-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Less than 2 weeks to submit: 1st International
Workshop on Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB 2013)
Datum: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 11:42:09 +0300
Von: Gregoris Mentzas <gmentzas(a)mail.ntua.gr>
Antwort an: gmentzas(a)mail.ntua.gr
Organisation: NTUA
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
1st International Workshop on Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB 2013)
Workshop co-located with the
11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing Berlin, Germany,
December 2-5, 2013, http://www.icsoc.org/https://sites.google.com/site/cloudbrokerworkshop/
Abstract submission deadline: 23 August 2013
Deadline for Paper Submission: 30 August 2013
Paper Acceptance Notification: 14 October 2013
Camera Ready Paper & Copyright: 31 October 2013
The 1st International Workshop on Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB 2013) looks
to a future in which a multi-cloud ecosystem exists, within which many cloud
providers and consumers interact to discover, negotiate and use software
services. Supporting this ecosystem are cloud brokers, whose role is to
bring together providers and consumers, by offering service portals with
added value for all parties.
A central feature of the broker's role will be to assure quality control
(both functional and non-functional), service continuity (failure prevention
and recovery; service substitution) and market competition (arbitrage;
service optimization; service customization).
In this workshop we invite contributions which tackle theoretical, technical
and application aspects of Cloud Service Brokerage.
Topics of interest comprise, but are not limited to,methods and mechanisms
Service specification - current service description languages are only up to
the task of describing the service interface; what is needed are abstract
languages to describe the complete behaviour and performance of services,
such that it can be determined whether one service is formally substitutable
by another;
Service functional testing - current service testing is mostly
developer-based and in-house; what is needed is a means of generating
standard test sets from functional specifications of services, which can be
grounded for each of the service protocol technologies described above;
Service performance monitoring - current service monitoring technology is
limited to SLAs for response-times and availability of end-points; what is
needed is a more sophisticated data fusion approach with trend prediction,
supporting service optimisation and substitution.
Service optimisation - current service platforms offer single-vendor
services with failover substitution, or manual selection from several
providers; what is needed is a means of offering multi-vendor services on a
competitive basis, with automatic arbitrage between different providers.
Service governance - current services and platforms are developed following
in-house software processes; what is needed are explicit standards and
methods for governing the whole service lifecycle, ensuring common quality
standards and interfaces, supporting convergent service development and
service customisation.
Other topics relevant to the Cloud Broker role will be considered; please
note that service security is out of scope, being a matter for the Cloud
Auditor role
Abstract submission deadline: 23 August 2013
Deadline for Paper Submission: 30 August 2013
Paper Acceptance Notification: 14 October 2013
Camera Ready Paper & Copyright: 31 October 2013
Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research
papers written in English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members
of the international program committee. Paper acceptance will be based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.
Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings, and will be
published by Springer-Verlag. Full research papers should not exceed 12
pages in the Springer LNCS style format including all text, references,
appendices, and figures.
Please submit papers in PDF via EasyChair.
At least one author of an accepted paper must register and participate in
the workshop.
Please see details at the ICSOC 2013 website.
Chaired by:
Gregoris Mentzas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Anthony J H Simons, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom.
Iraklis Paraskakis, South-East European Research Centre, Thessaloniki,
Programme Committee (partial list-others to be added)
Konstantinos Bratanis, SEERC, Greece
Franck Fleurey, SINTEF, Norway
Andreas Friesen, SAP Research, Germany
Panagiotis Gouvas, SingularLogic, Greece
Mariam Kiran, University of Sheffield, UK
Dimitrios Kourtesis, SEERC, Greece
Volker Kuttruff, CAS Software, Germany
Brice Morin, SINTEF, Norway
Antonia Schwichtenberg, CAS Software, Germany
Yiannis Verginadis, ICCS NTUA, Greece
Contact us
For any questions please use the contact information below:
Dr Anthony J H Simons
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court, 211 Portobello
Sheffield, S1 4DP
United Kingdom
email: A dot J dot Simons at shef dot ac dot uk
AISWorld mailing list
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] (no subject)
Datum: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 21:51:20 -0600
Von: Jackie Blanco <jackie(a)sdiwc.info>
An: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu,
support-vector-machines <SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk>,
gascheduling(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu
The Second International Conference on E- Learning and E-Technologies in
Education (ICEEE2013)
September 23- 25, 2013
Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
The ICEEE 2013 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Poland and All papers
will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion to IEEE Xplore
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at Lodz
University of Technology, Lodz, Poland from Sept. 23-25, 2013 which aims
to enable researchers build connections between different digital
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited
to)research topics:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Security AspectsÂ?
