-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ComposableWeb 2012: Call for papers
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 23:15:49 +0100
From: Florian Daniel <daniel(a)disi.unitn.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Fourth International Workshop on Lightweight Composition on the Web (ComposableWeb 2012)
In conjunction with ICWE 2012, Berlin, Germany
July 23, 2012
ComposableWeb aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with different research interests and belonging to communities like Web Engineering, Service Engineering, Business Process Management, Databases, Semantic Web, Software Composition, and Software Engineering and to advance the state of the art in the areas of web mashups, lightweight composition, and service-oriented computing. The workshop particularly aims to stimulate the discussion of key issues, approaches, open problems, innovative applications, engineering practices, and novel trends.
Areas of particular interest for the Workshop include (but are not limited to):
* Web/service/data mashups
* Web composition technologies
* Web composition models and languages
* Lightweight data integration
* Lightweight application integration
* Lightweight UI integration (integration at the presentation level)
* Lightweight (semantic) metadata or knowledge integration
* Mashups and Linked Data
* Design methodologies with/without user involvement
* New development models
* End user oriented mashup approaches
* User interface aspects of Web composition
* Visual/graphical development metaphors
* Context-aware and personalized Web composition/mashups
* Usability and Accessibility of composite Web applications
* Evaluation/quality of composite Web applications
* Case studies and industrial experiences
Authors are invited to submit research papers and demo proposals. Submissions should not exceed 12 pages for research papers and 3 pages for demo proposals and should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format. Papers are submitted in PDF format via the ComposableWeb 2012 EasyChair conference management system:
Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
Accepted papers will be published informally on the workshop's web site ahead of the workshop (to stimulate the discussion during the workshop) as well as in the official ICWE 2012 workshop post-proceedings published in Springer's LNCS series.
For a paper to be published, at least one author must register for the main conference and register for and participate in the workshop.
May 18th, 2012: Paper submission deadline
June 15th, 2012: Author notification
June 29th, 2012: Camera-ready submissions
July 23, 2012: Workshop
* Florian Daniel, University of Trento
* Sven Casteleyn, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
* Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be extended)
* Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
* Fabio Casati, University of Trento, Italy
* Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
* Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
* Peep Küngas, University of Tartu, Estonia
* Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Tobias Nestler, SAP, Germany
* Moira Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
* Gustavo Rossi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: CGC2012 (Cloud and Green
Computing), Nov. 1-3, 2012, Xiangtan China.
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:07:43 +1100
From: Jinjun Chen <jinjun.chen(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers:
CGC2012 - 2012 International Conference on Cloud and Green
Computing, 1-3 Nov. 2012, Xiangtan, China.
Website: http://kpnm.hnust.cn/confs/cgc2012/
*/Theme: Cloud Computing and Big Data/*
Key dates:
Submission Deadline: May 30, 2012
Submission site:
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Special issues:
Distinguised papers will be selected for special issues in
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; Future
Generation Computer Systems; or International Journal of
High Performance Computing Applications.
Cloud computing is positioning itself as a new emerging
platform for delivering information infrastructures and
resources as IT services. Customers (enterprises or
individuals) can then provision and deploy these services in
a pay-as-you-go fashion and in a convenient way while
saving huge capital investment in their own IT
infrastructures. It has evoked a high degree of interest
internationally with many challenges such as security and
privacy remaining open. Green computing, in general, aims to
enable computing and IT infrastructures to be energy
efficient and environmentally friendly. With dramatically
increasing demand on computing and storage systems, IT
infrastructures have been scaled tremendously which results
in huge amount of energy consumption, heat dissemination,
greenhouse emission and even part of climate change. As
such, green computing has come to the picture seeking
solutions for computing and IT infrastructures to be energy
efficient and environmentally friendly.
While customers can enjoy green atmosphere as well as cost
saving and convenience because cloud computing accommodates
their IT infrastructures in the cloud, how to green the
cloud becomes increasingly challenging and extremely
important in terms of global energy efficiency and
environmental sustainability.
CGC (Cloud and Green Computing) is created to provide a
prime international forum for both researchers, industry
practitioners and environment experts to exchange the latest
fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of
Cloud computing and Green computing as well as joint-venture
and synergic research and development across both areas.
