-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2012 Minitrack on
Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 14:42:57 -0600
From: Venugopal Balijepally <bvenugopal(a)gmail.com>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Papers*
AMCIS 2012
Seattle, Washington
August 9-12, 2012
Track: Systems Analysis and Design (SIGSAND)
*Mini-track:Contemporary Issues in Agile Development*
Agile manifesto, which introduced agility into software
development, is now more than a decade old. During this
period, agile methodologies have seen increased acceptance
among software developers. Though agile methodologies, such
as XP and Scrum, continue to grow in popularity, there is
also evidence of a tailored approach being used by some
organizations, by choosing agile practices from different
methodologies that fit with their needs.The increasing
acceptance of agile methods by organizations brings to the
fore a number of new research issues. These include adoption
and post-adoption experiences with agile, experiences with
tailored approach to agile development, agile project
management, social aspects of agile development, distributed
agile development, scalability of agile methodologies, and
enterprise agility, to name but a few. For example, there is
little of note on the project management aspects of agile
development, including such issues as cost and schedule
estimation and planning, allocation of resources, management
of risks, and change control management. Also, with software
development becoming more global, there is an urgent need to
understand how agile practices can be effectively employed
in a distributed environment.
The term ?agility? has now assumed a broader meaning,
extending its context and implications beyond software
development to the overall organizational climate. Clearly,
the growing popularity of agile principles and practices
affords IS scholars opportunities to study these and many
more research issues. This mini-track will provide a forum
for researchers to address fundamental issues in agile
development and to explore contemporary issues raised by the
widespread acceptance of agile methodologies.
The following questions attempt to delineate the scope of
this mini-track:
1. What are the critical success factors for the adoption
and sustained use of agile methodologies such as Extreme
Programming (XP) and Scrum?
2. In what ways do agile project management practices
differ from traditional approaches to managing IT projects?
3. What are the challenges and/or risks of using agile
practices in a distributed software development
environment? What steps should an organization take to
mitigate these risks?
4. What are the issues in scaling software agility?
5. How are lean practices influencing agile software
*Suggested Topics*
* Agile project management ? tools, metrics, practices,
roles, risk management, etc.
* Tailored approach to agile development
* Knowledge Management in agile development
* ?Agile methods in theory? versus ?agile methods in practice?
* Decision-making and governance issues of agile development
* Self organizing principles and practices of agile teams
* Integrating human-computer interaction (HCI) concepts
with agile development
* Economics of agile development
* Role of agile methods in large-scale, mission critical
systems and large teams
* Agile development and process maturity (relationship to
CMM-SW, CMMI and ISO 9001)
* The efficacy of Test-Driven Development
* Distributed agile development
* Enterprise agility
* Education and training in agile development
* Lean enterprise and software development
*Important Dates*
January 2, 2012Submission opens
March 1, 2012Submission deadline
April 2, 2012Notification of acceptance
April 20, 2012Final camera-ready copy due
*Instructions for Authors*
All conference submissions will be double-blind, peer
reviewed, and must be submitted using the online submission
system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012.
For complete instructions for authors and information about
the conference, visit the AMCIS 2012 conference website at
http://amcis2012.aisnet.org/ after January 2, 2012.
*Minitrack Chair(s)*
VenuGopal Balijepally, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie
View, TX, USA vebalijepally(a)pvamu.edu
RadhaKanta Mahapatra, University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, TX, USA mahapatra(a)uta.edu <mailto:mahapatra@uta.edu>
Sridhar Nerur, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
TX, USA snerur(a)uta.edu <mailto:snerur@uta.edu>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2012 Call for Papers: Enterprise
Architecture & Organizational Success minitrack
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:28:46 -0500
From: Alberto Espinosa <alberto(a)american.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
AMCIS 2012 - Call for Papers
Mini-Track: Enterprise Architecture & Organizational Success
Enterprise Architecting (EA) is the process of developing an
enterprise Information Technology architecture -- both its
description and its implementation. An EA description
focuses on a holistic and integrated view of the why, where,
and who uses IT systems and how and what they are used for
within an organization. An enterprise architect (and his/her
team) develops the strategy and enables the decisions for
designing, developing, and deploying IT systems to support
the business operations as well as to assess, select, and
integrate the technology into the organization's
infrastructure. Alignment between business and IT has
remained one of the top three issues for CIOs and IS
managers for several years as reported by CIO magazine.
