-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICSOC 2012: last call for papers
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:56:48 +0200
From: Florian Daniel <daniel(a)disi.unitn.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
ICSOC 2012
10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
November 12-16, Shanghai, China
CALL FOR PAPERS (research track and industry track)
ICSOC is the prime forum for academics and industry researchers and developers to report and share groundbreaking works in service oriented computing. ICSOC fosters cross-community scientific excellence by the gathering of experts from various disciplines, such as business process management, distributed systems, computer networks, wireless& mobile computing, grid computing, networking, service science, management science, and software engineering.
ICSOC 2012 will bring together scientists, engineers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on service-oriented, cloud-based innovative for the 21st century enterprises.
The conference will feature research and industry presentations, keynote presentations, workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and a PhD track. Please refer to www.icsoc.org for more details about these associated events.
Topics of Interest
ICSOC 2012 seeks outstanding, original contributions, including solid theoretical and empirical evaluations as well as practical and industrial experiences -- with emphases on results that solve open research problems and have significant impact on the field of service-oriented computing and also in particular cloud services.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
+ Service Engineering
- Service Design
- Service Description
- Service-Oriented Architecture
- Service Composition
- Theoretical and Technical Service Foundations
- Service Engineering Methods
- Testbeds for Service Concepts and Technologies
- Semantic Web services
- Service change management
- Service discovery and mining
+ Service Operations and Management
- Management Processes and Methods
- Managing Service Infrastructure
- Quality of Service
- Security, Privacy and Trust
- Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
+ Services in the Cloud
- XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
- Service Integration and Orchestration on the Cloud
- Grid and Computational Services
- Service Composition and Engineering
- Managing Services on the Cloud
- Managing a Cloud Platform
- Software engineering models, methods and methodologies for XaaS
- Workflow management in clouds
+ Services in Organizations, Business and Society
- Social networks and services
- Human-provided and outsourcing services
- Mixed Services
- Business Service Modeling
- Business Process Modeling
- Service Outsourcing
- Costs and Pricing of Services
- Service Marketplaces
+ Service Applications and Implementations
- Pervasive and Mobile Services on the Cloud
- Embedded and Real-time Services
- Services in Specific Application Domains
- Data- and compute-intensive applications
- Execution and resource allocation services
- Coordination across multiple resource managers
The conference solicits outstanding original research and practice papers on all aspects of service-oriented, cloud-based computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the research or practical contribution, the relevance to the field, and the relation to prior work. Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Prospective authors must submit abstracts prior to submitting full papers. Full papers are not to exceed 15 pages including all references and figures. All papers must be prepared in the Springer LNCS format and be submitted electronically in PDF to the conference submission system (https://www.conftool.com/icsoc2012).
IMPORTANT DATES (for both research track and industry track)
Abstract due: April 29, 2012
Full paper due: May 6, 2012
Notification: July 12, 2012
Camera ready due: August 2, 2012
All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC 2012 proceedings published by Springer Verlag under the Services Science series. Selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS).
Chengfei Liu, Swinburne University, Australia
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Farouk Toumani, University Blaise Pascal, France
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IEEE SmartGridComm'12 Call for Technical &
Workshop Papers
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 04:39:12 -0400
From: IEEE ComSoc Meetings <meetings(a)comsoc.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
*Call for Technical and Workshop Papers
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid
Communications (SmartGridComm 2012) is to provide a forum to
discuss all aspects that are relevant to the smart grid
communication technologies and to bring together researchers
from academia, industry, and government institutions to
exchange ideas, explore enabling technologies, discuss
innovative designs, and share field trial experiences and
lessons learnt.
*Technical Symposia - Due May 6, 2012
*Prospective authors are invited to submit original
contributions on all aspects of Smart Grid Communications,
including but not limited to:
. Architectures and Models for the Smart Grid
. The Whole Picture - Sense, Communicate, Compute, Control
. Wide-Area Monitoring, Control & Protection
. Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy
. Smart Metering Infrastructure Networks and Data
. Smart Grid Services and Management Models
. Smart Grid Communication Networks
. Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
. Performance Analysis and Co-simulation
. Smart Grid Standards, Test-beds and Field Trials
. Support for Storage, Renewable Sources and Micro-grid
*Workshops - Due June 25, 2012*
*The following workshops are accepting paper submissions:
. Communications within Power Substations: Breaking the EM
. Cognitive and Machine-to-Machine Communications and
for Smart Grids (ComeOn)
. Wireless Infrastructure for Smart Grid
For more information, visit www.ieee-smartgridcomm.org
Click here
to unsubscribe
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor , 3 Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10016
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] WISM 2012 @ ER 2012: extended deadline
19 April 2012 cfp
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 07:50:23 +0200
From: Philippe Thiran <pthiran(a)fundp.ac.be>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Ninth International Workshop on
* Web Information Systems Modeling (WISM 2012)
* (Held in conjunction with ER 2012)
* 15 October - 18 October 2012
* Florence, Italy
* URL:
http://people.few.eur.nl/frasincar/workshops/wism2012 *
Important Dates
Paper submission 19 April 2012
Author notification 15 May 2012
Camera-ready paper submission 05 June 2012
Workshop dates 15 October - 18 October 2012
Theme of the Workshop
Web Information Systems (WIS) use the Web paradigm (and
technologies) to retrieve information from data sources and
deliver it to the users. Due to their complex requirements
the design of WIS is not a trivial task. Design
methodologies provide guidelines for the creation of WIS so
that the complexity of this process becomes manageable.
Based on the separation-of-concerns principle some of these
methodologies propose models to specify different aspects of
WIS design like data integration, navigation structure, user
interface, user interaction, presentation personalization, etc.
Recent advances in networking technologies enabled WIS
access via different devices (e.g., PDA, Smart phone, PC,
BlackBerry, etc.). In addition to this device heterogeneity
there is also a heterogeneous audience (e.g., different
backgrounds, different goals, etc.) that wants to access the
same system. In order to improve the user experience, these
systems often need to personalize the content and its
presentation based on the current user needs (e.g., user?s
browsing platform or user preferences).
Another aspect that can influence the behaviour of a WIS is
the context of use (e.g., the geographical position, the
temporal information, the weather conditions, etc.). Systems
that are able to exploit this kind of information will
further improve the application usefulness for their users.
Integrating such information is possibly made available by
specialized services and the need to seamlessly integrate
these services into a WIS is therefore an important part of
WIS development research.
As the Web data is very diverse, WIS are seeking efficient
and flexible approaches to provide integrated views over
heterogeneous data sources. These data sources are usually
autonomous (maintained by different organizations),
overlapping, frequently changing, and distributed. All these
characteristics make the data integration on the Web a very
challenging research topic.
The increased use of rich-clients applications (e.g., AJAX,
OpenLaszlo, etc.) poses new demands to WIS design. The
design of these applications needs to go beyond the server
roundtrip paradigm by considering the new functionality
added to clients, an intelligent data-push communication
with the server, interactive-rich graphical interfaces, etc.
Also, with the current emergence of social Web applications
(e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, etc.) there is a need to
properly model the highly dynamic aspects of these systems.
