcomes', to be published by IGI Global.
You are invited to submit a chapter proposal at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/1538
Proposals must be submitted by May 30th. Full chapters are requested by June 30th.
A full chapter submission will not be expected until your proposal has been formally accepted. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dr David Parsons, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Email: D.P.Parsons(a)massey.ac.nz
Editor: Mobile and Blended Learning Innovations for improved Learning Outcomes
Editor in Chief: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
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Betreff: [WI] RR 2015 Doctoral Consortium - Second Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 04 May 2015 15:12:27 +0200
Von: Luca Pulina <lpulina(a)uniss.it>
Organisation: University of Sassari
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[apologies for any cross-posting]
The RR 2015 Doctoral Consortium
(http://www.csw.inf.fu-berlin.de/rr2015/dc.html) is an initiative of the
9th International Conference On Web Reasoning And Rule Systems (RR
2015). RR is a major forum for discussion and dissemination of new
results concerning Web Reasoning and Rule Systems.
The RR 2015 DC will provide doctoral students in Web Reasoning and
related areas with a unique opportunity to present and discuss their
research directions, be involved into state-of-the-art research
discussion, and supported in establishing fruitful research collaborations.
To this end, the conference will host two main DC events:
- a mentoring lunch, where students will have the opportunity to get in
touch with prominent researchers and pioneers in the field of Web
Reasoning and Rules, and of related areas;
- a poster session where students will have the possibility to present
their work, share their ideas, and receive constructive feedback on
their research activity.
To make the DC even more interesting and outward-looking, these two
events will be jointly organized with the Doctoral Consortium of the 9th
International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015).
Last but not least, interested students may consider to attend also the
11th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2015), which will be held from July
21 to August 4 2015 in Berlin, co-located with RR 2015.
10/05/2015: paper submission deadline
01/06/2015: notification
14/06/2015: camera ready
04/08/2015: Doctoral Consortium
All deadlines have a cut-off point of 23:59 anywhere on earth.
We encourage submissions from PhD students whose research activity is
related to web reasoning and rule systems. Students are invited to
submit an original description of their work, covering the following
- Introduction and motivation: a clear formulation of the research
questions you are trying to solve.
- Background: positioning of such questions in the field of web
reasoning and rule systems, and description of the relevant state of the
- Research plan and achievements: description of the proposed solution
to the aforementioned research questions, and of the corresponding
research plan, stressing in particular relevance and novelty.
Each submission consists of:
- A paper conforming to the submission information above, limited to 8
pages in English,and formatted using the LNCS style
- A short reference letter from the PhD supervisor, indicating the
current status of the student within the PhD research activity, the
expected date of thesis submissions, the publications co-authored by the
student within the PhD, and why it is important for him/her to attend
the RR 2015 DC.
Please create a single PDF containing the submission and the reference
Submissions are managed through Easychair:
The proceedings of the RR 2015 DC will be published as CEUR Proceedings,
listed in DBLP and indexed by SCOPUS.
Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Marco Montali (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Program Committee
(confirmed PC members; a complete list will appear on the website):
Jose Julio Alferes (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS & Université Paris-Sud)
Roman Kontchakov (Birkbeck, University of London)
Domenico Lembo (Sapienza University of Rome)
Jorge Lobo (ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Thomas Meyer (UKZN and CSIR Meraka)
Giorgio Orsi (University of Oxford)
Magdalena Ortiz (Vienna University of Technology)
Fabio Patrizi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Andreas Pieris (Vienna University of Technology)
Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria)
Federico Ulliana (LIRMM and Montpellier University)
RR 2015 will provide travel support to students. Details will be
announced later.
Luca Pulina, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
POLCOMING - Department of Political Science, Communication, Engineering and Information Technologies
University of Sassari
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP HICSS Minitrack: Data Science for Collaboration
Datum: Mon, 4 May 2015 09:14:50 -0400
Von: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer(a)uncg.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Kopie (CC): Souren Paul <spaul(a)nova.edu>, zhoul(a)umbc.edu <zhoul(a)umbc.edu>
Call for papers
January 5-8, 2016
Grand Hyatt, Kauai
HICSS2016 Minitrack: Data Science for Collaboration
(Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track)
Data science for collaboration is the study of the generalizable extraction
of knowledge from data to support human collaboration within and across
groups and organizations. The new knowledge gained is expected to be
actionable for achieving collaborative goals such as generating, choosing,
negotiating, and executing. Data science for collaboration couples a
systematic study of collection, aggregation, organization, processing, and
analysis of data. In addition, it requires deep understanding of
formulating problems valuable for collaboration, engineer effective
solutions to the collaboration problems, and ways to effectively
communicate findings across roles ranging from business managers to data
analysts. There is exploding interest in organizations looking for ways to
increase value from data science and using it to address business
challenges. One promising way for businesses and organizations to enhance
their performance or competitiveness is investigating how data science can
facilitate collaboration both internally and externally. We welcome
technical, empirical, and behavioral research that cover various aspects of
data science for collaboration.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
· Challenges and opportunities of data science for collaboration
· Collection, aggregation, and organization collaborative Big Data
· Managing heterogeneity of collaborative big data
· Visualization and presentation of collaborative big data
· Data science for collaborative work (decision making, problem
solving, negotiation, and creativity/innovation)
· Data science for internal collaboration in groups and
· Data science for inter-organizational collaboration
· Crowdsourcing for collaborative tasks
· Security and privacy in collaborative Data Science
· Data science in collaborative creation
· Case studies on Data science for Collaboration: Adaptive
collaboration systems that feature modeling, collaboration, and advanced
analytics to detect
patterns, make sense, simulate, predict, learn, take action, and
improve performance with use and scale.
· Application of control-theoretic models to interactions among
social entities
· Application of survival models to predict hazard rate of computer
supported social processes
· Application of N-person game theory in problems arising from
unregulated use of collaboration systems
· Knowledge extraction from collaborative data in social media
· Social network analysis (SNA) of collaboration big data*
· Data science applications in assessing risks in financial systems
and interdependent critical infrastructures
· Analytics for data-driven operations management
· Data science application for smart cities
· Analytics for healthcare delivery
June 15, 2015 Submission full manuscripts
August 15, 2015 Acceptance Notifications
September 15, 2015 Submission camera-ready paper
October 1, 2015 Early Registration fee deadline
For formatting and submission instructions, see HICSS website.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Souren Paul - Souren.paul(a)gmail.com, Nova Southeastern University
Lakshmi Iyer - Lsiyer(a)uncg.edu, The University of North Carolina at
Lina Zhou - zhoul(a)umbc.edu, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Information Systems Graduate Programs Director
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: Lsiyer(a)uncg.edu; Phone: 336/334-4984; Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://lsiyer.wp.uncg.edu/
Women in IT - http://wiit.uncg.edu, www.facebook.com/wemakeIT
Global IT conference; AMCIS 2015; 2015 Business Analytics Congress; ICIS
2015 DAS Track
#12 MS in IT Program (Online) in the U.S. (US News, 2015)
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