Scope and Topics
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
· Fundamentals of cloud computing
· Architectural cloud models
· Programming cloud models
· Provisioning/pricing cloud models
· Volumn, Velocity and Variety of Big Data on Cloud
· Resource scheduling and SLA for Big Data on Cloud
· Storage and computation management of Big Data on Cloud
· Large-scale scientific workflow in support of Big Data
processing on Cloud
· Big Data mining and analytics
· Multiple source data processing and integration on Cloud
· Visualisation of Big Data on Cloud
· MapReduce for Big Data processing
· Distributed file storage of Big Data on Cloud
· Data storage and computation in cloud computing
· Resource and large-scale job scheduling in cloud computing
· Security, privacy, trust, risk in cloud computing
· Fault tolerance and reliability in cloud computing
· Access control to cloud computing
· Resource virtualisation
· Monitoring and auditing in cloud
· Scalable and elastic cloud services
· Social computing and impacts on the cloud
· Innovative HCI and touch-screen models and technologies
to cloud
· Mobile commerce, handheld commerce and e-markets on cloud
· Intelligent/agent-based cloud computing
· Migration of business applications to cloud
· Cloud use case studies
· Fundamentals of green computing
· Energy aware software, hardware and middleware
· Energy efficient IT architecture
· Energy efficient resource scheduling and optimisation
· Energy efficient clustering and computing
· Large-scale energy aware data storage and computation
· Energy aware control, monitoring and HCI design
· Energy efficient networking and operation
· Energy efficient design of VLSI and micro-architecture
· Intelligent energy management
· Green data centers
· Energy aware resource usage and consumption
· Smart power grid and virtual power stations
· Energy policy, social behaviour and government management
· Teleworking, tele-conferences and virtual meeting
· Low power electronics and energy recycling
· Green computing case studies
· Energy efficient Internet of Things
· Energy efficient cloud architecture
· Energy aware data storage and computation in cloud computing
· Energy aware scheduling, monitoring, auditing in cloud
· Case studies of green cloud computing.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail
address of the corresponding author and should not exceed 8
pages for main conference, including tables and figures in
IEEE CS format. The template files for LATEX or WORD can be
downloaded here. All paper submissions must represent
original and unpublished work. Each submission will be peer
reviewed by at least three program committee members.
Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking
that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the
authors will register for the conference and present the
work. Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the CGC2012
submission site:
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cgc2012. Authors
of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested
to register and present their work at the conference,
otherwise their papers may be removed from the digital
libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE
Conference Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press (pending).
Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them,
are requested to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from the
digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Distinguished papers presented at the conference, after
further revision, will be published in special issues of
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; Future
Generation Computer Systems; or International Journal of
High Performance Computing Applications.
Honorary Chairs
Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA
Deyi Li, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
General Chairs
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
General Vice-Chairs
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Laurence Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Program Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Peter Brezany, University of Vienna , Austria
Jianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Program Vice-Chairs
Ivona Brandic,Vienna University of Technology, Austria,
Yang Yu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Workshop Chairs
Zizhong (Jeffrey) Chen, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Rajiv Ranjan, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Wangchun Dou, Nanjing University, China
Steering Committee
Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA
Rajkumar Buyya The University of Melbourne, Australia
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (Chair)
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Andrzej Goscinski, Deakin University, Australia
Anthony D. Joseph, UC Berkeley, USA
Jordi Torres, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Award Chairs
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Panel Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong Universtiy, China
Local Organising Committee
Jianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Wangchun Dou, Nanjing University, China
Yang Yu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Xinjun Mao, National University of Defense Technology, China
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Keli Li, Hunan University, China
Finance Chairs
Buqing Cao, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Puyang Yu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Conference Secretary and Web Chair
Yiping Wen, Central South University, China
Guosheng Kang, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] 21st International Conference on Information
Systems Development (ISD 2012) - 29 – 31 August 2012
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 07:59:03 +0100
From: Petra Schubert <petra.schubert(a)uni-koblenz.de>
Reply-To: Petra Schubert <petra.schubert(a)uni-koblenz.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Im Namen der Organisatoren darf ich Ihnen den folgenden
Veranstaltungshinweis weiterleiten:
21st International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2012)
Monash University Prato Centre, Italy
29 – 31 August 2012
Building Sustainable Information Systems
The theme of the 21st ISD Conference explores ISD from the perspective of
sustainability. Sustainable IS is a catch-all term used to describe the
development, construction, management, use and disposal of IS and the ICT
that underpins it.
As a result, the term has many different meanings. Nevertheless Sustainable
IS is an emerging theme in academic research and industry practice in
response to individual concerns for the environment and the embryonic
regulatory environments being enacted globally to address the environmental
impact of ICT.
In this conference we intend to bring together the diverse research around
the development of Sustainable IS.
The conference will be held at the Monash University Prato Centre, Italy,
which is just 20 minutes from Florence, in Tuscany. The Centre is housed in
the 18th century Palazzo Vaj in the historic centre of Prato.
The International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD) is
the pre-eminent conference in this field for academics and professionals,
covering technical, organisational, business and social issues.
It is ranked an A-conference by the Australian Government, confirming its
status in its field.
