-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HICSS-46 Call for papers for the
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 15:02:48 -0600
From: Triparna de Vreede <tdevreede(a)unomaha.edu>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
HICSS-46 Call for papers for the minitrack on:
/Part of the Collaboration Systems and Technology Track/
/of the Forty-Sixth Annual/
/Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS)/
*/Maui/*/, HI - January 7-10, 2013/
Papers are invited for the minitrack on "CREATIVITY IN TEAMS
AND ORGANIZATIONS" as part of the Collaboration Systems and
Technology Track at the Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences (HICSS).
Innovation is a critical force in organizational performance
and survival. Changes in technology, globalization, and
increased competition have all created an environment in
which creativity and innovation are needed in order to cope
with situational and economic pressures and frequent
changes. Designers and Developers of organizational systems
must therefore innovate almost continuously to keep the
organization aligned with such changes. Creativity is a
critical pre-condition for innovation. Generating novel and
creative ideas are the key to innovation and growth in every
organization today. Providing employees, customers and
partners with tools to think creatively has been proven to
increase innovation in organizations. Research shows that
organizations which have established skill-bases and tools
for creativity outperform the competition in terms of
revenue, rolling out new products, innovation and growth.
Though organizations deploy groups for most creative
processes, there has been little research in the area of
group creativity. Most creative research is focused on
individual factors affecting creativity. Many challenges
that arise from pursuing creativity in teams remain unexplored.
This minitrack provides one of the key international
platforms on which the following issues can be discussed:
1.Methods & techniques to improve creativity in co-located
and distributed groups
2.Design and Evaluation of Systems and technology for
enhancing creativity
3. Challenges and opportunities for creativity in teams
4.Theoretical foundations for creativity at individual,
group and organizational levels
5.Practical approaches to foster creativity at individual,
group and organizational levels
6. The creation and implementation of innovations in teams and organizations
7. Factors affecting creativity in teams and organizations
8. Building team-based organizations
9. Multi-level issues of creativity in teams and organizations
10. Research linking individual creativity to group level creativity and organizational level innovation
11. Multi-disciplinary approaches to creativity
12. Creative collaboration between business partners and customers (e.g. co-creation of products and services)
Thus, papers are welcome that contain original ideas on how
to improve creativity and innovation through all phases of
problem-solving: Understanding a problem, devising
potential solutions, evaluating alternatives, making
choices, making plans, taking action, and after-action
review. We seek papers that suggest methodical, technical,
theoretical, or practical improvements for realizing
creative ideas in the workforce as innovations, for an
organization cannot benefit from its creativity until its
ideas are implemented.
There are no preferred methodological stances for this
minitrack: this minitrack is open to both qualitative and
quantitative research, to research from a positivist,
interpretivist, or critical perspective, to studies from the
lab, from the field, design-oriented or developmental in
Themes and topics of relevance to this minitrack include,
but are not limited to (related topics not listed are
especially welcome):
_Creativity techniques and approaches_
·Creativity methods & techniques to improve creativity in
co-located and distributed groups__
·Measuring the effectiveness of creativity techniques and
·Creativity in patterns of collaboration (divergence,
convergence, organization, evaluation, and consensus building)__
·Reusability, trainability, predictability, and
transferability of creativity techniques and approaches__
·Capturing best practices on creativity__
·Analyzing the nature of the evolving artifacts__
_Tools, technologies, and contexts to support creativity_
·Theories, guidelines, and strategies for designing creative
technologies and systems
·Proof of concepts -- examples of breakthrough technologies
and systems supporting creativity
·Use of visualization tools for enhancing creativity
·Role of HCI in creativity processes
·Physical and electronic environments to support creativity
·Idea management tools
·Technologies that support creativity in specific critical
collaboration processes, e.g.