An EA implementation focuses on remediating, renovating, or
replacing IT systems in compliance with the EA description
to achieve the proposed benefits. EA is central to the
execution of business strategies. Organizations vary in
their degree of EA maturity. While the research literature
has devoted substantial attention to the development of
effective EA frameworks and the alignment of business and
IT, there is very little empirical evidence about the
organizational benefits of EA. For example, we know very
little about which processes, approaches or coordination
practices lead to an effective architecting effort or
whether this effort leads to measurable organizational
Consequently, we are soliciting paper submissions that:
advance our knowledge of EA; help us learn about effective
processes and approaches to effectively manage the EA; and
begin to identify ways to measure the organizational
benefits derived from EA. Papers will be solicited in
several areas, including, but not limited to the following:
. Architecting Processes, Methodologies and Practices
. Architectural Frameworks and Theory
. Business Process Architecture
. Tools and Techniques Supporting Architecting
. Service-Oriented Architectures (including Web Services)
. System versus Software Architectures
. Addressing EA Challenges
. Integration of EA with IT Governance and SOA
. Surveys and Case Studies
. EA and Organizational Success
Important dates:
March 1st. 2012 Deadline for paper submissions
April 6, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 25, 2012 Final copy due
Instructions for authors:
The entire paper should be no more than 5,000 words,
including all materials and sections such as figures,
tables, and references. All conference submissions will be
double-blind, peer reviewed, and must be submitted using the
online submission system at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2010. For complete
instructions for authors and information about the
conference, visit the AMCIS 2010 website at
http://www.amcis2010.org <http://www.amcis2010.org/>
Mini-Track Co-Chairs
Frank Armour, Kogod School of Business, American University,
J. Alberto Espinosa, Kogod School of Business, American
University, alberto(a)american.edu
Stephen Kaisler, SHK and Associates, skaisler1(a)comcast.net
William DeLone, Kogod School of Business, American
University, wdelone(a)american.edu
Peter Loos, IWi at DFKI, Saarland University, Germany,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP IJCCI 2012 - International Joint Conference on
Computational Intelligence (Barcelona/Spain)
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 16:16:25 -0500
From: IJCCI Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Reply-To: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
IJCCI website: http://www.ijcci.org/
October 5 - 7, 2012
Barcelona, Spain
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC
Regular Paper Submission: April 19, 2012
Authors Notification (regular papers): June 13, 2012
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: July 5, 2012
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
Let me kindly inform you that the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2012 - http://www.ijcci.org/) steering committee cordially invites you to submit a paper to the IJCCI 2012 Conference, to be held in Barcelona, Spain. The deadline for paper submission is scheduled for April 19, 2012.
This meeting takes place yearly, bringing together top researchers and practitioners in computational technologies, especially those related to Fuzzy Computation, Evolutionary Computation and Neural Computation.
The three main topic areas have been defined as concurrent and co-located sub-conferences of IJCCI, namely:
- Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.fcta.ijcci.org/)
- Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ecta.ijcci.org/)
- Neural Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ncta.ijcci.org/)
IJCCI is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 283 submissions, 12% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 22% were presented as short papers and 20% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. IDFR
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a SCI Series book
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session.
Workshops, special sessions, tutorials as well as demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop Chairs and Special Session Chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
We hope to welcome you in Barcelona, Spain next October, 2012!
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
Kind regards,
Vera Coelho
IJCCI Secretariat
Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8638
Email: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP of IEEE TrustCom-2012 and IUCC-2012 in
Liverpool, UK, 25-27 June 2012
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:34:46 +0800
From: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies
of this email]
***************** IEEE TrustCom-2012 and IUCC-2012 CFP
The 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security
and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012)
to be held in Liverpool, England, UK, 25-27 June 2012
The 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing and Communications (IUCC-2012) to be held in
Liverpool, England, UK, 25-27 June 2012
Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical
Committee of Scalable Computing (TCSC)
Distinguished selected papers from the conferences, after
further extensions, will be published in the Special Issues
of the following prestigious journals:
?IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ?IEEE
?Future Generation Computer Systems - Elsevier
?Multimedia Tools and Applications ?Springer
?Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering ?Elsevier
?Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience - John
Wiley & Sons
?Journalfecurityndommunicationetworks - Wiley
?EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
?Hindawi (pending)
Furthermore, some top-rated papers will be recommended for
submission and publication in the following prestigious
?Computers & Security ?Elsevier
?Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory - Elsevier
Submission Deadline: 18 March 2012 (This is the extended
firm deadline)
Authors Notification: 8 April 2012
Final Manuscript Due: 8 May 2012
Registration Due: 8 May 2012
Conference Date: 25-27 June 2012
Once accepted, the papers will be included into the IEEE
conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society
Press (indexed by EI).
The following workshops will be held in conjunction with
IEEE TrustCom-2012 and IUCC-2012.
1. The Second IEEE International Symposium on Trust and
Identity in Mobile Internet, Computing and Communications
2. The Second IEEE International Symposium on Trust and
Security in Cloud Computing (TSCloud-2012)
3. The Third International Symposium on Mobile and Wireless
Network Security (MWNS-2012)
4. The Fourth International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing
5. The Second International Workshop on Anonymity and
Communication Systems (ACS-2012)
6. The Second International Workshop on Security and Privacy
in Internet of Things (SPIoT-2012)
7. The Second International Symposium on Security and
Quantum Communications (SQC-2012)
8. The Second International Workshop on Security &
Optimization for Wireless Networks (SOWN-2012)
9. The First International Workshop on Trust, Security and
Privacy in e-Government, e- Systems & Social Networking
10. The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Security in
e-Science and e-Research (ISSR 2012)
11. International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition and
Management in the Internet of Things (KAMIoT-2012)
12. The Second International Workshop on Multimedia
Communications and Networking (MultiCom-2012)
13. The Second International Workshop on All-IP Next
Generation Networks (AIPNGN-2012)
14. The Third International Workshop on Intelligent
Communication Networks (IntelNet-2012)
15. The third International Workshop on Virtualization
Technology (IWVT-2012)?