- Immersive Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Collaborative Learning
- Errors in E-Learning
- Community Building
- Accessibility to Disabled Users
- Context Dependent Learning
- E-Learning Platforms, PortalsÂ?
- Mobile Learning (M-learning)
- Learning Organization
- Standards and Interoperability
- Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
- Digital Libraries for E-Learning
- Joint Degrees
- Web- based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
- Authoring Tools and Content Development
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Medical Applications
- E-Learning Hardware and Software
- AV-Communication and Multimedia
- Ontologies and Meta-Data Standards
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- E- Testing and new Test Theories
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Distance Education
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
- Assessment and Accreditation of Courses and Institutions
- Course Design and E-Learning Curriculae
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and Development
- Theoretical Bases of E-Learning Environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and E-Learning in a Global Context
- Cooperation with Industry in Teaching
- Higher Education vs. Vocational Training
- Critical Success Factors in Distance LearningÂ?
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Interdisciplinary Programs for Distance Education
- Impact and Achievements of International Initiatives
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- E-learning in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and information engineering
- Groupware Tools
- Educating the Educators
- Blended Learning
- Assessment Software Tools
- Teacher Evaluation
- E-Learning Success Cases
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All
papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees.
Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date --------------- August 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance ---- September 02, 2013
Camera Ready submission ------- September 13, 2013
Registration ------------------ September 16, 2013
Conference dates -------------- September 23- 25, 2013
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] WICT 2013 - 2nd CFP - Hanoi, Vietnam
Datum: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 20:45:34 -0500
Von: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
An: dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, support-vector-machines
<SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk>, gascheduling(a)jiscmail.ac.uk
Kopie (CC): ngotlong(a)gmail.com
-- Apologies for cross posting --
** WICT 2013 - Second Call for Papers **
Third World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies ( WICT2013)
December 15-18, 2013
Venue: Hanoi, Vietnam
After the success of the Second World Congress on Information and
Communication Technologies (WICT 2012 -
http://www.mirlabs.net/wict12), we are pleased to announce the
organization of WICT 2013 to provide an opportunity for the
researchers from academia and industry to meet and discuss latest
solutions, scientific results and methods in the usage and
applications of ICT in the real world.
As we all know, our society has been through several dramatic changes,
driven by innovations such as transportation systems, telephone etc.
Last few decades have experienced technologies that are evolving so
rapidly, altering the constraints of space and time, and reshaping the way
we communicate, learn and think. Rapid advances in information technologies
and other digital systems are reshaping our ecosystem. Innovations in ICT
allow us to transmit information quickly and widely, propelling the growth
of new urban communities, linking distant places and diverse areas of
endeavor in productive new ways, which a decade ago was unimaginable. Thus,
the theme of this World Congress is ‘Innovating ICT For Social Revolutions’.
The four day World Congress is expected to provide an opportunity for the
researchers from academia and industry to meet and discuss the latest
solutions, scientific results and methods in the usage and applications of
ICT in the real world. The conference programme will include workshops,
special sessions and tutorials, along with prominent keynote speakers and
regular paper presentations in parallel tracks. All accepted papers will be
compiled in conference proceedings published by the IEEE.
Publication: IEEE
All accepted papers will be compiled in conference proceedings published by
the IEEE. Like previous editions, all accepted papers presented at WICT 2012
may be selected and recommended for possible publication in Journal
Special Issues and Edited Volumes (indexed by SCI, EI Compendex, etc.).
Call for Papers:
Please submit your papers to one of the following tracks or the main track
mentioned in the link: http://www.mirlabs.org/wict13/#cfp
Author Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission link:
Please refer to the conference website link
http://www.mirlabs.org/wict13/#submission for guidelines to prepare your
manuscript. All accepted papers will be compiled in conference
proceedings published by the IEEE. It is mandatory that at least one of the
authors registers for every paper that is included in the conference
proceedings. Proceedings will be made available during the conference.
