-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] KR 2012: Call for Participation
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 07:19:14 +1000
From: Mary-Anne Williams <Mary-Anne(a)TheMagicLab.org>
Reply-To: Mary-Anne Williams <Mary-Anne(a)TheMagicLab.org>
To: Mary-Anne Williams <Mary-Anne(a)TheMagicLab.org>
CC: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, aiia(a)dis.uniroma1.it,
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THEORYNT(a)listserv.nodak.edu, PlanetKR <PlanetKR(a)kr.org>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> KR 2012 - Call for Participation
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thirteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
> Representation and Reasoning
> http://www.kr.org/KR2012/
> 10 to 14 June 2012 Rome, Italy
> Co-located with: DL2012, NMR2012, AI*IA2012, CILC2012 and
> KiBP2012
> Reduced fees for registration at colocated events will be
> available.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Important Dates
> Late Registration ends: 27 May
> Conference (on site registration): 10 June to 14 June
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Highlights of KR 2012
> Special keynote in remembrance of the passing of John
> McCarthy:
> - Leora Morgenstern, Science Applications International
> Corporation
> "Great Moments in KR" lecture:
> - Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas at Austin
> Keynote speakers:
> - Craig Boutilier, University of Toronto
> - Maurizio Lenzerini, La Sapienza University of Rome
> - Moshe Vardi, Rice University
> Tutorials:
> - IBM Watson
> Alfio M. Gliozzo, IBM Watson Research Center
> - Graph-Based Methods for Problem Decomposition
> Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford
> Francesco Scarcello, University of Calabria
> Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria
> - Introduction to Social Choice
> Jérôme Lang, Paris Dauphine University
> - Modeling and Solving in Answer Set Programming
> Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam
> Cutting Edge Research Papers:
> - 53 Long Technical Papers
> - 18 Short Technical Papers
> - Complete listing at
> http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~kr12/?p=papers
> <http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/%7Ekr12/?p=papers>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Overview
> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) is a
> well-established
> and vibrant field of research. KR&R techniques are key
> drivers of
> innovation in computer science, and they have led to
> significant
> advances in practical applications in a wide range of
> areas from
> Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering. The
> underlying
> approach of explicitly representing knowledge in a
> tangible form,
> suitable for processing by dedicated reasoning engines, is a
> fundamental component of many modern intelligent systems.
> Foundational
> and applied research in KR&R contributes to the principles of
> artificial intelligence. It also contributes to the
> foundations of
> longstanding fields including automated planning,
> databases, and
> software engineering. In recent years KR&R has also derived
> challenges from new and emerging fields including the
> semantic web,
> computational biology, and the development of software agents.
> The KR conference series is a leading forum for timely
> in-depth
> presentation of progress in the theory and principles
> underlying the
> representation and computational management of knowledge.
> KR 2012
> will be a forum for the exchange and discussion of new
> ideas, issues,
> and results on the principles and practice of KR&R.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Contacts for KR 2012
> General Chair:
> - Gerhard Brewka (U Leipzig)
> Program Chairs:
> - Thomas Eiter (TU Vienna), Sheila McIlraith (U Toronto)
> Local Organization:
> - Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Schaerf (U "La Sapienza", Rome)
> Doctoral Consortium:
> - Esra Erdem (Sabanci University), Frank Wolter (U Liverpool)
> Publicity:
> - Benjamin Johnston, Mary-Anne Williams (UT Sydney)
> ------
> Professor Mary-Anne Williams
> Associate Dean (Research and Development)
> Director, Innovation and Enterprise Research Lab
> Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
> University of Technology, Sydney
> *
> Research and Development Office
> Building 2 Level 7 Room 7092
> *P.O. 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
> Phone: + 61 2 9514 2663 <tel:%2B%2061%202%209514%202663>
> (Gunasmin)
> Facsimile: + 61 2 9514 2868 <tel:%2B%2061%202%209514%202868>
> http://TheMagicLab.org/Mary-Anne
> eMail: Mary-Anne(a)TheMagicLab.org
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] ***DEADLINE EXTENDED***
UniDL'12: Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 02:07:11 +0100
From: Thomas Lukasiewicz <lukasiew(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Thomas.Lukasiewicz(a)cs.ox.ac.uk
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
With apologies for cross-posting.
***The submission deadline has been extended to May 7***
Call for Papers
Second International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics
co-located with IJCAR 2012
June 30, 2012
Manchester, UK
During the recent decade, handling uncertainty and vagueness has
started to play an important role in ontology languages, especially
in application areas like the Semantic Web, Biomedicine, and
Artificial Intelligence. For this reason, there is currently a strong
research interest in Description Logics (DLs) that allow for dealing
with uncertainty. The subject of this workshop is how to deal with
uncertainty and imprecision in DLs. This encompasses approaches that
enable probabilistic, fuzzy or rough reasoning in DLs. Other
approaches to model and reason with uncertainty formalisms are of
interest to UniDL as well.
The workshop focuses on the investigation of reasoning problems and
approaches for solving them -- especially tractable ones. For
classical DL reasoning problems such as subsumption and
satisfiability, algorithms that can handle uncertainty exist, but
they are not yet as well-investigated as for DLs without uncertainty.
For novel DL reasoning services, such as query answering, computation
of generalizations, computation of modules, or explanations, it is
not yet clear how to realize them in DLs that can express
uncertainty. The workshop is dedicated to discuss such issues.
UniDL is sponsored by the Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ).
Carsten Lutz - University of Bremen, Germany
include but are not limited to:
* Modeling of uncertain information in DLs
* Different formalizations of uncertainty for DLs
* Formal semantics for uncertain information in DLs
* Extensions of DL reasoning problems to uncertainty
* Reasoning algorithms for DLs with uncertainty or vagueness
* Tableau algorithms for probabilistic, fuzzy or rough DLs
* Tractable DLs with uncertainty
* Complexity of uncertain reasoning
* System descriptions for implemented reasoning algorithms
in uncertain DLs
* Novel applications of DLs with uncertainty
* Open and future problems
Submission deadline: ***May 7, 2012***
Notification: June 1, 2012
Final version: June 8, 2012
Workshop: June 30, 2012
The workshop welcomes submissions in pdf format in Springer's LNCS
style. Submissions can be
- technical papers not exceeding 10 pages,
- system descriptions not exceeding 6 pages, or
- position papers on work in progress not exceeding 3 pages
in LNCS. Submissions are via EasyChair at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=unidl12 .
The workshop proceedings will be published as CEUR proceedings.
We adopt the same double submission policy as the DL workshop; that
is, we welcome submissions of papers that have recently published at
other conferences (e.g., KR, AAAI, etc).
