-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Collective Intelligence and Crowds at HICSS (June
15 deadline)
Datum: Sun, 17 May 2015 15:58:02 -0400
Von: Jeff Nickerson <jnickerson(a)stevens.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Please consider submitting to our minitrack entitled: Collective
Intelligence and Crowds: Structure, Roles, and Identity
This minitrack is co-chaired by Pnina Fichman and Don Steiny, and is part
of the Digital and Social Media track.
The conference is on Kauai, Jan 5-8.
We are looking for papers that analyze collective intelligence, knowledge
creation, and crowdsourcing. We also encourage the submission of papers
that design and implement technologies that create new kinds of
organizations. In addition, we want papers that analyze social
interaction as a way of better understanding underlying social structures,
and in particular the social construction of identity and roles. In sum,
we are open to a wide range of research that addresses relations between
people, collectives, and machines, as well as the products produced as a
If you have any questions about the appropriateness of a paper, feel free
to send an informal description to any of us.
If you are interested in reviewing, regardless of whether you are
submitting, we will appreciate your help; let us know how many papers you
can handle and we will put you on the list.
In addition, Kalle Lyytinen and I will be repeating our workshop on
Collective Intelligence and Crowdsourcing on the afternoon of the first
day. Mary Gray from Microsoft Research will be our featured speaker, and we
welcome any ideas or contributions you would like to make to the workshop:
we are going to focus on industrial aspects of crowds.
Finally, I hope to see some of you at Collective Intelligence 2015, May
31-June 2 in Santa Clara.
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] [MKWI 2016] CFP: Modellierung betrieblicher
Informationssysteme – Konzeptuelle Modelle im Zeitalter der
digitalisierten Wirtschaft
Datum: Mon, 18 May 2015 07:56:28 +0000
Von: Schlauderer, Sebastian <sebastian.schlauderer(a)uni-bamberg.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
*Call for Papers für Teilkonferenz Modellierung betrieblicher
Informationssysteme *
*Konzeptuelle Modelle im Zeitalter der digitalisierten Wirtschaft
*Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2016, 09. bis 11. März 2016 in
*Einreichungsschluss: 13.09.2015*
Prof. Dr. Werner Esswein, TU Dresden, Leitung GI – FG MobIS
Prof. Dr. Stefan Strecker, FernUniversität in Hagen
Dr. Sebastian Schlauderer, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Die Teilkonferenz „Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme“ ist
das zentrale Forum für aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten zu Themen der
Modellierungsforschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik und reflektiert die
mit dem Forschungsfeld „Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme“
verbundene Vielfalt an Forschungszielen, Forschungsgegenständen und
Forschungsmethoden. Die Teilkonferenz greift gegenwärtige
Herausforderungen der Modellierungsforschung auf, wie bspw. die
Modellverwendung im Rahmen innovativer Organisationsformen, neuer
Geschäftsmodelle sowie Kooperations- und Interaktionsformen, die eine
beachtliche Komplexität aufweisen und entsprechende Anforderungen an die
Gestaltung von Informationssystemen stellen. Mit der aktuellen
Teilkonferenz wird die seit langem bestehende Tradition von
Teilkonferenzen und Konferenztracks zum Forschungsfeld Modellierung
betrieblicher Informationssysteme (zuletzt u. a. auf der WI 2013 und der
MKWI 2014) fortgesetzt. Erneut wird die Teilkonferenz von der
GI-Fachgruppe „Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme“ (MobIS)
der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. unterstützt.
Das Programmkomitee lädt zur Einreichung von Originalbeiträgen – nicht
nur zu den im Folgenden genannten Themen – ein. Für Einreichungen aus
der Praxis der Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme wird ein
gesondertes, vereinfachtes Begutachtungsverfahren durchgeführt. Die
folgende Liste nennt mögliche Themen für Einreichungen und ist als nicht
abschließend zu betrachten.
