-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP - 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data
and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec'14)
Datum: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:15:56 +0100
Von: <johannes.saenger(a)wiwi.uni-regensburg.de>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security
and Privacy (DBSec'14)
Vienna Technical University, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2014
The 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications
Security and Privacy provides a forum for presenting original unpublished
research results, practical experiences, and innovative ideas in data and
applications security and privacy. Papers and panel proposals are also
Papers may present theory, techniques, applications, or practical experience on
topics of relevance to IFIP WG 11.3:
- access control
- anonymity
- applied cryptography in data security
- authentication
- crowdsourcing for privacy and security
- data and system integrity
- data protection
- database security
- digital rights management
- identity management
- knowledge discovery and privacy
- methodologies for data and application security and privacy
- network security
- organizational security
- privacy
- secure cloud computing
- secure distributed systems
- secure information integration
- secure Web services
- security and privacy in IT outsourcing
- security and privacy in location-based services
- security and privacy in P2P scenarios and social networks
- security and privacy in pervasive/ubiquitous computing
- security and privacy policies
- security management
- security metrics
- threats, vulnerabilities, and risk management
- trust and reputation systems
- trust management
- wireless and mobile security
Additional topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Critical Infrastructure Protection, Cyber Terrorism, Information Warfare,
Database Forensics, Electronic Commerce Security, and Security in Digital
Health Care.
Paper submissions
Authors are invited to submit their contributions electronically through the
conference web site at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dbsec2014.
Submission must be in the form of a PDF file. Manuscripts must be in English,
typed in 11-point font, and must not be more than 16 pages long. Manuscripts
must have a cover page with title, names and addresses (including e-mail
address) of authors, an abstract, and a set of keywords. At least one author of
each accepted paper is required to register with the conference and present the
paper. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
(published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series). The
final copy of a paper must be laid out according to the Camera Ready Copy
format required by Springer. Author instructions can be found at
Duplicate Submission Policy
A submitted paper must not be under review for inclusion in any other
conference or journal, and must be substantially different from previously
published work. Duplicate submissions will be automatically rejected and
without review.
Panel proposals
Proposals for panels should be e-mailed to the PC chairs
(atluri(a)andromeda.rutgers.edu) and
guenther.pernul(a)wiwi.uni-regensburg.de). Proposals should include a one-page
description of the subject matter, the name and address (including e-mail
address) of the organizer, and a list of proposed panelists.
There will be an award for the best paper and for the best student paper. To
be eligible as a student paper, a paper must have a student as first author.
Important dates
Paper submission due: February 28, 2014
Notification to authors: April 21, 2014
Camera ready due: April 30, 2014
Conference Organization
General Chairs:
Pierangela Samarati, Universita degli Studi di Milano Edgar Weippl, SBA
Research, Vienna University of Technology
Program Committee Chairs:
Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University
Guenther Pernul, Universität Regensburg
IFIP WG 11.3 Chair:
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Publicity Chair:
Giovanni Livraga, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Local Arrangement Chair:
Yvonne Poul, SBA Research, Vienna University of Technology
Program Committee
Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University
Claudio Agostino Ardagna, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano Joachim Biskup,
Technische Universität Dortmund Marina Blanton, University of Notre Dame David
Chadwick, University of Kent Soon Ae Chun, CUNY Frédéric Cuppens, Telecom
Bretagne Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Telecom Bretagne Sabrina De Capitani Di
Vimercati, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano Josep Domingo-Ferrer,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili Eduardo B. Fernandez, Florida Atlantic University
Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University Sara Foresti, Universita` degli
Studi di Milano Ehud Gudes, Ben-Gurion University Ragib Hasan, University of
Alabama at Birmingham Yuan Hong, University at Albany, SUNY Sushil Jajodia,
George Mason University Sokratis Katsikas, University of Piraeus Adam J. Lee,
University of Pittsburgh Haibing Lu, Rutgers University Emil Lupu, Imperial
College Martin Olivier, ICSA, University of Pretoria Sylvia Osborn, The
University of Western Ontaro Stefano Paraboschi, Universita di Bergamo Indrajit
Ray, Colorado State University Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University Kui
Ren, State University of New York at Buffalo Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University
Pierangela Samarati, Universita` degli Studi di Milano Andreas Schaad, SAP AG
Basit Shafiq, Rutgers University, CIMIC Heechang Shin, Iona College Shamik
Sural, IIT, Kharagpur Traian Marius Truta, Northern Kentucky University Jaideep
Vaidya, Rutgers University Lingyu Wang, Concordia University Meng Yu, Virginia
Commonwealth University Zutao Zhu, Google Inc.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP TrustBus 2014 - 11th International Conference on
Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business
Datum: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:17:22 +0100
Von: <johannes.saenger(a)wiwi.uni-regensburg.de>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Call for Papers - TrustBus '14
11th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business
- TrustBus 2014 (http://www.dexa.org/trustbus2014)
Munich, Germany
September 1 - 5, 2014
The advances in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have
raised new opportunities for the implementation of novel applications and the
provision of high quality services over global networks. The aim is to utilize
this ‘information society era’ for improving the quality of life for all
citizens, disseminating knowledge, strengthening social cohesion, generating
earnings and finally ensuring that organizations and public bodies remain
competitive in the global electronic marketplace.
Unfortunately, such a rapid technological evolution cannot be problem free.
Concerns are raised regarding the ‘lack of trust’ in electronic procedures
and the extent to which ‘information security’ and ‘user privacy’ can
be ensured.
In answer to these concerns, the 11th International Conference on Trust,
Privacy and Security in Digital Business (TrustBus’14) will provide an
international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange information
regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of trust, security
and privacy in digital business.
TrustBus’14 will bring together researchers from different disciplines,
developers, and users all interested in the critical success factors of digital
business systems. We are interested in papers, work-in-progress reports, and
industrial experiences describing advances in all areas of digital business
applications related to trust and privacy, including, but not limited to:
- Anonymity and pseudonymity in business transactions
- Delivery technologies and scheduling protocols
- Economics of Information Systems Security
- Enterprise management and consumer protection
- Intellectual property and digital rights management
- Languages for description of services and contracts
- Models for access control and authentication
- New cryptographic building-blocks for e-business applications
- P2P transactions and scenarios
- Reliability and security of content and data
- Reputation in services provision
- Security and Privacy models for Pervasive Information Systems
- Shopping, trading, and contract management tools
- Transactional Models
- Usability of security technologies and services
- Business architectures and underlying infrastructures
- Common practice, legal and regulatory issues
- Cryptographic protocols
- Design of businesses models with security requirements
- Electronic cash, wallets and pay-per-view systems
- Identity and Trust Management
- Intrusion detection and information filtering
- Management of privacy & confidentiality
- Multimedia web services
- Online transaction processing
- Public administration, governmental services
- Real-time Internet E-Services
- Reliable auction, e-procurement and negotiation technology
- Secure process integration and management
- Security Policies
- Smartcard technology
- Trust and privacy issues in mobile commerce environments
- Trust and Big Data
Submission of full papers: March 14, 2014 Notification of acceptance: May 15,
2014 Camera-ready copies due: June 10, 2014
Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published nor
submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or
journal. Papers should be limited to 12 pages of 11pt type including title
page, figures and bibliography. To submit a paper to TrustBus’2014 please use
the DEXA Conf Driver Conference Management System.
