-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Second Call for Papers for the 1st International
Workshop on Learning Analytics and Linked Data
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:04:11 +0100
Von: Jelena Jovanovic <jeljov(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*1st International Workshop on Learning Analytics and Linked Data
in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Learning Analytics and
Knowledge (LAK?12)
29.04. - 02.05.2012, Vancouver (Canada).
Jointly organized by the http://linkededucation.org
<http://linkededucation.org/> initiative and the EATEL SIG dataTEL
Workshop website: http://lald.linkededucation.org/
EXTENDED Submission deadline full and short papers: 28.03.2012
Submission deadline extended abstracts: 10.04.2012
The main objective of the 1st International Workshop on Learning
Analytics and Linked Data (#LALD2012) is to connect the research efforts
on Linked Data and Learning Analytics to create visionary ideas [a] and
foster synergies between both young research fields. Therefore, the
workshop will collect, explore, and present datasets, technologies and
applications [b] for Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) to discuss
Learning Analytics approaches which make use of educational data or
Linked Data sources. During the workshop, an overview of available
educational datasets and related initiatives will be given. The
participants will have the opportunity to present their own research
with respect to educational datasets, technologies and applications and
discuss major challenges to collect, reuse and share these datasets.
In TEL, a multitude of datasets exists containing detailed observations
of events in learning environments [c]that offer new opportunities for
teaching and learning. The available datasets can be roughly
distinguished between (a) Linked Data - Open Web Data and (b) Personal
learning data from different learning environments.
Open Web data covers educational data publicly available on the Web,
such as Linked Open Data (LOD) published by institutions about their
courses and other resources; examples include (but are not limited to),
The Open University (UK), the National Research Council (CNR, Italy),
Southampton University (UK) or the mEducator Linked Educational
Resources. It also includes the emergence of LD-based metadata schemas
and TEL-related datasets. The main driver in the adoption of the LOD
approach in the educational domain is the enrichment of the learning
content and the learning experience by making use of various connected
data sources.
Personal learning data from learning environments originate from
tracking learners? interactions with tools, resources or peers[d]. The
main driver for analyzing these data is the vision of personalized
learning that offers potential to create more effective learning
experiences through new possibilities for predicting and reflecting the
individual learning process.
To this end, Learning Analytics can be seen as an approach which brings
together two different views: (i) the external view on publicly
available Web data and (ii) an internal view on personal learner data,
e.g. data about individual learning activities and histories. Learning
Analytics aims at combining these two in a smart and innovative way to
enable advanced educational services, such as recommendation (a) of
suitable educational resources to individual learners, (b) peer students
or external expert to cooperate with.
The workshop is looking for contributions touching the following topics.
/Educational (Linked) Data/
- Evaluating, promoting, creating and clustering of educational
datasets, schemas and vocabularies
- Use of LOD for educational purposes
- Feasibility of standardization of educational datasets to enable
exchange and interoperability
- Sharing of educational datasets among TEL researchers
/Data Technologies:/
- Technologies for the exploration of educational datasets, i.e., for
filtering, interlinking, exposing, adapting, converting and visualizing
educational datasets
- Real-world applications that show a measurable impact of Learning
- Real-world educational applications that exploit the Web of Data
- Tools to use and exploit educational Linked Open Data[e]
- Innovative TEL applications that make large-scale use of the available
open Web of data
/Evaluation of Technologies and Datasets:/
- (Standardized) evaluation methods for Learning Analytics
- Descriptions of data competitions
/Privacy and Ethics:/
- Policies on ethical implications of using educational data for
learning analytics (privacy and legal protection rights)
- Guidelines for the anonymisation and sharing of educational data for
Learning Analytics research
The workshop is looking for different types of submissions. We accept
regular full paper (8-14 pages), short paper (4-6 pages). Moreover, we
are interested in anonymized datasets that can then be openly used in
evaluating TEL recommender systems. Above all, we encourage you to
demonstrate your data products and tools even if they are in a premature
state. Datasets and demonstrations should be submitted together with an
extended abstract submissions (up to 2 pages). For all paper submissions
we require formatting according to the Springer LNCS template
Submission should be submitted through the conference management tool
ginkgo: http://ginkgo.cs.upb.de/events/lald12
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of
the program committee for originality, significance, clarity, and
quality. Final versions of accepted submissions will be published in the
CEUR-WS.org <http://ceur-ws.org/> workshop proceedings and most
promising contributions will be invited to the 2nd Special Issue on
dataTEL at the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
(IJTEL). In addition, the authors are asked to contribute short
summaries of their submissions to the dataTEL group space at TELeurope
to encourage early information sharing and discussion also with third
persons. Based on workshop submissions, the organizers will identify
most pressing research challenges to structure the workshop.