In addition, WIS can tap into the data made available by
these systems to provide for previously unforeseen
functionalities. Making use of rich clients and allowing
users to establish social networks are some of the features
that need to be considered when developing Web 2.0
Semantic Web (also known as Web 3.0) technologies (e.g.,
RDF(S), OWL, etc.) can help in the representation and
processing of the different WIS design models aiming for an
improved interoperability. One example of such a model is
the user profile which is often described using a CC/PP
vocabulary. Due to their focus on distribution over the Web,
Semantic Web representation languages prove to be useful
also for specifying the semantics of data and the semantics
of interfaces in order to facilitate the integration of
heterogeneous databases and Web services, respectively. The
best practice recommendation of Linked Data allows Web
applications to seamlessly publish, interconnect, and access
information on the Semantic Web. The inference mechanisms of
the Semantic Web (captured in the semantics of the
representation language or in rule-based languages like
RuleML and SWRL) can be used for deriving new information or
building intelligent services on the Web.
Over the last few years, Web services have offered new
opportunities to deploy WIS. Web services are independent
from specific platforms and computing paradigms, and have
the capacity to form composed processes, referred to as
composite Web services. Web services composition fulfils
user requests that require the participation of several
component Web services. Several composition languages are
now available (e.g., BPEL, WSFL, etc.). Semantic
descriptions of Web services are also proposed for
automating composition (e.g., OWL-S, WSMO, WSDL-S, etc.). A
research topic that is worth pursuing is the modeling of
these composite Web services.
Goal of the Workshop
The aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for
bringing together researchers, practitioners, designers, and
users of WIS and discuss how specific issues of Web
Information Systems (WIS) design can be addressed by means
of modeling. Specifically, we will discuss how the influence
of Semantic Web technology can help in a model-driven WIS
development. Thus, the workshop should enable a fruitful
exchange of ideas in the state-of-the-art of WIS modeling.
Topics of Interest
The workshop topics include but are not limited to:
* Methodologies for WIS Design
* WIS Architectures
* WIS Adaptability
* WIS Personalization
* WIS Evolution
* Semistructured Data in WIS
* Data Models in WIS
* Query Languages in WIS
* Integration of WIS
* Optimization Techniques for WIS
* Security in WIS
* Business Rules in WIS
* Web Services in WIS
* WIS Ubiquity
* Social WIS
* Rich Client WIS
* Web Metadata in WIS
* Ontologies in WIS
* Linked Data in WIS
* Semantic Web Information Systems
Paper Submission
Prospective workshop participants are invited to submit a
paper related to one (or more) of the workshop topics. The
page limit for workshop papers is 10 pages. Papers should be
formatted according to Springer LNCS style
The organizers will oversee a peer-review process for the
submitted papers. Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS
style or having more than 10 pages will not be reviewed and
thus automatically rejected. The papers need to be original
and not submitted or accepted for publication in any other
workshop, conference, or journal. Papers should be submitted
to wism2012(a)ese.eur.nl <mailto:wism2012@ese.eur.nl> in PDF
Workshop proceedings will be published by Springer in the
LNCS series as the official ER workshop proceedings.
Organizing Committee & Workshop Co-chairs
Flavius Frasincar (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the
Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, the
Philippe Thiran (University of Namur, Belgium)
Program Committee
Syed Sibte Raza Abidi (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Djamal Benslimane (University of Lyon 1, France)
Marco Brambilla (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sven Casteleyn (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Richard Chbeir (Bourgogne University, France)
Jose Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira (UFRGS, Brazil)
Olga De Troyer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Roberto De Virgilio (Universita di Roma Tre, Italy)
Oscar Diaz (University of Basque Country, Spain)
Flavius Frasincar (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the
Irene Garrigos (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Hyoil Han (LeMoyne-Owen College, USA)
Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, the
Zakaria Maamar (Zayed University, UAE)
Michael Mrissa (Namur University, Belgium)
Moira Norrie (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Oscar Pastor (Valencia University of Technology, Spain)
Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete, Greece)
Hajo Reijers (Eindhoven University of Technology, the
Davide Rossi (University of Bologna, Italy)
Klaus-Dieter Schewe (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Bernhard Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany)
Philippe Thiran (Namur University, Belgium)
Riccardo Torlone (Universita di Roma Tre, Italy)
Lorna Uden (Staffordshire University, UK)
Erik Wilde (UC Berkeley, USA)
Local Organizer
Peter Barna (TOPIC, the Netherlands)
Contact Address
wism2012(a)ese.eur.nl <mailto:wism2012@ese.eur.nl>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Decision Support Systems Special
Issue on "Business Applications of Web of Things"
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 13:42:19 -0400
From: Harry Jiannan Wang <hjwang(a)udel.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*CFP: Decision Support Systems Special Issue on "Business
Applications of Web of Things"*
*Guest Editors:**
*Guoqing Chen, Tsinghua University,
chengq(a)sem.tsinghua.edu.cn <mailto:chengq@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn>
Paulo Goes, University of Arizona, pgoes(a)eller.arizona.edu
J. Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong,
jlzhao(a)cityu.edu.hk <mailto:jlzhao@cityu.edu.hk>
*Managing Editors:*
Harry Jiannan Wang, University of Delaware, hjwang(a)udel.edu
Qiang Wei, Tsinghua University, weiq(a)sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
According to Wikipedia, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers
to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual
representations in an Internet-like structure. Radio
frequency identification (RFID) is often seen as a
prerequisite for the Internet of Things. Since its first use
by Kevin Ashton in 1999, the term IoT has become popular and
has been widely publicized in many countries including China
and US through the applications of Auto-ID technology via
RFID tags. If all objects of daily life were equipped with
RFID tags, they could be identified and inventoried by
computers. The IoT is a network of Internet-enabled objects
and software components such as web services that interact
with these objects. IoT is built upon the Internet
protocols, sensory technologies, sensors, and smart phones.
The terms of Cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Web of Things
(WoT) are also used interchangeably with IoT. However, WoT
perhaps indicates a more advanced layer of networking, much
like the difference between the Internet and the web.
The report on the roadmap of IoT by the European Commission
in 2008 outlines the results of the workshop ?Beyond RFID ?
The Internet of Things?. The optimistic belief is that in
the near future, smart objects will become identifiable and
addressable, and smart components will be able to execute
intelligent actions following the needs of tasks they are
designed for. For instance, devices will be able to adapt to
environments, self-configure, self-maintain, and
self-repair. Another challenge of the IoT will be related to
trust, privacy and security, not only for what concerns the
technological aspects, but also for various business
applications. The growing data demand and higher data
transfer rates will require stronger security models to help
business build trust and confidence.
Recently, business applications of WoT have been built and
tested in various areas such as the Internet refrigerator
and the water pipe monitoring system in Singapore. Imagine a
refrigerator that monitors the food inside and notifies you
when you are low on milk. It also perhaps monitors all of
the best food websites, gathering recipes for your dinners
and adding the ingredients automatically to your shopping
list. This refrigerator knows what kinds of foods you like
to eat, based on the ratings you have given to your dinners.
Indeed the refrigerator helps you take care of your health,
because it knows which foods are good for you.