- Thomas Lukasiewicz, Oxford University, UK
- Rafael Peñaloza, TU Dresden, Germany
- Anni-Yasmin Turhan, TU Dresden, Germany
- Fernando Bobillo, University of Zaragoza
- Fabio G. Cozman, University of Sao Paulo
- C. Maria Keet, University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Pavel Klinov, University of Arizona, Clark and Parsia LLC
- Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen
- Ralf Moeller, Hamburg University of Technology
- Mathias Niepert, University of Mannheim
- Bijan Parsia, University of Manchester
- Dirk Pattinson, Imperial College London
- Stefan Schlobach, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Giorgos Stoilos, Oxford University
- Umberto Straccia, ISTI-CNR
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd CFP: 9th OTM Academy (Workshop for Ph.D. students)
Datum: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 20:46:45 +0200
Von: Anja Metzner <anja.metzner(a)hs-augsburg.de>
Antwort an: Anja Metzner <anja.metzner(a)hs-augsburg.de>
An: <academy(a)onthemove-conferences.org>
CALL FOR PAPERS: 9th OTM Academy (Workshop for Ph.D. students)
September 10-11, 2012, Rome, Italy
In conjunction with OnTheMove Federated Conferences and Workshops (OTM'12)
Proceedings published by Springer LNCS
Deadline: abstracts due on May 18; papers due on May 25
if YOU are a Ph.D. student in information systems,...
• interested in feedback on your research plans and research
• unable to sufficiently exchange ideas, experiences, frustrations, hopes, … with peers
• planning to improve your scientific communication and presentation skills
• hoping to meet in real life authors whom you only know by their publications
• needing to acquire paper reviewing expertise
• eager to widen your horizon of professional interests
• and looking for some fun moments during work
You should submit to this year’s OTM Academy. It offers you...
• a means to publish your paper in the well known Springer LNCS series
• dedicated feedback and exclusive time of prominent professors, experienced researchers and experts in your field of research during the OTM Academy
• targeted suggestions how to improve your scientific writing and presentation skills by appropriate experts of the OTM Academy
• an international forum to present your research in a poster session in one of the OTM conferences
• access to all OTM conferences and workshops at a reduced registration fee
• a possibility to earn ECTS credits
• a dedicated OTMA LinkedIn group as an international network building platform
• a friendly and fun atmosphere (several OTM social events) to meet other Ph.D. students and researchers in a nice and sunny place in the middle of ancient cultural heritage (Rome - Italy)
• the possibility to become a member of our Hall-of-Fame of past OTMA PhD students on our web page. Join for free the OTMA community and widen your networks
What to do ?
• coordinate your submission plans with your principal doctoral advisor
• take a look at the OTM Academy call-for-papers page [http://www.onthemove-academy.org/]
• check if the topics match your research
• write your paper according to the instructions
• follow the instructions to upload your abstract and paper [http://www.onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/submitpaper/otmasub]
• respect formatting instructions (the Springer style for workshop papers)
• upload a camera ready version and register
• respect the deadlines and specific instructions
• prepare your presentation and bring along your poster
• meet and greet, listen and learn, ... and enjoy
• and maybe bring along your advisors to the OTM Conferences
Also other (Ph.D.) students without an accepted submission to the OTM Academy are encouraged to
register as participants as it proves to be fruitful for them to observe and interact with presenting
authors like you, and expand the pool of ideas to be discussed.
OTMA 2012 will award the best contribution !
Abstracts Submission Deadline: May 18, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2012
Acceptance Notification: July 2, 2012
Camera ready received: July 16, 2012
Registration Deadline: July 16, 2012
OTM Academy '12: September 10 - 11, 2012
OTM’12 Conferences: September 10 - 14, 2012
The program committee currently consists of the following reviewers:
• Galia Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgary)
• Christophe Bussler (Xtime Inc., USA)
• Paolo Ceravolo (Universitá degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy)
• Philippe Cudré-Maroux (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
• Jaime Delgado (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
• Alfred Holl (University of Applied Sciences Nüremberg, Germany), OTMA Accompanying Professor
• Frédéric Le Mouël (University of Lyon, France)
• Marcello Leida (Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, United Arabic Emirates)
• Erich J. Neuhold (University of Vienna, Austria), OTMA Dean
• Hervé Panetto (Nancy University, Nancy, France)
• Erik Proper (Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, Luxembourg)
• Anja Metzner (University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany) OTMA organising chair& Accompanying Professor
• Fatiha Saïs (Université Paris-Sud XI, France)
• Andreas Schmidt (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
• Peter Spyns (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), OTMA organising chair
• Maria Esther Vidal (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela), OTMA Accompanying Profesor
For our young audience of PhD students we added a lot of details about all our faculty members on our
web page (http://www.onthemove-academy.org/).
You can contact us via: academy(a)onthemove-conferences.org
Peter Spyns and Anja Metzner
(OTMA'12 Organising Chairs)
Prof. Dr. Anja Metzner
University of Applied Sciences Augsburg,
Department of Computer Sciences
Postfach 11 06 05, 86031 Augsburg, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HIS 2012 - First Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:49:30 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: support-vector-machines
gascheduling(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org,
dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, neuro-fuzzy(a)decsai.ugr.es
CC: DR CHOO YUN HUOY <huoy(a)utem.edu.my>, Siby Abraham
<sibyam(a)gmail.com>, Azah Kamilah Muda <azahkm(a)gmail.com>
** HIS 2012 -- First Call For Papers **
12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'12)
Pune, India
04 - 07 December, 2012
Conference Theme: "Hybrid Intelligent Computing Towards a Greener Future"
Conference Objective:
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of
modern artificial/computational intelligence concerned with the
development of the next generation of intelligent systems. A
fundamental stimulus to the investigations of Hybrid Intelligent
Systems (HIS) is the awareness in the academic communities that
combined approaches will be necessary if the remaining tough problems
in artificial/computational intelligence are to be solved. Hybrid
Intelligent Systems are getting popular due to their capabilities in
handling several real world complexities involving imprecision,
uncertainty and vagueness. HIS'12 builds on the success of last
year's. The 4-day conference will feature prominent keynote speakers,
workshop, tutorials, poster and paper presentation in parallel tracks.
HIS 2012 invites novel contributions/papers of soft computing and
pattern recognition from fundamental aspects to various practical
HIS'12 will focus on the following themes:
A) Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Architectures
* Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems.
* Artificial neural network optimization using global optimization techniques.
* Fuzzy clustering algorithms and optimization techniques.
* Fuzzy inference system optimization using global optimization algorithms.
* Hybrid computing using neural networks - fuzzy systems -
evolutionary algorithms.