16. The third International Workshop on Interactive
Environments and Emergent Technologies for eLearning
17. The 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Service
Systems and Technologies (USST- 2012)
To subscribe other emails or see information of this mailing
list, please go to
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Approaching Deadline: Workshop on Domain
Engineering @ CAiSE'2012
Datum: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:37:22 +0200
Von: Iris Reinhartz-Berger <iris(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
DE@CAiSE'12: Workshop on Domain Engineering
In Conjunction with CAiSE'12
Submission deadline: February 26th, 2012
Event Date: June 26th, 2012
Event Location: Gdansk, Poland
Domain Engineering aims at developing, maintaining, and managing the creation and evolution of domains, which are areas of knowledge that use common concepts for describing phenomena, requirements, problems, capabilities, and solutions that are of interest to a specific set of stakeholders. Domain Engineering is used, researched, and studied in various fields, such as Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE), Domain-Specific Language Engineering (DSLE), and Conceptual Modeling& Knowledge Engineering (CMKE).
In SPLE, Domain Engineering deals with specifying, designing, implementing, and managing reusable assets, such as specification sets, patterns, and components, that may be suitable, after customization, adaptation, or even extension, to families of software products. The commonality and variability of different products are analyzed and represented usually in feature models or utilizing UML profiles.
In DSLE, Domain Engineering aims at designing and developing languages that support the terminologies of domains and at defining, implementing, and validating syntactic and semantic rules that enable combinations of terms.
In CMKE, the focus of Domain Engineering is on capturing, representing, analyzing and processing knowledge about the domain and how this knowledge can contribute to software engineering.
Domain Engineering methods and approaches have become of special interest to the Information Systems and Software Engineering communities for several reasons. These reasons include: the need to manage increasing requirements for variability of information and software systems (reflecting variability in customer requirements); the need to minimize accidental complexity when modeling the variability of a domain; and the need to obtain, formalize, and share expertise in different evolving domains. Furthermore, Domain Engineering as a discipline has practical significance as it can provide techniques and technologies that may help reduce time-to-market, product cost, and projects risks on one hand, and help improve product quality and performance on a consistent basis on the other hand.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of Domain Engineering in order to identify possible points of synergy, common problems and solutions, and visions for the future of the area. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Conceptual foundations of Domain Engineering
* Methods and techniques to support Domain Engineering
* Semantics driven approaches to Domain Engineering
* Product line lifecycle engineering
* Development and management of domain assets
* Domain-driven requirements engineering
* Testing, modeling, and formal verification of domain and application artifacts
* Application derivation (i.e., how to instantiate artifacts from domain artifacts)
* Variability management and techniques that assist in identifying and eliminating spurious complexity
* Domain-specific languages, frameworks, and architectures
* Utilization of domain engineering as a means of modularization, reuse, validation, and knowledge management
* Theoretical and empirical evaluation of domain engineering techniques
* Case studies and practice reports related to domain engineering
* Domain Engineering based software development processes
* Integration of Domain Engineering techniques with systems development approaches
Submission Guidelines
Prospective workshop participants are invited to submit a paper related to the workshop subject. The workshop will accept two types of submissions:
1. Completed Research -- this type of papers should include evidence to support the contribution (e.g. in the form of data analysis, proof of concept, or case studies) and discussion on research findings and their theoretical and practical significance. The paper should not exceed 10 pages (including references and appendices). Accepted completed research papers will be allocated 30 minutes for presentation (including questions& answers) during the workshop and will be published in Springer's LNBIP proceedings.
2. Uncompleted Research -- this type of papers can report on research that is under way with preliminary results available at the time of the conference or include lucid and well-supported statements and suggestions on domain engineering, e.g., directions for the discipline, open questions, criticism on the state-of-the-art, and novel approaches. The paper should not exceed 5 pages (including references and appendices). Accepted research-in-progress papers will be allocated 15-20 minutes for presentation (including questions& answers) during the workshop and will be published in CEUR proceedings.
The two types of papers may refer to theoretical and/or practical issues and should be written in Springer LNCS style (seehttp://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for details). As the workshop will apply double-blind reviews process, the papers should not indicate their authors. Papers should be submitted through the on-line system athttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=decaise12.
The paper selection will be based upon the relevance of a paper to the main topics, on its quality and on the potential to stimulate discussion in the workshop. Best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design. The special issue will include papers from all workshops, which will go through a regular review process, and will be managed by CAiSE'2012 workshops chairs.
Important dates
Declaration of intention to submit: February 19th, 2012 (through an email to the organizers)
Submission deadline: February 26th, 2012
Notification of acceptance: March 23rd, 2012
Camera-ready papers due: April 3rd, 2012
Workshop: June 26th, 2012
Workshop Co-Chairs
Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa, Israel.
Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Tony Clark, Middlesex University, London, UK
Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jorn Bettin, Sofismo, Switzerland
Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Workshop Program Committee
Mathieu Acher, University of Namur, Belgium
Mira Balaban, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Kim Dae-Kyoo, Oakland University, USA
Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Joerg Evermann, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Yishai Feldman, IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
Oystein Haugen, SINTEF, Norway
Timo Kakola, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
David H. Lorenz, Open University, Israel
Parastoo Mohagheghi, SINTEF, Norway
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Julia Rubin, IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel
Lior Schachter, Open University, Israel
Klaus Schmid, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
For more information on the workshop, please contact:
Iris Reinhartz-Berger
Department of Information Systems
University of Haifa, Carmel Mountain, Haifa 31905, Israel
Phone: 972-4-8288502
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Chapters/Papers on Technology Enhanced
Datum: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 14:41:01 +0100
Von: Jelena Jovanovic <jeljov(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Apologies for cross posting ***
(1) the general theme of Technology Enhanced Learning for an edited book
(2) a special section on ?Game-based Learning: Design and Applications?
of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and
Management (IJIKM)
URL: http://jelenajovanovic.net/tel-cfp-2012.html
Proposals Submission Deadline: 29 FEBRUARY 2012 ( ONE WEEK AWAY ! )
Full Chapters/Papers Due: 15 APRIL 2012
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a very broad and increasingly
mature research field. It encompasses a variety of research topics,
ranging from the study of different pedagogical approaches, teaching
techniques and strategies for online learning to the application of
advanced technologies in educational settings (e.g., different kinds of
mobile devices, sensors and sensor networks that provide the technical
foundation for context-aware, ubiquitous learning). The TEL community
has also been exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies
and techniques for the development of intelligent learning environments
capable of adapting to the learners? needs and preferences and providing
learners with personalized learning experience. Recognizing the
potential of online social networks, social media and Web-based social
software tools as learning platforms for online education, the TEL
community has poured significant time and effort into researching how
these popular technologies could be combined with appropriate
pedagogical approaches to make learning experience more engaging,
satisfying and successful. Among the most important results of these
research efforts are personal learning environments that allow learners
to create mash-ups of diverse social software tools based on their own
needs and preferences, as well as to create and maintain their online
learning networks. Undeniably, technological advances are making
education more accessible to an increasing number of people worldwide;
to fully exploit the huge benefit the technology is offering, the TEL
community is exploring efficient approaches for adapting learning
resources to address language, generation and cultural specificities.
Aiming to make learning accessible to all, the community has also
focused on the development of solutions for learners with special needs.
Finally, it should be noted that all the above mentioned research
efforts of the TEL community are finding their applications in different
learning contexts and domains, including formal education and informal
learning, as well as workplace learning in small, medium and large
Since the scope of TEL research is constantly evolving, the above given
overview of the current research efforts does not aim to be exhaustive
by any means. Instead, its purpose is to give some insights into the
breadth of research topics and challenges that the edited book aims to
cover. Accordingly, the recommended topics include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Technological Foundation for Advanced Educational Solutions
- Social software and social computing
- Semantic technologies (including Semantic Web technologies and natural
language processing)
- Mobile technologies, sensors, context-aware and ubiquitous computing
- Educational data mining and learning analytics
- Technologies for interoperability, sharing and integration of
educational resources
- Learner modeling and other technologies for personalization and adaptation
- Open learning content and tools
Pedagogical Foundation for Advanced Educational Solutions
- Collaborative learning and knowledge building
- Problem- and project-based learning
- Learner motivation and engagement
- Game-based learning
- Learning design and different design approaches
Individual and Organizational Learning
- Self-regulated learning
- Communities of learners & Communities of practice
- Knowledge management and organizational learning
- Lifelong learning
- Informal learning
Accommodating Diversities
- Accessible learning for all
- Addressing language, generation and cultural differences
As can be seen from this list of topics, one of the areas in TEL is
game-based learning. Researchers have found that educational and/or
computer-based games have real potential as learning tools. It has been
shown, for example, that games can help players to improve their problem
solving and negotiation skills, narrative and communication skills as
well as non-linear thinking patterns. Game-based learning has already
been successfully applied to both the school and workplace settings, and
their adoption is continually increasing. In addition, there has
recently been an increasing interest in ?gamification? of education as a
means to increase students? motivation for learning. Gamification refers
to the use of game design elements, or the so-called game mechanics, in
non-game contexts and applications with the aim of increasing users?
engagement with those applications. Game design elements are often very
efficient in increasing motivation as they are grounded on research
results of positive psychology.
While educational games have been studied extensively for years, the
gamification of education, i.e., the application of game mechanics in
online learning environments with the aim of motivating learners to
engage with the contents, activities and tools offered by these
environments, is an emerging research area that has just started to
attract the attention of education-oriented research communities.
Regardless of their maturity, both research areas face many interesting
and challenging research questions, among which, for the special section
on ?Game-based Learning: Design and Applications?, the most interesting
are those related to motivation as one of the key determinants of
successful learning and knowledge building activities, both in academic
and workplace settings. Accordingly, in this special section we welcome
submissions that report on:
- the design and development of educational games that motivate users to
indulge in learning activities
- the application of game design elements in online learning
environments with the aim of increasing learners? motivation and engagement
- the evaluation of educational games or game mechanics in real world
educational settings
For the edited book, prospective authors are invited to submit on or
before February 29, 2012 a 2-page proposal to jeljov(a)gmail.com
<mailto:jeljov@gmail.com> (cc. rchiong(a)swin.edu.au
<mailto:rchiong@swin.edu.au>) clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of the proposed chapter. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by April 15, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed by
at least three reviewers and the final decision of acceptance or
rejection will be based on their recommendations.