This special issue will focus on exploring innovative
business applications of WoT such as (1) tracking behavior
of certain things, (2) enhanced situational awareness, (3)
sensor-driven decision analytics, (4) process optimization,
(5) optimized resource consumption, and (6) complex
autonomous systems. We expect that more types of business
applications should emerge in this area of research that
will be deployed in different categories to benefit the
enterprise. This special issue is to serve as a forum of
exchange of new research results in WoT, focusing on
business applications and the enabling technologies.
*Topics of Interest:*
* Business intelligence techniques in WoT
* Business models of WoT
* Case studies of WoT applications
* Consumer applications in WoT
* E-commerce applications in WoT
* Economic modeling and analysis in WoT
* Educational applications of WoT
* Emergency management supported with WoT
* Financial applications of WoT
* Government applications of WoT
* Healthcare applications of WoT
* Household applications of WoT
* Impacts of WoT in Business
* Integration of WoT and traditional WWW
* Inter-organizational applications of WoT
* Privacy and security in WoT
* Research on WoT architectures
* Research on WoT development toolkits
* Research on WoT standards
* Research and development of WoT testbeds
* Service modeling and management in WoT
* Surveillance techniques in WoT
* Theories and Methods for WoT applications in business
* Transportation applications of WoT
* User acceptance of WoT applications
* Workflow management under WoT
* WoT applications in Intelligent Campuses
* WoT applications in Smart Cities
*Submission Requirements:*
* /Format requirements:/ Refer to the official DSS guide
for authors at http://www.elsevier.com/
* /Presentation requirements:/ All submissions must be of
high English standard. Papers containing significant
number of grammatical and wording problems will be
rejected without review. As such, authors are not well
versed in English should seek help from professional
English editors before submitting their manuscripts to
avoid rejection due to language and presentation
deficiencies. (Note that fluent English speakers
without significant editorial experiences are not
qualified to serve as professional English editors.)
* /Research requirements:/ A research paper should focus
on discovery and resolution of one or more research
issues/problems. A project report that does not address
important research issues is not a research paper. A
research paper must also have a strong evaluation
component that is supported by well known evaluation
techniques including theoretical proofs, surveys,
experiments, simulation, and data mining.
Papers (MS Word or PDF files) should be submitted
electronically to the Managing Editors along with any
questions or inquiries. Please submit two copies of the
manuscript: one with author information and affiliation and
the other without any author information for review purpose.
*Review Policy:*
Given that the research in the area of WoT is progressing
rapidly, the special issue must also be reviewed in an
expedited manner in order to be relevant. As such, papers
submitted to this special issue will be given the
opportunity of one major revision followed by a possible
minor revision. Papers that will not meet the publication
standard of DSS after the major revision will be rejected
for the special issue but may be referred to the EiC of DSS
as regular submissions.
*Important Dates:*
Submission due Date: October 15, 2012
Review Decision: December15, 2012
Revision Due: February 15, 2012
Final Decision: March 15, 2013
Final Version Due: April 28, 2013
Harry Jiannan Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems
Lerner College of Business and Economics
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
Email: hjwang(a)udel.edu <mailto:hjwang@udel.edu>
Web: http://udel.edu/~hjwang <http://udel.edu/%7Ehjwang>
Phone: (302) 831-4678
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP WOSIS 2012. Deadline extended: 10
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 00:14:17 +0200
From: DAVID GARCIA ROSADO <David.GRosado(a)uclm.es>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
announcement. Please pass it on to your colleagues and
students who might be interested in contributing]
*The best papers will have the chance to publish extended
and revised versions in a special issue of Computer
Standards and Interfaces in the ISI Journal Citation Reports
with Impact factor of 0.825.*
The Ninth International Workshop on Security In Information
Systems WOSIS-2012
28 June -- 1 July, 2012 - Wroclaw, Poland
To be held in conjunction with the 14th International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2012)
*********Important Dates*********
Regular Paper Submission: *10 April, 2012 (extended)*
Authors Notification: 27 April, 2012
Camera Ready Submission Deadline: 10 May, 2012
Dr. David G. Rosado
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
David.GRosado(a)uclm.es <mailto:David.GRosado@uclm.es>
Dr. Luis Enrique Sánchez
Sicaman-NT, Departament of R+D, Spain
Dr. Carlos Blanco
University of Cantabria, Spain
Dr. Jan Jürjens
Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
_Workshop Background and Goals_
Information Systems Security is one of the most pressing
challenges facing all kinds of organizations today. Although
many companies have discovered how critical information is
to the success of their business or operations, very few
have managed to be effective in maintaining their
information secure, avoiding unauthorized access, preventing
intrusions, stopping secret information disclosure, etc.
There are various definitions of security, but all of them
basically agree on the same components. Security in
information systems considers the protection of information
and of the systems that manage it, against a wide range of
threats in order to ensure business continuity, minimize
risks and maximize the return on investment and business
Security is, therefore, currently a widespread and growing
concern that covers all areas of society: business,
domestic, financial, government, and so on. In fact, the
so-called information society is increasingly dependent on a
wide range of software systems whose mission is critical,
such as air traffic control systems, financial systems, or
public health systems. The potential losses that are faced
by businesses and organizations that rely on all these
systems, both hardware and software, therefore signify that
it is crucial for information systems to be properly secured
from the outset.
With the increasing dependence that the information society
has on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the
need to protect information is increasingly important for
companies. The demand for products, systems and services
with which to manage and maintain information is therefore
increasing, and the realization of superficial security
controls is not sufficient. It is necessary to apply a
rigorous approach to the assessing and improvement of the
security of products and processes that take place in the
context of ICT. This has led to the emergence of Information
Security Management Systems (ISMS), which are of great
importance to the stability of companies' information systems.
In this new edition of WOSIS, the traditional information
systems security topics will remain but we want explicitly
focus the workshop on one of the most important issues and
currently considered as it is security in Cloud computing.
Although there are many benefits to adopting cloud
computing, there are also some significant barriers to
adoption as is security followed by issues regarding
compliance, privacy and legal matters. Security is the main
obstacle for many organizations in their move to the cloud,
related to risk areas such as external data storage,
dependency on the "public" internet, multi-tenancy and
integration with internal security. The objective of
this new edition is to contribute to the study and analysis
of solutions and approaches which help to achieve
and facilitate the level of security needed for such
distributed environments and that its adoption is not any
problem for the society, administration and enterprise.
_Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:_
_Topic for Cloud Computing_
* Security Engineering for Cloud-Based Systems
* Security Requirements Engineering for Cloud-Based Systems
* Risks and threats in Cloud
* Privacy and Data protection in Cloud
* Cloud Legal Issues
* Trust and policy management in Clouds
* Issues and recent approaches in portability,
interoperability and migration
* Secure migration processes to cloud computing
* Security in migration models
* Systems adapted to the cloud
* Storage security
* Cloud Infrastructure Security
* Security Governance in the Cloud
* Risk management and assessment and third-party risk
* Identity & Access Management in the Cloud
* Security and Virtualization__
* Security in SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
* Security in Cloud applications
* Cloud security models
* MDA and MDS applied to cloud computing
* Case studies
_Rest of topics_
* Security in Software development Life Cycle
* Information Security Management System
* Security Management and Assessment
* Analysis and management of risks
* Security Implementation, Secure programming and Security
* Case studies and experiences of secure software
* Security culture
* IT Governance
* IT Service Continuity
* Language-based Security
* Open Security Standards and Security Certification
* Common practice, legal and regulatory issues
* Security for SOA, Web Services, Grid computing
* Security for Databases and Data Warehouses
* Metadata and Security
* Secure Data Management
* Workflow and Business Process Security
* Security Metrics and Measurement
* Security Ontologies
* Security in Software Product Lines
* Distributed and Network Security
* Security & Trust Models
* Authentication, Authorization and Access Control
* Anonymity and Privacy
* Security for Mobile Computing, sensors networks,
multimedia systems
* Security for Electronic Commerce, Electronic Business
and e-Services (e-voting, e-banking, e-governement,
* Security in Social Networks
* Security for embedded systems, smart cards and RFID
* Security Issues in Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing
* Intellectual Property Protection
* Digital Rights Management (DRM). Mobile DRM
* Personal Data Protection for Information Systems and
Digital Identity management
* Access Control and Rights Expression Languages
* Semantic Web Technologies applied to Security
* Security Engineering
* Disaster Recovery and Failure Prevention
* Incident Response and Prevention
* Intrusion Detection and Fraud Detection
* Biometric Security
* Cryptology: Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
* Information hiding: Steganography & Steganalysis
* Digital Forensics
* Cyber terrorism
_Paper Submission_
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for oral
presentation in any of the topics listed above. Submitted
papers must present original, non-published work of high
quality. Only papers in English will be accepted, and the
length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages for full
papers and 8 pages for short papers (figures and appendices
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex
formats) are available at the conference Paper Templates web
page. Please also check the web page with the Submission
Guidelines. Papers should be submitted electronically via
the web-based submission system at:
All accepted papers will be published in the workshop
proceedings book, under an ISBN reference, and in CD-ROM
support. Additionally, the best papers will have the chance
to publish extended and revised versions in Journal of
Computer Standards and Interfaces in the ISI Journal
Citation Reports.
_Workshop Program Committee _
Alfonso Rodriguez. University of Bio-Bio. Chile
Ambrosio Toval. University of Murcia. Spain
Andreas Bauer, National ICT Australia. Australia
Antonio Maña. University of Malaga. Spain
Brajendra Panda. University of Arkansas. USA
Csilla Farkas. University of South Carolina. USA
Daniel Mellado. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
Debasis Giri. Haldia Institute of Technology. India
Duminda Wijesekera. University George Mason. USA
Eduardo Fernández-Medina. University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Eduardo B. Fernández. Florida Atlantic University. USA
Ernesto Damiani. Università degli Studi di Milano. Italy
Günther Pernul. University of Regensburg. Germany
Hugo Jonker. University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg
Indrakshi Ray. Colorado State University. USA
Jaejoon Lee. Lancaster University. UK
Jaime Delgado. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Spain
Kevin Butler. University of Oregon. USA
Luigi Lo Iacono, European University of Applied Sciences.
María Carmen Fernández. Universidad de Málaga. Spain
Mario Piattini. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
Mihai Christodorescu. University of Wisconsin. USA
Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu. Estonia
Rajkumar Buyya, Univ. of Melbourne. Australia
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati. Università degli Studi di
Milano. Italy
Shareful Islam. University of East London. UK
Shinsaku Kiyomoto. KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc. Japan
Siani Pearson. Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. Bristol, UK.
Spyros Kokolakis. Athens University of Economics and
Business. Greece
Stamatis Karnouskos. SAP AG. Germany
Steven Furnell. University of Plymouth. UK
Toshihiro Yamauchi. Okayama University
<http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/index_e.html>. Japan
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call For Papers: Paper Submission Deadline: April
12, 2012 (July 16-19, 2012, USA, Conference on e-Learning,
e-Business, EIS, & e-Government, EEE'12)
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 02:17:19 -0400
From: e-Learning <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline: April 12, 2012
The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'12)
July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. The proceedings of the congress that EEE is part of,
enjoys a high number of citations; about 26,000 citations so far.
April 12, 2012 Submission of full papers (about 7 pages) and/or posters (2 pages)
April 26, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+ possibly 7 days)
May 12, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'12)
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O e-Learning:
- e-Learning design and methodologies
- e-Learning portals
- Instructional design methodologies
- Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
- Authoring tools
- e-Learning technologies and tools
- Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
- Content management and development
- Policy issues in e-Learning
- On-demand e-Learning
- e-Learning standards
- Learning tools and strategies
- Assessment methodologies
- Knowledge management
- Virtual learning environments
- AI and e-Learning
- On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
- Open-source e-Learning platforms
- Training and evaluation strategies
- e-Universities
- Case studies and emerging applications
O e-Business:
- e-Business systems integration and standardization
- Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
- Internet payment systems
- e-Procurement methods
- Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
- Global e-Commerce and e-Business
- e-Business models and architectures
- Service-oriented e-Commerce
- Trust, security, and privacy in e-Commerce and e-Business
- Intelligence in e-Commerce
- Secure Databases and e-Commerce applications
- Business-oriented and consumer-oriented e-Commerce
- Development of e-Business and applications
- e-Business in developing countries
- Novel marketing strategies on the web
- Organizational and management issues
- Supply chain management
- e-Retailing and web design
- Applications of new technologies to e-Business
- Middleware technologies to support e-business
- Case studies and applications
O Enterprise Information Systems:
- Strategic decision support systems
- Organizational semiotics and semiotics in computing
- Datacenters, data warehouses and technologies
- Knowledge management
- Enterprise resource planning and e-Business
- middleware integration
- Intranet and extranet business applications
- Databases and information systems integration
- Intelligent agents
- Enterprise-wide client-server architectures
- Information systems analysis and specification
- Ontology engineering
- CASE tools for system development
- B2B and B2C applications
- Business processes re-engineering
- Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions, ...
- Semantic web technologies and Cloud computing
- Web interfaces and usability
- Human factors and e-Learning
- Case studies and applications
O e-Government:
- e-Government
- Use of e-Government methodologies to prevent corruption
- Legal aspects of e-Government
- Risk management
- Methods and tools for e-Government
- Policies and strategies
- Designing web services for e-Government
- Trust and security in e-Government
- Enterprise architecture for e-Government
- Interoperability frameworks in e-Government
- Inter-administration and G2G issues
- Public and private partnership
- Teaching e-Government
- Case studies
O e-Politics:
- e-Democracy and e-Voting
- Parliamentary informatics
- e-Participation
- Open-source governance
- Open politics
- Electronic rule-making
- Interactive public docket
- Hacktivism
- Politics in the information age
- Case studies and related issues
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: http://world-comp.org
Submissions must be uploaded by April 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, EEE) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels).
Authors whose papers are accepted will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting. At this
point, authors will be required to attest to the originality of their work
(ie, declaring that no part of the work is plagiarized and the paper does not
suffer from any acts of plagiarism.)
Proceedings of EEE will be published in printed conference books (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering& Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core scientific
literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals; only about 9%
are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected to be among the 9% - accessable
from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN
International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that the proceedings
will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, the
proceedings of SAM was included in these databases. Therefore, we will also
be sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier.