* Hybrid optimization techniques (evolutionary algorithms, simulated
annealing, tabu search, GRASP etc.).
* Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques.
* Models using inductive logic programming, logic synthesis,
grammatical inference, case-based reasoning etc.
* Autonomic computing.
* Hybridizatiion with novel computing paradigms: Qantum computing, DNA
computing, membrane computing etc.
B) Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Applications
* Image and Signal Processing
* Internet Modeling, Communication and Networking
* Data mining
* Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
* Business Information Systems
* Control and Automation
* Special topics
Submission of paper should be made through the submission link in HIS
2012 official website (www.mirlabs.org/his12). Please refer to the
conference website for guidelines to prepare your manuscript. Like
previous years, all accepted papers will be compiled in conference
proceedings published by the IEEE (getting approval). It is mandatory
at least an author registers for every paper that is included in the
conference proceedings. Proceedings will be made available during the
Important Dates:
Special session proposals: June 15, 2012
Acceptance of special sessions: June 30, 2012
Paper submission due: August 31, 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: September 30, 2012
Final manuscript due: October 15, 2012
Registration and full payment due: October 15, 2012
Organizing Team :
Vishwanath D. Karad, Founder and President, MAEER Group of
Institutions, Pune, India
Mangesh Karad, Executive Director, MAEER MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
General Chairs
Ajith Abraham , Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Vijay Wadhai, Principal, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Technical Program Chairs
Ronald Yager, Machine Intelligence Insititute, Iona College, USA
Azah Kamilah Muda, UTeM, Malaysia
Mario Koeppen, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
International Advisory Board
Adel M. Alimi, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Andre Carvalho, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Emilio Corchado, University of Salamanca,Spain
Francesco Marcelloni, University of Pisa, Italy
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada,Spain
Henri Prade, IRIT, France
Hideyuki Takagi, Kyushu University , Japan
Hisao Ishibuchi, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Mo Jamshidi, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Jeng-Shyang Pan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Yuehui Chen, University of Jinan , China
Jun Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK.
Joydeep Ghosh, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Cairo University, Egypt
Krzysztof Cios, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Sankar Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Shahrin Sahib, UTeM, Malaysia
Vaclav Snasel, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Witold Pedrycz, Uinversity of Alberta, Canada
Local Organising and Program Committee
Rajneeshkaur Bedi, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
P. Kumar, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
B. S. Kothavale, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Virendra Shete, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Bharati Dixit, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Vivek Deshpande, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Rekha Sugandhi, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
S. B. Barve, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
M.S. Nagmode, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Avinash Singh, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
B.N. Jagdale, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
S.V. Dhingre, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
P.E. Choudhari, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
S.B.Somani, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Amit Savyanavar, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Anita Thengade, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Lalit Kulkarni, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
P.P.Gundewar, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Priti Kale, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, IndiaÂ
Ramaa Sandu, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Shantini Bokil, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Publicity Chairs
Siby Abraham, University of Mumbai, India
Yun Huoy Choo, UTeM, Malaysia
International Program Committee
(Please see web site)
For more information, please contact:
Local Information and Venue:
Rekha S. Sugandhi
email: rekha.sugandhi(a)mitcoe.edu.in
Technical matters:
Ajith Abraham
email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Doctoral Consortium CONFENIS 2012
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 22:29:35 +0200
From: Geert Poels <Geert.Poels(a)UGent.be>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Participation: CONFENIS 2012 Doctoral Consortium
Ghent, 17-19 September 2012 --
Doctoral consortium of the 6th International Conference on
Research and Practical Issues in Enterprise Information
Systems (CONFENIS 2012), Ghent, 19-21 September 2012 ?
CONFENIS is the annual international academic conference of
the IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing ? http://www.ifip.org) devoted to enterprise
information systems. Enterprise information systems refer to
a wide array of applications of IT systems that ranges from
cross-departmental to cross-organisational systems. Such
systems provide the information and controls required for
directing, planning, running, measuring, and monitoring the
activities of single or multiple (i.e., chains or networks
of) enterprises. Typical examples of enterprise information
systems are Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Supply Chain Management
(SCM) systems, Business Intelligence (BI) systems, and
Business Process Management Systems (BPMS).
Following last year?s CONFENIS doctoral consortium, Design
Science in Enterprise Information Systems Research is the
central theme of the doctoral consortium. The aim is to
explore the Design Science approach to Information Systems
research, integrating conceptual design thinking with
information systems engineering research.
All PhD students interested in learning more about Design
Science research are welcome to apply for admission to the
CONFENIS 2012 Doctoral Consortium. Participation is limited
to 20 students. In case more than 20 candidates have applied
for admission at the deadline (June 15, 2012) then
participants will be selected based on the quality (i.e.,
relevance, soundness, clarity and maturity) of their
research proposals (see admission procedure) and the
potential benefit of participation to the student?s doctoral
research. Participants in the consortium should currently be
enrolled as a PhD student at a university and conduct
research in the area of Information Systems. It is not a
prerequisite that students use or intend to use Design
Science as part of their PhD project.
We are in the process of having the Doctoral Consortium
approved as a 3 ECTS PhD course (to be confirmed).
Participation in all activities (see program) is required
for receiving the course certificate.
All participants are required to register for the CONFENIS
2012 conference. PhD students can register at a strongly
reduced tariff of 295 Euros (see
http://www.confenis2012.be). The Doctoral Consortium itself
is free for PhD students enrolled at Flemish Universities
(as the cost for these students is covered by their doctoral
schools). Other PhD students pay an additional 100 Euros for
participation in the Doctoral Consortium. This fee covers
all distributed materials, lunches (2), welcome reception
and social event, and the doctoral consortium diner.
The doctoral consortium sessions will be held at the
premises of the faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Ghent University (see http://www.feb.ugent.be)
I. Format and program
The doctoral consortium consists of a mix of lecturing and
tutoring sessions. The doctoral consortium staff will teach
a number of topics with respect to Design Science
fundamentals ranging from the philosophical underpinning of
the paradigm (e.g., ontology, epistemology, ?) to the
concretisation of the methodology (e.g., research design,
research process, ?) and experiences in applying it to
Information Systems research (e.g., good practices, lessons
learned, ?). Staff includes recognized Design Science
research experts like Professor Robert Winter (University of
St. Gallen, Switzerland) and Professor Guido Geerts
(University of Delaware, USA). A reader with Design Science
research in Information Systems must-reads will be compiled
and used as background material for these lectures.