·Requirements specification & analysis
·Focus groups
·Delphi processes
·Collaborative planning
·Strategy building
·Collaborative writing
·Communities and Web 2.0
·Mobile Creativity
_Creativity in teams and organizations_
·Analyzing the nature of creative teams and its evolving
·Training work group members and work group leaders to think
and act creatively
·Innovation management in collaborative contexts
·Success factors for diffusing creativity techniques,
approaches, and technologies in organizations
· Factors affecting creativity in teams, organizations, and value networks
· Building team-based organizations
·Challenges and opportunities for creativity in teams__
·Practical approaches to foster creativity at individual,
group and organizational levels
·Theories on collaborative and organizational creativity __
·Studies on the efficacy of interventions intended to
introduce creativity approaches and technologies in an
·Personal and group traits affecting creativity
·Enhancing creativity by appropriate knowledge management
·Creativity in communities and user-generated content
·Creativity in the "enterprise 2.0"
·Creativity in ad-hoc-groups
·Creativity in distributed work groups and processes
_Theoretical issues in creativity and innovation_
·Theories of creative problem solving
·Theories of creative decision making
·Creativity in different socio-cultural environments
·Effects of organizational culture on creativity
·Frameworks for evaluating creativity in the field and in
the lab
·Theoretical approaches to understand the effect of
individuals, teams, organizations, and the broader
environment on creativity
·Instruments and measurements for creativity and innovation
·Group tasks to study creativity
·Theoretical relationships between creativity and
organizational productivity
Roni Reiter-Palmon
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Psychology
Director of Research, The Center for Collaboration Science
1110 South 67^th street, Omaha, NE 68182-0116 USA
Phone: (402) 554-4081
E-mail: rreiter-palmon(a)mail.unomaha.edu
Triparna de Vreede *(primary contact)*
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Psychology
Research Associate, The Center for Collaboration Science
1110 South 67^th street, Omaha, NE 68182-0116 USA
Phone: (402) 554-2557
E-mail: tdevreede(a)mail.unomaha.edu
Ginamarie Ligon, Ph.D.
Mammel Hall, 311
College of Business Administration
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Visiting Professor, the Center for Collaboration Science
6708 Pine Street
Phone: 402-554-2972
Omaha, NE 68182-0048
Email: gligon(a)mail.unomaha.edu <mailto:gligon@mail.unomaha.edu>
The purpose of HICSS is to provide a forum for the
interchange of ideas, research results, development
activities, and applications among academicians and
practitioners in computer-based systems sciences. The
conference consists of tutorials, advanced seminars,
presentations of accepted papers, open forum, tasks forces,
and plenary and distinguished guest lectures. There is a
high degree of interaction and discussion among the
conference participants because the conference is conducted
in a workshop-like setting.
Instructions for submitting papers:
1.Submit an electronic copy of the full paper, 10 pages
including title page, abstract, references and diagrams
using the review system available at the HICSS site -
http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/, make sure that the authors'
names and affiliation information has been removed to ensure
an anonymous review.
2.Do not submit the paper to more than one minitrack. The
paper should contain original material and not be previously
published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.
3.Provide the required information to the review system such
as title, full name of all authors, and their complete
addresses including affiliation(s), telephone number(s) and
e-mail address(es).
4.The first page of the paper should include the title and a
(max) 300-word abstract.
·*May 15*: OPTIONAL: Abstracts submitted
to Minitrack Chairs for guidance, indication of appropriate
content and to receive instructions on submitting full paper.
·*June 15*: Full papers uploaded in the
directory of the appropriate minitrack.
·*August 15*: Notification of accepted papers
mailed to authors.
·*September 15*: Accepted manuscripts,
camera-ready, uploaded; author(s) must register by this time.
Send all correspondence related to this minitrack to:
Triparna de Vreede
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Psychology
Research Associate, The Center for Collaboration Science
1110 South 67^th street, Omaha, NE 68182-0116 USA
Phone: (402) 554-2557
E-mail: tdevreede(a)mail.unomaha.edu
<mailto:tdevreede@mail.unomaha.edu> **
Kind regards,
Triparna de Vreede, MBA, MS-MIS.
Research Associate,
The Center for Collaboration Science,
Department of Psychology,
University of Nebraska at Omaha
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IEEE UIC 2012 / ATC 2012 / Workshops: Call For
Papers (Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012)
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 06:11:30 +0800
From: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The 9th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2012)
- Building Smart Worlds in Real and Cyber Spaces -
Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012
Sponsored by:
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Technical Commitee on Scalable Computing
In-cooperation with:
The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE)
The IPSJ Special Interest Group on Distributed Processing
Systems (IPSJ SIG-DPS)
The IPSJ Special Interest Group on Mobile Computing and
Ubiquitous Communication (IPSJ SIG-MBL)
The IEICE Special Interest Group on Dependable Computing
Workshop Proposal Due/Notification: Ongoing as recieved
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2012
Authors Notification: May 15, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2012
== Topics ==
1. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Systems
* Sensor, Ad Hoc, Mesh & P2P Networks
* Social Networking and Computing
* Knowledge Representation and Ontology
* Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems
* Middleware and Intelligent Platforms
* Intelligent Services and Architectures
* Agents, Swarm and Context-aware Systems
* Nature-inspired Intelligent Systems
2. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Environments
* Smart Room, Home, Office, Laboratory
* Smart Shop, Hospital, Campus, City, etc.