The printed proceedings/books will be available for distribution on site at
the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers - these books will
be composed after the conference. Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming
journal special issues to be published after the conference.
Poster papers can be 2 pages long. Authors are to follow the same instructions
that appear above (see, SUBMISSION OF REGULAR PAPERS) except for the submission
is limited to 2 pages. On the first page, the author should state that "This
paper is being submitted as a poster". Poster papers (if accepted) will be
published if and only the author of the accepted paper wishes to do so.
EEE conference is being held jointly (same location and dates) with a
number of other research conferences, WORLDCOMP congress. It is being held
jointly (same location and dates) with a number of other research federated
meetings. The congress is the largest annual gathering of researchers in
computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. We anticipate
to have 2,100 or more attendees from over 80 countries.
The congress will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and
poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers
have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of
California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of
Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic
Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid
Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of the congress is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 32229
The proceedings of the congress enjoys a high number of citations. As of
March 2012, papers published in each track of the proceedings have
received the following number of citations: 252 citations to BIOCOMP
papers; 116 to CDES papers; 65 to CGVR papers; 55 to CSC papers; 271 to
DMIN papers; 69 to EEE papers; 1,286 to ERSA papers; 504 to ESA papers;
176 to FCS papers; 9,408 to FECS papers; 157 to GCA papers; 75 to GEM
papers; 2,172 to ICAI papers; 1,529 to ICOMP papers; 1,247 to ICWN papers;
571 to IKE papers; 255 to IPCV papers; 137 to MSV papers; 5,239 to PDPTA
papers; 496 to SAM papers; 1,390 to SERP papers; and 177 to SWWS papers.
In total, over 25,600 citations have been made (so far) to papers
published in the proceedings of this federated joint conferences. Refer
to the URLs below to see the actual citation numbers (each is a link to
a live search and so it may take a few seconds for the data to pull up):
1. Web site of EEE'12:
2. To see the caliber of the past offering of EEE, refer to the web site of
the 2011 congress and its affiliated conferences and tracks:
3. The 2011 congress delegates photos are available at:
4. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
Inquiries should be sent to: sc(a)world-comp.org
This email was sent to: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
To opt out of this email list:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Cloud Computing (ISD2012)
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 15:13:32 +0100
From: Edward Curry <edcurry(a)acm.org>
Reply-To: edcurry(a)acm.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Papers
21st International Conference on Information Systems
Development (ISD2012), Prato, Italy, August 29-31, 2012*
*Track: Cloud Computing*
Cloud computing describes a computing paradigm where
services (computation, software and data) are deployed on
virtualized and dynamically scalable computing resources in
remote data centres. Cloud computing resources are offered
in one of three levels depending on the needs of the user:
software as a service, infrastructure as a service and
platform as a service. The computing resources underlying a
given cloud computing provider's offering such as Amazon's
EC2 or Microsoft's Azure may be distributed on a regional or
global level, and to gain flexibility and efficiency, these
resources are often shared by many applications and many
companies. Cloud-based services are accessed remotely by
users via Internet and telecom (voice and SMS) protocols
through Web browsers and dedicated applications on devices
ranging from mobile phones to game consoles to tablets to
personal computers.
Flexibility in the cloud computing paradigm provides a
logical migration path for various forms of SOA and service
models - software, storage, infrastructure, platform etc.
and enables new flexibility in the rapid development
and scaling of online services. Companies often combine
offerings from multiple cloud providers and multiple levels
(software, platform and infrastructure) to achieve a much
wider range of outcomes than could be achieved using
their own computing and information system development
capabilities alone. With this flexibility and power comes a
broad range of potential issues ranging from technical to
organizational to social and thus, cloud computing
invites consideration of new models of governance for
systems, service and organization. It also invokes legal,
national, and social considerations.
Cloud computing can help organisations manage risks related
to demand, innovation, efficiency, scaling, and control
leading them towards a more sustainable future. At the same
time, cloud computing is also enabling for a
massive proliferation of online services which in turn is
paradoxically having negative impact as more computing
resource is needed for all of these services. With the rapid
growth in cloud computing has come significant interest
among the practitioner community with major research
activities being conducted in corporate R&D labs. To
compliment this and to explore the role of cloud computing
in the context of sustainable information systems, we invite
rigorous and relevant contributions from a wide variety of
research methods addressing topics such as those mentioned
? Green Clouds and Resource Efficiency
? Trust, Security and Access
? New Make vs. Buy IT decision-making processes in the Age
of the Cloud
? The Role of the IS architect in leveraging Cloud technology
? Development, implementation, maintenance of cloud-based
projects and systems
? Information infrastructures, reuse and quality in the era
of Cloud Computing
? Challenges in simultaneously maintaining Legacy system and
cloud based systems
? Cloud scalability, reliability, flexibility, recovery and
? Cloud infrastructure for data management
? The dark side of cloud computing
*Important Dates*
Paper submission deadline: 20th April, 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: 15th June, 2012
ISD Conference: 29th - 31st August, 2012
Edward Curry (ed.curry(a)deri.org <mailto:ed.curry@deri.org>)
Brian Donnellan (brian.donnellan(a)nuim.ie
Philip A. DesAutels (philip.desautels(a)ltu.se
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for DEMOS/CONTESTS at the 6th IEEE
International Conference on Self-Adaptive and
Self-Organizing Systems
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 19:32:32 +0200 (CEST)
From: SASO 2012 Publicity Chair
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
CC: SASO 2012 Publicity Chair
Dear colleague,
we have the pleasure to announce that this year, in addition to regular papers, the SASO conference also hosts DEMOS and CONTESTS. Please find below the corresponding calls for DEMOS and CONTESTS, as well as all others calls for papers, posters, and tutorials (DEADLINES APPROACHING!!).
Please, distribute it among potentially interested colleagues,
Zhang Jie, Sam Malek, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez
SASO 2012 Publicity Chair
Deadline for PAPERS submission :
Abstract submission: April 23rd, 2012
Full paper submission: April 30rd, 2012
Deadline for DEMOS/CONTESTS submission: June 25, 2012
Deadline for POSTERS submission: May 30, 2012
Deadline for TUTORIALS submission: May 1, 2012
SASO 2012 - Call for Demos, Papers, Poster and Tutorials
6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Lyon, France; 10-14 September 2012 --- http://saso2012.univ-lyon1.fr/
The aim of the SASO conference series is to provide a forum for the foundations of a principled approach to engineering systems, networks and services based on self-adaptation and self-organization. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications. The complexity of current and emerging computing systems has led the software engineering, distributed systems and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and managing networks, systems and services. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated facets of a paradigm shift.
Contributions must present novel theoretical or experimental results, or practical approaches and experiences in building or deploying real-world systems, applications, tools, frameworks, etc. Contributions contrasting different approaches for engineering a given family of systems, or demonstrating the applicability of a certain approach for different systems are particularly encouraged.
Call for Demos and Contents
Students and researchers are invited to present their work/system at the SASO'2012 Conference to a group of judges from academia (and industry). Each project will be judged based on its overall self-* abilities, originality, and completion of the work. In particular, we will consider robustness, resilience and scaling abilities, while the means of showing the self-* properties.