Questions can be send to: hendrik.drachsler[at]ou.nl <http://ou.nl>
28.03.2012 EXTENDED Submission deadline for
full and short papers
10.04.2012 Submission deadline for extended
abstracts (describing data sets and demonstrations)
12.04.2012 Notification of acceptance
26.04.2012 Submission deadline for final papers
29.04.2012 Workshop
30.04. - 02.05.2012 LAK Conference
Hendrik Drachsler; Open University of the Netherlands, NL
Stefan Dietze; L3S Research Center, DE
Mathieu d?Aquin; The Open University, UK
Wolfgang Greller; Open University of the Netherlands, NL
Jelena Jovanovic; University of Belgrade, SR
Abelardo Pardo; University Carlos III of Madrid, ES
Wolfgang Reinhardt; University of Paderborn, DE
Katrien Verbert; K.U.Leuven, BE
*PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (to be confirmed):*
Markus Specht, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Peter Sloep, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Marco Kalz, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Christian Glahn, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
Erik Duval, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Martin Wolpers, FIT Fraunhofer, Germany
Nikos Manouselis, Agro-Know Technologies, Greece
Olga Santos, aDeNu Research Group, UNED, Spain
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Felix Mödritscher, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Fridolin Wild, Open University, United Kingdom
Gawesh Jawaheer, City University London, United Kingdom
Ebner Hannes, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Hanan Ayad, Desire2Learn, Canada
Melody Siadaty, Athabasca University, Canada
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Carsten Keßler, University of Münster, Germany
Davide Taibi, Institute for Educational Technologies, Italian National
Research Council, Italy
Tom Heath, Talis, UK
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 8th International Workshop on Enterprise &
Organizational Modeling And Simulation (EOMAS) - submission deadline
extended to March 22th, 2012!
Datum: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 21:29:28 +0100
Von: Martin Molhanec <molhanec(a)fel.cvut.cz>
Organisation: Czech Technical University in Prague
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): molhanec(a)fel.cvut.cz
CALL FOR PAPERS - submission deadline extended to March 22th, 2012!
8th International Workshop on
Enterprise& Organizational Modeling And Simulation (EOMAS), 26 June 2012,
Gdansk, Poland
http://www.EOMAS.org (in conjunction with CAiSE 2012)
PUBLICATION (Springer Book)
All accepted papers will be published in the Springer series of LNBIP.
Paper Submission: March 22, 2012 (extended)
Authors Notification: March 28, 2012 (extended)
Final Submission: April 2, 2012 (extended)
The main focus of this workshop is on the role, importance, and application
Modeling and Simulation in the context of Information Systems and Enterprise
Systems Engineering from organizational perspective. Modeling& Simulation
been widely recognized as an instrument to observe dynamic behavior of
systems, measure IT impacts on organizations, and outcomes of changes.
In addition to extensive research programs, the field of M&S is actively
attracting industry and tool developers. For businesses, the practice of M&S
is becoming a de facto standard tool to change, improve, and introduce
innovation in their business processes. This workshop is aimed to become
a major outlet for researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in
the application of Modeling& Simulation pertaining to IS, EIS,
Processes, and Business Systems. This workshop will attract significant
contribution by junior researchers as well as seasoned professionals
the art of Modeling& Simulation. It will also appeal to teachers of
the Modeling& Simulation discipline, since this discipline is extensively
offered within the computing majors. There is a growing interest in this
from educational institutions with doctoral programs in M&S.
* Animation and Visualization of Business Processes
* Business Process Modeling and Simulation Using BPMN, EPC, Petri Net,
UML, MDA, Archimate, etc.
* Business Process Modeling and Simulation Using Non-Conventional Methods:
(DEMO, Language-Action Perspective, Organizational Semiotics, etc.)
* Business Process Modeling and Simulation Using Simulation Languages
ProModelt, etc.)