A special session devoted to results of EU funded R&D projects is also being
Accepted papers will be included in the Conference proceedings, to be published
by Springer in their LNCS series. Camera-ready versions of the papers should
not exceed 12 pages and must comply with the “Authors Instructions” that
can be found at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Selected papers from the conference may be invited for publication in extended
form in a special issue of a journal.
For further inquiries, please contact one of the program committee chairs at
ska(-at-)unipi(-dot-)gr or guenther.pernul(-at-)wiwi.uni-regensburg(-dot-)de.
General Chairpersons:
Claudia Eckert, Technical University of Munich, Fraunhofer Research Institution
for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC), Germany
Conference Program Chairpersons:
Sokratis K.Katsikas, University of Piraeus, Deptartment of Digital Systems, and
National Council of Education, Greece Günther Pernul, University of
Regensburg, Department of Information Systems, and Bayerischer
Forschungsverbund FORSEC, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd Call for Papers ER 2014 - 33rd International
Conference on Conceptual Modeling
Datum: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 07:16:15 +0000
Von: Rossi Matti <matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi>
An: Isworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
* Call for Papers *
Apologies for cross posting!
33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
Last Week of October in Atlanta, GA, USA.
* Important Due Date: Paper Submissions Due 5 March 2014
* Conference information at http:2014.erconference.org
* Conference Scope
The International Conference on Conceptual Modeling is the leading
international forum for presenting and discussing current research on
conceptual modeling for computer-supported and networked applications.
The topics of interest span the entire spectrum of conceptual modeling
including research and practice in areas such as: theories of concepts
underlying conceptual modeling, methods and tools for developing and
communicating conceptual models, techniques for transforming conceptual
models into effective implementations, and the impact of conceptual
modeling techniques on databases, business strategies and information
systems development.
* Topics of Interest
We solicit submission of original research, as well as experience and
vision papers, from both researchers and practitioners, welcoming any
topic where conceptual modeling is a major theme. We specifically
encourage submissions on the application and role of conceptual modeling
techniques in new and emerging areas such as large data repositories,
enterprise architecture, cloud computing, social media, networks and
social networks. Specific examples of topics of interest include, but
are not limited to, conceptual modeling as applied to:
Foundations and Concept Formalization
Enterprise Business Models
Big Data and Business Intelligence
Modeling for Semantic Web and Cloud Computing
Conceptual modeling for Enterprise Architecture
Modeling Service-Oriented Architectures
Schema Evolution and Management of Database Constraints
Spatial, Temporal, and Multimedia Aspects in Conceptual Models
Quality and Metrics of Conceptual Models
Empirical Studies of Conceptual Modeling
Ontology Modeling and Deployment
Business Process Modeling and Execution
Information Retrieval, Filtering, Classification, Summarization,
and Visualization
Data warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
Applications to bioinformatics, cyber security, and privacy
Development and Management of Conceptual Models for Big Data
Integration of Conceptual Models and Database Schemas
Semi-structured Data and XML
Methodologies and Tools for Conceptual Design
Requirements Engineering
Reuse, Patterns, and Object-Oriented Design
Reverse Engineering and Roundtrip Engineering
Metadata and Applications
Data Semantics and Integrity Constraints
Advanced Applications of Conceptual Models
Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Conceptual Models
Modeling and Design of Web Information Systems
* Conference Location
The conference will be held in Atlanta, GA. Atlanta is an important and
historic city with a metropolitan population in excess of 3 million. It
was the host city for Olympics 1996. Formed by the juncture of major
east-west and north-south railroads, it is now a major intersection of
media and internet highways. The Downtown, marked by Atlanta
Underground, traces a rich history, memorialized in the movie Å?Gone
with the Wind.¹ The city was home to Martin Luther King whose presence
in the late 20th Century galvanized the country. Today, Atlanta is home
to many major corporations including CNN, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines,
Georgia-Pacific, Home Depot, UPS and TNT among others. Atlanta is also
known for several quaint neighborhoods such as Midtown, Buckhead, Little
Five Points and others that can provide the attendees a diverse set of
opportunities to participate in the life of this exciting modern city.
* Important Dates
Paper abstract submission: 5 March 2014
Full paper submission: 19 March 2014
Paper notification: 14 May 2014
Camera-ready paper submission: 11 June 2014
Author registration: 25 June 2014
* Submission Guidelines
The page limit for submissions, as well as for camera-ready papers, is
14. Manuscripts that do not follow the LNCS style or exceed the page
limit will not be reviewed and automatically rejected. Prepare
manuscripts using Springer LNCS style:
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. For the papers submitted
to ER 2014, the authors must ensure that (1) the submissions demonstrate
awareness of the state-of-the-art literature in conceptual modeling, (2)
the paper has not been published elsewhere, (3) the paper is not under
review or will not be submitted to another conference or journal while
it is being considered for ER 2014, and (4) if accepted, the authors
will present the paper at the conference.
* Submission Instructions
Submissions to ER 2014 will be electronically managed via EasyChair.
Authors are asked to submit an abstract before uploading the paper.
Submission page: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=er2014.
* ER 2014 Awards and Special Issue
The papers accepted for ER 2014 conference will be eligible for two
possible awards:
Best Student Paper Award: to be given to the best student paper.
Best Paper Award: to be given to the best conference paper.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version
to a special issue of a journal.
* Conference Organization
** Honorary Chairs
Stuart Madnick, MIT (USA)
Collette Roland, Sorbonne (France)
** Program Committee Chairs
Gillian Dobbie, Auckland (New Zealand)
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen (Germany)
Eric Yu, Toronto (Canada)
** Local Arrangements Chair
Richard Welke, Georgia State (USA)
** Publicity Chair
Matti Rossi, Aalto (Finland)
** General Chair
Sandeep Purao, Penn State (USA)
Email: spurao(a)ist.psu.edu <mailto:spurao@ist.psu.edu>
* More Information at http://2014.erconference.org
Matti Rossi
Professor of Information Systems Science
Aalto University School of Business
Department of Information and Service Economy
P.O. Box 21220 Chydenia (Runeberginkatu 22-24)
FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
email: matti.rossi(a)aalto.fi <mailto:matti.rossi@aalto.fi>
Mobile: +358-50-3835503
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Submission Deadline - Feb 24, 2014: IEEE BigData
2014, Anchorage, Alaska
Datum: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 07:48:31 +0100 (CET)
Von: Federica Paci <paci(a)disi.unitn.it>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
***** News about BigData 2014 *****
# All Submission Deadlines (Research Track, Industry Track,
Work-In-Progress Track and Satellite Sessions) are extended to February
24, 2014!