* Cloud Computing
* The Changing Landscape of Information Systems: Properties of a New IS
* Methodologies for Design within Complex Environments
* Green IS - Information Systems for Sustainability
* Model-driven Engineering in ISD
* Sustainable ISD Project Management
* Sustainable Knowledge Management
Papers on topics other than those of the listed tracks are also welcome.
This can include, but is not limited to, the following topics:
* Sustainable information systems
* ISD for social inclusion
* Innovation in ISD
* Development of Web Squared applications and services
* Agile and participatory development
* Knowledge management
* IS Modelling
* ISD Methodology
* Systems Analysis& Design
* Managing IS Development
* Business Process Management (BPM)
We invite submission of original, unpublished research papers (completed
research and research-in-progress) in the areas defined in the conference
track listed above. All submissions must be in English and be made via the
ISD 2012 EasyChair online submission system.
All submitted papers will be double blind, peer reviewed and accepted
papers will be published as a monograph by Springer.
Paper submission deadline: 20th April, 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: 15th June, 2012
Submission of final paper: 29th June, 2012
Please send any queries to the Conference Organiser at: ISD2012(a)monash.edu
Henry Linger Henry.Linger(a)monash.edu
Julie Fisher Julie.Fisher(a)monash.edu
Andrew Barnden Andrew.Barnden(a)monash.edu
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: 18th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Engineering and
Knowledge Management --EKAW 2012--
Datum: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:09:48 +0100
Von: Annette ten Teije <annette(a)cs.vu.nl>
Antwort an: Annette ten Teije <annette(a)cs.vu.nl>
An: Annette ten Teije <annette(a)cs.vu.nl>
NOTICE: deadline 18th of April 2012 (Abstract), 25th of April 2012 (Paper)
Call for Papers:
18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012)
National University of Ireland Galway Quadrangle
October 8-12, 2012.
The 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling and managing knowledge, and its role in the construction of knowledge-intensive systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management, e-business, natural language processing, intelligent information integration, etc.
The special focus of the 18th edition of EKAW will be on "Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management that matters". We are explicitly calling for papers that have a potentially high impact on a specific community or application domain (e.g. pharmacy and life sciences), as well as for papers which report on the development or evaluation of publicly available data sets relevant for a large number of applications. Moreover, we welcome contributions dealing with problems specific to modeling and maintenance of real-world data or knowledge, such as scalability and robustness of knowledge-based applications, or privacy and provenance issues related to organizational knowledge management.
In addition to the main research track, EKAW 2012 will feature a tutorial and workshop program, as well as a poster and demo track. Moreover, there will be a Doctoral Consortium giving new PhD students a possibility to present their research proposals, and to get feedback on methodological and practical aspects of their planned dissertation.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. The LNCS volume will contain the contributed research papers as well as descriptions of the demos presented at the conference. Papers published at any of the workshops will be published in dedicated workshop proceedings.
EKAW 2012 welcomes papers dealing with theoretical, methodological, experimental, and application-oriented aspects of knowledge engineering and knowledge management. In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit papers about methods, tools and methodologies relevant with regard to the following topics:
1) “Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering that matters”
• Real-world applications of methods for knowledge management and engineering in domains such as
- e-Government and public administration
- Life sciences, health and medicine
- Automotive and manufacturing industry
- Cultural heritage applications
- Digital libraries
• Development and evaluation of publicly available knowledge repositories for new applications or domains
• Methods and methodologies addressing the challenges of real-world data, e.g.,
- Scalability, robustness etc.
- Maintenance costs and financial risks
- Privacy and data security
• Lessons learned from case studies, e.g.,
- Knowledge management in large organizations
- Adoption of semantic web technologies
- Maintenance of corporate knowledge repositories
2) Knowledge Management
• Methodologies and tools for knowledge management
• Knowledge sharing and distribution, collaboration
• Best practices and lessons learned from case studies
• Provenance and trust in knowledge management
• Methods for accelerating take-up of knowledge management technologies
• Corporate memories for knowledge management
• Evolution, maintenance and preservation of knowledge
• Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge management
• Incentives for human knowledge acquisition (e.g. games with a purpose)
3) Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition
• Tools and methodologies for ontology engineering
• Ontology design patterns
• Ontology localization
• Ontology alignment
• Knowledge authoring and semantic annotation
• Knowledge acquisition from non-ontological resources (thesauri, folksonomies etc.)