* Case Studies on Modeling and Simulation
* Combination of Modeling Methods, Techniques, and Tools
* Enterprise Modeling and Simulation
* Enterprise Processes Modeling and Simulation
* Formal Methods of Modeling and Simulation
* Modeling Quality, Validation and Verification
* Modeling and Simulation Guidelines for Practitioners
* Modeling and Simulation Methods, Techniques, and Tools
* Modeling and Simulation Tools Demonstration
* Ontologies of Modeling and Simulation
* Organizational Processes Modeling and Simulation
* Collaborative, Participative, Interactive Modeling
* Requirements Modeling and Simulation
* Secure Business Process Modeling and Simulation
* Software Engineering Based on Business Process Modeling
- AIS Special Interest Group on Modeling And Simulation
- CAiSE 2012: http://www.caise2012.univ.gda.pl
- Delft University of Technology (Department of Systems Engineering)
Submission Proces
1. Go to the Submission Website:
2. Sign-up
3. Upload your paper
General Chair:
Vojtech Merunka, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic
Program co-Chairs:
Anna Bobkowska, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Martin Molhanec, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Srini Ramaswamy, ABB Corporate Research, India
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] FOIS 2012: 1st Call for Posters of Young Scientists
(Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Jul 24-27, 2012, Graz, Austria)
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 15:24:23 +0100
Von: frank.loebe(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(apologies for cross-posting) ... (please distribute)
Call for Posters>> FOIS 2012<<
of Young Scientists (! only !) Jul 24-27, Graz, Austria
* Submission of Posters of Young Scientists: May 01, 2012
* Early Registration Deadline for FOIS 2012: Apr 15, 2012
* Travel Grant Application Deadline: Apr 08, 2012
[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012
Seventh International Conference on
Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS 2012)
July, 24-27, 2012 in Graz, Austria
held together with the
Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012)
Researchers in diverse areas increasingly recognize the need
for serious engagement with ontology, understood as a general
theory of the types of entities and relations making up their
respective domains of enquiry, in providing a solid foundation
for their work. Among these areas there are
* conceptual modeling,
* database design,
* software engineering,
* organizational modeling,
* artificial intelligence,
* computational linguistics,
* the life sciences,
* bioinformatics,
* geographic information science,
* knowledge engineering,
* information retrieval, and
* the semantic web.
The FOIS conference is designed to provide a meeting
point for interdisciplinary research and communication for
researchers from all interested disciplines. The conference
series [2] began with the first meeting in Trento, Italy in
June 1998 followed by meetings in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, and
2010. The seventh FOIS conference will be held in Graz, Austria
July 24-27, 2012, in conjunction with the third International
Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012).
For further general information on FOIS, the flagship conference
of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications
(IAOA) [3], please consult the websites of FOIS 2012 [1] or
the conference series website [2].
POSTER SESSION (! submissions by YOUNG SCIENTISTS only !)
The poster session at FOIS 2012 will give young scientists the
opportunity to present their current work related to formal
ontology in information systems and discuss their approach,
results, problems and methods with the other participants of the
As this poster session is particularly intended to provide an
opportunity for young ontologists to disseminate, and obtain
feedback on, their work, __submission is restricted__ to students
who are working towards a postgraduate qualification
(Master's or Ph.D.).
The selection of poster contributions will pay specific
attention to their relevance to the topics of FOIS 2012.
Topic areas of interest include in particular:
Foundational Issues
* Kinds of entity:
particulars/universals, continuants/occurrents,
abstracta/concreta, dependent/independent entities,
natural objects/artifacts
* Formal relations: parthood, identity, connection, dependence,
constitution, subsumption, instantiation
* Vagueness and granularity
* Identity and change
* Formal comparison among ontologies
* Ontology of physical reality (matter, space, time, motion, ...)
* Ontology of biological reality (genes, proteins, cells,
organisms, ...)
* Ontology of artifacts, functions and roles
* Ontology of mental reality and agency (beliefs, intentions,
emotions, ...)
* Ontology of social reality (institutions, organizations, norms,
social relationships, artistic expressions, ...)
* Ontology of the information society (information, communication,
meaning negotiation, ...)
* Ontology and Natural Language Semantics, Ontology and Cognition
Methodologies and Applications
* Top-level vs application ontologies
* Ontology integration and alignment; role of reference ontologies
* Ontology-driven information systems design
* Ontological foundations for conceptual modeling
* Ontology-based application systems
* Requirements engineering
* Knowledge engineering
* Knowledge management and organization
* Knowledge representation; Qualitative modeling
* Computational lexicons; Terminology
* Information retrieval; Question-answering
* Semantic Web; Web services; Grid computing
* Domain-specific ontologies, especially for:
Biomedical science, E-business, Enterprise integration,
Engineering, Geography, Law, Library science, Linguistics, ...
We encourage graduate students to submit posters to FOIS 2012.
Poster submission: May 01, 2012<--
Poster notification: Jun 01, 2012
Final poster submission: Jun 25, 2012
Electronic publication: Jul 10, 2012
Poster presenters must register for the conference,
please see [4,5] for applicable rates.
Travel grant application: Apr 08, 2012<-- (! before May 01 !)
Early registration: Apr 15, 2012<-- (! before May 01 !)
Regular registration: Jun 30, 2012
Late registration: Jul 27, 2012
Conference dates: Jul 24-27, 2012
Poster submission should consist of
1. an electronic copy of the poster itself
(for printing at A2 size), preferably in PDF format, and
2. a cover letter giving the author's contact details and
a statement of current status, including the year of
expected graduation at the PhD or Master's level.
All poster submissions should have the subject line "FOIS poster"
and should be mailed to
[6] fois2012(a)easychair.org
Accepted posters will be published electronically and made
available via the conference web page [1].
A limited number of travel grants may become available.
Interested applicants should contact Ludger Jansen [7] for
further information until ->> Apr 08, 2012<<- .
Prospective applications are possible (e.g., prior to poster
Conference chair:
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto, Canada)
Program chairs:
Maureen Donnelly (University at Buffalo, USA)
Giancarlo Guizzardi (Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo, Brazil)
Local organization:
Stefan Schulz (Graz University, Austria)
For the FOIS programme committee, please see the
FOIS 2012 website [1].
Steven R. Ray (Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, California, USA)
Laure Vieu (CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Edward N. Zalta (Stanford University, California, USA)
Young scientists may also take into account the following.
Early Carreer Symposium (ECS; joint part of ICBO and FOIS) [8]
Extended abstracts can be submitted by Apr 15, 2012 (also in
parallel to a FOIS poster). Accepted abstracts are presented as
short talks.
First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis [9],
Organized by IAOA [3] during Jul 16-20, 2012, in Trento, Italy,
just the week before the FOIS conference in Graz, Austria.
[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012
== http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012
FOIS and ICBO 2012 website
[2] http://www.formalontology.org/
FOIS conference series
[3] http://www.iaoa.org
International Association for Ontology and Its Applications
[4] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/registration.htm
FOIS registration page
[5] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/graph/rates.png
ICBO/FOIS registration rates overview
[6] mailto:fois2012@easychair.org
Submission address for FOIS posters of young scientists
[7] http://www.iph.uni-rostock.de/Vita-Jansen.22.0.html
Homepage of Ludger Jansen (with email address)
[8] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/doccons.htm
Joint ICBO/FOIS Early Carreer Symposium
[9] http://iaoa.org/isc2012/index.php
website of the
First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] MCIS 2012 - Submission deadline: March 25th
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 15:03:34 -0000
Von: Rui Dinis Sousa <rds(a)dsi.uminho.pt>
Antwort an: rds(a)dsi.uminho.pt
Organisation: Universidade do Minho
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2012) --
Submission deadline: March 25th
SEPTEMBER 8-10, 2012
University of Minho
http://www.mcis2012.org <http://www.mcis2012.org>
Accepted full research papers will be published in the Springer LNBIP
"Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing" series
All other papers will be published in the AIS eLibrary
Best papers may be selected for fast-tracking at the journals associated
with the tracks or at the International Journal of Technology and Human
Interaction (IJTHI)
* Accounting Information Systems and Enterprise Systems
* Adopting emergent knowledge and technologies to develop innovative
Information Systems
* Analytical Information Systems
* Business Intelligence and Information Management
* Crowdsourcing for Innovation, Productivity, and Creativity
* eGovernment in the Mediterranean Context and Beyond
* Enterprise Engineering
* Healthcare ICT
* Information Quality Management in Innovative IS
* Information Risk, Security and Privacy
* Inter-Disciplinary and Emerging IS
* Ontology Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications
* Open Innovation as a Solution for Low-R&D Organizations
* Real Virtual Worlds and Serious Games
* Web 2.0 business models
We are looking forward to meet you in Portugal on September 2012!
MCIS2012 Organization Chairs
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: MCIS 2012 Crowdsourcing for Innovation,
Productivity, and Creativity
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 12:10:01 -0400
Von: Paul Di Gangi <pdigangi(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) 2012
Adopting Emergent Knowledge & Technologies to Develop Innovative
Information Systems (CloudWisdom)
Guimarães, Portugal - September 8-10, 2012
Track Title: Crowdsourcing for Innovation, Productivity, and Creativity
Track Chairs:
Isabel Ramos, University of Minho
Lee Erickson, The Pennsylvania State University
Paul M. Di Gangi, Loyola University Maryland
Carl Adams, University of Portsmouth
In today?s fast-paced globally competitive marketplace, organizations
are looking for new ways to reduce costs, increase productivity, and
bring innovative products to market. To accomplish such tasks,
organizations are beginning to leverage the ?crowd? both internally and
externally as a source of knowledge, creativity, and expertise. Whether
ggregating the collective ?wisdom of the crowd? or looking
for individual input for problem solving or ideation, many organizations
are experimenting with the crowd to complement or even replace existing
innovation resources and processes. ?Crowdsourcing? is the act of
leveraging a large group of people to perform tasks commonly performed
by designated employees or agents. Information Systems (IS) and Web
technologies are key to organizations? ability to reach out to, interact
with, and manage the input of the crowd. Today for-profit corporations,
non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies are leveraging IS to
connect with the crowd for a variety of different purposes.
Additionally, completely new business models are emerging that rely on
sustained engagement from a vast, unknown user population. Similar to
other open innovation models, ?crowdsourcing? presents
several challenges that organizations must overcome in order to achieve
success (e..g, absorptive capacity issues, legal implications, knowledge
spillover, competitor access, etc.).
The objective of the ?Crowdsourcing for Innovation, Productivity, and
Creativity? track is to promote the exchange of knowledge on the roles
of IS and technology to facilitate organizational crowdsourcing
initiatives. Papers examining the role of IS platforms, social media
tools, and IT infrastructures that enable crowdsourcing, organizational
uses of the crowd (non-profits, for-profits, associations, governmental,
etc.), economic benefits, policy issues, theoretical frameworks
and taxonomies are welcome. Theoretical, empirical, and policy-oriented
contributions from a variety of perspectives are encouraged.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Platforms, tools, and technologies
- Design of analytical tools for managing crowd-based initiatives
- Organizing taxonomies, frameworks, and classifications
- IS and business strategy alignment
- Theoretical exploration of the role of collective intelligence,
distributed knowledge, and diversity in crowdsourcing - Crowdsourcing
for innovation, problem solving, productivity, and creativity
- Practical approaches to fostering creativity at individual, group
and organizational levels
- Social, managerial, and legal implications of crowdsourcing
- Marketing and brand awareness
- Characteristics and motivations of the crowd
- Collecting, filtering, and evaluating of crowd input for knowledge
and business intelligence purposes
- The use of incentives and rewards to motivate participation
- Integration into and impact on institutionalized processes
- Information quality frameworks
- Value creation
- New forms of organizing
- Building crowd-based or crowd-supported organizations
- Organizational learning and the use of social media for
crowdsourcing initiatives
- Knowledge management systems for managing crowdsourcing
- Crowdsourcing, collaboration, problem solving with social media
- Governance and policy issues
- Application and extension of IS theory
- Organizational and cultural influences (e.g., leadership,
organizational culture, technology infrastructure, regulation, and
- Comparisons to open innovation, open source software, and outsourcing
- Emergence of new business models
- Methodological techniques for understanding network structures
of crowdsourcing initiatives
Conference Submissions
The conference invites papers and poster submissions on a broad range of
IS themes relevant to crowdsourcing.
Types of contributions, in English, via the EasyChair Submission System
- Full research papers (7?12 pages)
- Extended abstracts and short research-in-progress papers (3?7 pages)
- Panel proposals (2?3 pages)
- Posters (A2)
Important Due Dates
- Deadline for submissions: *March 25, 2012*
- Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2012
- Camera-ready versions: June 1st, 2012
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP IJCCI 2012 - International Joint Conference on
Computational Intelligence (Barcelona/Spain)
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:33:04 -0500
Von: IJCCI Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org <ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
The International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2012 - http://www.ijcci.org/) has an open call for papers, whose deadline is scheduled for April 19, 2012. We hope you can participate in this conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research.
IJCCI 2012 will be held in Barcelona, Spain, October 5 - 7, 2012.
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held in cooperation with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC).
The purpose of IJCCI is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners on the areas of Fuzzy Computation, Evolutionary Computation and Neural Computation.
The three main topic areas have been defined as concurrent and co-located sub-conferences of IJCCI, namely:
- Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.fcta.ijcci.org/)
- Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ecta.ijcci.org/)
- Neural Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ncta.ijcci.org/)
IJCCI is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 283 submissions, 12% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 22% were presented as short papers and 20% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. IDFR
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a SCI Series book
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session.
We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Session, whose deadline is scheduled for July 5, 2012:
- Special Session on Challenges in Neuroengineering - SSCN (http://www.ncta.ijcci.org/SSCN.aspx)
Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
Please check further details at the IJCCI conference website (http://www.ijcci.org/).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
Kind regards,
Vera Coelho
IJCCI Secretariat
Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8638
Email: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
IJCCI website: http://www.ijcci.org/
October 5 - 7, 2012
Barcelona, Spain
In Cooperation with: AAAI
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC
Regular Paper Submission: April 19, 2012
Authors Notification (regular papers): June 13, 2012
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: July 5, 2012
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal
Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CSCW 2013 Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:32:48 +0000
From: Dennis, Alan R. <ardennis(a)indiana.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
San Antonio, TX, Feb 23-27
CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary conference focused on how
technology intersects with social practices. To support diverse and
high-quality contributions, CSCW employs a two-phase review process
described below. CSCW does not impose an arbitrary length limit on
submissions; please refer to the call below for details about aligning
paper contribution and length.
* May 25, 2012: Title and Abstract requested (to improve reviewer match)
* June 1, 11:59 Pacific Daylight Time: Submissions due
* July 27: First-round notification (Revise& Resubmit or Reject)
* August 27, 11:59 Pacific Daylight Time: Revised papers due
* October 19: Final notifications
* November 26, 11:59 Pacific Daylight Time: "Camera-ready" due
Title, abstract and paper submissions must be made via the Precision
Conference System. A link to the submission site will be made available
by early May.
We invite submissions that detail existing practices or inform the
design or deployment of systems. The scope of CSCW includes, but is not
limited to, social computing, technologically-enabled or enhanced
communication, collaboration, information sharing, and coordination. It
includes socio-technical activities at work, in the home, in education,
in healthcare, in the arts, for socializing and for entertainment. New
results or new ways of thinking about, studying or supporting shared
activities can be in these and related areas:
- Social Computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms, and software
infrastructures addressing social networking, user-generated content,
online gaming, crowdsourcing and collective intelligence, virtual
worlds, collaborative information seeking, etc.
- Theories and models. Critical analysis or organizing theory with clear
relevance to the design or study of social and collaborative systems.
- System design. Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction
design, technical foundations, or toolkits that enable the building of
new social and collaborative systems.
- Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, ethnographic studies
of technologies, practices or use of communication, collaboration and
social communication technologies.
- Methodologies and tools. Novel methods or combinations of approaches
and tools used in building systems or studying their use.
- Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. For healthcare,
transportation, gaming (for enjoyment or work), ICT4D, sustainability,
collective intelligence or global collaboration, or other domains.
- Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and
ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, and sensor-based
- Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that
explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages,
generations, and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend
social, temporal, and spatial boundaries.
Papers should detail original research contributions. Papers must report
new research results that represent a contribution to the field. They
must provide sufficient details and support for their results and
conclusions. They must cite relevant published research or experience,
highlight novel aspects of the submission, and identify the most
significant contributions. Evaluation is on the basis of originality,
significance, quality of research, quality of writing, and contribution
to conference program diversity.
PAPER LENGTH (new for CSCW 2013)
There is no arbitrary minimum or maximum length imposed on papers.
Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a
paper relative to its length. Papers should report research thoroughly
but succinctly: brevity is a virtue. Many research papers will be 10
pages long (the previous length limit for papers) but may be shorter if
the contribution can be described and supported in fewer pages. While we
will review papers longer than 10 pages, the contribution must warrant
the extra length: the more you write, the more work for reviewers!
Shorter, more focused papers (called Notes in years prior to 2013) are
encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. Papers whose
length is incommensurate with their contribution will be rejected.
Papers will be presented at the CSCW conference and will be included in
the conference proceedings archived in the ACM Digital Library. CSCW
does not accept submissions that were published previously in formally
reviewed publications or that are currently submitted elsewhere.
Submissions must be in the HCI Archive Format.
Send queries about Paper submissions to papers2013(a)cscw.acm.org.
Papers are subject to blind reviewing. Your submission should have
authors' names and affiliations removed and avoid obvious identifying
features. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous,
but please cite it without identifying yourself as the author. For
example, say "Prior work by [author]" instead of "In my prior work."
Papers must include an abstract of no more than 150 words. Titles and
Abstracts that are uploaded to PCS early will be used to find the best
possible reviewer matches. Consider submitting a video that illustrates
your work, either as a video figure judged as part of the submission (no
more than two minutes long and 30MB in size) or as a longer stand-alone
submission to the video track (Call for Videos). Videos are not required
for submission of papers.
CSCW 2013 Papers submissions must be uploaded online at the PCS
submission system by 11:59 Pacific Daylight Time on June 1, 2012 to be
considered. Confidentiality of submitted material will be maintained.
Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of Papers will be
used in the Advance Program. Submissions should contain no information
or material that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of
publication, and should cite no publication that will be proprietary or
confidential at that time.
Final versions of accepted Papers must be formatted according to the
detailed instructions. Copyright release forms must be signed for
inclusion in the proceedings and ACM Digital Library.
CSCW 2013 will continue the "Best of CSCW" awards program, in accordance
with SIGCHI guidelines. Upon acceptance, some Papers will be nominated
for additional review to identify "Honorable Mention" and "Best" awards.
Approximately 5% of submissions may be nominated and 1% of total
submissions awarded Best Paper.
REVIEW PROCESS (new as of CSCW 2012)
Papers will undergo two review cycles. After the first review a
submission will receive either a "Revise&Resubmit" or "Reject"
notification. Authors of papers that are not rejected have about 4 weeks
to revise and resubmit them. The revision will be reviewed as the basis
for the final decision. This is like a journal process, except that it
is limited to one revision with a strict deadline.
The primary contact author will be sent the first round reviews.
Revise&Resubmits will require significant attention to prepare the
resubmission for the second review. Authors of Revise&Resubmits will be
asked to provide a description of how reviewer comments were addressed.
Submissions that are rejected in the first round cannot be revised for
CSCW 2013, but authors can begin reworking them for submission
elsewhere. Authors need to allocate time for revisions after July 27,
when the first round reviews are returned. Final acceptance decisions
will be based on the second (revised) submission.
The revision cycle enables authors to spend a month to fix the English,
integrate missing papers in the literature, redo an analysis, adopt
terminology familiar to this field, and perhaps even gather more data,
problems that in the past could lead to rejection. It also provides the
authors of papers that would have been accepted anyway the opportunity
to make their submissions even stronger contributions to the CSCW
research literature. The revision is submitted with a letter where the
authors explain how the paper was revised, allowing more interaction
between authors and reviewers.