During the tutoring sessions, the doctoral research
proposals of participants are presented, analysed and
discussed with the aim of providing feedback and suggestions
from experts and peers. Students will be allocated to groups
of each maximally 7 students and 2 ? 3 doctoral consortium
staff members (i.e., tutors). All tutors are professors
having experience in supervising Design Science type of
doctoral research in enterprise information systems.
Monday 17 September 2012
* 6.00 PM ? 7.30 PM: Opening session by the doctoral
consortium organizers
o Welcome and presentation of participants and staff members
o Objectives and organization of the course
o Introduction to the theme and basic concepts/terminology
* 7.30 PM ? 9.30 PM Reception and social activity in Ghent
Tuesday 18 September 2012
* 9.00 AM ? 12.00 AM: Lectures on Design Science research in
Information Systems
* 12.00 AM ? 1.30 PM: Lunch
* 1.30 PM ? 6.00 PM: Tutoring sessions ? presentation and
discussion of research proposals
* 7.30 PM ? 10.30 PM: Doctoral Consortium Diner in Ghent
Wednesday 19 September 2012
* 9.00 AM ? 12.00 AM: tutoring sessions ? presentation and
discussion of research proposals
* 12.00 AM ? 1.30 PM: Lunch
* 1.30 PM ? 3.00 PM: Tutoring sessions ? group discussions
* 3.00 PM ? 4.30 PM: Closing session by the doctoral
consortium organizers
o General impression of the presentations and discussions
o Sharing experiences between the groups
o Lessons learned
o What to take away from this doctoral consortium?
o Farewell
* 5.00 PM: official start of the CONFENIS 2012 conference
II. Admission procedure
Prospective participants need to submit a report describing
their doctoral research project in the following format and
* Format: single PDF file, font 12 points, 1.5 lines
spacing, length between 5 and 10 pages (not including
references). Proposals longer than 10 pages will be rejected!
* Structure (apart from the front page, the content of the
sections is indicative, not normative)
o Front page including title of the doctoral research;
candidate?s name, affiliation (department and university)
and full contact details; supervisor?s name, affiliation
(department and university) and full contact details; date
of admission into your institute?s doctoral program;
executive summary of the doctoral research on maximum 15 lines.
o Context of the research: describe the broad
problem/application area within which to situate your
research; identify the main previous research related to
yours; explain how your research relates to the research
and/or expertise of your supervisor(?s research group).
o Problem statement and goal of the research: describe the
specific research problem addressed by your research;
motivate its importance (i.e., significance, relevance) from
a scientific and/or practical point of view; describe how
and to what extent your research will provide a solution to
the problem; identify the intended scientific
contribution(s) of your doctoral research and state
its/their originality/novelty.
o Solution approach and related research: briefly describe
the alternative solutions to the problem, including those
contributed by previous research (as well as their
limitations); present in broad lines your solution approach
and motivate why this approach is adequate and/or better
than alternative approaches.
o Methodology: describe the overall set-up (including
assumptions and constraints), the process, and the research
methods that are required to apply your solution approach to
the research problem; provide for the different steps in
your research plan sufficient details about data sources,
data collection and analysis techniques, applicable theories
and research instruments, research procedures, evaluation
and validation activities, etc.
o Results so far: if applicable, present a brief account of
the research results so far.
o Planning and timing: provide a planning (i.e., research
plan with steps) and timing for the part of the doctoral
research that is not completed yet.
o References: provide a complete list of the literature
referenced in the research proposal
* Send your proposal to geert.poels(a)confenis2012.be
Submission deadline: June 15, 2012
Notification of admission decision: July 1, 2012
Upon selection, further details will be sent to participants.
Doctoral Consortium Organizers
1. Professor Geert Poels, PhD ? Dept. MIS and Operations
Management, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Ghent University, Belgium
CONFENIS 2012 Program Chair
e-mail: geert.poels(a)ugent.be <mailto:geert.poels@ugent.be>
2. Professor Frederik Gailly, PhD ? Dept. Mathematics,
Operations Research, Statistics, and Information Systems,
Faculty of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences & Solvay
Business School, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: frederik.gailly(a)vub.ac.be
3. Professor Manu De Backer, PhD ? Dept. Management
Informatics, Faculty of Applied Economics, University of
Antwerp, Belgium
e-mail: manu.debacker(a)ua.ac.be <mailto:manu.debacker@ua.ac.be>
Scientific committee
1. Geert Poels (Ghent University) ? chairman and
co-organizer UGent
2. Robert Winter (University of St. Gallen)
3. Guido Geerts (University of Delaware)
4. Hans Weigand (Tilburgh University)
5. Michael Petit (FUNDP)
6. Monique Snoeck (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
7. Jan Verelst (University of Antwerp)
8. Mieke Jans (Hasselt University)
9. Steven De Haes (Antwerp Management School)
10. Stijn Viaene (Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School)
11. Frederik Gailly (Free University of Brussels) ?
co-organizer VUB
12. Manu De Backer (University of Antwerp / Ghent
University) ? co-organizer UA
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] MMM-ACNS-2012 and
SA&PS4CS-2012 - Second Call for Papers
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 00:53:25 +0400
From: Igor Kotenko <ivkote1(a)mail.ru>
Reply-To: Igor Kotenko <ivkote1(a)mail.ru>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Second Announcement and Call for papers
Sixth International Conference
“Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures
for Computer Network Security”
(MMM-ACNS-2012) and
Second International Workshop
“Scientific Analysis and Policy Support for Cyber Security”
October 17-20, 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia
Title and scope
The previous International Conferences "Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security" (MMM-ACNS-2001 (http://space.iias.spb.su/mmm-acns01/), MMM-ACNS-2003 (http://space.iias.spb.su/mmm-acns03/), MMM-ACNS-2005 (http://space.iias.spb.su/mmm-acns05/), MMM-ACNS-2007 (http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns07/ and MMM-ACNS-2010 (http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns10/)) organized by St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Binghamton University (SUNY) and supported by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development USAF, Office of Naval Research Global, and Russian Foundation for Basic Research were successful. These conferences demonstrated the high interest of the international scientific community to the theoretical and practical aspects of the computer network and information security.
The goals of MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference (http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns12/) is to bring together leading researchers from academia and governmental organizations as well as practitioners to advance the states of the art and practice in the area of computer networks and information security with a focus on novel theoretical aspects of computer network security, facilitate personal interactions and discussions on various aspects of information technologies in conjunction with computer network and information security problems arising in large-scale computer networks.
The MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference will be carried out together with the Second International Workshop “Scientific Analysis and Policy Support for Cyber Security” (SA&PS4CS-2012) (http://www.comsec.spb.ru/saps4cs12/) dedicated to the methods of scientific analysis and policy support for response to cyber intrusions and attacks.
