-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Deadline Extension: ICSEA 2013 || October 27 - November 1,
2013 - Venice, Italy
Datum: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:49:31 -0400
Von: ICSEA 2013 <invitation(a)iariaschedule.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to ICSEA 2013.
The submission deadline has been extended to June 12, 2013.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
============== ICSEA 2013 | Call for Papers ===============
ICSEA 2013, The Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
October 27 - November 1, 2013 - Venice, Italy
General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/ICSEA13.html
Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/CfPICSEA13.html
- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
Submission page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/SubmitICSEA13.html
Submission deadline: June 12, 2013
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.: http://www.proceedings.com/9769.html
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library: http://www.thinkmind.org
Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.
All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.
Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html
ICSEA 2013 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)
Advances in fundamentals for software development
Fundamentals in software development; Software architecture, patterns, frameworks; Software analysis and model checking; Software architectural scalability; Requirements engineering and design; Software design (methodologies, patterns, experiences, views, design by contract, design by responsibilities, etc.); Software modeling (OO, non-OO, MDA, SOA, patterns, UML, etc.); Software process and workflow; Software validation and verification; Software testing and testing tools; Software implementation; Software project management (risk analysis, dependencies, etc.)
Advanced mechanisms for software development
Software composition; Process composition and refactoring; Co-design and codeplay; Software dependencies; Plug&play software; Adaptive software; Context-sensitive software; Policy-driven software design; Software rejuvenation; Feature interaction detection and resolution; Embedded software; Parallel and distributed software
Advanced design tools for developing software
Formal specifications in software; Programming mechanisms (real-time, multi-threads, etc.); Programming techniques (feature-oriented, aspects-oriented, generative programming, agents-oriented, contextual-oriented, incremental, stratified, etc.); Requirement specification languages; Programming languages; Automation of software design and implementation; Software design with highly distributed resources (GRID); Web service based software; Scenario-based model synthesis; Merging partial behavioral models; Partial goal/requirement satisfaction
Advanced facilities for accessing software
Information modeling; GUI related software; Computer-aided software design; Hierarchical APIs; APIs roles in software development; Ontology support for Web Services; Rapid prototyping tools; Embedded software quality; Thread modeling; Flexible Objects; Use cases; Visual Modeling
Software performance
Software performance modeling; Software performance engineering (UML diagrams, Process algebra, Petri nets, etc.); Software performance requirements; Performance forecast for specific applications; Performance testing; Web-service based software performance; Performance of rule-based software; Methods for performance improvements; Software performance experience reports; Program failures experiences; Error ranking via correlation; Empirical evaluation of defects
Software security, privacy, safeness
Security requirements, design, and engineering; Software safety and security; Security, privacy and safeness in software; Software vulnerabilities; Assessing risks in software; Software for online banking and transactions; Software trace analysis; Software uncertainties; Dynamic detection of likely invariants; Human trust in interactive software; Memory safety; Safety software reuse; High confidence software; Trusted computing; Next generation secure computing
Advances in software testing
Formal approaches for test specifications; Advanced testing methodologies; Static and dynamic analysis; Strategies for testing nondeterministic systems; Testing software releases; Generating tests suites; Evolutionary testing of embedded systems; Algorithmic testing; Exhaustive testing; Black-box testing; Testing at the design level; Testing reactive software; Empirical evaluation
Specialized software advanced applications
Database related software; Software for disaster recovery applications; Software for mobile vehicles; Biomedical-related software; Biometrics related software; Mission critical software; Real-time software; E-health related software; Military software; Crisis-situation software; Software for Bluetooth and mobile phones; Multimedia software applications
Open source software
Open source software (OSS) methodologies; OSS development and debugging; Security in OSS; Performance of OSS; OSS roles and responsibilities; OSS incremental development; Division of labor and coordination mechanisms; Distribution of decision-making; Operational boundaries; Experience reports and lessons learned; Versioning management; Towards generalizing the OSS methodologies and practices; Open source licensing; Industrial movement towards open source
Agile software techniques
Agile software methodologies and practices (extreme programming, scrum, feature-driven, etc.); Agile modeling (serial in the large, iterative in the small); Agile model driven design; Agile methodologies for embedded software; Software metrics for agile projects; Lifecycle for agile software development; Agile user experience design; Agility via program automation; Testing into an agile environment; Agile project planning; Agile unified process
Software deployment and maintenance
Software in small and large organizations; Deploying and maintaining open source software; Software maintenance; Software assurance; Patching; Run-time vulnerability checking; Software rejuvenation; Software updates; Partial or temporary feature deprecation; Multi-point software deployment and configuration; On-line software updates
Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms
Software reuse; Software quality metrics (complexity, empiric metrics, etc.); Software re-engineering (reverse engineering); Software composition; Software integration; Consistency checking; Real-time software development; Temporal specification; Model checking; Theorem provers; Modular reasoning; Petri Nets; Formalisms for behavior specification; Advanced techniques for autonomic components and systems
Business technology
Enterprise Content Managements (ECMs); Business Intelligence (BI); Enterprise Portals; Business Process Management (BPM); Corporate Performance Management (CPM); Enterprise Data Warehouse; Web Publishing; Cloud Computing; Virtualisation; Data Mining; Workflows; Business Rules Management (BRM); Data Capturing
Software economics, adoption, and education
Patenting software; Software licensing; Software economics; Software engineering education; Academic and industrial views on software adoption and education; Good-to-great in software adoption and improvement; Software knowledge management
Improving productivity in research on software engineering
Developing frameworks to support research; Methods and tools to improving the research environment; Supporting domain specific research needs; Teaching research skills in Computer Science; Experience reports on well developed research processes; Experience reports on empirical approaches to software engineering research; Approaches to supporting higher degree students in their research; Approaches to enlarge the research / teaching nexus to improve academics productivity; Approaches to integration between university research and industry research; Tools to support the research process
Committee: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/ComICSEA13.html
To stop receiving notices about ICSEA, please reply with "DROP ICSEA gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field.