*Mögliche Themen für Beiträge*
* Geschäftsprozessmodellierung, Unternehmensmodellierung
* Unternehmensarchitekturen, Informationssystemarchitekturen,
Architekturmodellierung, Architekturmanagement
* Modellierungssprachen, domänenspezifische Modellierungssprachen,
* Modellierungsmethoden, Method Engineering
* Modellierungswerkzeuge
* Kooperative, kollaborative, verteilte Modellierung
* Modellanalyse, Ausführbare Modelle, Modelltransformation
* Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung
* Modellierung komponentenorientierter Informationssysteme
* Referenzmodelle und Referenzmodellkonstruktion
* Branchenbezogene Anwendungen der konzeptuellen Modellierung (z. B.
* Qualität von konzeptuellen Modellen und ihre Qualitätssicherung
* Philosophische und wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der
*Einreichung und Begutachtungsprozess*
* Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden.
Englische Beiträge sollen während der Konferenz in englischer Sprache
präsentiert und diskutiert werden.
* Alle Beiträge müssen exakt der Dokumentvorlage der MKWI 2016
entsprechen. Die Dokumentvorlage steht unter
http://www.mkwi2016.de/download/MKWI2016_Word-Vorlage.dotx zum Download
zur Verfügung.
* Für unsere Teilkonferenz sind folgende Formen von Beiträgen vorgesehen:
o Full paper mit 12 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis
o Research in Progress mit 7 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis
* Die Autoren werden gebeten, ihre Beiträge für die Begutachtung zu
anonymisieren, indem Namen, Anschrift etc. im Beitrag weggelassen
werden. Auch alle anderen Angaben sind zu löschen, die Rückschlüsse auf
die Autoren ermöglichen, z. B. Metadaten. Die Einreichung des Beitrags
für die Begutachtung erfolgt als PDF-Dokument.
* Die Einreichung der Beiträge erfolgt ausschließlich online über das
Konferenzsystem (http://www.mkwi2016.de/Einreichung).
* Jeder Beitrag kann nur für eine Teilkonferenz eingereicht werden.
* Sämtliche Beiträge werden von mind. zwei Mitgliedern des
Programmkomitees (doppelt-blind) begutachtet.
* Einreichungsschluss für Beiträge: 13. September 2015
Alle angenommenen Full Paper werden in den Konferenzband aufgenommen. In
unserer Teilkonferenz haben die Autoren von angenommenen Full Papers das
Wahlrecht, ob diese vollständig oder als Extended Abstract (min. 2 und
max. 4 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis etc.) in den Konferenzband
aufgenommen werden. Der Konferenzband wird den Konferenzteilnehmern in
elektronischer Form zur Verfügung gestellt (PDF/E-Book). Gegen Aufpreis
kann der Konferenzband von den Teilnehmern auch als ausgedrucktes
Exemplar bezogen werden (Book-on-Demand, genaue Preisinformationen
werden noch bekannt gegeben).
Research-in-Progress-Beiträge werden nicht in den Konferenzband
aufgenommen, sondern den Konferenzteilnehmern über die Konferenzwebsite
zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Rahmen der Begutachtung wird entschieden, ob
Research-in-Progress-Beiträge vorgetragen oder als Poster präsentiert
Die Veröffentlichung eines Beitrages und dessen Aufnahme in das
Konferenzprogramm setzt voraus, dass sich mindestens eine Autorin oder
ein Autor zur Konferenz angemeldet und den Konferenzbeitrag entrichtet hat.
Es ist geplant, ausgewählte Beiträge für ein Special Issue der
Zeitschrift EMISA einzuladen.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Aier, Universität St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke, Universität Liechtenstein
PD Dr. Patrick Delfmann, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill, Universität Wien
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis, Universität Wien
Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist, Universität Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Peter Loos, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr, Universität Klagenfurt
Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling, WU Wien
Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Andreas Oberweis, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Prof. Dr. Sven Overhage, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Michael Rebstock, Hochschule Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
Kristina Rosenthal, FernUniversität in Hagen
Dr. Hannes Schlieter, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Elmar J. Sinz, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, Universität Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Universität Wien
*Alle weiteren Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie unter*
Tagungsleitung: Prof. Dr. Dirk Stelzer, Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen, Prof.