• Semi-automatic knowledge acquisition, e.g., ontology learning
• Mining the Semantic Web and the Web of Data
• Ontology evaluation and metrics
• Uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge representation
• Dealing with dynamic, distributed and emerging knowledge
4) Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Representation
• Knowledge representation inspired by cognitive science
• Synergies between humans and machines
• Knowledge emerging from user interaction and networks
• Knowledge ecosystems
• Expert finding, e.g., by social network analysis
• Trust and privacy in knowledge representation
• Collaborative and social approaches to knowledge management and acquisition
• Crowdsourcing in knowledge management
As last EKAW conference we will accept different types of papers. The papers will all have the same status and follow the same formatting guidelines in the proceedings but will receive special treatment during the reviewing phase. In particular, each paper type will be subject to own evaluation criteria. The PC will also make sure that there is a reasonable balance of the paper types accepted. At submission time the paper has to be clearly identified as belonging to one of the following categories.
• Research papers: These are “standard” papers presenting a novel method, technique or analysis with appropriate empirical or other types of evaluation as proof-of concept. The main evaluation criteria here will be originality, technical soundness and validation.
• In-use papers: Here we are expecting papers describing applications of knowledge management and engineering in real environments. Applications need to address a sufficiently interesting and challenging problem on real-world datasets, involving many users etc. The focus is less on the originality of the approach and more on presenting systems that solve a significant problem while addressing the particular challenges that come with the use of real-world data. Evaluations should involve a representative subset of the actual users of the system.
• Position papers: We invite researchers to also publish position papers which describe novel and innovative ideas. Position papers may also comprise an analysis of currently unsolved problems, or review theses problems from a new perspective, in order contribute to a better understanding of these problem in the research community. We expect that such papers will guide future research by highlighting critical assumptions, motivating the difficulty of a certain problem or explaining why current techniques are not sufficient, possibly corroborated by quantitative and qualitative arguments.
Submissions of research and in-use papers should comprise a maximum of 15 pages formatted according to Springer Verlag LNCS guidelines and uploaded using Easychair ( http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ekaw2012). Position papers are required to have at most 5 pages in the same format.
We will select the best papers from EKAW and invite the authors for a special edition of Journal of Data Semantics.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 18th of April 2012
Paper Submission: 25th of April 2012
Notification: 6th of June 2012
Camera Ready: 30 of June 2012
Organizing Committee:
General chair: Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Co-chair and local organizer: Siegfried Handschuh
Program chairs: Annette ten Teije, Johanna Voelker
Workshop and tutorials chairs: Claudia d’Amato, Krysztof Janowicz
Demo and poster chairs: Mathieu d’Aquin, Andriy Nikolov
Doctoral consortium chairs: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie Hernandez
Sponsor chair: Christian Bizer
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 6th European Conference on Games Based Learning
(ECGBL-2012) - Extended Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:28:10 -0000
Von: Sue Nugus <sue(a)academic-conferences.org>
An: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, BP Management List (E-mail)
(E-mail) <BUSINESS-RESEARCH(a)JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, Council of Professors
conference listserv <cphc-conf(a)JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, E-Business (E-mail)
<E-BUSINESS(a)JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, eThesis (E-mail) <eThesis(a)topica.com>,
Ifipwg82 (E-mail) <ifipwg82(a)listserv.syr.edu>, IT Evaluation
<ITEVA(a)list.rug.nl>, Qualitative Research (E-mail)
I thought you would like to know that the response to the call for
papers for the***6th European Conference on Games Based Learning
(ECGBL-2012) *being held at The River Lee Hotel, Cork, Ireland on
the*4-5 October 2012 *has been excellent, but as usual we have had a
number of requests for extensions. Therefore we are holding the call
open until *30^th of March 2012. *So now would be a good time to
circulate the call for papers to your contacts one more time.
We only require an abstract at this time and you will find a full call
for papers, including a pdf to download at:
Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is
delivered has changed considerably with the advent of new technologies.
One such new technology that holds considerable promise for helping to
engage learners is Games-Based Learning (GBL). The Conference offers an
opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in the issues
related to GBL to share their thinking and research findings. Papers can
cover various issues and aspects of GBL in education and training:
technology and implementation issues associated with the development of
GBL; use of mobile and MMOGs for learning; pedagogical issues associated
with GBL; social and ethical issues in GBL; GBL best cases and
practices, and other related aspects. We are particularly interested in
empirical research that addresses whether GBL enhances learning. This
Conference provides a forum for discussion, collaboration and
intellectual exchange for all those interested in any of these fields of
research or practice.
The conference committee welcomes contributions on a wide range of
topics using a range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and
empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical
methods. Action research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are
welcomed approaches. PhD Research, proposals for roundtable discussions,
non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main
themes are also invited.
*Publication opportunity*
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference
proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. Selected papers
will also be considered for publication in a special issue of the
Electronic Journal of e-Learning and to the International Journal of
Game-Based Learning. The latest issue of the Electronic Journal of
e-Learning is available to read online.