The subject for a Demonstration is free, even if we would like to emphasize two themes: Collective Adaptive Systems, and Ambient Intelligence (see more information below). For the Contest, a specific problem is defined, which can be treated in simulation or with robots (see more information below).
Important Dates :
Deadline for demo/contest submission: June 25, 2012
Notification of acceptance or rejection: July 20, 2012
Demo and Contest session date : from 10 to 14 September, 2012
- Collective Adaptive Systems
Simulated Collective Adaptive Systems are of interest for this call. The system must include a variety of autonomous nodes (humans, robots, agents, and control units, etc. ) pursuing different and possibly conflicting goals. The system should present any characteristic like self-organization, self-stabilization, and self-adaptation, etc.
- Ambient Intelligence
Any Ambient Intelligence application with self-* capabilities is a potential candidate. Among smart environments, those for multiple-users or cognitive impaired users are very welcome. The smart environment must present any self-* characteristic to handle either multiple requests/needs -even conflicting- in case of multiple users, or irrational behaviors in case of cognitive impaired users
The contest is proposed in two separate categories : simulation and robotics platform.
Authors are free to propose/use a simulator but it must conform to the system characteristics given below (the source code must be available for consultation by the jury). The simulations have also to propose a 2D view of the system, showing the whole arena.
The abilities of the system are defined through the commands which can be broadcast to agents :
- The system shall be able to self-organize in several teams of a specific size: agents must come together to constitute a team, without being stuck to another team. The required commands are (i) giving the size of the teams to constitute (ii) giving the number of teams to constitute.
- The system shall be able to self-reconfigure when the number and/or size of teams change. Required commands are the same as the previous point.
- The system shall be able to maintain the teams when agents perception/communications are perturbed. Required commands are (i) giving the new R radius of agent perception (for all agents) (ii) giving the new C radius for agent communication (see below).
- For simulated systems, agents can be added or removed by sending the number of agents to add (positive value) or to remove (negative value). The removed robots are chosen randomly. The added robots are randomly located.
- All other commands are welcome !
The proposed applications/systems must conform to the specified characteristics :
- The proposal can be a simulated or a robotic system (the two categories will be judged separately).
- Agents evolve in a square arena of size minimum 100cm x 100cm, the arena can have sides or not.
- There is no obstacles inside the arena (optionally, obstacles can be added)
- All agents/robots are identical. They have a size between a cube of 1cm and 20cm of side.
- Agents/robots are autonomous: they take decisions by themselves (no external computer/agent can control them) and they have no global positioning system.
- The system contains initially N mobile agents, such as N> 5, initial locations are free.
- Agents could be removed or added on-line to the system (manually with robots, by commands in simulations)
- Agents or robots have a limited perception of their environment, i.e., within a radius of R centimeters. The R parameter must be configurable on-line (0< R< 100 cm).
- Simulated agents move as simple mobile robots. Their speed do not have to exceed 30 cm/s. All agents move at the same speed.
- Each agent can communicate only with other agents within a radius of C centimeters. C must be configurable on-line (0< C< 100 cm).
- Users can only communicate by broadcasting commands to agents
- All distances must be entered in centimeters.
- Source code must be available for consultation by the jury.
The evaluation committee (jury) will judge of the efficiency, robustness and simplicity of the proposed algorithms and agent/robot architectures.
Program Chairs
Olivier Simonin, INRIA& LORIA Maia team, Universite de Lorraine, France,
email: olivier.simonin(a)loria.fr
Antonio Coronato, Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking, CNR, Italia,
email: antonio.coronato(a)na.icar.cnr.it
Call for Papers
The aim of the SASO conference series is to provide a forum for presenting the latest results about self-adaptive and self-organizing systems, networks and services. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between research fields, to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications, and to identify new challenges. The complexity of current and emerging computing systems has led the software engineering, distributed systems and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, sociology, biology, etc.) to find new ways of designing and managing networks, systems and services. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated facets of a paradigm shift.
Self-adaptive systems work in a top down manner. They evaluate their own global behavior and change it when the evaluation indicates that they are not accomplishing what they were intended to do, or when better function or performance is possible. A challenge is often to identify how to change specific behaviors to achieve the desired improvement. Self-organizing systems work bottom up. They are composed of a large number of components that interact locally according to typically simple rules. The global behavior of the system emerges from these local interactions. Here, a challenge is often to predict and control the resulting global behavior.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: April 23rd, 2012
Full paper submission: April 30rd, 2012
Notification of acceptance: June 20th, 2012
Camera-ready version of accepted papers: July 18th, 2012
Early registration: August 20th, 2012
All deadlines are at 11:59 PM American Samoa Time (UTC-11).
Topics of Interest
The SASO conference is interested in both theoretical and practical aspects of systems exhibiting self-* characteristics. A particular focus is the modeling of natural, man-made and social systems that exhibit self-adaptation and self-organization characteristics as well as the constructive use of the underlying basic principles in technical systems. The sixth edition of SASO particularly encourages submissions from the following, non-exclusive list of topic areas:
- Principles, Theory, Methods and Architectures for SASO Systems
- Robustness, Resilience and Fault-Tolerance in/with Self-* Systems
- Self-* Behavior in Communication Networks
- (Self-)Control, (Self-)Observation, (Self-)Monitoring of Engineered Systems
- Collective Phenomena in Social and Socio-Technical Systems
- Self-Organization and Self-Adaptation in Biological/Natural Systems
- Applications of Spatial and Physics-Inspired Self-Organization
- SASO Principles in Cyber-Security
- SASO Principles in Collective Robotic Systems
- SASO Principles in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Real-World Experience with Engineered Systems Exhibiting Self-* Properties
All contributions must present novel theoretical or experimental results, or practical approaches and experiences in building or deploying real-world systems and applications. Contributions that contrast "conventional" engineering principles with novel approaches making use of SASO principles are especially welcome.
Submissions Instructions
All submissions should be 10 pages and formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide and submitted electronically in PDF format. Please register as authors and submit your papers using the SASO 2012 conference management system. The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and made available as a part of the IEEE digital library. Note that a separate call for poster and demo submissions has also been issued.
Emerging Topic Papers
In addition to regular papers, SASO also encourages the submission of papers on emerging topics. These submissions should be clearly marked as such (indicating "Emerging Topic:" in the title) and should provide a well-rounded survey of novel questions, methods and abstractions that are relevant for the design of SASO systems along with a clear indication of the possible impact on the SASO community. In this category we particularly encourage submissions that present innovative applications of methodological frameworks being used in other fields of science that study SASO related phenomena, thus highlighting connections and potential for collaboration between different scientific communities.
