-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] SOCA 2013 Call for Papers (Deadline is approaching)
Datum: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 15:49:19 +0900
Von: Sung-Soo Lim <sslim(a)kookmin.ac.kr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies if you received multiple copies of this SOCA 2013 CFP.
SOCA 2013 Call for Papers
web site: http://conferences.computer.org/soca
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and
December 16-18, 2013
Kauai, Hawaii
Call for Papers
Service-oriented computing is considered today a key technology for the
development of robust and high quality intelligent distributed and
embedded applications. Extensive research and development in the past
few years has pushed SOA technology into state-of-the-art application
areas such as context-aware, cloud-connected, mobile enterprise systems.
However, many of the critical components on building reliable, robust,
and user-centric sensor-based SOA systems are still open for research.
Hence, it is timely to reexamine SOA research opportunities and identify
new research challenges for next generation SOA.
One of the future SOA applications is large-scale cyber-physical systems
(CPSs) that include deep interactions between cyber-sides and
physical-sides through massive sensors, actuators, mobile devices, and
computing servers connected by heterogeneous networks. The services of
large-scale CPSs have challenging requirements such as accurate
timeliness, high reliability, and dynamic adaptability. Many of the
service components are deployed on resource limited embedded systems and
are performance sensitive; others are deployed on cloud servers
providing highly parallel services. Thus, SOA may provide effective
solutions for managing the ever-increasing complexity while meeting the
challenging requirements of CPS services on largely distributed,
heterogeneous and dynamic resource environments.
The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and
Applications (SOCA 2013) will be held in Kauai, Hawaii, with topics of
general service oriented computing and also the focused area of SOA for
large-scale CPSs. The conference includes three days of parallel tracks
program, special-topic workshops/ tutorials, and panel discussion.
We invite submissions of high quality papers describing fully developed
results or ongoing work on the topics such as:
?Service-oriented architecture, engineering, and applications
?Large-scale cyber-physical systems
?Intelligent service composition, management and maintenance
?Configurable and reconfigurable service middleware
?Dependable and trustworthy services
?Streaming and real-time data analytics
?Mobile service engineering and applications
?Security and privacy for intelligent service applications
?Context-aware connected embedded computing
?Service composition with multi-dimensional QoS
?Service networks for smart home, smart transportation, and smart
?Sustainability issues on large-scale CPS applications
Important Dates
?Abstract Submission Due: July 16, 2013 => Extended to Aug. 5, 2013
?Paper Submission Due: July 31, 2013 => Extended to Aug. 10, 2013
?Acceptance Notification: October 5, 2013
?Camera Ready Submission: October 15, 2013
?Conference and Workshop Program: December 16-18, 2013
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that
are not being considered in another forum. Manuscripts will be limited
to 8 (IEEE style) pages. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press
Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers with 8.5'' x 11'',
two-column format. The paper formatting instructions are available
Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF) is required through the
paper submission system in the SOCA 2013 homepage
http://conferences.computer.org/soca <http://conferences.computer.org/soca>.
All papers submitted to SOCA 2013 will be peer-reviewed by at least 3
reviewers. Papers that are selected for presentation at SOCA2013 will
appear in the Proceedings of SOCA 2013 and be included in IEEE Xplore
and indexed by EI. Each paper accepted forSOCA 2013 requires at least
one author to register at the full rate (IEEE member or non-IEEE
member). At least one author is required to attend the conference and
present the paper.
The best papers from the proceedings will be selected for publication in
the Springer Journal on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications
(SOCA) as well as special issues in international journals to be
announced. Furthermore, a Best Paper Award will be presented to the best
paper selected from the accepted full papers.
Call for Workshop Proposals
Proposal for workshops on focused emerging topics are also solicited.
The papers in the workshops will be published in the SOCAproceedings
that will be included in the IEEE Digital Library. Workshop proposals
can be submitted by sending e-mails to the workshop co-chairs, Takayuki
Ito (ito.takayuki(a)nitech.ac.jp <mailto:ito.takayuki@nitech.ac.jp>) at
Nagoya Institute of Technology and
Alexander Lazovik (lazovik(a)gmail.com <mailto:lazovik@gmail.com>) at
University of Groningen, before May 30, 2013.
General Chairs:
- Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Jane Y.J. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Program Chairs:
- Chang-Gun Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
- Albert M.K. Cheng, University of Houston, USA
- Massimo Mecella, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Steering Committee:
- Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Schahram Dustdar, TU Vienna, Austria
- Changjun Jiang, Tongji University, China
- Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Sang H. Son, University of Virginia, USA
Contact Person:
- Jong-Chan Kim, Seoul National University, Korea (Email:
jongchank(a)snu.ac.kr <mailto:jongchank@snu.ac.kr>)
Sung-Soo Lim,
Associate Professor,
School of Computer Science, Kookmin University,
Seoul, Korea.
Office: +82-2-910-4886
sslim(a)kookmin.ac.kr <mailto:sslim@kookmin.ac.kr>,
www.facebook.com/sungsoo.lim.fb <http://www.facebook.com/sungsoo.lim.fb>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Extended CFP: IEEE Technically co-sponsored ICEEE2013
Datum: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 02:03:51 -0600
Von: Jackie Blanco <jackie(a)sdiwc.info>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Name: The Second International Conference on E-Learning and
E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2013)
Venue: Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
Dates: September 23-25, 2013
URL: http://sdiwc.net/conferences/2013/iceee2013/
Objective: The main objective of this conference is to provide a medium
for professionals, engineers, academicians, scientists, and researchers
from all over the world to present the result of their research
activities in the field of Computer Science, Engineering and Information
All accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion to
IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Extended Submission Deadline: August 15, 2013
Registration: On or before September 15, 2013
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] [Submission Deadline Firmed & Special Issue
Opportunity] CBPM’13 (with CONTEXT-2013) || October 28-29, 2013- Annecy,
Haute-Savoie, France
Datum: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:15:05 +0000
Von: Xiao Liu <xliu(a)swin.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CALL FOR PAPERS *CBPM?**13*** (Apologies for cross-posting)
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate
groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original
scientific results to CONTEXT-2013Workshop Context for Business Process
Management (CBPM?13, http://grid.lzu.edu.cn/psrl/cbpm
<http://grid.lzu.edu.cn/psrl/cbpm>). Due to multiple requests, the
submission deadline has been extended to *August **8th, 2013 (firmed
Call For Paper: *CBPM?**13***
*1^st International **Workshop on***
*Context for Business Process Management*
held with *CONTEXT-**201**3*
<http://www.polytech.univ-savoie.fr/?context2013>* Conference***
Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France, October 28-29, 2013
http://grid.lzu.edu.cn/psrl/cbpm <http://grid.lzu.edu.cn/psrl/cbpm>
The goal of the workshop is to promote the role of context in business
process management(BPM) by discussing (1) what the context community can
bring to BPM community, including business and scientific workflow
management; and (2) What are the challenges of BPM and workflow system
that BPM community think context (context-based, context-aware, etc.)
may solve. We arelooking for extension of business processes and
workflows like context-based BPM,context-based workflow, and if
possible,contextualized workflow.
*Technical issues addressed*
BPM has been referred to as a "holistic management" approach to aligning
an organization's business processes with the needs of users. It
promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for
innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology.However, the
challenge for a large use of business process is the failure in
addressing both the dynamic execution environment (i.e. grid and cloud)
and the elastic requirement of users (i.e., logic of use). Two lines of
research emerge to address this problem. Upstream, researchers try to
make explicit the contextualization process in designingflexible and
elastic business process forprocessoptimization and reuse. Downstream,
new technology such as cloud computing could bring a promising
orchestration ofbusiness process but suppose a revision of BPM architecture.
The technical issues to be addressed are:**Where context may intervene
for operationalizing business process? What must be the impact of
context in the design of business process? What would be a context-aware
BPM? How must intervene context on BPM in the cloud? What kinds of
context constraints and middleware should be integrated with the
business process? Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of BPM, the
workshop also encourages submissions that embrace other disciplines such
as Workflow Management, Information Systems and IT Management, Data and
Knowledge Management, Web/Software Engineering, Service-Oriented
Computing, Social Computing, Big Data, etc. The key criteria for
acceptance are excellence and answering challenges specific to the field
of context for BPM and even in the cloud computing paradigm.
The workshop solicits original papers on a broad range of topics,
including but not limited to:
·Context and BPM/workflow: concepts and theory, e.g.
üContext-centric flexibility, adaptability and evolution in BPM
üContext-based BPM as a Service or Workflow as a Service
üKnowledge and reasoning representation for business process
üSecurity, privacy and trust in Context-based BPM
üOther socio-technical aspects of BPM/workflow
·Context-aware business process/workflow, e.g.
üContext for Mobile and Ubiquitous applications
üContext-aware BPM for Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting
üContext-aware recommendation process
üContext for dynamic selection of web services
·Context-based cloud workflows and applications, e.g.
üContext-based scientific workflows in the cloud
üDecision support systems for cloud-based BPM
üPeople-/knowledge-intensive process
üCrowdsourcing and process based on social networks
·Context as constraints for workflow design, execution and scheduling, e.g.
üAutomatic workflow verification and generation with context constraints
üContext-based load balancing of workflow engines
üContext and Quality-of-Service constraints for workflow design
üContext-based process mining
Workshop submission will be electronic, in pdf format only.Submitted
papers must not exceed 12 pages and should conform to Springer LNCS
style (see below). Submissions should include authors? names and
affiliation and full references. At least one author of each accepted
paper must register for the workshop and the main conference, and
present the contribution at the workshop in order to be published in the
workshop proceedings. Detailed formatting and submissions instructions,
as well as LaTeX and Word templates, can be accessed through Springer's
information for LNCS authors
Paper submission will be handled using EasyChair:
*Workshop proceedings*
The workshop proceedings will be published as part of the CONTEXT 2013
workshop proceedings. *Distinguished papers, after further revisions,
will be recommended to a special issue in the **International Journal of
Computational Science and Engineering
<http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=IJCSE> (EI index).*
*Workshop format***
The general organization of the workshop is the following. First a
tutorial will introduce BPM and cloud-computing domains and their
challenges. Second, participants will present their position statement.
Three, a general discussion will focus on proposals of the context
community for the BPM community under the cloud computing paradigm.
*Review process*
Three members of the program committee will review each submission. A
review form will direct reviewers to evaluate submissions for
appropriateness, technical strength, originality, presentation, and
overall evaluation, as well as recording the reviewer?s confidence in
the topic. Each category will be rated on a scale from 1 to 5.
Furthermore, we will emphasise that reviewers must provide constructive
notes and remarks to help contributors to improve their current and
future submissions. The committee will be asked to give extensive
comments. The number of accepted papers will depend on the number of
suitable submissions. To assure sufficient discussion time, at most 12
contributions will be accepted for oral presentation, with additional
poster acceptances possible.
*Important Dates***
·July 20, 2013*August 8th, 2013- Firmed Submission Deadline*
·September 10th, 2013 - Notification of workshop paper acceptance
·October 1st, 2013 - Camera-ready submission
·October 28th or 29th, 2013 - Workshop sessions
*General Chairs*
Patrick Brézillon, University Pierre and Marie Curie, France
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
*Program Chairs*
Xiao Liu, East China Normal University, China, xliu(a)sei.ecnu.edu.cn
Xiaoliang Fan, Lanzhou University, China, fanxiaoliang(a)lzu.edu.cn
Fei Teng, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, fteng(a)swjtu.edu.cn
*Steering Committee*
Patrick Brézillon, University Pierre and Marie Curie, France
Lian Li, Hefei University of Technology, China
Jean-Charles Pomerol,University Pierre and Marie Curie,France
Ruisheng Zhang, Lanzhou University, China
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Frederic Magoules, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
*Publication Chair*
Haiwu He, ENS Lyon/INRIA, France
*Program Committee*
Liliana Ardissono, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Ludger van Elst,German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Marc Frincu, University of Strasbourg, France
Paula Ventura Martins, University of Algarve, Portugal
Matthias Wieland, Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany
Marielba Zacarias, University of Algarve, Portugal
Yong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Flavia Santoro, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Xiao Liu, East China Normal University, China
Haiwu He, ENS Lyon/INRIA, France
Yain-Whar Si, University of Macau, China
Massimo Mecella, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Yi Yang, Lanzhou University, China
Dong Yuan, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Fei Teng, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Avelino J. Gonzalez, University of Central Florida, USA
Fang Dong, Southeast University, China
Christian Janiesch,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Stefan Schulte, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Xiaoliang Fan, Lanzhou University, China
Ming Mao, University of Virginia, USA
Rongjing Hu, Lanzhou University, China
Gaofeng Zhang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Wei Zheng, Xiamen University, China
Xiao Liu, Xiaoliang Fan & Fei Teng,
CBPM'13 PC chairs
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Idaho State University: Tenure-track
Assistant/Associate Professor in Computer Information Systems
Datum: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:44:13 -0600
Von: Kevin Parker <parkerkr(a)isu.edu>
Antwort an: parkerkr(a)isu.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Logo <http://cobhomepages.cob.isu.edu/parkerkr/>
*Assistant/Associate Professor, Computer Information Systems*
*Department of Computer Information Systems
College of Business
Idaho State University*
*A*fter a successful search earlier this year, the Computer Information
Systems Department at Idaho State University invites applications for
_two_ additional tenure track positions (full-time, 9 months) in
Information Systems at the Assistant or Associate level.The positions
will begin August 2014.Salary is competitive and commensurate with
qualifications and experience; competitive benefits package.
*Qualifications : *
_Required_-- Applicants must hold a PhD in Information Systems or a
closely related field. Candidates nearing completion of the doctorate
will be considered, provided that all degree requirements are completed
by August 15, 2014.
Applicants at the assistant level should provide, if available, evidence
of teaching ability at college / university level and of research
capability, as indicated by refereed publications, works under review,
and/or works-in-progress.
Candidates at the associate level must also have a minimum of 4 years of
full-time college or university teaching at the rank of Assistant
Professor (or equivalent) and must provide evidence of teaching ability
at college / university level and of research capability, as indicated
by refereed publications, works under review, and/or works-in-progress
_Preferred_-- Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated
ability to teach courses and to conduct research in healthcare
information systems (electronic medical records, analytics, or
information assurance), or data analytics.Practical experience in
healthcare fields is a plus.
Idaho State University has achieved the Carnegie ranking of /Research
University-High/, but excellence in teaching is required by the College
of Business. Candidates with a solid technical background and the
ability to teach courses ranging from introductory programming to
networking to systems analysis and design are desired.
*Application Procedure:*
Please submit a cover letter, vitae, and list of three references.
Candidates at the associate level must also provide evidence of teaching
excellence and research capability. Formal applications must be
submitted at
https://isujobs.net/applicants/jsp/shared/Welcome_css.jsp.Click Search
Postings, and then in the Posting Number field at the bottom enter 2011447.
If you are attending AMCIS and would like to schedule an interview with
ISU, please visit this link:
http://parkeriseducation.com/amcisRecruiting/scheduler.php. Note: you
must do this in addition to submitting your formal application per the
above paragraph.
*Important Dates:*
Positions are open until filled.Priority will be given to those
applications received by September 15, 2013.CIS faculty members from
Idaho State University will be present and will conduct interviews at
AMCIS 2013 in Chicago.
*Department and University Community*:
The Computer Information Systems department offers majors and minors in
IS, as well as an MBA concentration. The CIS department cooperates with
health sciences to offer a Health Care Informatics degree.The CIS
program hosts ISU's National Information Assurance Training and
Education Center, a consortium of academic, industry, and government
organizations developed to improve the awareness, training, and
education standards in information assurance. The department has a close
relationship with our Computer Science Department.
The College of Business at Idaho State is AACSB accredited. ISU is an
equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Pocatello is a community of over 60,000 located in southeastern Idaho.
The area provides tremendous recreation opportunities.American Falls
reservoir affords a 20-mile long lake for fishing and boating.Fishing
opportunities are also numerous in the Snake River, many smaller
reservoirs, and mountain streams.Bird and big game hunting areas are
readily accessible.The surrounding country is ideal for hiking,
cross-country skiing, camping, and snowmobiling.Alpine skiing at Pebble
Creek and Lava, Downata, and Indian Hot Springs are within half-hour
drives of Pocatello.
A two-hour drive brings one to the world class resorts of Sun Valley,
Grand Targhee, Jackson Hole, or Park City, and such scenic vacation
spots as Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, the Sawtooth
National Recreation Area, Island Park and Bear Lake.Salt Lake City,
which also opens up a wealth of recreational and cultural opportunities,
is little more than a two-hour drive away.
For any questions about the position, please contact Dr. Kevin Parker,
Chair of CIS, at parkerkr(a)isu.edu.
*Kevin R. Parker, Ph.D.*
Chair and Professor
Department of Computer Information Systems
College of Business
Idaho State University
921 So. 8th Avenue, Stop 8020
Pocatello, ID 83209-8020
208.282.4367 fax
Logo <http://cobhomepages.cob.isu.edu/parkerkr/>