* Smart Vehicle, Road, Traffic & Transportation
* Healthcare and Elder/Child Care Services
* Pervasive/Ubiquitous Media and Services
* Pervasive Learning, Games, Entertainment
* Other Intelligent/Smart Applications
3. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Electronic Labels, Cards, E-Tags and RFID
* Embedded Chips, Sensors & Actuators
* MEMS, NEMS, Micro & Biometric Devices
* Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices
* Material, Textile, Cloth, Furniture, etc.
* Embedded Software and Agents
* Interaction to Smart Objects/Devices
* Smart Object OS and Programming
4. Personal/Social/Physical Aspects
* Real/Cyber World Modeling and Semantics
* User/Object Identity and Activity Recognition
* Adaptive User Interfaces and Tools
* Security, Privacy, Safety and Legal Issues
* Emotional, Ethical and Psychological Factors
Papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE CS format,
and submitted in PDF format via the UIC 2012 submission
site: http://cse.stfx.ca/~uic2012/sub/
Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE CS
Press (IEEE-DL & EI indexed).
== Journal Publication ==
Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers.
Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions,
will be published in special issues of prestigious journals
International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley) (SCI, EI)
Journal of Systems Architecture (Elsevier) (SCI, EI)
Automated Software Engineering (Springer) (SCI, EI)
Journal of Internet Technology (SCIE, EI)
== Workshops ==
Some workshops are organized in conjunction with UIC-2012
International Conference.
Proceedings of UIC-2012 Workshops will be also published by
IEEE CS Press (IEEE-DL & EI indexed)
USMAP 2012:
The 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Service Models
and Applications
UISTA 2012:
The 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Information
Security Techniques and Applications
WiNA 2012:
The Fourth International Workshop on Wireless Network
Algorithm and Theory
WEISS 2012:
The 2012 International Workshop on Embedded Intelligence and
Smart Systems
UIPM 2012:
The 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Information
Processing and Management
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list, please go to
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To subscribe other emails or see information of this mailing
list, please go to
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers - MoKCCA'2012 -
International Workshop on Mobile Knowledge Centric Computing
and Applications - Algarve, Portugal
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 19:09:56 +0000
From: Maria Manuela C. Cunha <mcunha(a)ipca.pt>
Reply-To: mcunha(a)ipca.pt
Organization: Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
To: <irma-l(a)irma-international.org>,
---------- MoKCCA'2012 | Call for Papers
---------- International Workshop on Mobile Knowledge Centric Computing
and Applications
---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012, 3-5 October
---------- http://mokcca.eiswatch.org
---------- submission deadline: April 30, 2012
Dear Prof./Dr./Mrs./Mr.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to MoKCCA 2012 – International
Workshop on Mobile Knowledge Centric Computing and Applications, a
CENTERIS 2012 workshop, to be held in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, from
3 to 5 October, 2012.
During this workshop, academics, scientists, IT/IS professionals,
solution providers, researchers and practitioners from all over the
world, promoting opportunities to share experiences, bring new ideas,
debate issues, and introduce the latest developments in the largely
multidisciplinary field of Mobile Knowledge Centric Computing and
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings
(with ISBN). Papers can also be accepted as posters, with an extended
abstract to be published in a book or CD-ROM of abstracts (with ISBN).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for
possible publication in international journals and in edited books.
Mobile Knowledge Centric Computing and Applications are expected to
present autonomous, adaptable, heterogeneous, collaborative properties
and operate in open ubiquitous environments. Next generation computing
systems need to cope with terminal mobility (communication
infra-structure), software mobility (services infra-structure) and user
mobility (applications infra-structure) for ubiquitous computing support.
A plethora of valuable technical solutions and business opportunities is
open by services and applications combining these properties.