Kind regards
Elaine Hayne
Academic Conferences Limited
elaine(a)academic-conferences.org <mailto:elaine@academic-conferences.org>
tel +44 (0) 118 972 4148
This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] 2st CFP: Journal of Grid
Computing, Springer Special Issue on Data Mng. and Min. on
Grids and Clouds
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:05:25 +0100
From: Alfredo Cuzzocrea <cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
Journal of Grid Computing
Springer (http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=5-102-0-0-0), Special Issue on
"Models and Algorithms for High-Performance Data Management and Mining on
Computational Grids and Clouds"
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
Aim and Scope
High-performance data management and mining are well-known resource- and
time-consuming activities that have attracted a great deal of interest from
the research community. High-performance data management can be reasonably
intended as a intermediate step of high-performance data mining activities
over large-scale amounts of data, while still keeping unaltered the primary
and self-contained focus of achieving effectiveness and efficiency in these
task themselves. There exists a wide range of application scenarios where
high-performance data management and mining play a critical role. Among
these, we recall: prediction of natural disasters, analysis of massive
sensor and stream data, scientific computing and e-science, fraud detection,
business intelligence, cloud intelligence, and so forth.
In the application scenarios above, the usage of computational Grids and
Clouds, which is a well-understood and mature paradigm for computational
intelligence whose merits are not only limited to high-performance
capabilities, but also they convey to novel amenities falling in the wide
range of e-science and scientific computing. All in one, coupling
high-performance computational Grids and Clouds with data management and
mining activities pursues the goal of creating a successful environment for
data management and mining over large-scale amounts of data, which, beyond
to the major goal of achieving high-performance during the execution of
these activities, embeds a plethora of innovative features, such as: (i)
providing scientists with the capabilities of allowing flexibility during
the creation of scientific workflows; (ii) enriching data management and
mining with relevant benefits, such as automation of analysis processes and
dimensionality reduction; (iii) allowing for the capability of obtaining
well-defined and well-structured data management and mining activities over
large-scale data; (iv) providing problem-solving environments where analysts
can re-produce the typical algorithm editing process, with meaningful
abstractions on primitives and black-box components.
With these goals in mind, the proposed Journal of Grid Computing (JOGC)
special issue will cover theoretical as well as practical aspects of models
and algorithms for high-performance data management and mining on
computational Grids and Clouds, thus constituting a milestone in Grid and
Cloud-focused database and data mining research, with a rare multi-aspect
research vision spanning from elegant models and formalisms to effective and
comprehensive methodologies and efficient algorithms.
Relevant research areas for the proposed JOGC special issue include, but are
not limited to, the following ones:
- foundations of high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining models;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining methodologies;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining techniques;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining algorithms;
- scalable disk-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- scalable disk-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- multi-core models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- multi-core algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- cluster-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- cluster-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- cloud-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- cloud-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- SOA-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- SOA-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- P2P-oriented high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining;
- Map-Reduce-based high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- Service-oriented high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining in innovative
contexts like streams, sensors, mobile environments and social networks.
Schedule (Tentative)
Submission of full papers: May 30, 2012
First decision notification: July 30, 2012
Submission of revised papers: September 30, 2012
Final decision notification: October 30, 2012
Final materials to Springer: December 30, 2012
Estimated publication date: June 2013
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
All manuscripts will be rigorously refereed by at least three reviewers
among people of widely-recognized expertise. Submission of a manuscript to
this special issue implies that no similar paper is already accepted or will
be submitted to any other conference or journal.
Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at:
http://www.editorialmanager.com/grid/, in the section "Instructions for
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through
Springer Editorial Manager. Authors must select "Special Issue: High-Perf.
Data Mng. and Min. on Grids and Clouds" when they reach the "Article Type"
step in the submission process. The Springer Editorial Manager Web site for
JOGC is available at: http://www.editorialmanager.com/grid/
For more information and any inquire, please contact Alfredo Cuzzocrea
(http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP - ICST Transactions on e-Education
and e-Learning
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:08:34 -0400
From: Giovanni Vincenti <giovanni.vincenti(a)icst.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CfP - ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning
Education is one domain that has accompanied civilization through the
centuries, adapting its tools to fulfill the expectations of the
students and the needs of the teachers. Such tools can be as obvious and
traditional as pencils and a notebook, or as complex and innovative as
websites and multi-user virtual environments. Typical in-person learning
environments, such as classrooms and meeting rooms, are at times not the
best solution to enable and maximize a student’s ability to learn.
Although they do fulfill their purpose of giving students the
possibility of reaching course material and instructors, they also
create a barrier that cannot be easily overcome.
Web-based instruction and multi-user virtual environments break the
time-limited barrier innate to typical lectures and explore, through
innovative technologies, a concept as old as humankind: socialization
and the feeling of belonging to a community. Many universities, public
institutions and private businesses are projecting themselves on the
Internet and in virtual worlds to reach the customer at any time, giving
them the idea of virtual presence that cannot be delivered through a
simple website.
