-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Deadline Extension: Special Issue of ACM
Transactions on Management Information Systems on Business
Process Intelligence
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 06:36:29 +0000
From: Aalst, W.M.P. van der <W.M.P.v.d.Aalst(a)tue.nl>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Due to several requests the paper submission deadline of the
Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Management Information
Systems on Business Process Intelligence has been extended
to May 15, 2013. We are looking forward to your submissions.
Special Issue of
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems on
Business Process Intelligence
New submission deadline: May 15, 2013
Recently, interesting and innovative concepts, technologies,
and applications emerged from the cross-fertilization of
BPM and BI/DM/KDD disciplines. Notable examples are process
mining, automatic process discovery, intelligent process
configuration, and advanced process analytics, which can be
collectively referred to as Business Process Intelligence
(BPI). Therefore, ACM Transactions on Management
Information Systems (ACM TMIS) decided to organize a special
issue on "Business Process Intelligence".
- http://tmis.acm.org/TMIS-SI-BPI-CFP.pdf for a short Call
for Papers, and
- http://tmis.acm.org/TMIS-SI-BPI-AddInfo.pdf for more
detailed information.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Advanced knowledge management for BPM
- Analytical process mapping
- Automated business process discovery
- Big data-based process analytics
- Business process structural analytics
- Case studies of business process intelligence
- Cloud BPM
- Conformance checking and compliance monitoring
- Complex event processing for BPM
- Distributed process mining
- Domain applications of business process intelligence
- Intelligent business operations
- Internet of Things and BPM
- Mobile analytics for process management
- Privacy and security in process mining
- Process mining algorithms
- Process mining methodologies
- Social process mining
- Social network analysis for BPM
- Theoretical development of BPM
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: May 15, 2013
- Notification of First Review: August 15, 2013
- Submission of Revised Manuscript: September 30, 2013
- Notification of Second Review: October 31, 2013
- Submission of Second Revised Manuscript: November 18, 2013
- Final Acceptance notification: December 2, 2013
- Final Manuscript Due: December 18, 2013
Guest Editors:
- Wil van der Aalst, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
(TU/e), Netherlands
- J. Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- Harry Jiannan Wang, University of Delaware, USA
Online Submission: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmis
<http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmis> (please select
"Special Issue" as the manuscript type). Details of the
journal and manuscript preparation are available on the
website: http://tmis.acm.org/.
For more information, see
<http://tmis.acm.org/TMIS-SI-BPI-CFP.pdf> and
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Contribution: ACM Recsys 2013,
October 12-16, Hong Kong, China
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 14:56:11 +0800
From: Mi Zhang <mi_zhang(a)fudan.edu.cn>
To: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
<ak-kd-list(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, <kdml(a)cs.uni-kassel.de>,
<fca-list(a)cs.uni-kassel.de>, <dl(a)dl.kr.org>,
<kaw(a)science.uva.nl>, <all-prolearn(a)agws.dit.upm.es>,
<researchers(a)pascal-network.org>, <colt(a)cs.uiuc.edu>,
<SIGIR-ANNOUNCE-REQUEST(a)acm.org>, <ah(a)listserver.tue.nl>,
<IRList(a)lists.shef.ac.uk>, <um(a)di.unito.it>,
<adaptive(a)topica.com>, <BCS-HCI(a)JISCMAIL.AC.UK>,
<chisigmail(a)chisig.org>, <IR(a)JISCMAIL.AC.UK>,
<editor1(a)kdnuggets.com>, <Dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu>,
<members(a)sigsem.org>, <MM-INTEREST(a)LISTSERV.ACM.ORG>,
<chi-students(a)listserv.acm.org>, <acl(a)aclweb.org>,
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, <ah(a)listserver.tue.nl>,
<aisem(a)cs.wisc.edu>, <aixia(a)aixia.it>,
<aussenac(a)irit.fr>, <bayes-news(a)stat.cmu.edu>,