MoKCCA 2012 seeks high-quality contributions on theoretical foundations,
innovative design and development, services, applications, methods,
tools, experiences, evaluation and understanding of Mobile Knowledge
Centric Computing and Applications.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to:
*** Networking Technologies ***
Personal Area Networks
Body Area Networks
Vehicular Networks
Sensor and ad hoc networks
Mobile networks convergence
Wireless services and middleware platforms
Cross-layer network design and optimization
Data fusion techniques
Agent-based data aggregation
*** Networking architectures and service models ***
New generation Internet, architectures, protocols and services
Web Applications and IP Multimedia Systems
Next generation systems& Service-oriented techniques
Network-based applications
*** Self-* Networking ***
Configuration, management, and monitoring
Self-organizing networks
Mesh networks and autonomic systems
Content-based networking
Knowledge-based networking
Context-Aware and Autonomic Computing
Machine-to-Machine Communications
*** Mobile computing ***
Integration of heterogeneous mobile networks
Mobile Applications and Services
Mobile multimedia systems
Mobility and location management
Mobile content distribution
Service Discovery and publication
Mobile Agents
Mobile agent-based data aggregation
Mobile System Performance
Mobile System Devices/OS/Platforms/UI
Middleware for Mobile Computing
*** Security ***
Security deployment and management
Security modelling, design and metrics
Trust models and Trust establishment
Identification, authentication, privacy and access control
Large scale applications security (Web, e-mail, [m|e]-commerce/business,
m-payment, m-banking)
Cyber security
*** Ubiquitous computing ***
User-centric networking and services
Personalized access to media systems
Location/context/content-aware services
Multimedia indexing and retrieval
Smart Homes and E-Health
Web Commerce& Services
Web searching, querying, mining& Web Semantics
Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing
Wearable computing
Energy-Efficient Networking
*** Next generation service and Web architectures ***
Business Process Modelling
Model-Driven Service Engineering
Service-Oriented Architectures
Cloud and Utility computing
Internet and Web of Things
*** Socio-technical perspectives ***
Social networking
Social collaboration and interaction
Economics of social networking
Gaming and entertainment
Human Computer Interaction
---------- Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit electronically their
full manuscript electronically until April 30, 2012.
The submission is made using the “submit a paper” option, at the left
column of the CENTERIS webpage.
Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
---------- Important dates
Deadline for paper submission: April 30, 2012
Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 28, 2012
Revised version due: June 22, 2012
MoKCCA 2012 Chair:
* Vítor Basto Fernandes
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
For more detailed information, please visit http://mokcca.eiswatch.org
or email us at secretariat(a)mokcca.eiswatch.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [EDEN-News] EDEN 2012 Annual Conference in Porto -
Registration open
Datum: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:47:53 +0100
Von: EDEN Secretariat <secretariat(a)eden-online.org>
An: EDEN News <Eden-News(a)eden-online.org>
*Registration is now open!*
Online Registration
The EDEN Secretariat is taking care of the registration for the 2012
Annual Conference <http://www.eden-online.org/2012_porto.html>. To read
the registration procedure and conditions as well as registration fees
arranged, please, visit the Registration menu
<http://www.eden-online.org/2012_porto/registration.html> on the web and
use the Online Registration Form to join the event. All attendees
(presenting or visiting) are expected to register.
The registration fee includes all conference facilities: the Conference
Proceedings on CD-ROM, the Book of Abstracts, the Welcome Cocktail,
lunches and coffees. Authors of contributions accepted for presentation
can benefit from a reduced fee. For each paper, only one reduced
author's fee will be offered.
There is again opportunity for *combined* conference registration and
membership with a *discounted fee*. Also, group of *more than 3 persons*
registering for the event from the same institution can apply for a
*special reduced (by 15 %) conference fee*. Furthermore for young
scholars (under 35 years), full time students and PhD *students
discounts* may be granted.
Keynote Speakers
* *Laszlo Andor*, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion (invited)
* *Isabel Leite*, State Secretary for Elementary and Secondary
Education, Portugal
* *Maria Amelia Ferreira*, Professor, President of the Pedagogical
Council and Director of the Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of
Medicine of Porto
* *Ingeborg Bo*, Norwegian Associaton of Distance Education, EDEN
* *Bob Fryer*, Chair of Board, Campaign for Learning, UK
* *David White*, Honorary Director General, European Commission, DG EAC
* *Francesc Pedro*, Chief of Section for Sector Policy Advice and
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education, UNESCO
* *Dale J. Stephens*, Educational futurist, 2011 Thiel Fellow '20
Under 20', USA
/You will enjoy every day the great
view of the Douro River./
Conference Venue, Porto
The Conference will be hosted at the Alfandega do Porto Congress Center
in downtown Porto, by the Douro River. This historical building was the
former customs house which after recovering by Portuguese contemporary
architects is now an outstanding facility.
Social Events
The Conference offers a great opportunity to chat socalize and network
in an informal setting as well.
The *Welcome Reception* is on 6 June in the Noble Hall of the conference
venue with a spectacular view on the river Duoro.
The *Conference Dinner* on 8 June, at 20:00h will be situated in the
historical area of Vila Nova de Gaia at the wine-cellars Ferreira (Casa
Ferreirinha). The Dinner is combined with a Wine Cellar Visit. Casa
Ferreirinha is one of the most prestigious wineries of Portugal with a
long history of wine making.