This review process is not an effort to change the “quality bar” for
CSCW, either to raise or lower it! Instead, the intent is to give more
authors a chance to clear the bar. This process may lead to more diverse
kinds of papers qualifying. Reviewers have more time to consider the
significance as well as the technical quality of submissions. Authors
from related disciplines have an opportunity to adjust to the literature
and terminology found in CSCW.
This is not an invitation to submit extended abstracts or incomplete
papers. As in the past, submit the paper that you would like to have
published. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. Nearly half of
submissions may be rejected on the first round, enabling the reviewers
to focus on papers that have a good chance for acceptance. The strongest
first round submissions will receive reviews that make it clear to the
authors that few or no revisions are required for acceptance Acceptance
is not guaranteed for papers making the second round; however, the CSCW
2012 experience showed that the majority of papers that made it to the
second round were accepted. As a specific data point, nearly all
submissions that received an average review score of 4 (out of 5) or
higher were accepted.
Additional author benefits: The rebuttal, which was focused on pointing
out reviewing flaws, is replaced by a revision, which can be more
appealing to read and actually improve your work. Authors of papers not
making it through the first round benefit from a very quick turnaround.
The CSCW 2012 program was the largest in the history of the conference,
and reactions from the community were largely very positive. To get a
sense of the range of topics covered, you can view the CSCW 2012 program
which comprised 164 papers, 65 interactive posters, 14 workshops, as
well as demos, videos, and other events http://cscw2012.org/. CSCW 2013
expects to build on this success.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - IEEE Workshop on Issues &
Challenges in Social Computing (WICSOC 2012)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 23:33:38 -0400
From: Mohd Anwar <MANWAR(a)pitt.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Workshop on Issues and Challenges in Social Computing (WICSOC 2012)
Social computing has increasingly become an important paradigm of
computing and technology development. The novel idea behind this paradigm
is to leverage social connections and social intelligence in computer
systems and applications in order to devise solutions. These social
computing applications/systems gather abundance of social information that
when mined and analyzed will further enrich their services or help
researchers understand many different things including social dynamics of
people, wisdom of crowd, social construction and sharing of knowledge,
etc. Novel techniques for information analysis, reuse, and integration are
critical to make sense of social information. Systematic approaches,
design principles, and evaluation strategies need to be researched for
developing effective social computing applications. Other challenges in
social computing include accommodating privacy, security, and trust
expectations of users. The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange
ideas on the issues and challenges in social computing systems. We invite
research or position papers from researchers and practitioners working in
any aspect of social computing. Example topics, but not limited to,
* Design, modeling, and simulation of social computing systems
* Reuse/integration of social information/social metadata
* Integration of structured/ unstructured/semi-structured social information
* Social information mining
* Privacy, territoriality, security, and trust issues in social computing
* Social Computing for business
* Social media and Gov 2.0 (e-government)
* Social computing application for health& wellness management
* Mobile social software
* Social learning systems
* Location-based social systems
* Social recommendation systems
* Social information management
* Evaluation of social computing system
All contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts. Papers
should be 4-6 pages (English) in IEEE format, including bibliography and
well-marked appendices. Accepted papers will be published as workshop
papers in the IEEE IRI conference proceedings.
Important Dates.
Submission: April 30
Acceptance: June 1
Camera Ready: TBA
Should you have any questions, please contact: manwar (at) pitt.edu
Mohd Anwar, Ph.D.
School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] 2nd CFP: Unicore Summit
2012, Germany, Dresden, May 30-31, 2012
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 08:49:12 +0100
From: Valentina Huber <v.huber(a)fz-juelich.de>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]
************************* UNICORE Summit 2012 ***************************
UNICORE Summit 2012 - Call for Contribution
Dresden, Germany, May 30 – 31, 2012
The UNICORE Summit is a unique opportunity for UNICORE users,
developers, administrators, researchers, service providers and managers
to meet. Participate to share your experience, present your own
developments, present planned developments, learn about the latest
UNICORE features and get new ideas for interesting and prosperous
The UNICORE Summit 2012 will take place at Dresden University of
Dresden, Germany.
The main topics of the UNICORE Summit 2012 are:
- Experiences and own developments
- Future developments
Areas of interest include all UNICORE-related work:
* recent developments in all technological domains
* experiences from end-users and administrators
* application integration
* portal integration
* interoperability use cases
* security
* integration with cloud and virtualization techniques
* performance evaluation
* data management
* new ideas and concepts
* etc.
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of one page maximum.
Contributions can be of type presentation, demonstration or poster (the
type of contribution must be indicated).
Accepted contributions for the proceedings will be either full papers
(for presentations, up to 10 pages) or short papers (for demonstrations
and posters, up to 5 pages).