<bull-i3(a)irit.fr>, <data-mining-section(a)list.informs.org>,
<eccaifellows08(a)eccai.org>, <editor1(a)kdnuggets.com>,
<eelkind(a)gmail.com>, <eyal(a)illinois.edu>,
<ezhong(a)cse.ust.hk>, <fabrice.guillet(a)univ-nantes.fr>,
<ihab_mallak(a)hotmail.com>, <IRList(a)lists.shef.ac.uk>,
<j.mueller.11(a)ucl.ac.uk>, <jerome.david(a)univ-nantes.fr>,
<liste-egc(a)polytech.univ-nantes.fr>, <ml(a)isle.org>,
<mlgroup(a)centauri.biostat.wisc.edu>, <pipifuyj(a)gmail.com>,
<PlanetKR(a)kr.org>, <pmcnicho(a)uoguelph.ca>,
<qyang(a)cse.ust.hk>, <r.martin(a)cs.ucl.ac.uk>,
<researchers(a)pascal-network.org>, <ruml(a)cs.unh.edu>,
<servane.bianciardi(a)ihp.jussieu.fr>, <trustees+(a)ijcai.org>,
[Our apologies for cross posting]
ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)
Oct 12-16, 2013, Hong Kong, China
Submission is now open
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the premier
annual event on research and applications of recommendation
technologies, the Seventh ACM Conference on Recommender
Systems (RecSys 2013). The conference will be held on
October 12-16, 2013, Hong Kong, China. Previous conferences
have been distinguished by a strong level of interaction
between researchers and practitioners in the sharing of
ideas, problems and solutions, and the 2013 conference will
continue in this tradition. The fully-refereed proceedings
will be published by the ACM and, like past RecSys
proceedings, are expected to be widely read and cited.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically
in PDF format. RecSys 2013 submissions should be prepared
according to the standard ACM SIG proceedings format. For
your convenience, we provide paper templates in Microsoft
Word and LaTeX on the conference website.
There are two paper submission categories:
Long paper submissions should report on substantial
contributions of lasting value. The maximum length is 8
pages in the standard ACM SIG proceedings format. Each
accepted long paper will be presented in a plenary session
as part of the main conference program. We expect the review
process to be highly selective: in 2012, the acceptance rate
for full papers was 20%.
Short paper submissions typically discuss exciting new work
that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. The maximum
length is 4 pages in the standard ACM SIG proceedings
format. Each accepted short paper will be presented in a
poster session. The presentation may include a system
Note: Please note that rejected long paper submissions will
not be automatically considered as short papers.
We construe recommender systems broadly, including
applications ranging from e-commerce to social networking,
platforms from web to mobile and beyond, and a wide variety
of technologies ranging from collaborative filtering to
case-based reasoning. Topics of interest for RecSys 2013
include (but are not limited to):
- Algorithm scalability
- Case studies of real-world implementations
- Computational advertising
- Conversational recommender systems
- Context-aware and multidimensional models
- Evaluation metrics and studies
- Explanations and evidence
- Group recommenders
- Impact studies
- Innovative/New applications
- Machine learning for recommendation
- Novel paradigms
- Personalization
- Preference elicitation
- Recommendation algorithms
- Social recommenders
- User interfaces
- Security, privacy, trust, and reputation
- Semantic web technologies for recommendation
- Theoretical foundations
- User modelling
- User studies
RecSys 2013 is pleased to invite demos, proposals for
workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with the
The RecSys demo session provides an exciting way for
researchers and developers to present new recommender ideas,
show off their work, and get valuable feedback from the
recommender systems community.
The goal of the workshops is to provide additional venues
for presenting research on topics of interest and an
informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges.
The goal of the tutorials is to provide the larger
conference community an opportunity to learn about
recommender system concepts and techniques and serve as a
venue to share presenters' expertise with the global
community of recommender system researchers and practitioners.
We actively encourage both researchers and industry
practitioners to submit demos and proposals. We actively
encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to
submit demos and proposals. The details for demos, workshops
and tutorials are available at
Important Dates
Long/Short Papers:
- Paper Abstract Submission: May 6, 2013
- Paper Submission: May 13, 2013
- Paper Acceptance Notification: July 8, 2013
- Camera-Ready papers due: July 22, 2013
Workshop Proposals:
- Workshop proposals due: April 15, 2013
- Workshop Decisions announced: May 6, 2013
Tutorial Proposals:
- Tutorial proposals due: May 20, 2013
- Tutorial Acceptance Notification: June 24, 2013
- Camera-ready tutorial papers due: July 29, 2013
- Demo Submission: May 27th, 2013
- Demo Acceptance Notifications: June 24th, 2013
- Camera-ready demos due: July 29, 2013
- Conference Dates: Oct 12-16, 2013
More information at: http://recsys.acm.org/recsys13
LinkedIn group: Recsys 2013
Twitter: @ACMRecSys
Program Co-chairs (program2013(a)recsys.acm.org
Pearl Pu, EPFL Lausanne
George Karypis, University of Minnesota
General Co-chairs (recsys2013(a)acm.org
Qyang Yang, Huawei Noah Ark Research Lab & Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology
Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong
Local Chairs (lichen(a)comp.hkbu.edu.hk
Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Ted Chi Yin Chow <http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/%7Echiychow/>,
City University of Hong Kong, China
Publicity Chairs (mi_zhang(a)fudan.edu.cn
Mi Zhang, Fudan University, China
Simon Dooms <http://www.wica.intec.ugent.be/simon-dooms>,
Ghent University, Belgium
oTim Hussein
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
oQian Xu, Baidu Inc. <http://www.baidu.com/>, China
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] MobiWIS 2013: Final Call
for Papers and Demos
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 06:30:46 -0300
From: Elhadi Shakshuki <elhadi.shakshuki(a)acadiau.ca>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
The 10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems
(MobiWIS 2013)
26-28 August 2013, Coral Beach Conference Hotel and Resort Paphos,
*** Final Call for papers/demos -- Extended Deadline***
The International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS)
aims to advance the state of the art in scientific and practical
research on mobile Web and information systems. It provides a forum for
researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and the public
sector in an effort to disseminate latest research results and to share
knowledge and experiences regarding tools, techniques, technologies,
models, and methodologies that lead to better information and service
provisioning in the mobile Web.
The conference comprises a set of carefully selected tracks that focus
on the particular challenges regarding mobile Web Information Systems in
research areas such as, among others, Web Engineering, Service-Oriented
Computing, Web Search, Data and Knowledge Management, Cloud Computing,
Security and Human-Computer Interaction.
Conference Tracks
* Mobile Web and social applications
* Middleware/SOA for mobile Web information systems
* Mobile Web searching
* Context- and location-aware services
* Data management in the mobile Web
* Mobile cloud services
* Mobile Internet of Things
* Mobile Web security, trust and privacy
* Mobile networks, protocols and applications
* Mobile commerce and business services
* Mobile Web for social and economic development
* HCI in mobile applications
* Industry track - Mobile Web and Information Systems
* General - Mobile Web and Information Systems
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: May 13, 2013 (extended)
Demo submissions: May 13, 2013
Author notification: May 27, 2013
Final manuscript due: June 12, 2013
Paper Submission Instructions
Papers must be in English and must not exceed 15 pages. Papers must be
formatted in Springer’s LNCS format; see formatting instructions and
Papers are submitted as PDF files via the EasyChair conference
management system:
Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.
Demo Submission Instructions
MobiWIS 2013 will offer the opportunity for demonstrations of systems or
applications that exhibit novel features regarding all thematic areas of
the conference. Proposals for demonstrations describing the
system/application, its novel features, and the demonstration should be
submitted through the conference submission system by the demonstration
deadline, track "Demonstrations":
Submissions of demonstration proposals are accepted in pdf format only.
Demonstration proposals should be up to 4 pages in length, and should
follow the LNCS paper formatting guidelines:
Demonstration proposals should be up to 4 pages in length, and should
otherwise be in the format required for papers.
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for
the conference and plan to present the paper. Authors of selected papers
will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for a
special issue on Mobile Web Information Systems in the Computing journal
published by Springer.
Accepted demonstration papers will be included in the main conference
proceedings to be published with Springer. At least one proposer of
every accepted demonstration must register to the conference, attend the
event, and present the demonstration live during a dedicated
demonstration session. Suitable facilities (e.g., a table, chairs and
power plugs) will be provided by the conference.