Due to the extended submission deadline of our sister conferences and
numerous requests from the community members, the organizing committee has
decided to extend the submission deadline to February 24, 2014.
# The IEEE BigData 2014 Satellite Sessions will be held at Mexico City,
Coimbra, Taipei, Shenzhen and Vancouver in May-June 2014. Please check the
details at:
Call For Papers: The IEEE 2014 3rd International Congress on Big Data
(BigData 2014)
June 27- July 2, 2014, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
URL: http://www.ieeebigdata.org/2014/
BigData 2014 organizing committee invites you to participate in the 3rd
edition of BigData, to be held on June 27 - July 2, 2014, Anchorage,
Alaska, USA
BigData 2014 will be co-located with the following service-oriented sister
conferences: the 7th IEEE 2014 International Conference on Cloud Computing
(CLOUD 2014), the 11th IEEE 2014 International Conference on Services
Computing (SCC 2014), the 21th IEEE International Conference on Web
Services (ICWS 2014), and the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile
Services (MS 2014). These co-located theme topic conferences will all
center around "services," while each focusing on exploring different
aspects (web-based services, cloud-based services, business services,
mobile services, and Big Data services).
The technical program of BigData 2014 will include a research track, an
industry and application track, and a work-in-progress track. The tracks
will highlight foundational work that strives to push beyond the limits of
existing services economics platforms and products, including experimental
efforts, innovative systems and investigations that identify weaknesses in
the existing services economics models.
The BigData 2014 tracks seek original, UNPUBLISHED research papers
reporting substantive new work in various economic aspects of delivering
services. Research track papers MUST clearly indicate their contributions
to the field and properly cite related work in the field, such as those
published in the proceedings of ICWS, SCC, CLOUD, SERVICES, APSCC, ECOWS,
MS, and related journals including TSC, JWSR, and IJBPIM.
Major topics include but not limited to the following:
- Big Data Models and Algorithms
- Foundational Models for Big Data
- Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing
- Big Data Analytics and Metrics
- Representation Formats for Multimedia Big Data
- Big Data Architectures
- Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
- Big Data as a Service
- Big Data Open Platforms
- Big Data in Mobile and Pervasive Computing
- Big Data Management
- Big Data Persistence and Preservation
- Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
- Management Issues of Social Network Big Data
- Big Data Protection, Integrity and Privacy
- Models and Languages for Big Data Protection
- Privacy Preserving Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Encryption
- Security Applications of Big Data
- Anomaly Detection in Very Large Scale Systems
- Collaborative Threat Detection using Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Search and Mining
- Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
- Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
- Machine learning based on Big Data
- Visualization Analytics for Big Data
- Big Data for Enterprise, Government and Society
- Big Data Economics
- Real-life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics
- Big Data for Business Model Innovation
- Big Data Toolkits
- Big Data in Business Performance Management
- SME-centric Big Data Analytics
- Big Data for Vertical Industries (including Government, Healthcare, and
- Scientific Applications of Big Data
- Large-scale Social Media and Recommendation Systems
- Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments
- Big Data in Enterprise Management Models and Practices
- Big Data in Government Management Models and Practices
- Big Data in Smart Planet Solutions
- Big Data for Enterprise Transformation
BigData Organizing Committee 2014
General Chairs
Paul Hofmann, Saffron Technology, USA
Ming-Chien Shan, SAP Research, USA
Wu Chou, Huawei IT Lab, Huawei, USA
Program Chairs
Peter Chen, Carnegie Mellon University & Louisana State University, USA
Hemant Jain, University of WisconsinñMilwaukee, USA
Application and Industry Track Chairs
Carminati Barbara, University of Insubria, Italy
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Chi-Hung Chi, CSIRO, Australia
Work-in-Progress Track Chairs
Wei Tan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
BigData Secretariat Contact
Suzanne McIntosh, Cloudera Inc. and New York University, USA
Plenary Poster Chairs
Pedro Furtado, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Georgia M. Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Ph.D. Symposium Chair
Aditya K. Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia
Registration Chair
Qun Zhou, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Industry Summit Chairs
Shiping Chen, CSIRO, Australia
Eric Wohlstadter, University of British Columbia, Canada
Publicity Chairs
Nuno Laranjeiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Zibin Zheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jian Wang, Wuhan University, China
Federica Paci, University of Trento, Italy
Tutorial Chairs
Incheon Paik, University of Aizu, Japan
Raymond Wong, University of New South Wales, Australia
Panel Chairs
Louise Moser, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Tony Shan, CTS, USA
Workshop Coordinating Chairs
Rami Bahsoon, The University of Birmingham, UK
Andreas Wombacher, Nspyre, The Netherlands
Services Education Methodology Summit Chairs
Andrzej M Goscinski, Deakin University, Australia
Michael R. Lyu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Services CUP Chairs
Yuhong Yan, Concordia University, Canada
Artem Chebotko, University of Texas - Pan American, USA
Innovation Show Case Chair
Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, Japan
Career Development Chair
Nianjun (Joe) Zhou, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Chair of Big Data Hackonson
Xuanzhe Liu, Peking University, China
Technical Program Committee
Du li, Ericsson, USA
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Sergei Vassilvitskii, Google Research, USA
Poess Meikel, Oracle, USA
Maja Vukovic, IBM T. J. Research Center, USA
Yuan Chi Chang, IBM T. J. Research Center, USA
Fatma Ozcan, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Charles (Chang-shing) Perng, IBM T. J. Research Center, USA
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Philip Carns, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Andy Twigg, Oxford University, UK
Florin Rusu, University of California, Merced, USA
Xiaoyong Du, Renmin University of China, China
Zhanhuai Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Weining Qian, East China Normal University, China
Ge Yu, Northeastern University, China
Guoren Wang, Northeat University, China
Jianhua Feng, Tsinghua University, China
Jian Yin, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Kun Yue, Yunnan University, China
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Yokota Haruo, Tokyo Institute University, Japan
Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
Jeffrey Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Xuemin Li, University of New South Wales, Australia
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia
Ee-ping Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Kyu-Young Whang, KAIST, Korea
Shel Finkelstein, SAP, USA
Hesham Hallal, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Rajdeep Bhomwik, CISCO, USA
Aziz Bouras, University of Lyon, France
Vasant Honavar, NSF and Iowa State University, USA
Srividya Kona, Arizona State University, USA
Bhuvan Bamba, Oracle, USA
Maria Ebling, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Gong Zhang, Oracle Labs, USA
Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany
Marcello Leida, EBTIC, UAE
Irene Vanderfeesten, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Haytham ElGhazel, Polytech Lyon, France
Michiharu Kudo, IBM Tokyo Research Lab, Japan
Lionel Brunie, INSA-Lyon, France
Philippe Cudre-Maroux, MIT-CSAIL, USA
Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
Rainer Stotzka, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Suzanne McIntosh, Cloudera Inc. and New York University, USA
Hoang Tam Vo, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Noman Mohammed, McGrill University, Canada
Jarek Szlichta, University of Toronto, Canada
Tilmann Rabl, University of Toronto, Canada
Markus Kirchberg, VISA Inc. and National University of Singapore
Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA
Satyendra Rana, Wayne State University, USA
Luis M. Vaquero, HP Lab, USA
Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
Zaiwen Feng, Wuhan University, China
Quoc-Trung Tran, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Rajdeep Bhowmik, Binghamton University, USA
Geetika Lakshmanan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Pierre Sutra, UniversitÈ de Neuch?tel, Switzerland
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Calabria, Italy