For the special section of IJIKM, all submissions should follow the
guidelines available at http://ijikm.org/submitm.html. During the
submission process, please indicate ?Special Section on Game-based
Learning: Design and Applications? in the comments area. Full papers
should be submitted by April 15, 2012 (proposals are not required before
the full paper submission, but prospective authors are encouraged to
indicate their interests any time before the submission deadline).
Deadline for chapter proposals: February 29, 2012 (extended)
Deadline for full chapters/papers: April 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 15, 2012
Deadline for final submissions: August 15, 2012
Jelena JOVANOVIC, jeljov(a)gmail.com <mailto:jeljov@gmail.com>
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
University of Belgrade
Jove Ilica 154
11000 Belgrade
Raymond CHIONG, rchiong(a)swin.edu.au <mailto:rchiong@swin.edu.au>
Faculty of Higher Education
Swinburne University of Technology
50 Melba Avenue, Lilydale
Victoria 3140
Jacqueline Bourdeau, Télé-université, UQAM, Canada
Tantatape Brahmasrene, Purdue University North Central, USA
Cyrille Desmoulins, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Vladan Devedzic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Darina Dicheva, Winston-Salem State University, USA
Jon Dron, Athabasca University, Canada
Martin Ebner, TU Graz, Austria
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Monique Grandbastien, Université Henri Poincaré, France
Marek Hatala, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Seiji Isotani, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Zoran Jeremic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
June Lu, University of Houston-Victoria, USA
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Kai Pata, Tallinn University, Estonia
Demetrios G Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece
Li Suhong, Bryant University, USA
Shouhong Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
Thomas Weise, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Janice Whatley, University of Salford, UK
Fridolin Wild, Knowledge Media Institute, UK
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] 8th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2012) -
Call for Applications
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:58:19 +0100
From: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren(a)kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Reply-To: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren(a)kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Organization: Vienna University of Technology
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
The 8th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2012)
Vienna, Austria, September 03-08, 2012
co-located with the
- 6th Int'l Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2012),
September 10-12, 2012
- 4th Int'l Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012),
September 10-12, 2012
- 2nd Datalog 2.0 Workshop, September 11-13, 2012
- 23rd Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
(DEXA 2012), September 03-07, 2012
The Reasoning Web Summer School 2012 is primarily intended for
postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, and other young
researchers investigating aspects related to Reasoning on the Semantic
Web and related issues. The Summer School will also be open to senior
researchers wishing to learn about Semantic Web issues related to their
own fields of research.
For further details please visit http://www.reasoningweb.org/2012/
As in the previous years, we managed again to attract a distinguished
group of expert lecturers, the majority of which will - apart from their
lectures - also be present for the duration of the school to interact
with students.
Interaction with senior researchers and establishing contacts within
young researchers is a main focus of the school, which will be supported
through social activities and an interactive, amicable atmosphere.
This year's summer school will be co-located with a number of related
conferences and workshop, viz. Int'l Conference on Web Reasoning and
Rule Systems 2012, the Int'l Conference on Computational Models of
Argument 2012, the Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems
Applications 2012, and the 2nd Datalog 2.0 Workshop 2012 (dates and
links are given above). This will be a great opportunity to attend
major conferences and workshops in the area directly subsequent to the
As a further highlight, we want to point out the opportunity of PhD
students to present their research at the RR 2012 Doctoral Consortium.
More details are given on the RR 2012 website:
Application deadline: May 4, 2012
Notifications: May 21, 2012
- Federation and Navigation in SPARQL 1.1
Marcelo Arenas (PUC Chile) and Jorge Pérez (U Chile)
- Semantic Wikis: Approaches, Applications, and Perspectives
François Bry (U Munich), Sebastian Schaffert (Salzburg Research),
Denny Vrandečić (KIT), and Klara Weiand (U Munich)
- Reasoning& Web Search
Sergio Flesca (U Calabria) and Tim Furche (U Oxford)
- Linked Data Stream Processing
Manfred Hauswirth, Danh Le Phuoc, and Josiane Xavier Parreira (DERI,
NUI Galway)
- Query Processing and Reasoning for Linked Geospatial Data
Manolis Koubarakis (U Athens)
- OWL 2 Profiles: An Introduction to Lightweight Ontology Languages
Markus Krötzsch (U Oxford)
- Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics
Magdalena Ortiz and Mantas Simkus (TU Vienna)
- Reasoning with Uncertain and Inconsistent Ontologies for the Semantic Web
Guilin Qi (South Eastern U, China)
- Argumentation and the Web
Francesca Toni (Imperial College)
- Datalog and Its Extensions for the Semantic Web
Georg Gottlob, Giorgio Orsi, Andreas Pieris (U Oxford) and Mantas
Simkus (TU Vienna)
The number of attendees will be limited, applications for participation
have to be submitted via Easychair using the "Application" category:
The program of the school will include a poster session, where students
can present and discuss their ongoing research with lecturers and
colleagues. Applicants who wish to participate in the poster session
shall tick the "Participation in poster session" group and include a
poster title and abstract with their application submission.
Applications must be submitted in PDF format not exceeding 2 pages
(min. font size 11pt) and contain the following information:
- Name, contact details
- Affiliation
- Motivation for participation
- Summary of profile
- Willing to present a poster? (if yes, add a poster title and abstract)
- Supervisor (if applicable)
- Publications (if applicable)
== GRANTS ==
The organizing committee is considering to offer scholarships to
participants to partially cover registration and/or accommodation fees,
depending on available sponsorships. Details will be announced soon.
Details of the registration process will be announced on the summer
school website, after the application deadline. As in previous years we
will keep the registration fee moderate.
The course material used during the summer school will be published with
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A copy of
the proceedings will be included in the registration fees.
- Grigoris Antoniou (FORTH Crete)
- Abraham Bernstein (U Zuerich)
- François Bry (U Munich)
- Thomas Eiter (TU Vienna, chair)
- Birte Glimm (U Ulm)
- Claudio Gutierrez (UC Santiago)
- Axel Polleres (Siemens)
For further information including sponsorship opportunities, please
contact the local organizers:
- Thomas Eiter<http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/staff/eiter/>
- Thomas Krennwallner<http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/staff/tkren/>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers: Paper Submission Deadline (March 12),
Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems,
and e-Government (EEE 2012, USA)
Datum: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 00:22:32 -0500
Von: e-Learning - EEE <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues:
Please share the announcement below with those who may be interested; we
would be most grateful. EEE Committee.
The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'12)
Date and Location: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
March 12, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 12, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
April 26, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning,
e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and
e-Government (EEE'12)
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of
selected papers (about 40%) will appear in journals and edited research
books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, ...).
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O e-Learning:
- e-Learning design and methodologies
- e-Learning portals
- Instructional design methodologies
- Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
- Authoring tools
- e-Learning technologies and tools
- Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
- Content management and development
- Policy issues in e-Learning
- On-demand e-Learning
- e-Learning standards
- Learning tools and strategies
- Assessment methodologies
- Knowledge management
- Virtual learning environments
- AI and e-Learning
- On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
- Open-source e-Learning platforms
- Training and evaluation strategies
- e-Universities
- Case studies and emerging applications
O e-Business:
- e-Business systems integration and standardization
- Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
- Internet payment systems
- e-Procurement methods
- Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
- Global e-Commerce and e-Business
- e-Business models and architectures
- Service-oriented e-Commerce
- Trust, security, and privacy in e-Commerce and e-Business
- Intelligence in e-Commerce
- Secure Databases and e-Commerce applications
- Business-oriented and consumer-oriented e-Commerce
- Development of e-Business and applications
- e-Business in developing countries
- Novel marketing strategies on the web
- Organizational and management issues
- Supply chain management
- e-Retailing and web design
- Applications of new technologies to e-Business
- Middleware technologies to support e-business
- Case studies and applications
O Enterprise Information Systems:
- Strategic decision support systems
- Organizational semiotics and semiotics in computing
- Datacenters, data warehouses and technologies
- Knowledge management
- Enterprise resource planning and e-Business
- middleware integration
- Intranet and extranet business applications
- Databases and information systems integration
- Intelligent agents
- Enterprise-wide client-server architectures
- Information systems analysis and specification
- Ontology engineering
- CASE tools for system development
- B2B and B2C applications
- Business processes re-engineering
- Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions, ...
- Semantic web technologies and Cloud computing
- Web interfaces and usability
- Human factors and e-Learning
- Case studies and applications
O e-Government:
- e-Government
- Use of e-Government methodologies to prevent corruption
- Legal aspects of e-Government
- Risk management
- Methods and tools for e-Government
- Policies and strategies
- Designing web services for e-Government
- Trust and security in e-Government
- Enterprise architecture for e-Government
- Interoperability frameworks in e-Government
- Inter-administration and G2G issues
- Public and private partnership
- Teaching e-Government
- Case studies
O e-Politics:
- e-Democracy and e-Voting
- Parliamentary informatics
- e-Participation
- Open-source governance
- Open politics
- Electronic rule-making
- Interactive public docket
- Hacktivism
- Politics in the information age
- Case studies and related issues
Currently being prepared - The ACADEMIC sponsors of the last offering of
EEE (2011) included research labs and centers affiliated with (a
partial list): University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); University of Texas at
Austin; University of Southern California; Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute, University of Minnesota; Germany's University of Siegen; UMIT,
Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, Austria; Georgia
Institute of Technology; University of Iowa; Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russia; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples
Parthenope, Italy; Second University of Naples, Italy; ICEL, Texas A&M
University Com.; University of North Dakota; and others.
CORPORATE Co-Sponsors and Sponsors at-large included (a partial list):
Intel Corporation; Microsoft Research; Altera Corporation; Pico Computing;
SuperMicro Computer, Inc., USA; High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology
(HPCNano); International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine; World
Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; Int'l Council on Medical
and Care Compunetics; UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform; Scientific Technologies Corporation; and HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; and others.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: http://world-comp.org
Submissions must be uploaded by March 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, EEE) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels).
Authors whose papers are accepted will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting. At this
point, authors will be required to attest to the originality of their work
(ie, declaring that no part of the work is plagiarized and the paper does not
suffer from any level of plagiarism.)
Proceedings of EEE will be published in printed conference books (ISBN) and
will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering& Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core
scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals; only
about 9% are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected to be among the 9% -
accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam,
and STN International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that the
proceedings will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the
past, EEE tracks were included in these databases. Therefore, we will
also be sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI Compendex/
Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books will be available for distribution
on site at the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers (such as,
Springer, Elsevier, ...) - these books will be composed after the conference.
Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming journal special issues to be
published after the conference.
The EEE 2012 conference is being held jointly (same location and dates)
with a number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP). WORLDCOMP is the
largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer
engineering and applied computing. We anticipate to have 2,100 or more
attendees from over 80 countries. WORLDCOMP 2012 will be composed of
research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials,
panel discussions, and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/
tutorial/panel speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer,
architecture, U. of California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as
Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of
Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of
Grid Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of WORLDCOMP is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 67969
As of February 5, 2012, papers published in WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
have received 20,405 citations. In recent months (November 23, 2011 to
February 5, 2012; ie, in about 75 days), there had been 4,545 citations
to WORLDCOMP papers (about 1,800 citations per month). The above record
is significant (thanks to the authors). As the result of high impact
(based on citations) of WORLDCOMP papers, "Microsoft Academic Search"
has listed each individual track of the congress among its compiled list
of "Top Conferences". The citation record of WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
is in fact higher than the citation data of many reputable journals in
computer science and computer engineering. Citation data was obtained
obtained from http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ )
1. Web site of EEE'12:
and http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/
The proceedings' Table of Contents of last offering of EEE (2011) appears at:
2. Detailed information about citations to proceedings:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
Inquiries should be sent to: editor(a)world-comp.org
This email was sent to: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
To opt out of this email list:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers: Paper Submission Deadline (March 12),
Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems,
and e-Government (EEE 2012, USA)
Datum: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 23:57:11 -0500
Von: e-Learning - EEE <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues:
Please share the announcement below with those who may be interested; we
would be most grateful. EEE Committee.
The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'12)
Date and Location: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
March 12, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 12, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
April 26, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning,
e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and
e-Government (EEE'12)
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of
selected papers (about 40%) will appear in journals and edited research
books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, ...).
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O e-Learning:
- e-Learning design and methodologies
- e-Learning portals
- Instructional design methodologies
- Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
- Authoring tools
- e-Learning technologies and tools
- Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
- Content management and development
- Policy issues in e-Learning
- On-demand e-Learning
- e-Learning standards
- Learning tools and strategies
- Assessment methodologies
- Knowledge management
- Virtual learning environments
- AI and e-Learning
- On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
- Open-source e-Learning platforms
- Training and evaluation strategies
- e-Universities
- Case studies and emerging applications
O e-Business:
- e-Business systems integration and standardization
- Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
- Internet payment systems
- e-Procurement methods
- Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
- Global e-Commerce and e-Business
- e-Business models and architectures
- Service-oriented e-Commerce
- Trust, security, and privacy in e-Commerce and e-Business
- Intelligence in e-Commerce
- Secure Databases and e-Commerce applications
- Business-oriented and consumer-oriented e-Commerce
- Development of e-Business and applications
- e-Business in developing countries
- Novel marketing strategies on the web
- Organizational and management issues
- Supply chain management
- e-Retailing and web design
- Applications of new technologies to e-Business
- Middleware technologies to support e-business
- Case studies and applications
O Enterprise Information Systems:
- Strategic decision support systems
- Organizational semiotics and semiotics in computing
- Datacenters, data warehouses and technologies
- Knowledge management
- Enterprise resource planning and e-Business
- middleware integration
- Intranet and extranet business applications
- Databases and information systems integration
- Intelligent agents
- Enterprise-wide client-server architectures
- Information systems analysis and specification
- Ontology engineering
- CASE tools for system development
- B2B and B2C applications
- Business processes re-engineering
- Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions, ...
- Semantic web technologies and Cloud computing
- Web interfaces and usability
- Human factors and e-Learning
- Case studies and applications
O e-Government:
- e-Government
- Use of e-Government methodologies to prevent corruption
- Legal aspects of e-Government
- Risk management
- Methods and tools for e-Government
- Policies and strategies
- Designing web services for e-Government
- Trust and security in e-Government
- Enterprise architecture for e-Government
- Interoperability frameworks in e-Government
- Inter-administration and G2G issues
- Public and private partnership
- Teaching e-Government
- Case studies
O e-Politics:
- e-Democracy and e-Voting
- Parliamentary informatics
- e-Participation
- Open-source governance
- Open politics
- Electronic rule-making
- Interactive public docket
- Hacktivism
- Politics in the information age
- Case studies and related issues
Currently being prepared - The ACADEMIC sponsors of the last offering of
EEE (2011) included research labs and centers affiliated with (a
partial list): University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); University of Texas at
Austin; University of Southern California; Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute, University of Minnesota; Germany's University of Siegen; UMIT,
Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, Austria; Georgia
Institute of Technology; University of Iowa; Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russia; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples
Parthenope, Italy; Second University of Naples, Italy; ICEL, Texas A&M
University Com.; University of North Dakota; and others.
CORPORATE Co-Sponsors and Sponsors at-large included (a partial list):
Intel Corporation; Microsoft Research; Altera Corporation; Pico Computing;
SuperMicro Computer, Inc., USA; High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology
(HPCNano); International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine; World
Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; Int'l Council on Medical
and Care Compunetics; UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform; Scientific Technologies Corporation; and HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; and others.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: http://world-comp.org
Submissions must be uploaded by March 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, EEE) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels).
Authors whose papers are accepted will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting. At this
point, authors will be required to attest to the originality of their work
(ie, declaring that no part of the work is plagiarized and the paper does not
suffer from any level of plagiarism.)
Proceedings of EEE will be published in printed conference books (ISBN) and
will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering& Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core
scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals; only
about 9% are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected to be among the 9% -
accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam,
and STN International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that the
proceedings will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the
past, EEE tracks were included in these databases. Therefore, we will
also be sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI Compendex/
Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books will be available for distribution
on site at the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers (such as,
Springer, Elsevier, ...) - these books will be composed after the conference.
Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming journal special issues to be
published after the conference.
The EEE 2012 conference is being held jointly (same location and dates)
with a number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP). WORLDCOMP is the
largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer
engineering and applied computing. We anticipate to have 2,100 or more
attendees from over 80 countries. WORLDCOMP 2012 will be composed of
research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials,
panel discussions, and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/
tutorial/panel speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer,
architecture, U. of California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as
Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of
Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of
Grid Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of WORLDCOMP is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 32229
As of February 5, 2012, papers published in WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
have received 20,405 citations. In recent months (November 23, 2011 to
February 5, 2012; ie, in about 75 days), there had been 4,545 citations
to WORLDCOMP papers (about 1,800 citations per month). The above record
is significant (thanks to the authors). As the result of high impact
(based on citations) of WORLDCOMP papers, "Microsoft Academic Search"
has listed each individual track of the congress among its compiled list
of "Top Conferences". The citation record of WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
is in fact higher than the citation data of many reputable journals in
computer science and computer engineering. Citation data was obtained
obtained from http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ )
1. Web site of EEE'12:
and http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/
The proceedings' Table of Contents of last offering of EEE (2011) appears at:
2. Detailed information about citations to proceedings:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
Inquiries should be sent to: editor(a)world-comp.org
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ICWL 2012 (11th International
Conference on Web-based Learning)
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:59:23 +0200 (EET)
From: Elvira Popescu <popescu_elvira(a)software.ucv.ro>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies for multiple postings]
ICWL 2012
The 11th International Conference on Web-based Learning
2-4 September 2012, Sinaia, Romania
The conference program consists of high quality technical papers that are
reviewed and selected by an international program committee. Papers are
solicited on all technical aspects of web-based learning and related
technologies, including but not limited to the following topics:
* Technology Enhanced Learning
* Personalized and Adaptive Learning
* Computer Support for Intelligent Tutoring
* Intelligent Tools for Visual Learning
* Web-based Learning for Oriental Languages Learning
* Game-based Learning
* Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
* Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
* Web 2.0 and Social Learning Environments
* HTML5 Web-based Learning
* Intelligent Learner and Group Modeling
* Learning Analytics
* Human Factors and Affective Computing for Learning
* E-Learning Platforms and Tools
* Design, Model and Framework of e-Learning Systems
* Deployment, Organization and Management of Learning Objects
* E-Learning Metadata and Standards
* Semantic Web and Ontologies for E-learning
* Mobile, Situated and Blended Learning
* Cloud-based Learning
* Pedagogical Issues
* Practice and Experience Sharing
Paper Submission& Publication
Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting on research
results or novel applications in technology-enhanced learning. All
accepted full papers presented in the conference will be published as a
volume in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (pending).
Papers for submission should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS
Authors Guidelines and have maximum 10 pages. Since the review process
will be double-blind, the submitted manuscript should not contain the
authors' names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the
authors' identity. All papers should be submitted in PDF format.
According to last years? tradition, a Best Paper Award and a Best Student
Paper Award will be granted. Furthermore, authors of the best papers
presented in the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of
their papers for further review and possible publication in IEEE
Transactions on Learning Technologies.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: April 18, 2012
Paper submission deadline: April 25, 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: June 10, 2012
Camera-ready paper due: July 1, 2012
Conference dates: September 2-4, 2012
Conference Organization
Conference Co-Chairs
* Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
* Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong
Program Committee Co-Chairs
* Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Marcus Specht, Open University of the Netherlands, the Netherlands
* Howard Leung, City University of Hong Kong
Workshop Co-Chairs
* Dickson Chiu, Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong
* Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus& CERTH, Greece
* Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Panel Co-Chairs
* Yiwei Cao, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Publicity Co-Chairs
* Frederick Li, University of Durham, UK
Steering Committee Representatives
* Rynson Lau, City University of Hong Kong
* Timothy Shih, National Central University, Taiwan
Local Organization Committee Co-Chairs
* Eugen Bobasu, University of Craiova, Romania
* Marius Brezovan, University of Craiova, Romania
Please refer to the conference website
(http://www.hkws.org/conference/icwl2012) for more information and contact
us at icwl2012(a)software.ucv.ro for any inquiry.
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