To receive notices about specific topics only, please reply with "TOPIC CHANGE gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field, and the specific topics in the email body.
To stop receiving any notice, please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EMNet] EMNET 2013 - Reminder: DEADLINE for
Abstract - MAY 31
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:30:55 +0200
From: Josef Windsperger <josef.windsperger(a)univie.ac.at>
Reply-To: josef.windsperger(a)univie.ac.at
To: emnet(a)lists.univie.ac.at
Dear colleague,
I want to remind you of the deadline for the submission of the abstract
for the EMNet 2013 in Agadir (Nov. 21 - 23, 2013):
Submission of the abstract: MAY 31, 2013
Confirmation of acceptance of the proposal: June 5, 2013
(see also http://emnet.univie.ac.at/emnet-2013/?no_cache=1)
If you have any questions regarding the submission of your proposal or the
organization of the conference, you can always contact me.
I apologise if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Best regards,
Dr. Josef Windsperger (Associate Professor)
Department of Management
University of Vienna
Brünner Str. 72
A-1210 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 4277 38180, Fax: +43 1 4277 38174
im.univie.ac.at, josef.windsperger(a)univie.ac.at
EMNet mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd CFP: Workshop on Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning in Robotics @ ICLP2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Datum: Thu, 23 May 2013 15:04:38 +0300
Von: peterschueller(a)sabanciuniv.edu
(Apologies for cross-posting.)
Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics
at the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP).
Location: Istanbul, Turkey.
Date of Workshop: August 25, 2013.
Workshop web site:
Conference web site:
Mobile robots (and agents) are increasingly being used in a range
of application domains such as disaster rescue, surveillance,
health care and navigation. A formidable challenge to the
widespread deployment of robots in our homes, offices and other
complex domains is the ability to represent, reason with and
revise incomplete and inconsistent domain knowledge obtained from
sensor inputs and high-level human feedback. Although many
algorithms have been developed for representing and reasoning
with domain knowledge, the research community is fragmented, with
separate vocabularies that are increasingly (and ironically)
making it difficult for these researchers to communicate with
each other. As a result, the rich body of research in knowledge
representation for cognitive agents is not fully exploited by
robotics researchers. For instance, declarative programming
paradigms provide non-monotonic reasoning capabilities essential
for robotics, although they do not always consider the challenge
of modeling the uncertainty in robot application domains. In
parallel, many robotics researchers are developing probabilistic
reasoning algorithms that elegantly model the uncertainty in
sensing and navigation on robots, although it is a challenge to
use such algorithms to represent and reason with commonsense
knowledge. In recent years, algorithms have also been developed
for combining logical and probabilistic reasoning, but these
algorithms do not support the desired knowledge representation
and reasoning capabilities, or fail to address problems (e.g.,
frame problem, ramification problem) that are well understood in
the logic programming community.
This workshop seeks to engage the logic programming community in
robotics research challenges. The objective is to promote a
deeper understanding of recent breakthroughs and tough challenges
in the logical programming and probabilistic robotics
communities, resulting in collaborative efforts towards
addressing the knowledge representation and reasoning challenges
in robotics. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Knowledge acquisition and representation.
* Reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent knowledge.
* Reasoning about actions and change.
* Planning and scheduling.
* Learning and symbol grounding.
* Cognitive architectures.
* Multiagent systems.
We are especially interested in papers describing efforts to
integrate knowledge representation, logical reasoning and/or
probabilistic reasoning on robots and agents in different
application domains.
Paper submissions can be in one of the following categories:
* Regular paper: the length of regular papers (including figures
and bibliography) should not exceed 12 pages.
* Poster/summary paper: the length of poster/summary papers
(including all figures and bibliography) should not exceed 4
Papers must be written in English using the same format used for
ICLP submissions: http://www.iclp2013.org/en/Submissions.html
Easychair paper submission web site:
Submission deadline: June 1, 2013
Notifications: June 25, 2013
Camera-ready deadline: July 10, 2013
Workshop at ICLP: August 25, 2013
Mohan Sridharan
Department of Computer Science
Texas Tech University, USA
Fangkai Yang
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Volkan Patoglu
Mechatronics Program
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Peter Schueller
Computer Science Program
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014 -
Teilkonferenz: Bedeutung von IT-Innovationen für die
IV-Unternehmensberatung und ihre Kunden
Datum: Thu, 23 May 2013 12:21:07 +0000
Von: Nissen Volker Prof. Dr. TU Ilmenau <volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
(Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen.)