Jia Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University - Silicon Valley, USA
Aoying Zhou, China East Normal University, China
Ali Mohamed Jaoua, Qatar University, Qatar
Bhekisipho Twala, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Albert Lam, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
ZhiHui Lu, Fudan University, China
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Arvind Agarwal, Xerox Research Center Webster, USA
Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
Alberto Laender, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Alexandros Ntoulas, Microsoft Research, USA
Anastasios Gounaris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Anastasios Kementsietsidis, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Andrew Patrick, Carleton University, Canada
Antonio Badia, University of Louisville, USA
Arvind Agarwal, Xerox Research Center, USA
Bahman Javadi, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Calton Pu, Georgia Tech, USA
Chengkai Li, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Chitra Dorai, IBM Research, USA
Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland
Edgar Meij, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Frans Coenen, University of Liverpool, UK
Frederic Desprez, INRIA, France
Geetika T. Lakshmanan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Gregory Chockler, University of London, UK
Gueyoung Jung, Xerox Research, USA
Gustavo Batista, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hatem Ltaief, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
James Cheney, University of Edinburgh, UK
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jian-Yun Nie, Univeristy of Montreal, Canada
Kenneth Chiu, SUNY Binghamton, USA
Kristian Kersting, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Latifur Khan, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Leong Hou U, University of Macau, Macau
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Martin Herbordt, Boston University, USA
Matteo Maffei, Saarland University, Germany
Mong-Li Lee, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mustafa Canim, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, USA
Paul Lu, University of Alberta, Canada
Paul McNamee, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Salvatore Orlando, Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Italy
Sascha Fahl, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Saurabh Kataria, Xerox, USA
Shantenu Jha, Rutgers and Lousiana State University, USA
Taneli Mielikainen, Nokia Research Center, USA
Theodore Johnson, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Tin Kam Ho, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Valentina Emilia Balas, University ìAurel Vlaicuî Arad, Russia
Venkat Gudivada, Marshall University, USA
Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Wenwey Hseush, eBizprise, Taiwan
Wolfgang E. Nagel, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
Xuewen Chen, University of Kansas, USA
Adrien LËbre, INRIA, France
Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento, Italy
Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin, Ireland
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria, Italy
Amy Apon, Clemson University, USA
Anant Grama, Purdue University, USA
Andras A. Benczur, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, IBM Research-Ireland, Ireland
Bernd Freisleben, Philipps-Universit?t Marburg, Germany
Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Bradley Malin, Vanderbilt University, USA
C. Lee Giles, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Carlos Castillo, Yahoo! Research, USA
Cuiping Li, Renmin University of China, China
Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, China
David Kaeli, Northeastern University, USA
Dong Li, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Elizabeth Liddy, University of Syracuse, USA
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University, USA
Gemma C. Garriga, INRIA Lille Nord Europe, France
Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University, USA
Guozhu Dong, Wright State University, USA
H. Howie Huang, George Washington University, USA
Haifeng Chen, NEC Labs, USA
Haimonti Dutta, Columbia University, USA
Haopeng Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Harald Gjermundrod, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Hasan Jamil, University of Idaho, USA
Ilkay Altintas, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
J.P. Martin-Flatin, EPFL, Switzerland
Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
James Cheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jiayu Zhou, Arizona State University, USA
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Johannes Furnkranz, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Jun Huan, University of Kansas, USA
K. Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University, USA
Karl Fuerlinger, LMU Munich, Germany
Kartik Gopalan, Binghamton University, USA
Keke Chen, Wright State University, USA
Lijun Chang, University of New South Wales, Australia
Malolan Chetlur, IBM Research, India
Marios Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Martin Berzins, University of Utah, USA
Martin Kersten, CWI, The Netherlands
Minos Garofalakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Mohammad Al Hasan, Indiana University-Purdue University, USA
Ningfang Mi, Northeastern University, China
Noel De Palma, University Joseph Fourier, France
Nour Ali, University of Brighton, UK
Olfa Nasraoui, University of Louisville, USA
Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Qiong Luo, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Rajdeep Bhowmik, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA
Rong Ge, Marquette University, USA
Sanjay Madria, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
Satoshi Matsuoaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Sergio Maffeis, Imperial College London, UK
Shuai Ding, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Tao Li, Florida International University, USA
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany
Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Wang-Chien Lee, Penn State University, USA
Wolfgang Nejdl, Institut Verteilte Systeme, Germany
Wu-Chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
Xian-Sheng Hua, Microsoft, USA
Xiaoning Ding, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Xumin Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Yan Bai, University of Washington Tacoma, USA
Yi Fang, Santa Clara University, USA
Yiping Ke, Institute of High Performance Computing A*Star, Singapore
Yong Chen, Texas Tech University, USA
Yuqing Gao, BM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Zhiqiang Lin, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Kamen Kanev, Shizuoka University, Japan
Gabriel Antoniu, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Center, France
Ali Butt, Virginia Tech, USA
Aris Anagnostopoulos, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Christof Bornhoevd, SAP, USA
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO, Australia
Harald Kornmayer, DHBW Mannheim, Germany
Rafal Angryk, Georgia State University, USA
Sven Dietrich, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Roy Campbell, Univeristy of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA
Claudio Silva, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, USA
Neil Chue Hong, University of Edinburgh, UK
Kwan Liu Ma, University of California, Davis, USA
Robert van Engelen, Florida State University, USA
Eric Chen, NTT Innovation Institute Inc, USA
Vana Kalogeraki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Tomaz Logar, UN Global Pulse, USA
Philip K. Chan, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Rui Zhang, IBM Research - Almaden, USA
Melanie Herschel, Universite de Paris Sud, France
Advisory Committee Members
Sorel Reisman, California State University Fullerton, USA
Cesar Gonzales, Independent Consultant, USA
Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, USA
J. Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Junliang Chen, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Steering Committee Members
Ephraim Feig, Independent Consultant, USA
Liang-Jie Zhang, Kingdee International Software Group CO.,Ltd, China (Chair)
Hemant Jain, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jeffrey Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Carl Chang, Iowa State University, USA
Important Dates:
Research Track:
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Full Paper Submission Due Date: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Decision Notification (Electronic): March 15, 2014
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: March 31, 2014
Industry & Application Track:
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Full Paper Submission Due Date: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Decision Notification (Electronic): March 15, 2014
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: March 31, 2014
Work-in-Progress Track:
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Full Paper Submission Due Date: February 24, 2014 EXTENDED!