Dr. Steffen Straßburger
TU Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien, Institut
für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Helmholtzplatz 3 (Oeconomicum), 98693 Ilmenau
E-Mail: dirk.stelzer(a)tu-ilmenau.de <mailto:dirk.stelzer@tu-ilmenau.de>;
volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de <mailto:volker.nissen@tu-ilmenau.de>;
Tagungsorganisation: Dr. Daniel Fischer, Andrea Schneider
TU Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien, Institut
für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Helmholtzplatz 3 (Oeconomicum), 98693 Ilmenau,
Tel: +49 (0) 3677 / 69 4053, Fax: +49 (0) 3677 / 69 4204
E-Mail: mkwi2016(a)tu-ilmenau.de <mailto:mkwi2016@tu-ilmenau.de>
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences HICSS-49: January 5-8, 2016 Grand Hyatt, Kauai: Business Value
of the Internet of Things Minitrack
Datum: Sun, 17 May 2015 16:20:25 +0000
Von: Samuel FOSSO WAMBA <Samuel.FOSSO.WAMBA(a)neoma-bs.fr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-49: January 5-8, 2016 Grand Hyatt, Kauai:
Business Value of the Internet of Things Minitrack
This minitrack addresses managerial and organizational issues organizations face as they seek to create and realize business value from incorporating the emerging Internet of Things into their organizational infrastructure, their electronic business partner relationships, and the products and services they offer to customers. We encourage authors to share new and interesting theoretical and methodological perspectives on topics relevant to both academic researchers and practitioners. We welcome work-in-progress that examines existing and extended theory using the IoT combined with wireless sensor networks, RFID, and big data analytics as the technologies of focus and case studies of organizations implementing the IoT inside and outside their span of control. We give special consideration to research submissions when the author(s) commit to include an industry partner in their presentation. We welcome research that reflects a range of current research methods including case studies, analytical models, econometrics, and frameworks.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Fred Riggins (Primary Contact)
North Dakota State University
Tel: (651) 335-8417
Email: fred.riggins(a)ndsu.edu<mailto:fred.riggins@ndsu.edu>
Samuel Fosso Wamba
NEOMA Business School, France
Email: samuel.fosso.wamba(a)neoma-bs.fr<mailto:samuel.fosso.wamba@neoma-bs.fr>
Matthias Dehmer
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Email: Matthias.dehmer(a)unibw.de<mailto:Matthias.dehmer@unibw.de>
June 15:
Deadline to submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind; therefore this submission must be without author names.
August 16:
Acceptance/Rejection notification will be sent to authors. All travel guarantees - including visa or fiscal/ funding procedures - should begin immediately after you receive the notification of acceptance. Make sure your server accepts the address from our review system.
August 19:
Contact your Minitrack Chair if you have not received acceptance/rejection notification
August 16 - September 4:
If your paper is accepted with mandatory changes (AM), you must make specified changes, and resubmit your paper to the Paper Submission and Review System for reconsideration, still without author names.
September 4:
Submission deadline for AM papers
September 11:
Contact your Minitrack Chair if you have not received a revised decision
September 15:
Deadline for submitting final manuscript for publication to the Publication System (not the previous Paper Submission and Review System). Add author names, affiliation, and email address to your papers. At least one author of each paper should register by September 15 in order secure publication in the Conference Proceedings.
October 1:
Early Registration fee ($675) deadline. (Fees will increase to $750 on October 2 and $850 on December 2.)
October 1:
Papers without at least one registered author will be removed from the Proceedings.