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2014
26.-28.02.2014 in Paderborn
Website: http://www.mkwi2014.de/
Teilkonferenz: Bedeutung von IT-Innovationen für die
IV-Unternehmensberatung und ihre Kunden
Webseite: http://www.mkwi2014.de/Cfps/Details/2
Informationsverarbeitungsbezogene (IV-) Beratung ist ein bedeutender
Teilbereich der Unternehmensberatung. Im Vergleich zur Strategieberatung
ist sie stärker operativ ausgerichtet und stellt Fragen der
Informationsverarbeitung von Klienten in das Zentrum der
Beratungstätigkeit. Sie schließt organisatorische Aspekte ein, soweit
diese stark mit der Informationsverarbeitung zusammenhängen (z.B. die
Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen). Der Einsatz innovativer IT ist
sowohl Gegenstand von IV-Beratungsprojekten als auch eine
Herausforderung für Unternehmen der IV-Beratung. In der Zusammenarbeit
mit den Kunden ist die IV-Beratung gefragt, den Einsatz innovativer IT
zu planen und umzusetzen. Zusätzlich wird auch eine Beratungskompetenz
für die Etablierung eines systematischen Managements von IT-Innovationen
erwartet. Der Einsatz von IT-Innovationen verändert auch die Arbeit in
der IV-Beratung selbst. Die personalintensive, kooperationsintensive und
mobile Arbeit von IV-Beraterinnen und -Beratern ist ein geeignetes
Anwendungsfeld für moderne Kollaborationswerkzeuge (u. a. Social Media,
Enterprise 2.0) sowie für mobile Anwendungen und Services. Die
wissenschaftliche Untersuchung von IT-Innovationen für die IV-Beratung
ist dem Forschungsgebiet Consulting Research zuzuordnen. Wir begrüßen
die Einreichung von methodisch fundierten empirischen Analysen ebenso
wie konzeptionelle und gestaltungsorientierte Beiträge. Dieser Track
wird von dem Arbeitskreis IV-Beratung der Gesellschaft für Informatik
e.V. in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Consulting Research e.V.,
Bonn, veranstaltet. Er richtet sich in gleicher Weise an Forscher
unterschiedlicher Disziplinen im Umfeld der IV-Beratung wie auch an
Vertreter aus der Praxis, die in der IV-Beratung aktiv sind oder als
Kunden IV-Berater einsetzen. Studenten beratungsaffiner Fachrichtungen
sind ebenfalls angesprochen.
Mögliche Themen:
* Nutzung und Nutzen von IT-Innovationen in IV-Beratungsprojekten
* IV-Beratung zum Einsatz von IT-Innovationen beim Kunden
* IT-Innovationsmanagement als Gegenstand von IV-Beratungsprojekten
* Innovative IT-Unterstützung für Methoden und Werkzeuge der
IV-Beratung (u. a. Visualisierung, Modellierung, Moderation,
* IT-Innovation für die Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit von
Beratungsunternehmen und ihren Kunden
* Social Media / Enterprise 2.0 in der IV-Beratung
* Mobile Services und Enterprise Apps für die IV-Beratung
* Workplace of the future für IV-Beraterinnen und -Berater
* Innovative IT-Unterstützung für das Wissensmanagement in der
* Virtualisierung von Unternehmensberatung
Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden.
Diese müssen exakt der Formatvorlage entsprechen. Sämtliche Beiträge
werden durch ein Programmkomitee mindestens 2-fach-blind begutachtet.
Die Autoren werden gebeten, ihre Beiträge zu anonymisieren, indem Namen,
Anschrift etc. auf dem Deckblatt weggelassen werden und die Metadaten in
den Word- bzw. den PDF-Dokumenten gelöscht werden. Die Formatvorlage
steht unter
Download zur Verfügung. Die Autoren werden gebeten, ihre Beiträge online
über die MKWI-2014-Seite einzureichen.
15.09.2013 Einreichungsschluss für Beiträge
15.11.2013 Benachrichtigung der Autoren
15.12.2013 Einreichungsschluss der finalen Beiträge
Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen, TU Ilmenau (Kontakt bei Fragen)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Deelmann, BiTS Iserlohn
Dr. Paul Drews, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner, Universität Hannover
Prof. Dr. Thomas Deelmann, BiTS Iserlohn
Dr. Paul Drews, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Herbert Fischer, FH Deggendorf
Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Georg Rainer Hofmann, Hochschule Aschaffenburg
Prof. Dr. Franz Lehner, Universität Passau
Prof. Dr. Peter Loos, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen, TU Ilmenau
Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens, Universität Hamburg
Dr. Jakob Rehäuser, Ardour Consulting
Dr. Lutz Schmidt, X-CASE GmbH
Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiel-Clemen, HAW Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, Universität Osnabrück
Mit besten Grüßen,
Volker Nissen
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen
Chair of Business Informatics in Services,
University of Technology Ilmenau
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Institute of Business Informatics
P.O. Box 10 05 65
D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany
Phone.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4043 (Sec.: -4047 Mrs G. Franz)
Fax.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4219
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] FiCloud 2013 - Call for
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 10:41:59 +0100
From: FiCloud <ficloud2013(a)gmail.com>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
The International Workshop on the Future Internet of Things and Cloud
(FiCloud 2013)
In conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Mobile Web
Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013)
26-28 August, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Cyprus
The theme of this workshop is to promote the state of the art in scientific
and practical research of the IoT and cloud computing. It provides a forum
for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia,
industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and
share research and development ideas in the area of IoT and cloud computing.