Topics of interest
Papers offering novel research contributions to the theoretical aspects of the computer network and information security are solicited for submission.
Papers may present theory, technique, and applications on topics including but not restricted to:
* Adaptive security
* Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, prevention
* Anti-phishing, anti-spam, anti-fraud, anti-botnet techniques
* Applied cryptography
* Authentication, authorization and access control
* Cloud Security
* Computer and network forensics
* Covert channels
* Critical infrastructure protection
* Data and application security
* Data mining, machine learning, and bio-inspired approaches for security
* Deception systems and honeypots
* Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures
* Digital Rights Management
* eCommerce, eBusiness and eGovernment security
* Embedded system security
* Formal analysis of security properties
* Information warfare
* Internet and web security
* Intrusion prevention, detection, and response
* Language-based security
* Network survivability
* New ideas and paradigms for security
* Operating system security
* Reliability and dependability
* Risks metrics, risk analysis and risk management
* Security and privacy in pervasive and ubiquitous computing
* Security event and information management
* Security in social networks
* Security of emerging technologies: sensor, wireless/mobile, peer-to-peer and overlay networks
* Security of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
* Security modeling and simulation
* Security policies
* Security protocols
* Security verification
* Security visualization
* Self-protecting and healing
* Smartphone security
* Software protection
* Trusted computing
* Trust and reputation management
* Vulnerability assessment
The main topics of the SA&PS4CS-2012 are detection, discrimination, and attribution of various activities of malefactors and response to cyber intrusions and attacks including national level information operations as well as identifying emergent cyber technologies supporting social and political activity management and trans-national distributed computing management.
Objective of the MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference
The main objectives of the MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference are to discuss state-of-the-art in mathematical methods and models for computer networks and information security to promote a better understanding of recent achievements and trends in the computer network security, as well as making use of recent achievements in the area of advanced information technologies for computer network and information assurance.
Security assurance of resident information and computer networks’ software is one of the important problems of the modern computer science and information technology. The problem importance is confirmed by ever increasing multiplicity and diversity of threads and vulnerabilities of computer networks, permanently increasing significance and value of information itself, and by potentially devastating consequences of successful attacks on integrity, resource availability and information confidentiality. Unauthorized access to computer network facilities and network resources, especially in global networks participating in real-time control operations, may be truly disastrous.
There are several reasons for the complexity of the problem under study. The growing size of the network, its interconnectivity, large number of users, increasing number of vulnerable targets within the network (communication protocols, operating systems, servers, applications, etc.), and the appearance of effective and previously unknown types of attacks are among them.
An additional objective of the conference is to bring together researchers and developers from academia, industry and governmental organizations to exchange ideas in a broad range of topics among researchers, security system developers and users from research and commercial perspective.
Since the scope of the conference covers areas presenting specific interest for basic and applied research organizations, information about the conference will be distributed among the corresponding organizations in Russia and worldwide. So far preliminary agreement to participate in the conference is received from leading Russian Institutions doing basic and applied research in Computer Science, Telecommunication and Computer Security and from companies developing relevant industrial applications.
Objective of the SA&PS4CS-2012 Workshop
The Workshop is dedicated to the methods of scientific analysis and policy support for response to cyber intrusions and attacks. The main topics of the Workshop are detection, discrimination, and attribution of various activities of malefactors and response to cyber intrusions and attacks including national level information operations as well as identifying emergent cyber technologies supporting social and political activity management and trans-national distributed computing management.
The Workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners involved in multiple disciplines concerning scientific analysis and policy support for cyber security to exchange ideas and to learn the latest developments in this important field.
This Workshop could promote internationally shared understanding of the technically supportable indications and warnings for various types of intrusions and attacks, from the isolated to the highly coordinated, and from the forensic to strategic.
The Workshop is planned on the last day of MMM-ACNS-2012.
Submitting a paper
The MMM-ACNS-2012 welcomes original papers from academic, government, and industry contributors on mathematical approaches and models, state-of-the-art techniques, and novel applications in the above proposed areas. All submissions will be subjected to a thorough review by at least three reviewers.
Draft versions of original full papers up to 14 A4 pages (but not less than 6 pages) in English prepared according to the instructions provided by Springer (http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/Authors.html), including abstract (up to 300 words) and keywords (5 to 8), should be submitted by
May 27, 2012
or sooner through the upload facilities at the MMM-ACNS-2012 web site http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns12/ .
Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.
Authors must also indicate the conference track to which the paper is submitted.
The Program Committee will make the final selection based on peer reviewers’ evaluation.
The primary focus is on high-quality original unpublished research, case studies and implementation experiences.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be disseminated by June 29, 2012.
Camera-ready versions of accepted papers (see below) are due July 11, 2012.
The speakers of the SA&PS4CS-2012 Workshop will be personally invited. We intend to invite for participation in the session a number of worldwide recognized specialists in cyber security from the USA, Europe, China, Russia and other countries.
Program Committee plans to publish the MMM-ACNS-2012 Proceedings in Springer series "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS). The final decision will be made by Springer after finalizing the reviewing process. Instructions for authors will be provided at the MMM-ACNS-2012 web site (http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns12/).
Camera ready paper submission can be uploaded through the MMM-ACNS-2012 web site at http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns12/.
The Proceeding of the SA&PS4CS-2012 Workshop also will be prepared.