Web site: http://www.hicss.org/#!call-for-papers/c1cd9
Associate Professor, NEOMA Business School, Rouen, France
Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada
CompTIA RFID+ Certified Professional
Founder and CEO of e-m-RFID.biz
Academic Co-Founder of RFID Academia
"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal", Albert Pine
==CFP The International Journal of Operations & Production Management ==SUBMISSION DUE DATE: September 15, 2015 ==
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Big Data and Business Analytics Adoption and Use: A Step toward Transforming Operations and Production Management?: See CFP at: http://samuelfossowamba.com/wp-content/uploads/+International-Journal-of-Op…
==CFP Business Process Management Journal ==SUBMISSION DUE DATE: November 30, 2015 ==
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Big Data and Business Process Innovation.
See the CFP at: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm…
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] RCRA 2015: First call for papers
Datum: Sat, 16 May 2015 15:15:42 +0200
Von: Marco Maratea <marco(a)dist.unige.it>
Organisation: DIBRIS - University of Genova
* ______________________________________________________________________
The RCRA group (Knowledge Representation & Automated Reasoning) of
the AI*IA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence)
organizes the
22th RCRA workshop:
Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving
problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2015)
Ferrara, Italy, September 21-22, 2015
RCRA group web site: http://rcra.aixia.it/
Workshop web site: http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2015
e-mail: rcra2015(a)easychair.org
* ______________________________________________________________________
This event follows the series of the RCRA (Knowledge Representation
and Automated Reasoning) annual meetings, held since 1994.
The success of the previous events shows that RCRA is becoming a
major forum for exchanging ideas and proposing experimentation
methodologies for algorithms in Artificial Intelligence.
* ______________________________________________________________________
The workshop will take place in Ferrara, Italy, September 21-22, 2015
as a workshop of the 14th Conference of the Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2015).
Abstract and paper submission deadline: June 19th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: July 19th, 2015
Early registration: July 31st, 2015
Final version of accepted paper: August 7th, 2015
Workshop days: 21-22 September 2015
Many problems in Artificial Intelligence show an exponential explosion
of the search space. Although stemming from different research areas
in AI, such problems are often addressed with algorithms that have a
common goal: the effective exploration of huge state spaces. Many
algorithms developed in one research area are applicable to other
problems, or can be hybridized with techniques in other areas.
Artificial Intelligence tools often exploit or
hybridize techniques developed by other research communities, such as
Operations Research.
In recent years, research in Artificial Intelligence has more and
more focused on experimental evaluation of algorithms, the
development of suitable methodologies for experimentation and
analysis, the study of languages and the implementation of systems
for the definition and solution of problems.
Scope of the workshop is fostering the cross-fertilization of ideas
stemming from different areas, proposing benchmarks for new
challenging problems, comparing models and algorithms from an
experimental viewpoint, and, in general, comparing different
approaches with respect to efficiency, problem modeling, and ease of
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Experimental evaluation of algorithms for
o knowledge representation
o automated reasoning
o planning
o scheduling
o machine learning
o model checking
o boolean satisfiability (SAT)
o constraint programming
o argumentation
o temporal reasoning
o combinatorial optimization
o quantified boolean formulae and quantified constraints
o modal logics
o logic programming
o answer set programming
o ontological reasoning
* Definition and construction of benchmarks
* Experimentation methodologies
* Metaheuristics
* Algorithm hybridization
* Static analysis of combinatorial problems
* Languages and systems for definition and solution of problems
* Comparisons between systems and algorithms
* Application experiences (visualization, graphics, security,
transports, ...)
* Stefano Bistarelli University of Perugia, Italy
* Andrea Formisano University of Perugia, Italy
* Marco Maratea University of Genova, Italy
University of Ferrara, Italy
Authors are invited to submit either original (full or short) papers,
or papers that appear on conference proceedings.
Publications showing negative results are welcome, provided that the
approach was original and very promising in principle, the
experimentation was well-conducted, the results obtained were
unforeseeable and gave important hints in the comprehension of the
target problem, helping other researchers to avoid unsuccessful paths.
At the time of submission, authors are requested to clearly specify
whether their submission is original or already published.