Call for Workshops and Special Sessions:
WICT 2013 is seeking original high quality Special Sessions and Workshops
on focused discussion addressing innovative research highlighting
significant topics and emerging issues which are related to the conference
theme and with the desired expertise. Interdisciplinary session themes are
strongly sought after. Each special session resembles a mini-conference
within the main WICT meeting and will run throughout the conference in
parallel to other tracks (except the keynote presentations).
Important Dates:
Special session proposals: August 15, 2013
Acceptance of special sessions: August 20, 2013
Paper submission due: September 15, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: October 10, 2013
Final manuscript due: November 05, 2013
Registration and full payment due: November 05, 2013
Organizing Committee
(please see web site)
Technical Matters:
Ajith Abraham
< ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Local Organization:
Ngo Thanh Long,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] MKWI 2014 – Call for Papers „Informationssysteme in der
Datum: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 18:27:24 +0200
Von: Thomas Falk <Thomas.Falk(a)wiwi.uni-regensburg.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Einladung zur Einreichung von Beiträgen (Call for Papers)
Teilkonferenz „Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft“ im Rahmen der
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2014 vom 26.02. - 28.02.2014
an der Universität Paderborn
Finanzdienstleister, insbesondere Banken, stehen auch nach der
Finanzkrise im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Auch wenn Ursache und Wirkung
der Finanzkrise weitestgehend untersucht und Rettungsmechanismen
etabliert wurden, bleiben viele Fragen unbeantwortet. Wie lassen sich
beispielsweise die Transparenz von Produkten und Transaktionen erhöhen
oder die systemischen Risiken interdependenter Netzwerke erkennen und
vermeiden? Zudem, und nicht nur bedingt durch die Finanzkrise, ist die
Fragestellung nach adäquaten Anreizstrukturen, beispielsweise um ein
eigennütziges Verhalten (moral hazard) des Bankberaters zu unterbinden,
von großer Relevanz. Auch die erfolgreiche Nutzung sozialer Medien
innerhalb der Bank und in der Kommunikation mit den Kunden eröffnet
viele Fragen. Inwiefern können soziale Netzwerke genutzt werden, um
Kundenanforderungen an Bankprodukte zu ermitteln und den Kunden aktiv in
den Produktentwicklungsprozess einzubinden? Gleichzeitig kommt dem
Prozess- und Qualitätsmanagement im Spannungsfeld zwischen individuellen
Kundenwünschen und zunehmender Prozessstandardisierung bzw.
-automatisierung zentrale Bedeutung zu. So stellt sich für
Verantwortliche verstärkt die Frage, wie sich die Bankprozesse
hochstandardisiert gestalten lassen und gleichzeitig die wachsende
Nachfrage nach individualisierten Kundenlösungen bedient werden kann.
Informations- und Anwendungssysteme können unterstützend oder selbst als
Teil der Problemlösung fungieren. In vielen Fällen sind sie in Banken
das Untersuchungsobjekt, und es sind beispielsweise wichtige
Fragestellungen mit Blick auf Einsatzbedingungen, Management und
Nutzenrealisierung zu analysieren.
Erwünscht sind allerdings nicht nur Beiträge, die diese aktuellen Themen
als Herausforderungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik aufgreifen. Auch der
Beitrag der IT, beispielsweise zur Umsetzung regulatorischer
Rahmenbedingungen zur Steigerung der Effizienz von Prozessen oder zur
Verbesserung von Investmententscheidungen, bietet ausreichend
Ansatzpunkte für Forschungsbeiträge oder Erfahrungsberichte. Ziel des
Tracks ist es, ein Forum der Kommunikation und des Erfahrungsaustausches
zwischen Praktikern und Wissenschaftlern aus den Bereichen
Finanzwirtschaft und Wirtschaftsinformatik zu schaffen. Dabei wird
sowohl die Sicht der Finanzdienstleister als auch die der Kunden und
Technologielieferanten berücksichtigt.
_Mögliche Themen:_
Für die MKWI 2014 laden wir Autorinnen und Autoren aus Wissenschaft und
Praxis ein, Beiträge zur Teilkonferenz „Informationssysteme in der
Finanzwirtschaft“ aus folgenden Themenbereichen (nicht ausschließlich)
·Industrialisierung im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich
·Leistungserbringung in Wertschöpfungsnetzen
·Gestaltung innovativer Produkte, Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle
·Erfahrungen zur Nutzung sozialer Medien im Banking
·Multikanal- und Allfinanzvertrieb
·Electronic Banking/Mobile Banking
·Innovative Zahlungssysteme
·Veränderungen rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen
·Electronic Financial Reporting
·Prozessoptimierung, Prozessmanagement und Qualitätsmanagement
·Management operationeller Risiken
·Systemische Risiken
·Governance und Management der Bank-IT
·Business- und Process-Intelligence im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich
Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden. Es
können Beiträge als Vollversion (12 Seiten inkl. Deckblatt,
Literaturverzeichnis etc.) und als Research in Progress (7 Seiten inkl.
Deckblatt, Literaturverzeichnis etc.) eingereicht werden.
Bitte beachten Sie darüber hinaus die Hinweise zu den Einreichungen.
_Leitung des Tracks:_
* Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist, Universität Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. Mathias Goeken, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
* Dr. Florian Johannsen, Universität Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. H. U. Buhl, Universität Augsburg
* Dr. F. Johannsen, Universität Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. M. Goeken, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
* Prof. Dr. P. Gomber, Universität Frankfurt am Main
* Prof. Dr. B. Heinrich, Universität Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. M. Janssen, Universität Zürich
* Prof. Dr. D. Kundisch, Universität Paderborn
* Prof. Dr. S. Leist, Universität Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. H.-G. Penzel, ibi Research, Regensburg
* Prof. Dr. P. Roßbach, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
*_Wichtige Termine:_*
15.09.2013 Einreichungsschluss für Beiträge
01.11.2013Einreichungsschluss Vorschläge für Tutorial, Workshop und Panel
15.11.2013Benachrichtigung der Autoren
15.12.2013Einreichungsschluss der finalen Beiträge
26.-28.02.2014MKWI 2014
Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik III,
insbesondere Business Engineering
Universität Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg
Tel. +49 (0)941 / 943 - 32 00
Fax +49 (0)941 / 943 - 32 11
E-Mail: susanne.leist(a)wiwi.uni-regensburg.de
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] ZfB/JBE Special Issue: THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION
Datum: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 16:13:30 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Tim Weitzel <tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
*Call for Papers ***
*Special Issue of ZfB/* *Journal of Business Economics: *
*the impact of Information Systems and Technology
in the E-Business Age***
While Information Systems (IS) are an indispensable part of the value
creation in firms, understanding and governing the impact of IS or a
firm's IT capability on eventual organizational goals remains a
challenge for researchers and practitioners [Bharadwaj 2000; Santhanam
and Hartono 2003]. IT business value is very important to the IS field
as it links IT to firm value, which is at the core of strategic
management [Peppard and Ward 2004]. A maturing literature on IT business
value creation suggests that organization level impacts should be
understood through intermediate constructs such as business process
performance [Melville et al. 2004], IT flexibility [Byrd and Turner
2000] or usage [Chan 2000; DeLone and McLean 1992]. Still our knowledge
of what are adequate intermediate success variables, how they are
related with IT and tangible output, and what technologies and
governance mechanisms should be used to achieve desirable outputs is
still much too narrow.
Similarly, research shows that IT is essential in important intermediate
processes that produce highly relevant output like innovation and
knowledge [Kleis et al. 2012]. However, our knowledge on how and why IT
and innovation are related is limited. The recent emergence of
widespread information and knowledge networks propelled through easy to
use technologies like Wikis and similar social network platforms
signifies opportunities for success and innovation creation. But at the
same time, uncertainties if they require new theories and approaches or
if they are just "traditional" phenomena under stronger network effects
exhibit our lack of sound theoretical knowledge of how such networks and
relevant success measures are related, and should be designed and governed.
We want to stimulate novel perspectives on the evaluation and creation
of success in IT-related contexts. Following the call of Kohli and
Grover [2008] that "evaluation research should have a centrality in our
field, as it is germane to the existential debate on the field's core"
*we look for theoretical, empirical, and design oriented research* on
the evaluation, creation and governance of success in Information
Systems and networks. We welcome a variety of lenses of inquiry,
including economic, technical, behavioral, strategic, and
organizational. Also, research that establishes rigorous grounds for
understanding new phenomena and to foster sophisticated future research
by clarifying theoretical foundations, managerial challenges and key
variables by, for instance, rich narratives that help make new phenomena
tangible, are sought.
*Topics of interest include*:
·Understanding and governing the relation between social media and firm
·Do we need other theories to understand the adoption, diffusion, usage
and value contribution of Web 2.0 technologies, maybe a new IS success
2.0 model, or are those just another application domain?
·How can IT help improve a firm's innovativeness? How do Knowledge
Management Systems yield business benefits?
·How is IT business value creation different in private commercial
enterprises compared to public enterprises and NGOs? To what extent
should E-Government research hence use theories, methods and success
measures that are different from other research domains?
·Economic, technical, and social aspects of IT business value creation
·The societal impact of IS
·How does outsourcing and globalization/internationalization impact IT
reliant processes and their performance?
·Standards, enterprise architecture and success
·What are success factors in FLOSS networks (free/libre open source
·How do "green IT" initiatives have measurable direct and indirect
effects on firm goals, and how can IT help achieve "green" goals beyond
lower energy costs?
·Domain specific IS success models, for example in Health Care,
Automotive (E-Cars), security, knowledge management, outsourcing,
E-Government (theoretical and/or empirically validated), cloud computing
Bharadwaj, A.S. (2000): A Resource-Based Perspective on Information
Technology Capability and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation.
/MIS Quarterly/, 24, 1 (2000), 169-196.
Byrd, T.A., and Turner, D.E. (2000): Measuring the Flexibility of
Information Technology Infrastructure: Exploratory Analysis of a
Construct. /Journal of Management Information Systems/, 17, 1 (2000),
Chan, Y.E. (2000): IT Value: The Great Divide Between Qualitative and
Quantitative and Individual and Organizational Measures. /Journal of
Management Information Systems/, 16, 4 (2000), 225-261.
DeLone, W.H., and McLean, E.R. (1992): Information Systems Success: The
Quest for the Dependent Variable. /Information Systems Research/, 3, 1
(1992), 60-95.
Kohli, R., and Grover, V. (2008): Business Value of IT: An Essay on
Expanding Research Directions to Keep up with the Times. /Journal of the
Association for Information Systems/, 9, 1 (2008), 23-39.
Landon Kleis, Paul Chwelos, Ronald V. Ramirez, and Iain Cockburn (2012):
Information Technology and Intangible Output: The Impact of IT
Investment on Innovation Productivity. Information Systems Research,
March 2012.
Peppard, J., and Ward, J. (2004): Beyond strategic information systems:
towards an IS capability. /Journal of Strategic Information Systems/,
13, 2 (2004), 167-194.
Santhanam, R., and Hartono, E. (2003): Issues in Linking Information
Technology Capability to Firm Performance. /MIS Quarterly/, 27, 1
(2003), 125-153.
*Schedule *
First call for papers: August 1, 2013
Second call for papers: September 1, 2013
/Submission of papers: September 30, 2013/
Author notification: November 15, 2013
/Submission of first revision:
February 15, 2014/
Author notification:
March 31, 2014
/Submission of a second revision: June
31, 2014/
Author notification: August 31, 2014
/Submission of final revisions:
October 31, 2014 /
/Submission of camera-ready papers: November 30,
Planned publication date:
January 2015**
*The Editors*
Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
University of Bamberg
tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de <mailto:tim.weitzel@uni-bamberg.de>
Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl
University of Mannheim
heinzl(a)uni-mannheim.de <mailto:heinzl@uni-mannheim.de>
*Submission of articles*
All papers will be reviewed in an anonymous, double-blind process by
distinguished referees with regard to relevance, originality, and
research quality in order to guarantee the highest possible quality.
Contributions should be handed in English as of September 15^th , 2013.
Manuscripts can be submitted at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/zfb.
Please consider the author guidelines at
*Journal of Business Economics*
The *Journal of Business Economics* *(JBE)* was founded in 1924 by
renowned business economics professors under the name "Zeitschrift für
Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB)" and has since then been counted among the
leading professional journals in the business economics sector. Today,
it is edited by eleven university professors who serve as Department
Editors. *Information Systems* is one of the departments of JBE. The
editorial board members are from Europe, Japan and the USA. Further
information is available at http://www.zfb-online.de
As of January 1st, 2013, the *JBE* will only be published in English,
but will still carry the German subtitle "Zeitschrift für
Betriebswirtschaft". It creates an international publication platform,
allowing the published results to become globally recognized. This will
make it more appealing for authors and in particular for young
scientists to publish their articles in the JBE, while they can still
benefit from the established reputation of the "Zeitschrift
für Betriebswirtschaft". This benefit becomes even greater given that
the journal will be incorporated into *SpringerLink*'s international
collection "Business and Economics" and will become widespread
throughout the world.
*Contact Information:*
For further inquiries, please contact Tim Weitzel
All best
Tim Weitzel, Armin Heinzl
Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Full Professor, Chair of Information Systems and Services
/Dean of the Information Systems and Informatics Faculty
<http://www.uni-bamberg.de/wiai> at the University of Bamberg
//Director of CHRIS - Centre of Human Resource Information Systems
/ /Senior Editor of the Journal of the Association of Information
Systems <http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais>/
University of Bamberg
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Approaching Deadline on August 15 - IEEE
Technically Co-sponsored ICEEE2013 - Poland
Datum: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 23:09:01 -0600
Von: Jackie Blanco <jackie(a)sdiwc.info>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Second International Conference on E- Learning and E- Technologies
in Education (ICEEE2013)
September 23- 25, 2013
Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
The ICEEE 2013 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Poland and All papers
will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion to IEEE Xplore
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at Lodz
University of Technology, Lodz, Poland from Sept. 23- 25, 2013 which
aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Security AspectsÂ?
- Immersive Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Collaborative Learning
- Errors in E-Learning
- Community Building
- Accessibility to Disabled Users
- Context Dependent Learning
- E-Learning Platforms, PortalsÂ?
- Mobile Learning (M-learning)
- Learning Organization
- Standards and Interoperability
- Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
- Digital Libraries for E-Learning
- Joint Degrees
- Web- based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
- Authoring Tools and Content Development
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Medical Applications
- E- Learning Hardware and Software
- AV- Communication and Multimedia
- Ontologies and Meta- Data Standards
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- E- Testing and new Test Theories
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Distance Education
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
- Assessment and Accreditation of Courses and Institutions
- Course Design and E-Learning Curriculae
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and Development
- Theoretical Bases of E-Learning Environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and E-Learning in a Global Context
- Cooperation with Industry in Teaching
- Higher Education vs. Vocational Training
- Critical Success Factors in Distance LearningÂ?
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Interdisciplinary Programs for Distance Education
- Impact and Achievements of International Initiatives
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- E-learning in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and information engineering
- Groupware Tools
- Educating the Educators
- Blended Learning
- Assessment Software Tools
- Teacher Evaluation
- E-Learning Success Cases
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All
papers will be fully refereed by a minimum
of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referees
comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date : August 15, 2013
Notification of acceptance: September 05, 2013
Camera Ready submission : September 15, 2013
Registration : On or before September 15, 2013
Conference dates : September 23- 25, 2013
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Educational Technologies 2013 in Malaysia: submit until 30 August
Datum: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 23:37:10 +0200 (SAST)
Von: Andreia Cruz <andreia.cruz(a)icedutech-conf.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
--------Call for Papers ICEduTech 2013 (2nd call): submissions until 30
August 2013 -------
* International Conference on Educational Technologies 2013*
29 November to 1 December 2013, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
The Educational Technologies 2013 conference will be held at Academic
Lecture Hall A, UPM (University of Putra), Malaysia, during 29 November
to 1 December 2013.
ICEduTech is the scientific conference addressing the real topics as
seen by teachers, students, parents and school leaders. Both scientists,
professionals and institutional leaders are invited to be informed by
experts, sharpen the understanding what education needs and how to
achieve it.
The conference covers six main areas: Education in Context, Education as
Professional Field, Curricular Evolution, Learner Orientation,
Integrating Educational Technologies and International Higher Education.
These broad areas are divided into more detailed areas, for more
information please check http://www.icedutech-conf.org/call-for-papers
** Paper Submission*
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by
August 30, 2013. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
** Important Dates:*
- Submission Deadline (2nd call): 30 August 2013
- Notification to Authors (2nd call): 30 September 2013
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration(2nd call ): Until
21 October 2013
- Late Registration(1^st call extension): After 21 October 2013
** Paper Publication*
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN,
will be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing to INSPEC, EI
Compendex, Thomson ISI, ISTP and other indexing services.
Extended versions of best papers will be invited for publication in
journals, in a book from IGI and in other selected and indexed
** Conference Contact:*
E-mail: secretariat(a)icedutech-conf.org
Web site: http://www.icedutech-conf.org/
** Organized by: *
International Association for Development of the Information Society
Co-Organized by: University of Putra (UPM), Malaysia
Sponsored by: Curtin University, Curtin Business School, Australia
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
Datum: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 20:40:01 +0800
Von: Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu <robertchh(a)gmail.com>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce a new journal,
IJBDI, International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
IJBDI is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality original
research papers in any aspect of big data intelligence. The objectives
of IJBDI are provide cross-disciplinary innovative research ideas and
results for big data intelligence, including novel theory, algorithms
and applications. It also aims to promote and establish an effective
channel of communication between industries, government agencies,
academic and research institutions and persons concerned with the
complexity of big data intelligence.
This new journal pursues two objectives:
1) Becoming an on-going forum for professionals, academics, researchers,
scientists, engineers, educators, and policy makers, working in the field
of data science and management to demonstrate and explore current advances
in all aspects of big data intelligence, in its many shapes and forms.
2) Promoting cross-disciplinary innovative research and expanding dialogue
across disciplinary fields, such as engineering, medicine, computational
biology, healthcare, social science, finance, business, government,
education, transportation and telecommunications.
For more information, please visit http://www.inderscience.com/ijbdi
== Editorial Board ==
IJBDI is published by Inderscience Publishers and is administered by an
international and interdisciplinary editorial board.
Executive and Advisory Editors:
Hsu, Ching-Hsien, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Abawajy, Jemal, Deakin University, Australia
Bojanova, Irena, University of Maryland University College, USA
Chung, Yeh-Ching, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Hacker, Thomas J., Purdue University, USA
Paprzycki, Marcin, Systems Research Institute, Poland
Balaji, Pavan, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Chen, Jinjun, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Di Martino, Beniamino, Seconda Universita di Napoli, Italy
Wang, Guojun, Central South University, China
Buyya, Raj, University of Melbourne, Australia
Fox, Geoffrey Charles, Indiana University, USA
Hwang, Kai, University of Southern California, USA
Prasanna, Viktor K., University of Southern California, USA
Ranka, Sanjay, University of Florida, USA
Sahni, Sartaj, University of Florida, USA
Tsai, Jeffrey, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Yen, I-Ling, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Yu, Philip S., University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Zomaya, Albert, University of Sydney, Australia
Editorial Board:
Please visit http://www.inderscience.com/ijbdi
== Publication ==
In addition to the open call, special issues devoted to emerging topics
in big data intelligence will occasionally be published.
== Submissions ==
IJBDI welcomes submissions of high-quality original research articles
with novel findings, and critical reviews. The journal aims to present
original perspectives and points of view across disciplines and areas of
To submit a paper, please read the detailed guidelines found here:
For more information, and to propose a Special Issue, please contact
the editor.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CSSE2014, Topics:Computer Science and Software Engineering
Datum: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 07:11:01 +0800 (CST)
Von: CSSE2014 <workshop_January(a)hanszz.org>
Antwort an: workshop_January(a)engii.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Call for paper:CSSE 2014
Submission Due:Sep. 10, 2013
Acceptance notification:Oct. 18, 2013
Conference: Jan. 12-14, 2014 Shenzhen, China
*The 5th International Conference on
Computer Science and Software Engineering *
*Special focus: Software Engineering*
CSSE will be held on January 12 to 14, 2014 in Shenzhen, China. The
conference will highlight the emerging Computer Science and Software
Engineering. *This year, we will focus on software engineering.*
Call for Speakers and TPC Members
If you wish to serve the conference as an invited speaker or a TPC
member, please send email to us with your CV and photo.