Program Chairs
Anwitaman Datta, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Marie-Pierre Gleizes, IRIT- University of Toulouse, France
Ingo Scholtes, Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Call for Posters
The sixth SASO conference continues its tradition of offering poster sessions, a great opportunity for interactive presentation of diverse research. Poster sessions are informal and highly interactive, and allow authors and participants to engage in in-depth discussions about the presented work. Posters are an ideal format in which to present late-breaking results, innovations in their initial stages, and speculative/provocative ideas. Posters should cover the same key areas as Research Papers. Submissions in the following areas are particularly encouraged:
- Principles, theory, and architectures for SASO systems
- Building trustworthy SASO Systems
- Self-* behavior in communication networks
- Design& engineering of SASO Systems / SASO principles in design automation
- (Self-)Control, (self-)observation, (self-)monitoring of engineered SASO systems
- Robustness, resilience, fault-tolerance in/with self-* systems
- Complex collective phenomena in social and socio-technical systems
- Self-organization and self-adaptation in biological/natural systems
- Applications of spatial and physics-inspired self-organization
- SASO principles in cyber-security
- SASO principles in robotic systems
- SASO principles for ambient systems and context-awareness
- Real-world experience with engineered systems exhibiting self-* properties
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May 30, 2012
Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 20, 2012
Camera ready poster abstract due: July 18, 2012
Poster session date: September 12, 2012
Submission Process
For evaluation and selection, authors should submit a two-page extended abstract of their poster. The format of this extended abstract must comply with the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide and it shall be submitted electronically in PDF format. Templates for Word and LaTeX are available here. Please register as authors and submit your papers using the SASO 2012 conference management system:
Poster authors should use the poster track for their submissions.
Accepted Posters
If selected, authors shall prepare a final, camera ready version of the extended abstract, taking into account all feedback from reviewers, and formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide. Posters will be advertised in the final program, and authors' two-page extended abstracts will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press as part of the conference proceedings. Abstracts will also be available as part of the IEEE Digital Library.
Poster Content
All posters should include the following information:
- The purpose and goals of the work.
- Any background and motivation needed to understand the work.
- Any critical hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the work.
- A clear summary of the contribution and/or results, in sufficient detail for a (re)viewer to understand the work and its relevance. If the work is at an initial stage, it is especially important to state clearly the anticipated contributions and any early results towards them.
- The relationship to other related efforts, where appropriate. Authors of accepted posters may be asked to point out relationships to work represented by other accepted posters.
- Where to find additional information. This should include but is not restricted to: a web site where viewers can go to find additional information about the work how to contact the authors, including email addresses citations for any papers, books, or other materials that provide additional information.
Poster Layout Guidelines
The format of posters and the nature of poster sessions require authors to capture the viewers' attention effectively, and present core concepts so as to clearly position the context of their research work. For this reason, graphic representations, figures, and screen shots are typically the main medium of communication in successful posters. Few attendees will stop to read a large poster with dense text. If screen shots are used, please ensure that they print legibly and that the fonts are large enough to be read easily once printed. Though left to the authors' discretion, we recommend that authors bring laminated A0 or A1-sized posters with them to the conference. Facilities for printing posters are available in Ann Arbor, but may not be conveniently located to the conference venue.
At least one of the poster authors is required to register at the conference and will be required to give a brief presentation of the poster in the interactive poster session, as well as staying with the poster to discuss the work with conference attendees for the duration of the scheduled poster sessions.
For More Information
For additional information, clarification, or questions, please contact the Poster Chair:
Stefan Dulman, Univ. Delft, Netherlands
Email: s.o.dulman(a)tudelft.nl
Call for Tutorials
The goal of the tutorial program of SASO 2012 is to provide an instructional offer to scholars, practitioners and student attending the conference, on a range of topics related to self-adaptive and self-organizing systems.
We plan to accommodate either half-day tutorials (approx. 3.0 hours, plus one 30-minutes break) and full-day tutorials (approx 6.0 hours, plus two 30-minutes breaks, and a lunch break). The topic of a tutorial may range from practical techniques and technologies, to methodologies, to guidelines over standards, to theoretical aspects.
The topics areas that fall into the general scope of SASO, as well as the focus of this year???s conference, are listed in the Call For Papers that is available on the conference web site. Please note that no marketing or product specific tutorials will be accepted.
Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. Topics that can capture the interest of a broad audience of scholars, practitioners or students are preferred.
Important Dates
The exact deadlines are at 11:59pm Hawaii time (HST).
Proposal Submission Deadline: May 1, 2012
Presenter Notification: May 15, 2012
Tutorial Paper Submission Deadline (optional): June 22, 2012
Tutorial Paper Notification: July 4, 2012
Tutorial Paper Camera-Ready Deadline: July 18, 2012
Early registration deadline: Aug. 20, 2012
Presentation handouts due: Aug. 24, 2012
Tutorial presentation: Sept. 10, 14, 2012
Submission Guidelines
Tutorial proposals must not be longer than three pages, in the same format of the SASO research papers, that is, compliant with the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style.
Please make sure the submission includes the following elements:
- title of the tutorial;
- preferred duration (half-day or full-day);
- intended level (introductory, intermediate, or advanced) and prerequisites
- contact information for all presenters, including full name, affiliation, email address, full postal address, phone and fax number, URL of personal homepage;
- short bio of all presenters including prior teaching and tutorial experiences;
- description of the material covered by the tutorial, not exceeding two pages (approx. 1500 words): must include a proposed structure of the content to be presented;
- identification of the target audience (e.g., researchers, teachers, practitioners, students);
- references of publications (books, papers etc.) the tutorial builds on;
- indication of whether the submission of a tutorial paper (see below) is planned.
All proposals should be submitted as a PDF document via email to the tutorial chairs.
Accepted Proposals and Tutorial Papers
Once notified that the tutorial has been accepted, proposers of accepted tutorials will be given the opportunity to submit a tutorial paper to SASO 2012. Please note that submitting a tutorial paper is optional. The content of a tutorial paper must directly relate to the material covered by the tutorial and must not exceed 10 pages, in a format compliant with the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings Style.
All submitted tutorial papers will undergo a review process by the organizing committee. The SASO organizing committee reserves the right to refuse the publication of tutorial papers if, for example, the technical quality of the paper is insufficient, or the content of the paper does not match the topic of the corresponding tutorial, etc.
Accepted tutorial papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and made available as part of the IEEE Digital Library.
Proposers of an accepted tutorial preferring not to submit a tutorial paper -- or whose tutorial paper is rejected -- are however required to submit a two page extended abstract describing the content of the tutorial together with the handout material. Please note that the extended abstract will not be published in the conference proceedings.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CfP BPMN 2012 - 4th International
Workshop on the Business Process Model and Notation
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 12:01:17 +0300
From: Matthias Weidlich <weidlich(a)techunix.technion.ac.il>
Reply-To: weidlich(a)techunix.technion.ac.il
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Second Call for Papers
BPMN 2012
4th International Workshop on the Business Process Model and Notation
12-13 September 2012, WU Vienna, Austria
The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard experiences a
huge uptake in both academia and industry. It is seen by many as the
de-facto standard for business process modeling, analysis, and
execution. Its promise of being one language for Business and IT has
made it very popular with business analysts, tool vendors,
practitioners, and end users. Dozens of standard implementations are
listed on the OMG website.
After three successful workshops in Vienna, Austria, Potsdam, Germany,
Lucerne, Switzerland, this fourth workshop brings together researchers
and practitioners to discuss and present the latest developments around
We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute to the workshop on
practical and theoretical aspects of the BPMN standard, addressing or
going beyond one of the following topics:
Analysis of BPMN models
* Consistency between BPMN collaboration, conversation, and
choreography models
* Similarity of BPMN models
* Matching elements of different BPMN models
* Verification of BPMN models
BPMN as a modeling language
* Process modeling methodologies
* Modeling extensions and language profiles
* Integration with other modeling languages and language comparisons
* Quality of BPMN models and of BPMN as a notation
Practical experience with BPMN
* Success factors of business process management with BPMN
* Addressing the need of different stakeholder and specific industries
* BPMN beyond modeling: process reengineering and optimization
* Bridging the Business-IT gap: Does BPMN deliver on its promise?
BPMN tool support
* Implementation and semantics of BPMN as an execution language
* Collaborative modeling
* Managing repositories of BPMN models
* Simulation based on BPMN models
BPMN for business analysis
* Usability and understanding of BPMN diagrams
* Process optimization
* Process monitoring and improvement
* BPMN and its relation to Enterprise Architecture
Empirical research on BPMN
* BPMN in specific industries and e-government
* User experience studies
* Quality aspects of BPMN tools (smart editors, simulators, runtimes,
monitoring environments)
Future directions of BPMN
Paper submission deadline: 15 May 2012
Author notification: 15 June 2012
Camera-ready copy: 27 June 2012
We invite two types of contributions to the workshop: full scientific
papers and short papers.
Full scientific papers must present unpublished work that is not being
considered in another forum, but can present unfinished research. They
should clearly establish their research contribution and relation to
previous research. Authors are requested to prepare submissions in
English of no more than 15 pages.
Short papers of no more than 6 pages can be submitted for inclusion in
the paper proceedings. Short papers can be practical experience reports
or tool demos.
All papers must be formatted in English following the Springer LNBIP
instructions for authors available from Springer:
http://www.springer.com/series/7911. Electronic submission of
manuscripts (in PDF) is required via EasyChair:
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpmn2012. Submitted papers
will be evaluated by an international program committee on the basis of
their significance to the workshop topics, originality, and technical
Papers selected for this workshop will be published in Springer's
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). At least one
author is required to attend the workshop and present the paper.
Presentations and demos will be listed with title and abstract in the
workshop brochure. Presentations of the speakers selected for the
workshop will be video-recorded and speeches will be available on the
workshop webpage after the workshop depending on agreement of the
speakers to the publication of their speeches.
Program Co-Chairs
* Jan Mendling, WU Vienna, Austria
* Matthias Weidlich, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Local Organization
* Katharina Disselbacher-Kollmann
* Stefanie Errath
Program Committee
* Agnes Koschmider, KIT, Germany
* Alexander Luebbe, HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany
* Alistair Barros, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Andreas Oberweis, KIT, Germany
* Andreas Gadatsch, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany
* Artem Polyvyanyy, HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany
* Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Bela Mutschler, HS Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany
* Chun Ouyang, QUT Brisbane, Australia
* Denis Gagne, Trisotech, Canada
* Diogo R. Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
* Dirk Fahland, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
* Felix Garcia, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
* Frank Michael Kraft, SAP, Germany
* Frank Puhlmann, inubit, Germany
* Gero Decker, Signavio GmbH, Germany
* Gregor Scheithauer, Opitz Consulting, Germany
* Hagen Voelzer, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland
* Hajo Reijers, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Henrik Leopold, HU Berlin, Germany
* Jan Recker, QUT Brisbane, Australia
* Jana Koehler, Lucerne University, Switzerland
* Karsten Wolf, University of Rostock, Germany
* Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, University of Tartu, Estonia
* Lucineia Thom, University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
* Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
* Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Markus Nuettgens, University of Hamburg, Germany
* Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia
* Marta Indulska, Queensland University, Australia
* Mathias Weske, HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany
* Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock, Germany
* Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Peter Wong, Fredhopper, The Netherlands
* Philip Effinger, University of Tuebingen, Germany
* Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
* Ralf Laue, University of Leipzig, Germany
* Remco Dijkman, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Sergey Smirnov, SAP Research, Germany
* Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria
* Stephen White, IBM, USA
* Susanne Patig, University of Berne, Switzerland
* Thomas Allweyer, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Special Issue of
JIITO on Digital Divide
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:10:40 -0400
From: Alexander Serenko, Ph.D. <aserenko(a)lakeheadu.ca>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*/Call for Papers - Special Issue of JIITO on Digital Divide/*
Ravi Sharma & Bob Travica (Special Issue Editors)
Digital information and communication technologies and
systems (ICTS) are now seen as necessary infrastructures for
development. The traditional developed economies where ICTS
had originated no longer exclusively enjoy advantages of
ICTS, as it penetrates into the lifeblood of other emerging
powerhouses such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
Africa (BRICS) and other parts of the world. This growth
measures in hundreds and thousands of percent annually.
Still, since these parts of the word started from a
relatively smaller ICTS footprint, they still lag behind
developed countries in absolute growth measures, such as the
penetration rate of the Internet, access devices such as
laptops and mobile phones, availability of content and
software, and so on. And there are parts of the world where
the ICTS draught has all but subsided. A digital divide
within and between countries and continents still appears
significant, even as it narrows.
Digital divides do not apply only to the global context. In
many countries there is a gap between the ICTS availability
in urban vs. rural areas. Even economically advanced
countries are not spared of this disparity. Within the urban
milieu itself, digital divide may correlate with the
economic status of neighbourhoods. Moreover, at the
organizational level of analysis, there can be a digital
divide between the white collar and blue collar employees.
This problematic situation charts a space for framing
digital divide as an ongoing and theoretically relevant
research problem. This special issue of JIITO intends to
address some of the contemporary issues. We invite authors
from _different academic and practitioner disciplines_ who
may be interested in the indications, aspects, causes and
effects of the digital divide. Conceptual research,
empirical studies, as well as practitioner accounts are
*/Specific topics include but are not limited to the
following themes/*:
_ICTS and economic inequality/inequity_. Which is the cause
and which the effect? Why does it exist? Can it be
eradicated? Are we destined for a flat world or is it a
myth? Is this a universal problem or restricted to the
developing world?
_The omnipresence of a digital divide as a multi-level and
resilient phenomenon_. What are the indications, causes and
effects of digital divide at the global level? Country level
(within society)? Municipal level? Organizational level?
_The digital divide and data (information) and knowledge
management_. What are the consequences of data (information)
and knowledge asymmetry at various levels? How does digital
divide at any level relate to knowledge management or to the
knowledge economy?
_The digital divide and globalization_. What is the
relationship between digital divide and economic development
(what is the cause and what the effect)? What is the
relationship between digital divide and economic inequality
that is currently brought into global public discourse
(e.g., by the Occupy Movement)?
_Overcoming digital divide_. What are the possibilities,
opportunities, models and methods of overcoming digital
divide at different levels (e.g., one laptop per child,
affordable technology, flexible technology using locally
available sources of energy, etc.)? What are the cases
(success stories) of overcoming digital divide at different
*/Submission guidelines/*: Please visit http://jiito.org for
instructions to authors and for online submission. Papers
are due by _1-July-2012_.