Workshop submissions must be in PDF format, do not exceed 15 (for full
papers) or 8 (for short papers) pages, and should be written in LaTeX,
using the LNCS style.
RCRA 2015 uses EasyChair for the submission of contributions. Details
will be made available soon.
Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee.
Accepted papers will be published online, as an issue of the CEUR-WS
workshop proceeding series.
Moreover, as in previous editions (http://rcra.aixia.it/publications),
we are considering the possibility of having workshop post-proceedings
appearing in a special issue of an international journal, provided
that a sufficient amount of high quality papers is collected.
* RCRA 2014 as a workshop of SAT 2014, IJCAR 2014 and ICLP 2014,
Vienna, Austria - http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2014
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special issue
of AI Communications
* RCRA 2013, Rome, Italy - http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2013
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special issue
of Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
* RCRA 2012 as a workshop of AI*IA 2012, Rome, Italy -
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special issue
of AI Communications
* RCRA 2011 as a workshop of IJCAI 2011, Barcelona, Spain -
Extended versions of the best papers appear in a special issue of AI
* Previous editions: http://rcra.aixia.it/workshops
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: 9th Rule Challenge, 11th Reasoning Web Summer
School, 5th Doctoral Consortium - Submission Deadline in One Week
Datum: Sat, 16 May 2015 16:22:11 +0200
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: paschke(a)inf.fu-berlin.de
Dear Colleagues,
Submit your rule-based solutions, demos, results and rule bases to the
9th International Rule Challenge and learn more about
"Web Logic Rules" at the 11th Reasoning Web Summer School.Phd students
can also discuss their research at the joint RuleML and
RR Doctoral Consortium.
The open deadlines for your submissions are as follows:
* 9th International Rule Challenge
(http://2015.ruleml.org/challenge.html) – deadline May 23rd
* RuleML Rulebase Competition (http://2015.ruleml.org/challenge.html) –
deadline May 23rd
* Challenge on Recommender Systems for the Web of Data
(http://2015.ruleml.org/recsysrules-2015.html) – deadline May 23rd
* 5th RuleML Doctoral Consortium
(http://2015.ruleml.org/DoctoralConsortium.html) – deadline May 23rd
* 11th Reasoning Web Summer School (http://reasoningweb.org/2015) -
deadline May 26th
* RuleML / RR Poster Session
(http://2015.ruleml.org/poster-session.html) – deadline May 23rd
RuleML 2015 (http://2015.ruleml.org) will be held in Berlin, Germany,
August 2-5, co-located with the Conference on Automated
Deduction (CADE), the Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry
(FOMI), the Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems
(RR) and the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW). The International Web
Rule Symposium (RuleML) has been a leading international
conference on research, applications, languages and standards for rule
technologies. Since 2002 the RuleML event series has
built bridges between academia and industry in the field of rules and
its applications, especially as part of the semantic
technology stack.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin in August!
Website: http://2015.ruleml.org/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RuleML-Group-2190838
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RuleML
Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2015
Blog: http://blog.ruleml.org
Wiki: http://ruleml.org
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Betreff: [AISWorld] FGCS special issue (IF: 2.639): Big Data in the
Cloud due on May 31 2015
Datum: Sat, 16 May 2015 19:19:41 +0000
Von: Chang V.I. <vic1e09(a)soton.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies if you've received from somewhere. Big Data research in the Cloud is expected to be the hottest topic in the next few years. There are papers demonstrating architectures, applications, services, experiments and simulations in the Cloud to support the cases for Big Data adoption. For organizations that adopt Big Data, the boundary between the use of private clouds, public clouds, Internet of Things (IoT) is sometimes very thin to allow better access, performance and efficiency of analyzing the data and understanding the data analysis. A common approach is to develop Big Data in the Cloud to deliver Everything as a Service. While volume, variety, velocity, veracity and value are the major factors in Big Data systems and applications, there are other challenges to be resolved. We classify all the challenges into nine categories and we seek the best papers, demonstrations, recommendations and solutions in the following areas:
1) Techniques, algorithms and innovative methods of processing Big Data in the Cloud (or Big datasets) that achieve performance, accuracy and low-costs.