Decision Notification (Electronic): March 15, 2014
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: March 31, 2014
Contact Information
If you have any questions or queries on BigData 2014, please send email to
BigData DOT ieeecs AT gmail.com.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ICWE 2014: last days for submission
Datum: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:20:15 +0100
Von: Sven Casteleyn <sven.casteleyn(a)upv.es>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
**** EXTENDED DEADLINE: last days for **abstract** submission - deadline
21/02/2014 - last call ****
**** Best papers to be published in an ISI-indexed journal ****
*ICWE 2014 - 14th International Conference on Web Engineering*
/"Engineering the Web for users, developers and the crowd"/
*Toulouse, France* |* July 1-4 2014* - http://icwe2014.webengineering.org/
(call for research papers, industrial papers and late breaking results)
***Abstract submission:* February 21, 2014* (EXTENDED - HARD deadline)
(23h59 Hawaii Time)
* Full paper submission:* February 25, 2014* (EXTENDED - HARD deadline)
(23h59 Hawaii Time)
* Paper notification:* March 28, 2014*
ICWE aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from various
disciplines in academia and industry to tackle the emerging challenges
in the engineering of Web applications and in the problems of its
associated technologies, as well as the impact of those technologies on
society and culture. The 14th edition of ICWE is centered around the
theme of ?/Engineering the Web for users, developers and the crowd/?,
hereby highlighting the importance of all the different people that,
somehow, participate in the development process of interactive Web
applications and, ultimately, becomes the actors and the main users of
the best practices and results of the research performed in the domain
of the Web Engineering.
ICWE 2014 is innovating with the introduction of six major research
tracks: cross-media and mobile applications, HCI and the Web, modelling
and engineering web applications, quality aspects of Web applications,
social web applications, and Web applications composition and mashups.
In addition to the six research tracks, ICWE 2014 also welcomes
contributions as demos and posters, student papers to the PhD Symposium,
tutorials and workshops, which will be subject of individual calls for
papers. The conference will be held at Toulouse, France Toulouse which
is the 3rd university city of France and it hosts one of the oldest in
Europe (founded in 1229). Further information on the web
This call is concerned by research and industrial contributions in one
of the following categories:
* Full research papers: mature, original research contribution ideally
accompanied with some type of formal/empirical validation, evidence of
use in practice and/or demonstration of scalability (18 pages)
* Industrial papers: description of commercial solutions that are highly
innovative, discuss trends in the market and/or challenge the community
to find solutions to new problems (18 pages)
* Late breaking results: description of preliminary results and/or
ongoing efforts that present new ideas and concepts. (10 pages)
Accepted contributions will be included into the ICWE 2014 Springer LNCS
*ICWE 2014 RESEARCH TRACKS * (further details at
* *Cross-media and mobile Web applications*
The modern Web use is nomadic and across various devices - often
simultaneously - and the Web experience should be enjoyable, of high
quality and consistent across all devices, regardless of the purpose,
place and time of use. Such mobile, cross-device usage forces Web
developers to evolve or re-invent their engineering methods and
techniques to these new requirements and user demands. Web applications
have to be tailored to deal with the constraints imposed by mobile
technology such as small screens, low (and sometimes expensive)
bandwidth, limited browser capabilities, different usage situations,
cross- and multi-device use. Simultaneously, modern mobile devices offer
a rich set of sensors, available through current Web browsers, allowing
Web pages access to geo-location, NFC, and other sensor data, as well as
tracking user identity across devices. Also, he rise of the app as an
alternative for Web sites is a concern to be addressed to ensure a
future, open Web.
* *HCI and the Web * <http://icwe2014.webengineering.org/hci-and-the-web/>
Most Web applications are conceived as interactive systems that aim at
communicating with users. Users do not only consume information via the
Web, but can also play an active role by contributing content (e.g., Web
2.0), get involved in the development process of Web applications (e.g.,
agile and user-centered design processes) and even conceive their own
components by interacting with specialized tools (e.g., end-user
development tools). In this context, there are many user roles involved
in the socio-technical environment encompassing the development of Web
applications. This track is devoted to the studies on user interface
software and technologies that improve the relationship between users
and Web applications. We welcome research focused on improving
usability, accessibility, and user experience with Web applications, as
well as user-centered design approaches that describe how Web technology
and innovative design solutions can help users to better accomplish
their tasks over the Web.
* *Modeling and Engineering Web applications*
The Modeling and Engineering Web applications track concerns principles,
methods, notations, processes, approaches, and tools for supporting the
development and evolution of high-quality Web applications in a more
effective and efficient way. Model-driven approaches are of particular
interest for addressing complexity, scalability, and maintainability of
solutions for the development of Web applications, improving
communication among participants of the development teams, and
supporting the development of innovative tools and process. Furthermore,
empirical and comparative studies of applying Web engineering methods
and approaches, especially model-driven ones, are of particular interest.
* *Quality aspects of Web applications*
The development and usage of Web applications in different platforms and
devices are continuously increasing. Web applications have become the
most predominant form of software delivery today, with users and
businesses choosing to rent or use software rather than buy it. The
success of such applications depends on their capability to satisfy the
customer needs. This has led to increased attention on quality models,
processes and methods that facilitate understanding, evaluating, and
especially improving the overall quality of products, processes and
quality in use.
* *Social Web applications*
Social aspects are an integral part of todays Web, and the widespread
use of the Web to connect, share and tap into collective knowledge
provides a wealth of actionable data. The crowd can be deployed in
various ways, i.e. the so-called crowdsourcing and human computation
applications, and their generated data is valuable for developers,
researchers and marketers alike. Successfully tapping into the crowds
knowledge, and gathering, analyzing, and visualizing complex,
heterogeneous social data, and putting it to good use are major current
* *Web applications composition and mashups*
Composition on the Web aims to integrate Web services, Web data sources
and Web widgets into other Web services or Web applications. Mashups,
and especially mashup tools with their modeling languages and
instruments for mashup development, bring significant innovation as they
tackle integration across the data, API and user interface layers; they
aim at simplicity and ease of use rather than completeness of features
and full expressiveness (compared to traditional Web programming
languages and tools), but still they allow fairly sophisticated
development tasks in a Web browser. Hereby, mashups represent an
important and emerging strain of Web applications, with their own set of
research challenges and opportunities.