Topics to be discussed in this journal focus on (but not limited to) the
following concepts:
• Teaching / Educational Models and Frameworks
• Accessibility and usability of web-based instruction in the classroom
• Best Practices
• Developing courses and content to be used in on-line educational
• Student engagement
• Experiments
• Impacts of on-line on traditional teaching and learning strategies
Editors in Chief
Giovanni Vincenti, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA
James Braman, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA
Unique Advantages of Publishing with ICST
ICST offers authors the revolutionary e-SCRIPTS system – a Web 2.0-based
peer-review and manuscript management application that guarantees
objective and fast reviewing, through an innovative reviewer bidding
process that automatically matches the most qualified reviewer to the
paper based on internationally recognized indicators such as H-index.
Also based on that, acceptance decisions are expected to be now made in
weeks instead of many months. In addition, ICST provides extremely short
publication times by posting the paper on-line immediately after
acceptance and extreme visibility/impact to the scientific community via
synergies with the other ICST tools such as EU Digital Library and a
broad abstract dissemination channel without compromises on the
protection of authors’ intellectual property. All these innovative
aspects are coupled with traditional elements of technical excellence,
such as indexing by ISI, EI, DBLP, INSPEC, Google Scholar, and all other
major indexing organizations, as well as ISSN registration.
Publishing models
ICST Transactions utilize the Open Access publication model, letting any
reader access the material in each issue. The innovation that ICST is
embracing consists in the copyrighting of the articles. Publishing
through the Transactions will not limit you to reuse your work. By
retaining the full rights to the articles, authors will be able to
re-use the material without the need of requesting permission to the
publishing organization, like in most cases.
IMPORTANT: We will NOT charge publishing fees for this next issue.
In short:
• Fast and high-quality review;
• Rapid publication;
• Innovative publishing tools;
• Open Access publication;
• Retention of the copyright for re-use of the material without the need
to gain permission;
• Decision-making really open to the community.
Special Issues Proposals
ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning is aiming at devoting
space for special issues on specific topics proposed by Guest Editors.
We welcome special issues proposals: for instructions on their
submission, please contact the giovanni.vincenti(a)icst.org or eeel(a)icst.org.
What to submit
Original unpublished contributions are solicited that can improve the
knowledge and practice in the field. Tutorial and survey articles of
permanent reference value are also welcome.
Submissions must be original and should not have been published, or
submitted for publication, elsewhere. Authors are encouraged to submit
extended versions of papers previously presented at a conference or
workshop with clear indication of how the paper has been extended for
the journal submission.
This journal is being submitted to ISI, EI, DBLP, INSPEC, Google
Scholar, and all other major indexing organizations. ISSN # 2032-9253
When to submit
Authors can submit their work on e-Scripts at any time.
How to submit
To submit a paper to the journal, please register at
Manuscript preparation instructions may be found at:
For any further info, please feel free to contact:
giovanni.vincenti(a)icst.org or eeel(a)icst.org
For more information on ICST and its Publications Program, please email:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP HICSS 2013 - Enterprise System
Integration: Issues and Answers
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 17:51:22 +0000
From: Paulo Rupino Cunha <rupino(a)dei.uc.pt>
To: ISWorld list <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers: HICSS 2013, January 7 - 10, 2013, Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii
TRACK: Organizational Systems and Technology
MINI-TRACK: Enterprise System Integration: Issues and Answers
Deadlines for submission: June 15, 2012
The lack of application integration is widely considered as a barrier for the automation of business processes. During the last two decades, organisations have turned to the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, and now Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) to address the challenges companies face when they want to integrate systems. ERP applications are integrated suites that are becoming mature technologies in many organizations. Accordingly, an increasing body of academic research has been devoted to this important area. The academic literature, and to a good extent, the professional literature, has been focused on using ERP systems to consolidate and refine the business processes within an organization (intra-company business processes).
Although, ERP solutions support and improve business processes, they have their limitations when they collaborate with other existing information systems. Normative literature shows that intra-organizational integration is achieved in cases where ERP systems have replaced most of the custom built applications. However, the integration of business processes and systems is complicated and difficult in those cases that ERP solutions co-exist alongside other disparate intra-organizational applications. This issue is more complex when automating inter-organizational business processes and value chains or after a merger or acquisition.
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) has emerged to address these problems. EAI is based on a diversity of technologies such as message brokers and adapters to lead flexible and manageable integrated intra and inter-organizational IT infrastructures. ERP vendors have recognized the importance of EAI technology and have evolved the EAI technologies into Service Oriented Architecture products. Recently the ERP industry has turned to Cloud Computing, as Cloud technology allows ERP vendors and users (organizations) to maximize their benefits.