Topics of the workshop include (but not limited to):
- Cloud-enabled IoT service provisioning
- IoT models and architectures
- IoT for future Internet
- Security and privacy in Cloud and IoT
- Performance and reliability in Cloud and IoT
- Quality of experience in IoT
- Big data in cloud and IoT
- Advanced network models and protocols
- M2M communication
- Programming models for IoT
- HCI in IoT and cloud
- Applications and case studies
- Context aware pervasive systems
- Service modeling and specification
- Mobility models
- Data management and processing
- Software defined network
Paper submission and publication:
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts using PDF or MS Word
formats. The length of the paper is limited to 8 pages. Papers must be
formatted in Springer's LNCS format.
All papers accepted for presentation at workshops will be included in a
volume published by the CCIS Springer series, indexed in DBLP, Google
Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, and Scopus, and also
submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: May 31st 2013
Author Notification: June 23rd 2013
Final Manuscript Due: July 2013
Program Chairs:
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Irfan Awan, University of Bradford, UK
Program Committee:
Alessio Botta, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
Antonio Pescape, Università di Napoli "Federico II, Italy
Carlos A. Iglesias, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Didier El Baz, LAAS-CNRS, France
Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Makoto Ikeda, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Payam M. Barnaghi, University of Surrey, UK
Zaki Malik, Wayne State University, Michigan, United States
Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Wei Wang, University of Surrey, UK
Karim Djemame, University of Leeds, UK
Salima Benernou, Université Paris Descartes, France
Philippe Thiran, University of Namur and Sirris, Brussels, Belgium
Daniel Neagu, University of Bradford, UK
Hong-Linh Truong, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Publicity Chair:
Ibrahim Ammar, University of Bradford, UK
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Deadline extended to 01 June: 1st International Workshop
on Business Process Management in the Cloud (BPMC) at BPM 2013
Datum: Wed, 22 May 2013 14:41:15 +0200
Von: Christian Janiesch <christian.janiesch(a)kit.edu>
An: <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Deadline extended to 01 June 2013
1st International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud (BPMC)
Beijing, China, 26 August, 2013
Cloud computing is a new paradigm for the on-demand delivery of infrastructure, platform, or software as a service. Cloud computing enables network access to a shared pool of configurable computing and storage resources as well as applications which can be tailored to the consumer's needs. They can be rapidly provisioned and released and are billed based on actual use, thus reducing investment costs. Not only can individual services be hosted on virtual infrastructures but also complete process platforms. Further, besides benefits to run-time Business Process Management (BPM), during design-time cloud-based services can enable collaboration between geographically dispersed teams and assist the design process in general - amongst others, Process Modeling as a Service removes the need for installation of software, and is thus more attractive for the occasional user.
A cloud-based architecture for BPM may provide important benefits:
* Elasticity: process engines or process tasks can scale up/out or down/in depending on the actual load to reduce investment cost and manage load peaks.
* Flexibility: processes can be assembled with more flexibility as service selection can not only include the software but also the platform or infrastructure for it to run on.
* Measurement: as service applications in the cloud are individually metered, detailed measurement data is available and can be used to provide additional services such as process monitoring.
Among a number of challenges, there is a lack of conceptualization and theory on BPM with respect to cloud computing. For the most part, the topic of cloud computing has only been implicitly regarded in BPM research when discussing design-time tools. However, a detailed research agenda which covers theory, design-time, run-time, and use cases is missing. The goal of the 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud is to lay the foundation for such a research agenda.
Authors are invited to submit novel contributions in the above mentioned problem domain. Specifically, the relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* Cloud and BPM: concepts and theory, e.g.
cloud-centric flexibility, adaptability and evolution in BPM
Business Process or BPM as a Service (BPaaS/ BPMaaS)
BPM as a platform or software service business process analytics as a service
compliance in cloud-based BPM
security, privacy, and trust in cloud-based BPM
socio-technical aspects of cloud computing for BPM
* Design-time BPM in the cloud, e.g.
methods, tools, techniques to design cloud aspects of BPM systems
cloud support for BPM design
design-time optimization of process models and systems
description languages for cloud-based processes
* Run-time BPM in the cloud, e.g.
automated service and virtual resource selection and allocation
load balancing of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks
scaling of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks
monitoring of processes and process steps running in the cloud
security enforcement in cloud-based BPM
* Use cases for BPM in the cloud, e.g.
best practices, success factors and empirical studies on cloud-based BPM
new delivery models for BPM, application scenarios
reports on use cases within companies and government
requirements definition issues for use cases
The following types of submission are solicited:
Full paper submissions, describing substantial contributions of novel ongoing work. Full papers should be at most 12 pages long.
Short paper submissions, describing work in progress. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
Use case submissions, describing results from a cloud-based use case. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
Papers should be submitted in LNBIP format. Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (Full Paper/ Short Paper/ Use case).