The Conference Dinner will start with an aperitif reception with cold
appetizers and followed by a 3 course gastronomic Portuguese menu with
wine selection. Bus transfer from and back to Alfandega Congress Centre
will be provided.
*Conference Sponsor*
You may follow conference updates via Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/groups/132652306789482/> and Twitter
If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, simply follow the
link on the bottom of this letter.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 04:00:00 -0500
From: conference-services(a)ieee.org
Reply-To: do-not-reply(a)ieee.org
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to 2012 6th IEEE International Conference IntelligentSystems (IEEE IS
2012), IEEE record #19762
IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter, Bulgaria
IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter, Bulgaria
Technical Co-Sponsors:
IEEE Region 8
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE IS 2012 is a world-class conference held for the 6th time that aims to
bring together researchers from both academy and industry, practitioners and
students in the broad field of intelliget systems and applications from around
the world. The conference will be held in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, EU.
The bi-annual IEEE IS (http://www.ieee-is.org) covers all topics in intelligent
systems and applications including:
¦Advanced Intelligent Systems
¦Artificial Intelligence
¦Artificial life
¦Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
¦Business and Finance
¦Case-based and Temporal Reasoning
¦Cognitive Aspects of Intelligent Systems
¦Coevolution and collective behaviour
¦Computational Intelligence
¦Data Fusion
¦Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
¦Data Processing
¦Deep Data Mining
¦Decision Support Systems
¦Evolutionary Computation
¦Education, e-Learning
¦Emerging areas
¦Enviromental Engineering
¦Fuzzy Sets and Logics, and Their Extensions
¦Genetic Algorithms
¦Health, Medicine,Bioengineering
¦Human-Machine Interaction Intelligent Behavior
¦Intelligent Control
¦Intelligent Information Security Systems
¦Intelligent Measurement
¦Intelligent Network Technologies
¦Intelligent Signal Processing
¦Knowledge Management
¦Machine Learning
¦Multi-Agent Systems
¦Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
¦Ontology-Based Intelligent Systems
¦Petri Nets and Their Extensions
¦Power Industry
¦Process Control
¦Robotics and Manufacturing
¦Swarm Intelligence and Ant Colony Optimization
¦WEB Mining
In addition to the technical, poster and student sessions, Plenary Lectures will
be delivered by Prof. R. Yager (USA), Prof. N. Kasabov (NZ), M. Dorigo (BE), J.
Kacprzyk (PL), Prof.A. Kordon (USA) and Prof. A. Gegov (UK).
For additional information please write to Professor Krassimir Atanassov, Chair
of NOC: ieee-is2012 .at. bas.bg
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to contribute original,draft papers in IEEE
conference format to IEEE IS 2012 through website http://www.edas.info For more
information: http://www.ieee-is.org/.
The proceedings will be indexed in major databases and available through IEEE
web site.
Traditionally the augmented versions of conference selected papers appear within
1-2 years after the conference dates in well-known International Journals and
post-conference books. The last one is published in Springer series 'Advances
in Soft Computing'.
The deadline for calls for Invited Sessions (minimum 5 papers), Tutorials and
Workshops is March 20, 2011.
Other Important Dates
Invited session/Tutorial/Workshop decision notification: March 20, 2012
Draft paper submission deadline: March 27, 2012
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2012
Submission of final papers: May 5, 2012
Early registration: May 5, 2012
Conference dates: September 6-8, 2012
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
IS'12 Honorary Chairman:
Prof. Lotfi Zadeh (USA)
IS'12 General Chairmen:
Prof. Ronald Yager (USA)
Prof. Vassil Sgurev (Bulgaria)
IS'12 Technical Program Chair:
Prof. Vladimir Jotsov (Bulgaria)
You have received this mailing because you are a member of IEEE Region 8<http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/8/cms/>
To unsubscribe, please go to<http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?SN=Neumann&LN=CONF> and be certain to include your IEEE member number.
If you need assistance with your E-Notice subscription, please visit https://supportcenter.ieee.org/ .
IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Semantic Web Journal: Special Call for
Surveys on Application Areas of Semantic Technologies
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 21:29:45 -0500
From: Pascal Hitzler <pascal.hitzler(a)wright.edu>
Reply-To: Pascal Hitzler <pascal.hitzler(a)wright.edu>
To: Pascal Hitzler <pascal(a)pascal-hitzler.de>
Semantic Web journal
Special Call for
Surveys on Application Areas of Semantic Technologies
Semantic Web technologies are currently in a transition from research to
practice. The amount of progress made in different application areas,
however, differs significantly, as do the challenges which lie ahead.