2) Big Data Design, implementation, evaluation and services in the Cloud, including the development process, use cases, experiments and associated simulations.
3) Systems and applications developed by Big Data and descriptions of how Big Data can be used in multidisciplines such as bioinformatics, finance and education.
4) Big Data services and applications in natural science, weather science, physics and astronomy.
5) Security, privacy, trust, data ownership and risk simulations for Big Data in the Cloud.
6) Business and economic models (quantitative or computational), social network analyses, scientific workflows and business processes related to Big Data in the Cloud.
7) Big Data in the Cloud integrations with other technologies such as SOA, data mining, machine learning, HPC, cloud storage, multi-clouds and internet of things.
8) Big Data analytics and visualization with new algorithms showing how to achieve significant improvements from existing methods in the Cloud.
9) Adoption cases, frameworks and user evaluations involved with quantitative or computational research methods for Big Data in the Cloud.
We seek recommendations and innovative methods that can be successfully delivered to multidisciplines, providing us quality papers centered on Big Data in the Cloud and whose lessons learned will be transferable across disciplines to encourage inter-disciplinary research and funding activities essential for progressive research and development.
Papers will be peer reviewed by independent reviewers and selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the topics of this special issue. The journal editors will make final decisions on the acceptance of the papers. A few best papers from CloudCom 2014 and Enterprise Security 2014 will be invited.
Link: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/future-generation-computer-systems/call-fo…
Submission Guidelines
Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Guide for Authors available from the online submission page of the Future Generation Computer Systems at http://ees.elsevier.com/fgcs/. Authors should select “SI: Big Data in the Cloud” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Tentative schedule
Full manuscript due: May 31, 2015
Notification of the first review process: August 31, 2015
Revision due: November 15, 2015
Final acceptance notification: February 1, 2016
Final manuscript due: March 1, 2016
Publication date: Fall 2016 (Tentative)
Lead guest editor
Dr. Victor Chang
Leeds Beckett University, UK
(If you make an enquiry, please state FGCS SI: Big Data in the Cloud in your email’s subject)
Guest editors
Dr. Muthu Ramachandran
Leeds Beckett University, UK
Dr. Gary Wills
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Robert John Walters
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Chung-Sheng Li
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: IEEE CPSCom 2015 (Cyber, Physical and Social
Computing), Dec 2015, Sydney, Australia
Datum: Sat, 16 May 2015 01:47:50 +1000
Von: Andrew Clashe <andrew.clashe(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers:
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social
Computing (CPSCom 2015), 11-13 Dec. 2015, Sydney, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/cpscom2015/
Key dates:
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2015 (extended, firm)
Notification: September 25, 2015
Final Manuscript Due: October 15, 2015
Submission site: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/cpscom2015/submission.htm
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Special issues:
Distinguished papers will be selected for special issues in Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience; Journal of Network and Computer
Applications, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and IEEE
Transactions on Big Data.
As an emerging cross-disciplinary research area, the Cyber Physical System
(CPS) is attracting attention worldwide. A Cyber-Physical System is a
system featuring a combination of computational and physical elements, all
of which are capable of interacting, reflecting and influencing each other.
Furthermore, social systems are evolving with cyber systems and physical
systems along with the popularity of online social networking. With the
advent of ubiquitous sensing and networking, future social networks turn
into cyber-physical interactions, which are attached with associated social
The emergence of the cyber-physical-social computing will significantly
change the way we see the world. In the mean time, the convergence of the
physical, cyber, and social spaces will exhibit a variety of complicated
characteristics, which brings more open issues and challenges for research
*Scope and Topics*
*A. Networks and Networked Systems* where intelligent entities exchange
information to achieve improved overall performance for both cyber and
physical components. Particular areas of interests include:
• sensor, vehicular, robot, camera, aerial and social smartphone networks
• wireless networking technologies and autonomous ad hoc networks
• internet of things and machine-to-machine communications
• networked infrastructure management with applications such as smart power
grids and transportation systems
• network enabled computation, coordination, and actuation
• scalability of complex networks
*B. Modelling and Control* where mathematical and computational methods are
developed and applied to facilitate innovative design, in-depth analysis,
and novel insights of the fundamental principles.