Abstracts should be submitted online in PDF format by submitting it to:
Accepted contributions will be published in the IAS book series of
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH publishers as an edited book with ISBN
number. The book will be published after the UNICORE Summit and each
participant will receive a copy.
Contributions due: April 16, 2012
Acceptance notification: April 30, 2012
UNICORE Summit: May 30 - 31, 2012
Papers for Proceedings due: June 25, 2012
In case you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP 3M4SE 2012 @ EDOC 2012
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 10:18:45 +0000
From: <m.e.iacob(a)utwente.nl>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Third International Workshop on Models and Model-driven
Methods for Service Engineering - 3M4SE 2012
Towards Model-Driven Service-Oriented Architectures
In conjunction with the 16th IEEE International EDOC
Conference-- EDOC 2012 - The Enterprise Computing Conference
10-14 September 2012, Beijing, China
Recent developments in metamodelling and model
transformation techniques have led to increasing adoption of
model-driven engineering practices. The increase in interest
and significance of the model-driven approach has also
accelerated its application in the development of large
(distributed) IT systems to support (collaborative)
enterprises. Shifting attention from source code to models
allows enterprises to focus on their core concerns, such as
business processes, services and collaborations, without
being forced to simultaneously consider the underlying
technologies. Different concerns are typically addressed by
different models, with transformations between the models
and ultimately to the source code. Although the model-driven
approach offers theoretical benefits for the development,
maintenance and evolution of enterprise computing systems
and corresponding service-oriented solutions, a number of
issues for the practical application of the approach still
exist. In order to solve these issues further advances in
models (business goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic
interoperability) and model-driven methods (design concepts,
languages, metamodels, profiles, specification frameworks)
are necessary.
This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on
model-driven development and practical application of the
model-driven approach in the area of enterprise computing
and service engineering. The workshop addresses questions
with respect to the requirements on, concepts for,
properties of and experience with models and model-driven
methods for service engineering in the area of enterprise
computing. A special focus is on the combined application of
model-driven and semantic approaches in the different phases
of the service lifecycle. Submissions related to
model-driven approaches in cloud computing are also welcome.
The workshop invites original submissions from both
researchers and practitioners in the following
(non-exhaustive) list of topics:
- Model-driven service-oriented design process, milestones
and design guidelines for service engineering (business
goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic interoperability);
- Modelling techniques for Service-Oriented Architectures
(design concepts, languages, meta-models, profiles and
specification frameworks);
- Full lifecycle requirements management for service systems;
- Modelling of non-functional properties (Quality-of-Service);
- Modelling, analysis and execution of service compositions;
- Model-driven design patterns;
- Platform-independent modelling techniques;
- Mappings and transformation patterns from
platform-independent models to specific technology platforms
(Web Services, J2EE, .NET, etc.);
- Limitations of metamodel-based techniques for service
engineering, and alternative techniques;
- Model-driven service description, publication and discovery;
- Platform models and generic platform types;
- Use of viewpoints, relations and correspondences between
viewpoints for model-driven service-oriented design;
- Implications of (middleware) platform characteristics for
the model-driven design process;
- Model-driven approaches in cloud computing;
- Empirical studies and experience reports on models and
model-driven methods.
The workshop welcomes submissions of full papers (8 to 10
pages long) and position papers (around 4 pages) in the IEEE
Computer Society format. All submissions will be formally
peer reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers
will be published on-line in the IEEE Digital Library and in
the EDOC 2012 workshop proceedings bundle published by the
IEEE Computer Society. At least one author of each accepted
paper must participate in the workshop.
A selection of the best papers of 3M4SE 2012 will be
published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Object
Technology (http://www.jot.fm/).
Submissions should be sent in PDF format to EasyChair
Paper submission due: 1 April 2012
Notification to authors: 28 May 2012
Camera ready due: 15 June 2012
Workshop: 10 September 2012 (date to be confirmed)
Marten van Sinderen (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Luís Ferreira Pires (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Maria-Eugenia Iacob (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Colin Atkinson (University of Mannheim, Germany) Mariano
Belaunde (France Telecom R&D, France) Antonio Brogi
(University of Pisa, Italy) Clever Ricardo Guareis de
Farias (University of São Paulo, Brazil) Roy Grønmo
(SINTEF, Norway) Slimane Hammoudi (ESEA, France) Peter F.
Linington (University of Kent, UK) Oscar Pastor Lopez
(Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain) Richard Soley
(Object Management Group, USA) Antonio Vallecillo
(University of Málaga, Spain) Branimir Wetzstein
(University of Stuttgart, Germany), Lin Liu (Tsinghua
University), Yanbo Han (Institute of Computing Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
*Maria-Eugenia Iacob, Ph.D.*
/Assistant Professor/
University of Twente