Papers can be uploaded via the submission system:
Important Dates
Deadline paper submissions: 01 June 2013
Notification of acceptance: 25 June 2013
Camera-ready papers due: 23 July 2013
Workshop: 26 August 2013
Organizing Committee
Christian Janiesch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Stefan Schulte, Vienna University of Technology Ingo Weber, NICTA
Program Committee
Arun Anandasivam, IBM
Soeren Balko, Queensland University of Technology Gero Decker, Signavio Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology Jan Mendling, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universität Darmstadt Stefan Tai, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Srikumar Venugopal, University of New South Wales Xiwei (Sherry) Xu, NICTA
Sorry for crossposting and regards!
Ingo Weber, Stefan Schulte und Christian Janiesch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Applied Informatics (AIFB)
Christian Janiesch, Dr.
Senior Research Associate
Englerstrasse 11
Building 11.40
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-45770
Fax: +49 721 608-46690
Email: christian.janiesch(a)kit.edu
KIT - University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Deadline extended to June 6 / International
Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems
Architectures (EMISA’13)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 11:15:40 +0200
From: Reinhard Jung <reinhard.jung(a)unisg.ch>
To: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Deadline is extended to June 6, 2013 !!!
Apologies for cross-posting
Call for Papers
5th International Workshop on
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures
- Concepts, Technologies, Applications -_
__September 5-6, 2013_ <x-apple-data-detectors://0/> — St.
Gallen, Switzerland
Doctoral consortium _on September 4_
The strategic importance of enterprise modelling has been
recognized by an increasing number of
companies and public agencies. Enterprise modelling delivers
the ‘blueprints’ for co-designing and
aligning business and enterprise information systems such
that they complement each other in an
optimal way. As example consider the support of business
processes by process-aware information
systems. Achieving such interplay requires a
multi-perspective approach taking organizational, eco-
nomic, and technical aspects into account. In a world of
cloud, social and big data, additional chal-
lenges for enterprise modelling and the design of
information systems architectures are introduced,
e.g., in respect to the design of data-driven processes or
processes enabling cross-enterprise collabo-
ration. To deal with these challenges, a close cooperation
of researchers from different disciplines
such as Information Systems, Business Informatics, and
Computer Science will be required.
Subject and Topics
EMISA 2013 is the fifth international workshop in a series
that provides a key forum for researchers
and practitioners in the fields of enterprise modeling and
the design of information system (IS) archi-
tectures. The workshop series emphasizes a holistic view on
these fields, fostering integrated ap-
proaches that address and relate business processes,
business people and information technology.
EMISA’13 will provide an international forum to explore new
avenues in enterprise modeling and the
design of IS architectures by combining the contributions of
different schools of Information Systems,
Business Informatics, and Computer Science.
The EMISA’13 workshop is open for a broad range of subjects
and welcomes scientific submissions as
well as experience papers on enterprise modeling and
information systems architectures.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Enterprise modelling: languages, methods, tools
- Patterns for enterprise modelling and information systems
- Model life cycle management and model evolution
- Model configuration and management of model variants
- Model quality: metrics, case studies, experiments
- Process modelling and process-aware information systems
- Collaborative enterprise modeling
- Model-driven architectures and model-driven IS development
- Component- and service-oriented software architectures
- Service engineering and evolution
- Service composition, orchestration and choreography
- Complex event processing and event-driven architectures
- Human aspects in enterprise modeling
- Modeling social information and innovation networks
- Private and public cloud computing infrastructures and
their influence on IS engineering
- Mobile enterprise services
- Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 and beyond
The workshop is jointly organized by the GI Special Interest
Group on Design Methods for Information
Systems (GI-SIG EMISA), the GI Special Interest Group on
Modelling Business Information Systems
(GI-SIG MobIS) and the Swiss Informatics Society (SI).
GI-SIG EMISA. The GI Special Interest Group on Design
Methods for Information Systems (SIG EMISA)
provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines
who develop and apply methods to support
the analysis and design of information systems.
GI-SIG MobIS. Conceptual Modelling is pivotal for analyzing
and designing information systems that
are in line with a company's long term strategy and that
efficiently support its core business process-
es. The Special Interest Group on Modelling Business
Information Systems (SIG MobIS) within the
German Informatics Society (GI) aims at providing a forum
for exchanging ideas and solutions on
modelling research within Information Systems both for
researchers and experts from industry.
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers limited to 14 pages in
length (in English), by _May 23th, 2013_
Papers have to be formatted according to the Lecture Notes
in Informatics (LNI) style guide (see _
Document templates
for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available
Accepted papers will be published in the GI LNI series and
will compete for the EMISA 2013 Best Pa-
per Award. Finally, selected papers will be invited to a
Special Issue of the Journal Enterprise Model-
ing and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA).
Important Dates
- 06-06-2013, Submission of papers
- _02-07-2013_ <x-apple-data-detectors://8/>, Notification
of authors
- _23-07-2013_ <x-apple-data-detectors://9/>, Final version
of accepted papers due
- _05/06-09-2013_ <tel:05/06-09-2013>, Workshop in St.Gallen
- _04-09-2013_ <x-apple-data-detectors://11/>, Doctoral
Consortium in St. Gallen
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Reinhard Jung (University of St. Gallen)
Manfred Reichert (University of Ulm)
Program Committee
Witold Abramowicz (University of Poznan)
Antonia Albani (University of St.Gallen)
Thomas Allweyer (University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern)
Colin Atkinson (University of Mannheim)
Lars Bækgaard (University of Aarhus)
Ulrike Baumoel (University of Hagen)
Khalid Benali (University of Lorraine)
Martin Bertram (Commerzbank, Frankfurt)
Patrick Delfmann (European Research Center for Information
Joerg Desel (University of Hagen)
Werner Esswein (Technical University of Dresden)
Fernand Feltz (University of Belvaux)
Ulrich Frank (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Andreas Gadatsch (University of Applied Sciences
Norbert Gronau (University of Potsdam)
Heinrich Jasper (Technical University of Freiberg)
Dimitirs Karagiannis (University of Vienna)
Stefan Klink (University of Karlsruhe)
Ralf Klischewski (German University of Kairo)
Horst Kremers (CODATA, Germany)
John Krogstie (University of Trondheim)
Susanne Leist (University of Regensburg)
Heinrich C. Mayr (University of Klagenfurt)
Jan Mendling (University of Vienna)
Mirjam Minor (University of Trier)
Bernd Mueller (University of Applied Sciences Wolfenbuettel)
Bela Mutschler (University of Applied Sciences
Volker Nissen (Technical University of Ilmenau)
Markus Nuettgens (University of Hamburg)
Andreas Oberweis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Sven Overhage (University of Augsburg)
Hansjuergen Paul (Institute of Work and Technique)
Erik Proper (Luxembourg and Radboud University Nijmegen)
Michael Rebstock (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt)
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (University of Vienna)
Peter Rittgen (University of Boras)
Michael Rosemann (Queensland University of Technology)
Matti Rossi (Aalto University)
Frank Rump (University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer)
Gunter Saake (University of Magdeburg)
Eike Schallehn (University of Magdeburg)
Carlo Simon (Provadis University of Applied Sciences)
Stefan Strecker (University of Hagen)
Oliver Thomas (University of Osnabrueck)
Klaus Turowski (University of Magdeburg)
Marten van Sinderen (University of Twente)
Elmar J. Sinz (University of Bamberg)
Gottfried Vossen (University of Muenster)
Barbara Weber (University of Innsbruck)
Hans Weigand (University of Tilburg)
Mathias Weske (University of Potsdam)
Location / Venue
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Additional Information
For more information please access the workshop's website
or contact the workshop chairs:
Reinhard Jung (University of St. Gallen)
E-Mail: _reinhard.jung(a)unisg.ch_ <mailto:reinhard.jung@unisg.ch>
Manfred Reichert (University of Ulm)
E-Mail: _manfred.reichert(a)uni-ulm.de_
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP IC3K 2013 - Doctoral Consortium on Knowledge
Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 14:22:07 -0500
From: IC3K Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Reply-To: ic3k.secretariat(a)insticc.org
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
The 5th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2013 (http://www.ic3k.org) would like to promote a forum where PhD students who have already started their research can present their PhD projects and discuss their research questions and research methodologies with an advisory board composed by some of the most eminent researchers present at the venue of the conference. This will, hopefully, be very helpful for the future path of the PhD students whose work is selected to be presented and discussed at this academic forum and furthermore it will be an opportunity for them to create additional connections with specialists in their field.
The paper that a PhD student can submit until June 24 needs to be written in a specific format, appropriate for facilitating the aforementioned discussion, therefore it is expected to be a much simpler paper and definitely not a regular paper.
There will be a review and selection process, though, and the accepted papers will be included in the CD-ROM that also includes the proceedings of the conference and the papers of the Doctoral Consortium presented at the venue will also be included in the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. However, they will not be included in the book of proceedings as archival publications therefore they will remain free of copyright and the registration will be a "student registration", i.e. at a 50% discount regarding regular registrations.
Should you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Vera Coelho
IC3K Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8813
Email: ic3k.secretariat(a)insticc.org
Doctoral Consortium on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
September 19 - 22, 2013
Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Paula Ventura Martins, University of Algarve, Portugal
Important Deadlines:
Doctoral Consortium Submission: June 24, 2013
Author Notification: July 11, 2013
Camera-Ready and Registration: July 22, 2013
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - IEEE CollaborateCom 2013: 9th
International Conference on Collaborative Computing
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 14:45:29 -0700
From: Amirreza Masoumzadeh <amirreza(a)sis.pitt.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Call for Papers
CollaborateCom 2013: The 9th IEEE International Conference on
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and
20-23 October 2013
Austin, Texas, United States
### Scope ###
Over the last two decades, many organizations and
individuals have relied on electronic collaboration between
distributed teams of humans, computer applications, and/or
autonomous robots to achieve higher productivity and produce
joint products that would have been impossible to develop
without the contributions of multiple collaborators.
Technology has evolved from standalone tools, to open
systems supporting collaboration in multi-organizational
settings, and from general purpose tools to specialized
collaboration grids. Future collaboration solutions that
fully realize the promises of electronic collaboration
require advancements in networking, technology and systems,
user interfaces and interaction paradigms, and inter
operation with application-specific components and tools.
The Ninth International Conference on Collaborative
Computing (CollaborateCom 2013) will continue to serve as a
premier international forum for discussion among academic
and industrial researchers, practitioners, and students
interested in collaborative networking, technology and
systems, and applications.
### Topics ###
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for
collaborative computing networks and systems
- Autonomic computing and quality of services in
collaborative networks, systems, and applications
- Collaboration in pervasive and cloud computing environments
- Collaboration in data-intensive scientific discovery
- Collaboration in social networks
- Big data and spatio-temporal data in collaborative
- Collaboration in health-care environments
- Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative
computing in large scale digital libraries
- Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures
- Collaborative technologies for fast creation and
deployment of new mobile services
- Collaborative, location-aware mobile systems/applications
- Collaboration techniques in data-intensive computing and
cloud computing
- Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground
vehicle networks & applications
- Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure
- Collaborative social networks & web-based collaboration
- Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems
- Distributed collaborative workflows
- Data management and middleware support for collaborative
information systems
- Energy management for collaborative networks
- Group-driven composition of systems from components
- Human-robot collaboration
- Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration
- Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of
collaborative user applications
- Models & mechanisms for real-time collaboration
- Multi-agent technology and software technologies for
collaborative networking and applications
- Peer-to-peer and overlay networks, systems, and applications
- P2P platforms for supporting collaboration
- Security, privacy and trust management in collaborative
networks, systems, and applications
- Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case
studies of collaborative networks and applications
- Software design, testing, and experimentation technology
for collaborative networking and applications
- Theoretical foundations and algorithms for collaborative
networks, applications, and worksharing
- Tools for collaborative decision making processes
- Trustworthy collaborative business processing in virtual
- Visualization techniques, interaction devices and visual
languages for collaborative networks and applications
- Web services technologies and service-oriented
architectures for collaborative networking and applications
- Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems
### Paper Submission ###
We invite original research papers that have not been
previously published and are not currently under review for
publication elsewhere. Contributions addressing all areas
related to collaborative networking, technology and systems,
and applications are solicited. The submitted manuscript
should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in
the Proceedings. Submitted papers should be 10 pages in
two-column IEEE proceeding format. The papers can be
submitted in regular track or Industry/Application track.
### Workshops Proposals ###
Proposals for half-day or full day workshops that focus on
CollaborateCom 2013 related themes are solicited. Workshop
proposals should be at most five pages, including a
biographical sketch of each instructor, and submitted to the
Workshop Chairs. Proposals will be evaluated based on the
expertise and experience of the organizers and the relevance
and importance of the subject matter. Please refer to call
for workshop proposals for details.
### Panels Proposals ###
Proposals for panel discussions that focus on future visions
for collaborative networking, applications, and work sharing
are preferred. Potential panel organizers should submit a
panel proposal of at most five pages, including biographical
sketches of the proposed panelists to the Panel Chairs.
### Tutorials Proposals ###
Proposals for full and half-day tutorials are solicited.
Tutorials are intended to enhance the technical program, and
as such they should be relevant to collaborative computing,
networking, worksharing, and applications. Potential
tutorial presenters should submit a tutorial proposal of at
most three pages, including: description of potential
audience and background knowledge expected from the
audience, if any; tutorial description; biographical sketch
of presenter(s).
### Submission Instructions ###
All paper, poster, panel and workshop submissions will be
handled electronically. Please visit the conference website
www.CollaborateCom.org <http://www.CollaborateCom.org> for
detailed submission requirements and procedures.
### Publication ###
All submitted papers and posters will be rigorously
reviewed. All accepted papers will be made available in IEEE
Xplore and other external indexing services (DBLP database,
ZB1Math/CompuServe, IO-Port, EI, Scopus, INSPEC, ISI
proceeding - pending approval).
Special Issues of CollaborateCom 2013 has been confirmed for
the following journals
- International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
- Springer MONET Journal
### Important Dates ###
Workshop and tutorial proposal: March 15th, 2013
Posters and panel proposal: March 15th, 2013
Workshop CFP announced: March 29th, 2013
Abstract submission: July 19th, 2013
Full Paper submission: July 26th, 2013
Acceptance Notification: Sept. 6th, 2013
=== Program Committee ===
- Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA
- Bhuvan Bamba, Oracle, USA
- Shankar Banik, The Citadel, USA
- Claudio Bartolini, HP Laboratories, USA
- Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
- Sanat Kumar Bista, CSIRO, Australia
- Ladislau Boloni, University of Central Florida, USA
- Athman Bouguettaya, RMIT, Australia
- David Buttler, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- Barbara Carminati, University of Insubria, Italy
- James Caverlee, Texas A&M University, USA
- Shiping Chen, Sybase, Inc., USA
- Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
- Alexander Clemm, Cisco Systems, USA
- Maria Luisa Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
- Prasun Dewan, University of North Carolonia, USA
- Hans Peter Dommel, Novalos Consulting, USA
- Vina Ermagan, Cisco Systems, USA
- Bugra Gedik, IBM Research, USA
- Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
- Lei Guo, Microsoft, USA
- Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
- Osamaal-Haj Hassan, Isra University, Pakistan
- Julian Jang, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
- James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Vana Kalogeraki, AUEB, Greece
- Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
- Ibrahim Korpeoglu, Bilkent University, Turkey
- Chung-Sheng Li, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Wenjia Li, Georgia Southern University, USA
- Xiaolin Andy Li, University of Florida, USA
- Dan Lin, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
- Alex Liu, Michigan State University, USA
- Ying Liu, KAIST, South Korea
- Jorge Lobo, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Sanjay Madria, Missouri S & T, USA
- Fabio Maino, Cisco Systems, USA
- Zaki Malik, Wayne State University, USA
- Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
- Erich Neuhold, University of Vienna, Austria
- Federica Paci, University of Trento, Italy
- Suraj Pandey, IBM Research, Australia
- Patrizio Pelliccione, University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Agostino Poggi, University of Parma, Italy
- Lakshmish Ramaswamy, University of Georgia, USA
- Sangeetha Seshadri, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
- Kewei Sha, Oklahoma City University, USA
- Mei-Ling Shyu, Miami University, USA
- Aameek Singh, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
- Anna Squicciarini, Penn State, USA
- Mudhakar Srivatsa, IBM, USA
- Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow, UK
- Qihua Wang, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
- Ting Wang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Jinpeng Wei,Florida International University, USA
- Ouri Wolfson, University of illinois, USA
- Kun-Lung Wu, IBM, USA
- Yuni Xia, IUPUI, USA
- Yafei Yang, Qualcomm Inc., USA
- Yi Yang, Catholic University of America, USA
- Qi Yu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
- Gong Zhang, Oracle Corporation, USA
=== Organizing Committee ===
General Chairs:
- Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
- Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
Technical Program Chairs:
- Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow, UK
- Mudhakar Srivatsa, IBM Research, USA
- Surya Nepal, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
Panel Chairs:
- Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Mohamed Eltoweissy, Virginia Tech, USA & Egypt-Japan
University of Science and Technology, Japan
Workshop Chairs:
- Anne Hee Hiong Ngu, Texas State University, USA
- James Caverlee, Texas A&M University, USA
Sponsorship Chairs:
- Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Publication Chair:
- Jinpeng Wei, Florida International University, USA
Industrial Chairs:
- Rafae Bhatti, Accenture, USA
Publicity Chair:
- Amirreza Masoumzadeh, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Local Arrangements Chair:
- Yijuan (Lucy) Lu, Texas State University, San Marcos, USA
Conference Coordinator:
- Erica Polini, EAI, Italy contact: erica.polini[at]eai.eu
=== Steering Committee ===
- Imrich Chlamtac (co-chair), Create-Net, Italy
- James Joshi (co-chair), University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Calton Pu. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
- Arun Iyengar, IBM, USA
- Tao Zhang, Cisco, USA
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICSOC 2013 - Call for demonstrations
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 14:56:31 -0700
From: Domenico Bianculli <domenico.bianculli(a)uni.lu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The ICSOC Demonstration Track offers an exciting and highly
interactive way to show research prototypes/work in service oriented
computing (SOC) and related areas. Proposals for research prototype
demos should focus on developments and innovation in the areas of
service engineering, operations and management, cloud services,
implementation of services as well as development and adoption of
services in specific organizations, businesses and the society at
Topics of Interest
Areas of interest for demonstrations include all topics of interest
for the ICSOC conference. Specific topics of interest include but are
not limited to:
* Modeling Business Services and Service Value Networks
* Flexible Service Composition and Mashups
* Business Process Interaction and Choreographies
* Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
* Services on the Cloud (XAAS)
* Service Integration and Orchestration
* Service Engineering Tools and Methodology
* Service Design Methods and Tools
* Service Change Management Systems
* Service Operations and Management
* Service Applications and Implementations
* Service-oriented Architecture Showcases
* Quality of Service Design and Management
* Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
* Service Vocabularies and Ontology
* Cloud Computing Services and Engineering
* Grid and Scientific Computing Services
* Pervasive and Mobile Services
* Embedded and Real-time Services
* Testbeds for Service Technologies and Concepts
* Social Networks and Services
* Internet of Things Services
* Data-aware Services including Artifact-Centric Systems
* Services for Big-Data
* Human-mediated Services
* RESTful Web Services
* Open API
* Service Adaptation and Customization
* Service Governance
Submissions have to include description of the contribution including
title, system overview, summary of the significance and novel
characteristics as well as functions/features to be
demonstrated. Descriptions are to be written in English and must not
exceed four (4) pages following LNCS format
(see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for
details). Additionally, authors may provide a link to a short online
video or screen cast not exceeding 6 minutes in length (hard limit) of
their demonstration. The video is recommended, not mandatory. The
video must be playable using a wide variety of media
players. Submissions have to be submitted electronically, in PDF
format, via the Demonstration Track in the conference submission
system: https://www.conftool.com/icsoc2013. All demo submissions will
be selected based on several criteria including the novelty, the
maturity of the effort as well as the research contributions of the
demonstration system. We are particularly interested in submissions
that deal with new types of applications in SOC and relevant areas,
which help motivate conference attendees to pursue similar
efforts. Accepted papers will be included in the ICSOC 2013 conference
proceedings to be published by Springer. At least one author is
expected to register for and showcase the demonstration at the ICSOC
2013 conference in Berlin, Germany.
Jul 8, 2013: Demo submission
Aug 8, 2013: Author notification
Aug 30, 2013: Camera Ready submission
Roman Vaculin, IBM Research, USA
Marco Montali, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
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