Particular areas of interests include:
• control theory with a clear cyber-physical tone such as networked
control, distributed optimization, and distributed learning
• autonomy with applications in mobile sensor networks, internet connected
cars, etc.
• modelling of tightly integrated physical processes, software, computation
platforms, and networks
*C. Data Management *where novel methods are developed to reliably gather,
store, transfer, and analyse large amount of data and dataflow.
Particular areas of interests include:
• data management and processing (e.g. big data, cloud computing)
• location and tracking based services
• smart cameras and computer vision based context management
• web of things.
*D. Software and Hardware* where novel designs and implementations of
test-beds, platforms, and software will significantly improve the speed,
efficiency, and reliability of next generation CPS. Particular areas of
interests include:
• embedded systems applications (pervasive computing, real-time control
• resource-constrained systems (low power, energizing, device
• standards and middleware.
*E. Other Emerging Areas *where new challenges, new ideas, and new
principles are shaping. For example,
• incentive, security, trust, and privacy issues in CPS
• smart living technologies such as smart city, smart home and office,
wearable devices, learning devices, etc.
• social M2M networks, social impact of CPS, creative aspects.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of the
corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main conference,
including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template files for
LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions must represent
original and unpublished work. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at
least three program committee members. Submission of a paper should be
regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one
of the authors will register for the conference and present the work.
Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the submission site:
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference
Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted papers, or at
least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from the digital
libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Distinguished papers presented at the conference, after further revision,
will be published in special issues of Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience; Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
General Chairs
Mo El-Hawary, Dalhousie University, Canada
Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
General Co-Chairs
Jianmin Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Zhiwen Yu, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Ruppa (Tulsi) Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada
Program Chairs
Wookey Lee, Inha University, Korea
Xun Yi, RMIT, Australia
Marco D. Santambrogio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Steering Committee
Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, China (Chair)
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan (Chair)
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Feng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, China
Wei Li, Beihang University, China
Marco D. Santambrogio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Huansheng Ning, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Lu Liu, University of Derby, UK
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] IEEE ISI 2015 Final Call for Participation
Datum: Fri, 15 May 2015 10:30:35 -0400
Von: zhoul(a)umbc.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call For Participation
2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security
Informatics (ISI 2015)
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
May 27 - 29, 2015
Website: http://2015.ieee-isi.org
You are invited to participate in the 2015 IEEE International Conference
on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). ISI research is an
interdisciplinary research field covering information technologies,
computer science, public policy, bioinformatics, and social and behavior
studies. This year's theme is: Securing the World through an Alignment of
Technology, Intelligence, Humans and Organizations
Over the past 12 years, IEEE ISI has evolved from its traditional
orientation of intelligence and security domain towards a more integrated
alignment of multiple domains, including technology, humans, organization,
and security. The conference will address the need of the ISI community by
understanding the interrelationships between these different components,
and by integrating recent advances from different domains in addressing
intelligence and security threats.
* Keynote speakers
- Mark E. Segal, National Security Agency
- Jeremy Epstein, National Science Foundation
- Jay F. Nunamaker, University of Arizona
- Donna Dodson, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Dr. Alan Sherman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
* Panel session on Privacy and Security Challenges in Modern IoT Systems
* Invited speakers
- Donald Norris, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Adam J. Aviv, United States Naval Academy
* Parallel sessions of quality paper presentations organized in four tracks:
- Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics
- Security Infrastructure and Tools
- Human Behavior in the Security Applications
- Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism
or Security Protection
We have also negotiated a very attractive hotel rate ($150/night + tax),
which is expiring soon. Look forward to meeting you in Baltimore, MD!
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: 2nd Int. Wkshp on Concept. Modeling in
Requirements and Bus. Analysis (MREBA), with ER15
Datum: Wed, 13 May 2015 19:41:48 +0200
Von: Jennifer Horkoff <jenhork(a)cs.utoronto.ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Deadline approaching*
Second International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling in Requirements and
Business Analysis (MReBA)
Formerly "Requirements, Intentions, and Goals in Conceptual Modeling"
in Conjunction with the 34th International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling (ER'15)
Stockholm, Sweden
October 19-22th, 2014
Paper Submission May 30th, 2015
Notification June 19th, 2015
Camera Ready July 3rd, 2015
Requirements Engineering (RE) aims at capturing desired system
functionality and qualities. Though often specified in natural language,
such information is also captured in conceptual models for sharing a
collaborative perception of requirements, to facilitate analysis, and to
transform into architecture design and code.
In practice, requirements activities often fall under the heading of
Business Analysis (BA), determining how a business can make use of
technology in order to improve its operations, meet targets, and thrive in
a competitive economy. Use of models in this context allows for an
explicit consideration of business strategy, including operationalization
of strategies in terms of system requirements.
The MReBA workshop arises from a revitalization of the RIGiM
(Requirements, Intentions, and Goals in Conceptual Modeling) workshop
series. MReBA aims to provide a forum for discussing the interplay between
Requirements Engineering and conceptual modeling, and in particular how
requirements modeling can be effectively used as part of business analysis.
Submissions should address the relation between Requirements Engineering
and/or Business Analysis and conceptual modelling on the selected topic.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Modelling for Business Analysis and Business Intelligence
- Motivations/Intentions as part of Enterprise Modelling
- Goal-based Business Process Modelling
- Modeling for Enterprise Architecture
- Modelling for process (re-)engineering or selection
- Modelling and analysis of distributed systems
- Modelling for Knowledge Management/Acquisition/Sharing
- Modelling as part of collaborative RE/BA
- Goal/Intention-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE)
- Ontological perspectives on RE/BA models
- RE/BA language interoperability, integration, transformation
- Capturing laws, regulation, and compliance
- Industrial or systems requirements modeling
- Dealing with model uncertainty
- Visual notation for RE/BA models
- Analysis and reasoning, including decision support
- Modelling security, privacy, risk, and safety
- Capturing prioritization, customization and preferences
- Modelling methodologies, processes, and methods
- RE/BA model scalability, complexity, and modularity
- Model feedback and validation
- Industrial experiences and empirical studies related to RE/BA modelling
We aim for a highly interactive forum with an emphasis on discussion.
The working language is English.
Workshop proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS
series. Thus, authors must submit manuscripts using the Springer-Verlag
LNCS style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. See
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for style files and details.
We solicit three types of papers: full papers (10 pages max), including
technical papers and empirical evaluations (case studies, experience
reports, surveys); position or vision papers (6 pages max); and industrial
problem statements (6 pages max).
Submission via easychair:
Jennifer Horkoff, University of Trento, Italy
Renata Guizzardi, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
Colette Rolland, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Canada
Thomas Alspaugh, University of California, Irvine, USA
Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa, Canada
Claudia Cappelli, NP2TEC/Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
Jaelson Castro,Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Sergio España, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia
Aneesh Krishna, Curtin University, Australia
Paul Johannesson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Gustaf Juell-Skielse, Stockholm University, Sweden
Ivan Jureta, University of Namur, Belgium
Sotirios Liaskos, York University, Canada
Lin Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Lidia Lopez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Pericles Loucopoulos, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Bizzdesign, The Netherlands
Andreas Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway
Anna Perini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Jolita Ralyté, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Bill Robinson, Georgia State University, USA
Samira Si-Said Cherfi, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Vitor Souza, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Sam Supakkul, Sabre Travel Network, USA
Lucineia Thom, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, Netherlands
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