Invited Speakers
* Ben Livshits (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Fabio Martinelli (Istituto di Informatica e Telematica – IIT, Italy)
* Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University, USA)
* Bhavani Thuraisingham (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Conference Co-Chairmen
* Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. R.M. Yusupov, Director of St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS)
* Dr. Robert L. Herklotz, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA
Program Committee
* Igor Kotenko (SPIIRAS, Russia)
* Victor Skormin (Binghamton University, USA)
Program Committee members:
* Fabrizio Baiardi (Italy)
* Cataldo Basile (Italy)
* Julien Bourgeois (France)
* Mariano Ceccato (Italy)
* David Chadwick (UK)
* Shiu-Kai Chin (USA)
* Christian Collberg (USA)
* Miguel Pupo Correia (Portugal)
* Bruno Crispo (Italy)
* Frederic Cuppens (France)
* Dipankar Dasgupta (USA)
* Changyu Dong (UK)
* Dennis Gamayunov (Russia)
* Dieter Gollmann (Germany)
* Stefanos Gritzalis (Greece)
* Alexander Grusho (Russia)
* Ming-Yuh Huang (USA)
* Andrew Hutchison (South African Republic)
* Sushil Jajodia (USA)
* Angelos Keromytis (USA)
* Victor Korneev (Russia)
* Hanno Langweg (Norway)
* Pavel Laskov (Germany)
* Peeter Laud (Estonia)
* Ben Livshits (USA)
* Javier Lopez (Spain)
* Antonio Mana (Spain)
* Fabio Martinelli (Italy)
* Gregorio Martinez (Spain)
* Fabio Massacci (Italy)
* Catherine Meadows (USA)
* Nickolay Moldovian (Russia)
* Wojciech Molisz (Poland)
* Greg Morrisett (USA)
* Haris Mouratidis (UK)
* Evgenia Novikova (Russia)
* Vladimir Oleshchuk (Norway)
* Ludovic Pietre-Cambacedes (France)
* Bart Preneel (Belgium)
* Roland Rieke (Germany)
* Luigi Romano (Italy)
* Andrzej Rucinski (USA)
* Peter Ryan (Luxembourg)
* Andrei Sabelfeld (Sweden)
* Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Germany)
* Igor Saenko (Russia)
* Francoise Sailhan (France)
* Pierangela Samarati (Italy)
* Ravi Sandhu (USA)
* Fred Schneider (USA)
* Michael Smirnov (Germany)
* Angelos Stavrou (USA)
* Nadia Tawbi (Canada)
* Bhavani Thuraisingham (USA)
* Bill Tsoumas (Greece)
* Shambhu Upadhyaya (USA)
* Paulo Verissimo (Portugal)
* Peter Zegzhda (Russia)
Location of the Conference and Workshop
According to the preliminary agreement, the MMM-ACNS-2012 conference and the SA&PS4CS-2012 Workshop will take place in the historical building "Palace of Grand Prince Vladimir Romanov," now "House of Scientists," located in the heart of St. Petersburg, address: 26, Dvortsovaya emb., St.Petersburg, 191186, Russia.
This venue allows the conference organizers to arrange for the conference itself, as well as for the associated events (informal discussions, reception, breaks, etc.).
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CfP: 6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive
and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO)
Datum: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:49:57 +0200 (CEST)
Von: SASO 2012 Publicity Chair <SASO2012-Publicity(a)iiia.csic.es>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Kopie (CC): SASO 2012 Publicity Chair <saso2012-publicity(a)iiia.csic.es>
Deadline for PAPERS submission :
*** Abstract submission: April 23rd, 2012 ***
Full paper submission: April 30rd, 2012
Deadline for DEMOS/CONTESTS submission: June 25, 2012
Deadline for POSTERS submission: May 30, 2012
Deadline for TUTORIALS submission: May 1, 2012
6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Lyon, France; 10-14 September 2012 --- http://saso2012.univ-lyon1.fr/
The aim of the SASO conference series is to provide a forum for presenting the latest results about self-adaptive and self-organizing systems, networks and services. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between research fields, to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications, and to identify new challenges. The complexity of current and emerging computing systems has led the software engineering, distributed systems and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, sociology, biology, etc.) to find new ways of designing and managing networks, systems and services. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated facets of a paradigm shift.
Self-adaptive systems work in a top down manner. They evaluate their own global behavior and change it when the evaluation indicates that they are not accomplishing what they were intended to do, or when better function or performance is possible. A challenge is often to identify how to change specific behaviors to achieve the desired improvement. Self-organizing systems work bottom up. They are composed of a large number of components that interact locally according to typically simple rules. The global behavior of the system emerges from these local interactions. Here, a challenge is often to predict and control the resulting global behavior.
Important Dates
*** Abstract submission: April 23rd, 2012 ***
Full paper submission: April 30rd, 2012
Notification of acceptance: June 20th, 2012
Camera-ready version of accepted papers: July 18th, 2012
Early registration: August 20th, 2012
All deadlines are at 11:59 PM American Samoa Time (UTC-11).
Topics of Interest
The SASO conference is interested in both theoretical and practical aspects of systems exhibiting self-* characteristics. A particular focus is the modeling of natural, man-made and social systems that exhibit self-adaptation and self-organization characteristics as well as the constructive use of the underlying basic principles in technical systems. The sixth edition of SASO particularly encourages submissions from the following, non-exclusive list of topic areas:
- Principles, Theory, Methods and Architectures for SASO Systems
- Robustness, Resilience and Fault-Tolerance in/with Self-* Systems
- Self-* Behavior in Communication Networks
- (Self-)Control, (Self-)Observation, (Self-)Monitoring of Engineered Systems
- Collective Phenomena in Social and Socio-Technical Systems
- Self-Organization and Self-Adaptation in Biological/Natural Systems
- Applications of Spatial and Physics-Inspired Self-Organization
- SASO Principles in Cyber-Security
- SASO Principles in Collective Robotic Systems
- SASO Principles in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Real-World Experience with Engineered Systems Exhibiting Self-* Properties
All contributions must present novel theoretical or experimental results, or practical approaches and experiences in building or deploying real-world systems and applications. Contributions that contrast "conventional" engineering principles with novel approaches making use of SASO principles are especially welcome.
Submissions Instructions
All submissions should be 10 pages and formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide and submitted electronically in PDF format. Please register as authors and submit your papers using the SASO 2012 conference management system. The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and made available as a part of the IEEE digital library. Note that a separate call for poster and demo submissions has also been issued.
Emerging Topic Papers
In addition to regular papers, SASO also encourages the submission of papers on emerging topics. These submissions should be clearly marked as such (indicating "Emerging Topic:" in the title) and should provide a well-rounded survey of novel questions, methods and abstractions that are relevant for the design of SASO systems along with a clear indication of the possible impact on the SASO community. In this category we particularly encourage submissions that present innovative applications of methodological frameworks being used in other fields of science that study SASO related phenomena, thus highlighting connections and potential for collaboration between different scientific communities.
Program Chairs
Anwitaman Datta, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Marie-Pierre Gleizes, IRIT- University of Toulouse, France
Ingo Scholtes, Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP for the HICSS-46 minitrack on Designing and
Deploying Next Generation Knowledge Systems and Knowledge-Intensive
Business Processes
Datum: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 18:00:49 +0200
Von: Stefan.Smolnik(a)ebs.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(Apologies for cross-postings of this announcement.)
Forty-Sixth Annual Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences
January 7 - 10, 2013 (Monday-Thursday)
Grand Walea on Maui (http://www.grandwailea.com
Track: Knowledge Systems
Minitrack: Designing and Deploying Next Generation Knowledge Systems and
Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes
The objective of this minitrack is to contribute to the body of
knowledge that helps academics and practitioners to
* design, deploy, and evaluate next generation knowledge systems,
* explore and leverage appropriate project management methods and tools
for designing and deploying knowledge systems, and
* study changing organizational knowledge processes and structures.