*Benefits of Invited Speakers*
♦ Your latest research results will be shared and acknowledged by
scholars around the world.
♦ The title and abstract of your speech will be posted on the conference
website and program booklets.
♦ The title and abstract of your speech will be published in the journal.
♦ You can enjoy a free registration.
*Benefits of TPC Members*
♦ Your CV will be posted on the conference website.
♦ You can enjoy a 50% discount on the regular registration.
Call for Co-Organizers
If you’re interested to be our Co-Organizer, you can contact via
workshop_January(a)engii.org <mailto:%20%20workshop_January@engii.org%20>.
*Benefits of Co-Organizers*
♦ The logo of your organization will be posted on the conference website
as well as in all the conference materials.
♦ The members of your organization can enjoy a discount (10% off) on the
regular registration.
Call for Papers
All the accepted papers will be published by " /Journal of Computer and
Communications/" (ISSN: 2327-5219), a peer-reviewed open access journal
that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work.
To be considered for an oral presentation without publishing a full
paper, submit your abstract by *Sep. 10, 2013*. Abstracts will be
selected for presentation based on the quality of their submissions and
space availability.
*Paper/Abstract Submission System:*
E-mail: workshop_January(a)engii.org | Tel: +86- 132 6470 2250
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and
Services, Dec 15, 2013, Milan, Italy x
Datum: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 17:02:06 +0800
Von: Wei Thoo Yue <wtyue99(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
***Call for papers and participation***
SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (in conjunction with
International Conference on Information Systems)
December 15, 2013, Milan,Italy
AIS-SIGBPS Website: www.sigbps.org <http://www.sigbps.org>
Workshop Website: www.sigbps.org/bps13 <http://www.sigbps.org/bps13>
(in conjunction with International Conference on Information Systems)
*Theme: Business Process Analytics*
The growth of Internet-enabled businesses sees an increasing potential
of process analytics to derive additional values in the business process
value chain. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum to
discuss new research directions in the area of business process
management and business service automation. A critical goal of the
workshop is to cultivate high quality research concerning
Internet-enabled business processes and services, which include new
technological advances such as cloud computing, mobile commerce, service
virtualization, and big data analysis.
This workshop aims to extend the boundaries of research in business
process management by integrating new elements that have not been
sufficiently emphasized in the past. The recent rapid advances in
information systems have created both challenges and opportunities to
develop new business services via innovative business processes. For
instance, we know how to automate routine, formal business processes but
have not really attempted computerizing ad hoc processes that may emerge
spontaneously and have short life span. These may include examples like
setting up ad hoc meetings that may involve a number of people from
different places, different IT devices and platforms, an evolving
agenda, a set of documents as inputs and outputs and some decisions and
outcomes. Such meetings are often very valuable but also time consuming
to organize and manage.
Another important area of interest of this workshop is to promote
theoretical efforts in business processes. The business process modeling
and automation research has been largely driven by the need to solve
practical problems. There has been a lack of strong theories in this
area and we believe that it is essential to develop new theories about
business process and service automation.
Given the nature and purposes of this workshop, we invite papers of no
more than five pages that are well articulated and formatted in single
line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1 inch margins. We particularly
seek position papers but also welcome conceptual papers with a strong
theoretical flavor, as well as completed research papers or
research-in-progress papers.
Suggested research topics include, but not limited to, the following ones:
* Cloud computing and process management
* Collaborative processes in social media
* Coordination and cooperation mechanisms for process management
* Data mining for process technologies and management
* Financial service applications
* Frameworks and methodologies for collaboration processes
* Healthcare and process management
* Human resource management under distributed process technologies
* Metrics and measurements in business processes and services
* Evaluations of business process and service implementations
* Mobile commerce and process management
* Organization and culture issues in process automation
* Process competencies in information intensive businesses
* Process management methodologies
* Business process theories and applications
* Technology and architecture issues in process driven organizations
* Telecommuting and process modeling
* Workflows in collaborative operations and systems
* Consequences of process and service virtualization
* Possible emergence of novel virtual intermediaries
* Public policy implications
* Important Dates:*
*Submission Deadline: Oct 1, 2013*
*Notification of Acceptance: Oct 22, 2013*
*Final version Due: Oct 31, 2013*