Topics or research questions that are of particular interest include the following:
• How does ERP and the migration towards SOA evolve or change the university or college curriculum?
• What are the costs and benefits of ERP/ SOA installations? Have expectations have been realized? How do we know?
• What are the true costs of implementing an integrated enterprise solution and how are these costs accounted for in organizations?
• How are Integrated Enterprise Systems (ES) being adopted by organizations? What changes do organizations go through to get and deploy an ES? What resulting changes occur after the ES is implemented? Anticipated or not?
• What are the common challenges and opportunities associated with integrating solutions within an enterprise? Across enterprises?
• How do you keep and hire ERP specialists? How are organizations addressing the shortage of ERP specialists? How can colleges help with the shortage?
• How do you manage the software development process in an ERP implementation? How can the Project management and change management research be applied here?
• What is the real value of hands-on experience with ERP/SOA in college curricula?
• How are ERP systems being extended beyond the internal business processes? What types of system-to-system interfaces are being used?
• What SOA standards need to be in place for future expansion of ERP systems?
• What are some of the issues surrounding ERP usage, implementation, etc. when companies merge or use different ERP systems to meet different needs of the same but diverse organization?
• What are the Benefits, Barriers, Costs of SOA technology?
• What factors influence SOA adoption and use?
• What is the role of Business Process Management/Modeling when deploying an Integrated Enterprise System?
• What are the implementation methodologies and the best practices for integrating business systems?
• What do ERP and/or SOA/Cloud case studies tell us?
• How can we measure ERP and SOA/Cloud performance?
• What are the emerging business models or what comes after SOA?
• What are the organizational, political, and cultural barriers related with ERP/ SOA/Cloud Computing adoption?
• What development have been achieved regarding ERP in the Cloud?
• How does ERP fit in a word of an Internet of Services?
More info at http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/apahome46.htm
Mini-track chairs:
Gail Corbitt
Marinos Themistocleous
Paulo Rupino da Cunha
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Decision Analytics, Mobile
Services and Service Science Track@HICSS 46 - Grand Wailea,
Maui Island
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 00:50:36 +0000
From: Haluk Demirkan <Haluk.Demirkan(a)asu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Apologies for Cross-Posting)
Dear Colleagues,
Hello! I am serving as a co-chair of the "Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science" track of the upcoming 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/46tracks.htm#DT). My co-chair, Christer Carlsson, and I are writing to internationally renowned scholars such as you with expertise in various areas of analytics, mobile systems, service science and emerging solutions in hopes that you will consider submitting a paper to minitracks in this track. Your contributions would help us improve the quality of the sessions. The deadline for submitting papers to HICSS-46 is June 15, 2012. Please consider submitting your work if it is related to any of the specific topics listed and/or if you feel it addresses visions of the future of this track. We expect a range of concepts, tools, methods, philosophies and theories to be discussed. We thank you, in advance, for your valuable contribution to HICSS-46. Please let us
know if you have any questions or need additional information. We look forward to receiving your submission!
Best Regards,
Haluk Demirkan - haluk.demirkan(a)asu.edu
Full Professor of Information Systems (transdisciplinary with Supply Chain Management and Strategic Marketing& Services Leadership) (Clinical Track); Research Faculty, Center for Services Leadership, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
HICSS-46 CALL FOR PAPERS - Grand Wailea Maui - January 7-10, 2013 (Monday-Thursday)
Additional detail may be found on HICSS primary web site: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/apahome46.htm
The Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science Track (http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/46tracks.htm#DT) is concerned first and foremost with emerging managerial and organizational decision-making strategies, processes, tools, technologies, services and solutions in the Digital Age. This track has 4 interrelated themes. First theme, analytics, focuses on decision making processes, tools and technologies. Mobile services focus on development and delivery of data, information and analytics with mobile technology platforms. Challenges and issues of emerging service industries, and service -orientation and -transformation of strategies, processes, organizations, systems and technologies are covered in service science. In this track, we also discuss about innovative approaches of decision making for/with critical and emerging solutions. This track includes the following mini-tracks:
- Analytics, Informatics and Decision Support For Sustainability
- Big Data: Scalable Representation and Analytics for Data Science
- Cloud Service Science and Systems
- Decision Making in Production Processes
- Design, Realization Implementation, Use and Effect of Mobile Value Services
- Innovation, Design and Analytics Supported Development of ICT Enabled Services
- Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Multi-criteria Decision Support
- Network DSS: Decision Support in the Collaborative Environment of Mobile Social and Sensor Networks
- Open Data Services
- Predictive Analytics and Big Data
- Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME)
- Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis
- Soft Computing for Information Access on the Web
- Telecommunications Analytics and Economics
- June 15 - Submit full manuscripts for review. The review is double-blind; therefore this submission must be without author names.