General Chair:
*Marco Winckler*, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Contact: generalchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Program Chairs:
* Sven Casteleyn*, Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
*Gustavo Rossi*, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
Contact: pcchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Research Track chairs/:/
/ Cross-media and mobile Web applications/
* In-young Ko*, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
South Korea
*Niels Olof Bouvin*, Aarhus University, Denmark
/Contact: //mobile.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org/
/ HCI and the Web/
*Fabio Paternò*,University of Pisa, Italy
*José Antonio Gallud*, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain
Contact: hci.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
/ Modeling and Engineering Web applications/
*Marco Brambilla*, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
*Manuel Wimmer*, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Contact: modeling.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
/Quality aspects of Web applications/
*Silvia Abrahão*,Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
*Filomena Ferrucci*, Università di Salerno, Italy//
Contact: quality.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
/Social Web applications/
*Maria Bielikova*, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
*Flavius Frasincar*, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: socialweb.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
/Web applications composition and mashups/
*Cesare Pautasso *(University of Lugano, Switzerland)
*Takehiro Tokuda* (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Contact: mashup.trackchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Demo and Poster Chairs:
*Michael Nebeling*, ETH, Switzerland
*Jordi Cabot*, INRIA / École des Mines de Nantes, France
Contact: demochair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Phd Symposium Chairs:
*Martin Gaedke*, Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany
*Cinzia Cappiello*, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Contact: phdchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Tutorial Chairs:
*Luis Olsina*, Universidad National de la Pampa, Argentina
*Oscar Pastor*, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Contact: tutorialchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
Workshop Chair:
*Santiago Melia*, University of Alicante, Spain
Contact: workshopchair.icwe2014(a)webengineering.org
PS. Apologies for cross-posting.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Extended Feb. 25: ICEEE2014 E-Learning and
E-Technologies in Education International Conference
Datum: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:48:29 -0700
Von: Jackie Blanco <jackie(a)sdiwc.info>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Third International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in
Education (ICEEE2014)
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
March 18-20, 2014
The conference is part of The Second World Congress on Computing and
Information Technology (WCIT2014) which aims to enable researchers build
connections between different digital applications. The conference
proceedings will be included in the publisher's digital library and will
be indexed by at least five or more of the following: DBLP, EI, INSPEC,
Research Bible, Scirus, Microsoft Academic Research, ResearchGate, and
Google Scholar Databases. BEST SELECTED PAPERS will be published in the
- IJDIWC (ISSN: 2225-658X; IndexCopernicus, DOAJ, etc.)
- IJCSDF (ISSN: 2305-0012; Scirus, EBSCOhost, etc.)
- IJEEI (ISSN: 1947-8585; Cabell's Directories, DBLP, etc.)
- IJISSS (ISSN: 1935-5688; INSPEC, SCOPUS, etc.)
- IJESMA (ISSN: 1941-627X; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, etc.)
- Journal of Higher Education (e-ISSN 2146-7978)
KEYWORDS: E-Learning, E-Technologies, Education, Blended Learning,
Digital Applications, Software and Hardware Tools, Information
Engineering, Programs, Security, Courses, Multimedia, Assessment
Methods, Immersive Learning, Technology, Web-based Learning, Ontology.
Submission Deadline: February 25, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: March 1, 2014
Camera Ready Submission: March 8, 2014
Registration: March 8, 2014
Conference Dates: March 18-20, 2014
PAPER SUBMISSION LINK: http://goo.gl/1lvwiB
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP of IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security
Informatics Conference (JISIC) 2014
Datum: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 12:23:23 -0500
Von: Dongsong Zhang <zhangd(a)umbc.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC) 2014
[Intelligence and Security Informatics and European Intelligence and
Security Informatics Conference]
September 24-26, The Hague, The Netherlands
Since 2003 the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and
Security Informatics (ISI) is the leading international scientific
conference on interdisciplinary research on information technology for
intelligence, safety and security. In 2011, the European counterpart of
the ISI started as European Intelligence and Security Informatics
Conference (EISIC). For the first time both events meet in the IEEE
Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC), enabling
international researchers on the challenging field of intelligence and
security informatics to share ideas on problems, solutions and new
IEEE JISIC features six tracks that are chaired by leading researchers
on the respective theme:
1. Forensic Intelligence (Jeroen Keppens - King's College London)
2. Decisioning and Interaction (John Stasko - Georgia Institute of
3. Cyber and infrastructure security (V.S. Subrahmanian - University of
4. Financial and fraud analysis (Niall Adams - Imperial College London)
5. Computational criminology (Thomas Holt - Michigan State University)
6. Border Control (Jakub Piskorski - FRONTEX)
We invite academic researchers in the field of Intelligence and Security
Informatics and related areas as well as companies, industry
consultants, analysts and practitioners in the fields involved to submit
papers and proposals for tutorials. We are soliciting both research and
practice and experience papers on the topics of the proposed tracks and
related topics.
Research papers should either: (a) present results of substantial
research/scientific work (long papers, 8 pages max), (b) report on an
ongoing research activity/effort, ideas and new challenges (short
papers, 4 pages max).
Experience papers (short papers) should describe experiences encountered
in applying novel research results and methods in the context of the
conference and/or report on innovative solutions with strong application
potential that are not yet on the market, or are on the market, but
require guidance regarding further steps in order to convert them into
real-world solutions. Submissions should be written in technical style
rather than sales styles.
We seek to extend IEEE JISIC 2014 experience by tutorials on selected
topics given by renowned scientists and practitioners in their fields.
We solicit proposals for half-day tutorials. Tutorials may be lectures,
interactive workshops, hands-on training, or any combination of the
above. Exploring diverse ways of interacting with the audience is
welcome as are cross-disciplinary topics.
* Paper submission due: June 1, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2014
* Camera ready paper due: July 18, 2014
* Authors registration due: July 18, 2014
* Conference: September 24-26, 2014
1. Forensic Intelligence
A broad range of disparate techniques to tackle evidential reasoning and
forensic investigation have emerged from a variety of fields, including
argumentation, probabilistic, narrative and knowledge management based
approaches to collect and assess evidence, and to manage and coordinate
investigations. This track aims to bring together academic researchers
and practitioners with interests in evidential reasoning and forensic
investigation from disparate fields such as statistics, artificial
intelligence, decision sciences, forensic sciences and law, to present
new developments in their respective areas and encourage
cross-fertilisation between often disparate fields of research and
2. Decisioning and Interaction
The track will explore interactive technologies that assist in the
decision-making processes of security-related domains. This includes
visualization and visual analytics systems, interactive decision-support
and analytical reasoning systems, and other forms of multimedia
information systems. A key component of this track is a
human-in-the-loop interaction technology where computational analyses
are complemented by human exploration and investigation.