Work systems and the knowledge systems enabling them need to be aligned
with emerging technologies to ensure organizational acceptance and to
support effective organizational value creation. Traditional, often
monolithic knowledge system architectures need to be redesigned due to
technological progress manifested by, for example, social media, social
networking sites, mashups, semantic technologies, and ubiquitous
information and communication technologies. In our view, these redesigns
lead to a new class of knowledge systems that we call "Next Generation
Knowledge Systems." Furthermore, project management involved in the
design and deployment of knowledge systems differs from the project
management involved in traditional information systems projects.
Examples abound in the literature about knowledge systems deployment
efforts that failed because (1) the business cultures did not encourage
and reinforce knowledge sharing and (2) the necessary organizational
change could not be implemented. Such failures could often have been
avoided if (1) more balanced efforts between the design and deployment
of knowledge systems had been implemented and (2) the design and
deployment efforts had been managed through coordinated design and
deployment projects. Deployment projects have a crucial role in
implementing organizational and social changes. Yet, deployment is often
considered only as a phase in larger design-driven projects. Eventually,
more and more workplaces are being taken over by young, computer-savvy
employees who see technology as an integral part of their life. These
so-called "Digital Natives" change the way in which knowledge management
and collaboration within and across organizations take place. They
follow the "instant-on" mentality to adapt and use modern communication
tools such as Facebook and Twitter, which were originally not designed
for the workplace, and mobile phones in innovative ways wherever they
are during on- and off-work hours. Thus, digital natives draw upon and
contribute to organizational and societal change processes by adapting
and deploying next generation knowledge systems in organizational
knowledge processes and structures.
Researchers and practitioners interested in submitting papers to this
minitrack are encouraged to explore (1) the design, evaluation and
deployment of next generation knowledge systems that integrate emerging
technologies like social media, mashups, ubiquitous IT; (2) project
management methods and tools involved in the design and deployment of
such knowledge systems; and/or (3) changing organizational knowledge
processes and structures due to the use of these technologies. We
welcome an integrative view spanning the entire life-cycle of knowledge
systems â?? from knowledge systems design through deployment to
Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to:
* Methodologies, tools, processes, and technologies for developing
knowledge systems
* Management of design and deployment projects of knowledge systems
* Empirical studies of designing and using knowledge systems
* Systems design for social knowledge creation and use (e.g. social
media system architectures)
* Incorporating and/or integrating knowledge services and mashups,
social media, Web 2.0, cloud computing, and/or ubiquitous technologies
in knowledge systems
* The design, evaluation, and/or use of processes, semantic
technologies, knowledge retrieval and representation methods, and/or
systems to map, track, and/or visualize social networks and/or work
systems in order to facilitate knowledge creation and sharing and quick
problem solving (e.g., when unexpected coordination breakdowns emerge)
* Co-design of organizational work systems and knowledge systems
* Design processes and representations for designing work systems and
knowledge systems
* The role of organizational digital natives in the design and use of
knowledge systems
* Design science and design theory research in knowledge systems design
and deployment
* Kernel (reference) theories for knowledge systems design and
deployment (e.g., theories for individual, team, and organizational
* Knowledge management processes and business process lifecycle
* Frameworks and strategies for knowledge management and business
process management integration at the business and technical levels
* Knowledge processes and their impact on business process management
technology implementation success
* Knowledge management issues created by organizational implementations
of business process management technologies (ERP, workflow and SOA-based
* Knowledge management issues in complex inter-organizational business
* Knowledge-intensive process adoption in creative and agile business
* Business process design and improvement as a set of coordinated
collaborative knowledge management processes
* Knowledge process modeling and management
Timo Käkölä
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Jyväskylä
40014, FINLAND
Email: timokk<at>jyu.fi
WWW: http://users.jyu.fi/~timokk/ <http://users.jyu.fi/%7Etimokk/>
Stefan Smolnik
Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS)
EBS Business School
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 15, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany
Phone: +49 611 7102 2177
Fax: +49 611 7102 102177
Email: stefan.smolnik<at>ebs.edu
WWW: http://www.ebs.edu/iris
HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant advances in the
information, computer, and system sciences, and encompass developments
in both theory and practice. Accepted papers may be theoretical,
conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those selected for
presentation will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by
the IEEE Computer Society and maintained in the IEEE Digital Library.
Important 2012 Deadlines for Authors:
* From now to June 1 [Optional]: Prepare Abstracts. Then, contact
Minitrack Chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content.
* June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review as instructed
The review is double-blind; therefore, this initial submission must be
without author names.
* Aug 15: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It is very
important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the
conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees â?? including visa or your
organization's fiscal funding procedures â?? should begin immediately.
Make sure your server accepts the review system address
* Sept 15: SUBMIT FINAL PAPER. Add author names to your paper, and
submit your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your
Acceptance Notice. (This URL is not public knowledge.)
* Oct 1: Early Registration fee deadline. At least one author of each
paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the
Proceedings. Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2.
* Oct 15: Papers without at least one paid-in-full registered author may
be deleted from the Proceedings and not scheduled for presentation;
authors will be so notified by the Conference Office.
How to Submit a Paper:
Follow Author Instructions to be posted by February 1, 2012, on the
conference web site (http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/apahome46.htm).
* HICSS papers must contain original material. They may not have been
previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. All submissions
undergo a double-blind peer review process.
* Abstracts are optional, but strongly recommended. You may contact the
Minitrack Chair(s) for guidance or verification of content.
* Submit a paper to only one Minitrack. If a paper is submitted to more
than one minitrack, then either paper may be rejected by either
minitrack without consultation with author or other chairs. If you are
not sure of the appropriate Minitrack, submit an abstract to the Track
Chair(s) â?? see names and contact information at
http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/46contact.htmfor determination,
and/or seek informal opinion(s) of Minitrack Chair(s) before submitting.
* Do not author or co-author more than 5 papers. This means that an
individual may be listed as author or co-author on no more than 5
submitted papers. Track Chairs must approve any names added after
submission or acceptance on August 15.
Additional details may be found on HICSS primary website:
http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/>
EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Amtsgericht
Wiesbaden HRB 19951; Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht,
Umsatzsteuer-ID DE 113891213; Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Hellmut K.
Albrecht, Vorsitzender; Geschaeftsfuehrung: Professor Dr. Rolf
D. Cremer, Präsident; Professor Dr. Rolf Tilmes, Dekan EBS
Business School; Professor Dr. Dr. Gerrick Frhr. v.
Hoyningen-Huene, Dekan EBS Law School; Georg Nikolaus
Garlichs, Kanzler
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ICDIM 2012
Datum: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:57:43 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Seventh International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM
University of Macau
August 22-24, 2012
(Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Technology Management Council)
The proceedings will be indexed in IEEE Xplore
Following the successful earlier conferences at Bangalore (2006), Lyon
(2007), London (2008), Michigan (2009) , Thunder Bay (2010) and Melbourne
(2011) the seventh event is being organized at University of Macau, Macau in
2012 August. The International Conference on Digital Information Management
is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science
and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in
academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a
collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in
digital information science and technology. The ICDIM intends to bridge the
gap between different areas of digital information management, science and
technology. This forum will address a large number of themes and issues. The
conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the
theory, design and implementation of digital information systems, as well as
demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations.
The topics in ICDIM 2012 include but are not confined to the following
Temporal and Spatial Databases
Data Mining
Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
E-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government
Web Metrics and its applications
XML and other extensible languages
Semantic Web, Ontologies and Rules
Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Management
Ubiquitous Systems
Peer to Peer Data Management
Mobile Data Management
Data Models for Production Systems and Services
Data Exchange issues and Supply Chain
Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes
Case Studies on Data Management, Monitoring and Analysis
Security and Access Control
Information Content Security
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
Distributed information systems
Information visualization
Web services
Quality of Service Issues
Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia
Image Analysis and Image Processing
Video Search and Video Mining
All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and
fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP
Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special issues of
the following peer reviewed and indexed journals.
(Indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, dblp,
Engineering Index and many other databases)
1. Journal of Digital Information Management (Scopus/EI Indexed)
2. Information Journal (SCI/ISI Indexed)
Many more special issues are planned.
Important Dates
Submission of Papers; May 5, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 2012
Camera Ready: July 5, 2012
Registration: August 10, 2012
Conference Dates: August 22-24, 2011
Programme Committee
General Chairs
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Sabah M.A. Mohammed, Lakehead University, Canada
General Co-Chairs
Patrick Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Sohail Asghar, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad
Workshop Chair
Antonio Cerone, UNU-IIST, Macau
Program Chairs
Adel Al-Jumaily, Engineering and IT University of Technology, Australia
Daniel Lemire, University of Quebec at Montreal, Australia
John Hamilton, James Cook University, Australia
Amr Abdel-Dayem, Laurentian University, Canada
Ralph Deters, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Program Co-Chairs
Raymond Wong, University of New South Wales, Australia
Jinan Fiaidhi, Lakehead University, Canada
Yap Bee Wah, University of Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Guangmin Sun, Beijing University of Technology, China
Kyungeun Cho, Dongguk University, South Korea
Email: conference at icdim.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] [10 Days Left] Call for Papers for IRRODL Special
Issue on Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval and Processing for
Online Learning
Datum: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:07:20 +0800
Von: Maiga Chang <maiga.igibook(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Maiga Chang <Maiga.IGIBook(a)gmail.com>
An: <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Only 10 days left, April 30, 2012: Submission deadline]
[One-page abstract send to Dr. Maiga Chang by April 23, 2012 to indicate
your intention in sending complete manuscript by April 30, 2012 is recommended,
so we are aware of your manuscript is in-coming and will double check
if the submission system receives it before we start the reviewing process].
[Apologies if you receive multiple times, please circulate this to
your colleagues who might be interested, thank you so much.]
------- Call for Papers for IRRODL Special Issue -----------
Special Issue on Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval and Processing for Online Learning
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (SSCI Journal)
Online learning has been developed for over decades and has become
an important tool for education. Many tutors design web-based
teaching materials and share them in the learning management systems.
Learners develop knowledge from those materials, tutor supports, and
the collaborations with other learners in distance in the online learning
environment and platforms. While information technology changes rapidly
and the variety of online learning activities increase, especially with the aid of social network and Web 2.0 tools that are
available to instruction designers, we may need to consider how to provide learners personalized pedagogical service which can help
them learn more efficiently. In order to have such personalized
service, both course contents and learner's characteristics need to be well analyzed.
How to retrieve useful information from learning materials, data stored in
the learning management systems, and discussions and interactions among learners and how to design and use information retrieval
technologies to improve
learner's online learning performance become interesting and important topics.
The purpose of this special issue is to explore how models, theories, and solutions of information retrieval and content analysis
can be used in online
learning and what benefits users can receive from such systems and agents.
Guest Editors (in alphabet order):
Dr. Maiga Chang, Dr. Rita Kuo, Dr. Gene Loeb, Dr. Bolanle Olaniran
Suggested topics: We cordially invite authors to submit high quality manuscripts for any application domain as long as the core of
the manuscript belongs one or more of the following:
- Affect sensing from text
- Credibility and reliability of data
- Culture in information retrieving
- Data archiving and retrieval
- Data/Text mining in a learning content
- Evaluation models for NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based research and systems
- Human computer interaction issues and challenges that NLP/IR/IE/
Ontology-based solutions for online distance learning
- Individual knowledge acquisition from user behavior analysis
- Information retrieval and extraction algorithms
- Information retrieving and processing computing tools, systems and
applications for online learning
- Intelligent tutoring agents/systems based on NLP, Information Retrieval
(IR), Information Extraction (IE), and Ontology
- Knowledge navigation in learning content
- Knowledge construction
- Learning content analysis by semantic web technology
- Leaning content organization and knowledge management
- Learning style and learning preferences in data retrieval
- Mobile dissemination and retrieval
- Multi-agent based information processing systems and applications
- Not-so-successful cases and the lessons learnt
- Ontology learning
- Practical experiences in using& deploying NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based
research for online learning
- Questioning and Answering applications and systems
- Social Network Analysis based of content and of activities
occurring in Web 2.0 applications
- Social networks and interactions in learning communities
- Successful cases of applying NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based research to
online learning
- Web 2.0, 3.0, X.0
Important dates and manuscript guidelines:
All submissions have to follow International Review of Research in Open and Distance
Learning (IRRODL) research article guidelines (and should be submitted online by April 30, 2012. All submissions will be reviewed by
at least three peer reviewers, the final camera-ready manuscripts have to be revised by the author(s) according to reviewer comments
before resubmitting by June 1, 2012. The important dates are:
- Submission deadline: April 30, 2012
- Review result notification: July 15, 2012
- Revised manuscript submission deadline: August 31, 2012
- Acceptance notification: September 30, 2012
- Final camera-ready manuscript submission deadline: October 31, 2012
IRRODL research article guidelines at:
Please submit your article to the IRRODL site at http://www.irrodl,org, after registering as an author and hopefully also offering
to be a reviewer by clicking the reviewer category in the enrollment form and noting your area of research expertise.
For queries, please contact Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang(a)gmail.com)
AISWorld mailing list