The Semantic Web journal calls for survey papers on the state of the art
in research, development, and deployment of Semantic Web technologies in
specific application areas and domains. Surveys should focus on one
specific application area and discuss in a comprehensive way
* its importance,
* the particular (past, present, and future) challenges faced in
applying Semantic technologies in this area, and
* the state of the art in developing foundational principles and
practical solutions related to this area.
Application areas covered may range from those where commercial
solutions have already been deployed, to areas where basic research is
still under way. They may address very specific needs, e.g., mobile
recommender systems, or span broader scientific domains, e.g., the life
Survey articles should have the potential to become well-known
introductory and overview texts. They will be reviewed along the
following dimensions: (1) Suitability as introductory text, targeted at
researchers, students, or practitioners, to get started on the covered
topic. (2) How comprehensive and how balanced is the presentation and
coverage. (3) Readability and clarity of the presentation. (4)
Importance of the covered material to the broader Semantic Web community.
Prospective authors must take notice of the submission guidelines posted
at http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/authors
Authors must submit an intention to contribute, consisting of
(tentative) list of authors, (tentative) title, and a short abstract, by
March 15th. The reason for this requirement is to avoid that multiple
surveys are written on very similar topics.
Intention to contribute: March 15th, 2012
Paper submission: May 15th, 2012
First notification: Usually within 8 weeks of submission
In case of questions, please contact the Editors-in-chief:
Pascal Hitzler
Krzysztof Janowicz
Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
pascal(a)pascal-hitzler.de http://www.knoesis.org/pascal/
Semantic Web Textbook: http://www.semantic-web-book.org
Semantic Web Journal: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Special Issue on SUSTAINABILITY
REPORTING – International Journal of Social Ecology and
Sustainable Development (IJSESD)
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:19:59 +0100
From: Tim A. Majchrzak <tima(a)ercis.de>
Reply-To: Tim A. Majchrzak <tima(a)ercis.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
********************* (Second) CALL FOR PAPERS *********************
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Sustainability Reporting
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
Guest Editors: Tim A. Majchrzak and Imke Wasner (University of
Münster, Germany)
This issue will be devoted to sustainability reporting. Supply chains
of multinational corporations often span across several countries,
including lower developed countries in which no adequate background
institutions have been established. Stakeholders increasingly demand
products that have been manufactured responsibly. They have various
reasons such as ecological ideals, the ethical obligation, or
economic motives. In recent years, reports that shed light onto a
company´s performance regarding a sustainable economic behavior have
become popular. These reports are expected to also include
information on how companies use their power to influence their
supply chain. Whether seen as an expected necessity or used for
purposes of marketing, the number of filed reports is rapidly
increasing. At the same time, standards still emerge and reports not
necessarily draw an objective - or the whole - picture.
To scientifically asses the recent development, we solicit articles
that concern sustainability reporting in all facets as well as its
impact on neighboring fields. Additionally, requirements regarding
affected activities as well as organizational and technological
preconditions are within the scope. We welcome both empirical and
theoretical papers that advance the understanding of what
sustainability reports are used for, how they are used, what impact
they have, and how reporting can be improved. Case studies are
welcomed but should provide a methodical sound generalization of
findings. Position papers might be accepted if they provide
scientific merit; checking back with the editors is recommend.
Reports from practitioners are welcomed, particularly if they provide
multiple views.
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not
limited to) the following:
o Business intelligence to support report generation
o Case studies of companies´ sustainability progress
o Data collection and scrubbing for sustainability reporting
o Differences between sectors
o Global Reporting Initiative
o Information systems support for the achievement of sustainability
o Qualitative and/or quantitative studies of reporting activities
o Reporting and controlling
o Reporting and marketing activities
o Reporting impact on customers
o Sector-specific reporting activities or comparisons of companies´
o Sustainability and corporate responsibility
o Sustainability and stakeholder relationship
o Sustainability and Supply Chain Management
o Sustainability management and reporting
o Sustainability reporting frameworks
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Sustainability Reporting on or before April
30, 2012. All submissions must be original and may not be under
review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer
review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
The International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable
Development (IJSESD) addresses issues of sustainable economic,
environmental, and financial development in advancing, developing,
and transitioning economies through eco-innovation and
eco-entrepreneurship-driven ideas and solutions. This journal
contains a cross-disciplinary focus and presents leverage synergies
from the synthesis of knowledge, learning, and experience from
diverse fields of theory and practice. IJSESD provides coverage of
timely and significant issues of sustainability and development with
social ecology-driven concepts and practices.
This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources
Management Association
Editor-in-Chief: Elias G. Carayannis (The George Washington
University School of Business, USA)
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
The International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable
Development is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group
Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference", "Business
Science Reference", and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
All submissions should be directed to the attention of:
Tim A. Majchrzak and Imke Wasner
Guest Editors
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
E-mails: tima(a)ercis.de, imke.wasner(a)uni-muenster.de
* * * * * *
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] The Journal of Enterprise Information
Management (JEIM) Special Issue on Social Media in Business
and Education.
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 20:18:37 +0000
From: Ray Hackney <ray.hackney(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM)
invites submission of quality manuscripts for its *Special
Issue on Social Media in Business and Education*.
JEIM strives to publish high quality articles of significant
intellectual interest and commercial relevance to managers,
consultants, lecturers and students operating within
business enterprise environments. All papers submitted to
JEIM are initially filtered by the Editor and then subjected
to rigorous review by a team of qualified internationally
acknowledged academics. JEIM now has a history of
contributing to the normative literature, providing
conceptual and practical insights and generating innovative
ideas from recent research into organizational enterprise.
JEIM (ISSN#1741-0398)
is currently in its 25th year of publication, is published
and distributed six (6) printed issues a year by Emerald
Group Publishing Ltd in UK. The journal aims to publish
articles that will be of value and interest to business
managers, consultants, teachers and students concerned with
issues of enterprise and management. In all cases, the aim
is to feature practical applications.
*Special Issue Scope*
The aim of the Special Edition is**to**explore Web 2.0 & Web
3.0 technologies, including Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Wikis
and YouTube, etc, for business and education exploitation.
The next generation of social media will involve social
networking, document sharing, collaboration and
interoperability. JEIM will consider evolving managerial,
academic and pedagogical approaches and raise the profile of
research in technology-enhanced applications; spread good
practice in the use of Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 technologies for
business and learning; and facilitate collaboration between
practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.
To ensure that the JEIM has the most comprehensive, current
and relevant coverage of all topics related to *Social Media
in Business and Education*, we are inviting researchers and
leading experts in their particular areas of research to
contribute manuscripts that offer an in-depth discussion of
the key issues, concepts and trends related to this special
issue topic. All manuscripts should be formatted according
to the JEIM submission guidelines
? see URL below.
Manuscripts for the Special Issue on *Social Media in
Business and Education* will include, but are not limited to:
·Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 in business/education
·Enterprise 2.0
·Impact of Web 2.0 on organisationalstrategies
·e-Learning and Social Media
·Social Computing and social networks
·Facebook in business/education
·Micro-blogs and Twitter in business/education
·Wikis in business/education
·Blogs in business/education
·YouTube in business/education
·Collaboration and KM using Web 2.0 in business/education
·Mashups based inter-organisationalcollaborative services
·Semantic web applications and developments
·The future of Virtual Learning Environments
·The future of the ?university lecture?
*Important Dates*
Manuscripts must be submitted to the guest editors, no later
than *September 21^st , 2012*, with publication date, early
Submissions to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jeim
*Guest Editors*
Ray Hackney
Brunel Business School
Brunel University
Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Email: ray.hackney(a)brunel.ac.uk
Chris Evans
Brunel Business School
Brunel University
Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Email: chris.evans(a)brunel.ac.uk
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] AWS'20112 (Adaptation of
Web Services): Final extension
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 19:44:33 +0100
From: Walid Chainbi <walid.chainbi(a)gmail.com>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
***************************************************************** FINAL
International Workshop on the Adaptation of Web
Services (AWS'2012)
August 27-29, 2012, Niagara Falls, Ontario,
in conjunction with ANT’2012 conference
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a computing paradigm that utilizes Web
services as the basic constructs to support the development of rapid,
low-cost and easy composition of distributed applications even in
heterogeneous environments. With the advent of SOC, computing environments
have become open, and components are no longer under a single
organization’s control. Consequently, Web services based applications are
becoming difficult to adapt. Moreover, with the rapid growth of
communication and information technologies, adaptation has gained a
significant attention as it becomes a key feature of Web services allowing
them to operate and evolve in highly dynamic environments. Adaptation
mechanisms refer to different instantiations including configuration,
healing, optimization, and protection. The primary objective of this
workshop is to investigate ideas that may contribute to the adaptation of
Web services. Theoretical as well as practical aspects are welcome. The
workshop organizer welcomes participation and contributions from those
working or interested in the intersection of technologies such as agent
technology and autonomic computing with SOC.
The topics of interest for AWS’2012 include, but are not limited to:
• Adaptation solutions to Web services
• Applications of adaptive Web services
• Engineering of adaptive Web services
• Optimization of Web services
• Configuration of Web services
• Healing of Web services
• Protection of Web Services
• Self-* Web services
• Agents vs. Web services
• Agents for Web services
• Design and management of self-* Web services.
Authors should submit their contributions electronically in PDF format by
the deadline given below. Please use AWS 2012 online submission system (
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aws2012 ) and register as a new
member: You just need to click on "I have no EasyChair Account" and
complete the registration form. A password will be sent by e-mail shortly.
Using that password, log-in and proceed to the New Submission page, where
the detailed instructions can be found. If you encounter any problem with
submission, please contact the workshop chair for assistance.
All papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the ANT-2012
proceedings, which will be published by Elsevier. The authors must follow
Elsevier guidelines as given in ANT-2012 Website. The number of pages for
AWS papers is limited to 6 pages. The selective outstanding papers
presented at the workshop, after further revision, will be considered for
publication in journals special issues. All workshop published papers will
be indexed by Scopus (http://www.scopus.com) and Engineering Village (Ei) (
http://www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI Compendex (
http://www.ei.org/compendex). All accepted papers will also be indexed in
DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/).
Dr. Walid Chainbi
Sousse National School of Engineers, University of Sousse / SOIE
E-mail: Walid.Chainbi(a)gmail.com
Walt Truszkowski, NASA Goaddard Space Flight Center (USA)
Roy Sterritt, University of Ulster (Northern Ireland)
Huaglory Tianfield, Glasgow Caledonian University (UK)
Jeffrey Kephart, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (USA)
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Christoph Reich, Hochschule Furtwangen University (Germany)
Giovanni Russello, Create-net (Italy)
ALi A. Ghorbani, University of New Brunswick (Canada)
David Chess, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research Division (USA)
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA)
Hamid Motahari, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto (USA)
Mohand-Said Hacid, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France)
• March, 15, submission deadline (Final extension)
• April, 10, notification of acceptance.
• May, 10, camera-ready due.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: European Conference on Data Mining in Lisbon,
Portugal (extension): submit until 30 March 2012
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:36:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Ana Sofia <ana.sofia(a)datamining-conf.org>
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested
colleagues and students
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (1st call
extension): 30 March 2012 --
Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 23 July 2012
part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and
Information Systems (MCCSIS 2012)
Lisbon, Portugal17 - 23 July 2012
* Keynote Speaker (confirmed):
Dr. Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR & University of Calabria, Italy
* Conference background and goals
The European Conference on Data Mining (ECDM’12) is aimed to
gather researchers and application developers from a wide
range of data mining related areas such as statistics,
computational intelligence, pattern recognition, databases
and visualization. ECDM’12 is aimed to advance the state of
the art in data mining field and its various real world
applications. ECDM’12 will provide opportunities for
technical collaboration among data mining and machine
learning researchers around the globe.
* Format of the Conference
The conference will comprise invited talks and oral
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the
form of a book and a CD-Rom.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing to
INSPEC, EI Compendex, Thomson ISI, ISTP and other indexing
* Best Papers
Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit
extended versions of their papers to
selected journals (i.e. IADIS International Journal on
Computer Science and Information Systems (IJCSIS - ISSN:
1646-3692) including journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
* Types of submissions
Full papers, Short Papers, Reflection Papers,
Posters/Demonstrations, Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral
All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.
* Topics related to Data Mining are of interest. These
include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Core Data Mining Topics (Main area)
- Parallel and distributed data mining algorithms
- Data streams mining
- Graph mining
- Spatial data mining
- Text video, multimedia data mining
- Web mining
- Pre-processing techniques
- Visualization
- Security and information hiding in data mining
- Data Mining Applications (Main area)
- Databases
- Bioinformatics
- Biometrics
- Image analysis
- Financial modeling
- Forecasting
- Classification
- Clustering
- Social Networks
- Educational data mining
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (1st call extension): 30 March 2012
- Notification to Authors (1st call extension): 30 April 2012
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (1st
call extension): Until 25 May 2012
- Late Registration (1st call extension): After 25 May 2012
- Conference: Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 23 July 2012
* Conference Location
The conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal.
* Secretariat
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat(a)datamining-conf.org
Web site: http://www.datamining-conf.org/
* Program Committee
European Conference on Data Mining 2012 Program Chair
Ajith P. Abraham, School of Computer Science, Chung-Ang
University, South Korea
MCCSIS 2012 General Conference Co-Chairs
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open
University), Portugal
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to
* Registered participants in the European Conference on Data
Mining conference may attend the other conferences part of
MCCSIS 2012 free of charge.
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