3. Cyber and Infrastructure Security
The Security track focuses on computational models of intelligence,
safety and security aspects of crime and terrorism in the context of
critical infrastructure and cyberspace. Papers making both theoretical
and practical aspects of these topics are welcome. Interdisciplinary and
applied papers, where existing computational methods are applied or
adapted to the solution of real-world problems in these domains are
particularly encouraged.
4. Financial and Fraud Analysis
Financial fraud is a serious problem, damaging both international
economies and personal lives. The areas in which financial fraud can
occur are diverse, including retail finance, insurance, corporate
banking and internet transactions. A broad range of tactics are employed
by fraudsters to obtain illegal advantage. Moreover, the area of fraud
is an arms-race, with fraudsters constantly changing tactics to
circumvent protection systems. Thus, methodology that is capable of
automatically adapting to such changes is of special interest. Many
financial fraud applications have the character of "big data", in which
a very small signal must be extracted from very large and complex data.
This track will gather novel research contributions in the area of
financial fraud, with the intention of gaining insight from diverse
methodologies and application areas.
5. Computational criminology
This track will provide examinations of offender behavior, victimology,
and law enforcement practices utilizing statistical analysis techniques
and unique data sources. This includes tests of various criminological
theories, assessments of social network structures, and organizational
practices of terror groups, cybercriminals, and gangs. Evaluations of
crime prevention strategies, intelligence led policing, and issues of
public safety, privacy, and security will also be a focus of this track.
6. Border Control
This track solicits papers reporting research work relevant in the
context of addressing practical operational challenges encountered by
the border control community. Among others, topics of interest include:
(a) authentication of documents, people and vehicles, (b) risk
assessment of travelers, (c) modelling and optimization of the border
control processing chain, (d) border surveillance, (e) platforms,
protocols and techniques for secure exchange of information and
communication, (f) text/data mining, information fusion and utilization
of new sources of information for intelligence gathering and situational
awareness, and (g) border control technology impact, acceptance and
We are looking forward to see you in The Hague - City of Peace and Justice
The IEEE JISIC Organizing Team
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: BMSD'14 (Extended Deadline) - Business
Modeling and Software Design
Datum: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 10:05:01 -0800
Von: Boris Shishkov <b.b.shishkov(a)iicrest.org>
Antwort an: b.b.shishkov(a)iicrest.org
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*Dear Colleague, *
Please, allow me to inform you that due to many requests, we decided to
extend the Regular Paper submission deadline for BMSD 2014 (Fourth
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design) to
March 12 - you may have a look at the website updates:
http://www.is-bmsd.org <http://www.is-bmsd.org/>
You are very welcome to submit your paper by *12 MARCH 2014*.
The BMSD'14 Call for Papers follows below.
I look forward to meeting you in Luxembourg for an inspiring symposium!
Kindest Regards,
Dr. /Boris Shishkov/
Chair of BMSD 2014
*Call for Papers*
/24-26 June, 2014/
/Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg/
*Dr. /Boris Shishkov/, IICREST, Bulgaria*
*Keynote Lecturers:*
*Prof. Dr. /Erik Proper/, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg* (Title: Exploring
the Challenges of Modeling Landscapes)
*Prof. Dr. /Roel Wieringa/, University of Twente, The Netherlands*
(Title: The Structure of Goal Models in Requirements Engineering)
Symposium Theme: *Generic Business Modeling Patterns and Software Re-Use*
The symposium is organized by the international institute *IICREST* in
collaboration with *CRP Henri Tudor*.
Cooperating organizations are: *AUTH* - Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, *SIKS* - the Nederlands Research School for Information
and Knowledge Systems, *CTIT* - the U-Twente Centre for Telematics and
Information Technology, and *AMAKOTA Ltd*.
BMSD is a leading international discussion and knowledge dissemination
forum that brings together Researchers and Practitioners interested in:
(i) Modeling in general and in particular - Conceptual Modeling, Goal
Modeling, Value Modeling, Business/Enterprise Modeling, Process
Modeling, Model-Driven Engineering; (ii) Enterprise Engineering and its
relation to Software Generation; (iii) Information Systems Architectures
and Design.
In 2014, BMSD will be held in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
following previous events in The Netherlands (Noordwijkerhout, 2013),
Switzerland (Geneva, 2012), and Bulgaria (Sofia, 2011).
We welcome paper submissions from but not limited to the following areas
and topics:
Business Analysis - Value Models and Process Models
Essential Business Models
Re-Usable Business Models
Relating Business Goals to Requirements
Business Process Coordination
Business Entities and Business Roles
Business Data and Semantics
Business Processes and Business Rules
Behavior Modeling and Pragmatics
Identification and Elicitation of Requirements
Domain-Imposed and User-Defined Requirements
Requirements Analysis
Business Modeling and Service Science
Relating Business Goals to the Identification of Services
Service Modeling - Technology-Independent & Platform-Specific
Business Rules and Service Composition
Autonomic Service Behavior
Context-Aware Service Behavior
Re-Usable Service Models
Business Modeling -Driven Derivation of Software
Business Innovation and Software Evolution
Business-IT Alignment and Traceability
Re-Usable Business Models and Software Components
Business Rules and Software Specification
Business Goals and Software Integration
Autonomic and Context-Aware Business/Software Systems
Affective Computing and User-Aware Software Systems
Enterprise Architectures
Service-Oriented Architectures
Architectural Styles
Architectural Viewpoints
Crosscutting Concerns
*Key dates*
Paper submission deadline: /12 March 2014/(extended)
Notification of acceptance: /31 March 2014/
Final paper submission: /15 April 2014/
*Types of contributions*
/Regular Papers/ - presenting research that is completed or almost finished
/Position Papers/ - presenting an arguable opinion about and issue
/Invited Papers/ - submitted by best paper authors and BMSD
former/future Keynotes
*Paper formats*
/Full Papers/ - 10-page limit in the symposium proceedings (oral
/Short Papers/ - 6-page limit in the symposium proceedings (oral
/Posters/ - 4 page limit in the symposium proceedings (poster presentation)
*How to submit a paper (7 steps)*
1. View the technical scope
2. Prepare a contribution of no less than 3 and no more than 8 pages
3. Decide whether you are submitting your contribution as a Regular
Paper or as a Position Paper
4. Do paper formatting, using the provided templates
5. Remove your names and the names of your co-authors (and also your
affiliations) from the title and references sections
6. Save the file as PDF
7. e-Mail the file to: secretariat(a)iicrest.org by the 12th of March,
putting in the Subject: ?BMSD 2014, Regular/Position Paper?.