General Chair
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
General Vice-Chairs
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Program Chairs
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Philippe Thiran, Sirris and University of Namur, Belgium
Program Vice-Chairs (Conference Tracks)
- Mobile Web and social applications
Leondro Wives, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
- Middleware/SOA for mobile Web information systems
Zaki Malik, Wayne State University, USA
- Mobile Web searching
Daqiang Zhang, Institute Telecom, France
- Context- and location-aware services
Hong-Linh Truong, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Data management in the mobile Web
Roberto De Virgilio, Università Roma Tre, Italy
- Mobile cloud services
Claudio Geyer, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
- Mobile Internet of Things
Federico M. Facca, CREATE-NET, Italy
- Mobile Web security, trust and privacy
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Università degli Studi di Milano,
- Mobile networks, protocols and applications
Carlos A. Iglesias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Mobile commerce and business services
Michael Weiss, Carleton University, Canada
- HCI in mobile applications
Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK
- Industry track - Mobile Web and Information Systems
Pikkarainen Minna, VTT, Finland
- General - Mobile Web and Information Systems
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Call for Papers: HASE 2014
Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 11:22:02 +0900
From: Hirohisa AMAN(阿萬) <aman(a)cs.ehime-u.ac.jp>
Reply-To: aman(a)cs.ehime-u.ac.jp
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
* HASE 2014: 15th IEEE International Symposium
* on High Assurance Systems Engineering
* http://hase2014.cis.fiu.edu/
* January 9 - 11, 2014
* Miami, Florida, USA
The 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems
Engineering (HASE) is a forum on tools and techniques used to
design and construct systems that, in addition to meeting their
functional objectives, are safe, secure, and reliable.
The strength of the evidence supporting the assurance case is of
central importance to the argument that a system satisfies its
safety and security policies. Supporting evidence can be obtained
from a number of sources including: testing, verification, design
methodologies, simulation, and analysis tools.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Platforms and Architectures
- Cyber-physical Systems
- Cloud Computing
- Distributed Systems
- Web Services
- Embedded Systems
- SCADA Systems and other Critical Infrastructures
* Behavior
- Emergent Behavior
- Fault Tolerance
- Simulation
- Monitoring
* Development and Understanding
- Model-driven Engineering
- Synthesis
- Formal Methods
- Domain Specific Languages
- Evolution and Change
- Verification and Validation
- Software Analysis and Visualization
- Transformation-based Development
- Security, Reliability and Safety
- Tools for High Assurance Systems
* Case Studies and Experiments
Types of Contributions
Full/Research Papers (up to eight pages) that solicit original,
unpublished research reports, empirical studies and reports on
engineering advances. They will be reviewed for topicality,
novelty, and potential to spark useful discussions in the symposium.
Fast Abstract Papers (up to two pages) that describe new ideas, or
recent experiences to promote current work, research, practices,
opinions, and issues related to any facet of high assurance systems.
A fast abstract is early communication of technical work and does not
require completed results as expected in a conference or journal
Panel Proposals are being solicited. Panels should focus on new
challenges and emerging technologies related to high assurance systems,
to stimulate a lively and thought provoking discussion. Controversial
issues that encompass multiple viewpoints are desirable. The goal is to
engage the audience with a lively debate that furthers their
understanding of the topic. Panel proposals of at most two pages should
be submitted by email to the panel chair, and should include the panel
title and scope, and the organizers’ contact information.
Extended versions of the best accepted papers will be invited for
publication in a special Issue of an International Journal or an Edited
Book (TBD).
************ IMPORTANT DATES *******************************
August 01, 2013: paper submission
September 30, 2013: author notification
October 30, 2013: Camera-ready & author registration
All submissions must be written in English and formatted according to
the IEEE formatting guidelines for conference papers
All papers and fast abstracts must be submitted through the web-based
submission system, in PDF format. Submissions that exceed the specified
page limits (eight for research papers and two for fast abstracts),
outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting
guidelines may be rejected without review. At least one author of each
accepted research paper or fast abstract is required to pay the full
registration fee to the conference. Each accepted paper or fast
abstract must be presented in person by the author or one of the
authors. All accepted papers and fast abstracts will be published in
the electronic proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, indexed
through INSPEC and EI Index, and automatically included in the IEEE
digital library.
General Chair
Raymond A. Paul, Department of Defense, USA
Program Chairs
Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen’s University, Canada
Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University, USA
Finance Chair
Victor Winter, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Local Arrangement Chairs
Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University, USA
Jinpeng Wei, Florida International University, USA
Proceeding Chair
Remzi Seker, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Panel Chair
I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Publicity Chairs
Komminist Weldemariam, Queen’s University, Canada
Hirohisa Aman, Ehime University, Japan
Sincerely Yours,
Hirohisa AMAN <aman(a)cs.ehime-u.ac.jp, aman(a)computer.org>
Dept. of Computer Sc., Ehime Univ.