- Receive acceptance notification by August 15.
- Revise your manuscript to add author names. If required, make other changes.
- Submit Final Paper for Publication by September 15.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call For Papers: EXTENDED Paper Submission
Deadline: March 27, 2012 - Conference on Frontiers in
Education: CS and CE (FECS: July 2012, USA)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 01:23:12 -0400
From: CS and CE Education <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline: March 27, 2012
The 2012 International Conference on Frontiers
in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering
July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. The proceedings of the congress that FECS is part of,
enjoys a high number of citations; about 26,000 citations so far.
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O Accreditation and assessment
O Student recruitment and retention methods
O Promoting multi-disciplinary initiatives - impact on curriculum
O Capstone research projects: examples and case studies
O Distance learning; methods, technologies and assessment
O Innovative degree programs and certificates
O Innovative uses of technology in the classroom
O Collaborative learning
O Learning models and learning from mistakes
O Computer and web-based software for instruction
O Ethics in computer science and engineering
O Incorporating writing into CS and CE curriculum
O Preparing graduates for academia
O Preparing graduates for industry
O Partnerships with industry and government
O Team projects and case studies
O Undergraduate research experiences
O Student observation and mentoring strategies
O Advising methods
O Evaluation strategies (professors, students, ...)
O Transition to graduate studies
O Integrating gender and culture issues into computer
science and engineering curriculum
O The balance between course-work and research
O Issues related to the choice of first programming language
O Debugging tools and learning
O Projects, software engineering, programming issues, and
laboratory practices
O Computer science and computer engineering curriculum
O Active learning tools
O Undergraduates as teaching assistants
O Funding opportunities for curriculum development and studies
O Pilot studies
O STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering& Mathematics) promising
O Teaching methods
O Recruiting methods to attract graduate students
O Proposed methods for ranking CS and CE departments
O The role of visualization and animation in education
O Academic dishonesty in a high-tech environment
O Using the web
O Factors that lead to success in CS and CE
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: http://world-comp.org
Submissions must be uploaded by March 27, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, FECS) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels).
Authors whose papers are accepted will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting. At this
point, authors will be required to attest to the originality of their work
(ie, declaring that no part of the work is plagiarized and the paper does not
suffer from any acts of plagiarism.)
Proceedings of FECS will be published in printed conference books (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering& Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core scientific
literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals; only about 9%
are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected to be among the 9% - accessable
from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN
International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that the proceedings
will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, the
proceedings of FECS was included in these databases. Therefore, we will also
be sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier.
The printed proceedings/books will be available for distribution on site at
the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers - these books will
be composed after the conference. Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming
journal special issues to be published after the conference.
Poster papers can be 2 pages long. Authors are to follow the same instructions
that appear above (see, SUBMISSION OF REGULAR PAPERS) except for the submission
is limited to 2 pages. On the first page, the author should state that "This
paper is being submitted as a poster". Poster papers (if accepted) will be
published if and only the author of the accepted paper wishes to do so.
March 27, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 26, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- 2 days)
May 12, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Education:
Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'12)
FECS conference is being held jointly (same location and dates) with a
number of other research conferences, WORLDCOMP congress.
The congress is the largest annual gathering of researchers in computer
science, computer engineering and applied computing. We anticipate
to have 2,100 or more attendees from over 80 countries.
The congress will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and
poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers
have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of
California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of
Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic
Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid
Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of the congress is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 67969
The conference proceedings enjoy a high number of citations. As of
March 2012, papers published in each track of the proceedings have
received the following number of citations: 252 citations to BIOCOMP
papers; 116 to CDES papers; 65 to CGVR papers; 55 to CSC papers; 271 to
DMIN papers; 69 to EEE papers; 1,286 to ERSA papers; 504 to ESA papers;
176 to FCS papers; 9,408 to FECS papers; 157 to GCA papers; 75 to GEM
papers; 2,172 to ICAI papers; 1,529 to ICOMP papers; 1,247 to ICWN papers;
571 to IKE papers; 255 to IPCV papers; 137 to MSV papers; 5,239 to PDPTA
papers; 496 to SAM papers; 1,390 to SERP papers; and 177 to SWWS papers.
In total, over 25,600 citations have been made (so far) to papers
published in the proceedings of this federated joint conferences. Refer
to the URLs below to see the actual citation numbers (each is a link to
a live search and so it may take a few seconds for the data to pull up):
1. Web site of FECS'12:
2. The 2011 congress delegates photos are available at:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
Inquiries should be sent to: sc(a)world-comp.org
This email was sent to: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
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