Accepted papers will be presented at BMSD 2014 and included in the
symposium proceedings, published by /SciTePress/. All presented papers
will also be included in the SciTePress Digital Library
(http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary) and DBLP-indexed. Finally,
the authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit revised
and extended versions of their papers in a /Springer LNBIP Revised
Selected Papers/ book.
*Proceedings of the previous editions*
2013: http://www.is-bmsd.org/Documents/ProceedingsOfThirdBMSD.pdf
2012: http://www.is-bmsd.org/Documents/ProceedingsOfSecondBMSD.pdf
2011: http://www.is-bmsd.org/Documents/ProceedingsOfFirstBMSD.pdf
*Some photos:*
2013: http://www.is-bmsd.org/GalleryThirdBMSD.htm
2012: http://www.is-bmsd.org/GallerySecondBMSD.htm
2011: http://www.is-bmsd.org/GalleryFirstBMSD.htm
The BMSD sessions will be held at the Chambre des Metiers that is not
only in very close proximity to both the University of Luxembourg and
the CRP Henri Tudor but is also conveniently reachable by bus (for
around 20 minutes) from both the city center and the airport. Luxembourg
is the capital of the Grand Duchy, one of the founder states of the
European Union, where about 43 per cent of the half million inhabitants
are foreign. This multicultural ambience of day-to-day contact with
people from the four corners of the Earth gives the small state an
astonishingly cosmopolitan outlook - not least thanks to the European
institutions and the financial center. It is however far easier to get
around the capital (100 000 inhabitants) than it is in Berlin or Paris.
The distances are short. There is a lively nightlife scene around the
fashionable bars of Hollerich, the Grund, and Clausen. Furthermore,
there are plenty of sports, leisure activities as well as events:
cinemas and climbing parks, mountain bike trails and an enormous
cultural range - from Jazz in the medieval city, contemporary art at
MUDAM, theatre in every language or classical music in one of the most
beautiful new buildings in Luxembourg, the Philharmonie. All this is set
against the romantic backdrop of the medieval city (a UNESCO world
heritage site since 1994), the castle in the richy-forested north and
the vineyards - along the Mosel.
*For more information*
w: http://www.is-bmsd.org
t: +359 888 534435
e: secretariat(a)iicrest.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Papers: BPM 2014 Workshop on Business Process
Management in the Cloud (BPMC)
Datum: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:43:29 +0100
Von: Janiesch, Christian (AIFB) <christian.janiesch(a)kit.edu>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
2nd International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud (BPMC)
Haifa, Israel, September 08, 2014
Cloud computing is a paradigm for the on-demand delivery of infrastructure, platform, or software as a service. Cloud computing enables network access to a shared pool of configurable computing and storage resources as well as applications which can be tailored to the consumer's needs. Cloud resources can be rapidly provisioned and released, and are billed based on actual use, thus reducing up-front investment costs. Not only can individual services be hosted on virtual infrastructures but also complete process platforms. Further, besides benefits to run-time Business Process Management (BPM), during design-time cloud-based services can enable collaboration between geographically dispersed teams and assist the design process in general - amongst others, Process Modelling as a Service removes the need for installation of software, and is thus more attractive for the occasional user.
A cloud-based architecture for BPM may provide important benefits:
* Elasticity: process engines or process tasks can scale up/out or down/in depending on the actual load to reduce investment cost and manage load peaks.
* Flexibility: processes can be assembled with more flexibility as service selection can not only include the software but also the platform or infrastructure for it to run on.
* Measurement: as service applications in the cloud are individually metered, detailed measurement data is available and can be used to provide additional services such as process monitoring.
The research directions of core interest to this workshop are summarized by three questions:
1) How can BPM benefit from the cloud?
2) What should BPM in the cloud look like?
3) What can BPM bring to cloud computing practices?
Among a number of challenges, there is a lack of conceptualization and theory on BPM with respect to cloud computing. For the most part, the topic of cloud computing has only been implicitly regarded in BPM research when discussing design-time tools. Few works have addressed workflow enactment in the cloud to date. However, a detailed research agenda which covers theory, design-time, run-time, and use cases is missing. The goal of the 2nd International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud is to lay the foundation for such a research agenda.
Authors are invited to submit novel contributions in the above mentioned problem domain. We also invite people from the scientific workflow community to submit papers, so that the different communities can share insights and ideas. Specifically, the relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* Cloud and BPM: concepts and theory, e.g.
Cloud-centric flexibility, adaptability and evolution in BPM
Business Process or BPM as a Service (BPaaS/ BPMaaS)
BPM as a platform or software service
Business process analytics as a service
Compliance in cloud-based BPM
Security, privacy, and trust in cloud-based BPM
Socio-technical aspects of cloud computing for BPM
* Design-time BPM in the cloud, e.g.
Methods, tools, techniques to design cloud aspects of BPM systems
Cloud support for BPM design
Design-time optimization of process models and systems
Description languages for cloud-based processes
* Run-time BPM in the cloud, e.g.
Automated service and virtual resource selection and allocation
Load balancing of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks
Scaling of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks
Monitoring of processes and process steps running in the cloud
Security enforcement in cloud-based BPM
* Use cases for BPM in the cloud, e.g.
Best practices, success factors and empirical studies on cloud-based BPM
New delivery models for BPM, application scenarios
Reports on use cases within companies and government
Requirements definition issues for use cases
Application of cloud computing concepts from scientific workflows to BPM
The following types of submission are solicited:
* Full paper submissions, describing substantial contributions of novel ongoing work. Full papers should be at most 12 pages long.
* Short paper submissions, describing work in progress. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
* Use case submissions, describing results from a cloud-based use case. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
Papers should be submitted in LNBIP format. Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (Full Paper/ Short Paper/ Use case).
Papers can be uploaded via the submission system:
Important Dates
Deadline paper submissions: 01 June 2014
Notification of acceptance: 01 July 2014
Camera-ready papers due: 23 July 2014
Workshop: 08 September 2014
Organizing Committee
Ingo Weber, NICTA (contact)
Christian Janiesch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Stefan Schulte, Vienna University of Technology
Program Committee
Arun Anandasivam, IBM
Soeren Balko, Queensland University of Technology
Gero Decker, Signavio
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
Jan Mendling, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna
Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Stefan Tai, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Srikumar Venugopal, University of New South Wales
Yi Wei, Microsoft
Xiwei (Sherry) Xu, NICTA
Sorry for crossposting and see you in Haifa!
Ingo Weber, Stefan Schulte und Christian Janiesch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Applied Informatics (AIFB)
Christian Janiesch, Dr.
Senior Research Associate
Englerstrasse 11
Building 11.40
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-45770
Fax: +49 721 608-46690
Email: christian.janiesch(a)kit.edu
KIT - University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi